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A86433 The growth and spreading of hæresie. Set forth in a sermon preached before the Honorable House of Commons, on the 10th. day of March, being the day of their publike fast and humiliation for the growth of hæresie. / By Thomas Hodges, Minister of Gods Word, at Kensington. Published by order of the House of Commons. Hodges, Thomas, 1599 or 1600-1672. 1647 (1647) Wing H2315; Thomason E379_1; ESTC R201396 42,374 73

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means left to them to evade a most desperate and utter ruine Thus they having the repute of faire and conscientious Dealers could not want Customers who with too greedy a mind would receive and take upon trust their Errors But to close this There are many likewise who have not only ventured but suffered for Religion whereby they have growne in estimation with well-meaning pious people I might give many instances in the Primitive times hereof but I omit them take only an example of latter dayes Hist David George David George at first a citizen of Delph was cast into prison bored through the tongue for speaking against and withstanding Popish idolatry by which he came to be in high esteem with the godly yet afterward became one of the worst and most blasphemous Haereticks in any age of the Church I have read of asserting the Scriptures yea those of the Apostles were lame childish and ineffectuall for the understanding of the things of God that he was greater then Christ in the flesh c. But by reason of his sufferings for truth in former times he was in so great repute that he easily seduced many unstable souls to become of his Opinions Reas 2 2. There is much to be attributed to the way and manner of dispencing of these pernicious Errors (z) Eph. 4.14 They want not their guiles and arts to insnare poor souls They study the persons and wait their opportunity to deceive (a) Rom. 16.18 They use fair speeches to beguile the hearts of the simple professions of love and charity To be eyes to the blind feet to the lame guides to the erring Brother say they (b) Mat. 7.4 let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye The wolf layes the sheep when he seizeth on him upon his back gently as if he meant but only to ease him whereas indeed his purpose is to take his opportunity that he may devoure him So for all the sheeps cloathing yet are seducers inwardly but (c) Mat. 7.15 ravening wolves And because they conceive to lay open and rebuke the faults of others is no small means to conceal their own and render themselves unsuspected to those they deale with Therefore how do they curiously pry into the faults of others and like flesh flies passing over what 's sound and right light only on what 's sore and putrid in them (d) Flavian epist ad Leon. Pap. Eutyches confutes Nestorius that he might gain repute to himself and false opinion Neither want they vehemency and ejulation confidence boldnesse and resolution being men of a (e) 1 Tim. 4.1 seared conscience and brazen forehead that cannot blush To set their Errors home and to commend them the better to those they intend to make their disciples they practise the old trick of one of the prime persons of their order I mean Simon Magus who to gain the greater repute of himself and credit to his blasphemies perswaded the poor Samaritans (f) Act. 8.9 10. that he was somebody no lesse then the mighty power of God which testimony of his being too easily believed by those poor creatures gaind the attention respect of smal and great in that place to him After him (g) Jactabat sacram Scripturam se solum primum intelligece Vinc. Lyr. c. 42 Nestorius trod in his steps of pride boasting That he alone knew the meaning of the Scriptures and was the first that rightly understood them And this hath been from time to time the strain of these Seducers to cast out (h) 2 Pet. 1.18 Jude 26. swelling words of vanity whereby they gained on weak mindes sufficiently who use to judge of doctrines rather by the conceit they have of the person that vents them then by their conformity to the Word of truth So Eunomius likewise boasted That he knew God with the same knowledge wherewithall God knew himself They pretend to high (i) Col. 2.18 mysteries and depths being vainly puft up in their carnal minds intruding themselvs into things they understand not have answerably their canting language which may rather amaze their auditors and lead them into mists of darknesse and giddinesse then into the least true notion of heavenly truth They leave not here but that their Authority may be beyond all questioning (k) Euseb hist eccl l. 5. c. 25. They boast of the prescriptions of Apostles and the prime Pillars of Christianity So did the Haereticks of old and the Papists still to this day with great impudencie but scarce so much as any colour of truth except it be fetcht out of spurious writings and legends falsly attributed to those holy men and nothing agreeing with their genuine writings But because Divine testimony is of highest authority and most infallible therefore they will rather father blasphemously their Errors on the Spirit of truth then not gain belief (l) 2 Pet. 3.16 either wracking or wresting his Word to their purpose abusing the Scriptures or else they will boast if no warrant so much as seemingly probable can be found in His book for their unworthy assertions and practises that they have their direction from immediate Revelation and Inspiration as the Montanists of old and not long since John of Leyden and his followers at Munster for their abominable doctrine and lothsome courses 3. The matter they broach is no small cause and reason of their so much prevailing with multitudes For perhaps it is something New such with which they have not had the least acquaintance before now naturally men have (m) 2 Tim. 4.5 itching eares are true (n) Act. 17.21 Athenians greedy of new things They are quickly weary of old Truths because they never saw their beauty nor tasted their sweetnesse by an intuitive knowledge for if they had they would have found such pleasure and profit in them as not to have been at all weary of them Truths beauty alwayes lasting as fresh as at her first appearance to us and alway springing gloriously in greenesse and pleasant fruits not capable of being slighted by the soul that knows her But what if as it fals out too often these new Truths prove but old Errors new varnisht over As in these giddy times wherein we live who would not almost give credit to that old Pythagorean fable of mens souls passing when they die into other bodies There are some do so much resemble Arrius Donatus the Gnosticks and other ancient Haereticks that were we not assured the same Power of darknesse that acted the former still living is vigorous in these also to the same ends and purposes or else we might suppose the souls of the former haereticks had taken up the bodies of the latter for their dwellings And many times I must needs confesse it is not so much new matter as a new dresse in new-found language and unintelligible words when they most boast of new Lights Doctrines which Paul * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
own repute as being loth that others should take notice what foolish dark heterodox reasonings they have had within for as such at their first encounter there are many have lookt upon them though afterward they have changed their opinion Whatever the pretence and colour be deal in this businesse as you usually do in your own dwellings If you spy within your doors a strange face walking up and down at pleasure you fall to questioning what he is whence he comes what he would have Which not being able to satisfie you in if you be not able your self help is called in (s) Scintillae statim ut apparet extinguenda est fermentum à massae vicinio removendum secandae putridae carnes scabiosum animal à caulis ovium repellendum ne tota domus massa corpus pecora ardeat corrumpatur putrescat intereant c. Hier. in Gal. 5. and you thrust him out of doors Or if you find his intention be theft or murder he is delivered up to the Magistrate to receive condign punishment to his demerit So I beseech you if strange Opinions look into your soules and in your thoughts walk up and down let them be (t) 1 Thess 5.21 Isa 8.20 examined and brought to the test of Law and Testimony thereby you will find they are mischievous both in their nature and in their intent and purpose they come not but to devoure therefore harbour them not in your spirits but call in aid from your faithfull Shepherds and able Christians also cry for help from Heaven to deliver you from them to destroy and root them out that they may no more take place in mens hearts to their ruine and destruction And lastly worthy Senators give me leave in all humility to make my addresse to you in the behalf of Truth Are not you Truths guardians foster-fathers to whose protection God hath committed Truth Doth he not stile you (u) Psal 47.9 Shields in his Word and I hope He shall never have cause to complain of you as that Warriour did of his (w) Clypeus meus me sefellie Caus My shield hath deceived me Oh what shall we do if Truth be blasted and blasphemed if that once faile (x) Prov. 29.18 Where there is no vision the people perish And can you be safe will the God of truth protect you No from the (y) Ezek. 9.3 5. Rev. 8.5 Altar comes revenging fire Or will those that destroy Truth spare you Certainly no (z) Haeretici quos non possūt sermone decipere eos putant gladie esse feriendos Hier. in orat in Auxen de non trad Basil There are none so keen as these to ruine whatever opposes them I beseech you without offence give me leave to tell you We have just cause to feare if Truth be not supported and inthroniz'd having enjoyed so cleer and long discoveries thereof as we have done that God will send a darker Night on this poor Island then ever was the Marian Persecution Q. But perhaps you may ask me what is the way whereby Error may be supprest and Truth established A. 1. Command and hasten I beseech you the busines of Catechising whereby poor soules may be taught the principles of Religion in the plainest way and manner that there may be milk for babes 2. Plant a good peece of Battery in every eminent place especially there where Errors already begin to thrive and prosper I mean such Ministry as may be able to manifest the folly falshood and danger of such Errors as do arise and discover the madnesse of Seducers that their (a) 2 Tim. 3.9 foolishnesse may appeare to all and their (b) Tit. 1.11 mouths be stopt or at least their danger prevented that they destroy not the precious soules of people And here give me leave to suggest unto you That there are many learned men in this Kingdome whom God hath not gifted with Elocution and other the like abilities for Pulpit-work yet would be very fit to maintain the Truth by their Pen against destroying Errors might they but have encouragement and by convenient maintenance be inabled thereunto 3. Settle with all convenient speed your Confession of Faith wherein people may take notice what is allowed for Truth upon mature debate whereby you shall not only settle that good opinion the Churches of Christ have alway had since the Reformation of this poor Island but also put such a help into the hands of people that they shall with little paines discern what 's right or wrong And as a common Standard being set up and strengthened by your Sanction there 's hope our Differences may vanish 4. Permit not (c) Prov. 22.28 Blandimenta vagae fugies novitdtis Grat. old Landmarks to be removed without absolute necessity for besides the muse it breeds in peoples mindse and great advantage it gives to incredulity in point of Truth there is also another evil in it which is That changes are very dangerous in point of (d) Eventus varios res nova semper habet event and issue 5. Suffer not Fundamental truths as Christs deity The reality of his incarnation passion or satisfaction The blessed Trinity Scriptures authority verity and the like to be questioned by every jugling Sophister or vagrant itinerant Huckster nor tost on the tongue of every profane debauched person nor much lesse to be libel'd and pamphleted against by every unsavoury ignorant blasphemous wretch All these kindes of people are like the (e) Causin l. 12 c. 58. glasse that was in the temple of Smirna which presented those things that were exceeding lovely in themselves in most horrid mishapen forms therefore they are fitter to be broken in shivers then maintained and countenanced 6. Take heed how you tolerate Schisme for in a little time without great care it will open the door to Haeresie as little theeves creeping in at the window unlock the gate for greater to enter in And be confident that loose Government is frequently the mother of loose Tenets in higher matters (f) Gaudet rotus orbis de unitate catholica praeter partem Affricae in qua incendium de scintilla con ●●tum est de Donato loquitur Op●at Mile● Donatus was first a Schismatick and afterwards somewhat worse He that expects to find a Church in this world void of blemish had best as * Euseb hist eccl l. 1. c. 7. Constantine tels Acesius the Novatian Bishop get a ladder and climbe alone into heaven 7. Take speciall care of our fountains the Universities that Learning may be encouraged and Doctrines contrary to soundnesse of faith or holinesse of life and manners be wholly there supprest For want of this because there have been Errors in the first concoction they could never in many be mended to this present day but many Congregations have been poisoned with Arminianisme Socinianisme yea downright Popery it was the milk they suckt at the University from ill Tutors and their people