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A07225 Christs victorie ouer Sathans tyrannie Wherin is contained a catalogue of all Christs faithfull souldiers that the Diuell either by his grand captaines the emperours, or by his most deerly beloued sonnes and heyres the popes, haue most cruelly martyred for the truth. With all the poysoned doctrins wherewith that great redde dragon hath made drunken the kings and inhabitants of the earth; with the confutations of them together with all his trayterous practises and designes, against all Christian princes to this day, especially against our late Queen Elizabeth of famous memorie, and our most religious Soueraigne Lord King Iames. Faithfully abstracted out of the Book of martyrs, and diuers other books. By Thomas Mason preacher of Gods Word.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.; Mason, Thomas, 1580-1619? 1615 (1615) STC 17622; ESTC S114403 588,758 444

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receiued with much sauour through the helpe of Phillip the french king The Emperour hearing thereof came with great power to Italy where he destroyed great cities and came to Rome required the Citizens that the cause betwixt the 〈◊〉 Popes might be decided and hee that had the bestright to be taken for Pope and then he would restore to them that which he had taken Alexander doubting his part and the wils of the Citizens hauing ships prepared fet●hed a course about to Uenis The Emperour required the Uenetians to send him but they would not wherefore Fredericus sent thither his Sonn● Otho with men and ships well appointed charging him to attempt nothing before his comming notwithstanding he ioyned with the Uenetians in battell and was ouercome taken and brought into the Citie The farther to redeeme his Sonne was compelled to submit himselfe to the hope and intreat peace To the Emperour comming to Uenis at S. Markes Church where the Pope was there to take his absolution was hid to knéels downe at the popes féete the proud Pope set his foote vpon the Emperours neck and said Super aspidem basilicum ambulabis concultabis leonem et Draconem ●e an●i●●red Non tibi sed Petro. The Pope againe Et mihi Petro. The Emperour fearing more quarreling held his peace and peace was made betwixt them First that hée should receiue Alexander for true Pope then that he should restore to the Church of Rome all that he tooke from it thus he obtained his sonne Alexander was Pope ●1 yeares he kept sondry Councels at ●urd and Lat●ran wh●re he confirmed the proceedings of Hildebrand and other his predecessors In this time spung vp the Doctrine of the Waldenses which was of one Waldus a chiefe Senator of Lion● in France The aforesaid Gratianus master of Decrees and Petrus Lumbardus at this time did much maintaine proud Prelacie after whom followed two as euill or worse Franciscus and Dominicus maintaining as much blinde hypocrisie I● pleased God to raise vp the Waldenses against their Doctrine of Pride and hypocrisie Thus we neuer see any great corrup●i●n in the Churc● but s●me sparke of the true ligh● of the Gospell by Gods prouidence doth remaine howsoeuer their aduersari●● 〈◊〉 them yet by the Iudiciall ●●aying their Articles thou shalt finde that they maintained nothing else but the same doctrine wh●●h we now defend yet I suppose the Papist did gather th●m and wrest them otherwi●e then they were ment as they did them of Wiclife and H●s It chanced that certaine of the chiefe of the citie of Lions went a walking with the aforesaid Waldus of whome came the Waldenses was one one of them f●ll downe suddainly dead the sight whereof smo●e this Waldus with a ●eepe and inward repentance with a carefull study to reforme his life First he began to giue large almes to the needy Secondly to instruct his family and himselfe with the knowledge of Gods word Thirdly to exhort all that resorted to him to rep●ntance and v●r●uous life by his almes and diligent teaching more resorted to him dayly to whom he gaue certaine rudiments of the Scripture The Bishops and Prelates seeing him so meddle with Scripture and to haue such a resort about him though it were but in his owne house moued with great malice against him threatned to excommunicate him if he did not leaue so to doe He neglecting the threatnings of the wicked said God must be obeyed more then man and was the more diligent to set forth the Doctrine of Christ against the errours of Antichrist When they saw their excommunication dispised they ceased not with prison with sword and banishment to prosecute till they had driuen the said Waldus and all his fauourers out of the city Here followeth their Articles they held 1 That the holy Scripture is to be beleeued in matters pertaining to saluation and no man besides 2 All things contained in holy Scripture necessary to saluation and nothing to bee admitted in Religion but what onely is commaunded in the word of God 3 To be but one onely Mediator other saints to be made in no wise Mediators to be inuocated 4 That there is no Purgatory but all men either by Christ are Iustified or without Christ condemned besides these two neither thre nor foure places 5 That all Masses sunge for the deads are wicked and to be abrogated 6 All mens traditions to be reiected at least not to be reputed necessary to saluation therefore singing and superflueus chaunting in the Chaun●ell to be left constrai●ied and prefixed ●aste bound to dayes and times differences of meats varieties of ●egres and orders of Priests Fryers Monkes Nunnes super●luous holy dayes so many bene dictions and hallowing of creatures vowes Pilgrimages with all the rablement of Ceremonies brought in by men to be abolished 7 The supremacie of the Pope vsurping aboue all Churches and especially aboue all polliti●ue Realmes and Gouernments or for him to occupie and vsurpe the Iurisdiction of both swords to be denyed neither that any other degree is to be receiued in the Church but only Priests Deacons and Bishops 8 The Communion of both kinds to be necessary to all people according to the institution of Christ. 9 I ●●●m the Church of Rome to be the very Babilon spoken of in the Reuelation and the Pope to be the fountaine of all error and the very Antichrist 10 They reiect the Popes pardons and indulgences 11 The mariage of Pri●sts and ecclesiasticall persons to be Godly and necessary in the Church 12 Such as heare the word of God and haue a good Faith to bee ●he right Church of Christ and to this Church the Key●s of the Church to be giuen to driue away wolues and to institute true Pastors to preach the word and institute the Sacraments these were their principall Articles Being exiled they dispersed in diuerse places of whom many remained long after in Bohemia E●eas Syluius in the Bohemian Histories writeth that these Articles they held The Bishop of Rome to be equall with other Bishops no difference of degrées amongst Priests no Priest to bee reputed for the dignitie of his Order but for the worthynesse of his life No Purgatory as before in vaine to pray for the dead a thing onely ●ound out for the lu●●ee of Priests The Image of God as of the Trinitie and of Saints to be abolished The hallowing of ●●ater and palmes a ridic●e The religious of begging Friers to be found out by the Diuell That Priests sho●l● not incro●h riches but bee content with their Tythes and mens deuotions The preaching of the Word to be frée to all men called thereunto No deadly sinne to be tollerated for what respect soeuer of greater commodity to ensue thereby Confirmation of Bishops with oyle and extreame v●●tion none o● the Sacraments Auricul●r confession but a toy Baptisme to bee ministred onely with pure water without mixture of holy oyle The Maiestie of God not to bee restrained
flée from him as Cain and that wée are damned by Nature as a Toade and a Serpent are so by Nature Item Loue in Christ putteth no difference betwixt one man and another Item The sects of Saints Francis Saint Dominick others be damnable Then the Bishop asked him whether he would renounce these heresies and he prayed the Bishop to reforme himselfe Then the Bishop gaue him respite and when hee came before him againe First he affirmed that Christ all his merits were his and that he was knit to him so inseperably that he could not be damned except Christ were damned He that séeketh by his almes more then to be mercifull and to succor his brother● and neighbours need he is blind and seeth not Christs bloud so God is honoured on all sides in that we count him righteous in all his lawes and to worship him otherwise is Idolatry he concluded to them all he found no fault throughout all the booke but it is all good and hath giuen him great light of conscience The next Sessions he was intised to recant but shortly after he was moued by the example of one that was burned in Smithfield and after did constantly abide in the testimonie of the truth and suffered in Smithfield Lastly for these Articles he was condemned 1 THat Faith onely iustifieth which lacketh not Charitie 2 That Christ is a sufficient Mediator for vs therefore no prayer to be● made to Saints 3 That Christ is our sufficient purgatory and that there is no purgatory after this life 4 That the soules of the faithfull departing this life rest with Christ. 5 That a Priest receiuing orders receiueth more grace if his Faith be increased or else not Lastly hee beléeueth that the bloud and flesh of Christ is not in the Sacrament wherevpon he was condemned and burnt as aforesaid IOHN RANDALL THis IOHN RANDALL was of Christs Colledge in Cambridge and for the loue that he had to the Scriptures and sincere Religion hee was suspected and hated the yong man being studious and about one twenty yéeres old was long lacking of his companions and through the stench of his corps his study door● being broken vp he was found hanged with his owne girdle within the study in such maner that he had his face looking vpon the Bible and his finger pointing to a place of Scripture whereas predestination was intreated of surely this matter lacked no singular policie of some old naughty man that it should seeme for feare of pred●stination he was driuen to despaire that it might keep their yong men from the study of the Scriptures as a thing most perilous In this yeare an old man in the County of Buckingham for eating of Bacon in Lent was condemned to the fire and burned EDWARD FRESE EDward Frese a Painter was hired to paint certaine cloaths for the new Inne in Colchester and in the vpper boarder of the cloaths he wrote certaine sentences of the Scripture then some of the Towne which had seene his worke apprehended him and brought him to London to the Bishop where he was cruelly imprisoned with others of Essex One Iohnson and his wife and one Willy his wife and his son and one Father Bate of Rowshedge they were fed with fine Manchet made of saw-dust or the most part therof the said Frese being at the Bishops at Fullam his wife being desirous to see him came to the gate being big with Childe the Porter kicked her on the belly that on the same she died and the childe died immediatly after for writing against the wall his hands were manacled that the flesh of his armes were higher then the Irons and they kept him thrée daies without meat when he should come to his answer he could say nothing but looked on the people like a wilde man and if they asked him any question he could say nothing but my Lord is a good man an● when they had spent his body and wits they sent him to Bearsie-Abby but hee would not tarry there but he neuer came to his wits againe vntill his death And his brother Valentine Frese was burned for the testimony of Christ in Yorke Also the wife of the aforesaid Father Bate made a Supplication to the King and deliuered it vnto him who appointed her to go to one M. Seliard of him she gat a letter to the Bishop she hoped some good should come to her Husband but some of her friends would néeds sée the contents of her letter which was to this effect look what you can gather against Father Bate send me word that I may certifie the Kinges Maiesty but shortly after he gat out of prison in a darke night and was caught no more In this yeare Fryer Roy was burned in Portugale what his doctrine was may easily be gathered by his testimony that he left here in England The History of Maister IAMES BAYNHAM a Lawyer THis Maister Baynham was accused to Sir Thomas Moore Chancelor arested with a Sergeant at Armes and carried out of the middle Temple to his house at Chelsey when he saw he could not preuaile with him he whipped him at a trée in his garden then racked him at the tower before himselfe vntill they had almost lamed him because he would not accuse Gentlemen of the Temple nor tel where his bookes lay and because his wife denied they were at his house she was sent to the fléet and his goods confiscate When they had often vsed him vpon the tortures then he sent him to the Bishop of London who cast him into Lolards tower vntill he had bin diuers times before him examined and they were not able to resist him He was both mighty in Scriptures and Arguments that he was able to confound them with their owne Arguments so he condemned him and the Bishop sent one Doctor Symons to peruert him and waite vpon him to the stake after much communication betweene the Doctor him he prayed the Sheriffes to deliuer him from Satan for he was content to confirme his faith with his blood At the stake he lay down flat and prayed then rising vp he imbraced the stake then he said Good people I am come hither accused and condemned for an hereticke these be the Articles I dye for I say it is lawfull for euery man or woman to haue Gods booke in their Mother tongue That the Pope is Antichrist that he knoweth no other Keyes of heau●n gate but the preaching of the word and that the●e is no other purgatory then the purgatory of Christs blood and that the soules of the faithfull imediatly go to heauen r●st with Christ for euermore That Thomas Becket was no Saint but a Traytor and a shedder of innocent blood th●n one M. Pauey answered Thou liest thou heretick thou deniest the blessed Sacrament of the altar He answered I do not deny the Sacrament as it was instituted of Christ and vsed of his Apostles but I deny transubstantiation and your
nor old Law therefore said the Bishop I will know nothing but my portous and my pontificall if you forgoe not these fantasies you shall repent it Thomas said my cause is iust before God and I passe not what followeth thereon After he was summoned by the Cardinall of Saint Andrewes and the said Bishop of Dunkelden and with him were summoned Frier Iohn Kellow Frier Beuarage Duncane Simson Priest Robert Foster a Gentleman with thrée or foure other men of Striueling who at thei● day of apparance were condemned to death without any place of recantation because they were chiefe hereticks and teachers of heresies and because many of them were at the marriage of the Priest of Twybody and eate flesh in Lent at their Bridall and they were all together burn●d vpon the Castle Hill of Edenbrough where they comforted one another merueilously The Persecution of certaine in the towne of Perth THere was an Act of Parliament in the gouernment of the Earle of Arrai giuing priuilege to reade the scriptures in their mother tongue but secluding al conference thereof wherby y ● eyes of the elect of God were opened to sée the tru●h and abhorre Papisticall abhominations at which time Fryer Spencer preached that Prayers made to Saints were necessary and without it no hope of saluation Then Robert Lambe a Burges of Perth accused him op●nl● in the Church of erronious Doctrine and adiured him in Gods name to vtter the truth whereupon trouble and tumul● of people arose so that the said Robert with great danger of his life escaped euen the Women addressed themselues to great cruelty against him Shortly after the Cardinall and the Earle of Argile sat about the matter before these persons were brought Robert Lambe William Anderson Iames Hunter Iames Rauelson Iames Fouleson and Hellen Sirke his Wife and the next day were condemned to death by an Assize for violating the foresaid Act of Parliment by conferring together of the Scripture and for that the said Robert Lambe William Anderson and Iames Raueleson hanged the Image of Saint Francis in a cord nayling Rammes hornes to his head and a Cowes rump to his ta●le and for eating a Goose of Alhollow Eue and Iames Hunter for kéeping company with th●m He●len Sirke for saying Mary merited not by workes to be the Mother of Christ and to be preferred before other Women but Gods free mercy ●xalted her to that estate Iohn Raueleson for setting vp in his house a triple Crowne of Saint Peter which the Cardina●l tooke to be done in mockage of his Card●nals ha● At the place of execution Robert Lambe exhorted the people to feare God and to leaue the leauen of Papisticall abhominations and prophesied of the ruine of the Cardinall which after came to passe and comforting one another that they should sup together in the Kingdome of heauen The Woman desired to die with her Husband but was not suffered then she kissed him saying We haue liued together ioyfull daies but this day is most ioyful because we must haue ioy for euer I will not bid you God night for we shall all this night méete with ioy in heauen The condemnation of GEORGE VVISHARD Gentleman and his Articles before the Cardinall of Scotland and others 1 TOuching Preaching when he was forbidden hee answered I haue read in the Acts of the Apostles that it is not lawfull to desist from preaching the Gospell for menaces of men therefore it is written wee must rather obey God then men and I beléeue that the Lord will turne your cursings of mee vnto blessings and as in the second of Malachy I will curse your blessings bless● your cursings 2 He affirmed the mouing of the body outward of the Priest at Masse without the inward mouing of the heart is but the playing of an ape and not the seruing of God who must be honored in spirit and verity 3 That auriculer confession hath no promise of the Euangell and therefore it cannot be a Sacrament but there are many testimonies of confession made to God 4 As none will make marchandise with one of a strange Language except that he doe vnderstand the promise made by the Stranger So I would that we vnderstood what wee promise in the Name of the Infant to GOD in Baptisme then saide one Bleiter a Chaplaine The● hast the Deuill and Spirit of errour then said a Child the Deuill cannot speake such words as he doth 5 The lawfull vse of the Sacraments is most acceptable vnto God but the great abuse is very detestable vnto him I once met with a Iew as I was sayling on the Sea I inquired of him what was the cause of his pertinacy that he did not beléeue the true Messias was come being that he saw the prophesies of him fulfilled and the Prophesies and the Scepter of Iuda was likewise tak●n away He answered me When the Messias commeth he shall restore all things and he shall not abrogate the Law giuen vnto our fore-fathers as yee doe for we sée the poore almost ready to perish for hunger amongst you and you pitty them not and amongst vs Iewes though we are poore there are no beggars found And it is forbidden by the Law to faine an Image of any thing in Heauen or Earth but onely to honour God but your Churches are full of Idols and ye adore a péece of Bread baked vpon the ashes and that it is your God then the Bishops shooke their heads and spitted on the earth 6 He reproued coniurings and exorcismes of holy Water and said that they were contrary to Gods word 7 Saint Peter saith God hath made vs Kings and Priests and againe hee hath made vs a kinglie Priest-hood therefore I affirme that any man cunning in the Word of GOD and the Faith of Christ he hath power from God by the Word of God to binde and lose and a man that is not conuersant in Gods Word nor constant in Faith what estate or order soeuer he be of hath no power to binde or lose being he wanteth the word of God the instrument to binde and lose with 8 Touching fréewill he said as many as firmely beléeue in Christ haue liberty as in the 8. of Iohn If the Sonne make you free then verily shall you be free but as many as beleeue not in Christ are bond seruants of sinne he that sinneth is bond to sinne 9 Touching praying to Saints he said it is certaine in Scripture that we should worship and honour one God but for honouring of Saints it is doubtfull whether they heare our inuocation made to them therefore I exhort all men that they would leaue the vnsure way and follow that way which our Maister Christ taught vs He is our onely Mediator and maketh intercession for vs hee is the doore he that entreth not in by this doore but climbeth in another way is a Theefe and a Murderer he is the verity and life he that goeth out of this way is fallen into the mire 10
make an excellent Deuill This the Parish tooke well a worth and the poore man had his Money On New-yeares day at night was a great stirre betwixt the Spaniards and English men the occasion was about two Whores which were in the Cloyster of Westminster with a sort of Spaniards whilst some played the knaue with them others kept the entry of the Cloyster with Dags in harnesse they discharged their Dags at the Deanes men that came into the Cloyster and hurt some of them at length almost the whole towne was vp by reason of a Spanish Fryer which got into the Church and rung Alarum so that many were afraid At was publikely noysed that Quée●e Mary was with childe there were diuers prayers made in euery Church and processions for her deliuerance with a man child and that it should be beautifull comly and wise And there was an Act of Parlament made that if the Quéene should die in the infancy of the child that the King should haue the gouernment of it and the Realme vntill it came of full age ●●uers were punished for saying the Quéene was not with child About Whitsontide the time was thought to be nigh and mid-wiues rockers and nurses with tradle and all were prepared in readinesse and a rumor was blowne in London of the prosperous deliuerance of the Queene so that the bells were rung bon-fires and processions made not only in the Citie but in most parts of the Realme and in Antwarp guns were shot off in English ships and the Marriners were rewarded with an hundred Pistols by the Quéen of Hungary The Parson of S. Anns within Aidersgate and diuers other Preachers took vpon them to describe how faire and beautifull the childe was at length the people were certified the contrary that the Quéen was not deliuered nor in hope to haue any childe The two and twentieth of Ianuary all the Preachers in prison were called before Gardnor at his house in S. Mary-Oueries after communication they were asked whether they would conuert and enioy the Quéens pardon or stand to that which they had taught they answered they would stand to that which they had taught then they were committed to a straighter prison then before with charge that none should speak with them Iames George the same time died in prison and was buried in the fields Upon the fiue and twentieth of Ianuary on the day of the conuersion of S Paul there was a generall and solemne procession through London to giue God thanks for their conuersion to the Catholike Church wherein were foure score and ten crosses and a hundred and sixtie Priests and Clerks who had euery one Copes on singing lustily there followed eight Bishops and last of all Bonner carrying the Pixe vnder a Canopie and there was the Mayor Aldermen and all the Liuerie of euery occupation and the King and the Cardinall came to Paules Chu●ch the same day and after returned to Westminster at the steps going vp to the Quire all the Gentlemen that were set of late at liberty out of the Tower kneeled before the King and offered vnto him themselues and their seruices after the procession there was commanded bon-fires to be made at night THE ELEVENTH BOOKE wherein is discoursed the bloudy murdering of Gods Saints The martyrdom of Iohn Rogers THe fourth of Februarie suffered M. Iohn Rogers His examination before the Lord Chancellor and the rest of the Councell the two and twentieth of Ianuary Lord Chan. Wilt thou returne to the Catholike Church and vnite and knit thy selfe with vs as all the Parlament house hath don Rog. I neuer did nor will discent from the Catholike Church L. Chan. But I speak of receiuing the Pope to be supreme head Rog. I know none other head of the Catholike Church but Christ neither will I acknowledge the Bishop of Rome to haue any more authoritie then any other Bishop hath either by the word of God or the doctrine of the Church foure hundred yeares after Christ. L. Chan. If Christ be the only head why diddest thou acknowledge K. Henry supreame head of the Church Rog. I neuer granted him supremacie in spirituall things as forgiuenesse of s●nnes and giuing of holy Ghost and to be a Iudge aboue the word of God L. Chan. There is no inconuenience to haue Christ supreme head and the Bishop of Rome also I was ready to haue answered that there could not bee two heads of one Church but he said make vs a direct answere whether thou wilt be one of this Catholike Church or no. Rog. I do not beleeue that your selues doe thinke in your hearts that he is supreme head in forgiuing of sinnes c. being this twenty yeares you haue preached and some of you haue written to the contrary L. Chan. Tush that Parlament constrained men by cruelty to abolish the primasie of the Pope Rog. Then you doe wrong by cruelty to perswade mens consciences if that cruelty did not perswade your consciences how would you haue your cruelties to perswade our consciences L. Chan. They were driuen by force to consent to that act wheras in this Parlament it was vniformally receiued Rog. It goeth not by the more or lesser part which condiscended vnto it but by the wiser truer and godlier part then he interrupted me and bade me answere him for we haue more to speake with then with you for there were ten persons more Then he asked me whether I would enter into the Church with the whole Realme I said I would see it proued the Church then I vndertook if I might haue pen and ink proue the contrary but he said that should not be permitted and told me I should be sure neuer to haue the Quéens mercie if I would not acknowledge the Pope supreme head of the Church and said Paule forbiddeth me to contend with hereticks L. Chan. Do●● thou not say in the Créed I beleeue in the Catholike Church Rog. I find not the Bishop of Rome there it signifieth the consent of all true teaching Churches of all ages And the Church of Rome cannot be one of them which teacheth so many doctrines against Gods word can that Church that doth so be the head of the Catholike Church When he would haue me proue wherein the Pope taught against the word I said to speake with strange tongues is against the scripture L. Chan. Thou canst proue nothing by the Scripture it is dead it must haue a liuely expositor for all hereticks haue alleaged Scriptures Rog. The Scripture is aliue all hereticks haue alleaged Scripture but they were ouercome by it Then he bade away with me to prison then I stood vp for I had kneeled all the while Then Sir Richard Southwell said I know well thou wilt not burne in this geare I said I trusted in God yes When they touched me with marriage being a Priest I said the true Catholik Church did euer allow marriage to Priests His second examination L. Chan. TEll me wilt thou returne
Christian Faith 2 There are but two Sacraments Baptisme and the Lords Supper in these are contained the two Testaments the effect of the Law is Repentance and the effect of the Gospell is remission of sinnes 3 There is a visible Church wherein the word of God is preached and the Sacraments truely ministred Uisible to the wicked world although it bee not credited and by death of Saints confirmed as in the time of Elias as well as now 4 The Sea of Rome is the Sea of Antichrist The Congregation of the wicked whereof the Pope is head vnder the Diuell 5 God is neither spiritually nor corporally in the Sacrament of the Altar and there is no other substance but bread and Wine 2 The Masse is not onely a prophanation of the Lords Supper but a most blasphemous Idoll We affirmed to beleeue all that the Bishop or any could proue by Scriptures but he said he would not stand to proue it with hereticks but said they themselues were the holy Church and that we ought to beleeue them or else to be cut off like withered branches When they were brought to Stratford the Bow they were deuided into two parts and put into two chambers then the Sherife came to the one part and tolde them that the other had recanted and were saued and exhorted them to doe the like and not cast away themselues they answered their faith was not builded on man but Christ crucified When he could doe no good with them he went to the other place and told them their Fellowes had recanted and were saued and counselled them to doe the like and not willingly to kill themselues vnto whom they answered as their fellowes had done When he saw he could not preuaile he lead them to the fire they ioyfully kissed the stake the eleauen men were tyed to foure stakes and the two Women loose in the middest and so they were burned all in one fire with such loue one to another and constancy in our Sauiour Christ that it was wonderfull Thomas Free-man William Stannard and William Adames THese were also condemned to dye with the other at the same time and béeing in the hands of the secular power Cardinall Poole sent his dispensation for their liues and by that meanes they were kept from mart●rdome The fourteenth of Iune Iohn Colstoke of Wellington in Liechfield Dioces for holding against the real presence and auricular confession was compelled to recant and to beare a faggot before the Crosse bare-headed hauing in one hand a Taper and in the other a paire of Beads The seuentéenth of Iune Thomas Barnes and Ellice Birth were accused that one wished to the other in the beginning of Queene Maries raigne his dagger in the belly of him that sung to the Organs ●he denied not but he spake these words and that he then thought the masse abominable and though he submitted himselfe hee was condemned to beare a faggot with beads and his taper before the crosse The seuen and twentieth of Iune Thomas Paret Martin Hunt and Iohn Norrice died in the Kings Bench and were buried in the back-side they were imprisoned for the profession of the truth Robert Bernard Adam Foster and Robert Lawson THe 30. of Iune Hopton B of Norwich called Robert Bernard Heretick because he said he would neuer be confessed of a Priest he answered it gréeueth me not to be called hereticke at your hand for so your forefathers called the Prophets and Confessors long agoe then the B ●ad him follow him and went and knéeled before the Sacrament of the Altar and as he was at his prayers he looked back and asked Barnard why he did not as he did He answered I cannot tell why you should doe so the Bishop asked him whom sée you yonder pointing to the Pixe hanging ouer the Altar Do you not see your maker there He said No I see nothing but a few cloaths hang together in a heape then the Bishop commaunded him to the Iayle and ●ad put Irons enough vpon him After one of the Guard had him to a Tauerne where many Priests were when they could not perswade him they threatned h●m with whipping and stocking and when they could peruert him by no meanes then they carried him to the Bishop who immediatly condemned him Hee was a labourer dwelling in F●an●den in Suffolke Adam Foster was a Husbandman dwelling in Mendlesam in Suffollke Hee was apprehended by Thomas Mouse and George Reuet Constables at the command●ment of Sir Iohn Terill because he would not heare Masse He was cast into Aye dungeon from whence he was sent to Norwich and condemned by the aforesaid Bishop Mouse presently after fell sicke and pined away to death the ●ther came to the like end not long after Robert Lawson a Linnen Weauer was likewise apprehended at the commandement of Sir Iohn Terill and sent to Aye Dungeon because hee would not come to Church nor receiue their Popish Idoll When they were carried to their deathes they most triumphantly ended their liues in the fixe Iohn Careles of Couentry Weauer ABout this time he died in the Kings Bench hauing beene long imprisoned there hee was examined before Doctor Martine one of the Masters of the Chancerie a iolly stirrer in those matters in which examination I finde no matters of religion but that he answereth a popish opinion of election that wee are elected in respect of our good workes and so long elected as we doe them and no longer but he beleeued that God of his infinite goodnesse through Iesus Christ did elect and appoint in him before the foundation of the earth was laid a Church or Congregation which he doth continually guide and gouerne by his grace and holy spirit so that not one of them shall euer finally perish and that God hath e●ernally predestinated me to eternall life in Iesus Christ. I am most certaine and likewise sure that his holy spirit wherewith I am sealed will so preserue me from all heresies and euill opinions that I shall die in none at all I doe beleeue that Christ did effectually die for al those that repent and beleeue for none other At his first comming into prison his conscience was ouer much oppressed with the consideration of his sinnes vntill he had a comfortable letter of Philpot concerning the mercie of Christ to them that repent and although a sorrowfull spirit be a sacrifice acceptable to God and the earnest pennie of election yet the end of it must be comfort and ioy of the holy Ghost in assurance of the remission of sinnes therfore he ●iddeth him be carelesse according to his name in assurance of the remission of sinnes in Christ. Wherefore Carles thanketh God heartily and confesseth that Philpots sweete exhortations had brought much glad tidings vnto his tyred soule and that it was greatly refreshed with the sweet sauor of his precious Nard I will now according to your louing request cast away all care reioice with you and pray God for you
Touching his inward or spirituall seat S. Paule 2. Thess. 2. 24. saith He sitteth as God in the Temple of God Antichrist signifieth an aduersary of Christ and if it had bin meant of the Turke or any other aduersary that did not professe Christianitie he might easily be seene without so many reuelations but hee is according to the description of a false Prophet Mat. 7. 15. a most grieuous Wolfe to Christs Lambs and yet so couered with a sheeps skin that it is impossible to know him without the spirit of God Outwardly he seemeth to be a good tree but his fruit is nothing but thornes and thistles to destroy Gods children Matth. 24. 24. Christ calleth them false Christs and false Prophets prophecying that they shall do such wonders that if it were possible they should deceiue the elect so thou seest the Antichrist which is prophecied of must be a professor of Christ as the Pope is which calleth himselfe the Catholique Church but he is the onely aduersary thereof as this book will teach thee by experience Touching the third point to know him by his doctrines 1. Tim. 4. 1 They shall depart from the faith and follow doctrines of diuels and speake lies through hypocrisie they shall haue their consciences seared with an hote iron forbidding to marrie and commaunding to abstain from meats and they teach the same superstitious doctrins that S. Paule warneth vs from Coloss. 2. 16. Let no man condemne you in meat and drinke or in respect of an holy-day or a new Moone nor Sabboths nor make you forsake Christ the head in worshipping Angels neither let them burden you with traditions as touch not tast not handle not which things haue a shew of wisedome in that the professors be voluntary religious and humble their mindes and spare not their bodies nor haue their bodies in any estimation but all is nothing but to fulfill a fleshly religion and Iude in his twelfth verse compareth them to clouds which in a drieth seem to bring raine but doe not for though they make great promises of feeding of soules yet there is no true hope of remission of sins nor assurance of eternall happinesse in their doctrines And in 2. Pet. 2. 17. he calleth them Wells not with a little water but quite without water for although by name they professe the Trinity yet their doctrins of euery person of the Trinitie and of al other points of religion are contrary to wholsome doctrine they maintaine their doctrines though falsely vnder the names of the Scriptures the Catholique Church and the auncient fathers this is the golden cup that the Church of Antichrist holdeth in her hand Reuel 17. 4. but it is full of abominations and filthines of her fornications so if thou marke this booke it is easie to know Antichrist by the falsenesse and wickednesse of all his doctrines yet coloured ouer with glorious shewes of truth and wholsomnesse yea although thou haddest no other meanes to discerne him by Touching the fourth point of the conditions of Antichrist Iude in the eleuenth verse saith They follow the way of Caine all the persecutions of Gods children before times were but types and prophecies of the Papists in killing their brethren as Caine did because they please God better then they The abominable desolations of Nabuchadnezzar and of Titus and Vespasian of the materiall Temples were but prophecies of the Papists abominable desolations of Gods Saints For this cause Antichrist is called in the Reuelation a great redde Dragon a Serpent and a cruell Beast S. Iohn Reuel 17. 6. foresaw the Church of Antichrist drunken with the bloud of the Saints and Martyrs of Iesus Christ. And although he had seen all the persecutions that were before or in his time yet he wondred at the bloud that he foresaw that the Papists should shed with a great maruaile Iude in his 12. verse saith They are cast away in the deceit of Baalams wages for as Baalam though he knew the Israelites to bee the blessed of God yet he would haue cursed them for lucre sake if God would haue suffered him so the Papists maintaine doctrines which they know to be false and commit all their murders of Gods children only to maintaine their Kitchin pleasures honour glorie riches and other worldly respects as it shall plainly appear vnto thee in this Booke In 2. Pet. 2. 14. Their eyes are full of adultery and they cannot cease to sinne beguiling vnstable soules This Booke will shew thee how inspeakeably wicked they are according to this prophecie they are spiritually called Sodom because in that case they exceede in wickednesse the Sodomites These and many other wicked conditions of theirs are plentifully prophecied of in the Scriptures and thou shalt see the true performances of the prophecies in this book w ch wicked conditions shall plainly shew the Pope to be Antichrist Touching the height of Antichrists Kingdome Reuel 17. 3. the Church of Antichrist is said to sit vpon a skarlet coloured beast ful of names of blasphemy which is the Pope who is a bloudy beast to Gods children takes all Gods names blasphemously to himself and vers 4. he his Church are arrayed with purple skarlet and deckt with gold precious stones pearls and how gloriously the Pope and his Church hath bin set forth how rich they haue bin according to this prophecy this book wil shew thee In 2. Thess. 2. 14 He sitteth as God in the Temple of God and exalteth himself aboue all that is called God C. Caesar Caligula the Emperor which vsed to sit in the Temples of the Idols to be honored as God caused his picture to be set vp to be worshipt in all Temples and in the Temple of Ierusalem yet was he not such an abominable Idol as the Pope maketh himselfe to be he is the Gaoler of Purgatory and thither comes as he saith all the soules of Christians except som few to whom for building some religious houses and for being otherwise a speciall maintainer of his kingdome hee giueth a speciall prerogatiue immediatly to go to heauen these soules his prisoners hee punisheth how and as long as he list and at his pleasure he throweth any of them into hell or sendeth any of them into heauen Of the reuenues of this Gaole hath all the Popes riches honour superioritie aboue Emperors and Kings proceeded he hath taken from Christ the honor of pardoning sins to himselfe God made man of clay but the Pope and all his shauelings can daily make God of a piece of bread In these and many other respects as this booke will teach thee doth the Pope exalt himself as God according to this prophecie and he exalts himselfe aboue all kings which are called Gods and at his pleasure with excommunications can cast them out of heauen and out of their kingdoms as himselfe saith he hath trode vpon Emperours made them kisse his feet hold his stirrups and leade his horse He
was not profitable to the quick nor dead and that there was no knowledge i● the consolations of the Pope but onely of mens workes at last Frederick King of Cicill sent him to the Pope where he died vpon the Sea by the way Peter Iohn Aquine a Franciscane Frier prophecied that in the later daies the law of Liberty should appeare Pope Clement 4. pronounced him an hereticke after his death and caused his bones to be digged vp and burned There was so many Christian Martyrs in all parts of the world whereof a great number were c●mpassed in with craft and deceit some were poisoned others tormented with torments many oppressed with priuate and vnknowne deaths others dyed in prison some by famine some by other meanes were openly and priuately destroyed that it is scarsely possible to attaine to the knowledge of a small number of them or if I happen to attaine to the knowledge of the names of them yet I can not finde out the manner of the execution of them and their causes no one man is able to doe it but by the example of some of them you may ●asily Iudge what hath happened to all for the cruelty of Bishops haue been alike against them and the forme of their Iudgements all one the reason of their condemnation agreeing and the order and kinde of their death It was fiue hundred yeeres since Satan was set at libertie this Story were wonderfully to be enlarged if all that were put to death by the Primates of the Church should be recited for in Narbone 140. chose rather to suffer the fire then giue any credit to decretals and in the yeare 1210. at Paris were foure and twenty put to death and in the yeare after foure hundred burned and fourescore beheaded the Prince Armericus hanged and the Lady of Castele stoned to death At Erphurd Begardus was burned 1218. and a Deacon burned at Oxford 1222 a●d in the County of Cambray diuers more were burned by the Dominicans The Pope commendeth a King in Boetius that for one that the Pope had slaine he had slaine foure hundred cutting away the genitals there were many burned in France 1392. not long before Wickliffe Eckhardus a Dominick Fryer was condemned at Hedelberge I passe ouer the Aluenses that were burned in K. Iohns time and I passe ouer the Hermite that disputed in Paules Church that the Sacrament then vsed was not ordained by Christ of this number were two Gray-Friers that were burned at London Certaine Conclusions were put vp vnto the Parliament house first when the Church of England began first to dote in temporalties according to her Mother in law the Church of Rome and Churches were appropriated Faith Hope and Charitie began to vanish away because pride with her Genealogy of mortall and deadly sinne did challenge the title of truth 2 Our priesthood that tooke originall from Rome is not that which Christ ordained to his Disciples because it is done by signes and pontificiall ceremonies and benedictions of no effect hauing no ground in Scripture neither see wee the Holy Ghost giuen by any such ceremonies it is a dolorous mockery to sée Bishops play with the Holy Ghost by giuing of crownes when they giue orders in steed of white hearts the marke of Antechrist brought in to clo●e their idlenes 3 The law of Chastitie inioined vnto Priests which was to the preiudice of women induceth Sodomy into the Church by reason the delicate fare of the Clergy will haue a naturall purgation or worse and the secret proofe of them is they doe delight in women the primate religions must be disanulled the originall of that sinne 4 The fained m●racles of the Sacrament of bread induceth almost all to Idolatry because they thinke the body which is neuer out of heauen is included in the little bread which they shew the people the Feast of Corpus Christi and the seruice thereof inuented by Thomas Aquinas fained and full of false myracles for hee would haue made a myracle of an Hens Egge these lies openly preached turne to the approbry of him that is alwaies true The Orcismes or blessings ouer the Wine Bread Water Oyle Salt Incence the Altar Stone about the Church walles ouer the Uestment Chalice Myter Crosse and Pilgrim-staues are the practices of Negromancers for by it the Creatures are honored to be of more vertue then by nature they are and we sée no change in any creature exercised except it be by false faith which is the principall point of diuellish Art if the coniuring of Holy Water were true it would bee an excellent Medicine for all kinde of sicknesses and sores the contrarie whereof dayly experience teacheth 6 One man to be a King and a Priest a Prelate and a Temporall Iudge maketh the Kingdome out of order the Temporaltie and Spiritualtie are two parts of the Church to be called Amphradite or Ambidextri are good names for such men of double States we shew this to the Parliament that it bee enacted that the Clergy should onely occupy themselues with their owne charge and not meddle with others charge 7 Prayers made for the soules of the dead is a false foundation of Almes wherin all the almes houses in England are falsely founded meritorious prayers ought to proceed of Charitie but the gift is the cause of their prayers which is Simony againe a prayer made for one in hell is vnpleasant to God and it is most like the Founders of such Almes houses for their wicked indowings are most of them passed the broad way euery prayer of effect proceedeth of Charitie and comprehendeth generally all such as God would haue saued these strong Priests are able to labour and serue the Realme let them not be retained in idlenes for it hath been proued in a Booke to the King that a hundred almes-houses are sufficient for the whole Realme 8 Pilgrimages prayers and offerings to blind Crosses or Roods and dea●e Images are Ido●atry and farre from almes though these be forbidden yet they are thought Bookes of error to the common people and the common Image of the Trinitie is especially abhominable but God commands almes to be giuen to the poore and not to Idols the seruice of the Crosse celebrated twice euery yeare is full of idolatry for if the nailes and the speare ought so profoundly to be honored then were Iudas his lips a maruellous good relike if one could get them Thou Pilgrime when thou offerest vnto the bones of Saints whether doest thou relieue their soules being in ioy 9 Auricular Confession and the fained power of Absolution setteth vp the Priest of Priests and giueth them opportunitie of other secret talkes Lords and Ladies doe witnes that for feare of their Confessors they dare not speake the truth and in time of confession is opportunity ministred to play the Bawdes and make other secret conuentions to deadly sinne they say they are Commissaries from God to Iudge and discerne all sinnes to pardon what they
please that they haue the k●yes of hell and heauen that they can excommunicate blesse and curse binde and lose at their pleasure for twelue pence they will sell the Kingdome of heauen by writing and clause of warrants sealed with the common Seale the Pope hath fained that he is the Treasurer of the whole Church hauing the treasure of the passion of Christ in his kéeping with the merits of all Saints in heauen whereby hee giueth fained pardons a poena et culpa and whereby he can deliuer all captiues being in purgatory at his pleasure and make them not to come there 10 The vow of Chastitie made by women imperfect by nature bringeth in horrible vices the murdering of Children borne before their time and before they are Christned the destruction of their natures by medicines accompanying amongst themselues and with beasts and any creature without life commeth to such vnséemlinesse that they are punished with hell torments wee would that Widdowes and Maides which take the mantle and ring were married John Bale a man indued with great knowledge and vnderstanding was condemned to death by Robert Triuillian chiefe Iustice 1382. albeit he was chiefe Iustice he suffered the like punishment and was hanged at Tyburne being iustly requited for the bloud which he had shed One Iohn Puruay was accused of heresie at Oxford Walden writeth hee was the Library of Lollards and glos●r vpon Wickliffe hee with Harford a Doctor of Diuinitie were gre●uously tormented in the prison of Saltwood and made to recant at Paules Crosse by Arundel Archbishop of Canterbury and one and twenty yéers after taken and imprisoned againe by Chichely Archbishop of Canterbury these be his Articles he recanted 1 There can be no accident without the subiect in the Sacrament after consecration but there remaineth the same substance visible bread and the same wine as before the consecration as when a Pagan is baptized spiritually hee is a member of Christ yet he hath his nature and substance as before 2 Auricular Confession is a whispering destroying the liberty of the Gospel newly deuised by the Pope and Clergy to intangle the conscience in sinne and the soule in hell 3 He that is holy and predestinated to eternall life though he be a Lay man is a Priest before God 4 Wicked Prelates haue neither the keyes of hell nor heauen though the pope interdict the Realme he could not hurt but profit vs for thereby wee should be dismissed the seruice of his Church and his Lawes 5 If any make a vow to keep perpetuall chastitie or any other thing that God hath appointed him too no Prelate can compell him to keep it 6 Hee that hath taken the office of Priesthood though hee haue no charge of soules committed to him they may and ought to preach the Gospel freely else he is a théefe excommunicated of God and the holy Church 7 That Pope Innocent the fourth and six hundred Bishops and a thousand Prelates and the rest that ordained Transubstantiati●n auricular confession and other such lawes were fooles heretickes blasphemers and seducers of the people and we ought not to beleeue them nor their successors nor obey their lawes except they be grounded on the Scripture or some reason that cannot be impugned About the same time Richard Wiche hauing preached the Gospel the Bishop of Durham made him recant these Articles 1 Images are not to be worshipped 2 God of his ordinarie power cannot make an Image bleed 3 That we should not confesse to a wicked Priest 4 Euery Lay-man is bound to know the Gospel and to preach it priuately or openly if he hau● habilitie 5 A Lay-man ought to pray in his own tongue which he vnderstands such prayer is most accepted 6 Euery priest according to his capacity is bound to know the whole Scripture and by his office to preach it 7 Pilgrimages to Ierusalem or Rome are vaine what you may haue there you may haue at home and Baptisme may as well bee had hee●e as in other places 8 Men or women in iourneying ought to haue their communication vpon the Scripture 9 No Priest ought to beg any thing almes is to be giuen to the lame feeble and sicke or they that haue been spoiled 10 The Cross● is not to be worshipped 11 Euery place is as fit for prayer as another 12 ●hey doe against the Law that burne men In the same yéere one William Santrey who ●nflamed with true Religion required in the Parliament that he might be heard for the commoditie of the whole realme but the matter being before smelt of the Bishoppes they obtained that the matter should be put to their hearings and Iudgements by whom hee was at last attached of heresie condemned for seuen Articles disgraded and burned by the commandement of the King Thirteene yeares after the death of Wickliffe Henry the fourth then raigning King Richard was deposed and put into the Tower and there died A Parliament was holden in which it was decreed that the fauourers of Wickliffe should be apprehended who then were called Lollards and if they did perseuere to bee deliuered to the Bishop of the Diocesse and from him committed to the correction of the secular Magistrate this brought a certaine Priest vnto punishment that yeare who was burned in Smithfield in presence of a great number I take it was Swinderby who as aforesaid was forced to recant by the Bishop of Lincolne Héere followeth the examination of Maister William Thorpe written with his owne hand hee sheweth first the reasons why he wrot it First at the earnest request of diuers friends and that hee had a desire of himselfe so to doe that profit might come thereby for the truth hath this condition where euer it is impugned it hath a swéet sauour and the more enemies addresse themselues to oppresse it the sweeter smell commeth thereof and will not passe away like smoke but rest in some cleane soule that thirsteth thereafter thirdly that the good by shewing it one to an other may strengthen one another and shewing it to some enemy of the truth hee may be astonied and conuerted His examination before ARVNDEL Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor in his Closet with but three with him Bishop WIlliam this twenty yeeres and more thou hast trauelled 〈◊〉 about the North and other Countreyes to poison all the Land with ●hy vntrue preaching but by Gods help thou art in my ward and I will let thee to inuenome the shéepe of my prouince but as Saint Paul saith as much as in vs is wee will haue peace with all men if thou wilt faithfully sware to submit thy selfe to my correction and ordinance I will be gracious vnto thée Thorp After he had made a confession of his Faith in the Trinitie and in the Sonne of God reciting the whole substance of the Gospel from the Conception of Christ vntill the holy Ghost was sent he beléeued the Catholike Church was all that euer were are or shal be that endeuour
King to be he●d of a Kingdome 4 Christ would better rule his Church by his true Apostles dispierced throughout the world without such a monstrous head I answere Albeit that Doctor doth say that the body of the Church is often without a head yet we verily beleeue that Christ is the head of euery Church ruling it without lacke or default powring on it motion and sence euen vnto the latter day then they said behold now hee prophesieth but Iohn Hus said the Church in the time of the Apostles was fa● better gouerned then now it is 5 Peter was no vniuersall Shepheard of the shéep of Christ much lesse is the Bishop of Rome Answer It appeareth by the words of Christ that he did not limit vnto Peter for his iurisdiction the whole world no not one only Pronince nor to any other of the Apostles some walked through many regions some fewer as Paule trauailed more then all the rest and did co●uert more to the Faith of Christ. Wherefore it is lawfull for any Apostle or Uicar to conuert and confirme as much people and as many Prouinces as they are able 6 The Apostles and faithfull Priests of the Lord haue stoutly ruled the Church in all thinges necessary to saluation before the office of the Pope was brought into the Church and would doe so to the end of the world Then they cryed out againe Behold the Prophet Certaine other Articles which were brought vnto IOHN HVS in Prison 1 THE first Article Paul according to present Iustice was a Blasphemer and none of the Church and withall in Grace according to Predestination of eternall life Answer This proposition is not in the Booke but thus as Paul was both a blasphemer according to present Iustice and also a faithfull child of our holy Mother the Church according to Predestination So Iscariot was both in Grace according to present Iustice and withall was neuer of our holy Mother the Church because he lacked Predestination of life euerlasting 2 Christ doth more loue a predestinate Ban being sinfull then any Reprobate in what grace soeuer he be Answere The reason is because the predestinate shall haue perpetuall blessednesse and the Reprobate eternall fire therefore GOD infinitely loueth them both as his Creatures and much more because he giueth them greater graces to wit euerlasting life which is far more excellent then onely grace according to present Iustice and the predestinated cannot fall from Grace for they haue a certaine redicall grace rooted in them although they be depriued of the aboundance of grace for the time 3 All the sinfull according to present Iustice are vnfaithfull swaruing from the true Catholike faith for none can commit deadly sinne but in the point he swarueth from the faith Answer I acknowledge it to be my sentence for if they did beléeue the punishment that shall be laid vpon sinners and had faith of the diuine vnderstanding c. then they would not so offend This is verified by the Prophet Esay Thy fellows are misbeleeuers and fellowes of theeues they loue bribes and are followers of rewards so he calleth them Infidels for their offences also in the first of Titus They confesse they know God but in workes they deny him 4 Iohn 22. Math. 16. and the 18. Receiue the holy Ghost whatsoeuer you shall binde in earth shall be bound in heauen c. Many for lack of vnderstanding shal be terrified by the Priests and be deceiued presuming vpon their power and authority Answer I allow this sentence it is not possible for a Priest to binde and lose except that binding and losing be in heauen but many are made afraid thinking whether they be iust or vniust the Priests may at their pleasures bind them and the ignorant Priests presume to haue such power saying they haue such power to absolue euery man confessing himselfe of what sinne soeuer it be though many sins are forbidden thē And an Hypocrite may confesse himselfe that is not contrite for his sin whereof proofe is often found is euident because the Letter killeth but the spirit quickneth 5 The binding and losing of God is plainely the cheefe and principall Answere This is verie euident for it were a blasphemous presumption that a man may forgiue an offence to GOD hee not allowing the same for it is necessarie that GOD doe first forgiue before his Uicar can doe the same and no Article of our Faith ought to be more common and knowne to vs then this and whosoeuer granteth this authority to the Pope graunteth he is without sin and that he is God the fact of the Pope proueth this same for alwaies in his Absolutions h● presupposeth contrition and confession but vnto true Absolution there is required first contrition secondly the purpose to sin no more thirdly true confession fourthly stedfast hope of forgiuenes the first appeareth by Ezechiel If the wicked repent the second in the 5. and 8. of Iohn Sinne no more the third by Luke shew your selues to the Priests the fourth Christ saith My Son beleeue and thy sins shall be forgiuen 6 The Priests heap vp out of the Scriptures such things as serue the belly but such as pertaine to the imitation of Christ they reiect as impertinent to saluation Answere This Saint Augustine prooueth in his seuenteenth Homily The Haruest is great but there are few Haruest-folke and speaking that which I cannot without gréefe though there be many that would heare good things there lacks such as should declare the same vnto them The world is full of Priests yet there are few Worke-men in the Haruest of the Lord we would be willingly Priests but we do not the office of Priest-hood we are fallen into outward affaires and take vpon vs an office for honor and hire another to ease our labour we leaue preaching we are called Bishops to our paine we retaine the name of honour but not the vertue we daily call for our stipend but care not for our flocke wee gape after earthly things and glory and leaue the cause of God vndone we take vpon vs the place of holinesse and are wholy wrapped in cares and troubles And S. Barnard saith in his 33. Sermon vpon the Canonicals all are friends and all enemies all kinsfolkes and all aduersaries all of an houshold and no peace-makers they are the Ministers of Christ and serue Antichrist they goe honorably honoured with the goods of the Church and yet they do no honor 7 The power of the Pope which doth not follow Christ is not to be feared Answere Subiects are bound willingly to obay their good Rulers and those which are wicked yet if the Pope do abuse his power it is not to be feared as by bondage so his Cardinals as I suppose did not feare Gregory the 12. before he was deposed when as they resisted him saying He did abuse his power 8 A wicked Pope is not the Successor of Peter but of Iudas Answere If the Pope be humble neglecting the
tyrants théeues and to sée the Clergy supported so long as they teach purely and pray rightly and minister the Sacraments fréely and if they doe otherwise they are bound by the law of God to compell them to change their doing to sée all things performed according to Gods ordinances The last is the common people whose dueties is to beare a good mind and true obedience to their Kings ciuil Gouernors and Priests their office is iustly occupied in their calling whether it be marchandise handicraft or husbandry And I beleeue that the Sacraments of the Church are necessary to all beléeuers so that they bee truely ministred according to Christs institution I beleeue in the Sacrament of the altar to be contain●d Christs body vnder the formes of bread wine and I beléeue the law of God to be most true perfect and that they that follow it not in faith and works one time or other cannot be saued whereas he that séeketh it in Faith learneth it and delighteth in it and performeth it in loue shall tast felicitie euerlasting Finally that God wil aske no other obedience then to his law and if any Prelate require more or any other kinde of obedience hee contemneth Christ exalteth himselfe aboue God and becommeth an open Antichrist all these premisses I beléeue particularly and generally all that God hath left in holy Scripture desiring my most worthy King that this my confession may be examined by the most godly and learned of the Realme and if it be found agréeing to the verity then let it be allowed and I holden for a true Christian and if it be proued otherwise let it bee condemned prouided that I be taught a better beliefe by the word of God and I shall most reuerently obey therevnto This being offered to the King he would not receiue it but commanded it to bee deliuered vnto them that should be his Iudges then hee desired that 100. Knights Esquires might be suffred to come vpon his purgation which he knew would cleere him of al heresies Moreouer he offred himself according to the law of armes to fight with an● mā liuing in the quarrel of his faith the K. Councel excepted or y ● he wold suffer any maner of correction that should after the law of God be ministred to him notwithstanding the king suffred him to be summoned in his priuy Chamber then hee said hee had appealed to the Pope and shewed his appeale ready written the King said he should not pursue his appeale but tarrie in hold vntill the Pope allowed his apeale and then whether he would or no the Archbishop should be his Iudge And because he would not be sworn to submit himselfe to the Church and take what penance that the Archbishop would enioyne him he was arrested at the Kings commandement and led to the Tower then he caused the foresaid confession to be written in manner of an Indenture that at his answere hee might giue one copie to the Archbishop and keepe the other himselfe which he did doe when hee was shortly after called before the Archbishop The Bishops of Winchester and London said moreouer touching the Sacrament of Penance We must forsake our sinnes and doe penance with true contrition to God and confesse them to Christ and haue satisfaction in him else can wee haue no saluation Images pertaine nothing to Christian beléefe but were permitted to be Kalenders to Lay-men to bring to minde the passion of Christ and martyrdome and good liuing of Saints He that worshippeth them hop●th in helpe of them or preferreth one aboue another committeth Idolatrie and I beleeue that euery man liuing is a Pilgrime either towards blisse or paine and he that will not kéepe the commandement of God though he goe to all quarters of the world in pilgrimage he shall be damned and the faithfull shall bee saued in Christ though they neuer goe in pilgrimage as men vse now-a-dayes to Canterburie Walsingham Compostell and Rome or any other place Then the Archbishop said We denie not but that there are many good and Catholike things herein but you are appointed this day to answer other matters Whether doe you beleeue that there is materiall bread in the Sacrament after consecration and whether a Christian be necessarily bound to confesse his sinnes to a Priest The Lord Cobham said he would answer no otherwise then he had in his Writing He said take héed for if you will not answer directly by our law we may openly proclaime you an hereticke notwithstanding what question any of the Bishops asked him he would make no other answer but bade them resort to his Bill he would stand to it vnto death The Archbishop sayd the holy Church of Rome followed the sayings of Saint Augustine Hierome Ambrose and of other holy Doctors that haue determined in these matters which all christian men ought to beleeue and follow Then he said I will beléeue all that the Church which Christ instituted decréed or what God hath willed vs to beléeue or do but that the Pope and his Clergie haue power to determine such matters as stand not with Gods word I will not affirme Then the Archbishop said hee would send him Articles and bade him aduise himselfe to answere them by Monday The latter examination of the Lord COBHAM Archb. YOu are excommunicated the last time you were before me I gently profered to haue assoyled you if you would haue asked it and yet I doe the same if you will humbly desire it in manner as holy Church hath ordained Cobh. I will not for I neuer trespassed against you and God saith in the second of Malachy Maledicam benidictionibus vestris and knéeling down he said I s●ri●ue my selfe before you all In my youth I offended thée my Lord in pride wrath gluttonie couetousnesse and lecherie I haue hurt many in mine anger and done many horrible sinnes good Lord I aske thee mercie and therewith weepingly stood vp and said aloude Lo good people for breaking Gods lawes they neuer cursed me but for their owne lawes they most cruelly handle me and others Archb. Then he examined him of his Christian beleefe Cobham I beléeue all the Lawes of God and all is true that is contained in the holy Scriptures finally I beleeue all that God would I should beleeue Archb. He asked an answere of the Bill he had sent him especially how hee beleeued touching the Sacrament of the Altar Cobham With the Bill I haue nothing to doe but this is my beleefe touching the Sacrament That Christ sitting at his last supper with his Disciples the night before his death he tooke Bread blessed it and brake it and gaue it to his Disciples and said Take and eate it this is my bodie that shall bee betrayed for you doe this in remembrance of me c. Archb. Then he asked if it were bread after the consecration Cobh. I beleeue it is Christs very bodie in the forme of bread Then said a Doctor
If the sacramentall words be vttered there remaineth no bread but it is the onely bodie of Christ. Then he said to one Master Whithead you said once to me that the sacred Host was not Chrsts bodie I proued there was his bodie though Seculars and Friers could not therein agree but held one against another in that opinion Then said many together with great noise We say all it is Gods bodie ●nd diuers with great anger asked him if it were bread after the consecration Then he looking earnestly vpon the Archbishop he said Sir I beleeue surely that it is Christs bodie in forme of bread Do not you do so Archb. Yes marrie doe I. And the Doctors asked him if it were only Christs bodie after consecration and no bread Cob. It is both Christs bodie and bread as Christ on earth was both God and man and the inuisible Godhead was hidden in the manhood as one of your owne Doctors Eutiches saith As the selfe same Sacraments doe passe by the operation of the holy Ghost into a diuine nature and notwithstanding keepe the propertie still of their former nature so that principall mysterie declareth to remaine one true and perfit Christ. Then they smiled one vpon another that the people might iudge him taken in an heresie and diuers said with a great bragge it is a foule heresie Archb. What bread is it And the Doctors inquired of him whether it were materiall or not Cob. The Scripture maketh no mention of materiall bread therefore my faith hath nothing to doe therewith but I say and beleeue that it is Christs bodie and bread Christ saith in the sixt of Iohn I am the liuing bread and not the dead bread Then all with one voyce said it is an heresie And one of the Bishops said it is an error manifest to say it is bread after the Sacramentall wordes once spoken but Christs bodie onely He said I am sure S. Paul was as wise and more learned then you be and in 1. Cor. 10. calleth it bread and not Christs bodie but a meanes whereby we receiue Christs bodie They said Paul must bee otherwise expounded for it is an heresie to say it is bread after the consecration Hee asked how they could make that good They answered it is against the determination of holy Church Archb. Wee sent you a writing concerning the faith of this blessed Sacrament cleerely determined by the Church of Rome our mother and by the holy Doctors Cobh. I know none holier then Christ and his Apostles and that determination is none of theirs for it standeth not with the Scriptures but is cleane contrary It hath beene the Churches but since shee receiued the great poyson of worldly possessions and not before Then they asked him if hee beleeued not the determination of the Church Hee answered no for it is no God In is but thrice ment●oned in the Creed in God the Father and in God the Sonne and in God the holy Ghost the birth death buriall resurrection and ascension hath none In for beleefe but in him Neither hath the Church the Sacraments the forgiuenesse of sinnes or resurrection or eternall life any other In then in the holy Ghost Then one of the Lawyers said But what is your beleefe concerning holy Church I beleeue the Scriptures bee true all that is grounded vpon them I beleeue and I know it is Gods pleasure I should so doe but your Lordly lawes and idle determinations I doe not beleeue for you are none of Christs Church as your déeds shew but very Antichrists obstinately set against his law and will your lawes are nothing for Christs glorie but for your owne vaine-glorie and abhominable couetousnesse They said in great ●ume this was an exceeding heres●e not to beleeue the determination of holy Church Archb. Then he asked him what he thought holy Church Cobh. Holy Church is the number of them which shall be saued of whom Christ is head Archb. Can you tell who is of this Church Cobh. Yea truely can I. Then a Prior said it is doubt to you who is thereof for Christ said noli iudicare if you must not iudge your neighbors much lesse your superiors He answered Christ saith in the same Chapter As the ill tree is knowne by his ill fruits so a false Prophet by his workes And he saith in Iohn Beleeue the outward doings And againe in Iohn Iustum Iudicium iudicate When wee know the thing is true we may iudge And Dauid saith Recte iudicate filii hominum As for your superioritie were you of Christ you would be meeke Ministers and not proud superiours Then Doctor Walden said You make no differences of iudgements so swift Iudges alwaies are the learned Schollars of Wickliffe He answered your iudgements are preposterous as the Prophet Esay saith yee iudge ill good and good ill therefore your wayes are not Gods wayes nor Gods wayes your wayes Afore that vertuous man Wickliffe whom you disdaine I will say before God and man before I knew the despised doctrine of his I neuer abstained f●om sinne but since I trust I haue done otherwise so much grace could I neuer finde in all your glorious instructions Doctor Walden answered It were not well with mee if so many learned and vertuous men teaching the Scriptures and the examples of the Fathers so plenteous if I had no grace to amend vntill I heard the Diuell preach Hierome saith hee which séeketh such suspected masters shall not finde the mid-day but the mid-day Diuell He answered the Pharises your fathers ascribed Christs miracles to Belzebub and his doctrine to the Diuell and you their naturall children haue still the same iudgement of his faithfull followers they that reproue your vicious liuing must needs be hereticks and when you cannot proue it by Scriptures then your Doctors must proue it Then said he to them all to iudge you we néede goe no further then your acts Where finde you in Gods law that you should thus sit in iudgement and sentence euery man to death as you doe here daily You haue no ground in Scripture but in Annas and Cayphas which sat thus vpon Christ and vppon his Apostles after his ascention you learned it not of Peter and Iohn A Lawyer said yes sir Christ iudged Iudas Hee answered no Christ iudged him not hee iudged himselfe Christ said indéed vnto him woe vnto him for that couetous act of his as he doth yet still to many of you for since the venom was shed in the Church you neuer followed Christ neither were perfit in his law Archb. What meane you by that venom Cobh. Your possessions and Lordships for there cried an Angell in the ayre as your owne Chronicles mention Wo wo wo this day is venome shed into the Church Before that time almost all the Bishops were Martyrs and few since but since that time one hath put down another one hath poysoned another one hath cursed another and one hath slaine another and done much more mischiefes as
six women with the Lord of the place to be condemned for Hereticks because they said since Peter none was true Uicar of Christ but they onely which followed the pouerty of Christ. Hee condemned of heresie George the King of Boheme and depriued him made his whole stocke to be reiected and gaue his Kingdome to Mathias King of Panonia Pope Alexander the sixt succéeded him Hee receiued two thousand Florens for poisoning Gemen the Turkes brother at Rome Hee sent for help of the Turkes against the French King He was vngratefull to the Cardinals that chose him He commanded Marcinellus one of them to haue his hands and tongue cut off for speaking against his vices After sitting with his Cardinals and the rich Se●ators of Rome at dinner his man vnawares bringing a wrong Bottle vnto him he with his Cardinals about him were poisoned In his time the Angel which stood on the top of the Popes Church was beaten down with thunder which thing seemed to declare the ruine of the Pope-dome Pius the third succéeded Pope after him Iulius the second passing all other in iniquitie as he was going to warre he cast the keyes of S. Peter into the riuer Tybris saying being the keyes of Peter would not serue him to his purpose he would take himselfe to the sword of Paul By this Iulius partly with warre partly with cursings in seuen yeares 200000. Christians were destroyed he got many Citties out of Princes hands by bloudshed when he was made Pope he tooke an oath to haue a Councel within two yeares but breaking his Oath he was occupied in warres whervpon nine of his Cardinals departed from him and appointed a Councell at P●sa they alledged the cause for that the Pope was forsworne and that they had diuers other crimes to accuse him of purposing to remooue him from his seate which hee had obtained through bribes and ambition Iulius commanded vnder great paine that none obeyed them the next yéere he called a Councell The French King seeing the Pope take part with the Uenetians against him called a Councell at Thurin in which Councell they agréed that the Pope ought not to war against any Prince without cause and that it was lawfull for the King to defend himselfe against him and that vniust excommunications were not to bée feared After the King sent to the Pope the decrées of the Councell who accursed the French King with all his Kingdome and the next yeare after this warlike Pope dyed The lamentable handling of RICHARD HVN who was priuily murdered in Lolards Tower in London HVN had a Child died in his house the Curate claiming the bearing-shéet for a Mortuar● Hun answered The Infant had no property therein whereupon he was cited to the Spirituall Court he sued the Curate in a Premunire and then the Priests of mallice accused him of heresie and brought him to Lolards Tower where he was found dead hanging by the necke in a girdle of silke The Bishop of London called Richard Fitziames and Doctor Horsey his Chancelor said ●e hanged himselfe and the Temporalty said he was murdered The Coronor summoned a Iury and viewed the body and many times they were with the Kings Councell and heard their opinions but in the mean season the Bishop burnt the dead carkase in Smithfield to the abhomination of the people but after the matter had bee●e heard by the Kings Iudges and after by the Kings Councell the King being present at las● Doctor Horsey the Chancelor and one Charles the Bel-ringer of Pauls an● Ioseph the Bishops Somner were indicted of murder and the said Charles being in the Tower of London of his owne frée will said that Maister Chancelor deuised and wrote with his own hand all the heresies that were laid to Huns charge and that when Richard Hunne was slaine Iohn Bell-ringer bare vp a Waxe Candle and I went next to him and Maister Chancelor came vp last and Hunne was lying in his bed and Maister Chancelor said Lay hands on the Theefe and so all we murdered him and I put the girdle about his necke and Iohn Bell-ringer and I did heaue him vp and maister Chancelor pulled the girdle ouer the staple and so Hun was hanged The said Charles told Iulian Little his maid he killed him by putting a Wyer vp into his nose Before that time the Chanceller commaunded to be put vpon Huns necke a great coller of Iron with a great Chaine which is to heauy for any man or beast to weare and long to endure And before Huns death the Chanceller came into the Lolards Tower and kneeled downe before Hunne holding vp his hands and asked him forgiuenesse of all he had done and must doe to him And on the Sonday before the night in which he was destroyed he caused the Penitentiary of Paules to go to Hun and say a Gospell and make for him Holy Water and Holy bread and giue him which was done The Bishop did all he could by word or writing to the King and Cardinals and the Councell to smother the matter affirming that he hanged himselfe and that the Iury was forsworne and that the said Charles spoke that which he had done as before by reason of durance of imprisonment and that if the King and Councel should fauour this matter he should not be able to goe abroad for Heretickes and by the meanes of him and the spiritualty and money the Chancelor caused the Kinges Atturney to confesse on his arraignement him not to be guilty so he escaped to Excester and for shame neuer durst after come to London The Historie of Doctor VVESALIANVS THis Wesalia was complained vpon to Piorherus Archbishop of Mentz by the Thomists which is an Order holding of Thomas de Aquino The Bishop made him answer he should giue vp all his workes and writings which he had made and preached This being done they deuided them amongst themselues that euery man might finde out what errours and heresies they could His Articles and opinions were these That all men be saued fréely and through méere grace by faith in Christ Iesus frée-will to be nothing only that we should beléeue the word of God and not the glosse of any man or fathers that the word of God is to be expounded by the collation of one place with another that Prelats haue no authoritie to make lawes or expound the Scriptures by any peculiar right more then another that mens traditions as Fastings Feasts long prayers Pilgrimations and such like are to be reiected Extream vnction and confirmation to be reproued confession and satisfaction to be reprehended the primacy of the Pope he also affirmed to be nothing Upon which Articles this Wesalia by a generall assembly was condemned and his books to be burned He bring required of the Councell what he thought of the Uicar of Christ in earth He said he beléeued that Christ left no such Uicar in earth for ascending into heauen hee said Behold I am with you c. By
Psalme Dauid saith The word of God is true and his way verity euery man is vanity and lying and Christ saith Euery one that heareth my words and doth them is like one that buildeth his house vpon a sure foundation and that there is none other foundation by S. Paule and he would haue vs follow one doctrine of Christ to a vnitie of faith that we may bee perfect men not carried about with euery winde of doctrine brought vp by the slights and wilines of men that ●tudie to deceiue vs. Touching the question that there are many things to be beléeued vpon paine of saluation that are not in the Scripture I say lawes ordained for the ciuill regiment of the body and all other Lawes so they be not hurtfull to Faith or Charitie but help to the same we ought to keep them not onely for feare of punishment but for Conscience sake although such ordinance be not expressely in the Scripture but I say there is nothing that is not expressely in the Scriptures that is to bee beleeued vpon necessitie of saluation Touching your Question of purgatory and whether soules departed be there in torment and purged I say there is a purgatory in this world which is the fire of tribulations through which all Christians shall passe as S. Paul saith All that liue godly in Christ shall suffer persecution In this purgatory I doe reckon my selfe now to stand God send me well to perseuere vnto his honour Other Purgatory doe I know none neither can any be proued by any place of Scripture And S. August de ebrietate saith let no man deceiue himselfe for there be two places the third is not knowne He that with Christ hath not deserued to raigne shall perish with the Diuell and in his Booke de vanitate seculi he saith know you that when the soule is departed from the body it is incontinent for the good deeds put into paradice and else throwne headlong into the Dungeon of hell for the sinnes and to this all Scripture agreeth Touching your question whether Martirs Apostles and Confessors departed ought to be honored and prayed vnto Saint Augustine in his Booke de vera religione would haue that we should worship no men departed be they neuer so good and holy no nor yet an Angell nor to honour them but onely in imitating their good liuing as they followed God not building Churches to them no the Angels would not haue vs builde Churches to them but would with them we should honour the Maker of all things They refuse all honour sauing honor Charitatis which loue wee should expresse in helping the poore and helplesse And the Scripture teacheth that there is but one Mediator and we are exhorted in all places of Scripture to call vpon God in néed but in no place to call vpon any Saint Touching your demaund whether Oblations and Pilgrimages may deuoutlie and meritoriously be done vnto the Sepulchers and Reliques of Saints Moses when he died would be buried where no man should know which was his graue it was because the Iewes which were prone to new fangled worshipping should not fall into Idolatr● worshipping him as God for the great and many miracles that were wrought by him when he was aliue It is no point of my beleefe to thinke that Oblations Pilgrimages at Saints graues and Reliques are meritorious workes neither is there any deuotion at all in doing of them Touching fasting daies and time I say they are good for diuers respects but it is no deadly sinne to breake them for they are but the traditions of men Touching your question whether Images ought not to be in the Churches for a remembrance of Christ and his Saints I know no Images made with hands that ought to be worshipped For the Psalme saith Confusion be vnto all such as worship carued Images and glory in pictures And S. Augustine in his Book de vera religione let vs not be bound to worship the workes of men for the workemen are more excellent then the things that they make whom notwithstanding we ought not to worship and if Christs Doctrine were so opened that people might vnderstand it as Prelates chiefely ought to doe by teaching we should haue no need of Images for nothing is so effectuall to excite the remembrance of Disciples as the liuely voice of good teachers Touching your demands whether men forbidden to preach as suspected of Heresi● ought to cease from preaching Christ and his Apostles were counted heretickes and the Apostles were forbidden oftentimes of the High Priest and others to preach any more and were imprisoned and scourged for it yet they would not leaue preaching but told them to their faces they must obey God which bad them preach rather then men which forbad them yea the Angel deliuering them out of prison bad them go preach againe This is for our instruction doubt not for such practice is shewed in all ages so you may sée when men bée wrongfully infamed of heresie and so prohibited by Bishops to preach the Word of God they ought not to stop for any mans commandement Touching your question of hauing the Bible in English in England In my opinion I say it was not well done to inhibit it and worse that the Bishops haue not sithence amended it if they could that the people might haue it to vse vertuously And I will adde one reason the Scripture is the food and sustinance of mans soule as it appeareth by many places of the Scripture as other meate is the foode of the body then if he be an vnkind Father that kéepeth away the bodily meate the space of a wéeke or a month from his Children it should seeme that our Bishops be no gentle Pastors or Fathers that kéep away the food of mens souls from them both months yeares and ages especially when others offer the same Touching you question whether faith onely iustifieth I answer with S. Augustine Good works make not a man iustified or right wise but a man once iustified doth good works These Articles being directed to the Archbishop of Canterburie which was not Cranmer but Doctor Warham whereby it may be gathered that this godly learned man was long before he disputed before the King or was condemned to death vpon the day that was appointed for him to suffer this holy martyre of God was brought out of prison vnto the house of the Lord Cromwell and carried into his inward chamber where it is reported Cromwell asked him forgiuenesse for what he had done And being admonished of his houre of death he was greatly comforted and comming into the hall he saluted the Gentlemen and sate down to breakfast shewing no manner of sadnes or feare after breakfast he was carried to the place of execution where he should offer himselfe a sacrifice of sweet sauour vnto the Lord who is blessed in his Saints for euer and euer Amen The storie of one COLLINS ONe Collins a Gentleman was burnt at London
for that being besides his wits by chance he came into a Church where a Priest was saying masse and was come to the holding vp and shewing the Sacrament Collins in like manner took vp a little Dogge holding it ouer his head shewing him vnto the people wherefore hee was condemned and burned and the Dogge with him LEYTON and PVTTEDVE LEyton was a Monke of Aye in Suffolke and was burned at Norwich for speaking against a certaine Idoll which they of Aye were wont to carry about in processions and for affirming both kindes in the Sacrament and Puttedue comming into a Church merily taunted the Priest that after he had drunke vp all the wine alone he blessed the hungry people with the empty Chalice wherefore hee was condemned and burned Cowbridge THis Cowbridge came of a good stocke his auncestors euen from Wickliffes time hetherto had been alwaies fauourers of the Gospell and addicted to the setting sorth thereof in English Hee was borne in Colchester his Father was head Bayly thereof hee was burned at Oxenford for affirming that euery poore Priest being neuer so poore and needy being of a good con●ersation hath as great power and authoritie in the Church of God and ministration of the Sacraments as the Pope or any other Bishops they almoststerued him whilst hee was in prison in Bocardo and a little before his examination they promised him meate if at his execution he would say such things as they would minister vnto him which he promised to do whereupon he was well cherished and recouered some part of his sense When he was come to execution contrary to their expectation often times calling vpon the Name of the Lord Iesu● with great quietnesse and méeknesse he yéelded his spirit into the han●s of the Lord. This yeare one Peter a Germaine and another with him constantly indured death by the fire at Colchester for the Lords Supper Fryer Forrest hanged for Papistry HE was an obseruant Fryer and had secretly in confessi●ns declared to certaine of the Kings Subiects in confessions that the King was not supreame head of the Church and being examined how he could say the King was not supreme head being sworne to the contrary he answered he took his oath with his outward man and his inward man neuer consented thereto he was further accused of diuers damnable Articles conuicted after he was hanged in Smithf●eld aliue in chaines by the arme-holes and middle and fire made vnder him and so he was consumed to death There was a scaffold prepared for the Priuy Cauncell and the Nobles to sit on to graunt him pardon if he repented there was also a Pulpit where M●ster Hugh Latimer Bishop of Worcester declared his errours and con●uted them by Scripture with many exhortations to repent but he would neither heare nor speak A little before the execution a great Image was brought out of Wales to the gallows which was called Daruell Gatheren whom the Welch-men much worshipped and had a prophesie amongst them That this Image should set a whole Forest on fire which took effect for he set this Forest on fire consumed him to nothing When the Frier saw the fire comming vnto him he took hold on the ladder and would not let it goe but died so vnpatiently as neuer did any that put his trust in God Certaine Iniunctions giuen out in the thirtieth yeare of King HENRIES raigne AGainst printing and bringing from beyond Sea any books and offering to sell them without acquainting the King or some of his Councell first vpon paine of forfeyting their goods and chattels and their bodies to be imprisoned at the Kings pleasure That there shall none argue about the Sacrament of the Altar vpon paine of death and loosing their goods except it be the learned in Diuinity in their schooles and appoy●ted places for such matters And that holy bread holy water and procession creeping to the Crosse setting vp of lights before the Corpus Christi bearing of candles on Candlemas day Puri●●cation of women deliuered with childe off●ring of Chrisomes kéeping of the foure offering dayes paying their Tithes these to be obserued vntill the King doe abrogate any of them Married Priests to be counted Laymen and loose their Spirituall promotion That all Cleargy men should diligently in their cures preach and teach the people the glory of God and the truth of his word declaring the difference betwixt the things that God commands and the rightes and ceremonies then vsed least the people thereby grow into further superstition And that Thomas Becket was a tray●or and not a saint his Images to be plucked downe in euery place and his holy dayes not to bee kept and that the Anthiphens Collects and prayers to him be not read but raced out of the bookes Launcelot Iohn a Painter Gyles Germaine Iohn Painter and Gyles Germaine were accused of Heresie and whilst they were 〈◊〉 examination at London before the Bishoppe and other Iudges by chance there came one of the Kings guarde one Launcelot a tall man and of as goodly a mind hee standing by séemed by his gesture to fauour the cause and the poore men whereuppon he was appr●hended examined and condemned with them and the next day at ●●ue of the clocke in the morning was burned in St. Giles in the fields Sir Iohn Bortrucke a Scotish Knight his confutation of certaine Arcicles vpon which hee was condemned by the Cardinall and most of the Nobles and chiefe of Scotland FIrst touching the Popes Supremacy these holy ones magnisse their Lord as common the●ues pre●erre their Captaines calling them euery where most honest men for it is euident that none in the whole world is giuen to more ryot no● séeketh more gréedily to all kind of delicates and wantonnesse and aboundeth with al vices as treason murther rapine and all kind of such euills as He. And where they affirme him to bee Christ Uicar on earth it shall appeare that he cannot exercise more power then other Bishops for whereas they say Peter had power ouer the Apost●es and consequently ouer the whole Church the which power succéeds to the Bishop of Rome but by the Scriptures wee may easily sée how 〈◊〉 they lie in the Councell in the 15. of the Acts Peter heard them speake thei● minds receaued their Iudgment and followed their decree is this to haue pow●r ouer others and in his first Epistle writting to the Bishops and Pas●ors he saith ● beséech the Bishops and Pastors which are amongst you for so much as I my selfe 〈◊〉 also a Bishop and witnesse of the afflitions of Christ partaker of the glory which shall be reuealed that they diligently feed the flocke committed vnto them why then doe they challenge the authority of S. Peter which he neuer acknowledged in himselfe I doubt not but it Peter were here he would rebuke their madnes as Moses did Iosua which was so zealous towards him And in the eight of the Acts he is
her touching the said Articles deuised against her and gaue her warning of that mischiefe which hanged ouer her head beséeching her to be secret and to conforme her selfe to the Kings minde and no doubt she should finde him gracious After the King came to her himselfe vnto whom after she had vttered her griefe how it was for feare his Maiestie had forsaken her hee so refreshed her with comfortable words that she began to recouer Then shee commanded her Ladies to conuay away her Bookes which were against the Law and then she went to the King he courteously welcomed her and entred into talke of Religion séeming desirous to be resolued of the Queene of certaine doubts The Queene perceiuing to what purpose this his talke tended your Maiestie doth well know quoth shee and I am not ignorant of what great weaknesse by our first Creation is allotted to vs women to bee subiect vnto man as our head from which head all our direction must proceed and as God made man after his own Image that being indued with more speciall gifts of perfection might bee stirred to meditate heauenly things and obay his commandements so he made woman of man of whom and by whom she is to bee commanded and gouerned whose womanly weaknesse ought to bee tolerated and ayded that by his wisedome such things as be lacking in her might be supplied Therefore your Maiestie being so excellent in ornaments of wisedome and I so much inferiour in all respects of Nature Why doth your Maiestie in such defuse causes of Religion require my Iudgement which when I haue vttered said what I can yet I must and will referre my Iudgement in this and all causes to your Maiesties wisedome as my onely Anker supreme head and the gouernor heere in earth next vnto God Not so by Saint Mary said the King you are become a Doctor late to instruct vs. Shee answered your Maiestie hath much mistaken mee who haue euer thought it preposterous for the woman to instruct her husband but rather to learn of him and where I haue beene bold to hold talke with your Maiestie wherein there hath seemed some difference in opinion I haue not done it to maintaine opinion but to minister talke that your Maiestie might with lesse griefe passe the paine of your infirmitie being attentiue to your talke and that I might receiue some profit by your Maiesties learned Discourse wherein I haue not missed any part of my desire alwaies referring my selfe in such matters to your Maiestie ●hen said the King tendeth your Argument to no worse end then wee are now as perfect friends as euere we were and he imbraced her and kissed her saying it did him more good to heare these words then if he had heard newes of a hundred thousand pound fallen to him On the day that was appointed for the aforesaid Tragedy the King went into his Garden whether the Queene being sent for came onely the three Ladies aboue named waiting on her with whom the King was as pleasant as euer hee was in his life In the middest of his mirth the houre appointed being come the Lord Chancelor commeth into the Garden with forty of the Kings guard at his he●les with purpose to take the Queene with the three Ladies to the the Tower whom the King sternely beholding called him to him who on his knees whispered to the King the King cal'd him knaue arrant knaue and beastly foole and commanded him to auant out of his presence which words the Quéene heard though they were low spoken then he departed with his traine the whole mould of his deuice broken The Queene seeing the King so cha●ed spoke for the Lord Chancellor Ah poore soule quoth hee thou little knowest how euill hee deserueth this grace at thy hands he hath been towards thee sweet heart an arrant knaue and so let him goe If King Henry had liued hee and the French King had been at this point within halfe a yeere after to haue changed the Masse in both their Realmes into a Communion as wee now vse it and also vtterly to haue extirped the Popes vsurped power out of both their Realmes and they ment to exhort the Emperour to doe the like in Flanders and his other countreyes or else to breake off from him and herein quoth the Archbishop Cranmer the King willed mee to pen a forme thereof to be sent to the French King but that it was letten by the death of King Henry When the Bishops had brought ANNE ASKEVV and her fellow Martyrs to death being now in their triumph as the Pharisies were when they had killed Christ they deuised how to euer read the truth for euer wherevpon they made a strait Proc●amation authorised by the Kings 〈◊〉 for abolishing of the Scripture and all other English Bookes which mi●ht g●●e light to the setting forth of Gods Word and the grace of the Gospell which thou maist see in the Booke at large which no doubt had done much hurt in the Church amongst the godly in bringing them to danger or keeping 〈◊〉 in blindnes had not the shortnes of the Kings daies stopped the malignant purposes of the Pr●lat●s causing the King to leaue that to the people by his death which by his life he would not grant for within foure monethes after the proclamation he deceased the eight and thirty yeare of his raigne The History touching the Persecutions in Scotland Deane Thomas Forret THis Deane Thomas Forret preached euery Sunday in his parish vpon the Epistle and Gospell which was nouel●y in Scotland to see any preach but the Black Fri●r or the Gray Wherefore the Friers enuied him and accused him to the Bishop of Donkelden as an heretick which shewed the mysteries of the Scripture vnto the vulgar people to make the Clergy detestable The Bishop sending for him said my Ioy Deane Thomas I leue you well ● am informed you preach the Epistle and Gospel euery Sunday and that you take not the Cow for mortuarie nor the vpper Cloth for Crisome of your parishioners which is very preiudiciall to the Church men My ioy Deane Thomas take your Cow and your vpper Cloth and preach not euery Sunday for in so doing you will make the people thinke we should preach likewise But when you finde a good Epistle or a good Gospell that setteth forth the l●bertie of the Church preach that and let the rest be Thomas answered my parishioners pay me my dueti●s willingly and w●e agree well and where your Lordship saith it is too much ●o preach euery Sonday I thinke it too little and also would wish that your Lordship would doe the like nay nay we are not ordained to preach M. Forret and where your Lordship speaketh of a good and an euill Epistle I could neuer finde none but good Then spake my Lord I thanke God I neuer knew what the Old New Testament ment Wherevpon grew a prouerb you are like the Bishop of Dunkelden that kn●w neither new
that they instruct the children to answer the Priest at Masse Shee sent likewise a commandement to the Lord Mayor of London with the foresaid Articles to bee carefull with all his power for the performance thereof Then the Queene sent forth a Proclamation that the strangers which in King Edwards time were receiued into England for Religion should 〈◊〉 driuen out of the Realme Wherevpon Peter Martyr Ioannes Alasco vnckle to the King of Poland and many others were banished and many English men also fled into Germany and were scattered in diuers places where by Gods pro●idence they were sustained and entertained with great fauour to the number of eight hundred persons The twenty fiue of March the Lord Courtney and Lady Elizabeth were susspected to consent to Wiats conspiracy and therevpon apprehended and commit●to the Tower This was a politicke practice of Steuen Gardiner which alwaies was an enemy to Lady Elizabeth Wyat at his deat● protested to the people that the Lord Courtney and Lady Elizabeth were cleare from all suspition of Commo●ion but Doctor Weston cryed to the people beleeue him not ●or hee confessed otherwise before vnto the Co●●cell The same day it was told in the Parliament house that Wiat desired the Lord Courtney to confesse the truth as he had done before One Cut a Prentice of London was sent for by Gardiner vnto the Star-chamber for that he should say that Wiat was constrained by the Councell to a●cuse the Lady Elizabeth and the Lord Courtney to be consenters to his ris●ng When the Mayor brought him thither Gardiner beganne to declare how miraculously God had brought the Queene to the Crowne the whole Realme in a manner beeing against her and it was that shee might reduce this Realme ouerwhelmed with heresies to the Catholike faith and where she l●ued the Lady Elizabeth tenderly and deliuered the Lord Courtney out of prison yet they conspired trayterously against her with Wyat as he confessed yet there are some in London which reported that Wyat was constrayned by the Councell to accuse them yet you my Lord Mayor haue not seene the same punished The partie is here said the Mayor Gardner said punish him according to his deserts and take heed to your charge the Citie of London is a whirle-poole of euill rumors The Londoners not fauouring the Queens proceedings to their displeasure summoned a Parlament at Oxford because they would be forward in the Queens businesse but after it was holden at Westminster where her marriage with king Philip was agreed vpon Bonner being Uicegerent of the Conuocation in his Oration said that Priests were like the Uirgin Mary as she by fiue words conceaued Christ so the Priest by fiue words loth make the very body of Christ and as immediatly vpon the consent of Mary Christ was all whole in her womb so immediatly after the consecration the bread is transubstantiated into the very body of Christ and as the Uirgin layed Christ in the ●anger so the Priest lifteth vp the body of Christ and carryeth it and as Mary was sanctified before she conceiued so the priest is ordained anointed before he doe consecrate for a lay-man though he be neuer so holy and do speak the same words yet he cannot consecrate Therefore the dignitie of Priests passeth the dignity of Angels for no Angell can make the body of Christ whereby the least Priest can doe more then the greatest Angell therefore Priests are to bee ●onoured before Kings and Princes and Nobles for a Priest is higher then a King happier then an Angell and maker of his Creator The effect of the communication between Doctor Ridley and Secretary Bourne and others at the Lieutenants table at the Tower Feckham WHo so doth not beleeue that which Scripture doth affirme is an ●eretick as in the Sacrament of the Altar Mathew Marke Luke and Paul affirme there to bee Christs body and none denieth it therefore to hold the contrarie is heres●e Ridley Whereas is a multitude of affirmations in scripture and where is one affirmation all is one in scripture that which is spoken by one of the Euangelists is as true as that which is spoken by al for it is not in Scripture as in witnesse of men where the number is credited more then one and where you speake of so many affirming without negation of any if you take their words and leaue their meaning they affirme that you take Feck What circumstances can you shew that should moue to thinke of any other sense then as the words plainely say Rid. By the next sentence Doe this in remembrance of me and you may as well say the Bread is turned into Christs mysticall body as that it is turned into his naturall body for Paule speaking of the mysticail body saith Many are one Bread and one body because they are partakers of one Bread Feck This is conf●rmed by antiquity vnity and vniuersality for none before Beringarius did euer doubt of this then said Master Secretary these be great matters what say you to that Feck As for Unity I doe beléeue it if it be with veritie and as for Antiquity at the first Christs Faith was truely taught by Christ and his Apostles and by many good men which did succeed next them and touching the Sacrament I am perswaded these old writers before the vsurping of the Sea of Rome doe all agree if they bee well vnderstood in this truth as for vniuersalitie if may haue two meanings one that from the beginning in all ages hath beene allowed or it may be vnderstood for the multitude of our age or of any other singular age Maister Secretarie What authors haue you of the Sacrament to make a figure Ridley Tertullian saith This is my body that is to say a figure of my body And Gelasius saith the substance of bread remaineth And Origen saith that which is sanctified as touching the matter passeth away in the draught and I maruell Fecnam will alledge Melancton for we agree there is in the Sacrament but one materiall substance and he saith there are two Maister Secretarie You say truth but we reade that in the old time the Sacrament was so reuerenced that the Catecumeni and many more were forbidd●n to be present Rid. Truth Sir there were some called Audients some Penitents some Catechumeni and some Euergumeni which were commanded to depart Maister Sectetarie How then can you make but a figure of the Sacrament as the Lord of Canterburies booke doth Rid. Me thinkes it is not charitably done to beare the people in hand that any man doth so lightly esteeme the Sacrament as to make it but a figure which that booke doth deny as appeareth by that booke most plainely And as for mee I say whosoeuer receiueth the Sacrament receiueth with it life or death as S. Augustine saith manduca vitam bibe vitam Maister Pope I doe beleeue the reall body of Christ is in the Sacrament and I pray God I may euer so beleeue and how can it
the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Christ being the head corner stone for which Church Christ gaue himselfe to make it a glorious congregation without fault in his sight 5 This Church of it selfe is sinfull and must needs say Father forgiue vs our sinnes but through Christ and his merits she is fréely forgiuen 6 Hee is our onely Mediator as Saint Paul saith there is one God and one Mediatour betwixt God and Man Iesus Christ Therefore no other Mediatour 7 We beléeue this Church is and hath béen persecuted according to the promise of Christ as they haue persecuted mee so shall they persecute you for the Disciple is not aboue his Master And Paul saith it is not giuen to you onely to beleeue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake for all which will liue godly must suffer persecution 8 The true Church teacheth the Word of God truely not adding thereto nor taking there-from and Ministers the Sacraments according to the Primitiue Church and it suffreth all men to reade the Scriptures as Christ saith Search the Scriptures And when Paul preached the audience searched the Scriptures whether hee preached truely Dauid teacheth to pray with vnderstanding Saint Paul saith when the people vnderstand not what is said how can they say Amen at giuing of thankes And Saint Paul saith true Faith commeth by hearing the word 9 The Church of Christ teacheth God ought to bee worshipped according to his word and not after the Doctrine of men as Christ teacheth vs likewise Christ saith you shall forsake Father and Mother and follow me whereby we learne if our elders teach otherwise then God commanded in that point we must forsake them 10 The Supper of our Lord ought not to be altered because Christ the wisedome of the Father did institute it For it is written cursed is he that changeth my ordinances or taketh any thing from them This Supper is sorely abused it is giuen in one kinde where Christ gaue it in both it is made a priuate Masse where Christ made it a Communion He gaue it to all his Apostles in the name of the whole Church not to one alone Christ ordained it for a remembrance of his euerlasting sacrifice vpon the Crosse once for all and not againe to bee a dayly sacrifice both for them that are aliue and them that are dead And Saint Paul saith where there is no remission of sinnes there is no more sacrifice for sinne and in that it is worshipped where as nothing is to be worshipped that is made with hands and in that it is giuen in an vnknowne tongue whereby the people are ignor●nt of the right vse thereof besides this it is hanged vp and shut in a Boxe many times so long that wormes breedeth in it and so it putrifieth they that abuse it bring vp the slander thereof and not we 12 Concerning Christs words This is my body the minde of Christ must bee searched out by other Scriptures for the Apostle saith no Scripture hath any priuate interpretation and the Scriptures are full of such figuratiue speeches as the Cup is the New Testament the Rocke is Christ whosoeuer saith Christ receiueth a Child in my Name receiueth me which sentence must not be vnderstood after the Letter as the Capernaites did which taught that Christs body should haue been eaten with their teeth when he spake of the eating thereof to whom Christ said the Spirit quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing for my words are spirit and life so we see Christs words must be vnderstood spiritually and not literally hee that commeth to this worthy supper must not prepare his iaw but his heart neither tooth nor belly but beleeue saith Saint Augustine and thou hast eaten it so wee must bring with vs a Spirituall hunger and examine our selues whether our Conscience doe testifie that we doe truely beleeue in Christ according to the Scriptures whereof if we be truely certified beeing new borne from our old conuersation in heart minde will and deed then may we boldly with this mariage garment of Faith come to the feast And that there is no change but bread still remaineth Christ saith Doe this in remembrance of me And Saint Paul As often as you shall eate this bread and drinke this Cup you shall remember the Lords death vntill hee come heere is no change but bread still And Christ saith except I goe to my Father the Comforter cannot come And Saint Peter saith heauen shall keep him vntill the last day in that he is God he is euery where but in that hee is Man hee cannot be but in one place as his body was not in all places at once when hee was heere Hee was not in the graue when the women sought him as the Angell said neither was hee at Bethania when Lazarus died by Christs owne words and thus we conclude that the Christ is in the holy Supper sacramentally and spiritually in all them that worthily receiue it and corporally in heauen both God and Man When they would not turn from the truth by no p●rswasions the sentence was read against them In the reading whereof Higbed said you speake blasphemie against Christs Passion and goe about to trap vs with your subtilties and snares and though my Father Mother and other my kindred doe beleeu● you say yet they were deceiu●d in so beleeuing And whereas you say Cranmer and others in the said Articles were hereticks I wish I were such an hereticke as they were and be Then the Bishop asked him whether hee would turne from his ●rrour To whom he said would yee would recant for I am in the truth and you in errour Then they were deliuered vnto the Sheriffe and sent to Newgate where they remained not so much in afflictions as in consolations Fourteene daies after they were carried to Essex And Thomas Higbed burned at Hornden on th● Hill and Thomas Causon at Rayly where they died most constantly The Martyrdome of VVILLIAM HVNTER THe said Hunter was at all times brought before the Bishop of London with the aforesaid Thomas Tomkins and had the same Articles Reasons and perswasions obiected as the said Thomas Tomkins had and they made both the same answeres sauing that Boner vsed these words onely to Hunter Will you abiure and returne to the Catholick Church He answered I will stand to that which I haue said And further he said it is false Doctrine beliefe to beleeue that Christs true body is in the Sacrament which is onely in heauen and that his friendes and kindred were deceiued if they otherwise beleeued I will continue in the truth that is taught me as long as I liue ●or if I doe otherwise I shall perish both body and soule and I had rather my body perish then my soule Wherevpon hee was condemned and after carried to Burnt-wood where hee suffered most ioifully He was a very yong man borne of good parents of whom he was not onely instructed to godlines but confirmed
will needs haue it put it to the vse that Christ did Harps Admit your childe die vnchristned you are in a heauie case your childe being damned and you also séeing you would not christen him when you might for he is borne in originall sinne Haukes The deliuerance of sinne standeth in the faith of the parents he asked me how I proued it Paule in 1. Cor. 7. saith The vnbeleeuing man is sanctified by the beleeuing woman and the vnbeleeuing woman by the beleeuing man els were your children vncleane Harps Your great learned men at Oxford in whom you put your trust will be against you I said if they doe it by the Scriptures I would beléeue them Bonner Recant recant for Christ saith Except you bee baptized you cannot be saued Haukes I a●ked him whether Christianity did stand in outward ceremonie He said partly it doth I said S. Pet saith Not the washing of water that purgeth the filth of the flesh but a good conscience consenting vnto God is acceptable to him Bonner How say you to the masse sirra Haukes It is detestable ab●minable and profitable for nothing Then he said what say you to the Epistle and Gospell I said it was good if it were well and rightly vsed Bonner What say you to the Consite●r Haukes It is abominable and detestable and a blasphemie against God and his sonne to call vpon any to trust in any or to pray to any saue onely to Christ Iesus Bonner To trust to any we bid you not to pray to them wee bid you for you pray to God by them as you cannot speake to the King and Quéene but by the meanes of one of the priui● chamber Haukes You say we must not trust in them and S. Paule saith How should I call on them in whom I trust not Bonner Would you haue no body pray for you when you are dead I said so long as we are aliue the prayers of the righteous are a●ailable but when we are dead they profit not for Dauid faith No man can deliuer his brother from death and Ezechiel ●aith Though Noe Daniel and Iob dwelt amongst them yet can they exceed no further then them selues Then he said to Harpsfield you sée this man hath no need of our Lady nor of any blessed Saints An old Bishop that lost his liuing for ●arrying a wi●e came to Bonner with a gift and he sent for me and tolde him how that I had a childe and would not ha●e it christned I said I de●ie not baptisme Then he said angerly Thou ●oole thou cann●st not tell what thou wouldst haue I said a Bishop must be 〈…〉 not giuen to anger Thou iudgest me angrie 〈◊〉 by my faith I am not Then said the old Bishop Alas y●ng man you must be taught by the Church and by your ancients and doe as your fathers haue done Bonner No no he will haue nothing but Scripture he will haue no ceremonies in the Church But what say you to holy water Haukes I say to it as to the rest No said he that is proued by the Scripture in the booke of Kings when Elizeus threw salt into the water I said the waters were corrupt and by this he made them sweete and good so when our waters be corrupt if you by putting in salt can make them sweet cleere and wholsom we wil the better beleeue your ceremonies Bonner How say you to holy bread I asked what scripture haue you for it he said Christ sed fiue thousand men with fiue loa●es and three fishes Haukes Will you make that holy bread there Christ dealt fish with his holy bread then he said looke how captions he is and I said Christ did not this miracle because you should do the like but to cause vs to credit and beléeue his word and doctrine Bonner You will beleeue no doctrine but that which is wrought by miracles I said no for Christ saith these tokens shall follow them that beleeue me they shall speake new tongues and cast out diuels and if they drinke poyson it shall not hurt them Then he asked with what new tongues we speake Haukes When I knew not Gods word I was a blasphemer and filth●e talker but since I knew Gods word I haue giuen laude praise and thankes to God with the same tongue Then he said how cast ye out Diuels I said whosoeuer doth credite and beleeue Gods word shall cast out Diuels Then he asked me if euer I dranke any deadly poyson I said yea forsooth I haue drunken of the pestilent traditions and ceremonies of the Bishop of Rome Bonner Thou art an Hereticks and thou shalt be burned if thou continuest this opinion you thinke we are affraid to put you to death there is a brother-head of you but I will breake it I warrant you Haukes Christ nor his Apostles neuer killed any for their Faith he said Paule did excommunicate I said There is difference betwixt excommunicating and burning he said Peter destroyed the Man and his Wife in the Acts. I said They lied against the Holy Ghost which serued nothing for his purpose Then he saide well you graunt one I said If you will haue vs grant you to be of God then shew mercy for he requireth mercy so he went to dinner The next day Fecknam talked with me Feck Are you hee that will not haue your child christned but in English and will haue no Ceremonies I said I refuse not that which the Scripture commandeth he said Cer●monies are to be vsed by the Scriptures how say you to Paules breaches Hauks I haue read that there went Partlets and Napkins from Pauls body is it that you meane he said yes what say you to those Ceremonies I say nothing to the Ceremonies for the Text saith It was God that wrought and not the Ceremonies Feck How say you to the woman that touched the hem of Christ vesture did not her disease depart by that ceremonie I said there went vertue from Christ as himselfe said whether was it his vertue or his besture that healed the woman He said both I said then is not Christ true For hee said Thy Faith hath made thee whole Feck How say you Sirrha Christ tooke bread and brake it and said Take eate this is my body is it not so I said I doe not vnderstand it so Then hee said Christ is a lyer I said I thinke you will prooue him so for euery word that Christ spoke is not to bee vnderstood as hee spoke it For hee said I am a Doore a Vine a King a Way c. Hee said hee spake this in parables Haukes No forsooth then Christ would haue said I am like vnto a Doore to a Uine to a King to a Way He said these pla●es make nothing for you but I perceiue you build vpon Latimer Cranmer and Ridley I said they be godly learned men Feck Wilt thou trust to such dolts one of them hath written in his booke that the reall presence is in the
and feare and beware that you turne not to this abhominable papistry against the which I shalll ano●e by Gods grace giue my bloud Let not the murthering of Gods Saints be any cause for you to relent but take occasion thereby to be stronger in the Lords quarrell and I doubt not but hee will bee a mercifull father vnto you and then I kissed them all and was carried vnto the fire When he came to the stake hee kissed it and then hee said so my Lord Rich beware beware for you doe against your conscience herein and without you repent the Lord will reuenge it for you are the cause of my death Thomas Osmond Fuller William Bamford alias Butler Nicholas Chamberlain Iohn Ardley and Iohn Simpson THese were sent out of Essex vnto Boner to be examined they had the same Articles ministred vnto them and agreed all in the same answeres in substance that Thomas Wats next aforesaid made and when by no meanes they could be perswaded from their constancie being many times sent for they were at last condemned and burned in seuerall places in Essex Chamberlain at Colchester Thomas Osmond at Maning-tree William Bramford at Harwidge Iohn Ardley told Boner my Lord neither you nor any of your Religion is of the Catholick Church for you are of a false Faith and shall bee deceiued at length beare as good a face as you can you will kill the innocent bloud and you haue killed many and o● gee about to kill more if euery hayre of my head were a man I would suffer death in the Faith that I am in At ●he Examination of Simpson and Ardley there were a great multit●de of people assembled in the Church of Paules round about the Consistory The Bishop being angry with their bold answeres cryed alowd haue him away haue him away Wh●n the people in the Church heard these words thinking the prisoners had their iudgements they seuered themselues to make way which caused such a noise in the Church that they in the Consistory were amazed The Bishop asked what was the matter The standers by said there was like to be some tumul● for they were together by the eares The Bishop with the rest of the Court ranne away to the doore that goeth into the Bishops house but the rest being lighter footed then the Bishop recouered the doore first and thro●ging hastily to get in kept the Bishop out and cried saue my Lord saue my Lord whereby they gaue the standers by good matter to laugh at whereby th●se were a little while stopped of 〈◊〉 Iudgement but not long after they were called to the fire Iohn Simpson suffered at Rochford and Iohn Ardley at Rayby IOHN BRADFORD HE was borne at Manchester in Lan●aster On the 13. day of August in the first yeare of Qu●ene Mary Master Bourne Bishop of Bathe made a beastly Sermon at Paules Crosse to set vp popery as before is said Boner being present the people were ready to pull him out of the Pulpit and a Dagger was hurled at him and being put from ending his Sermon he intreated Bradford being with him to speake and appease the people when hee came into the place of the Preacher all the people cryed Bradford Bradford God saue thee Bradford And after they heard his godly exhortation they left off their raging Bourne thought himselfe not yet sure of his life vntill hee was safely housed th●ugh the Sheriffe and Mayor were ready to help him Wherefore hee desired Bradford not to depart from him vntill hee was in safety and ●radford went at his backe shaddowing him with his Gowne Amongst whom one G●ntleman said Ah Bradford Bradford thou sauest him that will helpe to burne thee I giue thee his life for if it were not for thee I would runne him through with my sword within three dares after Bradford was sent for to the Tower and there the Councell charged him with sedition for this matter and committed him to the Tower and from the Tower to the Kings Bench in Southwarke and after his condemnation vnto the Counter in the Poultry whilst hee remained in these two prisons he preached twice a day continually almost two yeares After he was brought with Bishop Farrax as a●oresaid before the Lord Chancellor and the Queenes Commissioners after the Lord Chancellor had laid vnto his charge the aforesaid sedition at Paules and Boner had bore witnes against him and Bradford had shewed his innocency and affirmed that notwithstanding Boners seeing and saying yet the truth I haue told as at the day of Iudgement wi●l appeare in the meane time because I cannot be beleeued I am ready to suffer what God will licence you to doe to me Chan. To leaue this matter wilt thou returne againe and doe as wee haue done and thou shalt receiue the Queenes mercy and pardon Brad. My Lord I desire mercy with Gods mercy but mercy with Gods wrath God keepe me from Well said he if thou wilt not receiue mercy offred vnto thée know for a truth that the Queene is minded to make a purgation of all such as thou art Bradford answered I would be glad of the Queenes mercy to liue as a subiect without a clogge of Conscience otherwise the Lords mercy is better to me then life and I commit my life into his hands that will keep it that none can take it away without his pleasure There are twelue houres in the day as long as they last no man shall haue power thereon therefore his good will be done Life in his displeasure is worse then death and death in his true fauour is true life And after he had béen thrée times called before the Lord Chancellor at all which times there was no arguments of diuinitie but about transubstantiation For denying whereof and affirming that the wicked doe not receiue Christ though they receiue the Sacrament he was condemned after this the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Chichester came to him and argued this point and after them two Spanish Friers and diuers others at other times The summe of his Doctrine herein followeth Reasons against Transubstantiation gathered by IOHN BRADFORD 1 TErtullian saith that which is former is true that which is later is false Transubstantiation is a late Doctrine for it was not generally defin●d vntill the Councell of Laterane about the yeare one thousand two hundred and fifteene vnder Innocent 3. before it was free to beleeue it or not beleeue it Ergo the Doctrine of Transubstantiation is false 2 That the words of Christs Supper be figuratiue the Circumstances of the Scripture the proportion of the Sacraments the sentences of all holy Fathers For a thousand yeares after Christ doe all teach It followeth there is no Transubstantiation 3 The Scriptures doe witnes that the Lord gaue bread to his Disciples and called it his body He took bread in his hands hee gaue thankes ouer bread he brake bread and gaue bread to his Disciples As Ireneus Tertullian Origene Cyprian Epiphanius
Augustine and all the Fathers of antiquitie doe affirme but in asmuch as the substance of bread and wine is another manner of thing then the substance of the body and bloud of Christ it is plaine there is no Transubstantiation 4 The bread is no more transubstantiated then the wine CHRIST calleth that the fruit of the Uine saying I will drinke no more of the fruit of the Vine Therefore by Christes wordes it was not Bloud but Wine therefore it followeth there is no Transubstantiation Chrysostom vpon Mathew and Cyprian doe confirme this reason 5 The bread is called as well Christs mysticall body as his naturall body for the same spirit that saith the bread is my body saith also wee being many are one body but it is not the mysticall body by transubstantiation no more is it his naturall body by transubstantiation 6 The words ouer the Cup are not so effectuall as to transubstantiate it int● the New Testament Therfore the words spoken ouer the bread are not so mighty to make Transubstantiation 7 The Doctrine of Transubstantiation doth not agree with the Apostolick and mother Churches which receiued there Doctrine of the Apostles who receiued it of Christ and Christ of God as of Gréece of Corinthus of Philippos Collosia Thessalonica Ephesus which neuer taught Transubstantiation yea it agreeth not with the Doctrine of the Church of Rome taught in times past for Gelasius the Pope doth manifestly confute the errour of transubstantiation and reproueth them of sacriledge which diuide the mysterie and keep the Cup from the lay people Therefore the Doctrine of transubstantiation agreeth not with the truth Communication betwixt the Archbishop of Yorke and the Bishop of Chichester with BRADFORD in prison York HOw know you the word of God but by the Church Brad. The Church is a meane to bring a man to the more spéedy knowledge of the Scriptures as the woman of Samaria was a meane that the Samarita●s knew Christ but when as they had heard him speake they said now wee know that he is Christ not because of thy words but because we our selues haue heard him so after we come to the hearing and reading of the Scriptures shewed vnto vs by the Church we beleeue them and know them as Christs sheepe not because the Church saith they be the Scriptures but because they be so wee being assured thereof by the spirit which wrote and spake them Yorke In the Apostles time the word was not written Brad. True if you meane it for some bookes of the New Testament but for the Old Testament Peter telleth vs it is a more sure word of Prophesie not that it is so simply but in respect of the Apostles which being aliue and compassed with infirmities by reason whereof men might perchance haue found fault with their preaching they attributed vnto the Prophets more firmenes as wherewith no fault could be ●●und albeit in verity no lesse obedience and faith ought to be giuen vnto the one then the other both proceeding of one Spirit of truth York Ireneus and others doe magnifie much and alledge the C●urch and not the Scriptures against the heretickes Brad. They had to doe with such-hereticks as did deny the Scriptures and y●t did magnifie the Apostles so that they were inforced to vse the authoritie of those Churches wherein the Apostles had taught and which did still retaine the same Doctrine then the alledging of the Church cannot be principally vsed against me which am so farre from denying the Scriptures that I appeale vnto them vtterly as to the onely Iudge Yorke A pretty matter that you will take vpon to Iudge the Church where hath your Church been hitherto for the Church of Christ is Catholick and visible hitherto Brad. I doe not Iudge the Church when I discerne it from the congregation which is not the Church and I neuer denied the Church to b● Catholick and vi●●ble although at some times it is more visible then at other times Chichest Where was your Church forty yeares agone which allowed your Doctrine I said I would tell him if he would tell mee where the Church was in Helias his time when Helias said he was left alone he said that is no answere Brad. If you had the same eyes wherewith a man might haue espied the Church then you would not say it was no answer The fault why the Church is not s●●ne of you is not because the Church is not visible but because your eyes are not cléere ●●ough to sée it Chich. You are much deceiued in making this collation betwixt the Church then and now Yorke said it was very well spoken for Christ said I will build my Church and not I do or haue built it Brad. Peter teacheth me to make this collation saying As amongst the people there were false Prophets which were most in estimation before Christs comming so shall there be false teachers amongst the people after Christs comming and verie many shall follow them and as for your future tense you wil not conclude Christs Church not to haue béene before but rather that there is no builder in the Church but by Christ onely in that he saith I will build my Church for Paul and Apollo be but waterers York He taketh vpon him to iudge the Church a man shall neuer come to certainty that doth so Brad. I speake simply that which I thinke and desire reasons to answere my Obiections assuredly you did well to depart from the Romish Church but you haue done wickedly to coupple your selues to it againe for you can neuer proue it which you call the mother Church to be Christs Church Chichest You were but a Childe then I was but a young man come from the Uniuersitie and went with the World but it was alwaies against my conscience Brad. I thinke you haue done euill for ye are come and haue brought others to that wicked man which sitteth in the Temple of God which is the Church for it cannot be vnderstood of Mahomer or any out of the Church but of such as beare rule in the Church Yorke Sée how you build your Faith vpon the most obscure places of the Scripture to deceiue your selfe as though you were in the Church which are not Brad. Well my Lord though I might by truth iudge you and others yet will not I vtterly exclude you out of the Church but I am not out of the Communion of the Church for it consisteth in Faith York Loe how you make your Church inuisible for you would haue the Communion of it to consist in Faith Brad. To haue Communion of the Church néedeth not visiblenesie of it for Communion consisteth in Faith and not in exterior Ceremonies as appeareth by Paul which would haue one Faith and by Ireneus to Victor saying disagréeing of fasting should not breake the agréeing of Faith Chichest That place hath often wounded my conscience because we disseuered our selues from the Sea of Rome Brad. God forgiue you for you haue done
euill to bring England thither againe Yorke He read a Paper of Common places how many things held Saint Augustine in the Church consent of people and Nations authority confirmed with Miracles nourished with hope increased with Charity established with antiquity the succession of Priests from Peters Seat to this present Bishop lastlie the verie Name of a Catholique doth hold me in Paint me but your Church thus Brad. This maketh as much for me as for you but all this if they had béene so firme as you would make them might haue béene alledged against Christ and his ●postles for there was the Law and the Ceremonies consented on by the whole people confirmed with Miracles Antiquity and continuall succession of Bishops from Aaron Cich You make to much of the State of the Church before Chrs●s comming Brad. Therein I do but as Peter teacheth and Paul very often you would gladly haue your Church héere very glorious and as a most pleasant Lady but as Christ saith so may the Church say Blessed are they that are not offended at me Yorke You thinke none is of the Church but such as suffer persecution Brad. Paul saith All that will liue godly in Christ must suffer persecution sometime Christs Church hath rest heere but commonly it is not so especially towards the end her forme will be more vnséemly York Where is your Church that hath consent of people and Nations as S. Augustine saith Brad. Euen all people and Nations that bee Gods people haue consented with me and them in the Doctrine of Faith Yorke Saint Augustine speaketh of succession from Peters Seat Brad. That seat then was nothing so much corrupt as it is now York Well you alwaies iudge the Church Brad. No my Lord Christs shéepe discerne Christs voyce but they iudge it not so they discerne the Church but not Iudge her yet full well may wee iudge the Romish Church for she obeyeth not Christs voyce and Christs true Church doth He asked me wherein I said in Latine Seruice and robbing the Laity of Christs Cup in the Sacrament and many other things in which it committeth most horrible sacriledge Yorke Latine Seruice was appointed to be sung and had in the Quire where onely were those that vnderstood Latine The people sitting in the body of the Church praying their owne priuate prapers and this may well be yet séene by making of the Chancell and the Quire so that the people could not come in or heare them Brad. In Chrysostomes time and S. Ieromes time all the Church did answere with a loud voyce Amen Whereby we may sée that the prayers were made so that the people both heard and vnderstood them York We léese our labour you seeke to put away all things that are told you for your good your Church no man can know I said yes that you may He said I pray whereby Brad. Chrysostome saith onely by the Scriptures and this he speaketh very oftentimes as you know York That is or Chrysostome In opere imperfecto which may bee doubted of the thing which the Church may be best knowne by is succession of Bishops Brad. Lira well writeth vpon Mathew that Ecclesia non consistit in homi●●bus ratione potestatis secularis aut ecclesiasticae sed in hominibus in quibus est notitia vera confessio fidei veritatis And Hilarius writeth to Auxentius that the church is rather hid in Caues then eminent in chiefe seats then after they had been there thrée houres they were called away Iohn Leafe burned with Maister Bradford THis Iohn was an Apprentice with a Chandler in Christ-Church in London eighteene yeares old borne in Kirkley M●●eside in the County of Yorke hee was examined before Bonner he said that after the words of consecration in the Sacrament of the Altar ouer the Bread and Wine there was not the true and naturall body and blood of Christ in substance and as it is now vsed and beleeued in the Realm of England it is abhominable Idolatry And he beleeued that after consecration it remaineth Bread and Wine as it was before and it is receiued in the remembrance of the death and passion of Christ and so spiritually in Faith they receiue Christs body and blood And he affirmeth that Auriculer confession is not necessary to be made vnto a Priest and it is no point of soules health to beléeue that the Priest hath any authority by the Scriptures to remit sins And being asked if he had béene Maister Rogers his Scholler he graunted it so to be and he did beléeue the Doctrine of the said Rogers and the Doctrine of Byshop Hooper Cardmaker and others of their opinion which of late were burned for Christ and that he will die in that Doctrine and the Bishoppe moouing of him to vnitie of the Church He said My Lord you call mine opinion Heresie it is the true light of the Word of GOD and hee would neuer forsake his well grounded opinion whilst breath was in his bodie Whereupon he was condemned When these two came to the stake in Smithfield to be burned Maister Bradford lay prostrate on the one side of the stake and the young man on the other praying a space vntill the Sheriffes man bad Maister Bradford arise then they both rose Maister Bradford desired the Sheriffe that his man might haue his apparell which he granted him When he was vnready he said O England England repent thee of thy sinnes beware of Idolatry beware of false Antichrists that they deceiue thée not Then the Sheriffe bad tye his hands if he would not be quiet He said I am quiet God forgiue you this One of the Officers that made the Fire said If you haue no more learning then that you are but a foole and were best to hold your peace Then Maister Bradford answered no more but asked the world forgiuenesse and forgaue all the world and prayed the people to pray for him and ●id the young man be of good comfort for we shall haue a merry Supper with the Lord this night then he imbraced the Réeds and said Straight is the way and narrow is the gate that leadeth to eternall saluation and few there be that finde it In the Booke at large thou maist sée many godly Letters of his This Maister Woodroffe Sheriffe as he would not suffer Maister Bradford to speake but bad his hands to be tyed so or worse he serued Maister Rogers and all that were burned where the other Sheriffe would weepe at their burning he would laugh at it and would restraine and beat the people who were desirous to take them by the hand In fine the foresaid Maister Woodroffe after the burning of Maister Bradford as soone as he came home was taken lame both arme and legge so that after hee could neuer stirre out of his house nor scarse mooue himselfe WILLIAM MINGE THe next day after Bradfords death William Minge Priest died in Maidstone Iayle being in bonds for Religion and had suffered martyrdome
man but consent of deeds Rid. If it were a trifling ceremonie or indifferent for the continuance of common quietnes I could be content to beare it But the Masse tendeth openly to the ouerthrow of Christs institution I ought by no meanes in word or deed consent thereto That of the Fathers is ment of them that suppose they be defiled if any secret vice be either in the Ministers or in the Communicants with them and is not ment of them which abhor Superstition and wicked traditions of men and will not suffer them to be in steede of the Gospell Lat. The Mary bones of the Masse are detestable and by no meanes to be borne with all it cannot be amended but by abolishing it for euer for if you take away ●blation and adoration which hang vpon Consecration and transubstantiation the Papists will not set a button by the Masse onely for the gaine that followeth therin for if our English Communion were a gainefull vnto them as the Masse they would striue no more for the Masse Anto If you refuse to goe to Masse you forsake the Church for the Masse is the Sacrament of vnitie without the Arke there is no saluation the Church is the Arke and Peters ship Augustine saith he shall not haue God his Father which acknowledgeth not the Church his mother And he also saith be thy life neuer so well spent out of the Church thou shalt not inherit the Kingdome of heauen Ridley The Catholick Church is the Communion of Saints the Citie of GOD the spouse of Christ the body of Christ the pillar of truth this Church I honour in the Lord but the rule of this Church is the word of God as many as walke according to this rule peace bee vpon them and vpon Israel that pertaineth to God the guide of this Church is the Holy Ghost the marks of this Church are these The preaching of Gods word due administration of the Sacraments Charitie and obseruing of Ecclesiasticall Discipline according to the word of God these are the heauenly Ierusalem which consisteth of those which are borne aboue This is the mother of vs all I will liue and die the child of this Church forth of this there is no saluation it is onely knowne by the Scriptures which is the true Church indeed the bread which we breake according to the institution of Christ is the Sacrament of the vnity of Christs mysticall body for we being many are one bread and one body because we are partakers of one bread but in the Masse the Lords institution is not obserued for there we are not all partakers of one bread but one deuoureth it all Lat Yea what fellowship hath Christ with Antichrist it is not lawful to beare the yoke with Papists Seperat your selues from them saith the Lord it is one thing to be the Church indéed and another thing to counterfet the Church not all that he couered with the Title of the Church are the Church indéed When S. Paul saith Seperate your selues from them He addeth if any man follow other doctrine he is puffed vp and knoweth nothing For it is ignorance to know many things and not Christ but if thou knowest Christ thou knowest enough though thou know no more Therefore he would know nothing but Christ and him crucified as many as be Papists and Masse-mongers may well bee said to know nothing for they know not Christ they take much away from the merite of Christ. Anto. That Church which you describe is inuisible but Christs Church is visible and knowne For hee saith tell it to the Church which is in vaine to goe to the Church if a man cannot tell which it is Rid. If we cannot see the true Church that is not the fault of the Church but either of our owne blindnes or of Satans darknes but the word is a Candle vnto vs and a light vnto our steps to sh●w the true Church Anto. The Church of Christ is vniuersall dispersed through the whole world the great house of GOD good and euill mingled together Goates Shéepe Corne and Chaffe it is the net which gathereth all kinde of Fishes it cannot erre for CHRIST IESVS hath promised it his good Spirit to leade it in all truth and the gates of Hell shall not preuaile against it he will be with it to the end of the world What it shall binde or lose in earth shall bee ratified in Heauen it is the truth Augustine saith I beleeue the Gospell because the Church biddeth me beleeue it this Church alloweth the Masse therefore it must be followed RidI The Church is taken three manner of waies in the Scripture sometime for the whole multitude of the professors of Christ but as euery one is not a Iew which is a Iew outwardly nor all that be of Israel are counted the seede So euery one that is a Christian outwardly is not so indeede For hee that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his The Church that Christ Iesus is head of stands onely of liuing Stones Christians in heart and truth and not in worde onely The multitude of the good are the true Church the multitude of the euill is the malignant Church and Synagogue of Satan These be the three takings of the Church and though there be seldom mention in Scriptures in this interpretation y●t in the greatest assemblies of the world this Church hath borne the greatest swing But if any will affirme that vniuersalitie doth so appertaine vnto the church that Christs promises to the Church must needes bee vnderstood of that where was that vniuersall Church in the times of the Patriarks and Prophets Of Noah Abraham and Moses when they would haue stoned him of Helias of Ieremy in the times of Christ and the dispersion of the Apostles in the time of Arius When Constantius was Emperour ●and Felix Bishop of Rome succeeded Lyberius Lyra vpon Mathew saith the Church doth not stand in men by reason of their power and dignitie whether it be Ecclesiasticall or Seculer for Princes and Popes and other inferiours haue fallen away from GOD Therefore the Church consisteth in those persons in whom is true knowledge and Confession of the Faith and truth euill men are in the Church in name but not in deed Latimer Touching the vehement saying of Saint Augustine I would not beleeue the Gospel but for the Church Melancton vpon this saith the Church is not a Iudge but a witnes there were some that lightly esteemed the Iudgement of the Church and preaching and reiected the outward word and stucke onely to there inward reuelations This droue Saint Augustine into that vehemencie in which he seemeth to them that vnderstand not his meaning to prefer the Church before the Gospel and that it had authoritie ouer the same but that godly man neuer thought so Anto Generall Councels represent the vniuerfall Church and Christ hath promised to be in the middest where two or three be gathered together in his name
was well done but he rebuked it therefore you are deceiued Chich. Who shall iudge betwixt vs in the matter I said the word as it is in the 12. of Iohn And S. Peter saith the Scriptures haue no priuate interpretation but one scripture must be vnderstood by another then he said if you vnderstand it one way I another who shal be Iudge the true Church of God is able to discusse all doubts He said the Church of God doth allow the sacrament of the Altar VVood. What doe you offer now vpon the Altar Chich. We offer vp the body of Christ to pacific the wrath of God in the blessed Sacrament and there withall all put off their caps vnto the abhominable Idoll Wood. S. Paul saith in the tenth to the Hebrewes wee are sanctified by the offering of the body of Christ vpon the Crosse once for all and euery Priest is dayly ministring and offering one manner of sacrifice which can neuer take away sins and that it is the offering that you vse to offer as farre as I can see you be Priests after the order of Aaron that offer vp sacrifice for their owne sinnes and the sinnes of the people Chich. Aarons sacrifice was with bloud which signified the death of Christ but we are Priests after the order of Melchisedech which offered bread to the King in remembrance and signified the giuing of Christs body in b●ead Wine at his last supper which Christ gaue vnto his Disciples and commanded to be vsed vnto the end of the world VVood. Me thinke you haue made the matter very plaine that as Christ was the end of the sacrifices so he was the beginning of the Sacraments willing them to be vsed in remembrance of him vnto the end of the world Chich. The word saith Take eate this is my body it is not the signe onely but the thing it selfe how say you it is not his body after the words be spoken by the Priest VVood. If you say the words ouer the water if there be no child is there true Baptisme He said there must be the Water the Word the Child Then I said if the Child be baptized in the name of ●he Father the Sonne Is it true Baptisme He said it must be baptized in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Then I said there may be nothing added or diminished Chich. How say you Take eate this is my body is not this Christs body as soone as it is said VVood. As the water the word and the Child altogether make Baptisme so the bread the wine the word make the sacrament the eater eating it in true faith maketh it his body so it is not Christs body but by the faithfull receiuer For hee said Take eat this is my body He calleth it not his body before before eating And S. Augustine saith crede manducasti beleeue and thou hast eaten And S. Iohn saith he that beleeueth in God dwelleth in God and God in him Wherefore it is impossible to please God and to eat his body without true Faith Priest If the Faith of the receiuer maketh it his body and not his word what did Iudas eat VVood. He eat the Sacrament of Christ and the Diuell with all Priest He eate the body of Christ vnworthily as S. Paul saith Wood. S. Paul speaketh not of eating his body vnworthily but of the sacrament vnworthily For he saith whosoeuer eateth of this bread and drinketh of this cup vnworthily eateth drinketh his own damnation because he maketh no difference of the Lords body and not because hee eateth the Lords body if Iudas had eaten Christs body he must needs be saued For Christ saith in the 6. of Iohn Whosoeuer eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath eternal life Chich. Do you not beleeue that after the words be spoken that there remaineth neither bread nor wine but the very body of Christ really Wood. I haue told you my mind without dissimulation more you get not of me except you wil talk by the scriptures then I wil proue it more plaine 3. or 4. waies Then they made a great laughing and said this is an heretick indeed it is time he were burned Then I said as you iudge me you shall be iudged your selues for I serue God truely with that which you call heresie as you shall well know when you are in hell and haue bloud to drinke and shall say in paine this was th● man we iested on and whose talk we thought foolishnes and his ●nd without honour now we may sée how he is counted amongst the Saints of God and wee are punished these words shall you say being in hell if you repent not with speed if you consent to the shedding of my bloud Pries●● You were at Baxell a tweluemonth agone and sent for the Parson and talked with him in the Church-yard and would not goe into the Church for you said it was the Idols temple Story came in pointing at me with his finger I can say nothing to him but an heretick I haue heard you talke this houre and a halfe and can heare no reasonablenes in him Wood. As you iudge me you shall be iudged your selfe Story What be you a preaching you shall preach at a stake shortly with your fellowes Kéeper carry him to the Marshalsey againe and let no body come to speake with him The fourth examination before Doctor LANGDAL LAngd Your childe was not Christned in a fortnight or in thrée wéekes after it was borne and then the chifest of the Parish were faine to fetch it out of your house against your will which declareth that you allow not Baptisme of Children and if the childe had died it had beene damned because it was not Christned and you should haue beene damned because you were the let thereof Wood. It was baptized as soone as it was borne by the Midwife and the cause I blamed my neighbour was because they fet my childe out of my house without my leaue and did more to it then need was the which was not well done And where you said if a childe die and be not baptized it is damned be all damned that receiue not the outward signe of Baptisme Lang. Yea that they be For Christ saith And baptise them in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost And he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued And he that beleeueth not shall be damned Wood. Then by your saying baptizing bringeth faith and all that be baptized in the water shall be saued Lang. Yea if they dye before they come to discretion they shall be saued euery one of them and all that be not baptized shall be damned Wood. You vnderstand not the Scriptures but as farre as naturall reason can comprehend the Scriptures are plaine that they which beleeue not shall be damned But it saith not in any place that they that are not baptized shall be damned And where you say Faith commeth by
body a sacrifice to God the price of my redemption by that onely sacrifice all the faithfull are sanctified and he is our onely aduocate mediatour and he hath made perfect our redemption without any of your dadly oblations Doctor Bridges You take wel the litterall sence but as Christ offered his body vpon the Crosse which was a bloody sacrifice and a visible sacrifice so likewise we doe offer vp the selfe same body that was offered vpon the crosse but not bloudy and visible but inuisible vnto God I said then Christs sacrifice was not perfected but Christ is true when all men be liers then he saide Thou shalt not feare him that hath power to kill the body but thou shalt feare him enterpreting him to meane the Church which hath power to kill body and soule Christ said We should feare him and not them the hath power to cast body and soule into hel meaning God and not the Church and if you will presume to offer Christs body dayly then your power is aboue Christs power then he was condemned and with patience and constancie entred his blessed martyrdome at whose burning one Thomas Carman was apprehended for words praying with him and pledging him at his burning One Frier and the sister of George Eagles THese suffered the like martyrdome by the vnrighteous Papists whose tyranny the Lord of his mercy abate and cut short turning that wicked generation to abetter minde They were burned at Rochester IOHN CVRD HE was a Shoomaker of Sisam in Northamptonshire hée was imprisoned in Northampton castle for denying the Popish transubstantiation for the which William Bru●ter Chancelour vnto the Bishop of Peterborrow did pronounce sentence of death against him a popish priest standing by when he was to bee burned one Iohn Rote vicar of S. Giles in Northampton shewed him if he should recant he was authorised to giue him his pardon he answered he had his pardon by Iesus Christ. Cicelie Ormes SHe suffered at Norwich she was taken at the death of Symon Miller and Elizabeth Cooper for that she said she would pledge them of the same cup they dranke of one master Cobet of Sprowson tooke her and sent her to the Chancelour he asked her what she said vnto the Sacrament of Christs body and what is that the Priest holdeth ouer his head she answered it was bread and if you make it better it is worse so she was sent to prison after she was called and examined before the Chancelour and master Bridges the Chancelor offered her if she would go to Church kéep her tongue she should be at libertie and beléeue as she would but she tould him she would not consent to his wicked desire therein and if shée should God would plague her then he tolde her he had shewed more fauour vnto her then euer he did vnto any and when he could not preuaile he condemned her she was borne in East Derrham and was daugh●er vnto one Thomas Hawood Tailor she was taken a twelue-moonth before and recanted but was neuer after quiet in conscience she had gotten a letter written to be deliuered to y e Chancelor to let him know she repented her recantation would neuer do the like againe as long as she liued but before she exhibited her bill she was taken and imprisoned as before when she was at the stake she told the people I would you should not report of me that I beléeue to be saued in that I offer my selfe here to death for the Lord cause but I beléeue onely to be saued by the death of Christs passion and this my death is and shall be a witnesse of my faith vnto you all good people as many of you as beléeue as I doe pray for me then she kissed the stake and sayd welcome swéet crosse of Christ aft●● the fire was kindled she said My soule doth magnifie the Lord and my spirit doth reioyce in God my Sauiour and so yéelded her life vnto the Lord as quietly as if she had béene in a slumber or as one féeling no paine so wonderfully did the Lord worke with her Mistresse Ioyce Lewis SHe was the wife of Thomas Lewis of Mancetter in the beginning of Quéene Maries time she went to Church and heard Masse vntill the burning of Laurence Saunders in Couentry then she inquired of such as she knew feared God the cause of his death and when she knew it was because he refused to receiue the Masse she began to be troubled in conscience she reforted to master Iohn Glouer a very godly man of whom mentioned is made before and desired him to tell her the faults that were in the Masse who instructed her in the wayes of the Lord approuing vnto her out of Gods holy word that the Masse with al other papistical inuentions was odious in Gods sight so she began to hate the Masse being compelled by her husband to come vnto Church ●when the holy water was cast she turned her backe towards it wherupon she was accused vnto the Bishop and a citation was s●nt for her and her husband the Sumner deliuered the citation to her husband who willed him to take the citation away with him or else he would make him eate it and in the end he made the Sumner eate the citation by setting a dagger vnto his brest and then he caused him to drinke and so sent him away but after they were commanded to appeare before my Lord her husband desired my Lord to be good vnto him my Lord was content to receiue his submission so that his wife would submit her selfe likewise but she told the Bishop that she had neyther offended God nor his lawes in refusing holy water the Bishop gaue her a moneths respite binding her husband in a hundred pound to bring her to him at the moneths end When the moneth was almost expired her husband was aduertised by the said M. Glouer and others not to carry his wife to the Bishop but to séeke some way to saue her and if the worst should come to be content to forfeit the Band rather then to cast his wife into the fire he answered he would not forfeit any thing for her sake but carried his wife vnto the Bishop who found her more stout then she was before so she was sent to such a stinking prison that a maid that was appointed to kéep her company did sound in the said prison She was often examined and euer found stout at length she was pronounced an heretick When the Bishop asked her why she would not come vnto the masse and receiue the sacraments and sacramentals of holy Church she answered because she could not find them in Gods word he said if thou wilt beléeue no more then is in the scriptures concerning matters of religion thou art in a damnable case she told my Lord his words were vngodly and wicked After her condemnation she continued a year in prison Wher● the Writ came to burn her she said
his Papisticall trash And Driuers Wife likened Quéene Mary vnto Iezabell Whereupon Sir Clement Higham Chiefe Iudge adiudged her eares to be immediatly cut off which was done and shee ioyfully yéelded her selfe vnto the punishment and thought her selfe happy that shee was counted worthy to suffer for Christ then they were sent again vnto Melton Iayle where they were examined as followeth When Driuers Wife came before Doctor Spencer to be examined shee smiled then he said Why Woman dost thou laugh vs to scorne shee said Shee might well enough to sée what fooles you be Then he said Woman what saist thou to the Sacrament of the Altar Dost thou not beleeue that it is very flesh and bloud after the consecration Dri. I neuer heard nor read of any such Sacrament in all the Scripture I will grant you a Sacrament called the Lords Supper I pray you tell me what a Sacraments is Spens It is a Signe and Doctor Gascoyne confirmed the same that it was a signe of an holy thing Dri. It is a Signe indéede and therefore it cannot be the thing signified also Gascoyne Doe you not beleeue the omnipotence of GOD Shee answered Yes Then said he Christ said to his Disciples Take eate this is my body ergo it was his body for he was able to performe that which hee spake and God vseth not to lye Dry. Was it not Bread which he gaue them he said no it was his body then quoth she it was his body they did eate ouer night what body was it then that was crucified the next day when his Disciples had eate him vp ouer night except he had two bodies as by your Argument he had Such a Doctor such Doctrine be you not ashamed to teach the people that Christ had two bodies In the 12. of Luke he tooke bread and brake it and gaue it to his disciples saying Take c. do this in remembrance of me 1 Cor. 11. Doe this in remembrance of me and as oft as you shall do it you shall shew the Lords death vntill he come Then Gascoyne held his peace and the Chancellor commanded the Iayler to take her away Dri. Now you be not able to resist the truth you command me to prison the Lord shall iudge our cause vnto him I leaue it I wis this geare will go for no paiment the next day she came before them again and their Arguments were vnto the same effect wherefore she was condemned so went she to prison againe as ioyfull as the Bird of day praysing and glorifying the name of God Alexander Gouch was condemned for that his beléefe was that Christ is ascended into heauen and there remaineth and that the Sacrament was the remembrance of his death and for refusing the Masse and the Pope to be supreame head of the Church they were both burned at Ipswich They ended their liues with earnest zeale nothing fearing to speake their consciences when they were commaunded the contrary Sir Henry Dowell Sheriffe would not suffer them to make an end of their praiers then Gouch said take héede M. Sheriffe if ye forbid prayers the vegeance of God hangeth ouer your heads when the Iron chaine was put about Allice Driuers necke O said she here is a goodly Neckercher blessed be God for it Diuers shooke them by the hands the Sheriffe bad lay hands on them with that a great number ranne vnto the stake he seeing that let them all alone One Bate a Barber was a busie deer against them who being in a fréeze gown sold it saying it stunk of Hereticks with other foule words within thrée or foure weeks after he died miserably in Ipswich Phillip Humphrey Iohn Dauid and Henry Dauid his Brother THese were burned at Bury in the same moneth that Quéene Mary died Sir Clement Highama bout a fortnight before the Quéene died did sue out a writ for the burning of these three godly and blessed Martyrs though the Queene was then knowne to be past remedy of her sicknesse Good-wife Prest SHe was the wife of one Prest dwelling not far from Launceston in Erecester D●oces She told the Bishop that she would rather die then worship that foule Idoll which with your Masse you make a God Bishop Will you say that the Sacrament of the Altar is a foule Idoll Woman Yea there was neuer such an Idoll as your Sacrament is made of your Priests and commanded to be worshipped of all men where Christ did command it to be eaten and drunken in remembrance of his Passion Bishop Dost thou not see that Christ said ouer the Bread This is my body and ouer the Cup This is my blood she said but hee meant not carnally but sacramentally if you will giue me leaue I will declare the reason why I will not worship the Sacrament Bishop Mary say on I am sure it will be good geare Woman I will demaund of you whether you can deny the Créede which saith that Christ perpetuallie sitteth at the right hand of his Father both Bodie and Soule vntill he come againe if it be so he is not in the Earth in a péece of bread If he doe not dwell in Temples made with handes but in Heauen what shall we séeke him héere If he did offer vp his body once for all why make you a new offering If with once offering hee made all perfect why doe you with a false offering make all vnperfect If he be to be worshipped in Spirit and Truth why doe you worshippe a péece of Bread If he be eaten and drunken in Faith and Truth If his Flesh be not profitable amongst vs why doe you say it is profitable both for Body and Soule rather then I would doe as you doe I will liue no longer Bish. I promise you you are a holy Protestant a foolish woman who wil wast his breath vpon thée and such as thou art but how chanceth it that you went from your husband and run about the Country like a Fugitiue Woman My Husband and my Children did persecute me for when I would haue him to leaue Idolatry and worship god in heauen hee would not heare me but he with his Children rebuked and troubled me so I went from him because I would be no partaker with him and his of that foule Idoll the Masse God giue me grace to goe to the true Church Bishop What dost thou meane by the true Church Wom. Not your Popish Church full of Idols and abhominations but where three or foure are gathered together in the name of God some perswaded the Bishop that she was out of her wits therefore they consulted that she should goe at large so the Kéeper of the Bishops prison had her home vnto his house where she fell to spinning carding and did al o●her worke besides as his seruant and went whether she list Diuers had a delight to talke with her and euer she would talke of the Sacrament of the Altar which of all things they could least abide Then diuers Priests