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B02519 Martyrs in flames, or, Popery (in its true colours) displayed. Being a brief relation of the horrid cruelties and persecutions of the Pope and Church of rome for many hundred years past, to this present age, inflicted upon Protestants in Piedmont ... : With an abstract of the cruel persecution lately exercised upon the Protestants in France and Savoy, in the year 1686 and 1687. : Together with a short account of Gods judgment upon popish persecutors. / Published for a warning to all Protestants, [] what they must expect from that bloody generation of Antichristians. By R.B. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1693 (1693) Wing C7344A; ESTC R176606 106,868 208

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hundred persons in and about London either died in prison or were burnt in Smithfield In the Year 1541. Damlip Dod Saxy were Slain One Henry at Colchester Kerby and Clark at Ipswich and Bury were burnt In the Year 1546. Mistriss Ann Askew one of the Ladies belonging to Queen Katherine Parr because she would not confess any other Ladies was put upon the Rack and the Lord Chancellor himself being more Cruel he acted then the Executioner ordered her to be racked to the utmost she was afterward Burnt in Smithfield and at the same time and place were likewise Burnt Nicholas Belerrian a Minister i● Shropshire John Adams a Tailor and John Lacels a Gentleman belonging to King Henry the Eighth these beholding the Invincible Constancy and Patience of Mistriss Askew were thereby much incouraged in their Sufferings About the same time Sir John Blage of the Kings Privy Chamber was falsly accused to have spoken against the Mass upon which he was condemned to be burnt in Smithfield whereupon the Earl of Bedford begged his pardon of the King who Commanded it to be drawn immediately After his release Sir George coming to the King Ah my Pig said he for so he usually called him Yea said Blage if your Majesty had not been better to me than your Bishops were your Pig had been roasted before this time Presently after Gardiner Bishop of Winchester and his Confederates set forth a Cruel Proclamation in the Kings Name for abolishing the Scriptures and all other English Books that discovered the Truth to the people and having obtained this they very much rejoyced therein hoping that they had now for ever suppressed the Gospel so that it should never rise again and to strike the greater terror into mens minds they made a diligent search after the Professors of the Truth of whom they took the names of some drove away others and hereby doubted not but to attain their ends But it pleased God that in the midst of these subtil Contrivances for the destruction of his Gospel and Servants to take away King Henry the Eighth within four Months after the Proclamation and thereby all their hopes and projects were utterly disappointed King Henry the Eighth being dead his only Son Prince Edward our English Josiah ascended the Throne under whom the Protestant Religion was established and Popery and Superstition abolished for he caused all Images to be demolished and as Idolatrous to be taken out of all Churches within his Dominions the Learned m●n of his time he encouraged and commanded them to open and expound the Scriptures 〈◊〉 abolished the Mass and ordered the Service to be read in the English Tongue and the Sacrament of the Lords Supper to be administred in both kinds to the People But it pleased God in a short time to take him to himself for in the Seventh Year of his Reign and the Seventeenth Year of his Age he was taken with a lingring sickness during which time a Marriage was concluded between the Lord Guilford Dudley eldest Son to the Duke of Northumberland and the Lady Jane the Daughter of the Duke of Suffolk whose mother being then alive was Daughter to Mary King Henry the Eighths second Sister The Marriage being finisht and the King every day more sick than other so that he seemed past Recovery the Duke of Northumberland being ambitious to advance his Family perswaded the King that the Church and the True Religion would be in great danger if he did not choose a pious Successer and that it was the part of a good Prince to set aside all other respects when the Glory of God and the good of his Subjects were concerned The King partly for his great desire to have the Protestant Religion confirmed and partly for the intire love which he bore to his Cousin the Lady Jane signed Letters Patents under the Broad Seal to appoint the Lady Jane to succeed him in the Kingdom although her Title were excluded by the Lady Mary who was always a zealous Papist and the Lady Elizabeth This was afterwards confirmed by the Nobility and Chief Lawyers of the Kingdom and was subscribed to by all the Kings Council the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London who upon the Death of King Edward which happened in a short time after proclaimed the Lady Jane Queen in London and Westminster The Lady Mary being in Hartfordshire and hearing of it presently sent to the Lords of the Council commanding and requiring them to Proclaim her Queen which if they refused to do she threatned to recover her Right by force of Arms. The Lords returned answer That the Lady Jane was invested and possessed of the Crown by just Right and Title both by the Ancient Laws of the Land and by Letters Patents signed and sealed by the late King before his death and therefore they declared they would adhere to her and to none other requesting the Lady Mary that she would not upon any pretence endeavour to disturb the peace of the Kingdom promising her that if she would carry her self as a dutiful Subject they would be ready to do her any service The Lady Mary having received this answer withdrew further from the City and the Council being sensible of her stout and unquiet disposition they raised an Army which was commanded by the Duke of Northumberland The Lady Mary went into Suffolk and Norfolk gathering such aid of the Commons as she could and kept her self in Framingham Castle to whom the Suffolk men first resorted who being always forward in promoting the Gospel promised her their aid and assistance provided she would make no alteration of the Protestant Religion as it was established by her Brother King Edward To this she readily agreed and confirmed it with such Vows and Protestations that none could suspect her whereupon they joined with her and thus by the help of the Protestants she vanquished the Duke of Northumberland and his Army and was settled in the Kingdom but she soon forgot her promises for these very Suffolk men observing that Popery would be re-established they Petitioned to her to perform her word to them at which she was extreamly displeased and told them Forasmuch as you who are Members desire to rule your Head you shall one day find that Members must obey not seek to rule Yea one of the chief of these men Mr. Dob by name she caused for the Terror of others to be set in the Pillory several times and divers others that presented Supplications to her not to set up Popery she caused to be sent to prison Queen Mary being setled in the Kingdom the Lady Jane her Father the Duke of Northumberland and her Husband the Lord Guilford Dudley were soon after Beheaded and the Queen soon discovered her disaffection to the Protestant Religion by displacing all the Orthodox Bishops as Poinet Ridley Scorie Hooper Coverdale and by releasing out of the Tower Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester whom she made Lord Chancellor of England● 〈◊〉 Bonner who was
the Beast and the Kings and Princes of Christendom established the Authority of the Pope and Church of R●m● appointing to slaughter and destruction such as denied the horrid Blasphemies and Errors maintained by them it occasioned many good Christians to detest their Superstitions as unknown to the Ap●stles and the Primitive Church And the first we re●d of was one Berengarius who boldly and faithfully published the True Religion contained in the Scripture and discovered the falseness of the Romish He lived about the time of William the Conqueror his coming into England about which time his Followers being taken notice of as dissenting from many of the Common received Opinions of those times they were branded with all the odious Name of Hereticks About Twenty years after this one Peter Bruis was a famous Preacher among them who taught them publickly a long time at Tholouse in Savoy in a short time after they were grown to so great a multitude that the Popes of Rome were resolved if possible by any means to extirpate and destroy them to which end they at first incited several of the most Learned of their Party to write against them and warned divers Princes to have a care of them and to banish them out of their Territories The first then that flung away the Spiritual Keys and began valiantly to brandish the bloody Sword of Persecution against them was Pope Alexander the Third who began therewith to hack hew and murther the poor Waldenses so named from Peter Waldo or Waldo of Lyons in France who appeared very couragious in opposing the many Corruptions of the Romish Church as Holy Oyl Consecrated Images Popes Indulgences Candles Merits Auricular Confession the Supremacy of the Pope False Miracles Purgatory Praying for the Dead Prayers to Saints extream Unction and many other Fopperies of the Popish Communion This Persecution of Waldo and his Followers who were encreased to a very great number began in France in the Year 1060. Waldo being compell'd to fly into the Mountains of France among the Savage Inhabitants to whom he taught his Doctrine others fled into Picardy from whence they were called Picards several into Flanders and Alsatia and thereby for the safety of their Lives they spread their Doctrine into all places King Philip of France being incited by the Ecclesiasticks raised Arms against them and destroyed Three Hundred Gentlemens Houses and likewise several Walled Towns And those that fled into Flanders escaped little better for they were pursued and many of them for their Religion put to Death And the Bishops of Mayence and Strasburgh raised great persecutions against those which fled thither there being Five and Thirty Citizens of Mayence burned in one Fire and Eighteen in another who suffered Death with very great constancy and at Strasburgh at the instance of the Bishop Fourscore were likewise burnt for professing the same Truth and yet by the exhortations constancy and patience of these Martyrs there were such multitudes who entertained their Doctrines that in a few Years after in the County of Passau and in Bohemia there were above Fourscore thousand persons that made profession of the same Faith Some of them likewise fled into England for shelter but were more barbarously and cruelly put to death at Oxford by the Papists there than ever any Christians were before that time for matters of Religion and Three years after Pope Alexander the Third made a Decree in the Council of Tours in France that these Gospellers and all their Favourers should be Excommunicated and that none of them should buy or sell according as it was foretold in Revelat. 13.17 At Colen in Germany Four Men and Two young Women were discovered hid in a Barn and the Papists not being able to disswade them from the Truth The Men were all tyed to the Stake to be burnt but the R●manists pretending to pity the young Women perswaded them to recant but they perceiving their design got out of the hands of those that held them and voluntarily leapt into the Fire where they were burned with th●m about this time a Proclamation was published in Aragon whereby it was made Treason to relieve these poor Christians or to suffer them to live in that Country and liberty was given to all people to abuse them at pleasure without being punished for the same But these people still encreasing the Pope was resolved to suppress them by all means possible and therefore about the Year 1201. he set up the Bloody Inquisition which with its Racks Tortures Fire and all manner of Cruelty hath destroyed an innumerable company of Good and Holy Men. And in the same Year a noble Knight called Emandus and one of the Waldenses was burnt at Paris and the persecution still continuing the people of Dat phine flying from their barbarous Enemies sheltred themselves in ●he Caves upon the Mountains but their cruel Adversaries having notice thereof pursued and destroyed many of them and the rest fled higher into the Mountains which were all covered with Snow together with their Wives and Children the Mothers carrying some in their Arms and others in Cradles and the Night coming on and having no means to make a Fire for their tender Infants they were so benummed with cold that in the morning above Fourscore of them were found dead in their Cracles and most of their Mothers died likewise Many also were burnt in the same Country of Dauphin and the Fire of Persecution raged through the whole Land so that there was scarce a Town or City in P●edmont but many were put to death therein and at Turin one of them had his Bowels taken out of his B●lly and put into a Bason and was afterward cruelly Martyred One Gerrard being at the Stake to be burnt requested the Hangman to give him Two or Three Stones which he at first refused thinking he would have thrown them at some body but afterwards did and Gerrard taking them up into his hands said When I shall have eaten up these Stones then shall you see an end of our Religion for which you now put me to death and then throwing them on the Ground he chearfully died These Countries being so hot with the Fire of Persecution many of these poor People fled into Calabria where they began to plant build Towns as Saint Xist La Gard and divers others where they continued till the year 1560. at which time they were most grievously persecuted by Pope Pius the Fourth and were forced to leave their Houses and Habitations and to fly into the Woods for the saving of their Lives but being there pursued by order from the Vice-Roy of Naples most of them were cruelly and barbarously murdered by the Souldiers and some flying into fortified places were so straitly besieged that they died with Famine And at the same time one Charlin was rackt in so horrible a manner that his Guts came out of his Belly Another was tormented upon the Rack Eight hours together to force him