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A02347 The staffe of Christian faith profitable to all Christians, for to arme themselues agaynst the enimies of the Gospell: and also for to knowe the antiquitie of our holy fayth, and of the true Church. Gathered out of the vvorks of the ancient doctors of the church, and of the councels, and many other doctors, vvhose names you shall see here follovving. Translated out of Frenche into English, by Iohn Brooke of Ashe next Sandvviche. With a table to finde out all that which is contayned in the booke.; Baston de la foy chrestienne. English Brès, Guy de, 1522-1567.; Brooke, John, d. 1582. 1577 (1577) STC 12476; ESTC S103536 181,177 440

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worde be of spirituall things and let vs take in our handes Gods bookes and calling togither our neyghbors sprinkle with heauenlye wordes oure owne selues and of the assistentes that thereby we may chase and driue away the treasons and assaultes of the diuell S. Ierome in his first Tome vnto Marcellus perswading him to goe to Bethleem In the towne where Iesus was borne there are none but rusticall people where ye shal here nothing but singing of psalms in euery place the ploughman holding the plough by the tayle singeth Alleluya The mower to passe away the time singeth psalmes the Vine dresser with his hooke cutting the vine singeth some thing of Dauid these are the songes of this prouince these are as we say commonly the songes of loue Athanasius vpon the Epistle vnto the Ephesians .6 Chapter Ye fathers moue not your children to wrathe c. he addeth the cause of the obeying of the fathers commaundement and sheweth vnto the parents how they should make their children obedient and ready to doe that that they are bydde If thou wylt saith he that thy children doe obey thee accustome them vnto heauenly wordes and saye not that it belongeth vnto the Monkes to vnderstand holy letters For truely it is the office rather of euery christian and chefelye of him which medleth and hath to doe with the affayres and businesse of this worlde And the more that he hath neede of the greater healpes the greater neede hath he to vnderstand it for he is more prouoked with the assaults of this world This then is greatly for thy profite that thy children may heare read holy Scriptures for thereby they shall learne to honor father and mother But thou doest the contrary thou bringest vp thy children in the doctrine of panims and gentiles of whiche they shall learne moste wicked thinges the which shall not be so when they are instructed in the heauenlye Scriptures Primasius Byshop of Vtica in Africa disciple of S. Augustine vpon the Epistle to the Collos 3. chapter Let the worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously c. Here is most amply declared that the laye people ought also to haue the word of God not only simply but also aboundantly and plenteously and they ought also to admonishe and teach the one the other Athanasius vpon the .3 Chapter of the Collossians Let the worde of Christe dwell in you plenteously in all wisedome He declareth the way by the which we may giue thanks in all things For if the worde of God sayth he dwell in you that is to say the doctrine or heauenly commaundementes and admonitions by the which he instructeth vs to despyse this lyfe we cannot greatly esteeme earthly riches Truly we shoulde not fall or bee ouercome with to grieuous things but to beare all things stoutly and manfully rendring thankes vnto God although there happen aduersities For he hath not sayde let the word of God be in you simply but let it dwell in you plenteously For if we doe abound in the knowledge of the holy Scriptures we shall easly beare trybulations paines and calamities and all other manner of euill Theophilacte vpon the .6 chap. to the Ephesians If thou wylt saith he that thy children should obey thee instruct them in the word of our Lorde and saye not that it dooth belong onely vnto the Monkes to reade the Scriptures For it belongeth aswell vnto euery christian and cheefely vnto all those which haue to doe in this worlde S. Ierome vpon the .6 chap. vnto the Ephesians If he doe commaund the Ephesians being laye men and vnto many that are occupyed in the businesse and affaires of this life as we see among the people to teach their children in all discipline and admonition of the Lorde what oughte wee to thinke or iudge of the priestes of whose order he hath written vnto his disciple Timothe saying hauing children subiect in all reuerence c. S. Ambrose vpon the .2 Epistle vnto Timothe 3. chapter All scripture giuen by inspiration of god c. It is manifeste that all scripture of which God is said to be the author to be profitable For it is giuen to that ende that it may profite the ignorant and amend the disformed creatures drawing the wicked into all good workes For in profitting a little and little to the newe man it will make him the man of God. Chrysostome vpon the .2 Epistle vnto Timothe .3 chapter Thou hast saith he through me the Scriptures if thou doest desire to learne any thing of them thou mayest learne it If he did write those thinges vnto Timothe who was full of the holy ghoste howe much more ought we to thinke that it is spoken vnto vs. Lactantius Firmianus in the Proeme of his heauenly institutions We which haue receiued the Sacrament of true religion for asmuch as the truthe is reueled vnto vs and that we may followe God the doctor of sapyence and wysedome let vs call vnto that heauenlye banket all men vniuersally without anye difference eyther of kinde or age for there is no meate sweeter and more delectable vnto the soule then the knowledge of the truthe S. Augustine in the .6 chapter of the vtilitie and profyte of beleeuing All that which is in the Scriptures is high and heauenly all is truth and moste fitte and holsome doctrine beleeue me for to fill and satisfie the spirites in such sorte that euery one may drawe out that which is sufficient for him so that he drawe it deuoutly and holily according as true religion requireth Augustine of true religion .51 chapt about the letter E. In forsaking sayeth he the open and Poeticall trifles and foolishnesse let vs feede and comfort our spirite in treating and considering of holy scriptures The which spirite being wearye and to muche ouercome with the heate hunger and thirst of vayne curiositie and things to no purpose desireth to bee refreshed and comforted with vain fantasies as of goodly and daintie meates Chrysostome vpon S. Iohn 5. Tome .10 Homilie first Chapter Before I doe come to intreate of the wordes of the Gospell I would request of you one thing which I woulde not haue you to despyse For I doe not demaunde of you heauie things nor such as are hard to be done neyther that which is onely profitable to me but a great deale more to you What is then the request that I demaunde That one day in the weeke or at the least vpon the Sundayes and Festiuall dayes ye be diligent to haue in youre handes before the preaching the Gospell which we doe reade vnto you and to repeate them often in your houses searching diligently the vnderstanding thereof and noting that which is easie or obscure and harde in them and that which seemeth to haue contrarietie yet notwithstanding hath not and after that ye haue throughly examined it bee very attentiue to those Sermons by whiche meane shall come great profite both to you
the thinges that are playne and knowen let passe the harde and obscure thinges And if thou canst not with continuall reading find out that whiche is there spoken goe vnto one that is wyser then thy selfe or vnto a doctor declare vnto him the thinges that are written declare vnto him thy feruent desire And if God would giue vnto thee so great promptitude of corage he will not dispise thy diligence and carefulnesse But yet although that no man will teache thee that whiche thou desirest to knowe yet without doubt he will declare it vnto thee Remember the Eunuch of the Queene of the Ethiopians who although he were a barbarous and rude man letted and hindred with innumerable cares and on euery side enuironed with worldly affaires and troubles and that he did not vnderstande that which he reade neuerthelesse he did reade it sitting in his charret If all the time as he went in the way he ceased not to reade much lesse when he was at rest in his house if he did reade vnderstanding not that which he reade and hath not ceased to reade muche lesse after that he hath learned Now to the ende that thou know that he did not vnderstande that which he did reade heare what Philip sayde vnto him Doest thou vnderstande sayth he that which thou readest And he hearing his wordes was not ashamed but confessed his ignorance and sayde Howe can I vnderstande except I had a guyde When there was none that coulde shewe him the way neuerthelesse he did reade and therefore he had immediatly a guyde God knowing his prompt and ready courage and louing his diligence incontinently did sende him a doctor but we haue not Philip ready Let vs not despyse my brethren and frendes our health and saluation all thinges are written for the loue of vs for our correction vnto whome the endes of the ages are come vpon The reading of the Scriptures is a great munition against sinne the ignorance of the Scriptures is a greate perill of falling headlong into hell to know nothing of the heauenly lawes is a great perdition of saluation This thing hath engendred heresyes this hath made vs lead a naughty life and hath mingled all thinges bothe high and lowe Truely it can not be that he shoulde be sent awaye without fruite which taketh pleasure in continuall and attentiue reading of the Scriptures S. Ierome in his .6 Tome vpon Ieremie Chapter .9 The error of our forefathers ought not to be followed but the authoritie of the Scriptures and the commaundement of God which he teacheth vs And agayne truly through the ignoraunce of the lawe they receyue Antichrist for Christ Chrysostome in the 29. homilie vpon Genesis There is neither the passion of the body nor of the soule in mans nature but that it maye take medicine of the holy Scripture Afterwarde he sayth Therefore I pray you come often hither and marke diligently the reading of the holy scripture not onely when you doe come hither but also in your houses take in your handes the holy Byble and receyue with greate diligence and care the vtilitie that lyeth therein hid for thereby you shall get great profite First trulye that by the reading your tongue bee reformed afterwarde your soule taketh wings and eleuateth hir selfe and is illuminated through the splendor and brightnesse of the sunne of righteousnesse And in the meane time it is deliuered from the inticementes and allurements of filthie and vncleane thoughtes reioicing with great rest and tranquillitie And furthermore that whiche the corporall meate doth vnto the body for to augment increase strength the same doth the reading of the holy scriptures vnto the soule The Canon lawe in the Chapter Praelatum de consecratione .3 Distinction That whiche the Scripture doth vnto the readers the same doth the Paynter vnto the Idiotes and ignoraunt in beholding it for in the same the ignorant people doe see that whiche they ought to followe in the same they doe reade whiche knowe not the letters The Emperor Iustinian in his newe Constitutions autentike in the 146. Constitution of the Hebrues sayth thus It was expedient that the Hebrues shoulde take great pleasure not of the hystorie onely when they gyue eare vnto the holy bookes but that they shoulde marke and beholde the sense hidde in them by the whiche they shewe forth the great God Iesus Christ sauiour of mankinde But although that by the interpretation among them dreamed they doe debate and reason it among them selues vnto this day neuerthelesse they haue erred from the right sentence And bicause we haue knowen that they haue amongst themselues debates we woulde not leaue them in such dissentions For wee haue known by the interpellation and reports whiche haue bene tolde vs that some of them would not receiue but the Hebrewe tongue onely and would that we shoulde vse them in the reading of holy bookes other doe holde an opinion that wee muste haue the Greeke tongue and there hathe bene for this thing of long time sedition among them We then hauing vnderstode this debate haue iudged those better whiche desire to haue the Greeke tongue in the reading of holy bookes and for to be short such a tongue as the place requireth moste fitte and meetest for the hearers we then doe ordayne that in what soeuer place the Hebrewes are it shall be lawefull for them in their assemblies to reade the holy Scriptures in the Greeke tongue and in the Italian tongue or translated and changed into any other tongue as the place shall require to the ende that all the continuation and order of that whiche is sayde be manifested vnto those which shal vnderstand the holy boks by the reading of them And according to these thinges they doe direct their lyfe and study and their interpretors whiche doe vse only the Hebrewe tongue may not after their owne fancie maliciously entreate and expounde them hiding and cloking their wickednesse by the ignorance of the people And a little after he saith let vs altogither forbyd that which they doe call Deuteros as the second tradition not contayned in the holy bookes not giuen from aboue by the Prophets but conteyning a certayne extracte of men whiche speake not but of earthly and terrestriall things not hauing in it any thinge of the heauenly spirite But truly we desire that they reade the holy sayinges when they declare the holy books not hiding the things that are therein contayned and not heape togither vaine wordes that are not written but excogitated and inuented by them to the destruction of the simple people which licence by vs giuen shall not turne to any mans hurt or dammage of those that receiue the Greeke tongue other tongues and that shall not be prohibited nor forbidden them by no man what soeuer he bee And ouer and besides those which are cal-Archpharasies or Auncients or maisters shall not haue licence to prohibite through their cautelous inuentions or
of the church And it is holden in the holy place insomuche that it seemeth that they are there holden as the worde of truth but it is the abhomination of desolation that is to saye of the hoste and bande of Antichrist the which hath made the soules of many men desolate forsaken and destitute of God. And peraduenture that is that which the Apostle speaketh of which is an aduersarie and is exalted aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he shall sit as God in the temple of God and beare in hande that he is god And so all his euils of diuerse heresies the which were before but only hearde of are afterwarde holden in the holye place in ouerthrowing the Churche of Iesus Christ c. Chrysostome vpon Saint Mathewe Chapt. 24. Homilie .49 He then which woulde knowe what is the true Church of Iesus Christ howe shall he knowe it in so great confusion of such likelyhoode but by the scriptures In the same The Lorde then knowing so great confusion to be come in the latter dayes therfore willed that the Christians which are in Christianitie which will take the surenesse of the true fayth should haue refuge vnto nothing but vnto the Scriptures Otherwyse if they regarded other things they shall be euill spoken of and shall perishe not vnderstanding what the true Church is and thereby shall fall headlong into the Abhomination of Desolation which standeth in the holye place of the Church c. In the same If any mā shal say vnto you behold here is Christ in the houses beleeue it not For nowe you doe iniurie and wrong to the Godheade if you seeke it in houses that which filleth both heauen and earth or if ye think that he which is come for to resist the proude and for to exalt the humble and meeke is hydde there shewing by suche things howe of his true Churche oftentimes doe ryse vp seducers Therefore we must in no wyse beleeue them if they saye not or doe not that whiche is agreeable to the Scriptures beleeue them not for as the smoke goeth before the fire and the battaile before the victorie euen so the temptation of Antichrist preceedeth and goeth before the glorie of Christ c. Saint Barnard vpon the Canticles 33. Sermon From whom shall the church hide hirselfe all are freendes and all are enemies all are kinsefolkes and al are aduersaries all are houshold seruantes and there is none at peace all are neighbours and all seeke but their owne profite They are the ministers of Christ and serue Antechrist they do walke in the honor of the gooneds of the Lorde vnto whom they doe no honor thereby commeth that beauty of the harlotte whiche thou seest dayly in their apparell as the players of Comedyes as in the apparell of a King thereby thou seest the golde in the brydels saddels and spurres Thereby are the tables beautified with meates and vessells Thereby commeth drunkennesse and gloutonye thereby proceedeth the harpe and the viol thereby are the priestes ouerrunning and the garners full aunswering the one the other Thereby are the boxes full of oyntmentes and sweete sauor thereby are the purses filled therefore would they be and are the princes of the Churches the Prouostes Deanes Archedeacons Bishops Archebyshoppes and such thinges come not lawfully but bicause they doe walke in the businesse of darkenesse By that before it hath bene forespoken and nowe is come the time of the fulfilling of the same Behold nowe in peace my bitternesse is most bitter it hath bene before bitter in the death of Martyrs afterwardes more bitter in the controuersye of Heretickes now it is most bitter in the manners of those of our owne house we can neyther chase them nor driue them away they are so mighty and multiplyed without number The fores and plagues of the Church are entred into the inwarde partes and are incurable and therefore is hir bitternesse most bitter c. S. Hilary writing against Auxentius I doe admonishe you to take heede of Antechriste ye staye your selues to muche on the walles seeking the church of God in the fairenesse of buyldings thinking that the vnitie of the faithfull is there contayned doe wee doubte that Antechriste ought there to haue his seate The mountaines and the woodes lakes prisons and desertes are more sure vnto me and of better truste for the Prophets being therein hid haue prophecied Saint Barnard vpon the .90 psalm Qui habitabit verse .6 O Lorde Iesus thou hast multiplied the people and thou hast not increased theyr ioye for many be called but fewe bee chosen Al the Christians almost al doe seeke their owne profite not of Iesus Christe And haue remoued the offyces from the ecclesiastical dignitie into shameful gaine and into workes of darkenesse and the health of soules is not searched for in suche thinges but the pleasure of riches Therefore are they shoren therefore doe they frequent the Churches and doe celebrate masses and sing psalmes They stryue and contende most impudently dayly by proces for Byshoppryks Archebyshoppryks in somuch that the reuenewes of the Churches are bestowed and wasted in superfluyties and to vayne vses There remayneth nothing but that the man of sinne be reueled the sonne of perdition c. S. Barnard in his Sermon of the conuersion of S. Paule Alas O Lord God for these are the first which doe persecute thee whome we doe see to loue the hyest places in thy Church and to holde the principalitie They haue taken the Arches from Sion they haue occupied the Castle and afterwards haue freely by power and strength set all the citie on fire their cōuersation is miserable the subuertion of thy people is pitifull S. Ierome vpon the .9 Chapter of the Prophete Oseas I doe not finde in the olde hystories any other to haue seperated and diuided the Churche and seduced the people from the house of God than the Priests and Prelates which are placed of God for to bee the spyes and watchmen for the Christian people agaynst the enimies of the church S. Barnarde in his first booke De considera to Eugenius Speaking vnto Pope Eugenius what are those thy flatterers whiche saye vnto thee nowe vp boldly thou doste by them of the spoyle of the Churches The lyfe of the poore is sowen in the places of the riche Siluer shyneth in the myre they runne thither out of all partes the poorest sort doe not carie it awaye but the most strong or hee that runneth swyftest this custome or rather this mortall corruption hath not begon in thy time but I beseeche God that it may ende in thine In the meane time thou art apparayled and decked vp very gorgeously and sumptuously If I durst speake it thy seate is rather a Parke of diuels than of sheepe Did S. Peter so Did S. Paule mocke after that sort Thy Court ought rather of custome to receyue the
And also we must wryte letters vnto our companions that the lawe of the Gospell and the doctrine of the Lorde be kept of euery one and that wee doe not goe backe from that the Christ hath taught and done c. Afterwardes he saithe If wee bee the priestes of God and of Christe I doe not finde that we ought to followe any other than God and Christ Forasmuch as especially he saith in the Gospell I am the light of the worlde he that followeth mee shal not walke in darkenesse but shal haue the light of life Lactantius Firmianus in the .6 booke of his godly institutions 8. Chapter We ought not to follow men but God. S. Augustine writing vnto Fortunatus 198. Epistle We ought not to holde or esteeme all the disputations of men as canonicall scri●tures although they haue bene made by learned men insomuch that it is lawefull for vs sauing the honor of men which is due vnto them to gainesay or reproue some thinges in their writinges if peraduenture we doe finde that they sauor otherwyse then the veritie conteyneth vnderstoode by others or of vs through the help of god I am such a one in other mens writings as I woulde that they shoulde be which doe vnderstand mine S. Augustine in his Prologue of the .3 booke of the trinitie Obey not my writinges as if they were the canonicall Scriptures but all that which thou shalt finde in them beleeue the same without doubting But giue no farther credit vnto myne than they do accorde and agree with them In the same booke I cannot denie but aswell in my greate workes as in my small workes there are many thinges which iustly and without any temeritie might be blamed S. Augustine in his Epistle vnto S. Ierome .19 Epistle .3 Tome folio .161 I doe confesse thorowe thy loue t●●t I haue learned to beare that honor and reuerence only vnto the bookes of the holy Scriptures which are called canonicall And I doe beleeue most surely that no Authors of them writing them haue erred but if any thinges are found in them the which do seeme to be repugnant to the truth I doe esteeme it none otherwyse but that eyther the booke is euill written or that the interpreter hath euil vnderstode that which is saide therein or els that I doe vnderstande it nothing at all And as for others I doe reade them in such sort that with whatsoeuer holinesse or doctrine they be set and paynted forth yet I do not thinke that to be true which they saye bicause that they haue such an opinion but so farre as they coulde persuade me eyther by those canonical authors or by probable reasons which are not disagreing from the truth And as for thee my brother I doe thinke that thou thinkest none otherwise Yea I doe esteeme truly that thou wouldest not that we shoulde reade thy bookes as the bookes of the Prophetes and Apostles which haue written so certainly that it shoulde be a wicked thing to thinke that they haue erred or fayled in their wryting S. Augustine in the .112 Epistle written vnto Paulinus I woulde not that thou shouldest follow mine authoritie thereby to thinke that it is necessary for thee to beleue it bicause I haue spoken it but to the ende that thou beleeue the canonicall scriptures c. Saint Ierome vpon the Epistle vnto Titus .1 Chapter Without authoritie of the Scriptures babling and scoffing ought not to be beleeued Tertullian in his prescriptions agaynst the heretikes It is not in our desire or free will lawfully to bring in to chose or to alledge for witnesse that that another shall bring in or alledge for his will and pleasure For we haue the Apostles of the Lord for authors who haue brought in nothing for their pleasure neyther no newe thing but they haue faythfully taught vnto the people the discipline knowledge which they haue receyued of God. S. Augustine of one onely Baptisme in the Epistle vnto Vincent What is hee that knoweth not the holy scriptures c. My brother meddle not against so great heauenly things For the places are knowen by the Canon lawe of the Bishops Saint Augustine writing vnto Vincent in the .48 Epistle Gather not togither false accusations agaynst the brethren of the writings of the Bishops or of ours as of Hilarie or of that vnitie before that the part of Denatus be deuided or seperated as of Cyprian or Agrippin agaynst the heauenlye witnesses which are in so great number so cleare and not to be doubted First of al bicause that such kynde of letters ought to be discerned from the authoritie of the canonicall Scriptures For we do not read them after that sort as for to take witnes to whiche it is by no meanes lawfull to speake agaynst except peraduenture they haue perceyued any thing otherwyse than the truth requireth Immediatlye afterwarde he sayeth But neuerthelesse let vs walke in that in which we are come vnto that is to saye in that waye whiche is Christ For the integritie and the knowledge of letters of any Bishop howe noble and vertuous so euer he be cannot bee kept as the canonicall Scripture is kept through or by so many letters orders and tongues and through the susception of the ecclesiasticall celebration Against the which there are some notwithstanding who vnder the name of the Apostles haue inuented and imagined many things neuerthelesse it hath bene in vayne bicause that it is to well proued celebrated and knowen c. S. Augustine in his .2 booke of Baptisme against the Donatistes 3. Chapter You haue accustomed to put before vs the letters of Cyprian the sentence of Cyprian wherefore doe you take the authoritie of Cyprian for your schisme and do repeale and keepe backe his example for to trouble the churche And what is he but that he knoweth that the holy canonicall scripture aswel of the olde testament as of the newe is kept within his limits which are certaine and that the same is to bee preferred before all the writinges of the Byshoppes that are past insomuch that we must nothing doubt thereof neyther dispute to wete whither that all that which is written in the same be true But it is lawefull to rebuke the writinges of the byshops which haue bene written or whiche they haue written sithence the confirmation of the canonicall scriptures or by word peraduenture more full of wisedome of euery one better instructed in such things or by greater authoritie of other byshops or through the wisedome of the wyse or by the counsels if peraduenture they haue swarued in any thinge from the truth and also the counsels which are done through out euery region or prouince without all doubtes ought to giue place vnto the authoritye of the first counselles whiche are made through out all Christendome and the first generall determinations ought often times to be amended by those that follow after when through any experience of
and to me For I shall haue no great labor to declare vnto you the vertue and efficacie of the gospell so that the sentence before be made easy by you in your house And you shal be a great deale more wyse not onely to heare and vnderstande but to teach others For there are a great manye that heare and take great payne to keepe all the wordes of the Gospell and all that wee doe interprete vpon them yet neuerthelesse they profite not very much although wee shoulde remayne there with them a yeare Wherefore Bicause they giue not themselues vnto our sermons but a small time that onely in the Churche And if anye excuse themselues by reason of their businesse and occupations of publike and particular things First of all they erre very much chiefly in that they vnderstande so manye things and are so much giuen vnto temporall affayres and businesse as they doe nothing at all studie on the things whiche are moste necessarie and doe alledge a vayne excuse and of no force For one may rather accuse in this matter the long conuersation of frendes the long sitting in the theaters and gasing places the long time that men spende in beholding the running of horses in which vayne things they consume and spende manye times a whole daye and the which neuerthelesse they excuse not themselues by reason of their occupations Furthermore ye are to diligent in things that are vyle and nothing worth But when ye muste vnderstande heauenly things ye esteeme them vnprofitable and of no price insomuch as yee make none account to bestowe on them anye little care and diligence And howe are they worthie of victuals and to see the sunne which make so small account of it The negligent people haue yet another excuse but very euill that is to say that they haue no bokes That should be a ridiculous thing to answere here for the rich but bicause I doe thinke that many poore men doe vse manye times that excuse I will a little speake vnto them and aske them whether they haue not all the instruments and tooles that belong to their arts and sciences Although that pouertie letteth or hindreth them greatlye to buye them It is then a foolishe thing to excuse themselues through pouertie and to be diligent in lacking nothing necessarie for their occupations and sciences yet to excuse themselues vppon their occupations and pouertie in things whereof commeth vnto them so great vtilitie and profite Augustine in the .56 Sermon vnto the brethren being in sorrowe and care He which maketh none account to reade the holy Scriptures sent from paradise ought to feare that he do not only peraduenture receiue eternall retributions and rewardes but also that he escape not eternall paines For it is so dangerous not to reade the heauenly precepts that the Prophet with great mourning doth crye therefore commeth my folke into captiuitie bicause they haue no vnderstanding for he that is ignorant shall be ignorante still Without doubt he whiche maketh none accounte in this world to seeke God by heauenly reading God will scorne to knowe him in the eternall and euerlasting blessednesse We ought greatly to feare with the fiue foolish virgines who came after the gates were shutte when Christe saide vnto them I knowe you not depart from me ye workers of iniquitie What is that to saye I knowe you not I knowe you not Howe doth he not knowe those whom he sendeth to the fire not without cause both of them For as he saide not long sithence those whiche will not vnderstande in reading in this worlde God will not knowe them in the daye of iudgement We ought also to heare not negligently but diligently and with great feare that which is written in the prouerbes of Salomon hee that turneth saith he awaye his eare from hearing the lawe his prayer shal be abhorred He that woulde be hearde of God oughte first to heare God for howe would he that God should heare him considering that he dispiseth so much as he maketh none account to reade his holy commaundements And that what is it my brethren Some christians yea and which is worse some of the clergye when they would bring them into the right waye doe ordaine that bread wine and oyle and other necessarye things of coste be prepared for them And forasmuche as euery one prepareth so manye thinges for his terrestriall iorney for to nurrishe his fleshe wherefore hath he no care or desyre to reade so excellent a booke of whiche his soule shoulde be refreshed here eternally What soeuer thinges are written afore time are written for our learning that we through pacience and comfort of the scriptures might haue hope To all you that be at Rome he hath written vnto all that that he did write These thinges were written to put vs in remembrance whom the endes of the world are come vpon Saint Ierome writing vnto Caelantia a gentlewoman of Rome You demaund and redemand very carefully and earnestly that I should describe for you a certayne rule of the holy Scriptures to whiche you shoulde addresse and leade the course of your life to the end that knowing the will of the Lorde among the honors of this worlde and the pleasure of riches you should rather haue a heape and great store of good manners And to that end that you being maryed may please not onely your husbande but also him whiche hath permitted maryage And againe first of all that the authority of the husband be kept and that all his family doe learne of you how greatly they ought to honor him the Lorde declareth through seruice and great obedience by humilitie for the more you honor him the more you shalt be honored for the Apostle saith The husband is the wiues heade For the bodie hath more ornaments vpon the head than all the residue of the whole parts Againe S. Ierome writing vnto the sayde Caelantia Let all excuse of error cease the filthie the filthie and dishonest reioycing in sinne let them be put awaye for if we will excuse and defende our selues by the example of the multitude reciting many times the vices of others for our consolation and comfort saying that we haue none whō we may followe we doe nothing We are sent to the example of him who we doe all confesse ought to be followed And therefore the chiefest care is to knowe the heauenly lawe by the which thou mayest see the examples of the saints as if they were present Learne by the counsell of the same what we ought to do what to auoid For he helpeth greatly to iustice that is to say increaseth vertues that filleth his spirite and mynde with heauenly wordes and whiche hath alwayes in his heart that which he desireth to fulfill by works c. Immediatly after he sayth Let the holye Scriptures bee then alwayes in thy handes and continually in thy thought
anathematisations if they will not be chastised nor corrected with corporall punishment and after confiscation of their goodes malgre their heades to consent vnto vs who doe will and commaunde thinges better agreable vnto God. And againe a little after he saith For our will is that by this and other tongues those which giue good eare vnto the holy bookes ought to be ware of the malice of the interpretors and that they doe not onely vnderstand the letters but also taste well the thinges therein contayned and receiue it throughly and vnderstande the moste holy sentences to the ende they may learne better that which is best and be no more deceiued erring and fayling in the ende For there is nothing so excellent as for to haue affiance truste in God Therefore we haue opened vnto them all tongues for the reading the holy bookes to that ende that if all by order do embrace the science and knowledge of them they may be the more diligent to learne that which is the best Forasmuche as it is most euident that he whiche hathe ben and is nourished and instructed in the reading of holy bookes is more prompte and ready to discerne and receiue that which is the best to receiue correction and to be conducted and leade into goodnesse then he that vnderstandeth none of all this depending of the only name of religion and staying him selfe as to the anker of respecte and soueraigne refuge thinking that the scyence and true knowledge of God is in the only calling of the secte This then whiche hath pleased vs and which is declared by this holy lawe shall keepe aswell thy glorye as those whiche are vnder thy obedience And also shall keepe and obserue them which shall succeede in the honor of thy magistrate and ruler And shall not suffer that the Iewes doe contrary or against those thinges but shall vtterly put to exile and banish al those that shall resiste or attempt to let this ordinance punishing them first by corporall punishment afterward confiscating theyr goodes to the ende they may not eleuate them selues against God and the imperial maiestie more insolently through a foolishe and rashe boldnesse and vse their Edictes towardes the presidentes of the prouinces considering our law to that end that knowing those thinges they may set them foorth in euery towne and village and that they may knowe that they ought necessarily to obserue these thinges by them whiche doe feare our indignation and displeasure S. Ierome in his Proeme of the Prophete Ieremie What other lyfe can there be without the knowledge of the Scriptures by the which Christ also is knowen who is also the lyfe of the beleeuers Saint Ambrose in his .35 Sermon The Lorde doth witnesse that the reading of the Scriptures is lyfe saying The wordes that I speake vnto you are spirite and lyfe Moyses sayde What is he that causeth that all the Lordes people doe prophecie and that the Lorde doth giue them his holy spirite c. As for me I am no Prophete nor Prophetes sonne but a keeper of cattell c. Eusebius bishop of Caesaria in his Ecclesiasticall historie lib. 6. Chapter .11 Alledging the Epistle of Alexander bishop of Ierusalem agaynst Demetrius and rebuking him thus sayeth That which thou hast added in thy letters thou sayest that it was neuer seene that the lay and secular people shoulde dispute of the fayth in the presence of the Bishoppes I maruayle what moued thee to affirme a lye so euident In asmuch that as often as there is founde any man that is sufficient and apt for to giue good counsayle and to instruct the people the Byshops haue accustomed to desire him to doe it as oure brother the Byshop Neon did vnto Euelpius in the Citie of Laranda and the Bishop Celsus vnto Paulinus in the Citie of Iconium and the Byshop Atticus vnto Theodosius in the Citie of Sinnas And there is no doubt but that the other Byshops may doe the lyke in their diocesses when they finde any one whiche is a man for to profite the people Chrysostome vpon the first Chapter of Genesis 8. homilie I desire most earnestlye and doe praye that ye may be all in the order of doctors and not only to be hearers of our wordes but also that ye woulde report and declare vnto others our doctrine and that ye wold correct those that doe erre and go astraye to the ende they may returne into the way of truth as S. Paule sayeth Exhort one another and edifie one another c. And a little after he sayth God would not that the Christian shoulde bee onely content with himselfe but that he do also edifie others and not only with doctrine but also with good lyfe conuersation c. Chrysostome vpon the .2 Chapter of Genesis .10 Homilie He which hath the care to teach and instruct his neyghbour doth not so muche good vnto his neighbor as he getteth gret gayne vnto him selfe when hee shall receyue double rewarde and obtayneth of God great retribution c. In the same place he sayeth moreouer If we do vnderstand rightly those things we may being at home in our houses and taking the holy Scriptures after we haue well dyned or supped to take the profite and giue spirituall meate vnto the soule For as the bodie hath to doe with sensible meates in lyke maner also hath the soule neede to refreshe it selfe dayly with spirituall meates to the ende that the same be corroborated and made strong agaynst the assaultes of the flesh and agaynst the continuall battayle by the which we are constrayned that it may resist it And it is to be feared least the soule should be brought into seruitude and bondage if we will be slothfull any thing at all Chrysostome vpon the first Chapter of Saint Mathew 1. Tome 2. Homilie You that are here present aunswere me I pray you what is he among you who if one demaunde of him a Psalme can say it without booke or any other parcell of the holye Scripture There is not one and yet this euill is not only here but for bicause you are slothfull and negligent in spirituall things so much do you surmoūt through feruentnesse the fire vnto diuelish things For if any man will demaunde or aske you foolishe or as men call them merye songs or songs of bawdrie they shall finde many which moste diligentlye haue learned them which they will sing very willingly But yet they would defend such crimes saying I am not a Monke I am maried and haue care of children of my house keeping Truely it cometh thereby that you doe corrupt and marre all thinges togither as a plague bicause that you doe thinke the reading of holy Scriptures to belong only vnto the Monkes where it is a great deale more necessary and needefull for you then for them For those whiche are in the middest of the battayle and which doe receiue continually wounds vpon
6. The diuels dvvell in the temples of Idolaters Leuit. 26. 2. Cor. 6. Iohn 14. Exo. 22. Esay 2. Those vvhiche doe honor images doe honor the deuill Psal. 97. Those are cursed that vvorship Images 2. Cor. 6. Exod. 20. Deut. 5. Psal. 81. 4. Reg. 18. Ezechias did burne the Image of Iesus Christ bicause it vvas abused The Canon lavve permitteth those vvhich can reade to haue the scriptures Abac. 2. Iere. 10. Marc. 7. Esa. 57. Gala. 3. VVe haue a true Image of the crucifixe in the Gospell Epiphanine entring into a temple of the christians founde there the Image of Iesus Christ the vvhich he did teare in peeces The heretikes had thought that it had turned to their dishonestie if they had persecuted Epiphanius for his holy life 1. Tim. 4. Those vvho doe forbid mariage and to eate of certayne meates doe teache the doctrine of diuels Faith is necessarie and not the obseruation of meates 1. Cor. 10. Mat. 15. Behold the order of the Monkes in times past 1. Cor. 6. VVe ought to giue meates according to charitie Titus 1. Collos 2. 1. Tim. 4. Spiridion durst eate fleshe in Lent. Rom. 14. 1. Cor. 8. Rom. 14. Rom. 14. 1. Cor. 8. 1. Cor. 8. Esa. 58. The true fast vvhich pleaseth god is to abstayn from all euils Math. 6. Col. 2. 1. Tim 4. Math. 9. Mar. 2. Luc. 5. Christian libertie is to fast alvvayes and not by obseruing of dayes VVe finde not in the Scripture in vvhat time vvee must fast Superstitious fastings The most strong fasting Iudg. 20. Zacha. 7. 2. Reg. 1. 2. Reg. 12 3. Reg. 21. Iudith 8. Hest. 4. Iere. 36. Math. 4. Esay 58. Ierem. 14. Luc. 21. Rom. 13. Gal. 5. 1. Tim. 4. Mat. 19. Genes 1. Genes 2. Ephes 5. 1. Cor. 6. No constraint from mariage Mat. 23. Pro. 18. Psal. 128. Tob. 6. Genes 9. The Apostles vvere maried Clement sayth that Saint Paule vvas maried Heb. 13. Iohn 2. Note vvhat chastitie is The Councell of Nice vvould not make a lavve that the Priestes shoulde not marie Priestes maried in France S. Hilarie bishop of Poictiers vvas maried 1. Tim. 3. S. Paule teacheth that the byshops may be maried The Deacons vvere maried in the primatiue church 1. Tim. 4. Titus 1. Naucler Albertus Crantzius Lambert Hirsued Genes 2. 1. Cor. 7. Virginitie not commanded but desired 1. Cor. 7. 1. Cor. 7. Note the fruite vvhich came of the forbidding of mariage vnto Priests VVe maye breake the vovves made agaynst the fayth 1. Sam. 25 The vovve of Dauid Mat. 14. The vovve of Herode 1. Sam. 14 The vovve of Saule Exod. 20. Iudg. 11. The vovve of Iephtha If the virgins vvil not or cannot perseuere in their virginitie let them marie If the Mones do think themselues more holy than the maried folk they ought to be excommunicated or giuen vnto the deuill The prouerbe of the Pope Mat. 15. Math. 15. 1. Cor. 7. The vvicked haue Churches Preachers Orders and Clarkes 2. Cor. 11. The true Church knovvne by the holye Scriptures The Church is in the vvordes of Iesus Christ Heresie the troupe of the souldiers of Antichrist 2. thess. 2 For to haue the surenesse of the true fayth vvee must haue regard vnto the holy Scripture Mat. 24. Mat. 24. VVe must beleeue no men if they do not teach the scriptures Iudges of the Church in our time The Priestes are apparalled pompously like harlots and those that play in comedies or tragedies vvhen they doe their diuine office Esay 38. VVe ought to take hede of Antichrist for if vvee doe marke vvell the scriptures vve shall finde him in the Church Esa. 9. Mat. 20. Philip. 2. The Priests are shoren and shauen and doe all their ceremonies for couetousnes Esay 1. The heades of the Church doe persecute the Church The Pope sayth that he hath povver to make lavves against nature and agaynst the Gospell 2. Thes 2. Iudge yee novve vvho is Antichrist according to the Canon and according to the vvord of God. Luc. 22. Alexander .6 Pope .227 in the yeare of our Lorde 1492. Reade Guliel Bud. Beholde the enormitie of the Popes and their life more than diabolicall The Popes may verye vvell erre Gregorie .7 vvas not chosen of God. Gregorie hath put in question the catholike fayth and hath bene a coniurer necromancer Note the lyfe of Gregorie The Papesse Iohn 8. Pope 107. Yeare 855. Apoc. 17. Esay 3. Beholde the goodly stuffe that hath bene holden by the popes Syluester 2. Pope 147. Yeare 999. The Pope giueth himselfe to the deuill Benet 8. Pope 152. Yeare 1012. The Pope did shevve himselfe a diuell being aliue and the diuell appeared Pope after his death The Pope vvas founde in a lie and proued a lier The Councell of Ariminū hath erred neuerthelesse it vvas general The Councell of Carthage in vvhich Saint Cyprian vvas present hath erred VVe are not holden by the authoritie of Coūcels but by holy scripture A lay man vvell instructed in the Scriptures may be obiected against the Councell or the Pope if they erre Articles of the faith not to be altred VVhat it is to sit vpon Moyses seat Iohn 15. Mat. 17. Christ alone ought to be hearde Esay 29. Mat. 15. Those vvhiche doe reiecte the vvorde of God haue none excuse Iohn 8. The vvritings of holy men are not to be preferred before the canonicall scriptures Augustine vvoulde not that vvee should obey his vvritings as canonical There is no fault in the canonicall scriptures Augustines opinion VVe ought not to bring the faults of the auncient doctors againste so great number of vvitnesses of the holy scriptures Custome ought not to be follovved Iere. 7. Mat. 17. 2. Pet. 1. Deut. 18. Deut. 17. Deut. 12. Deut. 12. Deut. 4. Apoc. 22. Mans doctrine hath great apparance in it selfe but compared to the truth is confounded Iohn 3. Iohn 5. Iohn 7. Iohn 8. Iohn 8. Iohn 10. Iohn 12. Iohn 14. Iohn 20. Galat. 1. Iohn 4. Act. 20. Mat. 15. All mans traditions ought to be plucked vp by the rotes Apoca. 1. Luk. 11. Psal. 119. Eccle. 1. Iere. 15. Ephes 6. VVe ought not to forbid any man to knovve the truth The ignorance of the Christians is the cause that the infidels doe not acknovvlege their error 1. Pet. 3. VVe ought to be readie to giue a reason of our fayth vnto those that aske vs Colos 3. Prou. 10. Common vvordes to be simple Mat. 10. 4. Reg. 22 Iudges 4. Iudith 13 Hester 7. The slothfulnesse of Christians in not reading diligentlye the vvorde of God. A great number of those vvhich doe cal themselues christians haue oftener the tables and dyce in their hands than holy bokes Prou. 7. Scriptures to be grauen in our harts and the bokes diligently read ouer Iere. 31. Psal. 1. 1. Tim. 6. Neighbours ought to take holye scripture in their handes to sprinkle their soules Ephes 6. Reading of the scriptures maketh children obedient Collos 3. The lay people ought to haue the
torment Be ye ioyfull and reioyce to be enrovvled in their bande for to beare vvith them the yoke of Iesus Christ perseuere valiantly in the doctrine that you haue already receiued for no man can hurt you Ought vve not greatly to reioyce of this that the persecuting tyrantes can doe our bodyes no more hurt then a vvolfe or theefe of the vvoods vvhich can but murther or kill vs Let vs reioyce for our names are vvritten in heauen VVe haue yet this good turne thankes be vnto our good God therefore that the persecutors can do vnto vs no vvorse then to to put and place vs vvith our good God in the company of Angelles and all the blessed soules in heauen VVhat is he that vvould not desire to goe playe vvith so happy a company eternally and vvithout ende Yea to be in glory vvhich the eye hath not seene and eare hath not heard neyther hath entred into mans minde the thinges vvhich God hath prepared to such as loue him Againe forasmuch as they esteeme and court vs so vvicked and abhominable and crye so spitefully after vs as after the vvickedest people of all the vvorld to make vs and our doctrine odious vnto the people They commaund them not to heare or harken vnto vs they make the simple people beleeue vvhen they haue them vnder confession that if they doe not accuse vs they shall be damned Their craft subtiltye and enuye agaynste the truth is to be maruayled at In the meane time I vvould vvillingly that they vvould accord and agree vvith vs to conferre their doctrine vvith ours their crosse and persecution vvith ours their lyfe vvith ours theyr church vvith ours By that means vve should plainly see vvhether they be the childrē of God or vve First of all haue not vve the baptisme purely administred as vve doe reade that the Apostles haue administred it vvithout any inuentions of men but onely according to the vvord of God Let one reade the Scriptures and he shall see vvho it is that hath added to the Sacramentes eyther vve or they Furthermore let men behold the persecutions that they suffer for their doctrine the number is soone counted for there is not one vvhich hath suffred death for their doctrine neuerthelesse Iesus Christ hath promised that his church shal haue persecution in the vvorld saying ye shall be hated of all men for my name Hovv can they be hated of all men sith that they be in all places the best vvelcome Hovv commeth it that one shoulde thinke to doe sacrifice vnto God in putting them to death I did neuer knovve any I doe accord and agree in this that they are often times taken prisoners but it is in the good feastes and bankettes and in the best seates of the table and vvhereas the children of God are burned vvith fire they here are burned throughe the heate of VVine Their innocent fleshe is hevven and cut in peeces but it is at the table vpon their treachers They are rotten and consumed vvith the Goute of Naples insomuch that they fall in peces They are melted and melted againe many times in a yeere Besides all the dangers they put them selues into both day and night to runne after other mens vvyues in great danger of their life And yet some vvill say that they are not persecuted It appeareth that they be for one shall see a great many more among them to dye Martyrs of the paines that vve did speake of euen novv then of their naturall diseases or sicknesses They are then Martyres no man can denie yea but it is of the diuell and vvhat is he that doubteth of it And as concerning their life it is knovven vvell inough and manyfested vnto all men Their good vvorkes and godly fruites vvhat it bringeth in all places destroying and corrupting all the vvorlde asvvell spiritually as corporally This I am sure of that forasmuch as I haue touched and medled but vvith the doore of their kitchin they vvill say I am a vvicked Hereticke But vvhat then Shoulde I hold my peace for their menaces and iniuries No no God forbid but rather I vvill crye vvith open mouth after them bicause they haue so corrupted and destroyed the Lordes Vineyard Alas alas my God vvhat is he that ought not but to lament and vveepe vvith bloudy teares seeing all the vvorld to be so led into the bottome of hell so many poore soules led to perdition O Lord regard thy poore people haue some pitie and compassion on them for vvhom thy sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ hath offred to thee his body and bloud in a sacrifice and suffer not that thy poore sheepe be so put as a pray for to be deuoured of al beastes For vve are dayly assaulted vvith so many ennemyes that sathan riseth agaynst vs for to make vs forsake and abandon our Lord Iesus Christ and to renounce his Gospell One day vve haue vvarre agaynst the Heretickes Anabaptistes an other day agaynst Libertines Epicures Arians Dauidistes and agaynst dissemblers and consequently against the vvorshippers of the fathers through vvhose zeale the children of God are put to death Haue not vve then great neede of vveapons It appeareth yea if vve vvould not be taken in their snares as many at this day are through the iust iudgement of God. Therefore if there be any time to pray or to vvatch it is novve Let vs then vvatch and praye to the end vve may auoyde all those dangers and perseuer and continevve to the ende You haue bene the first of your citie dearely beloued I also doe hope in the Lord you shall not be the last But as you haue bene vntill novv the example and myrror of the poore ignorant people to dravve them to the true light of the spirite I doe hope through the grace of God that nothing shall hinder you to continevve vnto the end on so holy a vvorke For the poore ignorant people seeing the peace and vnitie and the promptnesse and good courage that is in you to receiue the holy doctrine are constrayned through your holy life and conuersation to come vnto the knovvledge of Iesus Christ and consequently to saluation Forasmuch then as the Lord doth vnto you dayly so much good or shevveth vnto you so much of his grace shevving vnto you from day to day his maruaylous vvorkes set to so your handes in the vvorke of the Lord so long as he giueth you time and life that you doe not leaue for your children that shall come after you an euill example of life but instruct them in that holy doctrine that you haue receiued to the ende they may knovve after your death that they had fathers and mothers that feared God and vvell instructed in his vvord and that they haue not receyued the gospell in their mouthe onely but also in their handes And that they vvere not dissemblers but true confessors of the name of God. Dispose and bestovve then vvhilest you haue time so vvell your affayres and
commeth from man will not haue that whiche commeth from one only God and therfore in seeking it outwardly they haue no glory in them selues but rather in an other Sixtus Pope of Rome in his Epistle to the first tome of the Councels He that is doubtfull in the faith is an infidell wherefore let vs esteeme and iudge those which doe commaund vs to doubt of the fauour of God towardes vs not only to contende and striue againste the sentence of the true Catholicke church but also to giue euill counsell to the health and saluation of the church S Barnard in his .5 Sermon in Quadragesima It may be that some doe not seeke through humilitie euerlasting life but as in the trust and confidence of their workes and merits I do not say this that grace receiued doth not giue boldnesse to praye but it must not be therefore that in the same they haue their hope and trust to obtayne it for that only doth giue the giftes promised to the ende that of the mercy of God which giueth those thinges we may hope yet for greater thinges Let then those thinges which doe belong to our only necessities be restrayned the prayer which is made for the temporall thinges and that which is made for the vertues of the soule sequestred from all impurite and vncleanenesse be only attentife towardes the good will of god And that whiche is made bicause of eternall life let it be made or done in all humilitie presuming as he must of the only deuine mercie Grace be with you and peace from God our father and from the Lord Iesus Christe O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body of death The grace of God through Iesus Christe our Lorde Euen so at this time the remnante is left through the election of grace if it bee of grace then it is not of workes or els were grace no more grace But if it be of workes then is it no more grace or els were workes no longer workes By grace are ye made safe throughe fayth and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes least any man shoulde boast of himselfe Also That we being iustified by his grace shoulde be made heyres according to the hope of eternall lyfe Saint Peter sayth why tempt ye God to laye a yoke on the Disciples neckes which neyther our fathers nor we were able to beare but we beleue that through the grace of the Lorde Iesus Christ wee shall be saued euen as they doe God doth not saue vs of the deedes of righteousnesse which we wrought but of his mercie He which began a good worke in you shall go forth with it vntill the day of Iesus Christ Vnto you it is giuen for Christe that not onely ye shoulde beleeue on him but also suffer for his sake He sayth agayne And as touching the righteousnesse whiche is in the lawe I was without reproche But the thinges which were vauntage to me I counted losse for Christes sake yea doubtlesse I thinke all things but losse for that excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesus my Lorde for whome I haue counted all things losse and do iudge them but dung that I might winne Christ and might be founde in him that is not hauing mine owne righteousnesse which is of the law but that whiche is throughe the fayth of Christ I meane the righteousnesse which commeth of God through fayth c. I am nowe ready to be offred and the tyme of my departing is at hande I haue fought a good fight and haue fulfilled my course and haue kept the fayth From henceforth is layde vp for me a crowne of righteousnesse which the Lorde that is a righteous iudge shall giue me at that day not to me only but vnto all them also that loue his comming But nowe in Christe Iesus ye whiche once were farre of are made nye by the bloude I say of Christ It is God which worketh in vs bothe the will and also the dede euen of his free beneuolence To as many as receyued him to them he gaue power to bee the sonnes of God euen to them which beleeue in his name which are borne not of bloude nor of the lustes of the fleshe nor of the lust of man but of God. In thy light shall we see light Your eyes haue seene great miracles and wonders and yet the Lorde hath not giuen you an heart to perceyue nor eyes to see nor eares to heare O Lorde giue me vnderstanding open myne eyes for to beholde the wonderous things of thy lawe Gzechiel speaking in the person of God sayth A newe heart will I giue you and a newe spirite will I put into you as for that stonie heart I will take it out of your bodie and giue you a fleshie heart I will giue my spirite among you and cause you to walke in my commaundements to kepe my lawes and to fulfill them As for men they are but vayne if they be put in the ballaunce they are lighter than vanitie it selfe Conuert thou me and I shall be conuerted for thou art my Lorde God yea as soone as thou turnest me I shall reforme my selfe Therefore we gather that a man is iustified by faith without the deedes of the lawe Againe Abraham beleeued God and it was counted to him for righteousnesse To him that worketh the rewarde is not reckened of fauour but of duety But to him that worketh not but beleeueth on him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse Also for if they whiche are of the lawe bee heires then is faith but vaine and the promise of none effect c. Therefore by faith is the inheritance giuen that it might come of fauour and the promesse might be sure to all the seede that is not to them only which are of the lawe but also to them which are of the faith of Abraham Then being iustified by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom also we haue accesse through faith vnto this grace wherein we stand and reioyce in hope of the glorye of God. Bicause of vnbeleefe they are broken of and thou standest stedfast by faith Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne We know that a man is not iustified by the deedes of the lawe but by the faith of Iesus Christ euen we I say haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Iesus Christ and not by the deedes of the lawe bicause that by the deedes of the lawe no flesh shal be iustified I doe not abrogate the grace of God for if righteousnesse commeth of the lawe then Christ dyed without a cause So ye knowe that they which are of faith are the children of Abraham for the Scripture sawe afore hand that God would iustifie the
of time they will become rotten and corrupt and that ours shall dwell and abyde in the immortall soule as long as it shall haue any reasonable soule dwelling in it S. Cyprian wryting agaynst Demetrius first Treatise What beastlynesse of mynde is it or rather what blynde foolishe rage of madde men is it not to go from darkenesse for to come vnto the light And when those which are tyed and bounde with the bonds of eternall death will not receiue the hope of immortalitie and not to feare God threatening and saying that hee that doth sacrifice vnto anye Gods saue vnto the Lorde onely let him die without redemption Also They haue worshipped those which their hands haue made and fashioned and man did prostrate and humble himselfe before it and I will not pardon them Wherefore doest thou humble and bowe thy selfe before the false Goddes Wherefore doste thou bowe thy wretched body before Images that are filthye and that haue no vnderstanding and before the workes of the earth God hath made thee right and straight in comparison of other crooked creatures making them to looke downe on the earth Thou hast a hie looke and a face to beholde thy God beholde him fixe thine eyes on him seeke God on hie that thou mayst be exempted from the lowe hell lyft vp thine heart vnto celestiall and heauenly things Wherefore doste thou cast thy selfe agayne to the grounde in the fall of death with the serpent whom thou honourest why doste thou fall headlong in the ruine of the diuell throughe him Keepe the highnesse in the whiche thou art borne perseuere and continue to be such a one as thou wast made of God lyft vp thy hearte with the stature of thy bodye and the shape of thy visage that thou mayest knowe God knowe thy selfe first leaue and forsake Idols which mans error hath founde out Turne vnto God who will assist and helpe thee after when thou shalt call vpon him Beleeue in Iesus Christ whome the father hath sent for to quicken and amende vs c. Confounded be all they that worship Images and delite in their Idols Howe agreeth the temple of God with Images God did expressely forbid in the old lawe Images saying thus Thou shalt haue none other Gods in my sight Thou shalt make thee no grauen Image neyther any similitude that is in heauen aboue eyther in the earth beneath or in the waters that are beneath the earth See that thou neyther bowe thy selfe vnto them neyther serue them for I the Lorde thy God am a iealous God. Ezechias king of Iuda ordeyned that the Image of Christ shoulde bee burned that is to saye the brasen Serpent that God commaunded to be made in the wildernesse bicause that when it was borne about by the people they did burne sacrifice vnto it and honoured it yet the sayde Serpent was the image of Christ prefiguring him as he himselfe hath said in the Gospell Notwithstanding Ezechias brake it in peeces bicause that they abused it And he was greatly praysed for it of the Lorde Obiection The Canon lawe in the Chapter which beginneth Praelatum of consecration distinct 3. That which the Scripture doth vnto the readers the very same doth the payntor vnto the gasing fooles or Idiotes For in the same the ignorant people doe see that which they ought to followe in the same those doe reade which doe not know any letters Aunswere The Prophet Abacuc in his .2 chap. aunswereth to the same Canon What helpeth then the grauen images for the workeman hath left it it is molted and an image a thing shewing dreames and lyes Gregory writing vnto the Byshoppe Marsill in his .4 Epistle We had praysed thy doing if thou haddest forbidden to worship images which haue bene set in the Temple not for to worship but onely for to instruct the spirites of the ignorant c. The Prophet Ieremye in his .10 Chap. aunswereth vnto Gregory In that onely poynt they are altogither brutish and doe folishly for the wood is an instruction of vanitie Iesus Christe saith In vaine they worship me teaching for doctrines the commaundementes of men For ye laye the commaundement of God aparte and obserue the tradition of men S. Ierome vpon the Prophet Esay 57. Chapter There was not a place that was left vndefiled with the filthinesse of Idolatrye in such sort that behind the doores and postes of their houses they haue set vp images whom they doe call their priuye and familiar Gods. And by and by after he saithe The Cities of many countreys and prouinces are in that error and doe keepe that wicked custome of the elders Yea and Rome the mistres of the worlde doth the like honouring the image of Ceres as their sauegarde through out euery house with torches and candels to the ende that they haue memorialls which should admonish them of their inuented error aswel in the comming in as at the going out of the house c. O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth to whom Iesus Christ before was descrybed in your sight and among you crucified Epiphanius the good Doctor in the Epistle written vnto Iohn Byshoppe of Ierusalem and afterwarde translated by S. Ierome out of Greeke into Latine Beside that that I haue heard saith he that some did murmure against me for asmuche as when we did goe vnto a holye place which is called Bethel to the ende that I might make there with thee some prayer according to the ecclesiastical custome and after that we were arryued to the village which is called Anablatha I sawe in passing by a Lampe burning and after I demaunding what place that was one aunswered to me it was a Temple And when I was entred in for to praye I found therein a vayle hanging at the gate painted hauing the image of Iesus Christ or of some kind of Saint For I doe not well remember whose image that was Then as I sawe in the churche of Iesus Christe an image of a man hanging against the authorytie of the holy Scriptures I did teare and rent it in peeces and gaue counsell vnto the keepers of the sayd place rather to wrappe some poore deade body in it and to carry it awaye They did murmure against me saying if he woulde haue cut it of were it not reasonable that he should giue an other vayle in change I hearing the same promised to giue one and to send it incontinent But there was a little time betweene them whilest that I searched for a certayne vayle of price for to sende in steade of the other For I dyd thinke that I must sende one of Cypres but nowe I haue sent one such as I could finde and I desire thee that thou doeste commaund the priestes of the saide place to receiue this vayle of this bringer which is sent from vs And to commaunde fromhenceforth in the Churche of Christe that they doe hang
Councell of Pope Martin hath ordayned as much Pope Elutherius hath ordayned that none sholde keepe himfelfe through superstition from eating of any meates whiche are agreable to mans nature Let no man therefore condemne you about meate and drinke or for a peece of an holy day or of the newe Moone or of the Saboth dayes which are nothing but shadowes of things to come but the bodie is in Christ Let no man wilfully beare rule ouer you by humblenesse and worshipping of Aungels aduauncing himselfe in those things which he neuer sawe rashlye puft vp with his fleshly minde c. Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ and are free from the ordinances of the worlde Why as though ye yet liued in the worlde are ye yet burdened with traditions of them that say touch not taste not handle not which all peryshe with the vsing of them and are after the commaundementes and doctrines of men Which things haue in deede a shewe of wisedome in voluntarie worshipping and humblenesse and in not sparing the bodie yet are of no value but appertayne to those thinges wherewith the flesh is crammed The bodily exercise profiteth little but godlynesse is profitable vnto all things In the first booke of the historie tripartite Chap. 10. The holy Bishop of Cypres Spiridion sayth that freely he dare eate fleshe in Lent when others doe abstayne from it bicause he was a Christian sayth he Let vs not therefore iudge one another any more but vse your iudgement rather in this that no man put a stumbling blocke or an occasion to fall in his brothers waye I knowe and am fully certified through the Lorde Iesus that there is nothing vncleane of it selfe but vnto him that iudgeth it to be vncleane to him it is vnclean But if thy brother be grieued with thy meate nowe walkest thou not charytably Destroy not him with thy meate for whom Christ dyed Cause not your commoditie to be euill spoken of For the kingdome of God is not meate and drinke but righteousnesse peace and ioye in the holy ghoste c. But why doest thou iudge thy brother or why doest thou despise thy brother for we shal be all brought before the iudgement seate of Christ He that eateth eateth to the Lorde for he giueth God thankes And he that eateth not eateth not to the Lorde and giueth God thankes Meate maketh vs not acceptable to God for neyther if we eate are we the richer neyther if we eate not are we the poorer But take heede least by any meanes this liberty of yours be an occasion of falling to them that are weake c. Wherefore if meate offend my brother I will eate no fleshe while the world standeth bicause I will not offend my brother The Lord sayd vnto the Prophet Esay crye nowe as loude as thou canst Leaue not of lift vp thy voyce like a Trompet and shewe my people their offences and the house of Iacob their sinnes For they seeke me dayly and wil knowe my wayes euen as it were a people that did right and had not forsaken the statutes of their god They argue with me concerning right iudgemente and will pleade at the lawe with their god Wherefore faste we saye they and thou seest it not We put our liues to straitnesse and thou regardest it not Beholde when ye fast your luste remayneth stil for ye doe no lesse violence to your detters Loe ye faste to strife and debate and to smyte him with your fyste that speaketh vnto you Ye faste not as sometime that your voyce might be heard aboue Thinke ye this faste pleaseth me that a man shoulde chasten himselfe for a daye and to writhe his heade about like a hoke in an heary clothe and to lye vpon the earthe Should that be called fasting or a daye that pleaseth the Lorde But this fasting pleaseth not me tyll the time be thou loose him out of bondage that is in thy danger that thou breake the othe of the wicked bargaynes that thou let the oppressed goe free and take from them all manner of burthens It pleaseth not me till thou deale thy breade to the hungrye and bring the poore fatherlesse home into thy house when thou seest the naked that thou couer him and hyde not thy face from thine owne fleshe Origen vpon Leuiticus 10. homely 16. Chapter If thou wilt faste as Christ commaundeth thee and humble thy soule it is conuenient that thou doe it all the time of the yeere yea doe the same all the dayes of thy life for to humble thy soule neuerthelesse if thou haste learned of the Lorde our Sauiour that he is gentle and lowly of hearte then if thou wilt faste after the commaundementes of the Gospell and keepe in thy fastinges the euangelicall lawes the which the Sauiour hath commaunded to faste in such manner But if thou do fast annoynt thine head and wash thy face c. Wilt thou that I doe shewe vnto thee what fasting thou must faste fast from all thy sinnes take no meate of malyce take no meate of pleasure be not to hotte with the wine of luxurye fast from doing euill abstaine from euill wordes keepe thy selfe from euill thoughtes touch not the breade of thefte of wicked doctrines couete not the meates of false Philosophy which doe seduce thee from the truth Such fasting pleaseth God but to abstaine from meates which God hath created for the faithfull to take with giuing of thankes and to doe the same with them which haue crucified Iesus Christ it cannot please god The Pharyses were offended with Christe bicause that his disciples did not faste vnto whom he aunswered that the wedding children cānot mourne as long as the bridegrome is with them Those then doe faste which haue lost the brydegrome we which haue with vs the bridegrome cannot faste but therefore we saye not this that we woulde let slacke the brydle of christian abstynence This is verily the Christian libertye to faste alwayes not through supersticion of obseruance but by vertue of continencye For howe can they keepe them selues chaste and not defiled and marred if they bee not holpen and sustayned through the ayde of continencye Howe shall they vnderstand the Scriptures Howe shall they studye in knowledge and wisedome Shall not that bee through the continencie of the bellye and of the mouth howe shall euery one make himselfe chaste for the kingdome of heauen if he doe not cut awaye the affluence of these meates The Christians then haue that reason to fast Augustine in the .86 Epistle written to Lasulanus In the diuine and Apostolicall scriptures and also throughout the newe testament in feruentnesse of courage beholding it I doe see fasting to bee commaunded but I do not finde it to be defined by Gods commaundement or of the Apostles in what time or day we must fast or not fast wherefore by this I doe vnderstande that the commaundement to fast
heygth is the well of wisedome and the euerlasting commaundements are the entrance of hir When I had founde thy wordes I did eate them vp greedilye they haue made my heart ioyfull and glad Take the helmet of saluation and the sworde of the spirite which is the worde of God. S. Augustine of the Citie of God .19 booke .19 Chapter It is forbidden no man to knowe the truth that which he ought to doe through honest repast and recreation howe much time doe men and women lose daylye in going and comming playing and scoffing in detracting and beholding playes and follies Chrysostome vpon S. Iohn in the end of the .16 homilye I praye you marke well one thing which is true is it not a thing full of absurdite that a surgian a shoomaker a weauer and generally all men of occupation euery one of them doe striue for the profession of their arte and science and that a christian knoweth not howe to make an account or a reason of his religion It is very true that when the occupation is not knowen it is but a losse of mony but the despising of christian religion bringeth with it the losse of the soule and yet neuerthelesse we doe trauayle through so greate misery and through so great madnesse that we doe put therein all our heart and cogitation but the thinges which are necessary for vs and which are as most strong holdes of our saluation we esteeme them nothing at all That same is that which letteth the Gentils to knowe their error Forasmuch then as they doe ground them selues vpon lyinges for to doe all that that they doe and for to defend the ignominye and sclander of their teachinges we which doe obey and serue the truth dare not open the mouth for to defend that which is oures What letteth them that they cannot condemne our great imbecillitie and weakenesse and that they should not suspect vs of some disceyt and follye That they doe not speake euill of Christe as of a lyar whiche by his fraude and disceyt hath abused a great multitude we are the cause of that blasphemy This is commaunded vs of Saint Peter For he saith let vs be ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery man that asketh vs a reason of the hope that is in vs. Let the word of Christ dwel in you plenteously But what do they which are more fooles then madde answere vnto the same blessed be euery simple soule and he that walketh surely But this is the cause of all euilles that many knowe not to bring witnesses of the Scriptures in due time for we must not vnderstand in this place here the simple for the foole and for him that dothe vnderstande nothing but for him which is not crafty and malitious For if we should vnderstand it so it should be superfluous to say be wyse as serpents and innocent as doues S. Ierom in his Prologue vpon the Prophet Sophony If they had knowen that Huldah did prophecie when men held their peace and that Debora did iudge and prophecy who ouercame the enemies of Israell when Barack was a frayde and that Iudith and Hester in figure of the church killed the aduersaryes and deliuered Israell whiche were like to perishe they would neuer haue played the noddyes behinde my back that is to saye they would not mocke me behind my backe And a little after he saith it suffiseth me to saye in the ende of the prologue that our Lorde Iesus Christ appeared first vnto the women and they were Apostles of the Apostles to that end that the men should be ashamed that they haue not sought that which that same brittle or frayle kinde hath already founde Chrysostome vpon S. Iohn .3 homilie .4 Chapter Let vs then bee ashamed that the wyfe that had fiue husbandes and a Samaritane was so diligent to learne who neyther for the time of the day nor for any other businesse coulde not be drawne from the doctrine of Christ But as for vs we are not only far of frō enquiring any thing of that which appertayneth vnto the erudition of heauēly things but also we are as it were assured in all things we do care no more of the one than of the other and therefore wee are ignorant of all things What is he among vs I pray you who being come into his house doth go about to doe anye worke appertayning vnto a Christian What is he that will declare the sense and meaning of the scriptures Trulye none Wee doe finde oftentimes Dyce and Cardes but verye seldome tymes bookes and if any haue them they doe keepe them sure in their chambers as though they had none Or else all their delyte and studie is to haue fayre and pleasāt couerings painted or goodly figures of letters not for to read them nor vse thē but for to shewe forth their riches and ambition and studie none other thing Vaine glorie is so great as I doe not heare any ambitious persons to vnderstād any boke but onely to esteme letters of golde What gayne commeth thereof I pray you The Scriptures are not giuen vnto vs for to haue them only in bookes but to that ende we shoulde print and engraue them in our heartes Wherefore such hauing and keeping of bookes is of the ambition of the Iewes vnto whom the commandements were giuen in letters But vnto vs it is not so vnto whome they are giuen in the tables of the heart of charitie I doe not forbyd to haue bokes but I doe admonishe them and instantly pray them that we may so haue them that neuerthelesse as wee maye rehearse often times in oure myndes both the letters and the sense in such sort that thereby we may be cleane For if the diuell dare not enter into an house where the Gospell is muche lesse shall he touch his soule which by continuall reading hath that doctrine familiar and common Sanctifie then the soule and the bodye and that shall come if thou haue alwayes the Gospell in thy heart and in thy tong S Ierome in his Proheme vpon the first booke of his Exposition vnto the Ephesians .9 Tome All words and all reasons are conteined in the holy bookes by the which also wee knowe God and forgette not the cause wherefore wee are created I doe muche maruayle that some haue bene giuen so muche vnto foolishnesse and to slothfulnesse not willing to learne the most excellent things yea they haue esteemed and doe esteeme worthie of rebuke and blame all those whiche haue such a studie vnto whome although I coulde aunswere more straitly and briefely leauing them eyther angrie or appeased I doe say that it is a great deale better to reade the scriptures than to giue themselues after riches for to gather and heape them vp Chrysostome vpon Genesis .6 Tome 5. Homilie .1 Chapter I desire you that wee bee not negligent vnto our owne saluation yea rather that our
that they doe not assault and afflict vs againe but to auoyde and giue the repoulse through the continual reading of the scriptures to the darts of the diuell comming a farre For if we be alwayes hurt take no remedy what hope of health shall we haue Doest thou not see the workers of mettal goldsmythes coyners and all those which doe exercise any occupacion to haue all the instrumentes of their occupacion readye and to lacke none Although that honger constrayneth them and pouertie doth afflict them they had rather to suffer all thinges then to sel any instrument of their occupacion for to nurrish them yea many had rather to borrowe mony vpon vsurye then to lay to gage any little instrument of their science or occupacion and for a good cause for they doe knowe that after that they haue solde it the occupacion shoulde be vnprofitable and all the foundation of their gayne taken away but in hauing them it may be that in time they will paye that they haue borowed of another in vsing alwayes their occupation But if they doe sell them to other before they haue payde that they doe owe they haue not whereby to excogitate or inuent any thing to helpe their hunger and pouertie Truly it behoueth vs to be of such courage for euen as to them the Hammers Anuiles and Tongs are instruments of their Artes euen so the bookes of the Apostles and Prophets are instruments of the Arte and waye of saluation and all Scripture being heauenly inspired is profitable And euen as they finishe all that they doe take in hande to doe by those instruments euen so truly by those bookes we frame our soule and amende and correct it when it is wicked and renue it when it is waxen olde For those can but onely by their Arte giue formes and fashions to things for they cannot chaunge nor alter the substaunce of the mettall neyther make golde of siluer but onely giue them their figures to be like But it is not so with thee but thou mayst doe more for thou mayest sometime of a vessell of wood make a vessell of golde of which thing S. Paule is witnesse speaking after this maner In a great house are not onely vessels of gold and of siluer but also of woode and of earth some for honour and some for dishonour But if a man purge himselfe from such fellowes he shall be a vessell sanctified vnto honor meete for the Lord and prepared vnto all good works Wherfore let vs not be negligent to buye vs bookes that we receyue not woundes in our heartes and let vs not lay vp our gold in the earth but let vs furnishe our selues with a treasure of spirituall bookes Truly when that golde aboundeth greatly then it deceyueth greatly those which possesse it but great store of bookes gotten togither doe bring great vtilitie vnto those that haue them euen as weapons in the roial assemblies although that none doe vse them yet neuerthelesse they giue great assurance vnto them which dwell in the house where they are when neyther theeues nor breakers of wals nor anye wicked persons dare not assayle the house Euen so in any house where these spirituall bokes shall be from them all the force of the deuill is driuen awaye and great consolation and comfort commeth vnto those that dwell there for the onely beholding of bookes maketh vs the slower to sinne And although that we haue done some things that are prohibited and haue defiled our selues the conscience doth condemne vs more sharplye when wee are come vnto the house and haue behelde the bookes and are made slower to committe at another time such things agayne If we doe persist in holynesse wee are made surer and stronger by the bookes For as soone as any hath touched the Gospell he hath by and by withdrawne his spirite from worldly things by the beholding of them and if he reade diligently the soule is by such meanes purged made better no otherwise thā being in the holy secrets it imploieth it selfe to holy things God speaking vnto it by such scriptures What thē say they if we vnderstand not that which is contayned in the bokes truly although thou vnderstād not that which is hid yet neuerthelesse great holines cōmeth of such reding For it cannot be that thou be ignoraunt of it altogither For trulye the grace of the holy spirite hath so dispenced and moderated it to the ende that the Publicanes and sinners makers of Tabernacles Pastors and Apostles Idiotes and the vnlearned shoulde be saued by those bookes And to the ende that none of those Idiotes might excuse themselues alledging the difficultye thereof he woulde that those things whiche are spoken shoulde be easie at the first sight and that the labourers seruants women wydowes and the most ignorante of all men should receiue some gaine and profite of the reading that they did heare For those whom God hath reputed from the beginning worthy of the grace of the holy spirite haue not done all these things through vayne glorie as gentilles but to the saluacion and healthe of the hearers Truely the Philosophers being ignorant of Christe good orators and composers of bookes not seeking that which profiteth all men but tending to make them selues esteemed although they haue saide some thing that is profitable yet not withstanding obscuritie hath kept it hid as in a certayne kinde of foolish wysedome but the Apostles and the Prophets haue done altogither therwyse expounding vnto all men the bookes clearly and manyfestlye that they haue written as publicke doctors of the worlde in such sort that euerye one may learne the thinges which are spoken by the onely reading That whiche the Prophet did pronounce saying al shall be taught of God and from thence foorth shall no man teache his neighbour or his brother and say know the Lorde But they shall all knowe me from the loweste vnto the hyest I brethren when I came vnto you came not in gloriousnesse of wordes or of wysedome shewing vnto you the testimonye of God And agayne my wordes and my preachinges was not with entising words of mans wysedome but in shewing of the spirite and of power And againe That which we spake is not the wisedome of this worlde neyther of the rulers of this worlde whiche goe to noughte For vnto whome are not all the thinges that are in the gospell manyfest who would haue a maister for to learne hearing any of these wordes Blessed are the meeke blessed are the mercifull blessed are the pure in heart and such other thinges The signes miracles and historyes are not they knowen and manyfest vnto euery one That is a colour and a cloked excuse of their slothfulnesse to saye thou vnderstandest not the thinges which are there how canst thou a-thing at all vnderstand when thou wilt not but with great paine lightly see it Take the bookes in thy handes reade all the hystory and keeping in memory