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A03344 The crie of England A sermon preached at Paules Crosse in September 1593 by Adam Hill Doctor of Diuinitie, & published at the request of the then Lord Maior of the citie of London, and others the aldermen his brethren Hill, Adam, d. 1595. 1595 (1595) STC 13465; ESTC S115191 52,777 122

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THE CRIE OF ENGLAND A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse in September 1593. by Adam Hill Doctor of Diuinitie published at the request of the then Lord Maior of the Citie of London and others the Aldermen his brethren LONDON Printed by Ed. Allde for B. Norton 1595. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE Lord Maior of the famous Citie of London and the right Worshipfull the Aldermen his Bretheren and the Commons of the same Adam Hill Professor of Diuinitie wisheth grace peace and life euerlasting THere be foure things in the earth verie smal verie wise as witnesseth wise Salomon Prou. 30.25 c. the Pismires a people not strong yet prepare they their meate in the summer the Cunnies a people not mightie yet make they their houses in the rocke the Grashopper hath no King yet go they foorth all by bands the Spider taketh hold with his handes and yet is he in Kings Pallaces So must we prouide now in the summer time while the Gospell shineth out of the face of Christ Iesus against the winter which hath in it three moneths death iudgement and hell that as the Emmet escapeth the annoyance of the three winter moneths so wee may escape the terrour of death the rigor of Gods iudgement and the torments of hell The Cunnies build their house in the rocke so we may not trust to our riches which are vncertaine to our bowe which will breake to our speare which shall bee knapt asunder to our horse which is a vaine thing to our hoasts of men which are but flesh to our Captaines which are but locusts to men which are mortall or to Princes which shall die but to the Lord which can keepe our eyes from teares our feete from falling and our life from death The Grashoppers albeit they haue no king yet they goe foorth by armies we haue a father to rule in the house a preacher to teach in the Church a gracious Prince with manie honorable Senators to rule our Realme yet there is strife in euerie house sedition in euerie Citie and sects in euerie Church and therefore our house will fall our kingdome shall be desolate and our church will be the sinagogue of satan The spider is in Kings pallaces but wee dwell some of vs in the lusts of the flesh some in the treasures of the world and some are as enuious as the diuell fewe there are that say with Dauid Psal 84.2 My soule longeth yea and fainteth for the Courtes of the Lord for my hart and my flesh reioice in the liuing God To moue my countrimen therefore to a generall speedie and heartie repentaunce I haue laid downe in this treatise the crie not of Sodome but of England which if it be diligentlie weighed Luke 21.34 I doubt not but we shall take heede to our selues least our hearts be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennes and cares of this life We shall be watchfull Matt. 24.24 Mich. 6.8 Rom 12.12 Rom. 12.11 we shall doo iustlye and loue mercie we shall be instant in praier we shall be feruent in the spirit we shall not perseuere in sinne but continue in praier without ceasing saying Turne thy face away frō our sins Psal 51.9 O Lord blot out al our offences Psa 19.8 c. remēber not against vs the former iniquities but make hast let thy tender mercy preuent vs help vs O God of our saluation for the glorie of thy name and deliuer vs and be mercifull to our sinnes for thy names sake so we thy people and sheepe of thy pasture shal praise thee for euer and from generation to generation will set forth thy praise which God giue vs grace to doo for his sonnes sake Christ Jesus to whom with the holie Ghost be all honor and glorie for euer and euer Amen Yours in the Lord Adam Hill Minister THE CRIE OF ENGLAND Genes 18. ver 21 22. Because the crie of Sodome Gomorrha is great and because their sinne is exceeding greeuous I will goe downe now and see whether they haue done altogether according to that crie which is come vnto me and if not that I may know OF all the holie Scriptures there is not one example more frequently vsed of the Prophets Apostles to feare the people from sinne than thys generall seuere and fearful destruction of the Sodomites The Prophet Jeremie saith Ier. 49.40 As God destroyed Sodome and Gomorrha with the places thereabout saith the Lord so shall no man dwell there neither shall the sonne of man remain there Amos. 4.11 So saith the Prophet Amos I haue ouerthrowen them as God ouerthrew Sodome and Gomorrha and ye were as a firebrand pluckt out of the fire yet haue yee not repented And the Prophet Zephanie saith Zeph. 2.9 Surely Moab shall bee as Sodome and Ammon as Gomorrha the breeding of nettles and salt pits and a perpetuall desolation So likewise it is said in the Euangelists And whosoeuer shall not receiue you Mat. 10.14 Mat. 6.11 Luke 9.5 nor heare your words when ye depart out of that house or that citie shake off the dust of your feete truly J say vnto you it shall be easier for them of the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of iudgement than for that citie And in the second Epistle of S. Peter it is said 2. Pet. 2.6 And turned the cities of Sodom Gomorrha into ashes condemned them made them an ensample vnto them that should afterward liue vngodly Iude 7. So in Iude As Sodom and Gomorrha and the cities round about them which in like manner as they did committed fornication and followed strange flesh are set downe for an ensample and suffer the vengeance of eternall fire As all the Prophets and Apostles yea and Christ himselfe haue vnto their hearers set downe Sodome and Gomorrha as an ensample of Gods iustice against sin impenitent sinners so doo I purpose by Gods grace to handle this fearfull panolethrie or vtter destruction to this Citie of London assuring my selfe that if this exhortation worke not in you a broken heart you shall by the yron rod of Gods wrath be broken in peeces like a potters vessell you shall be like the breeding of nettles and salt pits you shall not onely haue a perpetual desolation in earth which is lamentable but also suffer the vengeance of eternall fire which is intollerable A comparison betw●ene Sodom and London Sodom was in a frutefull valley so is London in Sodome there were gorgeous houses and fayre workes so there are in London in Sodome they did eate and drinke and fulfill the lusts of the flesh so doo they in London Sodom was in captiuitie vnder Chedor Laomer and freed by Abraham London all England was in subiection to the Pope hath been freed by our gracious Queene Elizabeth Sodome had Lot the Preacher of righteousnes sent vnto them whose spirit they vexed London hath had manie godly Fathers sent
the brethren they did eat haye old leather pluckt off their targets oxe dung and pigeons dung and a noble woman dwelling in a street called Batezor killed her owne infant to eat it but before she killed him she vttered these wordes with teares and kissed him saying o wretched childe for whom shal I keepe thee in warre famin and sedition if thou goest to the Romans there is bondage and before bondage goeth famine and the seditious wil afflict vs worse thē both woe be vnto me most wretched mother I did hope that thou shouldst burye me but now alas pinching famine which pierceth my bowels and marow forceth me that I must bury thee againe in my belly whom before I haue carried in my womb and when she had wept and kissed him often she put her child behind her and killed it with a dagger said be thou to me meat to the seditious Erinnis and to the world a fable Fiftly it was greeuous because two thousand killed themselues Sixtlye because the Senatours were put to most vile workes Seuenthly because this was all done of the enemies of religion Eghtly because it was in the time of haruest And lastly because of the great nūber slain which were 110000. and of the captains which were 97000. what maketh vs I say to forget this heauie downfall of the Iewes which perished with famin pestilence the sword and captiuity but fulnesse of bread Dauid though he repented for his whoredome and murther yet his punishment was so great Psal 38.3 that hee saide There is nothing sound in my fleshe because of thy anger neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinne Psal 6.6 I cause my bed euery night to swimme and water my couch with teares Psal 38.10 My strength faileth and the light of my eyes euer is not my own Yea his own Son Absalom first draue him out of his house secondly defloured his own wiues thirdly Absalom was hāged fourthly for one Vrias were slaine three of Dauids sonnes Ammon Absalom and Adonias Therefore well saith Dauid My flesh trembleth for feare of thee Psal 119.120 and I am afraide of thy iudgements Dauid was afraide of Gods iudgementes because the sworde neuer departed from his house but we that liue in fulnesse of bread we feare not the iudgementes of God in the slaughter of the idolaters the destruction of the murmurers the murther of the fornicators the pittifull desolation of Ierusalem the drowning of all the worlde the burning of Sodome and Gomorrha in the vengeance of eternall fire Wherfore it is beter to eate the bread of affliction and drinke the water of teares then to haue fulnesse of bread to fulfil the lusts of the flesh and the measure of iniquitye And better it is to goe to the house of mourning Eccl. 7.4 then to the house of ioy And to this purpose our Sauiour Christ saith Woe be vnto them that are full Luke 6.25 for they shall hunger woe be vnto you that now laugh for ye shall weepe and howle For they that haue liued here in pleasure and laughter shal goe the blacke way with sighes and teares from God and his Angels from saintes from ioy and felicitie to the fiends of hell to suppe in the pallace of darkenesse with the Princes of horror at the table of vengeance in the Chaire of calamitye with the Crowne of death vpon their head and the diuel shal punish them vntill they crye out with Cain Gen. 4.13 My punishment is greater then J am able to beare Idlenesse is an other sinne which crieth for vengeance against which Paul thus writeth Idlenesse the sinne of Sodome and of England 2. Thes 6. c. Wee commaund you in the name of Christ Iesus that ye withdraw your selues from euery Brother which walketh inordinately and not after the institution he hath receiued of vs for ye your selues know how yee ought to follow vs for we behaued not our selues inordinately amongst you neither tooke wee bread of any man for nought for wee wrought with labour and trauaile night and daye because wee would not bee cha●geable to any of you not but that wee had authoritie but that wee might make our selues an ensample vnto you to followe vs. For euen vvhen vvee vvere vvith you this vvee warned you of that if there vvere anye that vvould not worke hee should not eate For vve heard that there were some amongst you vvhich walke inordinately and worke not at all but are busie bodies therefore them that are such vve commaunde and exhort by our Lord Iesus Christ that they vvorke with quietnesse and eate their owne bread First Paul commaundeth them not in his owne name but by the authoritie of Christ that they should labour Secondly hee saith that idlenesse is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is a perturbation of the order of God who hath appointed euery man his personall vocation wherein he must stand and labour Thirdly idlenesse is contrarye to the institution and doctrine of the Apostle Fourthlye hee teacheth them to labour by his owne example for albeit he had authoritie to reape their temporall thinges because he taught them spirituall yet he would not be burdenous vnto thē but got his liuing with his own hands Fifthly he saith That he that wil not labour must not eate Psal 128.2 For every man must eate the labour of his owne hands Sixtlye idle persons are busie bodies being most pestilent people to the Church of God For a great parte of their life they spend in doing ill a greater part in doing nothing but the greatest part of all in medling with that they haue nothing to do withall Of the idlenesse of Ministers how they seeke their owne Phil. 2.21 Phil. 3.19 and not these things which are Jesus Christs whose end is damnation whose God is their bellye vvhose glorye is their shame vvhich minde earthly things Saint Paul with teares complaineth Of the idlenesse of Magistrates how they lye vpon beds of iuorye Amos. 6.4 c. and stretch themselues forth on their couches and eate the lambes out of the flocke and the Calues out of the stall and drinke wine in boules and annoint themselues with sweet ointments Bar. 3.17 and take their pastimes with the foules of the aire and gather vp siluer as the dust and care not for the affliction of Joseph The prophets cry out in euery place Three great and horrible sinnes come of idlenesse Three great sinnes come of idlenesse murther whordome and theft The first is murther for when Cain was idle he killed his brother And idlenesse is the cause of so many fraies and bloodsheds that are in about London For as the scripture saith they lye in wait which cannot be perfourmed without idlenesse I would wish that yong Gentlemen and seruing men were kept from idlenesse and then no doubt they would keep themselues from homicide The second sinne that commeth from idlenesse is whoredome for