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A03465 The historie of Adam, or the foure-fold state of man, vvell formed in his creation, deformed in his corruption, reformed in Grace, and perfected in glory. By Mr. Henry Holland, late preacher at Saint Brides Church in London Holland, Henry, 1555 or 6-1603.; Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? 1606 (1606) STC 13587; ESTC S104152 275,758 386

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these nations neither make mention of the name of their Gods nor cause to sweare by them neither serue them nor bow vnto them but stick fast vnto the Lord your God And Zephaniah 1.5 I will root of the remnant of Baal and them that sweare by the Lord and sweare by Malcham Psal 16. Quest 89. What can you say against this common practise of swearing Ans First wee say it is the charge of our Lord and master Iesus Christ interpreting this Law purposelie against the false glosse of the Iewish rabbines Mat. 5. that wee sweare not at all by the creatures nor rashlie and without iust cause by the Creator and that if wee passe yea and nay a simple deniall or affirmation whatsoeuer is more in our ordinarie speach in anger or mirth in contracts or conference proceeds from Sathan Secondlie the spirit of Christ in other Scriptures warnes often against this sinne Iames. 5.12 By Saint Iames hee assureth vs these sinnes are bound vp vnder wrath and condemnation and he chargeth vs to haue a most speciall regard against swearing By the Preacher Chap. 9.2 hee makes these two flat contrarie to sweare vainelie and to feare an oath The Turks sweare not but be●ng occasioned by great necessity If there bee any idle swearer among thē hee is not admitted for any place of gouernement of what conditiō soeuer he be in cōmon wealth Guliel Tripoli by the Prophet Ier. 12.16 hee crieth against false Prophets which taught the people to sweare by Baal and Chap 5.7 against the whole Church for this sinne saying How should I spare thee for this thy children haue forsaken mee and sworne by them that are no Gods And by his lawes Deut. 28.58 Leu. 24.14.15 In the blinde time of Poperie in this land King Henry 5. made these good orders against this sinne If a Duke did sweare hee paid the poore fortie shillings If a Lord or Baron twentie shillings If a Knight or Esquier he paid tenne shillings If a Yeoman fortie pence If a page he was beaten naked with a whip Thirdlie I say that to sweare is to call him or that wee sweare by as a witnesse of the truth of our speech and action and to plague vs if we forsweare for our periurie Now the Lord alone is the searcher of all hearts and can alone finde out and reuenge periurie therefore is hee greatly dishonored and blasphemed when wee ascribe this power and honour to the creatures Now neither gouernours nor Prelates nor preachers feare any kind of oath Conci Carth. 4. ca. 16. Si clericus iurauerit excōmuniretur et deponatur Lastly by the testimonie of the good martyr of God master Hooper hee speaketh in these words if common swearers be suffered to sweare without punishment the sin is so abhominable that assuredly the Maiestrates and whole common wealth are like in time to smart for it Such as honour God shall bee honoured and such as despise him shall bee dishonoured 1. Sam. 2.30 Quest 90. What is the second sinne here condemned Periurie Ans Periurie or forswearing and this sinne Gods holie veritie describes to bee the abuse or prophanation of the name of God for the confirmation of a lie Leu. 19.12 Mat. 5.33 This sinner will either make the Lord blind and weake and easie to bee deceiued or to testifie and approue an vntruth Iosh 7.9 For this cause Achan is warned by Ioshua beefore his death to giue glorie vnto God in the confession of the truth and not by periurie and wicked swearing to stane his holie name with a lye How many sins in periury In the sinne of periurie I find these foule and grose sinnes bred as in a monstrous bellie the first is a lie which is a false speech vttered purposely to deceiue and this proceedes from the Diuell Iohn 8.44 The second sinne here is an impious inuocation of God to testifie and approue a lie The third euill in periurie is a prophane contempt of Gods threatning wherein he auoucheth that hee will fearfully plague all periured persons Lastlie this sinner is a great plague to the common wealth and all humaine societies for what contracts and bands of loue can there bee among men where faith and truth are buried for a holy oath which this sinner prophaneth and scorneth is the last refuge among gods people to end all controuersies Heb. 6.16 Arguments against periury More arguments against this great and fearefull sinne may bee these following First 1. Gods threatnings the spirit of God speaking in the Scriptures threatneth often these men saying by his Prophet Zachr 5.3.4 The curse of the Lord of hostes shall enter into the house of the theefe and into the house of him that falsely sweareth by my name and it shall remaine in the midst of his house and shall consume it with the timber thereof and stones thereof And againe 1. Ch. 8.17 Let none of you imagine euill in his heart against his neighbour and loue no false oath And by his Prophet Dauid Psal 5.6 Thou shalt destroy them that speake lyes the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitfull man Secondly 2. An example of Gods wrath for periurie hee plagueth this sinne in Dauids time with three yeeres famine on that land for that Ioshuas oath was not kept with the Gibeonites and when the seauen sonnes of Saul for violating that holy oath were executed it is said that God was appeased with the Land 2. Sam. ver Thirdlie the very Gentiles did greatly abhorre this sinne 3. The Gentiles did abhor periurie as wee may see in the King of Babilon who put out the eies of Zedekiah for the breach of his oath made vnto him 2. Chron. 36.12.13 2. King 25.6 Fourthly the Christian Emperours cut of the tongues of periured persons and other nations puld them out at their necks Lastlie the Lords charge vnto these sinners was 5. The publike repentance of a periured person that they must testifie their humiliation to the Church as in that act of restitution by a publike confession with signes of their vnfained sorrow for this sin and they must prouide their sacrifice which must bee offered for them by the Priests with the prayers of the Church that God may bee reconciled with them in Iesus Christ Leu. 6.3 and 5. Chap. ver Quest 91. What is the third sinne here condemned Ans In the third place wee may adde these sinnes Exorcismes adiurations by exorcismes and consecrations in the Popish Masse holy water coniurations and charmes in the profession and practise of witchcraft for by these the great name of God is greatly prophaned for coniurations and charmes can not bee practised without Scriptures Pater-nosters Aues and Creedes and such like good words First for exorcismes wee see in the practise of those stories Act. 19.13 the name of our Lord Iesus prophaned for Luke saith That certaine vagabond Iewes exorcistes tooke in hand to name ouer
Herodias daughters dauncing saith The Diuell daunceth in or by the maid The late writers speake euen the same words in effect master e Sermon on Iob. 80. Caluin saith that dauncing is but the Diuells inticement vnto whoredome Master f Mat. 14.6 Meretriciae lasciuiae turpis nota nubilis saltatio Marlora saith that dauncing in young maids is a foule note of whorish wantons A very g Tulli. Heathen speakes these words An honest man would not daunce in an open place for a great patrimonie But here they obiect that the Scripture commends dauncing in Dauid 2. Sam. 6. and Miriam with her companie Exod. 15. The answere is this first we must note the cause it was to testifie their cherefulnesse for that they saw the religion and holy worship of God to prosper Secondly they had no mixture of sex in their daunces Thirdly the forme is to be obserued it was a modest motion with the singing of a holy Psalme therefore farre was this action from all lasciuiousnesse And as the holy Ghost commendes this dauncing so hee condemnes all vaine and lasciuious dauncing as the dauncing of the daughter of a Mar. 6.23 Herodias the whorish dauncing at b Iudg. 21.21 Shiloh the dauncing before the c Exod. 32. Calfe and d Iob. 21.11 Iob noteth this as a common lure to vncleannesse Quest 127. Now proceede on to the rest of the senses that we may see also how they be baited for whoredome and vncleannesse Ans Heere also are condemned all curiositie and vanitie in confection of sweete perfumes and costly smels which serue not onely to comfort the braine but as prouocations to whoredome and vncleannes The harlot is noted for this Prou. 7.17 I haue perfumed my bed with Mirh Aloes and Cinamon and the proude women in Esais time Chap. 3.24 Thus wee see wee bee commaunded also to looke well to the sense of smelling now for the next which is the sense of tasting to it appertaine all the sinnes of intemperancie in meats and drinks And therefore here are condemned the grosse and foule sins of gluttonie and drunkennesse Gluttony and Dronkennesse as causes and common companions of whoredome and of all pollution Examples in Scripture and the experience of all ages cleere this truth fulnesse of bread and idlenesse did breede those vncleane sinnes of Sodom Ezech. 16.49 Gen. 19.33 Iud. 7.11 and Lot standing fast on his watch-towre of sobrietie could neuer be lured to any kinde of vncleannesse The Scriptures tye these sinnes together as in one string Prou. 23.20 1. Cor. 6.5 11. Gal. 5.21 1. Pet. 4.3 Lastly where the holy Ghost telleth vs that it is not good to touch a woman 1. Cor. 7.1 albeit hee forbids not holy mariage yet hee noteth also that this sense may easily be allured by touching of strange women to infect and poison the heart with vncleane lusts And thus farre of the adultrie of the senses or bridling the senses Quest 128. What can you say of the third kinde of adultrie or of the adultrous tongue Ans The tongue is a notable instrument whereby the Diuell fires and fils body and soule with the fire and rage of crueltie as we heard in the sixt Law and with vncleane lusts The word and common experience teach vs that euill words corrupt good manners 1. Cor. 15. and that a filthie speaker is a filthy liuer or hath neuer truely repented of his vncleane life for a filthy tongue is an infallible argument of an vncleane heart Mark 9. Therefore bee we commaunded to abstaine from all rotten and vnsalted communication Eph. 4.29 and 5.2.3 It is also noted for one of the markes of an harlot an impudent face and a filthie tongue Prou. 7.13.18 and in the yong widowes which Saint Paul condemneth as busie bodies and chargeth to goe to their second mariage to preserue chastitie for saith hee They speake things which are not comely 1 Tim. 5.13 Quest 129. Now proceede to speake of actuall adultrie but first let vs heare if yee haue any more speciall causes and prouocations to this sinne Ans Thus far then shall suffice of the adultrie of the heart of the senses and of the tongue which continually giue occasion and prouocation to the outward grosse and actuall sinne of Adultrie Now here wee may not forget idlenesse and the contagious societie and conuersation of the wicked first for idlenes the mother of many sinnes the Lord saith hee that follows the idle is destitute of vnderstanding Prou. 12.11 It is numbred and noted as one of the speciall sinnes of ●…om Abundance of idlenesse Ezech. 16.49 And the ●●ostle noteth it in the young foolish widowes 1. Tim. 5.12.13 They were idle pratlers and busie bodies Next vnto this we must carefully auoide the societie and familiaritie of vncleane persons for as hee that toucheth pitch can not be cleane so hee that conuerseth with vncleane persons or haunteth vncleane places can not be cleane The charge and councell of God against this wee may see Eph. 5.7 hauing condemned Adultrie and Whoredome as most vncleane sinnes hee addeth Be not therefore companions with them And againe ver 11. Haue no fellowship with the vnfruitful works of darknes but euen reproue them rather This Dauid teacheth vs. Psal 1. Hee that consults with the wicked shall fall into their wayes and practises and hee that stands in their waies long shall bee come resolute and dissolute in all euill wherefore let vs euer desire to consort our selues with the holy and religious and to be companions of them which feare the Lord loue the children of God delight in the saints Psal 119. 1. Ioh. 2. Psal 16. and honour them in our hearts Now to speake of the first grosse sinne condemned by name in this Law that is of actuall Adultrie First I say the word vsed in the originall doth signifie the defiling of such persons as be in the maried state for which cause the Pharises restrained this Law to such onely but wee haue heard Christ teach the contrarie that not onely this grosse actuall Adultrie is here condemned but all causes and like companions of it First actuall Adultrie is the breach of Gods holy institution Gen. 2.14 and of the couenant of God Prou. 2.17 Mal. 2.14 Secondly Heb. 13.4 a sinne that God threatneth often and plagueth often in this life Thirdly there is no one sinne that God so threatneth so strangely and with such solemnitie to discouer in the Church of the Iewes for the which the partie suspected was put to a most solemne purgation and tryall openly before the Priest congregation Num. 5.12.22 Fourthly 〈…〉 Adulterer or adultresse but carry within them a 〈…〉 and snake sent from God into their bosome and th●eth them where euer they goe or else their state is farre 〈◊〉 a deadnesse of heart hath possest th●… for as the ●●●phet Hosheah speaketh Chap. 4.11 ●●●●dome and wine 〈◊〉 away the heart so that of men
state he was naked yet not ashamed Ge. 2.25 such was the glory and maiestie of that body Now his deformitie is such that notwithstanding hee bee receiued to grace and reformed in some measure in Christ yet till hee bee refined in the resurrection hee cannot well thinke of much lesse looke vpon his owne nakednesse without shame as we see in our first Parents Gen. 3.7 If our bodies in this mortalitie haue not a shadow of that excellent glory of the first Adam it is all lost That body was blessed void of all griefes This body wee know by our common experience is subiect to euils innumerable for wanting the guarde and fense of Gods prouidence the weakest creatures euen wormes and flies in a moment of time destroy and consume it That body had a wonderfull perfection in all senses This feeble body hath many wants and great weaknes in all parts therof That body was immortall this is subiect to death and mortalitie euery houre and to death eternall if it be not freed from the second death by the precious death of Iesus Christ Retentum mentis Secondly for his soule and spirituall substance where shined most the Image of God it hath euer since lost all grace and beautie Some poore light it hath in naturall things and a generall sight of God and goodnesse seruing onely to make him inexcusable Rom. 1.19.20 Heere first the bright shining light of Gods wisedome in the mind is cleane put out and darkenesse hath possest the very seate of reason Eph. 5.8 Iohn 1.5 And that wisdome which the Scripture calls carnall earthly Receptum mentis sensuall and diuellish 1. Cor. 1.20.21 Iames. 3.15 By this we cannot comprehend God Ioh. 1.5 1. Cor. 2.14 for this is enemy to God and all goodnesse Rom. 8.7 Next this facultie is become so vaine that in spirituall things it cannot discerne between truth and errour euill and goodnesse Eph. 4.17 Lastly this man is apt onely by nature to thinke and conceiue in minde that which is euill Gen. 6.5 2. Cor. 3.5 Ierem. 4.22 so that we haue by nature the spawne of all heresie and errour Gal. 5.20 Secondly the conscience of the first man was full of true ioy peace and consolation This deformed Adam 1. Retentum conscienciae first hath left in him some conscience to check and bridle the rage of his disordered affections Rom. 2.15 2. Receptum conscientiae But his conscience is vncleane and vncomfortable Tit. 1.15 before it be purged by the bloud of Christ from dead works Heb. 9.14 Thirdly Free will is proper onely to God and no creature whatsoeuer the first man had freedome and strength to will and performe that which was good holy and right yet was he and his will mutable for God alone is immutable This man hath a certaine libertie of will in all naturall ciuill and morall actions and in euill things but no strength to will or desire that which is good and acceptable vnto God 1. Retentum voluntatis 2. Receptum voluntatis beefore grace and faith in Iesus Christ be giuen him as is manifest by these holy Scriptures Rom. 5.6 Phillip 2.13 2. Cor. 3.5 Fourthly and lastly the first Adam had a wise heart a meeke spirit and all his affections well ordered and well gouerned by the light which was in his minde This second man hath his affections but so distempered and so disordered that he cannot gouerne them Receptum affectionum but is rather ruled and gouerned by them till grace in Christ come to crucifie the flesh with the affections and lusts Gal. 5.24 The fourth argument of the first mans excellencie The fourth Argument was his soueraigne dominion and rule and power which God gaue him ouer all creatures Psal 8. But now this second Adam hath lost all that dignitie for the creatures all repine disdaine and grone to serue him Rom. 8.22 and haue all lost their first grace and beauty Tit. 1.14.15 Quest 4. What is the vse of all these arguments concerning the miserie of this deformed Adam or man without Christ Ans First the former meditation serues to humble vs by due consideration of that glory and beautie we lost and of the deformitie and miserie wee bee come vnto Secondly this meditation ought to curbe and bridle vs that we neuer let lose our hearts to sinne against God for if God spared not the first man for sinne in his excellencie he will not spare vs in this miserie Thirdly this ought to awake all sinners seeing they find themselues thus miserable without Christ to labour in all holy meanes to put on Christ that they may be freed from this bondage and recouer their former excellencie againe specially seeing that by his Gospell he reacheth forth daylie his louing hand calling such from darknesse into his meruailous light Quest 5. The second demonstration of a mans misery in vnbeleefe or without Christ what is it Ans It is the historie of mans first rebellion and apostacie from God recorded Gen. 3.1.2 Quest 6. What must we principally note in this story Ans First a conference or disputation Secondly the issue and end of it in the conference first the persons confering and disputing where consider two things First The tempter and deceiuer Sathan Secondly the tempted and deceiued Eaue Secondly the conference it selfe where consider two things First the argument waightie life and death 2. the manner 1. The tempters challenge 2. The womans answere 3. Sathans reply The issue of the conference First high transgression and rebellion is committed First they ioyne in league with Sathan Gods arch-enimie Secondly they fall into flat rebellion and breach of Gods Law Gen. 3.6 Secondly great miserie ensued The arguments whereof are First feare and trembling within Secondly shame and nakednes without Quest 7. This Scripture is very excellent what speciall points are wee to obserue in this story Ans First that Sathan is an old murtherer as our Lord Christ cals him Iohn 8.44 For that he murdred as heere wee see our first parents in the beginning Secondly how that our first parents in their first state of excellency being left of God for that instant for iust causes onely knowne to himselfe and hauing no strength but their owne they fell by degrees into many fearefull sinnes for all their wisedome and graces failed them when Gods good spirit left them Thirdly Sathans choise for instruments is to bee noted for like as then hee chose the subtellest of all beasts for that worke So in all ages for the like attempts hee desires the best wits and most apt to deceiue For Magick in Egipt and Chalde the Priests and the Astrologers serued him well in that facultie In Absolons conspiracie Achitophell serued him well for that practise Iohn 13.27 for heresie and schisme none more fit to seduce men from Gods truth as false Teachers false Prophets false Priests 1. Pet. 3.7 1. Tim. 2.14 By such
as when we haue sworne to doe any thing the doing whereof is a manifest sin and breach of Gods law that oath may not bee kept as Herods oath for the death of Iohn Baptist Mar. 6. and the Iewes to kill Paul Act. 23.14 Dauid knew that he had sinned in swearing rashly Nabals death 1. Sam. 25.21 and was changed and did blesse God afterwards for the changing of his minde Thirdly if the matter or cause of our oath be lawfull albeit hard and to our losse yet our oath must euer bee performed Psal 15.4 Quest 101. Tell mee breefely what other good things be principally required at our hands in this Law Ans These duties following doe most concerne Gods name and glory for without them God can not possibly be glorified The first is priuate instruction of our families The third branch of the obedience of the third law instruction of our famalies this God requireth at our hands Deut. 6.6 for that without this there is no hope that Gods great name may be hallowed in our houses of this hee speaketh in these words Deu. 6.6 The words which I commaund thee this day shall bee in thine heart and thou shalt rehearse them continually vnto thy children and shalt talke of them when thou tarriest in thine house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou risest vp Secondly to take all occasion gladly when it is offered 4. To praise Gods excellencie and to seeke occasion in time and place conuenient to commend Gods greatnesse excellencie wisedome power goodnesse iustice and mercie manifested vnto vs in his word and in his works Psal 8.1 Bradford his meditations 1. Gods works 2. Gods words O Lord our God how excellent is thy name in all the world which hast set thy glory aboue the Heauens and O Lord how excellent are thy works in wisdome hast thou made them all Psal 12.6 The words of the Lord are pure words as the siluer tryed in a furnace of earth fined seauen fold Psal 119. O Lord thy word endureth for euer in heauen Psal 19.8.9 it conuerteth the soule it reioyceth the heart And this dutie wee must desire to remember in the vse of his creatures euer desiring they may be sanctified vnto vs by the word and praier first the word must teach vs what when and how to vse the creatures 1. Tim. 4.4 Secondly by prayer wee desire Gods presence and the grace of his spirit for the sanctification of them to vs. 1. Cor. 10.3 Thirdly the name of god is magnified by a free profession of his truth which is a true declaration of that holy certain knowledge wee haue receiued of him and his will by his word as need shall require beeing ready to approue it with losse of goods and life as may best serue to Gods glory and the confirmation and saluation of our brethren Rom. 10.10 With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to Saluation Mat. 10. Whosoeuer confesseth me before men I will confesse him before my father which is in heauen 1. Pet. Who is it that will harme you if you follow that which is good notwithstanding blessed are ye if ye suffer for righteousnesse sake yea feare not their feare neither be ye troubled but sanctifie the Lord God in your harts and be ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you Heb. Now call to remembrance the dayes that are past in the which after ye had received light ye endured a great fight in afflictions partly while yee were made a gazing stock both by reproches and afflictions and partly while ye became companions of them which were so tossed too and fro for both ye sorrowed with me for my bonds suffered with ioy the spoyling of your good knowing how that ye haue in heauen a better more enduring substance Reu. 6.9 And when he had opened the first seale I saw vnder the Altar the soules of them that were killed for the word of God and for the testimonie which they maintained c. Cha. 14.12 Here is the patience of the Saints here are they that keepe the commandements of God and the faith of Iesus And for a motiue the Lord bindeth himselfe to aduance them to the chaire of honour that will honour him and vomits them as a loathsome burthen that be luke warme professors of his truth 1. Sam. 2.32 Reue. 3. The sixt branch of the obedience of the third Law Fourthly and lastly true zeale is a speciall grace whereby the great name of God is magnified in and by the saints This is often both commaunded and commended in the holy Scriptures first Christians must bee zealous in the profession of Godlinesse and repentance Reue. 3.19.2 Cor. 7.1 and of good works Tit. 2.14 and in euery good thing Gal. 4.18 Secondly examples Moyses Exod. Phinehas Num. 25.7 Psal 106.30 Elias 1. King 18.21 Dauid Psal 69.9 and 119.139 Epaphras Col. 4.13 Definition We may describe godly zeale to be a griefe of heart conceiued for the contempt of God and his word mixt with a holy endeauour to redresse any such euill so much as in vs lyeth and to performe any good work to the aduancement of Gods Glory and the Saluation of his children Notes of true Zeale First true zeale beginneth in our selues and casteth the first stone at our selues and plucketh the beame out of our owne eyes that we may the better draw the mote out of our brothers eye and taketh his proceeding to others Gen. 14.23 Iob. 1. Thus Abraham with all the Patriarks and Prophets bee euer more zealous against themselues then others Secondly true zeale is ielous euen of those secret euils in our selues which are not onely not espied of others but are vnknowen also to ourselues though our conscience doth not presse vs yet herein are we not iustified saith Saint Paul Thirdly true zeale is constant not hot by fits cold in affliction and hot so long as the world fauoureth it keepeth a continuall tenour Saul and Pharao haue good motions by fits but Christians must bee constant in their zeale and loue Fourthly true zeale will cause vs to reioyce in the publike prosperitie of the Church when priuate crosses make vs sad Paul imprisoned was not so greeued at his owne bands as hee reioyced at the libertie of the Church and Gospell The tryall and examination of the Conscience First examine thy selfe as in the presence of God the searcher of all hearts whether thou hast all thy life so ordered thy minde thine heart and thy tongue that thou hast neither thought nor spoken any thing of god nor of his word and works but most reuerently euer desiring to aduance the excellencie of his name imprinted in them Whether thou hast not committed the sinnes forbidden in this Law Swearing The terrible oathes as Atheists on this
friendship and neighbour-hood thirdly against any man for the Image of God is to be respected in euery man Gen. 9. Secondly in the forme and manner of proceeding in this action these differences must bee respected First There be some close practises of crueltie as either to consent counsell or command secretly the death of any man as Saul in the death of Stephen Act. 7.58 Herod for the Baptist Mar. 6. Iesabel against Naboth Dauid against Vrias 2. Sam. 13.28 or to poison secretly any man as Iesuites do Princes witches doe many being taught by Sathan in their practises or in iudgement secretly to peruert iustice for rewards is an exceeding great crueltie This we see in wicked Felix against Paul Act. 24.25 and 28. Secondly some open actuall cruelties first in the open courts of iustice and iudgement to let the murtherer escape with his pardons or howsoeuer this is great crueltie against the whole land which must then beare the wrath of God for the sinne of one man Num. Secondly out of iudgement there are many kindes first against the liuing secondly against the dead Crueltie against the liuing is to take away the life of any or to hurt or wound any man in body or in soule Crueltie against the dead as not to burie the dead is a heathenish inhumanitie and a punishment for the wicked Ier. 22.19 2. Chro. 36.8 First concerning the murthering of parents and children the sinne is so detestable and against nature that heathens being * Romulus demanded wherefore they made no Law for the punishment of such sinners they answered first for that they thought such euils could not be committed of any againe the Heathen Iudges made a law that a Snake a Dog a Cock and an Ape should bee bound together in a sack with the murtherer and all cast into the deepe sea for that they would haue no man once thinke of such sinnes but with horrour and trembling If these sinners escape the hands of men we neuer reade or find that they do escape the heauie iudgements of God as wee see in Absalon and Cain they are set forth as memorable examples for all ages Quest 122. What thinke you of a combat for the ending of some strife and to trie a truth Ans First it hath no warrant from God in his word Dauid for his combat with Golias had an extraordinary motion So likewise Phineas and Elias when they slew those Idolaters and vncleane persons Secondly I say that the Lord in his wise prouidence hath appointed other Lawfull meanes to appease strife and to manifest a truth if hee will haue it reueled Thirdly and lastly wee know by experience that this is an occasion of sowing the seede of contention and strife in many and the cause of much bloud-shed in Children and posteritie Fourthly the very Pagans will denie this to be fortitude Aristole will condemne it for foole-hardines Quest 123. Now proceede to the affirmatiue part and tell me breefely what is commanded in this Law Ans The summe of this part is this doe what lyeth in thee to preserue the life body and soule of thy neighbour And here wee shall not neede to dwell long for that hauing seene the deformitie darkenesse and danger of the former sinnes wee may soone espie and see the beautie brightnesse and excellency of the contrary vertues here commended First if wee take some short view of Christian charitie commaunded in the whole Law wee shall the better perceiue what speciall branches of it are commended here vnto vs. Loue or Charitie may well be described to be a supernaturall grace or gift of God proceeding from faith vnfained and from a pure heart kindled and wrought in vs by the sight of the pardon of sinnes and the feeling of the loue of God shed into our hearts First that it is a gift of God Saint Iohn teacheth 1. Epistle Chap. 4.7 Loue commeth of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God Secondly that it resteth in a cleane hart Saint Paul sheweth saying 1. Tim. 1.5 Loue proceedes from a pure heart Act. 15.9 from a good conscience and from faith vnfained Thirdly that it is a consequent and fruit of the pardon of sinnes Christ assureth vs. Luke 7.47 Many sinnes are forgiuen her for she loueth much and faith quickens and informes loue rather then loue faith Fourthly and lastly that here is required the feeling in gods loue appeareth Rom. 5.5 The loue of God is shed into our harts by the holy Ghost which is giuen vs. The commendation of this grace is great in Scripture First it is the girdle and band of all perfection teaching vs how to make right vse of all the gifts and graces wee receiued for the mutuall good and edification one of another Col. 3.14 Secondly it is patient and gentle 1. Cor. 13.14 and so the mother of all peace and concord teaching vs to passe by many iniuries to continue our peace with God and men 1. Cor. 13. Thirdly It is more profitable in the Church then any of the extraordinarie gifts of the spirit as the gifts of prophecying of strange tongues of healing and such like 1. Cor. 13. ver 8. Fourthly it is an infallible testimonie vnto our spirits we are translated from death to life if we loue the Saints 1. Ioh. 3.14 Psal 16.4 Fiftly the Lord Christ labours to beate this into mens hearts Mat. 5.23.28 which men will not receiue without Gods speciall grace haue seasoned them that no seruice to God is accepted without faith to God and loue to men Es 1. Rom. 14. Heb. 11.6 Quest 124. But I pray you let vs heare what speciall branches of obedience be here commaunded Mercifulnes or humanitie to man and beast Ans First as God condemneth all crueltie to the creatures so God commendeth here the cherishing and preseruation of the life of man and beast he hath here set himselfe a patterne and example for vs to follow Psal 145. God is good to all creatures he giueth to beasts their food and to the rauens when they cry Psal 147.9 Pro. 12.10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast but the mercies of the wicked are cruell A holy selfe-loue in the preseruation of our owne soules and bodies Secondly A holy selfe-loue is here commended for we must with continuall care endeuor the preseruation of our soules and bodies euerlastingly by the right vse of the means which god in wisdome hath appointed The soule must continually be fed and nourished with the knowledge of God and good things Prou. 10 2● The lips of the righteous feede many The Soule must be well dieted and for this the book of God prescribeth teaching vs to receiue the word with meekenesse as babes do their milke 2. Pet. 1.1 as the ground the seed 1. Pet. 1.23 as the stock the graft for it is able to saue the soule Iames. 1.19 Next the body must bee preserued with all
by the 23. Psalme on this manner When the great shepeheard of our soules our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ shall haue fed vs well in the greene pastures of his word when we haue druncke well of his sweete waters the graces of his spirit when by his word and spirit hee hath couerted our soules when hee hath well trayned and schooled vs in the pathes of holinesse and true righteousnesse then beegin wee to make this comfortable conclusion of faith in our hearts The Lord Iesus Christ is my true Sauiour and shepeheard of my soule 3. Conclusions of faith against 3. kindes of feares commō to all the faithfull 1. Feare of wants 2. Feare of death 3. Feare and doubt of election and perseuerance Psal 15.1 And out of this argument wee conclude three other conclusions of Faith first I am well assured I shall neuer want any thing that is good for my body and soule Secondly I shall not feare that is bee oppressed with feare in the valley of the shadow of death euen when death it selfe approcheth Thirdly against all doubts of election and grace of perseuerance Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercie shall follow me for euer that is I shall liue in Gods fauour and Church on earth for a time and in heauen for euer Thus by degrees wee grow vnto that comfortable assurance of Faith and to that sweet * Rom. 5.1.2 reioycing in hope of the glory of God And yet when a man is come to this ripenesse and perfection of faith this man otherwhiles may bee so weake in the apprehension of Gods mercie and in the assurance of the pardon of sinnes specially if either hee hath liued in grose sinnes before his conuersion or hath fallen to anie one after grace receiued that albeit grace and peace bee offred most comfortably both by the outward ministrie of the word and the inward working of the spirit vnto the conscience yet the assurance of grace and the spirit of adoption seales not the pardon till a man bee well humbled and hath renued his repentance albeit the Lord long before hath past the graunt of the pardon of those sinnes vnto him Dauids example cleeres this vnto vs The Lord pardons his grieuous sinnes of Adultrie and Murther this is published by the Prophet and put as it were into his hand and heart yet hee is not comforted in the assurance of the pardon nor receiues the blessed seale of adoption before he had long exercised and humbled his heart in repentance Confer 2. Sam. 12.13 with the 51. Psalme Quest 11. What are those things which a Christian must of necessitie beleeue and in beleeuing professe and confesse in the visible Church of God before his people and before his enemies men and Angels Ans To beleeue with the heart brings a man to the assurance of righteousnesse Rom. 10.10 and to professe with the mouth is the way to saluation Wee are to beleeue all and euerie word of God specially the promises of the Gospell which are vnto vs as the legacies of the last will of Iesus Christ and when we shall haue knowne and beleeued them wee must for our further confirmation and that wee may be discerned from all Atheists and vnbeleeuers learne to make true confession of the faith we hold in that forme we haue most excellently set downe in the Creede commonly called the Apostolicall Symbole or the Apostles Creed Quest 12. Tell me how many Creeds be there and which is the best and what they containe Ans There haue beene many formes set downe since the Apostles time and yet all of one and the same in substance And they may well bee referred to three kindes First generall Creedes receiued with the authoritie and the generall consent of the Catholick Church as the Apostolicall and * Nicene Creede Secondly particular Ruff. 1. ch 5. Creedes either nationall or of particular Churches as of the Church of England France Scotland Thirdly proper Creeds as that of Athanasius and that of Constantine to the king of Persia or of any one man and these we may call the confessions of priuate men The Apostolicall Creed is most worthy most ancient most Catholike and of greatest authoritie commonly called the Symbole of the Apostles Symbolum Apostolorum a Simbole because it is a speciall note to discerne Christians from vnbeleeuers Apostolicall because it was gathered out of the writings of the Apostles and is most consonant with all the holy Scriptures and all other Creedes are but an exposition and enlargement for the better cleering of this This Creed was deliuered in this forme because the conuerts in elder ages which came to professe Christ in their Baptisme were to make answere before the congregation to this question How dost thou beleeue or what beleeuest thou The answere hee made was according to the forme of the Creed I beleeue in God c. This Creede sets beefore in a short view to helpe our memories all whatsoeuer wee are principally to hold and beeleeue concerning saluation And these points here set downe be so necessarie and so linked together that if ye denie any one yee deny all if yee renounce any one yee can not bee saued Againe they are commonly diuided into twelue Articles or branches which for our better edification may be set downe in this forme as followeth 1 I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth 2 I beleeue in Iesus Christ his onelie Sonne our Lord. 3 I beleeue that Iesus Christ was conceiued by the holie Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary 4 I beleeue that Iesus Christ suffered vnder Pontius Pilat was crucified dead and buried descended into hell 5 I beleeue that Iesus Christ rose againe the third day from the dead 6 I beleeue that Iesus Christ ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father almightie 7 I beleeue that Iesus Christ shall come from thence to iudge the quick and the dead 8 I beleeue in the holie Ghost 9 I beleeue the holie Catholike Church the communion of Saints 10 I beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 I beleeue the resurrection of the flesh 12 I beleeue the life euerlasting Amen Quest 13 What are the speciall parts of this Creed Ans This Confession of the Faith hath two principall parts First the confession of our Faith concerning God first the Father Act. 1. secondly the Sonne thirdly the holy Ghost Act. 8. Secondly the confession of our faith concerning the Church that first it is Catholike Act. 9. Secondly it hath the communion of Saints Act. 9. Thirdly it hath remission of sinnes Act. 10. Fourthly that it shall haue a holy resurrection Act. 11. Fifty that it shall haue euerlasting life and glory Act. 12. Quest 14. First what beeleeue and professe you in this Creed and according to this Creed concerning God Ans I professe and say in this Creede that I beleeue in God the Father I beleeue in God the Sonne and I beleeue
The signes that Christ had the Victorie and triumphed ouer his enemies on the crrsse are these First the monument of the victorie is this Col. 2 14.15 Christ tooke the hand-writing or debt-bill which was against his elect euer testifying their sinne and debt namely the ceremoniall law and curse of the morall law and nailes them to the crosse Secondly on the Crosse hee also triumphed ouer his enemies as the Apostle speaketh Col. 2.15 for the Diuell and his Angels death hell and condemnation were taken prisoners their armour weapons and stings taken from them so as they shall neuer hurt his elect any more Ro. 8.1.1 Cor. 13.58 Quest 39. Proceede to speake of the second degree of Christs humiliation as namely of his buriall do you beleeue he was buried Ans That I doe for so I am taught of God Christs buriall and commanded and this Faith is exceeding comfortable And here also the Faith of the Church before Christ is the same with the Faith of the Church vnder the Gospell for the elder ages were taught thus to beleeue according to the prophecie Esa 53.9 Hee made his graue with the wicked and with the rich in his death though hee had done no wickednesse neither was there any deceit in his mouth The accomplishment for our further confirmation and setling of our hearts in this faith we haue testified by all the foure * Ioh. 19.38 Math. 27 59. Luke 23.52 Mark 15.46 Euangelists who record the persons time place and manner of his buriall First the persons were honorable and reuerend Ioseph of Aramathea Io. 3.2 19.39 and Nicodemus that disputed with him of regeneration and came vnto him by night These two secret disciples that before this persecution were little seene in following Christ now in the heat of the persecution when the best professours forsooke him the Lord gaue them the spirit of fortitude to professe him openly and to burie him honourably Secondly the manner of his buriall was very honorable for the persons before named prouided richly for it Mat. 27.59 Iohn 19.40 Ioseph for his part brought cleane and fine linnen clothes and Nicodemus of Aloes and Mirrh the waight of an hundreth pounds And the body being wrapped vp in the clothes and sweete odours they laid it in a tombe hewen out of a rock wherein was neuer man before laid Next they make the place sure closing it vp with a stone to couer the mouth of it Mar. 15.43 Lastly the Iewes seale vp the stone that none might presume to open it and for this they set Souldiers to watch it And all this was done that it might more cleerely yet bee manifested by his glorious resurrection from the dead Rom. 1.3.4 that hee was the Sonne of God The vse of this Faith and what consolation and confirmation we haue hereby is this First wee haue by his buriall a further confirmation of his death for in that this is sufficiently testified vnto vs it is most manifest that hee certainely dyed for that hee thus far humbled himselfe to haue his precious body inclosed in the graue Againe his resting for a time in the graue serues well for the same purpose against all enemies which will denie the truth of his death Secondly wee bee taught here that like as Christ being now dead for our sinnes rested in the graue so wee also hauing a misticall and admirable communion with him by faith and the secret working of the holy Ghost in our hearts wee I say must doe as hee did that is like as he by the power of his God-head did ouercome the graue and power of death in his owne person Rom. 6.3 and 8.11 so must we by the very same power receiue grace to kill sinne and bury sinne in our selues Thirdlie let vs neuer feare the power of the graue any more nor the wrath of God in it for that Iesus Christ by his death and buriall hath taken away the power of the graue from vs yea hath made it a bed to sleepe in for his elect vnto the day of his glorious appearance Quest 40. What can you say of the third and last degree of his humiliation doe you beleeue hee descended into hell Ans I doe so albeit this Article hath beene a Ruff in exposi Symboli doubted of many and of many Churches in their confessions pretermitted for it seemes vnto me the holy Ghost speakes to this effect Act. Thou wilt not leaue my soule or my life or my person in the hell or in the graue neither wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption Here the greatest is what the word which is of some translated Hell of others Graue here should signifie for that it hath many acceptions or signification in Scripture First it signifieth the graue as Gen. 37.35 I shall discend to the * Sheolah so Gen. 42.38 graue sorrowing Secondly by translation or a Metaphor it signifieth the place of the damned as Psal 49.14 and Num. 16.33 So they and all that they had went downe into the graue Psal 49.14 or hell Thirdly this word signifieth also extreeme sorrowes as Psal 18.4 Psal 18.5 The sorrowes of the graue haue compassed me about 1. Sam. 2.6 Fourthly it is also taken for the state which is in buriall and which followes the graue as that condicion of the dead lying now as lookd vp and as it were swallowed vp of death as Esay 14.11 Thy pompe is brought downe to the graue speaking in contempt of the pride of the king of Babilon Now I can not beleeue that hell in this Article signifieth the graue for that were but to darcken and obscure that which was cleerely set downe before which is not vsuall with Gods spirit specially in so short an abstract Secondly I can not vnderstand this place of the hell of the damned Luke 1.3 First for that the Euangelists specially Luke promising so exactly to write of all points spake nothing of locall descention to the place of the damned Secondly If he descended into hell it must be in his god-head or man-hood the God-head can neither ascend nor descend for it fils at all times all places If in his man-hood hee descended it was either in soule or body the soule was the same day in Paradise Luke 23.43 the body three daies and three nights in the graue and I can not see how in eyther of these parts hee descended into hell Thirdly there is an analogie betweene the first Adam and second Adam the first Adam the same day he sinned was cast out of Paradise the second Adam the same day he made satisfaction for sinne went immediately into paradise Fourthly many confessions of faith in former ages mention no such locall descention of Christ yea a great number haue clean omitted it as is aforeshewed I know there is great strife concerning this poynt but wee may not striue for that wee bee brethren but aske that wisedome
of God which hath these holy properties Iames. 3.15.17 it is pure next peaceable sober tractable ful of mercie and good fruits without iudgeing or dissembling The Papists endeuor to defend the locall descension with traditions and authoritie of the Church some Protestants which hold this defend it or desire to doe it by Scripture And albeit both agree touching his descent yet they disagree touching the end of his descension The Popish tradicion or vnwritten veritie is that there bee foure chambers in hell The first is purgatorie the second is the Limbo of the fathers beefore Christ the third is the Limbo of infants not baptised the fourth is the lowest place or hell of the damned Now they affirme forsooth that Christ went downe to the Limbo or lake where the Fathers were before his comming kept as it were in a barren drie cold wildernesse as in a prison for they spake of this place as of the porch or entrance into hell and they say they haue Scripture for it Psa 107.16.18 Zach. 9 11. Es 38.10 I answere first this popish inuention is farre from Scripture for wee neuer read of any such place or words tending to such a purpose Secondly the Scripture neuer speakes but of two places one for the elect and an other for the reprobate men and Angels thirdly as for Abrahams bosome it can not signifie either Purgatorie or any Limbo First for that there was ioy in Abrahams bosome but here as they say is none Secondly for the distance of place was so great betweene it and the hell of the damned Luke 16. that it can not bee any Limbo which as they say is so neere hell as if there were but an hedge betweene them Thirdly wee say the Fathers had the same Christ with vs. He. 13. the same faith Heb. 11. the same Sacraments in substance 1. Cor. Ergo they had the same glory and therefore neuer came to Limbo Lastly it is cleerly auouched that the soules departed before Christ went to God that gaue them Eccles 12. The Protestants which defend a locall descention are of this iudgement for that they finde some Scriptures which seeme to serue well for this purpose The first Scripture which is most cited to this ende is 1. Pet. 3.19 Christ was quickned in spirit by the which spirit hee went and preached to the Spirits which are in prison First for this Scripture it is like that hee alludes here to that which is written Gen. 6. ver 3. My spirit shall not alwaies striue with man For it was the spirit of Christ which then preached by Noah and the ancient Patriarches before him against whom those Gigantine spirits of Cains progenie did so resist to their owne perdition I say therefore that the spirit of Christ which is here said to preach was not his soule but his God-head or the holy Ghost who proceedes from the Father and the Son And againe this is said here that this spirit did quicken him or rased him from the dead Now it is cleere that the holy Ghost quickned Christs dead body vniting his soule and body againe together in his resurrection and that by his owne almightie power Rom. 1.3.4 and 8.11 Further it is here said that he went to preach to the spirits that are in prison whereby they vnderstand the damned I answere take the words following which were disobedient in the dayes of Noah And now see what can they make of it But that he must goe preach to a few damned Ghosts and not to all in hell To be short then the meaning of this place is this that Christ in his eternall God-head did preach by Noah as by other Patriarches vnto the soules that are now in prison which in the dayes of Noah were men liuing on the earth at which time Christ did preach vnto them and neuer since The same Apostle hath the like speech 1. Eph. chap. 4. ver 6. Vnto this purpose was the Gospell preached vnto the dead The second Scripture most vrged for this purpose is the place before cited Act. 2.37 Thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption I answere Saint Peters drift here is plaine hee alleadgeth this Scripture to proue the resurrection as ver 33. He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ what spake he namely these words his soule was not left in hell Now I trust no man will say there is any resurrection of the soule The word Soule signifies often the whole person Rom. 13.1 1. Cor. 15.41 Reue. 20.14 1. Co 1.15.55 as Leu. The Soule that sinneth shall dye The word here translated Hell signifies also as often the graue And Peters opposition betweene Dauids graue and Christs hell is to be obserued for Dauid saw-corruption in his graue but Christ did not albeit hee were locked vp in the graue as sure as he for three dayes Quest 41. I pray you passe by all other arguments and controuersies concerning this Article and let mee heare your iudgement and beleefe plainely as you can and what vse you make of this faith Ans I must then passe ouer their iudgement also which take the word Hell for the extreeme hellish sorrowes which Christ suffred on the Crosse and in the Garden And I will doe so willingly for I trust none of them loue to bee contentious Yet to giue reason of my dislike of this acceptation I answere such as bee brethren on this wise breefly First that Christ in his death and before did suffer extreeme sorrowes and therefore the same set downe clearely before may not here bee obscurely repeted Secondly that his passions before death were inuisible and inexplicable not terrors but hellish torments his bloudy a Luk. 23.24 sweat his b Mat. 27.47 strong crying his c Heb. 5.7 amazednesse are cleare and most euident demonstrations I doe therefore iudge these words hee descended into hell are best vnderstood in the fourth acception of the word for by the graue or this word Hell that base condition of the body lying in the graue as it were in the dungeon and bondage of death is often vnderstood and in this state was Christ in the graue all which time the Diuell and the Iewes and death seemed to triumph ouer him for thus the Scripture speakes as of him Es 53.8 Hee was taken out from prison wherefore for a time hee lay as swadled in the bands of death so of his type Ionas cha 2. ver 2. In mine affliction haue I called vpon the Lord and he hath heard me from the belly of Hell haue I called vpon thee and thou hast heard my voyce And albeit Christ was exceedingly humbled on the crosse and accounted as one forlorne and forsaken of God yet the rage and madnesse of his enemies had not beene satisfied vnlesse hee had wholy lyen shut vp and bound vp in the graue For they were not quieted nor secure touching their victorie
ouer him Mat. 27.62.63 till the sepulcher was sealed and kept with a certaine number of armed men And thus the enemies of grace labored for the cutting off of the Messias Dan. 9. and to triumph ouer him But he was soone loosened of the sorrowes of death and these bands of hell as Saint Peter speaketh it was impossible for this Sampson to bee long so bound vp of his enemies Act. 2.24 And like as they seemed to triumph ouer the Lord and head vntill the resurrection so the same enemies Sathan death and the graue seeme to haue swallowed vp all the blessed members of Iesus Christ and to triumph ouer them in like manner but their deliuerance also commeth for which cause the Apostle teaching vs to cast the eye of our faith on the resurrection breakes forth into this holy exclamation 1. Cor. 15.55 O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory And thus the Sonne of God humbled himselfe and made himselfe as nothing Phil. 2.7 The Comforts and Fruits which follow this Faith are these First I am comforted by this lowest degree of Christs humiliation on this manner I see nothing was left vndone for the full acomplishment of the whole worke of my redemption for the Soune of God was left as it were for a season fast bound in the hands and in the bands of death Secondly I must bee comforted in extreeme dangers and afflictions of body and minde when I seeme to bee forsaken of God for I see the Son of God pressed but not oppressed cast downe into the danger of death yet not forsaken of god Thirdly when the feares of death and of the graue terrifie me I must record my former experience of Gods loue in mine illumination conuersion and sanctification Psal 23. and so ouercome the feares of death but specially to this end must I record this humiliation of the Sonne of God For his graue and buriall hath merited for vs that our graues shall bee for vs as beds of downe to keepe vs in safetie till the day of the resurrection and glorious appearance of the Sonne of God for I must bee assured that his precious body beeing thus humbled and as it were forsaken he shall take away all shame from the bodies of all his members by the merit of his buriall and descention into hell Quest 42. Thus far shall suffice of the degrees of Christs humiliation now proceed to speake of the three degrees of his exaltation and first let me heare what you can say of his resurrection from the dead Ans First I know and professe with mouth and beleeue in mine heart that Iesus Christ the onely beegotten Sonne of God being truely dead and buried rose againe in the same very body wherein hee dyed from death to life againe And of this I haue most pregnant proofe and cleere euidence to rest my faith vpon from the Scriptures and testimonies of holy men and Angels First the testimonie of Scriptures Thus the Apostle beginneth to proue the Resurrection 1. Cor. 15.3.4 I deliuered vnto you that which I receiued how that Christ dyed for our sinnes according to the Scriptures and that he was buried and that he arose the third day according to the Scriptures Rom. 4.25 Hee dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification 1. Cor. 15.14 If Christ bee not risen then is our preaching in vaine and our faith is also in vaine The prophecies are these Esay 53.8 He was taken out from the prison and from iudgement Psal 16.10 For thou wilt not leaue my soule in the graue neither wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption The accomplishment of these prophecies are often recorded in the new Testament namely in these places Act. 2.31 Dauid knowing before spake of the Resurrection of Christ that his soule should not be left in the graue neither his flesh should see corruption Againe of the same prophecie Paul speaking of the Resurrection of Christ alleadgeth it Act. 13.35 He saith also in another place Thou wilt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption Howbeit Dauid after he had serued his time by the counsell of God he slept and was layd with his Fathers and saw corruption but hee whom God raised vp saw no corruption The signe or type of this buriall and resurrection was Ionas The thing signified and the accomplishment of that prophecie is expresly recorded Mat. 12.39.40 Secondly the testimony of men accepted and approued of God in the Scriptures first the holy women which conuersed with him in his life saw the sepulcher and testified his resurrection Mat. 28.1 and their testimonie is allowed of God Secondly Peter saw him and testified it Act. 2. and his testimony is accepted for a good euidence 1. Cor. 15.5 Thirdly the twelue Disciples or witnesses which he had chosen they saw him and testified 1. Cor. 15.5 Ioh. 20.19 Fourthly the Apostle assureth vs that hee was seene of more then fiue hundred holy men at once and their testimony is good 1. Cor. 15.6 Fiftly hee addeth that hee saw Christ himselfe 1. Cor. 15.8 and his testimony is good Or thus his fiue appearances the first day first to Mary Magdalene Mar. 16.5.9 Iohn 20.11 The second appearance againe to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary Mat. 28.9 The third appearance to the two Disciples going to Emaus Luke 23.13 The fourth appearance to Peter alone 1. Cor. 15.5 The fift appearance was to al the Disciples Iohn 20.19 The sixt appearance in the fortie dayes following first eight dayes after his Resurrection to the Disciples in a house together Iohn 20.16 Secondly to sixe or seauen as they went to fishing Iohn 21.1 Thirdly to Iames alone 1. Cor. 15.7 Fourthly to all the Disciples in the mountaine where hee Mar. 16.6 Ioh. 20.12.13 gaue them the Apostolicall commission Mat. 28.16 Fiftly the fift and last was in the mount of Oliues when hee ascended Act. 1.12 Thirdly the testimony of Angels The Angels also as they did preach and testifie vnto men being sent from God his conception his birth so they serued attended and ministred vnto him in his life in his passion in his graue in his Resurrection and ascention as they also testifie of all these Articles of the faith Mat. The Angell of the Lord said to the women feare ye not for I know that ye seeke Iesus which was crucified he is not here for he is risen as hee said come see the place where the Lord was laid and goe quickly and tell his Disciples that he is risen from the dead and behold he goeth before you into Galilie there yee shall see him lo I haue told you Fourthly the fourth testimony is the testimony of euery beleeuing heart Euery beleeuer feeles in some measure and desires more and more with the Apostle Phil. 3.10 To feele and know the vertue of his Resurrection In things naturall a man must first haue experience in seeing and feeling and then beleeue but it is
greatest part of this world is in a spirituall bondage as it were captiues vnto Sathan and by him vnto death eternall as he is said to haue his throne among vnbeleeuers Reuel 2.12 Sixtly The old Dragon Reuel 12.9 because Sathan and all his wicked spirits haue many yeeres experience to seduce and to hurt Gods people Seauenthly Beliall 2. Cor. 6.15 for that as some say he is the author of confusion as Christ is of order These names are not giuen to one euill spirit as the chiefe Lord and commander of all the rest but the Scripture speaketh of these inuisible spirits after this manner to teach vs first that all wicked spirits doe conspire and agree as it were vnder one gouernment kingdome and cursed league to dishonour God and to destroy men Secondly for that they desire to tyranize ouer the soules and bodies of men euen in earth Lastly it is manifest that these names Principalities Ephe. 6 12. Dominions Powers and Thrones are come to all Diuels without exceptions Secondly what knowledge our spirituall enemies haue the Scripture best teacheth vs for the Scripture testifieth of their long experience deep knowledge great strength to hurt vs. First their experience is of fiue thousand yeeres and aboue Secondly By their long experience and quicke sight they are seene in the qualities and causes of most naturall things in this present world Thirdly they can soone discouer by reason of their agilitie and swiftnesse thinges which are far distant Fourthly They are well seene in the historie and bookes of holy Scripture Mat. 4.6 Fiftly and lastly they are often called to and sent of God for the execution of his iustice whereby they are able to speak other-whiles the truth of future euents as the Diuell did to the witch of Endor of Sauls death 1. Sam. 28.19 Thirdly for Sathans works hee and all wicked spirits are meruailous expert to hurt any of the visible creatures in the ayre in the water and on the earth and to worke great wonders where and when the Lord seales them his commission There strength appeares in Egipt in the grieuous and great plagues wherwith the Lord smote Egipt Psal 79.49 There strength appeares in that strange affliction of Gods holy seruant Iob by open violence of tempest destroying his children by secret suggestions in theeues and robbers spoyling his cattell and goods and close practises of strong poyson infecting his body with incurable botches and boyles Iob. Chap. 1. 2. Lastly the persecution of the Church of God by Tirants by Heretikes Witches and Wizards hath euer beene by the secret practises of wicked spirits working in the Children of rebellion Es 8.19.20 Leu. 20.6 1. King 22.22 Conferre these Scriptures 2. The. Reuel 2.10 Deut. 18.10.11 Leue. 20.27 Eph. 2.2.3 Quest 28. Now let vs heare the second point noted in the Answere of the 26. Question namely that Sathan works in all that are without Christ and how that is Ans Wee can easily proue that Sathan worketh in the children of rebellion and hauing receiued the spirit of grace and of iudgement soone discerne where hee worketh but very hard is it for vs to know in what forme and manner wicked Spirits so infect all vnbeleeuers The holy Ghost assureth vs hee can occupie and worke in them vpon the principall parts and faculties of the Soule and first for the heart the seat of our affections The Diuell put this in Iudas heart to betray his Maister Iesus Christ Ioh. 13.2 1. heart The Diuell commeth to the hearers of the word which are likened to the high way and takes away the word immediately out of their hearts Luke 8.12 Mar. 4.15 The Diuell filled Ananias and Saphiras heart with hypocrisie Asts. 5.3 2. minde Secondly for the minde and reason this part also is readie to heare and entertaine all euill motions of wicked spirits for they are called spirits of errour because they doe fill mens mindes with errour 1. Kings 22. and hold the mindes of men as it were fast bound that they may not admit the gracious light of God shining vpon them 2. Cor. 4 4. Where Sathan dwelleth signes of secret working To know then where Sathan dwelleth The Scriptures sets before vs these speciall arguments following First a heart filled with vnbeleefe Act. 5.3 Secondly The minde full of grosse ignorance in the very grounds of Saluation 2. Cor. 44. Heb. 5.12 Thirdly To walke in darkenesse when men pretend knowledge 1. Iohn Fourthly to dwell in polution and vncleannes of body and mind argue Sathans presence and effectuall working Mat. 12.44.45 Fiftly To rest contented with a bare historicall knowledge of the Gospell Luke 8.12 Sixtly to persecute the word with blasphemies Mat. 12.30 with violence Iohn 8.44 and with secret and subtile practises Act. 13.10 Seauenthly to bee so choaked with cares and pleasures as that the word cannot bee fastened on the heart Luke 8.14 Eightly long contempt of the meanes of Saluation argueth Sathans effectuall working 2. Tim. 2.25.26 Next for the manner of Sathans working in men As the holy Ghost works inuisibly and spiritually neither seene nor heard but felt inwardly in some measure in all true beleeuers better knowen by the fruits then by any sense much like the winde blowing where it listeth Iohn 3. euen so the operation of wicked spirits in vnbeleeuers is by an inuisible and secret breathing and suggestion when as men are perswaded they are carried away with the very imaginations and motions of their owne hearts and as the light of the Sunne peirceth the clouds water and aire so doth the Diuels operation the bodies of men Quest 29. I feele often many strong motions within mee which cause mee to tremble and I know not whence they come for I striue against them I feare euen to name them Ans All Gods people are so troubled in like manner much or little These motions and thoughts proceed from a speciall agent because first being so euill they proceed not from our soules nor from our corruption for that wee doe not delight in them at all but rather suffer them do any thing to trouble vs secondly Gods spirit is no cause of them for that they be so euill thirdly such strange and sodaine motions must come into vs by the secret working of Sathan Let vs then reioyce that we doe not intertaine them but pray and striue euer against them Quest 30. Now proceede to that you said in the third place Question 26. that all men without exception are bound ouer in this spirituall bondage vnto Sathan beefore that Christ lose them Ans True it is so And such a bondage and seruitude this is that these miserable captiues thinke not their state to bee a bondage but a freedome and so addicted bee such to follow Sathan that much calling and crying cannot reclaime their dead hearts Luke 11.21 till Christ himselfe vouchsafe to bind the strong man and to cast him forth and to open
confession I beeleeue in Iesus wee make profession and confession that wee know beleeue in and rest vpon Iesus Christ And this is an excellent profession and to it belong great * Mat. 16.16 Act. 10.43 promises of things temporall and eternall Ioh. 14.1 But first here when I say beleeue in Iesus 2. Wherefore I am thus to beleeue I haue good reason so to say and so to doe first for that I finde my Sauiour Iesus Christ to bee God euerlasting of the same substance and essence with God the a Ioh. 1.14 Heb. 1. Ioh. 10. Father and God the holy ghost Secondly because the father commandeth b Psal 2.12 me to loue him and beleeue in him And so the Sonne himselfe expoundeth his fathers c Io. 6.40 charge adding this also that to beleeue in Iesus Christ is the very worke of God in our hearts Iohn 6.29 This name Iesus was for good cause giuen him of his d Mat. 1.21 Luke 1.31 father The Angell rendreth the reason when hee saith for he shall saue the people from their sinnes And there is none other Sauiour neither ought saluation to bee sought in any other True it is that Ioshua was so called because hee was a liuely type of this Sauiour in leading Gods people to that temporall rest in Canaan So are godly Princes Prophets and ministers called e Obadiah ver 21. 1. Tim. 4.16 3. Christ properly called a Sauiour Sauiours because they are Gods instruments both for temporall deliuerances and eternall saluation But Iesus Christ is truely so called and properly beecause hee saues Iewes and Gentiles his elect of all nations by his owne onely merits actiue and passiue in his life and death and for that hee applies by his holie spirit the vertue of his death and resurrection vnto euery one of his elect in his good time both to crucifie and kill the power of sinne in them and to quicken them to serue him in all holinesse and righteousnes and to cheere their hearts in all euils of this life So then hee is the onely true and perfect f 1. Cor. 1.31 Gal. 5.4 Sauiour and iustly so called Quest 21. Now what vse is there and profit and comfort by this faith Ans First here I doe and must acknowledge that I feele and finde that before Christ receiued me to mercie I was vtterly lost and in the state of them which are vnder wrath for this cause Christ saith hee came to saue them which are lost Mat. 18.11 and 15.24 Euery beleeuer feeles that without Iesus hee is but as a lost thing and vtterly forlorne and to be cast away for euer Secondly by this faith also must euery beleeuer bee comforted all his life It is the greatest matter of consolation in this life that wee haue that whereas wee meete continually with afflictions in this life yet this cheereth our hearts wee haue a Sauiour which is faithfull and mightie and who will keepe vs vnto his euerlasting kingdome This is that faith which cheered Adam in Paradise and all the beleeuers from the beginning And to this end the Angels said to the shepeheards Behold I bring you tidings of great ioy that shall bee to all the people that is that vnto you is borne in the Citie of Dauid a Sauiour which is called Christ the Lord. Luke 2.10.11 Thirdly the papists and wizards and Exorcists which abuse this holy title and name of Iesus in their holy water and exorcismes and coniuracions doe greatly blaspheme against this holy faith in Iesus Christ because they doe relie as their diuels teach and perswade them vpon the bare name of Iesus abusing it in their practises as those Iewish exorcists did in Pauls time They tooke in hand saith Luke to name ouer them which had euill spirits the name of the Lord Iesus saying we adiure you by Iesus whom Paul preacheth Act. 19.13 Albeit they abuse it greatly by their false faith yet wee may haue comfort when wee resting by a true Faith on Iesus doe call by this name instantly vpon him saying Lord Iesus helpe and Lord Iesus receiue my spirit Act. 7.59 Quest 22. Proceede on to the second title I beleeue in Christ and tell me where bee you commanded so to call the Sonne of God and so to beleeue and what you meane by this title Ans This title is vsed in all the prophecies of the old Testament concerning the Messias and in all Scriptures of the new Testament where those promises and prophecies are testified to bee accomplished as by conference of these Scriptures may be seene Psal 45. ver 6.7 and Dan. prophecied in the old Testament Luke 2. ver 10.11 and 25. ver 4. complement in the new Testament Where Iesus is called Christ Againe promised Esay 61. ver 1. performed Luke And againe Prophecied Psal 2. accomplished Act. 4.25 26.27 This title of Anointed among the Iewes was giuen onely to three kinds of callings Kings Priests and Prophets This title giues three callings Now for that this one blessed person is called sent and anointed of his Father a King to rule all a Priest to make expiation for all that shall bee saued a Prophet to teach all therefore iustly and truly is hee called for his excellencie the Christ the Lords anointed And whereas hee is said to be anointed with the oyle of gladnesse aboue all his fellowes Psal 45.7 wee must vnderstand that the prophecie is truely verified first Christ truely said to bee annointed in that the Father hath conferred these three offices on him onely and neuer vpon any other man or Angell Secondly for that he was anointed richly and wonderfully immediately by his father others typicially by the hands of men Thirdly for that none did euer receiue the holy ointment of God in that measure for the Spirit of the Lord rested vpon him Esa 11.2 the Spirit of wisedome and vnderstanding the Spirit of councell and of fortitude the Spirit of knowledge and of the feare of the Lord. Our Lord Christ as hee is God equall to his Father hath no neede of gifts but is the rich Lord of all Wherefore Christ is so annointed and giues freely but as hee is our Redeemer and in our nature is to execute the offices aforesaid of King Priest and Prophet hee hath need of this ointment that is of all these graces and hath receiued them in number more then men or * Io 3.34 Angels in perfection greater then men or * Col. 2.9 Angels Hee hath receiued them I say this person God and man first for the execution of his offices next that he might confer them on his members euery one in some * Eph. 4.7 measure that of his fulnesse we may all receiue this oile of gladnesse to cheere our hearts and grace for grace that is for that hee is full of grace therefore haue wee receiued this holy spirit of sanctification as deriued into vs
the Father then the light of one torch or great light doth the light of an other from which it is taken Sundrie persons most impiously haue taken this title vppon them falsely to bee called Gods Christ is the Sonne of God Note it well whosoeuer did it from the beginning of the world to this day he neuer wanted the fearefull signes of Gods wrath vpon him our first parents for affecting diuine honour Gen. 3. lost all their excellencie and beecame the children of wrath Herod was ambitiously impious this way but sodenly the Angell of God smote him The conuersion of the Gentiles is an argument of arguments to assure vs that Iesus Christ was the onely Sonne of God against all Atheists of all ages for how could that be that so many nations should turne subiects to his scepter but that the diuine power of God was in this worke and that this our Lord and God manifested in the flesh was so mightie and powerfull in and by his Gospell to conuert soules vnto him 2. Cor. Lastly That Christ is very God speciall rules of proportion require this that Iesus Christ bee very God first It is a worke of omnipotencie to bee a Sauiour of body and soule such a Sauiour was Christ secondly there must bee a proportion betweene the sinne of men and the punishment of sinne The sinne of men being against the infinite maiestie of God must haue a punishment infinite therefore such an infinite Redeemer Thirdly there was nothing could so quench the fierie darts of Sathan Epe 6. and the pollution of sinne in our consciences but the bloud of such an infinite Mediator Fourthly God herein doth manifest his grace and loue vnto vs in that he giues vs such a redemption by his Sonne Rom. 5. and such a satisfaction as should not onely bee equall to our sinne but also by many degrees goe beyond it And these very words that Iesus Christ is the Sonne of God yee haue often set downe in the Scriptures Confer these places 2. Pet. 1.17 Mat. 3. and 17.5 c. So also is hee called the onely begotten Sonne of God Iohn 1.14 Ye saw the glory thereof as the glory of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father full of grace and truth and ver 18. and Chap. 3.16 And thus Iesus Christ our Lord is the onely begotten Sonne of God not by creation nor by adoption nor by reason of the personall vnion of two natures but by nature and as hauing of the substance of the Father before all worlds Quest 25. What vse is there of this title and what comforts follow this Faith 1. Vse Humiliation Ans This serues well both for humiliation and consolation First for humiliation thus When I see that nothing could appease the wrath of God for sinne but the hart-bloud of his onely begotten Sonne I see it cleere that without this Sauiour all the Sonnes of Adam were in the wofull state of damnation hauing so offended the high maiestie of God that nothing could serue for reconciliation but the death of the Kings owne Sonne the consideration and meditation of this I say ought to smite my heart with a holy feare of sinning against God for that so great a price was laid downe for my sinnes 2. Vse Consolation Secondly for our further consolation I am continually as to behold here the inspeakable and infinite loue of God Iohn 3.16 so also to esteeme and value all the works following acted and done by Iesus Christ for mee according to the worthinesse and excellencie of his person Thirdly this gift of God in giuing vs his Sonne Rom. 8 5● in not sparing his owne Sonne but giuing him for vs all to death this gift I say should moue vs continually to sing in our hearts 3. Praise God alwaies and to say with Dauid My soule praise thou the Lord and all that is within mee praise his holie name my soule praise thou the Lord and forget not all his benefites which forgiueth all thine iniquitie and healeth all thine infirmities which redeemeth thy life from the graue and crowneth thee with mercie and compassion Quest 26. Proceede to the fourth title Where is Iesus Christ called our Lord and wherefore Ans Hee is so called often in the scripture the Angell to the shepeheards so cals him Luke 2.11 and Christ himselfe teacheth it out of the 110. Psal that hee must bee so called And hee is truly and iustly so called because that redeeming our soules and bodies from the bondage of sinne death and damnation not with gold and siluer but with his owne precious bloud hee may challenge vs for his * 1 Pet 1.12 1. Cor. 6.20 owne by good right And this may hee doe also by right of c●e●tion as also by right of his place and office as beeing the head of the Church which is his body whereof I am a member Duties and Consolations which follow this Faith are these First I binde my selfe to an absolute obedience of euerie word of Christ without any exception and that I obey all my Superiours onely in him and for him Act. 4.19 And I must doe him homage in body and soule because he is Lord of both 1. Cor. 6. Secondly seeing hee is become my Lord I must stand firme by faith in him and rest on him in all feares and euils of this life for hee will neuer faile mee nor forsake mee Ioh. 1.5 hee will not suffer any of his to perish Ioh. 10.28 for that all power is giuen him Mat. 28. Thirdly all Gouernours must remember to be as louing fathers to their inferiours for if they be not so they must giue an account to an higher Lord who is set ouer them this the Apostle teacheth Ephe. 6.9 Yee Masters doe the same things vnto your seruants putting away threatning and know that euen your Master is also in heauen Quest 27. Thus farre of the foure titles and of the first most excellent and diuine nature of the Sonne of God now followes his humane nature incarnation and the vnion of both natures in one person in these words Conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Mary Tell me first where is Christ said to bee conceiued by the holy Ghost Ans In all Scriptures wheresoeuer he is called the Son of God as Rom. 1.4 Mat. 3.17 Ioh. 1.14 But these very words are found set downe by Saint Mathew Conceiued by the holy Ghost Chap. 1.19.20 Feare not to take Mary for thy wife for that which was conceiued in her is of the holy Ghost And Luke 1.35 The holy Ghost shall come vpon thee and the power of the most high shall ouershadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall bee borne of thee shall bee called the Sonne of God Concerning the Incarnation of the Sonne of God wee must know that it is a great * 2. Tim. 3.16 misterie and therefore here obserue First who is Incarnate the second
of the end long beefore are these The first is the preaching of the Gospell to all the world Mat. 24.14 And the Apostle affirmes this was done euen in his time saying Col. 1.23 The Gospell hath beene preached to euery creature vnder heauen The second signe before the end is the reuelation and manifestation of Antichrist 2. Thes 2.3 Before the day of Christ the man of sinne shall be disclosed as hee is set out in the reuelation to all eyes in his colours 14. 17. Chap. who shall cause the generall departing from the faith of Christ as it is foreshewed by the Apostle Paul in the same Scripture 2. The. 2.3 The third signe the Iudgements following vpon the world for the contempt of the Gospell warres famine pestilence Mat. 24.6 See that ye be not troubled for al these things must come to passe but the end is not yet and persecution ver 7. The fourth signe the generall corruption of manners 2. Tim. 3. Toward the later dayes shall come perillous times wherin men shall bee louers of themselues couetous boasters c. much like for securitie and sinne to the dayes of Noah Mat. 24.37.38 great deadnes of heart They knew nothing for all the preaching of Noah Gen. 6. Luke 17.26 Most men haue seene the first kinde of messengers and forerunners before Christ and be nothing touched with repentance by any of them woe vnto them if they stay till the last signes come for then saith Saint Luke their hearts shall faile them The second kinde of signes pognosticating his comming more neere it or immediately before it are these First in the heauen or firmament the Sunne shall wax darke Mark 13.24 that is haue as it were many Eclipses and the Moone shall faile of her accustomed light and the Starres of heauen shall fall that is shall bee seene to fall indeede and the powers of heauen shall bee shaken Secondly in earth trouble in all nations with perplexitie of minde and great sorrowes Luke 21.25 Thirdly in the sea and waters hideous sounds and rorings most terrible shall bee heard Luk. 21.25 Fourthly in the ayre there shall bee terrible tempests So that heauen and earth shall then preach Christ to vnbeleeuers to their great horrour for their long contempt of the Gospell Fiftly and lastly beefore his comming the heauens shall passe away with a noise and the elements shall melt with heate and the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt vp 2. Pet. 3.10 The third and last signe is in his very comming and this is called by the Euangelists the signe of the Sonne of man Mat. 24.29.30 comming in a cloud with power and great glory Luke 21.27 This I take it to bee the great glorious and lightsome beames of maiestie whereby the world shall bee renued and enlightened immediately before his personall appearance to supply the defect of the light of Sunne and Moone like as wee see in Somer in the dawning of the day certaine beames of the Sunne appeare for a good space of time before the Sunne appeare in sight aboue our Horrison or sensible to our eye so shall there bee a glorious euidence of the approching of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ vnto the eyes of all men before they heare his personall and bodily presence beefore them And thus far shall suffice for the first point that there shall be an vniuersall Iudgement Secondly the forme of the generall iudgement There is no man can well expresse the admirable forme of this great Iudgement yet so far as the Lord hath reueled it and I conceiue it I shall declare it In the forme three things are principally to bee respected First the preparation vnto the great session Secondly the proceeding in Iudgment Thirdly the execution of the difinitiue sentence First the preparation vnto Iudgement First beefore his comming preparation shall bee made by fire Psal 50.3 A fire shall deuoure before him as we heare before out of Saint Peter 2. Pet. for heauen and earth must passe through a fire not to consume them to nothing for then where should Christ appeare in Iudgement and sinners must bee iudged on the earth and in the place where they haue sinned but to consume their leprosie and corruption wherewith the sinne of man hath infected heauen and earth that so being as gold purified in fire they may shine bright and glorious and may bee fit to intertaine the maiestie of this great king at his glorious comming to Iudgement for as the Apostle saith 1. Cor. 7.31 It is the figure or forme not the nature or substance of the world that passeth away The same is testified Rom. 8.21 The creature also shall bee deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God So Act. 1. and Psal 102.72.28 The heauens shall waxe old c. and shall be changed Reu. 21.1 Esay meaning into a better state as other Scriptures also testifie Secondly then shall bee the appearing of the glorie of the mightie God a Tit. 2.14 of our Sauiour Iesus Christ who shal come from the highest heauens accompanied with an exceeding great hoast of mightie Angels and b Heb. 12.22 1. Cor. 6.1.2 soules of righteous men Thirdly then shall bee heard the sound of a trumphet a wonderful c The. 4.16 peircing long continued sound summoning all men and Angels vnto Iudgement Fourthly the good Angels shall gather all nations and bring all vnto the place of Iudgement all I say the d 2. Tim. 4.1 liuing and the dead for the very dead shall first bee called out of their graues and they shall come clothed with their owne bodies 1. Thes 4.16 And with them shall appeare all that bee aliue changed in a moment in the twinckling of an eye and corruptible bodies shall bee come incorruptible naturall shall turne spirituall liuing immediately by the vertue and power of God And then the bodies of the Saints shall bee like the glorious body of Christ shining as the Sunne Mat. 13.43 And the wicked shall bee full of shame and dishonour Dan. 12.2 The euill Angels also they are reserued for the iudgement of the great e Iud. 6. day And then Antichrist the Sonne of perdition shall appeare in his colours who shall be consumed and wasted continually by the spirit of Christ preaching the Gospell f Th. 2.7.8 but his finall abolishing and perdition shall bee at the glorious comming of Christ Fiftly after all this shall Christ bee set in his throne of iudgement as the Euangelists speake Then shall hee sit vpon the throne of his glory Mat. 25.31 and this throne shall be like a flame of fire Dan. 7.9 so that the wicked shall desire the mountaines to couer them from the sight of it Sixtly this done the Lord shall make separation between the Elect and the reprobate as he doth here on earth in the Church make separation betweene the precious and
any men and beasts such absurditie will follow vpon that doctrine as it will grieue any mans heart to heare them much more to beleeue them To conclude what glory had Christ in earth that his Disciples haue not seene surely none but they must see his glory giuen him by his father and therefore where Christ is thether we must ascend namely to the heauens and forsake the earth and neuer looke to enioy any benefite by the renued frame of the earth Quest 51. To what vse then shall there bee new heauens and a new earth according to the Scriptures for first of all Saint Peter saith 2. Pet. 3.13 But wee looke for new heauens and a new earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnesse Reue. 21.1 Saint Iohn writeth saying And I saw a new heauen and a new earth for the first heauen and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea Ans By these places of holy Scripture it cannot bee prooued that the Saints shall liue vpon earth no more then that they shall liue in heauen for the Apostles plainely affirme a new heauen and a new earth and therefore we as sufficiently prooue by these texts our glorified estate in heauen as well as vpon the earth Quest 52 But why should wee looke for a new earth after the later day if wee shall not dwell therein Ans I answere for many causes first for the accomplishment of his owne promise Esa 66.17 For loe saith the Lord I will create a new heauen and a new earth and the former shall be remembred no more Is not the promise of God sufficient cause for vs to liue and dye in expectation of the performance thereof Hath God no other ends and vses of the new earth except men dwell in them Paradise wherein Adam once dwelled and from which hee and wee were expelled was it destroyed when men did not inhabite it or doth any man liuing know vnto what vse the Lord appoynted it surely none and therefore if man might bee on earth and God suffer Paradise for his secret purposes best knowen to himselfe not to bee inhabited much more after the iudgement when the gates of heauen shall bee open shall not any man neede once to dreame of an habitation vpon earth Secondly if there bee no other cause yet is this cause a sufficient reason to all sober men to perswade them of the vse of the new earth namely that whereas sinne hath now made it subiect to corruption and yet the first purpose of God that it should remaine for euer in pure estate without corruption had not sinne brought in death to men and corruption to the creatures must still stand and therefore for the first purpose of God which neuer altereth hee will preserue this outward world euen as the bodies of men that it may remaine before him as a monument of his owne handy worke for euer Two opinions are very grose one that if man had not fallen hee should neuer haue come to heauen but enioyed onely this worlds felicitie whereas the onely difference betwixt vs now in a degenerate estate and him in a pure estate concerning life eternall is not in regard of place for hee should haue gone to heauen as Elias and Enoch without leauing behinde him his mortall parts and that without paine of death or helpe of a Mediator by his owne righteousnesse holinesse and integritie and now through many afflictions paine and death by the helpe of a Mediatour and after the bodies resurrection will goe to heauen and life eternall The second errour is that the world should haue needed any purgation or should haue waxen old like a garment as now it doth or that there should haue needed any iudgement except sinne had entered into the world and therefore I conclude that the earth at the beginning was ordayned to stand for euer Psal 19.90 and that there is no more cause that men shall inhabite it now after the Iudgement then if men had neuer sinned and that this purpose of God shall sustaine and repaire it for to bee a monument of his owne work for euermore Quest 53. If the Lord would haue it remaine as a monument of his owne worke why then doth not the Sea remane for it is expresly said Reue. 21.1 And there was no more Sea Ans The Apostle in the Reuelation declareth onely a vision and therefore it cannot be certainly expounded literally in euery point hee repeteth what he saw and not in euery part what shall be for God hath reserued some things vnto himselfe but forasmuch as many visions are allegoricall especially in the Reuelation where the Angels are Ministers or Bishops the Churches Candlesticks the Beasts Gouernors persecutors the marriage of the Lambe the last day final end of the churches trouble ther also the sea in many places signifieth the brittle estate troublesome generation of this world And for my part I can see no cause or reason to interprete that part of Saint Iohns vision literally but rather that in the renued estate of the world after the later day there shall dwell righteousnesse neyther men with beasts or one with another shall haue any contention but all things shall succeede according to peace constancie and pleasure Wherefore those words being vnderstood of the Elect after the resurrection like as is afterward the new citty her foure gates her pauement with the twelue precious stones her water her fruites her trees her leaues her garments all allegoricall I conclude that the first diuision which God made of waters shall stand both aboue and beneath the firmament and that the sea shall not worke nor bee tossed with windes nor destroy any of the creatures renued vpon the face of the earth but vnto the Saints they shal no more looke vpon sea or land Quest 54. But it would bee much more for the comfort of men to liue againe in this world wherein they haue receiued many wrongs afflictions and oppressions by wicked men that they might see how god hath swept out all the vngodly out of the earth according to the promises of God as Psal 37.9 Euill doers shall be cut off but they that waite vpon the Lord shall inherite the land ver 11. The meeke shall possesse the earth and haue their delight in the multitude of peace ver 18. The Lord knoweth the dayes of the righteous and their inheritance shall be perpetuall ver 22. Such as be blessed of God shall inherite the land ver 29. The righteous man shall inherite the land and dwell therein for euer Now how can they bee said to inherite the land which in this world are but pilgrimes and wander to and fro and how can they haue a multitude of peace during the first possession of the earth in any delights who are adiudged in this world to warre fire and persecution and how short is their dwelling for euermore if they dwell not here againe after the later day when
vnto it in the word of God doe expresse in some measure according to our capacitie so much thereof as may abundantly serue to expresse and allure or to draw vnto god any well minded man yea though it were through all the dangers of this present world For if Ruth followed her mother in law Naomi vpon no promise out of her owne country onely for loue of her how much more ought all men to follow God and forsake this world that haue so many promises hopes declarations and figures of their glorified estate First of all in the old Testament the happinesse of them which are departed in the fauour of God is expressed by that saying of Moses Gen. 5.24 And Enoch walked with God and was no more seene for God tooke him away This taking away of Enoch is the first expressing of the estate of blessed and saued men for by it is represented vnto vs that their first happinesse is to bee rid of all the miseries and calamities of this world which made the Apostle to cry out betwixt heauen and earth when hee considered them Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this body of death And herein also a good man might loose himselfe to meditate and contemplate a little while of this freedome which hee cannot haue in this world although hee were an Emperour or Constantine commanding the whole world Men are afflicted by and in themselues by and in others sometimes angry sometimes sorry sometimes sicke sometimes weary sometimes hungry sometimes cloyed with ouer much care of that they possesse sometime pinched and haue not what to solace themselues or to put into their mouthes sometimes afraid of God of Angels of men of Diuels of apparitions of beasts of waters of fire of earthquakes of dearth of warre of impietie of irreligion of idolatry of blaspheming of murders of wrongs of robberies of wastings of prodigalities of rapes of temptations of apostacies and therefore consider what it is for a man to bee freed from all these as Enoch was whom God tooke away And if a man could liue and neuer suffer bodily paine yet cannot hee keepe his heart from disquietnes and extreame compassionate sorrow yea euen to death to see to heare and vnderstand the miseries of other Nehemiah was a great officer in the king of Media his court and wanted nothing but his heart reioyced in fauour riches youth garments loue strength plenty entertainment and all the comforts that this world could afford him so that in regard of his outward estate hee might well haue said to his soule O soule take thy rest for thou hast goods enough layed vp in store for many yeares and no affliction doth annoy thee But marke all this light was put out by one dampe and all the fire of this ioy quenched with one drop of water and all the beautie of these comforts dazeled and distained with one letter For Neh. 1.2 ve Came Hanani one of my brethren he and the men of Iudah and I asked them concerning the Iewes that were deliuered which were of the residue of the captiuitie and concerning Ierusalem ver 3. And they said vnto me the residue that are left of the captiuitie there in the prouince are in great afflicton and in reproch and the wall of Ierusalem is broken downe and the gates thereof are burnt with fire Here is the newes but what was all this to Nehemiah he was wise enough to keepe him from that banquet and therefore let them sorrow for themselues he wanted nothing alas saith Saint Paul who is offended and I burne not Can the winds blow vpon the waters and the reedes not bend can the ship bee tossed to and fro on the sea and the mast not bee mooued therewithall can old age appeare in the head and skin and the heart and blood haue no sence of the decay of vitall power Can good men leaue of compassion towards their brethren man-kinde and was not all Israell mooued and sorrowed to see one common vvoman cut in peeces Iud. 19. No no there is a watchtower in the nature of man wherein standeth a watchman that at the sight and hearing of euill ringeth a bell in their eares that maketh their hearts to yearne and bleede and therefore it followeth of Nehemiah ver 4. And when I heard these words I sate downe and wept and mourned certaine dayes and fasted and prayed before the God of heauen and this hee did from Chislew to Nisau that is from Nouember to March euen foure monethes together Such was the sorrow and compassion of Enoch beecause the wicked world went astray from god did not care for Sethes posterity but followed Caines and therefore because hee was innocent God tooke him away that the hart which mourned might neuer mourne againe What might bee sayde of Rahel of the women of Israell that saw their sonnes destroyed of Moses for the golden Calfe of Hannah the wife of Elkanah of Ieremy of Daniell of the woman which saw her seauen sons haue their hands and feete cut off and were afterwards put into a seithing caldron to bee sod to death of Mary the mother of Christ seeing her righteous sonne suffer naked the most shamefull death of the world and of many others both Martyrs and holy Confessours who haue beene so far touched with pittie and compassion that inward griefe hath distempered them euen to death This shall bee sufficient that if thou bee a Magistrate and bearest vpon thee the burthen of the state if thou be a Minister and carriest in thy brest the care of all the Church if thou bee a Father and fearest the miscariage and ill proofe of thy children and wealth if thou bee a woman and art combred with the vniust and vngentle soueraigntie of an vngodly husband if thou bee a Seruant oppressed with the tyranny of a cruell and vnconscionable maister if thou bee a good man and fearest the decay of religion or apostacie or idolatry and finally if thou bee sicke lame blinde sorry poore wronged pinched imprisoned reproched slaundered threatned or indangered of a violent death thy estate in heauen shall be like Enochs The Lord shall take thee away from all these miseries A second phrase of holy Scriptures expressing the ioyes of heauen is that 1. King it is called the throne and habitation of God By which also a good man hath another occasion of excellent meditation that he shall but see the throne of the king of heauen and earth and the place where his maiestie is ten thousand times more bright then the Sunne in the fairest sommer day more glorious then all the kings of the earth in the prime of their honour and first entrance or coronation Now what will a man imagine that God hath treasured vp for himselfe in that place where his owne maiestie dwelleth The kings of Israell yea all the kings of the earth keepe their owne dwellings replenished withall delight and there is not