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A01704 The blessing of a good king Deliuered in eight sermons vpon the storie of the Queene of the south, her words to Salomon, magnifying the gouernment of his familie and kingdome. By Thomas Gibson, minister. Gibson, Thomas, M.A. 1614 (1614) STC 11841; ESTC S103127 203,984 514

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to worke in all manner of worke-manship And beholde I haue ioyned with him Aholiab the sonne of Ahisamah of the tribe of Dan and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted haue I put wisdome to make all that I haue commanded thee By the which place wee may see that wisedome and skill to doe such workes is the gifte of GOD and the wisedome of God doth not take away or ouerthrowe the wisedome of the worlde in Sciences gouernments or Trades but rather it doeth helpe and cure the errors and faultes that are in humane wisedome the preseruation of Kingdomes and Cities consisteth in peace iustice and mercie but all these are commended and commanded in the Gospell All ciuill vertues as Chastitie Temporance Iustice Fortitude are made better by the Gospell What is the ouerthrow of Kingdomes and of Countreys but notorious vices and sinnes As Prophanenes Atheisme Idolatrie disobedience Murthers Adulteries and such like but Gods wisedome doth reproue contemne and ouerthrow all such vices There are some things common betwixt humane and diuine wisedome as in both there are proofes from causes and effects things necessarie and things profitable are distinguished arguments are disposed in iust order and in fit wordes in both there are definitions diuisions collections but yet great difference betweene humane and diuine wisedome The one doth follow the light of nature the other is guided by the Spirit and by Faith The one doeth drawe her principles from the Sences from Obseruation and Experience the other doeth altogether wholie and onely rest vpon the worde of God The one doth dispose of speeches and actions according to the nature of the hearers and businesses The other is alwayes like her selfe laying open the sinnes of men and the wrath of God against them offering CHRIST and his benefites to all beleeuing and repenting sinners and finallie vrging amendment and newnes of life This is the summe and course of Gods wisdome without alteration Againe the wisedome of the world doth deuise vtter eloquent speeches and fine sentences the wisdome of God doth vse fit graue simple plaine words the other doth boast it selfe doth lift vp the mindes of men this doth humble and cast them downe Now seeing there are so many and great differences how can they agree together and euer be reconciled And therefore the wisedome of God accounteth the wisdom of the world foolishnes and the Lord speaketh basely of the wisdome of this worlde esteeming counting it meere foolishnes And yet there is a lawfull vse of ciuill wisedome in this life but in the life to come it hath no vse at all this heere is not to bee contemned but may bee vsed and hath many commodities in this world but it doth nothing profit to saluation it must not meddle with Gods wisedome to check or controule it but rather submit her selfe to it as a seruant and hand-maid and to keeepe her selfe within her owne compasse and limits and yet this wisedome hath her worthinesse and excellencie it is more excellent then riches pleasure or strength for what are all these without wisedome and therefore the Wise man sayeth That wisedome is good with an inheritance and excellent to them that see the sunne his meaning is that heritages goods lands are the gifts of God but wisedome is farre more excellent and may be without them but riches or pleasures without wisedome will doe vs more hurt then good Againe he sayeth Wisedome shall strengthen the wise man more then ten mightie princes that are in the citie Yet most doe glorie in riches and hunt after pleasures and few regard humane wisedome and learning moe are foolish simple and sottish that way then wise Great good and profit comes by the knowledge of naturall things for they doe publish the praise of the Creator and from them we may learne to know the Creator The heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament sheweth his handie worke But this knowledge is sufficient to make men excusable but not sufficient to saluation But all ciuill humane wisedome is but a shadow in respect of true wisedome which doth excell al other as the heauen doth excell the earth this commeth and proceedeth from the holie of holiest as it were from the kings secret closet the other from the common treasurie as it were from the outward courts of the kings pallace true wisedome is bestowed onely vpon Gods friends the other vpon his enemies also It may be demaunded then of what wisedome this woman speaketh which she calleth the wisedome of Salomon and counteth them blessed that heareth it It is true that Salomon excelled in the knowledge of naturall things of liberall sciences and of publicke priuate gouernment It is said before in this booke that God gaue Salomon wisedome and vnderstanding exceeding much and a large heart euen as the sand that is on the sea shore Salomons wisedome excelled the wisedome of all the childrē of the East al the wisedome of Egypt for he was wiser thē any man he was famous throughout all nations round about But this woman came to be instructed and satisfied in things concerning the name of the Lord she came to Ierusalem where was the Law the Temple Salomon she had no doubt at home many Philosophers many wise learned mē which could sufficiētly instruct her in the knowledge of naturall worldly matt●● but they could not satisfie her in her doubts cōcerning religion Againe the effect power wrought in her heart by this wisedome driueth her to great admiration she reposeth felicitie in it it wrought in her grace religion confessing worshipping the true God and acknowledging Israel to be Gods people No wit of man no ciuil or humane wisedome hath any such power to worke such a worke Now that Salomon was a Prophet full of diuine wisedome his works extant amongst vs doe proue it I meane his three worthie bookes of the Prouerbes Canticles Ecclesiastes which are Canonicall and his true bookes in the Hebrew Canon I pray you consider with me the summe of the diuine matter contained in those bookes The Prouerbes are most excellent not humane but diuine all nations and tongues haue their peculiar prouerbs sentences and wittie counsels in fewe words setting out great matter There be sentences of Plato Aristotle Plutarch Seneca but there is great difference betwixt the Prouerbes and sentences of the wisest Gentiles and Prouerbs of Salomon for the other they are knowne in nature and many of them are prophane and filthie contrarie to faith and charitie but these are Propheticall sacred Scripture inspired by the Holy Ghost they containe many things which humane reason is not able to see nor comprehend they commend the word of God and teach true wisedome how we may attaine to it and stirre vp all to seeke and follow it they teach vs faith and pietie the true worship and feare of God the true loue of God and our
sinne they must needes rise againe by repentance and so be saued And I haue neuer read in all the scripture that God doth professe any such loue to a reprobate God saith of Iacob I haue loued him because he was chosen I haue hated Esau because he was reiected Againe we haue heard alreadie that Salomon was a figure and tipe of Christ Iesus the sonne of God the Sauiour of the world Againe he was also as we haue heard inspired by the holy Ghost and a writer of the holy scripture Some reprobates haue spoken the truth and haue preached and prophecied as Balaam and Iudas but the Prophets and writers of holy scripture are all elect and saued so far as we know Our Sauiour Christ saith that the wicked shall see Abraham Isaacke and Iacob and all the Prophets in the kingdome of God and themselues thrust out of doores Now Salomon was a preacher a Prophet a writer of scripture and therefore we doubt not but he hath his part in the kingdome of heauen Finally the booke of the Preacher is called by the Hebrewes the repētance of Salomon and so it seemeth by the first beginning and entrance of it where he cryeth out Vanitie of vanities all is vanitie They be the words of one that had tasted of all the pleasures in the world that could be deuised and yet at last being wearie of all and renouncing all he reposeth all true felicitie of this life in true religion and the feare of God This may serue to satisfie vs touching the repentance and saluation of Salomon And now because we vpon some iust occasion haue made some digression not impertinent nor vnprofitable and because this fall of Salomon is abused by many let vs before we proceed further deliuer some good instructions and vses touching this his fall First then consider how dangerous the prosperitie the great wealth and honours of the world are and therefore let vs not too much desire them nor set our hearts or delights too much vpon them For thorough the corruption of our nature many wax proud contemning God and men iniurious to themselues and others being wanton luxurious and Lasciuious And therefore the Lord saith to his people Israel When thou hast eaten and filled thy selfe thou shalt blesse the Lord thy God for the land which he hath giuen thee Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God not keeping his commaundements and his lawes and his ordinances which I commaund thee this day least when thou hast eaten and filled thy selfe and hast built goodly houses and dwelt therein and thy beasts and thy sheepe are increased and thy siluer and thy gold is multiplied and all that thou hast is increased then thine heart be lifted vp and thou forget the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Aegypt and out of the house of bondage And in an other place he complaineth of that people saying He that should haue beene vpright when he waxed fatte spurned with his heele Thou art fatte thou art grosse thou art loaden with fatnes therefore he forsooke God that made him and regarded not the strong God of his saluation How should I spare thee saith the Lord thy children haue forsaken me and sworne by them which are no Gods though I fed them to the full yet they committed adulterie assembled themselues by companies in the harlots houses They rose vp in the morning like fed horses for euery man neighed after his neighbours wife Again I did knowe them in the wildernes in the land of drought as in their pastures so were they filled they were filled and their heart was exalted Therefore haue they forgotten me Oh that the great men of the world the Potentates Princes States Nobles and all the wealthy of the earth would remēber this who by their power and wealth take libertie to sinne and to liue licentiously without controulement and are infatuated by worldly cares and pleasures whereas the end of all outward blessings is to make vs more thankfull and more holy God gaue his people the lands of the heathen and they tooke the labours of the people in possession the end of this and of all their former blessings is that they might keepe his statutes and obserue his lawes And seeing that great prosperitie is so dangerous let vs pray with the wise man Giue me not pouertie nor riches feed me with food conuenient for me least I be full and denie thee and say who is the Lord or least I be poore and steale and take the name of my God in vaine Great abundance is dangerous and extreame pouertie is dangerous the competent estate is the best and let vs be content with it and let euery one harken to that counsell of the Lord saying Let not the wise man glory in his wisedome nor the strong man glory in his strength neither the rich man in his riches but let him that glorieth glory in this that he vnderstandeth and knoweth me Againe by this example we see that great and good Princes are subiect to falling some haue good beginnings and continue long and yet in the end they decline and fall away Nero in the first fiue yeares of his raigne was of such liberatie clemencie and gentlenes that he passed all Princes that were before him he either for gaue or else diminished all taxes and payments He was so gentle and fauourable to all degrees that he would admit them to come to salute him and also did salute them himselfe by name He made many good lawes but although he did these and such like things with great honour at the beginning of his raigne yet at the last forgetting the Imperiall dignitie he opened his wantonnes his fleshly pleasures his riot his Auarice his crueltie Oftentimes he attempted to kill his owne mother Agrippina She escaped often at last the Centurion comming towards her with a naked sword in his hand slew her she putting forth her belly cried out That hee would strike that part first for this bellie saith she is to be pierced through with Iron which brought forth such a monster Then the Centurion thrust his sword into her bellie and so slew her with many woundes after this horrible murther was done Nero being both without feare and shame beheld the Carkasse of his mother being slaine He killed Seneca his maister and Burrus one of his gouernours What will you more he ceased not to kill whom he pleased and that for what cause soeuer he pleased Tyberius who succeeded Augustus raised vp of himselfe at the beginning of his raigne no small hope of goodnes but afterwards proued a very Tyrant and most filthy man Alexander the great at the first ruled iustly and valiantly but after he was so effeminated with the daintie delicates of Pasia that he became proud leacherous a drunkard a murtherer by the which vices he both shortned his owne daies and made himselfe to be detested of his
the publike Magistrate God speaketh thus to his people Israel saying These words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart and thou shalt rehearse them continually vnto thy children and shall talke of them when thou tarriest in the house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou risest vp This is a generall commandement to all Gods people whatsoeuer and much more to the Magistrate this dutie of household gouernment is most ancient commended and commanded of God Euery Christian householder is to be as a King Priest and Prophet in his owne house As a King to rule as a Priest to pray and as a Prophet to teach Their care must be that the wise be the spouse of Christ their seruants to be Gods seruants their children the children of God Most are carefull to see their owne busines and workes followed in no case neglected why should they not be as carefull to see the workes of God his seruice busines duly performed in their families They carefully prouide for all necessarie proui●iō for the maintenāce of their bodies so farre goeth an Infidel and the like care they haue also of their beastes but Christians must goe further and see that the soules of their families be fed and prouided for and so they shall find much fruit and profit to themselues for this is the way and meanes to make painefull faithfull and conscionable seruants and also by this meanes true religion is continued to our posteritie whereas if we faile in this dutie religion may decay and die with vs for any thing that we doe For the continuance and propagation of it most are carefull specially great persons men of power and wealth that their names riches and houses may continue if they could for euer And shall not we haue as great a care for the preseruation and continuance of Gods true worship and seruice to the ages to come To moue vs to this dutie let Magistrates and others 〈◊〉 set before their eies the examples of holy worthie mē in scripture how 〈◊〉 they were in teaching and 〈…〉 their families Our first 〈…〉 Adam had a 〈◊〉 of this and therfore he taught his two sonnes how to sacrifice to the true God Abraham is commended of God and he promiseth to blesse him for it because he commanded his so●nes and his household after him that they keepe the way of the Lord to do righteousnes and iudgement Iacob said to his householde and to all that were with him Put away the strāge gods that are among you and change your garments After the example of Iacob let others cleanse their houses as of Idolls so of ignorance of prophanes of bl●sphemie of filthie speaking and of all vncleannes and wickednes For these and such like doe infect pollute and defile both houses and kingdomes And let euery one say with good Ioshua I and my house will serue the Lord. And as Hannah gaue her sonne Samuel to the Lord so let euery one giue and dedicate their families to God And as Iob euery day sanctified his sonnes by praying to God for them so let euery one sanctifie themselues and their whole familie by good instructions and sweete prayrs to God The example of Dauid is most worthie to be imitated of all and especially of Magistrates he professeth his care both in ruling himselfe and his familie the whole Church and kingdome he professeth his pietie to God the vprightnes of his owne heart and the wisedome that he had in discerning and separating the good from the euill both in his ●wne house and countrey Hee will suffer no wicked person in his house hee will reforme both Church and Common-wealth he will not bee partaker of other mens sinnes nor suffer the blood of them to cleaue to his soule Worthie also is the example of Cornelius a Captaine yet a deuout man one that feared God with all his household and he had souldiers fearing God And sending for Peter for further instruction when he was come he sayde that both hee and all his were there present before God to heare all things from the mouth of Peter that was commaunded him of God I will alledge but one example more of two householders the man and the woman persons of no greate account in the world but yet religious and religiously gouerning their household 〈◊〉 meane Aquila and Presilla Aquila the husband a Tent-maker Presilla his wife Saint Paul sayeth of them Greete Presilla and Aquila my fellow helpers in Christ Iesus likewise greet the Church that is in their house It is sayd of these two in another place That they taught Apollos a learned and eloquent man yet they taught him the way of God more perfectly then he knew before S. Paul confesseth they were helpers to him in the Lord and that they had a Church in their house His meaning is that in their house there was such instruction reading hearing prayer conference and other diuine exercises that their household was as a little Church If these poore and priuate persons had such religious care of their familie how carefull ought Gouernours and Magistrates to bee for the gouernment of their families which are to bee directions and examples to others One example more I must needes ayme and poynt at I cannot auoid it it lieth in the text that is the example of Salomon commended vn to vs by this woman as in this verse shee commendeth the gouernment of his kingdome so in the former verse she admireth and magnifieth the gouernmēt of his house she saw such good order amongst his seruants such diuine wise instructions by Salomō that she bursteth out into these words Happy are thy men happie are these thy seruants which stand euer before thee and heare thy wisedome his house was so wisely gouerned that she accoūteth them blessed who dwell and liue vnder his gouernment but vnhappie are many seruants and children who haue cause to curse both parents and maisters who by their follie carelesnes and bad example doe leade them to hell and to euerlasting destruction The Courts of Princes and great mens houses they should not be sinkes of sinne nor yet cages of follie and vncleannes but they should be patternes of pietie of wisedome and religion of temperance and all other vertues patternes I say to the inferior sort whose cies are vpon them and are readie to follow them in good or euill That which the Apostle applieth to the minister that may be applied also to the Magistrate he saith that the Minister must be one that can rule his owne house honestly hauing children vnder obedience with all honestie for if any cannot rule his owne house how shall he care for the Church of God THE SEVENTH SERMON VERSE 9. And made thee King to doe equity and righteousnesse IT is the duety and part of good Gouernours as wee haue heard already to begin
Iustice that impietie in religion and false worship is the ouerthrowe of kingdomes and as the whole storie is of great vse and instruction to the Church so especially the Chronicle of Dauid the father and Salomon the sonne they being the first Kings that God gaue to Israel next to Saul yea indeed the first that God gaue his people in loue men qualified with extraordinarie graces the one a Prophet the other a Preacher both of them tipes and figures of Christ Iesus the true Dauid and Salomon Their storie is large and long as you may reade in the two bookes of Samuel and a great part of the first booke of the Kings and further in the first booke of the Chronicles and the nine first Chapters of the second booke Touching Salomon in those bookes there is set downe the fauour of God towards him in appearing familiarly twise vnto him the singular blessings of wisedome honor and riches bestowed vpon him the care of Salomon in building the Temple Gods house according to his minde his ioy praise and sacrifices for the same now this chapter in hand containeth two generall heads First a profitable and pleasant storie of the Queene of the south Secondly the magnificence and greatnes of Salomon This text is a branch of the first part and containeth a worthie commendation of Salomon First commending the happie gouernment of his familie secondly of his whole kingdome whatsoeuer is in these two short sentences of scripture all is worthie and excellent and of great force to drawe reuerence and attention whether we consider the person that speaketh the partie to whom it is spoken or the matter and subiect it selfe the speaker no simple nor base person though the weaker vessell a woman yet of great estate and maiestie a famous Royall Queene the person to whom this is spoken is no lesse a man then Salomon a most worthie and glorious King of Israel beloued and chosen of God excelling all the Kings of the earth in riches honor and wisedome A liuely tipe and figure of Christ Iesus the sonne of God the King of all Kings and Lord of heauen and earth The matter and subiect here handled and commended is neither riches nor pleasure nor the pompe nor the glorie of the world but wisedome diuine wisedome which she saw and heard in Salomon and for the enioying whereof she tooke so tedious so long and costly a iourney after her conference with Salomon and after she heard him speake so diuinely to her selfe and other strangers to his courtiers seruants and people her heart being inamoured with loue of this wisedome and feeling the power and vertue of it working in her soule she crieth and exclaimeth Happie are these thy men happie are these thy seruants which stand euer before thee and heare thy wisedome c. Before we come to this speech it selfe it shall not be amisse to say some thing of the speaker a woman a Queene of excellent vertues the whole speech it selfe commends her for here she speaketh reuerently of Salomon commending and magnifying his wisedome she confesseth and worshippeth the true God she acknowledgeth him to be the disposer of kingdomes and Israel to be his people she putteth Salomon in minde of the dutie of a King She is a tipe of the calling of the Gentiles and finally she is commended by Christ himselfe in the Gospell as we shall see hereafter And though all the world and all the Kings of the earth sought to see Salomon and to heare his wisedome yet this woman is especially named commended and a whole storie is written of her because it was a great matter and almost a wonder that a woman should take so great so troublesome and tedious a iourney and it seemeth her zeale and pietie exceeded all the rest In the beginning of this chapter it is set downe whence she came namely from Sheba being as Christ saith from the vttermost part of the earth that the fame of Salomon moued her to come that she came with a great traine and brought with her sweet odours gold and precious stones the end of her comming was to proue Salomō with hard questions in matters of religion and as she spared neither paines nor cost but cheerfully tooke vpon her so great a iourney so when she is come she is carefull to learne and enquire of the true knowledge of God to be satisfied and resolued concerning all points she stood in doubt of she confesseth her ignorance and neglecteth no occasion to doe her soule good And now after Salomon had answered all things to the full she highly commends him she stirreth vp his courtiers subiects and seruants to be thankfull for such a Maister Lord and King she reioyceth praising God for him and after in token of thankfulnes she bestoweth vpon him gold odors and precious stones she could not then perfectly learne true religion in her owne countrie Ierusalem was the seate and schoole of religion the scripture not being then in all tongues as it was after in the time of the Apostles therefore she commeth so farre to learne true wisedome both for her priuate comfort and the publike good of her people and now hauing found felt and inioyed it she both blesseth God the Author and Salomon the teacher In this example we are to obserue diuers worthie notes and markes of gracious and good hearers First in that she seekes for wisedome and such things as concerne the name of the Lord and that from Salomon who was so wise in so great a measure Good hearers must follow her example not to seeke for follie or fables but for true wisedome and that from the true Salomon Christ Iesus in his word and Gospell For the scriptures onely as the Apostle saith are able to make vs wise vnto saluation And the Psalmist saith The lawe of the Lord is perfect conuerting soules and giueth wisedome to the simple Salomon himselfe giues this counsell Incline thine eare heare the words of the wise and applie thine heart to my knowledge Secondly good hearers after this worthie patterne must refuse no paines nor labor for the attaining of this wisedome The wise man will haue vs call and crie for it to seeke it as siluer and search for it as for treasures And againe buy the truth but sell it not likewise wisedome and instruction and vnderstanding when Christ was borne at Bethlem in Iudea there came certaine wise men from the East to Ierusalem to seeke for him this woman and they in many things are much alike they were some great men she a Queene they came to Ierusalem so did she they came to seeke Christ she came to Salomon the figure of Christ they enquire of the Priests to be satisfied where Christ should be borne she seeketh to be satisfied of her doubts from S●lomon a preacher they seeing the starre leading them to Christ reioyced she hauing comfort and knowledge from Salomon reioyceth also they offer gold Incense
bee counted blessed What enemie is so iniurious or contumelious as the pleasures of some are to them Many are so drowned in pleasures that they are brought to a custome and cannot want them which for this cause are most miserable because they haue made those things most necessary which are superfluous therefore they serue their pleasures and doe not enioy them they loue their euils which is the chiefe of all euill Another sayeth that true ioy is not possessed vnlesse peace and righteousnes be kept and holden The first is as it were the roote that is righteousnes the second is peace the third is ioy from righteousnes proceedeth peace from peace proceedeth ioy they reioyce in temporall things which haue not learned to desire eternall things If we list to giue our selues to pleasures a hundreth yeeres yea adde another hundreth and if thou list ten hundreth more what is this to the reward of eternity is not all the time of this life wherin we seeme to enioy pleasures serue our lusts but the sleepe of one night in comparison of eternitie There is a ioy which is not giuen to the wicked but to them ô Lord which doe willingly worship thee whose ioy thou thy selfe art and this is the true blessed life to reioyce of thee and for thee this and no other is true blessednesse but of the vanitie of these men which repose felicity either in humane wisedome or in the glory of the world in riches or pleasures we haue partly spoken before And let Salomon deside and determine this matter both by his sentence and example he pronounceth of all these things Vanitie of vanities vanities of vanities all is vanitie If he had but thus spoken in his wisedome being diuine and inspired we should beleeue him and rest vpon his iudgement but he speaketh also vpon experience and proofe If a poore man had spoken it we might haue reiected his iudgement as one that neuer tasted the excellencie of riches and pleasures but it is spoken by Salomon a famous and worthy king who excelled and abounded in all wisedome glory wealth and pleasures hauing tasted of all he protesteth and crieth out that all is vanity And marke what one sayth of that sentence If those sayeth he which are occupied in power and riches they would write this verse vpon all their walles vpon their houses vpon their dores and gates and specially if they would write it in their consciences that they might alwayes haue it before their eyes and feele it in their heart that all is vanitie And thus wee see sundrie enemies opposites to wisedome we see the miserable estate of such as want her of such as despise her and repose their happines in other things And howsoeuer many be against her and she hath but few faithfull friends and few doe respect or regard her as they ought but prefer most base and vile things before her yet is this wisdome iustified of all her childrē Now let vs come to some further vses of this doctrine for the instruction and comfort of her friends and followers First then this serueth for the instruction of the sonnes daughters of wisedome that with all diligence care reuerence they continually hearken to true wisedome Though outward hearing be not sufficiēt yet it is commended as profitable and necessary and as meanes to conuey grace knowledge and faith to the heart and it is the chiefe end why God hath giuen vs eares euen thereby to hearken to his voice Without this hearing how should we know God how should we loue him how should we feare and beleeue in him Who so is among you that feareth the Lord saith Esaiah let him heare the voice of his seruant Again hearken vnto me my people giue eare vnto me ô my people hearken vnto me you that know righteousnes the people in whose heart is my law we are readie to hearken to fables to heare histories to heare the letters of our friends the Proclamation of Princes and some are very ready and willing to heare the Idolatrous Masse shall not we be more ready and willing to heare the voyce of our God The publike assemblies are the schooles of wisedome wee must like good schollers with diligence resort thither and be content both to heare and learne wee must like Cornelius heare with reuerence whatsoeuer shal be spoken from the mouth of God wee must with Lidea giue attendance to Pauls preaching and wee must daily watch at the gates of wisedome and giue attendance at the postes of our doores we must willinglie neglect no time nor occasion that may serue for our instruction in this schoole But of this poynt I will stand no more because heeretofore in the commending of wisedome we alledging manie testimonies of holie Scripture from whence we may drawe sufficient reasons and motiues to stirre vs vp to carefull hearing Now I adde another vse that seeing our felicity lyeth in wisedome we must not only carefully heare it but also loue it most deerely and esteeme it aboue all things else whatsoeuer Some there be diligent hearers but yet they doe not so highly esteeme of this wisedome as they should neither doe they shew the fruits of that loue which this deserueth they thinke it good but not the chiefest good but we are to loue and esteeme this wisedome not as an ordinary or common thing but as it is indeed the best and the chiefest of all things preferring it aboue all riches pleasures or any thing else in the world be they neuer so pleasant profitable or excellent esteeming this as most good most necessary and that we had better want all the best things in the world then this and who indeed will not thus esteeme of this felicity being the greatest felicity of this life and that which will leade vs to eternall happines Such an account and estimation had the wise man of it when hee putteth it in the first place preferreth it before all things Our Sauiour Christ counteth it the one thing needfull and the good part that shall be neuer taken from vs he compareth it to a treasure hid in the field and to a pearle of great price which when a man hath found for ioy thereof he selleth all that he hath and buyeth it The blessed Apostle he esteemeth all things else drosse and dung in cōparison of this excellent knowledge so that our loue to this it must be rare sincere and perfect like our loue to God himselfe and indeed so much as we loue God so much we loue his word and as little as we loue the one so little we loue the other The speciall note to proue our loue to God is our true loue to his word now where true loue is there is hungring and thirsting and eager desiring of that which we loue there is a delight and a ioy vnspeakable when we haue it Wisdome calleth those onely to be her
guestes to be partakers of her dainties which do hunger and thirst after spirituall graces The Prophet Dauid saith of himselfe My hart breaketh for the desire to thy iudgmēts alway Such a desire as worldlings haue to their riches as voluptuous men haue to their pleasures who are neuer satisfied such a desire I say haue the Saints of God to this wisedome The kingdome of heauen saith our Sauiour frō the time of Iohn the Baptist hitherto suffreth violence the violēt take it by force his meaning is that the hearts of men were then inflamed with an earnest zeale and greedie desire to heare the word they did not coldly for fashion but with an earnest violent affection follow seeke after this wisdome not the idle carelesse sort but such as be spiritually violent take receiue the kingdome of heauen he that taketh any thing by violence he doth vehemently desire it will not want it vseth all power indeuour to obtaine it neither doth he feare to expose himselfe all that he hath to danger so that he may enioy it the matter then being so waightie it must not be lightly desired sought for but with great vehemencie zeale And therefore the Apostle exhorteth that as new borne babes we should desire the sincere milk of the word that we may growe thereby Infants they desire milke that egerly they cry yell for it nothing will stay them till they haue it their desire is daily continuall Such desires affections we must beare to true wisedome as good foode is sweet to the hungry when it is eaten so is wisedome to the soule if it be inwardly receiued and digested there wil follow exceeding delight and ioy but because most hearers professe their loue to the word shew their loue by desiring it delighting in it as it may seeme to the eyes of the world let vs see some further signes to approue our true loue to wisedome the account that we make of it first then they that truly loue truly esteeme this wisedome they must needes loue the publike assemblies and specially the publike ministrie and preaching of wisedome some thinke it enough to pray and read at home but Gods ordinance must bee acknowledged priuate duties must giue place to the publike this is the gate of heauen the house of God the court of the Saints here shineth most clearely the louing countenance and face of God in his temple Doth euery man speake of his glory O Lord saith Dauid I haue loued the habitation of thine house and the place where thine honour dwelleth And againe I reioyced when they said vnto me we will goe into the house of the Lord he loued ioyed in such meetings because of Gods presence because of the sacrifices and Sacraments they are ministred for that he had there the cōpany of Gods people publike ioynt prayers the word of wisedome there read expounded and as this was Dauids ioy practise being a worthy Prophet and King so it is said in an other place that the Prince shall be in the midst of the assemblies he shall goe in with the people when they goe forth they shall goe forth together And as Salomon built an house for God confec●ated it to holy vses so he himselfe resorted thither with the Priests people to offer publike seruice to God Christ himselfe the Apostles Saints did commonly frequent publike assemblies such as contemne these they doe not reade nor vnderstand aright hauing so many precepts presidēts against them Others there be which are content to come to publike meetings to prayer to the reading of the scriptures but they thinke this sufficient that they need no more at all as for preaching they care little for it nay many do scorne and hate it these doe not rightly esteeme or loue the word if they loued it read they wold loue it preached the rather seeing it is more to edification by preaching we are assured of the authoritie of the scriptures we better vnderstand them many darke sentēces of scripture are explained places which seeme contrarie are recōciled the hid treasures of wisedome are layed open to our further comfort scriptures are applied to time place persons affections are more moued many are called conuerted such as are called are further confirmed and increased by the power of preaching for it is ordained of God not onely for conuersion of soules but for confirmation augmentation and continuance in grace and therefore most needfull for all persons be they neuer so wise strong or holie these be the speciall prerogatiues priuiledges of preaching And therefore the Apostle accounteth esteemeth of it as the most necessarie and profitable gift in the Church the cause why men doe contemne hate preaching is because they are in loue with their sinnes which are discouered by it Therefore Aha● hated Michaiah the Prophet as he confesseth because he prophecied not good vnto him but euill Light is come into the world men loue darknes more then light because their deeds are euill for euery man that euill doth hateth the light neither commeth to light least his deeds should be reproued but he that doth truth commeth to the light that his deeds might be made manifest that they are wrought according to God Againe they hate this light of preaching and contemne it because it is an enemie to their carnalliberties sincere sound preaching reproueth many delights vanities corruptions which flesh and blood would faine retaine nourish and therefore carnall men say Let vs breake this bond and cast this cord from vs Let vs shake off this yoake of Christ but the godly do therfore the more loue it because it doth reproue their sins is an effectuall meanes to bring them to true repentance mortification they loue the word read they loue it preached reading is not to be neglected contemned it is cōmended both in the law the Gospell thereby we are the better acquainted with the scriptures we are made thereby more profitable hearers reading helpeth our iudgements affections memories preaching helpeth reading and reading helpeth preaching they that best loue preaching and seeke most for Sermons if they doe it with right affections they read most and with more comfort and profit All the parts of Gods seruice are to be practised by a Christian no part of his seruice is to be neglected or contemned this is an other sure signe of our true loue to wisedome often in secret to meditate of it to conferre of it with others to reade the word or to cause it to be read vnto vs by these priuate exercises Dauid proueth his loue to the word as we haue hard before loue will drawe our affection to speake and thinke often of that which we loue this is a more sure signe then
or if they come to the Sermon their mindes are at home they are like Idols that haue eares and heare not eyes and see not they doe not consider and marke nor beleeue those things which are spoken of the contempt of this world against couetousnesse oppression and deceit If they be somewhat neerely touched they gruntle like Swine they barke like Dogges such as are learned and haue knowledge beeing delicate and dainetie they thinke the plaine and simple stile of preaching agreeing to the Scripture to haue small sweetnesse or delight in it they stand vpon eloquence and mans wisedome it is grieuous to them to heare a plaine simple Preacher though he speake with power of the spirit Great persons men of state and countenance which are scarcely accounted men but halfe Gods they thinke it a discredit to heare many sermons I am afraid saith a Father that the Queene of the South comming frō the farthest part of the world to heare the wisedome of Salomon that she shall iudge men of this age and the men of Niniuie repenting at the preaching of Ionas shall condemne those which despise a greater then Ionas so many among the people shall condemne many Ministers in the Church withdrawing themselues from their Ecclesiasticall dutie and doing those things which doe not beseeme● a Minister yea they doe not beseeme a simple Christian An other complaineth both of Ministers and people saying Wo● be vnto you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites which shut the kingdome of heauen before men By these words the Lord will shew that the Priests of the Iewes did all things for couetousnes and who knew by the scriptures that Christ was come and they considered because Christ was beleeued and receiued that the custome of sacraficing and offering would cease and that the sacrifice of righteousnes would preuaile but they did shut the doore of truth when they decreed that if any should say he was the sonne of God he should be shut out of the Synagogue so now hereticall ministers they doe shut the doore of truth for they know if the truth be made manifest the Church would leaue them and they should be cast downe from their places What then is the ignorant people to be excused No for if thou wouldst buy thee garments thou seekest to sundry Chapmen and where thou maist haue the best garments and the easiest price those thou takest and therefore thou must seeke and search for teachers and enquire where truth is and where is error It is not forbidden to know the confessions of all men and to choose that which is best according to the saying of the Apostle Proue all things and hold that which is good If for worldly busines thou wouldest goe to a place thou knowest not thou dost not cease from thy purpose because thou knowest not the way but thou doest trie this and that way thou dost aske seek and enquire and so findest the right way If thou wilt enter into the truth of the scriptures sometimes pray sometimes search the scriptures sometimes seeke by good workes sometimes enquire of this minister sometimes of that that so thou maist see who they be that haue the keyes of knowledge If these things be not done it is because the word of God is not beleeued nor the promise of blessednes desired nor the last iudgement feared Where is this care of searching and the truth to be found where is that diligence of inquiring Men are readie to heare receiue and beleeue any thing like children they are carried away with any kinde of doctrine they are still ignorant and fall into many errors because with this woman they will not diligently and carefully seeke for the truth where it may be found All others are carefull and painefull to learne and seeke the true knowledge and skill as much as they can of their trades and sciences onely Christians are idle careles and ignorant in their profession Harken I pray you saith the same father is it not an absurd thing that the Physition the Shoomaker and Weauer and generally all workemen striue for the profession of their Arts but a Christian cannot bring a reason of his religion those Artes being neglected are but the losse of money the contempt of religion is the losse of the soule and yet we are so madde that we imploy all our care and thoughts that way and we make no account of the necessarie defence of our soule for this cause the heathen knowe not their error but take offence and mocke vs for they being in error doe all things for the defence of their errors We being professors of the truth can say nothing for defence of it and for this cause the very heathen doe condemne our doctrine of weakenes they suspect in vs some fraude and foolishnes and so they speake euill of Christ as of a liar we are the cause of this blasphemie Saint Peeter commandeth vs to be readie to giue a reason of the faith that is in vs to euery man that asketh And S. Paul doth exh●rt vs That the word of God may dwell plentifully in vs. But what say the foolish people to this they say blessed is the simple soule and he that walketh simplie walketh boldly this is the cause of all euill that many cannot rightly and truly applie the scriptures for by the simple is not meant the foole but he that is honestly and vprightly minded for if it were so vnderstood in vaine were the saying of Christ Be wise as serpents and innocent as doues Let vs blush and be ashamed that the Samaritan woman was so carefull in learning that her worldly busines could not hinder her from the doctrine of Christ We enquire nothing in the knowledge of heauenly things but are carelesse and neglect all things Which of vs I pray you when we come home doth any thing worthy of a Christian who doth search repeate or remember the scriptures The scriptures are giuen not onely that you should haue them in your bookes but also in your hearts I doe not forbid to get you bookes nay I doe admonish you and entreate you that you get them yet so that you doe oftentimes repeat both the letters and the sense in your minde that by it that may be made pure For if in whatsoeuer house the Gospell of Christ is the diuell dare not enter how much lesse shall the diuel ore sinne touch that soule which is familiar with the diligent reading of it therefore sanctifie thy soule and sanctifie thy body this shall come to passe if thou haue alwaies in thy minde and tongue the Gospell of Christ Seeing therefore there is such ignorance impenitencie prophanenes disobedience and vnthankfulnes amongst vs not onely the former examples but many others shall rise vp in iudgement against vs in the last day The G●ecians shall condemne vs in that day for they reuerently esteemed and heard their Philosophers disputing doubtfully of vice and vertue but wee
opened her heart and so both she and her house was conuerted In the same manner was the Iaylor and his househould conuerted In an other place the word was of such power that the beleeuers came and confessed and shewed their workes and many also of them which vsed curious Artes brought their bookes and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fiftie thousand peeces of siluer which was of our money about 2000. markes so the word of God grewe mightily and preuailed Thus we see that the word hath beene heretofore of great power to winne soules to God Is it now become weake and feeble nay the fault is not in the word but in the ●tubbornnes hardnes of our harts which will not suffer it to enter nor giue it any place The word is the same it was it is the same seede but is now sowne in a bad soyle and therefore it will n●t nor cannot fructifie And that you may know whether the word hath this power in you or no for the conuersion of your soules remember this worthie excellent counsell for your instruction and direction When any is conuerted to the Lord the vaile is taken away therefore the cause of taking away the vaile is our conuersion to God From whence we may gather that whilst in reading the scriptures the vnderstanding of them is kept from vs and whilst that which is written is abscure and shut vp from vs we are not yet conuerted to the Lord for if we were conuerted no doubt the vaile would be taken away Let vs see what it is to be conuerted to the Lord. But that we may the more clearely knowe what is to be conuerted let vs first see what is to be auerted that is turned from the Lord. Euery one then that when the words of the lawe is repeated is occupied in common fables he is auerted Euery one which is bound with the cares of possessions with the desires of riches and of the glory and honour of the world he is auerted that is turned from the Lord He which seemeth to be estraunged from these things and sitteth and heareth the words of the law and is attentiue with his countenance eyes but his heart and thoughts are wandring he is auerted that is turned from the Lord. What is it then to be conuerted and turned to God If we cast all these things behind our backes and giue our selues in studie in deeds in minde and care to the word of God to meditate in his lawe day and night letting passe all other things let vs giue our selues to God Let vs be exercised in his testimonies this is to be conuerted to the Lord. If thou wouldest haue thy sonne to learne the liberall sciences dost thou not free him from other things for this cause thou dost prouide a schoolemaister and bookes and thou dost spare for no cost to haue thy purpose brought to passe Which of vs doth so giue himselfe to the studie of Gods lawe who doth with such studie and labour seeke for heauenly things as he doth for humane and earthly and why doe we complaine that we are ignorant of that which we learne not Some of you so soone as they heare that reiected which is read they straite goe away there is no inquisition of that which hath beene spoken no conscience no remembrance where as it is saide Aske thy fathers and they will tell thee Aske thy teachers and they will teach thee Some tarrie not so long till the lectures be ended some though they heare vnderstand not being in the lower parts of Gods house and occupied with fables of whom I dare say that when Moses is read there is not onely a vaile vpon their heart but there is a wall set betwixt them If he that is present which doth heare and is attentiue and doth enquire and discusse of those things which he heareth and that which he cannot vnderstand he doth aske the meaning of others and so learneth he that shutteth his eares least he should heare and turneth away his face from hearing how is the vaile taken away from his heart Let vs take heed then that when Moses is read when Paul is read there be not a vaile vpon our heart Certainely if we heare negligently and haue no care to learne and vnderstand not onely the scripture of the Lawe and Prophets but of the Apostles and Euangelists we are hidden and couered with a great vaile and I doe feare that by the negligence and foolishnes of our heart that the diuine volumes are not only hidden from vs but sealed as if a booke should be giuen into the hands of man to read and he answereth he cannot read or that it is sealed And therefore we must haue a care not onely to learne the scriptures but we must entreate the Lord by supplications day night that the lambe of the tribe of Iudah may come vouchsafe to take this sealed booke and open it And indeed it is Paul that planteth and Apollo watreth but it is God that giues the encrease he is the author of our ministerie the author of the word the giuer of all gifts and graces to his seruants Good seede is sowne in sundrie grounds but it doth not fructifie in all Man speaketh to the outward eare but God must speake inwardly to the heart or else the word will haue no power to conuert the soule The Gospell is heard saith a father some beleeue and some beleeue not They which beleeue they heare and learne from the father they which beleeue not they heare outwardly but they neither heare nor learne inwardly that is to them it is giuen to beleeue to the other it is not giuen So saith our Sauiour to the Apostles To you it is giuen to know the secrets of the kingdome of heauen but to others it is not giuen It is said in an other place As many as were ordained to eternall life beleeued when Paul Barnabas preached Though Prophets speake to vs though Apostles though Salomon though Iohn the Baptist though Angels and Christ himselfe speake yet they shall nothing auaile to conuert vs except God open our hearts The Lord raigneth both vpon the corne and vpon the thornes but hee sendeth Raine vpon the Corne for the barne and vpon the thornes for the fire and yet it is the same raine so the word of God is powred vpon all let euery one see what roote he hath let him see whether he draweth the good raine if he drawe it to engender thornes is the raigne of God to be accused before it come to the roote that is a sweete raine till it come to a bad heart Now that the word may haue more power in vs hereafter let vs cast off naturall blindnes carnall securitie our olde sinnes and worldly cares let vs come with hungrie and humble hearts denying our selues and desirous to learne let vs come with repentance for our sinnes
Preacher with compassion of minde He hath learned to speake truely that hath first learned to doe well And then doth the seede of the word bring forth fruite when the pietie of the Preacher doeth water it in the breast of the hearers Wee must first bee cleansed our selues and so cleanse others wee must first be wise and so make others wise we must first bee made lighte and so lighten others wee must first come to God our selues and so bring others to God wee must first be sanctified so sanctify others This law is layde vpon the Preachers that they lighten them by liuing which they are carefull to perswade by speaking For the authoritie and power of speaking is lost when the voyce is not helped by worke No man can stand in the valley and speake from the mount Where thou standest from thence speake and from whence thou speakest there stande If thy minde bee in the earth how doest thou speake from heauen be in heauen if thou speake from heauen If thou wilt not doe righteousnesse why doest thou make thy selfe a teacher of righteousnes why doest thou call thy selfe a maister of that whereof thy selfe will be no scholler nor Disciple Finally there be three kindes of negligent Prelates Some who liue well and suffer their people to liue ill Some who liue ill compell their people to liue well Some who liue ill will haue their people to liue ill Those which liue wel suffer their people to liue ill they goe before them in example but they doe sinne because they reproue not their errors Though they liue well yet they must of necessitie giue account of the flocke committed to them to the Lord of the flocke Those which liue ill and compell their people to liue well They do call those that goe astray but they kill those which are rightly strong They call by words they kill by examples Of the third sorte we are not to speak at all But though this be true that the sinnes of Preachers and professors bee thus offensiue to other and hurtfull to themselues yet neyther preaching nor profession is to be cast off or condemned Phisitions oftentimes liue contrary to their owne rules and Lawyers liue lawlesse And yet both Phisicke and Law is good A warrant from the King is not to bee despised though the Officer bee naught In all professions and callings some are good and some bad The callings are not to bee condemned because of the badnesse of them which are in them All fleshe is grasse and the glorie thereof like the flower of the fielde All men are subiect to sinne and error but the word of the Lord abideth for euer It is pure holy iuste and good though those which professe and teach it be neuer so bad Gold is not the worse though a Thiefe handle it no more is the word of the Lord which is more pure then gold being seuen times tried in the fire though wicked men professe and teach it This is the counsell of our Sauiour Christ saying The Scribes and Pharises sit in Moses seate all therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe but after their workes do not Excellently saith one vpon that place he that doth euill doth iniurie to the seate Sitting in iudgement if thou liue well and teach well thou shalt be iudge of all If thou liue ill and teach well thou shalt be iudge of thy selfe onely for by teaching well thou doest teach thy people how they ought to liue but by liuing ill thou dost teach God how he ought to condemne thee If they liue well meaning the preachers it is their gaine If they teach well it is your gaine speaking to the people Take that therefore which is yours and trouble not your selues about that which is an other mans for often there proceedeth good doctrine from an euill man euen as the vile earth bringeth forth precious gold Is that precious gold contemned because the earth is vile and base euen therefore as the gold is chosen and the earth is left so receiue you the doctrine and leaue the manners Let vs receiue the doctrine not the maners Hearbes are not necessarie for Bees but flowers so gather you the flowers of doctrine and leaue the conuersation Augustine speaking of this example of Salomon saith thus If Salomon be reiected of God why are his writings of such authoritie in the Church that wee may know saith he that the words of God are not therefore true because they were spoken by Salomon but because they proceeded from God by Salomon whatsoeuer therefore he wrote well it must be ascribed to God and as for his sin it must be left to himselfe The same may be said of Balaam who though he was an euill man yet he deliuered good and wholesome Oracles Dauid sinned grieuously yet his Psalmes are most blessed diuine sacred ful of sweet comforts and instructions to be imbraced beleeued reuerenced and practised of all good men Peter his fall was most greeuous in denying his maister yet his sermons his doctrine and writings are in no case to be reiected but to be receiued and followed of all Christians as holy and canonicall scripture inspired by the holy Ghost Thus the falls of the Saints are abused sundrie waies some men doe excuse all their faults some by them take occasion to disgrace and discredit the Saints and some take occasion thereby to practise the like sinnes in themselues but these are all deceiued and doe erre foulely For they are not written to any such purpose but rather that we may learne and see the corruption of all men by nature and that we may know the Saints were but men and therefore not to trust in them but in God And this vse doth one make of this example of Salomon that God suffered him to erre least we should erre Many things are written specially in the Psalmes of Christ in the person of Salomon Now we might take those things to be spoken altogether of Salomon himselfe but that we see he hath so grieuously fallen whereupon we are constrained to passe those excellent Oracles from Salomon to the Messias for seeing we are admonished in the scriptures that Christ knew no sinne and we see that Salomon sinned so hainously we may vnderstand thereby that Salomon was not the Messias And by such examples the mercy of God is made manifest to repenting sinners And they may gather comfort from thence that if they haue the like repentance they shall haue the like fauour mercy And therefore saith one I consider Peeter I cōsider the theefe vpon the crosse I looke vpon Zacheus and I see nothing else in them but examples set before our eies of hope and repentance By these examples also we are stirred vp to humilitie and watchfulnes to worke our saluation with feare and trembling and vpon view of these things let him that standeth take heed least he fall
are made better by weedes the plantes and seedes are hidden choakt but the good husbandman is carefull to plucke them vp so by good lawes men are made better and the wicked which hinder hurt others are restrained suppressed and as husbandmen haue many things to hinder their planting and sowing as wild beasts tempests haile floods drought so haue gouernours hinderances and enemies to their gouernment which they will carefully auoyde as well as they can This comparison of husbandrie as it setteth out the necessitie and excellencie of gouernment so it sheweth the great care and labour that is ioyned with it for who is more carefull and painefull then the husband man let therefore magistrates be humbled in consideration of the vertues and duties of their great calling and yet for their further humiliation let them remember their owne infirmities and wants to performe their dutie as they ought Let them remember that they are subiect to the temptations of the diuell of the flesh and the world and let them knowe that they are subiect to the common miseries of this life and to other miseries and crosses incident and peculiar to their calling and let them in no case forget that they must giue account to the great Iudge and gouernour of all the world how they haue behaued themselues in their places and callings It shall be said to them to euery one of them Come giue account of thy stewardship thou mayest be no longer steward And for their further humiliatiō they must knowe that they cannot tell how long they shall enioy those places of honour and dignitie being subiect to death as well as others and they cannot tell how soone they may be taken away Agathon had wont to say that a magistrate must alway remember these three things First that he ruleth men secondly that he must rule according to lawes and thirdly that he shall not alwaies rule The consideration of this latter poynt of the shortnes and vncertaintie of this life that we must certainely die and we knowe not how soone is able to humble the mightiest potentate in the earth The highest of them all may say I my selfe am also mortall and a man like all other and am come of him that was first made of the earth and in my mothers wombe was I fashioned as others are and when I was borne I receiued the common ayre crying and weeping at the first as all others doe I was nourished in swadling cloathes and with cares For there is no king that hath any other beginning of birth all men haue one entrance to life and a like going out Dauid calleth death the hie way of all the earth and he himselfe putteth gouernours in minde of their mortall state for howsoeuer he saith that God standeth in the assemblie of gods he iudgeth among gods And againe I haue said yee are gods and yee all are children of the most high this he speaketh of magistrates magnifying and extolling their office and giuing them three times in that Psalme the glorious and sacred titles of Gods yet least they should be puffed vp with the excellencie of their callings presently he telleth them ye shall die as a man and you Princes shall fall like others He would haue them remēber that though they be gods yet they are but mortall gods of this mortall state of Princes we to our great discomfort haue had wofull experience not long since in this our Land A worthie young Prince of great hope the flower and Iewell of our land the comfort of his parents and of all good Christians and subiects the heire apparent of sundrie kingdomes how soone hath the Lord taken him away in the prime of his tender young and flourishing age happie no doubt is he that is so soone taken away from a miserable world but vnhappie are we whose sinnes hath caused the Lord to take such a Iewell from vs it cannot but prognosticate some heauie iudgement to this our nation and countrie and great cause haue all christian hearts amongst vs to mourne and lament for such a great losse This Church may say as Naomi said vpon the death of her husband when they called her Naomi she answered them call me not Naomi that is beautifull but call me Marah that is bitter for the almightie hath giuen me much bitternesse Why call you me Naomi seeing the Lord hath humbled me and the almightie hath brought me to aduersitie Wee may mourne and say with Dauid mourning for the death of Ionathon Tell it not in Gath nor publish it in the streetes of Ashkelon least the daughters of Philistimes reioyce least the daughters of vncircumcised triumph And as he saith in an other place after the death of Abner there is a Prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel But blessed be God who is still more mercifull to vs then we deserue and in iudgements remembreth mercy who though for our sinnes hath cut off so precious a branch yet the blessed tree is yet aliue and standeth and flourisheth and also some sweet branches to our great comfort and hope Now the Lord of mercy blesse them all and multiplie and encrease them and continue them and theirs if his will be to the end of the world to their owne comfort the shame of their enemies and to the common good of this Church and common-wealth yet let vs not forget that heauie iudgement but so remember it that it may drawe vs to true repentance for that is the true vse of all iudgements and let vs learne to depend wholy and onely on God and not vpon any mortall man Remembring that counsell of Dauid put not your trust in Princes nor in the sonne of man for there is no helpe in him his breath departeth and he returneth to his earth then his thoughts perish blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God which made heauen and earth the sea ' and all that therein is which keepeth his fidelitie for euer And let this and the like examples of the death of great persons put all in minde though they be neuer so high of the mortall state of all the children of men of what state or conditions soeuer they be And thus though gouernours and magistrates take occasion by the dignitie of their places yet both this and many other causes may moue drawe and induce them to true humilitie And now let vs drawe neerer to the description of the seuerall duties required of Christian gouernours both in this and in many other places of scripture the Lord doth not onely in his word set downe generally the rules of all christianitie but also the seuerall duties of all states degrees and callings as of fathers children maisters and seruants husbands wiues kings subiects wherein we may see the fulnes equitie of scripture applying it selfe and speaking to all sorts of men Againe we learne this
lesson by it that it is not sufficient for vs to performe the generall duties of Christianitie but also the particular duties of our seuerall callings And we may see the corruptiō of our natures that euery one is willing and readie to heare the duties of other men forgetting and litle regarding what doth belong and appertaine to themselues The seruant is content to heare the dutie of his maister and the maister is content to heare the dutie of his seruants children are content to heare the dutie of their parents and parents are content to heare the duties of children Husbāds are willing to heare the duties of wiues and wiues are content to heare the duties of husbands Ministers are cōtent to heare the duties of the people and people are content to heare the duties of ministers Subiects are content to heare the duties of their Princes and Princes are willing to heare the duties of their subiects But fewe or none are so readie or willing to-heare and learne their owne duties For redresse of this corruption let euery one say with the kingly Prophet Dauid I will heare what the Lord will say concerning me And of al other the scriptures doe often and plentifully speake of the duties of Princes and Magistrates in Exodus in Deutrinomie in the Prouerbs of Salomon in the Lawe in the Prophets in the Gospell and many preachers many times in many places vpon iust occasion doe handle this doctrine of the Magistrates and this is not superfluous because it is a matter of great importance for if they doe their duties the Church and common-wealth flourisheth otherwise there is decay and ruine Againe their office is hard and difficult much holines much wisedome and faithfulnes required of them their charge and burden is great they haue many hindrances and enemies they are subiect to many dangers therefore they had neede of much daily instruction so much teaching so many sermons shal be so many witnesses against them if they do not regard follow thē but to come to the description of good rulers their first care must be that if they wil wel profitably rule others they must first gouerne and rule themselues The very heathen haue accounted those the best Emperours and rulers which could rule their owne affections they haue thought said that we neede not so much feare our armed enemies as our owne desires and lustes that it is a farre greater worke to ouercome our selues then to ouercome our enemies And thus saith one very excellētly If thou wilt haue all things subiect to thee subiect thy selfe to reason thou shalt rule many if reason rule thee from thence thou shalt learne what and how thou art to take any thing in hand Kings and rulers haue their name from doing well therfore by doing well thou doest hold the name of a ruler but by sinning thou dost lose it therfore they are rightly called kings rulers who can rightly rule themselues and others The highest place is well ruled when he that gouerneth hath dominion rather ouer vices then ouer his brethrē Again it is a good house and well ordered where the man ruleth the wi●e obeyeth he is a good man where the spirit ruleth the flesh serueth Most excellent is the speech of his Maiestie to his gratious sonne of famous memorie saying That hee is not worthie to rule others that cannot rule himselfe Inordinate affections more dangerous and powerfull then the enemies of the body those are vanquished by spirituall power this is the best victorie and such bee truely noble Base m●n may subdue Kingdomes and themselues bond-men of sinne and Sathan He is not worthie to gouerne a Christian people that is not a Christian himselfe let such looke for no good successe Againe Princes are tyed to God in a double bond First in that they are men Secondly in that they are Rulers of men In pietie and thankfulnes they are to goe before others The highnes of their place aggrauateth their fault Their glorie is to shine before others He is better saith Salomon that ruleth his owne minde then he that winneth a Citie Such as winne Cities spoyleth and destroyeth He that ruleth himselfe doeth hurt and spoyle no man he is at warre with none but with his owne wicked nature It is abhomination to Kings to commit wickednesse for their throne is stablished by iustice The greater that men are the more grieuous horrible and loathsome are their sinnes As they were increased sayeth the Prophet they rebelled against mee therefore I will change their glorie into shame Againe they are poore they are foolish for they know not the way of the Lord nor the iudgement of their God I will get me to the great men and will speake to them for they haue knowne the way of the Lord and the iudgement of their God but those haue altogether broken the yoke and burst the bonds wherefore a Lion out of the forrest shall slay them These are most vnkinde to God who doe thus requite his kindnesse for their great preferments and dignities Magistrates of all others must bee vnrebukeable the eyes of all are vpon them A spot or a mote in the sun is soonest spyed their good example doth much good if they fall others follow they leade others to hell It is a staine to their place to their dignitie titles to be stained or tainted with any grosse sinne They are called gods and therefore they must bee like God in hating sin they must be like God in holinesse righteousnes Rulers must out go the people not in pleasure lust but in temperance in vertue magnanimitie It is the saying of the heathen He is not worthie to gouerne that is no better neither hath moe vertues then they which he gouernes they are to be first doers of that which they command they must leade the way to vertue and practise that which they command It is written of Lycurgus that he set downe no law whereof hee himselfe had not shewed an example and practise in his owne person Ageselaus would be the first doer of that he commanded others to do Sinnes of great men are examples priuiledges to others whatsoeuer they do they seeme to command As a great branch cut from a tree bringeth downe many small ones with it And as when a great Prince cōmeth forth of his palace a multitude follow him so doe subiects ordinarily follow the examples of their gouernours good or bad yea the affection in subiects to please Princes and to immitate their actions is of more force then lawes punishments And therefore true is that saying of a heathen man That Magistrates in matters of wickednesse and vice doe not onely conceiue it but spread it and as it were water their subiects with it And againe wilt thou haue thy subiects good bee thou good The Prince by well doing teacheth the subiects to do well Examples of Princes neuer