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A17676 An abridgement of the Institution of Christian religion written by M. Ihon Caluin. VVherein briefe and sound ansvveres to the obiections of the aduersaries are set dovvne. By VVilliam Lawne minister of the word of God. Faithfullie translated out of Latine into English by Christopher Fetherstone minister of the word of God; Institutio Christianae religionis. English. Abridgments Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Lawne, William.; Fetherston, Christopher. 1585 (1585) STC 4429; ESTC S107245 274,357 428

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not reueale them neither doeth the naturall man vnderstande those thinges which are of the Spirit * 1 Cor. 2.14 but the doctrine of God is rather to him foolishnesse Therefore the aide of the holie Ghost is necessarie or rather he is his onely power The word of God is indeed like to the Sunne which shineth to all those to whom it is preached A similitude but with no frute among the blind Note But we which are by nature blind are enlightened by the Spirit 35 Thereupon Paule calleth the Spirit of faith faith not that which we haue naturallie 1 Cor. 4.13 but that which we haue of the Spirit* Therefore he prayeth that God would fulfil in the Thessaloniās all his good pleasure and the work of faith in power* 2. Thess 1.11 For faith is a singular gift Faith is the gift of God which God giueth to whome he will 36 But it is certaine that the minde is not sufficiently illuminate by the vnderstanding and knowledge of the worde vnlesse the certaintie thereof do likewise pearce into the heart both which the Spirite worketh A similitude Eph. 1.13 Therefore he serueth in steed of a seale to seale those promises in our heartes* the certaintie whereof he had before imprinted in our mindes 37 Obiect That confirmation is in vaine Faith is shaken but not ouercome when as faith is tossed and shaken with continuall storms of temptations An. But it is not ouercome because God is the protection aide tower and buckler of the faithful* Psal 13.6 47 3. 27.1 Onely we haue neede of patience* 38 Obiect We can not otherwise be perswaded of the grace and fauour of God toward vs Patience is necessarie Heb. 10.36 Sorbonists Coniectures are contrarie to faith but only by a moral coniecture as euerie one doth think him selfe not to be vnworthie therof An. Nothing is more contrarie to faith then cōiectures Obiect No man knoweth whether he be worthy of hatred or of loue* Eccle. 9.1 An. This place is corruptly translated Salomon his meaning is The sense If anie man will esteeme and iudge by the present state of thinges whome God loueth and whome he hateth he shall take paines in vaine seeing all thinges fall out a like to the iust and the vniust to him that offereth sacrifice and to him that offereth none To know certainly is not to presume 39 Obiect It is a point of rash presumption for a man to chalenge and attribute to him self the certaine knowledge of the good will of God An. I graunt if we tooke so much vpon vs as to make the incomprehensible counsell of God subiect to the slendernesse of our wit But we say simplie with Paule* 1 Cor. 2.12 That we haue not receaued the spirite of this world but the Spirit which is of God who being our teacher we knowe those things which are giuen vs of God Obiect It is rashnesse to boast of the Spirite of God Rom. 8 14. Ioh. 11. An. But Paule pronounceth that they onely are the children of God which are led by his Spirite He being our guide we call God father* and wee knowe assuredly that we be the children of God 40 Obiect Although we may iudge of the grace of God according to the present state of righteousnesse yet the knowledge of perseuering vnto the ende hangeth in doubt Perseuerance Rom. 8.38 An. I am fully perswaded saith Paule* that neither Angels nor powers nor principalities c. shall separate vs from the loue wherewith the Lord loueth vs in Christ Ob. The Apostle had that by an especiall reuelatiō An. But he handleth in that place those good things which al the faithful in general haue by faith and not those which he him selfe alone doth seale Obiect But the same Paul in another place doth terrifie vs by making mention of our weakenesse inconstancie Let him that standeth take heed lest he fall* 1 Cor. 10.12 An. But not with feare and terrour whereby we may be throwen downe but whereby we may learne to humble our selues vnder the mightie hand of God as Peter declareth* 1 Pet. 3.6 41 By these things which we haue alreadie sayd we see that the definition of faith which we set downe varieth not from the Apostles description Where he teacheth that faith is the substance of things to be hoped for What faith is Heb. 11.1 and a certaintie of thinges that are not seene* Obiect Loue is before faith and hope also An. Yea faith alone bringeth forth loue Faith is the mother of loue euerie good worke besides 42 Nowe whersoeuer this faith shall be it can not be but that it hath hope of eternall saluation ioyned with it as an vnseparable companion Faith hath hope for her companyon or rather that it begetteth and bringeth it forth of it self Faith beleeueth that God is true hope waiteth and looketh that in conuenient time he shew his truth Note faith beleeueth that he is our father hope waiteth and looketh that he do alwayes so shewe him selfe toward vs faith is the foundation wherupon hope resteth 43 By reason of this affinitie the Scripture doth sometimes confounde the worde of faith and of hope* Faith and hope are sometymes confounded 1 Pet. 3.4 Obiect Hope hath a double foundatiō the grace of God and merit of workes An. The whole Scripture doeth teach that hope must looke vnto the mercie of God alone Lombardus his error as it were with both eyes as vnto the marke which is common to her as well as to faith CHAP. III. That we are regenerate by faith where repentance is handled The partes of the Gospell 1 THerefore faith doth possesse Christ doth rest vpon the Gospell which hath two parts repentance and remission of sinnes Christ geueth both and we obtaine both by faith And repentāce proceedeth from faith as frute from a tree Repentance proceedeth from faith 2 Obiect Christ and Iohn in their sermons do first exhort the people vnto repentance and then afterward they adde that the kingdome of heauen was at hand* Therfore repentaunce goeth before faith Mat. 3.2 which we haue by the Gospell An. We must not superstitiously stick to the placing of syllables For it is all one as if they should say because the kingdome of heauen is at hande therefore repent For in the Prophet that voyce is commaunded to begin with consolation and glad tidings* Isay 40 3. The partes of repentance 3 Certaine learned men haue sayd that repentance consisteth in two parts in mortification and viuification They interprete mortification to be the sorowe and terrour of minde conceaued of the knowledge of sinne Mortification and the feeling of the iudgement of God Viuification and viuification to be the consolation which ariseth of faith to wit when a man being throwen downe with the conscience feeling of his sinne and
treasure A similitude Faith an instrument For faith is the onelye instrument to receaue righteousnesse in Christ who is the materiall cause authour and minister 8 Obiect By the ministerie of the external word the internall is receiued Therefore Christe being God and man is made vnto vs righteousnesse in respect of his Godhead not of his manhood An. He is made vnto vs righteousnesse as he is man the mediatour and that which was from euerlasting cannot conueniently be saied to be made to vs. Ios 51.10 Obiect The Lorde shall bee our righteousnesse* An. Hee speaketh of Christ who being God reuealed in the flesh is made our righteousnes 9 Obiect This worke of iustifiying doth by his excellencie exceed the nature of man and therefore it cannot but bee ascribed to the diuine nature An. I graunt Obiect Therefore the diuine nature alone doth iustifie vs. An. It doth not follow for although Christ could neither by his blood purge our soules nor appease the father by his sacrifice Christ doth iustifie as he is man nor deliuer vs from giltinesse vnlesse he had been verie God yet it is certaine that he did all these thinges according to his humane nature For wee are iustified by the obedience of Christ* Rom. 5.19 and he did no otherwise obey but as he tooke vpon him the nature of a seruant therefore we haue righteousnesse giuen vs in his flesh 2 Pet. 1.4 10 Obiect By Christ saith Peter we haue precious and most great promises giuen vs that wee shoulde bee made partakers of the nature of God An. Iohn expoundeth that of the last cōming of Christ 1 Ioh. 3.2 that we should then see God as he is because we shall be like to him 11 Obiect It is an absurd thing to say that the word Iustifie is a lawe tearme To Iustifie is a lawe terme so that it is all one as to absolue seeing that wee must bee righteous in deede An. God doth iustifie both by acquitting or absoluing and also by pardoning wherupon Paul saith 2 Cor. 5.21 God was in Christ reconciled the world to himselfe in not imputing sinnes to men * Psal 32.1 Rom. 4.7 Also Dauid describeth righteousnes without workes thus they are blessed whose iniquities are forgiuen Obiect It is contrarie to God and his nature to iustifie those which doe in deede continue wicked An. The grace of iustification is not separate frō regeneration though they be distinct thinges And God doth so beginne regeneration in the elect in whō there remaine alwaies some remnants of sin doth so proceede during the whole course of their life that they are alwaies subiect to the iudgemēt of death before his iudgement seat Rom. 8.33 But he iustifieth* them not in part but freelie that they may appeare in heauen as clothed with the puritie of Christ 12 Obiect Christ is made to vs wisdome which agreeth onlie to the eternall word 1 Cor. 1.30 Therefore neither is Christ as he is man righteousnesse An. The onelie begotten sonne of God was alwaies indeed his eternall wisedome but that which hee had of the father hath hee reuealed vnto vs namely the treasures of wisedome and knowledge* Coll. 2.3 and so the saying of Paul is not referred vnto the essence of the sonne of God but vnto our vse and it is well applied to the humane nature of Christ Obiect They which place saluation in the death of Christ alone make two Gods in denying that we are righteous by the righteousnesse of God An. That which wee haue in Christ doeth come from the grace and fauour of God also that righteousnes which Christ geueth vs is the righteousnes of God Our righteousnes and lyfe is onlye in the death and resurrection of Christ Wee graunt but we hold stedfastly that wee haue righteousnes and life only in the death and resurrection of Christ Obiect That is properly called righteousnes wherby we are moued to do good But God worketh in vs both to will to do* Phil. 2.13 Therefore we haue righteousnes no where els An. God indeed reformeth vs by his spirite vnto holines of life and righteousnes but immediately by his sonne with whom he hath left all the fulnesse of the holie Ghoste that by his aboundance he might supplie the need of his members Ob. Christ himself was iust by the righteousnes of God because vnlesse the will of the father had moued him he himself would not haue satisfied the office committed vnto him Rom. 3.21 5.9 Papists An. Paul saith that Christ hath giuen vs saluation * to shew his owne righteousnes 13 Ob. Righteousnes is cōpoūded of faith works An. These two do so differ that if the one stand the other must needs be ouerthrown Paul counteth all but doung Ph. 3.8 Faith and workes that hee may win Christ * that he may find in him not hauing his owne righteousnes which is of the law but that which is by the faith of Iesus Christ righteousnes which is of God through faith 14 Ob. Paul speaketh of the works which men do before they be regenerate such as were the Iewes But there is a far other respect to be had of spiritual works Spirituall workes For they be fruites of regeneration An. In the cōparison of the righteousnes of the law the righteousnes of the gospell which he maketh* Gal. 3.11.12 Rom. 10.5.9 hee excludeth all maner works with what title soeuer they be adorned For hee teacheth that the righteousnes of the law is The righteousnes of the law that he obtaine saluation which shall perfourme that which the lawe commanudeth The righteousnes of faith and that this is the righteousnes of faith if we beleeue that Christ died and rose again 15 Obiect Faith is a certainetie of the conscience in looking for at Gods hands a rewarde for deserts Also the grace of God is not the imputation of free righteousnes but the holy ghost to the studie of holinesse 16 An. When the scripture speaketh of the righteousnes of faith it leadeth vs to a farre other thing to wit that being turned away frō the beholding of our workes wee may looke onely vnto the mercie of God and the perfection of Christ 17 Furthermore we must diligentlie note The relatiō betweene faith the Gospell that there is some relation between faith the Gospel because faith is said therfore to iustify because it receiueth the saluation imbraceth righteousnes offered in the gospel and wheras it is said to be offred by the gospel therby is excluded all cōsideration of works which Paul sheweth most plainly in 2. places Rom 12.5 Gal. 3.18 Obiect Then the righteousnes which we haue by our owne industrie and will is reiected An. The law profiteth nothing by commanding because there is none that can fulfill it* Rom. 8.2 18 And it is manifest that no man is iustified by the law because the
pray for the dead An. But by what word of God by what reuelation by what example Quest Why durst they then do it An. They did therein suffer somewhat which is proper to man and therfore it is not to be imitated CHAP. VI. Of the life of a Christian man and first of all by what argumentes the Scripture doeth exhort vs therovnto The end of regeneration 1 VVE sayd that it is the ende of regeneration that in the life of the faithfull there appeare an agreement consent betweene the righteousnesse of God and their obedience and that by this meanes they confirme their adoption wherby they are receaued to be sonnes And although his Law containe in it that newnesse wherby the image of God is restored in vs yet because our slownesse hath neede as well of manie spurres as also helps it shall be good for vs to gather out of diuerse places of Scripture a way how to order and frame the life lest they erre in their studie who are delighted in repentance 2 Furthermore this institution of the Scripture standeth chieflie vpon two parts The first is The partes of a Christian life that the loue of righteousnesse wherto we are otherwise not enclined by nature be dripped into our minds The other is that there be a rule appointed vs that may not suffer vs to erre in the studie of righteousenesse Of the loue of righteousnes The Scripture hath many reasons to cōmand righteousnesse the first is that we be holy Leuit. 19.1 1 Pet. 1.1.10 Psal 34.34 15.2.24 both because God is holy and secondly because we are ioyned with him and are reckened among his people* 3 The other is that we be made like to Christ through whome we are returned into fauour with God Therefore we haue a patterne of him set before vs whose forme let vs expresse in our life Hervnto are added the benefits of God whereto if we be not answerable it shall be a point of extreme vnthankfulnesse God hath shewed him selfe a father toward vs The end of Gods benefits let vs on the other side shew our selues children to him Christ hath purified vs from filthinesse by his bloud let vs not pollute our selues afresh he hath ingrafted vs into his bodie let vs not sprinkle any spot or blot vpō vs our head is ascēded into heauen let vs desire with the whole affection of our heart to come thither laying away the affection of the earth We are the temples of the holie Ghost let vs not be profaned with filthinesse of sinne* Mal. 1.16 Eph. 5.1.26 1. Ioh. 3.3 Heb. 10.10 Who they be which are not to be called Christians These are the best foundations to order and frame the life well 4 Therfore they which haue nothing of Christ besides the bare title are not to be called Christians Because none haue anie fellowship with Christ saue those which haue gathered out of the word of the Gospell the true knowledge of him But the Apostle denieth that anie of those hath rightly learned Christ* Eph. 4.12 which is not taught that he must put on Christ hauing cast of the old man which is corrupt according to the desires of error 5 Neither is it required that the manners of a Christian man should breath out nothing but the absolute Gospell which notwithstanding is to be wished and toward which we must endeuour our selues Otherwise all men should be excluded from Christianitie seeing there is none Angelicall perfection yea we are all found as yet a great way of manie haue as yet gone smally forward The ende of mans life What thē that marke is set before our eyes whereat alone let our studie aime that we may go forward more and more vntill we come to the verie perfection that hauing at length put of the infirmitie of the flesh we may be receaued into the perfect fellowship of God CHAP. VII The summe of a Christian life where is handled the denying of our selues The dueties of the godlie Rom. 12.1 1 THe first office of the faithfull is to giue their bodies a liuely sacrifice to God holy and acceptable to him* Surelie it is a great matter for vs to be consecrate to God that we may neither think do anie thing afterwarde but onely to his glorie For that which is holie is applyed vnto profane vses not without doing iniurie to him But and if wee be not our owne but the Lordes it appeareth both what errour is to be auoyded The beginning of the denyall of our selues and to what ende all the actions of our life are to be directed namely that neither our reason nor our will beare the chiefe sway in our counsells O howe greatlie hath he profited who being taught that he is not his owne hath depriued him selfe of the rule and gouernment of him selfe to geue it to God 2 The other followeth that we seeke not the things which are our own What the denyall of our selues is but those which are both agreable to the will of God and which serue to further his glorie This is that deniall of our selues which Christ euen from their first beginning of instruction doth so diligently giue his charge to his Disciples which so soone as it hath once taken root in our mind it leaueth no place either for pride or couetousnesse or other vices which are ingendred of loue of our selues 3 The same Paul elswhere more plainly though brieflie setteth downe all the partes of a well ordered life* Tit. 1.11 The grace of God which bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared and teacheth vs that denying vngodlinesse and worldly lustes we liue soberly and godlilie and righteouslie in this present world wayting for the blessed hope manifestation of the glorie of the great God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ who hath geuen him selfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to be a peculiar people zealous of good workes 4 In these wordes we see that the deniall of our selues hath respect partly vnto men The partes of a Christian lyfe and partly that chieflie vnto God Towardes men the Scripture commaundeth vs to performe two thinges to wit that in honour we preferre them before our selues and that we employ our selues wholy and faithfully to procure their profit Wee can not do these vnlesse our minde be first emptied of naturall sense For such is the blindnesse wherewith we run headlong into the loue of our selues euerie man thinketh with him selfe that he hath iust cause to set vp his combe and to contemne all other men in comparison of him selfe Self loue is bread in vs. Therefore to the end this selfe loue which is bred in vs may be taken away first let vs consider those vices wherwith we abound according to the rule of the Scripture Secondly let vs knowe that those giftes whereof we are so proud are not our goods but the free
men So Paule indeuored to walke with a good conscience toward God and men But that is vnproperly spoken And that is to be considered both in the commandements of God which must needs be kept and also in things indifferent and meane How mens laws be to be obserued 5 If mens lawes be giuen to this ende that they may charge vs with religiō as if the obseruing therof were of it selfe necessarie we say that that is layd vpon the conscience which was not lawfull For our consciences haue not properly to deale with men but with God seing they are gouerned by the word of God alone Obiect We must obey Princes euen for consciēce sake* Rom. 13.2 therfore the lawes of Princes beare rule ouer mens consciences An. We must distinguish betweene the Genus the Species The generall commandement of God commendeth the authoritie of magistrats That we must obey princes and how farre Hitherto we must obey But it is not meete that the lawes which are written by them should appertaine vnto the inward gouernment of the soule Therfore if any thing be commanded contrarie to the word or if in things indifferent there be a certaine necessitie laid vpon vs we must not obey 6 Such are those which in Poperie are called ecclesiastical cōstitutions which are brought in for the true necessary worship of God Popish constitutions And as they be innumerable so they be infinite grins to insnare souls Ob. Bishops are spirituall lawgiuers appointed of the Lord Authoritie of Bishops after that the gouernment of the Church is committed to them Therfore he which breaketh their cōstitutiōs rebelleth against god the church An. The authority of Bishops appertaineth to set the pollicie of the Church in good order against which we must not speake But it is necessarie that they alwayes follow the rule of the Scripture There is but one lawgiuer God 7 For to speake properly there is but one Law-giuer namely the lord who is able to saue to destroy He hath so comprehended in his Law all that which was necessarie to the perfect rule of good life that he left no thing for men to adde to that chiefe perfection And this doth he to that end first that all our works may be gouerned by his will Secondly that he may shew that he doth only require obedience at our hands 8 If we keepe in mind these two reasons we may easilie iudge what constitutions of men are contrary to the word of God With the former reason Paul contendeth against the false Apostles which assaied to burden the churches with newe burdens* Col. 2.8 He vseth the second more in the Galathians when he teacheth that the consciences must not be insnared which must be gouerned by God alone Gal. 5. Faultes of popish constitutions 9 Let vs apply this doctrine to our times We say that the constitutions wherwith the Pope doth burden the Church 1 They ar coūted for the true worship of God 2 They bind the consciences 3 They make the commandement of God of none effect Mat. 15 3. 4 They be vnprofitable and foolish are hurtfull whether they be concerning ceremonies and rites or which do more belong to discipline First because they holde that the worship of God is contained in them Secondly because they bind the consciences with precise necessitie to keepe what soeuer they command 10 Furthermore that is the worst of all that whē religiō is once begun to be determined by such vain inuentions the commandement of God is made of none effect* For it is a greater offence with thē to haue omitted auricular confession thē to haue continued a most wicked life a whole yeare together 11 There be also other two no small faults in the same constitutions first they prescribe vnprofitable obseruations Secondly they oppresse the consciences with an infinit multitude and they do so cleaue to shadowes that they cannot come to Christ Infinite multitudes 12 So that at this day not onely the vnlearned multitude but as euerie one is puft vp with worldly wisedome Popish snares so he is wonderfully delighted with the beholding of ceremonies Hypocrites silie womē thinke that nothing can be inuented which can be either more beautifull or better Neither is it anie maruell that the authours thereof are come to that point as to mocke both them selues others with friuolous toyes The papists are apes because they haue taken a pattern partly by the dotings of the Gentiles partly like apes they haue imitated the old rites of Moses Law 13 Againe there is such a number of them The number is not tollerable that the Church can in no case endure them Hereby it commeth to passe that there appeareth in ceremonies I wot not what Iudaisme other obseruations bring vpon godly soules a grieuous butcherie 14 Obiect There be amongst vs manie as ignorant Popish introduction as they were some amonge the people of Israell Such introduction was appoynted for their sake An. To oppresse weake consciences with great heaps of ceremonies is not to comfort them Paule saith that the Iewes are like to children which were kept vnder tutors and gouernours we to growen men which being set free from the tuition of others haue no neede of childish rudiments Quest Shall the ignorant sort then haue no ceremonies geuen them to helpe their vnskilfulnesse An. Let those be giuen thē which set forth Christ more plainly and not those which darken him They are counted purging sacrifices 15 Obiect They be sacrifices wherewith God is well pleased sinnes are taken away and saluation is purchased An. They are rather foolish and pernitious opinions Bosting of stage players Obiect Good things are not corrupt by straunge errours for as much as in this behalfe a man may no lesse sinne in works commanded by God An. But they are euill as being not vnderstood and like to a stage play God seeketh obedience neither will he be worshipped with precepts of men * Mat. 15.9 Ier. 7.22 Lastly they do not direct vs vnto Christ but they are only nets to catch money and serue for sacrilegious buying and selling 7 Inuented for gaine 16 Therefore so often as this superstition creepeth in that they will haue men to worship God with their inuentions what lawes soeuer are made to that end they straight way degenerate vnto those grosse abuses God threatneth this curse to all ages that he will strike them with blindnesse blockishnesse Ies 29.13 Popish traditions which worship him with doctrines of men* 17 Obiect Our traditions are not of men but of God For the Church is so gouerned by the Spirite of God that it can not erre An. We haue alreadie shewed howe falslie they chalenge to them selues the title of the church For the Church followeth the rule of her spouse Neither is that the Church which passing the boundes of the word of