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A03087 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. [et] c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian cou[n]sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the natio[n] of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche in dem Wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation an Lehr, Brauch der heyligen Sacramenten un Ceremonien, Seelsorg und anderem Kirchendienst, biss auff eines freyen, christlichen, gemeinen oder nationals Concilii, oder dess Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heyligen Geyst versamelt, Verbesserung, bei denen so unserer Seelsorge befohlen, anzurichten seye, English Wied, Hermann von.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1547 (1547) STC 13213; ESTC S103980 258,817 620

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office of al pastours and curates of soules that they vtterly bid al worldly and fleshly cares and busines farewel and caste the same frō thē as beside the lawe of god the canons require with great seueritie For cōcerning the necessaries of life we wil faith fully procure that euery mā shal be liberally prouided for that beinge discharged of the care of this lyfe they maye wholy gyue thē selues both to lerne the holy scripture and to study the same day and night whiche onely enstructeth vnto saluation thorowe fayth in Christ and also to prayers wyth which only we may obteyne the true vnderstandyng of the scripture and the gift and grace to de liuer the same wholsomely vnto other and luckely to serue Christ the Lorde in thys office vnto the edification of the cōgregation Fourthly we cōmaund that the pastours haue often cōuocations and godly exercises in the same whiche we wyl appoynte in certeyne and conuenient places and tymes as the cōmoditie of the cōgregatiōs and ministers shall suffre and herein they shall vse none excuse excepte it be verie necessarie In these conuocations one shall faythfully enstructe warne and exhorte an other of the sincere vnderstandyng of the scriptures and of the holesome administracion of their office For seing that the knowledge and vse of a pastorall office is so miserably lost we wyll appoynte by oure visitors as much as we maye some pastours and teachers in certaine places which be some what more furnished in the knowledge and religion of the holie ministerie to whōe the other pastours and ministers dweling nigh aboute shal resorte euery weke or as often as it shal be conuenient and shal heare of them the exposition of the scriptures and other thinges pertaning to pastoral cure so better furnish thē selues vnto their office And if cases and difficultes hapē in theyr ministerie out of which thei can not vnfolde thē selues let thē vse the counsel of these men And if they be warned that thei haue erred or don amis in ani thing let them take that warninge in good parte and regarde it wel and diligentli amend thē selues in that wherein they erred and lette them if they haue not fully execuited theyr office in anye pointe recompense the same studiously Further more we wil also institute greatter conuocations to be kepe twise a yere and beside those we wyll haue two to be kepte euerie yere in our cite of Colone as the olde custome is wherunto the Deanes onli shal resort and thei which haue some peculier busines there or be called thither To these conuocatiōs than the pastours and Deanes euery man according to his ordre shal come together studiouslye neyther shal they absent them selues from thens except it be for a necessary cause we wil prouyde also that euery congregation shal be visited euery yeare by mete visiters whiche if they haue perceiued any faute to haue crept into the parishes which thei them selues cānot amende they shall propoune the same in the greater conuocations that it maye be amēded by the authoritie of a synode Wher for we wyl chuse men excellyng in wysdom faythfulnes and authoritie asmuche as the Lord shal geue to rule this conuocatiōs and to execute visitations to whom we wil geue such authoritie that they maye resist fautes and inconueniences whan they aryse and vse fit remedies Nowe all the actes of conuocations and visitations must be referred hereunto that al parishes may haue faythful and mete ministers whych may execute their ministerye faythfully accordyng to Gods worde and want not iust defence against vniust violēce and cauillations of wicked menne And that thei which haue not faithfully executed the holy ministery or be found to haue committed any faut in their liuyng be corrected or if that cannot be brought to passe that they be remoued from the holy ministery Finally forasmuch as sondry chaunses diseases and other lets of the holy ministery happen dayly vnto pastours as vnto mē this thing shal also be decreed in cōuocations visitations whā it happeneth to some minister by reason of siknes or some other cause that he cannot execute his ministery himselfe that some of his felowes if ther be sondry ministers in the same congregation as it happeneth in tounes or some of his neighbours if any haue no felow as it is wont to be in vilages shal supply the rome of the minister so empesched that the peple be not ani wher defrauded of the holye ministery of Christ ❧ Of the reformation of canonical colledges CAnonical colledges ar now a daies for the most parte of two sortes Some ther be into which the sons of Dukes Erles knightes and noble men are only receiued Ther be other in to which the children of other men ar admitted Nowe where as all these wil be counted clearkes and partly also priestes deacons subdeacons and some cānons that is to say reguler clarkes if a lawful and canonical reformation of these persons shoulde be taken in hand it behoued surely that al thei shuld buckle thē selfes to that maner of ministring to the cōgregatiō also of liuyng which the rules prescribe to such persons that is to sai they should apply them selues to the cure of soules and to the edifiyng of the reste of the cōgregatiō in the doctrine of Christ I mean that the preistes should endeuour thē selues to preach and minister the sacramentes and gouerne ecclesiastical discipline the deacons and subdeacons should apply the ministery of the same doctrine and sacramēts and the distributing of almes wherūto the other orders of the clerks shuld set their hands also eueri mā according to his place degre For this is the proper office of al the cleargie as the authorities of the cānōs and olde fathers testifie to fede the flocke of Christ Clerkes fede the shepe I am fed sayth Ierome to He liodo where he numbreth him selfe amonge Monckes and sheweth a difference betwne Monckes and clearkes And where as in a christian reformation of churches we ought to haue a regard here vnto to seke this thing with al diligēc nāely that al thinges may be restored in the cōgregations right cōmodiously with as lytle offence of mē as may be that the reformatiō consist not only in glorious writinges nothing in dede for the christian mē must do al thinges sincerly therfor in the reforma●iō of ecclesiasticall matters we must brynge to passe that the holy ministery and hole doctrine of Christ may be restored to a sure instauratiō of religion and to the welth of the vniuersal congregatiō This ende thā being set before vs sincerely regarded we think this way of reformation should be taken in hand in canonical colleges First we wil that our reuerēd chapter of the hiest and principal colledge shal retaine and kepe styl their free and canonical election of al their felowes and prelates al their dignitie old laws libertes and preuileges as they hane had of old time and vse
much further thys grauitie and vehemencie if the preachers with the commandementes of God shal diligently sette forth and declare the threates also terrible exemples of Goddes wrath that the people mai be fraied from sinninge Item if they shall sette forth the mercie and promises of God with no●able exemples of Goddes helpe deliueraunce that in like maner men maye he allured to trust more constantly in God and to loue hym and so beinge inflamed with the zealle and loue of God they may goe forth in al good worekes and valiauntly suffre ouercome afflictions for the glorie of the Lorde The feeders thā and preachers that wil faythfully serue theyr vocation must necessarely not only be furnished to exhort the sorowful and to comforte the weake but also they muste be readie and haue a burnning zeale therunto For the obtaininge of both whyche thinges as they haue neede of continual readinge and studiyng of the scripture so they haue neede of continual prayer and all other spirituall exercises and therfore also of great werines lest by anie meane they be entangled in the Howe errours and deprauations of Gods worde must be refused busynesses of thys lyfe and carnall cares Thirdly it is required of feeders curates of Christes people that they be able also to confute the agaynsayers and aduersaries wyth euident and effectuall testimonies of the scripture For Satan is busiest in thys poynte that he maye corrupte the perfecte and sincere doctrine raysyng vp sundry heresies that the fayeth of Christe being shaken and at the laste abolished he maye stablishe and mayntayne his owne tirannie Hereof it commeth that as we haue redde that in the tyme of the Apostles and Martyres longe sithens it happened and a● al other tymes when the pure doctrine of God hath bene sincerely preached so in oure time also newe heretikes sprynge dayly whiche labour and establishe their wicked doctrine with depraued testimonies of the scriptures as S. Petre wryteth that such men euen in i. of Petre the la●t Chap. his tome beganne to wrest the writinges of S. Paule that be hearde to vnderstande as the other scriptures vnto theyr owne destruction Neither is it meruayle that Sa●ā worketh thys thynge in his ministers I meane that he laboureth to corrupt and ouerthrow the doctrine of godlines whiche is taughte in the scripture onely by the testimonies of the scripture it selfe but the same being depraued and corrupted For wyth thys arte he durste assayle the Lorde Christe when in the holie Citie Hierusalem he sette him vpon the pinacle of the temple and sayed vnto him if thou be the sonne of God cast thy selfe downe For it is wrytten he hath geuē cōmaundement to his angelles concerninge the they shal beare the in theyr handes leste perchaunce thou shouldest hurte thy fote at a stone Psal xci Math. iiii Wherfore let the faythfull ministers of Christe knowe that the more sincerely they preach the true word of God with so much the greater diligence and laboure shal Satan lay in awayte for them and theyr flocke and shall endeuoure him selfe by reason of the simplicitie of the comen people weakenes of theyr iudgement to begyle thē wyth depraued scriptures For when he seeth that men wyll admitte no authoritie but the authoritie of the scripture he also layeth nothynge more to theyr charge then scripture that he maye more cōmodiously creepe into them that be accustomed to heare the scripture onely and thrust in his lyes more easely that the pastours and ministers of the cōgregation may disclose this gyle of Satan and stoppe the mouthes of Sophisters his ministers and eyther preserue or cal againe the flocke cōmitted vnto them from wycked errours they must watche and labour with singuler diligence and care in this behalfe For as the Apostle sayeth there be many vntreatable and vayne ianglers begylers of myndes which ouerthrow whole houses teachynge thynges that oughte not to be taughte for fylthy gayne whose mouthes muste be stopped Tite i. But that such may be more cōmodiously Rules to reproue and cōfute heretikes and groundly conuinced and cōfuted these rules chiefely are to be obserued Fyrste that the articles of oure fayth be confirmed wyth sure and euident testimonies of the scripture The seconde rule is that the wordes in sentences and testimonies which are alledged in disputation be compared together after the propre sense of the scripture wythout sophistrie and that thorow suche conferryng the true sētence of the holie gost may be drawen forth concerning anie question of religion The thyrde rule is that darke sentences An exāple of the disputation against Arrius be declared with other places that are plain open and pertaining to the controuersie As when Arrius denied that the sonne of God sprange out of the substaunce of the father and that he was god by nature he corrupted the true sentence of thys saiyng And God was the worde For he sayed that thys vocable God in this place did not signifie god Iohn i. which by nature almightines is God but some excellent creature passinge all other in maiestie dignitee This false interpretation holy goste by the apostle Paule hath layed vpon all bishoppes and ministers of cōgregations i. Petri. i. i. Petri. ij when he sayeth thus A bishoppe muste holde faste the faythfull worde that he maye be able to exhorte and confute the agaynsayers Of which prouince and burthen we wyll al pastours and preachers to be admonished that they maye busely exercise them selues day and night in the studie of the holy scriptures and so that they may vse their ministerie wyth ample fruite and therfore that they wythdrawe them selues not onely from worldely intisementes and carnall concupiscences but also from al occupations and businesses of the worlde as muche as the vse of thys present lyfe wyll suffre that they maye all togyther applye so harde and diuine a ministerie and execute theyr office wyth al diligence And yet this labour ought not to greue them which the religion of theyr office requireth seinge that otherwise it is the parte of euerie Christian mā to cōsume the whole course of hys lyfe in the study of Goddes worde For we can not entre in to the kingdom of God excepte we be borne agayne As for this regeneration it cōsisteth not of mortal seede but of immortal seede and euerlastinge that is to say of the worde of God that liueth and abideth for euer as Petre witnesseth Moreouer whan we are so borne agayne and rēnued we haue neede of spirituall meat also which like wise is the word of God where vnto S. Petre allureth vs saiynge Couette that reasonable milke not of the bodye but of the mind which knoweth no gile newly borne childrē that ye may growe thorough it Finally whan we growe forth being fed vp and nouryshed by the worde of God Satā seaseth not to assaut vs and to resist hym we haue neede of spiritual weapons and armour
into the people in sermons ¶ The article of the trinitie AL though mannes reason vnderstandeth not the nature of God yet God hath opened hym selfe in the worde and in his sonne that we maye knowe him asmuch as he hath reuelated him selfe and calle vpon him After whiche sorte whan we calle vpon God the father there is a greate difference betwene our inuocation and the inuocation of all other people and nations and this difference cōsisteth cheifely in ij pointes One is that inuocation thus ordered is derected to the true and natural God Thother is that our inuocation so vsed must needes please God and not be voyde and frustrate Wherfore the preachers must teach out of the holy scripture of the true and almightie Thre persōs but one substaunce God the father the onely begotten sonne and the holie goste that they be one God of the same deuine nature and power but yet three distincted personnes And that thys one God made and maynteneth all thynges Further that the sonne of God by the vnspeakeable purpose and vnmeasurable mercie of God dyd put on mannes nature that he might be a sacrifice and a raunsome for vs and that these two natures that is to saye mannes nature and Goddes is one and vndiuided personne Iesus Christe Two natures vnited in Christ Howe be it these two natures be so knytte in Christe that they be not confounded or mixte but eche hath by it selfe his owne substaunce and proprietie As al these thynges are well knowen out of the worde of God administred by the Apostles and Prophetes and be declared in sundry confessions of the holie fathers agaynste sundrie heresies in the crede made in the counsel of Nice and in the crede of Athanasius Item in the agreable decrees and confestions of the olde and very holy counselles as Nicene Cōstātinopolitane Ephesine Calchedonēse cōstātinopolitane againe Further by the wrytinges of the fathers cōsēting herunto whiche faught earnestly for the worde of God as by the bokes of Athanasius Basilius Nazianzenus and Augustine it appeareth Wherfore the sentence and doctrine of thys article muste be diligently propouned to the people and commended and defended that the true knowledged of God may be mayntayned and that we maye retayne a difference betwene the inuocation of christian men and other nations whiche is verye necessarye namely that thou mayste call vpon thys true God the father of Iesus Christe together wyth his sonne Iesus Christe and the holie gooste whiche hath reueyled hym selfe in the sonne for whose sake he wyll be mercifull and wyll geue the holie gooste to them that thus call vpon hym in fayeth whiche also stireeth vp in the hertes of men the true knowledge of God feare fayeth and other motions The differēce betwene the i●uocation of Christians and other nations of newe lyfe For thoughe the excellente Philolophers among the heathē the Iewes and the Mahometistes do glorye that they worshyppe not ymages and Idolles but the eternal God maker of heauē and earth of mē and of all other thinges neuertheles semge that they wil not acknowledge thys God whiche hath opened him selfe in his word by his sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ they do not worship and call vpon the true God but they worshippe the vayne imaginations of their owne hertes and handes Neither can they persuade them selues that God is mercifull vnto them and heareth them because they refuse the Gospell and the onelye mediatoure And therfore their inuocation can in no wyse be directed to the true God the father of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ but these men imagin to thē selues A peculiar God whiche is not the father of oure mediatour Iesus Christe and therfore is not the true God for whiche cause they can not persuade them sellues that theyr prayers be harde Their inuocation then hāgeth and abideth in the vayne deuices of theyr owne reason in images and Idoles stāding before thē and they remaine verie straūgers and abominable to the true God bicause they lyue without Christ and the worde of God as Christ sayeth he that honoureth not the sonne honoureth not the father And Paule to the Roma v. thorowe Christe we haue entraunce vnto the father Thus God also reueiled hym selfe to Iohn How the holy Trinitie was reueiled to Iohn Baptiste at the baptisme of Christ the sonne of Zacharie that he afterwarde mighte instructe the churche of true knowledge and right inuocation for in thys sorte God eternall the father witnesseth his sōne Thys is my beloued sonne in whom I am wel pleased the sonne him selfe standeth at baptisme the holie goste cōmeth downe opēly vpon him to testifie that the holie gooste should be geuen both to Christ and to his cōgregation Wherfore thre personnes appeared in thys place This appering thē ought to be wel considered of euerie christen man whiche chaunced not for Ihon his sake onely but for the whole congregation his sake that the same might offre praiers to the only eternall and almightie God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which made al thinges with the eternal sōne and the holy gost And whiche also wyl heare the churche gouerne and sanctifie it wyth his holy spirite for Christe the mediatoure his sake The wordes of Baptisme signifie the same thinge wheras it is saied I baptise the A declaration of the wordes of baptisme in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie goste For here be three personnes numbred of one equall power and diuitie to whō alone the whole cause of our saluatiō is ascribed for thys is the meaning of the wordes I baptise the that is to saye I testifie by thys token of dipping or sprinklynge that thy synnes be forgeuen the and that thou art receyued into the grace of the eternall and the true God the father of Iesus Christ and that for this his sōnes sake Item that the holie gooste shal worke in the effectuouslie Surely thys is an highe doctrine and aboue mannes wysedome of the nature wyl and efficacie of God towardes vs whiche maketh a difference betwene vs and al heythen comprehending most ample promises as we wyll declare herafter of whiche promises it is very requisite that the people be admonished as often as the texte of the scripture requireth it that the congregation maye be well instructed of the one and singuler diuine substaunce and of the there personnes For thys article muste be obserued of al mē and exercised in our dayly inuocation And our inuocation muste be discerned frō the inuocation of the heathen the Iewes and the mahometistes that we do beleue that God certaynly heareth vs if in oure prayer we apprehende the mediatour wherof no heathen Iewe no mahometist can certifie hym selfe For thus we must pray Almightie and eternal god the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ which with thy A fourme of christen prayer onely begotten sonne and the holy gost madest al thinges and preseruest the
same haue mercie on me for thy sonnes Iesus Christe whiche for our sakes was made a sacrifice Kindle my minde with thy lighte and gouerne me with thy holy spirite whiche thou haste promised vs for thy sōnes sake Thus in our praier we must euer cōprehēd Christ the mediatour as the church hath vsen in collets A fourme of calling vpon Christ frō the beginning adding these wordes in th ende thorow Christ our Lorde Moreouer this is a true inuocation acceptable to God O Lorde Iesu Christe the sonne of God heare me loke vpō me pitie me and geue me thy holy spirite and eternal lyfe Thus we reade that S. Stephan Act. viij called vpō Christ Lorde Iesu receiue my spirite Such prayer attibuteth vnto Christ the glorie of diuinitie for that that God hath reueiled him selfe in hym and worketh together with hym as we reade Io. v. what so euer the father worketh the same doeth the sonne also And in the xiiij He that seeth me seeth the father I am in the father and the father is in me This is the sentence of such an inuocation Lorde Iesu Christe sōne of God healpe me geue me thy holy spirite which together cōfesseth the father the sōne whiche is mediatoure and the holy gooste Wherefore this article of the diuine substaūce and of the thre persons must be learned and exercised in dayly prayers But forasmuch as this sincere doctrine of true and godly inuocatiō is horribly darkened Agaynst the inuocation of dead sayntes and ymages thorow that abomimable wickednesse and madnes vpon Idols whiche is cōmitted in calling vpō dead men their images bones wherunto they haue boūd not only diuine power but also a certen peculiar strēgth and efficacie of saintes wheras yet it is euidēt that we must assigne the power working of god to nothing in which god him selfe hath not expressedly witnessed in his worde that he wyl gyue the same but it is playne that deade mē helpe nobody Nor worke in ydoles for these causes I saye the people muste be called backe from suche ydolotrye vnto the true and religiouse inuocation of God as to a moste godlye worke and principall worshypping of God wherin we chiefely learne and feele which is the true fayth yea this is the only worke wherby the true people of God may be most discerned from the vngodly Of the creation and gouernaunce of al thinges OVre hole saluatiō and euerlasting lyfe consisteth herin that we truly knowe God in oure Lorde Iesus Christe that is to saye with a sure and lyuely fayth In thys knowledge the chiefest poynt is to knowe that it is God which made all thinges and preserueth and gouerneth the same alone wherfore the preachers shall studye to declare to the people wyth singuler dylygence and to beate into their heads those places of the scripture that teach and testifie of the eternal substaūce of God of his power knowledge goodnesse and seueritie for wythout this knowledge and fayth we can neuer truely and effectuously fele our sinnes much lesse repent and amende our selues neyther shal the law alone driue vs therunto for what shal eyther his preceptes or threates moue or feare vs of whose power bowntuousnes or seueritie as yet we knowe or fele nothinge substantially and effectuosely wherfore he that wil comme to God muste necessarily knowe afore hande and beleue that it is God which made preserueth and iudgeth all men and largelye rewardeth them that loue him Very many boste them selues to knowe God but in that that thei studi not to frame their life according to the wil of god dispising the worde of God they beare sufficiente witnes of thē selfe to the cōtrary namely that they say in theyr hertes there is no God though they confesse the same before men It is therfore ryght necessarye that preachers often tymes and with great diligence do propounde and beate in to theyr eares the common place of creation preseruacion and gouernaūce of all thynges And in the article of the creation of thynges the pastours shal diligently teach that that Lorde whiche delyuered the ten commaundementes the whole holy scripture and the gospell it selfe is the only true God and maker of thinges whiche of no thinge created heauen earth the sea and whatsoeuer is conteined in thē our selues also and alone preserueth the same throughe his power and hath partly made the other creatures subiecte vnto vs beinge created to his ymage appoyntynge them to a profitable vse and partly ordeyned them to the ministerye of the health both of the bodye and soule Wherfore the preachers shal often allege faythfully declare and printe in the mindes of theyr herers those places of the scripture that teache that God made vs and al other thinges of no thinge and that we were fashoned after the ymage of god finally that inferiour creatures be subiecte vnto oure rule by Goddes ordinance and that the superiour creatures be appoynted to procure oure healthe that the same herers maye dayly lerne more and more the almightines and goodnes of Goddes maiestie and that in them selues and in all other thinges that they handle in whyche they be occupyed whyche they beholde here or by any meanes do exercise they knowe hym haue him in reuerēce prayse him cal vpon him And that therby they may trust more fully in the almightines goodnes of God and more cherefully obey his cōmaūdementes and also feare his wrathe the more and that they maye vse all thinges whiche they do vse in this lyfe as the moste holy creatures and gistes of God and our sauiour wyth more holynes dayly and thankfulnes and larger liberalytie towardes theyr neighbours ▪ For this cause the prophets in the prayses of God do so magnifie and sette before our eyes with moste elegant descripcions the principal and notablest workes of God in the vniuersall nature of thynges as the heauens the son the moone the sterres the Why the holy scripture often propoūneth vnto vs the merueylous workes of God clowdes the wyndes mystes rayne dewe snowe froste thunder lyghtnynge mountaynes valleys fildes contreys medowes springes riuers standinge waters sondry trees and herbes the pryncypall kyndes of beastes both tame and wylde men and other innumerable workes of God For whiche many psalmes doe greatly magnifie the glory of God as psal xix xcv Ciiii. Cxxxvi. Cxlv. Cxlvii Cxlviii Iob doeth the same thinge from the xxxviii Chapiter to th ende of his booke And Esay in the .xl. chapter vnto th ende of hys boke Lyke places ye shal finde in other canonicall bookes euery where This contemplaciō of the notable workes of God and admiracion of the diuine maieste was the cause why Christe the Lorde hym selfe and other sayntes lyfted vp theyr eyes and handes to heauē whē they praye And in the fourme of prayinge the Lorde taught vs to saye Oure father whiche arte in heauen for when we behold wyth oure eyes and myndes those mooste excellent and wonderfull workes
raysed him vp vnto supreme highnes and gaue hym a name aboue al names that in the name of Iesus all knees shoulde bowe etc. After that Christ hath thus handled our matter before the father and pleased his anger afterwarde he executeth the office of a faithful intercessour and patrone he turneth him self to vs he entreateth vs that he may heale oure synnes and weaknes For thys cause he sayed to his disciples All power in heauen and in earth is gyuen vnto me go therfore and teache al nations and receyue them into my discipline preache the Gospel to euerie creature baptising thē in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie goste he that beleueth and is baptised shal be saued and he that beleueth not shal be damned And teache them to keepe all those thinges that I haue cōmaunded you Thus thorowe thys shorte and simple preachinge of the Gospell he executeth the busines of oure iustification after a merueylous sorte Therfore as the strēgth and vse of the law muste be declared to the people so the vse and vertue of the Gospell muste be propouned and beaten in wyth singuler diligence For it is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleueth Ro. i. First then the preachers shall teache that the Gospell bringeth to vs remission of synnes if we beleue it truely and vnfaynedly and determine thorow this fayth that God for his sonnes sake wyll be mercifull vnto vs and accepte vs and compt vs for sonnes not for the dignitie of our workes and they shall teache that therfore it bryngeth peace to our consciences which by reason of synne were fearefull and brused of whiche peace the angelles sange in the tyme of the natiuitie of Christe Glorie in the highest to God and in the earth peace to men And Esaie the discipline of peace is vpon hym Itē Paule Roma v. Iustified of fayth we haue peace towardes God thorowe oure Lorde Christe Iesus Ephe. ij he is our peace etc. Esaie lij Ro. x. howe beautiful are the feete of them that preach peace etc. For where the voice of the Gospel soundeth not oure consciences can haue no peace as Dauid wytnesseth Psal xxxvij There is no whole part in my bodie by reason of thy wrath neither is there peace in my bones bycause of my synne etc. Secondly the Gospell bryngeth to vs the ryghtuousnes of Christe in whiche we maye trust as done for vs and gyuen vnto vs aswell as if we had perfourmed it oure selues For so Paule sayeth i. Cor. i. Christe Iesus is made vnto vs of God wysedome ryghtuousnes sanctification and redemption and Philip. iij. That I may be founde in hym not hauynge my ryghtuousnes of the lawe but that that is thorowe the fayth of Iesus Christ etc. For thys is a perfect true and euerlastyng rightuousnes For our vertues be farre from that ryghtuousnes and perfection of lyfe whiche the lawe of God requireth And besydes that verie manie synnes abyde euer in vs and wonderfull weaknes as Esaie sayeth lxiij all we are as one defiled and all oure ryghtuousnes as a garmēt of beggerlie patches And the Psal O Lorde entre not into iudgemente wyth me etc. which sentence teacheth merueilous playnelye that we can not sette oure worthines agaynste the iudgement of God Wherfore if our saluation shall be certayne vnto vs it must leaue vpō some other rightuousnes and that a perfecte rightuousnes namely vpon the ryghtuousnes of Christe as Paule wytnesseth Ro. viij God hath not spared his owne sonne etc. Therefore oure Iustification and oure rightuousnes before God which S. Paule and all the other Apostles teache consisteth in two thinges in forgiuenes of synnes and gyuynge of the rightuousnes of Christ thorowe fayeth And thys onely is a sure certayne and perpetuall ryghtuousnes which Christ hath caryed vp into heauē with him selfe to the ryght hande of God where no man can oppresse it or ouerthrowe it as innumerable daungers fal vpon our ryghtuousnes dayly Therefore our lyfe is sayed to be hidden wyth Christe in God Col. iij. And seing that we glorie of thys our Lorde and sauiour and his rightuousnes our lyfe is in the heauens Philip. iij. For where our treasure is there is our herte Wherfore the ryghtuousnes of God gyuen to vs in Christe must be diligently and continually beaten into the people by the preachers and they muste take verie good hede that the knowledge and truste thereof be not corrupted and that men slyde not backe agayne to the confidence of mannes ryghtuousnes For though that true fayth in Christ be neuer wythout good workes and loue yet workes deserue not remission of synnes neither is a man acceptable to God for workes but for Christes sake whyle he embraceth and holdeth by fayth his rightuousnes and redemption gyuen vnto hym Thirdly when a mynde affrayed wyth the feelyng of Goddes wrath susteyneth it selfe wyth the voice of the Gospel and thorowe the knowledge of the sauiour Christ and promises of God whiche Christe fulfilleth vnto vs the holie spirite is present and worketh in our hertes a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and adoption of euerlastyng lyfe For in hearinge of the Gospel the holie spirite is gyuen as Paule wytnesseth Gala. iij. Thys one thinge I desire to learne of you receiued ye the spirite thorow the dedes of the lawe or thorowe the preaching of fayth Item iiij Bicause ye be children God hath sent forth the spirite of his sonne etc. And Iohn vij he that beleueth in me as the scripture sayeth fluddes of lyuely water shall flowe out of his bealy thys thynge sayeth Iohn he spake of the spirite whom they shoulde receyue that beleued in hym And thorowe thys receyuynge of the holie gooste a newe generation is caused whereof Iohn speaketh i. Chap. As many as receyued him he gaue them power to be the sonnes of God them I say that had beleued in his name whiche were not borne of bloud nor of the wyll of man but of God Item Ro. vij who so euer be ledde wyth the spirite of God they be the children of God And. ii Cor. iii. we representing the glorie of the Lorde in a glasse wyth a ryght face are transfigured to the same Image from glory to glorie as of the spirite of the Lorde that is to saye when we receyue thorow fayeth the exedinge mercie of God promised and exhibited in Christe the holy goste worketh in vs a newe lyfe and a newe knowledge of God vnknowen to mannes reason Moreouer thys fayth thys knowledge of God in Christ and assenting to his promises thorowe the worke of the same holie spirite the spirite of adoption kendleth susteyneth cōserueth and encreaseth such loue of God suche desire to gratifie and to serue God and to approue our selues to hym in all thynges to glorifie hym that wyth verie great diligence and carefulnes we keepe our selues from al synne and moste earnestly applie oure selues to all good workes The holy scriptures describe
to forgiue oure neighbours al offences Therfore the preachers shal admonishe the people with singuler diligence aboute this place As we forgiue also that it is not suche a maner of forgyuynge as though we did aske of God that he woulde so forgiue vs our synnes as we forgiue but that it is a profession of forgiuenes whiche we also make to our detters before the heauēly father as we require of him to forgiue vs our dettes as if we shoulde saye O heauenly father forgyue vs oure dettes as for vs we gladlie remitte and forgyue al them that maye seme to owe vs anie thinge For we acknowledge that we suffre so greuous thinges of no bodie but that we haue deserued muche worse and therfore we beare thē gladly and forgiue them wyth all our hertes that haue done vs anie harme But bycause it is not inough that God forgyue vs our synnes and the paynes that we haue deserued for them but also it is necessarie that we be kepte by him that Satan drawe vs not afterwarde to sinnes thorowe sundrie tentations the Lorde hath added an other petition for the remouinge of euylles leade ought not to pray for which thinge is done more wayes then can be numbred For the correction of these abuses those wordes of Paule Ro. viij ought to be diligently commended and weighed For we knowe not the thynge that we shall praye as it behoueth but the spirite it selfe prayeth for vs wyth vnspeakeable gronynges For if we oure selues knowe not what or howe we shoulde praye and if prayer be the propre worke of the holie goste it is meete that the people be called backe to those prayers that are propouned in the holy scriptures that they maye learne to pray to God according to his wyll and be certaine that theyr prayers be allowed The seconde abuse in prayinge is when we aske any thinge of them of whō it ought not to be asked as when men praye saintes whiche nowe lyue wyth the Lorde that they wyll make intercession for them that they wyl gyue thē those thynges that they neede as when they pray S. Sebastian to defende them agaynste arowes and venimmes S. Antonie agaynst the Aposteme called commonly S. Antonies fyer S. Appollonie agaynst the touthache etc. Itē when they call vpon the Images and stockes of saintes as the sayntes them selues as they do whiche vow pilgrimages to certayn stockes which idolatrie hath welnigh ouerflowē the whole worlde and that it maye be taken away the people muste be diligently called backe frō sayntes to God chiefely wyth these argumentes Fyrst that there is no commaundement that we shoulde cal vpon sayntes departed wherefore we can be but doubtfull whether that be well done or no whether it be acceptable to god or vnacceptable And that that is done with doubtyng can not be done of fayth and therefore it is synne For what so euer is not of fayth is synne as S. Paule witnesseth Ro. viij Secondly it is euident that the prayers that be in the scriptures were made of the spirite of God hym selfe and came frō him and therefore that they be most perfecte and chiefely to be folowed of vs. But in all the scripture there is no exemple of suche inuocation directed to sayntes wherfore no man can vse suche a fourme for therein he shal set the authoritie of men before the authority of god For he foloweth their authoritie whose exemples he vseth in prayings and therfore setteth it before the authoritie of the holie goste And that is a wonderous greate dispite agaynst the diuine maiestie Further if we shall vse the fourme of prayinge whiche the scripture propouneth the same shall shewe howe muche it is not cōuenient to cal vpon sayntes For who would not tremble to say to saynt Petre or to some other of the sayntes oure father whiche arte in heauen whiche kynde of prayinge Christe him selfe prescribed vnto vs. For he is not God he is not our father Neither can it agree at all if we would cal vpon S. Petre or some other wyth some Psalme They then that cal vpō sayntes do it out of the Imaginations of men Therefore seinge that no man can preferre the deuises of men before the doctrine and exemples of the holy goste wythout a moste haynous dispite of God and seinge that al the exemples of praiers deliuered by the holy goste teache to cal vpon God onely neither is there any wherein sayntes be spoken vnto euery man easely perceyueth howe vnworthie a thynge it is for christen mē which ought to seeke the healpe of God wyth true prayers to vse thys newe inuention of callynge vpon sayntes whiche in no wyse agreeth wyth the doctrine and exemples of the holie goste wherein they refuse to folowe the rule of the holy goste wherevnto they ought to sticke with al reuerence Thyrdly suche an abuse is stroungly reiected by the worde of God whiche oure sauiour Christ layed agaynst Satā Mat. iiij Thou shalte reuerence the Lorde thy God and him only shalt thou worshyp And god wyll haue none other Mediatoure but his sonne our Lorde Iesus Christe i. Timo. ij For there is one God one Mediatoure of God and men a man Iesus Christe whiche hath gyuen hym selfe a price of redemption for all And god witnesseth that he wil heare for his sake and wyll so be worshypped As we haue a testimonie of Christe thou arte a priest for euer Item Math. xi Come vnto me all ye that faynt and be laden and I wil refreshe you Iohn xv What soeuer ye shall aske in my name he shall gyue it you And Ro. ij Whom God hath sette forth a reconler For therfore our trust is fixed in Christe bicause that of hym we haue a promise and commaundement of God but of the saintes we haue no suche worde that God wyll be worshipped thorowe the inuocation of them or that he wyll heare vs for theyr sakes Therefore it is an horrible wyckednesse to transferre remoue the truste due to Christ vnto sayntes wythout the worde and commaundement of God Moreouer that seruice is condemned for this cause that it was instituted onely by mannes opinion But in condemny●● thys abuse lette the preachers vse such moderation that rude men beginne not to thinke or speake vnreuerently of the sayntes For it is one thynge to call vpon sayntes and an other to haue them in reuerence and honour We muste honour them but we muste not call vpon them nor worshyppe them whiche thynge yet the comon people do And this is a true honour and godly veneration of sayntes to prayse God for that that he adourned them with so godly giftes I meane constant fayth true feare and sundrie vertues Al whiche thynges must be set before the people that they may diligently thynke vpon them and magnifie them and chiefely prayse God and gyue him thankes whiche worketh suche thynges in sayntes Furthermore they shal also prayse the saintes which vsed those benifites so godly For thys
euer in the congregation meete men and well furnished to set furthe and defende the doctrine of Christe and that so the true doctrine of Christ reueled vnto vs from God and comended and beclared by the Appostles which the true catholike church of Christe hath euer holden maye be kepte and sprede furth vnto oure posterite by the grace and goodnes of christ thys of righte ought to be chiefeste care of great princes and al gouerners of commenweales as in dede it is the principall seruice of God For these causes the Apostles and their disciples instituted in theyr congregacions such peculiar lectures and scholes as we read of Iohan the Euāgeliste Pof olicarpus of the scholes erected Antioch Alexandre and constātinople And such wer scholes at the beginning whych nowe be ecclesiastical colleges And this maner of institutinge such scholes was verie profitable to the cōgregacions for foure causes First that the writinges of the Apostles and prophet in such colleges and scholes might be preserued from perishinge Secōdly that there myght euer be witnesses of the Apostolike writinges whyche shoulde be true and which counterfeit For euen streyght waye at the beginninge some wrytinges were carred aboute vnder the name of the Apostles vntruly whyche were furth with reiected and noted by these scholes As we reade that Ihon the Euangeliste reproued one for addyng a false appendice to the Actes of the Apostles Thirdlye that such scoles might bear witnes what doctrin and vnderstandinge of the scriptures was taught by the Apostles least straunge doctrines and enterpretations of the scriptures and suche as fyght with the doctrine of the Apostles might crepe in the authours wher of should be vnknowne or elles aduersaries to this testimoni of the cōgregacion Fourthly that out of suche colleges and scholes meete teachers and gouerners might be taken for other churches also These I thinck wer the causes whither wer alwaies in the congregations such companies and colledges from the beginninge whyche after that they wer enriched by the liberalitie of princes and godlye men thei were broughte to such colledges of Cannons as we se nowe a dayes But forasmuch as the studie of the holie scriptures is euer quēched a greate while sithens in these colledges many other slanders pernitious to the cōgregations ar com in with a lamentable ignorance of holy matters surely the great nede necessitie of the congregations requireth that scholes be restored and preserued asmuche as the Lorde wyl helpe thereunto Wherfore we also haue purposed to erect and cōstitute such a schole of Diuinitie at Bonne wherein after the custome some mete readers shal teach the holye scriptures and other good learnyng in which we wyll also procure that the studentes shal haue a place and a table as the maner is in other vniuersities And moreouer we wyl depute somwhat for pore younge men There shall then be appoynted for a beginning seuē professours in this our schole The firste shall professe diuinitie and shall teache openly two dayes of the wieke in the olde testament and two other in the newe to whose iudgement we wyll permitte that he shall chuse out of the holie bokes those that he thynketh wyll be moste profitable for the hearers as in the olde Testament Genesis Deutoronomie the Psalmes Esaie In the newe Paule Iohn Luke And this professoure shall so moderate his doctrine that it agre with this sūme of holie doctrine which we haue described in thys boke and whiche is in deede the doctrine and meanyng of the true and catholike churche of Christe This principall reader of diuinitie shall also exercise the office of the superintendant in the cōgregrations nigh aboute and as the rector of thys schole he shall haue charge of the other reders and shal warne thē of their duti if neede be and if they do not their duties he shal bryng the matter before them whō we wyl appoint to be vphoders and maynteyners of thys our ordinaunce He shal labour also to maynteyne mutuall cōcorde betwene the professours that one hurte not an other wyth wordes writinges or other wayes And he shall decree and put in execution by the aduise and assent of the other readers thynges perteynynge to the discipline and correction of the youth The seconde reader shal also examine the holie scripture but there wythall he shall teache the hebrue tonge Two daye in the wicke he shall enterprite some boke wyth a theological exposition Foure dayes he shall reade hebrue in order First he shal teach the grammer and then he shall expoune some boke of the Bible and therin he shal declare the rules and vse of the grammer that thys tonge maye be more certeynely knowen of yonge men and be made more familiar vnto them The thyrde professour shal reade logike and the greke tonge both twaine euerie day in the wieke in the which he muste teache as vpon the seconde the thyrde the fifte the sixt day of the wieke Which thynge shal not be harde vnto hym whiche hath atteyned but euen a meane knowledge of both the artes For he that hath once wel perceyued the ru●es of Logike shall not haue muche a do to teache them But he shal chuse some cōmune and good Logike as is the Logike of Cesarius philip or Sturmius And he shal not chaunge that that he hath begonne to teache and moreouer as often as he hath ended the same he shall adde some boke of Aritoteles his Logike whom he shall interprete in greke But he shall chose the easiar bokes as is the boke of Porphyrius or of the Predicamentes or some parte of the Analitikes that the youth maye be prepared to the readyng of Aristotle And he shall moderate all these thynges accordynge to the capacitie of the hearers When the boke of Aristotle is finished he shall returne to the accostomed Logike of Cesarie Philippe or Sturmius In the other houre when he muste reade greke this reader shal first teache the grammar and afterward Hesiodus or some part of Homere or some Tragidies of Euripides or Sophocles or some oratiō of Isocrates or somewhat of Luciane or Herodotus Those ended he shall returne to the grammare The fourth reader shall professe Rhetorike and shall reade euerie daye twyse one houre he shal bestowe vpon the preceptes of Rhetorike and he shal chuse some good Rhethorike cōmunely vsed in the scholes which ended he shall expoune Erasmus his boke de copia rerum and after that some bokes of Quintilian namely the second the thirde the eight and the tenth On the other houre he shal expoune some ●ration of Cicero wherein asmuche as he shall thynke needfull he shall declare howe the oration agreeth wyth the rules and preceptes of Rhethorike Howbeit some tymes in the steede of oratiōs he shall mengle some what out of the poetes This reader of Rhethorike shal also professe moral philosophie Therefore in the houre deputed to thys lecture he shall expoune sometymes Tullies offices and sometymes he shal interprete
of God the heauens the sonne the moone the sterres and other celestial workes a religiouse consideration admiration and worshippyng of Goddes maiestie muste needes be stirred vp in vs and growe meruaylouslye and be confirmed excepte we be Godles altogyther And a religiouse and attentyue contemplation of the rest of Goddes workes in the myndes of the Godlye worketh the selfe same thynge Wherfore the preachers shal often recite and declare in their sermons wyth great diligencie suche places of the scripture toutching the creation and workes of God and therwith exhorte men that they accustome them selues with asmuch diligencie as they may that as often as they beholde them selues or other men the heauens the earth the waters and thynges conteyned therein as oftē as they vse and take fruition of the same they cal to remembraunce and considre religiously with them selues that those be the workes and gyftes of God our maker and father and that they were made of him and set before vs for this purpose that in them we shoulde acknowledge God him selfe and oure father and his almightines his euerlasting wisedome and goodnes in Christ the sauiour that we shoulde cal vpō him and magnifie him And herein let them labour to cal to theyr myndes and consideration that there is none other God the maker and preseruer of al thinges then the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which gaue thys his sonne vnto vs and wyth hym all thinges perteynynge to the vse and saluation both of bodie and soule Whiche hath opened his word and doctrine of lyfe in the holie writinges that so they maye learne to comprehend and ioyne together the worde and workes of God and to knowe and beholde hym and his workes in his worde and to reuolue the same in theyr myndes whē they se and vse the creatures of God Lo this is thy God and maker which gaue the his sōne Christ our Lorde that he might brynge the from eternall death to eternall lyfe and hath reueiled his fatherly wyll toutchynge thy saluation in his scriptures whiche also caused his lawe and Gospell to be preached to the he of nothing made these heauens thys earth these waters these beastes these men thys meate drynke garmentes and what soeuer is before our eyes and handes and he hath layed them before the and geuen the them for thys entente that they myght serue the for thy vse and health that in these his workes and gyftes thou mayest more fully knowe hym prayse and magnifie him and serue hym frō thy whole herte wyth the very same thynges to sette forth his glorie further the health of men Whiche thynge if thou laboure to do these creatures and all the workes of God shall serue to procure thy health And if thou do not so they shall be agaynst the wyth God theyr maker and shall serue to reuenge thy vngodlines Suche a faythfull meditation and contemplation of the creatures of God bryngeth to passe that euerie worke of god preacheth God vnto vs and admonisheth vs of his diuinitie power and goodnes For whiche purpose they were also sette before vs that as the Apostle wryteth we may vnderstande by his workes thorowe the creation his eternall power and Godheade For we oughte so to beholde and considre euerie worke of God that sterynge vp a religiouse admiration of his deuine power wysedome and goodnes we maye crye out wyth Dauid Howe greate be thy workes O Lorde thou haste made al thynges wisely the earth is full of thy goodnes Psalm Ciiii. Thys wyse all the worlde is and oughte to he vnto vs the tēple of God that we may acknowledge call vpon magnifie and worshyppe God not in certayne places onely as vngodlines naturally grafted in vs alloweth but euery where in euery place of his dominion as God oure creatour and maynteyner Whereof thys foloweth that whyle in our busines and doinges we folowe the cōmaūdemētes of God and cal for his healpe we feare nothynge that anie man can do to vs we be nothynge agaste or tremble For as sone as we behold and cōsidre those men wyth whō we haue to do and which seame terrible vnto vs or the thynges them selues in whiche there appeareth some daunger or disticultie as the creatures of god and with that contemplation call to our remēbraunce and thynke religiously vpon God the maker of those men those thynges and of vs then our fayth in Goddes promyse and testimonie namely that all thinges were both made for oure health and felicitie do also necessarely worke the same styll and that they can be none other thinges then the instrumētes of God to perfourme our health and felicitie oure fayth I saye is so stered vp and strengthned to do al thynges that we take in hande to do by the commaundement of God that all feare of daunger and vnabilitie muste needes departe wyth all doubte of well bryngyng to passe the thing that we Godly take in hande to do that is to saye by the commaundement of God Thys cōsideration of thynges whiche pondreth that all thynges be the creatures of God and that God as he made them so he preserueth them for our profite and daylye bringeth them forth and giueth them vs to vse bringeth this thing to passe also that we abuse nothinge but that we haue esteame al thinges that come to our vse as the workes of the father hym selfe as they be in dede And it causeth vs to vse them wyth all moderation and holines wyth all thankesgeuyng and reuerent praysing before other and magnifiynge of Gooddes bountuousnes finally wyth liberall dealyng and bestowyng vpon them that neede It is righte necessarie that the people be taught moost diligently these thynges concernyng the beliefe of the creation and conseruation of all thynges and the faythfull contemplation and vse of the creatures of God For the comen people be muche farther drawen then men beleue from the true and lyuely knowledge and consideration of God the creatour and of his workes thorow that monstrous magnifiyng of saintes and of theyr power to healpe vs which they haue vntruely attributed vnto thē and thorowe those madde processions that settinge forth and worshippynge of images and of Sayntes bones All men in dede behold the heauens the earth and other godlye and wōderful creatures workes of God they toutch them they haue them in theyr hādes and also enioye the commoditie of them but they seldome or neuer remembre God the maker they thanke not God for these his so greate gyftes and benifittes whiche made preserueth and giueth vs al thynges for our cōmoditie health and felicitie And they defer al thynkyng on God all worshippynge of God tyl they come to theyr temples and chapelles there they wyll execute all theyr veneration worshippyng and Goddes seruice that with more securitie in all other places they maye lyue after theyr owne pleasure and nothyng at all remembre God as they shoulde and that manie wayes they maye abuse the holie creatures and
and to enstruct them of the same after thys sorte Fyrste forasmuche as it can not be that anie man shall praye truely and earnestly excepte some daunger or necessitie of lyfe driue hym thereto the preacher shall labour diligently to set before the peoples eyes the necessitie of prayinge by reason of the euyls and daungers whiche hange ouer all men ought to driue euery mā to pray earnestly Two kyndes of euylles and daungers moue vs to praye The one kynde is manifest the other is secrete To the firste as all men knowe diseases pertaine and pouertie persecution infamie hatred warre pestilence death heresies etc. What so euer be openly hurtfull whether they be corporall or spirituall And though all men do feele and take greuously these euylles yet there be fewe whiche so take them and be so greued for them as they shoulde and as the religion of Christ requireth that is to say as the scourges of God punishmentes of their sinnes whiche they shoulde labour to auoyed with true repentaunce and fayth Therefore the preachers muste teache and warne the people diligently that all these euylles happen thorowe the wrath of God agaynst synnes that in the same they maye learne to considre not onely theyr daunger and griefe but muche more the angre of God And further what damages what destruction of bodie and soule and of al honestie ryseth vpon the same that so the people maye be steared vp to religious and feruent prayer The secrete daungers to whiche we be subiecte are the snares that Satan layeth for vs by all occasions seekyng the destruction of bodie soule goodes name Which snares we coulde neuer scape excepte God of his vnmeasurable mercie and loue dyd defende vs by his angelles Otherwyse he woulde easely take away our lyfe wyth his venemous breath in some places he woulde steare vp robberies and murthers in other tempestes in other warres he woulde take from some men theyr mynde wyth horrible visions he woulde leade some out of theyr waye into vnknowen places he woulde throwe some from theyr horses some from steares some into waters Some shoulde be killed with the fal of an house some shoulde be torne of wylde beastes Some shoulde be infected or leese theyr lyfe wyth venemous beastes In some places he would sette houses on fyre in some he woulde droune all he woulde cause some to kyll them selues he woulde dryue some out of theyr wyttes he woulde furnishe some wyth euyl craftes to hurte other mennes lyfe and goodes as we se done wyth sundrie enchauntmentes In other places he woulde ouerthrowe discipline and honestie wyth all kyndes of mischeues In some places he woulde fyll maried folkes and householders wyth hatred brawlynges venimmes and murthers In some places he would trouble comō weales wyth greate cōmotions and seditions He woulde gyue some men witte and minde to depraue the scriptures and to corrupt ciuile lawes He woulde tangle some wyth pleasures and destroye the same in bodie and soule He woulde so opresse some wyth persecutions that he woulde drawe them from godlines to a careles impenitent and Epicureous lyfe He woulde dryue some hauing committed greuous offences vnto desperation Some tyme he woulde trouble the churche wyth sore sclaunders and somtyme counterfaiting an angel of lyght he would brynge in false doctrine and noysome exemples of lyfe Some tymes he woulde steare vp heresies and Idolatries Briefely there shoulde be nothynge in all the worlde safe from his malice violence which he would not depraue corrupt and destroy he would fyll all the worlde wyth calamities synnes death and all mischiefe excepte that God dyd breake and lette his tirannie For he is the prince of the worlde merueylous myghtie whiche beareth rule in the ayre Ephe. ij And he worketh in the vnfaythfull so that it is not harde for hym to sowe such errours and offences wherewyth euen the chosen myghte be brought to destruction if it were possible As we maye well se in Iob neither want we lyke exēples in these dayes wherwyth God admonisheth vs both of the daūger whiche hangeth ouer vs thorowe the malice of Satan and also of his protection whereby he disapoynteth Satans purposes that we shoulde euer praye for thys his defence and acknowledge it wyth thankes gyuyng Wherefore the preachers shall declare these daungers diligently that they maye learne how manie and necessarie causes there be that oughte euer to steare and dryue vs to prayer and to learne of that our carnall carelesnes Secondly the preachers shal note the promises of God whiche are sette forth euerie where in the scripture wherein God promiseth that he wyll turne awaye suche perils and deliuer vs when we be fallen in them And they shall cōmende the same to the people diligently when occasion shal serue that they maye learne to loke vpon them religiously in theyr prayers and to rayse vp their myndes therewyth vnto a sure truste to obtayne Goddes healpe For that prayer may be harde it muste needes be done in fayeth and in the name of Christe as Christe hymselfe warneth what so euer ye aske in my name beleuynge ye shall receyue it Math. xxi Item what so euer ye shall aske the father in my name he shal giue it you Io. xvi Therfore that we maye beleue that oure praier is harde we must needes haue Gods worde and promise whiche we may beleue For otherwise it shoulde be a false trust and vngodlines if we dyd learne onely vpō our owne iudgement and persuasion A promise then out of the worde of God where vpon our prayer maye leane is necessarie without the whiche we can in no wyse praye truely neither yet be harde But thys thynge must also be added that it be done in the name of Christ And that we do not onely when we praye wyth these wordes we beseche the father almyghtie God thorowe Iesus Christ thy sonne our Lorde but also when we pray onely for those thinges whiche Christ commaunded vs to praye for so that after thys sorte we maye praye truely O Lorde God heauēly father we come not to pray vnto the thorowe our owne lust or confidence but by the institution and commaundement of thy onely begotten sonne of whō we haue thys sentence and promise that thou wylte heare vs for his sake Neither do we praye trustyng in our worthines or in oure merites for we knowe that we haue deserued nothinge sauinge wrath and punishment but in the name of thy sonne that is to saye that thou wylt heare vs for his sake and merite This is to pray truly in the name of Christ neither can it be but that we shall be hearde as often as we praye wyth suche a mynde and suche a sure cōfidence as Iohn wytnesseth i. Epist v. Thys is the truste that we haue towardes God that it we shal aske any thynge accordyng to his wyll he heareth vs. etc. Therefore the preachers shal declare to the people diligently what a great synne doubtyng is in prayer
father thorowe oure onely mediatour Christe and cal vpon hym onely in the name of his sonne wyth a sure truste of childrē towardes his more then fatherly loue wyth earneste feare also and reuerence and carefull supplication of mynde towardes his maiestie And to steare vp kendle and feede suche inuocation and praiyng Let them vse those instrumentes religiously whiche God hym selfe hath appoynted and cōmēded for thys purpose I meane holy assembles the diuine scriptures the sacramentes and a godly contemplation of al his gyftes workes and iudgementes ¶ Of christian faste THe holy scriptures sette fastynge Augustine to Consulaine Priest epist lxxxviij Of the fastes of the olde fathers I sayth he in the wrytynges of the Apostles and euangelistes and all the newe testament reuoluyng that thinge in my mynde I se that fastynge is commaunded But vpon what dayes we shoulde faste or not fast by the commaūdemente of the Lorde or the Apostles I finde it not determined before vs as a certeyne peculiar preparation and way to more earnest prayer for the remission of sinnes for the singuler mercie grace of God and other singuler benifittes and gyftes As the Niniuites humbly prayed to God wyth moste straite fastyng for remission of synnes and forgyuenes of the punishment which God had declared vnto them Ionas iij. Such a faste it was also whiche God cōmaunded to the people of Israel the .x. daye of the .viij. moneth whiche was the daye of purgation in whiche all the people humbly praye God for the remission of synnes Leuiti iij. God also cōmaunded such a fast Ioel. ij When the people was punished of corne and wyth greuous warre for theyr synnes Turne vnto me sayeth he wyth all your herte wyth fastyng weepyng and bewaylynge Item in the same place Blowe vp a trompe in Sion sanctifie a faste etc. Such a fast also is described i. Samuel vij and thei came togyther in Masphath and drue water shedde it forth in the syght of the Lorde and fasted on that daye and sayed there we haue synned vnto the Lorde Item Dauides faste in the syckenes of his sonne whom he had fyrste of Bathseba God strucke also the yonge chylde whom the wyfe of Vrias brought forth vnto Dauid and he was despeyred of and Dauid humbly praied to the Lorde for the yonge chylde and Dauid fasted a faste and wente asyde and laye vpon the grounde Item Achab when Elias had declared vnto hym the reuengeaūce of god for the death of Naboth i. Kynges xx Of thys sorte was that faste of Paule which cōtinued three dayes when the Lorde had conuerted hym nigh Damasco and had taken away his sight actes ix The faste that Iosaphat ordeyned when the Moabites and Ammonites had brought forth an huge armie agaynst hym was ioyned wyth prayer for the singuler benifitte and healpe of god The faste of Esdras was lyke whē he prepared to returne into Iurie And that which Hester inioyned to hyr people whē she wold speake to the kinge for the health of the people Of the same sorte it was also which the congregation of the sayntes at Antioche inioyned to them selues when laying on their handes they shoulde sende forth Paule and Barnabas to preache the Gospel to the heathen Actes xiij And it was also such a faste whiche the same two Apostles kepte when they woulde appoynte elders in the congregations of Asia whiche they had wonne to Christe Act. xiiij And that fasting ought alway to be ioyned to euerie earnest and solemne prayer the thyng that Paule wryteth of maried folkes teacheth sufficiently Let the husbande rendre due beniuolence to his wyfe and lykewyse the wife to hyr husbande defraude not one an other excepte anie thynge be done of agremente for a reason that ye maye gyue your selues to fastynge and prayer The preachers shall diligently obserue these and suche other testimonies of the holy scripture concernynge fastynge and they shal faithfully teach the people by the same Fyrst that fastyng is a certeyne propre maner and a certeyne parte of careful and earnest prayer vnto God as the places alledged and such other testifie and that it is not a worke acceptable to God by it self or holsome vnto vs. Secondly they shal diligētly warne this also that fasting as prayer excepte it be obserued out of true fayeth and earnest repentaunce for our synnes it is not onely a thing vnacceptable to God but also abominable as if we faste by reason of the institution and custome of men or also to boste our selues whiche thinge Christe the Lorde noted Math. vi They darken theyr faces that it maye appeare vnto men that they faste A true faste and acceptable to God muste be taken in hande wyllyngly of mannes owne accorde of one whiche feeleth the burthen of synnes in his conscience whiche feareth the angre reuēgeaunce of God for his sinnes whiche therefore is dryuen diligētly to seeke and praye for remission of synnes or whiche desireth to make readie hym selfe and after a certeyne wyse to sanctifie him selfe to pray more religiously for the benifittes of God Wherfore thys thynge whiche is in Ioel ij Chap. muste be euer diligently beaten into the people when we speake of fastynge Turne vnto me sayeth the Lorde wyth all your herte wyth fastyng etc. that men may learne that no fastynge pleaseth God but that that springeth out of true repentaunce and lyuely griefe for synnes and true conuersion to the mercie of God of whom we seeke remission of sinnes wyth singuler and feruent desire Thyrdly the preachers shall teache out ●f the alledged places and suche lyke that fastyng is not onely abstinence from meate and drynke but that there is required moreouer forasmuche as fastyng oughte to be a parte of carefull prayer for remission of sinnes and the grace of God that on the fastynge dayes we wythdrawe our selues vtterly from al pleasures and busynes of this lyfe and gyue our selues wholy to prayer wyth great humilitie of all our lyfe cōming from the herte and chastisynge of the bodie Hereof it came that the Lorde in Ioell commaunded to sanctifie a faste to call an assēble to gather the elders together the spouse and the spousesse al the inhabitauntes of the lande into the house of God and crie vnto the Lorde He cōmaundeth also the infantes and the suckelynges to be broughte that by the syght and pitie of them they myghte be moued to greater repentaunce of theyr synnes and feruenter prayer for forgiuenes This is the cause why God so sore rebuketh the Iewes Esaie lviij Bycause on the fasting dayes they regarded theyr busynes and required theyr dettes And he testifyeth that he abhorreth theyr fastynges and that they be not those that he commaunded In whiche place thys thinge is diligently to be considered that therefore he hearde not their prayers nor accepted theyr fastes bicause they folowed theyr owne desires vpon the fastyng dayes Lo sayeth he in your fastinges your wyll is founde Wherefore it is conuenient that vpon
those dayes when fastynges are prescribed the people absteyne frō all other workes and busynes and wholy gyue them selues to heare Gods worde and to praye For thys cōmon prayer of the churche hath a verie large promise propouned Math. xviij If two of you consent together vpon earth etc. Therefore we muste assemble together vnto prayer and we must applie the same that we do none other thing and that our hert and mynde be bent wholy bent thereunto Howbeit in priuate fastes in which the whole congregation is not called togyther to the worde of God and praier honeste and moderate labours of the body nothynge hyndre fastynge as they hyndre not prayer For the laboure it selfe healpeth to chastise the bodie and to drawe the mynde from the vauinitie of the world and to moue it to prayer and also to succour the poore And though at al tymes we must vse labour of the bodie for thys purpose that we may ease the neede of our brethern whē we desirously call for the mercie and bountuousnes of God Then let thys sayinge of Paule haue place He that hath stolen lette him steale no more but let him rather worke wyth his handes that he maye succoure the needie But that faste that we take vpon vs of carefull desire to appease and to praye God wherof we recited some exemples out of the scripture byndeth a man wholy ●o prayers and other exercises of religion and draweth hym from al other cares and busines As we maye se in the faste of Dauid whiche he toke vpon hym his sonne borne of Bathseba beinge sycke he laye onely in duste lamented and knocked vpon the mercie of God wyth prayers Paule dyd the same thynge in that faste of three dayes when the Lorde had conuerted hym Fourthly the preachers shall teache that large almes muste be added to a godly fast that al vniuste burthens of our neighbours must be loosed and discharged and that we must succour the needie liberally For so the Lorde fayeth Esaie lviij Shoulde thys be the fast that I haue chosen that a mā should daily vexe his soule wryth his heade lyke a circle and caste on sacke cloth and ashes Wylt thou call thys a faste and an acceptable daye to the Lorde Is not thys rather the faste that the Lorde hath chosen Loose vngodly bondes remitte vsuries vniustly oppressynge make them free that be broken wyth pouertie and breake all burthens of dettes breake thy breade to the hūgrie harbour the needie and harbourles when thou seest the naked cloth hym For thys cause the holie fathers condemned all fastes as not christian nor acceptable to God though neuer so straite abstinence be kept in them and sharpe chastisyng of the bodie vsed if they that faste conuerte not thē selues from synnes wyth all their hertes to the Lorde and settynge asyde all cares and busines of thys lyfe giue them selues wholy to prayer and other exercises of religion and vse moste liberalitie towardes the pore Wherfore they taught that they which wil faste godly shoulde bestowe all that vpon the pore that they had spared in fastynge whiche is a verie rightfull thynge and takē out of the verie nature of godlines I saye that the faythfull whyle they studiously cal for the mercie of God and desire his liberalitie shew thē selues also at that tyme chiefly mercifull and bountuous to their needie neighbours For we please God wyth such sacrifices Hebr. xiij Out of thys doctrine of christian fastes the councell Cabilonense enacted that there is required to true fastyng that the fasters The olde fathers celebrated the communiō of the supper of the Lorde on fastynge dayes at euentyde as ye may se in Athanasius de virginitate be presēt at the euening praiers which done and the cōmunion celebrated and alines distributed they shoulde receyue meate For the olde fathers celebrated the cōmunion of the holy eucharistia or thankesgyuynge on fastinges dayes at euētyde But thys much of cōmon fastyng For christian men haue a double faste a priuate faste whiche euerie man ioyneth to hym selfe or to his familie onely And a cōmon faste which the gouernours of the cōmon weale or the prouostes of the church inioyne to the whole cōgregation for some cōmon and greate necessitie that lyeth vpon all men When Dauid bewayled his synne and prayed that health myght be restored to his sicke sonne he kepte a priuate faste The fast of Cornilius was priuate whereof Luke speaketh act x. Item the faste of the Prophetisse But the faste of the Niniuites Hester Iosaphat and of many other was a cōmon faste which thynge is required Ioell ij And an yerely faste in the daye of purgation is inioyned Leuiti xxiij The holy bishoppes in olde tyme and the auncient church kept two maner of these cōmon fastes Some were yerely at certeine and appoynted tymes Some were not certeyne but were vsed accordyng to the necessitie that happened that they myght be readier to prayer Of the fyrst sorte lent is and other fastes returning euery yere at certeine dayes whiche dayly haue bene heaped in numbre wyth mennes traditions but verie muche hath bene wythdrawen from godlie abstinence and religious studie of prayinge to god For the institutiō of the olde churche is longe sithens corrupted For the olde byshoppes diligently exhorted the people to faste but they lefte mennes conscience free neither condemned them whiche would not or coulde not faste As Paule also onely exhorteth to faste and the Lorde him selfe layed no commaundement vpon vs cōcernyng thys thinge but taught only how it should be kepte to the acceptation of the father not of men In thys moderation of exhortation and christian libertie manie wyll faste godlie and truly Now whereas fastes be most straitly inioyned no parte of fastynge or litle is kepte yea the greatest parte of the people know not what a true faste is And if anie faste and chastise theyr bodies they do it wyth manifeste vngodlines and despite of Goddes grace for wyth that worke they wyll satisfie for theyr synnes and deserue somewhat Forthermore the fathers condēned them openly whiche were more careful for choyse of meates then for true abstinēce and chastisyng of the bodie And they reproued them also which though they vexed thē selues wyth abstinence yet in fastynge they regarded nothynge elles but abstinence nor dyd no more For we must faste for thys entent that we maye be more readie attentyue and feruent to prayer Now a daies fasting is thoughte nothynge els then to absteyne from the fleshe of foure foted beastes of birdes etc. For they serue theyr gul more daintily and exquisitely wyth fishes and other meates vpon fastyng dayes then vpō other and they take asmuche at dynner as myght suffice for a good supper to And further that they maye seme accordynge to the olde custome to take meat after the euening praiers they haue those prayers before none Euensonge whiche accordynge to the name shoulde be sayed in the euenyng What other thynge
men wyth all theyr hertes for the Lorde Christes sake that they serue al maner of men and do them good in all thynges that perteyne to the neede of the bodie or to ciuile societie Therefore in thys ciuile lyfe societie they exercise theyr fayth and shewe exemples of loue towardes their neighbours wyth whom they lyue in all theyr necessities all maner of wayes What soeuer gētle behauiour there is in the world what so euer perteyneth or healpeth to faythfull and honest ciuilitie and participation of present thynges and to the maynteinyng and adurnyng of the common weale that christē mē only do rightly vnderstand labour to perfourme most prōptly In like maner the pastours must often substantially declare and excusse those doctrines also that perteyne to a spirituall lyfe for whiche the Anabaptistes make muche busines as of originall synne of the baptisme of infātes of the rightuousnes of fayth and these thinges they shall teache out of the holie scriptures as of original synne what an horrible euyll it is bycause mannes reason doeth no● se those thynges to be damned whiche remayne in the nature of man I meane the ignoraunce of God want of the feare of God and distrusting of God Item that God alloweth the baptisme of our infantes receyueth our infantes into his chyldren thorowe baptisme and maketh them heyres of his grace and euerlastyng lyfe That remission of synnes the communion of Christe the felowshoppe of a newe and blessed lyfe is only in the congregation of Christ and not amonge the Iewes or Turbes or other men amonge whom the Gospell is not preached the sacramentes of Christe are not administered but rather the name and doctrine of Christ is blasphemed The matter standing thus and seinge that it is euident that God wyl be the God of our seede also that is to saye a sauiour and authour of a newe and blessed lyfe to vs which thorowe Christ be made the sonnes of Abraham and heyres of the promyse and couenaunte whiche God Gene. xvij Gala iii. made wyth hym the father of all them that beleue the matter beinge thus I saye surely we maye conclude and it is playne that our infantes borne of vs synners and loste through synnes muste be offered to Christ be incorporated to him thorowe baptisme that by hym they maye be washed in the churche from synnes and haue his ryghtuousenes gyuē thē put vpon them For seing that the kingdome of Christ is reueiled amounge vs and the mistery of redemptiō and saluation wrought by Christe is more clearely and abundaūtly exhibited and preached then before for manye Kynges and prophetes desired to heare and see the thinges that we heare and se and it was not giuen to them it muste needes be that they playnlie knowe not the Gospell of Christe and cōmunion of sayntes amonge them selues that were sayntes in dede and acceptable to God or els that they inuade Christe and his churche with a wicked furie whosoeuer they be that wyl not haue our infantes to be purged from synnes wyth the Sacramente of regeneration and to be planted in the churche of God seinge that it behoued infantes of the olde people to be sanctified and planted into the bodie of Christ whiche is the churche wyth that Sacramente that God then gaue them for thys purpose For why shoulde oure infantes perteyne lesse to the kyngdome of God then theirs seinge that thorow Christ we be grafted in the holy roote of that people and made partakers of the blessed fatnes of thys Olyue Ro. x● Furthermore we haue giuē vnto vs a mig●tier spirite Romo viij But we be gotten i● synnes aswel as the Iewes and haue neede to be deliuered from synnes thorowe Christ and to be brought vnto the life of God and that in Christes church For there is not saluation wythout the churche where neither the worde nor Sacrament is Infantes then muste be planted into the church we must gyue them the signe that wytnesseth that the promise perteyneth vnto thē And forasmuche as in this time the Gospel the grace of God and redemption of Christe be more clearely and effectuously exhibited and preached in the churche both wyth wordes and sacramentes then amonge the olde people euerie man surely beinge rightly warned hereof excepte he be a verie vngodlie person shall acknowledge that oure infantes also muste be washed from synnes by baptisme whiche is the Sacrament of regeneration and that they muste be planted into Christe our Lorde and his churche in whiche church Christe worketh thorowe his worde and sacramentes as Ephes● v. Paule sayeth that Christ loued the cōgregation and gaue him selfe for it to sanctifie it and cleanse it wyth the lauer of water etc. He describeth not the congregation wythout signes and without the worde Wherefore he sayeth also in an other place one bodie one spirite one Lorde one fayth one baptisme Whiche thynges surely do testifie that they whiche perteyne to the cōgregation be planted into the same wyth some outwarde signe also If mē shall be warned hereof often and substantially they shal reuerentlie vse holie baptisme they shal come to it and stande by it more religiously and they shal more feruently pray for the grace of God to them selues and to the infātes and wyth purer myndes and greater sanctification of them selues they shal labour to offre to Christe the Lorde both their owne chyldren and also the chyldren of the whole church according to the Lordes wordes suffre the litelones to come vnto me for the kingdome of heauen perteyneth to such Whiche moste sweete sayinge of the Lorde oure sauioure they shall also embrace wyth more certeyne fayth and wyth greater deuotion gyue God thankes for his so greate benifitte Men shall moreouer be moued and enflamed to procure theyr chyldren beinge grafted in Christe to be brought vp to hym and to his churche wyth greater diligence and they shall cause them to be nosseled in the knowledge of him that they may profite the church and whē they be growen vp they shall dedicate them betymes as the membres of Christe vnto his churche being the sonnes and heyres of God and ioynte heyres wyth Christ In lyke maner the rightuousnes of fayth must be declared and sette forth by comparyng of the Anabaptisticall imaginations For that comparison shall brynge greater lyght to thys ministerie I saye when it shal be playnely shewed howe greate difference there is betwene the true ryghtuousnes of Christ and the hypocrisie of these heretikes For that rightuousnes that the Gospel teacheth is to take handfast of Christ the lorde with sure faith so that the mynde trust therin constantly and call vpon God the father thorowe Christe wyth the cōfidence of chyldren and studie to glorifie the same wyth good workes wherewyth our neighbours may be holpen by al possible meanes accordynge to all the power of the holie goste that it hath receyued But the rightuousnes whiche the Anabaptistes teache and wherin they boste themselues is al
euerie where thys nature thys strength of a newe creature in Christe and of a man borne agayne thys ordre and consequentie or rather lynckynge togyther of the workes of the holie gooste in the beleuynge Whiche places the preachers muste often wyth singuler diligence propoune faythfully declare and continually beate into the people Of whiche places these be some Ro. viii But ye be not in the fleshe but in the spirite for the spirite of God dwelleth in you And if anie man haue not the spirite of Christe the same is not his Nowe if Christe be in you the bodie is dead concerning synne but the spirite is life cōcerning Iustification etc. Wherefore bretherne we are detters not to the fleshe that we should liue after the fleshe for if ye lyue after the fleshe ye shall dye But if ye mortifie the dedes of the fleshe with the spirite ye shall lyue For as manie as shal be ledde wyth the spirite of God be the chyldren of God etc. ii Cor. v. Iudgyng thys that if one died for all then all were dead and he dyed for all that they whiche lyue after thys myght not lyue to them selues but to hym that died for them and rose againe etc. Gala. v. walke in the spirite and ye shall not perfourme the concupiscence of the fleshe Item but the fruite of the spirite is charitie ioye peace etc. Ephe. v. Ye were sometyme darkenes but nowe lyghte in the Lorde walke as the chyldren of lyghte etc. Item Se then that ye walke circumspectly not as vnwyse but as wyse redeamyng occasion bicause the dayes be euyl etc. Phil i. Thys I praye that your loue may abounde more and more in knowledge and all vnderstandynge that ye may allowe the thinges that be ryghte good that ye be sincere etc. Collo iii. putte on then as the chosen of God holie and beloued the bowels of compassion gentlenes sobrenes etc. Tit. ii Iesus Christ gaue hym selfe for vs for to redeame vs from all iniquitie and to purifie vs to hym selfe a peculiar people a folower of good workes i. Iohn i. And thys is the tydynges that we hearde of hym and shewe vnto you that God is lyghte and there is no darkenes in hym If we shall saye we haue felowshyppe wyth him and walke in darkenes we lye etc. Item iii. Euerie one that hath thys hope in hym purifieth hym selfe as he is pure all that committe synne the same committe iniquitie and synne is iniquitie And ye know that he appeared to take awaye synnes etc. These places and suche other in whiche the nature of regeneration and of a newe creature and the ordre cōsequence or rather the knittyng of the workes of the holy gost be declared the preachers must often recite faythfully expoune and printe into the people in theyr sermons that they maye learne thorowly and euer diligently reuolue in theyr myndes that they whiche be borne agayne in Christ and grafted in him and be made fruitefull braunches in thys lyfe and good trees muste also brynge forth good fruites and forasmuche as they be a newe and diuine creation made vnto good workes they muste trauayle also in newe and diuine workes whiche God hath prepared in them wyth his commaundement calling and gifte and worketh cōtinually wyth his spirite to his owne glorie and to the edification and repayryng of our neighbours But alwayes and before al thinges they muste be taught moste diligently that a cōscience fearfull by reason of hir synnes and the wrath of God muste comforte hyr selfe wyth the voice of the Gospell and certifie hyr selfe therby that God wyll surely gyue his holie spirite whyle we praye for it in thys distresse and that thys petition is a true and principall worshyppyng of God which god chiefly requireth of vs. And this high worshyppyng of God muste be learned onely wyth the exercise of true fayeth wherof the blinde men of this world know nothynge putting theyr ryghtuousnes and holines in outwarde ceremonies and truste of theyr owne rightuousnes But when the herte wrastleth wyth the feelynge of the wrath of God and lyuely knowledge of synnes and comforteth hyr selfe with fayth in Christe the mediatoure in thys case that sweete word of Esaie is vnderstāded which is the place of my reste sayeth the Lorde I wyll loke vpon the humble and broken in spirite and tremblynge at my worde For then the Lorde dwelleth in vs in dede when we flee to Christe the mediatour and determine wyth our selues that for his sake we be accepted and hearde of the heauenly father and made heyres of euerlastyng lyfe Wherfore the true fayth of the Gospel whereof we speake in this place signifieth not onely the knowledge of the storie as in Iames when he sayeth the deuylles beleue but it signifieth that knowledge of the Gospell and assentyng caused thorowe the spirite of Christe whereby there spryngeth in our hertes a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and adoption thorow which we haue affiaūce that God is mercifull vnto vs and hath made vs heyres of euerlasting lyfe for his sonnes sake whiche fayth excludeth all trust of our owne ryghtuousnes and all errour concernyng God his wyl towardes vs. For thys fayth comprehendeth a sincere and perfecte vnderstandinge of all the articles of our religion and an assent therunto Therfore thys pure doctrine of the Gospel muste be reteyned of fearfull consciences that they maye knowe that they obteyne remission of synnes frely for Christes sake by fayth and not by the deseruyng of workes And let them beware that they remoue not thys glorie of the Mediatour Christe vnto mennes workes For if the promise of saluation dyd hange vpon our worthines the conscience shoulde remayne vncertaine stickyng in perpetuall doubte and shoulde flee from God For we can not satisfie the lawe of God at all and many sinnes cleaue euer in vs and there remayneth great weaknes Neither could the hert call certaynely vpon God if oure owne deseruynges were to be brought forth for it should be frayed awaye perceyuing him selfe to be destitute of those merites that God requireth Therefore we muste come vnto God wyth thys fayeth wherby we beleue that we are accepted and iustified before God for Christes sake and not for our merites Thys fundation muste be layed fyrste of al wherby we be planted in Christ and disseuered from all vngodlie men and aliauntes frō Christe Afterwarde it is necessarie to enstruct the people a right of good workes chiefely after thys sorte ¶ Of good workes That thys place may be more easely vnderstanded it shall be conuenient to deuide it into these fyue questions ¶ The first What workes are to be done ¶ The seconde Howe they may be done seing that there is so great weaknes of mannes nature and so great lettes of Satan ¶ The thirde Howe they may please God beinge vnperfecte and verie sclender ¶ The fourth Why we must do good workes and auoyed euyll ¶ The fyfth Of the difference of synnes ¶ The first