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A05817 The practise of pietie directing a Christian how to walke that he may please God. Bayly, Lewis, d. 1631.; Elstracke, Renold, fl. 1590-1630. 1613 (1613) STC 1602; ESTC S1173 279,570 1,072

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rebuke me of sinne yet euery regenerated Christian can say of himselfe which of you can rebuke mee of being an Adulterer whoremonger swearer drunkard theefe vsurer oppressor proud malicious couetous profaner of the holy Saboth a Lyer a neglecter of Gods publike Seruice and such like grosse sinnes else hee is no true Christian. When a man casts off the conscience of being ruled by Gods Law then GOD giues him ouer to be led by his owne lusts the surest signe of a reprobate sense Thus the Law vvhich since the Fall no man by his owne naturall abilitie can fulfill is fulfilled in truth of euery regenerated Christian through the gratious assistance of Christs holy Spirit And this Spirit GOD will giue to euery Christian that will pray for it and incline his heart to keepe his Lawes V. When the vnregenerated man heares that GOD delighteth more in the inward minde then in the outward man Then he faineth vvith himselfe that all outward reuerence and profession is but eyther superstitious or superfluous Hence it is that hee seldome kneeleth in the Church that hee puts on his hat at singing of Psalmes and the publike Prayers vvhich the profane varlet would not offer to doe in the presence of a Prince or a Noble-man And so that hee keepe his minde vnto GOD hee thinkes hee may fashion himselfe in other things to the World Hee diuides his thoughts and giues so much to GOD and so much to his owne lusts yea hee will deuide with GOD the Sabboth and vvill giue him almost the one halfe and spend the other wholy in his owne pleasures But know ô carnall man that Almightie GOD will not be serued by halfes because hee hath created and redeemed the whole man And as GOD detests the seruice of the outward man without the inward heart as Hypocrisie so hee counts the inward seruice without all externall reuerence to be meere profanenesse hee requireth both in his worship In prayer fore bowe thy knees in witnesse of thy humiliation lift vp thine eyes and thy hands in testimonie of thy confidence hang down thy head smite thy breasts in token of thy contrition but especially call vpon God with a sincere heart serue him holy serue him wholy serue him onely for GOD and the Prince of this world are two contrary Masters and therefore no man can possibly serue both VI. The vnregenerated Christian holdes the hearing of the Gospell preached to be but an indifferent matter which he may vse or not vse at his pleasure but whosoeuer thou art that will be assured in thy heart that thou art one of Christs elect sheepe thou must make a speciall care and conscience if possibly thou canst to heare Gods word preached For first the preaching of the Gospell is the chiefe ordinary meanes which GOD hath appointed to conuert the soules of all that hee hath predestinated to be saued therefore it is called the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth And where this diuine ordinance is not the people perish and whosoeuer shall refuse it it shall be more tollerable for the Land of S●dome and Gomorrha in the day of Iudgement then for those people Secondly the preaching of the Gospel is the standard or ensigne of Christ to which all Souldiers and elect people must assemble themselues When this Ensigne is displayed as vpon the Lords day hee is none of Christs people that flockes not vnto it neyther shall any drop of the raine of his Grace light on their soules Thirdly it is the ordinary meanes by which the holy Ghost begetteth Faith in our hearts without which wee cannot please God If the hearing of Christs voyce be the chiefe marke of Christs elect sheepe and of the Bridegroomes friend then must it be a fearefull marke of a reprobate Goate eyther to neglect or contemne to heare the preaching of the Gospell Let no man thinke this position foolish for by this foolishnesse of preaching it pleaseth GOD to saue them which beleeue Their state is therefore fearefull who liue in peace vvithout caring for the preaching of the Gospell Can men looke for Gods Mercy and despise his meanes He saith Christ of the Preachers of his Gospell that despiseth you despiseth mee Hee that is of God heareth Gods words yee therefore heare them not because ye are not of God Had not the Israelites heard Phineas message they had neuer wept Had not the Baptist preached the Iewes had neuer mourned Had not they who crucified Christ heard Peters Sermon their hearts had neuer beene pricked Had not the Nineuites heard Ionas preaching they had neuer repented and if thou wilt not heare and repent thou shalt neuer be saued VII The opinion that the Sacraments are but bare signes seales of Gods promise and grace vnto vs doth not a little hinder Pietie whereas indeede they are seales as well of our Seruice and obedience vnto GOD which seruice if wee performe not vnto him the Sacraments seale no grace vnto vs. But if wee receiue them vpon the resolution to be his faithfull and penitent Seruants then the Sacraments doe not onely signifie and ●ffer but also seale and exhibite indeede the inward spirituall grace vvhich they outwardly promise and repr●sent And to this ende Baptisme is called the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost and the Lords Supper The communion of the body and bloud of Christ. Were this truth beleeued the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper would be oftner and with greater reuerence receiued VIII The last and not the least blocke whereat Pietie stumbleth in the course of Religion is by adorning vices with the names of Vertues as to call drunken carowsing drinking of health spilling innocent bloud valor Gluttonie hospitalitie Couet●ousnesse thriftinesse Whoredome louing a Mistresse Symonie gratu●●● Pride gracefulnesse dissembling complement children of Belial good-fellowes Wrath hastinesse ribauldry mirth So on the other side to call Sobrietie in words and actions Hypocrisie Almes-deedes vaine-glory Deuotion Superstition Zeale in Religion Puritanisme Humilitie crouching scruple of Conscience precisenesse c. and whilest thus wee call euill good and good euill true Pietie is much hindered in her progresse And thus much of the first hinderance of Pietie by mistaking the true sense of some speciall places of Scripture and grounds of Christian Religion The second hinderance of Pietie 2 The euill example of great persons The practise of of whose prophane liues they preferre for their imitation before the precepts of Gods holy word So that when they see the greatest mē in the state many chiefe Gentlemen in their Countrey to make neither care nor conscience to heare Sermons to receiue the Communion nor to sanctifie the Lords Sabbaths c. But to be swearers adulterers carowsers oppressours c. Then they thinke that the vsing of these holy ordinances are
Sabbath vvhich wee call the Lords day and which he himselfe ordained according to Christs commandement in the same Churches of Galatia and Corinth kept himselfe in other Churches but he speakes of the Iewish daies and times and yeeres and the keeping of the Sabbath on the seauenth day from the Creation which he tearmeth shadowes of things to come abolished now by Christ the body and in the Law are called sabbaths but distinguished from the morall Sabbaths 2 That of Paul to the Colossians let no man therfore condemne you in meate or drinke or in respect of an Holy-day or of the new moone or of the Sabbath dayes But here the Apostle meaneth the Iewish ceremoniall Sabbaths not the Christian Lords day as before 3 That of the same Apostle to the Romanes This man esteemeth one day aboue another day and another counteth euery day alike c. But Saint Paul makes no such account For the question there is not betweene Iew Gentiles but betweene the stronger and weaker Christian The stronger esteemed one day aboue another as appeares in that there vvas a day both commanded and receiued in the Church euery where knowne and honoured by the name of the Lords day And therefore Paul saith here that hee that obserued this day obserued it vnto the Lord. The obseruation whereof because of the change of the Iewish seuenth day some weake Christians as many now a dayes thought not so necessary so that if men because the Iewish day is abrogated will not honour and keepe holy the Lords day but count it like other dayes it is an argument saith the Apostle of their weaknesse whose infirmitie must be borne till they haue time to be further instructed and perswaded Other obiections are friuolous and not worth the answering The true manner of keeping holy the Lords day NOW the sanctifying of the Sabbath consists in two things First In resting from all seruile and common businesse pertaining to our naturall life Secondly In consecrating that rest wholy to the seruice of God and the vse of those holy meanes which belong to our spirituall life For the first 1 The seruile and common workes from which wee are to cease are generally all ciuill workes from the least to the greatest More particularly First from all the workes of our calling though it were reaping in the time of haruest Secondly from carrying burthens as Carryers doe or riding abroad for profit or for pleasure GOD hath commanded that the beasts should rest on the Sabbath day because all occasion of trauailing or labouring vvith them should be cut off from man GOD giues them that day a rest and he that without necessitie depriues them of their rest on the Lords day the groanes of the poore tyred beasts shall in the day of the Lord rise vp in Iudgement against him Likewise such as spend the greatest part of this day in trimming painting and pampering of themselues like Iezabels doing the Diuels worke vpon Gods day Thirdly from keeping of Fayres ●r Markets which for the most part God punisheth with pestilence fire and strange flouds Fourthly from studying any books or science but the holy Scriptures Diuinity For our studie must be to bee rauished in spirit vpon the Lords day In a word Thou must on that day cease in thy calling to doe thy worke that the Lord by his calling may doe his worke in thee For whatsoeuer is gotten by common working on this day shall neuer be blessed of the Lord but it will prooue like Achans golde which being got contrary to the Lords commandement brought the fire of Gods curse vpon all the rest which hee had lawfully gotten And if Christ scourged them out as theeues who bought and sold in his Temple which was but a ceremony shortly to be abrogated is it to bee thought that hee will euer suffer those to escape vnpunished who contrary to his commandement buy and sell on the Sabbath day which is his perpetuall law Christ calleth such sacrilegious Theeues and as well may they steale the Communion C●p from the Lords Table as steale from GOD the chiefest part of the Lords day to consume it in their owne lasts Such shall one day finde the Iudgements of God heauier then the opinions of men Fiftly from all recreations and sports which at other times are lawfull for if lawfull workes be forbidden on this day much more lawfull sports which do more steale away our affections from the contemplation of heauenly things then any bodily worke or labour Neither can there bee vnto a man that delighteth in the Lord any greater del●ght or recreation then the sanctifying of the Lords day For can there be any greater ioy for a person condemned then to come to his Prince his house to haue his pardon sealed For one that is deadly sicke to come to a Phisitian that can cure him Or for a Prodigall childe that fed on the huskes of Swine to bee admitted to eate the bread of life at his Fathers Table Or for him who feares for sinne the tydings of death to come to heare from God the assurance of eternall life If thou wilt allow thy selfe or thy seruant recreation allow it in the sixe daies which are thine not on the Lords day which is neither thine nor theirs No bodily receation therefore is to bee vsed on this day but so farre as it may helpe the soule to doe more cheerefully the seruice of the Lord. Sixtly from grosse feeding liberall drinking of wine or strong drinke which may make vs either drowsi● or vnapt to serue GOD with our hearts and mindes Seuenthly from all talking about wordly things which hindreth the sanctifying of the Sabbath more then working seeing one may worke alone but cannot talke but with others He that keepes the Sabbath onely by resting from his ordinary worke keepes it but as a beast But rest on this day is so farre commanded to Christians as it is an helpe to sanctification and labour so farre forbidden as it is an impediment to the outward and inward worship of GOD. If then those recreations which are lawfull at other times are on the Sabbath not allowed much more those that are altogether at all times vnlawfull Who without mourning can endure to see how in most places Christians keepe the Lords day as if they celebrated a feast rather to Bacchus then to the honour of the Lord Iesus the Sauiour and Redeemer of the world For hauing serued God but an houre in outward shew they spend the rest of the Lords day in sitting downe to eate and drinke and rising vp to play First balasting their bellies with eating and drinking and then feeding their lusts with playing and dancing Against which prophanation all holy Diuines both old and new haue in their times most bitterly inueighed Insomuch that August affirmeth that it was better to plough
sort agree to any creature but to God alone These are two Simplenesse and Infinitenesse Simplenesse is that whereby God is void of all compoposition diuision multiplication accidents or parts compounding either sensible or intelligible so that what euer he is he is the same Essentially It hinders not Gods simplenesse that he is three because God is three not by composition of parts but by coexistence of Persons Infinitenesse is that whereby all things in God are void of all measure limitation and bonds aboue and beneath before and after From these two doe necessarily flow three other Absolute attributes 1 Vnmeasurablenesse or vbiquitie whereby he is of infinite extension filling heauen and Earth containing all places and not contained of any space place or bounds and being no where absent is euery where present There are foure degrees of Gods presence the first is vniuersall by which God is repletiuely euery where inclusiuely no where Secondly Speciall by which God is said to be in heauen because that there his power wisedome and goodnesse is in a more excellent manner seene and enioyed as also because that vsually hee doth from thence poure both his blessings and iudgements Thirdly more speciall by which God dwelleth in his Saints Fourthly most speciall and altogether singular by which the whole fulnesse of the God-head dwelleth in Christ bodilie 2 Vnchangeablenesse whereby God is void of all change both in respect of his essence and will 3 Eternitie whereby God is without beginning of dayes or end of time and without all bounds of praecession or succession Thus farre of the absolute Attributes now of the Relatiue or such which haue reference to the Creatures Those are fiue 1 Life 2 Vnderstanding 3 Will 4 Power 5 Maiestie 1 THE Life of God is that by which as by a most pure and perpetuall act hee not onely liueth of himselfe but is also that euer and ouer-flowing fountaine of Life from which all creatures deriue their liues so as that in him they liue moue breathe and haue their beeing And because onely his Life differs from his Essence therefore GOD is said onely to haue immortalitie 1 Tim. 6.16 2 The Vnderstanding or Knowledge of GOD is that whereby by one pure act he most perfectly knoweth in himselfe all things that euer were are or shall be Yea the thoughts and imaginations of all mens hearts This Knowledge of God is eyther generall by which God knoweth simply all things eternally the good by himselfe the euill by the good opposite to it imposing to things contingent the Lot of contingencie and to things necessary the Law of necessitie And thus knowing all things in and of himselfe he is the cause of all the knowledge that is in all both men and Angels Secondly speciall called the knowledge of approbation by which hee perticularly knoweth and gratiously acknowledgeth onely his Elect for his owne Vnderstanding also contaynes the Wisedome of God by which hee most wisely created all things of nothing in number measure and waight still ruleth disposeth them to serue his owne most holy purpose and glory 3 The Will of God is that whereby of necessitie hee willeth himselfe as the soueraigne good and by willing himselfe willeth most freely all other good things which are out of himselfe The Will of God though in it selfe it be but one as is his Essence yet in respect of the diuersitie of obiects and effects it is called in the Scriptures by diuers names as 1 Loue whereby is meant Gods eternal good-will whereby hee ordeineth his elect to bee freely saued through Christ and bestoweth on them all necessary graces for this life that to come taking pleasure in their persons and seruice 2 Iustice is Gods constant will whereby hee recompenceth men and Angels according to their workes punishing the impenitent according to their deserts called the iustice of his wrath and rewarding the faithful according to his promises called the Iustice of his grace 3 Mercy which is Gods meere good-wil and ready affection to forgiue a penitent sinner notwithstanding all his sinnes and ill deserts 4 Goodnesse whereby God willingly communicateth his good with his creatures and because hee communicates it freely it is termed Grace 5 Truth whereby God willeth constantly those things which he willeth effecting and performing all things which he hath spoken in his appointed time 6 Patience whereby God willingly forbeareth to punish the wicked so long as it may stand with his Iustice and vntill their sinnes bee ripened 7 Holinesse wherby Gods nature is separated from all prophanesse and abhorreth all filthynesse and so being wholly pure in himselfe delighteth in the inward and outward purity and chastity of his seruants which hee infuseth into them 8 Anger wherby is meant Gods most certaine and iust will in chastening the elect and in reuenging and punishing the reprobate for the iniuries they offer to him and his chosen and when GOD will punish with rigor and seuerity then it is termed Wrath temporall to the elect eternall to the Reprobates 4 The Power of God is that whereby he can simply and freely doe whatsoeuer he will that is agreeable to his nature and whereby as he hath made so he still ruleth heauen and earth and all things therein This Almighty power of God is either absolute by which hee can will and doe more then he willeth or doth Matth. 3.9 20.53 Rom. 9.18 Or actuall by which God doth indeed whatsoeuer hee will and hindreth whatsoeuer he will not haue done Psalm 115.3 5 Maiestie is that by which God of his owne absolute and free authoritie raigneth and ruleth as Lord and King ouer all creatures visible and inuisible Hauing both the right and propriety in all things as from whom and for whom are all things as also such a plenitude of power that he can pardon the offences of all whom hee will haue spared and subdue all his Enemies whom hee will haue plagued and destroied without being bound to render to any creature a reason of his doing but making his owne most holy and iust will his onely most perfect and eternall law From all these attributes ariseth one which is Gods soueraigne Blessednesse or perfection Blessednesse is that perfect and vnmeasurable possession of ioy and glory which God hath in himselfe for euer and is the cause of all the blisse and perfection that euery creature enioieth in his measure There are other Attributes figuratiuely and improperly ascribed vnto God in the holy Scriptures as by an Anthropomorphosis the members of a man eies eares nosthrils mouth hands feete c. or the senses and actions of man as seeing hearing smelling working walking striking c. By an Anthropopatheia the affections and passions of a man as gladnesse griefe ioy sorrow loue
Saint Paul together with seauen of the chiefe Euangelists of the Church Sopater Aristarchus Secundus Gayus Timotheus Tichicus and Trophimus and all the Christians that were there kept the holy Sabbath on the first day of the weeke in praying preaching and receiuing the Lords Supper And as it is a thing to be noted that Luke saith not that the Disciples were sent for to heare Paul preach but the Disciples being come together to breake bread vpon the first day of the weeke that is to be partakers of the holy Communion at what time the Lords death vvas by the preaching of the word shewed 1 Cor. 11.26 Paul preached vnto them c. And that none kept these meetings but Christians who onely are called Disciples Act. 11.26 But at Philippi vvhere as yet there were no Disciples Paul is said to goe on their Sabbath day to the place where the Iewes and their Proselites were wont to pray and there preached vnto them Acts 16.12.13 so that it is as cleare as the Sun that it vvas the Christians vsuall manner to passe ouer the Iewish seauenth day and to keepe the Sabbath and their holy meetings on the first day of the vveeke And why doth S. Iohn call this the Lords day but because it was a day knowne to be generally kept holy to the honour of the Lord Iesus who rose from death to life vpon that day throughout all the Churches which the Apostles planted Which Saint Iohn calleth the Lords day the rather to stirre vp Christians to a thankefull remembrance of their Redemption by Christ his Resurrection from the dead And vvith the day the blessing of the Sabbath is likewise translated to the Lords day because that all the sanctification belonging to this new world is in CHRIST and from him conuayed to Christians And because there cannot come a greater authoritie then that of Christ and his Apostles nor the like cause as the new creation of the vvorld therefore the Sabbath can neuer be altered from this day to any other vvhilest this vvorld lasteth Adde hereunto how the Scripture noteth that in the first planting setling of the Church nothing was done but by the speciall order and direction of the Apostles 1 Cor. 11.34 1 Cor. 14.36.37 Tit. 1.5 Acts 15.6.24 and the Apostles did nothing but what they had vvarrant for from Christ 1 Cor. 11.23 To sanctifie then the Sabboth on the seauenth day is not a ceremoniall Law abrogated but the morall and perpetuall Law of God perfected So that the same perpetuall Commaundement which bound the Iewes to keepe the Sabbath on that seauenth day to celebrate the worlds creation bindes Christians to solemnize the Sabbath on this seauenth day in memoriall of the worlds Redemption for the fourth Commandement being a Morall Law requireth a seauenth day to be kept holy for euer And the Moralitie of this as of the rest of the Commandements is more religiously to be kept of vs vnder the Gospel then of the Iewes vnder the Law by how much we in Baptisme haue made a more speciall Couenant vvith God to keepe his Commandements and God hath couenanted vvith vs to free vs from the Curse and to assist vs vvith his spirit to keepe his Lawes And that this Commandement of the Sabbath as vvell as the other nine is Morall and perpetuall may plainely appeare by these reasons Tenne Reasons demonstrating the commandement of the Sabbath to be Morall 1 BEcause all the reasons of this Commandement are morall and perpetuall And God hath bound vs to the obedience of this Commandement with more forcible reasons then to any of the rest First because he did fore-see that irreligious men vvould eyther more carelesly neglect or more boldly breake this Commandement then any other Secondly because that in the practise of this Commandement the keeping of all the other consisteth vvhich makes GOD so often complaine that all his worship is neglected or ouer-throwne when the Sabbath is eyther neglected or transgressed It vvould make a man amazed saith Mr. Caluin to consider how eft and vvith what zeale protestation God requireth all that will be his people to sanctifie the seauenth day Yea how the God of mercy mercilesly punisheth the breach of this Commandement with cruell death as though it were the summe of his vvhole honour and seruice And it is certaine that hee who makes no conscience to breake the Sabbath will not to serue his turne make any conscience to breake any of the other Commandements so hee may doe it without discredit of his reputation or danger of mans law Therefore God placed this Commandement in the middest of the two Tables because the keeping of it is the best helpe to the keeping of all the rest The conscionable keeping of the Sabbath is the Mother of all Religion and good discipline in the Church Take away the Sabbath and let euery man serue God when hee listeth and vvhat vvill shortly become of Religion and that peace and order which God will haue to be kept in his Church The Sabbath day is Gods Market day for the weekes prouision wherein hee vvill haue vs to come vnto him and buy of him without siluer or money the Bread of Angels and Water of life the Wine of the Sacraments and Milke of the Word to feede our Soules tryed Gold to enrich our Faith precious eye-salue to heale our spirituall blindenesse and the white rayment of Christs righteousnesse to couer our filthy nakednesse Hee is not farre from true Pietie who makes conscience to keepe the Sabbath day but he who can dispense with his conscience to breake the Sabbath for his owne profit or pleasure his heart neuer yet felt what eyther the feare of God or true Religion meaneth For of this Commandement may that speech of S. Iames be verified he that faileth in one is guiltie of all Seeing therefore that GOD hath fenced this Commandement vvith so many morall reasons it is euident that the Commandement it selfe is morall 2 Because it vvas commanded of GOD to Adam in his Innocencie vvhilest holding his happinesse not by Faith in Christs Merits but by Obedience to Gods Law hee needed no Ceremonie shadowing the Redemption of Christ. A Sabbath therefore of a seauenth day cannot be simply a Ceremonie but an essentiall part of Gods worship enioyned vnto man vvhen there vvas but one condition of all men And if it was necessary for our first Parents to haue a Sabbath day to serue GOD in their perfection much more neede their Posteritie to keepe the Sabbath in the state of their corruption And seeing God himselfe kept this day holy how can that man be holy that doth wilfully prophane it 3 Because it is one of the commandements which God spake with his owne mouth and twice vvrote with his owne Fingers in Tables of stone to signifie their authoritie and perpetuitie All that God wrote were morall and perpetuall commandements and
prayer beseeching GOD to giue such a blessing to those things which thou hast heard that they may be a direction to thy life and a consolation vnto thy Soule for till the Word be made thus our owne and as it were close hidden in our hearts wee are in danger least Sathan steale it away and we shall receiue no profit thereby And when thou goest to dinner in that reuerend and thankfull manner before prescribed remember according to thine abilitie to haue one or more poore Christians whose hungry bowels may be refreshed with thy meate imitating holy Iob who protested that hee did neuer eate his morsels alone without the good companie of the poore and fatherlesse this is the Commandement of Christ our Master Luke 14.13 Or at least-wise send some part of thy dinner to the poore who lies sicke in the backe-lane without any food For this will bring a blessing vpon all thy workes and labours and it will one day more reioyce thy soule then it doth now refresh his body when Christ shall say vnto thee O blessed child of God! I was an hungred and thou gauest not ●eate c. And forasmuch as thou hast done it for my sake to the least of these my Brethren I take it in as good part as if thou hadst done it to mine owne self When dinner is ended and the Lord praised call thy familie together examine what they haue learned in the Sermon commend them that doe well yet discourage not them whose memories or capacities are weaker but rather helpe them for their will and mindes may be as good Turne to the proofes which the Preacher alledged and rub those good things ouer their memories againe Then sing a Psalme or more If time permit thou maist teach and examine them in some part of the Catechisme conferring euery point with the proofes of the holy Scripture This will both encrease our knowledge and sha●pen our memory seeing by experience wee finde that in euery trade they who are most exercised are euer best expert But in any wise remember so to dispose all these priuate exercises as that thou maist be with the first in the holy congregation at the Euening exercise where behaue thy selfe in the like deuotion and reuerence as was prescribed for the holy Exercise of the morning After Euening Prayer and at thy Supper behaue thy selfe in the like religious and holy manner as was formerly prescribed And eyther before or after Supper if the season of the yeere and weather doth serue 1 Walke into the fields and meditate vpon the Workes of God for in euery creature thou maist read as in an open Booke the Wisedome Power Prouidence and Goodnesse of Almightie God and how that none is able to make all these things in the varietie of their formes vertues beauties life motions and qualities but our most glorious God 2 Consider how gracious hee is that made all these things to serue vs. 3 Take occasion hereby to stirre vp both thy selfe and others to admire and adore his Power Wisedome and Goodnesse and to thinke what vngratefull wretches we are if wee vvill not in all obedience serue and honour him 4 If any neighbour be sicke or in any heauinesse goe to visite him If any be fallen at variance helpe to reconcile them To conclude three sorts of vvorkes may lawfully be done on the Sabbath day 1 Workes of Pietie which eyther directly concerne the Seruice of God though they be performed by bodily labour as vnder the Law the Priests did labour in killing and dressing the Sacrifices and burning them on the Altar And Christians vnder the Gospell when they trauaile farre to the places of Gods Worship it is but a Sabbath dayes iourney like to that of the Shunamite vvho trauailed from home to heare the Prophet on the Sabbath day because she had no teaching neere her owne dwelling And the Preacher though he laboureth in the sweate of his browes to the wearying of his body yet he doth but a Sabbath dayes worke For the holy end sanctifieth the worke as the temple did the Gold or the Altar the gift thereon Or else such bodily labour whereby the people of God are assembled to his worship as the sounding of Trumpets vnder the Law or the ringing of Bels vnder the Gospell 2 Workes of Charitie as to saue the life of a man or of a beast to fodder water and dresse Cattell To make honest prouision of meate and drincke to refresh our selues and to relieue the poore to visite the sicke to make collections for the poore and such like 3 Workes of necessitie not fained but present and imminent and such as could not be preuented before nor cannot be deferred vnto another day As to resist the inuasion of Enemies or the robberies of Theeues to quench the rage of Fire and for Physitians to stanch or let bloud or to cure any other desperate disease and for Mid-wiues to helpe women in labour Mariners may doe their labour Souldiers being assailed may fight and Posts may ride for the publique good and such like On these or the like occasions a man may lawfully vvorke Yea and vvhen they are called they may vpon any of these occasions goe out of the Church and from the holy exercises of the Word and Sacraments prouided alwayes that they bee humbled that such occasions falles out vpon that day and time And that they take no Money for their paines on that day but onely for their stuffe as in the feare of God conscience of his commandement When the time of rest approacheth retire thy selfe to some priuate place and knowing that in the state of corruption no man liuing can sanctifie a Sabbath in that Spirituall manner that hee should but that hee commits many breaches thereof in his thoughts words and deedes humbly craue pardon for thy defects and reconcile thy selfe vnto God with this or the like Euening Sacrifice A priuate Euening Prayer for the Lords day O Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabbaoth Suffer me who am but dust ashes to speake vnto thy most glorious Maiestie I know that thou art a consuming fire I acknowledge that I am but withered stubble my sinnes are in my sight and Sathan stands at my right hand to accuse me for them I come not to excuse but to iudge my selfe worthy of all those Iudgements which thy iustice might most iustly inflict vpon mee a wretched creature for my sinnes and transgressions The number of them is so great the nature of them is so grieuous that they make me seeme vile in mine owne eies how much more loathsome in thy sight I confesse they make mee so farre from being worthy to be called thy Sonne that I am altogether vnworthy to haue the name of thy meanest seruant And if thou shouldest but
manner how and person with whom it was committed Secondly the Maiesty of God against whom it was done and the rather because thou didest such things against him since he became a Father vnto thee and bestowed so many sweet blessings in bountifull manner vpon thee Thirdly in considering the curses which GOD hath threatned for thy sinne how grieuously GOD hath plagued others for the same faults and how that no mea●es in heauen or earth could deliuer thee from being eternally damned for them had not the Sonne of God so louingly dyed for thee Lastly that if GOD loues thee hee must chasten thee ere it be long with some grieuous affliction vnlesse thou doest preuent him by speedy and vnfained repentance Let these and the like considerations so pricke thy heart with sorrow that melting for remorse within thee it may be dissolued into a fountaine of teares trickling downe thy mournfull cheekes This mourning is the beginning of true fasting and therefore oft times put for fasting the first and principall part for the whole action 2 Of the bewailing of thine owne estate Bewailing or lamentation is the powring out of the inward mourning of the heart by the outward moanes of the voice and teares of the eyes With such filial earnestnesse and importunity in prayer as our heauenly father well pleased Nay when it is the fruits of his spirit and the effects of our faith hee cannot be displeased with it For if hee heard the moanes which extremity wrung from Ismael and Hagar and heareth the cry of the young Rauens and roaring of Lyons how much rather will hee heare the mournefull lamentation which his owne children make vnto him in their miserie 3 Of the humble confession of sinnes In this action thou must deale plainely with God and acknowledge all thine offences not onely in generall but also in particuler this hath been the manner of all Gods children in their fasts First because that without Confession thou hast no promise of mercy or forgiuenesse of sinnes Secondly that so thou maiest acknowledge GOD to be iust and thy selfe vnrighteous Thirdly that by the numbring of thy sinnes thy heart may be the more humbled and pulled downe Fourthly that it may appeare that thou art truely penitent for till GOD hath giuen thee grace to repent thou wilt be more ashamed to confesse thy fault then to commit thy sinne The plainer thou dealest in this respect with God the more gracious will GOD deale with thee for if thou do●st acknowledge thy sinnes God is faithfull and iust to forgiue thee thy sinnes and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne will cleanse thee from all thy sinnes To helpe thee the better to performe these 3. parts of penitency thou maist diligently reade such Chapters and portions of the holy Scriptures as doe chiefly concerne thy particuler sinnes that thou maiest see Gods curse and iudgements on others for the like sinnes and bee the more humbled thy selfe Thus farre of the first part of Repentance which is Penitencie The other Part which is Amendement of life consists First in deuoute Prayer Secondly in deuoute Actions The deuout Prayer which we make in time of fasting is either Deprecation of euill or crauing needefull good things Deprecation of euil is when thou beseechest GOD for Christ thy mediator sake to pardon vnto thee those sins which thou hast confessed and to turne from thee those Iudgements which are due vnto thee for thy sinnes And as Benhadad because hee heard That the King of Israel was mercyful prostrated himselfe vnto him with a Rope about his necke so because thou knowest that the King of heauen is mercifull cast downe thy selfe in his presence in all true signes of humiliation especially seeing he calleth vpon thee to come vnto him in thy troubles and doubtlesse thou shall finde him mercifull The Crauing of needefull good things is First a feruent and faithfull begging of God to seale by his spirit in thy heart the assurance of the forgiuenesse of all thy sins Secondly to renewe thy heart by the holy Ghost so that sinne may daily decay and righteousnesse more and more increase in thee Lastly in desiring a supply of faith patience chastity and all other graces which thou wa●●est and an increase of those which God of his mercy hath bestowed vpon thee already Thus farre of Prayer in fasting The deuoute Actions in fasting are two First Auoiding euill Secondly doing good 1 Of auoiding euill This Abstinence from euill is that which is chiefly signified by thy abstinence from foode c. and is the cheife ende of fasting as the Niniuites very well knew A day of fast and not fasting from sinne the Lord abhorreth It is not the vacuity of the stomacke but the puritie of the heart that GOD respecteth If therefore thou wouldest haue God to turne from thee the euill of affliction thou must first turne away from thy selfe the euill of transgression And vvithout this fasting from euil thy fast sauours more noysome to God then thy breath doth to man This made God so often to reiect the fast of the Iewes And as thou must endeauour to auoide all sinne so especially that sinne wherewith thou hast prouoked God either to shake his rod at thee or already to lay his chastening hand vpon thee And doe this with a resolution by the assistance of Gods grace neuer to commit those sins againe For vvhat shall it profit a man by abstinence to humble his body if his minde swels with pride Or to forbeare wine and strong drinke and to be drunke with wrath and malice Or to let no flesh goe into thy belly when lies slanders and ribauldrie vvhich are vvorse then any meate comes out at thy mouth To abstaine from meate and to doe mischiefe is the Diuels fast vvho doth euill and is euer hungry 2 Of doing good workes The good workes vvhich as a Christian thou must doe euery day but especially on thy fasting day are either the workes of Piety to GOD or the works of Charity tovvards thy brethren First the workes of Pietie to GOD are the Practise of all the former duties in the sincerity of a good Conscience and in the sight of GOD. Secondly the worke● of Charity towards our brethren are forgiuing wrongs remitting debts to the poore that are not vvell able to pay but especially in giuing Almes to the poore that vvant reliefe and sustenance Else wee shall vnder pretence of godlinesse practise miserablenesse like those who will pinch their owne bellies to defraud their labouring Seruants of their due allowance As therefore Christ ioyned Fasting Prayer and Almes together in precept so must thou ioyne them together with Cornelius in practise And therefore be sure to giue at the least so much to the poore on thy Fasting day as thou vvouldest haue spent in thine owne diet if thou haddest