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A55568 The young mans conflict with, and victory over the Devil by faith, or, A true and perfect relation of the experiences of T.P., begun in the 15th and continued till the 17th year of his age ... by T.P. Powell, Thomas, fl. 1674-1679. 1675 (1675) Wing P3076; ESTC R17963 49,441 152

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heart good Sir Evangelus Well Friend seeing then that Go● his Providence has bin pleased to ●ring us into one anothers Company ●ill you give me leave to ask you a ●w Questions Paulus Yea Sir and I shall thank you ●oo Evangelus What do you think then concerning Heaven Paulus It is a good place no doubt Evangelus Yea and how happy shall we be if we can but get thither Paulus Why do you question getting thither Evangelus Yea that I do Don't you Paulus No I did never question getting to Heaven since I have been born I thank God for it Evangelus I am apt to think you might ha● had more cause to bless God for qu●stioning your title to Heaven the● for not questioning it and I am 〈◊〉 opinion that you and others w● scarce get to Heaven except yo● come first to doubt of your righ● thereto Paulus You are the strangest man that ● ever met with in all my life and indeed this is the fault which I find● to be in you Phanaticks viz. you● censuring Evangelus Friend you mistake us and I suppose you do not very well understand me for did you not say just now that you questioned not getting to Heaven Paulus Yea I did what of all that Evangelus I only then ask you the Grounds on which you build your hopes for Heaven so stedfastly without the least questioning assurance thereof Paulus The Mercy of God no better ●rounds can there be Evangelus The Mercy of God that 's true ●iend but Gods Mercy has bin ●rfeited long ago through our diso●dience in Adam have you now ●ined it if you have pray tell me ●w and by what means Paulus Nay if so the Lord look down ●on me for I never heard of this ●fore Evangelus It is very true my Friend and ●ce it is that we have brought 〈◊〉 with us into the World by ●ich we are made the Heires of ●ath Paulus Be you sure this is true Evangelus Do you believe all those Truths c●●tained in the Holy Bible Paulus Do I believe them yea certain●● or else I should be a Papist or an I●●fidel Evangelus Then see this prov'd from these 〈◊〉 Places of Scripture Psal. 51.5 I 〈◊〉 shapen in iniquity and in sin did 〈◊〉 Mother conceive me And Eph. 2● We are by nature the children wrath even as others So Rom. 5. l● By one man sin entred into the wor●● and death by him and so death 〈◊〉 over all men for that all ha● sinned Paulus Nay here is Scripture enoug● none can deny Evangelus Well then seeing 〈◊〉 it is as I say had I 〈◊〉 Grounds do you thin● for speaking what I di● and therefore I pray 〈◊〉 willing to give me some further sa●●●faction touching the belief of your ●●●vation Paulus Nay you have so puzled me that ●●w I know not what to do except it to tell you that I pray Morning ●●d Evening Evangelus Well what of all that I hope you not expect to get to Heaven by your ●●ayer do you Paulus Yes I do or else I know not how to 〈◊〉 to Heaven Evangelus Oh Friend had you been acquaint●● with godly Ministers or any of ●●ds People and desired their Instru●●●ons certainly you would have bin 〈◊〉 now acquainted with the way that 〈◊〉 to Heaven and eternal Happi●●●s for thou art grossly ignorant thinking to be saved by Prayers Paulus I don't say Prayers only 〈◊〉 take in Reading of good Books a● hearing of good Sermons Evangelus Nay it is all one for that 〈◊〉 if you take in all good Works what●●● ever they will prove insignificant● merit salvation Paulus Say you so why I never heard 〈◊〉 from our Minister and he is a 〈◊〉 good Church-man Evangelus Nay as to that I know not but 〈◊〉 I 'le assure you that what I have hea●● from you as yet does rather savour Popery then of true Christianity Paulus How a Papist Sir God forbi● for I am sure I am so far from bei●● a Papist that if I do but meet 〈◊〉 one I go the other side of the 〈◊〉 because I will not see him I do hate him Evangelus Perhaps you walk more by custo● then by judgement for I 'le assure you it is as I say Paulus Pray Sir tell me then what must save me if good works cannot Thanks be to God I met with you or else I should have died in this mistake notwithstanding our Minister Evangelus Why thus you see Friend Gods dealings with us are various but to gratifie your desire let me ask you this Question Did you never hear of Iesus Christ Here has not bin so much as one word concerning him Paulus Nay hold you I have heard of Jesus what of him Evangelus What of him why it is he that must save you Paulus It s no marvel then why I have heard such a talk concerning Jesus Christ but I ever thought it was my good works that must save me Evangelus Nay Friend I will shew you an insuffi●iency in that and lik●wise that salvation is only to be had in Christ and by him you must be saved if ever saved Receive these Scriptures for the truth of both Rom. 3.20 Therefore by the deeds of the Law no flesh shall be justified in his sight for by the Law is the knowledge of sin So the 28 th verse Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law Gal. 2.16 Paulus Why then by your Reckoning I have all my work to begin before I can get to Heaven Evangelus If you understand no more then this I must needs say you are far from being a new creature and if far from being a n●w creature then far you ●re from the Kingdom of Heaven Paulus How do you prove that Evangelus I prove it from these following Scriptures Mark 16.16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned So Luke 13.3 5. I tell ye nay except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Iohn 3.3 5. Verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God And what think you of th●se Scriptures Paulus Why I think they are very good but if I have all this to do as you say and am still to begin the Christians A B C then I had as good desist a little while seeing that as yet I am but young and so for a time take my pleasure and when I come to be old I 'le then take this way to serve God which you have prescribed for I am afraid lest I should not hold out in serving God another way in regard that I have taken so much pain in the other for indeed I am spent Evangelus Oh Friend give not way to the Devil● these are only his suggestions believe him not for can you serve God in a more acceptable time then in the
days of your Youth Consider I pray you these following things First Consider your Youth God requires Eccl. 12.1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth Secondly it is a Question whether you may live to an old Age which if not what will become of you Thirdly grant that you live to an old Age it is a Question whether the day of grace may last so long Fourthly if the day of grace should last so long it is a question whether you will not through the pains and imbecilities of old Age be rendred incapable to serve God Fifth●y Consider you may serve God when it is too late but you can never serve him too soon Paulus Verily this is true I cannot deny it but do you not think that God is more glorified by an old Convert then by a young Evangelus When you have such suggestions as these endeavor to make them abortive at their birth for any will tell you that there is nothing more acceptable unto God then when a young man offers up the Flower of his Age unto him yea and what does conduce more unto Gods glory then the same Paulus Well I am now convinc'd of my folly especially of confiding in good works for salvation Evangelus Well bless God for it and now seeing through infinite mercy an insufficiency in good works to save you what think you of God Paulus Why I think that he is a Spirit Evangelus He is so my friend and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth Paulus This I knew a great while ago Evangelus Very good are there more Gods then one Paulus Y●a surely there must be three Gods God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost Evangelus Know Friend that thou art wofully ignorant for though there be three Persons in the Godhead yet th●se three are but one in substance all this while there is but one individual Deity as the Fire does contain in it three Properties 1. It s self 2. Heat 3. Light So though there be but three ways of subsisting in the Godhead yet all this while it is but individual Paulus Pray Sir is there any Scripture for this Evangelus Yea Scripture enough see Deut. 6.4 Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord Isa. 44.6 I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God Isa. 45.22 Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the Earth for I am God and there is none else So 2 Cor. 8.4 5 6. and Eph. 4.5 1 Tim. 2.5 Paulus I confess these Scriptures do hit me for how many times have I read the Bible over and yet do not remember these places Evangelus You minded then well what you read for certainly if you had read diligently and with a desire to know you would have given a more pertinent Answer to such a Fundamental and Practical Point of Divinity as this But this is not all our Souls are spirits Angels are spirits and the D●vils are spirits what difference is th●●● then between God and these Paulus Why I suppose he is bigger then all of them Evangelus Bigger then all of them this is no solid Answer God he is an increated Spirit all others are created God he is an infinite Spirit all others are finite Paulus Nay this is very good Evangelus Well I am glad you like it but what difference is there between the Devils and the Angels Paulus Why I suppose they are both Spirits and both Angels only the Angels in Heaven are the good Angels and the Devils are the evil ones Evangelus Thou sayest right the Devils th●● are now in Hell were once righteous Angels but through pride and malice they are now become of all creatures the most miserable but where do the Devils inhabit Paulus I suppose the Devils do dwell in Hell it being a Place prepared for them and the wicked Evangelus The habitation of the Devils is partly in Hell and partly in the Air The Devils do dwell in the Air unto the Day of Iudgement and usurping the same on purpose that they might rule in the hearts of men But what difference is there between the spirits and our souls for our souls you know are spirits Paulus Nay I believe now you ask me that which you cannot answer your self Evangelus Think not so friend for the Angels were the firs● Creatures that God made whereas our souls are not the Angels are not covered with flesh but our souls are the Angels are perfect spirits but our souls through union with their bodies are imperfect and impure but enough of this what think you now of Iesus Christ Paulus Who is Jesus Christ why he is the Son of God Evangelus It is true my friend he is so for God the Father testifies it Mat. 3.17 The Chu●ch acknowledgeth it Matth. 16.16 And the Devils confess it Luke 4.41 But who do you think of these were first God the Father or God the Son Paulus There is a question indeed surely the Father must be before the Son Evangelus Yea friend that is true it is so in natural generation but here it is not for Christ Iesus is co-eternal with his Father and equal with him in Power and Glory Paulus This will not stand by reason Evangelus Divine Mysteries are not to be apprehended by carnal reason for he who would see by an eye of Faith must shu● out the eye of Reason and what think you now of the Holy Ghost Paulus Why I suppose he is God too is he not Evangelus Yes he is so see 1 John 5.7 For there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father Word and Holy Ghost and these three are one Paulus Nay this is very evident you bring Scripture I say to prove what you say Evangelus Well if so be you do believe what I have said concerning the blessed Trinity say with me God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost and these three are one Paulus God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost and these three are one Evangelus Right what think you now of the Creation of the World did God make the World of somthing or of nothing Paulus Of somthing surely for out of nothing nothing can be made Evangelus Friend what do you think Creation signifies Paulus Truly I know not very well Evangelus Why it signifies a making all things of nothing Paulus Say you so Evangelus Yea and have you not read that the World was made only by the especial word of his Power not that we should understand that any word did really proceed from God but only that he will'd it Paulus Did God do you say only speak● th● word and was this World made I cannot believe this except you bring me Scripture Evangelus If Scriptures will convince you I 'le bring you Scriptures enough See Psal. 33.9 For he spake and it was done he commanded and it
stood fast Heb. 11.3 Through faith we understand that the Worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear So Rom. 4.17 Paulus All this now is very clear unto me Evangelus I am glad of it and therefore bless God And now tell me I pray you what you what is your belief concerning the Incarnation of our Saviour Paulus I do believe that Jesus Christ did come into the World to save sinners Evangelus And that he was made Man Paulus No I cannot think so in regard that it is impossible for God to become man Evangelus Herein thou art grossly ignorant because thou doest believe Christ came into the World and yet cannot think he was made man Paulus No nor I shall not except you give me good Scripture for it Evangelus Nay you are to be commended for that because you are not to take any thing from me or any man without Scripture and therefore if Scripture will do the business Scripture you shall have enough See John 1.14 And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth So 1 Tim. 3.16 And without controversie great is the Mystery of Godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory Paulus I see Scripture does hold forth this truth but who would think that this should be so Evangelus It is so and that for these Reasons as I suppose 1. Gods Iustice by Man was offended therefore by Man it was to be satisfied 2. Christ was Man that he might die for had he not been Man he could not have died 3. He was Man that he might sympathize and condole with us in all our conditions and infirmities 4. He was Man that he might be d●●ompleat Mediator 5. He was Man that he might make Man Partakers of the Divine Nature Paulus Then by this reckoning you must make Christ a sinner Evangelus So he is i.e. by Imputation Paulus This is strange doctrine methinks to make Christ a sinner 〈◊〉 if also he is man then consequentially he is not God Evangelus Your consequence is false my Friend for Christ is God-Man God that he might satisfie Man that he might die 2.5 Paulus Well these things are very deep and profound therefore I pray you ask me somthing else and I will meditate upon them when I come home Evangelus Very good the next Question then shall be this what think you then concerning the Resurrection Paulus Truly Sir this has been ever obscure to me I could wish you would inform my judgement concerning it Evangelus With all my heart for I like this enquiring mighty well Now that there shall be a Resurrection it is evident from these Places of Scripture Dan 12.2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the Earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting ' contempt Iohn 5.28 29. Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the Graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the Resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the Resurrection of damnation So see 1 Cor. 15. and Rev. 20.12 13. Paulus Well this truth I also believe for I see there are many Scriptures for the demonstration and proof of the same Evangelus What think you now concerning the last Iudgment do you believe it or not Paulus I do believe that Jesus Christ will come at the last day and judge the world Evangelus And are you willing friend that I should try your knowledg in this necessary truth Paulus Willing why do you think I should be unwilling pray don't question that for I am so willing as that I shall look upon you as my best friend if you take the pains to inform me in this Evangelus Well then seeing that I have such a free access unto you I shall ask you these several Questions in order to your better understanding of this great truth what then is the last Iudgment Paulus The last Judgement is a day as I suppose wherein Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour shall come down from Heaven with great Glory to judge the whole World and give unto every one according as his works shall be Evangelus Very well my friend for your Answer pleases me exceeding well but how manifold is the coming of Christ Paulus How manifold is the coming of Christ why is there more comings of Christ then one Evangelus Yes friend the Scriptures do hold forth unto us a threefold coming of Christ the first was in the flesh about sixteen hundred years ago when he came in the forme of a servant taking upon him our sins the second is his coming now with the Power of the Gospel in the hearts of sinners and the third is his future coming when he shall in the end of the World come in glorious Glory not to be exprest And this is called his second Appearance to Iudgement Acts 10 42. Christ is appointed by God the Father Iudge both of the quick and dead So Acts 17. Paulus These are wonderful things pray tell me now how Christ will judge the World Evangelus Visible in the clouds for even as he ascended so shall he descend but wherefore do you think my Friend Christ will judge the World Paulus That he may render eternal life with fulness of joy unto the godly and eternal punishment to the wicked Evangelus You answer right but what do you think will be the Order of this Iudgement Paulus Truly Sir I know not very well Evangelus My friend observe there are certain Transactions that do pr●cede this day certain Transactions done in the day and certain Transactions that does ensue this day First some things there be that ar● antecedent to or coming before this day which will be these 1. A Subversion of the Roman Empire and the Man of Sin revealed 2. The Rising of false Christs and false Prophets 3. Signe● that shall be in the Sun and Moon 4. The Gospel being preached through● out all Nations 5. Obedience yielded unto the Gospel by Iews and Gentiles and all that do pertain unto the Election of Gods grace Secondly those Transactions done in this day are these 1. The Son of Man shall be seen in the Air. 2. The dead shall rise both righteous and unrighteous 3. Christ shall separate the bad from the good and denounce the last sentence Thirdly that which follows this day is the proportioning of a reward unto every Mans work and now tell me what thou thinkest of these things Paulus Truly they are things that I never knew till now Evangelus Bless God then for what you know and answer me this
of things not seen Heb. 11.1 Paulus How is this Faith attained Evangelus It is attained by a conscientious use of the Word and increased by Prayer and Sacrament Paulus What is Prayer Evangelus Prayer is the pouring out of our souls unto God in the Name of Christ by the help of the Spirit and with faith on the Promises for those things which are agreeable unto his Will Paulus This I remember for it has been told me a great while ago Evangelus You understand herein I shall examine by asking you several questions concerning this duty as first ought we to pray unto God and only unto him Paulus Only unto him excepting Saints and Angels Evangelus How do you mean Saints and Angels I hope you don't hold praying to them Paulus Nay I cannot think any otherwise but that it is lawful to pray to them for they are those who do make a way unto God the Father for us Evangelus I deny it and therefore shall affirm that Christ only is the way to the Father but that I might further clear this truth observe 1. Prayer is a part of Divine Worship which all grant and God only is the object of Divine Worship therefore to pray unto any besides God is a perfect violation of that Command Deut. 6 1● Mat. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve 2. Consider we have but one Intercessor and Mediator in Heaven and therefore it is a high affront unto Christ to make any use of others in that kind 3. Consider that excellent place of Scripture Rev. 19 10. And I fell at his feet to worship him and he said unto me see thou do it not I am thy fellow-servant And in the last place consider here is but little encouragement for any of us to pray unto Saints because the best Saints in Heaven is ignorant of our conditions here below Isa. 63.16 John 14.21 Paulus Why truly all this is clear none can deny Evangelus Well friend what think you of this question can one pray and not speak Paulus No surely that can't be Evangelus Yes one may for there is vocal Prayer and mental Prayer Vocal Prayer is the expressing our desires unto God by the words of our lips and Mental Prayer is the offering up of our desires unto God without the help of words as Hannah prayed when her voice was not heard 1 Sam. 1.13 Paulus How may I pray so as to finde acceptance with God Evangelus First direct your supplications unto God Secondly Pray in faith Thirdly with a sense of your wants Fourthly with a sense of your unworthiness to have any of your wants supplied Fifthly with Sincerity and Perseverance Sixthly beg what you beg in the Name of Christ. Seventhly conclude your Prayer with a Doxology being this For thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory for ever and ever Amen Paulus I thank you good Sir for this seasonable advice Evangelus What think you now of the Sacrament Paulus It is an Ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ himself Evangelus A Sacrament is a seal of the Covenant of grace whereby as God doth oblige himself to give unto us all the benefits contained therein so we in like manner do by that oblige our selves to be the Lords and to be true and faithful● unto him Paulus This I now do understand Evangelus Very good now how many Sacraments are there of use in thi● Gospel● Dispensation Paulus Surely there are but two Evangelus Thou sayst right and therefore the Papists herein are to be blamed wh● say there are seven Sacraments whereas we do deny any such number and do affirm that there are but two Sacraments viz. Baptism and the Lords Supper Baptism is a Sacrament wherein the washing with wa●er in the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost doth signifie and seal our ingrafting into Christ the Lords Supper is a Sacrament wherein these things given viz. Bread and Wine are signified exhibited and shewed forth unto us the Body of our Lord Iesus which was broken and his blood which was poured out abundantly for the remission of our sins Circumcision and the Passeover was in the Law in room whereof comes Baptism and the Lords Supper Baptism in the room of C●rcuncision and the Lords Supper in the room of the Passeover Paulus In this I am also very well satisfied Evangelus I am glad of that but what think you of this Is the bread really transubstantial and turn'd into the Body of Christ Paulus Yes that is really my belief for does not our Saviour say This is my Body 1 Cor. 11.14 Evangelus Friend believe it not because there is not Grounds whereupon Reason should be built much less faith Observe what I have to say contradictory to it and you will finde that such an opinion is against Scripture Sense and Reason Consider these words This is my body is no proper but figurative expression were all Scriptures to be understood literally then there would be some reason for the understanding of this expression to be as you would have it Paulus What do you tell me of Figures surely our Saviour would have spoken more plainly to his disciples than so especially in the instituting of an Ordinance Evangelus Christ spoke intelligible enough but tell me is not that plain enough when we take the words as they are frequently and commonly used in Scriptures Paulus Yes That I can't deny Evangelus Well then these words are common and frequent in Scripture John 6.14 is thus written I am the Way so John 10. I am the Door Christ properly is no Door but only as a Door is an entrance into a Place so Christ in this respect is an entrance into Heaven Now compare this with the other Place of Scripture This is my Body the true meaning is This is a figure sign and Pre-Presentation of my Body This is my Body that is as Bread doth nourish strengthen and refresh the Body and satisfie the natural appetite so the Body and Blood of Christ received by faith doth strengthen nourish refresh and satiate the spiritual appetite Observe I pray you how oppugnant this is to reason for is it not absurd that bread should be turn'd into another substance and yet the accidents remain the same there is the colour ●as●e and smell of the bread if the bread in the Sacrament is turn'd into the real Body of Christ then the Nature End of a Sacrament would be destroyd the nature of a Sacrament is to be a Sign and the Ends of it is to be a remembrance of Christ both which supposes Christs Body to be absent Again observe our Lord Iesus mentions Bread after the words of Consecration saying the bread which we break 1 Cor. 10.16 He that eateth this bread 1 Cor. 11.27 28. If the bread is turn'd into the real Body of Christ then wicked Communicants may receive Christ and Christs
there are by which I am bound to look after you viz. I am a dying Creature and therefore whilst I have life I must act for God because when I am in the Grave I cannot write unto you My Preaching-Work then will be over And h●nce it is that I do think it meet whilst I am in this earthly Tabernacle to put you in mind of these things and to stirr you up to the doing thereof And as the consideration of my Mortality should move me to do what I can for God and you see likewise the consideration of yours should make you more willing to hear and receive what I and others do both Preach and write unto you And now Sirs what remains but that you would follow those Practical things which the good Spirit of God may by these Lines put you in minde of Consider you must one day render an Account for all the good Sermons that you have heard the Word will either prove a savour of life or of death you will either be the better for Sermons or the worse and therefore to you now I speak that have often heard the vociferation of the Gospel but are not as yet reformed Consider after Death comes Iudgment and then what will you do will you not wish that you had taken the good Counsel of God given by his Ministers will you not then remember these Sermons which once you forgot as soon as ever you went out out of the Church and will not the remembrance thereof be as a Worm gnawing of your Consciences in Hell Oh with what shame and confusion will ye then be cloathed when all those secret sins which you thought were impossible to be brought to light shall be made manifest before the Lord Iesus who is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 light it self Moreover consider that without you have an Advocate the●e is no standing at this Tribunal and who is this Advocate but Iesus Christ will plead to the utmost for you if you can but make sure of him for without him nothing can be done in order to your being sheltred from that wrath of God which then shall be revealed on all those who have slighted this Advocate and have accounted Sermons of no worth further believe and consider that if you have not the Lord Iesus to stand as your friend you must be thrust down into Hell and there howl with the damned for ever And what think you now of these things do you stedfastly believe them if you do not search the Scriptures and there you will finde what I have said to be true if you do believe them why then do some of you live as if there were neither God Heaven Hell or Iudgement if these things are sincerely believed by you stir up then and lay hold upon God and claim of him deliverance from wrath to come for it is hastning apace and w● unto you if you lay up nothing against this burning wrath of God for the time to come is as sure as the time that is present why therefore are you all for the present time assure your selves that the walking in repulse against these Considerations and the sweet motions of the Spirit will make you smart one day But Finally if you will all observe these things to do them what a blessed Meeting shall we have how wide will the Gates of Heaven stand open for u● what a Welcom will God the Father give us the very thoughts of it doth glad my very heart and soul Suffer therefore the good Word of God to take Impression upon you Endeavor to live a life of Grace here that so you may live a Life of Glory hereafter Persevere in all good hold out to the end for the Crown will make amends for all Be constant in the use of means Follow Peace with all men be useful in your several Vocations that in all things ●u may be fit for the being received 〈◊〉 into the Heaven of Heavens ●hich is and ever shall be the desire ●d Prayer of him Who is SIRS Your Souls Friend THO. POWELL PAULUS in his Unconverted state AEtatis suae 12. Evangelus WELL met Friend Whither are you going Paulus I am going to see a Play for they say it is very well worth ones observation Evangelus How to see a Play I would not have you for a World could I but hinder you I would for there is nothing but wickedness and Profaneness for your Contemplation and if this is worth your observation judge you Paulus You talk more like a Phanatick then a Civil and honest man for I verily believe there may be as much good gather'd from the observation of such a sight as somtimes hearing of a good Sermon Evangelus Oh what Prodigious and black ignorance is this to think that more benefit may be received from open Prof●neness then from hearing the Word of God Have you not yet known the difference between evil and good Paulus There are some I believe as good and as wise as your self that goes to such places and certainly if it be lawful for them it is lawful for me Evangelus That is true friend if lawful for them then it is for you but it is not lawful for them and therefore let such be never so wise yet if they go to such Places as you plead for they do in that fall short of being wise men And moreover herein is shewed much of your folly in grounding lawfulness for the same on no other Foundation but because such and such do so whereas we that are Christians should endeavour to make our lives congruous with the Sacred Writ yea that which the Prophets and Apostles have built upon should be our Foundation Paulus Pray Sir keep your breath to cool your own Pottage for every Tub must stand upon its own bottom therefore catechise not me for I will not be catechised by you and as long as I have a mind to go I will go Evangelus Friend be not so touchy for I mean you no hurt nothing I am ●o you it is true and that every Tub must stand upon its own bottom I know yet considering that ●very one was not made for himself but for the Glory of God ●he good and benefit of each other therefore it does behove us to be giving one another good Counsel If you know any thing more then me I 'll learn of you and if I know any thing more then you you shall learn of me if you please Paulus Nay this is very fair I must needs confess Evangelus Well then my friend if it may s● please you to deny your self of going t● that Place first intended by you I wi●● then tell you what we will do in stea● thereof Paulus I don't much care if I do fo● once Evangelus What think you then of going t● yonder Grove where we may sit down in the shade and discourse concerning Soul-Affairs Paulus With all my
question Is the Iudgement-Day known unto any or no Paulus None but unto God as I suppose Evangelus Thou sayst right for neither Men nor Angels know this day but God himself Matth. 4. And thus friend I have shewed you these Points of Divinity to be believed of all that seek after an eternal life of Felicity being these as follows 1. God or the Trinity 2. The Creation of the World 3. The hypostatical Vnion or Christs assuming the humane Nature 4 The Resurrection 5. Iudgement I come now to ask you how and by what means you may come to know God Paulus By the Holy Bible Evangelus It is true friend the Scriptures conteined in the Old and New Testament is the only Rule by which we may come to know God and serve him 〈◊〉 but tell me what thou doest understan● by the Old and New Testament Paulus By the Old Testament I understan● the Writings of Moses and the Prophets and by the New Testament th● Writings of the Evangelists and Apostles Evangelus Your Answer as you should do But are the Scriptures sufficient of themselves to work faith in us or no Paulus Truly I am not able to determine of that Evangelus Why then I will tell you the Scri●tures of themselves cannot work faith ●n us but by Gods Spirit cooperating ●ith them and hence it is that the ●ord is called a dead letter not but ●hat the Word is quickning but be●ause the Word of it self without the Spirit cannot so much as work any ●race in us Paulus This I do believe Evangelus Then I hope you do believe the Scriptures to he so Canonical as that ●t is Blasphemy to esteem of any other Writings to be of equal Authority with the same and so consequentially ●hose are to be blamed who annex the ●pocrypha to the Bible and do fre●ently take out certain verses conteined therein as their texts whenas the Scriptures and only the Scriptures are for a standing Rule in Gods Church Paulus But is not the Apocrypha the Word of God Evangelus No for they were not written in the Hebrew Tongue nor acknowledged a● Canonical by the Iews of old to whom the keeping of the Oracles of God was committed Paulus I am now convinc'd of that which I thought I should never have been perswaded to the contrary Evangelus Again if you do grant the Scriptures to be infallible you must then grant that the Scriptures are not to be ruled by the Church but the Church by the Scriptures Paulus If so be the Scriptures do not depend upon the Church for the Truth and Authority thereof how then can we be assured that it is the Word of God Evangelus Friend herein you are grossly mistaken for we may be assured of the Scriptures being the Word of God which may be prov'd from several Testimonies and Arguments divine and humane from Testimonies Divine being two internal and ●xternal One is the Testimony of the Spirit who sometimes by special R●v●la●ion and Power do declare the 〈◊〉 thereof upon the Hearts and C●nsc●en●es of Men and Women and th●● is the divine internal Testimony The d●vine external Testimony is the Scriptures testifying of themselves and hence it is many times that they do run in this Order Thus saith the Lord Thus saith God Now the Arguments to prove the same are deduced and taken from 1. The efficient causes of the Scriptures viz. Men t●e Calling Miss●●● and Insperation of whom was divine Secondly the Scope and End of the Scriptures being the glory of God and the eternal salvation of our souls Thirdly the subject-matter of the Scriptures which is so full of Majesty and Div●nity as that it is far beyond humane capacity to comprehend This is sufficient to shew the Authority of the Scriptures without depending upon the Church Thus is the truth of the Scriptures and the Authority of them evidenced without the help of the Church Paulus Is not the Testimony of the Church then of some use Evangelus Yes that I deny not but the thing which I aim at is to shew that the Authority and Truth of the Scriptures can be made apparent from Gods Spirit and from themselves without the help of the Church which assertion does contradict the Papist who does audaciously affirm that the Authority of the Scriptures do absolutely depend upon the Church the absurd consequences of which opinion are these 1. Of all to hold that the Scriptures has no more Authority but what the Vniversal consent of the Church gives unto it is to make the Scriptures no otherwise but a Nose of Wax yea it is to make the eternal and inviolable truth of God rest upon the pleasure of men verily the matter and scope of the Scriptures is to be denied and to be of no use at all if this opinion is right these and such like are the Absurdities that must of necessity be held by retaining opinions of this kind Paulus But did not Austin say that he would not believe the Gospel save that the Authority of the Church moved him thereto Evangelus The Papist do give a false interpretation upon his words if we do but consider the whole tenor of his writing For as Calvin well Observes Austin had then to do with the Manichees who arguing with them spoke thus I my self would not beleeve the Gospel save that the Authority of the Church moved me thereto Meaning that he himself when he was a stranger from the faith could not otherwise be brought to embrace the Gospel for the assured truth of God but by this that he was overcome with the Authority of the Church And what marvel is it if a man not yet knowing Christ have regard to men therefore Austin does not there teach that the faith of the godly is grounded upon the Authority of the Church Paulus I am very well pleased and satisfied in what has been said have you any more Questions to ask me Evangelus Yes friend I have many Questions to ask you still How do you prove that Salvation is only to be had through Christ Paulus How do I prove it I prove it from Acts 4.12 where it is thus written Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other Name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved Evangelus Thou hast given the right Scripture but now if salvation is only to be had in and through Christ does it not do you think concern you to have an interest in this Christ Paulus Yea certainly that it does Evangelus Are you then interested in him Paulus Truly I question it but how may I come to have an interest in him Evangelus That must be by faith Paulus What is faith Evangelus Faith is a receiving of Iesus Christ into the Heart as he is Priest Prophet and King with a fiducial dependance upon him being fully satisfied that there is salvation in through and by none but him Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence
Body must be in a thousand Places at once and now what say you unto all this Paulus I see now as you say that this opinion is oppugnant unto Scripture Reason and our three senses viz. Seeing Smelling and Tasting I wish with all my heart that I could stay a little longer with you for the benefit which I have received from you is unconceivable but I am sent for an Errand and therefore cannot yet if you please to inform me where you dwell and what is your name I shall thereby be much obliged unto you Evangelus That you shall my friend I dwell in such and such a place my name is so and so READER AS Concerning this young man being so willing to defer his Repentance unto an old Age was the main Suggestion which did keep him off from Closing with Jesus Christ of whom is shadowes in this Dialogue and signified by Paulus together with his beleeving that God was more glorified by an old Convert than by a young one but when you come to understand how God dealt with this young man in bringing him off from all those letts and Impediments by which he was kept from Closing with Christ you will admire it being in form following This young Man as aforesaid being much molested with Temptations of that kinde One day above the rest a Small-coal man going along the streets did measure some thereof unto a Customer who having no sooner done it but he imm●●●●tely fell down dead although he was as well as I am now at this present writing which being noised abroad and many coming to see him he made one who seeing him to lie dead on the ground was amazed especially when he understood the suddenness thereof Thus after a little Contemplation upon him he goes home falling down upon his knees saying to God Lord have mercy upon me and this was all he could say for an hour together somtimes it was Lord have mercy upon me a sinner and pardon my sins thus continuing for the space of many weeks despairing of Gods mercy to his soul and being also convinced of his former ignorance he is now glad to receive good Counsel from any body his minde and will being changed makes him to believe that there is salvation only in Christ and looks now upon all his duties as a Pauls indeed accounting them but dross and dung compar'd with our Lord Christ. But one day more than the rest praying to God does earnestly beg of him for a pardon of all his sins Thus Expostulating with God for the attainment thereof Lord saith he Thou hast given a Pardon unto some and why not unto me what way and course therefore may I take for the obtainment of the same and immediately at his request after the performance of duty the Lord was pleased to give in this Text of Scripture Isa. 55.7 Let the wicked for sake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon from hence he gathers hopes of Gods mercy unto his soul but in temptations his hopes vanished away again as to those other Scriptures which the Lord was pleased to han● forth unto him for his stay and comfort in his journey to the heavenl● Ierusalem is conteined in the ensuin● Dialogue And observe what now treateth o● him is about his converted estate being the second Part. The End of the First Part. The Second Part being YOUTH in his unconverted state AEtatis suae 16. Evangelus WELL met Friend how is it with you now Paulus Now I wonder at my self how ●●norant I have bin and especially ●f my being so unconcern'd with my 〈◊〉 estate as I have Evangelus Yea Friend when God is pleased to 〈◊〉 a sinner a sight of his fearful 〈◊〉 out of Christ he is startled and 〈◊〉 amazed at the consideration of 〈◊〉 former security therein Paulus I have found it so blessed be God 〈◊〉 you Evangelus And blessed be God also for that ●rovidence which brought us then to gather and which now has vouchsafed another like opportunity wherein we may confer about the things of another world how therefore my friend ha● God dealt with you since I last parted from you Paulus God I hope has blessed what then you said unto me the verity of which has bin set home by a specia● and extraordinary Act of Providence Evangelus What kinde of Providence I pray friend has been exercised towards you since I last saw you Paulus That Sir which the Lord was pleased to hand forth unto me by you your self in answer unto those two suggestions wherewith I was heretofore troubled has bin seconded by the sudden death of a poor Small-coal-man Evangelus How I pray Paulus He was going along the streets who was measuring of a few Small●oal to one of his Customers did ●●mediat●ly fall down dead al●hough he was as well as now you ●nd I are in body that the sight of ●is d●ath together with the sudden●ess thereof did startle me and shew●d th● vanity of protracting and de●erring time and repentance as I ●id Evangelus Oh! Glory unto the Father Son and Holy Ghost be ascribed for ever Oh ●ow is your heart affected with this Paulus I am so unsatisfi●d in minde as that does render me very incapable ●f performing any service unto God Evangelus Be sure you give not present Enter●ainment unto any thing suggested ●ithout special examination what is 〈◊〉 therefore in which you are unsa●●sfied Paulus In Gods mercies Evangelus How so for when you knew nothing● you could then render unto me God● mercy as grounds sufficient on whic● you built your hopes of salvation● Then my friend you had no cause s● to to do but now you have I dar● say Paulus I do suppose it is all one for that● inform me I pray you then how I may come to obtain Gods favour and grace for I find as once you tol● me that I have lost it in Adam Evangelus Friend as Gods favour was lost in Adam so it is found in Chri●t see● therefore the favour of God i● an● through Christ. Paulus I must first come to Christ and receive him before I can make use of him to reconcile me unto God wheras my faith is weak and will not as yet lead me unto him Evangelus Does that faith which thou hast assent to Gods Essence and that he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him Paulus Yea I think it does so if my heart deceives me not Evangelus Well if so then you have that which will commend you to Iesus Christ and not only commend you un●o him but likewise that which will ●nable you to receive him see Heb. 6.1 For he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him Paulus God will I see make use of you to do my soul
good but what do you think now of my Condition Evangelus Why I do believe that thou art an ●lected Vessel Paulus What is the reason do you think ●hen that I should be all this while without an assurance of Gods Lo●● and mercy to my poor soul. Evangelus Wait and thou shalt have it an● consider well this Scripture being Ma● 9.17 Neither do men put new win● into old bottles else the bottles break and the wine runneth out and the bottle perish but they put new wine into ne● bottles and both are preserved Fro● which I would have you to note tha● though God has his saving work i● your soul yet many corruptions ther● are unsubdued which must be morti●fied before he sees it meet and convenient to give you assurance nay unti● then perhaps God sees you uncapabl● as to the management thereof Paulus Blessed be God also for this goo● Counsel and Advice Evangelus If it has proved so to be I desi●● to bless God likewise Paulus Sir being in haste I must bid yo● farewel but I shall consider upon what you have said Evangelus Farewel then but I hope I shall see 〈◊〉 again Paulus That you shall for I cannot 〈◊〉 ●ee you now and then YOUTH in his CONE●●●● Etatis●uae 18. Evangelus OH my good friend how glad a● I to meet with you for I will a●●sure thee thou hast been much up●● my heart where has been your abo●● all this while that I have sought you ●● frequently but could never have t●● happiness to finde you until now Paulus Whether Good Sir you a● glad to see me I know not but I a● sure I am glad to see you for m● wants and indigencies are innum● rable and how to express them un● any other but your esteemed sel● I know not in regard that hereto● fore you have been very benefici● unto mee In the like strait th● now I am in wherefore worth● Sir if the presen● opportunity do serve as well for you as it does ● ●e Administer something of Com●rt unto me I pray you Evangelus It is a duty my friend incumbent ●pon those who are Preachers of the Gospel to imitate their Lord and Sa●iour and to tread those same steps ●herein he before them did tread who ●lways made the extremity of sinners ●is opportunity to do his Fathers Work ●nd the like must I speak on therefore ●nd welcom Paulus I am in such misery that I know ●ot what to do my Condition is ●ch that I am asham'd to make ● known and my crimes are so hor●id that for a great time I have con●ealed them and loth I am still to di●ulge and bring them to Light Oh! ●herefore pity me pity me Evangelus Why dost thou say thou art in such misery as that thou knowest not what to do I can't chuse but give ●hee a check for saying thus upon these several respects First we ought not to despair ● long as we have a God which inde● we have 1 Sam. 17.46 Secondly there is no malady so r● mediless but God can apply a Reme● thereto no wound so sore but God ca●●eal no misery so anxious and irr● coverable in our apprehensions but ● can extinguish the anguish there● heals it and makes that which is i● possible with us possible with himsel● Gen. 18.14 There is no misery th● side of Hell and the Grave but Go● out of his infinite free grace hath ap● pointed some proper means for th● same viz. hearing and reading th● Word for the unconverted Prayer an● receiving of the Sacrament for th● weak in Gifts and Graces and Chris● unto all in general who will receiv● him by faith Mat. 11.28 Thirdly why doest thou say tha● thy condition is such as that thou ar● ashamed to make known was not a● our conditions once s● for a natural condition is a damnable cursed and ignominious condition Eph. 3. Fourthly why doest thou make the aggravations of thy sins as an Argument to conceal them whenas God in his Word has said He that hideth his sins shall not prosper Finally David used the aggravations of his sins as an Argument with God to Pardon them Paulus Do you think good Sir that I am not a miserable creature when the Sin against the Holy Ghost is imputed to me Evangelus This is a cunning stratagem of the Devil for those who have committed this sin have never the Gift of Repentance their hearts are so hard as that they cannot mourn and indeed the great reason rendred why the sin against the Holy Ghost is unpardonable is because there 's no repentance for the same bat now this is not thy case Paulus Ah but you do not know the misery that I am in Evangelus You cry out of your misery but you do not tell mee wherein it does consist Paulus My misery I would fain express but I cannot I see therefore that this opportunity will prove to be a lost opportunity unto my soul and O wretched man as I am That I should make a Non-Improvement of those precious seasons which might be so exceeding advantagious unto me I shall only now desire of you to appoint another time wherein I shall to the utmost if God willing lay open my deplorable Condition unto you Evangelus But heark you my friend do not think that I can be put off with such a frivolous excuse as this shall we meet together and go away without profit to each other this is a temptation of the Devil therefore adhere not to it Paulus Sir business does call me home and I am also under such an indisposition of body as that I cannot talk any longer with you Evangelus What then shall we not pray before we part if you will I 'le joyn with you Paulus No Good Sir do you and I will joyn with you A PRAYER Performed by the MINISTER O Most Glorious and Gracious Lord God from everlasting to everlasting thou art the great Creator of Heaven and Earth and the wise Disposer of all things which thou hast made We the most unworthiest of all thy servants do desire to prostrate our selves before thy Divine Majesty under an humble acknowledgment of thy Goodness thy Grace thy Truth and Faithfulness thy many mercies renewed continued every day to us and our great unworthiness of the least of them We are not worthy of the crumbs that fall from thy Table not only because we were born in sin but because we have liv'd in sin and have daily added to our sinnes by the vanity of our thoughts words and actions and the unsu●●ableness of the whole man to all thy Commands We are ignorant of them yea we have digged to our selve● Cisterns that will hold no water W● have doubted of thy Promises broken thy Laws polluted thine Ordinances Profan'd thy Sabbaths abused thy Mercies slighted thy Iudgements sinned against the light of our own Consciences against Grace receiv'd against the motions of
Paulus Truly I know not very well it was a man but what to make of him I know not For he has undertaken to bring me a Gentleman that is as fully God as he whom I and you serve Evangelus Oh fie why are you so deceived as to think any such thing what evil company have you commun'd with know you not that there is but one God and that is our God what a blasphemous wretch was he that told you from whence did he come and where doth he dwell Paulus His name is Demas he came out of the Countrey his place of abode for a time is in the City and about ten of the Clock this Morning I am bound by vertue of Promise to come and see him and the Gentleman Evangelus Well although you have promised to● come and see him yet I do intend to prevent you Paulus No pray Sir say not so for if I● should disappoint him he would then● reflect upon us and our Religion and cause the honour of Christianity to lie at stake if you are loth to let me go alone do you then go with me Evangelus I nor you neither shall go if they will come to us well and good but for us to come to them I do not approve of it therefore think not of going though you have promised remembring the Proverb It s better somtimes to break a Promise then to keep it Paulus How if they should come to me after you are gone Evangelus Then send for me and I dare to meddle with them if they come upon our own grounds ●hereby God suffers him to conquer us what we do in a way of Disputation with must be onely in our own defence Reader Now take notice that after the departure of this Minister these two Deceivers comes unto this sweet Convert One of which proves no otherwise then the Devil as you shall finde by the sequel of the story Demas and Apollyon How now who taught you to break your Promise did your Priests Paulus No other busines● did intervene so as yet I could not come according to promise Demas Well this is the Gentleman of whom I spoke and Promised to bring to you Paulus Is it so I pray you Sir sit down for you are very welcom Apollyon I thank you Sir Paulus I did promiss to inform a friend of mine concerning you Wh● promised to come unto me and to make one of our Company Demas What is he I pray Paulus He is a Minister of the Gospel Demas Oh it is no matter fo● him another time we● serve as well as now 〈◊〉 moreover I brought th●● Gentleman with me o● ly to speak concernin● affairs privately among our selves Apollyon It will not be convenient to have an● besides our selves Paulus Well Sir what you please Apollyon Sir I understand here by my friend that you are under some sore Conflict wherefore I was desir'd occasionally by our self and instrumentally by him ● e Demas to visit you and so consequentially to administer somthing of ●omfort unto you in order to which I must have you to promise me these three several things First to deny the God whom now you serve Secondly ●o abstain from the Company which you frequent Thirdly to believe what I shall say unto you Paulus To any thing that is reasonable ● shall yield especially if you can but ●move your self to be God and him whom I serve to be no God the pro●ation of which I expect through ●ertue of promiss made by your friend Demas Well that he can do Apollyon Yes and easily too Reader Note how Demas doth app● himself to Apollyon prescribing a● ter what manner the Conferen● shall be carried on with conven●ency Demas The only Method as I suppose carry on this Conference among 〈◊〉 selves is Good Sir by letting hi● produce those Arguments which has so prove a God and so you to a● swer as he brings them and pray 〈◊〉 me how you like it Apollyon I like it very well how do yo● like it Sir Paulus I do like it very well also provide● you will not let the plainness of 〈◊〉 Arguments make any thing invalid Apollyon Well produce your Arguments co● cerning the certainty of a God Paulus I shall after this manner express myself And first of all the Creatures do testify the truth of a Deity and him whom I serve in regard that it is he who gaveth being of all things viz. The beings of the Heavens and of the Earth and all things contained therein Secondly that kind of Gubernation which is among all Creatures whether humans divine or diabolical does evidence the one supream Government which is of God Thirdly the great impression of a Deity upon the hearts of men evidenced by the accusations of a guilty conscience and likewise by that Worship which Heathens do ascribe unto fa se god which being considered it doth exceedingly demonstrate that there is a true God though they be ignorant of him Fourthly I do believe there is a ●od and that it is him whom I serve because the Scriptures do directly make an obvious discovery and revelation of him Fifthly and lastly I do believe that all what I have said is true because the Devils in Hell would tear us in pieces were it not for the Existence of an Almighty God Apollyon Well all this we do not deny for wha● you have said as yet does prove me as much God as any other therfore you must begin again Paulus Nay I would not for a thousand of Worlds think any otherwise but that there is a true God● and he it is whom I serve Apollyon Nay but I 'le prove to the contrary and will affirm that the God whom you now serve is a diabolical Spirity and likewise is one whom I shall in Process of time inflict my wrath upon for his carriage both to me and all mankinde Paulus Why is not that God whom I serve now in Heaven and surely if so then he is the true God Apollyon That is true he is in Heaven but it is only by usurpation Paulus Whose Throne is Heaven then Apollyon It is the Throne of the true God Paulus Who is the true God Apollyon He who now doth talk with you Paulus How come you to be out of your place then Apollyon I came out of my place for your sake Paulus Sir I am in great distress pity me therefore and do not argue sophistically with me who am not able at this time to answer you Apollyon Have a care you do not by me as the woman of Samaria did when I appeared visibly on earth to the whole world for the sake of mankind Paulus O what shall I do Apollyon Believe in me that you may have life Paulus Lord have mercy upon me Apollyon Why do you doubt I am a Spirit do