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A44786 The dawnings of the gospel-day and its light and glory discovered by Francis Howgil. Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.; Hookes, Ellis, d. 1681. 1676 (1676) Wing H3157; ESTC R24063 864,209 776

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due time was made manifest by what means the Father pleased who is that unlimited Spirit which cannot or will not be confined to this or that thing for Moses was a Believer and a Follower of Christ and Christ was revealed to him that through Faith he saw him that is invisible Heb. 11.27 And then was there no Scripture and the Shepherds and the wise men of the East they were directed by the Star And lo the Star which they saw in the East went before them till it came and stood over where the young Child was when they saw the Star they rejoyced with exceeding great Joy Mat. 2.2 9 10. And here is no mention made of Scripture so to confine the Lord to this or that Way to this or that Form to this or that Appearance as John VVells would do is to limit the holy One of Israel and the Scripture saith As the living Father hath Life in himself so the Son hath also Life in himself to give to wh●msoe●er he will and the Scripture saith further none know God nor the Things of God save by the Spirit of God so that this is a true Saying and worthy of Acceptation that eternal Life can be found no where but where it is and eternal Life is in the Son of God and thou and the rest of you Professors who look for eternal Life in the Letter you are seeking the living among the dead for the Scripture saith he that hath the Son hath Life but not he that hath the Scripture hath Life for there are many which have the Scripture the Writings or written Words and have not the Son neither eternal Life for the Pharisees had the Words and the Scriptures and never heard the Voice of God at any time neither had they the VVord of God abiding in their Hearts and yet they had the Scriptures and Writings of Moses and the Prophets in their Minds so that it is manifest they had neither found God Christ nor eternal Life notwithstanding though they had Moses and the Prophet● And as for the Apostle's Words in the Romans it 's manifest that they might hear the Scriptures and the Writings of the Law and Prophets and yet not believe in Christ who is eternal Life neither hear the Word of Faith which the Apostle preached and exhorted all to attend unto which was nigh in their Hearts and in their Mouth which Word discovereth the Intents of the Heart and separateth betwixt good and evil Thoughts of the Heart and good and evil Words in the Mouth which Word they that had the Scriptures who have thought as thou dost to find eternal Life in the Scriptures did not listen neither hearken unto and so eternal Life was vailed from them and not revealed in them and yet I say unto thee we are not vilifying the Scriptures as thou falsly judgest for if the Spirit of Truth through which God and the deep things of God are discovered if it ple●se to manifest eternal Life or any thing that pertains thereunto through the Words which have been spoken before by it s●lf and now brings in tho●e VVords again and opens them in any Believer's Heart and gives him to ●nderstand them and the things of God through any of the VVords of the Scripture this is not excluded but to limit Life or the Spirit to this or that or the other thing true Believers dare not do For God who is eternal Life manifesteth his Mind to the Creature how when where and by what he will who art thou that would'st limit him and thou that know'st Christ no other VVay then by the VVords without thee know'st him not at all no more then the Pharisees who had the Words and yet were ignorant of the Life Then thou to confute thy former Words say'st That we must not think that thou judgest that eternal Life lyeth in Words or Sentences but eternal Life is found in or by the Scriptures What reasonable or understanding man can judge or think of thee otherwise is not the Scripture Writings and do not Writings consist of Syllables VVords and Sentences And if thou lookest not ●hat eternal Life is found in the Scriptures VVords and Sentences th●u thy Assertion is made void and false for eternal 〈◊〉 is in the Life that spoke forth the VVords and those VVords are a certain Sound or a Declaration of that Life but not the Life it self And thus having laid down the Meaning of thy VVords thou sayest Thou wilt draw an Argument of the Truth of them from Joh. 5.39 where thou sayest Christ brings an Argument from his VVords in ver 37. who produceth the witness of h●s Father that he was sent of God And ver 3● thou sayest That Christ saith Go and search the Scriptures for in them you think to have eternal Life for they are they that testifie of me So thy Conclusion is That by the Scriptures eternal Life is to be found because by them Christ is to be found In Joh. 5.31 33 36 37. he produceth Testimonies that he was sent of the Father and saith If I bear witness of my self my witness is true likewise he produceth the Father and John for his Testimony and in ver 39. to the End of the Chapter he saith Moses and the Prophets 〈◊〉 of him but in ver 46. he saith unto the Pharisees Had ye believed Moses ye would have believed me for he wrote of me but he doth not say that eternal Life was found in Moses's VVritings or VVords now the 39 th Verse tho● hast perverted and thy Argument falleth into the Pit from whence it arose for the Pharisees thinking to have eternal Life in the Scriptures doth no more prove that eternal Life is to be found in the Scriptures then Paul when he made havock of the Church of God and persecuted the Believers from City to City and thought he did God good Service d●th prove th●t he was doing the VVork of God and therefore thy Ignorance is manifest The words in the Greek Copy are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rendered on this wise You do search the Scriptures because in them y●u think ●o have eternal Life and they are they that testifie of me This was spoken to the Pharisees and Un●●lievers and Christ did neither approve of their s●arching with that M●nd which envied the Life therefore he reprehends them for their Thoughts which were gazing at the words and looked not at the Life which the words testified of and therefore they were reproved in ver 40. Ye will not come unto me that ye may have Life And so thy Affirmation from th●se words and also thy Conclusion is false and denyed and so the Charge stands stil● good against thee Further thou goest on and sayest That neither I nor you n●r any man could ever have found Christ or come to him but by the Scriptures and then mil●e●t this the Conclusion That the Scriptures are the VVay for the obtaining Life Both thy Assertion and Conclusion are
Christ is really and Personally in the Mass and in the Eucharist And his proof is Luke 22.19 1 Cor. 11.25.26 For saith he God who is Almighty is able to change Bread into his Body and Wine into his Blood in the Mass as he did change the Water into Wine and make the World of nothing Hence also by the way you may learn that we are no Idolaters adoring the Eucharist because it 's no more Bread but whole Christ our God and Redeemer who placeth himself there by Miracle after the Priest hath uttered the sacred Words of Consecration yet the external accid●nt of Bread and Wine remains as our Eyes represent to us but Faith tells us the true Body of Christ is hidden under it and the substance and Nature of the material Bread is there no more Oh! horrible Blindness and gross Ignorance great Idolatry and horrible Blasphemy your Priests by their Words it seems can make God who made all things and can make Chris● the Redeemer th●n your Priests are greater then God and Chri●● for he which createth and maketh must needs be greater then that which is Created and made And thou confesse●● that it is really Bread and Wine before the Priests sacred words are uttered of Consecration but afterwards it becomes the real and true Body of Christ yea whole Christ our God and Redeemer So it is clear that the Priest hath Power in your Judgment to make the Body of Christ to make God and whole Christ a Redeemer Oh! that ever such gross Darkness should enter into the Hearts of the Sons of men As for those two places in Luke 22. 1 Cor. 11. it is but a pitiful Ground for you to plead that the material Bread and the material Cup is the very Body and Blood of Christ was not Christ present when he broke the Bread and gave the Cup and after too and alive Did they eat his Body when he was with them and drink his Blood Was his Body broken for them then before he was offered up and was his Blood shed then before he suffered upon the Cross nay it 's manifest he was alive in the real B●dy after they had eaten the Bread and drunk the Cup and this was a sign unto them of his Suffering for them and of his Death and as the Apostle saith As oft as they eat the Bread and drunk the Cup they shewed forth the Lord's death till he came And reveal'd himself in his own Life and Power and then they saw and felt that which was signified through the Figure before that like as the Bread and Cup did nourish the natural man likewise their Souls were fed and nourished with the Bread of Life and the Cup of Blessing which they knew and felt little of when Christ broke the Bread and gave the Cup and doth not Christ say I am the Door I am the Way I am the Vine and also This is my Body and This is my Blood Why should one place be literally and naturally understood and interpreted and not another so 2 dly And we do not question what Christ can do but what he did that he turned Water into Wine we do believe and that God made the World of nothing is for thee to prove yet and that Christ made himself invisible and passed through his Enemies sometimes without being seen we believe but that he made himself invisible when he broke the Bread and gave the Cup to the Disciples is clear contrary to the afore-mentioned Scriptures and divers others or that he conveyed himself so invisibly into the Bread and into the Wine as you ignorantly suppose or that he was so under it as thy own Word is so as that he was not seen visibly by the Disciples even when they eat the Bread and drank the Cup and after he blessed it is utterly false for they saw him before he took the Bread and when he took it and blessed it and brake it and when they eat it and a●ter they had eaten he was visible in all these Moments of Time is evident both by Matthew Mark Luke and John in their Narration of the Supper and so all your twining and turning and vain Arguments are made void 3 dly We do not believe that ever any of your Priests turned Water into Wine or Bread into Flesh or Wine into Blood of one Sort or other much less into the Flesh or Blood of Christ for thou say'st the external Accidents remain as our Eyes represent unto us after Consecration but yet the Nature of the material Bread is no more as your Faith teaches you so it seems you confess the visible Appearance which may be seen and felt as to the natural Aspect doth remain that the natural Elements of Bread and Wine still remain in Sight but the Substance Nature and Mar●●● is no more in being I shall appeal to the Light of Christ in your Consciences whether this be true yea or nay nay it is so ridiculous a thing that I dare appeal to any Man or Woman that have not lost their Senses whether that which may be seen with the natural Eyes and may be felt by the natural Hands and tasted by the natural Taste be not the very same in Nature and Matter after Consecration as before if the external Accidents do remain as you say they do we will joyn Issue with you in this Thing for Tryal if you dare venture it and put it to Proof you and we with a joynt Consent will chuse Bread and Wine and you and we will both eat and drink of some Part of it before and then your Priest shall consecrate it and we will hear and see what he saith and doth provided that he shall only speak to it or pray over it and then when he hath done we will both eat again and if it be not of the same Substance and the same Effect as to your own Understanding Sence and Feeling as you are Men and Creatures which if there be no Alteration but it remain the same in Substance in Taste in Matter Nature and Quality with that before Consecration then you shall confess your Error and deny your Doctrine but if it be altered we will deny ours and joyn unto your Faith Or secondly If you will stand Tryal and appoint Time and Place for two or three of you and two or three of us to meet together where both Parties may be secure as to their Persons you and we will take Bread and Wine one Part of it shall be unconsecrated and another Part you shall be allowed to consecrate as well as you can for the Honour of your Church and that which is consecrated and that which is unconsecrated shall be set together and shall be watched by some of each Party and if that which is consecrated do corrupt and decay as well as that which is unconsecrated then you will renounce your Doctrine and leave your killing about it but if it do not corrupt and decay
so Repugnant unto the Scripture and to the Truth contained in it this we cannot receive neither believe and this will never be attributed by the Lord unto any for Unbelief although you say it 6. Proposition The Author saith He would fain have Luther and Calvin and the other Sectaries to shew where Matthew 's Writing is called holy Scripture more then Nicodemus his Gospel and seeing they cannot prove the one no more then the other they must needs believe something that is not written in the holy Scripture Answ. I shall let Luther and Calvin alone they were Men that God did honour and I do honour and many more as in their Day they are at rest in the Sepulchres of their Fathers where your reviling cannot touch them they prevailed in their Doctrine and Faith so much against you as you have not recovered in an hundred and thirty Years neither I believe ever will so long as the Church of Rome will have any Cause to call her self Christ's only visible Church upon Earth And I do not believe Matthew's Writing only because it is reckoned by you and us for holy Scripture but beca●●● we feel by the Spirit of God that gave forth all Words that it is a Decl●ration of those things which were brought to pass in his Day and likewise Mark John and Luke testifie unto the same Matter but for Nicodemus his Gospel as you are pleased to call it the Spirit of God doth not testifie in us unto the same but that it is repugnant unto the Mind of the Spirit and is a meer patcht up thing in the Corruption of time wherein many things are contained that are in Opposition and contrary to Matthew Mark Luke and John their Declaration And so thy fe●●le Argument is answered which thou concludest hath not been al●erable these fifteen hundred Years and let not him that puts on his Armour beast but him that hath overcome and puts it off 7 Proposition is That it cannot be shewn for these fifteen hundred 〈◊〉 that there hath been any Catholick that held that the Pope of 〈…〉 or that did rail at the most holy Sacrifice of the Mass or In●ocation of Saints and Angels and usual praying for the dead and such like Wor●● of Pi●ty ●elong●●g to our Faith and Religion which the whole World hath laudably practised and reverenced for fifteen hundred Years It is a Wonder that this Author belonging to the Church of Rome is not ashamed of his Arguments and the silly Propositions that he hath propounded from another Hand It seems neither this Author nor Francis ●ester●● whose Propositions the Author hath vaunted in and boasted of know the Apostles Doctrine who said The whole World lay in Wickedness and if any Man love the World the Love of the Father dwells not in him and Christ said to his true Church Ye are not of the World therefore the World hates you and again I have chosen you out of the World and John in his Day saw through the Spirit all the World wondering after the Beast and worshipping his Image and not the Image of God and saw all Nations Kindreds Tongues and People to be Waters and the Nations Kindreds Tongues and People to drink the Whore's Cup and these the two A●thors bring in for a great Proof and for an unanswerable Proposition as that the whole World lyes in Wickedness in whom the Love of God dwells not and th●y that have drunk of the Whore's Cup of Fornication and they that have wondered after the Beast to wit the whole World these are his dark Cloud of Witnesses to prove that the Pope was never called Anti-christ will they that have received the Roman Faith and accounted the Pope Christ's Vicar and the visible Head call him Anti-christ which hath exalted himself and the Church of Rome's Faith over the whole World as the Author boasts That the whole World hath laudably practised and reverenced Invocation of Saints and pray●ng for the dead for the Piety Faith and Religion of the Church of Rome for these 1500 Years This proves the Church of Rome to lye in Wickednes● a●d to be contrary to the Doctrine and Practice of Christ and his Apostle● and this doth not clear the Pope at all but rather m●kes him to be an Anti-christ and your Church to be the ill-favoured Harlot and not the true Church of Christ Hast thou forgotten how John Bishop of Consta●●●nople would needs be chief Bishop over all the rest of the Chu●ches about the Year two hundred fifty and upwards and how the other B●●hops cry●d out against him for to be Anti-christ but your Bishop he got to be called chief Bishop over all Christian Churches not by Consent of the Elders nor Churches but by the Means of Phocas an Heathen Emperor as before I have said and is not he much more an Anti-christ And as for the Sacrifice in the Mass Invocation of Saints and praying for the D●●d which thou say'st is a laudable Practice I say none have or do reckon it worthy ●f Praise but they that worship the Beast and his Image and have drunk of the VVhore's Cup and are erred from the Faith and Religion that the Apostles and true Church of Christ were in which all the World did that wondered after the Beast Lastly This I say he that teaches a Faith a Religion a Doctrine contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles is an Anti christ but the Pope these fifteen hundred Years hath taught a contrary Doctrine therefore he is an Anti-christ The 1st Proposition is evident from divers Testimonies of Scripture who teach only to pray unto the Lord in the Name of Christ and for them that are alive in the Body and not for them th●t are dead The second is proved by the Author 's own Testimony that the Pope and Church of Rome have prayed unto the Saints and prayed for the dead these 1500 Years to his Shame be it spoken therefore the Consequence must necessarily follow The Pope 〈◊〉 an Ant●-chr●st 8. and last Proposi●ion is this That the first Authors of the Christian Faith in Germany Italy Spain France England and Low Countries have acknowledged no other Faith nor brou●ht any other to them then the Catholick Roman Faith which the whole Universe hath acknowledged which we have learned of our Fore-fathers therefore they that have brought in another are accursed That which the whole Universe hath acknowledged in the Apostacy which lyeth in Wickedness seeing all have wondered after the Beast and drunk of the Whore's Cup since the Apostles Dayes is but a lame and pitiful Argument as to prove the Church of Rome the true Church and as for the Faith delivering such as it was to the Nations before-mentioned only excepting Spain because it 's probable that the Apostle Paul spread the Faith there seeing that he said he had a Purpose to come there into Spain which if he did thy Boast may cease as for the planting of Religion
Self-acting was not known now Self-will Self-worship Self-righteousness nay they moved in the Power Righteousness was their covering and as I said before there was no shame I might speak largely in this thing and truly my Tongue is the Pen of a ready writer Oh that all had an Ear to hear that their Soul might live and that every one might be unbottomed of his false rest false and feigned Hope and Faith and of his own ragged Garment and let go his Self-righteousness and his dead Works and come to Christ the Life of men again that man hath run from that so he might have Life and Peace Object But some would say That thou wouldest have all upside down an● unchristian the Nations and unchurch Churches and throw down all our Worship and then what should we do all would be as Heathens and turn into Atheism I say a time of fanning and sifting and trying is come when nothing sh●ll stand but that hath the Image stamp and Character of the living God upon it and all that which hath been brought up and raised up since man hath been in the Transgression must be turned down into the Pit again and all that have got a Name of Christian and wants his Life to live among them and in them shall be scattered as Clouds with the 〈◊〉 wind and all imitated Worships and will-Worshippers and the feigne● Faith and the feigned Hope shall be confounded and all will-worships and Worshippers will be overturned who are not come yet to the true Light that lightens every man that comes into the World and till man comes to the Light and tryes his deeds and works by it he never sees what he is doing nor what he is working nor what he works and so all that man doth here in the unbelief it is but Sin or Self-righteousness which is brought forth by him who abode not in the Truth in the Unbelief and so who be come to the Power which was in the Beginning before Sin entered and death by Sin hath and doth measure all deeds and all works and man that is in the loss in the Fall and sees that a dead man cannot act a living work nor bring forth living Fruits unto God nor living works of Righteousness being in the Unrighteousness neither the fruits of Faith being in the unbelief neither the works of the Day being in the Night neither the works of charity being in the Enmity in a word without Christ the Power the Light the Life which was glorified with the Father before the world began I say the said it himself who is the Beginning of the Creation of God the first born of every creature he said and his Testimony will be found true without me ye can do nothing nothing that is well-pleasing to the Lord nothing that ever shall be acceptable and here is the true State of all the Earth discovered and all mankind drove out from God miserable Naked H●peless Helpless Faithless and so can do nothing as to the glorifying of God his Maker or to the ordering of any thing in the Creation to his glory having lost his Dominion and God's Wisdom and this being c●●sidered seriously by all and brought to the Light in all and their Deeds tryed by it would make the losty bow and the Stout-hearted fear and the conceited sit down in Solitariness that they should so long deceiv● their own Souls with a conceit of Righteousness and redemption wh●● as Death yet reigns in them and over them and not Life eterna 〈◊〉 the Devil is a distinct being from God and his Works are distinct an● his Deeds from the Works of God and neither he nor his works 〈…〉 be numbred among the works of God but he and they tha● 〈◊〉 him and fellow him who is our of the Truth they their work 〈◊〉 wh●t ●ort soever they may seem unto men to be whose Eyes the 〈◊〉 h●●h ●linded so I say all is to condemned and shut out from God's 〈…〉 ●●rever and to be Destroyed by him who is a consuming Fire 〈◊〉 all the Righteousness of man burned as combustible stuff in 〈…〉 A●d by what hath been said the Principle of that 〈…〉 become vain in their Imaginations and foolish 〈…〉 being Darkned and are seen and their Principle overth●●●● As that Light and Darkness is one and good and Evil one and 〈◊〉 Righteousness one and Truth and a Lye one and that God is all and doth all and whatever is done is of God and that there is no Evil but to him that thinks it so and it is only a false apprehension of things and that there is no such thing as Sin and that Sin is nothing Unto all these things I might speak but the understanding Reader may by what is before written see each of these plainly declared and the true Ground of things laid down as the Spirit gave utterance and this shall at present suffice in this Matter Object But some may object further and say Will not reading the Scriptures and conforming to the practice of the Saints in the use of his Ordinances will not this make us accepted and bring us out of the Fall and make us good Christians Answ. No while Death hath dominion in man and over man and the vail over the Heart man doth not understand the Mystery of God's Kingdom neither understands the Scripture which was spoken from the Spirit of Truth or any thing of Truth as it is in Christ for none understands the things of God but by the Spirit of God so that every man that comes to have a good understanding must come to know the pure Spirit of God in him to direct him and inform him which Spirit was the Original of the Scripture for the holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost without the holy Ghost in some measure be known and that which is infallible the sayings the writings the Scriptures cannot be understood because of the want of this all the Earth is run into Heads and Sects and Opinions and large Treatises and Volumes and expositions have been written and yet differing one from another and all from the Spirit and in all these particular Sects Persecuting one another and Envying one another and hating one another and would compell others to believe what they believe in what they say if they had but power and for proof of this it is most evident in the Scripture of Truth and in latter Ages since the Apostles it hath been and it is evidently seen both among the Papists and Protestants and among all them that are called the reformed Churches but all this is in the Fall and in the Transgression and in the Apostacy and is an evident token that they are all under the Power of the Beast whom makes War against the Lamb so all compellation and they that do compell are not Worshippers of the Lamb but of the Beast which is to be destroyed and cast into the Lake For the
World who is a sufficient Saviour Leader Guider and Director of all they that do believe into all Truth and he treads the Wine-press alone and there 's none besides him but thou art climb'd up into the Judgment-seat and say'st Let us see what this Light is and so thou gives Judgment and despi●●● him like Herod and his men of War that set him at nought and so upon thy Examination and judgment thou hast concluded it Natural Rom. 1.19 22. yet thou sayest it will discover God and then contradictest what thou hast said and saist That it was hard for them to find out the true God by it and bringst a Proof when they knew God they Glorified him not as God but became Vain in their Imaginations c. It 's yet a Question that may be asked thee By what Nature they knew God and did the things contained in the Law seeing the Law is Just and good and Holy and the fault was not in that which led them to know God but in that which led them to become vain in their Imaginations and not to glorifie him as they knew him and so their foolish Hearts came to be Darkned and so thou art one in thy judgment with him whom I met with of late who said The Light which every man was enlightned withal would lead to know God and teach a man that he should not do to others but what and that he would have others do to him it would lead from Lying and Stealing and discover the Creator and God's Omnipotency and Eternity and yet said this Light was to be understood in Opposition to the Light of the Spirit and contradistinct to the Spirits Light And after he had confessed that it would teach all these good things aforesaid he said it was Darkness yea worse then Gross Darkness And so thou Concludest and sayest We should never have known or believed the Covenant of Grace or that we should be born again had not God revealed them to us by the Scriptures Thou runs too fast to lay a good Foundation by what Scripture did God reveal to Adam The Seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpent's head or by what Scripture did Moses see Christ for he must needs see him before he could follow him and what Scripture did reveal unto Abraham Christ and his day wherein he rejoyced And so he that did reveal doth reveal and will reveal Christ the Covenant of Grace and the New Birth by what way as he pleaseth according to his Power notwithstanding all thy limiting And thou sayest To say that every one that comes into the World is lighted with the Light of the Spirit is the falsest thing that can be for then every Heathen hath the Light of the Spirit who never somuch as heard or knows whether there be a Christ or Spirit and thou bringst Ephes. 4.18 that the Gentils understandings were Darkned being Alienated from the Life of God through the Ignorance that was in them and sayest surely these men were not Born without a Light It is very like that I must be Registred in the Calender as a Blasphemer or a Heretick but however I must not heed that but must indure Reproaches and suffer contradictions from such as thou who call'st the Letter the Light the Letter the Word and the Letter the Gospel as all along in thy Paper is clearly manifest thou contendest for it and so thou art like to condemn and dissallow of the Light in all men in every man or in any man but however thou hast given Judgment That it is the falsest th●ng that can be that every one is lighted with the Light of the Spirit And why is it the falsest thing that can be Thou wilt confess that every one is lighted with the Light of Christ and where didst thou learn that great distinction betwixt Christ's Light and the Spirit 's Light we do not say that the Light in every man doth discover Christ unto every man tha● cometh into the World but that the Light of Christ waited in believed in and received would discover Christ unto every man is owned the fault is not in the Light but in him that loves it not who●e deeds are Evil and seeing that God is no respecter of Persons Why may not the Heathen and the Gentiles have the Light of Christ or the Light of the Spirit seeing that he who is the Light of the World is given for a Covenant of Light to the Gentiles and to the Heathen whose Eyes are blind to open their Eyes and to open their understandings seeing that both Jew and Gentile are concluded under Sin and there is no difference And if he be not given to the Gentiles or Heathen for a Covenant of Light as well as to the Jew how is it said He is rich unto all is he the God of the Jews and not of the Gentiles also Rom. 2.29 seeing that they that believe in the Light are justified both the Circumcision and Uncircumcision and in Rom. 4.7 8 9. Cometh this blessedness upon the Circumcision only or upon the Uncircumcision also so that it 's evident that Christ the Covenant of Light and Life the Gift of Righteousness who is come into the World for this end that all through him might believe that whoso believeth and receiveth the gift of Righteousness Justification cometh upon all and he who is the Gift of God and Covenant of Light is a propitiation for the Sin of the whole World and the World is taken in Opposition to believers and yet he is come a Light into the World to Convince the World of Sin and of Righteousness and Judgment and them which thou callst Heathens and Gentiles who had not the Law were accused or Convicted which is the Operation of the Spirit compare Rom. 2.14 15. with John 16.8 9. That which was in the Gentiles did accuse or convict them this Christ called the Spirit which Convinced and convinceth Unbelievers And hath not the Grace of God that brings Salvation appeared to all men And who art thou that makest Exceptions and though the Gentiles or Heathen do not know Christ or the Spirit by the Name of Christ and the Spirit yet knowing that which accuseth and excuseth that which Condemneth and Justifieth they have the thing and though the Ephesians being Alienated and Darkned it was not because of the insufficiency of the Light or the Measure of his Spirit but because they were Alienated from it and stangers to it and I say nay these men were not born without Light neither was the Blindness of their Hearts because of its insufficiency but because they loved it not but hated it and so became Alienated and Darkned For sayest thou VVhere the Spirit is there are the Fruits of the Spirit I say the Spirit may be where it is striven against or resisted and gainsayed and there appear little Fruits yet notwithstanding the Sp●rit hath its Operation in all Believers and Convincement and Repro●f is as
by a Law given unto them and to have Traditions of Men brought in for the Ordinances of God such as the Baptizing of Infants which Claudius Espencius a Popish Bishop confessed that this was to be believed by Tradition for it could not be proved by Scripture that such a Company I say as these should be forced upon the Nation as Godly Ministers and their invented Worship to be acknowledged as Divine and to maintain the old Mass-Houses and Pay Clerks W●ges which the Scriptures make no mention of and all this must go in the Name of Pure Reformation according to Scripture and to gather Money from House to house to buy Bread and Wine and then a Priest to patter a few Words over it and then say it 's C●nsecrated and call it a Sacrament and that Priests should have Money for Marrying of People and for Baptizing of Infants or for Burials or to pay for the Ground in which the Dead is buried this was reprehended and Condemned by the Council of Trent in the height of Popery in the Year 1547. many such bad Impositions are daily holden up and they that hold them up must be accounted as Godly Ministers and many more things of this Nature are continued which is so far against the Consciences of many whom God hath enlightned so that they are a great Offence Oh this is quite contrary to that which was intended and that which is the worst of all many of these things are forc'd upon the People by a Law And now Oh Heads of the Nation how do you think to be believed or who can trust you any more Obligations Covenants Oaths and Promises all broken and falsified and as soon as you had rest when you had time to have Prosecuted the aforesaid things Declared for purcha●●d at a dear rate through much expence and Blood-shed and Sufferings you let most of all their corrupt Laws stand many of which are ●ood for nothing but Fire and it became as hard if not harder to obtain any Right by Appealing to the Law or Judges thereof then it was before and the vast Lands and Revenues of your Enemies you divided amongst you and sold it at inconsiderable Values and giving great and large Sums to a company of Dreamers and blind Watch-men and so wasted that which might have well maintained an Army in the Nation for many Years as though the Work and the lives of many precious men and the shedding of the Blood of Thousands had been only to purchase Wages for the greedy Priests Hirelings who can never have enough so all the precious Treasure which became a booty and a prey for you is exhausted and gone and greater Pressures upon People then was before and now the Nation more in Poverty and need then ever and the People more inthrawl'd in Bondage then ever And Queen Mary's Act for guarding Jesuites and the Mass stands yet in your Law Books as though it were a heavenly Oracle and yet you cry out of Popery and so when your Hearts were not right with the Lord he set you one against another and you came to be devid●d amongst your selves and set up and pull down and Ordain and Repe●l and so brittle and changable that none did lean upon you but he was hurt by you and yet every Party crying like Absolom Oh that I were a Judge in the Gate how Righteously would I do And so every Party have Stolen away the Hearts of People after them for a while and at last betrayed them and thus every one hath been seeking his own Interest and not the Lord's till the Lord hath left you and the Line of Confusion is stretched forth over you and you bring forth the Stones of Emptiness And every Party when he is got up into the Seat of Government seeks Veangence on him that hath Opposed him and Blowes the Sparks which sets all of a Flame and only for Self and Honour and Exaltation and Interest and thus have you led People up and down like Animals till they are weary and say It was better with us in Egypt though in hard servitude then to have Yoaks multiplyed upon us and cannot see when they will Cease Oh how Unstable are you in your minds and run like a swift Stream till you be lost and know not how to return And Flattery and Deceit that must go under the Name of Civility and one while calling this his Highness and the other his Excellency and the next Moneth proclaim him Tyrant and Traytor And so if the Wills of a Party be but crossed or opposed though Honoured a Week afore for good Service and Applauded and in a moment then proclaim him Traytor and so betray one another and are Treacherous one to another and in Rage would eat up one another Are you like to help the Nation and Decree one Week and throw down next Week and so run to and fro like Drunken men and how are you like to do any thing that 's good The Lord hath tryed most sorts of Men especially the great Ones and the Heads of the People and they are become just all Dross and little or no Vertue is found in them all and so is the Nation like to be established in Freedom while Policy Craft and Treachery and Wrath are the chiefest Instruments in the Work but the day of many is past wherein they might have done good to the Nati●n and to the People of the Lord therein but their Sun is gone down and their day is done and Night come upon them And Oh People will nothing satisfie you but Egypt again that you run so fast that way that you have forgotten all God's wondrous Works in this Land will nothing but the Iron Furnace satisfie you and the heavy Yoak of Bondage which you in former Years complained of Are you grown altogether insensible of the things that belong unto your Peace that you lost after that which will destroy you and enthrawl you forever You have had many Warnings from the Lord and your State hath been clearly declared unto you but have lost all Fervency and Zeal you are become dry dead careless and secure and now would be content to make a Covenant with Death and shake Hands with Deceit upon any Terms if so be that your Wills were satisfied and the Heart of Unbelief being got up in you and a departing from the living God you seek Peace and Settlement in another thing where you are never like to be established what stands your hopes upon the sandy Foundation of unstable men Have you not sufficiently yet tryed all that that it hath proved as a broken Reed and as a Bubble which passeth away Oh is it not high time to look upon the Lord and to eye him have not men of high Degree proved a Lye and men of a low Degree proved Vanity Have you not looked long enough for Salvation from the Mountains of the Earth and are they not all melted and hurled
bad Proof for R. I. for the Collossians were circumcised with the Circumcision made without Hands and they were buried with him in Baptsim baptized into the Death and Sufferings of Christ such a Baptism as the Priests never Administred with their Hands and the Spirit of the Lord was wont to be the Seal of the Covenant to them that do believe but now it must be turned out of doors for visible Water hath taken up its Place in R. I. his Judgement which is currupted how doth sprinkling answer to Circumcision the Males only were circumcised and not the Females and why do you sprinkle Females if Baptism must answer to Circumcision and if the Extent of the one must be as large as the other And as for Mortification of the Flesh and Remission of Sins that which mortifies the deeds of the Flesh hath Life in it and that gives a living Testimony within Remission sins of is in the Blood of Christ and the Seale thereof is by the Spirit unto them that believe but this popish tradition hath taken up all in R. I. his Account if his Argument be true nay the Papists themselves who are as zealous for sprinkling of Infants as R. I. or any of his Brethren can be yet one of their own Bishops at a Council in France of both Protestants and Papists at Pisoy 1561. Claudius Espencius saith many Things are to be believed by Tradition only as the Baptism of Infants which cannot be proved from Scripture but this R. I. would have the Scripture to be a cloak and a cove● not only for Popish traditions but for his own invented imaginations which he hath set forth to blind the People withal The next Thing that R. I. goes about to vindicate is Swearing which their Ministers teach Men to swear which ought to be in Rightousness and Truth and for his Proof he brings Deut. 10.20 and saith Christ only prohibits rash and vain swearing and superfluous Oaths Answ. Unto this much hath been said and answered already by many pens and so that in the Answer thereof I shall be brief in the first Covenant it was lawful to swear in Truth and Righteousness and likewise all rash and vain Oaths under the Law were forbidden but Christ who is the End of the Law for Righteousness who is greater then the Prophets and greater then Moses and Solomon and greater then the Angels unto whom they all worship he saith expresly Swear not at all now whereas R. I and ther 's have said Christ only in these Words prohibits vain Oaths or false Oath●s then he had reproved nothing but what the Law had reproved but he saith it hath been said of old Time thou shalt not forswear thy self but saith Christ I say swear not at all so that it is manifest that all Oaths are forbidden by him who is the Oath of God and why saith R. I. it is not contrary to the Gospel of Christ for to swear and yet doth account the writings which is called the New Testament the Go●pel wherein Christ hath expresly forbidden it and therefore those Ministers that teach men to swear are not the Ministers of Christ but teach those things that are repugnant to the Gospel of Christ For he that breaks one of the least of the Commands of Christ and teacheth others so to do is least in the Kingdom of God The next thing that R. I. would vindicate is their of sing●ng David's Psalms in invented Tunes such as pleaseth the carnal Mind and for his Proof he brings Mat. 26.30 They went out and sung a Hymn and Paul and Silas sung in Prison and singing is divine Worship for the Praise of God and the Comfort of our Souls and it is a Soul-ravishing and Heart-raising Ordi●ance Answ. It is acknowledged and alwayes hath been by us that Praises belongs unto the Lord and that they that are made alive whose Souls are raised out of Death can and do praise the Lord and they that si●g with the Spirit and with Understanding are acceptable unto God and they that are in the Spirit do that which the Spirit moveth unto and so worship in the Truth and are accepted of God and Christ and Paul and Silas and many more praised the Lord and many now do praise the Lord and he that hath a Psalm may sing but what of all this what doth this prove for R. I. and the Mass-house-fingers and what doth this prove as to the singing of them that are void of Understanding who sometime sing I go mourning all the Day long and just at that moment are singing and what doth R. I. think it cannot be a Psalm except it be in Meeter or doth he think it is not accepted except it hath a Tune with so many stops and to sing David's Prayers and call it Praises is this with Understanding and even to return R. I. his Words upon himself A more ungrounded Opinion was never invented by the Devil for them to sing or to pretend to praise God whose Souls lye in death and do not know what it is to partake of God's Benefits neither the unsearchable Gift this kind of singing and Immitation doth not comfort the Soul but burden it and this doth not raise the Witness but killeth it and you make merry over it and this kind of singing must be turned into howling and lamentation And saith R. I. Our Worship doth not differ neither in whole nor in Part in matter or in manner from the Saints Worship in the Primitive Times Answ. This Man's Confidence or rather Impudence is in Opposition to Knowledge and Wisdom for it were easily proved that it nei●her in whole nor in Part neither in matter nor manner agreeth with the Primitive times as for Example it is no where recorded in the Scripture that any Apostle Minister or Ministers did take a little Water and did sprinkle a few Drops on a Child's Face called this an Ordinance of God and say it is a Seal of the Covenant and Mortification and Remission 〈◊〉 Sins neither any such Doctrine did they declare neither did any of th● Ministers and Apstoles of Christ cause People to buy them Bread an● Wine and then give it the People back again a Bit of Bread and a Sup 〈◊〉 Wine at the middle of the Day and call this the Lord's Supper or a gre●● Sacrament neither had they Bells in their Churches to call People tog●●ther neither had they soft Cushions and Pulpits and a Hour-glass 〈◊〉 by them neither did the Primitive Churches prohibit or limit th● Spirit of the Lord God amongst any but if any was moved to speak any thing or had any thing revealed from the Lord the first was to hold his Peace These and many more things you differ in both in matter and manner which largely hath been declared by other Pens and so in this I shall be brief neither had the Ministers of the Gospel their Maintenance by force neither had they Easter reckonings
none effect by your Traditions and as for Rom. 10.8 The Word is nigh thee in thy Mouth and in thy Heart and this is the Word of Faith which we preach here the Apostle saith the word is nigh thee in thy Heart but he doth not say the Scriptures is nigh thee in thy Heart which is the Word of God And 2 Cor. 2.17 For we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God he doth not say we are not as many that corrupt the Scriptures which are the Word of God or the Word of God which is the Scriptures And as for 1 Pet. 1.25 But the Word of the L●rd endures forever and this is the Word which by the Gospel is preached unto y●u he doth not say the Scriptures endures forever or this is the Word the Scriptures which by the Gospel is preached unto you And as for 1 Thes. 4.15 For this we say unto you by the Word of the Lord that we wh●ch ar● 〈◊〉 and remain unto the coming of the Lord sh●ll not prevent them which are asleep he did not say this we say unto you by the Scriptures for there was not such a Scripture written before and therefore we s●y this unto you by the Word of the Lord And what a foolish M●n is this to assert his own Imaginations and then imagines the Scriptures will prove it and what ●n improper speech were this to call twenty ●hous●●d Sentences one word and it is called a Declaration and what a Decl●●ation would that be th●t consisteth but of one word but enough of this hath been published before concerning the particular by divers hands so I shall be brief however R. I doubts his proof already that it will not satisfie F. H. and therefore he thought good to make this Conclusion upon him That he doth not believe the Scripture at all and though F. H say that these Sciptures are nothing at all to prove that thing to deny his Imaginations is not to deny the Scripture but F. H. believes what the Scriptures say of themselves and doth not deny the Scriptures at all but R. I. his Lye and also his false Conclusion And further saith R. I. The Scripture was delivered to the Church in writing that it might be an infallible Standard of true D●ctrine and a determiner of Controversies and the Saints rule of knowing God and living to him Answer Reader take notice here is no room for the Spirit at all the Scriptures and writings have taken up the room of it in R. I. his account for it hath lost its Office if his Doctrine be true the Letter is become the infallible Judge and standard to try Doctrine and a Determiner of all controversies and of the Saints Rule of knowing God and living to him and indeed is become all in this man's Account then what doth R. I. bring Esop's Fables Ovi●'s fictions Plato's and Diogenes Stories in this Controversie to joyne with this infallible rule and because he hath the Scriptures so high to be a tryer of Doctrines without the Spirit doubtless is the Cause here is no mention made of it and so he shall be Judged by his Rule in the 42th page take his Exposition upon the Words of Joel I will pour out of my Spirit upon Sons and Daughters and they shall Prophesie This is not meant of a ghostly Power but of an extraordinary measure of enlighting Grace Ignorant man is not Ghostly Power or spiritual Power an Extraordinary measure of enlightning Grace and was it not a spiritual Power and an extraordinary Light the Prophets Prophesied by But it is this Mans meaning that must be the Standard when all comes to all and the Determiner of Cases and he speaks contrary unto his own Rule as may be seen through his whole Book who hath either added to the Scriptures or perverted them or otherwise given his false Interpretations or Villified them in calling them the True Cards and so though he extolled them in Words he denyes them in Practice The Jews tryed Christ's Doctrine by the Scriptures and ●udged him a Blasphemer and a breaker of the Law and the Apostles Seditious and so though a man have the Scripture and have not the Spirit it is all as a sealed Book wherein such Unlearned men as this R. I is cannot read and therefore he saith in his 55th page That it is a great fault in us because we say the Law of the Spirit of Life is the Rule and so like him will not say it is imperfect as he doth and so saith R. I. it is not fit to be a rule so Blasphemously he detracts from the Authority and Power of the Spirit and like Anti-christ and his Ministers sets the Letter above it and calls it Living and an infallible standard and saith Th● Scripture inclines the Heart unto obedience and like a Drunken man this R I. reels up and down and contradicts himself Before he said The Law of the Spirit chiefly gave Power to conform to the Rule and wi●hin four Li●●s Contradicts himself and saith The Scriptures incline our Hearts to the O●edience of the Rule and the Scrip●ures it self hath caused us to know it as we have it from the Church it is a probable aid and yet giveth but a confused Belief with a light Impression Answ. It is probable enough indeed that thy Faith is confused and the Faith of your Church and that makes thee utter forth all this confused Heap but in what hath been said the Spirit of this man and his Doctrines will be manifest to all whose Eyes God hath opened and so will depart out of his Paths and not give heed to his fabulous Stories It is true saith R. I. There i● an inward Law written in our Hearts called the Law of the Spirit of Life Rom. 8.2 And there is the outward Law written in the Scriptures now the outward and external Law is properly the rule of a christian Life and not the inward and internal Law for the outward is perfect in that it declares in what is the Will of God and in what it is not but the inward Law received and written on the Heart is imperfect and therefore unfit to be our rule the Law within is that thing that is to be ruled Psal. 17.4 The outward Law is therefore the rule Answ. This Man would set the sun by his Dial as it might be said although he confess in the very same page that the Law of the spirit of Life giveth Power to the Creature yet now it is become imperfect and not fit to be a rule this man like one unlearned sets the Law which was written in Tables of stone which the Apostle calls the Ministration of Condemnation and was glorious this he sets above the Ministration of the spirit of Life which the Apostle saith is much more glorious but nay saith R. I. the Law written in the Heart is i●perfect and not fit to be a rule but to be ruled contrary to
you who Profess your selves Reformed for shame leave off these things and come out of them and deny them Secondly Parishes and Parish-Churches which were Ordained and builded in the Apostacy and dedicated unto Saints which stand to this day both in the Church of Rome and in the reformed Churches so called and Church-Yards which they call Holy and Consecrated Ground to bury their Dead in this is an invented thing and Superstitious and yet it stands as an Apostolick order both among Papists and Protestants in the Primitive times in the dayes of the Apostles the Scriptures make mention of the Jews Temple at Jerusalem and of the Gentiles Idols Temples in which they Worship the Apostles and Ministers of Christ who published the Word of Reconciliation and Christ the substance of all Figures they gathered them that did believe of the Jews from the Temple and Temple-worship and the Gentiles from their Temples and Idols to Worship God in the Spirit and they met together in Houses we read of no Parish-Churches dedicated to Saints nor Consecrated Ground for they knew the Earth was the Lord's and the fulness thereof and was clean and good and Blessed to them that believed and there was no dividing into Parishes then nor no compelling then Corinth was not divided into a Parish Antioch Philippi Thessalonica Philadelphia and Smyrna and the rest were not all made into Parishes neither were them that believed not compelled or forced to come to the Christians Meeting at Antioch Philippi Thessalonica Philadelphia or any other place that we read of in the Scriptures and the Apostles were not confined nor their Spirits were not so strait as to stay over one hundred or fifty Families twenty Years and call that their Parish between such an Hedge and such a Ditch and such a Water and such a Way as Parishes are now divided into though I say they had Houses to meet in and preached the Word and brake Bread from House to House and sometimes by the Sea-side they Congregated and sometimes on an Hill and at certain places they met together to Worship God they went not back to the Jews Temple nor Gentiles Idols Temples neither forced any of their Maintenance as to minister unto them by which all may see that these invented Churches and Church-Yards for Holy ground and Parishes are not Apostolical nor was no Catholick nor Universal thing then in the Primitive times neither was there any command given to the Christians to do any such thing neither Reprehension for not doing such things The first Church or Temple that we read of was consecrated by Pius Bishop of Rome in honour to the Virgin Prudentia and afterwards Calistus made a Temple to the Virgin Mary a place beyond Tibris and instituted a Church-Yard in Apius his Street and called it after his own Name And Dionysius in the Year 267. divided both in Rome and other places Churches and Church-Yards to Curates and made Parishes and Diocesses to Bishops commanded that every man should be contented with his Prescript Bonds and there was the Beginning of Parishes Churches and Church-Yards consecrated Ground and in Process of time when all Nations had drunk of the cup of Fornication the Nations began to imitate their Mother and to build and consecrate Temples and Churches and Church-Yards to this Saint and the other Saint as is too too manifest through Christendom to this Day And here 's the rise of Holy Parish Churches which of late have been preached up for the House of God and the House of Prayer which bears the Name yet by which the Pope Baptized them Saint Peter Saint Paul Saint Mary Saint Hellen Saint Katharine Saint Gregory Saint Maudlen Saint Alnban Saint Anthony Saint George Saint Margret Saint Dunstans Saint Clement Saint Christopher Saint Giles Saint Martin and Painting and Garnishing these Houses with Images and Pictures and hanging of Flowers and Boughs and Garlands this came from the old Heathen who Sacrificed to Saturn and Pluto and this hanging up candles and their Candlemas dayes this came of the Gentiles and Pagans who Honoured their false God Saturn and their Altar which they have builded in this Temple and their Tables upon which they offer and set their Sacrifice these Boniface the third commanded that they should be covered with Linnen clothes and here was the Beginning of these kind of Orders so that as I said before most of these things in and about the Worship which hath been since the Reign of Anti-chirst and since the Whore hath sat as a Queen they have been either borrowed from the Jews or else from Pagans and Heathens and the Mother of Harlots hath put these things off for Apostolick Institutions these many hundreds of years and divers other Things which are in and about the Parish Churches your many Crosses in and about them of Wood and Stone your Baptized Bells and consecrated Pulpits and Fonts and hour-Glasses and soft Cushions to Preach on all these the Scriptures make no mention of not in the Christian Churches the first two hundred Years after Christ. Now Protestants who have denyed the church of Rome and their Practices which was contrary to the Primitive and the Scriptures look about you and see how you are sticking in Babylon and buying yet the Merchandize thereof and as for your Holy Ground called your church-yards which you only judge fit to bury the Dead in and would compel all to come thither because there are many Officers in and about this Temple who are greedy of rewards so that they would not miss any thing that might be commodious unto them and so would compel all to come there for their Gain but Abraham was the first we read of that made any place of burial in Hebron which he bought of Ephron an Hittite for thirty shekels of Silver and there was he and his Wife buried and this was no Parish-Yard neither did he leave any Priestor Clark that we read of to receive Wages Fees for Ringing a Bell and reading and singing over the Dead and so for shame you who Profess the Scriptures and the Apostolick Order Institutions of Christ come out from among all this Trumpery and wait that you may come again into the Order of the Gospel and the Primitive order which hath been talked of these many years and yet not known CHAP. VII Concerning Swearing by the Gospel and kissing a Book and that which is commonly Confirmation or Bishoping Children things invented contrary to the Apostles Doctrine and are in the Apostacy IN the first Covenant the Jews were commanded to Swear by the Lord and Oathes were observed by the Jews that were in the first Covenant which was faulty Heb. 8.7 which Ordinance did not make perfect as pertaining to the Conscience and so there came to be an End of that Covenant and the better was brought in which stood upon BETTER PROMISES and then the Priest-hood Law first Covenant and the Ordinances thereof
Spirit a Spirit of Error is not a sufficient Guide and Judge and in this he fights without an Adversary and fills the World with Noise and Darkness and the Air with Smoak and would cloud Peoples Understandings with Multitudes of Words that tend not to Edification with a quarreling wrangling Spirit which is not for Peace but I see he hath delighted in Contention and sported himself in Variance and like the Son of the Bond-Woman his Hand against every Man Secondly ● wonder why R. E. quot●s so much Scripture for the Proof of his Matter in Hand seeing that it is one of his great Pleas that it is insufficient to be a Rule or a Guide or a Judge as to answer any Doubts or give any satisfactory Solution to him that is enquiring and seeing he hath given in so many Reasons against it as insufficient and as much as in him lay to invalidate and set it at nought and hath laboured to set it at Odds and to make Contradictions in it as to render it insufficient for Matter of Probation in any thing which is in Controversie or how he can judge that others should receive them and his sometimes false rendering of them or his own Interpretations upon them seeing he denyes them as uncertain as they are translated and insufficient and not fit to be a Rule and who this man hath conversed with I know not that should ever affirm a private Spirit or their own Spirits to be a sufficient Rule or Guide to walk by such I deny and leave them and thee to quarrel together about your Imaginations Thoughts and Conceptions or else the Conceptions of other Men who are as uncertain and fallible as the first and shall assert the Sufficiency of the Spirit of God teaching ruling guiding and judging all true Christian Men in that certain everlasting infallible Truth which is necessary and satisfactory to the Souls of all them that do believe in it and shall deny all the Pretenders to it who run into Heaps and Heads and quarrel and fight one with another about Shadows and can give no other Account or Manifestation then I am sure I have the Spirit of God and I ought to be believed and I am a good Man and the like which thou say'st thou could'st never receive any other Evidence or Testimony and what though many have pretended to the Spirit and the Guidance thereof and in the mean while have brought forth the Fruits of the Flesh and their own imaginary false Conceptions and have put on Confidence enough to say so as thou thy self it may be hast had a Share in times past shall this make the Spirit of God insufficient and uncertain in its Teachings to them that believe in it and have received and bring forth the Fruits of it and have the Deeds of the Flesh mortified by it God forbid Thirdly Why hast thou perverted the Scripture as I said at the first Onset Rom. 8.16 The Spirit it self bears Witness with our Spirits that we are the Children of God and this thou hast put in in a distinct Character to be taken Notice of as though it were Scripture and render'st it thus The Spirit being Witness in secret with our Spirits or in plainer Terms the private Spirit thou must repent of this and take Heed how thou callest the Spirit of God a private Spirit for it was that publick Spirit which manifested it self among all the Patriarchs and Prophets and by which they spoke forth the Words and Mind of God unto the People and prophesied of things to come and through it alone is the deep and weighty things of God revealed and was and is the only Way and Means by which Christ promised after his Ascension to lead guide instruct and comfort his Disciples in all Truth and that it should bring to their Memory whatsoever he had spoken and that they were to be without Care or Thought for through it the Father should give them what to speak and what to answer before Rulers and Council for his Name 's sake And here the Sufficiency of it is proved to any re●sonable Man who hath the least Savour or Discerning of the things ●f God and this is that publick Spirit by which the Apostles published the Everlasting Gospel of Peace and which Christ the Head of the Body his Church had received without Measure and this is a private t●●ining creeping Spirit of thine who hath been lost in thy own Imaginations and following thy own forward rash Spirit and hast found no Certainty in thy self of God's Spirit to stay thy Mind upon nor no Patience to wait upon it but reaching 〈…〉 at things in thy dark Mind and last of all hast brought in thy 〈◊〉 for the Devil against the Sufficiency of the holy Spirit of God 〈◊〉 Guidance amongst his People in the latter Dayes and that is thy fond Conception to say that the Spirit of God is expresly against 2 Pet. 1.20 which thou callest a private Spirit all along 't is true no Prophecy of Scripture is of private Interpretation but the holy men of God spoke it forth as they were moved by the holy Spirit which was publick and conversant among them with them and in them and they that have it can receive them as they are written and can read them and understand them as they were spoken and do see the Intent of the Holy Ghost in so speaking unto different States and Conditions notwithstanding the many Copies thou tellest on and Diversions and different Translations which thou would'st make a great Mountain on and raise it up so high to make the Scripture uncertain and low as not fit to be taken Notice on as to answer any Doubt or to be any Rule and Guide or any Example or President for any thing that I can perceive by the Cour●e of thy Spirit which in the Truth is fathomed and comprehended though it is as uncertain as the Way of a Serpent upon a Rock yet they that have the Spirit of God see beyond all and have Unity with the Words and Mind of the Spirit of God notwithstanding the many Corruptions and Defects in Translations and the many foul Hands it hath passed through Fourthly The Spirit of Christ is the Gift of God which he giveth unto all that wait for his Appearance and his Sheep have it they that are Christ's have it for they that have not the Spirit of Christ are none of his it is that which is every Way sufficient no Way insufficient it is every Way sufficient to lead into all Truth according unto Christ's Promise and to convince the VVorld of Sin of Righteousness and of Judgment again it is that which Christ promised for a Director which was with them when they healed the sick and cast out Devils and which was in them to consolate them and comfort them in the midst of Affliction as it did Peter and John and made them bold who were yet illiterate Men and
good Behaviour and shall so continue but it seems a hard thing to me and full of Severity that seeing I am obliged to appear to answer an Indictment of so high a Nature if prosecuted against me which tends to the Loss of my Liberty for Life and my Estate forever I hope the Court will not envy my Liberty for five Moneths Judge Turner said We do not desire your Imprisonment if you will be of good Behaviour And F. H. pressing further that they would not put him upon giving Bond to be of the good Behaviour knowing himself to be bound by the Truth that he could not mis-behave himself One Daniel Flemming another persecuting Justice had framed another Indictment against him for meeting and stood up fearing the Snare of giving Bond would not hold and said as followeth D. Flemming My Lord he is a great Speaker it may be the Quakers cannot want him Judge Let him be what he will if he will enter into Bond. F. H. said he had nothing to accuse himself of for his Conscience bore him Witness that he loved Peace and sought it with all Men. Judges both spake What do you tell of Conscience we meddle not with it but you contemn the Laws and keep up great Meetings and go not to Church F. H. We are fallen in a sad Age if meeting together peaceably without Arms or Force or Intention of Hurt to any Man but only to worship God in Spirit and exhort one another to Righteousness and to pray together in the holy Ghost as the primitive Christians of old that this should be reckoned Breach of Peace and Mis-behaviour Judge Twisden Do you compare these times with them they were Heathens that persecuted but we are Christian Magistrates F. H. It is a Doctrine alwayes held by us and a received Principle as any thing we believed that Christ's Kingdom could not be set up with carnal Weapons nor the Gospel propagated by Force of Arms nor the Church of God built with Violence but the Prince of Peace was manifested amongst us and we could learn War no more but could love Enemies and forgive them that did Evil to us Philip Musgrave stood up and said My Lord we have been remiss towards th●● People and have striven with them and put them in Prison again and again and fined them and as soon as they are out they meet again Then stood up John Lonther called a Justice and said My Lord they grow insolent notwithstanding all Laws and the Execution of them yet they grow upon us and their Meetings are dangerous Philip Musgrave stood up and produced a Paper and Justice Flemming so called seconded him in great Capital Letters and gave the Judge it he told the Judge That it hapned some Quakers were sent to Prison and one of them dyed at Lancaster and they carryed his Corps through the Country and set that Paper upon his Coffin This is the Body of such an one who was persecuted by Daniel Flemming till Death Judge We have spent much time with you I will discourse no more F. H. I acknowledge your Moderation towards me allowing me Liberty to speak I shall not trouble you much longer I shall be willing to appear to answer to the Indictment at the Assizes and in the mean time to live peaceably and quietly as I have done if that will satisfie Judge You must enter into Bond to come at no more Meetings F. H. I cannot do that if I should I were treacherous to God and my own Conscience and the People and you would but judge me a Hypocrite They weare loath to commit him yet at last they did F. H. turning about to the Country People said the Fear of God be amongst you all The Hearts of People were tender towards him and some were very loving and affectionate to him Being thus committed on the 23d of the 1st Moneth 1664. he was detained a Prisoner about five Moneths and a great Part of the time of his Imprisonment kept very strictly and a Charge was given from the Justices several times that none should be suffered to speak with him and the Goaler being a cruel Man was ready to execute their Orders to the utmost and kept him so close that none were suffered to come to him or speak with him but who got secretly to him without the Goalers Knowledge all which the said F H. bore patiently and never opened his Mouth to complain And when the time of the Assizes came he got Liberty to speak with the Clerk of the Assizes who told F.H. that he must prepare himself to come to a Tryal he said he was prepared but thought that all he could say would little avail he believing they purposed to prosecute him with all Severity which proved so as will appear by the Relation following for indeed the County Justices who began to prosecute him had incensed the Judges against him before hand however F. H. endeavoured all he could to convince them of his Innocency and to that End drew up the Substance of the OATH into several Heads which he could SUBSCRIBE to though he could not SWEAR and delivered it to the Court and drew up another Paper to Judge Turner shewing him and the Court the Cause of his first Commitment and the former Proceedings against him and how unequal it was that they waved the other Statutes lately made against Non-conformists and prosecuted him upon a Statute formerly made against Popish Recusants in the same Paper he also signified that he was a Man of a tender Spirit and feared the Lord from a Child and had never taken any Oath but once in his Life and that was twenty Years since and that his refusing to take the Oath of Allegiance was not in any evil Intent to the King's Person or Government neither in Thought Word or Deed but meerly upon a spiritual and conscientious Account and that he could not swear being otherwise perswaded of the Lord. 2. That he could not swear seeing it was against the Command of Christ and the Apostles Doctrine 3. He declared that he was able to make it evident to be against the Example of the primitive Christians for divers hundred Years and so no new Opinion 4. That he did neither in Wilfulness nor Obstinacy refuse it being sensible of the Dammage that would come thereby if they did prosecute him upon that Statute he having a Wife and Children and some small Estate which he knew lay at Stake in the Matter but said if it were his Life also he could not revolt from or deny that which he had most certainly believed in but if any could convince him either by Scripture or Reason in the thing he had an Ear to hear and therefore all those things considered he desired he might be dismissed from those his strait Bonds and from their Persecution of him upon that Account Both which Papers his Wife delivered to the Clerk and he to the Judges and they to the Justices before
are subject to every Ordinance of man for the Lord's sake but vve cannot flatter nor respect mens Persons and deny the Faith of Christ but are brought from under the Povver of Unrighteousness by the mighty Povver of God and are subject to all just Lavvs vvhich stand not nor vvere made in man's Will but obey them for Conscience sake and if any Lavv vvhich is not just and equal be required upon us that vve cannot do vve suffer for Conscience sake and resist not at all as many of our Enemies vvill vvitness for us and therefore you false Accusers be silent they that are subject to Israel's Common Wealth are righteous and vvalk in Righteousness in that vvhich is just good and holy and vve vvitness against all the Cananites vvho vvalk in Unrighteousness and all vvho are Enemies to the Common Wealth of Israel must be broken to Pieces and them that strive and contend against the Faith vvhich vvas once delivered to the Saints and is novv witnessed praised be the Lord all such must be disturbed and broken to Pieces by the just even all the unjust shall be broken And as for that vvhich thou say'st vve say We ought not to be subject to any Civil Government but that which is within us Oh thou Lyar vvhen vvilt thou cease thy Lying vvhere is that I charge thee to prove vvhere that is spoken yet this I say unto all Moses received the Lavv from the Mouth of the Lord and it vvas revealed to him and in him and then he vvought it vvithout and vvas subject to it And all vvho make Lavvs novv and do not receive them from God they make them in their ovvn Wills and such as do act contrary to the Lavv of God but that Lavv vvhich is righteous vvhich is according to that in the Conscience vvhich is holy good and civil vve are subject both vvithin and vvithout to it And all your Subjection which is not from a Principle vvithin is not in Truth nor Singleness of Heart but vvith Flattery and your Eye-Service and your bovving dovvn in Hypocrisie and saying you are subject vvhen there is no Truth in the Heart and so you are not subject for Conscience sake And further you say In Farnsworth's General Good to all People Let every Soul be subject to the higher Powers by Powers is meant God the Father of Jesus Christ and by King the Lord of Hosts and that is another Blasphemy Wo unto filthy Lyars I challenge you that you have perverted his Words and would give Meanings upon them as you do upon the Scriptures and your own dark sottish Minds cannot comprehend and therefore you give your own Imaginations and then call it Blasphemy and 〈◊〉 all that read that Book see if you have not belyed the Truth and perverted his Words Another Thing you set down for Blasphemy That none are Ministers of God and called by him who are sent forth by Authority of Man and that he that is not infallible in his Judgment is no Minister of Christ. Answ. You might have said Paul's Words were Blasphemy he was made a Minister not by mens Will and all the holy men of God and Apostles were not Ministers by the Will of man but contrary to the Will of Man and all who are made Ministers of man and by man we deny and the Scripture denies them for what they preached they neither received it of Man nor from Man but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ and all who have and are made Ministers by Hear-say and what they have form'd up in their Imaginations from the Scripture with their Points and their Doctrines which they raise in their Carnal Minds all such we declare against and all such who abide not in the Doctrine of Christ and all who were made Ministers of Christ were Spiritual and infallible that which is not infallible is carnal and all who are guided by the Spirit of Christ are infallible and they that are not guided by it are none of his nor the Sons of God nor Ministers of Christ and therefore all that such can judge of is nothing but imaginary and all you who have subscribed this Book and all such Ministers I deny Ye shameless men would you be trying and prescribing and set down what is Heresie and Blasphemy and cry out of that for Heresie and Blasphemy which you should try withall Your Shame is laid open to all and now your Shame I hope will appear to the Parliament whom you petition what cry you out against Books and printing and Blasphemy that cannot distinguish a Lamb from a Dog would you judge Truth by Darkness And you are offended that there are so many Quakers met in the North Parts lately Two Thousand yea blessed be the Lord there are many Thousands that see you and never will bow to Baal nor worship in the House of Rimmon more and many shall not only come from the North but also from the South yea in London that now see all your Deceit and they shall enter and you shall be shut out and what Truth is this that cannot defend it self and what Religion is that vvhich cannot defend it self but you must have all bend to your Image that you vvould set up And now unto you who are petitioned unto I say unto you take heed and beware how you call or suppress any thing as Error or how you meddle in the prescribing God a Way to walk in for he cannot he will not be limited and I say unto you it were better a Milstone were hanged about your Necks then to hinder stop or make any Law to hinder the Passage of the Truth which is arising and consider the Lord hath thrown out all Powers before this because they would needs limit the Holy One of Israel and prescribe him a Way and a Goverment how he should be worshipped and many have suffered and what hath all come to all the Rules that men have laid down have they not been as the Untimely Fruit of a VVoman and as Corn upon the House top and for that all have been thrown down and broken and the Jealousie of the Lord is broken forth as Fire and wo to them that withstand them in his Way And now I say unto you if you now prescribe God a VVay and if that in the Conscience have not Liberty but you will go about to set Bounds to him and his People in the Worship of God you shall be broken as a Potter's Vessel for the Government is upon his Shoulders and he will not give his Glory to any other the Lord hath spoken it And for the rest of the Books in the Beacon fired we disown them but I believe you have belyed them as you have done ours By one who is a Witness for the Truth against Gog and Magog called after the Flesh Francis Howgil A WARNING TO All the RULERS in these English Nations OH ye Judges Rulers and Heads of the People in these Nations you may
I began to grow in Knowledge without which is sensual and then I was puffed up for the World admired me but still I was condemned for vain Words and Actions and the Root of Iniquity grew in me and then I followed a more strict Course and often went five or six Miles to hear some more excellent Means as they called it and so did get more Words but still I was the same nay worse for Knowledge puffed me up then along to about fifteen Years of Age I posted up and down after the most excellent Sermons so called and so became acquainted with all the eminent Christians so called in the Region where I lived and I was despised of my Parents and of the World made a Wonder and great Reproach came upon me but still I saw they knew nought and it was no Matter and so much Sorrow fell upon me four or five Years and when I was turned within I was judged for all my Iniquity formerly and still my Heart was shewed to me that it was corrupt but as I kept within to the Light in my Conscience I was restrained from many Actions which I had a Will to do and in the Instant when I have been doing any Unrighteousness in Actions or Words in many things I was often stopped and when I saw that I did it not a great Joy arose in me and when I had done any thing forwardly and rashly I was judged but this the Teachers said was a Natural Conscience that kept from Sin and did restrain it and said he that had but restraining Grace as they called it he was but a tame Devil And so I hearkned to their Imagination and so slighted the Light as too low a thing that was but common Grace that did preserve out of gross Evils but the Saints had a peculiar Faith and Grace and so I hearkened to them and still I was convinced of Sin and then they told how the Saints did believe in Christ and so Sin was not imputed but his Righteousness was accounted to them and so I must seek him in the Means as Prayer and receiving the Sacrament as they called it and judged me a worthy Communicant and in great Fear I was that I should eat unworthily and none could direct me what the Body of Christ was insomuch that one time I read all the Scripture that spoke of Christ's Suffering And they said I must believe he suffered for me and I believed all that they called Faith but yet I could not see how he dyed for me and had taken away my Sin for the Witness in my Conscience told me I was a Servant of Sin whilest I committed it and they told me I must not omit that Ordinance for thereby Strength was confirmed and Faith added insomuch on the one Hand they pressing it as a Duty and on the other Hand I saw that the Scripture said He that eats unworthily eats Damnation to himself I was in Fear notwithstanding none could accuse me without yet then afterward a great Fear fell upon me and I thought I had sinned against the Holy Ghost and great Trouble fell upon me Then they said I had not come prepared and yet I had all the Preparation that they had spoken of but still they were all Physitians of no value Then I fasted and prayed and walked mournfully in Sorrow and thought none was like me tempted on every Hand so I ran to this man and the other and they applyed Promises to me but it was only Words for the Witness of Christ shewed me That the Root of Iniquity stood and the Body of Sin whole notwithstanding I was kept by a secret Power from gross Evils but still Sorrow compassed me about and I questioned all that ever I had which they said was Grace Repentance and Faith And then I told them there was Guilt in me and they said Sin was taken away by Christ but the Guilt should still remain while I lived and so brought me the Saints Conditions who were in the Warfare to confirm it and so I said in my self This was a miserable Salvation that the Guilt of Sin and Condemnation still in me should stand and so I was tossed from Mountain to Hill and heard them preach Confusion and so I mattered not for them and said Sure this is not the Ministry of Christ and so I ceased long by Fits and did not mind them but kept still at home and in desart Places solitary in weeping and every thing that I had done was laid before me insomuch that every Thought was judged and I was tender and my Heart broken and when I could sorrow most I had most Peace for something spoke within me from the Lord but I knew him not then and they said that it was Heresie to look for the Word of the Lord to be spoken now in these Dayes but only the Letter and so I regarded it not much yet often I was made to do many righteous things by the immediate Power and Word of God and then Peace and Joy sprung up in me and Promises were spoken That he would teach me himself and be my God and often I did obey contrary to my Will and denyed my Will but they told me This was legal to obey out of Fear and that was Slavery but there was an Evangelical Obedience as they called it so I got above the Fear and yet acted the former things which they called Ordinances and they said that was Son-like Obedience and Christ had done all Then there appeared more Beauty in them called Independents and I loved them and so joyned my self to them and all the Money that I could get I purchased Books with and walked with and owned them as more separate from the World and they prest Separation but at last I saw it was but in Words that they would do things and chuse Officers and Members of themselves and so made themselves an Image and fell down to it yet there was some Tenderness in them at the first but the Doctrine was the same with the World's Words without of others Conditions Then they whom they called Anabaptists appeared to have more Glory walked more acording to the Scripture observing things written without and I went among them and there was something I loved among them but after they denyed all but such that came into their Way as out of the Fellowship of the Saints and Doctrine of Christ I saw the Ground was the same and their Doctrine out of the Life with the rest of the Teachers of the World and had separated themselves and made another Likeness but still all said The Letter was the Word and Rule and Christ at a Distance without had done all and some of them holding Free-will others opposing and all in the Will But still I lov'd them that walked honestly amongst all these but though I had seen and owned all that I had heard except the Figure which I saw was outward and that was their
Life to come into it F. H. Cork the 18 th of the 11 th Moneth 1655. A LAMENTATION FOR THE Scattered Tribes Who are exiled into Captivity and are now mingled among the Heathen and are joyned to the Oppressor and refuse to return Presented unto all the separated Congregations under what Name or Form soever in Love to the Lost. SHEWING The Difference betwixt them that were separated by the word of Faith and them who have separated themselves in Immitation from the Letter And how they differ both in Doctrine in Matter in Form and so not the same with the Churches of Christ in the Unity The Difference between the true and false Ministry The Difference betwixt the Faith which is feigned and the Saints Faith The Difference betwixt true and false Hope A few words to the Ministry in all Sects and to all the mingled People who dwell in the Land of Darkness and are tossed up and down and know not where the Power is which is of God which gives victory A few VVords for your Information Thy Prophets have seen vain and foolish Things for thee and they have not discovered thine Iniquity to turn away thy Captivity but have seen for thee false Burthens and Causes of Banishment Lam. 2.14 By a Servant of Truth and a Friend to Righteousness who suffers with the Seed which is held in Oppression waiting and labouring for its Return F. H. Printed in the Year 1675. THE CONTENTS Concerning the Word of Christ which the Apostles and Ministers preached who had it in them revealed which did gather them into one that believed in it and its Effect and Operation that it had The Difference shewed betwixt that Ministry and the Ministry of them that preach the Letter for the Word The Difference between them that were separated by the VVord and them who have separated themselves The Difference shewn betwixt them that are taught of Christ and them that follow the Principles of Darkness that lead into Error The Difference betwixt the Faith which is feigned which is the VVorld's and the Saints Faith Concerning Hope and the Difference betwixt true and false Hope True Faith how it s wrought and what it is and its Operation A VVord to all the Ministers of the World in all Sects and to all People in every Sect. A few words to all you who put out the eye through long accustoming unto Sin who are near utter Darkness With some Information to them who are tossed and find no Rest nor know not where the Power of God is that gives Dominion over Sin the Power declared and the Way to Peace A LAMENTATION FOR THE Scattered Tribes TO all you who profess the Name of our Lord Jesus in Words and make mention of his Words and of his Ministers Words who had the everlasting Gospel and the Word of Reconciliation and of those Practices which the Churches of Christ had in their Day committed unto them after they were gathered out of the World and had denyed it and its Nature and were not comformable to it but were changed in their inward man and fruits of Righteousness were brought forth and they were as Lights in the World and did bear witness against the World that they were evil and said they were of God and had the Witness in themselves and were bold to say the whole World lay in Wickedness To you who are called separated Churches and Fellowships under this or that Name to you I write my Soul pities you above the rest of the World and in Love to those Desires which were once among you I write that so if it be possible you may come to see your selves and the Foundation on which you stand that those Desires which were after God begotten may not wholly be slain extinguished and betrayed through the Subtilty of the Serpent whose wayes are crooked and whose Subtilty is great to keep man under his Power This I have to say unto you There was and is a Zeal in you but not according to Knowledge bear my Words and judge that in your selves which would be angry There was that which shewed you the National Way of Worship under Episcopacy and Prelacy and Presbytery which is one in the Ground and Nature that this was the broad Way and not according to the Mind of the Lord neither was it according to Precept nor the Practices of the Churches of Christ which is clear from the Scripture Now you seeing this was not accoding to Christ nor his Ministers nor the Churches you began to separate from them into this or that Body under this or that Name as a Body separate from the World and their Worship because you found in the Writings of that which is called the Gospel People be gathered out of the World now your Eyes being still without you conformed to their Practices as you judged both in matter and manner and Practising those things which you read in the Scripture that the Churches Practised and so some Zealous did go forth and gather people together in this or that Form and here was your beginning and so here you set up your Rest that you walk according to the most exact Pattern that is Visible or Written yet since this you do not agree but are divided in your selves one sets up this and another that thing which you in your Reason judge right Now many things I might write unto you which you cannot bear but rather in Love a few Words that you may see the vast Difference betwixt your Assemblies and Churches and the Churches which you say is your Example And first of all I will shew in the Ground how far you fall short although it may be you may hate my instruction yet I say Suffer me a little for I am one who have obtained Mercy after a long and a sore Travel and tossed up and down in great Tempests but at last entered into the everlasting Rest and do not desire to contend with you for out of Debates carnal I am brought but rather in love to the Honesty in you all which is not of this World I speak First they received Power from on high and Commission given to preach the Gospel to all Nations I speak of the Ministers of Christ and those things which they had heard and seen and felt and tasted of and had handled of the Word of Life which Life was manifest in them this they preached and were sent to turn People from Darkness to Light and from Satan's Power unto God's Power and as many as received and believed the Word which they preached which was the Word of Faith and Faith was begotten by the Preaching of it and they heard and learned of the VVord of Life Faith came by hearing that VVord and this VVord which they preached unto them was nigh them in their Mouth and in their Heart which as People turned to it and received it and believed so a Change was wrought in the Hearers of it and they were
and shall go into Perdition and he hath deceived the Nations long and all have exercised their Power against him who is the Heir of the Promise the first-born of every Creature who is higher then the highest and greater then the greatest and have changed his Laws and made them void and have set up the Law of Sin and Death and have established unrighteous Laws by the Power of Darkness in which all Nations have been involved since the Dragon hath Power and whosoever would not obey those Laws and Customs and Constitutions the Dragon hath had Power and they that have joyned to him for a Time to kill to imprison to destroy and they who have been exalted have had thought to weary out the Saints of the most high and to root out the Memorial of the Just that he and all his Adherents might reign forever in the Kingdom of Unrighteousness and in the Dominion of Darkness which is the Devils dwelling Place and Residence forever who is at Enmity against God and the Children of Light which worship God in Spirit and Truth in Life and Righteousness Now is the Time drawing near and he who is the Desire of all Nations appeareth the Ancient of dayes is coming whose Throne is established in Righteousness forever who will break the Head of the Dragon and will lay hold upon him and chain him up that he deceive the Nations no more And all you Emperours Kings Dukes Earls Nobles Lords and Potentates who have joyned to him your Kingdom shall be rent from you and your Hands shall grow weak that you shall not be able to defend your selves against him who travails in the Greatness of his strength who is coming up against you as a Lyon greedy of his Prey and will devour at once all his Enemies that thought in their Hearts to reign forever and to settle themselves in iniquity forever now the Time draws near when he will put down the Authority of the Dragon and of the Beast and the Beast with many Heads and Horns and their Rule shall come to an End and he will dash you one against another as broken Pitchers till you be consumed and brought to nought and be worn out as a moth-eaten Garment and will overthrow your Laws and Customs which are made in the Night of Ignorance and Blindness and will change your Customs and the Times and will reduce the Earth again into its first Purity and you that have ruled shall serve and be tributary and as you have had a time of rejoycing over the Witnesses who have troubled your earthly and devilish Peace and slain them as Sheep for the Slaughter a time of Mourning is coming upon you when you shall say alas alas for your Glory shall pass away and your Renown shall wither and for your Dominion which shall grow so weak that you shall not be able to resist him who travels in the Greatness of his Strength and treadeth the Winepress of the Wrath of God who is mighty and strong to judge the Whore and all they that have committed Fornication with her and have drunk of her Cup and are inflamed with Adultery and cannot cease from Sin but burn in Envy against the Appearing of the Manchild who is Heir of the Promise yea of Life everlasting born here to the Inheritance which is incoruptible unto whom all Power belongeth both in Heaven and Earth who will subdue the lower Power and Powers of Darkness and tread them under Foot and all who act from that Power which is below the Life below the Truth below the Light that power will he and all whom he brings out of the Grave and raises above the Grave tread down under foot which stands but in the Earth wherein dwells Unrighteousness Although thy Teachers and Diviners in thee oh Earth who preach a Divination of their own Brain and from the Imagination of their own Hearts have made you believe oh you Powers of the earth who are in the Fall in the Transgression of the Life that you were the higher Powers every Emperour King Duke Earl Nobles Lords and that all were to stoop to your Wills how contrary soever they have been to God but you and they must know there is one higher then the highest who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords who alone will judge the Hearts of his People and their Consciences for he will not give his Glory to another although you have long usurped it since the dayes of the Apostacy and would have had all to bow to that Power which hath transgressed the Life and is gone from the Power of God Oh! long hath been the Night of Ignorance and Darkness and great hath been the Apostacy in the earth since the Dayes of the Apostles and since the false Christ's and false Prophets entered into the World which Christ said should come and cry lo here and there and should deceive many yea all the world wondered after the Beast and John saw it all lay in Wickedness and the time that Christ prohesied of came to be fulfilled in the dayes of John and he saw it Mat. 24.23 24. that many false Prophets and Antichrists were gone out into the World out from the Life out from the Truth out from the Light wherein the Saints had Fellowship who wrote forth the Scriptures and he said They were gone into the World and he said the whole World lay in Wickedness and so they went from Holiness into Wickedness and from the Father's Love into the Love of the World and Peter and Jude who lived in the same Age they saw them that went in the Error of Balaam and in the Way of Cain and in gainsaying the Power being turned from it like Corah and also their Hearts were exercised with covetous Practices So John saw they were come 1 John 2.18 19 Little Children it is the last time as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now there are many Antichrists whereby we know it 's the last time and Peter saw that false Apostles should come who should make Merchandise of the People and prophesied of it as you may read 2 Pet. 2.2 3. and in the 14 15. verses you may know them by their fruits having eyes full of Adultery and cannot cease from Sin beguiling unstable Souls and Hearts they have exercised with covetous Practices and they were the cursed children and these had forsaken the right Way Christ the way and his Command also Freely ye have received freely give and they laboured to keep the Gospel without Charge who were true Apostles but these false Prophets deceitful Workers Antichrists and false Apostles they were gone in Balaam's Way after the wages of Unrighteousness in Cain's Way in Corah's Way in Antichrist's Way out of Christ's Way and these false Prophets false Apostles they spoke swelling Words of Vanity and did allure through the Lusts of the Flesh and they like the rest of the false Prophets gone before them cryed Peace and promised
pure Spirit if thou waitest in the Manifestation of the Spirit these Things thou wilt see to be Truth though hid and vailed from the World that lyes in VVickedness as thou comest out of its Nature I have not written for to please Men of corrupt Minds who glory in VVords and outward Appearances and glory in natural Parts and in Sounds and are erred from the Life but to the simple-hearted and for the strengthening of the weak and for the understanding of the simple and that which thou seest in the following Discourse which thou canst not close with let it alone and judge nothing before the Time in thy Wisdom that is earthly or in thy Reason but in that and to that of God in thee I desire to be approved and to nothing else and shall be made manifest in the day of the Lord that is dawning in the world and many have seen it to appear in Power and Glory wait thou in thy own particular that thou may'st feel thy own Condition and see thy own State and that which lets thee see thy own Condition will let thee see the Lord and what I have declared of him to be true I am thy Friend in Truth and wish Good to all Men. F. H. SOME OF THE MYSTERIES OF God's Kingdom DECLARED As they have been revealed by the Spirit THROUGH FAITH THE Lord God of the whole Earth who lives forever even the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and Jacob whose Throne is established in Righteousness forever who rideth upon the Heavens and shines forth in his eternal Excellency from the Firmament of his Power he is manifesting himself in his Power as in the dayes of old and revealing his Righteousness as in the Years past and pouring forth his Spirit upon his Sons and Daughters according to his Promise and they that believe come to be made Partakers of the Blessing of the everlasting Hills even the Lord who appeared at Sinai unto Moses his Servant in the Bush who rose up from Mount Seir and shined forth in his Brightness from Mount Paran and came with ten thousands of his Saints even he from whose right Hand went a fiery Law so that the People could not behold his Glory the same is he who hath now appeared in this the Day of his Power and is appearing whose Glory shall dazel the Eyes of the World whose Brightness shall make dim all the World's Glory and stain its Wisdom and shut it up in utter Darkness that it shall not appear to have any Existence or Being and the Shadow of Death shall fly away and all the haughty and lofty Princes of this World shall be horribly afraid the Beasts shall go into their Dens when the day appears and the Lambs of the everlasting Fold shall come forth and be fed in the fat Valleys where the Springs of Life compass about all the Banks and rejoyce in their Shepherd and shall say The Lord is my Shepherd which many at this Time do admire and say What hath the Lord wrought who have seen his Wonders in the dayes of old and have seen his noble Acts which the Fathers have told of who are fallen asleep and are at Rest in the Lord and now many is God bringing to see what they witness to be true and to have the same fulfilled in themselves Honour and Praise unto him forever who is the Stay Strength of all his People forever And the day of the Lord is broken and the Light hath appeared that manifesteth all Things which are reproveable and the Day-Star is arisen in the Hearts of many and they are come to see that fulfilled in their Hearts which Peter exhorted them to wait for and to take heed unto the sure Word of Prophecy until the day appeared and did dawn in their Hearts which day when it appears and to whom it appears discovereth all things and maketh all things manifest as it is declared by the Spirit of Truth in the Scripture of Truth and every Man's Work shall be tryed of what Sort it is and of what Nature it is and this day hath appeared to many Praises to the Lord who have waited for it and now they see every thing in its Ground and Rise and every tree and fruit is seen according to its kind whether good or bad and every Man's Work is obvious to every one who are in the day and upon whom the Morning of Righteousness hath appeared and the Sun of Righteousness hath shined upon whereby that is seen in every one by the Light which is truly called day by the Lord who causeth it to spring from on high which is reproveable and condemnable and also whatever is justifiable and unreproveable is seen by the day of the Lord appearing in the Heart The Day of the Lord what it is and to whom it hath appeared discovered and how it is seen GOD is a Spirit his day is spiritual and is seen with a spiritual Eye it 's pure Light pure Brightness the pure shining forth of the Lord in his glorious Excellency the pure shining forth of Eternity Life putting forth it self in its Brightness Holiness shedding it self abroad in its Glory Purity spreading it self in its immeasurable Excellency and can only be seen as it is in it self by the Children of Light that are born of it there is a natural day there is a spiritual Day the natural day receives its Brightness from the Sun the spiritual day receives its Brightness from the Sun of Righteousness by whom it 's brought forth without whom nothing was or is made or brought forth but by him who is the Fountain of Life and as the natural day receives its Clearness from the natural Sun and is discerned by the natural Eye of a natural Man and all things natural are seen and discovered by and in the natural day and are perspicuous and obvious to him that hath his natural Sight even so from the Sun of Righteousness the Lord of Glory Light and Purity the day of God receives its Brightness and is issued out from him by the Rayes of his Brightness and is discerned and seen only by the spiritual Eye of the spiritual Man who is the Image of the Father brought forth in Life and in his own Nature and Quality that is to say from God the Father of Life by Christ Jesus the Life of men the Light of the World and this is the Birth which is born from above which is of the Nature of the Father and the Son and of the day and he only comes to behold this day and discerns all things of the Father's Kingdom by it and likewise discerns all the hidden things of Dishonesty and the Works of Darkness which are brought forth by the Prince of Darkness who is shut up in eternal utter Darkness which is his dwelling-place forever which is his Residence and shall be the Residence of all the Workers of Iniquity that bear his Image forever Object But some
he will manifest his day and his Power in his day in thee as thou keepest in thy Mind to that which manifests unto thee Evil and shews thee Good thou wilt see how it appears Even as the Light shineth from the East unto the West so is the coming of the day of the Lord and the Eye which is spiritual ●e●s it and the Power the Glory of the Lord comes to be seen in the day which is pure and spiritual in the Heart and the Eye which is pure doth behold when it comes where it comes and how it comes and it 's hid from vulturous Eyes and from their Eyes which are fall of Adultery and cannot cease from Sin Now the day of the Lord cometh not where the carnal Mind may imagine nor when Man will neither according to the carnal Desire of the carnal Heart neither according to the evil Eye that looks out can it be seen but is seen in God's own Light and by the Measure of God's holy Spirit And as the day of the Lord is a Mystery the Spirit of the Lord is the only Discoverer of it None know the Things of God but by the Spirit of God and the day of the Lord and his bright shining forth in the Heart of Man is one of the glorious Things of God which only the Spirit of God doth give the Knowledge of to Man and in Man and not the Letter nor the Scripture for the Jews had the Letter and they had neither heard God's Voice at any Time neither ever did they see his Shape neither did they see the day of the Lord nor the Power neither in a Word did see or perceive God or any of the Mysteries of God's Kingdom at all but dreamed imagined thought and conceived of Things in their Minds their foolish Hearts being darkened for the further a Man draws from the Light his Heart comes to be more dark and their Understanding closed up and shut up that they cannot behold the Lord neither his Glory which is revealed only by God's holy Spirit which Spirit is near Man though he see is not What the Spirit of the Lord is and how it comes to be received which discovers the Things of God THE Spirit of the Lord is pure holy equal Purity it self Holiness it self Equity it self and is one with the Father and the Son the Father Word and Spirit are one it 's Life it 's pure Power ●ure Strength Purity it self which mixeth not neither joyneth to any Thing but that which is of its own Nature it 's an immeasurable pure Substance it 's Life issued forth an active living Power and is everlasting alters not changeth not keeps its Holiness its Purity forever it is unsearcheable unfathomable undeclarable Words are all too short too narrow to declare its Excellency and Glory but only as it makes it self out to them that believe and opens it self and sheds it self abroad in them that wait upon it it is revealed in its own Purity manifest in its own Power and received in its own Light felt in its own Virtue the living Father of Life himself is manifest by it and appears in his Power Majesty and Excellency through it to man and to the Sons of men to the righteous and unrighteous to godly and ungodly to the upright and to the deceitful to the Children of Darkness and to the Children of Light that which searcheth the Heart of man and sees through all things and maketh manifest all Things even the hidden Things of God and the secret Works of Darkness and reproveth for all Evil all Iniquity that is the pure Act of the Spirit which convinceth every man and as the Creature comes to joyn to it it ariseth and shines forth more clearly and maketh it self known in its Power and Operation its Power comes to be felt it checks and reproveth judgeth and condemneth all Actions which are done and past and brings them to the Creature 's Remembrance and as it is waited upon and hearkened unto it sheds it self abroad in its own pure Brightness and ●ringeth all things to Light even all the Deeds of Darkness and maketh manifest the Intents of the Mind and manifesteth all things reproveable Now as there is a waiting upon the pure Appearance of it and the Mind be still and quiet and calm the Creature comes to feel and sensibly know his own Condition he sees his Mind is alive to other Things and other Lovers and not to God and so he sees himself dead to the Things of God's Kingdom and in the Loss and in the Fall and in the Transgression now this which shews the vain Motions and vain Thoughts and checketh them is an Operation of the Spirit and Purity comes to be felt working in the Heart and as it is loved and obeyed it leadeth and converteth the Heart to the Lord and draweth towards it self out of Unholiness and from under the dark Power and brings that under and so it ariseth in its Strength as it is believed in and waited upon and judgeth and condemns for all Evil for it is the Discoverer of the Mind of the Lord to the Sons of Men or the Father by it makes known his Mind to and in the Creature and doth discover the Things that be eternal in their true Property and Nature which only they that have the Spirit and have received it and are brought out of the Sensuality come to discern him who is invisible and the things that belong to everlasting Happiness which are not seen by a natural Eye neither received by the Spirit of the World who never received the things of God neither the Testimony of them who were in the Life Now all that come to receive it that is to say the Spirit of Truth must wait in that which is pure unto which it joyns it joyns not to the corrupt Man neither to the sensual Heart neither to the vile Affections neither unto them whose Eyes are full of Adultery which cannot cease from Sin neither to the Seed of Falshood neither to the corruptible Birth neither unto that which is born of the Flesh nor unto the Will of the Creature yet notwithstanding though it joyn not to these yet it is near man even the natural man its Manifestation or the shining forth of its Brightness maketh all these things manifest before-mentioned to be evil and thus far the Spirit of God hath appeared to the World and all Mankind as to convince the World of Sin yet still it remains in its own Purity and while the Heart of any man is taken up with that and joyned unto that which the Light reproves that is to say the Worker of Iniquity that man hath not received the Spirit neither is made Possessor of it nor enjoyes it but it stands off man and from man at a Distance shewing the Worker of Iniquity and the Works of Darkness and manifesting to the Creature in its Light and letting him see unto whom he is
rest of the People that buy yet our Merchandize that he holds hereticall Opinions and despises the Ministry and the Ordinances and the Doctrines of our reformed Churches or if any say That the Spirit of the Lord is a sufficient Teacher to lead his People into all Truth without outward Means as natural learning Hebrew Greek and Latin and the ancient Fathers and old Authors and so make void all our Arts and Parts which are the Foundation of our Divinity then let us cry in the Ears of all the People and in the Ears of the Rulers and the Powers of the Earth that this is Blasphemy and Error and ought to be supprest And furthermore if any shall say That he believes he shall be made free from Sin in this Life by the effectual working of Chr●st the mighty Power of God which condemns Sin in the Flesh and destroyes the Works of the Devil then let us cry Heresie and Blasphemy and let us tell them that the holiest that ever were upon the Earth sinned and that the Body of Sin was uncut down in them and let us prove it by Paul's Words he complained of a Body of Sin and was never in any other Condition while he lived upon the Earth and so it may be we shall keep them in Blindness that they will continue and trade with us and if any say They are come to the Baptism of the Spirit the one Baptism into which all the Saints were ●aptized in which all other Baptisms end and so being come to this deny all the Figures and the Baptism of Infants then let us cry out that they are Sectaries and deny the Ordinance of God Infants-Baptism and let us give them some Scripture how that Christ took up little Children in his Arms and blessed them and how he hid his Disciples go out into all Nations and baptize them in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost and may be with an Inference or two or two or three Consequences raised from this and the like Scriptures we shall make their Eye blind that we shall put off this counterfeit Ware yet a little while And if any shall deny our Church or Chappel and call it an Hol● Temple which God never commanded to be built then let us bring some Scriptures how that God commanded a Temple to be built at Jerusalem and how the Jews had Synagogues and how God commanded Store-houses to be built for God's Service and Worship and it may be such a Proof as this will satisfie them that they will come to our Shop another Time at the Hour appointed for the Sale of our Wares when the Marke-Bell rings and the Wares are ready to be set out and so by this Means we may hold on our Trade a while And if any shall deny David's Psalms to be sung in Rhime and Meeter and with Organs and Pipes to be an Ordinance of God in Gospel Times then let us bring them some Scriptures and some Fathers and tell them in the Church of Corinth that he that had a Psalm might sing and it may be they will know no Difference between a Psalm which was given forth by the Spirit the Psalm which is gotten by Tradition from another and let us bring a Proof out of Revelations That they that were redeemed from the Earth played upon the Harps and sung a new Song and it may be they will see no Difference between them that are in the Earth and them that are redeemed from the Earth and so we may keep up this still as an Ordinance invented by our Mother Mystery Babylon And let this be agreed amongst us now when many of us are assembled together whose Lively-hood and Riches stand only in the merchandizing of our Mother Church that to whatsoever Place we sail in our Ships if any be heard to say That the Spirit of the Lord ought to move first before any Teacher Minister or Believer ought to pray that so they may pray with the Spirit and in the Spirit in publick and in private whether with many or few that so without the Spirit none can be edified let us all agree to this that it be voted down as an Error and let us do what in us lyes to prove from Scripture that set Forms of Prayer are lawful and are an Ordinance of God and let us bring the Lord's Prayer called by our Mother-Church the Pater noster and see what that will do and also Hosea 14.2 Take with you Words and turn to the Lord say unto him take away our Iniquity and receive us graciously so with a Deduction from these and the like Scriptures we may happily prove that a set Form of Words invented by our Church or any of us that trade with her Merchandize that this is an Ordinance of God and ought to be practised publickly and privately and is accepted with God although the People have not received the Spirit as they had in the primitive Times and if this will not satisfie then use some prevalent Argument as our reverend Brother and Fellow-merchant with us Mr. Samuel Bolton in the like Case in Hand used this forcible Argument Though you cannot command the Wind said he yet you may spread your Sails and see what such an Argument as this will do but if they will not be content with this as it may be they will not in England Scotland Ireland and Holland and some other Parts who are more quick-sighted then some other Places where we merchandize if we cannot stand it out against them that none can pray to God aright but he that is come to the Spirit and knows by the Signification of it what to ask then let us grant them the thing if we cannot help it if Common-prayer Forms of Prayer will not go off as they use to do amongst our Customers then let us agree to them but let that be the last Shift that without Faith or the Spirit it is impossible to be accepted or heard of God yet before this be granted let us strive as much as in us lyes by forcible Arguments from the Scripture if so be they will not allow the Authority of ancient Fathers nor of our Cannon-Books how that there is a Platform laid down in Scripture and the general Heads of true Prayer are laid down in an Orthodox Method in the Scriptures that is to say Confession Petition Intercession Supplication with giving of Thanks and if this will not stave them off from speaking so much of Prayer by the Spirit and with Understanding for i● will be a grievous thing if we let this Ordinance fall of set Form of Prayer which our Mother Mystery Babylon hath allowed so many Years and ra●●fied and confirmed in several great Councils as Nice and Lateran and divers others and if nothing will serve them but Prayer by the same Spirit as was in the primitive times before we lose them quite let us grant it them in Words that Prayer by the Spirit
behoves us all reverend Brethren who are of this last Edition tything Presbyters to deny our mother in her greatest Fornication and Adultery since she hath committed Fornication with Kings and Nobles and since all Nations have drunk of her cup but yet let us own her three or four hundred Years after the Ascension of Christ for then though she was inclining to Adultery and it lodged in her Heart yet it was not so openly known then but only to a few and then she held Part of the Form of Godliness and had Part of the true Church's Attire and Ornaments on the outside and so let us all agree to stick close to her here and vindicate her then and her merchandize the Form of Godliness for if this Traffick will not go off we are at an End for either this must serve in the North Regions of the World or we must pull down our Sails and let our Ships stand still on dry Land let us put on a Resolution there is some Hope that this may serve a while for that our Mother was a true Church three hundred Years after Christ hardly any in this will gainsay us and let us deny all the Popes Cardinals Legates Fryars Monks Jesuites Seminaries and all their several Orders which are one distinct from another and let us deny the rest of our Fellow-merchants or rather Fathers which did ordain us to be Merchants to trade at Sea seeing that kind of Merchandize which they then traded with which they received from our Mother will not go off now for Nations Kindreds Tongues and People now will not buy that kind of merchandize which hath not the Face of Purity upon it and though we were made Ministers by them yet now when they are grown out of Date a Parliament having voted them down it 's not safe for us to hold them up nor none of their Worship nor Merchandize so we having a distinct Order of our own and are ranked into another Fellowship distinct from the Fryars and the Monks let us keep our Fellowship one with another and so we may set up our selves and so may bring Honour to our mother Mystery Babylon under another Name and so let Bishops Arch-Bishops Arch-Deacons Deans and Chapters Prelates Vicars and Curates be denyed and seeing the traditional Traffick before mentioned will not go off and all the Forms of publick Worship have been contrary to the Scriptures and contrary to the primitive Times and seeing we cannot hinder People from seeing of it therefore we must let it all pass and deny both them and it at least in the hearing of them whom we trade with therefore let them merchandize with it in some other Country for our mother where she hath more Reputation and where the Beast hath more Power and the Time may come if we can but perswade People that they cannot understand the Scriptures nor come to know the mind of Christ without our Original Hebrew Greek and Latine in some Time it may be this Traffick will go off if we can keep People but ignorant enough that so we may be a means to bring our mother and her messengers that she hath sent forth into more Reputation then they are Notwithstanding though the Day be dawned and every man's Work made manifest of what Sort it is yet it is well enough that we receive the maintenance which our mother Mystery Babylon gave unto our former merchants as Tythes Oblations Obventions and Offerings Easter-Reckonings and Midsummer-dues and Mortuaries twenty Shillings for a funeral Sermon ten Groats at the Grave twelve Pence an Hour for ringing of Bells and such other like Commodities that befall us and besides all this we have got something out of Bishops Lands and Deans and Chapters and Prebends Lands some good Augmentations out of those so that all the merchandizing and Traffick lyes in our Hands and all the Wages that our mother gave to other Officers and Ambassadors of several Orders which to speak plainly is the very Reins and sinnews of our Gospel which we preach and therefore if we cannot keep the People blind but they will see our Error in most Things yet while we have the Powers of the Earth to make us a Law that all may be forced an compelled to pay that unto us which our mother the Church gave us when she was in her Exaltation while this is kept up we shall carry about her Ships and merchandize though the People have no great Heart to it we shall cry out to the Magistrates to compel them to buy it or else the People will turn Atheists and Barbarians and however get our Price Yet now reverend Brethren seeing we cannot keep the People in Ignorance and Darkness nor hinder the Day from dawning nor the Sun from rising while it is but even yet Twy-light let us work and carry about our Traffick for the best Sort of Merchandize which our Mother hath will hardly please now for now it comes to that that nothing but spiritual Ordinances will be accepted among People now therefore we which are of the tything Presbyterian Order though we have denyed our Mother in some of her Sorceries and though we have denyed the Bishops our Fathers and Ordinances and their established Form of Worship we being Heirs app●rent to their Inheritance and Revenews and wages now we being come to Maturity and go under the name of Reformers yet let our Mother Mystery Babylon's Wages stand unalterable as the Law of the Medes and Persians and though the Professions of publick Worship have been denyed and abolished let us perswade the Magistrates and Rulers that if they abolish our Tythes and set Wages then the Gospel will cease to flourish in these Nations and though the Mass-book or book of Common-prayer and the Letany will not go off for Gospel any longer we shall set somthing else up in its stead to be called the Gospel And because we have not the immediate Spirit nor an infallible neither ever look to have its requisite that we prescribe some Form or Directory of Worship to be as a Rule of Direction to all of our Order and if we can get a Parliament to make an Ordinance for the Recommendation of it to the Nations as the publick Worship of God then we may trade yet with our Merchandize and whilst our set Wages is not altered the matter is of less Moment and though the Directory should be discommended as it is recommended and our Form should go down and another thing should be established instead of it yet it were lawful for us to joyn to another and though they should accuse us for Time-servers and Men-pleasers yet we have a Cloud of Witnesses as in Edward the 6. and Henry the 8. how many hundred of our Fellow-merchants denyed driving a trade with the Mass-book and likewise in the Dayes of Queen Mary many thousands owned the Mass-book as the publick Worship of God which was then holden out Again how many thousands of our
have your Minds stayed that you may adorn the Truth by a chast sober and holy Conversation and your Lives preach and answer the just in every Man that so Truth may be exalted above all Deceit And Friends keep your Meetings on the first Day at your several Places where you might hitherto have waited in Stilness and Quietness but it hath not yet been prized as it ought and you may all yet learn and see all those that run up and down being heady and self-willed that still run after Words and never come into the Obedience of the Truth and now are turned out where they were before nay worse and a Fan will yet come and all that stumble at the Cross shall all fall and they that get above it deny the Power of God But Friends since the Truth hath been declared among you you have not known a Want and that makes the careless and the full now to loath Manna the least of which if you had had in Time past would have been accepted unto you And so now all you who have kept your Garments clean whom the Lord hath preserved out of the Snare of the Enemy below and dwell in Love in Meekness and Peace one with another and grow up in the Wisdom of God and Life of God and now see that all keep in the Fear look to your own every one in Particular that you may savour and discern all Deceit and keep the Faith that so you may see Victory daily and do not talk of things above what you enjoy and let none think of himself above what is meet and he that is least shall be Minister And so the Lord God of Life preserve you all in Uprightness that you may come through all this Mud and Dirt and may find your Strength renewed and the Power of the Lord more made manifest the Desire of my Soul is to the Lord for you all fulfil my Joy in your Obedience to the Truth as it is made manifest in you and the God of Life and Power be with you all who are of an upright Heart I am yours as you continue in the Faith which hath been declared and revealed in as many as have believed F. H. THE Invisible Things OF GOD BROUGHT TO LIGHT BY THE REVELATION OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT Who was an Eye-Witness of the Wonders of the Lord in the Beginning Wherein is declared the Felicity of all Things in the Beginning and the sad Estate of all Things after the Transgression How all the reformed Churches so called in Christendom are yet in the Apostacy The Estate of the true Church before the Apostacy and her State in the Apostacy and the Glory that shall appear after the Apostacy By one who believes God will shine out of Sion in perfect Beauty again after the dark Night of Apostacy F. H. The Light of the Moon shall be as the Light of the Sun and the Light of the Sun as seven Dayes and he will destroy in this Mountain the Face of the Covering cast over all People and the Vail that is spread over all Nations Isa. 25.7 AN EPISTLE TO THE Reader or Readers TO the upright-hearted Reader in all the Regions of the Earth wherein this may come who have walked in the Thick Fogs and Mists which have arisen out of the bottomless Pit which have been raised up since the Transgression which have dimmed your Eyes and hurt your Sight so that you could not behold the pure caelestial Being nor him that dwells in it whose Presence gives Life nor any thing within the Vail because the Vail hath been spread over all Nations and it hath been so thick that it hath been hard for any to rent it and the Night of Apostacy and Darkness hath been so long since the Woman fled into the Wilderness and since the Manchild which was born hath been caught up to God that few or none for these many Ages past have come to see the End of the Night but have mourned without Hope and few or none have seen or have been able to discern the time of the Woman's Return out of the Wilderness again into which she fled and few or none have seen to the End of the times after which she should return Mens Sight in the Apostacy hath been so dim and in the Vexation that when the Man-child which was caught up unto God would appear again few have had Faith to believe or Sight to behold him or an Understanding to discern of the times But Praises be to the Lord God everlasting who hath opened and is opening the Windows of Heaven and showring down his Wisdom as a mighty Rain and his Knowledge as the Morning Dew and an Understanding is pouring forth as the Water out of the Bottles of Heaven and as the Water Spouts so that Ages Times Things Dayes and Years are measured and seen And him that was before all things is beholden by whom all things were made who hath been as in a far Country all this long Night of Darkness but the time is fully expired and now is he returning and his Appearance is as a Morning without Clouds as clear as the Sun and as pure as Christal and now is he scattering the Clouds Fogs and Mists as with the East Wind and his pure Breath clears the Air and by his Arm which is mighty is he renting the Vail of the Covering according to his Promise and revealing himself in his naked Glory that the solitary may rejoyce and the feeble may be comforted and them that have erred may come to a good Understanding what I have writ thou must read me only in that which is invisible and eternal in thy self else I am sealed from thee my Words are a Riddle the Dreamers of this Age in the Apostacy say Immediate Revelation is ceased and not to be looked for yet I must needs bear my Testimony against them all for what I have here written I neither received of Man nor from Man nor Books nor other Words but by the Eternal Spirit who saw these things and was an Eye-Witness of them and God through it hath revealed them in me and to me that I might bear my Testimony of the hidden things of God which are eternal although I have made Use of the Scriptures and the Saints Words and cited some it is not for my sake but thine who readest that so every Truth may be confirmed by two or three Witnesses if thou wait to know and find the Key of David who opens in what I have declared thou wilt see the State of things before the Fall and after the Fall and how all Men in the Fall have corrupted themselves in all Administrations thou wilt see the State of the Church before the Apostacy in the Apostacy and what shall be after the Apostacy and if thou cannot reach into the things as they are declared judge them not before the Day appear in thy self for till then they will be obscure to
Church of God when as Christ saith He is the door none comes into the Fold but by him and none comes to the Father but by him and he is the way so who sets up another entrance unto God or into the Fold or into the Church which is the Pillar and Ground of Truth sets up an Idol and prefers an Idol above the Life and so are in the Idolatry But let none mistake that I say Water is an Idol nay it is a good Creature of God or that I say Johns Baptism with Water was an Idol nay he was in the Power and Spirit of Eliah and his Baptism a Figure of a good thing which was to come which afterward was received by the Disciples and Christ's words made good unto them John indeed Baptized you with Water unto Repentance but ye shall be Baptized with the Holy Ghost and with Fire not many dayes hence that was Christ's Baptism I am not Ignorant of the many and great Contests in this Age that have been about these things and I know many Scriptures that speak of Baptism all which I have searched narrowly with the Measure of God's Spirit given unto me into the true Ground of things and the true State of each administration and in this thing I am satisfied fully that the Baptism with Water was John's Baptism and not Christ's and the Baptism of the Spirit 〈◊〉 Christ's and now John's I have no desire to Wrangle or Jangle about words or contest about Shadows but that all may come to know him in whom all Ministrations end in and there will be Peace and Satisfaction to wit in Christ But to say something to the main Basis and Foundation which Priests and Separatists build much of their Arguments upon the last of Matthew and the last Verse Go teach and baptize all Nations in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost as for all the Priests about their baptizing of Infants here is no Ground at all for here is first teach and then baptize and here is no infants neither and so I know what Consequences have been drawn from this by the unlearned in their Imaginations but them that have the least Measure of true Light will not take a Consequence to build a Foundation on for this is contrary to their own Rule they say the Scripture is their Rule then their Consequence is not the Rule and if the Scriptures be the Rule let all People of your Parishes know if you can by the Scripture shew when John or any Disciple of his or Christ's baptized Infants and taught them Principles of Religion twenty Years after but they are willingly ignorant that see not you to be Idolaters and as for the Baptists Separates who build upon this for their Water-Baptism they are as groundless as the Priests and all their Agruments are as invalid as the rest for here is baptizing the Nations in the Name of the Father in the Name of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and any who are judicious or wise and are in any Measure of God's pure Wisdom will not say that the Name of the Father is Water or the Son or holy Ghost is Water the Name of God is I am and a strong Tower and the Name of the Son is the Word and the Word is the Power but this is not Water but further they say the Disciples had received the holy Ghost and did baptize with Water after and they were baptized with Water after they had received the holy Ghost and they bring divers Scriptures to prove this I shall not deny but Peter baptized with Water and Paul two or three Families and thanks God he baptized no more and said he had declared the whole Counsel of God and he makes not mention in all his Epistles that Baptism was any Part of his Command neither in all his Counsel to the Churches any where doth he exhort either to Timothy Titus or Apollo or any of the Brethren to baptize with Water but as for Peter's baptizing with Water I know no more Command he had then Paul as for the Commission which Matthew writes of Mat. 28. 19. and that Mark mentions Mark 16.15 there is no Water and so it 's the Baptism of John I grant and Christ bearing Witness to John that he was a Prophet and did baptize many and therefore he or they in Honour to John's Ministry might baptize some as well as Paul did circumcise Titus and then in 1 Cor 7.19 said It was nothing and again in another Place Neither Circumcision nor Uncircumcision did avail but a new Creature and because it was a Figure which People did not idolize so much then as they did Circumcision for the Weakness of the People for a time and the wise in Heart may understand that when any Representation or Figure outward was set up it was not easily denyed again nor an easie Thing to be laid down when the thing signified was come for many of the Jews believed in Christ and were said to be Brethren and yet they came from Jerusalem and troubled the Church of Galatia and would have brought them under the Figure Circumcision again and the Apostle in Gal. 4. asks them Now when ye know God why turn ye again to the beggarly Elements Circumcision observing Dayes Moneths Times and Years I would ask the moderate a Question whether Water be not an Element and pertains only to the elementary Part in man which is to pass away and be dissolved when the Seed is raised up whose Nature is not elementary but caelestial I shall say no more to them at this present who are contentious who are so zealous for their Water upon so weak a Ground but take heed that while you are striving about your outward Water you neglect not the washing of Regeneration and the cleansing of the Spirit many have been baptized but which of you have received the holy Ghost there is not one among you dare own or witness an infallible Spirit but count it an Error that any should speak or witness or look to enjoy any such thing in these Dayes well I say unto you your Day is a Day of Darkness and Gloominess you live in and thick Darkness covers your Tabernacle for whoever have received the holy Ghost or Spirit of Truth in any Measure are led by that which is infallible and not fallible and if you look not for this ye are no Sons notwithstanding all your washing the outside For as many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God and this is witnessed Praises to the Lord forever the Lord is unto his People an everlasting Light and this is the Sum that Water is owned to be a Figure of the one Baptism and was an Element and pertained to that which is elementary but the Elements shall melt with fervent Heat and be dissolved in the Day of the Lord and then the Seed comes up which is Heir of the Promise which is
first Priesthood some borrowed from the Jews as thy Altars thy Vestiments that thy idolatrous Merchants wear when they celebrate thy great Idol the Mass and the rest borrowed fragments from the Heathen and the rest invented in the Night of Darkness and all that you have is invented Trumpery as bad as the Heathen all your Crosses Altars Crucifixes your Cells your Lent your Fasts your Feasts your Hair-cloth your Images Pictures your Reliques of dead mens Bones your Tythes your Offerings Oblations Obventions your Tapers Beads your holy VVater your baptizing of Infants your Purgatory your praying for the Dead your visiting of old VValls and old Tombs and rotten Sepulchres your Pilgrimages your Inquisition all this is come up since the Apostles Dayes and thy consecrated Bread and Wine which thou callest the Body and Blood of Christ about which Idol thou and all that have drunken the Cup of Fornication and the Beast hath slain Thousands of men in your Blood-thirsty Cruelty and all your Works you call meretorious they are all dead and will be sentenced by the Lamb who is risen to be self-Righteousness and so we have found out your visible Church had no being but since the Apostacy since the Apostles Dayes and you are erred both in Doctrine and Practice and all your Ordination of your Ministers your Schools and Colledges are all in the Will of man all this is in the Fall in the Transgression and under the Curse Obj. Some of the Protestants or reformed Churches so called may say We like this well that you declare against Popery we agree with you in that but we have renounced the Whore's Cup and have denyed all the Powers of the Beast long since Answ. Although many of you Priests have denyed your Mother because some Kings and Rulers or Dukes and Magistrates have cast off the Yoak and they protect you and give you Maintenance yet we cannot but remember you of your Genealogy and Descent and your Doctrine and Practice shall prove it and make it manifest and that you take Part with the Beast and worship his Image shall be evidenced more and more even before this Generation pass away are not you a Stem sprung from the same Root do not the Fruits you bring forth evidence it and Pracrice demonstrate it If you grant that Rome is apostatized from the Faith which the Apostles were in and their Practice you must not deny your Fathers who made the Bishops and ordained them did not the Pope who ordained you Ministers of Priests did not the Bishops who set up your Mass-house with all the Pictures and Crosses in and upon them which you call your Church who established Tythes Offerings Oblations Easter-Reckonings Midsummer-Dues did not the Pope first and them that were subject to his Power who invented Schools and Colledges to fit you for the Ministry and qualifie you for the Ministry as you say is not this set up in and since the Apostacy began your set Wages your baptizing of Infants your consecrated Bills which the Pope hallowed or his Emissaries do not you preach up the Letter for the VVord and the Letter for the Gospel and are not you calling your Bread and Wine a Sacrament which Word you have received from Rome your Pulpits and your Hour-Glasses your Cushions your black Robes and long Robes false Prophet like your funeral for the Dead like the Popes Exequies for the Dead your devouring Widdows Houses and suing men at the Law your haling them to Courts and Prisons your taking away mens Goods by force three-fold yea ten-fold that which you claim and from them that you work not for neither dare you say this was the Apostles Practice or any of the primitive Churches if you say yea all that know the Scripture or the least of God in them or to open their Understandings they will see you nearly related to Rome and to the Apostates and Deceivers and false Prophets of old and that you are greatly inflamed with the Whore's Cup and did not the holy men of God speak as they were moved by the holy Ghost and divine Inspiration and as the Spirit of Truth revealed it self in them and do not you all Head and Tail deny any such thing to be now and further conclude that it 's a great Error to look for any such thing then be convinced in your selves you are Apostates and apostatized fr●m that Faith Hope and Spirit that was in the primitive Times and now read old Authors it may be twenty or thirty Books before you can get an Hours Discourse patched up to hold you dreaming till the Glass be run and dare you be so impudent and confident as to say that you are not Apostates and are you not Followers of the Beast and have you not his Mark and bear you not his Image do not you count that Disorder which the Apostles and the Churches counted Order If any Thing was revealed to him that stands by let the first hold his Peace are not you apostatized from this Order and cry Take him away and yet you would be called Apost●lical well these things being true and obvious enough to behold to any who know any thing of God I need not say much more in this thing but all wise men will come out from among you and out of Babylon the Mother of Harlots which hath made you and your Root and Genealogy drunk with her Fornication and this is my Call to separate from her and you that are in the Apostacy and wait to know the Word which was in the Beginning and the Gospel which was preached to Abraham which endures forever whose joyful Sound is come forth in Power and great Glory which will shake the foundation of your great City even Mystery Babylon and not leave one Stone upon another which shall not be thrown down and then the holy men of God shall rejoyce and the Saints of the most high shall sing they that have been as Sheep for the Slaughter shall reign over the Earth and shall say The Lord God Omnipotent reigns and let us rejoyce and be glad and he hath taken to himself great Power and is coming to gather his Lambs out of your Mouthes and to feed in a Pasture you never saw which was manifest to the Saints in Light before you Apostates sprang and shall be again when you and all your dark muddy Traditions and Inventions are gone down into the Pit where there is no Remembrance Object But it may be the pure Reformed Church of Scotland as it hath been called and the old Episcopal and Prelatical Priests of England who have borrowed their Images to set up here will be ready to say We have denyed the Whore and the Beast and the Apostacy and we have pure Reformation we have denyed Bishops which were made by the Apostate the Pope and now we have setled all things according to the primitive Church Answ. There never did spring up any Deceit since the Apostles or before
but the Quakers see before thee and beyond thee and comprehend thee and have received Eye-salve whereby their Eyes are opened to see thy Deceit the deceit of the Treacherous Generation with whom thou art joyned and thy Rejoynder and Vindication of Samuel Smith whom thou calls Minister of the Word at Cressage in the County of Salop thy Vindication of him and thy pleading for him will not bring much Honour to neither him nor thee and though thou and he both joyn hand in hand in deceit yet you shall not go Unpunished Thou tels the Reader Of wandering Planets who have left their Station who have stepped upon the Stage in the County of Salop who are come forth in this Apostatizing time All who have a good understanding may clearly see not only in the County of Salop but also in every Corner of the Land many wandering Stars that have no habitation in the Firmament of God's Power but are Tossed up and down and are as waters Unstable Tossed to and fro with every wind and the change of one Magistrate or head Governour will make them all change their form and as thou callst it Metamorphize them into another shape witness the many publique Teachers and Parish-masters and Tything Priests in the dayes of Edward the sixth Henry the 8. Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth's dayes and now of late in the Bishops dayes when the Magistrates voted down the Bishops all or most of the Priests denyed their Fathers and their Institution and though they ordained them Ministers yet they still seek after their seats and Benefices and there thy Reader may see the Metamorphosed changlings and the Apostates and I do believe the County of Sal●p abounds with such like and they have been on the Stage long and have acted such a part in every Generation as would please the present Authority or Power whether they were Papists or Protestants Prelatical or whatsoever but E. D. the Exit will come and when the Day appears the Beasts must go into their Dens again and thou confessest you live in Apostatizing times thou that art among the Apostates and in the Apostatizing Age and time would accuse others Nay thou must hold thy Peace and leave pleading for Apostates and for the Fashions of the Heathen which have got up since the dayes of the Apostacy which the whole scope of thy Book is full of nothing else and we cannot permit or allow them who are in the time of Apostacy and who are one with the Apostates which have wandered after the Beast since the Dayes of the Apostles I say we cannot allow such as you to be Judges for we are come out of the Apostacy and to before the Apostates and to before the wandering Stars and thou hast mist it much that tells the Quakers are they Edward I tell thee we are come to the everlasting Gospel again and have received it and it 's the Power of God which was to be and is to be preached again to the Nations after the Apostacy And as for the Book called Malice stript and whipt I have seen it and he Spirit of thy Mr. Smith whom thou callst Reverend thou hast elevated him as high as the Pope but E. D. what is the Reason thou reverencest him so much as thou dost to thy Reader And in the tenth page thou saist many Souls depend upon his Ministry and thou blessest God for the wor● of God you enjoy in that Congregation Thou hast extoll'd him too highly or else he hath wronged thee grievously for thou saist thou hast profited much by him Thou mayest call to mind a certain time when he preached as you call it out of the 13 of Luke and when he spoke of the Parable of the m●n that planted a Vineyard and 3 Years looked for Fruit and Sam. Smith whom thou so adorest said he had sought for Fruit from your Congregation this 7 Years at Cressage and had found none he shall be an evidence for me against thee that thy glorying of him is Vain and it 's manifest he is one the Lord sent his Prophet to declare against who hath run and the Lord never sent him therefore he hath not profited you at Cressage at all lean Souls are they like to be that depend on him In the first Observation as thou callst it thou hast extracted the Heads of Samuel Smiths Book into five particulars which thou sayst we are ashamed to Answer or else know not what to say for our defences I say unto thee Boast not when thou purst on thy Armour but when putst it off for the Victory may be doutful THe first particular That the Nationall Ministers do maintain the true worship of God and the Doctrine of Christ according to the revealed will of God Answ. So saying and so doing were something the true Worship of God is in Spirit and in Truth which is not Lo here and lo there nor in outward Observations but in Life in Power and in Truth But to be brief both the Doctrine and Practice of the National Ministry in general is contrary to the Scripture which thou callst the Word of God as for Instance their sprinkling of Infants their teaching Men to Swear and calling it part of the Worship of God which is contrary to the Doctrine of Christ who said Swear not at all Their singing David's Psalms put into Meeter by Poets and Ballad-mongers singing them in their invented Tunes which pleaseth the carnal Mind their studied discourses which you call Sermons Invented from the strength of natural wit and not speaking as they are moved by the holy Ghost which the Ministers of Christ in all Ages did In these and many other things which I could instance they are out of the Doctrine of Christ And in a word your whole Worship differs both in matter and manner from the Saints Worship in the Primitive Times But seeing we have denyed the National Ministers divers Years ago and have laid down our Grounds and Reasons to the World wherein we have charged them that their practice is contrary to the Scripture unto which Grounds and Reasons not one Parish-master in England hath yet Vindicated themselves these six years And unto that Book called The Grounds and Reasons why we deny the Priests if the Reader be not satisfied concerning them there he may see how they err both in Doctrine and Practice contrary to Scriptures To the second and third Particulars That the present Government of the Nation is the Ordinance of God and that the Ministers bringing Offenders before the Magistrate is not Persecution As for the present Government of the Nation the lawfulness thereof is not to Question by us but many who are Governours and should be Executors of the Law have acted contrary to the Law being stirred 〈◊〉 by the Priests who bite with their Teeth if one put not into their Mouths and have caused the just to suffer by giving Judgment 〈◊〉 the● in their wills contrary to Law or
said Human Invention and vain Tradition And Trinity of Persons in the Divine Essence where learned you this Article from the Pope from the Mass-book yet the Father Son and Spirit are owned and these three are one and the Father Word and Spirit and these are one but I challenge all you Orthodox Professors to shew me from Scripture where the Holy Ghost or Spirit is called a Person be ashamed of your Ignorance ye illiterate men 2. Or shall deny the Person of Christ to be distinct from the Father and the Holy Ghost or shall deny the Person of Christ to be distinct from every Believer Answ. Do but mark the Madness and Confusion of these mighty Rabbies before there must be three Persons in one Essence and now Christ must be distinct from the Father and the holy Ghost before in God and now distinct from God this is damnable Doctrine which hath been brought in since the Apostacy for the Scripture saith God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself how was he distinct from the Father when the Father was in him And I am in the Father and the Father in me and I and my Father are one Nay say New-England Doctors They are distinct and the Fulness of the Godhead dwelt in him bodily Now prove you that the Father and the holy Ghost are distinct from Christ or how is Christ's Person distinct from every Believer when he that is a Believer hath him revealed in him and he that is a true Believer eats his Flesh and drinks his Blood How is he then distinct What nearer Union can there be exprest Is that distinct from a man that he hath in him But it may be they will say as the rest of the Dreamers do he is in Believers by his Spirit distinct from his Body then I say Christ is not divided a Person without a Spirit or distinct from the Spirit is not Christ but this blind Doctrine came up since the Apostles Dayes and was counted as Orthodox by the Councils at Nice and Lateran a Company of Apostates and hath been counted by the Beast's Followers a great Point of Divinity 3. Or deny the Manhood of Christ to be a Manhood distinct from the Manhood of any other Man Answ. The Man Christ Jesus who was of the Seed of Abraham according to the Flesh and the Son of God according to the Spirit his Flesh is distinct from you who live in ENVY whole FLESH is as the Flesh of Horses and as the Flesh of Dragons who devour you know not the holy Flesh of Christ but the Man of God doth who is born of the Spirit and the Flesh of Christ is his Meat and they that believe in him are Bone of his Bone and Flesh of his Flesh you ignorant Dreamers how then is his Flesh distinct But you do feed upon Ashes as your Father doth the cunning Serpent for God's Wisdom is hid from you 4. Or shall deny the Scripture or the written Word to be the Rule Answ. We own the Scriptures which you ignorantly call the written Word as though all the Scriptures were but one Word the Word is Christ which was revealed in the Saints which spake the Words forth and he is the Way and the Rule of Life to them that believe and his Spirit is the Leader and Guider into all Truth and the Rule of Obedience and you are they that deny the Scriptures and the Rule of holy walking you own it in Words and in VVorks deny him witness all your fore-mentioned Deeds of Darkness and Hypocrites and Dissemblers cry Scripture is the Rule of Faith and Life when their Life that they live in stands in Sin Wickedness and Deceit 5. Or shall openly revile either Church or State or Church-VVorship Church-Officer or Ordinances divine or the publick Assembly of the People of God to worship him according to the Prescription of the Gospel Answ. Your Church and State Church-Officers and Ordinances and Assembly and your Worship is manifest to be a Place where Dragons are who sting devour kill and destroy God's Workmanship and he that speaks for you God will condemn him for he that justifies you justifies the wicked and that is an Abomition to the Lord And let the Nation see your Prescription in that which you call your Gospel where Christ commanded the Churches or gave his Disciples such Prescripts as these If the rest of the Jews or Gentiles will not come to your Assemblies fine them 5 s. a Day and 10 s. a Day or 40 s. a Moneth and if any speak any where in my Name but where you meet let him that speaks be fined 5 l. and if they will not pay fetch away their Goods Beasts Horses break open their Houses and take Hatchets and beat down their Doors and take the Names of them that meet and b●le them to the Court and there fine them 5 l. a Man and send them to Prison and load their Backs and Stripes and whip them severely and if any refuse to doff his Hat and will not say Reverend Mr Peter and Reverend Mr Paul and Reverend Mr John or if it please you Mr Mark or Mr Andrew and Philip then go you to the Judgment Seat and tell the Magistrates and let them indict them and put in a great deal of aggravating Words as Muteny Sedition Insurrection Rebellion and the like and let them say unto them you are against the laudable Custom of our Country and last of all banish them and if they return again put them to Death and let them say as Richard Bellinghom the Deputy Governour of Boston said to John Copeland John Rous and Christopher Holder We commanded these Men not to come again but they returned again in Contempt of the Magistracy and Ministry and so whatsoever comes upon you Loss of Ears or Loss of Life your Blood be upon your own Heads I say let the Regions know your Prescript in your Gospel and your Rule of Life for these Practices and then you will convince the Quakers and satisfie all People 6. Or shall entertain any such in a Way of Conventicle or private Meeting or shall resort unto the Conventicle of any such who are known Refusers to come to the publick Worship of God in the publick Assembly Answ. These Men would have banished Paul he was a Man publickly known to refuse to go into the Temple and Synagogues except to lead People out of them and yet they have got his Words in their Mouthes and these Men would have imprisoned the Church of Corinth and Galatia and Thessalonica and the Church of Antioch for they met in Houses and denyed the rest of the Synagogue of the Jews and the Temples of the Gent●les and they had private Meetings and often by the Sea-side and Mountains and other Places and although Bishop Laud be dead his Spirit speaks and acts in New-England he made such Articles as these against Conventicles and told of the laudable Customs and Worship of
Covenant shall be broken and your Confederacy disanulled and you confounded in the midst of your Counsels what have you your Law yet to make to serve your Turns It seems you act not by the Law of God which is made already which is equal just and good and is for the Transgressor of Justice Goodness and Equity but takes not hold upon the just equal nor good but you must now have another invented to satisfie your envious Minds and to accomplish your wicked Determinations and you that think to make a Law to banish and to put to Death your Thoughts are vain and wicked and God will bring them to Judgment and condemn you for them for Christ came not to destroy Mens Lives but to save them but the Devil makes Laws to destroy and not to save Read your Example and let Shame cover your Faces and Astonishment fill your Hearts that you should become so brutish and vain in your Thoughts as to think to limit the Lord of Heaven and Earth Can you command the Wind that it blow not can you stop the Bottles of Heaven that they pour not forth Water If you cannot no more can you limit the Lord And if you make any such Law to banish or put to Death it will procure the Indignation and Wrath of God more speedily then if all the Popish Princes that are in the WORLD did enter into the midst of your Land But this is come to pass that your Hypocrisie and Deceit might be made manifest in the Sight of the Sun and that all men may see what Pr●fession of Words is without the Life of Christ to rule in Men If it should have been told you when you fled from this Nation what you would do in the time to come against God and his Servants you would have said with Hazael Are we Dogs But the Heart of Man is deceitful unconverted and your deceived Hearts have led you aside Thou thinkest they are the worst Hereticks Thy Eye being blinded and thy Understanding darkened and thy Heart full of Envy how should'st thou think otherwise But thy Thoughts shall be discovered to thee and thou shalt be convinced of the Evil of them Thou say'st One whom many think is a Jesuite pressed for a Conference with one of our Teachers called Mr Norton but the Quaker was quickly weary of it You live by your Thoughts and know nothing if he had been a Jesuite it 's like he might have had more Favour from you and the Minister might be very bold knowing before-hand no Evil was like to befall him having the Rulers with their Clubs on his Side the Prison-Doors and House of Correction ready to receive the Quakers the Goalers and Task-masters with their Whips and butcherly Fellows with their Knives to cut of their Ears at the Pleasure and Wills of a Company of envious men before whose Face the Fear of the Lord is not But it is like you will make the Quaker weary soon if he would look out at your Cruelty if you did as sometime some of your Priests and Rulers caused to be done in New-England stop Napkins in their Mouthes and bound Keys over their Mouthes that they could not speak and boast and say The Quaker had nothing to answer Well all these things are recorded and are written as with a Pen of Iron and they are engraven where they shall not be blotted out and you are registred among the Uncircumcised with Mesech and Tubal the great Princes of Gog which make War against the Lamb his Followers but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the Victory and you shall be trodden as Ashes under the Soles of their Feet for they shall melt away that hate the Lord. Reading the 16th of the 12th Moneth 1658. F. H. THE WORKS OF DARKNESS Brought to Light AND REPROVED IN Answer to divers false Doctrines and Principles of John Wells of St. Ives so called in Huntingon-shire Concerning the Word and the Gospel and the Way to Christ and the Tryal of Spirits and the Light which lighteth every Man and the Ministers Maintenance His vain Arguments and Proofsmade void and Truth manifested in all these particulars Also some Queries propounded to John Wells to answer By him that loves the Truth as it is in Jesus F. H. THE WORKS OF DARKNESS Brought to Light HE that hates the Light as it is written will not bring his Deeds to the Light lest they should be reproved and made manifest of which Sort John Wells a pretended Minister of the Gospel at St. Ives so called in Huntington-shire is who hath declared and published unsound Doctrines contrary to Scripture of Truth which were asserted by him and taken from his own Mouth and the Reply thereunto sent and his Doctrines reproved as to be unsound and inconsistent to a true Minister of Christ the which Paper of Information and also of Reproof John Wells in Vindication of his former Assertions hath divulged abroad in his Parish as in Answer to the said Paper delivered unto him and also in Vindication of his former Doctrines which Paper of his hath been read up and down by his Auditors as some great Oracle which could not be gainsayed and he never yet sent his Answer unto them who contradicted and reproved his aforesaid Doctrines and Principles unto which his Answer did properly belong it could never yet be purchased or obtained from him or any of his Auditors and all this he hath done lest his Works should be brought to Light and his Deceit should be discovered and his Kingdom weakened which stands in Darkness but seeing that there is no Work of Darkness must be hid but must all be brought to Light and be discovered in the Day therefore is his Paper come forth by another Hand that he and his Work might be tryed and reproved and that the ignorant might see his Confusion and also that Truth might be made manifest to the Understandings of People that they may no longer continue in Ignorance and Blindness now when the Lord is shining forth in his Brightness and revealing his Glory from the rising of the Sun His first Position is That Eternal Life is to be found by or in the Scriptures II. They are the VVay and Means which God hath discovered for the obtaining of it viz. Eternal Life In the Vindication of his foresaid Assertions he saith he will explain himself and saith That God is pleased by his Infinite Grace and VVisdom to continue this excell●nt Plot of Redemption by his Son and then concludeth how shall we believe in him of whom we have not heard therefore was God pleased by the Scriptures to reveal Jesus Christ and none can ever come to the Knowledge of Chr●st but in or by the Scriptures This man talks like a Heathen Politician rather then a Minister of Christ who tells of an excellent Plot of Redemption for he who is the Redeemer was with the Father was his Delight before the World began which in
false for Christ was discovered to Moses by Faith and Abraham saw Christ and his D●y by Faith and the Shepherds by the Star which led them where the Child was and so for thee to conclude all like thy self is Presumption without Knowledge and Christ was revealed by and through his Spirit to the Saints in Light and yet the words testifie of him and many have the words and yet they are a sealed Book and are not any way or means unto them as to the Discovery of Christ so that Christ said unto a learned Generation You err not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God and yet they were frequent Readers of the Scriptures yet ignorant of the Spirit through which God maketh manifest his Mind and maketh known his will by what way and means he pleaseth to the Sons of Men Yet this we say that God may make manifest his Son by his Spirit what way he will and yet the Scripture is not excluded for the things of God are spiritually discerned and the natural man may have the words as the Pharisees had without the Spirit But this is the Sum all this striving is to set up the words above the Spirit and the Scripture above the Life And thou goest on and sayest That thou wonderest that men should not be able to distinguish Christ to be the way and the Scriptures to be the way I say there are not two wayes but one way and one Life and none comes to the Father but by the way and he is the way and the means too for he is said to be the Leader of his Flock and of the Sheep of his Pasture unto whom he giveth eternal Life eternal Life is found in him out of him there is none and them that seek without him shall never find the way to Rest and thy many Distinctions of way and way do cast a Mist before Peoples Eyes and do darken their Understandings and would lead them from the one way of Life And thou askest how those Scriptures can be reconciled Cor. 1.11 Other Foundation can no Man lay then that which is laid Jesus Christ. Ephes. 2.20 And are built upon the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ himself being chief corner-Stone ver 22. in whom ye also are builded These two Scriptures are reconciled already and were never at Enmity nor at Discord for he which had the word of Reconciliation committed unto him write them both dost thou think he laid one Foundation to the Corinthians and another to the Ephesians Christ was the Foundation to the Corinthians and no other could be laid and were not all the Saints Citizens of the Houshold of God builded upon this Foundation and so became a Habitation of God through the Spirit But thou would'st have two Foundations as thou hast laboured to prove two Wayes and eternal Life to be found in two distinct things as that eternal Life is found in Christ and that eternal Life is found in the Scriptures and then hast brought all this striving to nothing and say'st That we must not imagine that eternal Life lyeth in Words or Sentences I say if thou had'st not imagined so thy self thou would'st not have made all this Contest for Scripture or Writings consisting of Words and Sentences except thou judgest as some of thy ignorant Brethren have done that eternal Life and the Scripture is inseparable or that the Scripture and the Spirit cannot be separated And if thou judgest so then these that have the Words and Sentence of the Scripture have eternal Life and the Spirit and such dark Doctrines the Land hath been filled with thou wouldst make Distinctions betwixt way and way Light and Light and put Distinctions where there are none and yet where the Spirit distinguisheth thou either cannot or wilt not that doth not distinguish betwixt a visible an invisible betwixt that which is given forth in time and that which gave forth the words which is Life it self which was before all time Next thing thou comest unto The Scripture is the Gospel and the Scripture is the Word of God and this thou countest great Ignorance for any to oppose and thou sayest Thou supposest that we do not know what the word Scripture meaneth is it not the Gospel that thou say'st was preached by Christ and his Apostles and what they preached was written and may be called the Word of God for it is full of Power It may more then be supposed that thou art ignorant for thou hast really manifested it that gross Darkness covereth thee and Blindness hath happened to thee through thy Unbelief and it 's really apparent that thou knowest not what the Word Scripture meaneth who callest it the Gospel and the Word hast thou not learned to distinguish betwixt the Subject declared of and the Declaration betwixt a man which speaks and the Words which come from a man betwixt that which is visible and that which is invisible betwixt that which may be seen which is temporal and that which is everlasting and eternal The Scriptures are writings which may be seen and read with a natural Eye or Ear but that which the Scripture declares of cannot be seen with a Natural Eye neither heard with a Natural Ear Knowest thou no difference betwixt a Creator and a Creature Is not that which createth greater then that which is Created And was it not the eternal Power that gave the words a being or thou hadst never had them And were it not ignorance for any man to say that the Creature were the Creator Judge in thy self For thee to call that which is brought forth by the Name of that which brought it forth is great Ignorance And is it any Derogation unto the Creature to call it by its own Name But it is derogation to the Creator to call the Creature by the Creator's Name so for thee to call the writings the Power of God or the Gospel or word is to attribute that to the Declaration which properly belongs to the thing declared of which is far greater in Magnitude in Glory and Excellency in Power and Virtue insomuch that the Apostle said when he had spoken largely of the Power of God and of his unsearchable Riches he cryed O the Height and the Breadth and the Length and the Depth thereof was to speakable or could not be spoken which was unsearchable and past finding out The Declaration or the Scripture may be enjoyed and not the Power of God which is the Gospel of Christ. That the Holy Scriptures were given by Inspiration and thou sayest It is full of Power and therefore sayest It is the Power of God and that it 's able to make wise unto Salvation and thou hast done well that thou hast not left out through Faith in Christ Jesus as some of thy Brethren used to do And thou sayest It 's a sad Argument against the Scripture to say that the Gospel was preached to Abraham before Matthew Mark Luke and John
will vindicate themselves and have an evident Witness in every ones Conscience that believes so far as thou hast truly transcribed them and many of those Doctrines and Practices which thou hast set down as Errors the Scripture will bear witness to and the Example of the Saints Evidence and the Judicious will receive with Gladness of Heart and by it thy envious Spirit will be made manifest to all where thy lying Story shall come In thy 30th Page thy Lips being accustomed to utter forth Lyes and Deceit thou proceedest and say'st That the Quakers say that a man is justified by the Merit of good Works and inherent Righteousness and how that we hold the real corporal Presence of Christ in many Places at once and overthrow the Articles of Christ's Humanity and further thou say'st That Christ is Corporally in Heaven But for Proof I expect none from thee for thou speakest as though thy Tongue were thy own and I charge thee to instance where in all our Writings we have said that a man is justified by inherent Righteousness or where thou find'st real corporal Presence or where is it written in the Scripture that Christ is corporally in Heaven yet the man Christ is at the right Hand of God from whence he shall appear to thy Judgment and Condemnation except thou repent and Christ God's Righteousness must be revealed within by which the Saints are justified In thy 31st Page thou tellest of the Actions and Manners of the Quakers and thou say'st They will not put off their Hats before the highest Authority and how they stood covered and Thoued and Theed the Chair-man and Members of Parliament to the great Dishonour of the Authority of England as ever was admitted This shows that the Authority of England hath in times past been out of the Authority of God and in the same Authority which we find mentioned in the Scripture before whom the Prophets Christ and the Apostles were brought before though many of the Magistrates then were out of the Power of God yet they did not reprehend them for Want of Hats or Caps or Bowings or saying Thee or Thou and it seems the Committee and Members of Parliament did count it no Dishonour though thou dost who art a Busie-Body but Fools love to be medling Then thou proceedest on and say'st They will not petition Men no not the greatest Power witness all their Addresses to the Protectors and also tells How a Quaker in Hartfordshire swore against them that pulled down the House where the Quakers met It is not consistent with them that are in the Truth and in the Power of God to come with feigned Petitions full of Flattery and Deceit which answereth not God's Witness but rather the wrong Part which would be courted and flattered which holds under the Just neither can they who are in the Truth make such feigned complemental Addresses as the hireling Teachers from all Quarters of the Nation did to the late Protectors who flattered them and told them they would stand by and lay down all for that which they asserted and called one of them Joshuah and the other Moses and said They committed the keeping of the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ unto them and such like Blasphemies but as soon as the Wheel turned about in the next Moneth call them Traytors Tyrants and Usurpers and these were your stinking Addresses and your feigned Supplications which all sober and understanding People were ashamed of and thy Priests which thou callest Ministers and their Confederates which thou callest Christians have flattered them and bowed under every Deceit and turned with every Wind instance in the Dayes of Edward the 6th Henry the 8th Elizabeth and Mary and Charles and when these were overthrown which you used to call God's anointed then you strike in with what thing soever arises as instance one Parliament after another and then for Protectors and then no Protectors but a Parliament and thus have you flattered each of the Rulers though never so unjust till the Wrath of God hath sunk the most of them because they have hearkened to Flattery and Deceit and had not their Ears open to them with whom the Counsel of God is we have counselled them oft and have fore-warned them in all Plainness and Nakedness of Heart though our Counsel hath been rejected yet God hath fulfilled our Testimony thus far upon them all And as for the Quaker in Hartford-shire who thou say'st Swore against some who did abuse him and the Quakers I do believe he was one of thy own Generation and lately one of your Popish Parochial Congregations instituted first by Pope Dionysius although the man was more moderate then the rest and did grieve to see his Neighbours abused and sober people disturbed and the House broken down and Blood shed and that by the Justification of thy Sir T.H. the man not being convinced of the Unlawfulness of an Oath did give Testimony against the riotous persons and evil-doers and against him who encouraged them in it and shall he be condemned by thee who actest the same thing was it evil in him and is it righteous in thee Although I do not justifie the thing for it is known to many thousands in the Nation that the Quakers will not swear upon any Account lest they should fall into Condemnation but there are none can escape thy slanderous pen who loveth Uprighntess Truth but all thy Smitings in the Dark will at last fall upon thy own pate Further thou goest on and say'st We cry up Liberty of Conscience but are not willing to give it to others because thou say'st many Thousand Times some Ministers have been disturbed by them in their Religious Exercises That Liberty which we would enjoy our selves the same we can and will allow unto all men which is most equitable and though we have gone into the Steeple-houses and old Mass-houses and declared against Idolatry and Deceit Formality Feignedness and Hypocrisie or spoken the Words of Truth and Soberness either in Exhortation Admonition and Reproof this was the manner of the Apostles of Christ whose Consciences were exercised in purity towards God but that which was Order in the Churches of Christ is counted Disturbance by you Mass-house-worshippers and yet you would arrogate unto your selves the Name of a Church and yet are out of Gospel-Order you are for the Liberty of the Flesh and not for the Liberty of a pure Conscience Thou say'st The Quakers are grievous Lyars and thy proof is that Richard Hubberthorn said That the wicked are not to read the Scriptures and E. Burroughs saith The wicked and ungodly are to read the Scriptures and not the godly and thou say'st In this they have not both spoken Truth We know no Lye is of the Truth but of the Devil who abode not in the Truth and we are redeemed out of Lying by the Truth which hath set us free and thou art found the Lyar thy self for both the Words of
stink in the Nostrils of all sober People which is sounded through the World and your State is as it was with Israel when Blindness happened unto them through their Unbelief the Effect of it manifested their Apost●cy the Judges then judged for Rewards the Priests preached for Hire and Prophets divined for Money and the People loved to have it so in their ●nbelief and then did the Rulers grind the Faces of the Poor and chop them in Pieces as Flesh for the Caldr●n even as you have done banished some from their Habitations some from their Wives and Children and some you have seized upon their Lands taken away their Goods by the Appointment and Order of your Courts by which thou art made a Minister and appointed to tell these Lyes and to utter forth Deceit to cover your VVickedness and to strengthen the Devil's Kingdom and the Subjects thereof against Christ and his Kingdom who came not to destroy Mens Lives but to ●ame them who came not to lay Burdens but to take off Burdens who 〈◊〉 not to destroy the Poor and Needy but to relieve the Oppressed And have not your General Courts done all this and much more which they may see and behold with Confusion of Face And when they have whipt them and scourged them fined them and imprisoned them seized upon their Lands taken away their Goods wasted their Estates banished them upon Pain of Death and when nothing had remained of all their Estates have ordered their Children to be sold for Bond-slaves and this by the Appointment of the General Court and for no other Cause but because they would not put off their Hats to their Equals or come to your publick Assemblies Oh un-heard of and unparallel'd VVickedness the Name of your General Courts and the Appointment and Ordinances thereof will be crowned with Infamy and Reproach from Generation to Generation but this is come to pass that your Hypocrisie might be made manifest and your Skirts uncovered that your Shame might appear and that might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet They eat up my People as Men eat Bread Are these the Fruits Symptomes and Cha●●●cters that your Hearts are rent and broken in New-England or are they not rather manifest Tokens that your Hearts are like Adamant or like the nether Mill-stone or like Flint which is harder then ordinary Stones in which there is no Remorse or Reluctancy And is not this your State as it was with Israel when their Hearts were hard Doth not Christ say By their Fruits the false Prophets are known and the Tree is known by its Fruits And have not you brought forth the same Fruits Do not your Rulers and Teachers rule and teach for Reward Nay are they not worse Have not you taken Money from them whom you judged Malefactors to pay your Servants for doing of your VVork to your Marshals and your bloody Task masters and wicked Executioners O shameless Man and full of Impudency that ever thou durst put Pen to Paper or that the General Court should ever appoint thee to tell the Nation that your Heart was rent in New-England but the Terror of the Lord and the Dread of God you m●st all know before your Hearts be rent which are yet impenetrable and hard or else all these wretched Manifestations and Fruits thereof would never have appeared but one of thy Generation if not thy self saith That a Company of Thieves Fornicators and Fellons may cry out of deserved Punishment as Persecution as well as we God hath cleared us and redeemed us from those things but is not putting off the 〈…〉 Equal or not joyning or coming to your Congregation that they deserve Punishment suitable to Thieves Fornicators and Fellons but Persecutors Blood-thirsty men were ever blind for Christ the Prophets and Apostles the Holy Men of God who suffered for the Testimony of a good Conscience were ever reputed Transgressors and judged that they suffered deservedly by them who caused them to suffer Christ was crucified betwixt two Thieves and Herod the Governour and his Men of War set him at nought and he was numbred amongst Transgressors as it is written of him and so were all his Followers by them that were in Cain's Way and in Balaam's Way and so hast thou with the rest of Babylon's Merchants these divers Years numbred us amongst Transgressors every Sect and Opinion hitherto hath joyned us to that Opinion or Sect which was contrary to them but thou would'st marr our Countenance more then any thou hast not found a Generation bad enough to number us with in this Age but are gone back a thousand Years to fetch up Men and Doctrines and Principles and would'st fasten them upon us and so to represent us odious to People thou might'st have spent thy time better then to have raked in those old mouldy Histories in which I see thou art better acquainted then with the mind of Christ but I shall not trouble the Reader with thy Stories neither vindicate their Doctrines and Principles which were counted Hereticks these men are dead and gone thou might'st have let them pass and have medled with things that pertained to thy own Generation but that thy dead mind feeds upon dead things and to tell thee and the World plainly that thou which wilt lye and lay Things to their Charge which they never knew nor maintained which may be are living and can reprove thee for thy Falshood and Deceit in this Generation thou mayst well speak falsly and lay Things to their Charge which they never maintained which are at such a Distance as 1600 or 1000 Years ago and if the Adversaries of these men did write their Principles and set down their Errors and Blasphemies as I believe many of them did I do less credit their Report and am not altogether unacquainted with Ecclesiastical Histories from whence thou hast had these Stories although now I count the time just lost which I spent in those things and though thou judgest that we vilifie the Scripture yet I prefer it above and before all the Ecclesiastical Histories that I have read I shall not trouble the Reader with thy old Heterodoxes as thou callest them of the Heads of Religion there are mary that know those things as well as thy self And as for Praxes Sabel●er● Nestorius C●rinthius Eutichus no with Quintinius Swenkfield Muncer David George and John of Leyden what are these to us and what are their Principles to us Something they spoke which was real Heresie if the Histories be true wherof I much doubt because many such as thy self were the Authors thereof and something it may be was Truth which might be vindicated not because they held it but because it is Truth in it self and as for thy comparing of them to us and their Principles to ours doth not at all detract or invalidate Truth as it is in it self for corrupt Minds may speak true Words and that which is Truth in it self yet not live
Grace and the Light enlightening is either the Word considered as the second Person or Christ the Son consi●ered as Incarnate Answ. It seems that thou knowest not which it is but Guessest like a blind-man and like a wild Archer shoots at Randome and why dost thou make such distinction betwixt the Word the Son of God and Christ the Son of God thou madest but three Persons in the Trinity before but it seems by thy arguing thou wouldst now make four And as for thy C●lle ●ive and distributive Light the distinctions is that which would cast a Mist before People Eyes and thou bringst the Judgment of Calvin Beza and Piscator and others that as concerning Man endued only with the Light remaining since the Fall they conclude him to be Darkness and unable to comprehend the Light or to improve it to Salvation their Judgements are more sound then thine though thou wouldst bring them to strengthen thee that the Son of God hath not enlightned every man they confess the Man in the fall is in Darkness and Darkness is over him and in that he is not able to comprehend the Light which is in him and as to the Improvement of it in the Darkness man hath not Power to improve it to Salvation but what doth this invalidate the Light which is in Darkness the Power of improving is in the Light being turned to again and received and what if I say it is the Light of Life in its self though thou deny it I knowest what I speak for in him was Life and is Life and that Life is the Light of men and the Light of the World and so that Light which every man is lighted with is of the Life and from the Life and so may truly be said to be the Light of Life in it self though man in the Transgression doth not feel it so as to him but may truly say it is the Light of Condemnation because he feels it so in the Operation thereof being in the Transgression it convicteth reproveth accuseth and condemneth for Evil and therefore it cannot be the Light of Life to him till it be received closed with obeyed and followed and then the back is turned upon the Transgression and man is come out of the Darkness and therefore the Apostle spoke well and understandingly according to Knowledge that which was ordained for Life wrought Death in him that was because the Law was against him and he in the contrary Nature to it the ignorance of many wise Men so accounted in this Generation is such that when they see or feel contrary Effects they judge there must needs be contrary Subjects or Objects because there are different Effects for now the same Light which shews Evil and accuses for it and Judges for it there is one Operation and excuses him that loves it and obeyes it here is another Operation that which Convinceth the World of Sin of Righteousness and of Judgment and that which consolates and gives Peace to the Believer is the self same Spirit so here is not two Spirits or two Lights so that he which kindles a Fire in the Earth and appears in flames of Fire and rendereth Vengeance upon all them that obey not the Gospel which is the Power of God here is one Work or operation of Christ the same bringeth Peace Joy and gladness and refreshment and makes the springs of Life to bubble up in them that believe here is another Operation yet the same Christ these things I write to inform thee and all where this may come that that is truly an Appearance of Christ which sheweth Sin and condemns it in a measure and he alone is the Judge of the Quick and the Dead and if all Judgment be committed to the Son then to be Judged for Lying for Stealing and for wronging any man it is the Work of Christ and the Work of the Son Oh man thou hast much to Repent of and thy Ignorance is great which hast called Christ the Light or the Light of Christ or the Light of Life Darkness and contra-distinct to the Spirit and worse then gross Darkness so this is thy conclusion against the first of John the 9th that Christ hath not enlightned every man or all men that come into the World but all men so qualified of every sort so then by thy conclusion the first of John and the 6. verse gives an uncertain Sound like the 17th of John and 22th so then its Qualifications of men that procures Light from Christ and so it s not of Grace but of debt but if it be of debt which is owing unto a Person so qualified then it is not of Gift but thou err'st in thy Judgement for it is by the gift of Righteousness that Justification comes upon all that believe it is not this or that Qualification before their conversion which is any cause of God's enlightening them but it is the free Love of God unto man without Exceptions or respect of Persons that he hath lighted every man to the intent that all and every man might see his Error and depart from it and turn to him that shews him it who would have all men saved and come to the Knowledge of the Truth and such is the large Love of God unto whole Man-kind which thou wouldst restrict and bind up to such and such Persons so Qualified as though Qualifications of Persons were a Meritorious cause wherefore Christ was Bound to give them Light this is rank Popery and not according to the Doctrine of Godliness And thou citest 2 Pet. 1.19 We have a more sure Word of Prophecy whereunto you do well that you take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark Place until the Day dawn and the Day-star arise in your Hearts hence it is inferred thou say'st that after the Reception of the Spirit there is no need to attend to the Scripture and so thou goest on and say'st the Word of Prophecy is the Scripture of the Old Testament that thou art to take heed unto until the Day dawned and the Day-star arised in their Hearts and that until signifies forever Answ. And here thou art in Confusion I know none that make any such Inference but thy self for the Scripture is seen most clearly who know the Day dawn and the Day-star arisen in their Hearts and first thou say'st We are to understand the Word of Pr●phecy the whole Scripture and then in the same Page say'st That Peter expounds the Word Prophecy of the old Testament only so then Peter's Exposition by thy Account and thine is different thou say'st he spoke of the old Testament and thy Interpretation is of the whole Scripture but thou hast mist it both of Peter and thy self for Peter wrote to People in that Epistle in several States yet they all might be said to be Believers according to a Proportion of Faith given unto them and in that which thou hast cited 1 Pet. 1.19 We have also a more
a Company of wild Bears rending and tearing and stop Gloves and Napkins and bind Keys over their Mouthes that they may not speak the Word of Truth amongst y●u contrary to Primitive Order And as for the Doctrine of the Quakers many who know it better then thee know it to be d●structive to n●●hi●g but to the Doctrine of Anti-christ and such ungodly Doctrines as thou hast laid down in this Book as that that Light which Christ hath enlightned every one withal is gross Darkness and worse then gross Darkness and that the Supper of the Lord is a visible Political Ordinance and su●h black Doctrines as these our Doctrines are destuctive unto And further thou goest on and tellest The Work against Order is Policy against Policy the Policy of Hell against the Policy of Heaven Answ. It seems your Order stands in Policy both in your Church and State and in Craft Fraud and Deceit and thou judged that He●ven stands in Policy too but he that sits in Heaven laughs you to Scorn with all your Deceit and Policy And now thou comest to thy Proof and say'st That Doctrine that denyes Obedience to Magistracy in his due Subject in Effect denyes the Order of Magistracy but their Doctrine denyes Obedience to Magistracy in its due Subject therefore their Do●●rine denyes the Order of Magistracy Answ. The Major and Minor are both false for we own Magistracy in its due Subject which stands in the Power of God and in the higher Power and that which leads into Order and out of Confusion and Destruction and thou must not think to fasten Stork and Mun●er upon us for thy Proof what they did stands upon their Account and not upon ours and that mischievous Spirit of thine is that which presseth on the Magistrate to abuse his power and to intrude into those Things which belong not to him to keep up your confused Babel which thou callest a Political Church which must all be scattered with the Breath of his Mouth and with the Brightness of his coming whom thou yet judgest to be gross Darkness In thy 18th page and in the 44th page thou speak'st That visible Political Church Church-Officers and Church-Ordinances are Gospel Institut●ons appointed by Christ to continue to the End of the World and that Command which Paul gave to Timothy is to be kept and that visible Political Church Estate is to continue to the End of the World Answ. I see thou art ignorant of God Christ Heaven Church Church-Officers Ordinances and Institutions the Churches of Christ were established by and in the Power of God and the Ministers thereof ministred walked and ruled in the Power of God and the Ordinances and Institutions of the true Church of God are pure and spiritual but the Church that thou art pleading for the Continuation thereof is a Political Church Political Ordinances Political Officers Political Institutions Political Pastors and Teachers the Lord's Supper a Political Ordinance B●ptism a Political Ordinance the spiritual Couns●l which Paul gave to Timothy about the Elders of the Church and about the Holy Practice which they were to walk in and the godly Conversation this thou calls Political nay furthermore thou saist Heaven stands in Policy and in thy fourth Chap. say'st To Christ belongs the Prerogative of being the only Politician these and the like damnable Doctrines and Heresies thou hast uttered forth and these must be proved from the first of Tim. 3.15 and Chap. 4. did Paul when he wrote to Timothy when he gave him direction about Elders and such as took care of the Church of God did he say a Bishop is a Political Officer and must be blameless or did he say a Deacon is a Political Officer and must be grave And therefore Reader thou may'st read these Scriptures 1 Tim. 9.14 1 Cor. 14.33 and thou maist see this Sophister and this man that is void of understanding who cryeth up the Scripture for a Rule of Life and yet holds such a Church such Pastors such Officers such Ordinances such Institutions which the Scripture makes no mention of and therefore this man having made a Monstrous Body a Politick Church he imagines a Head like it and therefore Blasphemously saith Christ is the greatest Politician much I need not say unto this black Dark stuff which is to be confounded which is imaginary and Deceit which the wrath of God must scatter but this I say to thee there were no Officers in the Church of Christ but they were Ministers made so by the Spirit and were made so by the Holy Ghost and were Ministers of the Spirit and not of the Letter and some were Elders and Ruled in the Church and Churches which was Sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Christ Jesus and these were spiritual and not Political but thou hast cleared and quitted your selves from being any such Church and that which you call the Sacrament which thou callst Visible and Political and bringst 1 Cor. 12. for thy proof did Paul say as often as ye eat this Political Bread and drink this Visible Political Cup shew forth the Lord's Death till he come and did Christ when he sent his Disciples to Preach and to Baptize in the 28th of March 16. which thou plead must continue until the end of the World did he send them and say go and Teach and Preach the visible and Politick Word of the Kingdom and Baptize them with visible Political Water and that this should continue to the End of the World And little marvel if the Throne of Satan be exalted among you and such Ministers as thou who Ministers deceit and Unrighteousness and Ungodliness art set to be a Teacher and appointed so by the General Court who canst not speak a Form of sound Words but like a Phylosopher a Star-gazer an Astrologian or a Stage-player which them that read thy Book will see thy Tract frothed with such black dark Sentences which are like Enchantments As for Beckold and Knipperd●lling and Quintinius and Poquius thou mightst have taken up thy Pen ere now and not have brought all this rambling stuff out of the History of the Germans which thou wouldst cast upon our Backs the Bishops used to cast it upon your Backs and you upon the Baptists backs but now we must bear all and thou in Envy unto us that thereby thou mightst represent us Odious to the World hast made them all Quakers and saist they are our Predecessours take them to thy self and joyn them to your Political Church and your Political Ordinances and your Politick Doctrines which is of the same Nature with theirs which you maintain and uphold with carnal Weapons as they did theirs And last of all thou art coming to the Magistrates Power in matters of Religion under the Gospel and thou saist Notwitstanding manifold Evils prevail and the Wiles of the Devil are great and malignant and Heresie which is a horrid aspect yet thou saith There is Balm in Gilead a Physician
Doctrine and further say'st Charity though shooting at Random cannot miss the right Mark Answ. It is one thing what God accounteth true Honour it is another thing what R. I. counteth Honour True Honour is to obey the Commands of Superiours who rule in the Power of God and this the Quakers do submitting to all the just and equal Commands which are required of them that rule in the Power of God and this is not to blaspheme the Name of God and his Doctrine but this Fellow would have accused the Apostles as his Generation did who put them out of the Cities charging them to speak no more in the Name of Jesus and then when the Apostles return'd plead their Authority saying Did not we command you to speak no more in his Name and now you are disobedient blaspheming the Name of God and his Doctrine Is this Good Reasoning R. I. And Charity shoots not at random neither misses the Mark but it is pure and singles out its Ob●ect to joyn unto and joyns not unto Deceit but this is R. I. his Charity to think well of them that are doing Evil and joyn to them who are doing the Devil's Work but this Man honours Charity as he doth the Scriptures he saith Charity shoots at random and the Scriptures are the true Cards as hereafter thou shalt see And saith R. I. F. H. labours to disgrace if not to deface our Churches he like a cunning Gamster knows how to alter the Course of true Cards the Scripture as R. I calls them Answ. Because F. H. would have them to take away their Crosses and Pictures and Images which were set up in the time of gross Idol●try this R. I. counts graces and adorns their Churches and so he is joyned to Idols I shall let him alone and the Reader may see how R. I. honours the Scriptures when in one Place he pleads for the same Titles to be given unto them which are given to God and saith No Man can d●shonour Christ by giving as honoura le Titles to the Scriptures as to God or Christ then by his own Argument he hath brought a great Dishonour to God and Christ and the Scripture by giving them so base a Title as the Name of Cards and so in going about to exalt his own Imaginations he hath vilified the Scriptures of Truth And saith R. I. To call Steeple-houses Churches is no Addition to the Scripture but a true Exposition thereof and what if there be some Reliques of Idolatry in our material Temples is there are some Reliques of Sin in our living Temples 〈◊〉 they therefore be called Idol-Temples Answ. The Temple in which the Jews worshipped was builded by the Command of God which all these Steeple houses cannot be compared unto which were invented and set up in the Apostacy since Men have departed from the Faith and ruined into Formalities and Idolatry when Christ was offered up the everlasting Offering them that did believe in Christ ●eparated from the Temple and the Gentiles who believed separated from their Idols Temples and they met together in Houses which we do not read of were filled with Pictures Images and Crosses and Steeple-houses were not then invented and the Council of Nice divers hundred Years after the Apostles decreed that Images and Crosses were to be placed in the Churches and also worshipped and there is the Original of those things which R.I. saith do grace and adorn their Church And if some of the reliques of Idolatry do abide in your Temples then it demonstrates that you are in the same Spirit they were that set them up And if your Temples take their Denomination from the People that meet therein as R. I. saith in page 32. then they may be truly called Popish Houses and Mass-houses from the People that meet therein and if the reliques of Sin abide in your living Temples and bear rule there then they that defile the Temple will God destroy for Holiness becomes the Habitation of his H●use forever and 1 Kings 8.11 will be but a bad Proof for thee For the Glory of the Lord shall fill the House of the Lord for that is the Temple blind man which was commanded by God and the Glory of God did appear there but if this will not serve we must have another Proof Psal. 76.2 In Salem is his Tabernacle and his dwelling-place in Sion which may be understood allegorically of our Temple saith R. I. Doth the Glory of the Lord fill your Mass-houses you glory in Deceit and in Pride and your Glorying is not good and thy Allegory is false though his Tabernacle was in Salem and his Dwelling in Sion and his Presence in the Temple is yours the Temple or Salem or Sion or the Tabernacle if not for Shame pervert not the Scripture nor bring it to cover your idolatrous Practices which R. I. pleads for and saith Images Pictures and Crosses may be continued in some Places and it is like R.I. would count it Sacriledge to take them away he is far from the Exhortation of the Apostle Abstain from every Appearance of Evil and hate the Garment that is spotted with the Flesh. And R.I. saith I plead not for Baal nor for proud phantastick Spirits and yet a little while after saith that putting off Lace Ribbons and costly Apparel may be putting on of Pride Now who will believe this R.I. that he pleads not for Baal when he pleads for Pictures Crosses and Images for Cuffs Ribbonds Lace and costly Apparel Now Reader thou may'st observe by R.I. his Decorum how the Wheels go within And further R. I. saith It is utterly unlawful for any Christian whatsoever gifted or not gifted to preach the Word in the Name of the Lord before the Church publickly assembled unless they be ordained and set apart by the Church for such a Work Answ. this man is far from Moses's Spirit who wished that all the Lord's People were Prophets and would not forbid Eldad and Medad to prophesie in the Camp which was a publick Assembly and Israel then the Church of God and R. I. hath made too hasty a Conclusion who would prohibit all from speaking the Word of God if they wanted outward Ordination then Paul was a great Transgressor who consulted not with Flesh and Blood neither with any other of the Brethren nor went not up to Jerusalem for Or●ination but preached three years the Word of God and then afterward went up to Jerusalem and saw none except Peter and James and no Ordaination as we read of and afetrward went into Syr●a and Cilicia and furthermore saith he that was not known by Face to the Churches of Judea So who ordained him all this time for there were no Churches of the Gentiles but what he had planted then and so they could not ordain him Gal. 1.17 18 19 21 22. And who ordained Apollo but it may be that R. I. will say that Paul was ordained at Antioch Acts 12.2 but I would have R. I. to
from that time forward began Jesus to shew unto his Disciples how that he must go unto Jerusalem and suffer many Things and be Kill'd and rise again the third Day So that it is manifest that here was distance of time and space betwixt Peter Confession of Christ and of his rebuking of him however the Unbelief was gotten up in Peter and he that had need to be taught came to be a Rebuker of him who was a Teacher this was another State then the former but of these things R. I. is ignorant and let the Serpent feed upon Dust for I desire to give him no other food And further R. I. saith Though Saints Sin not Devil-like unto Death yet if any man say he hath not sinned after the Similitude of Adam ' s Transgression he saith John is a Lyar and the Truth is not in him for when all is done the best men are Men still and the best Earth is Earth ever and will bear Nettles and Brambles and if these things were well considered by F. H. he would not accuse me and E. D. for pleading for Sin or Satan for we plead against those who say they have no Sin Answ. This R. I. is so in love with Sin that by his Arguments which he makes one would judge that he accounts it as necessary as his 〈◊〉 food and these are strange kind of Saints that R. I. would make at the best they are still but sinners and unsanctified but they that are called to be Saints who are begotten by God the Father and preserved in Christ Jesus they are sanctified and made clean through the washing of Regeneration and through the Sanctification of God's holy Spirit which dwelleth in them by which they have Power to mortifie the Deeds of the Flesh and to overcome and to be made Partakers of the Promises but here lies the difference in R. I. his Account betwixt his Saints and his Sinners The Sinners sin Devil-like yet the Saints sin not Devil-like I say they that sin are in one Nature notwithstanding R. I. his blind Distinctions for they that sin are liker the Devil then God and liker his Image then God's Image for God's Image consisteth in Righteousness and true Holiness and the Devil's Image consisteth in Unrighteousness Sin and Unholiness and now Reader thou mayest judge whose Image R. I. his Saints bear and if thou be one that canst plead against them who are born of God and sin not and who are cleansed from all sin by the Blood of Christ then R. I. will ranck thee with E. D. and himself in his Bead-row of Saints as he calls it And if any man say he hath not sinned after the Similitude of Adam 's transgression he is saith John a Lyar Nay it is R. I. that saith it and not John and so R. I. is the Lyar for the Scripture saith on this wise Rom. 5.14 Death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the Similitude of Adam 's Transgression so that it is manifest that there were many that Death reigned over and yet they sinned not after the similitude of Adam's Transgression but this R. I. will accuse every man with whom he hath a mind to quarrel and will not only te●l Lyes himself but publish false Doctrine but he will bring the Saints for his Author and John saith not if any man say he hath no Sin And thou that saeyst when all is done the best men and the best Earth will bear Nettles and Brambles and Pricks as I said to E. D. so I may to thee thou hast given thy Verdict for the Devil and not for God and his Saints for They that are born of God sin not and they that are cleansed by the Blood of Christ from all Sin and are clear in his Sight and are kept by his immortal Word which dwells in them that the Evil one touch them not but have overcome the Wicked one and the best Earth is that wherein righteousness dwells which R. I. is altogether a Stranger to and that brings forth no Bryars nor Brambles Nettles nor Pricks for that Gr●und is curst so this man by his devilish Doctrine hath made the coming of Christ of none effect and the Blood of Christ of none effect and so hath denied the Work of Redemption to the best of Men and Deliverance to the Creature who hath travailed in pain This Dreamer is far contrary to the Prophet Dan●● who saw by the Spirit of prophecy which this R. I so deadly hates both in men and Women that if it be not allowed of by such as he i● m●st 〈◊〉 speak nor they by it this Prophet I say testified of the coming of the just one and of his Work that he should make an End of ●in 〈…〉 T●an●gression and bring in everlasting righteousness but saith R. I. Th● best Men are Men still and the best Earth Earth ever and the best Saints Sinners though they si● not Devil-like and Nettles and Brambles and Pricks they 〈◊〉 all bring forth Now if this Doctrine be true how is the Soul 〈…〉 of Death and where is the restauration of the Creature from under the Bondage of Corruption and where is the redemption of the Seed which is Heir of the Promise Nettles Brambles and Bryars cumber the ground and choak the Seed and these things F. H. hath well considered and I see more and more that thou art a Pleader for Sin and Sat●n and imperfection for a Spirit of Error for Images Pictures and Crosses for Cuffs Ribbons and Lace for Nettles Brambles and Bry●rs and art a Man that doth lay claim to the utmost Borders of the Devils Kingdom and a greater Servant of his Master I have not met with long whose Reward will be according to his Works And the Lye being the cheif cognisance of his Master in which he greatly glories in he goes on and saith Another Error of the Quakers is they do not believe the Scriptures to be true because they deny them to be the Word of God for if they believe what the Scriptures say of themselves and they say of themselves that they are the Word of God and for his proof he cites Mark 7.13 Rom. 10.8 2. C●r 2.17 1 Pet. 1.25 Answ. The Scripture we own to be true and whatsoever the Scriptures say of themselves that we own them to be to wit a Declaration Scriptures of Truth holy Scriptures the Words of God of Christ and of his Apostles a Treatise and for his proofs I could wh●lly refer them to the reader to examine them himself and to discover the ignorance of this R. I. who tenders these Scriptures aforementioned for sufficient proof as that the Scriptures call themselves the Word of God as for Mark 7.13 making the Word of God of none effect by your Tradition he doth not say of making the Word of God the Scriptures of none effect neither doth he s●y you make the Scriptures which is the word of
cast into the Lake and all those tyranous cruel wicked changeable murderous Laws which he hath made and forced upon Men to uphold the Power of his Dominion shall be trodden under Foot and be had in Contempt and Dishonour by all the Followers of the Lamb who is gone out conquering and to conquer and shall subdue his Enemies and overcome them and slay the wicked by the Sword that proceeds out of his Mouth And Oh what a Havock hath the Devil made in the Earth since the Dayes of the Apostles since he hath got the Form of Godliness and hath transformed himself into all outward Appearances of Worship and Anti-christ hath been exalted above the true God in the Earth and hath turned Christian in Name and hath preached Christ in Words and hath covered himself with the Sheeps Clothing the outside that he might not appear as he is an Enemy to the Power and Life of the true God that so he might deceive and hath deceived Thousands for since the Dayes of the Apostacy that the Power and the Life hath been lost the Devil and Anti-christ have turned Law-makers and Law-givers and Law-executors and Rulers of Nations and Kingdoms have made Spoil in the Nations under that Name of higher Power nay further Anti-christ hath turned Church-Member nay Church-Officer Preacher and a great Ordinance-man a Preacher a Prayer a Singer a Baptizer a Worshipper of the strictest sort in the Nations and hath taken up the visibles Actions and Practices of the Disciples Apostles Ministers and Believers so far as they have been outward and now in these things and by this stolen cover deceives Peoples and opposes the true Christ and his Life and Power and coming in the Spirit and yet notwithstanding all this large Philactary and long and large Garment yet the in-side is Devilish Hellish Murderous Cruel ravenous and devouring And who will but look back and take a view from the Beginning of the Devil's Kingdom until Christ was manifest in the Flesh shall finde these things true that under the Name of higher Power and under the Name of Holy Church he hath destroyed the Na●i●ns and hath laid waste God's Heritage and hath defaced his Image and destroyed his Workmanship and hath laid all the Blame upon the Righteous Seed and condemned them for Evil-doers for not being subject to Authority for Law-breakers and for Seditious and Tumultuous and for Heresie and Errour and Blasphemy and as Ungodly for all the Righteous Prophets and Believers in former Time were Judged and suffered as Ungodly in the Account of the Devil and his Agents as though he and his Instruments had been the greatest Friends of God and of Believers And who will but view the Scriptures of Truth from the manifesting of Christ in the Flesh till his Ascention and also afterward may see that the Devil under the Name of higher Power and under the Name of Authority hath made Spoil and Havock of men and their Estates and hath killed and destroyed the Just as Evil-doers and have exacted upon the Righteous by wicked Impositions and Cruel corrupt Laws made to uphold his Authority which standeth in Darkness And the false Church under the Name of a Holy Church hath sentenced them as Blasphemers as Erronious and as Enemies to God who kept his Commands and did the Will of our Heavenly Father as the blind Jews in their ignorance judged Christ as a Blasphemer and as an Enemy to the Law and Crucified him and Persecuted the Apostles and put them in Prison as Seditious and Tumultuous and as Pestilent and assaulted the House of Jason and beat and abused Scourged and Whipped them with Stripes and loaded them with Reproaches and haled them before Magistrates and Rulers and falsely accused them and followed them from place to Place and stirred up the ruder sort and cryed out Help men of Israel for they turn the World upside down and so Persecuted them from City to City as Evil-doers And after the dayes of the Apostles when there was a defection made from the Faith and the Power was denyed and lost yet the Form retained then Mystery Babylon began to rise and the Murderous City began to be builded and the Nations to drink of her Fornication and swallowed down her deceit Then began the Nations to be Waters and Kindreds and Tongues to reel to and fro Then all became as a Sea with Waves and Boisterous then the Beast rose out of it and he got the Name of Authority and higher Power and then turned against the Righteous and made Laws in the wicked Nature that all that would not be subject to him must be killed and they were Killed under the Name of Evil-doers for that Title they must bear and both the Beast the first and the second with the Mother of Harlots shed the Blood of the Saints as Erronious Seditious Blasphemous all this long Night of Anti-christ's Reign they that keep the Testimony of Jesus have been Killed Destroyed Persecuted some as being Enemies to the Higher Power and some as Law-breakers and Seditious and some as Erronious and Dangerous so these many hundred Years hath the Devil been exalted and Anti-christ advanced under the Name of Christ and under this Title have killed and wasted the Creatures and destroyed the Creation by the Name of Higher Power and by the Name of Holy Church and by the Name of Christians hath devoured and destroyed Thousands by Cruel Deaths Tortures Blood-shed Fining Prisoning Hailing to Prison Whipping Scourging the Righteous as Malefactors and Evil-doers them that were dear in the eyes of the Lord and were not defiled with the Abominations of the times and all them that bore Testimony to Righteousness were condemned for Unrighteous and censured as evil-doers and thus in short all may see how the Devil hath disguised himself and transformed himself into the likeness of Truth as an asserter of Righteousness and a Vindicator of Holiness and so hath deceived the Nations and led them into Blindness that he might hold up his Kingdom and Government in the Earth and that he might be Worshipped and Honoured above the True and living God and who hath but taken a view of the Ecclesiastical Histories of the affairs of things since the Apostacy may clearly see that great and many have been the sufferings of the Righteous by this Generation of Evil-doers who have got the Name of Higher Power and also of Holiness and so have turned against the Saints and faithful Witnesses of God who lived in the Life and Power thereof and have shed their Blood and made Havock and Spoil of God's Heritage and have destroyed his Workmanship and have made the Hearts of the Righteous sad whom God never made sad But what need I go backward to Ages and Generations past to demonstrate this when our Age and Generation bringeth forth so many and sad Evidences of these things which if the Sufferings and sad Persecutions were summed up of these seven Years last past
Whoremongers Adulterers Cozeners Cheaters Defrauders and Violent-doers and the Sword is to be turned against all these things and to keep down such things in every Nation and Government and that every Punishment be in Equality sutable to the crime and Fault not exceeding it and thus Princes and Rulers whoso rule rule for God and this is an Ordinance of God but Mystery●Babylon the false church is far from these things who hath perswaded Rulers Princes and Nobles that they must rule as Magistrates in the Church of God and in Christ's Government in things appertaining to the Conscience hath taught them to usurp Authority in those things but God hath anointed Christ to be Lord and King and hath given him to be Head of the body which is his Church and to rule in the Hearts and Consciences of the Sons of Men and he is the alone Lord and King there and no outward King nor Prince nor Governour upon the Face of the Earth hath any thing to do there Object But some may say Ought not they who denyed Christ's Commands be compelled to worship and obey according a● he taught Answ. As Salvation belongs to him alone so Vengeance belongs to him also and as he communicates Power to them which believe and obey the Gospel so also by the Breath of his Mouth will he slay the Wicked and Vengeance is his and he will repay it and all they who will not have him to rule in their Hearts and unto the disobedient it shall be said and shall be done they shall be brought before him and slain and that by which he slayes the Disobedient is by the Breath of his Mouth which is sharper then any two-edged Sword which reacheth to that which the outward Sword and forcing Power cannot reach unto Object But farther it may be objected Were not the Kings of Israel and Judah to compel Men to keep the Commandments and Statutes of the true God and to restrain them from worshipping of false Gods and to stone to Death false Pr●phets and Blasphemers and may not the Kings and Princes of the Earth do the same now Answ. To which I answer it is true the Kings of Israel and Judah were to do so under the first Covenant which made nothing perfect who did not see to the End of Things that were to be abolished and as the first Priesthood and Sacrifices and Offerings were Figures and Shadows of the good Things to come even of the everlasting Sacrifice and of the everlasting Offering so the Kings of Israel and their Governments were Types and Figures and Shadows of the King of Kings and King of Saints and their Government a Shadow of the Government which was to be without End and their compelling outward and punishing outward of Christ subduing all his Enemies and killing Blasphemers and stoning of them and slaying of them with his spiritual Sword that would not have him to rule over them but now the King of Righteousness being come his Law is inward his Kingdom is spiritual his Service spiritual his worship spiritual his Weapons spiritual with which he slayes his Enemies the Glory which the Father hath given to him he will not give to another and herein the Kingdom the Power the Authority the Weapons are of a more excellent Nature then the others were and his Soveraignity and Greatness excelleth the other and it is Truth as it is in Jesus and so all Kings and Princes now are in another State then the Kings of Israel and Judah were for the Substance is come and the King of eternal Glory the true Light that lighteth every Man that cometh into the World hath all Power committed to him so for any to intrude or take upon them to do that which the Father hath committed unto him is absolute Usurpation and though the false Church and the Merchants thereof and many which would be counted Rabbies in it have spurred on and pressed on Princes to their Hurt as to usurp Authority over mens Consciences in Faith and Doctrine this will be their Reward certainly from the Hand of the Lord at the last VVho hath required this at your Hands For Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ whose Power and Authority was great as to the Things of God went far beyond any temporal Prince who had begotten many to the Faith who said that he and some others were not Lords over their Faith nor over mens Consciences but as it is said left every Man to be fully perswaded in his own Mind by God's Spirit him which he had testified of which he said God had given a Measure of to profit withal and none knows the Things of God but by the Spirit of God then good Reason it is that all should be left to that which is the absolute and only means by which God and the Things of God and the Worship of God comes to be known what will the Church of Rome say to this or the Pope say unto this who sayes that he is Peter's Successsor Are not Things imposed upon People as to be believed which are contrary to the Scriptures for which there is no Scripture nor Example but only because Peter's Successor hath said so and the Church said so and if another believe not so he is then counted an Heretick and hath been proceeded against as an Heretick instance that one thing about Bread and VVine which is called a Sacrament which the Church of Rome hath held for Doctrine these many hundred Years to wit That after VVords of Consecration by a Priest the natural Bread and VVine becomes substantially the real Body and Blood of Christ which Doctrine is so inconsistent with the Faith of God's Elect and so contrary to the Scriptures and also to sound Reason that none but they who are wilfully ignorant can believe and yet because many could not believe this Doctrine of Transubstantiation many have been racked tortured burned and put to cruel Deaths and is not this to be Lords over mens Faith and to Lord it over mens Consciences and so intrude and rule in mens Hearts and regulate mens Judgments which only belongs to God the Judge of Heaven and Earth And therefore all Princes Governours and Rulers learn Wisdom and Understanding to rule with the Wisdom of God which comes from above and cumber not your selves with that which God expects not from you neither doth he require of you to be Lords over his Heritage neither do you meddle nor intrude into those Things which he would not have you to meddle withal neither let any perswade you under any Colour to drive on their own Deceit promising to you in so doing therein you do God good Service or press you on to persecute any about spiritual Matters Now I say unto you in the Name and Power and Authority of God's Spirit they that compel to any Worship or force to any Worship whether true or false or punish and put to Death any for not worshipping truly or for
of the Apostles doth lead us to such Apprehensions And as for the Ceremonies which are found in these Universities and Colledges and popish superstitious Practices I shall leave the Reader to read them elsewhere which are so many and so superstitious that they come little behind Rome in Idolatry and as for their consecration of Priests and the endless rabble of Ceremonies which do attend at such times as they take Degrees is well known to many in this Nation And yet these Universities and Schools are elevated in some mens minds as though they were the chief Propagators of Christianity whenas indeed they are an in-let of Heathenism and Idolatry and no way of Necessity useful for the true Church of God And it is judged by some learned men and that upon good Ground that the present fashioned Universities Orders and Habits was from the Dominicans an Order instituted by the Pope to suppress the Waldenses and their Doctoral Degrees by the learned are judged to be no oth●r then Noval and accounted Antichristian by the reformed Churches so called in Scotland France Holland Switzerland and the Calvinists in high Germany and so many Doctors there are in the Universities who never knew how to divide the Word aright nor what it is to convert one Soul unto God a Doctor that is no Teacher he is a d●mb Dog and an insignificant Piece of Formality in the Universities which carries a Shew of something but is nothing in Substance and the chief Practice is several ridiculous Solemnities together with a constant wearing of a Coul and some other Vestments fecht out of a Popish Wardrope It was an Article of John Wickliff's condemned at Constance who suffered as a Martyr that Graduations and Doctorships in Universities and Colledges as they were in use then did conduce nothing to the Church of Christ Acts and Monuments page 449. Didoclavius in his Book Ad Damascenum pag. 891. Saith that Hoods Tippets and Square Caps were introduced by Anti-christ to promote his splendor and it is a Stage-play dress altogether ridiculous being a distinguishment of some Men from others by Signs useless and destitue of all Ornament Upon their shoulders saith he there hangs down a hood such as Fools used to wear being neither handsome nor convenient Bucer refused to wear a Square Cap and being demanded the Reason he answered that God had made his Head round Philp●t choosed rather to be secluded the Convocation of the Clergy then to wear a Hood and a Tippet who died a Martyr for the Faith of the Prostestant Church as Fox tells us in his Acts and Monuments and the Superstitious Hood is but a product of the old Monckish mettle grounded upon the Superstitious exposition of that place Heb. 11. they wandered abroad in Sheep skins c. And whether such men are fit to be Ministers of Christ who gave such Expositions upon the Scriptures or whether it is not altogether detestable and Idolatrous and savours altogether of Ignorance as to expound such a Scripture as this stand fast having your 〈◊〉 c. And this must signifie the Episcopalian Girdles with which they tye their Canonical Coats or long black Frocks And whether this is a good Foundation for the Colledge Doctors to stand Booted and Spurd in the Act because there is mention made in Scripture of being 〈◊〉 with the preparation of the Gospel see Statute Acad. Oxen. Tit. 7. parag 17. And whether this be not ridiculous and foolish to give for their Arms the Book with seven Seals is not that a gross abuse of what is laid down in the Revelations as if the Liberal Arts two whereof are Grammer and Fidling are typified by these Seals which none were worthy to open but the Lamb And as for their habits and black Gowns and black Coats these have been borrowed from Rome or else from the Chemerams a sort of People of old among the Jews who were Idolaters Hosea 10.5 Some of the Kings of Israel who drew People into Idolatry and countenanced Idolatrous Priests 2 Kings 23. who were attired in Black These were Prophesied against by He●ea chap. 10.5 they were supprest by Josiah and Ze●hany ch●● 14. saith he stretcht forth his Hand upon Judah and upon all the Inhabitants of Jerusalem and cut off the Remnant of Baal and the Name of the Chemarims or black-Coats with the Priests Jerome bids Nepotian being to enter upon the Clergy to a void black Attire In Tertullian's time every one that did turn Christian or was made a Presbyter did renounce his gown which was the Roman Vestment and afterwards the Clergy relinquisht dark-Coloured Cloaks for Coats and the Clergy and Laity in fine were both alike habited And a Bishop was condemned of the Council of Gangrae for introducing the fashion of long sad coloured Cloaks that was condemned by the Assembly un●eseeming the Priest-hood all this is clear out of Tertullian's writings depallio with the notes of Salm●sius thereon And all these things had but a bad Original and were never commanded by God And seeing they are made such Idols of ought no longer to be imitated but to be quite abolished But some may object though the Original were Popish and Anti-christian yet since they are employed to better Uses viz. for distinction order and decency they may lawfully enough be retained To this is answered Might not the Jews have given the same reason to their reformers that the Golden Calves and their Groves might not be consumed turned into Ashes because they might be better imployed to good uses afterwards or might not the Brazen Serpent have continued as well as the Pots of Manna Yet when it was become an Idol away it must go but the sum of all is all these Habits and Attires have been used for Superstitious Ends and Pride and Pomp and vain Glory So they that retain them they do no more then the Levite that stole away Michah's Gods from Mount Ephraim and set them up at Dan where Idolatry became a more publick Worship So all this innovated superstitious Trumpery is no way advantageous to the Church of Christ neither conduceth to any true Order neither hath any congruity with the Primitive times and is to be denyed by all that come out of Babylon and out of the Apost●cy into the Primitive Order and the true Churches practice and the Saints Example As for Parish Churches which I mentioned before some say it was the Decree of the Lateran Council in the Year 1180. But Cambden saith that Dyonysius did only distribute into Diocesses and others judge into Parishes and as concerning Church-Yards to bury the Dead it 's Original is Superstitious and all the Ringing and Singing and the Reading before and over the Dead is Idolatrous and Superstitious Gaudentius saith that of old Times and so saith the Scripture they did Bury their Dead in their own Ground which custome was taken away by Pope Innocent the third he prohibited that any should cause themselves to be buried
in Unconsecrated Ground forsaking the Sepulchers of their Fathers Hospinian saith that at last it became so Superstitious in being buried in order near the Church that they judged it material even to their Salvation De Orig. Temple L●b 3. chap. 1. The Walden●es said the use of Church-Yards is Superstitious and invented only for Lucre sake and it is no matter in what Ground any one is buried see Usher de Succes Eccles. Christ. chap. 6. And how much there is of this Superstition in England now and what excessive rates are paid for breaking up Ground all is sensible of that it is only one of the Popish Nets which is holden up to get Money by And so I shall conclude these things and say with John Come out of Babylon and be not partakers of her Sins lest you partake of her Plagues for the Hour of her Judgment is come and the time wherein her Filthiness and Loathsomness shall be made manifest to the Nations and her Skirts shall be uncovered and her abominable Practices discovered of which in part I have declared unto all in this discourse that all may see the Abominations and depart out of the Snares that led to Death and these Practices which tend to Destruction THE Rock of Ages EXALTED ABOVE ROME's Imagined Rock ON WHICH HER CHURCH IS BUILDED She proved not to be the only Church of Christ her corrupt Doctrines proved not to be Apostolick but contrary to the true Church of Christ in the Apostles Dayes Also divers Arguments answered which may convince the Papists that they are not the true Church wherein a Book is also answered called A Catechism against all Sectaries newly published by C. M. in the Year 1661. By F. H. a Member of that Church which is coming out of the Wilderness A TABLE of the principal Things contained in this BOOK COncerning the true Religion what it is and where it 〈◊〉 demonstrated The Church of Rome proved to be the false Church The Pope proved not to be the Head of the true Church a●d Christ proved to be the Head of the Body which is his Church and the 〈…〉 which 〈◊〉 Church is built Purgatory proved to be an erroneous Doctrine which is held forth by the Papists and their praying for the Dead proved to be another false Doctrine not commanded nor practised by Christ or his Apostles The Papists Doctrine which saith Christ is really and personally in the Mass and in the Eucharist proved to be Blasphemy and great Idolatry The Papists Mass and their Ceremonies proved not to be Apost●lical The Papists honouring of Reliques and Images of Saints and praying by Beads proved to be but the Inventions and Traditions of Men and contrary to the Doctrine which the Apostolick Church held forth The Doctrine of forbidding certain Kind of Meats and for●idding the Scriptures to be read by all answered C●ncerning Miracles Answers to eight Propositions set forth by C. M. in his Catechism aforesaid THE Rock of Ages EXALTED ABOVE ROME's Imagined Rock ON WHICH HER CHURCH IS BUILDED GReat hath been the Havock and Spoil that the Beast which John saw rise out of the Waters made against them in destroying them who received not his Mark in their Foreheads and the Cry hath been long Who is able to make War with the Beast and great hath the Suffering been these many Ages of the Children of Light and still is of the Members of the true Church of Christ which is in God which hath proceeded from her who sate as a Queen upon the Waters which are Nations Kindreds Tongues and People which have been the Seat of Mystery-Babylon the Mother of Harlots who hath held out her golden Cup of Fornication full of Abomination false Doctrine and Error which the Nations have drunk of and the Kings of the Earth have been made drunk with and all have been in Instability and have reeled and staggered up and down in the dark in the Night of Ignorance and have wildered in the Mists of Error and lost the true Foundation and are gone from the Rock upon which the true Church is builded which is neither Peter nor his Successor but Christ the true Foundation which abideth sure and all that believe in him and have their Minds staid upon him know Settlement and Establishment in that which the Gates of Hell prevail not against But blessed be the Lord he is come revealed and made manifest who is able to make War with the Beast and his Followers and a Discerning is given unto his Servants that they can distinguish betwixt the Cup of Fornication and the Cup of Blessing and betwixt the Table of the Lord and the Table of Devils betwixt the true Church the Lamb's Wife and M●stery-Babylon the Mother of Harlots betwixt the heavenly Treasur● which is communicable to the Saints in Light who are Members of the 〈◊〉 Church and the Merchandize and the corrupt Treasure of the Harlot which the Nations Kindreds and Tongues have been forced to buy 〈◊〉 Reason of the forcing and compelling Power of the Beast and so the Nations have been begotten into a strange Nature into the cruel Nature killing one another about the Forms of Worship and Shadows and the Substance hath been known but to a few neither the Lamb's Nature which is meek and innocent and the Leaves of the Tree of Life which heal the Nations have been known but to a few which is the Cause of all the 〈◊〉 Murders and Massacrees Imprisonments and cruel Torments which the Nations have afflicted one another with who have professed Christianity but have been out of the Life and out of the Nature of the true Church which Christ is the Head of which is Wife unto the Lamb and herein is the true Church manifest from the false the false Church hath propagated and encreased her Number of Members by Force and Awe and Cain's Weapons and many have been forced into a Belief and a feigned kind of Profession rather then by sound Doctrine or answering God's Witness in Peoples Hearts and Consciences but the true Church who is of the Husband's Nature her Weapons have been are and will be spiritual and yet are mighty through God to beat down strong Holds of Sin and Wickedness in People and hath by sound Doctrine and a good Example answered God's Witness in peoples Consciences without forcing to any thing but recommended themselves to every ones Conscience in the Sight of God and would have every one perswaded in their own Hearts by the Lord of the Truth which they believed and not to take things by Tradition and Hear-say as the false Church and her Members have done and so have had no Assurance of God's Spirit in their Hearts for what they did and so Doubts have arisen in the Mind because whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin But God is Opening the Eyes of many and enclining the Hearts of many to seek after the Assurance of God's blessed Spirit in their Hearts for what they
Forms by number and Tale they are as much Idiots as the rest are who know not the Spirit to pray by And so this is no Authority to prove your Practice Apostolical and holy as for variety of Prayers and Worships it delighteth the carnal mind indeed but they that worship God in Spirit and Truth they Pray by the Spirit and in it as David and Christ prayed whether seven times five times or three times and with understanding and that which they prayed in was not various but one and it 's by that one Spirit which is not various by which the Sons of God cry Abba Father and the variety of your formed charms Bablings upon your Beads God hath no regard unto but is a Smoke in his Nostrills all day And they that have exercised themselves in these things have not the Witness of God in their own consciences that they are accepted of God and so I shall proceed to another Doctrine called Apostolical and Holy and that is about Meats whether they may be lawfully eaten at all time The Author confesseth they forbid certain kinds of Meats but it is but a● certain times and they are forbidden not as they are Evil and the Creatures of God but because they are forbidden by the Church and his proof is the Apple which Eve and Adam eat was not Evil in it self but being prohibited so to eat that which is good of it self is not ill but to eat contrary to the Superiors mind and order this is Evil. The Bible and Scriptures ought not to be read but leave is to be asked of the Superior because there are many hard Passages which they which have little or no learning as Peter testifies in h●s second Epistle chap. 3. some ●nderstands it one way and some another and therefore it is the fittest for Learned men to judge of them and they must judge whether People be in a capacity to read them Answ. And why are Meats forbidden a● certain ●imes is this like Apostolick Doctrine are not all Times and Seasons in the Hand of the Lord and are all good to them that believe and to the pure all Things are pure all Times and Seasons all Meats and Drinks being sanctified by the Word which made them all holy unto all that do believe And if you forbid them not as they are Creatures of God but because they are forbidden I say who did forbid them or when were they forbidden by Christ his Apostles or the true Church of Christ in their D●y but on the contrary Christ taught That which goeth in at the Mouth and ●n at the Belly doth not defile the Man but that which proceedeth out of the Heart which is corrupted And Paul said What is sold at the Shambles may be eaten and no Question made for Conscience sake for to the clean all Things are clean and to the believing all Things are pure and who hath limited such Meats for such Dayes and such Times the true Church No but the Church of Rome ●ho are going on in that Doctrine the Apostle spoke of 1 Tim. 4. which he reckoned a Doctrine of Devils but here is your Argument that must bring you off because you forbid it not at all Times I say if it be a Doctrine of Devils to forbid at all Times then it is some Part of the Doctrine of Devils to forbid at any Time seeing Time and Things are all good in the H●nd of the Lord but if this Doctrine should hold what would become of your Dog-dayes and of your Lent which has been patched up Week by Week by divers Popes and of your Wednesday Friday and Saturday Fast so by this Account of yours half of the Year is either unholy or else some Meat is unholy for half of the Year but there are few but see your Blindness that in this much need not be said but only thus that which may lawful in it self when it is prohibited by the Lord unto any particular then it becomes evil for whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin But Christ alone unto whom all Power is committed hath the sole Power over the Heart and Conscience and for any to make Injunctions and Prohibitions contrary to him the same is Anti-christ and so the Practice which your Church commands is not Apostolical but you bring Yoaks upon the true Disciples Necks which they that are made free by the Son cannot stoop unto neither joyn with for whosoever doth goes into Bondage And Christ is the supream Power unto whom all Power is committed and when he justifies what superior can condemn And there is no need of asking leave of them that are Superiors which reckon themselves as so seeing every man stands clear in the Sight of God when he transgresses not against the Supream Law of Christ in his Conscience and to offend any Superiors who lay any Injunction contrary to the Command of God is not to offend God neither to break his Command 2 dly It seems all Parts of Religion are monopolized by Mystery-Babylon in which Rome is comprized not only Patents and Pardons sold for eating of Meat but Authority and License must be given to every one that re●ds Scripture a Thing which the Apostolick Church before the Pope had a Being knew nothing of but on the contrary some were exhorted to read the Scriptures and some were commended for reading of the Scriptures and for searching whether the Things were so as Paul testified and in this they were counted more Noble then they ●t Thessalonica but now it is become an ignoble Thing and not at all to be 〈◊〉 to read the Scriptures without Patent or Licence in the Church of Rome's Account who have laid down Ignorance to be the Mother of Devotion but the Danger is because there are hard Passages which are not understood when the People have little or no Learning as the Author saith was it for Want of natural Learning that Peter complained they wrested the Scriptures and therefore is it for Want of Natural Learning that the Scriptures are not understood and for Want of this they must not be read as the Author saith Ignorant Man what was Peter such a great learned Man a poor Boat-man of Fisher-man whom the Scripture saith was illiterate in the Acts When they beheld Peter and John and that they were illiterate Men and saw their Boldness and took Notice they had been with Jesus What! was it Want of Natural Learning that Peter spoke of then he spoke against himself for he was illiterate but it was such a Learning that they wanted as this Author wants who is untaught by the Spirit and unlearned in the Doctrine of Christ and such wrest the Scriptures and do not understand hard Sayings because the deep Things of God are revealed through the Spirit of God and not by natural Learning as this Author who would sell Licences and Pardons for reading the Scriptures as they have done for eating Flesh in Lent but a Story
of Robin Hood a Comedy or a Play is more frequently read by the Members of the Church of Rome which begets into Looseness and Prophaneness a Thing which this Generation is in Love with rather then the Scriptures and though the Scriptures be applauded in Words as for the Rule of Life by many and a Judge of Controversies yet how should they be rul'd that may not read them without a Licence or a Toleration from the Superior if it be lawful to read with Toleration it 's lawful to read without Toleration for the Toleration of Men neither addeth to nor diminisheth from any spiritual Exercise and Timothy read the Scriptures of an Youth and who gave him his Toleration And Apollos was a mighty Man and a knowing Man in the Scriptures from whence had he his Licence 3. Because thou judgest according to the Judgment of this present evil World that they are only fit to read the Scriptures and give Interpretations upon it who are naturally learned and have the Wisdom of this World I say nay the World by Wisdom knew not God neither know him now and them that had Natural Learning rejected the Foundation them that had the Hebrew Language set Christ at nought they that had the Greek Tongue withstood Paul and called him a Babler them that had the Latine Tongue the Tongue of the Whore your Mother persecuted the Christians in the first three hundred Years after Christ as your own Histories do relate So according to all these who had only the Knowledge in the Natural Languages they did not understand the Things of God and it was the wise Builders which builded by Art and Skill in the earthly Wisdom that rejected the true Foundation and corner-stone but on the contrary we say according to the Apostolick Doctrine That the Scriptures may be read and ought to be read for they are profitable for Insturction and Correction and Information to make the Man of God perfect and throughly furnished to every good Work through Faith in Christ Jesus and I would have the Author know that we do not look upon Cardinals Fryars Monks and Bishops to be the alone Men of God so that they alone have the sole Power to tolerate the reading of Scriptures for he is a Man of God who is born of the Spirit which sanctifieth and leadeth into the clear Pathes of Equity and Righteousness who walk not after the Flesh neither fulfil the Lusts thereof and such there are and have been which have been unlearned in Natural Tongues but this is the Way to keep your Church in Reputation to believe as you believe and every Man to put out his own Eyes and live by anothers Sight and hang his Faith upon anothers Shoulders this is not like Apostolick Doctrine for the Apostle said Let every one be perswaded in his own Mind not by other Mens Minds and he that believeth hath the Witness in himself and hath it not to seek among the literal Rabbies who darken Counsel through Words and it is not for Want of Natural Learning that one understandeth the Scriptures this way and another that way but because they want the Understanding of that Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures which Spirit universally is given to all Men and Women a Measure of it to lead into Truth and through which the deep Things of God are revealed And it s not your Traditions Inventions Natural Learning Schools and Colledges Fryeries and Covents in which the Spirit of God is only limited but every one that seeks finds whether learned or unlearned for of a Truth God is no Respecter of Persons and so the Mind of Christ is manifest unto them that believe and the one Spirit into which the Saints were baptized is that which opens the Scriptures truly as they are and discerneth the Times and Seasons and fulfilleth it in the Hearts of them ●hat believe and manifests the State unto which they were spoken And if the Scriptures be so hard to ●e understood by Reason of the hard Sayings or because of the Translations what have you been doing these fourteen hundred Years with all your Learning with all your Councils Popes Bishops and Clergy that you have not translated them aright or so plain that they may be understood by all that read But then your Doctrine Worship and Practice would be soon manifest not to be Apostolical nor consonant and agreeing to the Practice of the true Church of Christ. And now I come to the effectual Arguments and pregnant Wayes which the Author tells of which will work upon the Sectaries to make them return to the Catholick Church which he saith they have groundlesly forsaken and now I shall come to try his Arguments and search the Force of them which he layeth down as the most efficacious VVay to convince all Sectaries as he is pleased to stile them to come to the Church of Rome but the Hope of this Man will be like a Spiders VVeb for all whose Eyes God hath illuminated in any Measure will come to see the VVeakness of this Philosophy and vain Deceit which he hath laid down as a chief Instrument to convince all that the Roman Church is the true Church and that Salvation is only concluded in her 1. The first Argument he takes from Mat. 18.17 Christ sends us to the Church saith he if any neglect to hear her they must be counted as Heathens and Publicans from hence this is the Argument That that Church is to be heard in which there is most Assurance to be had that one i● in the Way to Salvation but in the Roman Church there is most Assurance therefore the Roman Church is to be heard Answ. The Minor is false and also the Conclusion That church which hath the Foundation of its Assurance without it is not the true church of Christ neither is to be heard but the Roman church hath only their assurance of Salvation without them therefore are not to be heard it is manifest their assurance stands only in outward things as Antiquity and Visibility which are not the alone Marks of the true church Cain was Ancient enough and there were them that were in Cain's way before Rome was so highly elevated and that for Universality and Visibility there is no assurance in that for all the World hath wondered after the Beast and the Whore hath sitten upon Nations Kindreds and People and so the first Argument is denyed and proved to be false I shall lay down another 1. That church which hath alwayes been so Visible and Universal since the Apostles dayes as hath had its seat over Nations Kindreds and Tongues is not the true church of Christ but the Harlot but the church of Rome hath been Universal over Nations Kindreds Tongues and People therefore the church of Rome is the Harlot and not the true church of Christ. But I shall not traduce thee in thy vain Deceit but return thy Arguments upon thy self which thou chargest upon others
are not these Articles of the church of Rome yea or nay If I should traduce the church of Rome in their Bishops and Councils these 12. hundred Years and upward I might bring a ●loud of Witnesses that the church of Rome is not the same in Articles of Faith in Religion but divers Popes I might prove have made distinct Articles and divers Councils and Bishops so that I might clearly prove and can and shall if God permit me with Life if I hear any more of the church of Rome or the Author of this Book that I shall prove that the church of Rome in the articles of her Faith is not the same that the church of Christ was in before Rome was Planted a church 2. I shall prove if need require her Universal Councils as she calls them to vary and her Bishops to be different in their Decrees and that her Faith in points of Religion is not the same from the Apostles day to this time as the author of this Book would make People believe but what I have said to this unanswerable Proposition as he calls it may be sufficient to convince both the author and them that are doubtful in their mind about this particular 3. Proposition is That neither the Sacraments nor Ceremonies or any Doctrine of the Church of Rome contain any thing that is contrary to the Scriptures but learned Doctors maintain the same and that there is no alteration in any article of Faith and then the Author makes a conclusion though full too hastily That they which dissent from the Church of Rome which he is pleased ● Stile Sectaries and Hereticks have no reason to withdraw from the Catholick Church Answ. As for that which you call the Catholick church of Rome we find such diversity of Orders and constitutions one distinct from another that to begin to enumerate them all would take up much time before one ended and would prove tedious to the Reader to view over the Variety of Constitutions and Decrees that have been made concerning the Ceremonies Sacraments as they call them and other Doctrines of the church of Rome which at this time is not my intention but Pope Alexander commanded that unleavened Bread should be used in the Supper in the Year 1119. Lib. Concil grat Sabil Before that time the outward Bread was indifferent whether it was leavened or unleavened notwithstanding the Greeks do use leavened Bread unto this day in that which is called a Supper and they use Wine only in the Cup but the church of Rome mingles Water with Wine according to the Pope Alexander's Decree And the Doctrine of Transubstantiation of turning the Bread into the Body of Christ and Wine into Blood as they say was an unknown Doctrine in the Apostles dayes and also among the Greeks until Pope Innocent the third 1215. Likewise Honorus the third he made a new Ordinance that the Sacrament of the Altar as the Church of Rome terms it should be Worshipped and kneeled unto of the People and also it should be born unto the Sick yea and that with Candlelight though it be at noon-day in the Year 1214. D. 3. Tit. cap 10. Lib. Council Pant. And Innocent the third ordained the Sacrament of the Altar should be kept under Lock and Key that such as were like to dye might not want Spiritual comfort at the time of their Death Lib. Council Cron. Pant. Pope Innocent the 8th permitted that the Priests of Norwegia might sing Mass with Water for lack of Wine in the Year 1484. Math. Falm Pant. And as about the Ceremonies about the Sacrament or Mass in a Council held at Rottomage it was decreed that the Sacrament should not thenceforth be given to Lay-men nor Lay-women in their Hands any more but the Priests should put it in their Mouths contrary to the use and practice of the Primitive Church yea of the church of Rome it self many Years after Lib. Council c. And so here the Church of Rome in contrary to the former Churches and to their own Church of Rome in former times though C. M. would elevate the Propositions of Francis Costerus a Jesuit unanswerable 4. Proposition The Author saith It cannot be proved that any have been admitted Priests but were duely consecrated by Bishops Whence we infer That Lutherans Calvinists and other Hereticks are no true Ministers neither are of Divine Priest-hood because they give to People a meer piece of Bread and nothing else and they have no Power to absolute People from their Sins but send them away entangled with Sin as when they came to them Answ. As for the Consecration of the Priests of Rome you have consecrated many who are out of the Doctrine of Christ who are Traytors to Kings and Governments and it 's a Maxim and a thing Meritorious in your Church to slay a Heretick that is one dissenting or not consenting to your corrupt Principles and as one Deceiver hath ordained and admitted another so hath your Bishops and Popes ordained the rest to Execute their Drudgery and corrupt Traffick and as I have offered unto thee before if it be not a piece of Bread and Wine except mingled with water according to your changeable Ordinances before mentioned put it to Trial upon the terms I before mentioned that you may be made manifest to be Deceivers or else we to all People And as for your Absolutions and Pardons it hath been that which you have sold for Money which made Luther and divers of your own Church to deny you because it hath been contrary to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine And as for forgiveness of Sins it properly belongs to Christ and to them that are in the same Power to them that confess forsake and turn from Sin to Pronounce forgiveness and Mercy but the Members of your Church confess from day to day unto your Priests that are as much entangled in Sin as they who do confess and neither do Repent nor find Mercy at the Hand of the Lord and your confessors and they that do confess they are defiled as much with Sin when they End their Work as when they began 5. Proposition It cannot be found in the holy Scripture that nothing is to be believed but what is clearly and expresly contained in the same Hence follows the overthrow of the Ground-work of the Sectaries who say that nothing is to be believed but what is expresly set down in the Scripture Answ. What others have said as to this particular I shall not now stand to Vindicate because it is not my Work to Vindicate every particular Judgment Person who believe contrary to your Church but I say many are of that mind that are not of your Church that things may be believed to be true according to the manifestation of God●s Spirit though the Scripture in express words doth not declare the same yet you to bring in fabulous Stories which you call unwritten Verity that are to be believed though never
you and over you even as he doth at this Day for which I thank the Lord and I am satisfied hitherto in what is done and I have my Reward and it 's with me O dear Friends this I speak unto you that you might abide in Love and keep in Unity one among another even as you did see us one to another at all Times Oh dear Hearts dwell in Love in Meekness speak all the same Thing be kind to one another and tender and easie to be entreated one of another and be pitiful and merciful one to another and bear and forbear one another for Christ's sake who hath born your Inf●rmities in Times past be like minded and truly I speak it your Comfort your Faith Obedience Suffering and Self-denyal thus far is come abroad and hath strengthned many and hath made them willing to be Companions with you in Life or Death their Prayers are for you their Praises are of you their Blessings are with you and so is mine who am the Lord's and yours in Life or Death and if we shall not see one another any more in these Earthly Tabernacles God's Heavenly Will be done And these Lines I send unto you as the best Thing I have to greet you with my whole Heart which is as tender as a sucking Child to you all Farewel Farewel everlastingly in the Life of Christ Jesus in which I write unto you Farewel Your Dear Brother and Companion in Tribulation F. H. Send a Copy of this to Bristol and Hartford and else-where where any are sentenced THE Great Case OF TYTHES AND Forced Maintenance ONCE MORE REVIVED THE True state thereof enquired into before the Law under the Law among the Jews likewise under the Gospel the true Ministers of Christ their Allowance shown likewise in the Corruption of time since Christ how Tythes have been introduced wherein Antiquity is searched and the Judgment of the Fathers of the Church in several Ages produced besides the Scripture it self examined in all which is clearly proved Tythes and forced Maintenance are no Gospel-maintenance the Scriptures answered divers Arguments confuted and Objections answered which are brought by the Ministry of this last Age. Also the Institution and Division of Parishes and their Rise which are published for the Benefit of all who desire that Gospel-Order might be established again in all the Churches of Christ. F. H. THE EPISTLE TO THE READER Impartial Reader THou hast here recommended once more unto thy View what from Time to Time and from Age to Age hath been not only the grand Cause of invocating Councils but also hitherto even the Ground of great Dispute and Controversie if thou th●s Treatise do with a single Eye peru●e and ballance the same in just and equal Scales thou wilt find it of so mu●h Validity as will poise thy Judgment to give Censure that this ● a clear true Demonstration of the Matter in Hand if thou be serious in thy View sincere in thy Heart and single in thy Mind as willing to know the Radix Rise and Ground of the Matter herein handled then wilt thou find th●● the very Key which will aright and may without Scruple open unto thee and demonstrate the very certain infallible and sure Testimony as well of the●r Original Rise Growing Begetting Constitut●ng Setling Confirming Upholding and maintaining of them viz. Tythes all which that thou may'st be clearly informed may'st thou find as by Step and Step herein traced thou wilt find their Original as first how Tenths were given before the Commandment was given forth to the Jews thou wilt also find their growing and their Institutions thou may'st clearly see and wherefore they were so instituted thou wilt find them when confirmed and when corrupted and thou wilt find them when lawful and when not lawful thou wilt find them when they were to be payed and thou wilt find a Time when they ought not to be payed And because the Ministers of our Age as we have daily from them do vaunt and boast themselves of the Orthodox Fathers of their Church therefore wilt th●u find by a narrow Search and a single Eye in the reading hereof unto which I do advise thee and that in Patience and Sobriety thou wilt as one unbiassed ballance the same here may'st thou have their Opinions and Judgments also and their ancient Fathers quoted thou wilt have at large their own Words all which as by this Treatise is intended to inform thy Mind and be as a President how they are now in this our Age apostatized from what they were and now at length become as Usurpation or abused and for thy more full and perfect Understanding how they were continued and imposed thou may'st also read the Orders and Decrees of many great Councils their Opinions Judgments and Impositions from Time to Time in many Ages past thou wilt see the Testimony of the holy Martyrs and their Verdict and last of all the Scriptures discussed the Arguments confuted the Questions answered and the Objections razed which the Ministers of our Dayes do produce or in Times past have been produced as the Basis or Ground from which they infer and lay their seeming fair Foundation these thou wilt all see sufficiently clearly and evidently confuted their Structure defaced their painted Building demolished their Foundation unbottomed and they themselves if their old Root of Cove●ousness were not so strongly centured in them might be convinced there is not one Stone left but all is overturned and the Bottom viewed that thereby this Babel's Foundation may now be thrown down at the last which hath had so many Batteries and Assaults against it tha as it is the last so it is indeed a weighty Piece which if Truth might have Place and Error and Deceit which since the Apostacy is crept in once rooted out then needed there not another of this Nature for this indeed doth bolt the Door and if sensibly felt arightly understood and the Truth of it assented unto then would there be no Entrance but though all this may not take hold with the worldly Priest yet herein have I Hopes that Truth therein being so sufficiently demonstrated may take Place and Footing in every honest Reader so far as that he may not only be informed but convinced and not only so but being convinced by this which doth so candidly manifest the same he may in the Zeal of his Heart own 〈◊〉 and stand in the Defence thereof vindicating the just Cause thereof and witness with his Seal that this is true which if unbiassed he peruse it doth evidently appear unto me he cannot but own as he is willing and aminded to own Truth One Thing more is also in this Book inserted to wit the Sufficiency of Allowance to the Ministers of Christ in Gospel-dayes according to the Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles and it were well if Magistrates and Superiors would weigh it and that they would with the infallible Eye of pure Judgment labour
profess themselves to be Christians who dare not stand to Christ's Doctrine and allowance in respect of their Maintenance But in the fulness of time God raised up another Priest Christ Jesus who was not of the Tribe of Levi neither made after a carnal Commandment as the first Priest was neither was he Consecrated after the order of Aaron for he pertained to another Tribe of which no man gave attendance at the Altar viz. to Judah he obtained a more excellent Ministry and of a greater and more perfect a tabernacle not of the former building he being the Sum and Substance of all shadows under the first Covenant hath thereby put an End to the first Priest-hood with all its shadows and carnal Ordinances and changing the Priest hood which had a command to take Tythes of their Brethren there was a necessity also of the change of the Law and a disannulling likwise of the Commandment which went before Now after Christ Jesus was manifest the end of the Law for Righteousness to them that do believe the End of the Covenant first Priesthood Tabernacle Temple Tythes Offerings Oblations and in a Word all the Worship of the Jews and all their Shadows Types and Figures and representations All the Sabbaths Fasts Feasts and their divers washings and Purifyings which all were but as Shadows of things to come and he was the sum and Substance of them all and ended them all and whosoever will plead a necessity of all or anyone of the former things mentioned in the first Covenant that was faulty Christ profits him nothing and he denyes the Faith of Christ and his Apostles and Ministers for Circumcision was once commanded of God and as real a Type as any other and yet they that would needs hold it up after the Substance was manifest to wit Christ Jesus the Apostle Paul concludes that Christ profits them nothing though he elsewhere calls it the Seal of the Righteousness of Faith unto Abraham which he had before he was Circumcised The like I also say of all the former Ordinances which pertained to the first Priest-hood and Covenant and holds them up as of necessity denyes the Faith of Christ and Christ profits them nothing and do make themselves thereby as debtors to the whole Law and he that fails in the breach of one is guilty of all Therefore of how much necessity is it for them that do profess Christ and the Faith that was delivered to the Saints to stand fast in that liberty wherein Christ hath made them free and not to be entangled with the Yoak of Bondage but to keep the Ordinances and Commands of Christ unviolated for that they lay claim to Tythes and would cause us to pay Tythes they themselves do not keep the Law but would constrain us that they might glory in our Flesh and would confound the Ordinances of the first and second Covenant together without putting any difference to the time and ministration unto which they did belong The Apostles and Ministers of Christ who were made partakers of the Divine Nature and of the Word of Reconciliation did not look back nor draw People back to the former Ordinances of the Jews and their Priest-hood but testified against them their Temples Fasts Feasts and New-Moons and for these things Paul and Stephen and divers others suffered great Persecution and Christ the everlasting high Priest though he was the Son of God the Heir of all things and the first born of every Creature and the Bishop of Souls though he was the Lord of all he made himself of no reputation nor did not lay claim to the Possessions of the World but said The Foxes have holes and the Birds of the Air have Nests but the Son of man hath not whereon to lay his Head He laid no claim to Tenths nor Offerings nor Oblations neither to Lands where he travelled in the Work of the Father though he laboured for the conversion of Souls in divers places as the true Bishop thereof He laid no claim to any such Places as to be his Diocess neither did look for any gifts and rewards from any place but as he was sent of the Father and was the free gift of Righteousness he ministred freely and likewise when he sent out his Disciples and gave them Commission to Teach all Nations and Disciple them in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost he said unto them As my Father sent me so send I you And again Freely you have received freely give And again Take with you neither Staff nor scrip nor Money nor Brass in your purses but into what House or City ye enter enquire who therein is worthy and abide ye there till you go thence And whatsoever is set before you that do you eat and drink for the Labourer is worthy of his meat And though he sent them out as is before said when they returned again he said unto them Lacked ye any thing And they said Nay Though they were sent out as Sheep among Wolves yet they preaching the Word of the Kingdom freely and turned People to Christ the new and living Way whereby there Hearts were opened to Minister unto them which serv'd for their necessity in the Work of the Gospel they did not desire or require any Stipend Sallary Augmentation or settled Maintenance but were Ministred unto them only by them who had believed their report and were made Partakers of Spiritual things they never complained of want nor never had any cause nor did not give over Preaching of the Gospel because they had not settled Maintenance like our latter Generation of Priests who if their Maintenance do cease their Gospel ceaseth which demonstrates only they minister for Hire and filthy Lucre and so are out of the Apostles Doctrine and Practice for the Apostles they often denyed that which was freely proferred them lest they should make the Gospel of Christ chargeable and their Work of no Effect Here was no Tythes spoken of that we read on commanded or commended either to the Jews or Gentiles who believed in the Age of the Apostles that we find mentioned either in Scripture or any other Ancient Records And after many Christians were converted unto the Faith such was the liberality and bounty of believers in the Beginning of Christianity that their bounty to the Evangelical Priesthood was so large as that it far exceeded what the tenth could have been or if you look to the first of the Apostles times then the unity of Heart among them about Jerusalem was such that all was in common and none wanted And as many as were possessors of Lands and Houses sold them and brought the price of that which was sold and laid it at the Apostles Feet and it was distributed to every man according as he had need So the whole Church both Ministers and Believers liv'd in common of that which was freely brought in and ministred for the Service of the
his commentary upon Gen. 28. and 2. and 22. saith That Tythes or tenths were freely arbitrarily a man might give them a man might vow them or he might not even as he pleased before the Lord but under the Law they were commanded to be given to the Priests and Levites hence saith he our Clergy men infer that if it were so of old then they are so now but this doth not follow saith he they had a divine Ceremonial right but that 's not ceased they had Tythes as a compensation of that lot they should otherwise have in Land Ours not Ours have Towns Villages Manners yea Countries and Provinces nor is there any End of their insatiable Covetousness And he concludes that when the Levitical Priesthood did cease then did the right of that Priesthood cease and the right of tythes did revert to God as Governour and Soveraign of the World Great and large are the Testimonies that might be given both out of Ancient and Modern writers who were the clearest in their Judgments against tythes how that they were no Gospel-maintenance neither of Divine right doth belong to any Minister under the Gospel who professeth Christ come in the Flesh. But what I have already said in this particular might be sufficient seeing so large things to this have been declared by others Hands But I am the more willing to instance divers Authors who by our Protestants are owned as Orthodox that they may be thereby throughly convinced that this is no new Doctrine for which we suffer the Spoiling of our Goods and our persons Imprisoned but that the Covetousness of the Clergy and Tythes have been testified against by many faithful and constant men in Ages past who died in the Faith who though they be dead yet their Testimony still lives and will stand for Ages But you shall hear what State the Clergy and Ministry was in about the time of the Council of Basil in the Year 1431. by Lodovicus the Cardinal ARLATENSIS a Man very much praised for his Constancy and Wisdom in that Council of Basil LODOVICUS seeing the Cowardliness of the Bishops and others of the Clergy that they were more afraid to grieve temporal Princes then afraid to offend God and afraid to be Spoiled of their temporalities rather then afraid that their Flock should be devoured Albeit saith he If you were true Bishops and true Pastors of Souls you would not doubt to put your Lives in hazard for your Sheep neither be afraid to shed your Blood for the Church in the cause of Christ but at this present saith he the more is the Pity it is too rare to find a Prelate in this world and in this Age which doth not prefer his Temporalities before his Spiritualities with the love whereof they are so withdrawn that they do study rather to please Princes then God and confess God in Corners but Princes they will confess openly of whom the Lord speaks in his Gospel every one that confesseth me before men him will I confess before my Father which is in Heaven c. And contrariwise the Lord will not confess him before his Father which is a●raid to confess the Lord before men for fear of loss of their worldly Glories and temporal Riches and displeasing of Princes of which it may be more largely seen in the History of the Council of Basil published by Aeneas Sylvius So you that doth profess Reformation and the Scripture to be your Rule and your Ancient Fathers to be your Examples whom the Ministry of this last Age hath talked of and see now if you will own them in Practice do not reckon your selves any more as Ministers of Christ who cannot be content with his allowances and let forcing for Maintenance by Tythes alone to the Priests of the first Covenant and let bargaining alone for Wages and seek not Hire of them you work not for and if your Gospel will not maintain you then have you great Reason to question it whether it be the very same that Christ and his Apostles Preached in the Primitive times and it is manifest as aforesaid that they required no Tythes Stipends Augmentations or S●llaries neither was ever any such Word heard amongst them as What will you give me an● I 'll be your Minister And yet there was no compl●int of any want for Christ asked his Disciples when they had been travelling abroad preaching the Gospel though they had neither Staff nor Scrip nor Money If they wanted any thing and they said Nay But this Generation must know before-hand what is to be had at such and such a place and what is it worth per Annum or else no Go●pel is like to be Preached there But if any should ask the Ministry of this A●e by what Right they claim tythes they cannot say by a better right then the Ap●stles had nor I hope will not for they pretend to be but Suc●ess●rs of them And if the extent of their Commission be enquired into they will give it you in these Words or the like presently viz. As my Father sent me so sen●● you But if one ask if they will stand to this in all respects I have little hope that they will comply in point of Maintenance I have good Ground so to judge even many at this day have boasted of their C●ll ●nd Ministry and have thrown many into Prison for those Popish tythes For if a Law or Statute were made for the taking of them away they would give over the Publication of their Gospel which demonstrates their Commission is not of God or else why should taking away of tythes invalidate them I desire they were ●ryed who boasted of Calls and Commissions I am afraid we should scarcely find one in 500 that would open his Mouth for if the cause were taken away the effect would also follow i● Maintenance were taken away their Preaching would cease But I shall return to speak something further concerning our own Nation It is needful to inform the Reader a little that when the Popes Doctrine was received in any Nation that Nation was d●vided into so ●●ny ●ishopr●c●s as was judged needful and every Bishoprick into 〈◊〉 many Parishes as were thought convenient for Parishes are but of a late Erection as to which something may be hereafter said for till then most Prea●hers were sent out of Monasteries and Religious Houses so called and the People at their own free will did give their Tythes and Offerings where they pleased till about the Year 1200. for till that time every Owner of the nine parts did give the Tenth to the Priest or to the Poor as he would But after that Parishes being set up and Priests appointed and Tythes paid to them after 40 Years possession what before was owned for free gift is now claimed as a debt prescription was pleaded by the Priests as their Just title but people seeing themselves run into a Snare began to contend but all too late for
own they being the Body of the People Answ. This supposeth a particular Donation of the People not only in their Legislative Capacity to bind themselves by a Law but by a particular Act of Free Gift but it 's evident the Act never intended any such thing for it gives nothing but commands what was given before and as to this or all other Laws that Princes Parliaments Popes Councils Bishops and whatever else was by any Man made for the Payment of Tythes since Christ Jesus came in the Flesh joyned all together how do they all or any of them bind the Conscience for if Tythes be not due by the Law of God as hath been proved before that they are not who hath set them up the Laws of men at the best and what is man or the Sons of men that make Laws in the Place where God disannuls his own Commands Heb. 7.12 as is manifest in this Point of Tythes by the precedent Scripture verily it is better to obey God then man for Christ hath not put that Power into any mens Hands to raise a compulsary maintenance for his Ministers seeing he and his Apostles and Ministers their Practice was otherwise as is before-mentioned Objection But some may say Have not the Magistrates Power as Magistrates to command the Payment of them to Ministers whom they approve of Answer If so as Magistrates then the Turk Tartarians and all Infidel Magistrates have the like but it may be said as Christian Magistrates Answ. Then may not France and Spain and Italy claim the same for what Nation in Europe will not say they have a Christian Magistracy though a far greater part of them be Papists and may not the Papists by as good right claim and compel Maintenance for their Ministers as Henry the eighth or any other could or can but I would not be mistaken as if I went about to lessen the magistrates Power in things Temporal and civil as to raise Taxes assessments or subsidies or other charges for the Service defence and well being of a Nation but I distinguish betwixt things civil and such as are called Spiritual and so give unto Caesar the things that are his and unto God the things that are his for in civil things or temporal things they have Power from God to make Laws and preserve a Nation in Peace and to raise Taxes for the well being of a Nation because in such things they are their own Masters but in matters of Religion and Spiritual THINGS no man ought to be imposed upon for every one must give an account to Christ who is the head of his Church and must stand or fall to his own Master But if the Law had been just in commanding Tythes can it be judged equal to give treble Damages where they are not payed if a man be owing a just due debt no more by the Law is recovered but what the debt is besides the charges of the Law how Cruel therefore are those injunctions which in a matter of so just scruple require and impose the treble value and furthermore to be required by a Law to set out the tenth makes a man a voluntary Agent in that thing against which his Conscience testifies and he that cannot do so they Sue and hale before Courts and Magistrates to get judgments of treble Damage and by that Judgment frequently being put into the Hands of such persons as will do it effectually to the Priests mind they take away sometimes 6. or 7. yea oftentimes ten Fold dammage what I say in this particular I can prove by many Witnesses in this Nation within this ten Years and though in the Ecclesiastical Courts the ordinary might not examine a man upon his own Oath concerning his own Tythes but now such as make Conscience of Swearing which Christ forbids or that they cannot themselves tell what Tythe they had are cast into Prison for contempt and there may lye as long as they live and many have dyed in Prison upon that account O what Reformation is this what Compel a man himself to set out the Tythe of his own Goods to maintain a Hireling Priest it may be a time-server a prophane one or a turn Coat and so to make a man Sin against his own Conscience or else take ten Fold as much and not only so but force him to Swear or commit him to Prison there to lye without Hope of any relief O Priests is not this the Wag●s of Unrighteousness that here is all this Work about tenths and first Fruits and mortuaries and the like which are no other then the Superstitious reliques of Popery O did but the Rulers and Magistrates know and consider what Havock is made through the Nation what driving of Goods Oxen out of the Plow Horses out of their Teames the Cows from poor indigent Children what carrying of Pots and Pans and Kettles and fetching away the Cloathes off poor Peoples Beds methinks it should make the Nation ashamed of such cruel Practices or else of such Priests and Tythes as are the cause of all this manifold instances I might give about all these things up and down this Nation but that I would not trouble the Reader too much because they have been publickly made known before by other Hands and Pens There are some other that have claimed Tythes and a propriety in them as that they are right by a divine right and for it plead the Law of Moses but as to that I shall not say much more nei●her is there any necessity for it because that most of the Ministry are ashamed to make this Plea Others have pleaded the Decrees Canons and Constitutions of Popes and General Councils Bishops and Convocations and these have said that Tythes are due by an Ecclesiastical Right and by that right generally under the Papal power they claimed them and others paid them And this continued in England till the Popes Supremacy was cast off by Henr. the 8 th and then he received first Fruits and Tenths But of this plea many are ashamed or few will own as judging the Ground too weak to claim it by an Ecclesiastical right Lastly The main and great plea of the Ministry of this last Age is That Tythes are not due by the Law of God because it was limited only to the Land of Israel and to the Levites only they say the equity of the Law is still in force which obligeth all to give a competent Maintenance for the Ministry and to maintain this they bring in all the Scriptures of the New Testament which seem to encline that way and because they know of no other way for Maintenance but by tythes as they are supposed now to be established many have ignorantly gone about to make inferences and Conclusions from them as to prove their assertions But to all which I return this answer That these plead not for Tythes properly but for a Maintenance by way of Tythes as they suppose most convenient
thresheth in Hope should be made Partaker of his Hope Ver. 13. And do you not know that they who minister holy things live of the things of the Temple and they that wait at the Altar are Partakers with the Altar even so hath the Lord ordained that they who preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel Upon these Scriptures as upon the former Inferences have been made to prove their lawful receiving of Popish Tythes and forced Maintenance The Apostle having travailed and laboured in the Gospel of Christ among the Corinthians afterwards wrote unto them exhorting them to Stedfastness in the Faith and also reproving the Disorders that were amongst them which were crept in i● hi● Absence whi●h were sown by them of the Circumcision who boasted themselves against Paul and led away the Hearts of the Corinthians from him as much as in them lay into the Liberty of the Flesh and looked upon Paul as in Bondage whereunto the Apostle useth Plainness of Speech and tells them that doub●less he was as an Apostle to them and magnifies his Office and declares also his Power which he had received from Christ as he told them Ver. 4. have not we Power to eat and to drink and I and Barnabas have not we Power to forbear working doubtless yes it was the same that Christ gave unto his Disciples when he sent them forth with them that are worthy to stay and to eat and drink what was set before them and doubtless they had Power to forbear labouring with their Hands but they would not alwayes use it lest they should seem burthensome but laboured rather to make the Gospel of Christ without Charge so this which is alledged as out of the Law for the Equality of it as the Ox not to be muzled when he tred out the Corn and a Husbandman ploughs in Hope to receive a Crop and the Thresher thresheth in Hope to get out the Corn even so he that ministreth in Word and Doctrine in the Faith and Hope is also made Partaker of his Hope and goeth not to War of his own Charge but Christ maketh Provision for them and opens the Hearts of People to contribute freely in the Work of the Lord and for his Service And seeing the Corinthians allowed this Power unto others who sowed Dissension among them the Apostle urgeth it that he much more had Power though he had not used it And further like as they that ministred at the Temple who were Partakers of the Altar as God had appointed them likewise now they that preach the Gospel live of the Gospel as God hath ordained it But that Clause Ver. 14. Even so hath been miserably strained by this last Generation of Teachers as though they that preached the Gospel should live of Tythes even as they viz. the Lev●tes that ministred at the Altar did live of the Offerings and Tythes that pertained to the Altar but there is no Necessity to understand the Words Even so as thereby to infer that they who preach the Gospel should live of Tythes but as the Levites lived of Offerings and Tythes that ministred at the Altar in their Day even so they that minister the Gospel should live of the Gospel in their Day and be content with Christ's Allowance and as the Apostle saith else-where having Food and Rayment to be therewith content for to live of the Gospel is not to live of Jewish Tythes nor Popish Tythes nor forced Maintenance for this is contrary to the Practice of the Ministers of the Gospel for we never read of any Commandment given for Payment of Tythes under the Gospel neither Exhortation to any neither Reprehension of any for not paying in all the Writings of the Apostles so that we conclude there is none due neither ought to be received by any Minister of the Gospel but People being generally taught that the Scripture is the Foundation of Faith and Practice of Christians the Teachers of the last Age they know that People will expect to have some Ground or Scripture for Proof of their Arguments or Pleas and they having not what they could desire bring such as they can get miserably turning and twining perverting and straining these and the like Scriptures before-mentioned to blind People withal but the Day is manifest that discovers all the crooked Pathes Windings and Turnings of the old Serpent and Ministers of Unrighteousness and Wages of Unrighteousness But another seeming Hold is 2 Cor. 11.8 I robbed other Churches taking Wages of them to do you Service Answ. Here the Apostle shews how he had behaved himself amongst them though he had Power to eat and to drink and to forbear Labour and to receive of them to wit the Corinthians those things needful yet he had not done so for Reasons given before-mentioned and in divers other Places though he saith whilest he was present with them that he wanted as in ver 9. and had preached the Gospel freely unto them ver 7. and did not use his Power as aforesaid but received something from the Brethren of Macedonia which was freely given and ministred by them amongst whom he had ministred before and he made Use of this even while he was in the Corinthians Work and this he took being offered freely by the Macedonians that he might preach the Gospel freely among the Corinthians and this he reckoned as Wages and as taking from others that he might serve the Corinthians and that he might keep himself clear and not be burthensome but this was ingratefully done of the Corinthians seeing it was that which they freely allowed unto them that had deceived them to wit false Apostles but what doth all this prove for Tythes and forced Maintenance even nothing at all but on the contrary proves receiving freely that which was given freely by them unto whom he had preached freely and the Ingratitude also of the Corinthians But being willing to answer all the Pleas and Arguments that ever I heard and all the Scriptures in the New Testament so called which have been brought in for a Plea by the Ministry of this last Age that their Cover may be rent and their Vail done away and the Feebleness of their Arguments shewed forth that People may see they are without Foundation or any grounded Bottom for th●se challenged Tythes and forced Maintenance and that all may see we do not suffer Imprisonment and spoiling of our Goods wilfully or ignorantly but for our abiding in the Doctrine of Christ and keeping stedfast to the Ordinances and Order of the Gospel in the purest times of the Publication thereof but take one other Scripture which they alledge and I have done which is Heb. 7.8 And here men that dye do receive Tythes but there he receiveth them of whom it is witnessed that he liveth Answ. Unto which I answer because this is written in the New-Testament so called which they ignorantly call the Gospel therefore because this Word here is mentioned in the Scripture they have
way though to the detriment and ruin of all those mighty Nations Christ the Light of the World now in the End of the World and in this last Age hath chosen a People out of many Peoples and a Family out of many Families and a Nation out of many Nations to serve him and Worship him to Honour and obey him in Life Spirit and Power in their Generation and unto them the promise of eternal Life is made and the Kingdom that is not of this World and Inheritance that fades not away And Christ the King of eternal Glory is their Leader and many are determined to follow him and love not their Lives to the Death and are willing to lay down all in this World for th●● which is Promised and would fain walk on their way in quietness and Peace without any molestation to any man in Person or Estate in the world e●●ing their own Bread and drinking their own Water either by ●a●our or by Price but alas their way is stopt and Divinations are sought against them the Balaamites are called forth to Enchant and divine 〈◊〉 Curse and they give Counsel to the Princes to stand up in defiance and seek by all means possible to stop and have fram'd many engines to see if that will do to wit forceable Laws confiscations premunires Jayles Prisons Houses of Correction Fines Stockings Whippings execrations comminations and Excommunications and what not that can be invented by worldly policy and now the Battel is set though one party hath no carnal Weapon in their Heart or Hand and all Nations mark the Issue remember the Battel and the End thereof and do no more if the Lord do not manifestly say and make it evident one way or other for I dare not limit him a way saying as he did of old Touch not mine Anointed do my Prophets n● harm to every Kingdom Nation and people who ri●eth up against the Inheritance of the Lord and if he bring not a Rebuke upon whatsoever Nation people or Family that arises up in Opposition against Christ and his people whom he hath redeemed then let all conclude that God is not among us neither is with us nor hath spoke unto us but to be short in this matter because a few Words to the wise is enough and a little Counsel to the prudent may suffice but in this particular of which I have been treating most-what about Tythes and Ministers Maintenance in this I shall conclude and also assent unto as being the Judgment of thousands of the Lord's people as that the Ministers of Jesus Christ who are tr●ly so manifest in Doctrine and Works who sow unto us o● any people Spiritual things they should and ought to reap of our Temporal things But here lies the difference First of all that the Spirit of the Lord in our Consciences must be our judge who these Ministers are and no other man's direction for to the Conscience were alwayes the Ministers of Christ made manifest and not approved with the Reason and Wisdom of Man Secondly that our gifts may be free and by no man's compulsion are this is according to primitive Example and the Church of Christ's order i● the first 〈◊〉 times which all do conclude was the most purest time And would not this ease the temporal Magistrate of much trouble that he puts himself unto and also be more acceptable to God and man for who hath made him a Judge of these things in Gospel-times But seeing I have run over the many particular Judgments from the Apostles time downward and have given the best President that can be given in every Age as to this Particular and seeing divers things are written by other Hands this may be enough to satisfie the Consciences of all who do scruple in this Matter And so I shall conclude upon these many good Reasons and Grounds before-mentioned which are agreeable some of them in every Age unto the Doctrine of Christ and the Practice of the Apostles and this is a certain and positive Truth believed among us which also is agreeable unto the Scripture that Tythes and forced Maintenance as to the Ministers of Christ never was is or shall be counted as Gospel-maintenance neither are the Consciences of Believers at all oblieged at all in this matter Concerning Parochial Churches and Division of Parishes and Parish Profits COncerning these Parish Churches about which there is such heavy Stir at this Day and for Parish Pay and an Injunction for all to worship there is a very Novelty and compared with the Apostles time though it 's granted that there were places wherein the Saints did assemble themselves for the Worship of God ye● no limitting to any such Place nor no limitting nor no tying to pay these were but set up at best in the time of Popery and not altogether in the Beginning of it neither for as i● mentioned before the Teachers were sent out of the Monasteries and religious Houses so called and the People did go to worship at any Place and at their own free-will gave their Offerings where they pleased till the Year 1200. as before is mentioned as learned S●lde● hath well observed in his exact Treatise of Tythes As for the Brittains little or no Testimony is extant of any Credit that discovers their Order in their time but some about the Year 500. after Christ was found amongst them for when Dabritius was Bishop of South Wales and his See appointed at Lan●aff divers Churches were erected and Oblations and other Profits were appropriated to him and his Successors likewise mention is made of a Church built in the time of the Romans to the Honour of Saint Martin in which Austin and his Followers when they came first from Rome made their holy Assemblies as they were called but Guildas saith that about the Year 580. the Clergy having Lordship had resort to them for filthy Lucre's sake First Parochia or Paraecia be diversly taken as first it was taken by the Saxons for a Bishoprick or a Diocess or otherwise for a limitted Place within that Diocess called a less Parish but it is manifest these Parishes had no Profits at all belonging unto them but only were Places where Augustine sent his Monks unto in the time of the Saxons and to preach and receive the Offerings and they were carried into a general Treasury for the Clergy for then they had all things in common so at that time when they began to grow rich they began to build some Houses called Churches and to repair the old Temples of the Gentiles as Pope Gregory advised them out of the Offerings of the People● but now Parish Pries●s take Tenths and Oblations also and that by Force and will neither build nor repair these Mass-houses and so are worse then the Pap●sts in their time for the Conveniency of the neighbouring Inhabitants were assigned to the ministring Priests where they exercise their Shrivings but not so limitted that every one was bound to
suffered thy self to be made blind and carried Captive with another Man's Judgment neglected the measure of God's Spirit in thy self at home through which alone the secret things of God are Revealed in which true certainty and infallibility is Witnessed and not in Men who are fallible and changeable If an Arian Jew or Turk should urge their own interpertation of Scriptures which is of no private interpretation contrary to the mind of him that gave it forth I would say he perverted the Words of the Scripture which 〈◊〉 in Harmony Unity one with another as to the states and conditions they were sp●ken to and are plain and are only read by that Spirit that gave them forth except it be in some Historical or Chronology or Genealogy of Names and Gener●tions which might be some gathered from anothers Hands and different hands taking notice of them as to Record them there might be some variation yet the substance of the report is true but what is Calculation of Years or Dayes or reckoning up of Genealogies as to the matter of Salvation and what if we had never had them no more then we have other Histories and things that fell out among the Jews but if there be any contradiction for ought I know we may blame the Church of Rome the most of any who will needs affirm they received all or most of the things from the Apostles and if the Translations differ or be some-what uncertain what have they been doing this fifteen hundred Years with their infallible Spirit that they could not have rectified them according to their first Original and if any the foresaid Sects should pretend the certainty of the Spirit and yet not have it I should answer the Spirit is known by its Fruits and the Fruits of the Spirit are manifest and they that pretend to it and bring forth contrary Fruits are manifest to be Deceivers and deceived but their States are different and therefore require different Answers which time will not now permit to insist upon but over and beside all other Arguments perswade any man to or from any thing the witness of God in the party unto whom he speaketh is to be reached and that is beyond the understanding of Man and greater then it and more convincing then any Arguments that can be used without and he that cannot speak to this is not skilful in the Word of Righteousness That Christ was an infallible Guide who is the way the Truth and the Life is granted by all Christians and that the Apostles received the Promise of the Father and the infallible Spirit of God which led them into all Truth and this infallible assurance the Christians had that lived in the Apostles time thu● i● granted and the Apostles were infallible Guides not as Men meerly but as Men full of the Holy Ghost as Men who were filled with the Spirit of God and therefore the Apostle said be Followers of us as we are F●llowers of Christ and if any controversie did arise as some there did and doubts among the then Christians the Apostles and Elders meeting together in the Power of the Holy Ghost did write their minds and Letters to the Christians to pacifie all and good Reason that they that had believed through their Word should Su●mi● unto the Holy Ghost and unto them by whom they were begotten unto God by the word of Life for the ending of strife about Words and Shadows and outward things and they whose minds were outward then in Ages since and now ran into contention about outward things and such for the most part do Err from the Spirit of God in themselves But I would have thee to take notice of this and all you Catholick Members so called The Apostles of Christ only did exhort and did not force their Decrees by Penal Statutes and to be observed under the penalty of loosing Life and Limbs as since their pretended Successors have done who have Erred from the Spirit and have go● the Saints Words and turned against the Life and Power but the Decrees as you call them are not many nor burdensome which the Apostles wrote at Jerusalem as the many Counsels since have made they are so endless and numberless and burdensome and so contradictory one to another in divers things who will but look into the Decrees of the Counsels since the Apostles dayes that we can find little certainty in any of their Decrees but rather as thy Instructer saith the Sword of the Flesh and not the Spirit hath been the Rule and Law to Christianity but the Masters of great wit and Power and Interest have framed and made parties unto themselves and have Wars been raised among your selves about deciding your Controversies hath not the Pope Warred against the Emperour and the Emperour against the Pope were no● Wars raised about the Decrees when Pope Eugenius was deposed as a Heretick by the Council of Bazell and one while the Pope must be infallible as Peter's Successor and above all Councils and Churches another while the Council is above the Pope Excommunicates him as a Heretick and excludes his Infallibility and now where is the certainty and whether should one go or appeal for true Judgment so though the Church of Rome boast of Unity yet how hath one Nation made War against another and yet Professing the same Faith at divers times and in sundry Ages And to tell thee plainly and to speak the naked Truth according to the Apostles Prophecy after their Departure there was a great Apostacy and a great Falling away from the Faith and a giving heed to Lying Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils and many were suhverted from the Faith by them that spake Lyes in Hypocrisie and took up the Priests Office for filthy Lucre and they went out into the World and the World wondred after them and they had the Form and the Sheeps Cloathing and the Saints Words but were Enemies to the Cross of Christ and to the Power of Godliness and the Kings of the Earth were bewitched with her Sorceries and then forced all and compelled all to receive and believe such Decrees and such Articles as were then set forth by a Pack of those Hirelings who minded their own Profit and their own Bellies who mingled their own Inventions and Traditions with the Doctrine of Christ and brought the Scripture for a Cloak and the Apostles Practice for a President and could ●ay falsly as the Apostles said in Truth It seems good to us and the holy Ghost that these our Decrees be observed for God hath placed us as Judges and directors as them that are appointed of God himself to which all Christians are to submit and none to question and if any do question and will not obey it is the Kings and Princes Duty in all Countries to cause all to submit to these our Decrees and Orders or else to be punished as Hereticks with Death for we are the Apostles Successors and
we are the Elders of the Church and we have the infallible Spirit and though we make Decrees contrary to what the Apostles made in their Day yet none are to question that the Church was but in its Infancy then as unwasht and unswadled and in Persecution but now she is grown up to a greater Statu●e and Power and endowed with greater Priviledge and that may be necessary now that was not necessary then and last of all called themselves the Cler●y which signifies the Heritage of God and so excluded all others but themselves And these things are true and certain and have been made good by many Sufferers for Christ and this kind of Clergy or Heritage made the Heritage of God indeed to fly into the Wilderness who had the infallible Spirit and the Witnesses to prophesie in Sack-cloth and then Mystery-Babylon began to sit as a Queen and to gild her Cup and to fill it full of Abomination and brought in Judaism and the Practice of the Apostles and their own Inventions and patched up an Endless kind of Worship and Service consisting of out-side things in a great Part in Postures and Gestures and Meats and Drinks and Days and times and Vestures and Bonnets and Caps and Coules and such other like Trumpery which they made the Nations drunk with and greedy after and if any scrupled at any of those things or any other the Holy Catholick Church hath decreed it and she cannot err for she is infallible though the Errors thereof cannot be numbred And this R. E. thou rests satisfied in as thy only Rule and Judge and Director and thou hangs all thy Faith herein and sayest Thou shalt not scruple to believe what Authority teacheth thee to be revealed by God no more then if thou heardst God himself speaking I say unto thee as the Apostle said The Serpent hath beguiled thee as it beguiled Eve and further say as the Prophet said Thou must arise and get thee hence for this is not the Rest for thou wilt see thy self plunged into such a Labyrinth of Uncertainties as thou never wast before if the Lord ever open thine Eye And R. E. gives an Account that after his reading of some controvertal Books hath made some Collections as to himself and also declares That all dissenting Judgements grant there must be a Way and a Rule appointed to teach us to deside all Doubts to judge of all Matters and to teach us the true Way to Heaven with Certainty but who this Rule or Judge is is not agreed upon by all which he hath collected into four Heads First Some set up the Spirit to direct them and to be this Means Secondly Another will have every Man 's own Natural Reason to be this Rule and Judge Thirdly Others will set up sole Scripture And the fourth assigns the Holy Catholick Church to be that Judge and Director Other then these he saith he never heard of any for he saith he alwayes esteemed the Quakers Light to be either the Spirit or Natural Reason but which R. E. doth not know and all the four before-mentioned he saith he hath examined and treateth largely upon them all wherein he goeth about and giveth Grounds and divers Reasons and divers Interpretations of Scriptures he layes waste all the former three and establisheth as he thinks the fourth as to be that Way and Rule and Judge and governing Power to decide all Doubts as that whereby all are oblieged to submit unto as to Christ himself and this was that Question which he was to gain Satisfaction in and therefore he saith He cea●ed ●o enquire of their Doctrine or this or that Article of Faith and hang altogether upon this Point before-mentioned Answ. 'T is true it is granted by all that there must be a Way and a Rule as the Means appointed of God to answer all Doubts and to give Satisfaction to every Man of the Certainty of that which he believes and who this Way and Judge and Rule is every one ought to be satisfied and the four Heads into which thou hast collected the whole Controversie of all dissenting Judgments in Christianity take up the whole as to this Particular which have ordinarily been holden forth among Christians But I judge thou deal'st not wisely in thy Inquisition and Search for Satisfaction to hang all on this Pin but rather to have examined further as concerning Matters of Doctrine and Matters of Faith held forth most especially of this Party to whom thou wast so much inclined and see how thou could'st have swallowed down that Doctrine of Purgatory and Sacrifice for the Dead and Justification by a Man 's own Works and of Bread and Wine after the Words of Consecration by the Priest is transubstantiated into the very Body and Blood of Christ and becomes whole God their Saviour and Redeemer for these are principal things either greatly necessary to Salvation or greatly unnecessary and when thou had'st tryed and found these to be so repugnant unto the Doctrine and Faith once delivered among the Saints in the first Plantation of the Gospel this might have put a Stop unto thee that thou could'st not so easily close with their Judgment and pretended Infallibility who pretend to be only Guides and yet lead into the greatest Errors in Matters of greatest Moment But as to the four Particulars mentioned I shall not stand to trouble either my self or the Reader as to speak much what of that which is no Part of my Faith or Judgment but only to vindicate the Truth against the many false Conceptions of changeable Men And first of all R. E. begins to treat of the Spirit and perverts the Scripture at his first Onset and saith As touching the Spirit ●earing Witness in secret with our Spirits or he saith in plain Terms the pri●ate Spirit this saith R. E. I considered could not be the Means to convey Faith unto the World nor the Rule Judge or Guide which I enquired after nor indeed the true Spirit of God which he promised to be Apostles Secondly Those who pretend this Guidance do not believe God● but themselves only and their own Perswasions which tell them they have the Spirit of God but they can give no other Account but that they are verily perswaded so or no other Answer but I am sure it is the Spirit of God and I am a good Man and an honest Man and I believe my self but ●ther Reasons or Evidence can they give none Thirdly This pretending of a private Spirit is against 2 Pet. 1.20 That no Prophecy of Scripture is of private Interpretation Answ. This Man beats altogether beside the Anvil whatever the Matter is but that he is blinded and confounded in himself he sets but up a Shadow and then fights with it for instead of proving the Spirit of God not to be a competent Rule Judge and Guide and Instructor in all Matters of Faith necessary to Salvation he goes about to prove a private Spirit a pretended
them that bring them forth like them in Bedlam and what though Turks Jews Pagans Mahomet and the false Christians do pretend to the Spirit and guidance by it and yet bring forth the Fruits of the Flesh doth this make the Spirit of God void or the certainty of it to them that believe or do make their Fruits of none effect God forbid thy Ignorance is manifest but here thou ceasest not thy Tongue being thy own and thou being at liberty and speakest thy own words which in the end shall become thy Burden Thou vapours and vants over them to wit all the Nonconformists and saist What can you say for your selves any of you which these Enthusiasts who have gone before you to maintain their Errours but the Rule and judge and then thou concludes That which God hath appointed to be rule and judge to all the World and capable of being known and heard by all and cannot contradict it self nor must be contradicted by any under pain of Damnation if you cannot shew it to have been your Rule you ought to lay aside your Folly as destructive to human Society and them that have pretended the Spirit the strongest party and Sword upon the vote will prove it self the most convincing Spirit and force the weaker Spirits to submit or cry for thou concludes the Nonconformists have no other Testimony to try your contradicting Spirits in matters of greatest moment but force and success if you have I pray you inform me what it is Answ. If the Wind had not turned into another door divers Non-conformists believe we should have had another Song from thee if time had but favoured thee so far as to have granted thee priviledge of thy Troop to be Captain which Name thou holds up yet in the pride of thy Heart though thou hast lost thy force success and Pay which was the greatest plea when time was with thee and not long since too which makest thee measure every Man's Foot by thy Last and thou might receive information before thou hadst made a Conclusion had been the part of a Wise man before thou hadst set thy self as Judge over all thy former Fellowships which thou fianedly pretends so great love to and before thou hadst discovered their nakedness if it be nakedness to all the World in such a publick insulting bravado as this like Goliah of Gath and as for whatsome Non-conformists both of the Church of Rome and to the Church of England to which thou creeping and sneakingly flatters and saist it 's established and therefore thou will not meddle thou might have said dare not for thy Spirit is well enough seen by them only to have the Spirit of a Slave and not a free Member of the true Church of God and it 's no part of a Vertue nor Honour for thee to insult and glory over them who are in suffering and Adversity whenas thou darest not meddle with them who are as contrary to thee as the former this is but the Spirit of a Coward and is ignoble and base and ever so to be accounted by all the Children of Light who dare put all to venture which they do enjoy on this side of Immortality and to suffer the loss of all visible things for their Testimony and the Truth which they believe and for bearing witness against that which is contrary unto their Faith as did the valiant Primitive Christians of old and that which some Non-conformists can say is more then thou canst believe although demonstrated in the evidence of the Spirit of God with sound reason and evident Example from the Scriptures of Truth and though thou and thy former fellowships then and thy new fellowships now have made this vapour which for ought I know might lay your Hands upon your Mouths all considering what contradictory Doctrines and Fruits have been brought forth since the Night of Apostacy entred in and all the World wondered after the Beast some have this to say He that pretends to the Spirit and the thing cometh not to pass that they speak or Prophesie let him be accounted a false Prophet again they that pretend guidance of the Spirit as some formerly have done and yet bring forth the Fruits of the Flesh as variance Hatred Emulation Strife Contention Heresie false Doctrine Persecution force and violence let them be counted as truly they are Deceivers and Del●ders which have gone out into the World and deceived a great part of Mankind of which Rome hath not had the least share clear it when thou canst Morever he that pretends to have the Spirit of God and layes down another Foundation to build upon in matter of Faith in matter of Rule in matter of Judgment in matter of Doctrine then that which the Lord of Life and Glory hath laid down he is a Deceiver and an Anti-christ but R. E. hath laid down another Rule another way another Judge another Foundation for Faith and let himself make the Conclusion if he once dare joyn to true Judgment other Foundation can none lay then that which is ●lready laid to wi● Christ Jesus the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles and of the Church of God by which they were all builded up as a holy Habitation for God to dwell in through the Spirit Again the Apostle saith All Judgment is committed to the Son both in Heaven and Earth and again he saith himself I am the Way the Truth and the Life and none can come to the Father but by me and again the Spirit of Truth shall lead and direct h●● Disciples into all Truth and sealeth unto them their Justification Redemption and Salvation And this R. E. would lay all waste and void and why because many have pretended to it and have fallen short therefore all the aforesaid things must be laid aside as uncertain and not to be trusted unto and a certain sort of Men called the Apostles Successors who have sought their gain and worldly Interest and to enlarge their Dominions and to make themselves Lords over mens Faith and over mens Consciences whatsoever they say though never so contradictory to the Primitive Doctrine delivered in Christ and the Apostles dayes yet all must be received upon pain of Damnation as R. E. saith and this he calls the Visible Church and the infallible Judge and Rule and Director and hath laid waste the Office of Christ and turned the Spirit out of doors and made it ineffectual and would perswade all others to look to this from the Foundation and so is a deceiver and an Anti-christ Again we have this to say he that teacheth a contrary Doctrine then that which was once delivered unto the Saints is a Deceiver and deceived and this was Christ's Doctrine once delivered unto the Saints Swear not at all and love your Enemies pray for them that Persecute you do good to them that hate you And many more precepts which this visible Guide to wit the Roman Church holds not but hath made void
Weapons they have the Spirit of Error for the Weapons of the Lamb and his Followers are not carnal Weapons but spiritual and yet mighty through God to the beating down of the strong Holds of Wickedness and to prevail over the Powers of Darkness again the Testimony of God in every Man's Conscience which is an unerring Testimony this savours the things of God and by this things that be not of God are discerned and this will put a perfect Difference between the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error but what can be said to a man in Unbelief that hath closed his Eyes The next thing which R. E. saith he considered was That the Natural Reason of every Man could not possibly be the Rule and Judge that I sought for for saith he if Reason were to be Rule and Judge then it would follow contrary to Scripture that it 's not impossible to please God without Faith and it would likewise follow that every Religion would be Truth consequently Contradictions would be true consequently there would be many Religions and no Faith at all for Reason excludes Faith as in the 26th Page of his Book Thy Tongue is thy own and thou art at Liberty and goest whether thou wilt and speakest what seems Good in thy own Eyes and hast never yet known another to gird thee and lead thee whither thou would'st not I stand not to vindicate every Man's Judgment neither to prove other Mens Conceptions but seeing thou hast taken in Hand to lay all Mountains waste before thee that stand in thy Wayes thou hast raised up some in thy Discourse for others to stumble at and hast spoken many false things without distinguishing and putting a Difference between Light and Darkness between Natural Reason and Spiritual Reason I could not chuse but say somewhat Although it is no Part of my Belief that the Natural Reason of any Man or every Man is able to be Rule Judge and Guide to any Man in the things of God yet Faith is not in Opposition unto pure Reason neither is pure and spiritual Reason in Opposition to true Faith but in Harmony with it and one with another as they are the Gifts of God but the Natural Reason of all the fallen Sons of Adam is corrupted and is too short and too narrow too cross and too perverse to be Rule and Judge in the things of God for the Natural Man by all his Endowments in the Transgression perceives not the things of God for they are spiritually discerned and the things of God that are spiritual and eternal are above the Reach of Natural Reason and yet thy Consequence is false for Faith doth not exclude pure Reason and Faith doth not make blind the Understanding but enlightens it and though it is impossible to please God without Faith yet it is impossible that that Faith should be without Reason the Apostle desired to be delivered from unreasonable men that had not Faith so it is manifest they that have Faith have Reason and they that have no Faith are unreasonable and where thou hast borrowed this Rule I know not That a man must believe that he doth not understand seeing the Apostle saith to the Romans even of the Gentiles who had not the Law nor the Scripture that that which may be known of God was manifest in them for by that it is manifest they understood the Mind of God and knew him for Paul saith further When they knew God they glorified him not as God but were unthankful c. and again He that believes must know that God is for none can believe in that which is not for to perswade any to believe in Uncertainties which are not manifest in the Understanding doth rather beget Unbelief and Doubting then true Faith but thy Paths are so full of Darkness I shall not traduce them and thy Consequences are false for pure Reason teacheth not Contradictions neither doth teach that there is no Faith at all neither is Faith excluded by pure Reason as thou ignorantly say'st in the 26th Page and is it not Reason that I should believe in him whom I know is the Creator and Governour of all the World and pure Religion is so far from excluding Faith that they that have true Faith have Reason and stand not in Opposition to Faith but this I conclude that the Reason of fallen men is corrupted and is an uncertain thing to rely upon and so not a competent Judge in Matters of so high Concernment as touching everlasting Salvation The third thing which thou treatest upon is against them who have pleaded that the sole Scriptures are sufficient of themselves to teach true Faith from time to time to direct rule and govern us and to be Rule and Judge and to supply the Place of Christ and the Apostles As I said it is not my Intention to vindicate other mens Quarrels which is no Part of my Faith notwithstanding I should be sorry but that every thing had its true Weight and Measure and shall not in the least detract from the Price Value and true Worth of the Words of Truth to wit the Scriptures of Truth which were spoken forth by the Spirit of Truth and by the holy Ghost as it gave Utterance but as men erring in their Judgments run sometimes to the right Hand and sometimes to the left Hand and walk not in a straight●Path some men are setting them up above that which they were intended for and placing them in the Stead of God Christ and the Spirit and others are too much debasing them and dis-esteeming them as that they would set up the Judgment of Variable and Changeable Men who hold and teach Things in Contradiction to the Scriptures and repugnant to the Mind of the Spirit in them that spoke them forth But first of all I say not against thee in this thing that the sole or whole Scriptures are not sufficient of themselves to teach true Faith and give the Knowledge of God without the Spirit for many have got the Words and yet have not received the Spirit nor the Power which the Scriptures declare of such wrangle and contend with the Words and oppose the Life and the Power the Jews had the Scriptures and knew by them where Christ should be born and knew by them what his Works should be when he was manifest and yet rejected him unto whom all the Prophets bore witness from Moses to Samuel and from him to John and they were never intended by God as to be set up as Judge Guide to wit the Words without the Power and Spirit of God yet notwithstanding though I cannot set them up in the Place of God Christ and the holy Spirit nor contend ignorantly as some have done that they are the Author of True Faith and that they are the Eternal Word of God which the World was made by that they are the Light and the VVay the Truth and the Life and that they are the Decider
of all Controversies and sole and absolute and only Judge of all Matters of Faith and of all Matters that ●ver have been or ever shall be in Controversie to the End of the VVorld without the Spirit of God neither am I of that ignorant Mind as some are that the Letter and the Spirit are inseparable as that whosoever hath the Scripture must needs have the Spirit or whosoever hath the Scripture must needs be infallible without the Spirit all that are of the aforesaid Judgment are but VVranglers for the most Part about VVords and Contenders against the Power of God and Godliness and bring the VVords to oppose the Life and them that have the Spirit and walk in it for a natural man may read the Scriptures and yet not perceive the things of God neither perceive the Mind of the Spirit but wrest to their own Destruction as Peter saith because they are unlearned and untaught by the Spirit 's Teaching though otherwise learned enough in Languages Tongues and Speeches Secondly Yet I cannot detract from them neither undervalue them or dis-esteem them as uncertain or of no Use or of little Use but whatever themselves declare themselves to be that I own them to be to wit the Words of God the Words of Christ the Words of the holy Prophets and Patriarchs and Apostles who were endued with the holy Ghost and spake forth the Scripture as they were moved thereby in several Ages of several things and unto several States and Conditions as they were led thereto by the holy Spirit and they are a certain Declaration of things that were done and believed and practised by the Jews under the first Covenant and by the Apostles and primitive Christians in the New Covenant and contain many precious and holy Precepts and Commands Doctrines Examples Exhortations Admonitions Reproofs and Instructions and are as lively Examples and holy Patterns for all the Saints in Light to follow by which we are given to understand what Faith what Hope what Patience what Love what Mercy what Long-Sufferings what Consolation what Virtue and what Inheritance the Saints in Light were made Partakers of through Faith in Christ Jesus likewise what Doctrines were held forth and what Practice they used in the primitive times when they walked in the Order of the Gospel and had Fellowship with God the Father and the Son and one with another in the Light of the Gospel which is the Power of God through which they witnessed Salvation Remission of Sins and published it unto others that they might believe Thirdly The Scriptures testifie of Christ and were written that they might be believed and received and read that thereby every one that believed might be made wise to Salvation through Faith in Christ Jesus 2 Tim. 3. and instructed in Righteousness that the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished with all good Works and whosoever doth teach any Doctrines contrary unto the holy Men of God who spake as they were moved by the Spirit of God which dwelt in them the Scriptures are Witnesses against such that they have not the Spirit of God but are led by another Spirit which brings forth contrary Doctrine and another Faith then was once delivered among the Saints and whosoever brings in sets up other Precepts Constitutions Orders and Practices in Point of Worship in Opposition and contrary unto those Practices which were held forth in the primitive times and would set up other Traditions then the Apostles delivered either by Word or VVriting such are manifest to have the Spirit of Error and are Innovators and Bringers in of other things as necessary in Point of VVorship among Christians which the Apostles and Ministers of Christ did not see necessary then and yet they wanted no Part of the Counsel of God for Paul said He had declared the whole Counsel of God and furthermore they said We have the Mind of Christ and Christ's Mind is not variable Fourthly Though divers of the VVritings of the Prophets and Apostles be lost doubtless as is evident by divers Places of Scripture yet blessed be God that there are those preserved which do bear VVitness of the one thing absolutely necessary unto Salvation of the Ministrations that were appointed of the Lord for the Church of God to observe both in the first and second Covenants so that Christians of this last Age are not lest without Example and President which all ought to have an Eye unto and a diligent Regard and though there be divers Copies of that which is called the Original Tongue and divers Translations yet he unto whom the Spirit of God is given and waiteth in the Measure of Christ's Light shall receive it doth ●ee and shall see the Mind and VVill of God in every Age and the Mind and Intent of the Spirit in them that spoke forth the Scripture and can receive the Matter therein contained as though they had heard them speak that spoke it at the first and though the Translators were Men yet I have such an honourable Esteem of their Labour that I believe they have not varied wittingly and willingly from the best Copies that were extant in their Age neither that they were altogether void of the Spirit of God in such a good VVork which conduced to the Benefit of Mankind but were assisted by it for so good VVork and there be many Figures and Tropas Improprieties of Speech Mysteries and Di●●iculties yet all these come to be made easie and plain to them that are Witnesses of the same Spirit that gave them forth and though there be Diversity of Judgments Professions of Religion one clashing against another thwarting and contradicting another all will seem to bring the Scripture for their Proof which yet cannot maintain and prove every thing good especially when their Doctrines contradict one another this is granted it is only their private Interpretation and not the Scripture and for W●nt 〈◊〉 ●h●t Spirit that gave it forth for that alone gives the true Understanding of i● and they that are without this are like to kill one another about Words and Names Sounds Tittles and Jottas but still want the Key that opens and gives an Entrance into the Knowledge of the things of God which alone is the Spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures Last of all R. E. after he saith The three former Props which are the Basis of the whole Foundation and glided over as slightly as he possible could although he hath never stated the Matter right indeed as to remove all things out of his Way which might hinder him in his Cause which he drives so hard on in to wit to set up a certain Company or Multitude of men Visible and Universal as he saith to be the only infallible Judge to convey Faith to the World and to be the certain and infallible Judge in all Matters that either pertain to the Worship of God and to be believed under Pain of Damnation as
his Term is all along without questioning at all either their Doctrine or Principles or comparing them with the Doctrine of Christ or Primitive Christians whether they be true or false whether they be with or against but all is to be received by an implicite Faith Hand over Head and by whole sale for it will admit of no Examination or Doubt but all must be received of Necessity as infallible and upon so great a Necessity too as R. E. saith if you will believe him would make it so that all forfeit eternal Salvation for not receiving all the Doctrines of this Church and consequently procure eternal Damnation unto themselves who refuse it so that if I should say no more but even lay down his Assertions which are scattered up and down his Book called An Epistle to all Non-conformists it were Answer enough I hope to many whose Mouths I hope would be filled with Arguments and sound and grounded Ones too or at least with Faith in their Hearts to oppugn and not receive all these bold Assertions without Examination or Tryal only upon the Account of Infallibility from the universal Church of Rome falsly so called but R. E. having removed away all the stumbling Blocks which are in his Way as he judges the private Spirit he hath concluded not to be this Rule and Judge which I judge he hath no Opposers in though he hath spent much Paper and Time in his scribling Humor which hath been his manner in former Dayes as he confesseth in the first Page neither Reason nor the Scriptures are this Rule and Judge but he hath concluded the Catholick Church is but all along he hath waved that which indeed is the only and alone Rule and Judge infallible viz. the Spirit of God but either calls it the private Spirit or concludes it is intail'd upon the Church so that she cannot err Page 54. which I shall say something further unto That there hath been a Church of God and a peculiar People whom God hath singled out as to be Objects of his Love which feared him in their Hearts and bore a Testimony of him and worshipped him according to the Manifestation of his Spirit unto them whether by Word or Revelation which was certain and infallible unto them that received it is granted and this was alwayes but little in Comparison of the Multitude of the fallen Sons of Adam and the rest of the Nations and People that served and worshipped strange Gods and never made such a Boast of Universality and Visibility as this supposed Catholick Church hath done sinc● the Apostacy entered in which the Apostles fore-saw and prophesied of before their Departure out of this Tabernacle and since many have believed in Christ and the Worship of the Jews extinguished and a fatal Overthrow of their Civil Government and Kingdom are two main Reasons of extinguishing their Worship and hath been no Invitation to any to turn Jews or hold in their Worship seeing they have lost their Government and Dominion and are as scattered People without Priviledge and is no Inducement for the World to joyn to them therefore seeing the Face of that Government was demolished and their Worship ended but only as to themselves who remained in their Unbelief and seeing that the Doctrine of Christ did so far prevail as to extinguish it and put out the Glory thereof in the Apostles Dayes and sometime afterwards and also the Gentiles Worship and their false Gods and dumb Idols which they were led after the Power of God prevailing through the Apostles the Ministers of Righteousness by whom many were converted unto the Faith of Christ the Sum and Substance of all Shadows many being converted to the Faith did hold forth a publick Testimony and it became in some Reputation and many preached him of Envy Contention and Strife and for filthy Lucre Covetousness and Self-Ends and many followed their pernicious Wayes and yet held the Name of Christ and Christianity and thus began the Mystery of Iniquity to work and the Devil to turn so far Christian in Name only because it was in vain among many to hold forth the Jews Worship or the Gentiles Worship because they had an Inclination another Way after Christianity that came into more Repute with the World and therefore suffered the Name or many to profess it and under this Name and under this Cover to bring forth his Work of Darkness and the Fruits of the Flesh and the Nature of Christ wanting and here was the Beginning and Rise of your universal visible Church Secondly For the first two Thousand Years before the Scriptures were written R. E. saith the Church of God was this Rule and Judge and infalli●le Director which might to some indifferent men have been granted but that I see which Way his Course bends viz. to the setting up of men as Judge and Rule and Guide and detracts from the Spirit and Power of God in which the Ability and Power of the Church of God stood and from which alone they received this proper Power and Right because their Understandings were enlightened and their Judgments informed to declare the Mind of God freely according as it was revealed and to give true Judgment why is not this attributed rather to the Spirit and Power of God that was manifest in them rather then to Persons seeing their Ability stood and their Power only as they kept in Covenant with God as any erred from that in any Age or fell from that they came to be blind Guides and to give false Judgment as some such there were in all Ages Thirdly R. E. saith That after the Scripture was written the Church of the Jews was Rule and Judge unto the Jews and cites Deut. 17.8 Thou shalt come unto the Priests Levites and unto the Judge and enquire and they shall shew thee the Sentence of Judgment and according to that which they shall tell thee thou shalt do And likewise he quotes Mat. 23.2 3. The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses 's Chair whatsoever they bid you observe that observe and do c. And from thence he infers would God direct them unto and punish with Death for not obeying an Authority which might deceive them and was this Authority committed to them that were capable of mistaking Answ. It seems R. E. would narrow and pinch up the Church of God among the Jews in a straight Compass when he would confine it only to the Priests and Levites and to the Judges in those Dayes whenas all the Tribes were called the Church as well as Levi again it is said Jacob is my Portion and Israel is the Lot of my Inheritance comprising the whole Tribes and Families of the Jews but it seems these must be no Part of the Church with R. E. he pinches narrower now then he will do when he tells us of the Vastness of the Universal Church but let that pass as by the Way and to come to the Matter in Hand
Devil did when he brought it is written to Christ and left out half the words so R. E. hath left out the Conditions on the Disciples part and that which was their duty teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I command you and then lo I am with you c. But R. E. likes not obedience it seems unto Christ's commands and yet he will needs be a sharer in the Promise and of the Power that was given and bind God unto that and he and his Church to be loose to do and to teach what they will but as to all the Scriptures he hath brought and minced them and cut them in piece-meal and all the inferences he makes this we acknowledge without multiplicity of words that whatsoever was promised to the Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ as the Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ the same Promise of Christ doth belong to the Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ in every Age and stands upon the same condition viz. Obedience unto h●s will and that they still do teach and no other thing but what he commands them then he is with them according to his Promise but let not R. E. nor his Roman Catholicks look if they teach things repugnant to his mind and contrary to his will and press upon others to believe that which Christ hath never taught that then the Promise of God will be so intailed to them as that they cannot Err and here the deceit of thine and your Hearts hath led you aside and this is one of the cunning sleights of Men and craftiness whereby you lay in wait to deceive and by this you have deceived many because God hath made such large Promises unto his Church how that they should be led into all Truth and preserved out of Error and you are their Successors and must needs Inherit this Promise by way of intail and you cannot Err you cannot be deceived because the Apostles were infallible therefore you must needs be infallible though you Err and go aside never so much from the infallible Spirit the true Guide and Judge of and in the Church of God as though you had been born to infallibility and the Spirit of Truth had come by succession but the inward Light which thou scoffs at and the Spirit of Truth which thou calls a private Spirit often hath discovered you and your Spirit though thou boastest of fifteen Ages that your Doctrine hath been held by the Pastours and Teachers in your Visible Church as in the fifty seventh Page of thy EPISTLE suppose I should grant the fifteen hundred Years which I neither can nor will but I will lead thee to the sixteen hundred years and try thee your Doctrine that you have held this fifteen hundred Years if it be so as thou saist but this thou likes not but seeing thou plead'st Antiquity let us come on and joyn issue prove us Transubstantiation in the first hundred Years nay I will give thee five hundred more and if I give thee five more thou would'st hardly prove it before the Council of Trent prove us the Doctrine of Purgatory in the first hundred Years and if thou take two it shall not offend me prove us the forbidding of Ministers to marry in the first hundred years and abstinence from Meats as though they were unclean which are created by God for the use of Believers prove us that Man hath a two-fold right to the Kingdom of Heaven as your great Bellarmine saith the one by Christ the other by a Man 's own Works prove us Invocation of Angels and Prayer and Sacrifice for the Dead the first hundred years after Christ prove us their selling of Pardons in Christ's and the Apostles dayes for Money prove us setting up of Images as to put Men in mind of the Saints deceased and of their Works prove us Baptism of Infants with Cream and Spittle and singing with the Cross and God-fathers and God-mothers and let us have some example beyond bare report for we dare not relie upon your infallible Spirit in these things therefore convince us for we are Gain-sayers and upon good Ground and we do look upon all these Doctrines and many more not to be of such a great Age as thou tells on neither to have any affinity or congruity with the Church of Christ in his or the Apostles time nor sundry Years after but rather look upon them as Doctrines of Devils and a very novelty a further Scripture R. E. urges 1. Tim. 3.15 the Church of the living God the Pillar and Ground of Truth and may we not relie of that Pillar that God hath erected for us saith he and he that hears you hears me and go teach all Nations and I am with you alwayes and yet if after all these Promises if the Church may not be believed except she teacheth according to the Scriptures and be only infallible but when she doth her duty then the Church hath no more priviledge then the Devil hath for so long as he teaches conformable to the Scripture he may be believed and so long as he teaches Truth he may be believed saith R.E. in page 58 59. Answ. The Church is in God 1 Thes. 1. and is the Pillar and Ground of Truth she is in the World though not of the World and though the Members thereof be visible in the World yet the world that lies in Wickedness never owned them as such either saw the Glory of this Church but alwayes Persecuted it and was so far owning it as Rule and Judge as it altogether gain-sayed its direction but they that did believe in the word of Life and were separated from the World and hated by it were willing to hear the Counsel to receive the instruction of the Church of God and the Church only medled with their own Members as in matter of Judgment and not of the World further then by preaching Repentance in it for the Apostle saith What have we to do to judge them that are without and this Church as in God was secure to relie upon for she had the Oracles of God committed unto her every one may relie upon this Pillar if they dare trust it which I see R. E. dares not because he likes not to be tyed to their Doctrine declared of in the Scriptures but would have all to take what they say for granted without the Scripture or the Apostles example or Spirit and is not this unreasonable in thee that would'st have the Church to be believed or that which calls it self so by Name when she teacheth not conformable to Scriptures and to the Faith which was once delivered among the Saints and wouldst thou have a Church reckoned infallible and to be believed when she doth not her duty the Churches priviledges are in speaking Truth and judging Righteously and the Devil was a Lyer from the beginning and is out of the Truth and where hast thou read that he teaches
that of God in every Mans Conscience but that I perceive A. Smalwood hath rendred that People which I own in Judgment and Practice to be in Error and hath greatly gain sayed Villified all such as ever did or do deny Swearing upon never so Conscientious account As erroneous and as only sprung from the Pelagian Heresie and Manicheus and I know not who and have rendred all with Reproach and disdain as Phanaticks who discent from him with disdainful and reproachful Names to represent us as Odious as may be to the Magistrate and at such a time as this when tender and Conscientious People who fear the Lord in their Hearts and desire to live and be at Peace and seek it with all Men are sufferers and great Sufferers too upon this very account whereby many are stirred up to more Persecution Wrath against us and besides this Discourse it seems is cryed up as the most exquisite that ever was or can be and as unanswerable and that we who deny to Swear would abolish all judicable proceedings and make them nothing this Discourse is printed as A. S. in his 12. page saith To induce us to forsake so irrational an Opinion and to Convince us of our Error and it seems he himself besides many other exspects it must effect some great matter Reply I say all these things being considered were a strong inducement to me to write something in reply thereunto through in very deed I love not Contention neither strife about Words but seeing it is the Doctrine of Christ and that which hath been and is stedfastly believed by divers faithful Professors and Sufferers both formerly and now however by A. Smalwood accounted and reproached by that disdainful Name of Phanaticks a Word lately invented in the Pit of Darkness where many of those and the like reproaches come from I was engaged in my Heart to bear my Testimony against this said Book and for the Truth of Christ's Doctrine not out of obstinacy and wilfulness but in duty as by Conscience to God his Truth which is dearer to me then my outward Liberty or all I have to loose for it which I and many more at this day choose rather to suffer then to be found violating the commands of Christ or deny that which I have stedfastly believed being perswaded thereunto by the Spirit of the Lord and evidence of the Scripture of Truth The subject A. Smalwood hath taken to treat upon and in the End to gainsay and pervert are no less then Christ's own Doctrine Mat. 5.34 But I say unto you Swear not at all who would have believed or thought that one who accounts himself a Doctor a Divine and a Minister of Christ should choose Christ's own Words to plead against Christ and them that do abide in his Doctrine or that ever any should go about to prove Swearing lawful from these words in Gospel-times or that Swearing is not forbidden but what would this Man encounter with or what would not he oppose if he hath but the Power of this World on his side it is a small thing to gain-say what we say and pervert our Words and make them seem Erroneous and to make our intentions one thing and our words another when he is so bold as to make Christ's Doctrine his express words Swear not at all and his intentions contrary to his words what do we judge of a Man that speaks one thing and intends another it's fearful to think what conclusions some will make to carry on their intended designs but methinks A. S. might have been more considerate then to have taken Christ's own Doctrine and Words to oppose Christ's intention or to be so bold as to assert the intention of Christ was otherwise then his words import but rather have chosen some other Subject but what matter makes many of subjects for with a Consequence or two and a little Logick they will seem to turn things any way and go about to prove darkness is Light and Light is darkness and what as in them lyes make it so to appear if they take a matter in Hand and therefore the Apostle Exhorted to beware of Philosophy and vain deceit for by this Men have been cunning and crafty and lie in wait to deceive the Innocent and Harmless and to lead them out of the way In the fourth page he saith He will clear his intention and that there are two sorts of Men that do Violence to this Text the one winds it up to too high a note as though Christ had forbidden all Swearing whatsoever And in the tenth page he saith This error is masked under a fair Colour of a more then ordinary Piety but tends to overthrow all Judicatures and takes away the decision of all emergent Suites and Controversies and were it granted saith A. Smalwood we should be necessitated if not to disown the Magistrates Authority yet to disobey their loyal command as having a counter●and from Christ Swear not at all and the other sort of Men are such who in despight of this Text to commonly rashly prophanely and falsely Swear Answ. Who doth the greater violence to this Scripture whether A. S. who in his Doctrine he hath raised from these Words to be the Foundation of his Discourse who makes Christ's plain and express words one thing and his intentions another I leave to all unbyassed Spirits to judge off or they that say Christ intended what he spoke and spake what he intended I say let all see and consider where the violence lies and in whom and whether he doth not wind it up by that note or contrary to it to use his own Words otherwise then Christ intends it as after will be made more eviently to appear we say it 's not error but Truth to believe Christ's Words whoare Truth more then A. S. his conjectural supposition neither do we believe it to be error masked but Truth revealed and Christ spoke and declared it that we might believe it and obey it And we believe that A. S. and many more have put a mask and a vail upon Christ's Words and would hood-wink all and lead them blind-fold after their Imaginations and crooked Pathes winding and turning this way and that way that lead into Darkness and trouble and Confusion from the Path of Life And what doth Christ's command viz. Swear not at all doth it overthrow all Justice and Judicatories Is it not the Seat of Judgment established in Righteousness and Truth and they that sit in Judgment ought they not to give Sentence and Judgment in Righteousness and Truth and as the causes are represented unto them and brought before them and may not every Truth be confirmed out of the Mouth of two or three Witnesses and all emergent suits Controversies ended according to the best evidence after diligent Inquisition and Judgment given accordingly and that without the needless and cumbersome formality of an oath which is sometime this and
Gospel and what the Gospel allows of in this particular the Apostle Paul a Minister of the Gospel not of the Letter as he saith himself which some interpret to be the Law citeth this Prophesie of Isa. 45.23 compare it with Rom. the 14 ver 11. for it is written where in Isaiah before cited As I live saith the Lord every Knee shall bow unto me and every Tongue shall confess to God and in Philippians the 2.10 11. That at the Name of Jesus whom the Father hath sent whom all is to obey unto whom all Power is given in Heaven and Earth the Apostle citing again the very words of the Prophet says unto him viz. Jesus every Knee shall bow and ver the 11. and that every Tongue shall confess to the Glory of God the Father so that it cannot be reasonably thought or judged that if God had required Swearing by his Name among Christians as among the Jews that the Apostle thus should alter the words as to put confessing instead of Swearing seeing he sayes he used always plainness of Speech for this had not been plainness and we have better reason to believe the Apostle unto whom the Gospel was committed whom the Son was revealed in who declared the whole Counsel of God and yet never either commanded or exhorted any to Swear or reproved them for not Swearing by the Name of God as the Jews did in all his writings that are extant I say we have better Ground to believe him and his rendering of the words of the Prophet to be according to the mind of Christ where he puts in confession to the Christians which before was Swearing to the Jews as being acquainted with the command of Christ Mat. 5.23 Swear not at all and what-ever A. S. look upon it as to be Heresie and derogatory both to the S●riptures and God himself it is not much matter of Man's Judgment he might as well accuse Christ and the Apostle the one forbidding to Swear and the other for deminishing from the Scripture and altering the Prophets words and though it seems strange to A. S. yet it is not to us that some Men were commanded in the Old Testament for observing some things yea many things which are condemned in the New and yet God is not dishonoured neither the Scripture broken if we see the end of every command and the time for which it served and the Service for which it served as this about Oaths hath been sufficiently declared before to keep the Jews from Idolatry to end Strife among them where it was but among true Christians indeed Strife is ended and Peace is come and they seek it with all Men and that is done away for which the Law was added to wit Sin and Transgression diffidence and Unbelief and Strife and no necessity of them among them and all the morality that doth remain is confession or saying or Testimony in true words in any matter is that which is equivalent with an Oath and is that which is the most conform to Christ and the Apostles Doctrine under the Gospel but I come to his last Argument Twelfth and last Argument The consent of the Christian World the practice of Emperours Kings Princes Councils Bishops and People of all sorts confirm this Truth that Christ notwithstanding these Words Swear not at all had never forbidden Swearing as altogether unlawful 'T is true some of the Fathers in their Homilies and to the People inveighed much against Swearing as though it had been altogether unlawful but it was only against Customary Oaths Chrysostome in his Homily to the People of Antioch preached so much against Swearing that the People were offended he told them he would never leave that Sermon till they would leave that prophane Custome of Swearing but the Fathers were less cautelous but with great Vehemency enveigh'd against common Swearing in ordinary Discourse but not at all intending to take away necessary Oaths but Origen in his first Book against Celsus God is witness of my Conscience and Athanasius yet vehemently declaimed against prophane Swearing yet in his Apology to the Emperour Constantius he Sware again and again the Lord is witness and his Christ is witness All whith clearly shews they did not disallow the voluntary taking an Oath much less in Judical proceedings and the Reformed Churches and the Church of England and the whole Catholick Church in all times and places approved this Doctrine that all Swearing is not unlawful so that it follows that the Church in all Ages was so ignorant as not to understand Christ's meaning or so wicked as to Teach and Practise quite contrary or else Christ never meant to forbid all kind of Swearing to assert the former were to profess all that went before either Dunces or Devils Reply Whatever A. S. concludes thinks he hath not such a consent among Christians as he makes a great flourish of it 's manifest by what hath been said Christ prohibited it amongst his Disciples Swear not at all and likewise James the Apostle agrees in the same Doctrine and the rest of the Apostles also all the Primitive Christians were esteemed so strict exact and cautious of their asserting or promising that there was no need of an Oath among them they kept up the sactity credit of their Posession yea among Unbelievers that it was security enough in all cases to say Christianus sum I am a Christian as Justin Martyr asserts and if they were urged any further to any Oath for matter or manner they repeated this as the only satisfaction they could give there needed no more then the Veracity of their bare record and thus much Bishop Gauden confesseth and also in the 36. page of his Book he says The Ground or Foundation for Swearing now is the Wickedness and unbelief of Men but Christians truly such are brought out of Evil and Wickedness Unbelief and Distrust and there is no necessity among them either publick or private to Swear at all Polibus observes in the better and simpler Ages of the World Oaths were seldom used in Judicatures but after Unbelief and Lying increased Oaths increased as a only remedy to cure and restrain those Evils but let it not be said that those are Christians that name Christ's Name and depart not from Iniquity and since the perilous times came on that the Apostle spoke that Men would not abide sound Doctrine but be lovers of themselves that should have a Form of godliness and deny the Power thereof such went out of the Truth and went into the World and the world went after them and the false Church began to rise to dignity and have the Name of Christian though she consented not to the wholsome Doctrine of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Swear not at all but perverted this as she hath done many other Doctrines and beguiled thc Kings of the Earth and held out her Golden Cup of Fornication and made Emperours Kings and Princes drunk with her Fornication Rev.
God the Jews indulged themselves in but what doth A. S. gain by this it's evident enough that solemn Oaths by God himself as those familiar Oaths by Creatures in which they tacitely Sware by God are forbidden by Christ but I say unto you Swear not at all But A. S. tells us as Grotius tells him out of Philo Judeus That the Pharisees taught them to perform what-ever they had promised Swearing by God they under a specious pretence that they would not take God's Name in vain upon slight occasions fell to Swear by Creatures which the Pharisees did no disallow to cheat People withal which they themselves neither thought obligatory nor meant to keep The name Elohim and Jehovah they might possibly scruple at but that name Adonai they oft as superstitiously repeat in their much babling as they superstitiously decline mentioning of the other but that in serious cases of concerns of Justice and Equity and in Judicature in matter of debate or ending of Controversies that they should wave and forbear swearing by the Name of God when their Scriptures was so express for it and they should chuse that way of Swearing that is no reason at all to believe it seeing Drusius sayes among the Jews all things in Judicature were confirmed by Oath wherein the Name of God was interposed as above mentioned 2dly That they should wave Swearing by the Name of God in matters of concernment which they all believed were binding and should Swear by Creatures in order to the giving satisfaction to one another and security of each other and by such Oaths as they judged not to be obligatory and never meant to keep them seeing A. S. says It was in pretence of Reverence to God they Swear not by God but by Creatures to cheat and never meant to keep they knowing this that he that so Swears by Creatures meant not to keep but to cheat and not perform such Oaths were not very probably used in Judicature among them neither in serious cases for such Oaths instead of giving satisfaction and putting an end unto Jealousies and Distrusts would have sure created them more then before forasmuch as he that so Swears believes himself not to be bound thereby then if he had not Sworn at all and he unto whom he Swears also knows the same that such Oaths as A. S. tells on that they did Swear is not binding neither can any more credit be given to them then to a Lyar because in this sort of Swearing there was no security it is not probable I say that they should chuse this in Judicature or any serious case of Controversie And if it be that Swearing that Christ only prohibits by Heaven Earth and Creatures which the Pharisees indulged them in wherein as to the point of Swearing does he prescribe a Righteousness and Perfection above or beyond Moses his Servant whom he was to exceed for God by Moses in the Law it self had Universally forbidden all other Oaths either in general terms or sometime more particularly but still all false oaths vain oaths and Oaths by Creatures are included save only solemn Swearing by his own Name that there was no more Swearing left for Christ to forbid his Disciples but Swearing by God himself which the Law allowed of Besides moreover the Opposition then which lies intimated in that Particle But being not between false Swearing and prophane Swearing and Swearing by Creatures as A. S. would have it but between Forswearing then and No Swearing now shews Christ's Intent to be to prohibit all Swearing for it is indeed as if he had thus said God under the Law commanded you to swear by his Name and when you had sworn in Truth by him to perform the Oaths you made by him whether to him or any other but I say now God allows you not to swear at all not by Heaven Earth or any other no not those Oaths which ye did and might make of old unto the Lord your God in things lawful but no Oath by a Creature did God account as an Oath made to him provided ye performed it when ye had done any more then he counted their solemn Fastings to be to him Zachariah 7.5 Again Christ's own Expressions in the affirmative Part shew his meaning in the negative to be a Prohibition of all Swearing as well as any but let your Communication be Yea Yea Nay Nay so the Negative of his Words Swear not at all must be understood in such an universal exclusive Latitude as admits of no Oaths whatsoever among his Disciples and as hath been said that Particle But which stands between these two Prohibitions of Moses saying Forswear not but perform to God thine Oaths and of Christ saying But I say unto you Swear not at all doth manifest that Christ forbids all Swearing as much as any even such Swearing as was not indulged to them by the Pharisees only but by Moses and God himself who by his Servant dispensed with them in and instituted even their Swearing by God's own Name who never indulged or dispensed with any of that Creature-swearing as A.S. speaks of but threatned Woes to it under the Law and by the Law again if it be said Christ only prohibited all such voluntary Oaths which they sware to perform to the Lord by any Creature as Heaven Earth in their Communication and mutual Converse as A.S. sayes but not solemn Oaths by God in Courts or before Magistrates and not between Man and Man and Matter of Deliberation as some others say and have interpreted the Words Let not your whole Conversation be interwoven with Oaths Reply Christ doth indeed forbid all such voluntary Oaths as were used by the Jews and Pharisees and all Swearing by any Thing besides God or below God also all Swearing in common Communication and ordinary Conversation where Yea and Nay should serve yea and that which is called solemn and by some sacred and lawful even by God even all Swearing by God commonly frequently or generally which is now in Courts and imposed by Justices and Magistrates then which nothing almost is more ordinary frequent and common if our Communication and Conversation should be without Swearing and our mutual Converse one with another among men should be without Oaths of any kind whatsoever is not this exclusive of Swearing in Courts and before Magistrates as well as other men whether in Courts and Consistories as well as other Places where men have their Conversation and mutual Converse with each other as ordinarily and commonly as else-where which being considered I have with other often mused why some men have been so inconsiderate as to interpret Christ's Words and Prohibition as exclusive of mens Swearing in their ordinary Converse in Courts where Oaths are as ordinary frequent and common as in any Places whatsoever especially that some men plead so much for Oaths in Courts and before Magistrates only as though they were sacred and solemn there and no where else and holy and
conformable to Scripture and so may be believed is not the Promise of God to his Disciples as they continued to the End and as they kept his Commandments and were they not known to be the Church of God and Disciples of Christ by this and was not the Promise to them that hungred and thirsted after Righteousness and to them that did overcome and was not the Exhortation to the Church of Philadelphia hold fast that which thou hast that none take thy Crown Rev. 3.11 12. Was there not a possibility of letting go that which they had and of loosing the Crown or else why is the Exhortation But I see R. E. would lay claim to Promises and Priviledges without all condition and will not be tyed to keep the commands of Christ nor would not have the Church tyed to follow the Doctrine of the Primitive Church no● will not admit of any possibility or probability of failing or Erring nay not so much as a mistake but as to infallibility and certainty I have said enough before and the confidence or rather the impudence of R. E. is easily seen and to make up all he concludes the Apostles as Men were subject to error in their private affairs yet were they by the assistance of God's Spirit infallible in delivering matters of Faith I say as they were assisted by the holy Spirit of God they neither erred in private affairs nor matters of Faith but as they were not assisted by this they were subject to Err for in this stood their only Ability to Teach Instruct Exhort and judge and as they were guided by this Spirit they were infallible and so R. E. saith That the Prelates ●f the holy Catholick Church as Men they are fallible in their own private actions and affairs yet when they are assembled in a general Council with their supream Pastor they are still made infallible in determining matters of Faith It is well that R. E. will grant that there is any possibility for their Prelates to fail either publick or private but I say he that is not faithful in his own actions affairs can never be faithful in the Lord's but it seems ● General Council cannot fa●l when the supream Pastor the Pope is there but if he be not it seems by R. E's discourse it is more doubtful the like he also judges if the eleven Disciples and the seventy too with the Brethren and Elders if they had all been to define matters of Faith if Peter had been wanting which this Catholick Church calls the Prince of the Apostles there had been some doubt of their infallibility in point of Faith as though the Promise of God and the Spirit of God had not been with the rest of the Apostles as well as Peter but a word or two and more hereafter of the infallibility of General Councils the Nicean Council decreed flat Idolatry about Worshipping of Images the Council at Constantinople condemned their Proceedings and made void their Decrees yet both these in R. E's account must needs be infallible the Council at Basil as Albertus Phigious saith Decreed against all Reason and against Scriptures the Council of Calcedon which was one of the four that Gregory the great compares to the four Gospels that their Decrees were as certain and infallible yet Pope Leo did not stick to condemn it and all them as unadvised Stephanus Bishop of Rome made void the Decrees of Formosus and Sabinian the Pope commanded that Pope Gregory's Mass and all his Writings should be Burned Leo the fourth abrogated and made void the Acts of Adrian the Basil Council determined that the Council of Bishops was above the Pope but the Latteran Council under Leo determined that the Pope was above the Council and they decreed also that he that should think otherwise should be held for a Heretick but the Council of Basil aforesaid decreed that they that judged that the Council was not above the Pope they were Hereticks Innumerable more instances I might give but that I will not trouble my Reader with such unprofitable Stories and all these Popes said They were Peter's Successors and had the Keys of binding and loosing and all these Councils and many more which were of the Roman Faith which in R. E's account could not err but must needs be infallible and yet are as contradictory one to another as Light is to Darkness and black to white and look with their Faces several ways like Sampson's Foxes and therefore let not R.E. nor none of his Catholicks think that the Church of Christ now coming out of the Wilder●ess again can receive all their contradictory Decrees and invented Fopperies Constitutions of Men for infallible the Day is broken the Light hath taken hold of the Ends of the Earth the Sun is risen which shall make all Foggy mists of Darkness Clouds of Ignorance to fly away But R. E. ceases not here but heaps up one Peice of Darkness upon another till Blackness of Darkness appears and he tells of a Visible Church Mat. 16. which is builded upon Peter that Visible Rock for that Rock there spoken of is not Christ saith he but Peter for immediately after he names Peter whereas saith he if he had meaned himself or Peter 's Confession for that saith he is too remote or mediate and antecedent for if Christ had meaned himself or Peter's Confession he should have spoken according to the Grammar Rule and Construction Upon that Rock or upon this Rock I have built I do build and not I will build In the 63d Page and in the 64th Page he tells of a Church Visible having two Heads of an Independent Head and a Dependent Head and in the 66th Page he saith He hopes that it will appear clear to all as it did to him that the Visible Church is that Rule and Judge appointed by God and all upon Pain of Damnation are to submit unto it Where R. E. hath read of a visible Church with two Heads I know not and to take it for infallible I intend not and where is Peter called a visible Rock and the chief Pastor among the Apostles doth not this contradict Scripture doth not Christ say The Gentiles exercise Dominion one over another but it shall not be so amongst you he that will be greatest among you let him be your Servant and he that will be chief let him be your Minister and as for thy visible and militant Church we read no such Words in the Scriptures of Truth we read of a Church of God of the first-born whereof Christ was the Rock and the Foundation and another Foundation can no Man lay then that which is laid which is Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 3.11 And Paul saith in ver 10. As a wise Master-Builder I have laid the Foundation I hope R.E. will not be so impudent as to say he had laid Peter or that he had preached up Peter to believe in for Remission of Sins nor for the Foundation