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A08218 Epistolæ HN. The principall epistles of HN, which he hath set-foorth through the holy Spirit of Loue and written and sent them most-cheefly; vnto the Louers of ye trueth and his acquaintance. And are by him newly perused, and more-playnly declared. Translated out of Base-Almaine.; Epistolæ HN. English Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579, attributed name. 1575 (1575) STC 18552; ESTC S112767 230,883 445

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that thou moughtest haue a much-more regard vnto the Power of God and vnto the vpright Righteousnes that God worketh through the Ministration of his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue / in y e Spirit of the inward Man / to th end for to liue vprightly therin / with a meeke-mynded Spirit For a meekemynded h Psal. ● b Esa. 57. b 61. a. 66. a Spirit ⁏ which hath his Proceeding obediently / according to the Requyring of the Lords Woord is very precious and acceptable before God 6. And although that we do ⁏ in thesame Spirit go-on in Scilence / as touching the outward Maner and are poore of Spirit in Tongues or Languages / Yet is not for-al-that / the Ritchnes of the spirituall and heauenly Knowledg of God ▪ euer-the-lesse among Vs. but rather the greater And thesame and all Thatt which is of God and Christ / do we esteeme very i Iob. 28. b. Psal. 19 b. Pro. 3 b 8 b Sap. 7. b. precious / Yea much worthyer then all the Ritches or costly Treasures of this Worlde for thatsame ⁏ of worthynes-part excelleth it all For which Occasion / we let our Woordes be feawe / because that thesame which we speake / may not proceede out of the Knowledg but out of the k 1. Cor 2. a. b Power of God and out of the Trueth of Iesu Christ. 7. And in thesame Speech of y e godly Things / we do also take-heede with Foresightfulnes ⁏ so much as we may therin of the Looseones of Heart / to th end that ther be not one godly Saying of the precious secret Wisdom / spoken-out in Vayne O / how l Eccli 14.25 Ieam 5 a happy is hee / that falleth not in his Tongue and whose Woordes m Col. 4. a. are tempered with Salt 8. NOw this being omitted I reioyce me doutles / of the and of the Communialte that is with thee and I hope to reioyce me yet more with the / with greater Ioye by meanes of the Answere vnto mee / that I haue hearde from thee / As that yee altogether / are wel-mynded to Thatt which is the Beeing itself / wherof the Scripture witnesseth ⁏ as personally of God of Christ and of the holy Gost. Which Beeing ⁏ for those that be partakers therof are the secret Treasures and n Math. 13 c heauenly Ritches of God / wherof the Worlde· the ritch Scriptur-learnedones· nor the Good-thinking-wyse ⁏ with all their deep-groundly Knowledg do neither knowe nor vnderstand o Math. 11 c 1. Cor. 2. a. anything-at-al 9. It is true they haue the Scripture of the godly Witnesses wher-through they suppose to be wyse and vnderstanding But seing they giue not their Vnderstanding captiue vnder the Obedience of the Loue of Iesu Christ and com p Iohn 5. not euenso to the Beeing / wherof the Scripture speaketh nor-yet beleeue theron / q Iohn 7. d as the Scripture sayth / So is-ther likewyse no Light nor Trueth nor-yet Spirit nor Beeing of God / among them / and they also do neither knowe nor r Math. 22 c. 1. Tim 1. a vnderstande Thatt which they themselues speake therof 10. But the God of Lyfe ⁏ s Ephe. 2 a who is ritch of Mercie hath ⁏ out of his harty Loue t Ephe. 1. a 2. a 3. a. Col. 1. d. reuealed the Beeing of his Glory vnto vs· renewed our ignorant Vnderstanding ⁏ vnder the Obedience of his Loue to a spirituall Mynde of the vpright Righteousnes· and ⁏ when we were full of Infirmitees v Rom. 5. a. b. Ephe. 2. a. Col. 1. c. 2. b and deadd / for the Sinnes cause begotten vs agayne / out of his Loue / x Tit. 1. a. 5. a ▪ to a sure Hope of his Lyfe 11. Seing then that y Heb. 12. ● such a Clowde of holy Deawe / is ⁏ by Gods Grace appeered in our Sight / according to the Spirit· and com from Gods Right-hande / as an heauenly Blessing / and wherout also the right Beeing of God ⁏ wherof we speake a 2. Cor. 4. ● aryseth vnto vs / as a Light and Cleernes Therfore haue wee ⁏ although the Scripture witnesseth theron and that we do heare many speake therof more regarde vnto Thatt which is the vpright Beeing itself ⁏ wherin our Ioye standeth then vnto Thatt which witnesseth theron 12. For thesame Light that shyneth now vnto Vs / out of the heauenly Trueth / b 1. Ioh● 1. a. is the euerlasting Lyfe which was with the Father / in the Begining and it is c Psal. 45. a Heb. 1. a. the Mercie-seate of the godly Maiestee which continueth from euerlasting to euerlasting Euen-as I likewyse haue talked with thee of thesame / when I was last with thee The II. Chap FOrasmuch then as thy Request was vnto me at that tyme / to wryte thee an Instruction of the Mediation of Iesu Christ after the Spirit and how thesame cometh-to-pas in vs / a Rom. 3. ● 2. Cor. 5. b. Ephe. 2. b. 1. Iohn 2.4 ● for a Reconciliation betwixt God and vs and how Christ is b Heb. 1. a an Heire of all Things and how c 1. Cor. 15. c God is all in all / Therfore wil I open a little of thesame vnto thee and I hope also to satisfy the well with this Instruction 2. Inasmuch then as I haue partly marked thyne Inclynation to the holy and spirituall Vnderstanding of the vpright Righteousnes / therfore can I not of Natures-part omitt / but must witnes vnto the of thatt which thou desyrest at my handes / also reueale the d Ephe 3. a Mistery of Christ / and make-knowen vnto thee / thatt which is hidden c Rom. 15. c Ephe. 1 a 3 a Col. 1. c. before the Worlde and all her Wyseones / and discribe it vnto thee in wryting / accordingly as the Lorde illuminateth myne Vnderstanding therto and as it may be profitable for thee to Edifycation 3. THer is testifyed in the Scripture ⁏ the which according to the Spirit / is also verytrue that God is f Iohn 4. c. 2 Cor. 3. b. a Spirit ▪ and a g 1 Iohn 1. a verytrue Light / with whom no Darknesses or Sinnes are mingled But seeing that the Man is falne h Gen. 3. a Esa. 59. b. into a strainge Contrary-beeing vnto God and goeth-on and liueth therin / So is he likewyse i Ephe. 4 b. Col. 1. c estrainged from God and from his Light and walketh according to the Flesh or Outward and according to the Requyring and Desyres of the Foreskinne of his vncircumcised Heart / and not according to the Spirit or according to the Requyring of the godly Beeing and so He k Psal. 82. a Ephe. 5. a walketh in the vngodly Beeing of the Darknesses and thatsame vngodly Beeing of the Darknesses l Rom. 1. c. Ephe 4. b. hath blynded his Heart And thatt veryly is the Sinne m Esa.
2. b. Math. 27. mocked contemned and killed by the Children of the wicked Worlde and by her Wyse and Scriptur-learnedones woulde God ⁏ according to his Promyses and the Affirmation of his Prophets that the Man shoulde carry r 1. Cor. 15. c or beare / to his owne Blessing and to the Honour of God and to the Prayse of his holy Name And not the Sinne / s Sap. 2. c. Iohn 3. ● that very-like Beeing of the Diuell 12. With which vngodly or lyke Beeing of the Diuell and also with Offenciuenes and wicked Imaginations / many Men do runne-on and so do suppose ⁏ through their corrupt Vnderstanding and vngodly Beeing to be saued for-al-that ▪ they do likewyse comfort t Ier 8 ● themselues with Lyes and saye / Christ hath performed it all and so they continue going-on in v Ier. 4. ● ● a. their Sinnes and Abhominations or wicked Imaginations 13. AH beloued Consider I pray thee / of such a great Misunderstanding / that is flatt against all the Preaching of the holy Gospel of Christ. For the Scripture of the holy Gospel mentioneth and witnesseth cleerly vnto vs / that Christ is obediently gon-before u Phil. 2. a. 1. Pet. 2.4 ● vs / in the Death of the Crosse / to th end that wee likewyse shoulde follow-after Christ therin / to y e Mortifying x Col. 2. or to a Consumeing of our Sinnes and of all vngodly Beeing the which is the true Burnt-offering as also shoulde be incorporated vnto Him / with his lyke y Rom 6. a. Phil. 3. b. Death and euenso to the Establishing of the gloryous Name of God ⁏ according to his Promyses shoulde becom saued Theron likewyse do all Gods Prophets witnes 14. And if thou doest consider rightly from the Begining of the Promyses of God / till vnto their Ende or Fulfilling in the Saluation / Then shalt thou perceaue / that we be informed and taught with the Promyses of God and with the Figures z Rom. 3.4 Gal. 3.4 Heb and Seruices of the Lawe / to the Fayth of Iesu Christ and the Seruice therof and to the Requyring of the Preaching of the holy Gospel And so foorth from the Seruice of the Fayth of Christ and of the holy Gospel / till vnto the a Iohan. 13. d. 14. c. 15. b Loue and her Seruice And thesame is the Perfection b Rom. 13. b. 1. Cor. 13. a. Gal. 5. b. Col. 3. b. 1. Timo. 1. a and the Establishing or Fulfilling of the Promyses of God and Christ. 15. Therfore is the Seruice of Loue / the Very-last and Most-holy / wherin c Math. 22. d. it is all fulfilled / whatsoeuer is written of the Righteousnes of the Lawe and of Christ and his Beleeuers For in the Loue and in her Children / God d Apo. 21. is all in all and the Kingdom of the God of Heauens with his Glory 16. BEholde This true Beeing of God the Father like as is sayde therof is the Stone that is layde in Sion / e Esa. 28. b Act. 4. b. 1. Pet. 2. a. for to trust vpon it wherof ther is also written f Esa. 59 c. Rom. 11. ● He shall com out of Sion / which shall put-awaye the vngodly Beeing from Iacob 17. And thatt is the seconde Testament ⁏ the which is the gracious Woord g Ier. 31. d. Rom. 11. e. Heb. 8.10 b that is promysed to the Howse of Israel and to the Howse of Iuda / in the last tyme For then shall the Punishment for their Sinnes / be ended and their Sinnes shall God nomore remember For in thatt Daye ⁏ h Iohn 12. d. wherin the Sonne of Man is exalted shall y e Sonne of Man drawe it all vnto Him seing that the Inheritance doutles appertayneth vnto Him 18. In this-self-same ⁏ which is the very-likie and true Beeing of God the Father standeth the Blotting-out i Act. 4. b 10 c Heb. 1. a and Cleansing of our Sinnes / through Fayth euen as is written of Him 19. To be incorporated vnto Him with the Spirit / is veryly the right Satisfaction of the Sonne of Promyse / the right k Heb. 5. ● Heyre of all godly Goodes 20. Of Him hath likewyse Esaias witnessed / whear he sayth l Esa 9. c. A Childe or an Heyre is borne vnto vs a Sonne is geeuen vnto vs whose Dominion is vppon his Shoulders / and He is called / Wonderfull Counsayle Power Gyant euerlasting Father a peaceable Prince for that his Dominion may be great and no ●nde of the Peace / vppon the Seate of Dauid and his Kingdom 21. Him hath God sett to be an Heyre ouer all Things Through Whom / He hath also made the Worlde and He maketh the Cleansing of our Sinnes / through Himself and euenthus standeth his Satisfaction according to the Promyses like-as is written of Him and not according to Mans Good-thinking or Imagination The VII Chap. THou wrytest likewyse vnto mee / that it is wel knowen vnto mee / that God hath created all Things / each-one according to his Kynde in ●uch-sort that all Creatures haue their Nature or Kynde / wherin they liue / and cannot transgresse / and that thou doest also half cal-to-mynde / that thou hast heard it so of mee 2. It is true / that all Creatures are created a Gen. ● according to their Kynde and that each-one hath his Ordinance / according to his Kynde which ⁏ of Natures-part it cannot transgresse 3. Whatsoeuer now is incorporated vnto his owne Nature and is not turned ther-out nor estrainged ther-from but bydeth ther-in / thatt liueth then in his vpright ● Nature Beeing and Kynde / wherin it is created and wherto it is ordayned or foreseene of God 4. COnsider ⁏ thou Beloued God hath created all earthly Creatures and ioyned each-one to his lyke / according to his Nature and Kynde 5. After thesame maner also / the Creature of the Manhod but the inward Man / hath God created to Himself and ordayned him to be a b Leui. 26. b Ier. 31. ● Iohn 14. c. Apo. 21. ● Dwelling for his Glory 6. And God woulde not that this inward Man / shoulde be subiect to the outward created or to the vayne Things nor cleaue vnto them to a Bondage / to th end that the great Name of the almighty God / shoulde alwayes and euerlastingly byde sealed and stand-fast in the inward Man 7. God hath likewyse foormed the c Gen 1. c. Sap. 2 c very-like Beeing of his inuisible and liueing Godhead / in the inward Man / because that the Man shoulde liue according to the Requyring of his vpright Beeing to the Laude and Prayse of his godly Maiestee 8. Beholde and vnderstande Thissame Beeing of God and Christ / is the Mans Nature and Kynde / according to the inward Man / wherunto he is created by God· and chosen through Iesus Christ as also ordayned
that thou only art very true God and Him whom thou hast sent / Iesus Christ. Iohn 17. Ther was demaunded by a Louer of the Trueth and an Instruction desyered / touching the Difference betwixt God / the Father and his Sonne / the Lorde Iesus Christ. And ther-vppon is answered by HN / in wryting ⁏ according to the Declaring of the spirituall and heauenly Trueth this Instruction heeraftter following The First Chapter I Haue thus-long deferred forto answer thee thy Demaunde in wryting ⁏ which thou Beloued Brother desyredst of mee / when I was last with thee because of certen Matters that were needfull for me first-of-al to further Wher-through I ⁏ by that occasion haue not ⁏ hetherto had conuenient tyme to accomplish thesame 2. But I haue not for-al-that / forgotten thy Demaunde nor through Slothfulnes / neglected to wryte vnto thee neither do I desyre in any-wyse / to deny thee thy Request but am alwayes wel-willing to witnes thesame vnto thee ⁏ according to that Vnderstanding which the Lorde giueth vnto mee so much as it is profitable for thee to Edification Notwithstanding I am burdened in my Heart / because I haue promysed ⁏ vppon thy Demaunde to wryte thee an Answere 3. But not that the Grounde of the Matter ⁏ about the which thou hast questyoned with mee· and desyred of mee / to answer thesame in wryting is so hard or profound-of-vnderstanding / to answere O No but because that the Vnderstanding of thesame Mynde / is so vtterly vnknowe a Math. 11. c 13. b Iohn 14. b. Ephe. 3. a. before all Sence of the Flesh. 4. Yea how naked and bare soeuer the Scripture sheweth it / according to the Mynde of the Spirit / yet can it not for-al-that / be vnderstood b 1. Cor. 2. b. nor conceaued by Flesh and Blood / Vnles the Man must first ⁏ according to the Counsayle of the Scripture be turned into another Mynde 5. SEing now that the Scripture of the Apostles of Christ / is spirituall c Iohn 5. ● 6. g. and witnesseth of Spirit and Lyfe and that the Man ⁏ which readeth y e Testymonyes therof / in the Letter standeth captiued with a Fleshly Mynde / vnder d Rom. 7. ● the Sinne and his owne Good-thinking and so taketh vppon Him ⁏ out of thesame Mynde of the Flesh and his owne Good-thinking to vnderstande the Mynde of God out of the Letter / e 1. Cor. 2. b. So can He not doutles bring it to-pas For his Fleshly Sences and good-thinking Thoughts / do surely stretch no farder / but likewyse to such an Intelligence or Knowledg of the Fleshly Vnderstanding 6. For-that-cause also / the Mynde of Man doth not ⁏ out of the Letter of the Scripture vnderstand nor comprehende the Mynde of God / rightly By-meanes-wherof / ther is likewyse now at this present daye like as cam-to-pas also in tymes-past / among f Ier. 26. b. 28. a. b. 29. c. d. Math. 12. c. 23. b. c. d. 26.27 the worldly Wyse and Scriptur-learnedones much Contention Variance and Controuersie / founde among the Children of Men / who do contende about Thatt which they themselues vnderstād not and wil seeme to knowe Thatt / which according to the Mynde of their Vnderstanding ⁏ wherin they are comprehended is not to be knowen nor Vnderstood 7. THe whilst now that the ritch bountifull God ⁏ out of the Loue of his Grace / vndeserued giueth vnto Vs ⁏ in g 1. Cor. 2. b. our inward Mynde another Spirit for to discerne and to vnderstand with-al / h 1 Cor. 1.2 b which is nor of Flesh and Blood nor-yet mynded according to the earthly and fleshly Wisdom of this Worlde nor according to y e Prudence of y e Ingeniousnes of y e worldly Wyse and of the cōtentions Scriptur-learned or those of famous Schooles / Therfore do we perceaue / that it is perillous to wryt-ouer vnto any man / of the Secretnes of God i Ephe. 3. a. and Christ And that therfore / we do dayly beare a Care or a Suspicion / whether Those that aske after the Vnderstanding of the godly Trueth / do not desyre to knowe thesame k Act. 17. c. out of Curyousnes or Sensualitee or l Iohn 8. b. to iudg it according to their Good-thinking 8. Therfore it is daungerous in this perillous Tyme / to discouer or to wryt-ouer the groundly Depthes m Rom. 11. d. of the godly Wisdom / vnto anyman / because that we do now fynde many Men that do aske / to th end to knowe much / Yea they seeke many Knowledges / wherby to vnderstand and to iudg the godly Things / out of their Sharpwitednes or Industry And thatt lyketh all those well / which haue no Lust to doo the Lordes Will. For therin lyeth the olde Roote n Gen. 3. b. Rom 5. b. of Adam wherout the disobedient Knowledg springeth or cometh-foorth 9. But to o Iohn 8 c. submitt themselues obediently to the Requyring of the gracious Woord of the godly Wisdom· and to the right Seruice of the Loue of Iesu Christ / also to cleaue vnto y e liueing God / in his godly Nature or Beeing / p Exo. 20. ● Deut. 5. a. and to serue to prayse and to honour Him / as He is a God / in his Christ / thatt lyketh fewe or none Yet is thesame the newe Fruit of the Planting of Iesu Christ wher-vnto the Scripture poynteth vs / which neither the q Math. 11. c. Iohn 14 c. 1. Cor 1.2 b Worlde nor her Wyse or Scriptur-learnedones do vnderstand nor-yet conceaue the Mynde For they knowe not thesame 10. ALthough I do thus rehearse these things / my Beloued and that my Carefulnes standeth to such a Suspicion towards Many / Yet do I notwithstanding hope and trust somwhat better of thee / as that thou art more inclyned to vnderstand the Will and Mynde of God / to the intent to r 1. Pet. 5. a. submitt thyself obediently ther-vnto / to thy Saluation and to the s Ephe. 1. b. Laude and Prayse of the godly Glory and so to beleeue the liueing God and his Christ· to inclyne vnto Him· and to becom t 2. Pet. 1. a. partaker of his Beeing / then for to knowe much therof / according to the Pleasure of thyne Owne-mynde 11. Therfore also I wil not think it tedious vnto me to answer thy Demaunde / with Dilligence / out of feruent Loue / If haply God would vouchsafe ⁏ through my small Seruice to open u EPhe. 1. c. thyne Vnderstanding and ⁏ through his Increase or Blessing to endow thee in thy Spirit / with his Grace and to stirr-vp thy Heart to a pure Mynde towards God and towards his Loue in Iesu Christ. The II. Chap. THus was then thy saying vnto me ⁏ as I remember that the Woord which y e Apostles of Christ do wryte / was darke or incomprehensible for thee to
the Lyfe t Iohn 1. ● which is for a verytrue Light / vnto all those that beleeue theron 8. Therfore let vs take-heede u 2. Cor. 6. a to the acceptable Tyme / wherin God doth illuminate vs. For in extending Mercy / He x Exo. ●3 b Rom. 9. b. sheweth Mercy on vs and leadeth vs from the Death / y Psa. 56. b. 116. a. to the Lyfe euen to the Sheapherd z 1. Pet. 2. c of our Soules 9. HEer-with ⁏ my Beloued I do hartely salute thee / with a Salutation of the Loue and see that thou ⁏ with an humble Heart do giue a regarde vnto thatt which I wryte vnto thee and ponder well the Sentences therof For they do poynt thee a Pro. 4. a. to the Lyfe 10 And if thou doest yet desyre larger Instruction at my hands / then wryte ouer vnto me I do alwayes ⁏ for the Loues sake proffer myself willingly to doo thee Seruice / in all what I may in the Lorde / to thy Edifying 11. Farewell and sett thy Comfort wholly and altogether / on the Loue. And salute me with a Salutation b Rom. 16. b 1. Cor. 16. c ▪ of the Loue / to the Bretheren and Sisters that are with thee which do submitt them with humble Hearts / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. And the Comunialtee in the Loue / that is heere with Vs / doth likewyse salute you all hartely with the Loue. 12. The Vnitee of Peace c 2. Cor. 13. b. Ephe 4 a. Col. 3. b. be alwayes among you all And the Loue of God the Father / take the Victory in all your Hearts Amen The Ende of the Eigth Epistle The Nynth Epistle Of the Seruices and Ceremonyes of the Christians and of the Vnchristians and of the right and false Vce of them with certen groundly Informations and edifying Instructions Written and sent vnto a Louer of the Trueth / at his Request Exercise thyself in Godlynes For bodely Exercise which stretcheth to the Outward / that concerneth the Nature profiteth little But the God-seruice which stretcheth to the Inward and Spirituall and to the true Godlynes is profitable to all things and hath the Promyse both of this Lyfe and of thatt to com 1. Timo. 4. The First Chapter THe Loue of God the Father ⁏ through the Reuealing of the Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ be with thee / my Beloued and a Ephe. 1. b. 3 b. illuminate thy Spirit to a true Knowledg of the Lyfe / in the Spirit / wherby thou mayest ⁏ with a right Discerning see-into and knowe liueingly ⁏ according to the Spirit the secret b Sap. 9. b Rom. 11. ●2 2 Counsayle and Will of God / To th end that thou mayest iudg c Iohn 7. c according to the Trueth / with a right Iudgment Tha●t graunt vs the almighty Lorde / through his Loue. Amen 2. My Beloued Our Fauour out of the Seruice of Loue ⁏ to thy Saluation standeth alwayes willingly-bent towards thee for to be seruiceable vnto thee / to thy Edifying and to a good Knowledg of the true Light For that thou mayest be illuminated with the Illumination of the Cleernes of God which ⁏ out of the Grace of his Loue is reuealed d Rom. 16. c Ephe. 1.3 a Col. 1. c 2. Tim. 1. b and appeered vnto vs in the Spirit according to the Promyses of God the Father and with Wryting / to rea●he thee the Hande to thesame / according to thy Request to a Gyding of thee into our holy Comunialtee / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 3. In which Comunialtee / wee haue our Fellowshipp e 1. Iohn 1. a with God the Father and the Lorde Iesu Christ / in the euerlasting Immortalitee wher-through all f 1 Cor. 15. f Corruption and all g Esa. 25. a. 2 Cor. 3. b. Couerings Middle-walles h Esa 59. a Ephe. 2. b. and i Psal. 146. b Bandes / be taken-awaye wher-in all Patterns Images Shadowes and Figures / do k Col 2. b Heb. 9.10 ceasse and wher-in ther is nothing-els behealde / but the euerlasting l Heb. 12. c vndisturbable Kingdom / full of all Power of God / full of Lyfe Loue and Peace / full of Cleernesses m Math. 24. d 25. d. 2. Tess. 1. a. of all the Holyons and Children of God / and full of all heauenly Treasures n Col. 2. a. and godly Ritches / euen-as God hath in tymes-past / promysed to com in Glory for a righteous Iudgment vppon the Earth 4. O thou Beloued Forasmuch as we haue shewed our Fauour of Loue on thee ⁏ with Seruice and Assistance to these heauenly o Ephe. 1. b 2. a. 3. a Col. 1. ● 2. a. Ritches in the eternall Beeing of Immortalitee / So haue we now the second-tyme / receaued Wrytings from thee and haueing perused-ouer and considered of them ⁏ so much as we can we do vnderstand therby ⁏ according to the Mencioning of thy Wrytings that thy Opinion or Conceaueing standeth towards vs or thou shouldest seeme to haue vnderstood so by Others / that we shoulde not vse the Christian Ceremonyes or shoulde account them to be vnprofitable 5. No ⁏ my Beloued we are not so presumptuous / that we shoulde not acknowledg all Gods Ordinances ⁏ in their right Foorme or V●e to be good p Eccli 39. c and profitable / being ministred in their due tyme. Yea we esteeme them very worthy and commendable in their Seruice so farr-forth or to such an ende as their Seruice reacheth the which we haue sufficiently witnessed ⁏ with sencible Distinction before all Vnderstandings / in the Glasse of Righteousnes 6. But ⁏ my Beloued if thy Heart shoulde yet stande captiued vnto anything of thatt which hath had his Fore-going the which also had the Ministration of his q 2. ●or 3 a. Cleernes to the to-coming Daye of the Reuealing of the Coming of Christ that is till that the Refreshing shoulde appeer r Act. 3. c ▪ from the vncouered Face of God / for a gloryous Kingdom of God and for a Ioye and Peace of all the Saincts of God / in the euerlasting Lyfe so consider then / by Whom and out of what Spirit / the Christian-ceremonyes are ministred / by the Illuminated or by the Vnilluminatedones out of the Letter of the Scripture or out of the Woord of Lyfe The II. Chap. SEing now then that many Instituters of Ceremonyes / do minister y e Office of Ceremonyes / out of the Prudence of their owne Vnders●anding or out of ●he Knowledg of the Letter / altogether to Controuersie and haue not receaued the Office of their Ministration / through the Woord of Lyfe / Veryly so is likewyse their Office of Ceremonyes / no a Ier. 23. b. 27. a. 29 a. Commaundement of God nor-yet their Seruices / any christian Ceremonyes For those Scriptur-learnedones do setfoorth the Ceremonyes ⁏ which they administer for