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A10945 Seuen treatises containing such direction as is gathered out of the Holie Scriptures, leading and guiding to true happines, both in this life, and in the life to come: and may be called the practise of Christianitie. Profitable for all such as heartily desire the same: in the which, more particularly true Christians may learne how to leade a godly and comfortable life euery day. Penned by Richard Rogers, preacher of the word of God at Wethersfield in Essex. Rogers, Richard, 1550?-1618. 1603 (1603) STC 21215; ESTC S116354 833,684 644

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the nourishing of such fleshly libertie as shaketh off so needfull dueties So shall we shew our selues wise though the world count vs fooles and be in good saftie when their danger shall be great Now I would haue proceeded to lay foorth before the Christian Reader an other priuiledge which in this place would very fitly come in and that is that God hath surely prouided that they who are thus farre beautified and blessed of him shall thus continue vnto the end but seeing it is the last that is inioyed in this life it shall haue the last place among the temporall priuiledges But yet I thought not amisse to mention such a thing here both to stay them which after the hearing of so blessed beginnings and proceedings would be glad to heare of the end answerable to them both and also that they may looke for it in the place assigned CHAP. 8. Of the sixth priuiledge namely of the right vsing of prosperitie NOw the next priuiledge that I thinke may most fitly be ioyned with the former is how the Lord hath taught his the right vse of prosperitie and aduersity and how they may cary themselues in peace and be vpright in both estates two of the most principall parts of our life seeing the greatest part of it doth goe thorow them for the most of it is accompanied with blessings or chasticements The right vse of both although in some sort and in generall may be gathered out of the former discourses and namely of the third priuiledge yet because they are distinct points and it is hard to vse them aright and as precious as it is hard I know it is very necessarie to make a particular Treatise thereof And first more clearely to speake of the one I say God hath exceedingly declared his mercie and kindnesse this way to his people that although prosperitie be a slipperie path and riches and honour health and friends with all the other lawfull pleasures profits and liberties of this life doe deceiue and vndoe the greatest part of the world which inioy and possesse them yet the beloued of the Lord may be free from this danger and so directed that they need not be taken in these snares nor make them their bane which are giuen them as blessings this grace therefore if any shall be found to inioy they may be worthely said to be priuiledged aboue other men Now to proue this that Gods children may vse the world rightly which is impossible for any other to doe I doe not meane that because they haue right vnto earthly things through Christ and are heires with him of the blessings of the world that therefore they doe soberly and as they ought vse the same for many euen of them are I confesse farre from it and therefore that which they want I labour to helpe them to but as they are the persons which may be perswaded and brought to the right vse of these outward liberties and not the wicked so God draweth their hearts thereunto by his mighty power whereby he is able to doe all things For when he causeth this doctrine to be taught them Of the contempt of the world of contentation in their estate of moderation and sobriety in lawfull pleasures and profits c. he imprinteth it in their hearts by the holy ghost he maketh them able to beleeue that it is spoken to them and therefore to apply it to themselues he maketh them prooue how this doctrine worketh in them and try themselues by it that where they see themselues to haue gone beyond their bounds they may returne and bring their feet backe into the way of his testimonies he through the same doctrine seasoneth their hearts and wholly possesseth them with the loue of it that so their wants may be supplied and they thereby may grow better practised in this sobriety And although the inioying of earthly commodities be an alluring baite and easy to make a man forget his mortality as we see in Nabucadnezzar Herode and others yet the scripture giueth greater grace as to Daniell Iob and others who determined not to set their hearts on them But besides this through further benefit of the scripture God causeth his to set oft before their eies the daily changes of all things vnder the sunne Ps 102.26 the death of noble personages friends and acquaintance the most flourishing flowers to fade and loose their bewty and nothing to continue in one estate and by the oft and deepe considering of these their harts are much apalled the pride of life greatly abated in them And as they grow daily to see more cleerely their gaine heereby and that without these meditations vpon examples and doctrine of death and mortality c. they cannot keepe their heartes freed from infection by the world and earthly dealings so doe they more resolue with themselues daily to thinke of them still and to purge out their old and accustomed delightings in worldly things their dreames of long life desire of ease and increase of earthly commodities with all which the diuill stuffeth and filleth their braines that while they begin to giue themselues ouer to these they may be perswaded strongly that there is no other happinesse to be attained vnto and so therby destruction may suddenly come vpon them Thus I say the Lord frameth his to the contempt of the world and to temperance and contentation to desire no more then their most wise prouident father thinketh meet for them nor no longer to inioy any of their temporall liberties then he shall see it to be expedient Thus he teacheth them both in wanting to thinke themselues yet neuerthelesse beloued of God and in the inioying of aboundance not to thinke themselues the better for it nor to be proud of it I say he teacheth them for neither bring they this grace with them from their cradle but learne it and study how to learne it so as they may practise it and yet they learne it not by their owne wisdome but by God who is onely able to teach it them who by the meanes that I haue shewed doth bring to passe that they so buy as if they possessed not and so vse the world as that they abuse it not so vse mariage as they are not hurt nor hindered from godly life by it more then if they were vnmaried but much furthered and helped by it neither neglect they thereby the caring for the things of the lord but as two are better then one so finde they as God hath appointed much helpe thereby vnto euery good worke Neither though they haue much in the world do they therfore loue it much but are glad to follow holy Iob in that when he said If I haue made gold my hope or haue said to the wedge of gold Thou art my confidence If I reioiced because my substance was great or because my hand had gotten much this had beene an iniquitie to be
be fed with Angels foode they will not ioy in the company of wicked men when they may haue communion with the God of glory and with his deare seruants departed out of this life by the good memoriall which they haue left behind them and with those which remaine here still being such as in whom the Prophet had all his delight Neither will they want or any day forgo the liberties of the children of God namely confidence peace and ioy in the holy Ghost to solace themselues in earthly things which bring great bondage with the sonnes of men Indeed I deny not but whiles Gods people are tied short of the cleare knowing their liberties and are holden in blindnesse and ignorance of these things as many are but that they are also kept in vnbeleefe not being perswaded that God affoordeth such liberties to them and then moreouer the penury of good examples to go before them herein do much hinder and hold them backe from inioying their part in them But who doubts if they knew these things were perswaded of them but that they wold be as ioyfull to heare of this heauenly and happie newes as they were to haue the tidings of saluation at their first calling as being now better able to discerne the beauty of heauenly things then when they first beleeued These and such like which God doth admit his deare children vnto should be taught them oft and plainely and wisely and fitly applied to them Ministers should dwell in them and know by themselues who haue in a long time growne but in small inward acquaintance with them that the people do not in two or three teachings of them no nor so many yeares teaching reach to the cleare vnderstanding much lesse the vse and fruite of them not onely because they require practise but daily and continuall practise and that of them they were wont to haue their hearts and their heads taken vp and possessed of worldly cares and worldly lusts which with no small but much labour and loue of the Minister in teaching as well as the peoples liking reuerence and diligence in hearing and praying must be beate out againe And yet which is most pitifull to thinke through this that few are by diligent and sincere preaching brought to Christ at all by true conuersion it cometh to passe that there are very few for the most part in one congregation who are fit to heare or be taught this doctrine And those that are do seldom meete with it and therefore they seeing how hard it is to get necessarie helpes for this life and that care to be in greatest request among men in the world euen they also grow sicke of the same disease and while the chiefe thought is how to liue and their helpe small to liue daily to God they haue leane soules and now and then onely are in a well ordered course and that with much ado so farre is it off that they haue any daily tast of heauen in this life Which how common soeuer it be to be found almost in euery place where God hath any Church yet we must not thinke that it can be no otherwise as though common Christians were not able to reach and attaine to any daily seruing of God ioyfully if diligence were vsed in beating things into them oft for both we may find here and there some few who do happily inioy that care and liberty daily and also many mone and long for it at first when they haue but a dim sight small tast of it but they are not trained to it nor furthered in it to whom otherwise it should be most welcome And though men thinke that Christians haue other things to looke after then the worshipping and seruing of God yet I say in good aduisednesse tha if they could obtaine this to giue God his due daily with all good conscience euen this were the nearest way for them to come by all things which they haue need of in this world as our Sauiour saith First seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse And therefore I haue written this treatise particularly of the daily directing of the people of God who haue already consecrated and giuen ouer themselues vnto his seruice that it may put them in mind that this their couenant with God is to be renewed daily and their best care to please him that euer they had euen their first loue to be still continued and that they must daily abide in his loue And in a word the rules which I haue before set downe for the keeping of the heart in good plight and order one day as well as another and so consequently the life must from day to day be aboue all other things looked to and regarded whereas otherwise there are things innumerable as traines and snares layd by the diuell to deceiue distract and vnsettle them and so they shall find it a hard and wearisome worke to returne againe And if any see ought in this which I say fit to benefite him let him be carefull to helpe on others But I will returne to that from which by occasion I digressed that is to say that we should inure and acquaint our selues with these rules which are before set downe for the well seasoning and ordering of our hearts that thereby we may be fit to gouerne our liues euery day and that by the helpe of them both we may be fenced from great dangers and walke with God all the dayes of the life of our pilgrimage and this is that liuing by faith which the Scripture maketh mention of when it saith The iust shall liue by his faith And which is sayd to haue bene the life of our fathers who yet were much more darkly led and guided then we as is to be seene in the Epistle to the Hebrewes where it is sayd of Abell Noe Abraham and many other All these died in faith in the which they had liued and continued vnto their end And Paule spake it of himselfe who was an example to all Gods people I liue no longer but Christ in me and the life that I leade is by faith in the Sonne of God This forme of direction that we ought to be guided by euery day or any other agreeable to the Scriptures is both by good reason and the testimony thereof proued vnto vs to be that which we must follow that so we may liue by faith as I haue sayd For to say a litle for the instruction of the simple seeing euery day is one part of our whole life wherein we are by great likelihood in danger to offend and prouoke God yea euen then when we haue the fewest stops in our way to hinder vs and most helpes to further vs it standeth with most sound reason according to the word of God that we be fenced prepared to passe one day as well as another if we make account well to passe and go through
other and do not beleeue nor regard the doctrine of the Scripture which teacheth the trueth more soundly than it can be seene in the holiest persons and perfectest patternes therefore they grow to these absurdities And yet when their infirmities appeare and afflictions take holde of them God seeing it expedient that it be so for a season euen then is their estate more to be desired than the other in their greatest flourishing For they are beloued of the Lord yet still for all that and most deare vnto him as it is written I am blacke ye daughters of Ierusalem yet comly c. And of their falles and infirmities I say that therefore they departed from the good and perfect way for a moment that they might thereby see and bewaile their vilenesse and so returne againe to stand more constantly after Yet this watch-word I would giue to many which are of good hope that diuers grosse and ranke corruptions do so broadly appeare and so mightily preuaile in sundry as frowardnesse vncharitablenesse conceitednesse rash iudgements breach of promise and other heat and intemperancy of heart c. to the offence of many that they do exceedingly abate the beautie glorie of their profession And it must needs be confessed and granted that few Christians are as they might and ought to be but goodnesse is too sparing and grace is too sore dimmed and darkened in most euen of the best and forwardest and few carie themselues as they might and ought to doe in their course by giuing good example And this maketh the Gospell to be lesse honoured and imbraced of many whereas if it were a more common thing that the well-willers of the Gospell were more faithfull wise watchfull louing harmelesse fruitfull c. it would cut and wound the hearts and consciences of the bad and also incourage many of the weaker sort vnto their duties But yet shall the liues of them be glorious before God and shining lights to such as can see and discerne whiles they that carpe at them and seeke to disgrace them shall be as the mists and clouds that shine not but hinder the light rather And whereas it may be said that some of them haue excellent gifts of God in them yet the trueth is where sanctification euen the salt of grace is not to season them they are but as a pleasant and beautifull flower growing on a dunghill and as Salomon saith like a ring in a swines snout And thus much of the priuiledges of the true beleeuers The end of the sixth Treatise THE SEVENTH TREATISE OF THE OBIECTIONS AND CAVILS WHICH may be brought against the doctrine before set downe and an answere to them CHAP. 1. Of the summe and order of this Treatise NOw that I haue set downe the summe of the matter which I tooke in hand and haue shewed how it behoueth the people of God to be directed and guided daily vnto the Christian life and what impediments are in the way to hinder from it and priuiledges to incourage to it I will now in the next and last place as I appointed in the entrance meet with the obiections and cauils which may arise from thence that all the Lords inheritance may walke after that course more resolutely and boldly especially when such obiections as may trouble them shall appeare to be but weake and vaine As I nothing doubt but whatsoeuer shew of reason may come in the way against it shall be seene to be but the froth of mans braine and carnall And I likewise hope that such as shall be acquainted with the doctrine before set downe shal not onely be incouraged by these answers to practise it but also inabled and perswaded to continue therein till more light be giuen them for the well gouerning of themselues and that in a more perfect maner than I can set downe in the meane season that this which I heere haue propounded may helpe to direct the common sort of Christian people as the godly learned haue bene taught of God to direct themselues For who knoweth not this that euen many of Gods deare children doe and haue through ignorance and for want of direction very dimly seene into the beauty of a godly life and vncomfortablely gone about it and haue made a meere toile of the seruice of God which should be the greatest pleasure Therefore as it is not to be doubted but that numbers will rebell against the doctrine which rangeth them within holie compasse and will refuse to be subiect to it and that they which doe so will frame their iudgement to their practise to excuse and defend that to be good which they doe and besides there is no doubt but that questions will arise in the weake beleeuers about it to trouble them I will therefore as I said in this Treatise set my selfe against such carnall reasonings answering the cauils and quarrels which they shall raise and bring for the defence of their euill liues against the former doctrine and then remoue the obiections which weake but yet teachable Christians would or ought to propound for their satisfying before I end And I will do it in this maner First to answer them who obiect that there is no need of any daily directing of vs as long as we haue the Scriptures and therefore neither this which is before set downe by me nor any other is of any vse or to any purpose this I will answer in the next chapter Then I will shew the obiections and cauils of them who say that neither this nor any other like it can be obserued that is daily and set downe their reasons and shew what great inconueniences they thinke would follow and to these I will answer in the three next chapters After both I will mention sundrie of the particular doubts which are like to rise in the minds of such as are teachable and well disposed Christians and arme them against the same to the tenth chapter And last of all I will shut vp this Treatise and the whole booke exhorting all the faithfull to make vse of it and the vnreformed to repentance CHAP. 2. Of the first obiection That their needs no direction daily besides Gods word and therefore this is needlesse ANd first if any doe maruell why I write any direction at all as though God had not set downe in the scripture a way for vs all to walke in to this I answere That if that were a good reason why no helpe for mens weakenesse should be set forth in writing because it is the same which is in the scripture then it should follow with as great reason that nothing should be preached because all that which is preached if we preach in the name and by the authority of God is out of the scripture But seeing there can be no doubt made of that therfore that both preaching writing are singular gifts of God for the building vp of his church that al helps are not
cleerely shewed his word to Iacob his statutes and his iudgements to Israel and hath committed to vs his holy oracles Wherein I meane not only that we haue the Gospell so publikly and plentifully preached which though great is common to vs with many but withall that in some admirable manner God hath reuealed his secrets vnto vs such as wee know no Church vpon the earth in which the true sense of the Scriptures and sound doctrine thereof are more sincerely embraced and professed Yea with what store of rare and excellent lights the Lord hath furnished this our Church he is blind that seeth not and malitious that wil not acknowledge it wherein though generally it falleth out by humane frailtie and Sathans subtiltie that there is more light of iudgement then integritie of conscience yet herein God hath not left himselfe without witnes of many worthie Christians both Preachers and professors of the truth who liuely expresse the forme of holie doctrine into which they are cast such as vpon my vttermost perill I dare professe the deuoutest Papist neither hath nor possiblie in that profession can attaine vnto lacking true faith the right mother and nurse of a godly life And herein to giue one instance in steed of many take and examine streightly this one work and if it breathe not out more sound godlines in one leafe then all their artificiall composed treatises of Resolution which in their estimation are chiefe in this argument of a godly life let me beare my deserued blame I leaue the life of the writer of that Popish booke to such as seeme vpon better knowledge to haue set out the same And for the Author of this Treatise I may not in modestie say what I know but could and doe desire that his life were so knowne to all to whom his writing shall come as it is to such who haue heard the doctrine and seene the practise hereof in himself these well neere thirtie yeeres But to spare the person for his life time and to foretell what you shall finde in his labours In my simple opinion it might in one principal respect be called the Anatomie of the soule wherein not onely the great and principall parts are laid open but euery veine and little nerue are so discouered that wee may as it were with the eye behold as the right constitution of the whole and euery part of a true Christian so the manifold defects and imperfections thereof Whereto be added most approoued remedies for the curing of all spirituall diseases with like preseruatiues to maintaine our health in such sort as may be enioyed in this contagious ayre and so in a second respect may be called the physicke of the soule In both which how welcome it shall be to all that loue their soules health I neede not doubt onely I would desire the Christian patient not to be offended with the largenes of the work as too deare for the poore and too much to be read ouer in long time but consider with me that if the arte of bodily physicke be so long as the father of that arte testifieth then is it no marueile that this spirituall physicke doth as much exceed the other in length as it doth in dignitie And yet for the reliefe of such as desire to profit by his labour great care hath been taken so to set out apart euery seuerall matter that by the helpe of the Table they may be directed to the particulars which I perswade my selfe will be so farre from glutting any though neuer so weake stomacke that it will rather procure him a better appetite For simply to say as I feele I haue not read in any mans writing a more sauourie stile and better relished All which I leaue to euery one to speake as they finde and so with my strongest desires doe commend the fruite of these labours to the blessing of God Ezechiel Culuerwel To the Christian Reader CHristian Reader I am constrained in commending this spirituall blessing vnto thee to begin with the excuse of a good deed For although it be a good deede to commend this commendable worke yet must I plead the pardon of my defectiuenes in doing it by alleaging my calling thereto and impleade the fulsomnes of the maligners of such holy enterprises who for the most part distast all things but vanitie The eare saith Elihu trieth words as the mouth tasteth meate to wit if the eare be truly spirituall otherwise there is an vncircumcised eare where there is an vncircumcised heart and he that hath an vnmortified eare which is an affection to carnall eloquence cannot escape a reprobate sense in iudging of the wisedome of God An itching eare requireth a clawing stile and the most readers seeke after that which this treatise purposely eschueth But wisedome will be iustified of her children and the godly hearted will lay that vnlooked for imputation vpon affectation of braue words which the holy Ghost laieth vpon womens brauerie mentioned in the 3. of Esay which soone after in the 4. chap. vers 4. by passage of speech he calleth the filthines of the daughters of Sion Something I graunt may be yeelded by way of indulgence to the weake but he that seriously seeketh the Lord will not be offended nor cloyed with that simplicitie which offendeth not God by turning away the mind by trifles from a bent purpose of sound edification The matter of this booke is right worthy to occupie the minds of men and will be receiued of the gracious perusers of it The rest of the professors which like wanton and full fed children begin to play with their meate brooke nothing but conceited writing and speaking are to be bewailed and as for the dogs they are to be detested and denied holy things The blessing and comfort of grace brought S. Paul to account all things as dung in comparison and their illumination how great soeuer is vnsanctified which are not so minded and if any man loue godlines indeed and be good mettall he will blesse the fire which is ordained to melt him and the mould which is made to cast him in but they which make the founder to melt in vaine shall be called reprobate siluer It is part of the blessing of a worke to bee wrought by a blessed instrument and although it be sacrilege to interuert the praise of God yet it is of religion to take notice of Gods chosen vessels and all men are more affected by such This is the aduantage of this booke I meane the long approued godlines of the Author as he is a Christian and his zealous painfulnes as he is a Minister And if it please God that his pen may be as his tongue hath been a tree of life the very leaues thereof will cure him of the sting of Serpents tongues That which S. Luke testifieth of Barnabas may after Gods admeasurement be spoken of him and hoped of his labours that he was a good man
life and without the Gospell the truth and glad ridings whereof is onely able to set at libertie the consciences of such as are strangled by the threats and terrible curse of the law for if that truth make free as our Sauiour saith then are men free in deede And whereas it may be obiected to me that I doe the author of the booke open wrong in saying that he ioyneth not the Gospell with the law for he that readeth it may finde that he speaketh of Iesus Christ that he was giuen by his father to the world that many might be saued and of the promise and how say I then that he teacheth the law without the Gospell I answere that he doth indeede mention both the promises of the Gospel and also Christ and this he doth in that chapter which is intituled diffidence in Gods mercie but yet is that true that I say For the Gospell is the power of saluation to him that beleeueth and it is not the Gospell if it be not beleeued for that is a part of the description of it Now beleeuing or faith hath assurance going with it as I shewed out of the epistle to the Hebrues Which the author of that booke with the rest of his religion doth flatly deny and therefore it is cleere that he doth not teach the Gospell neither in that booke doth plainely and soundly guide the wandring soule which seeth it selfe lost to finde remission of his sinne and euerlasting life and consequently that he doth not direct his reader to liue godly as I said but holdeth him in darknes and in the state of damnation and deceiueth him And what reckoning he maketh of faith which the word of God preferreth before all other things and saith that it ouercommeth all difficulties in the world we may see by his owne words in his preface fol. 6. I exhort the discreet reader saith he of whatsoeuer religion and faith he be to enter into the carefull studie and exercise of good deedes assuring him that this is the right way to obtaine at Gods hands the light of true beliefe And a little after he saith It is more easie to beleeue as we ought then to liue as we should Here we see he preferres good deedes before faith as if the fruite should be said to be more precious then the tree that beares it And yet as not marking what he said he vttereth these words a little before which cannot stand with the other Our father 's receiued one vniforme faith from their mother the holy Catholike Church and did attend only to builde vpon that foundation good workes and vertuous life as holy Scripture commaundeth vs to doe Here he affirmeth that good life commeth from faith Thus while he speaketh such contraries sometime that good workes must be built on the foundation of faith and with an other breath that good life is the right way to bring faith and yet all may see he speaketh of one and the selfe same faith in both places must he not needes by so teaching deceiue the simple reader while he not being able to vnderstand what is taught cannot possibly practise that which he ought And it was not to be doubted to speake euen in charitie as in conscience we ought that the said author promising in that his booke of Resolution that he would adde two other parts to it as thereby confessing that it alone was an insufficient worke of it selfe to be set forth and therefore dangerous to intangle and snare the ignorant and yet cannot in eighteene yeares finde a time to fulfill his promise it was not to be doubted I say but that he was well content to deceiue and trouble many that should reade it As if one should but preach the wrath of God for sinne to a hundreth persons whereas his booke hath been in the hands of thousands and should come no more in eighteene yeares to helpe them out of feare and doubt and how to liue afterwards it would be condemned and that iustly and cryed out of by all aduised people And yet we may conclude without any doubt knowing his religion what it is if euer he had any such meaning to set out two other parts that they should haue been as sound as this one is that is to say vnwholesome full of damnable errors and vncomfortable For can men gather grapes of thornes or figges of thistles No more can any sound fruite be reaped or comfort gotten by false and vnsauorie doctrine But for Parsons deuotion whereof his booke beares so great a shew or how little of the labour was his or how little honestie is in the man yea rather how great iniquitie let them of his owne religion testifie I meane the secular priests in their bookes against the Iesuites But to say no more of Parsons The other hath little in him worthie any account or reckoning and to this purpose very nothing To goe forward therefore seeing this was one cause why I tooke this worke in hand because the Iesuites cast in our teeth the want of such bookes as may direct a Christian aright through his whole course towards the kingdome of heauen and yet that which they teach tending thereto is but as poyson in a golden cuppe although as I haue said there are many of my brethren who had been fitter for this seruice then my selfe if they had not been imployed some other way yet I nothing doubt by the helpe of God to frame out of the word of God by that little helpe of my knowledge and experience such a direction for Christians all ostentation and comparison of learning set aside as shall giue them small aduantage of boasting and shall be both more pleasing to God and more for the comforting the heart of him who listeth to be directed by it then poperie can affoord and withall a direction that hath not only been shaped out after the rules of the Scripture but also such as hath been and is practized and followed so farre forth as of sinfull flesh may be looked for both of minister and people and approoued of those who haue excelled gone before many in both And although I denie not but that many things might haue been farre better set downe and expressed then I am able to doe yet that none thinke me to haue taken in hand a matter aboue my reach and wherein I haue no skill thus much I say that for these twentie yeares and more I haue aymed at this in my reading preaching and liuing and in the obseruing of my selfe and the example of others what communion and neere acquaintance there may be betwixt God and a Christian what hold may be laid on the promises of God what strength may be gotten against sinne what freedome and libertie we may haue by faith what setlednes and constancie in a godlie life what comfort and reioycing the children of God by his free graunt may haue euen in this life and that both sound and constant
which shall not be taken from them also how farre the spirit may ouercome the flesh and how the diuell may be resisted And more especially for these seauen yeares and more I haue more particularly set my selfe about the matter which in this booke is contained which how weakely soeuer it be performed I haue therein a good conscience First to shew both how a man may become a true beleeuer be brought into the fauour of God and afterwards how he may be directed to leade his life daily And therefore I haue not suddenly nor vnaduisedly set vpō this And what helpe I haue been able to get from others as my conuenient opportunitie hath giuen leaue I haue not neglected The which I set downe as I said that none may thinke me fantastically to haue gone about to broch some noueltie but rather to offer that to the people of God which hath with good aduise been gathered for their edifying But now to returne the last reason mouing me to take this worke in hand is that they who haue inioyed my ministerie aboue these twentie yeares might haue me as many of them haue oft desired after a sort putting them in remembrance of that which I haue taught them in my life time many yeares after I shall be taken from among them This shall suffice to be spoken of my intent and purpose in this treatise with the reasons thereof Now it remaineth further to acquaint the reader with the order which I vse in the same and to giue some instructions that hee may reade it with the more profit and that it may be more plaine and easie to vnderstand which I doe especially intend then otherwise it should be First therefore because I haue written it for their sakes chiefly which are truely called to be Gods Children and haue an interest in his promises as being conuerted to him from the subiection of the diuell first I say my purpose is in the formost treatise to shew who are his and who they are which in an holy and humble manner may rest satisfied in his promises against all dreadfull feare and doubt which might disquiet them that so neither the loose liuers may deceiue themselues with an opinion of that which belongeth not to them nor Gods children be depriued of that which is their owne and the ignorant of both sorts that list may learne to know better and amend their estate In the second I meane to shew what course of life such persons must walke in throughout their dayes and how they are to carie themselues both towards God and men which I thinke expedient to lay forth as cleerely as I can and in some ample manner for the more full satisfying of the ignorant sort From these two all the other points handled in this booke doe arise Therefore in the third I will shew what are the meanes whereby this life may be maintained and how the beleeuer shall vse the same to the end that this whole and great worke of worshipping seruing God may not be taken for a bare matter of knowledge as the most doe make it or which is little better for a seruing of God by halues as too many professors of the Gospell doe vse it but for a faithfull regarding of our wayes that they may be shaped out after Gods will Now this practising of the godly life is performed by following a daily direction to guide vs and whiles we doe euery day with conscience set our selues to honour and obey God as in our callings and by other occasions offered we shall be able and not wanderingly and vncertainly as we haue been wont to doe And so this shall bee set downe in the fourth treatise And this is one of the points in this booke which requireth to be read againe and againe as being neither commonly intreated of and of singular vse to such as desire to take good by it especially not being able otherwise to guide themselues In the fift I make the reader acquainted with the lets which will hinder him though he be willing to be directed daily from this course except he will be perswaded to arme himselfe with such helps as wherby he may withstand them and remedies against these lets shall in this fift treatise be set downe as farre as shall be thought expedient The sixt shall set before thee sundrie priuiledges and blessings which God doth peculiarly bequeath vnto and bestow vpon his beloued ones besides such benefits as they haue in common with the men of the world By the which as by other reasons the faithfull may see themselues perswaded with much more chearefulnes and greater willingnes to leade a christian life daily and to shine as lights in example to others In the seuenth and last such obiections as may be brought and alledged by any either weake christians or carnall cauillers against the practising of the daily direction shall be sufficiently answered that thereby the truth appearing more clearely many such as desire vnfainedly to doe well and yet haue not learned to guide themselues by any plaine direction out of the Scriptures may haue this as an helpe vnto them to see that which the Scripture hath reuealed hereof All which though I direct not this worke to the vnreformed may be in stead of an exhortation vnto all loose and careles persons though more briefly seeing there is enough written of that argument to moue them to rouse vp themselues and to awake out of their deadly sleepe and not to cast away their soules for the loue of their sinnes which they may be sure that God will finde out howsoeuer they hide them but to seeke betimes that they be vnburthened of them cast them vp as a most filthie gorge and auoide the vengeance of Gods wrath which wil otherwise most surely come vpon them for it For though sinne be sweete in the committing of it yet it will be bitter when it comes to be repented of and most bitter when without repentance it must be accounted for Now it remaineth to direct the reader how to bestow his time profitably herein and how he may reade it to his benefit For I doubt nothing but he that shall be conuersant in it desiring to be directed in his course shall thinke his time well spent so as he be helped to vnderstand the same First therfore let him reade the contents of it briefly set downe in the table before the booke to helpe his memorie then the marginall notes of the chapters And if he conceiue and vnderstand the short summe of it so set downe then let him reade the booke it selfe till he be acquainted with and vnderstand it wherein if his capacitie be the weaker and shallower he must desire the helpe of some which are more skilfull and better able to see the drift scope and meaning of it then himselfe especially in such points of it as are more hard and difficult either to
vnderstand or to practise For although many shall haue no neede of this directing of them to reade it with profit because they can easily direct themselues when they once know the generall parts and argument of it as before is mentioned yet because my desire herein is as well to helpe and benefit the plaine and simple such as many of them are amongst whom I haue preached the same as well as to bring the wiser and more learned sort acquainted with the practise of it therefore I know they shall haue neede thereof Now when they shall vnderstand it in some good sort let them weigh and consider how far forth they haue had vse of it heretofore as whether they haue according to the first part of this booke by the ministerie of any sound preacher of the Gospell attained to the assurance of their saluation and of the forgiuenes of their sinnes wherein if any will take it as granted though falsely as they are most readie to doe so who haue least felt the burthen of their sinnes and therefore are indeed furthest off from it herein I say if any will needs deceiue themselues I cannot helpe it but they are like to reade the rest with lesse fruit and comfort and to goe without the vse of it in their liues whatsoeuer they hope for And therefore such I aduise to take most paine in the first part I meane in the doctrine of it and reading other treatises concerning the matter as Master Mores and other catechismes and Maister Perkins workes namely his booke intituled the graine of mustard seede And to raise all the doubts they can to any experienced teacher or brother and to looke for and see those things worke vpon them which are taught there both the doctrine of humiliation and also of iustification and deliuerance If this be attained let them consider for the better assuring themselues hereof that they cannot but affect loue imbrace and delight in the doctrine of sanctification and repentance from dead workes I meane they shall desire to practise the godly and christian life when they see that it is the commaundement of him who loueth them most dearely and what it is and wherein it consisteth which is the summe of the second treatise of this booke And to this end let them reade and by marking seeke as such who would finde that they may see what sinne there is in them which they are not willing nor desirous to forsake if there be any or among duties generally appertaining to all or particularly touching themselues which they cannot submit themselues vnto If there be either of these found in them as that they cannot leaue nor be brought to renounce some particular sins nor obtaine of themselues to be subiect to some speciall duties as thinking it too strict as thus it may be with many and no doubt is such must know that it is the doctrine of the Scripture that all the commaundements of God be had in account of vs and conscience made of one as well as of another which if they see and acknowledge according to the word of God they cannot but submit themselues thereunto if they haue rightly imbraced the doctrine of the former treatise that as in iudgement and knowledg they yeeld so their heart and affections may goe with the same And so doing God will worke in them by little and little seeking it by prayer of faith euen as he wrought the like in them before and weakned such rebelliousnes in their hearts alreadie If therefore the teachable and christian reader be thus farre wrought vpon by the spirit of God that he thus fauour approoue and giue ouer himselfe to be made truely repentant which is that that is required in the second treatise of this booke then is he fit to occupie himselfe about and to be conuersant in the third and fourth part of it that is to say in the doctrine which requireth a daily walking in a Christian course by the vse of such helps as are appointed of God for that purpose and some of them also daily as in the proper place shall appeare For euery true Christian is to know that the religion and worship of God must be in vse and practise among the imbracers of it as well one day as another But how shall any be able to keepe his heart in frame and reforme his life daily by the meanes which God hath appointed as in the third and fourth part of this booke is required except he be first a liker and an allower of all knowne points of dutie and doe hartily renounce all euill as is required in the second part Which being done let him looke to grow daily more strong in faith whereby he may hold and keepe fast the certaintie of Gods fauour daily and constantly And not as too many and yet the people of God doe who are not acquainted with this that their confidence should be maintained daily or a good conscience in their particular actions regarded and that on one day as another but thinke it enough at sometimes to haue this care Neither let any looke to repell this as too strict vnder pretence of weightie affaires and their owne infirmitie For this is but the delusion of the diuell as shall be shewed who will easily perswade it to be more then needeth This is that which must be learned out of the third and fourth part And when this is vnderstood approued consented vnto and aymed at the fift part of the booke shall be cleare and easie to vnderstand and what vse he should make of it namely of the lets and hinderances which the diuell raiseth vp to hold him backe from this course of life and the practise of the same of the which some I will set downe and helpe him the better to know many others thereby And he that shall indeuour to direct his life and take heede to his wayes as he shall by Gods word be taught shall breake through many of the lettes which yet shall strongly hold backe and hinder other men as the fift part will shew and if he be for a season withdrawne from a godly course yet he shall there finde helpes and remedies to recouer againe and little ease otherwise And if there be any difficultie in conforming a mans selfe after this forementioned doctrine as I deny not but the flesh will finde many yet against them all let him proceede and reade with good regard the sixt Treatise wherein are set downe the manifold and goodly prerogatiues and priuiledges which God hath bequeathed to his people to hearten them on and incourage them to godlines and to make the christian life easie and he shall see great light and finde exceeding force therein to stirre him vp to goe forward mightily against all fainting And then he shall not be moued for all the obiections cauils and fleshly reasons which he shall reade in the seuenth part For the comfort and experience which he shall partly enioy
alreadie and partly hope for and expect afterwards shall make thē vanish away as smoke although otherwise they are able to hurt and sting as fier And then when in the due consideration of the whole he shall see what the blessednes and manifold good things are which he in part hath alreadie and shall afterwards inioy both here and in the life to come he shall see what infinit cause he hath to praise God for his portion that he hath rather beautified and blessed him with his fauour and graces then many other whereby he may walke so comfortably and that in this vale of miseries to Gods kingdome And thus I aduise thee good reader as I know it shall be best for thee to bestow thy trauel about this booke wherein I appoint thee no certaine time nor houres seeing all which would profit by it cannot spend their time alike about this or any other such exercise But this know that this booke tendeth to teach thee the practise of thy knowledge and not to know onely and that I haue gathered together into this one the things which are dispersedly contained in many other And therefore in that respect ouer and besides the ordinarie reading of the holy Scriptures thou maiest bestow the more time about it as thy leasure will permit considering that once or twice reading a booke for practise is not enough Lastly seeing the whole matter herein contained is to serue thee and stand thee in steed as setting before thee a direction to gouerne thy whole life thou must not thinke thy labour and time much though thou beest occupied in it for many yeares together for as much as the fruite shall be greater the longer that thou hast been exercised in it and yet thy labour lesse yea easie and pleasant for so shalt thou grow better acquainted with the vse of it which in one word is to make thy life more sweet and sauorie then thou couldest looke for that is happie here and hereafter for euer Reade therefore not onely to be able to report what thou hast found here but especially to finde it thine owne which I doe teach and to be setled daily in the gouernment which this doctrine drawne out of his word offereth thee so as thou maiest see that God in the setting forth of it hath directed me Reade with a quiet teachable and a meeke spirit desirous of that which I labour to bring thee to rather then with a curious head to carpe and cauill or censure that which thou dost not practise nor follow A dramme of grace is better then a pound of censorious wittines remember that all our naturall gifts and faculties of our soules should be sanctified I goe about to make thee see thy selfe inwardly and outwardly to be trained vp in Gods family where the heart must be well seasoned as well as thy whole life well ordered till thou findest that which many a thriftie person doth in his outward estate namely that diet to be ordinarie with him which sometime had been feasting cheere for when a poore man by his trauell and paine hath brought this to passe hee thinkes his estate good and that which pleaseth him exceedingly well So labour thou in thy spirituall worke and seruing of God to finde that gaine and thriuing therein that thou maiest make thy soule as ioyfull euery day and at as great peace with God as sometime thou scarcely haddest obtained once in the weeke or month Which grace and prerogatiue that thou mayest make much of when thou hast it looke backe and remember with thankes vnfained how farre thou hast been off from it and how little hope thou once haddest of obtaining it when thou wert easily mastered of thy sinnes and passions and know that it must cost him many a prayer and grone for it who is yet without it before he shall be partaker of it RICHARD ROGERS THE SVMME OF ALL THE SEAVEN TREATISES AND THE CONTENTS OF euery Chapter in them The first Treatise sheweth who be the true children of God Chap. 1. OF the summe and order of this first Treatise pag. 1 Chap. 2. Of mans miserie pag. 3 Chap. 3. Of the knowledge of redemption and deliuerance pag. 7 Chap. 4. How this knowledge worketh and namely first that God maketh them beleeue their miserie and be troubled in minde for it pag. 9 Secondly they consult in this case what to doe pag. 13 Thirdly they are broken hearted and humbled pag. 15 Fourthly a secret desire of forgiuenes pag. 15 Fiftly they confesse and aske pardon pag. 18 Sixtly they forsake all for it and highly prize it pag. 19 Seuenthly they applie Christ and his promise pag. 20 Chap. 5. Of the lets of faith and namely in the behalfe of the Minister pag. 24 Chap. 6. Of the lets that hinder faith on the behalfe of the people pag. 28 Chap. 7. What desire breeds faith pag. 34 Chap. 8. How the weake in faith should be established pag. 37 Chap. 9. The difference of beleeuers from them that are none pag. 44 Chap. 10. Of the eight cōpanions of faith pag. 54 Chap. 11. How weake faith is confirmed pag. 64 Chap. 12. The sweete fruit and benefit of the preseruing and confirming of our faith pag. 68 The second Treatise declareth at large what the life of the true beleeuer is and the conuersation of such as haue assured hope of saluation Chap. 1. THe summe and order of this second Treatise pag. 72 Chap. 2. That a godlie life cannot be without vnfained faith nor this faith without it which is the first point in the first generall head to bee handled pag. 74 Chap. 3. That for the leading of a godlie life is required faith in the temporall promises of God and hartie assent and credit to the commandements also and threatnings in the word of God as well as faith to be saued pag. 79 Chap. 4. Of the heart and how it should be clensed and chaunged and so the whole man which is sanctification tending to repentance and a godly life pag. 86 Chap. 5. Of the renouncing of all sin which is the first effect of a renued heart in the true beleeuer pag. 96 Chap. 6. Of the diuers kindes of euill to be renounced and namely of inward against God and men pag. 102 Chap. 7. Of other euils and sinnes most properly concerning our selues pag. 108 Chap. 8. How the minds and hearts of the beleeuers are taken vp vsuallie seeing they renounce inward lusts pag. 114 Chap. 9. Of the second kinde of euils or sins to be renounced namely outward pag. 124 Chap. 10. Of foure sorts of such as hope for saluation and yet renounce not open sinnes and outward offences pag. 126 Chap. 11. Of certain obiections raised from the former doctrine and answers thereto as why we should put difference betwixt men whether the godly may fall reprochfully and what infirmities they may haue pag. 134 Chap. 12. Of the keeping of the heart once purged in that good plight afterward
but this which I say is the lesse beleeued and regarded seeing many and those as great sinners as most others are as merie or at least as farre from any wound or sting of conscience as any which a man would thinke were not like to be if they were in such depth of miserie Let them know they haue little to take comfort in that for as I haue said this is so with some because they neither know nor beleeue this but they lie in ignorance and vnbeliefe and therefore neither suspect nor feare any such thing and so it is with all the world vntill they haue knowledge by the law and Paul sheweth that it was so with him till the law reuealed it to him for so he saith Rom. 7.8 I once was aliue before the Lawe that is I thought myselfe in most perfect safetie euen through this ignorance I say and vnbeliefe it is that this which I haue sayd lieth as dead and not a man of a thousand dreameth of or is feared with any such matter And this is furthered by the vnskilfulnesse and carelesnesse of the Ministers who as the Lords watchmen should awake their people out of their deepe and deadly sleepe when they yet haue oft-times healed the hurt of the daughter of Gods people with sweete words saying peace peace when there is no peace Ierem. 6.14 For with such as by the loue and labour of their faithfull teachers haue been wisely plied and followed it may be seene to be otherwise and there ye may find many though all take not good thereby which haue knowledge of and beleeue these things which bewrayeth the blindnes and bondage of the rest almost the whole world who would laugh out and mocke at this doctrine and make al beleeue that there is no such matter But I haue bin long in this I will now proceede to the next point and shew further how God worketh in him whom he will saue when he hath brought him thus farre The second worke they consult in this case what to doe AFter that he seeth by the doctrine which hee hath heard how the case standeth with him namely that he is guiltie before God of eternall punishment and wrath and seeth not how to escape the same hanging ouer him the Lord directeth him and guideth his heart to enter into further consideration with himselfe of and about his present estate and consulteth what to doe in that his extremitie Neither doth he this lightly or houerly as many after he hath heard the necessitie of that dutie taught him and the same earnestly vrged vnto him but mindeth it seriously and goeth about it as a matter of life and death That God thus moueth him to deliberate in so weightie and doubtfull a case no man neede to call it into question when nothing is well done without it in earthly matters of any moment where the wit of man is the chiefe or only agent and dealer For we know that rashnes doth nothing well how much more then may we think that God will not suffer him whom he meaneth to bring to so great honour as the assured hope of saluation is to goe about it without due regard and consideration especially he dealing by ordinary meanes where they may be had and come by But that he entreth into consultation what to doe it is euident by that the Prophet Ieremy saith with a vehement complaint when the people were called to repentance and the Prophet waited to see what fruit should follow that there was none that said What haue I done that is none entred into consultation about the matter Therefore it is said that the prodigall sonne who resembleth most rightly the sinner and in his returning home to his father resembleth the penitent sinner in turning to God that he did before that come to himselfe and say How many hired seruants in my fathers house haue bread enough and I die for hunger Which what other thing was it then to consider and deliberate what he were best to doe And the Steward questioning with himselfe what to doe when hee was warned to giue an account of his stewardship doth plainly teach this Besides all that hath been said if the godly who had fallen could not repent before they remembred and considered their fall and from whom they were fallen as we reade of the Church of Ephesus and Peter before he wept bitterly remembred the words of Iesus and how he had transgressed against them Vpon all these considerations let vs not doubt but that God draweth his to consult about their estate what they should doe being in anguish and distresse of mind And that they may looke for little good to come of their casting downe and sorrow which by the law is conceiued in them if they doe not in the most serious manner as they be able and as the case requireth thinke and deliberate about it And therfore they whom God watcheth ouer if they be not able to counsel themselues yet the Lord guides them to aske counsell of others as the forementioned example in the Acts and of the woman of Samaria doth teach And in what manner hee doth this what thoughts he hath about the same is not hard to coniecture but euen as other in the same estate mentioned in the Scripture doe testifie namely what he is to doe and whether there bee any hope how hee was bewitched to come to that estate what he hath lost and depriued himselfe of in this his estrangement from God by following and seeking his owne will and foolish libertie he seeth an end is come of the cursed race which he hath runne and that little time which he hath yet remaining will also full soone be gone His delights iests merrie conceits dreames and vaine hope that hee had of long life of promotion increase of riches of good cheere with his companions or such like alas they are gone he is ashamed to thinke what deceiueable pleasures they were And as for safetie and sound peace he seeth how farre off from them he is He seeth that his former life will be called to an account and is alreadie And although he thinketh of delaies excuses or other vaine shifts and deceiuing of himselfe yet he seeth that these cannot put away the deadly remembrance of his wofull estate especially when hee considereth that God will not be mocked nor his word be frustrate which hath bewraied his miserie He will therefore consult no longer with flesh and bloud as he hath done but putteth away all fleshly and carnall shifts and holds and by Gods gracious direction taketh counsell by the knowledge that hee hath and considereth that no man can come to Christ if the heauenly father draw him not by his spirit And therefore although the sorrow of hypocrites vanisheth away and commeth to nothing yet by Gods gracious working in him it becommeth an occasion of humbling and breaking of heart vnto him and of much other good as
so he powreth out earnest praiers to him for the pardon of thē through the mediation of Christ All which howsoeuer they seeme to him to be no great matters who is not as yet a competent and sufficient iudge in this case yet the Scripture commendeth them to be great euen the fruite of some little and weake faith and him who obtaineth them to be in especiall fauour with God as in the forenamed parable is most liuely to be seene where the father resembling God is said to haue met his lost sonne before he came at him and to haue imbraced and kissed him after that hee was resolued in himselfe to goe and seeke to him for fauour and pardon and to acknowledge his faults vnto him c. Now was there any thing thinke we in the naturall father which is not much more in the father of mercie who exceedeth all the fathers of the earth in kindnes and compassion Thus the Lord by his holy spirit worketh in the hearts of his children and with all these forementioned graces which he giueth them he draweth them to prise and value this benefit of redemption so highly as the wise Merchant doth the field wherein the pearle is hidden selling all to buy it so doe they I say set light by all things in comparison of this and are caried with this mind that they will forsake whatsoeuer may hinder for the obtaining of it The sixt worke they forsake all for it and highly prize it BVt what then some perhaps will say do you affirme that these things can do a man any good without faith for of this nothing hath yet bin said and doe you affirme a man to be iustified for such an one is he who is in fauour with God hauing no faith or that any thing is accepted of God which he doth as his desire to bee forgiuen his hungring after it his humiliation accesse to God in prayer and confession of sinnes all these being without faith or if not so do ye then say that we our selues must thus prepare our selues to receiue faith but that is to attribute free will vnto man being yet in the estate of miserie and bondage and vnrenewed as being yet without faith To the first I say that although none of these be faith yet I say that they are not without it as I will more fully shew afterward neither that God is pleased with any man neither he himselfe is iustified but only by it but wee cannot discerne or set downe the very moment when faith is wrought but when the other forenamed graces of God are effectuallie wrought in the heart then is this of faith wrought also by the same spirit neither can hee that hath receiued this faith into his heart so certainly and easily iudge of it as of those other gifts which accompanie it To the latter obiection I answere that I am farre from ascribing to man vnrenewed any inherent goodnes whereby he may prepare himselfe to receiue faith he is I say destitute of all goodnes in his will and of power to doe good such graces are giuen him of God as was said before For God findeth all men in their filthines and gore bloud as the Prophet Ezechiel speaketh and she whom he vouchsafeth to make his beloued spouse I meane his Church he raiseth out of the dust washeth and clenseth her from her filthines wherein hee found her and then taketh her to him to delight in as his deare and onely spouse It is the Lord therefore which is the author and finisher of his faith who shall be saued and he as he hath abased him and filled his heart with sorrowes for the same purpose so it is he that soketh it by little and little and seasoneth it in time with faith hope and comfort This is his only worke And although it be hard to determine whē faith is wrought as I haue said and how long dreadfull feare continueth yet by meanes of the knowledge of his miserie and redemption God worketh them both in his heart and that when and in what manner it seemeth best to his wisedome so that it may be seene that it is so And thus I hauing answered these two obiectiōs I wil now proceed morefully to shew how he guideth bringeth home this lost sheep as I had in som sort proceeded to do before I was occasioned to digresse a while by reason of the two former questions now answered To proceede therefore with this person whom the Lord wil saue when he hath wrought thus farre in him earnestly to desire the remedie against his miserie he leaueth him not there as many through ignorance wāt of wise building vp are held longer at this stay and although not lying in vtter vnbeleefe yet not bold to applie Gods promise to their soules euen as there are many who haue had compunction of heart that neuer goe further but waueringly are off and on and whē the desire is not accomplished the heart fainteth and they for all their desire seeing it vanisheth away is not constant fall away altogether But God goeth further with this person as I haue said For he hauing now with the skilfull merchant weighed the price of this pearle namely to haue Christ to become his hath it in such estimation that he counteth meanely of all things in comparison of this and in good aduisednes selleth all that he hath to buy it But what hath he you will aske of his owne to purchase or come into the possession of it As for his goods and riches whatsoeuer he inioyeth they are not his owne but an others and borrowed yet many thousand poore soules which shal be saued haue little or no wealth at all but this precious pearle is not bought with money What hath he then ye say to procure it verily he hath nothing but an interest and hold in sinfull pleasures and worldly lusts But alas some man will say what doe ye naming of them as things any thing worth But I say againe I must mention that which he hath of his owne and that is his sinne which though euery reasonable man will say that it is not worth the mentioning yet it was sometime more precious to him then siluer and in account aboue the purest gold and therefore to renounce it is no easie nor small matter And yet so well it falleth out for him there is no other thing required of him to the attaining of the forementioned pearle then the casting away and the forsaking of that his sinne For so the Lord plainely testifieth he that denyeth himselfe he shall be my disciple and whosoeuer forsaketh any thing that is which God condemneth he shall haue an hundreth fold more then he forgoeth so bountifull a rewarder is the Lord of all that seeke him and afterward eternall life Therefore when this silly sinner vnderstandeth and giueth credit vnto it as deare and pleasant as his sinnes were vnto
though it is at the first hardly obtained assure himselfe against all the subtilties of the diuell and other cursed spirits that he shall see the Lord in the land of the liuing euen he who hath been truly humbled in the sight of his miserie seene Christ Iesus the onely deliuerer of such and therefore himselfe hath and doth beleeue in him vnfainedly And thus I haue shewed how both the doctrine of miserie and redemption ought to worke which is the third point But seeing we are so fearfull at the first beginning of our effectuall calling that wee dare not rest perswaded that we haue any faith these few markes of it following I haue set downe in a briefe manner which both accompanie the weakest faith and where they be found are infallible tokens that in such a person there is some true measure of iustifying faith That is to say first if wee striue against doubting Iudg. 6.17 Secondly if we not feeling faith complaine bitterly of the want of it Thirdly if we seeke feruently to be setled in beleeuing Fourthly if we desire to search out the sinne which may possibly hinder vs and to expell it And some one of these or other graces like them shall euer be seene in the beleeuer by such as can iudge though not alwaies perceiued of the partie himselfe CHAP. 5. Of the lets of faith and namely in the behalfe of the Minister ANd now that I haue shewed how by faith men are made the people of God and consequently iustified thereby who were before his enemies and his beloued which sometimes were not beloued I would here cease to say any more of this matter but that I consider that euery truth is not by and by receiued and so I feare I may say of this especially because it is oft bewailed and complained of in the Scriptures that few haue this faith and that it is seldome or rarely found in the world which thing wee who marke the course and practise of the greatest part in the world doe see may well be so I will therfore here speake to my deare and weake brethren somewhat more at large to satisfie them and set downe the chiefe lets that hinder faith on the behalfe of the Minister Now seeing that faith so honoureth inricheth and beautifieth men as we haue heard it should doubtles bee farre otherwise with thousands of them which thinke they haue it but are deceiued then now it is if they did enioy it Yea and to come more neere to our selues for whose cause chiefly I wrote this the multitudes in our parts of the land which professe that they haue it and by no meanes can abide the contrarie speech to goe or opinion to be conceiued of them should if they had it indeede astonish and feare all Epicures Atheists and Papists and other hypocrites which now differ little from them They should make the religion I say of those which haue any as it is in it selfe a lumpe of lies and an heap of heresies to appeare so indeed and the other who regard none at all to bee abhorred as they deserue to be whereas now they being the fewest which haue attained to any true fruite of the Gospell are gazing stockes and reproches to such as haue no more then a bare name or vaine opinion thereof euen to many of the professors themselues as to the rest of them which are enemies to the truth According to the complaint which the Prophet Esay made in his time saying Behold I and the children whom the Lord hath giuen me are as signes and as wonders in Israel Esai 8.18 In few words therefore let vs see what is the cause why so many who boldly affirme that they beleeue and looke verely to be saued by the death of Christ are yet vtterly destitute of the same It is briefly set downe by S. Paul to be this If our Gospell be hidden as it is hidden to none but to them that are lost the god of this world hath blinded their mindes that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ should not shine vnto them He plainly sheweth that the fault is in men that they are content to be blindfolded and holden backe though the diuell be the bewitcher of them and so keepeth them from so great a treasure as is brought vnto them by the Gospell But as wee truly say that man is faultie in this that he openeth his eares and giueth credit to Sathans deceitfull suggestions so because God did see what would come to passe thereby he did therefore set watchmen who should giue his people warning thereof namely how Sathan holdeth them from beleeuing by some of his subtill traines to the end they might preuent them therefore wee must know that this fault whereby men are letted from beleeuing is either in him who should bring the tidings that is the watchman who is the Minister or in them who should receiue the same that is the people and hearers for if the lets be not remoued in both faith is rarely or not at all come by It is cleere therefore to begin with the Minister that if he be one which teacheth not at all they that depend vpon him cannot know what loue God beareth to them through Christ or at least they cannot know it to belong vnto them for as much as faith commeth by hearing of the word of God preached vnto them and as our Sauiour saith If the blind leade the blinde both will fall into the ditch Therefore it is too manifest that in some parishes not one man knoweth himselfe to be saued I say if he depend vpon his Minister but all such knowledge is a mysterie to them And yet if that were the onely let on the Ministers behalfe it were well with many people but where seldome teaching is the hearers must needes be ignorant of this matter also because this heauenly truth to teach how men may know that they are the elect of God and without wauering cannot be sufficiently and cleerely enough laid foorth by the skilfullest teachers seldome teaching neither if it could were the hearers able to conceiue and vnderstand remember and be familiarly acquainted with it so as they may be able to trie themselues and to proue their estate to be good all which yet is meete and necessarie For though I know that the grounds and generall truths are few vpon which this matter dependeth yet the breaking of them small to the peoples benefit requireth labour and time plainenes and loue yea to teach the same thing oft for their safetie and in a nurselike or motherly affection to stut and stammer with them that is to apply our selues vnto them and to giue them here a little and there a little now a line and then a line and yet to count all little enough to make them sauour our message at least and to be saued by it Howsoeuer many Ministers make their reckoning that a little
may serue and the people be so blockish they say that nothing will enter into them yet the well aduised will not refuse to heare and weigh the rule of S. Paul to Timothie that attendance should be giuen to teaching and that they should be readie to doe that dutie in season and out of season and to put the people in minde of the same daily though they know this thing as well as to attend to reading priuately to make them fitter for that dutie Christ hath laid no weightier busines vpon them calling it the pawne of their loue to him to whom he hath giuen this charge to this end that this may be well and throughly done and the rather seeing the people depend vpon them They will also consider that the people haue many infirmities much dulnes slipperie memories and sundrie other pulbackes all which doe shew the necessitie of often teaching The which being so I professe with griefe it astonisheth me oft when I thinke of the too great slacknes and vnwillingnes of many who haue gifts that they hearing and knowing that he who hath an office must attend vpon it and againe that woe is pronounced to them who doe it not and that as they loue Christ they should feede his lambes and his sheepe and also that the flocke dependeth vpon them Yet that they can be content to take the commoditie and to refuse the labour and as some doe count it too base a thing to discharge that dutie But howsoeuer they can easily shift it off before men they shall not be able to answere it with peace to God But yet where this is remedied there may be lets enough on the Ministers behalfe to hinder the hearers yea though they should be willing to be taught from comming by faith As if he should teach often and yet doe not carefully acquaint himselfe with the peoples weakenes and want in conceiuing the doctrine which is to bee deliuered vnto them but should speake aboue their reach little to their vnderstanding and conceiuing and consequently little to their edifying There is nothing more like to hurt the people then such a kinde of teaching when they shall haue a learned man to preach vnto them whereby they are readie to thinke their case farre more happie then others and yet they shall not be able thereby to receiue light edification in faith and godlines and sound comfort that is not easie and plaine to them which he himselfe vnderstandeth Although it were to be wished that some things were not put foorth by them to the people which they themselues haue not tried by the Scripture and cleerely seene into of the speakers before they vttered them I vtter not this to grieue any of my brethren who desire to doe good in the Church of God hauing receiued gifts of God thereunto but to put all in minde to labour to be vnderstoode as well as to speake the truth And that some may more especiallie know that the neglecting of plaine speaking is a chiefe cause of little fruite of their labours it neede not be taken heauilie for I know men of singular learning and gifts who haue already much altered the manner of their teaching framing themselues to the diligent hearers capacitie and more and more desire to doe the same daily rather then to be commended for learned men of them which neither conceiue nor vnderstand them Yet my meaning is not to nourish or perswade to rude absurd and barbarous teaching which were more fit to make them which should teach ridiculous and the Scriptures themselues without authority or credit as also to mocke the people but that by their plainenes in the euidence of the spirit reuerence might be procured to their Ministerie among the hearers and that their doctrine might be approued in their consciences which is approued of the Lord as being drawne from his word and easilie conueied to their vnderstandings that so they may proue that they preach with power and authoritie and not as the Scribes There is but one thing more which in my iudgement doth hinder profiting on the teachers behalfe and that is when by Catechising the chiefe grounds of faith be not briefely and cleerely taught in right and good order the one depending vpon or following the other as they ought by fit coherence and agreeing together that the people may see the way cleerely to saluation and thereby they may the better make profit of their whole Preaching and Ministerie also As that repentance be not required of the people before faith that faith be not warranted to be in the people when they see no neede thereof by their sinne and miserie because it is cleere that they can finde no sweetnes in Christ who feele not their sinnes bitter and sower Also that a man be taught that he no sooner beleeueth then he is made a new creature and so is changed in heart and in life and that the new borne desire to growe by the sincere milke of the Word It were a great furtherance to their Ministerie if where the grounds of Religion be plainely and soundly taught the Minister did by conference and questioning in his Catechising and by examination at Communions trie how the doctrine is receiued seeing for want of this a better opinion being conceiued of many by the teacher then he knoweth cause why they are vnsound in many necessarie things who yet for their often hearing are thought to be ignorant of no necessarie poynt of knowledge which the Minister hath often taught It were much to be wished that the Minister who is willing to take this paine for it is tedious and vnwelcome to many might haue authoritie to proue such as heare him how they profit as well to build vp those which are weake the better when he seeth wherein their want is greatest as also to purge out the leauen of Poperie and other errors ouf of them which are infected therewith Whereby also this benefit might come that if any sculking Iesuits or Priests or other Papists or heretikes should creepe into any of their Parishes and Townes they might by the diligent care of the Minister well furnished with knowledge and authoritie be remoued or reclaimed And otherwise the people being neuer proued how they haue receiued the truth neither by authoritie inioyned to be subiect to triall of their soundnes as well as to resort to the assemblie doe through custome lye hardened in their ignorance and superstition and still remaine wilfull in their old dregges A Minister able and painefull through loue in few necessarie points iointly laid together labouring with the people to make a sufficient Catechisme might be well assured that he should call so many to the fellowship of the pretious faith as God had appointed there vnto eternall life and without this it is found too true that much preaching doth the lesse good as shall appeare better vnto such as list
wise as they will be sure that none of them shall doe them good For rather then they would haue nothing to except against them if they cannot finde those accusations that are iust they are content with any shew why they should refuse to bee counselled and perswaded by them And therefore if they be old they say they dote and know not what they say if they be yong they haue no iudgement nor experience if they be wealthie then they are couetous if poore then base and contemptible if they be maried they can not follow their callings but the world if vnmaried then they liue suspiciously And thus to say no more it is fearefull to see how little the people in one respect or other are seasoned with the sweete fruite of the Ministerie and therefore if ye feare God regard your owne welfare and peace and will not come to iudgement imbrace the Ministery reuerently as Gods message and the greatest and most lets of faith are remoued Thus I hauing set downe these lets which doe chiefly hold from faith both on the Ministers part and the peoples and hauing said somewhat to both in way of exhortation seeing out of these two kinds of men God chuseth out his elect I conclude that there are many lets from faith but yet withall it may be seene that there is apparant remedie to be found against them as I haue said and how subtilly soeuer the diuell bewitcheth and holdeth men backe by them yet the Scripture offereth greater grace by the which they may breake through all hindrances and discouragements which may keepe them from it if the Minister and people would make conscience of their duties CHAP. 7. What desire breedes faith BVt seeing it were both long to stand in prescribing remedie against all these lets and the way for all hath been set downe to come by faith alreadie I will therefore briefly stirre vp and aduise such as are in good way and haue made some good entrance that they may see what to take heede of and what to imbrace and to seeke faith by the meanes and in the manner which before I haue set downe and a little to strengthen them after they haue attained to any true measure of it Wherein it is to be marked because I before highly commended a good desire that a naked and bare desire of saluation now and then stirred vp in men is not to beleeue as many thinke although without any ground But seeing such as haue a desire sometime are they for the most part whom God doth make beleeuers for while men are voide of that there is little hope to be conceiued of them I will therefore shew for the helpe of them who doe anything looke after true happines what desire it ought to be and whereto it groweth if it be true and sincere that it may not deceiue them For we may finde many who haue sometime desired it earnestly and yet neuer obtained it as Balaam that a man could hardly haue shewed any difference betwixt their desiring of it and the desire of such as haue attained to it indeede for that instant But in time it hath appeared that it was but sudden or of short continuance and failed before it obtained that which it sought as by them who in the Gospell are said to haue ioyed in that which they desired to heare but it vanished whereas the desire of the other cannot be satisfied without it but mourneth and longeth for it and pineth for sorrow when any thing commeth in the way to weaken the hope which was conceiued of it till that bee remoued which hindred them from that benefit Therfore such must know that their desire which is sometime fleeting and somtime faint must become both feruent and constant as in the parable of the pearle may be seene That as soone as it was found the value of it being knowne of the skilfull Merchant he neuer rested till he had gotten it for his owne for wee must know that he who thus desireth it is forcibly drawne hereunto by God who hath shewed him his great neede of it and what he shall gaine by it and thereby hath prepared and made him fit to receiue it for otherwise if God draw not men to the valuing of it it is of no account with them Now further this desire if it be the worke of Gods spirit is strengthened hereby namely while hee prizeth and valueth it according to the worthines of it as farre as he is able that is to say thus that in his account it farre surmounteth and excelleth all the world with whatsoeuer is of account in it he esteemeth of it as a most pretious treasure to beleeue because hee knoweth that he which beleeueth is deare vnto God and shall be saued And so must faith and assurance of eternall life be valued indeed of him who shall finde the blessing of it for which cause S. Peter calleth it pretious faith Now who can esteeme thus of it as that it is better then all profit pleasure and preferment but he must needes thinke all his praying for it hearing the word which worketh it his questioning about it and his trauaile and labour in meditating of the promises whereby the spirit of God writeth it in the heart but he I say must needes thinke all his paines well bestowed in seeking it yea and infinitly recompenced though he hath long waited the Lords leisure for the enioying of it Al which meanes another man thinketh very needlesse and that it is meere follie to make all this adoe to come by it and yet he will say it is better then the world also but he can content himselfe when he hath heard the promise without any setting of his desire in it to wash away all with a word of course that he hopeth to be saued by Iesus Christ as well as other Which slight esteeming of it is too cleere a token how farre hee is from it Now who seeth not the difference betwixt these two to be this that the one is led by the spirit of God whereby the father of heauen doth reueale this secret mysterie of faith to him and doth wonderfully draw his heart vnto it the other is led by fleshly reason as his guide which is the greatest enemie to this worke For our reason thinketh it vnnecessarie to set more by that which we cannot see with carnal eyes then by that which we haue in present possession and see it handle it enioy and vse it therefore no man doing thus is led by the spirit of God which assureth him who is led by it that God hauing promised glorie greater then the world though hee seeth it not he shall finde no lesse then is promised therefore he setteth more by it then by all things here before his eyes And this is the way to beleeue in God indeede though wee see him not that by this our confidence in him wee may haue ioy and
Prophet by his example teacheth them in the like case whilest it stoode free from the disease of temptation when they found comfort in the spirit through an acceptable measure of faith Further the triall of their faith is likewise to be taken by those fruits which are euident to the eye of others who can iudge more sincerely then the afflicted themselues whose vnderstanding is much altered by Sathans terrours And here as in fittest place I alleage the strong faith of the woman of Canaan when Christ seemed to giue her the repulse vtterly yet she would not be moued from her faith when firie darts were thrust into her three or foure one after another The same I say to other their obiections of like sort as I haue said to these As when they reason thus against themselues that they do not liue as Gods children doe nor so holily as God requireth and therefore they cannot haue such comfort as they haue What then are they reprobates haue they no grace because they want that which they would haue Ought they not to consider that they being the Lords plants take not their full perfection at once but according to the nature of a plant require a daily watering and dressing whereby in the end they attaine to a full growth in Christ Oh but they feele not the testimonie of Gods spirit which might assure them I answere neither doe any of Gods children at all times feele it but that they may see their owne frailtie God doth as it were hide himselfe sometime for a season as the mother doth from the child to try the affection of it to her that they may with more earnest desire mourne for Gods wonted grace and when they haue obtained it againe may with more ioyfulnes of heart praise him and yet God doth not withhold comfort from his many times when they walke heauily who if they could giue credit vnto him may assure themselues that they may liue in safetie vnder his protection all the day long but their owne frailtie and the vehemencie of the temptation which oppresseth them diminisheth the feeling thereof But patience and constancie with a resolute mind to beare Gods triall will bring a good end yea and by the meeke going vnder Gods hand in these they shall learne experience afterward to wade thorough greater and yet in the middest of them to haue hope that shall not make them ashamed And thus it may appeare that although the weake faith of Gods deare seruants may be many waies assaulted and their saluation by meanes thereof to their feeling be doubted of yet that such are vndoubtedly the Lords and cannot be taken out of his hands because they are not destitute of faith as I haue proued whereby they apprehend Christ though weake and which hath brought vnto them much comfort in times past though for a season the Lord working all for their good it seeme to them farre otherwise And of the former point of this second head or generall part of this treatise that is how the weakest of Gods people are to be vpholden in vehement temptations thus much be said CHAP. 9. The difference of beleeuers from them that are none NOw followeth the second point wherein for the cleerer manifestation of that which hath been said I must now discerne from the former sort such as haue great shew of faithfull ones and beleeuers and yet are nothing lesse and shew that the weakest Christians of whom I haue spoken may see their estate apparantly different from theirs who yet come neerest of other vnto beleeuers and then answere some doubts which I know doe sticke in the mindes of diuers about this matter And first whereas some may maruaile that I in the describing of Gods children haue not rested in these as infallible markes thereof namely 1. sorrow for their miserie 2. confession of their sinnes to God 3. feare of his displeasure for the same and 4. desiring some kinde of amendment of life seeing they are also in them who are effectuallie called of God I answere I haue followed the Scripture herein and that I haue in shewing who are the Lords made mention rather of those graces of God which are properly belonging to the faithfull then of them which may be in hypocrites and hollow hearted professors Seeing we finde both by Scripture and experience that these forenamed affections and many good and commendable vertues as they seeme to be may haue place in those which doe not appertaine to Gods election For a man may be much burthened with the weight of his sinne his conscience terrified by the spirit of bondage he may be pensiue afterward for his sinne committed and wish it were vndone afraide for the punishment and may promise amendment and walke heauily and expresse it by outward signes and yet not released nor set free from that which he feareth So the same person by the hearing of the promises of the Gospell may finde ioy and delight in the glorious tidings which it bringeth and take sensible pleasure in the exercises of religion He may haue a taste of the life to come as Balam he may reuerence and feare the Ministers of God as Herod and begin to amend some faults in his life as hee and others of whom wee reade in the Gospell did and yet for all this though fearefull to thinke of not sealed vp to saluation euen thus farre a man may goe in the profession of Christian religion and yet a stranger from the power of faith from the life of godlines and from that which accompanieth both I meane a good and peaceable conscience Of the which argument because much is written and where the Gospell hath been preached of some places I may speake of mine owne knowledge it hath been often handled and largely I thinke I may say the lesse Neither doe I speake that which I haue said about this matter to discourage any but partly to driue them from deceiuing themselues which loue to stay themselues they care not vpon what rotten hold and broken staffe partly to make the true testimonies of eternall life to be more pretiously esteemed of those which haue them and such as are without them to bestowe more diligence in seeking of them For the weakest faith findeth Christ Iesus no more to lose him seeing he hath said that he will not breake a brused reede nor quench the smoking flaxe and the most glorious shewes of godlines and boldest crakes and most loude boastes of faith where yet it is not indeede shall all vanish away in the ayre and come to nothing not hauing any part in him euen as Sauls bragges that God had deliuered Dauid into his hands when he was shut in the citie were frustrated to his owne shame 1. Sam. 23.14 24.5 The which how true it is may appeare not only by some examples mentioned out of the Scripture but also by the liues of sundry in the Countrey who
after Gods mercie an vnfained faith the spirit of adoption sealing vp their saluation vnto them and the liuelie fruites of the same They haue beleeued that God hath become their most louing father through Christ Iesus who was before their fearefull iudge and they haue hereby been inforced to loue him therefore and to seeke now to please him with all their hearts and these graces haue set them forward in a godly life to bring forth fruites beseeming their profession But these men furnish not themselues with faith a pure heart a good conscience change of their life through the louing of God but they let time end their griefe of mind and their woundes of conscience are healed outwardly with opinion that it is sufficient repentance onely to be sorrowfull some not abiding the gripes of griefe and yet not finding sound comfort against them haue cast them off and therefore in affliction are from time to time vexed with the returning of them againe because they were neuer driuen away kindly nor aright If they shall further defend themselues this way that they thought their course was good to be thus cast downe seeing the lawe was preached to them which constrained them thus to doe and if they will aske why we preached the iudgements of God to them if we saw it not meete for them to be humbled I answere first the law was neuer preached alone by any discreete teacher who himselfe was skilfull in the doing of his dutie but the Gospell with it Secondly the law was not nor is not preached to hold men vnder with the yoke of feare and bondage but to cause men to see their sinne more cleerely and thereby their punishment to be due that so they might come to themselues in truth and set more store by Gods mercie and Christs merits which onely can saue their soules and minister them comfort Thirdly we haue not as from God approued nor wished any to rest in any workes of the lawe or the best actions which they could doe when as yet they had no faith nor perswasion of the remission of their sinnes truly setled in them but to haste from thence with all speede and to trie themselues both by rules and doctrine as well as by their owne experience if Christ were in them that so through him they might become acceptable Now then if they haue heard and receiued one part of our Ministery and not the other if they haue placed happines in the repentance which they haue fancied and not in the knowledge of God through Christ which we haue vrged they haue been deceiued through the subtiltie of the tempter if they haue sought to please God for feare of his vengeance and not because they haue found deliuerance from death by his vndeserued fauour they haue laboured in vaine and been with-holden from the principall fruit of the Gospell preached But no meruaile for many are the sleights by the which the diuell keepeth his possession in such as are not yet escaped his wiles and snares in the which he holdeth them not without their own good liking He discourageth some from hope and confidence that they are the Lords because they haue been more deepely pricked for their sinne and longer holden in doubtfulnes then other of Gods children are and that none haue so great temptations and conflicts as they haue But haue not they these afflictions to bring them vnto God And others he dismaieth and holdeth vnder with the contrarie as that they cannot be Gods children because they haue neuer had that deepe sorrow and long lying in it for their sinne as many of their brethren haue had As though mens examples and not rather Gods word should be their rule to follow So he suggesteth this to some others that their estate could not be good seeing they haue not had their liues full of some outward crosses as some of the godly haue and yet on the contrarie many haue been long holden captiues with these cogitations that they durst not thinke themselues to belong to Gods election seeing they are euery while vnder one crosse or other Thus the diuell whose malice and subtiltie few doe know fewer doe well weigh but fewest of all doe wisely and carefully resist the diuell I say holdeth numbers occupied about these and such like points wherein the triall of their happines and certaintie of their peace doth not consist And because religion and holie doctrine doth affect them and that he seeth they will needes imbrace the same he laboureth to keepe them at this stay to hold themselues contented with that shadow though they be vncertaine of their estate to Godward and remaine in suspence and little hope of their saluation and so hee permitteth them to haue the letter of the Scripture in their mouth and to talke generally about religion or if occasion be offered about some questions and matters concerning the same but they hate vtterly to be reformed Who seeth not that he holdeth these in errour and bondage as grossely as he doth the other before mentioned who trouble themselues about opinions and conceits which are not the chief and maine points to occupie themselues about as though happines consisted in them but may faile of eternall life for all that when they haue all done For neither doth this commend a man to God whether he hath long continued in griefe of minde feare of conscience and doubtfulnes of saluation but that he be well freed and deliuered from such trouble and discharged of his feare I meane that hee can heartily thanke God through Iesus Christ that he seeth and feeleth himselfe set at libertie and by him is made happie for if the truth of God and his promise make him free then he is free indeed Neither is this with a man or against him in assuring himselfe of saluation whether his life be full of afflictions and crosses seeing God keepeth not alwaies an euen hand in these things for they are common both to good and bad but that a man know himselfe though a wretched sinner yet through faith to be iustified and acquitted before God and therefore is at peace with God in himselfe euen such as passeth all vnderstanding whether his crosses bee many or few There are many things of like sort with which Sathan doth blindfold sundrie of good hope as that for hauing some infirmities or falles breaking foorth in them therefore they cannot be beloued of God and when they finde that in some sort they can ouercome them then they think they are the beloued of God in neither of which a man is to place his safetie For both the deare Saints of God may possibly be led out of the way to commit somewhat offensiuely neither is he to promise well to himselfe who sometimes keepeth from sinnes which at other times he hath fallen into for it may be that there is no great occasion offered him that way or he is
and yet euen that maketh them complaine vntill they be inlarged and he that hath not this witnesse within him shall not doe best to sooth vp himselfe with a vaine confidence Thus I conclude that ioy and peace are inseparable companions of faith But here me thinkes I heare some obiecting thus If you zealous folke who glorie so much of the assurance of saluation and for that very cause be so ioyfull ye agree not within your selues for some which are of your mind are euer sad and sorrowfull To this I answere that many desire to be sure and grone for it in the Lords eares and in time shall be comforted being already pronounced to be blessed and sometime they are assured for a season and then are cheerefull and before this they cannot be so as they whose hearts the Lord hath opened more cleerely to behold that excellent mystery But further I say that it should trouble no wise bodie to see them mourne for a while after that which shall being atteined make them merrie for euer after And it is a meere cauill in them that twit Gods weake seruants for that which giueth so iust cause of mourning namely their doubting seeing they desire nothing more then to be assured And if they doe not mixe their feare and heauines with melancholy passions they offend not in lamenting after God while they long aboue all things to behold Gods louing countenance towards them But if their heauines make them waspish tuchie froward vnquiet rash in censuring them who are not in their estate I say these as mad and frantike passions are to be condemned But these obiecters say that this sad countenance and behauiour in them who are more religious than the most part of others causeth many to shun religion and to be afraide to ioyne themselues to their acquaintance and company and to meddle with muzing on the Scriptures or on Sermons more then to heare and reade them and so trouble themselues no further To this I say that we are not so to looke to exemples that we hurt and hinder our selues thereby from that benefit which the Scriptures doe most certainely direct vs vnto But if men would weigh things indifferently they who are so ready to challenge many good Christians for their heauines which yet they know tendeth to the seeking of comfort might see their owne fault greater whose mirth for the most part is ioyned with lightnes and profanenes holding goodnes and grace out of the company and not a reioycing for that they know God to be their most louing father without which their ioy is but follie yea madnes as Salomon speaketh of laughter which testifieth such ioy But to end this in few words let such as haue true hope in God though weakely moderate their heauines that they may offend as few as they may and they that finde fault with them for that let them know that they ought rather to pitie and pray for them and interpret all in the best manner and looke that their owne mirth and cheerefulnes be well warranted them or else it were farre better for them to haue part in the others heauines And for answere to this thus much But to goe forward as the due consideration of the greatnes and perswasion of the certaintie of his benefits will raise this ioy in the heart of him that possesseth it so likewise it will cause him to maruaile with reuerence to see his state so changed himselfe to be brought from so lowe a depth of extreame miserie to so high a degree of honour and glorie and so to be enriched by this fauour of God that he shall oft feare on the suddaine least it should not be so wondring at the greatnes of the same as Iudas the good Apostle did who considering the great kindnes of Christ brake forth into these words Lord what is the cause that thou wilt reueale thy selfe to vs and not to the world Yea and the woman of Samaria which had long lien in blindnes and superstition and in the fruites of both that is in cauilling and mocking yet when our Sauiour had ouercome her euill with good and conuerted her her heart was so set on the benefit which she receiued by him that she forgat her water-pot which in her who sauoured before only of the earth was a great matter and went admiring at her owne change to tell her neighbours of that welcom newes which had befallen her and was a meane of their conuersion also Ioh. 4.28.29 But Sauls conuersion did so cause him to wonder at Gods worke therein that it caused also them that beheld it to admire it to be amazed when they saw him preach the doctrine which he before pursued with the imbracers of it Act. 9.21 So great admiration doth this precious faith worke in them that obtaine it And yet if this holie and reuerent admiration at so great good things befallen those or other such should but then onely immediatly after the receiuing of them be felt the benefits might seeme the smaller but it is farre otherwise if it be duly nourished and maintained for they are so sweete and so farre aboue all that they can aske or looke for that except it bee through mens owne default they are euery day new and fresh and so farre from bringing tediousnes that the oftner they be daily considered and the longer they be inioyed the more they will cause wondring at the loue of the giuer and what should moue him to bestow so great a portion euen more then the whole world vpon so vnworthie an one as would haue thought a little before that it had been an happie estate not to haue been at all The Sunne in the beautie and strength thereof doth not more cause the eye to dazle then the viewing and beholding of this glorie which God communicateth with his beloued ones doth astonish and abash the heart to thinke of it which is so true that Dauid the man of God did many yeeres after hee felt himselfe beloued of God fall into this holie admiration as that God should doe such great things for his soule as deliuer him from the neathermost graue by which he meant hell And therefore it cannot be without grosse bewitching of many professors by Sathan that if they haue at the hearing of this tidings published meruailed a little they thinke they haue receiued this benefit with that reuerent account that it deserueth though after it waxeth a common thing with them for this they say it were foolish daily to bee wondring at one thing as when we first heard of it Full well all such declare what fruite they reape by it but if they did daily consider their vnworthines they should see more cause to wonder euery day then at the first if comparison may bee made in such a case It is to be wondred at that God pardoneth sinnes daily in that his mercie continueth daily to pardon them and for that
it being so great should bee so induring also For who can thinke vppon his slippes and rebellions I speake of the best of vs which breake foorth from him daily for the which the wrath of God is iustly prouoked against him and what might bee feared thereby and how notwithstanding them all hee may come to God for refuge by Christ and bee without feare as if hee had not sinned yea and hold fast his confidence that God yet loueth him who I say can consider this but hee must needes bee astonished at the inioying of so great kindnes when a cursed man no better then ourselues must be sued vnto and intreated by vs and all the friends that we can make and being displeased must be pacified with gifts and yet hardly holden from vexing imprisoning and pursuing vs to the death and may not be intreated Therefore magnifie the louing kindnes of our God for euer euen as it indureth for euer Psalm 118.4 For though naturall reason euen flesh beare a great stroke in this matter yet wee are not debtters to it and we haue great cause whiles we liue to doe this So that although I confesse that in nature it is otherwise that a man cannot alwaies admire the greatnes of some rare deliuerance or fortunate estate befallen him by his friend which at the first raised great admiration yet it ought to be farre otherwise with the spirituall man being a beleeuing Christian he I say hauing the louing countenance of God shining daily vppon him as before which is a treasure vnualuable should wonder at the continuance of it especially seeing he prouoking the Lord with his sinnes daily renued might therefore feare that such former comforts as had been inioyed might haue been turned into as great sorrowes and his light into darknes rather then be continued and multiplied And this he shall do vnles through vnthankfulnes the corruption of nature leading him thereto hee burie the same in obliuion and begin to affect too much and to bee ouer neere glued to things present and temporarie setting the creature before the Creator and the gift before the giuer For thereby he shall no doubt slacke his meruailing at that kindnes of God that hath neuer end although it be most precious whereas otherwise he shall be able from day to day to beare downe all transitorie things before him with the estimation and high prizing of it And this of the second companion of faith namely holy admiring the greatnes of Gods kindnes But that I may not dwell vpon this matter who haue purposed but in brief manner to shew what a traine of heauenly companions do attend vpon this faith and certaintie of Gods eternall fauour and to leaue the meditation of and vpon it to the reuerent and deuout reader Another therefore is heartie and vnfained loue in him who feeleth this loue of God shed into his heart returned to him againe The which although in hollownes and hypocrisie the most affirme boldly to be in them towards God before they haue found and felt themselues to be beloued of him yet the Scripture teacheth vs that it is farre otherwise seeing we haue not loued him but he hath loued vs first But when we see indeed what great things God hath done for vs from what dreadfull bondage he hath deliuered vs vnto the which in all our life we were in danger and to what gracious liberties and priuiledges he hath restored vs by forgiuing vs all our sinnes then we see iust cause to say with the Prophet I loue the Lord because he hath done so great good things for my soule and with the woman to be thus affected that seeing many sinnes are forgiuen vs therefore wee must needes loue much So that although before this we were louers of pleasures more then louers of God as others are yet now that we know Gods bountifulnes towards vs and the vanitie of our fond delights we haue our harts more set vpon God then vpon the best pleasures which we inioy And although sometime before this wee loued father mother friends goods more then God when wee were meerely naturall yet now that wee know God yea rather are knowne of God we haue our hearts set on him as being our chiefe treasure For this our spirituall kindred with Iesus Christ hath knit vs to him with a farre more neere bond of loue and therefore wee rest in him ioy in him and satisfie our selues with him for there shall be euer cause so to doe and that without wearines There is no end of his bountie and kindnes his mercie indureth for euer and who doth not see that such infinite loue of God to vs may prouoke and raise vp in vs truth of loue to him againe that we be euer filled with the fulnes of him as it is said of the spouse in the Canticles I am full of loue yea sicke chap. 5.8 And yet they who shall say to vs for thus doing What is thy welbeloued more then another welbeloued We may answere them that know not the loue of our welbeloued Our welbeloued is the chiefest of ten thousand wholy delectable his head as fine gold c. Cant. 5.10 But indeede I must say except wee haue tasted of this our loue shall be cold enough towards him as may be seene too commonly euen in many who worship God with vs that all the loue and mercie of God which they boast of cannot make them forsake their vile lusts But to proceede where these before mentioned are found how can there be but vnfained thankfulnes and acknowledging of this gift of God to his great praise when we shall weigh what he hath done for our soules and what solace he hath filled our liues withall which otherwise must needs be full of deadnes or deceiueable and vnsauourie follie They must of necessitie worke the same affections in vs which were in the man of God mentioned in the Psal 116.12 What shall I giue vnto the Lord for all his mercies I will praise his name before his congregation and commit my selfe wholy to his gouernment hereafter who heretofore hath regarded me so gratiously yea and we shall be prouoked daily to this honouring of him euen to sing a new song of praises to him who will renew his kindnes and goodnes daily vpon vs still so that we shall say that his first receiuing of vs was but the beginning of our happines So it shall follow that our hearts being daily exercised in praise and thanksgiuing the more wee doe it the more wee shall see cause to doe it still and so shall waxe thankfull still in all that God sendeth and so in all parts of our life euen in our troubles as it is written In all things be thankfull And although the world see none other cause but to murmure and rage in their afflictions yet shal we see Gods fauour to vs euen in them and knowing that they turne as well
saued he honoreth him who will saue him for his loue constraineth him so to doe Which although it bee most true and will be granted of the greater part yet because many content themselues to affirme it onely and other in a generall manner doe coldly goe about it I meane to honour God and shew foorth the fruits of faith which they think they haue as though any little would serue I thinke it very meete to set downe some speciall proofes of it that cannot be excepted against And first by that place to Titus The grace of God that hath appeared teacheth vs to denie vngodlines and worldly lusts and to liue holily righteously and soberly in this present life he saith plainly if we be once inlightened by that diuine grace and gift of the Gospell to see our selues partakers of saluation we are by the same knowledge taught and so learne it to renounce our old conuersation So that euen as a scholler plainly taught by his master becommeth skilfull in those points wherein he was instructed so is a man taught to see God worthie all honour and to giue it him by casting away the workes of darknes when he seeth that he hath brought him out of most wofull bondage into the glorious libertie of Gods children And is it any meruaile For what will we not be readie to doe for such a one as hath but once saued our liues from death How much more doe all they which know that they are discharged for euer from fearefull damnation see infinite causes why they should chaunge their wicked liues which so much displeased God and are also readie to doe the same Be not therefore deceiued God is not mocked by them who professe they looke to be saued and doe not bring foorth fruiteworthie amendment It is not a bare wandring desire to please God which this pretious faith and assurance of saluation worketh but it frameth also the man vnto it and teacheth him in some true and acceptable measure to goe about it The tidings of this treasure appeared so glorious to Agrippa being a King and therefore acquainted with earthly felicitie and a Heathen and therefore vnfit to see very easily into spirituall things yet this appeared so glorious tidings to him when he heard it by Paul not preaching in the pulpit but standing a prisoner at the barre that it caused him at the first to say Thou hast almost perswaded me to become a Christian And therefore he who hath not onely heard a sound of this heauenly newes with his eares which yet did weigh equally against a Princes kingdome in a Heathen mans iudgement but hath beleeued it to bee his owne and that for euer doe we thinke that any thing will be thought too deare for him who hath freely giuen it him And therefore when I see one cursed man raile against the doctrine of Gods word and his faithfull seruants another to loue the Christian life but from teeth outward and diuers men diuersly bewitched but all of them to loue darknes more then light because their deedes are euill Ioh. 3.19 I meruaile not at it they do after their nature and kind As they are not obedient to the will of God so neither indeed can they be who yet for all this know not any cause why they should accuse themselues but if they might see what kindnes God offereth them euen to bee made happie and might beleeue the same ye should see them changed as sensible as euer was Saul of a persecutor to become a preacher so they of oppressors mercifull persons and restorers of that which was ill gotten and of prophane holy and so to bee conuerted as that wee might say of them compared to the best seruants of God the lambe and the lion doe eate together But to let these goe as too grosse I would wish such to weigh these Scriptures aright who will take no nay but that they belong to Gods election when yet their goodnes is as the morning dew soone vanishing and blowne away or as a cake halfe baken Let them see how well this becommeth them to bee sometime forward sometime backward in some things zealous and yeelding to the will of God in othersome sinning against their owne knowledge and when they be straying from dutie to make no haste to it againe neither to see that any thing is amisse in them nay to be put in minde and reproued though neuer so iustly and kindly they cannot beare it It must in no waies bee denied them that they beleeue and are sure to be saued but where is the spirit which S. Paul speaketh of in those which know themselues saued which as an husband ruleth and beareth sway which commaundeth holy and heauenly motions and affections into the heart not suffering poysoned and earthly corruptions to defile the same where is that authoritie and gouernment ouer the members of the minde and bodie as ouer a wife that they may bee well ordred where are the traines and companies of all sorts of good fruites as their children and comely ornaments also beautifull to adorne and set out their liues when a professor of the Gospell shall not be able to denie that his heart is corrupt by fretting raging and vnquietnes for euery small trifle and yet not once trembling for it nor saying what haue I done or els loose vaine and foolish by other occasions and all this without repentance Where is his testimonie that his heart is a good treasurie and nurserie of good things when his tongue shall be walking not onely vnnecessarily and idly but in vnsauourie and offensiue speech in foolish iesting taunting railing mocking lying swearing slandering currish and churlish speaking how are the powers and members of the bodie in subiection as a wife vnto the power of Christ which ruleth as an husband in the heart of Gods beloued ones where is those mens religion which S. Iames boldly saith is none where the tongue is thus vngouerned what shew soeuer be made thereof And so I might goe forward to conuince many of our countrimen who haue often heard me and other of Gods Ministers vrging them after the same manner in our Sermons and doe know I tell them the truth that such things are in them indeed who yet seeme to be religious I haue said it oft and now say it with griefe that all these who haue such things raigning in them are not onely their owne enemies but also to our preaching of the Gospell of Christ neither is their reioycing good who glorie in their faith and hope when yet they are thus earthly and carnally minded They must know it howsoeuer they beleeue that God hath ioyned with faith vertue and godlines patience temperance and that who so beleeueth is thereby turned from his old conuersation For mine owne part I haue long misliked this haste and sudden shewes of great repentance in men who in their first acquaintance with the word
preached to them haue not only professed that they haue repented when besides some gripes of grief they haue not knowne what repentance meaneth but they haue thought themselues able almost on the sudden to censure yea to condemne other and teach them and so although with boldnes enough ioyned with as much ignorance they haue taken in hand to doe I speake not of such as are humbled in their hearts for their sinne who desire nothing more then to be set at libertie from the feare which oppresseth them learning daily to beleeue and to be grounded therein who dare no otherwise beleeue their sinnes forgiuen them then they walke humbly before God and men but of such as passe from sorrow for sin without faith to newnes of life as they imagine which was neuer nor euer shall be attained leauing the learning of faith and assurance of Gods fauour which is the beginning and worker of all new life as a thing soone gotten and therefore it is so sleightly laboured for of them and so to seeke with thē for want of thorough prouing whether they haue it or no that many are driuen againe to seeke for it many yeeres after they thought they had been sure of it yea and that which is more to be lamented many of them neuer attaine vnto it at all It standeth with no sound reason that young beginners in learning of any trade should by and by become occupiers and setters vp or that they should rule well who haue neuer learned to obey so it standeth not with religion that they should count themselues good Christians or that they should be so indeede who haue not tasted of Christ and the benefit thereof neither learned him as the truth is in him that is to put off the old man with his affections and lusts and to put on the new and who haue not felt him so good and bountifull to them that for his sake they be readie to doe any thing This I haue spoken by occasion of the matter in hand namely that faith bringeth alwaies with it new life in so much that when it is ouermatched with the fleshly corruption yet it raiseth sighings and striuings in the heart till it be subdued that I might at least preuaile with some of my brethren that they please not themselues in thinking they haue faith when their liues are filled not only with many offensiue actions but also with custome and commons in the same whereas he which is honored with the title of Gods seruant must be known by the liuerie of vncorrupt life and proue by his sauour and smell of good conuersation that he came from God and is not of the earth that so he may shew himselfe to be a man of God indeed his rootes must be fastened as the trees of Lebanon he must flourish as the Lillie and finde the graces of God as dew to quicken them For of this be we sure that whatsoeuer men alleage why their liues cannot beare the mould and print of sound doctrine and yet they will needes goe for the approoued seruants of God it is a strong delusion which perswadeth them so And therefore seeing the Scripture doth as I haue said so fully and so often set downe this truth vnto vs that such as haue obtained mercy of God are taught and guided by him ought not men to settle themselues to another course then in times past they walked in being now deliuered from so great bondage For to that end as they haue heard they were deliuered Wherefore if any be assured of saluation let them either willingly be subiect to the Lords yoke I meane his commandements and commit their whole life to him to be gouerned and be diligent to doe good workes or else let them hold their peace for they are nothing lesse as in time it shall appeare and hath done already in many such as they are to their cost and be they well assured that God will not be slacke to reuenge such boldnes But I will shut vp this matter in one sentence Saint Paul to the Ephesians most liuely describeth this life which is to be led of them which are sure of Gods fauour saying Put off or lay aside as concerning your conuersation past that old man that is that corrupt nature and so the powers of your mind and bodie which were infected with deceiueable lusts and be renued in the spirit of your mindes euen where the force of reason should be greatest that so you may put on the new man which is to be sanctified that the powers of your bodies and mindes may be renued and changed also so shall ye be framed to bring forth righteousnesse and true holinesse wherein ye shall carrie some resemblance of God CHAP. 3. That for the leading of a godly life is required faith in the temporall promises of God and hartie assent and credit to the commaundements also and threatnings in the word of God as well as faith to be saued NOw I haue shewed that true iustifying faith and a godly life must of necessitie goe together and that the one cannot be without the other I will goe to the second point in this first generall head or part and proue that it is necessarie to the leading of a godly life to beleeue and giue credit to the whole doctrine of the word of God to be led and guided thereby as well as to haue faith in the promises of saluation and forgiuenes of sinnes This I say therefore that he which beleeueth in Christ to saluation must not stay himselfe and rest therein only as though he were giuen vnto vs of his father to be our righteousnesse only and to make for vs a way to eternall life but to be our wisdome also to make vs wise our sanctification to make vs holy and also our redemption and deliuerance to ridde vs in his good time from all calamities and miseries which here befall vs This he that truly beleeueth must be perswaded of and that all the promises of this life and of the life to come which serue to confirme him in obedience whether the great and principall as of the graces of the spirit or the smaller as of bodily safety and preseruation from dangers so farre as they shall be good for him doe belong vnto him And beside both these he must beleeue that both all the commaundements which teach obedience and the threatnings because they restraine the contrarie are set downe for him particularlie as well as for any other to binde his conscience thereunto these also I say must he beleeue according to that of Saint Paul Whatsoeuer things are written aforetime as either promises threats or commaundements they are written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope So that he is bound to depend vpon this word of God written in the canonicall Scriptures and to build his faith
thereon in such wise that he dares ieopard his soule vpon the truth and doctrine of them euen as he is to looke for saluation only by our Lord Iesus Christ euer counting that for sinne which shall be found to iarre or iangle with the same either in his heart or life But though all who haue hope to be saued should doe this yet it is manifest they doe not They make not conscience of many sinnes they looke not to many promises they feare not many threats all which doe much testifie against them that they be not so well fenced as they might be and by meanes hereof they holde euen the promise of saluation it selfe more weakely And this commeth to passe the more commonly that they be no better stablished and rooted in the truth to beleeue it because these things as they be worthiest and most excellent so they be not plainely soundly and thoroughly beaten into the people and that againe and againe till they that are willing haue them for their owne And another cause is for that the people who haue some taste of this doctrine namely how they should ioyne good life with their faith take not paine when they haue been well taught them to call them to minde and digest them onely they haue pieces and fragments of many good points but rarely it shall be found that one Christian among many groweth to see this which I now speake of by teaching much lesse hath it in vse and practise for his owne that is to giue credit to one part of the word as well as to another and not euery one to take that which liketh him And therefore when they haue some work of true faith in them yet they see not how to set vpon repentance and a godly life how to begin and how to proceede therein but are off and on now forward then backward and scarcely at any time setled and staied the which although it be so in great part through their owne weaknes yet is it also in respect of their ignorance I speake of the better sort of people and such as haue receiued the first fruites of the spirit Whereas if they were perswaded that they ought to make conscience of all sound doctrine that they heare and to giue assent to euery part of the word of God and submit themselues thereto promises threats and commandements they should hold more firmely the perswasion of their saluation and also be better prepared how to flie euill and how to doe dutie and how to trust God in all kindes of his promises Therefore it is said to the Hebrues To vs was the Gospell preached as also vnto them but the word that they heard profited not them because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it Againe Without faith it is impossible to please God With the which agreeth that which is written by S. Paul to the Romanes Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne that is whatsoeuer we doe not being perswaded in our consciences that we please God in doing of it we sinne against him Now then when our iudgements be not setled in this doctrine and truth and consequently we follow no such rule in our actions must wee not needes wander vp and downe the more vnprofitably and heauily or when we be at the best must we not needs be doubtfull and vncertaine whether wee please God or no whereas our chiefe care should be least we doe any thing which might crase or cracke our faith especially when it is tender and weake and like the bruised reede which is easily broken Therefore if any beleeue to be saued let them beleeue also that they shall be sanctified for with one and the same faith we beleeue both and that they shall receiue grace from God to bring foorth fruites of amendment of life and that they shall be made able by him through the hearing of the holie Scriptures to cast off their old conuersation This faith much auaileth to the furthering of the deare children of God in a godly course euen at their first comming vnto God as it doth alwaies after to liue by it And although God by the same spirit regenerateth them by the which he assureth them of their adoption yet is it wrought in them much more hardly and in greater feare when they doe not first know and be perswaded in their iudgements that it shall be so And though it can be but weake in any at their first conuersion to God yet shall they sooner wade through their doubts and grow out of their feare if they haue this faith as a foundation to vphold them and incourage them to goe about it But otherwise they shall faint and feare oft times and be without hope nothing is more cleere then this if we obserue it in weake christians And thus must they be perswaded also concerning all blessing good successe deliuerance out of troubles or patience and meekenes to beare them as well as to beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes and finally whatsoeuer God saith in his word either the forbidding of any sinne or the requiring of any dutie they are bound to beleeue it as the truth of God to depend vpon it and to be built vpon it and to trust him vpon his bare word and to suffer themselues to be led by it and that because it is his word hauing in them alwaies a setled purpose to doe so and this is called by the Apostle the obedience of faith For they must be resolued of this that to whom God giues Christ to them also he giues all things needfull for this life and the life to come in and by Christ And thus Noah did not only beleeue that he was made heire of righteousnesse but also that he and certaine of his household should be saued in the flood and Abraham likewise beleeued not only that he was iustified but also went to a place which he knew not only seeing God commaunded and abode in the land of promise as in a strange countrey and beleeued that he should haue a sonne in his olde age And they who beleeued among the Israelites in the Sauiour which was to come of whom Moses though darkely had taught before the same beleeued other promises as that the walles of Iericho should fall downe after they had bin compassed about seuen daies Many other such examples who shewed themselues not only to beleeue the promise of forgiuenes of sinnes and of eternall life but also other temporall promises yea and precepts also and threats which God had set downe in his word very profitable for vs to this purpose many such I say both thoroughout the Scriptures and namely in that eleuenth chapter to the Hebrues are set downe vnto vs. And this generall faith so called for that it giueth assent and credit to the word of God in the elect as well to one part as to another with an honest heart ready to
it and after And according to the prouerbe like tree like fruite for a good man out of the good treasurie of his heart bringeth forth good things and the wicked man out of the ill treasurie of his heart bringeth forth euill things This heart of man therefore must be good and holy and pure it must be brought to yeeld and submit it selfe willinglie to better instruction then naturallie it hath been acquainted with that so it may bring forth fruite of amendment of life and be readilie disposed vnto euery good worke But as I sayd that men may not deceiue themselues who for the most part being ignorant about the heart and the nature and properties of it doe thinke that they may liue godlie whatsoeuer corruption doth infect the heart it shall be requisite to know it better and how all godlinesse is but fantasie or hypocrisie vnto the heart be reformed and changed We must haue it clensed and well seasoned and afterwards kept so that it may be no longer an enemie to vs or an hinderer of vs in any of our good actions but contrarilie that by the helpe of it we may dailie goe forward in well doing at least by striuing or after a repulse to returne againe For this we are to know that the heart of man before it be emptied is a dungeon of iniquitie before it be inlightened a denne of darkenes before it be clensed a puddle of filthinesse and that which Saint Iames speaketh of the tongue may much more be said of the heart that before it be tamed it is an vnruly euill If then such an heart be the guide of our life how monstrous and loathsome must that life needes be Hereby therefore it is cleere that the heart must be purged of this corruption as I haue said it must be changed from this nature and custome that when any departing from sinne should be or any dutie to God offered this may not be a pulbacke and hinderer but ready to giue consent thereunto and a furtherer thereof in subduing the corruption of the same from time to time For who seeth not that this were otherwise a toile most tedious yea a thing altogether impossible as oft as we should goe about any good dutie then to haue our heart to seeke as they say and to be set in frame as if an husbandman should alwaies be driuen to mend and sharpen his plough share when and as oft as he tilleth the ground or a Carpenter to grinde his tooles so oft as he goeth to worke but much more seeing the heart is backward and not willing and ready to any good thing yea rather rebellious against it must not all of necessitie the more preposterouslie goe forward But to proceede more particularlie to anatomize and describe the heart and in few words to say much of it we must know that it is ouerspread with vnbeleefe deceitfull vnruly loose hardned wilfull vaine idle blockish cold in goodnes and without sauour and soone wearie of it high big proude disdainefull selfe-louing vncharitable vnkind conceited impatient angry fierce enuious reuenging vnmercifull froward and tuchie churlish sullen medling worldly filthie and vncleane louing pleasure more than godlinesse vnprofitable repining earthlie greedie or couetous idolatrous superstitious vnreuerent hypocriticall disobedient to betters iudging rashlie hardlie reconciled and in a word prone to all euill is it not then hardlie tamed Which must needes be graunted when the most part of people vnder the Gospell doe either not know nor suspect this and therefore are farre from abilitie to hunt these corruptions out and they who know it doe yet loue them as their owne flesh and therefore be neuer the neerer to the purging out or remouing of them It is not without cause therefore that Salomon saith there are seuen abominations in the heart that is many And Ieremy in like manner affirmeth that the heart of man is deceitfull and deepe aboue all things who can gage or search it out Euen I the Lord saith God am the searcher or finder out of it Therefore also our Sauiour to set out the nature of the heart saith Out of the heart come euill thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false testimonies slaunders Must it not then needes be a filthie sinkehole out of which so vnsauorie stinkes doe arise So that it may truly be said the heart of man is euill aboue measure and in the kindes thereof in number as the sparkles that come out of the furnace and as the sand of the sea shore which is innumer●●le And what should I say more The time would be too short to proceed further and I shall haue occasion in another place to speake of the same But by the way this is worthilie to be lamented that where the Scripture is so plentifull in describing and setting out of the manifold and foule defilements of the heart that men are so blind in vnderstanding them and see so little when the holy Ghost bewraieth so much And hereof it is that they feare so little danger and suspect so little hurt to be comming towards them thereby in the middest of so great and iust cause to feare and suspect both For who is merrier or more secure than he that hath most sinne in his heart to witnes against him Which being so who doth not see that such a draft-house is to be emptied and that much grace and water of life had neede to be poured in to sweeten and season it before it be fit to be imployed to good vse and to be made a temple for the holy Ghost to dwell in and a good treasurie that out of it a good man may bring forth good things Yea an admirable thing it is that it should euer be brought to good But to go forward now to shew what this purging of the heart is and how it should be purged For the first we must know that it is a renuing in holines and righteousnes by little and little of all true beleeuers they being first deliuered and freed from the tyranie of sinne and feare of damnation for a man is no sooner set at libertie from the feare of euerlasting death and the wrath of God but he is also sensiblie drawne to let goe his holde and interest in sinne which before he had and feeleth the same to receiue a deadly wound in him and the power thereof to be abated and crucified And so findeth that verified in him which the Apostle setteth downe to the Romans that is to say How can such as are dead to sinne liue any longer therein And withall he is quickened and sensiblie stirred vp to a loue and earnest desire of things holy and heauenlie euen that he may please God and being renued in the spirit of his minde doth affect and long after righteousnesse and true holines And herein consisteth this purging and changing of the heart which I now speake of and such a thing it is shewing
warning by his word he doth further bewray them and set them out in deed to be knowne such as he neuer tooke pleasure in by suffering now and then here and there in all ages some such to hang and drowne themselues or to die in despaire or other miserable manner if possibly he might bring some of the rest to repentance These perswade themselues that they doe liue godly and yet by apparant proofe of Scripture may see plainelie that they doe not so for of such our Sauiour speaketh when he saith to his Disciples Matth. 5.20 Except your righteousnesse exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisies ye cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen These it feareth me to vtter it but that it is Gods truth as farre off as they be from Gods kingdome goe in sundrie points farre before the two former sorts who yet thinke their estate to be good Oh therefore how many perish And yet some of all these three sorts are sometime pricked in conscience and sore disquieted in themselues for their sinnes which is hardly procured and wrought in the most hearers no not euen by oft and sound teaching but yet in deed this is only a slauish terrifying of them for feare of the punishment in which feare they doe also confesse their sinne and that in teares somtime There may be seene in them also a leauing for the time of some of their old euill qualities that a man would marueile at them as Iohn Baptist did when he saw the Pharisies resort to his baptisme For this is but externall in some things and for a season as Herod who did many things at Iohn his teaching and as Ephraim in Osee whose goodnes was as the morning dew In their trouble they seeke the Lord but they seeke him not as they who would find him for then would they not leaue off to seeke vntil they had found him as the church did in the Canticles chap. 3.3.4 Neither doe they regard his waies when their trouble is ended as Iob speaketh describing the hypocrite thus The hypocrite doth not pray that is serue God alwaies meaning in one condition of life as in another in peace as in trouble Yea more particularly whē God smiteth and plagueth them either by their enemies diseases losses and such like they couenant religiously with him that they will neuer fall from him any more but they flatter him with their mouth and dissemble with their tongue their heart is not vpright with him neither are they faithfull in his couenant They will sharply tell others of their faults though they be but small yea though they be but so in their opinion as though they could not abide that God should bee dishonoured but they themselues will not take a reproofe they hate to be reformed They are zealous in some things but it breaketh out many waies not to haue been true godlines by their inconstant feruencie and other passions They heare the word of God willingly sometimes and some of them speake of it with ioy and wonder at the heauenly wisedome of it but it vanisheth away and fleeteth whereas if it had been sound it would haue increased and continued as the hearbe that taketh roote in good ground becommeth fruitfull So they attaine to many good gifts of God whereby one would thinke sometimes that they were not farre from eternall life but they either burie them in a napkin and doe no good with them or vse them amisse as Iudas did Christs communion with him to their owne hurt while they dare bee bolder by meanes of these good gifts to offend God then if they had them not But if I should reckon vp the beadrolles of grosse faults which they suffer in themselues and nourish yet vnder the name of infirmities it should easily appeare to such as haue any iudgement in the Scriptures that they cannot be reckoned among the beleeuers and beloued of the Lord. For howsoeuer he gather his elect out of all these kinds yet are none of them to be accounted for his while they abide and continue so From these faults therefore let the beleeuers separate themselues A fourth sort and those diuers from these now mentioned may be added who being sore stumbling blockes and offences to many deserue to bee reprooued with the former ye shall know them by the description which I set downe of them by rehearsing their particuler properties who if they repent not will in the end though I hope better of some of them prooue no better then the rest Among whom they are to bee counted who seeming to be of the forwarder sort doe yet offend dangerously and suffer the same blemishes before men to breake foorth in countenance speech behauiour against such as they mislike though farre better then themselues which testifie that their hearts are inwardly poysoned in the sight of God who for their zeale that they haue towards the worship of God do thinke so well of themselues that they cannot brooke nor abide any other who differ from them in iudgement about some things though they haue no cleere ground in the word of God And if they bee at variance with any how honest and godlie soeuer yet cannot affoord them a Christian and friendly countenance nor speake a word to them without taunting girding rating or wounding them and in their absence deface and defame them very vncharitably for somewhat which they mislike in them and yet oft times without any iust cause at all Yea and some of them being themselues but priuate men but put the case some of them bee in the Ministerie and men vnlearned doe make it a great piece of their religion to censure sharply and descant arrogantly of their betters and superiours so that it is well knowne that many of them haue turned vtterly to become Schismatikes and others haue not been farre from them Which kind of zealous professors I do the more boldly reproue because some haue thought me a fauourer of such their readines in receiuing the Gospell I haue well liked and as I haue been able furthered it but this arrogant bold and vncharitable spirit of theirs bringing forth such fruit as I haue mentioned neuer taught them in any sound Ministerie I vtterlie mislike and haue done from time to time since I had any iudgement Who hauing been content for some yeeres space to be taught as seeing great need thereof haue in a few yeeres I may say moneths outgrowne their teachers in their owne iudgements and haue thought almost none of them good and meete enough or sufficient for them and therefore some of them haue giuen themselues as they say to grow by their priuate reading when they might haue been taught also in the publike assemblie which some of them refuse to doe especially by the ministerie of such as they are exasperated against and so for the seruing of their owne cankred humour they sinne against God in breaking one
with Peter if they haue fallen with him when yet the wicked shall lie still and waxe worse But ye demaund and would needes haue me answere whether I can warrant such as feare God that they shall neuer fall into some reprochfull and dangerous euill as other men doe as well as they may breake out some other waies If I might answere a wise and sober demaunder I would not refuse to speake my minde although it may in part be gathered by that which I haue said alreadie vnto such a one therefore I say for if any other see his owne practise not to agree with my answere let him impute it to his owne sinne rather then to my rashnes I say therefore seeing rare and deare seruants of God haue fallen thus into shamefull sinnes it may seeme scarce possible for the best in these latter times being far inferiour to some of them in grace to be free from the like fearefull falles But yet wee must know that some other of his good people God hath preserued from that kinde of shamefull sinnes and staines as Enoch Abraham Caleb Iosua with many others and therefore it may of vs be hoped for especially seeing it is no other thing then we are commanded to haue speciall regard and care of that is to liue without iust reproch in the middest of a crooked generation and vnstained Saint Peter saith If ye haue these things ye shall neuer fall that is dangerously to take any great hurt thereby Therefore by these and such other perswasions wee ought to be incouraged for to vs there is good hope to obtaine grace hereunto But seeing all Gods children cannot alike be perswaded that they ought to giue all diligence hereunto euen that they may be vnrebukeable amongst men as Paul did and so taught other to doe but thinke it impossible to liue so constantly but that they shall sometime breake out dangerously Therefore such must be taught wisedome by experience and some of them being more proud then others must haue their pride humbled and healed by such medicines for grieuous falles are phisick for pride and many who haue some grace but not the grace which is sufficient for them are daungerously proud because they haue not fallen shamefully that is into some odious crime and yet they haue fallen shamefully if they could see it in that they are dangerously proud If God therefore seeth it meete to abate their pride thereby they may possibly fall after such a manner Or if it be for the more manifesting of his glorie in forgiuing them so great a trespasse they may also fall dangerously This doth our mercifull father see expedient oftentimes as both in Peter and Dauid it came to passe as also in others who doubtlesse loued the Lord more then some others of his faithfull people which neuer fell in that manner as Peters answere and Dauids Psalmes doe cleerely testifie yea and such loued him the more Luk. 7.47 euen for that very cause seeing they obtained mercie against so great sinnes of theirs and fearefull iniquitie Yea and to adde a third end God is highly magnified by others which know and see this that hee hath forgiuen so great offences in such as haue fallen grieuously who otherwise beholding the heauenly course of such excellent seruants of his how holie and sincere it was saue in some such offence should haue been vtterly discouraged yea and like to haue despaired of their owne good estate and the rather for the high opinion that they conceiued of them if they had not seene or heard of these their falles For these causes therefore the Lord may and often hath let some of his deare seruants fall dangerously first for the humbling of them and secondly for that they may see his exceeding bountifulnes in pardoning so great sinnes that they may loue him the more and thirdly that others farre weaker then they yet faithfull may be incouraged to beleeue that their sins shall be pardoned and their weake seruice accepted of him for as much as they haue seene that God hath pardoned great offences in some otherwise farre more excellent then they which if they were not perswaded of should be discouraged much because of the great graces and gifts in them farre exceeding those which are in themselues And otherwise or in other respects they neede not feare that God taketh any pleasure to cast them downe who desire to stand when his propertie is rather to raise vp them that are fallen or that hee seeketh euery aduantage against their infirmities who doth not look streightly what is done amisse of them but helpe their weakenes supplie their wants and deliuer them from such dangers as they feare so far as it is expedient or els make them able to beare them For proofe whereof they may remember how he kept them when they had small skill or abilitie to keepe themselues after that they first imbraced his promises will hee not much more keepe them safe now they haue experience of his kindnes and the power of Christ working in them Nay that which is more when they were his enemies he gaue his sonne to die for them and now they are reconciled vnto him and approued of him as his beloued ones shall they not much more be preserued by his liuing in glorie from the fearefull iudgements which in his wrath he executeth against the vngodly of the world Therefore if thou beest grounded and established in faith and holdest fast the beginning of thine ingrafting into Christ be of good comfort thy greatest danger is past for can he that loueth thee dearely meane hardly against thee Is there with him yea and nay with whom there is no shadow of chaunge The Lord witnessing to that which I say with reuerence and thankfulnes beleeue it either thou shalt not fall reprochfully or if thou doest it shall be thus as I haue said euen so as it shal turne to thy good and it neede to be to thy great good which cannot be without the great offence of so many as shall know it For though such as shall perish may turne this which I say to their owne great hurt as they doe the Scriptures also seeing to the vncleane all things are vncleane yet if thou shouldest slide the Lord would hold thee vp and make thee stand more constantly after The world seeth no whit of this but counteth it all arrogancie boasting and falsehood because indeed they beleeue no more then they see or then their reason and fleshly wisedome can prie into which is an vtter enemie to this heauenly truth but ô faith what pretious secrets art thou able to reueale to vs of Gods minde and will and how safe is he yea in this dangerous wildernes of the world in whom thou dwellest seeing the Lord hath said This is the victorie that ouercommeth the world euen our faith And this for answere
them their sinne is their owne and shall double their punishment in as much as they haue deceiued our hope which we had of them for if there were any sparke of goodnes in them our good hope of them would make them ashamed to deceiue our expectation Yet let vs not be fooles in iudging well of them whose mindes and purposes we know to be euill by their words conuersation and long knowledge of them or by such like testimonies of their profanenes and boldnes in sinne for that were vnsauorie and silly foolishnes and whiles we would goe about to be charitable to shew our selues vngodly in calling euill good and to forget the commaundement of our Sauiour who saith beware of men therefore much more beware how ye commend them Of such we should make no scruple nor doubt to know and thinke of them to be wicked as they be and to giue warning to others who are simple and innocent and therefore might easily be deceiued and mocked by them as Peter did to them who were conuerted when he said to them Saue your selues from this froward generation meaning those who had been their companions Thus it behooueth vs to examine our dealings with our neighbors credit and good name that as we haue learned to thinke and conceiue so we teach our tongues to speake the best of all men and ill of none whose doings haue not in an obstinate and stifnecked manner spoken worse of themselues so that they haue cast away their good name themselues although more pretious then gold and not we who giue that due to them in making this account of them which they themselues seeme to desire and doe most truely deserue So we shall in this part of righteousnes also as in the former make our reioycing sound But aboue all that hath been said of this argument let our chiefest care be that we staine not our owne good name and credit any way but maintaine and preserue it The last part of dutie to our neighbour is to acquaint our hearts with the thoughts and desires of his good and to bring our selues to this custome and practise that whatsoeuer in these fiue former precepts and fountaines of neighbourly dutie we are commaunded to performe to him the same by vertue of this we oft wish desire and delight in seeing our God will haue it so that thus the contrarie lustings after that which is his may as the most vnsauorie vomit be cast vp and auoyded of vs. But this dutie of desiring that our neighbour may prosper which should be felt to dwell in vs as a daily guest and which should rise vp and lie downe with vs and throughout our course accompanie vs behold it is at this day such a stranger to the most euen who goe for good Christians that it is almost buried amongst men saue that God of his goodnes hath some few who keepe it in remembrance that the rest may know that such practise he looketh for of all his seruants For though it be written in the booke of God neuer to be raced out by the Serpents subtiltie yet except some liuely paterne of it may be seene in mens liues the practise of it as of many other excellent truths beside doe grow into vnaccustomednes euen as the manifest and cleere path being not vsually troden is soone couered with weedes and grasse And this part of righteousnes must finde more care in vs for the performance of it because the well regarding of this dutie maketh vs the better able to serue our neighbour in all the former And ought we not to weane our hearts from dreaming after any thing that is his when wee can in no wise abide that the like measure should be offered vs and also because wee haue consecrated our hearts to the Lords vse to bee taken vp in the delighting in those things which please him And if wee loue him wee should consider that loue thinketh none euill of our neighbour nor intendeth any hurt against him yet when his profits and lawfull liberties and delights are wished to be ours I denie not but we can and doe perswade our selues that for all this we loue him but the Scripture which saith as ye would that men should doe vnto you euen so doe ye vnto them shall condemne vs for it Alas doe we not see that all the incouragements and helpes which wee haue in this life through the exceeding naughtines of our hearts are all little enough to carrie vs through all hindrances and shall we then adde sorrow to sorrow vpon such as wee our selues are or repine that they may more easily go on to eternall life by such helpes as God giueth them and therefore desire that which is pretious to them that so they may be holden backe if not vtterly oppressed through the want of them with heauines It was farre from him who said I would thou wert altogether as I am that is vnfainedly a Christian but yet without the bands which I haue Therefore let vs know and rest in this that the marke which we must aime at is this that in liuing with our neighbor we desire neither his hurt in person goods or name but count it the greatest ioy y t wee haue by our fellowship and acquaintance with him when we can reioyce in his welfare prosperitie both outward and inward and therefore heartily desire and wish it from time to time and in one thing as well as in another and giue those thoughts or lusts small rest in vs which stirre vs to the contrarie That so wee may declare that we haue the same spirit which was in the Apostle which taught him to say I wish that thou prosperedst euen as thy soule prospereth And here to shut vp this matter with a word or two of sobrietie which is a vertue more properly concerning our selues rather then the person of God or our neighbour consisting in the moderating of our affections in the vse of things lawfull this I say in few words that we must haue speciall care to vse al our lawfull liberties both in the workes of our calling and in buying selling moderatly and aright And the same I say of eating drinking mariage recreation prosperitie youth age beautie friends strength because I would briefly conclude with the Apostle in this wise This I say brethren because the time is short hereafter that they which haue wiues be as though they had none and they that weepe as though they wept not and they that reioyce as though they reioyced not and they that buy as though they possessed not and they that vse the world as not abusing it For the fashion of this world goeth away He therefore that looketh to these things so that hee liue in the vse of his lawfull liberties to make them serue him that he may better serue God and not he them that man may be said to
when our conuersation shall be such as his word laieth foorth to vs. Another reason why men should with full resolution addresse themselues to passe the time of their dwelling here in reuerence and feare is because it is the only estate wherein they can prosper and be in safetie and when they are stripped of this heauenly robe they are naked and exposed to infinite falles shamefull reproches and dangers out of the which they shall finde it no easie matter to deliuer and free themselues againe For this consider what Salomon saith When wisedome once entreth into thy heart and knowledge delighteth thy soule then shall vnderstanding keepe thee and counsell shall preserue thee from euery euill way and from the straunge woman and from those which leaue the way of righteousnes to walke in the waies of darknes When a man setteth himselfe to seeke the Lord and is willingly weaned from vnlawfull liberties and hath made it his pastime to be well occupied hee shall not feare the accusations of his aduersaries for he hath made innocencie his defence neither shall he fall iustly into the reproch that other doe For why he hath setled himselfe against it when thousands shall fall on euery side yet shall he stand and not be remoued Yea the longer hee is acquainted with this estate the better hee shall like it howsoeuer to the worldly man it be most irkesome and vnsauourie and be much grieued when through naturall corruption and vntowardnes hee shall feele and perceiue himselfe to be any whit weakened or cooled And how much such an estate is to be desired as they can best tell which haue any time inioyed it though such as know it not finde no want of it it shall better appeare hereafter in place more conuenient when I shall speake of the priuiledges of true Christians yea and though he be drawne by his calling and necessarie occasions to affaires and dealings in the world where no prouocations to breake off this course shall be wanting and be occupied amongst men of all sorts which shall be a strong coard to draw him after them yet shall he be the more estranged from them and loathe them by as much as they are differing from that vprightnes which he hath purposed to walke in And if he be vnsetled or broken off at any time yet shall he neuer thinke himselfe well nor where he should be but as the bird which is wandring from her nest and as a stranger heauie in heart from his owne countrey vntill he returne to his place againe And if any shall thinke this little and of small account which I haue spoken and among the rest a man to liue vnrebukeable in the middest of a froward and filthie generation for I reserue to a further place as I haue said to set down the manifold prerogatiues that accompanie such a life let such compare it with the liues of those which count it ouermuch strictnes to looke carefully to their waies and they shall finde it by infinite degrees worthie to be wished and preferred for what is there in the liues of such men as haue but this world in possession to draw one to be in loue with it who looketh for a better I will not sticke to goe further that not onely common professors of the Gospell who yet lie dead in their sinne may bee constrained to commend and reuerence them that haue attained to it as knowing how infinitly they be blessed aboue themselues but euen such also as haue receiued some likelihood of grace from God yet slenderly going about to nourish the same shall see many outstrayings and offences in their liues which the other shall be discharged of For it is not enough that we purpose no wickednes nor euill but we must be strongly armed alwaies with full purpose against it especially that whereto we be most prone and wherein wee haue had by wofull trials experience of our weaknes For while we doe commit none yet we make a way for it to enter into vs a fresh while we become secure and improuident This which I say is manifestly to be seene in Peter whō no man wil iudge so vncharitably of that he came into the hall of the high Priest with any mind or purpose to denie his master yet his sleight regarding of his masters so weightie admonition watchword a little before that is Sathan hath desired to sift you and that rashnes of his neither casting with himselfe what daunger might rise by occasion of the place and persons there as Christian wisedome would haue moued him neither weighing his owne weaknes how easily he might bee snared hauing no commaundement to be there into what lamentable woe and bitter anguish did it bring him by his fearefull denying and swearing that he knew him not And can wee in charitie iudge any lesse of the old Prophet that dwelt in Bethel when he hearing of the man of God that came from Iuda to crie out against the Idolatrous Altar of Ieroboam did curteously inuite him to his house as he saw his dutie did require but being answered that he was commanded to eate no bread in that place at that word he began to stomack it that he being a Prophet of God should not bee beleeued and did hastily replie vpon him againe saying that an Angell was sent to him who commaunded him to bring him into his house to eate But the Scripture sheweth vs that he lied And the like example is that of Iuda the Patriarke who went out in the morning to his sheepshearers thinking of no such matter as fell out by the way but meeting with a woman in harlots apparell hauing not strongly armed himselfe against all sinne agreed and lay with her By all which it appeareth that when men feare not their frailtie and arme not themselues against the same they come home men lesse godly then they went out and for that they will take no warning from the Lord of the slipperie paths that they walke in here in the world therefore they cast themselues into fearefull daunger And what is more plainly prooued then this by daily experience that as God directeth vs when we commit our selues to him so when we willingly betake our selues from his gouernment we run headlong into many and daungerous euils And yet when I consider the course of mens liues and those none of the worst how egarly and greedily euery one for the most part is giuen and set about his worldly busines and commoditie hauing little thought of heauenly rules in the meane while to moderate him therein this walking with God shall be thought so needlesse a companion for them yea and vnwelcome that they would willingly haue their earthly troubles increased rather then that ye should fasten vpon them such a burthensome yoke of commandements as this is to walke armed against euill For if ye will force their thoughts with delectation to
helpes to set downe that they which vse them conscionably may not thinke that they doe any more then they ought and haue neede of they who vse them but slackly and coldly may bestowe greater diligence therein and that amongst all sorts they may bee had in better regarde if they desire to see good dayes here vpon earth CHAP. 5. Of the first priuate helpe which is watchfulnes ANd to begin with them according to the diuision made of them in the entrance into this treatise the first priuate help is Watchfulnes worthily set in the first place seeing it is as an eye to all the rest to see them well and rightly vsed And it is a carefull obseruing of our hearts and diligent looking to our waies that they may bee pleasing and acceptable vnto God And first that it is an obseruing of the heart Salomon prooueth saying Aboue all obseruations obserue thine heart for from thence commeth life And that it maketh a man to looke diligently to his waies who so is watchfull indeede let the words of the prophet testifie I thought I will take heede to my wayes that I sinne not with my toung I will keepe my mouth as with a bridle And that by both these God is pleased it appeareth by the contrarie For so it is said Hebr. 10.38 He that withdraweth himselfe from liuing by faith which cannot be without watching my soule saith God shall haue no pleasure in him euen as he delighteth in the contrarie This is in sundrie places of the Scripture commended vnto vs that we should haue a great care how we liue and watch ouer all our waies Saint Peter saith 1. Pet. 5.7 be sober and watch as though he should say notwithstanding we haue sobrietie that is a well ordering of our affections which is a most fit vertue to keepe the life in frame yet without watchfulnes it will be lost and depart from vs. So our Sauiour ioyneth it with prayer where hee saith Watch and pray least ye fall into temptation As giuing vs to learne thereby that the force of the one is much weakned and abated without the other and that men shall make but cold prayers if they watch not their liues yea and for oportunitie to pray also And both render their reason why watching ouer our selues carefully should be a companion to vs seeing without it we are by and by plunged into many noysome temptations by Sathan our owne sinful hearts Besides the necessitie of this one helpe may easily be seene in our owne experience by the contrarie sinne carelesnes and securitie For what doth more easily grieue the holy spirit of God and quench it in vs then that whatsoeuer chaseth away godlines or what doth so set open the dore to all confusion And further because of the vrgent necessitie of it Saint Paul warnes Timothie to watch in all things not in some one or few but in all and therefore at all times in all places with all persons and by all occasions It caused that holy man of God King Dauid to couenant and professe this that seeing he saw he could not discharge dutie to God without an especiall regard and taking heede to his life by reason of Sathans vigilancie I will watch or doe wisely saith he till thou come vnto me I will walke in the vprightnes of my heart in the middest of my house And that I may not be thought to speake absurdly because I speake otherwise then most mens practise doth approoue view other Scriptures and thou shalt see this truth more cleerely For I must make this foundation strong seeing there is a great weight to be set vpon it In the third to the Hebrewes Take heede that there be not at any time in any of you an euill heart this that he saith at any time what can it meane lesse then that from time to time the heart and the manifold affections and desires thereof should be looked vnto and taken heede of least thereby the Lord should be offended c. This taking heede therefore to thy selfe and to thy heart especially because from thence the words and actions doe come must be thy companion from time to time and thou must set this watch before the doore of thy lips and thou must be well acquainted with looking diligently to thy waies that it may goe well with thee and that thou maiest prosper But if thou beest a stranger vnto it and it vnto thee looke to fall often I meane to fall daungerously for otherwise he that watcheth most warily cannot be free from offending looke to finde many woundes in thy soule and to want many comforts in thy life And this I may boldly say is the cause why many and those not euil men doe make many iarres in their liues and breake often into vnseemely actions and doe many things against their holy profession which they by and by couer with the gentle name of infirmities when indeede they doe rather wilfully fulfill the desires of their hearts and rashly and intemperately giue themselues the bridle refusing vtterly in those cases this holy watchfulnes yea and sticke not to count it bondage and a depriuing Christians of their libertie and too streight an holding of them in whereas who seeth not that watching is that to the life which the eye-lid is to the eye and that which the eye it selfe is to the whole body and as it doth easily fall into many annoyances except it be carefully and wisely guided from wind and weather so it fareth with thy soule and life when thou doest not take heede to them as Gods word and good instruction teacheth thee for a due looking to thy waies is the safety to thy life And because this is seldome welcome to men and little in vse therefore is a wel ordered and setled course which should be diligently kept of them a meere stranger to thē But contrariwise because they are secure for the most part therefore they haue at least both their hearts out of frame and their liues voyde of good order For what other thing is to bee said when those which goe for religious shall be so hot hastie and furious that they are not fit to be liued with as Nabal Others so vntrustie and so hollow that they cannot be dealt with as Gehazi Alas I am weary of so often reprehending and complaining of the vnreformed qualities and actions of the most part of them who goe for Christians and many of them it may be thought are so indeede and yet vntill they will take knowledge of this want of watchfulnes and learne to bee acquainted with it they shall neuer be at better stay but out and in off and on neuer setled But they must goe about it to purpose and set their minde and delight vpon it if they desire to be the better by it They must be content in this behalfe to be dealt with as children whom we will
exercise vs sinne or trouble neither were it profitable for vs to the end we may be euer in combate Though we doe a good thing yet if it be not in knowledge it is sinne Ioh. 13.17 No good thing abideth long with vs in his strength and beautie without new quickning yea quailing and deadnes sometime groweth vpon vs what meanes soeuer we vse We cannot rest in any estate how prosperous soeuer except we see the Lord goe with vs to guide vs. We should not suffer our selues to be carried from the best things whatsoeuer weightie dealings or matters be in hand and hauing been imployed in Gods businesse in liuing fruitfully and cheerefully among men we should be loath now to faint and chaunge our course When wee feele any wearines in a godly course by what occasion soeuer it be the diuell hath met with vs. Complaine therefore and relent wee for our vnkindnes and wandring from God and he will be found and returne right soone Hos 4.3 Cant. 3.3 It is well prooued that faith and godlines are the vpholders of our ioy and peace Rom. 5.1.6 and 2. Cor. 1.12 and that they make an hard estate easie and a prosperous fruitfull 2. Cor. 6.10 Act. 9.31 Among many reasons to moue vs to goe vnder afflictions meekly these are two Thinke that God will exercise and frame vs for hard times Lam. 3.27 and perhaps an end of our daies is at hand Matth. 24.39 God is not only the same to vs in afflictions that he hath been but will be felt more sweete when the world becommeth more bitter That seeking of ease profit or pleasure ought to be restrained which holdeth from seeking the common good of others We may obserue that when our Christian state is at the best it is no better then it had neede to be but when wee consider how many waies wee might decline we may thanke God it is no worse Hardly is a good Christian brought to giue ouer many vaine liberties some hee will but not others but after his excursions from God hee hath much adoe to returne into a good course againe This causeth much vncheerefulnes in the life and till we cleaue to him with delight to serue him it will neuer be otherwise A great difference there is betwixt the continuall obseruing and viewing of our life from day to day and the doing of it by fits now and then in the one we are safe cheerefull and fruitfull in the other rash offensiue and after vnquiet for it walking in feare and with little comfort If thou wilt finde Christ sweete thou must euer finde sinne sowre If thou wouldest forgoe thy riches willingly and readily vse and enioy them soberly and moderatly set little by them and lose little It is to be feared that many professing the Gospell with some liking doe onely generally aime at godlines and therefore they haue many vnsetlings and rangings out but they doe not particularly looke to themselues therefore they gather not experience nor finde any great fruit of it Feare euer to offend God and thou needest feare no other perill as ill tidings Psal 112.7 Exod. 20.20 for he keepeth thee Psal 32.7 and 91.11 It is strange that we hauing no good part in our life but through the well framing of our hearts yet that wee should thinke it much to keepe them in compasse Prou. 4.23 They who can neglect and set meanely by a little vaine glorie and credit with men may gaine and enioy much peace with God A man by Gods spirit shall doe a thing well which another without it shall doe very ill Iosh 6.4 compared with 1. Sam. 4.4 Looke not to tie God to thee in thy neede who regardest not him in thy ease 1. Sam. 4.5 They are rare men who are not led by their passions into extremities seeing they are rare who so looke to themselues that they may keepe from extremities 1. Sam. 4.5.6 Many at their death hold that they ought to be godly but is it not good at one time which is at another He is a rare person who is in fauour with God when he afflicteth Psal 2. vers 12. and he oft afflicteth because wee should beleeue that he will deliuer vs. It is follie yea madnes to be heauie to death for any earthly thing when yet a man desires nothing more then life All our life ought to be a prouiding for a good end and a keeping away of woe by sinne which few will doe for they will not lose an inch of their libertie and yet but for this what were the life of Gods people When the Scripture telleth vs of the happinesse of the Church as Psalm 89.11 and 87.3 we may thinke we come short very much when we esteeme not our estate better then the best of the world If wee would euer through the day be at peace with God and know wee are pardoned wee must be euer readie to remoue our sinnes which raise a controuersie betwixt vs. We would willingly please our selues in some vnlawfull liberties when we haue pleased God in some duties But a wise man will keepe well while he is well and not trouble himselfe with an ill conscience when God doth not trouble him with hard afflictions seeing it is written Hebr. 3.12 and 1. Cor. 10.31 whether we eate we see many fall fearefully and offend but few returne againe therefore it is to be feared that many perish or at least are in great daunger The more grace we perceiue in any man and constancie and the more he is like to God the better we ought to loue him as Christ did Iohn and contrariwise Ioh. 13.23 Psal 15.4 This is a worthie thing when in feare of or by great afflictions our innocencie and repentance is so sound that wee haue bold confidence to claime Gods promise of helpe in the time of neede and are vpholden by it from the strength of feare till wee see an issue as Israel did in feare reade 1. Sam. Where there is wilfulnes in sinning there is great difficultie in relenting as also no power nor boldnes in beleeuing As for such as count it more then needeth to seeke and to make chiefe reckoning of godlines let them learne what these Scriptures meane are they not for vse Psalm 87.3 and 84.11.12 One day in thy house O God is better then a thousand elsewhere And Psalm 4.8 Trie out therefore the truth of them When we become to the highest degree of seruing God with much trauaile yet wee abide hardly and a short time therein at least much vnprofitablenes and barrennes will meete with vs againe after euen by meanes of our corrupt hearts which being so we neede not thinke that we be too forward when we be at the best Many beginning well in godlines haue fainted and quailed or been iustly reproched before their end that others may the more feare their owne weaknes When pettie troubles arise in families and other waies we should stay our selues thus These are small
Gods mercie which is a firie and venimous dart or els from dreadfull doubting and feare which are companions thereunto or which is as deadly and daungerous from presumption vaine hope and deceiuing of himselfe which hath not the shield of faith and is not certaine thereby of eternall saluation and of the fauour of God to guard him in this life And though this man had no other thing to make him vnhappie yet who doth not see that euen this is enough to make al his pleasures vnsauourie if he should either feele the one or might be perswaded of the other Besides what is his life euen at the best when hee hath no trust in Gods manifold promises And although these things being not seene with eye be as little thought vpon of the most part in the world yet the Scripture hath concluded that there is no sound peace to any such yea rather that the diuel hath as a raging lion his paw vpō their throte ready euery houre to take away their soule as the Apostle sheweth though this seeme lesse seeing it is not knowne nor felt whereas if they were shielded by this faith and that in their neede it should not be so with them but thereby they resisting him hee should flie from them Againe to shew how impossible it is to bee in safetie without the other parts of the Christian armour how can any man walke innocent and harmeles among his neighbours though others should walke so towards him except he hath put on the breast-plate of righteousnes and armed himselfe with this cogitation to doe no man any wrong and not onely so but also to doe no other iniquitie or euill which might offend any or wound his owne soule How many waies shall hee be carried to sinne against God and his neighbour I speake not of an vnbeleeuer who can doe nothing but sinne but euen of a Christian who hath an heart which hateth sinne yet euen he if he indent not from time to time a fresh with his heart against all vnrighteousnes and the parts of vnholie life he shall be disfigured with many blemishes and disgrace himselfe and his holie profession also by his many vnlawfull actions so farre is it off that innocencie is in his heart and in his hands and that he liueth vnrebukeable and without blame amongst men And therfore it is that S. Paul teaching the Corinthians how they should be apparelled with the parts of Christian armour as puritie and vprightnes knowledge of the word of God and with patience and long suffering which hope ingendreth doth among the rest commend to them this one by his owne example namely the armour of righteousnes both on the right hand and on the left that is in prosperitie and aduersitie that so they should giue no occasion of offence in any thing but in all things approoue themselues as the seruants of God The same may be said of the other parts of the Christian armour that I haue said of the shooes of peace of the shield of faith and of the breast-plate of righteousnes For if there be not some cleere and sound knowledge of the word of God which as a sword may cut the bands of sinne asunder like a cord how shall a Christian be able to discerne the deceitfulnes of sinne but be led by it and taken with it as with a baite How can he choose although he be zealous and desirous to doe well but to be led into many errours and so goe without the sweete life which in Christianitie is to be found if hee haue not well learned and digested this in the depth of his heart it is written to the contrarie So if he be not girded as it were with sinceritie that hee may be adorned with it wheresoeuer he become and all other good gifts of God in him be bound together by that that hee hath them in truth that hee delighteth in them indeed how shall he be infected with hollownes and hypocrisie what shew of holines soeuer appeare in him To conclude what can there be in his life daily but fainting vncomfortablenes and sundrie discouragements whiles he is weaned from the foolish and vaine delights of this world and seeth not the pleasures of heauen with mortall eyes what can there els be to him I say if the hope of saluation be not as an helmet to keepe life in his soule and with this hope of saluation which cannot deceiue him a cheerefull hope of well passing the course of these conflicting daies also vnder the wings of Gods protection till he come thither As for other hope who knoweth not that all other hope of earthly peace or long life is like to a broken tooth and sliding foote But by this hope tediousnes is remoued and cheerefulnes to waite contentedly in this pilgrimage for a full deliuerance is obtained Therefore how truly may this bee said that the Christian life without the armour of God cannot be continued For if euery part of it be so needfull throughout our life as hath bin said who seeth not that euen such an one as hath receiued grace from aboue by the preaching of the Gospell to be borne a new and to be begotten to a liuely hope yet for all this shall not thriue nor prosper without diligent and vsuall nourishing of this new birth in him nor grow vp to a perfect age in Christ deliuered from the hindrances by the world and the diuell except he be strongly armed as God hath taught him to be This is so truly verified in all Gods children that euen they who are not the forwardest of others yet if they haue any strength against euill at any time they haue it from God thus euen by the meanes of the armour If they were not sometimes armed they should make as great breaches and fall as dangerously one day as another and yet if they were acquainted with this armour thoroughly they should make their worst and most vncomfortable day in the weeke equall with the best and the happiest which they sometime inioyed in heauenly passing of their time and in sweete comfort And for want of this armour either for that men know it not or for not hauing vse of it the infinite irkesomnesses heauines distraction dumpishnes doubting and feare doe vexe them and such like deadly poysons doe occupie the hearts euen of Christians as also light reioycing in a fleshly manner vaine hope phantasticall dreames of peace and safetie where none is And for want of this their liues also before men are kept from shewing foorth light and good example in one thing as well as in another yea rather they are harbourers of sundrie euill qualities in so much that few are incouraged to waxe better by them nor to suspect that any thing is amisse in them but are hardened to goe forward in their old course still And if it be thus with such as haue some good and sound beginnings in Christianitie
desire is in them euen when they are at the weakest as the young infant crieth for nourishment So that none shall need to feare that they be pressed sore by offering them this being euen that which they most desire and long for The seede doth no more naturally desire to pricke vp out of the ground and so giue hope of an haruest though it be held backe by stormes and cold then the young Christian doth desire to be holpen forward in the forementioned graces and cloathed with them as he is able to reach to them And what other thing is this then to desire to be well armed to the end that God may be daily honoured and obeyed of him and he himselfe may prosper and keepe his soule in safetie True it is he is not setled herein to his contentation and who marueileth at it hath not the young child and tender plant their season to grow vp in but when they shoote foorth and flourish as they may doe for their time will not all say that they prosper though they haue their wintring as well as their sommering time So it is with the beloued though weake Christians and children of God who although they haue many discouragements and hindrances as the stormie cold is to the young plants and many sore doubts feares discomforts as nippings of their growing by the diuell and their owne strong reliques of their corruptions yet do they being rooted in good ground and well watred and weathered as there is none to the armour which Gods word teacheth grow vp and prosper as the Lords plants But it may be that some beholding diuers zealous and godly Christians for in respect of the common sort they may so be accounted who haue bin both pricked in conscience for their sin and seemed to haue receiued comfort and to be earnest louers of the word and the greatest bringers on of others to religion in many places who yet seeme not to be thus armed against sinne therefore much lesse new borne babes in Christianitie are fit to bee vrged with it to this I say what effects of the Ministerie such haue had it skilleth not neither how they haue been affected by hearing the word nor with what zeale they professe it and therefore no good reason that if such haue not had vse of it therefore that weake Christians should not be forced thereunto For it hath been prooued that the weakest if they be the Lords doe desire it and therefore the other in what account soeuer they goe if they doe not so but can thinke themselues in case good enough without it are hereby brought into suspition of bastardie and that they are not the Lords though some things worthie commendation may be in them more then in many others Neither ought this which I say seeme straunge for both in Scripture and in experience many haue shined as lights for a season and in shew of zeale and godly life haue been both of the Ministers and people in account aboue the most who for all this haue shamefully fallen from their first loue such as it seemed sometime to be And therfore no marueile though this vrging of the Christian armour doe not sauour greatly to them which yet is sauourie to the new borne in Gods household But of those men which haue seemed forwarder then they are I haue here no fit place to deale further with them onely let them consider what daunger it carrieth with it to haue been in likelihood of goodnes and now not to be and whether this be with the righteous to shine daily more and more as the light doth vnto the perfect day I conclude that which I propounded to answere that the putting on the armour of a Christian is not too strong meate for the yongest that is nourished vp in Gods house nor too weightie a burden to lay vpon them but the very same which of all other things they most desire as they can discerne it that they may more fruitfully and cheerefully serue God thereby CHAP. 9. Of our owne experience and what a speciall helpe it is to the leading of a godly life Also of the vse of companie and family exercises I Haue shewed how the forementioned three priuate helps watchfulnes meditation and the Christian armour are singular furtherances of vs to a godly life Now I should passe to the next that is to the vse of companie by conference But I must here stay a while to lay foorth the benefit of experience which I had done in handling the doctrine of the Christian armour seeing it belongeth to one part of it but I could not conueniently speake of it there but as I haue done briefly least among all the parts of the armour which I haue described in a short manner this which is but a branch of one of them should haue been discoursed of more largely then all they together which I did not thinke expedient Now therfore of this our experience as it shall be fit for the present purpose namely what an helpe it is to confirme vs in faith and obedience which shall bee prooued after that I haue shewed what it is and how farre it reacheth Now it is a branch of that part of the armour which is called the sword of the spirit that is the word of God and that knowledge which we learne by proofe and triall for the bettering of vs. I call it a branch of it seeing there is another besides it and I say it is the knowledge which wee gather by proofe seeing the other is that which men get out of the letter of the Scripture onely and so haue it but by rule For by the word of God we learne both and that such knowledge doth better vs shall appeare afterwards Now if wee will see more cleerely what this experience is consider of it after this manner Compare it with experimentall knowledge in all trades and sciences what a difference there is betwixt it and bare and naked skill in the same without experience So it shall the better appeare what this is in matters which are heauenly and spirituall in respect of the bare knowledge that men haue by rule or instruction onely He that hath been trained vp in an occupation it may be hee hath got knowledge and skill in his science or trade but he is not able to vse it to the best aduantage and his owne greatest profit neither how where and when to buy and to sell and how to dispose of all things that hee may not decay and grow behind hand but thriue and prosper These I say and such like he is ignorant in and all for want of experience All which he that hath been exercised in and acquainted with is able to doe as God shall see good to blesse him in the same Euen so it is in the spirituall trade For a man that hath bin taught soundly and plainly out of the word of God catechized in the principall points of
be abhominable And Dauid agreeth with him saying euen as he powred out his requests vnto God if there be any wickednes in my hands for all my prayer shall that excuse me shalt not thou O Lord finde it not But when our requests shall be made to God with these properties for in such manner doth God require them to be offered vnto him the Christian who obserueth them shall reape no small fruite thereby whether he intreate for remission of his sinnes or for any good thing whereof he standeth in neede or against any calamitie or burthen wherewith he shall be distressed yea he shall thereby preuaile with God for others as for himselfe and what incouragement thinke we doth this adde to a godly life But when all these three parts of Gods worship now spoken of shall reuerently and humbly be adioyned together I meane thanksgiuing confession of sinnes and request which ordinarily in our prayers ought to goe one with the other how much more gainefull thinke we are they to the poore Christian soule especially seeing by confession of sinnes hee acknowledgeth himselfe a guiltie person and debter to God that so he may be the slower to runne further in debt with him By making his suites he declareth that he is a begger and standeth in neede of all things as hauing nothing of his owne if he know himselfe well but sinne and filthines Reuel 3.17 and by giuing thankes he confesseth that whatsoeuer he hath or inioyeth he receiueth it of God All of them make him to see himselfe infinitly indebted vnto the Lord his pride to be abated his heart stirred vp to seeke vnto him and inlarged to loue and obey him And if he be fallen this prayer of faith will raise him vp if he be heauie this will comfort him if he be dull this will quicken him Oh who can reckon vp the infinit and maruellous commodities that come of prayer if it be accompanied of the forementioned properties Therefore I conclude that seeing it is a present remedie to the oppressed heart a preseruer of the godly minde a giuer of strength to the weake an especiall meanes to make a man fit to liue in euery estate wherein God hath set him c. I conclude I say that it is a strong and mightie helpe to the godly life For pray well and liue well and keepe thy selfe in case fit to performe this dutie as thou hast been directed and thou shalt not neede to feare in thy life any great annoyance But how this with some other of the helps are to be brought into vse euery day that the fruite of it may be more certaine shall be set downe in the next treatise of the daily direction which is the place fit for it CHAP. 11. Of reading THe next helpe to godlines is reading as oft as may be the Scriptures and approoued good authors The which exercise and dutie that the Christian whom I goe about to informe may finde it an helpe to the furthering of him in godlines together with the other some direction I will giue him about the same And first seeing it is to be vsed and that as oft of euery one as conueniently maybe this is one caution that it be not neglected and the booke of God laid aside and couered with cobwebbes or not so much as in our houses at all For let the best know this that if they vse not reading they shall finde much more incumbrance in their life vnsauourines vnquietnes vnfruitfulnes and vncheerefulnes with other such yea though they vse other helps And secondly the same in effect I say of them which reade seldome euen when they must needes for feare or shame Both these faults are too commonly committed euen of Christians and that because some of them for following the world one way or other can finde no leasure thereunto othersome taking their full scope in play and pleasures cannot attend to such sad matters whiles the other are so welcome to them Others through idlenes slouth and swarmes of vaine cogitations or dangerous lusts carrying them or through grosse ignorance needles and idle talke neglect so good a worke and necessarie dutie whereas if they had learned to make conscience of this duty they might shake off much of noysomnes by watching their opportunities whereby they should not neede to feare but that their labour therein should be plentifully rewarded Thirdly seeing bookes which are fit for the building of them vp in godlines must be read of them therefore they must not bestow their time in reading filthie lewd and wanton bookes no nor needles and vnprofitable bookes the reading of many such being but wearisome to the flesh and vanitie much lesse superstitious pamphlets and Machiuels blasphemies which it is a shame should be suffered to come into mens hands nor the subtill deuises and deceitfull dreames and errours of the Church of Rome except they be able for their sound iudgement to discerne them that so they may be the better able to detest and giue others warning of them But the bookes which are to be read are the holy canonicall scriptures and other sound and godly authors as I haue said Wherein this as a fourth rule is to bee obserued that in the reading of the Scriptures they reade not here and there a chapter except vpon some good occasion but the bible in order throughout and so as oft as they can that so by little and little they may be acquainted with the histories and the whole course of the scriptures hauing before the grounds of Christian religion layd and so may haue the more comfortable and liberall vse of them And in reading of other good bookes they are to be counselled rather to reade some one or two well penned either of the whole Christian religion or any particular argument matter and them often rather then a leafe of one and a chapter of another as idle readers vse to doe for nouelties sake Often I say because a good book is of the most part of Christians little seene into at once or twice reading ouer much lesse the vse of the doctrine of it reaped and inioyed of dull heads slipperie memories and weake practisers such as it is too well knowne that the most Christians are And therefore the most not hauing leasure to reade many bookes shall finde most profit by diligent going ouer of the same often making their choice of the best and necessariest by the helpe of their faithfull teachers Now as concerning the manner of reading it must bee with an heartie good will to learne and profit thereby desiring God to prepare vs with reuerence to lighten our vnderstandings that we may conceiue that which we reade and setling our selues for the time of our reading to be attentiue and so to abandon the wandring of the heart as much as may be the which will be the easilier done in reading if it be well watched ouer as hath been said
grosse errors for not knowing them and so become nothing the better for them but he hath taught vs to draw as it were a copie and a certaine platforme for our liues out of the same the poore the rich the old the young the married and the vnmarried all are I say to draw out of them direction for their vse And what other thing is contained in the words of the Prophet for in saying that we must take heede to our wayes that is our course of life and the actions thereof doth he except any one more then another So that it is manifest both by the doctrine of the word of God as also by the examples thereof that not onely there ought to be a generall guiding of Gods people by the word but also a particular trying of their wayes thereby and that this ought to be as a trade to be followed in one poynt as in another according to the knowledge of euery one and therefore to be made an ordinarie course to seeke to haue direction in all things So that in the more actions of our liues that we are ignorant and to seeke whether we doe them lawfully or no the more wee must see our debt to God and finde fault with our selues that we may see the greater neede to sue for pardon which few doe see And therefore are the particular duties set downe almost in euery epistle both which all Christians ought to performe and the contrary sins that they may see according to the occasions offered how to imploy themselues and also more specially of men and women old and young rich and poore maisters and seruants both inward affections and externall actions all which to what end serue they or why should they haue been set downe but to teach this that men must tie themselues shorter and denie many noysome liberties which now they take and runne after and also to teach that euery part of a Christians life requireth direction that hee must shun that which is naturall I meane his owne and be guided by that which is spirituall namely by the word of God And therefore it is not to be counted as a common sinne but as the head of many sins that as though the Scriptures were among vs but for fashion or for the deciding of some rare and hard doubts and controuersies in religion which is but one vse of them the most thinke themselues by their naturall wit and skill able to direct their waies which opinion with their practise what doth it differ from that which is written of the Heathen Gentiles God in times past suffered all nations to walke in their owne waies Act. 14.16 And this be said for the proofe of the first part of this former reason namely that all their actions must bee squared after the rule of Gods word throughout their life The second part of this reason namely that it ought to be daily and euery day and so through the day the saying of the Lord doth cleerely prooue Blessed is the man that feareth alwaies And againe 1. Cor. 10.31 Whether ye eate or drink or whatsoeuer ye doe else doe all to the glorie of God And to Iosua 1.8 Thou shalt meditate and exercise thy minde in this booke of the law day and night as if he should say early and late all times of the day that his heart being well seasoned with the sweete sauour of knowledge his tongue might vtter the same and hee might be exercised by the helpe thereof in the manifold actions of his life S. Paul also when he writeth of the widow that should be chosen to looke to the poore describeth her by this one note whereby a good Christian is discerned amongst men namely if she haue been daily giuen to euery good worke And hee whom it may well beseeme vs to follow did not onely make it his daily trade to bee directed by the doctrine of Gods word but euen through the day did the same diuiding as it were the day into one good doing or other for these are his words Oh Lord what a loue haue I to thy law all the day long is my meditation in it that is I am musing still how I may please thee whatsoeuer my actions are which I goe about Againe Euery day will I praise thee Euen so if it may be let vs be doing good and that in an holy and right manner euery day and when wee cannot yet let vs auoide and shunne euill But if thou wilt doe neither nor endeuour after the same constantly from day to day then renounce Gods word and doe what thou lustest And why should not mens hearts be daily giuen to the Lord who is most worthie of them what haue we to doe in the day more necessarie as it shall appeare one day to all who now will take no knowledge of it Weigh what I say and the Lord giue thee vnderstanding that in thy heart and life thou maist euery day serue him doth the holie Ghost Prou. 4.23 and 25.25 when hee saith Keepe thy heart with all diligence and againe let it be in the feare of the Lord continually doth he I say meane any certaine time or one day and not euery day so when rules for praying are giuen are they not to direct vs in all our prayers for euer If thou saist why is this then so strange to men I say first naturally men desire to satisfie God with a little and soone to haue done with him and few will weigh particularly and daily what they ought to be and how to walke one day as well as another but are content to goe the easiest way to worke as they thinke and slubber vp their sinnes and are therefore neuer long confident in nor bold with God as they might bee and as some others also of his deare children be and they themselues also perhaps sometime haue been Whereas if it were the matter which is in account with them who doubteth but that it would be daily looked to Againe if ye say why are wee troubled with these nouelties now more then in times past I say men are content to haue such things to be nouelties vnto them with which they desire not to bee acquainted for els these are not nouelties in the Scriptures and that is seene seeing there are diuers who as they haue learned it to be the will of God that al good duties as they may should euery day be practised so they doe carefully and conscionably prune off that behauiour in the day which could not well be thought vpon and remembred at the euening without an vnwelcomed wound and accusation For what can lesse be gathered out of the Scriptures before alleaged then that Christians should bee daily giuen to euery good worke that is to aime thereat though when they haue done all they may finde themselues to bee much behind hand and vnprofitable seruants And what meaning else hath this Scripture Herein I
treatise onely thus much to referre this beleeuing of pardon to euery day And this is here to be looked for of the reader that euery one of the points and partes of this daily direction the which I haue taught in other parts of this booke how they should be attained and come by must be kept of a Christian euery day The third point is that when we shall be strongly haled after sinne for we must know that euery day giues occasion thereof that we so account of the libertie of our hearts and minds to keepe them well disposed and armed against all sinne and most of all our speciall infirmities that we let them not loose at any time in the day to be hardened with the deceitfulnesse of any sinne but kept with all diligence posssible from the loue and liking thereof that so our outward actions may be well ordered Therefore is that charge giuen in the Epistle to the Hebrewes that our hearts be not made nought and rebellious at any time and therefore by consequent on any day whiles we suffer them to be hardened with the deceitfulnesse of sinne And agreable to this the Lord in Deuteronomie aunswering Moses when he brought him word that the people would willingly be ruled by him although before they refused so to be said This people hath said well all that they haue said but oh that there were an heart in them that they would feare me and keepe all my commandements alwaies then it should go well with them So that we must see such necessitie of holding maisterie ouer our hearts and keeping them in feare of offending that we may make a daily practise of it and so keepe them for continuance neither can we otherwise shew our selues to regard that waightie charge of the Lord giuen vnto vs Thou shalt worship the Lord with all thy heart and soule For they who are euery while off and on vnsetled in their harts can neuer be long well ordered in their liues therefore the Lord requireth this constancie that we must euery while be looking to them euen alwaies that so we may be out of daunger Behold how needfull a thing this is to keepe and hold this maisterie ouer our hearts daily when nothing goeth well forward where they with the affections of them be not well ruled But this shall be shewed in the next section following Neither let men obiect their necessarie businesse though they will not pleade for carnall libertie they say and multitudes thereof which will distract their hearts I aunswer of multiplicitie of earthly dealings which will hinder holy peace let wise Christians beware and so doing if as farre as they are able they set themselues to haue care of all parts of Christian obedience their hearts shall in good manner prouide thereby for the well ordering of their earthly businesse also which is one part of it and none of the meanest Now from this heart well gouerned the next two points as two armes of a tree from the bodie or stocke do issue and come The first that we shold euer keepe from euill which shall not be hard if alwaies and euery day we be held in feare of offending as we are directed before The second that we alwaies indeuour to please God and therefore in all things and as was said in Deuteronomie to keepe all his commaundements which all may see cannot be if we haue not our hearts so prepared to seeke the Lord that we may be readie in one dutie as well as in another to shew our selues obedient All which three namely 1. to haue a heart to feare God 2. to flie euill 3. and please him in all things in that one Scripture before mentioned are required daily to be found in vs so there is no man but may easily see reason why it should be thus first seeing the one cannot be without the other secondly the keeping of such agreablenesse betwixt our hearts and liues is our beautie and honour And on the contrarie it is most harsh and offensiue when they which beare a faire shew and are content somtimes to be gouerned shal yet at other times be nothing so I will say somewhat the more of these two seeing it is one of the chiefest causes why I entred into this present treatise as may appeare by that which I haue alreadie said namely that the Christian should be euery day free from all reprochfull euill insomuch as if by any occasion he be turned out of the way yet he should speedily returne and also that he should be daily giuen vnto euery good worke watching his oportunitie thereto that so he may haue a good conscience in all things and may bring foorth much fruite that God may be glorified Yet I meane not that he should spend the whole day in reading prayer hearing of Sermons or other religious exercises excepting the Sabbath but in one lawfull thing or other about his calling or any other in stead thereof which may be as well defended and as pleasing to God as the duties of his calling More particularly to appoint or prescribe is hard and this is plaine enough for euery true beleeuer to vnderstand and apply vnto himselfe for I exclude not the commonest and meanest seruices and workes so as they be such as God alloweth and without vitious affections gone about of him as in the man plough and cart sowing and reaping and all worke thereto belonging if he be called thereto or other worke in the man of occupation as he hath bene trained vp and fitted for as also all prouision of things necessarie to the maintenance of his familie by lawfull skill and honest meanes and paying and receiuing of that which is due In the woman to haue care that all be frugally and thriftily done within the house and without which is vnder her hand that she be diligent to see her children christianly brought vp according to their age her houshold to haue all that is meete in due season and more particularly among the rest spinning sowing knitting being done as to the Lord and being those works which he appointeth them and such like are commendable that they may be neither idle nor vnprofitable And these I name in some particular manner lest any should thinke that I go about any new-found out holinesse to tye Christians vnto as some will be ready inough to imagine and thinke when they shall see and vnderstand that they must euery day be well occupied which few will be tied to and doing of one good duty or other And yet this I adde that as these and such like must be done and in one or other of them the sixe dayes must be bestowed yet I say this must be added that all these lawfull workes must be done of them in faith that is they must know that God commandeth such workes to be done of them and therefore they do them readily and willingly not
daily CHAP. 12. Of the declaration of the first dutie of awaking with God AND of the first three parts of this treatise thus much Now for the better vnderstanding of the nine last mentioned duties and more cleare insight into them especially for the helpe of them which cannot so easily gather so large a matter out of so few wordes I will more fully open euery branch thereof one after another And whereas I teach Christians in this place first when they awake to be with God and to accustome their thoughts to be holy I meane indeed so much that so soone as they awake they should be taken vp about heauenly things for where their treasure is there should also their hearts be as to thinke of Gods kindnesse and loue towards them and that they abide still in his fauour as at any time before the remembrance whereof at our first breaking off our sleepe what can be like sweet and comfortable euen as a prisoner condemned but to temporall death doth on the contrarie at his awaking out of sleepe fall into most dreadfull thoughts and feare They are also to thinke how they haue bene refreshed by their rest and kept from the manifold dangers of the night c. by the which many haue miscaried And all these and such like meditations should salute them when they first awake to this end to reuiue that foundnesse of heart wherwith they lay downe the night before if they lay downe as became them and also that no roote of bitternesse breake out of them to staine their actions at their first entring into the day which were very like to be if it should not be preuented and held out by some such gracious thoughts Also by this meanes they prouide well for the better keeping their liues in frame all the day after without the which regard had in purpose to performe it assoone and as well as they can they are so ready to range and go astray one way or other that although they did lye downe the night before in peace and with quiet and meeke hearts yet the diuell as we know it well watching his oportunitie they may easily be vnsetled and so runne into sundrie euils which cannot be auoided All which being considered who doth not see how great a meane this kind of awaking with God is and how worthily it may be reckoned for one of our duties to indeuour to take vp some time thus when sleepe departeth Neither let any obiect that this is more then poore Christians can attaine to for all such would faine attaine to that grace if they were taught how and directed the Lord hauing framed and fitted them for it euen by this that he hath made them Christians and therewithall hath giuen them hearts which are willing thereunto but yet euery man in his measure and as he hath receiued of God which giueth to no man nigardly who seeketh heartily And if this satisfie not some who desire to begin the day aright after their first perfit shaking off of sleepe and awaking let such for their better direction breake their minds to those who through longer experience are better exercised in the wayes of the Lord then themselues Onely this caueat and watch-word I giue that if through barrennesse in good things thou art not able to set thine heart a worke when sleepe is gone from thee to fasten vpon somewhat that is profitable to thy soule or to thy companion if thou hast any with thee arise if it be conuenient if not and that thou feelest thy heart to be caried vnto prophanenesse or to cause thy mouth to sinne any way checke thy selfe rebuke thine heart and so take occasion euen by thy euill to do good And remember him who at his first awakings in the morning did thus giue vnto the Lord the first fruits of the day as I haue taught thee to do as in the Psalme where he saith O Lord thou wilt heare my voyce early in the morning Early in the morning will I direct my words vnto thee and will looke vp and in the Prouerbes Wisdome shall commune with thee when thou wakest and guide thee when thou walkest The words of the Psalme although they be not to be vnderstood only of the time of our first awaking yet they include that time as well as any other in the day but that place of Salomon doth plainely shew that it ought to be as vsuall and ordinary to set our hearts on worke about some holy and heauenly things when we first awake as it should be to looke to be guided by Gods word all the day through And there is no doubt but if this Scripture and such like were beleeued and well weighed directly tending to this end to teach Christians to take vp their hearts in holy cogitations and heauenly desires before the diuell hath poysoned them and euilly imployed them and further if they would be willing to see this first letting loose their hearts to sundry sinnes as iesting vaine laughter light and loose talke iarring contention depth of worldlinesse and such like to be one chiefe cause of an vnprofitable yea an offensiue life in the day afterwards it should be farre better with them then it is I meane if they would thus do they should find much more ease in seruing of God and fruite therein and comfort thereby both in the morning and all the day after whereas I see with mine eyes heare it with mine eares that many passe the day very vnbeseeming Christians who haue long sought the Lord though only in a generall manner indeed and others see that it is not with them so well as both it might and they themselues know it should be who do perhaps some one time in the day now and then go to prayer but otherwise they haue litle regard of many their actions yet their prayers which they make are not for the most part powred out to God till their heads and harts both are so filled and fraught with the world and other matters that they haue made themselues in a maner vnfit to pray And as for such as say they haue other matters to thinke on as soone as they be awake and they cannot bestow their time after that manner it may please them to know that as for the time if their heart were ready and did know how to do this duty it might very sufficiently and well-nigh be performed in so much time for a need as the Lords prayer distinctly vttered might be sayd ouer in For in such a space might a Christian lift vp his heart to God and salute him with an holy remembring of his fatherly kindnesse and namely for present preseruation in soule and body and confirme himselfe in his former sound-hartednesse which if he did no more were a true and right awaking with God and the onely right way to thinke of other things as they ought Therefore with thine heart thus seasoned if it
we ought not at any time to be vnwilling to such duties if it were alwayes expedient to be with the Lord in this manner vnlesse we could proue to our consciences that we are taken vp in things more necessarie Neither can this desire be quenched in vs which the spirit of God hath kindled but by our owne fault whiles we haue through lightnesse rashnesse or in seeking some other vnlawfull libertie expelled and banished the same from vs. But for as much as all other duties go well forward whiles the heart is kept in loue and liking with these holy exercises and not otherwise for pray well and liue well and contrarily therfore this grace and heauenly affection cannot neither may well be wanting in the seruants of God Insomuch that they which are not necessarily letted as by pouertie or otherwise as want of leisure are not to make this to stand in stead of their familie exercise in the morning as being loath to bestow more time in such holy communion with God then they must needs but rather they must begin the day with this after they are risen and afterward with their houshold as the oportunitie shall permit I meane as it will best stand with euerie ones businesse in the familie And especially preachers and students and those which do inioy many great means and who are not holden downe with pouerty and such multitudes of outward calamities and hinderances and whose discouragements be but small in respect of other mens such I say should not offer to God so nigardly sacrifices as they who can do no otherwise but as they haue receiued more many wayes then their brethren so they should render more then they both in this and other duties for otherwise who should be examples and patternes to the weaker sort if such should not and yet that I may discourage none he that shall offer but his mite with the poore widow willingly hauing no more hath done as much as any other who hauing greater gifts haue made longer prayers Now if after the declaration of this dutie in this maner ought remaine doubtfull let them seeke resolution at their faithfull teachers hands that so they may more freely and with more profite continue it CHAP. 14. Of the declaration of the third dutie about our callings THE third dutie concerneth our callings and particular trades the which we may be fit and readie to enter vpon when our minds be thus well prepared as in the two former duties hath bene declared Know we therefore that with this well ordered heart we are to take the same in hand euery one as he is to be employed throughout the day so long as is expedient that we may safely and comfortably bring it to an end About the which argument my purpose is not to write a treatise of all matters appertaining hereto but so farre to speake of it as I may shew that which I intended namely this seeing it is a great part of our life to doe the workes of our callings and a chiefe part of a godly life to do them aright therefore to direct a Christian how to please God in the same contrarie to the opinion of many and those not of the worst who imagine but most vniustly that their calling is such a let to them from the practise of religion that thereby though they had no other they are hindred from seruing God aright But they shall better be answered hereafter First therefore I will proue that all Christians must liue in some lawfull vocation Secondly that they must with practise of other godly duties faithfully and diligently walke in the same Thirdly which will follow vpon the two former that they who do so which the children of God only can do may highly please God therein and find great helpe and furtherance thereby to passe the other parts of the day well and christianly And for the first of these three it is cleare by the words of the Lord himselfe In the sweate of thy face thou shalt eate thy bread that all men are bound to trauell and labour though not with the hands in some painefull estate of life wherein they may serue God and if need be they may prouide for themselues and theirs At least wise they may be good members in the Church and Commonwealth as is meete for them to be not idle and vnprofitable Vnto the which rule the highest magistrates do submit themselues being appointed of God to their places that the people may liue a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie and therefore very vnmeete it were that any inferiour to them should raunge and liue without compasse in the world inordinately as though they were exempt from the Lords gouernment But I as I haue set my selfe to do throughout this booke will deale onely with those who hauing submitted themselues vnto the will of God in other things are therefore readie to heare his voice in this All such must know and religiously perswade themselues if through ignorance and long custome therin they shold think otherwise that they must of conscience betake themselues to such an estate of life lest otherwise liuing without a calling as rogues theeues cousiners cōmon gamesters parasites other disguized persons they should loath labour liue vpon others waxe idle and so runne either into heresie sects curious questions and fond opinions or else into loose behauiour and wicked companie and then finding no sauour in their religion should fall away from the truth and grow senslesse and frozen in their dregges and filthinesse As not onely we may reade in the Scriptures that some haue done which also were members of the Church but haue seene many carrying good shew of zeale and hauing many good parts in them whereof some became prophane and vaine in their liues others held straunge opinions and separated themselues from the Church of God amongst whome they had liued familiarly before neither were they to be blamed by men with any reprochfull crime which might be like to bring them thereunto saue onely this that they exercised no calling but went about from place to place and setled themselues in none neither could be perswaded by the dearest of their friends so to do But although a man could assure himselfe that he should neuer fall to such a depth of sinne through the neglect of a vocation and following of a lawfull trade of life as there seldome cōmeth any better fruite therof yet what man wold but so much as liue vnprofitably if he may be well employed when God hath made him for a farre more excellent end and bring discredite and ill report and that iustly vpon himselfe hauing bene had in good account before of his godly neighbours and brethren or liue inordinately and so voide of comfort and that for neglecting the ordinance of God But to say no more of this first point the next and the nighest degree hereunto that may be is
holy exercises Caleb in constant following of the Lord to the end c. This the holy Ghost exhorteth vs to in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Follow the faith and conuersation of such and consider what hath bene the end thereof A necessarie watchword for numbers in this age so degenerated from the godly course of the reuerend Auncient that were before them that they haue not onely not knowne the God of their fathers but also disgraced that zealous seruing of God which they vsed The examples of such therefore as I set downe before shall be no small helpe being oft before vs to chase away from vs friuolous and hurtfull fantasies faintnesse discouragements and wearinesse of well doing and cause that the multitude of contrarie examples shall not hurt vs by their pride boldnesse and licentious life and to ioyne vs fast to Iesus Christ though not now seene of vs and that we may hold the profession of our faith with ioy vnto our end CHAP. 16. Of the declaration of the fifth duty how we should behaue our selues in solitarinesse NOw I will passe to the next duty which is to guide and teach vs how to cary our selues and passe the time when we are out of company solitary by our selues alone And this it is that seeing a great part of the day many times is passed when neither our callings are in hand neither we occupied in any company we must haue the same especiall care ouer our hearts and behauiour when we are alone that we were taught before to haue in company And as we are counselled by the Prophet that if we desire to reforme our wayes and so to liue blessedly we must take diligent heed to them all one as well as another as Gods word directeth vs so this being one part of our wayes euerie day for the most part to gouerne our selues christianly at all times when we are by our selues alone we must haue a speciall regard and care of the same For who is able to reckon vp all or the most part of the occasions whereby we are moued and prouoked to offend and let loose our hearts to sinne when we are alone and how infinite kinds of euill we may be brought vnto at such times when there is none present by feare or shame to hold vs from them Nay I say more the most iniquities which are done in the sight of the world were first inuented and purposed onely in the sight of God and the sinnes which openly are committed haue bene in warping and working secretly before which the Prophet did plainely expresse when in bewailing his sinne which was come into the eyes of men he sayd thus Against thee only ô Lord haue I sinned as if he should haue sayd I offended thee secretly by vngodly desire before I proceeded in the sight of men to giue offence And so saith another Scripture that Dauid walked on the roofe of his house and saw from thence a woman c. And to shew more fully that it is a fit time for the Diuell to occupie our heads in sundry kinds of euill when we are alone it is noted that our graund-mother Eue was set vpon by Sathan when she was alone her husband not being with her And our Sauiour was assaulted by him when he was in the wildernesse out of the company of men with many other such sayings Which I alleadge not as though I were of opinion that there is no danger to be feared in company I haue before sayd the contrarie but to shew that there is many wayes sore danger of falling when we are alone and so we the more naked to resist which was the thing that I intended to proue which our wofull experience I am full sure confirmeth who are no sooner from company alone but swarmes of vaine foolish and if they be not chased away of noisome and perillous thoughts and desires as a swarme of Bees about a mans eares are solliciting and offering themselues vnto vs. Now then seeing the case so standeth who doth not see what need there is of some good helpe to keepe our soules from annoyance at such times And not onely so but also to stirre vp our selues vnto the doing of such duties as we shall see to concerne vs most that so we may make this solitarie part of our life which is not small to be sutable and correspondent vnto the rest And for some plaine and certaine direction herein we may consider the things which we are occupied about in solitarinesse Now we know that all matters which go through our hands or heads while we are out of company are either simply holy or vnholy or things indifferent now our owne necessitie and Christian wisedome will teach about which of all these we haue most cause to be occupied and let vs not be slacke and negligent to marke and obserue that but let our circumspect care and watchfulnesse which must alwayes accompany vs euer foresee that for without it we shall do nothing well And therefore if in iourneying walking sitting still or lying in our beds c. we shall remember that we are held downe with any sinne or infirmitie let vs muse vpon the occasion of it vpon the vilenesse shame and danger of it how hard it is to renounce it how God is prouoked thereby and therefore how to be abased vnder it and so in confidence craue pardon of it and grace to weaken it If we haue need and cause to take order for some earthly businesse which otherwise will turne vs to great trouble let vs with good aduice thinke with our selues how to dispose of it to our peace If neither of both these giue vs occasion to be occupied then let vs watch such good oportunitie of being alone to make benefit of the time by setting our selues to muse vpon some holy things as the loue of God our mortality c. or inioy the libertie of talking with our God by prayer thanksgiuing reading reioycing in him c. or if we haue any other necessarie duty to be done as we shall be able when we be from our calling let that be gone about And if it be obiected that it is an hard matter thus to do I must needs say it will be hard to haue our hearts thus at commandement when we are by our selues especially for such as cannot reade but yet let vs consider againe that we cannot be better occupied what did I say better nay we can hardly be otherwise occupied without sinne And this aduice for the redeeming of the time when we are alone as long as it is the counsell of the Lord that we should thus gaine it from euill I am not moued what they say against it who neither vse their solitarinesse thus but as though thought were free giue their hearts libertie to roaue and raunge any where Sure I am we cannot be too prouident and carefull that way and the best follow
although the man of God whose praise is so great in the Scripture could make it his worke both in the day and the night season And therefore seeing I can no otherwise helpe to redresse this wretched custome of neglecting this benefite and libertie of oft meditating and profitable vsing of solitarinesse in them who might well vse it I will say no more but pray for such as know not by experience how good and gainefull it is in stead of all idle and vaine wandrings and fantasies wherewith they swarme for the most part when they are alone And I will not cease to bewaile the vnhappinesse of the men of our daies who in the vsuall and daily trifling out of their precious time declare that they are ignorant of their best portion which is to haue daily communion with God but are wise to deceiue themselues in forgoing it for folly and sinne And therefore it is no maruell though of many wise and learned yet there are so few which both find an heauenly sweetnesse in their owne liues and are fit to season others therewith because they are not oft and vsuall daily with the Lord in their soliloquies that is in their communing betwixt God and themselues in their prayer and meditation and in hauing recourse to him sequestred from the companie of men as Moses the man of God had Which part of Christian comfort both might and ought to be more generally enioyed of the seruants of God without either the least sauouring of Monkerie much lesse without the establishing and the bringing in of it againe which some prophane Protestants litle knowing the vse of will be readie I doubt not to imagine and say as they peruert all other things to their owne hurt Although I could wish that they had no earthlier minds I allow not their doing then some of them had who first left the dealings of the world to liue apart out of companie As for the Popish progenie who would be thought as it were by apish imitation to follow and be like them they are farre from it as they are from sound religion in their profession But to returne although I commend solitarinesse I would yet thus be vnderstood that such as are troubled with melancholie by meanes whereof they are much vnable to gouerne themselues and the rather through strong and vehement temptations when they are oppressed with them that such I say should not be pressed with it and vrged to it to be long or much alone for feare of casting themselues into further and more daungerous dumpes and extreame heauinesse as experience hath taught till they may be stronger and therefore with lesse daunger may be permitted to the libertie of it as other Christians CHAP. 17. Of the declaration of the sixth dutie Of vsing prosperitie well THE next dutie to be obserued is that with the same sanctified and sound heart we enioy all our lawfull liberties and commodities of this life rightly and soberly from day to day whiles the Lord graunteth them vnto our vses and whatsoeuer crosses and afflictions befall vs in the day as both these are distinct parts of our life from the former that we goe vnder them patiently meekely and thankfully These two parts of dutie are required not at some one time in the day as the first and second rules haue their certaine time in which they are to be performed but as some of the other parts of daily direction throughout the day because there is no part of our life in the day but it is either exercised with some crosse or with likelihood and feare of it or it is free from both and enioyeth sundrie benefits of the Lords or that which is the most vsuall and common case of Gods seruants it is mixed and compounded of both which of all these soeuer be our estate we are in great danger if we be vnprouided for it I meane if we be not watchfull in either of them to carie our selues vprightly and before the time of both if we pray not feruently with full resolution to it And to say somewhat distinctly and seuerally of both although it be my purpose to say as litle as I may seeing I haue by occasion spoken of both in another place of the first I will speake in this chapter and in the next of the other It is not hard to vnderstand what I meane by prosperitie properly euen all pleasures and delights which may lawfully be enioyed of the seruants of God in this life as health riches friends peace mariage and all that appertaine thereto as wife children c. These therefore which are things that a man would most desire with freedome from afflictions which might impaire the sweetnesse of them we must know that it is a most difficult thing to possesse them without great daunger to our soules and therefore the liuing in such an estate as to abound in many good blessings of God which the world counteth happinesse is compared to a slipperie way in the which a man is euer sliding and readie to fall Now then to looke to our selues daily that we be not hurt what lesse worke is it then as if a man iourneying all the yeare through yea and all his life long should be constrained continually to be looking to his feete and steppes which thing how vnwelcome it would be and wearisome if it were but one day who doth not see and perceiue Now the case being like in this part of our trauell and spirituall iourney therefore that we may be free from the hurt which might meete with vs herein these two points shall be needfull to be considered and learned First how hardly in prosperitie we walke safely from day to day towards the kingdome of heauen secondly how and after what sort we may do it though it be hard and how we may grow to the right vse of the same which who so attaineth vnto shall find no common nor small ease in his life ouer others do and passe by manifold and grieuous dangers which few auoide And first although a man should much better performe all Christian duties euery day who hath fewest afflictions to draw his heart from them and who hath most helpes by peace wealth to set him forward therein yet as men go to worke we see it is cōmonly cleane contrary For by reason of this that men are so readily caried to vse all earthly things amisse euen to their owne hurt and hinderance and so hardly brought to be the better by benefits it commeth to passe that it is found by experience with vs for the most part as we read in ages past that it was with men then that is the more that a man hath of these earthly commodities the lesse he is inriched with spirituall grace and as they are increased multiplied so this decaieth and is diminished And yet I do not here speake of the wicked of the world as oft times I put the
other duties we and the other parts of our familie do reuerently worship God together that is to say that we solemnely vpon our knees make confession of our sinnes and requests to him with thanksgiuing And because it is required that the word of God should be taught by vs to our children and charge Gen. 18.19 therefore that when we may conueniently we instruct them as they be fit to conceiue in those things which are most necessarie for them training them vp to answer to the same and that they be incouraged to haue acquaintance with the Scriptures and to be exercised in them from their childhood 2. Tim. 3.15 that so the word of God may dwell in them plentifully Col. 3.16 and to edifie themseues in singing of Psalmes to the praise of God the putting of themselues in mind of the heauenly melodie and reioycing which they shall haue with the Lord and his Saints in his kingdome Euen this I say is another of those duties which is as oft as may be to be perfourmed in our families I say as oft as may be because no mans conscience should be accused for the omitting of it on some dayes vpon necessitie which may fall out but yet no man for all that may faine necessitie to passe ouer a dutie of so great vse and for so long continuance euen throughout his life except he supply the omitting of it in some answerable sort otherwise And whereas by the examples of Gods holy seruants this dutie of calling vpon God is commended to vs as to haue bene offered to God three times in the day the other of teaching their families as a thing ordinarie and vsual what cause is there why we in whose dayes the light of the truth shineth more clearely then it did in theirs should be behind them in any such duties sometime by our selues sometime with our families vntill we might say that we haue bene sutable to them in testifying our loue to God whome we obey in perfourming them and the religious care of our owne good which we are sure can neuer be enough As for the daily continuance of this dutie from time to time throughout our life although I doubt not but that many do it now and then who yet will not tye themselues vnto it constantly and therefore reape the sleighter fruite of it some reasons I will alleadge to perswade them And first it may please such to vnderstand that our necessities do require it one day as much and as well as another except necessitie hinder as hath bene said before seeing some are rude some worldly some ignorant and the best are forgetfull and we find that euery day bringeth with it sufficient cause to renew our faith and strength against sinne and all kinds of discouragements and to honour and praise God if it be well considered for his daily fauours and kindnesse For such duties being in vse daily do hold vs from some euill which we should otherwise do Besides seeing particular families are the members and parts of the church and euery gouernour is that in the familie that the Minister is in the congregation therefore if they be not accustomed to worship and serue God at home how shall they be able to do it with profite in the assembly especially seeing experience teacheth that the mind being vnseasoned all the weeke at home is further off from goodnesse on the Sabbath and yet all which is done this way both publikely and priuately is litle enough euen in the best Christians And that we come the oftener and more chearefully hereunto as oft as it shall behoue vs we must know and consider that we haue therein communion and fellowship with the Lord and are admitted to speake and breake our minds vnto him and so haue our soules most sweetly refreshed thereby as if we met before him publikely And what is like vnto such libertie that in a reuerent sort we may be admitted to speake vnto the Lord and to haue him make aunswer to vs againe So that it should not be hard for vs to be brought to enioy so great commoditie but rather to count our state the more happie the ofter that we may be partakers of such a benefite Againe it is meete that we should in this sort haue our recourse to him daily to the end that our whole conuersation may sauour of him that as all aboundance of heauenly odours that is of spirituall grace do flow from his Maiestie to all that are about him and by the prayer of faith come neare him more fragrant then Aarons ointment so we being conuersant with him in this heauenly manner may hereby as by a sweet preseruatiue keepe our selues from all annoyance of Sathan and the world And therefore it is no wisedome for vs to be long from him in this manner especially hauing such free accesse vnto him whensoeuer we list This reason should the easilier perswade vs because we see how by occasion of earthly dealings our earthly minds draw vs to be altogether earthly in our talke one to another churlish hote bitter or light prophane rash and so in our behauiour testifying nothing else but a worldly mind And is any thing more to be desired then the chaunging of this course But what is fitter then this when we ioyne daily together in such holy manner against it euen there where the faults are committed And thus I hauing shewed that there is no cause why we should thinke much to tye our selues daily as we shall be able to these duties weigh now a litle what companions we haue in the Scriptures in the performance of them Abraham is renowned of God for his diligence and faithfulnesse in the perfourming of these exercises of religion in his familie for instructing them and therefore no doubt praying with them seeing all things are sanctified by the word and prayer 1. Tim. 4. Iosua also who professed openly that he and his houshold would serue the Lord did not darkely declare therein that the chiefe parts of Gods seruice were not neglected that is prayer thankes and the teaching them their duties And Cornelius hauing this commendation in the Scripture that he feared God with all his houshold and besides that he was giuen much to prayer hath left sufficient testimonie that both he prayed with his houshold as well as priuately by himselfe alone and also that he laboured and vsed the meanes of instructing the same whereby he might bring them to that feare of God which was in them Therefore seeing such worthy seruants of God haue gone before vs in the performance of these duties in their families and so haue continued them as there is no doubt as they haue seene their daily necessitie to require and that they reaped singular fruite thereby therefore it shall be necessarie for vs oft and vsually to meete together for the priuate worshipping of God in our familie the whole together be it small or great For this may
well ordered But seeing few can heare this saying that our hearts should be holden in subiection to Gods will from time to time and our desires and thoughts though fond and foolish captiuated therefore Sathan taketh his aduantage thereby to make them slaues and bondmen to his suggestions and deceitfull inticements to bereaue and make them voide of all sound iudgement and thus to come to do those things which sometimes they were ashamed of or at least haue iudged very hardly of others for doing them And thus it commeth to passe that besides the hinderance we haue by our euill hearts when we shall haue considered and well pondered how many wayes the diuell letteth and hindereth vs we shall see good cause to prouide the strongest helpe and defence that we can against the same Now then that it may more clearely be seene what daunger and feare we are in by him which may easily breake off our course in godlinesse some of his bad sleights and practises are more particularly to be laid foorth which though they be many and diuerse yet may be fitly drawne to these two heades Either they do all set against our faith or else directly ayme at the extinguishing and burying of godly life in vs wherein if the diuell can preuaile against vs he hath gotten what he would and we haue lost that wherein our glorie stood CHAP. 3. Of the diuels troubling the weake beleeuer about his faith and if he do not preuaile against him one way he seeketh by another AND first for the former to declare how he troubleth the weake faith of Gods children for I omit to shew how he leadeth them captiues who are in his snares being taken prisoners of him to do his will and how forcibly he holdeth backe such as do but begin to looke after eternall life that they shall be long in cheaping but neuer buying although it be without mony his malice crueltie and diligence do euidently appeare in the new borne Christians which are made the children of God by faith as S. Iohn saith The dragon made war with the remnant of the womans seed which keepe the commaundements of God and haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ How many heauie discouragements he presseth downe their weake faith withall that they may shake it off vtterly and be perswaded infinite times that they haue none at all Christs words to Peter do prooue saying Simon Simon Sathan hath desired to winow you that is to scatter and cast you out And how mightily he preuaileth with many for a season so farre that they are altogether in a maner without comfort the dispersed Churches in the Apostles time knew then and they now know best who haue felt and found it so Also it would hardly be beleeued if both Scripture and experience were not cleare witnesses in this behalfe how he terrifieth them with their owne wants ignorances infirmities and vnworthinesses also with feare of shamefull falles which it seemeth to them that they are vnlike to auoide and the rather when he brings to their remembrance such good seruants of God as haue fallen in the like manner before them Besides these what vnsetlings doth he worke in them whiles he feareth them with this that for all their care they shall neuer hold out in their faith and holy course of life vnto their end but by persecutions and other afflictions which shall be stirred vp against them or by other prouocations they shall be turned backe All which with many other he oppresseth them with and all to the end they may cast away their hope and confidence conclude resolutely that they haue no faith The which though the sleepie and drowsie professors are not moued with yet with his weake children it so preuaileth that they haue no greater affliction And in that our Sauiour himselfe was mightily set vpon by him about this thing Whether he were the sonne God or no what other thing did it signifie then this that none of vs should easily attaine to this honour to know our selues to be the children of God and rest quietly therein but we should find Sathan our aduersarie a most mightie hinderer of vs in our going about it For wherein can he shew his malice more fully or verifie the Scripture more clearely which saith That he is enuious man and again That there shall be enmitie betwixt the seed of the woman and the Serpent and that he should treade vpon his heele Indeed this is to be graunted that euen their weake faith which they haue is sweet vnto them and God doth sometime shew them how happie a thing it is to be in his fauour and freed from condemnation Saint Iohn thus speaking to them I write vnto you that beeene that you may know ye haue eternall life And by reason of the litle tast and fruite of their weake faith God so vpholdeth them that they can neuer be contented to forgo it and therefore would they most chiefly be occupied in thinking of it to nourish and strengthen it if they knew how and were able as being their chiefe treasure But the diuell knoweth that there are all those wayes which I haue before spoken of and many other to dismay them and trouble their minds about the same and that their weaknesse is easily wrought vpon for he watcheth his best oportunitie whereby he may driue them into feare doubting heauinesse and such like And the want of outward blessings in many doth much increase it from the which they shall neuer be free long together but euery while be troubled till they grow better acquainted with the nature and propertie of Gods promises namely how true vnchaungeable and perpetuall they be euen as God himselfe also is also except they prize them aboue all other things and send vp earnest prayers to God daily and oft for this faith to be rooted in them which they must do most willingly and gladly as in the first treatise I admonished that it being more and more daily setled in their hearts they may feele their doubting and feare to vanish as fast as they perceiue their hold in the promises of God to waxe stronger and by those meanes by which I taught the weake beleeuer there to strengthen his faith let him looke to be vpholden against the lets which I haue mentioned before or any other whatsoeuer may trouble him It is also to be graunted that God doth ordinarily stablish mens faith the sooner and more easily by the cleare sound and most skilfull and wise applying of Gods promises by his Ministers and messengers whom he appointeth to that worke and as this is done more weakely and darkely the greater and longer is their combat conflict but how cleare and plaine soeuer the wil of God about our saluation be to vs who haue experience of the truth which is taught vs yet it is not so by and by to them who do but newly imbrace this glad tidings although they
it be very offensiue and palpable For would it be thought that such might be brought to be so blinded in that which they do as to thinke that if their course be not liked when it is indeed iustly to be misliked nor their opinions approued though they be fond and vnsound yet that they are hardly dealt withall of those which think so of them And thus it commeth to passe that many dare be bold to neglect good meanes publickly and priuately or to vse both very negligently sleightly and vnreuerently which sometime they durst not do and to make light account of a sin in word or deed which sometime they would not alow so much as in thought And thus many priuate mē take vpon thē to expound the Scriptures hauing no gifts of interpretation toungs or knowledge thereto because they thinke that the children of God may and should do so Such dreames and fantasticall pangues Sathan raiseth in the hearts as well of such as haue had some tast and feeling of Gods fauour as of others who haue gone about the same foolish flesh too easily liking of and consenting thereto that if Christ be with them and God loue them vnder that colour all should be borne with that they do Wherein who seeth not that Sathan driueth at this that their profession may be made ridiculous among other and they themselues after some sore foile may be discouraged from their profession altogether I must needs say it is lamentable that such as God hath inlightned sometimes with some sure hope of his fauour and of the life to come should so be deceiued and made to degenerate but yet that it may be so by Sathans malitious and subtile vndermining of those which are not setled and constant the oft rehearsing of such offences in Peter by name and in other of the chiefest Apostles doth plainely proue although it is greatly to their shame and litle to their comfort which are in this estate neither shall they need to glorie much or please themselues therein because such as haue attained to greater grace then they are no other way but by the power of Gods spirit guiding their hearts preserued from such like offences But this I haue spoken first that I may admonish those who haue found themselues deliuered from the feare of Gods wrath sometimes yet to beware of all boldnesse and presumption in the least maner and to looke carefully to the preseruing and maintaining of their faith by all means and learne to liue by it while they haue Gods word a light to their steps for by it they abide in Gods fauour and are further vpholden in their Christian course and without it if they will be bold to venture as litle children without a stay they shall soone see to their cost what danger they may grow vnto Secondly that they may aduisedly consider their faith and confidence assuring them of so great good things from God daily that this loue of God constraineth them to giue themselues ouer to God as they are able and therefore in reuerence and holy feare to carie themselues so as they haue the word a lanterne and light to their steps and to suspect all other boldnesse to be rash presumption which the Diuell according to his wonted maner and custome laboureth to draw them into that he may hinder them as much as he can from inioying the full fruite of their faith here although he cannot altogether depriue them of saluation it selfe In humilitie let them thinke basely of themselues that they may keepe farre from this bold presumption And let not this be spoken to the weake Christians onely although they are most easily deceiued thus for want of knowledge or sound experience but let the best also know that it falleth out oft times in one houre or day when men waxe somewhat more carelesse in vpholding faith and a good conscience which commeth not to passe in manie yeares And for such as are in feare and danger of this let them know that the greatest measure of faith doth bring answerable measure of humilitie and teacheth such to feare their owne infirmities and Sathans crueltie and to obserue themselues lest they fall and hast not no not in the smallest maner to lay hold of Christs mercie while they walke presumptuously and so afterward let them keepe well when they are well rather then boldly to tempt God by doing the contrary And this let all such take for their remedie against that subtiltie of the Diuell in drawing them to presumption CHAP. 4. Of Sathans hindering the continuance of faith AND thus I passe to another of his slie and malitious practises beside tempting of vs to vtter vnbeliefe and presumption For if he preuaile against vs neither of both these wayes but that we set our selues as we haue bene taught to vphold and prop vp our weake faith daily yet he doth most strongly assault vs watching all oportunities thereto that we may not be rooted and stablished therein that after much labour and many prayers we shall be doubting from time to time and held backe from daily nourishing and preseruing the continuance of that heauenly gift that we should not liue by it nor grow more sound and experienced in it after we haue once obtained it of God which caused the Apostles to pray thus though Christ was conuersant with them Lord increase our faith And although we be commanded neuer to cast away our confidence nor to come to prayer or any other duty at any time without this our faith but as oft as we pray in the day to be able to call God Father and not to be vnarmed of that whiles we be in this warfare yet because it is the preseruer of our life and peace and that whereby all the benefits of Christ are conueyed vnto vs throughout our life therefore doth he hold the most of them which haue inioyed it and felt the sweetnesse of it from possessing it daily And he maketh that as harsh and strange to many euen of Gods seruants to heare That the righteous liue by faith and when they haue buried and lost the power and operation of it that their life is no life to be accounted of euen as it is straunge to the most of the vnbeleeuers to heare That we must draw neare to God with the assurance of faith at any time or at all And from hence it is that among holy Christians though weake I must needs say these speeches are heard What must we euer beleeue and daily hold our faith as though this were a matter not heard of and a speech doubtfull when yet the Scripture sheweth plainely that we must walke from faith to faith daily and that not onely to more assurance of iustification but to a greater measure of sanctification also that our life may be a liuing by faith according to that which the Apostle saith to the Galathians In that I now liue in the
they were no more precise For if they may be deceiued and ouercome who are thought to be strict namely when they will at sometimes be too secure what may be thought of such whose vsuall course is Carelesnes and a trusting to their owne wisdome who count it their disgrace and shame to be affraid of sinne But to returne to the godly how good is it to learne and be able to hold in these fleshly lusts as it were with bit and bridle that no such wofull things befall them at any time neither that they make themselues fooles in Israell nor spectacles to the prophane world to become their pastime All which they shall auoide if they make their greatest reckoning to abide in the fauour of God from day to day and hold fast the assurance of it and not count it too base a thing for them to doe Secondly if they continue vnder Christs gouernment to be willingly subiect to him and to put on his yoke Thirdly if they giue not libertie to their wicked lustes to range after the cogitations and desires which may soonest poison them but follow their particular callings diligently And last of all if they will shunne and auoide the occasions and obiects of such mischiefe and namely those which we reade that holy Ioseph did eschew in the like case being tempted by his whorish mistresse that he would not hearken to her nor come into her companie Another way which the diuel layeth open to obscure and weaken the godly life in vs that by another of these worldly lusts is to fill vs with noysome cares about the things of this life A common euill vnder the Sunne and not the sinne of the poore man onely which yet is not allowed of God no not in him for euen he is taught to depend vpon God being commaunded to pray in faith Giue me this day c. but it is rather more common to the rich as Salomon speaketh I haue seene a rich man as if he had nothing And againe There is one who hath neither sonne nor brother yet there is no end of his trauell neither is his eye satisfied with riches neither doth he once say For whome do I labour and depriue my soule of goodnesse This thorne where it groweth it suffereth no good thing to grow by it but choaketh it and ouershadoweth any other gifts of God whatsoeuer For a worldly mind is a monster of many heades and infecteth the vnwise with her poyson that not onely the common sort who haue small practise of religion but euen the best sort of people are made drunken with the dregges of her golden cuppe and this is reached out so secretly and subtilly that hardly shall one perceiue the daunger of it vntill he haue taken hurt by it Which worldlinesse where it fasteneth vpon a man it deuoureth godlinesse as if there had bene none before and so chaungeth the best men who are not aware of it and who feare not the daunger of it that they shall become most vnlike themselues But in describing of this I cannot vse the like breuitie as in the former Nay I must needes confesse that it troubleth me very much how to lay open this packe it is stuffed with such store of contagious and infected wares and yet men are so greedie to catch them vp hauing respect onely vnto the gaine and therefore vnfit to be disswaded from the trafficke thereof so that few may be noted for examples in vsing the world aright Saint Paule setteth out this sinne which is compact of so many this roote which hath so many branches when writing to Timothie and charging him to make this his text in preaching to such as haue riches he saith The loue or desire of money is the roote of all euill which while some lusted after they erred from the faith and pierced themselues through with many sorrowes Againe They which will be rich fall into temptations and snares and into many foolish and noysome lustes which drowne men in perdition and destruction By the helpe of this Scripture some other I will first lay out some of the branches of this roote and some of the heades of this monster which deuoureth pietie and religion so fast and the deadly daunger that commeth from thence the remedie against it that all these cōsidered we may see what iust cause there is that men should be circumspect in this behalfe in a more especiall manner throughout their dayes besides the generall care which they haue ouer their liues And first a litle of the sinnes of this kind committed in and about the affaires and dealings of Christians for my purpose is to awaken such as are willing to be directed not to shew all the sorts of euill which are practised in the world then somwhat of the sinnes committed by the occasion of riches without respect of mens dealings and the daungers that accompanie both To these two I will referre that which I meane to speake of this first point In dealings some of the sinnes which good men are like to fall into are Greedinesse in seeking and getting their commodities when they consider not who is hurt thereby so they may get nor what daunger they purchase themselues in things which are more precious with the which as a daily companion goeth Hastinesse and rashnesse when couenants and promises are vnaduisedly made and afterward seldome performed and kept being as fast repented of as they were entred into because rashnesse doth nothing wel This way in and about the world many abuse the peace which they inioy But if there be any shew or hope of profite set before vs with what hard conditions so euer we are commonly so moued and tickled therewith that it may be seene apparantly we be much vnsetled and almost made drunken thereby as when we first enter vpon our inheritance and commodities whē they come in more roundly by the rising of prices or great gaine in our bargaines or any such like Another euill of this sort is the deceiptfull loosenesse and light-heartednesse in our affaires which shaketh off all reuerence and feare in our actions and admitteth no suspicion much lesse question whether we walke safely in the meane while or as though our commoditie-seeking were our heauen and happinesse and as though because we haue some libertie giuen vs of God herein therefore we may cast off care of better things and passe measure in them without check or cōtrolement so that we sensibly feele our desire abated to the Gospel and heauenly things To this is annexed as a familiar companion foolish excessiue and earthly reioycing when we haue successe to our liking and gaine comming in And from this ariseth reioycing in our wealth which Iob durst not do but said That had bene a denying of God and pride of life as also a lifting vp our hearts aboue others liuing in pleasure and wantonnesse excesse in diet
any thing about their businesse and dealings but they shall too easily shew and bewray how farre they be from hauing their conuersation in heauen while they are occupied here on the earth and that it being a thing so common to be vnsetled wounded and sore shaken by earthly dealings and commodities And another great cause there is of this sinne and that is a perswasion rooted in them that no man how godly soeuer he be can go about them with an heauenly mind and that a Christian is not tyed to measure and square out his earthly and domesticall affaires after the rules of Scripture but that euery man is to do herein as he seeth good that he can do such things of his owne head without helpe of the word of God Which opinion is so deeply setled in mens minds through sathans crafty beguiling of thē that the most euen of those who be of good hope are both at home and about their dealings in the world with wife seruant neighbour or straunger oftentimes more like bruite beastes or franticke persons then sober and religious Christians And it may be easily gathered that they tye all religion for the most part to the publike place that is to say to go to the church once in a weeke to do as others do there and to order other matters after their owne discretion So litle do such consider what the Apostle hath taught Whether we eate or drinke c. And againe Do these things as though ye did them not Now when men giue this libertie to themselues not to be directed by God in their most common dealings and when the diuell hath brought thē to this point who seeth not how euery thing which they are occupied about is made a let and a snare to them and becommeth a blocke in their way which they stumble at A man shall not speake to his wife but he breaketh into frowardnesse one neighbour contendeth falleth out with and raileth at another for a matter of nothing and one is vnquiet with seruants vexed at children yea cursing them that euer they were borne impatient and wayward at euery thing which goeth against him fretting if any man saue a penie by him though it be by good and lawfull dealing reioycing if he can pull ought to himselfe from any and infinite other such And this is the life of many yet who is wise to see and marke this but that the diuell may leade the most as it were blindfolded whither soeuer he will A wise man will therefore I hope better consider this and learne to disburden himselfe of multitudes of worldly dealings and businesse seeing they suffer not the mind to be free and to subdue his affections so as I haue before taught him that he may haue them ruled and vnder gouernment in one part of his life as well as in another and about family-matters as well as those which are most weightie Other remedies cannot be set downe but seeing this euill riseth from the heart which is stuffed with sundrie corruptions as distrust too great delight-taking in the world rashnesse desire of getting feare of losing c. that therefore it be carefully kept purged from these and that he be wel armed as I haue counselled before and particularly with that part of the armour which is requisite against this point of Sathans deceiuing him as righteousnes patience such like seeing he who is thus bewitched by him as hath now bene set downe highly dishonoureth God and reprocheth his profession but faith must banish distrust and hope must chase away doubtfulnesse and feare and he must know that whatsoeuer he wanteth of them and such like graces to suppresse the said noysomenesse of the heart so much the greater ought his trauell be till he attaine vnto them and yet when he hath them to stand fast in holding them and if he know not his sinnes to be doubtfulnesse distrust and feare c. let him take to him the sword of the spirit euen the word of God which may clearely shew them to him more particular remedie must be sought according to any particular sinne by well obseruing these in generall Furthermore the diuell taketh occasion by chaunge of companie dwelling and acquaintance to steale away mens hearts from goodnesse as he did thus deceiue Lot and to neglect the vse of good meanes publikely and priuately as the maner of many is and to chaunge religion as they say with the place And no maruell when neither the word of God meeteth with them where they become to awaken instruct and admonish them neither good neighbours to obserue and prouoke them to loue and good works nor to admonish them when they haue turned out of the way but contrarily euill talke and companie is found in stead of them for such force we reade to be in them that they are able to corrupt euen good manners But although they meete not with these yet the diuell taketh occasion by the very change of place to make them change their maners which mightily ouer-weigheth with good men that they sooner gather rust as coldnesse loosenesse c. from other then they shall season them with goodnesse and when they liue not with such as know them to haue bene forward Christians it is a strong prouocation to them and a tempting of them to be like others and to become more backward then they were before as we may heare of many for they shall be set vpon by the wicked traine till they haue found out what is in them that if they cannot draw them to euill they may leade them with despite and reproch Againe when we see how litle account holinesse and christian practise of dutie is in the world either in high or low for the most part yea and that wise men are growne to count it meere foolishnesse and nicenesse to make conscience to do those duties whereunto our knowledge leadeth vs is it not thinke we a strong cord to draw vs after the multitude especially when they who boldly contemne goodnesse shall yet be seene to be merie and lustie and without feare as though they had done nothing but that which they can iustifie and as if there were no feare of the iudgement day at all How mightily he preuaileth euen against the godly by this occasion the example of the Prophet doth plainely declare For when I saw saith he the wicked licentious and to talke presumptuously and set their mouth against heauen c. yea and more then this to vtter it boldly How doth God know it and for all this yet they prospered in the world and increased in riches Certainly I said he haue cleansed my heart in vaine washed my hands in innocencie So that the licentious course of bad men so commonly continued and oft without plagues as to Gods seruants they seeme to be and contrarily their owne life to be as it were a continuall mourning and
duties and seruices of God when we see varietie of earthly delights set before vs to enioy and we without controulement of any person may take our fill of them Therefore if in this estate we perceiue any loathsomenesse of well doing to grow vpon vs we must charge our selues with ficklenesse inconstancie falshood against God secret dissembling vnfaithfulnesse c. If we should be content thus to fall from the Lord and if we be not readie without contradiction to stirre vp our selues to a fruitefull and chearefull vse of christian meanes againe yea if we be the worse for Gods benefites we must looke that he wil take them from vs and cause vs to yeeld him other manner of fruites by the want of them Also we must here call to mind whiles with delight we serued the Lord what comfort and godly boldnesse with him we found which now if we begin to decline from him we can enioy no more but may looke for some such recompence as shall be meete for reuolters yea and we must tell this we said to our owne hearts without flatterie that if we waxe wearie of the Lord at our pleasure it is to be feared and that iustly that he will shake vs off in our feare and necessitie we shall not dare to set vpon this christian care again if once we be glutted with it and though we do yet shall we not find it easie for vs to go forward although we set vpon it againe but that one time or other we shall be like to be driuen backe which iudgement is fearefull aboue many and next vnto despaire We must thinke that the Lord dealeth tenderly with vs if we may haue libertie to glorifie him by manifold encouragements in outward blessings whereas many haue thought it a singular priuiledge and great kindnes of his towards them that they may do it in imprisonment in bonds in pouertie in reproch c. And generally we ought to thinke that if we thus vse his benefites that we grow more vndutifull towards him then many which want them it is time for him as hath bene said to take them from vs and to bestow them vpon such as will yeeld and render vnto him better fruite of them And if this should be any occasion of licentiousnesse to vs that many yea the most of such as haue a great portion in earthly commodities do delight in them and take them not to be giuen them of God to the end that they should liue more holily or be the fruitfuller in christian duties by them we must answer to our selues thus againe that we neuer were taught it of God to follow examples no not of the best men contrarie to expresse rules of Scripture much lesse the euill examples of the multitude and common sort of such as reiect all Scripture Now though we fall not this way by meanes of our prosperitie for that were very grosse yet if we should more couertly deceiue our selues by thinking thus that we haue sufficiently profited by this direction now and therfore may cease and neglecting to see our wants daungers infirmities and discouragements which are in our way as in time past and so cast off this trauell against these deceiuings of our hearts we must resolutely be perswaded of the manifold perils outward and inward which are in our liues which full soone if we grow cold and remisse in a godly life do begin to take hold of vs therfore to keepe our selues well whiles we be well And thus we must vse our selues as hath now bene set downe that we may not vse the practises of godlinesse after a common manner But many whiles the Lord reacheth foorth encouragements to them and filleth their liues with outward blessings do accustome themselues to some commendable course who when God chaungeth their prosperous estate do immediately chaunge with it that is to say whiles daungers and great afflictions take hold of their liues they are so distressed and grieued for them that they grow froward impatient and disquieted thereby and are vtterly vnfit to continue such godly meanes as before they vsed for the growing forward in a godly life Hereby is great daunger to be feared therefore if possibly by any of Gods chastisements we shold fall thus farre yet we must confesse such slippes with griefe and with shame and astonishment behold our falles and settle no peace in our hearts till we haue returned and recouered our strength againe and so returne to our first estate againe which also most certainely we shall if with the seruants of God in all ages as the Israelites 1. Sam. 7.4 Hester and Mardocheus Hester 4. Iehosaphat 2. King 20. and others we confesse our sinnes with melting and broken hearts yea our particular sinnes of murmuring impatience fretting and such like that so we may be receiued of our heauenly father for his Christs sake to mercie and forgiuenesse THE SIXTH TREATISE SHEWETH WHAT PRIVILEDGES BELONG TO euery true Christian and how he may haue his part in them CHAP. 1. Of the summe of this Treatise the reasons why it is set out the order of it and of the diuers kindes of priuiledges THe next thing which commeth in place to be spoken of is concerning the priuiledges and liberties which God hath bequeathed vnto and freely bestowed vpon his people and beloued seruants I do not meane any of his benefits which he suffereth the vngodly to enioy which yet are farre more sweet and sauoury to his children than to them but I meane those which are peculiar to the faithfull whereof the other haue no part nor portion The which although all the faithfull enioy not and therefore feele not so great contentation in their liues as they might doe yet they haue free grant and liberty of the Lord so to doe if they knew the will of God in that behalfe or if knowing it they be not holden backe through vnbeliefe as being strongly perswaded that they doe not belong vnto them I know that of those many and great blessings which the children of God partake some are peculiar and proper to some in respect of their callings offices and places which are not common to all but I intend to make mention onely of those which one may possesse although not in a like measure aswell as an other And this I do for sundry and diuers causes partly that the godly may see their riches in some sort aswell as other men know theirs and knowing them may enioy them to their great contentation which few of them doe as they might and that if by any occasion they should be either by the baits of this world by their owne forgetfulnesse faint-heartednesse distrust or other weaknesse of their owne or by Sathans malice put out of the possession of them or any of them yet by considering and remembring these or some of them they might be able to returne home againe from whence they straied and that more easily and willingly
but once in all his life what a manner of priuiledge then is this to be accounted that we may grow from faith to faith and from a darker knowledge of it to a clearer from day to day and that with better assurance then we hold any thing in this life by seale writing witnesse or any other way that law can deuise For indeed the benefit of knowing this so great a treasure to be fallen vs were by many degrees lesse if it were when it is once knowne to vs afterward to be doubted of and called into question againe and that our assurance might not both grow greater and daily continuance of the same be obteined But thanks be to God for his vnspeakable mercy who hath prouided that the longer we liue the better we may know it For the longer that we haue beleeued Gods promise and beene acquainted with it who doubteth but that we may much more cleerely be perswaded of it then in former times when we first beleeued and when we had not as yet so often considered it nor so deepely weighed what might hinder and weaken our faith or come against it For at the first enlightning of our hearts with this sunne-shine of faith we haue many mistes and cloudes cast before our eies to dim darken it many doubts arising from our owne weaknesse vnworthinesse feeling of our sins when we haue had as yet little experience of Gods tender compassion care ouer vs or at least when little marked of vs much feare troubleth vs then because we see many things to accuse vs and for that we doe not many duties which we heare taught vnto vs but when we are better acquainted with him we more easily beleeue that he will forgiue them all vnto vs. And as the yoong childe is not able to stand and go alone till time hath brought more strength euen so it fareth with vs. But when we haue after longer time seene the will and minde of God to be constant vnchangeable our own care to please God to be vnfeigned though vnperfect more then which nothing is required of vs and that the best of Gods seruants haue had the same infirmities as well as we that we haue liberty when we see our weaknesse to seeke pardon of the same at the hands of our good God these and such like considerations after longer time when we haue oft weighed God hath giuen vs greater strength of faith and strengthned vs to waxe more confident euen as we haue withall become more humble and obedient So farre is it off that this assurance the longer time we haue inioied it should be further off from vs. And as for that many obiect that sundry of Gods children after they haue knowen it doe fall to doubt of it after this gainsaieth not that which I affirme For that it may be and is thus I deny not the deuils subtilty and malice being stronger then men haue faith to resist it But the trueth is that as the godly are renewed but in part so through corruption they may waxe wearie oftentimes of that care which should procure their welfare and may as no doubt but many doe neglect to nourish their faith daily and slake their delight in vsing reuerently the best meanes for the conforming of the same and therefore such doe the oftner taste of the hard dyet of other men because they will sometimes choose to follow their waies Besides there are others which though they offend not that way yet they giue too much place to distrust hauing no iust cause by an euill conscience which is the greatest enemie to faith and heereby they depriue themselues of the benefit of this faith and confidence Which kind of people must labor to stay themselues by the perswasion of such Scripture as is written of purpose for their comfort as Take my yoke vpon you and yee shall finde rest to your soules also A contrite heart God will not despise c. Mat. 11.29 Psal 51.17 Mat. 12.20 Psa 43.5 But to returne seeing they may hold abide in Gods loue and hold fast this knowledge of it the longer they liue they see this must be granted them also That none shall take them out of the Lords hands or custodie but that he will care for them vnto the resurrection day Wherein this is a further degree flowing from the former that this loue of God being shed into their hearts plentifully by the holy Ghost it maketh them more quiet ioyfull and better satisfied then all that can be desired of them besides according to that which Saint Peter saith Though we see him not yet we beleeue in him and we reioice with ioy vnspeakable and glorious For what is there in the world that can raise the like ioy in our hearts as this that we know that we shall see the good pleasures of the Lord in the land of the liuing that is in his militant church heere and haue an house not made with hands but eternall in his triumphant heereafter who doeth not see as the former ages haue found and felt and they who yet remaine on earth shall finde that to all other things euen the best there is an appointed end And therefore the ioy that men conceiue for them is but flitting and momentanie not vnspeakable and euerlasting So that the peace and ioy which arise from the certeinty of our saluation is woorthely rekoned as a singular priuiledge in as much as it doeth not onely exceed all worldly treasures but also because it is proper to the children of God and the other haue no part in it And further this should better appeare how great a priuiledge it is to be beloued of God if we could possibly conceiue the dreadfull feare of the reprobate in desperation and how little comfort such an one taketh in all his wealth and delights which he hath in this world in whatsoeuer price and account they are with fooles but would giue them all for one quarter of an houres feeling of Gods louing kindnesse and sweet countenance towards him if it could be inioied and the sound peace and comfort that commeth with it And therefore if any will know the benefit and greatnesse of this priuiledge let him aske of them who hauing hardned their hearts through vnbeliefe are growne into despaire who with wearisome sighes and groanes that cannot be expressed doe thinke with themselues and speake many times Oh how happy are those which are saued yea and what would they giue if they had it how many thousand worlds for a part in Gods kingdome Or if the damned soules in hell could speake they would tell you whether this be a prerogatiue to be kept so safely from the torments thereof and honoured with the assurance of heauen and happinesse as partly may be gathered by that which Saint Luke writeth of the Epicure in the Gospel saying Oh that the tippe of a
to him I say breake our minde lay open our griefe and commune familiarly with him as with a friend when we will he neuer being wearie of vs nor taking scorne of vs or reiecting vs when yet to haue this accesse to an earthly prince but at some time for some one pleasure or other is few mens cases to obtaine and hardly inioied But this is yet more that we know how to come before the Lord with confidence and reuerence so as we need not doubt but he will heare and regard vs and so to come with delight when yet praier is counted a cold helpe to men of the world to be vpholden by Of watchfulnesse to say a little also what a treasure is this that whereas the diuill deceiueth thousands they being not wise wary to escape his sleights yet he teacheth his farre greater wisdome and care to take heed to themselues for he draweth some to whoredome and vncleanesse some to vaine and dangerous expence of the precious time in play and folly some to hunt after the wealth of this world with pined and hunger starued souls and vndoeth others after sundry other waies when yet we may by watchfulnesse shift and shunne them and not be taken in the snare as others are and the oftener that we haue preuailed we may be the better able to preuaile still for heereafter and that we thus resisting and ouercomming in the greatest danger we may much more auoide the smaller But neither our gaine by it nor their losse who are not acquainted with it is greatly considered of them till they haue throughly smarted for the neglect of it And so I may say of the viewing of looking backe vnto our whole course of life in the day when we are ready to lie downe at night What a sweet liberty is this that whereas the most are either stung or wounded at night with the remembrance of their euill spending of the day or a great part of it or some euill that they haue done in it or else thinke not of it at al but digest it merily and forget it which of the two is farre more dangerous as that which surfiteth them yet we may by this priuiledge of looking backe to our bestowing of the day auoid both the one and the other of these daily sicknesses or if we remember any thing to haue escaped vs amisse we are ready to bewaile and acknowledge it to our God and to pray for pardon in faith and renounce our sinne and yet who seeth not that for the most part we may be sure to finde little to accuse vs then at our lying downe or to hinder our sleepe because we were watchfull against it through the day while we were awake The same I may say of the rest For as he hath promised to blesse the vsing of these helpes so he draweth our hearts to beleeue it that he will doe so indeed and thereby to looke for the accomplishing of his promise euen as certainly as if it were already performed as Iosua did in all the Lords battels which he fought for the people of Israell when God had said of the whole land of Canaan I haue or which is all one in God I will giue it into thy hand he beleeuing that he would doe so indeed was incouraged thereby to fight for it and to goe against their enimies and make warre with them in an other maner of proceeding either in cheerefulnesse or confidence then they which came against him And so to say the same of the particulars when the Lord said I haue giuen Iericho and Ai into thy hands the king of Ierusalem with his band of other kings and their men of warre the king of Haser with all the kings and people that came with him whose multitude was as the sande of the sea shore what was his munition or armour but his faith wherein lay his strength but in this that he beleeued that the God of heauen and earth was stronger then all they and that he which had promised would also doe the same although he was inuisible For the which cause it is written in the scriptures that by faith the walles of Iericho a thing in reason most absurd yet by faith and not by battery or strength or pollicy they fell downe The same I might but for auoiding tediousnesse say of many other who beleeuing that God would blesse the same meanes which he commanded them to vse haue with great courage interprised them as Noah in making the arke Abraham in offering to kill his sonne who if they had not beleeued that God would blesse their indeuours and turne them to their great good would neuer haue attempted the same And thus hauing made this matter plaine by examples I will now proceed in applying them to the present occasion Therefore as Iosua hauing promises giuen him of God beleeued them and thereby preuailed against difficulties and discouragements so Gods seruants hauing the like promises are strengthened by God to beleeue them as he was and by beleeuing them obtaine that which is promised For God promiseth that by the helpes which he hath giuen he will inable his people to get victory ouer their sinnes to leade a godly life and when they fall by any infirmity not to suffer them either to faint and dispaire of forgiuenesse on the one side or to make light of their sinne and to be carelesse about it one the other side These promises therefore whosoeuer beleeue they by the helpes which they vse obtaine the blessing namely the thing that is promised So that it is not the bare vsing of these helpes which effecteth much lesse meriteth any such fruit or blessing but that they are vsed in faith and the parties who vse them looke constantly for blessing vpon the same and power and strength from God to helpe their weakenesse This was necessary for me to say how and in what case the meanes and helpes which we vse to the constant practising of a godly life become effectuall vnto vs namely when we beleeue God that he will blesse them to vs. And indeed otherwise let not men looke to receiue any thing thereby which the apostle Iames affirming of one especial helpe namely of praier is as truly said of all the rest that he which doubteth and wauereth when he should beleeue whether by those helpes he shall be furthered and bettered or not let not that man looke to receiue any thing Therefore we must learne to be acquainted with faith euen as we desire to be acquainted with God for by no other meanes can we know him or haue accesse vnto him and thereby we receiue power and strength through the helpes which we vse to liue well and godly These helpes what they are and which ought to be vsed euery day and which by other occasions I haue before set downe in the third and fourth part of this treatise Now
wise to thinke the same of our owne afflictions and if we cannot easily be so perswaded as no man is for the most part we must be earnest with God and that oft and from time to time that our will may yeeld to Gods will and we may thinke that good for vs which he thinketh good And to the end we may bring our hearts to this let vs weigh to and fro what we can obiect against it why we need not submit our selues vnto God that when all our carnall reasons shall be answered as being to weake to preuaile with vs we may referre the whole course of our liues to be gouerned by him and what corrections soeuer he shall thinke meet for vs and to try vs with and for our benefit and to keepe vs from further hurt for he hath no worse end in chastising of vs that then we may remember in all things to be thankefull and take vp our crosse readily and welcome it seeing we know the end of it And let it not be thought much that I say He hath no worse end in afflicting vs for we ought to be perswaded throughly of this that the Lord our God louing vs he cannot intend our hurt in the least maner howsoeuer it shall please him to exercise vs. For we may be sure that he afflicteth not willingly nor at any time but when it is meet and expedient for vs and as our Sauiour said to his beloued Apostles of his bodily departing from them which was the greatest outward crosse that could befall them It is expedient that I goe away from you for otherwise the comforter cannot come vnto you so would he haue vs to thinke that if it were not for our troubles we should neuer haue such comfort as we haue which doth certainely follow the patient bearing of them And heere consider the causes why God sendeth them to his beloued ones which being knowen rightly weighed are of sufficient force to worke their great benefit comfort First that they may haue experience frō how many troubles he deliuereth thē and know after how to look for the like helpe in the like trouble secondly that they may haue proofe of their faith and patience which worketh vnspeakeable comfort thirdly that they may not be condemned with the world fourthly that by them as the body by physicke they may be purged from their sinfull drosse and feare him and fiftly that the Lord may thereby weane them from the world to the which they are so glued as a child is from the brest by bitter things which would not otherwise leaue it So that if we be thus taught of God learne this wisdome of him to beleeue that to these ends and of very loue and faithfulnesse he afflicteth vs whensoeuer he doth it we shall be sure to finde it so to our exceeding comfort And although for a while we be tried and therein may seeme to be neglected and forgotten of him when others shake off the Lords yoke and shunne the troubles by an euill conscience which he laieth vpon them yet when they shall after be plunged into dangers without recouery then shall ours be at an end and our reioicing neuer cease nor be taken from vs. Through this faith Dauid comforted himselfe in his God when wicked men consulted to take way his life Through this wisdome which I haue spoken of an inseparable companion of faith he said when his troubles were sore and great I haue held my peace because thou ô Lord haddest done it and that God was most louing vnto him for all that And so when by this wisdome and faith he had waited patiently on God he reaped experience and gladnesse as the fruite thereof which he himselfe expresseth in these words saying It is good for me ô Lord that I haue beene afflicted And the like speeches he vttered at sundry times in many of his psalmes which for breuity sake I omit whereby it may be gathered that from time to time he was thus vpholden in his troubles and therefore that he inioied this liberty and priuiledge in his life to finde his very crosses profitable and good vnto him The same may be said of Abraham both at many other times and namely when he left his owne countrey and his fathers house to goe to a place which God should shew him where he being a stranger had not a foot of ground to possesse yet hauing leasure to returne would not but waited vpon God to know his pleasu●●● which he would neuer haue done if he had not beene perswaded that the affliction was best for him which God did trie him with Ioseph had no other thing to vpholde him when he was solde put in prison and his feet pinned in the stocks And to be short if this trouble vs that although these woorthy seruants of God and many other had this wisedome to take their troubles aright and in such meeke maner that they seemed not greatly to trouble them yet we may not looke to do so to this end let the Apostles words direct and counsell vs he saith If any man want this wisdome let him aske it of God and it shall be giuen Loe he excepteth none which doe not except themselues of such as know what faith is and who are able to aske in faith as all the Lords may be bolde to do for he addeth But let him aske in faith And Whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saued for how can we call vpon him on whom we haue not beleeued So that if any such be destitute of this wisdome they may thanke themselues it is their owne fault But to satisfie some who I know are many which looking to the Apostles words that all turneth to the best to such as loue God and looke no further whereupon they conclude if God will haue our troubles turne to our good what need we take any further thought about the matter I answere They which beleeue that will not be carelesse in their afflictions how they be affected vnder them whether they lie downe blockishly and senselesly vnder them or whether they storme and be impatient in them but will do as Dauid did in all his troubles who laied them to heart and praied for grace to beare them and for deliuerance out of them though he was sure God would giue a good end of them euen as Daniel also did And if they behaue themselues wilfully carelesly or foolishly in them they shall see them turne to their exceeding hurt and vexation so farre is it off that they should reape good thereby they know not how For the Scripture which teacheth that afflictions are sent them for their good doth not profit them if it be not mixed with faith in them that heare it Heb. 4.2 But if they beleeue that Scripture to be written for them and applie it then they receiue their
who hauing made good and commendable beginnings long agone yet haue taken discouragement from making answerable proceedings although it be written Let thy profiting be seene of all And I denie not but that the deuill raiseth occasions enough of fainting slouth deadnesse of spirit of earthlie mindednesse neglecting of meanes c. in such as haue well begun in a Christian life but God be thanked they are not least vnfurnished nor vnprouided of all helps against the same if they were acquainted with the will of God but as they might be Such therefore as see themselues faultie and weake this way let them learne of them which haue better experience in the waies of God than themselues and which doe more chearefully go before them that they by their example may more soundly and constantly goe forward For why should it not be with the Lords plants in his orchard as it is in an husbandmans that as grafts and plants being set in good ground doe spread their branches and shoot foorth their boughes apparently in a few yeeres so might the Lords plants doe Moreouer we see in all societies one commeth awke and vntoward to an occupation learning or any trade yet in few yeeres is able to guide others which plainly sheweth how he hath profited himselfe And can any thing be truly said why he which is but a yong Christian only such an one as is a liuely member of Christ though as yet he be to be thorowly grounded in the principles of religion yet can any thing I say be truly alledged why he should not in a few yeeres be well growen and increased himselfe and able also in those matters to instruct and guide others that as he was inexpert in the word of righteousnesse when he was a babe so after experience he may be stablished For to what end are all those goodly things reuealed in the Scriptures How we may grow from faith to faith and from grace to grace and that such as are aged and well growen should haue their inward senses of their minds exercised to discerne good and euill and that we should whatsoeuer we haue attained vnto more than others yet seeke to increase daily more and more To what end I say are such Scriptures and many other of like sort Are they not written for our instruction and edifying Or els do we thinke that they should lie by vs vnknowen and we not to meddle with them Which if we will not affirme as indeed no wise or well aduised person will why should we not looke to thriue and prosper in our spirituall husbandrie and that with much more assurance than in the earthly wherein yet many thousands doe exceedingly increase and the rather for that our gaine and the blessing of God is farre more certeine in that than in the other Why I say should not we of the ministerie first and principally and then the seuerall congregations and people which are taught and guided by vs not only shine as lights in the darke world but daily more and more as the morning light doth vnto the perfect day And to be so farre beyond our first beginnings in louing and obeying that which we know that as we were then readie and forward in a little when we knew no more so we may now giue occasion to many to praise God for vs whiles they see the same readinesse and forwardnesse to continue in vs as our knowledge is increased And as we were then carefull ouer other for the good of their soules so why should we not be still of the same minde exhorting one another daily with comfort prouoking to loue to good works and not neglect that dutie for the care of our bodies and wealth The which I heartily wish were done but with that alacritie and cheerefulnesse which I my selfe haue seene many yeeres agone But alas how rare a thing is this to finde either in the one or in the other which causeth this and such other worthie prerogatiues of the faithfull as are spoken of in the Scripture to be in small account seeing few examples are found of this practise And by this it may be seene what is to be vnderstood by growing and what this priuiledge is in the laying forth of the which I am now occupied namely that a true Christian may be able to see and in trueth to affirme that he inioieth farre better liking greater freedome much more ease and sweetnesse in seruing God and in the Christian course then sometime he was able to doe or euer looked for That he seeth farre greater light in the will and word of God and bewty in the Godly life and hath much more conquest ouer his rebellious heart in subduing the affections thereof then euer he thought had beene possible for him which who so inioieth not is vniustly depriued of so great a commodity as beside the saluation of his soule hath none like it vpon the earth and yet cannot be separated from that neither And yet as great as it is I haue shewed that the Lord thinketh it neither too great nor too good for his children but hath bequeathed it vnto them and giuen them free graunt of it and so they may haue their part in it although the greater the benefit is the more strongly the diuill keepeth men backe from possessing it yea euen many of Gods deare children themselues whom he holdeth in the cordes of sinne and baites of vanity so that thereby they lose and forgoe a great part in this heauenly priuiledge and liberty But how he and they doe stop their proceedings in grace and Godlinesse may be seene in the former treatise of the lets Yet I cannot omit here to put them in remembrance of this one let againe that without great heed taking they shall weaken their loue to their brethren through conceites and taking of pritches one against an other and that oft times without any iust cause so that they shall be much feebled therby from duties of loue which if it were well considered had little need to be so being sufficient to hinder euery good enterprise then the which their need be no greater But if these and such like be not their stops and staies let not any obiect and say that they desire with their hearts to be partakers of this priuiledge and benefit if they knew how for if they were willing to be perswaded to vse those meanes with that free and ready heart constantly and daily which they sometimes are willing to doe their desire should quickely be accomplished and they made partakers of that which they wish and that is alwaies to make reckoning of that to be their chiefest treasure To grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ and therefore without ceasing to keepe their hearts vnto it and to thinke there is nothing more to be regarded nor of greater weight and necessity then to bestow the day and the seuerall parts of
grow to direct themselues safely and with holy peace as it were meet for them in such a troublesome world and many waies dangerous as they liue in Some to draw towards an end say nothing troubleth them so much in all that I haue said as the vrging of these speeches All the day long we must meditate on the law and passe the whole time of our dwelling heere in feare Also Whatsoeuer we do eat or drinke c. And Take heed lest at any time there be in any of you an euill heart and vnfaithfull to depart away from the liuing God These and such like places they confesse in their iudgement are vrged too sore and they could else be content with all their hearts to glorifie God sometime and in some parts of their liues as they are able but what comfort shall it be say they when we haue done what we can to thinke yet that God is neuer the more pleased with vs because we know we haue omitted many things which we ought to haue done and committed the contrarie I answer The sense of the places I cannot alter and yet I will not leaue them still in their doubt and perplexitie but for their further satisfying I will not refuse to vnfold them more clearely and helpe them to some stay and resolution And first let them be perswaded of this that there is nothing in these or any such like scriptures which may iustly dismay him that seeketh the Lord in trueth neither is anie lawfull libertie heereby denied to a Christian in such benefits as God hath left vnto him to be inioied onely vnto the flesh whereto we are not debters are we commanded to bidde battell and that so farre as of vs fraile men but yet indued with Gods spirit may be performed Yet more particularly to speake to them I dissemble not my meaning plainly to be this that if any time of the daie or part of our life we thinke we may take any libertie to euill and sinne no not then when we haue before beene best occupied for after such times commonly doe men most giue themselues the bridle this cannot be done without manifest contempt of these scriptures consequently of the maiestie of God who knowing what is best for vs hath thought good thus to direct vs. And yet alas how common this is in many which goe for good Christians we may see with griefe who as though God had giuen them some times to offend in and some liberties which in his worde are condemned which were to make him saie and vnsaie and to denie and affirme the same things I say as though it were thus they do by euerie small occasion let loose the raine to licentiousnesse and yet I denie not but that they doe many things commendably But what doth that auaile them For as dead flies doe cause to stinke and putrifie the ointment of the Apothecarie so some ill parts of life and dead fruites mixed with commendable vertues do spoile them of their vertue and beautie that they haue no fauour in the sight of God neither giue they any sweet smell or sauour vnto men and as the leauen though it be but a little doth sower and leauen the whole lumpe of dough so some strong corruptions being suffered to beare sway in the life doe corrupt euen that which otherwise would be good For as it is a bleamish and deformitie in nature to see in a mans body one eie or legge small and the other great so if there be not proportion and agreeablenesse in our liues betwixt one part of it and another it is an vtter deformitie in the whole They thinke it harde to be bound they saie to bring particularities of their liues vnder examination and themselues to be held within the compasse of anie such rules as should debarre them of anie libertie which they shall thinke good for them and that it were too foolish for them to thinke necessarie and too seruile to obey follow them But let them remember what they said that they are willing to do what duties they can and then let them heare me what seruitude it is I lately set down that is only a stopping of the course of flesh and our owne corrupt will and affections the which yet if we liue after we shall die and be cut off from our inheritance with God and with Christ Indeed by these meanes we should bridle many passions of pride loftinesse swelling and breake off many boisterous outrages which rise vp in vs as wrath frowardnesse heart-burning and quench manie fierie darts of concupiscence vncleane lusts and wantonnesse with other such fonde and dangerous delights which lead men to destruction and cleare our liues season our tongues with Christian talke as well as clense our hearts And is there any man which reioiceth in the name of a Christian who would haue his libertie in these euils What did I say libertie nay who would become a bondman for to speake properly and truely that is bondage in the highest degree to his owne intemperate affections and desires As for the varietie of good liberties which our most mercifull God hath betrusted vs with which are both manie and comfortable in themselues we may vse them all in the Lord so that God haue his honour thereby but whiles we take our part in them the Lord may not lose his part due to him in a worde whiles we vse them soberly and with care not to offend and that nothing be done against knowledge and peace therein And is not this sufficient and enough for all men which are the Lords I am sure when men cannot be content to keepe themselues at this staie as they pay dearely for euery stolne libertie so they must say when they haue had their mindes satisfied after all The godly life excelleth and sing the dolefull song of them who haue learned it somewhat too late by their wofull experience that Measure is a treasure when their mirth is at an end For doe we not see that when Christians haue walked in a good course for a time and after haue begun to shake off the yoke of obedience and haue againe sought libertie to the flesh alledging this What must we be alwaies pent in to looke to our waies see we not I say that God hath in some houre or day giuen them vp into their owne hands in haste and rashnesse to run with greedinesse to the fulfilling of their hearts desire which they haue sought and in that one houre to lay a foundation of sorrow for many yeeres after But haue they afterwards in like haste and with ease returned againe Nay then they must haue shewed themselues wiser than some who were wise and more strong than Sampson the strongest in his time who after he had prostituted made himselfe a sot and slaue to a base mistresse recouered not himselfe againe vntill he had ground in the prison like an
daily both in their generall particular calling which yet is inioined the people to doe And as for such as are more painfull in their calling carefull in their life to please God though it must be granted that they haue many more helps in regard of their ministery then priuate men yet it is also to be considered that their troubles and crosses are manie more greater then other Christians are for the most part for they are more shot at by Sathan and his instruments they haue many discouragements vnkindenesses offered them and hatred for their good will and for the doing of their duty as vnknowen though knowen besides their continuall care ouer the flocke of Christ So that their crosses are manie and great and they haue need of great grace to walke faithfully and fruitfully in their course Therefore let none obiect that the ministers except some few whom God doth more specially priuiledge for causes best knowen to him because of their calling may easily keepe a cōstant course in the feare of God as though they had no lets nor discouragements but let them knowe that all haue hinderances enough and therefore according to the helpes which God hath giuen to euery one both minister and hearer let them grow thereby and one not looke vpon another to be cooled and held backe but all cheare vp their mindes and trusse vp their corrupt thoughts which are euer haling and carrying them one way or other and clogging them so that they cannot goe forward but are ready to stumble one at the welfare and good report of another as Peter did at the liberty of Iohn which he thinking to be greater then his owne said What shall this man doe Now as for them which will not mislike the counsell that is giuen them in this direction if they could follow it but they thinke the writer heereof to haue wished better to other then he can follow himselfe let them yet weigh take in good part his loue to them herein whatsoeuer it haue profited himselfe and yet though he will say nothing of himselfe lest any should thinke of him otherwise then he seeth or knoweth to be in him yet he can put them out of doubt that this doctrine hath beene receiued and conscionably practised of some euen priuate Christians to their good contentation and as they are perswaded to the plentifull recompence of their labour therein bestowed euen already who yet haue good hope that the first attempting of it was as the hardest to them so the least gainfull in comparison of that which is to be looked for and that the best is to come And that the certaine fruit which they haue reaped of the practising it in such weake maner as they could attaine vnto in respect of the vncertaine profit and comfort which they receiued of their vncertaine seruing of God before they were acquainted with it they confesse as they be able to iudge to haue beene very great This I say for their better incouragement into whose hands this booke shall come that they may not feare that this is thrust forth at aduenture amongst men when no proofe hath beene taken how it hath wrought vpon any before And yet this is no small benefit whatsoeuer others haue done that a man which desireth to please God may know how to behaue himselfe in this pilgrimage both towards God and men how to proceed when he hath begunne how to comfort himselfe when he is heauy how to raise vp himselfe when he is fallen how to returne when he hath gone out of the way which through Gods blessing with many such fruits he may finde heere and inioy daily to his comfort I say heere yet without any arrogancy because though many good things may be reaped of many worthy mens labours yet they haue not driuen at this one particular Of daily directing a Christian as I haue done And this for the satisfying of thy demand concerning the practise of this doctrine and therefore feare not thou that the Lord will leaue thee in the middle way when he hath blessed thee in the beginning thereof if thou withdrawest not thy selfe from his gouernment but he will shew himselfe farre more gracious to thee according to the praier which Dauid made in faith to him and obtained the fruite of it O Lord thou hast beene my hope euer since my youth Cast me not away in the time of mine old age when my strength shall faile leaue me not And as this holy man of God we see distrusted his owne weakenesse yet through his long experience of Gods fauour and kindenesse conceiued assured hope thereof vnto his end so the best of vs might iustly feare knowing the malice and subtilty of our enemy besides our owne exceeding frailties that we should neuer be brought in safety to our end and crie out daily against the vnlikelihoods of continuance which we see both in our owne liues and other mens But aboue all these either temptations afflictions or the doubts feares which come thereby our faith carrieth vs to see into Gods minde and purpose and to waite through patience for the acomplishing of his promises accordingly as it is written We are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation And again This is the victory that ouercommeth the world euen your faith And Greater his hee that is in vs then he that is in the world But yet one thing seeing I speaking of it before did shut it vp too briefely remaines necessarie to be answered more fully For when they heare the name of direction though they who read the whole may easily see what I meane thereby they demaund thus What is there any other direction then the word of God And is that now at the first made our direction But what Christian hath not laboured to follow that in all ages when no such inuention as this nor no such new found out direction as yee mention was knowen vnlesse perhaps yee haue found out any new thing beside the scripture or you see that in the Scripture which none before you saw I answer that neither doe I vrge any other then the word commands nor arrogate no skill to teach and guide mens liues then other of my brethren who do soundly and conscionably obserue in reading the Scriptures haue found out and do teach and that is That euery day the substance of godlinesse ought to be practised of euery true Christian and that according to his knowledge hee should holily and religiously indeuour to make the same conscience of his thoughts words and deeds euerie day which at any time or any day he hath done when he looked best vnto them And because the rules of Gods word practises of mens liues do not so commonly easily meet together but euen among the godly it is much complained of that they most hardly can fasten vpon a good course and that euen the
very knowledge of it for want of plaine and daily teaching is in many places much wanting therefore I say further that the frailtie and weaknesse of such doth require that there be some helpe ministred to them by such as haue experience and that which is sufficiently taught in the Canonical Scripture heere and there for the directing of them had need to be gathered together both plainly and plentifully in one Treatise for them to haue it at hand by them and to read oft as they shall be able and shall see it necessarie and not to send honest and well disposed Christians to seeke for euerie instruction which they shall haue need of to euerie booke and chapter of the Bible which neither God doth inioine them neither they could possibly finde though they had leisure no not one of a thousand but are to be helped by the sermons and writings of their teachers For as no man will say there is no vse of the Apothecaries shoppe to fetch thence roots and hearbs for necessarie vse because they grow in fields and gardens so neither is the writing of particular treatises needlesse although all necessarie points of instruction are to be found in the Canonicall Sciptures And as the sermons of many haue bene penned to good purpose to helpe such as are well disposed some directing particularly how to praie some how to receiue the holy communion some how to fast c. so I haue laboured in this treatise to direct men how to liue in this present world so as they may walke with God euen by bringing them from a generall confused thought of Christianitie to a daily and particular care of godlinesse throughout their whole course And seeing as our Sauiour saith The light of the body is the eie so the light of the whole life is the effectuall and powerfull knowledge of Gods will and a well ordered heart and gouerning of the vnruly affections therefore I haue heerein declared how such knowledge must be sought and the heart of a Christian be daily gouerned in the cogitations and desires of it that they may draw the life in the seuerall actions and parts thereof vnto the obedience of Christ Yet I denie not but that men of experience who haue long accustomed themselues to the daily and true feare of God may direct themselues better then that such should need to tie themselues to these rules or such like of another mans drawing who if they haue learning and doe keepe a daily obseruing of their waies and affections shall be best able thereby to gouerne and guide themselues of which sort I wish there were many who could helpe forward other rather then stand in need of helpe themselues But too few there are of them for although many for their knowledge might yet they doe not so narrowly looke to themselues how they obey that which they know but that a direction drawne out of the worde of God by another mans labor industry may do them good Among whom if there should be some who shall condemne this my writing as curious as there are many who cannot thinke any such doctrine necessarie I rest in that which hath mooued me to take it in hand The obiections which remaine are in regard of the persons and states of men as the mightie and the meane the ruler or magistrate the poore seruant labourer and workman the traueller or whosoeuer he be or in what state soeuer hauing his hands full of businesse so as his calling be allowed of God and profitable to men that which hath beene answered to the former obiections may fitly serue for them Namely that all being teachable and ready to heare what the Lord hath to say to them may serue God daily by walking diligently in their calling and minding their worke whiles they be about it so as they remember keepe this in firme perswasion that they labor take paine therein because it pleaseth God they should do so and withall that they be watchfull to practise in their labours all vertues and bring foorth the fruits of the spirit as occasion shall be offered that is to say patience when they be prouoked to the contrarie with long sufferance meekenesse and humblenesse to hold vnder their proud boisterous and rebellious hearts and contentation in the blessing and successe that God giueth them with the like as faith hope loue peace c. To be short euery true Christian may as he ought keepe a daily course of liuing holily righteously and soberly though not all in a like measure and degree yet so as God may be pleased his owne heart quieted and others by his example not iustly offended but edified which is the thing that we ought all to propound to our selues and aime at And last of all whereas it may be demaunded what sicke persons shall doe and whether their consciences shall be tied to such rules when paines and diseases giue no libertie to the minde to thinke of anie thing but the greatnesse extremitie thereof and when praier it selfe especially long continued cannot be admitted no not of them who haue yet in their health praied oft and feruently and with delight to them I answer That if the diseases and kindes of paine be such as there are manie such then know we that the direction fit for such is to keepe faith hope peace with God and patience with meekenesse and thankfulnesse to watch for this and lift vp the hart as oft though briefly as they can by praier for this grace and to hold out contrarie rebellion euen as the martyrs did in their extremities the Lord hauing promised that he will lay no more vpon them then they shal be able to beare and yet euen this poore watch keeping for so it will seeme to them shal be a practising of that direction daily which I haue made mention of though it is not to be looked for that the sicke and diseased can affoord that liberal seruice to God that others may who are in health As for those who are distracted and bereaued of their sences and vnderstanding which may be the case of the dearest seruants of God there is no question to be mooued about them In the faith wherein they liued they shal die be accepted And for other whose sicknesse and diseases shall not be so painful as theirs before mentioned they besides that which hath bene prescribed to the other are to take the benefit of reading by the helpe of others with conference and of meditation also and more long continued praiers Which grace with that which is meete for euerie other in his estate God who giueth plentifully and casteth none in the teeth vouchsafe to graunt to all that desire it for his sake in whom he is well pleased Iesus Christ the righteous CHAP. 10. The conclusion of the whole Booke containing an exhortation to good and bad ANd thus much I haue thought good to say of the
reioicings be in trembling This is that which they must indeauour after And to conclude my speech to them let this that I say be regarded the more by how much they are in greater danger of the diuils deceiuable allurements which now in this our renued peace and longer hope of the continuance of it they lie open vnto Seeing it will be plausible not onely to the bad but also to the better sort that now we haue escaped the perill which we feared when the yeares of our late deceased Soueraigne the Queenes Maiesty grew full and therefore not like long to continue now I say we hauing obtained of the Lord this mercie to haue a religious and godly king to sit vpon the throne and to defend vs it will seeme a needlesse matter to looke so narrowly to our selues as then we did But let all such know howsoeuer others haue no eares to heare it that if now our feare of earthly danger is taken away in some sort we increase not and double our feare of offending God and also if with more inlarged hearts we set not our selues daily as we haue good cause to testifie our thanksgiuing by all possible fruites thereof with honest and blamelesse conuersation I doe them to vnderstand that the last end of these blessed times will be worse to them then the beginnings of them were when they had not yet so deepely sinned And it will be verified in them which was spoken in the daies of the prophet Amos to the children of Israell You onely haue I knowen of all the families of the earth and therefore I will visit you for all your iniquities Now I haue spoken to the Godly I turne to the other who either haue onely a false perswasion of their saluation or else confesse that they haue no knowledge what shall become of them after this life Both sorts are earnestly to be desired to consider in what fearfull estate they be who hauing not made so much as a beginning in the practise of a godly life for so it may truely be said if they haue not true and vnfaigned faith are farre off from this daily walking with God which I haue shewed to be required by him of all his faithfull seruants They are also to weigh how they can answere this saying of the Lord Iesus Except yee repent yee shall all perish And that of Saint Peter If the righteous be scarcely saued where shal the wicked vngodly appeare For besides that their estate shall be in the world to come easelesse and remedilesse what is it that they desire heere for the which they can be content to debarre themselues of the blessed immortality of the soule and the glorious resurrection of the body and to goe to the place of torment doe they not see the slippery and vncertaine condition of all things heere below and that they cannot promise themselues continuance in one estate till the next morning and that they are whatsoeuer they imagine without God in the world the vilest of all creatures the most cursed except the diuils and yet diuels incarnate themselues And if they thinke they may repent when they wil beside that late repentance is dangerous if they might attaine to it doe they not see that they shut vp the way thereto from themselues whiles they may heare the lord speaking thus to them Because when I called vpon you yee would not heare you shall cry your selues and I will not heare saith the Lord And if they should perswade themselues that their sinnes are not so great what is more ridiculous And what should I say more For if it were but the depriuing themselues of the infinite good things which are to be inioied euen in this life they are worthily to be reprooued and chalenged by that speech of Salomon O yee fooles how long will yee loue foolishnesse and yee scorners delight in scorning and yee vnwise hate wisdome And as great folly it is to hope that punishments and fearefull and troublesome times heere shall passe as they haue done euen like vnto a shower of raine But as Noah told the people of the old world that when God meant to bring the flood that should couer the earth it should raine without intermission forty daies and forty nights which the people thought would not haue beene so but it did come to passe euen so when God will bring their destruction it shall come swiftly as a whirlewinde and consume them vtterly as the fire doth the stuble before it make an end And as Nabuchadnezzar had twelue moneths granted him to repent in but at the end of them when he went forward in his sinne euen while he was priding himselfe in his great Babel the same houre he heard Gods sentence on him and had it executed that he was driuen from men and did eate grasse as the oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heauen till his haires were growen as eagles feathers and his nailes as birds clawes so God will surely come and not delay at his appointed time and doe as he hath said to the sonnes of men who are workers of iniquity and they shall not escape and in the meane season their damnation sleepeth not And why will God deale thus with them Verily because they by continuing in their sin put him in minde of the iudgement threatned against them to execute it whereas a man would thinke that so many examples both in scripture and in their owne experience wherein they haue seene the fearefull execution of his threatnings after mens sin hath growen to ripenesse should driue them to preuent their owne destruction And as none are without warnings one time or other and those also feareful ones for the time by sicknesse diseases feare of death wounded consciences and other such accusations so a man would thinke in the time wherein they are sent that they would remember such warnings while they liue and neuer forget them but like a wonder that lasteth but nine daies so is there repentance which vanisheth awaie as the dew of the morning by the heate of the day I would haue thought my selfe that many monstrous persons whom I haue visited when Gods wrath vpon them caused them to cry out and promise amendment would haue proued rare examples to others of true conuersion to God but to my great griefe and to teach me experience what becommeth of such vntimely fruites they haue turned backe againe as an arrow from the stone wall and as the dog to his owne vomite which causeth me to write that which I haue often vttered with an heauy hart That we had need to haue the doctrine of repentance ofter then any thing else for that sinne being rooted sticketh so fast If we be warned of any thing but sinne one warning will serue but many hundred sermons cannot purge that out For when they heare that which sometime casteth them downe yet as though they had beene
exercise and occupie my selfe that I may haue a good conscience both before God and men alwaies that is I take it one time as well as another and therefore much more one day as well as another seeing it reacheth further that is euen to one part of the day as well as the other The which if it can bee done except a man doe tie himselfe to take heede to one as well as to another I know not what to make of it And if he had meant herein but a generall looking to his conscience he could as easily haue said and left out the words before God and men which include both inward and outward actions likewise the word alwaies and to haue restrained it to sometimes The like saying is in another chapter To the which thing hoped for or to the which promise made to our fathers our twelue tribes seruing God day and night alwaies doe trust to come He saith not barely that they serued God which all will graunt ought to be but that they looked to it day and night euen early and late yea and alwaies that is to say constantly and with continuance And as these and such like Scriptures doe prooue that a godly life should be alwaies and euery day so in other places of the word the same thing is set downe in another manner as by that in the Psalme may bee gathered where the Prophet expresseth it by the meanes and helpes whereby such a life is led that is by prayer and praises saying thus euery day or according to the Hebrue words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 on euery day I will blesse thee and praise thy name for euer and euer So that howsoeuer few aime at it that they may by their owne experience haue the proofe of it yet it is euident by the Scriptures that it ought to be thus which is the thing that I haue taken in hand to prooue that there may be more conscience made of it among the godly hereafter Therfore if the Scriptures commend vnto vs a certaine course to walke in with God and a particular directing of our liues of what calling or estate soeuer wee be according to his word and further requireth the same to be daily kept and followed of vs as hath been shewed then Christians must bee guided by some daily direction in the leading of their liues CHAP. 4. Of the third reason of the daily direction FVrthermore if so many parts of a daily direction as will sufficiently direct a man be inioyned in the word of God to be daily vsed then a certaine and daily direction is commaunded of God but the first is manifest and cleere therfore the latter cannot be denied Now for proofe of this that so many parts of direction as may well guide a Christian through the day are set downe in the word of God it is cleere for we are directed there how to begin the day how to proceed in the seuerall actions of the same and how to end it I exclude not any one We are directed also how to carrie our selues in companie how alone how at home how abroad how to beare troubles when they come and to prepare our selues for them before they come and how to vse prosperitie as health friends peace libertie goods and whatsoeuer blessings besides God shall any day bestow vpon vs. In al these I say with other such we are directed in the word of God and how wee may euery day as well as some one serue God in them as occasion shall be offered which shall more cleerely bee seene afterwards in sundrie particulars Which if it be so what ordinary actions in any lawfull calling are to be done of a Christian through the day but God hath in his word guided him how to doe them in such wise as hee by the helpe thereof may with peace and comfort bring it to an end and contrariwise he that knoweth his will therein and walketh not after the same shall neither finde peace in his life nor happines after Which if it were duly weighed and considered would keepe Christians in another and that more safe well ordred and heauenly course then they now are which know it not or haue not conscience to seeke experience of it whereas without it many who might bring great glorie to God by their liues and themselues liue very sweetly yet because they are strangers from such a daily course keeping doe neither of both or at least very meanely and yet because they haue no acquaintance with any better are not content to be disquieted and roused out of that vnprofitable course wherein they are But because I thinke it will be looked for that I should prooue that by the Scriptures which I haue said of the parts of the direction that so many as may well guide a Christian throughout the day are as well particularly required euery day at our hands to be obserued as generally all our life long I will therefore satisfie the teachable reader in that which hee desireth And first where I said that we are guided by the word how to begin the day and how to goe through it Salomon in one sentence directeth to both for when he had said The commaundements and instructions should be alwaies bound to our hearts that is had in continuall remembrance and tied about our neckes that is as iewels had in speciall account hee addeth that at our awaking they shall talke with vs and when we walke they shall leade vs. As if hee should say if the word of God be carefully kept in mind and held in precious estimation it shall guide vs from the morning to the euening euen from our vprising to our lying downe so that God hath not left the gouerning of our liues in our owne hands as though hee had taken no order for them but hath appointed in his word how the whole day should be passed And further where I said more particularly that the Christian life which we are daily to leade consisteth in a carefull declining from all euill and contrariwise in well liuing and bringing forth the fruites of faith and amendment of life and also in the vse of such helps and meanes by which this faith and holy life are nourished and preserued It is very true For there are no meanes necessarily to be vsed euery day nor any parts of godly life which we are bound to performe daily but the scripture doth particularly require thē to be vsed daily That which I say of the helps shal be proued afterwards And for the parts of good life which we must needes practise daily they are that we should be daily occupied in those good workes which in our place and calling we can see to bee required of vs as brotherly kindnes loue sobrietie patience iust dealing towards all mercifulnes meekenes and such like And these be like necessarie all the dayes of our life as in any one so that it is our sinne when we doe