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A19306 The shield of our safetie: set foorth by the faythfull preacher of Gods holye worde A. Anderson, vpon Symeons sight, in hys Nunc dimittis. Seene and allowed Anderson, Anthony, d. 1593. 1581 (1581) STC 572; ESTC S100137 125,541 166

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owne way euerye one for his aduantage and for his owne purpose There is an other sorte of whome maye be sayde once professing God They are gone out of the way Malac. 2.8 they haue caused manye to fall by the lawe They haue broken the couenant of Leuy sayeth the Lorde And now harcken to the plague of Harding such papisticall backslyding priestes Therfore haue I also sayth the Lord made you to be despised Why the Clergy is despyced and vyle before the people bicause you kept not my wayes but haue bene parciall in the law To the best of our godly Bishops and learned brethren may it rightly be sayde as was sayde to the Angell the Byshop of Ephesus by the spirite of God Thou haste left thy fyrst loue Apo. 2.4 Psal 36.9 God graunt them eche of vs his light wherin we shall haue light to remember from whence we are fallen that we maye repent and doe the fyrst workes which we did before we were promoted to our places and preferred to others as well if not better deseruing least the Lorde returne shortly and remooue our Candlestickes Zorobabel Iehosua waxed very slacke in the buylding of Gods house Hagge 1. but warned by Haggeus the Prophete they stopped not his mouth depryued him not of his place and Function or shut him vp in prison but gaue eare vnto his worde and rowsed vp their slothfull bodyes to the Lordes labors which when the common people sawe they stack to their godly Prince and holy learned Byshop for lyfe with tooth and nayle to the fynishing of the Lords worke Contrarily Ieroboam Achab Herod and such others neyther would heare the Lords Prophetes lende them libertie or graunt them lyfe Good Lorde defende this age thy church and people from this most horrible darknesse Shyne into the hearts of thy lightes our godly learned Byshops and preachers that their lyght maye so shine vnto vs as we by them may be procured to gloryfie thee our father which art in heauen to whom be prayse and glory for euer and euer Mat. 5.16 Amen Thys light Christ and his worde is giuen of the father to be made knowne as hath bene sayd vnto the Gentyls A light to be reuealed vnto the Gentils and to be the glorye of the people Israell and to be the glory of the people of Israel Where we haue to note that his worde is not to be kept hydden or secrete If a man be blynde and a perfite medicine be sent hym if no man tell the same vnto him if it be not applyed wyth purpose to his eyes or place to heale howe can he but remayne in his former blyndnesse still Euen so the blynde worlde cannot be brought to sée the light of God albeit Christ the light is sente vnto it by him vnlesse by his spirite and worde the same be reuealed vnto men aptly aplyed to their seuerall darkned consciences It is knowne that God would haue of all Nations 1. Tim. 2.4 tongues kyndreds to be saued and come to the knowledge of the truth Hereto he hath gyuen Moses his Prophets his Christ and hys Apostles Euangelists Pastors Doctors and teachers Ephe. 4.11 that Christians might by the knowledge of the light be brought to his vnitie and to féele by fayth their consolation in him both Iewe and Gentyle and if after so long preaching thereof the light of the Gospell be yet hidden it is hyd to them that perishe 2. Cor. 4.3 whose harts the God of this worlde hath blynded lest by the worde they should be conuerted and saued But as God hath giuen his sonne by his worde to be made knowne So Antichrist the Pope his aduersary séeketh by all meanes and wayes to hyde this knowledge of the truth from men And therefore he locketh vp from the people of God the word of God into the Coffer of a strange tongue which of fewe is vnderstood The Popes practise and of them not without long studie and many yeares trauayle To this ende all prayer and seruing of God is in the Churche subiect to Romishe tyranny tumbled ouer in the Laten tongue But this is quyght against Gods purpose 1. Cor. 14.40 14.19 Symeons worde and Christs most holy Testament Let al things be done in the Church to edyfying sayth the Apostle I had rather speake fiue wordes in the Church that the people sayth he might vnderstande me then ten thousande in a straunge tongue When thou blessest with the spirite howe shall he which occupyeth the place of the vnlearned say Amen at thy giuing of thanks which is the blessing here spoken of séeing he knoweth not what thou sayest Again when the whole Church is come together in one and all speake straunge tongues as the Englishe man to praye in the Laten Hebrewe or greeke tong not vnderstanding it there come in they that are vnlearned or they which beléeue not will they not say 1. Cor. 14.23 that ye are out of your wyts But if all prophesie namely speake in a knowne tongue to that place to edyfying to exhortation and consolation he is rebuked of all men and is iudged of all and so are the secretes of his harte made manifest and so wil he fall downe on his face and worship God and saye plainely that God is amongst you in déede Wherevpon the Apostle thus concludeth If any man speake a strange tongue let it be by two or thrée at the most and that by course and let one interprete But if there be no Interpretor let him keepe silence in the congregation which speaketh languages and let him speake to himselfe and to God No Laten in the English church bicause it cannot edyfie those which vnderstande it not thoughe it be the scripture of God that is reade or prayed vnlesse there be to reueale it and doe presently interprete the same This is Paules conclusion The Popishe Mattens Masse Euensong Complyn Pryme Howres Masse booke Manuel Grayle Antiphonor and Portuse all of Popishe matter and Laten tongue is to be banished the Church of Englande and else where in the house of God So as Rome it selfe ought to haue the seruice pure and in that language which the symplest Italian can easily at the fyrst hearing perceyue well vnderstand But what sayth the Romish Frye to this Popish reasons for the seruice in the Laten tong Forsooth in the lawe were many Ceremonies vsed in the temple which the ignorant laytie neuer vnderstoode and yet they were contynued in that church So though the Laten tongue be vnknowne to the most it may also well ynough stand in Christs church now In answere hereto I saye it is vntrue that the people were ignorante of the Church Ceremonies For euerye Father was commaunded to teach his children Exod. 12. what sygnified the pascall Lambe The Feastes of Pentecosts of Tabernacles they vnderstood and the ceremonies in them their Sacrifices they knew some to be
worldly cares and enimies there is consolation and happy euent easely had If destrest and perplexed there is sound counsell and faythfull friendship If doubting of Gods lyfe there is a most sure Towre of defence and well buylded bulwarkes against all such assaultes And truely our second Dauid Christ did not else where 1. Sam. 17.40 Mat. 4. then forth of this Scrip take those little stones which slue the olde Goliath Satanas in his subtile assaulte and cruell temptation Scriptum est c. What wouldest thou haue Hence floweth the Ryuers of God in Christ to the drinking of which Ioh. 4.14 our Christ doth daylie inuyte vs whose nature is absolutely to quenche oure intollerable thyrst The treasures dwelling in the worde of God and to satisfie vs in desire of most happinesse Here is the Storehouse of GOD whether we ought to goe to satisfie oure hungry soules Thys is the Table of the Lorde most amply furnished with all dyshes of necessary dyet dressed by the finger of God wherewith he doth most lyberally féede vs Here is also moste pleasaunt Wyne of consolation and lyfe the Fountayne of Christs bloud daylie open for euery soule that thyrsteth after it to washe away his synnes In this holy Byble is situate the Heauenly Paradise farre passing the Garden of Eden where is all kinde of fruit for vs to eate in which the Trée of lyfe Christ Iesus is most fayre and frée to vs. The trée of knowledge of good and euill is set to our instruction vz the worde of God of which we maye eate and muste eate wyll we be saued But that we eate not as our fyrst Father Adam did in earthly Paradise it is fyt that we come as Bées and not lyke vnto venemous Spyders Let vs search and séeke therein the most swéete lycour of lyfe the knowledge of God and his Christ the knowledge of our synnes the reward of them the forgiuenesse of them by whome and the maner howe The will of God and the strength to serue him orderly the power of Satan and his wylie engins and how to escape them The weapons and armour of God and how to be armed therewith and by battayle in our Captayne Christ to beate downe Satan vnder our féete If on this sort we come and humbly with open hartes pray and reade aduisedly and eftsoones meditate in the lawe of God we shall moste ioyfully returne daylie to our brethren into the Hyue of Gods Churche where we shall become profitable to all men by the honey of lyfe euen his spirite and truth which forth of the Garden of Gods scriptures we haue receyued But if we come with mindes to cauill forestuffed with errors and bent to gather to féede our yll we shall misconster the worde for his truth is open to babes Mat. 11.15 that are content to take the lesson at the parents mouth and not to the worldly wyse and lyke learned resting in their owne wouen webbe of frayle humayne spynning Hence commeth darknesse error heresies schismes backslydings from God and running into Hell without remorse Take héede therfore how thou commest to this holy booke and looke not therein superficially but in great diligence and let the hardnesse thereof procure thy whole industrie as before consydering wyth what paynes men attayne to skyll and how harde things by often vse become both swéete and easie Mortall men take great paines to read prophane but little in gods Booke The mortall bookes of heathen men we toyle and turne ouer with incredible endeuour and contynuall labor beating body and brayne the solace and safetie of health often berefte and contemned hereby that we might attayne the perfection of the wryters will And yet doe such labors but teach or the kéeping or recouery of Natures health or the increase of state and wealth or the ruled lynes of common welths guyde or such other artifyciall poyntes of temporall blessings which in themselues consydered are in deede precious but compared with the treasures of Gods booke the lyght of lyfe there is no comparison For we haue not therein mannes earthy but Gods heauenly wisedome speaking vnto vs to whose worde Gods word wyll make vs apt to all perfection if we giue obedient eare we shall receyue most synguler aptnesse and ability to al heauenly things we shall dryue from vs all heauy depressing pleasures that hinder godly paines in Gospel studie we shall be lightened with consolation in the booke of God and his worde shal become most swéete and easie vnto vs of what estate soeuer Kings shall haue in this booke their rule to gouerne learned Preachers to teache and the matter and Methode Counsellors Lordes and Lawyers matters of health the déepe wyttes and great Clarkes high and déepe mysteries and louing lowly persons plaine and most open doctrine sufficient to their saluation Therfore reade diligently and praye continually and no doubt the Lord according to his promise seeke and you shal finde Luc. 11.10 Math. 6. Ezech. 36. pray and it shall be giuen you c. will giue thée his holye spirite change thy heart of stone into a fleshy heart and teach thée his statutes giue thée the vnderstanding of hys lawe and teach thée himselfe This onely remayneth that we which be Gentyls should cast away our former darknesse and put on this armour of lyghte and embracing Christ for our lead Starre as he is of his father giuen to vs should by his spirite and sacred worde of fayth in his power cast of the power and workes of darknesse Otherwise it shall be to all Recusants their condemnation that light is come into the worlde Ioh. 3.19 and those blynde men loue darknesse rather then the light The Iewe ought to refuse his Righteousnesse by the lawe also and the Pharisey not to bragge glory of his holynesse but sincerely to receyue this our light Christ and in him onely to repose his trust bycause he is giuen him of GOD to be his onely glory And this God graunt to his good pleasure in Christ To the which Christ with God the Father and the holy Ghost be all honor and glory nowe and for euer Amen Laus Deo A. A. ❧ Imprinted at London in Fleetestreate beneath the Conduite at the Signe of Saint Iohn Euangelist by H. Iackson 1581.
fulnesse of our lyfe perfited in him 2. Cor. 5.16 Heb. 1.2 We doe not in déede beholde Christ nowe anye more after the fleshe or that waye to imbrace him in our armes But he shyneth the beames of his fathers glorye into our ignorante harts and in the bosome of our faythfull brests he maketh his habitation By his holy gospell he sheweth himselfe face to face and not by the infyrmitie of his flesh but by the deuine power of his holy spirite he teacheth vs purgeth vs and pardoneth our sinnes and changeth vs to a lyfe most méete for his holy presence And to be short he is so absent from vs in body that we maye with boldnesse spiritually approch to his grace Heb. 12. Rom. 5.1 set on the right hand of his father in glory Loe this is that christian sight and heauenlye presence that we haue of our Christ And if this cannot worke in vs a wyllingnesse to dye with ioye bicause oure synnes by Christes death purged we shal raigne with him eternally then are we a thousand tymes more harde then the Adamant blinder then the Moules and more vnkinde then the vnnaturall Iewes it is verye significante that Symeon sayth No man saued but by hys owne fayth Because mine eyes hath seene c. In which wordes are layde vp this Emphasis that not other mens fayth could worke this comfort in this good father excepte together his owne eyes in fayth had séene this Babe to be hys sauiour Abac. 2.4 Gal. 3.11 Hebr. 10.37 according to the Prophet Abacuck his saying The iust man shall lyue by his fayth Note he sayth not by the fayth of the Church or by the fayth of another for him but he sayth he shal lyue by his owne fayth For the fayth of an other man cannot saue thée or yet the fayth of the whole church Or that which more is Christ will not saue thée or can his death be thy lyfe vnlesse thou in thine owne hart fyrmely beléeue in him Wherefore let not the Papist longer deceyue thee which teach it sufficient thoughe thou know not what to beléeue if thou yet beléeue as their Churche beléeueth which is the greatest daunger to thy soule that possibly can bée eyther to rest in the later Romishe fayth since the daies of Popery or not to beléeue vpon assured knowledge of Gods promise in the warrant of his word thy selfe For the holy scriptures do condemne al those which themselues effectually beléeue not in christ and promiseth saluation to him that beléeueth 1. Pet. 2.7 To you which beleeue sayth Peter he is precious but to them which beléeue not he is the stone which the buylders refused which stone shal crushe his enemies that beléeue not al to powder 1. Ioh. 3.36 Iohn sayth Hee that beleeueth in the sonne of God hath eternall lyfe But he that beleeueth not the wrath of God abydeth vpon him And Christ our Sauiour Hee that beleeueth in me hath eternall lyfe Againe Ioh. 3.18 He that beleeueth not is condemned already that is to saye it is impossible but he that dyeth not beléeuing shall be damned And to the Gallathians Paule sayth Gal. 3.26 Ye are all the sonnes of God bicause ye haue beleeued in Christ Iesu but as manye as rest in the workes of the lawe are subiect and vnder Gods cursse By this speciall gift in euerye mans owne soule from God is he made the sonne of God and by no other meane is God his father vpon whome he maye call with boldnesse in and by his spirite as the chylde vpon his Parentes and shall be heard For thus the Euangelist sayth As many as beleued in him he gaue them prerogatiue to be the sonnes of God The worde that was preached to Israell in the wildernesse profited them not sayth the author to the Hebrewes bicause it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it yet in the wildernesse God had hys Church Moses Aaron and the rest which beléeued notwithstanding the fayth of this Church could not saue the other Israelits which beléeued not No more can the fayth of the church of God nowe saue them which are not conglutinate by the same spirite in the fayth of Christ loue in him by which the whole body growing together by synewes and ioynts doth encrease to an holye temple in the Lorde But without this coniunction no fayth Ephe. 2.21 no saluation or can the workes of such please God in whose heartes Christ dwelleth not by fayth as sayth the scriptures without fayth it is impossible to please God I denie not Rom. 14.23 Gen. 18. but the fayth and godlynesse of some may temporally bring some benefite to the Infydels as the Cities of Sodome had bene saued if there had bene founde in them but ten iuste persons And for Helias sake the wicked king Achab Iesabel The faythfull may obtayne temporall blessings and bodily helth but saluation is the gift of God to him that beleeueth onely and that persecuting kingdome Samaria had raine to fertyl the soyle which thrée yeares had lyen barren Also the Euangelists report the fayth of them which bare the man taken with Palsye much to profyte his health to whose fayth the Lorde Christ gaue respect and not chiefely their worke and healed the man But to the man he sayde My sonne thy synnes are forgiuen thee This worde sonne approoueth the Palsye man to beléeue in Christ by which fayth his sinnes are forgiuen him as by his bearers fayth his body was healed Luc. 9.8 Mar. 2.3 Mat. 9.1 I also comfortably confesse that the fayth of our father Abraham doth so much profite his posteritie bicause of the couenant of God with him and hys seede after him so as they are imputed to be gods children and that so long as they continue in that couenant But when they degenerate from their fathers fayth Gen. 17. God cutteth of this imputation and that the chylde borne of contrarie parents as the father an Infidell the mother a christian 1. Cor. 7.14 Abac. 2. Ezec. 18.20 I say with Paule that the chylde is holye through the fayth of the beléeuing parent But to iustification it is established that euerye man should be saued by his owne fayth To this sayth Ezechiel The righteousnesse of the righteous shal be vpon him and the wickednesse of the wicked shall be vpon himselfe To this end serueth that whole excellent Chapter to the reading whereof I referre thée The prayers of the faythfull doe much preuayle to those that yet are not fully brought to Christ Yea the ardent zeale of others fayth doth enflame the soules of their brethren to follow their steps in Christ and the prayer of one faythful man doth promise auayle to another for encrease in fayth Ephe. 6.18 19. Phil. 1.19 Wherefore Paule prayeth for all saints and desyreth them to pray for him For by the prayers of the Phillipians he perswadeth the trouble of