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A15857 H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.; De religione Christiana, fides. English Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1599 (1599) STC 26120; ESTC S120607 223,465 477

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according to the determinations of the fathers of elder times haue euer no lesse prosperously then faithfully defended the truth of christian religion and preserued the same soundly confirmed in the church To which purpose tend the wordes which they vse in their owne determinations We therefore euery vvhere following the determinations of the old fathers and their rule doe also determine the same c. Nothing then is more safe then that euery man keepe himselfe within these churches as in citties well fensed wherein the holy scriptures are expounded according to the analogie or rules of faith and according to the receiued expositions of the auncient fathers and consequently which hold the same faith that the Apostles did and all the auncient church I haue spoken of the first duety of a christian man which desireth to keep himselfe and his family safe from his enemies vnto euerlasting life namely that he must retire himselfe into the defensed citties of Christs kingdome and there constantly abide vntill that at the last all enemies being put to flight by the glorious comming of our king we may be safe and free in all places But without prouision of vitalls who can long maintaine his life our victual or sustenāce is the daily hearing reading and meditation of Gods word and the receiuing of the holy supper at appointed times For by both these wee are nourished streng thened and we liue that through Christ our life whome they offer and giue vnto vs. He which eateth this bread takē either by the word or by the sacraments shall neuer die In the Acts Christs disciples continued in the Apostles doctrine and in breaking of bread that is in their common loue-feastes in which the Lords supper vsed to be celebrated And such heauēly victuals are seeldome wāting in well defensed citties yet except thou eatest and drinkest and by that meanes preseruest thy life what good will it do thee to be in a defensed cittie Thou must therefore frequent sermons and receiue the sacraments and imploye thy selfe in reading the holy scriptures 3 It is very needefull also that continuall praiers both publike and priuate bee made vnto God wherein we must aske those things which the Lord Iesus hath commanded to be asked of his father namely al things which pertaine aswell to his glorie as to our owne and our neighbors saluation and that he would defend vs from all kinds of enemies and keep vs safe in the trueth In the day of tribulation shalt thou call vpon me saieth the Lord. And is not then chiefly the day of affliction when heresies do ouerspread and tyrants persecute the truth Then therefore chiefly is God to bee called vpon and that by faith And therefore the Apostle Paule saieth Pray ye vvithout ceasing and Christ Iesus yee must praye alvvaies and not bee vvearie And he that thus prayeth and prayeth by faith howe should he not obtaine wherefore God addeth by his Prophet And I vvill he are thee Aske and yee shall receiue said also the Lord Iesus Christ seeke and yee shall finde knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you 4 But how can it be that men should there liue happily and the cittie be preserued where the cittizens among themselues keep no friendship therefore brotherly loue peace and concord must bee kept then which nothing is sweeter nothing more pleasing to God and nothing can be more profitable for preseruation of the church as contrariewise there is no thing by which churches and all societies are sooner brought to ruine then enuie then hatred then grudgings then enmities then dissentions then domesticall fallinges out Doubtlesse there is no faith where charity hath not place sith true faith as the Apostle witnesseth worketh by charitie And brotherly loue hath euer bin a marke of true christians Christ himselfe saying By this shall men know that yee are my disciples if yee haue loue one vvith another This do the Acts of the Apostles teach vs where Luke saith of the faithfull they had one minde and one heart namely in the Lord. And Tertullian reporteth in Apolog. cap. 39. that the Romanes were wont to say of the christians marke hovv they loue one another For by this brotherly loue as by the true badge of christian religion they would haue christians discerned from them that were no christians 5 Further more how necessary the care of health is to all the cittizens liuing in such a citty to defend them and theirs and so the whole cittie against the enemies was said a little before By this spirituall health I meane a good conscience which as it springeth from faith so also it preserueth faith that it cannot quite decay euē as the life of the body bringeth forth health and health preserueth the body in life Euerie one therefore must be carefull that he keepe a good cōscience But by what meanes is it kept 1. after a due sorrow by a sure trust of the free forgiuenes of our sinnes which we haue committed through Christ Next by a true amendment of life that is an earnest studie of auoiding sinnes afterward and keeping the commandements of god lastly by a firme purpose if by infirmitie we do fal to rise againe and to flie vnto Christ for pardon By this meanes shall wee alwaies hold fast a good conscience He that in this sort constantly looketh vnto his health let him assuredly know that the Lord will neuer suffer him that he shall die at all that is that hee shall euer erre and goe astray vnto his last ende in that doctrine which is necessary to his saluation For the Apostle saith to Timothie keepe faith and a good conscience which while some haue cast aside they haue made shipwrack concerning faith that is the doctrine of faith They therefore which keepe fast a good conscience shall neuer make a deadly shipwrack of the doctrine necessary to saluation Seing God by his grace indueth them as with the treasure of a good conscience so also with a perseuerance in the faith and with a heauenly gift of doctrine The safest thing therefore both at all times and especially in this diuersitie of religions is by cōtinuing in the churches where the pure word of God is preached and the assured foundations of the faith according to the expositions of the fathers are retained to imploye our selues in hearing the word of God and receiuing the sacraments to call vpon God to haue friendship with our brethren and to keep a good conscience to our selues 6 But vnto all these things how necessarie watchfulnesse is who vnlesse he bee vtterly vnskilfull in all things knowes not where there is nothing at all to be feared as in heauen there is also no need of watchfulnesse but they may and they ought to liue in great securitie But where there want no theeues robbers intrappers flatterers couseners traytors enemies and where all things are full of trecheries there howe pernicious and daungerous securitie and retchlesnesse is who is he that knoweth not
place next vnto the Canonicall bookes V. The rules of faith can be prooued onely by the canonicall bookes And therefore wee vse only the canonicall bookes for proofe of the rules of faith Hieron in praef in lib. Sal. Cypr. in sym p. 377. Con. Laod. cap. 59. and with the fathers wee teach that they are to be vsed but wee thinke the rest to be of great force to confirme the same rules beeing before sufficiently prooued VI. The canonicall scriptures take not their authoritie from the Church VVherefore this we hold without all controuersie and wee thinke it is to be holden that although the Church beeing taught of the first fathers namely Prophets and Apostles who receiued their doctrine immediatly from god and committed the same to writing and beeing also instructed by the holie ghost hath deliuered to the posteritie by a continueing and perpetuall tradition which are canonicall and which are not canonicall bookes yea and hath giuen and shall alwaies giue testimonie vnto them of the holie and heauenlie truth yet that these writings haue not receiued their authoritie from the same Church but of god onely their onely proper author and therefore that of themselues because they are the word of God they haue power ouer all men and are worthie to bee simplie beleeued and obeyed of all VII Yet that the Churches authoritie doth much auaile to make men beleeue the holie Scriptures Although wee denie not by the waie but that the authoritie of the church hath an especiall force to mooue men to the hearing and reading of the holie Scriptures as the word of god according to that of Augustine I had not beleeued the gospell for so he meant vnlesse the authoritie of the church had mooued me Tom. 6. cont Epi. Fund ca. 5. Yet the same Augustine notwithstanding in all places pronounceth that his beleefe came not from the church but from the bolie spirite whose gift faith is VIII That the church hath nopovver ouer the holie scriptures But to dispute whether the authoritie of the church be greater then that of the holie scriptures yea and much more to set downe the affirmatiue part as though the church ouer and aboue the gift of knowing the spirits and of discerning canonicall scriptures from others and of testifying of them and of interpreting of them should haue also authoritie either of adding too or diminishing anie thing from them and of dispensing with thē we iudge it more then sacriledge Deut. 4.2 5.31 12.32 Apoc. 22.18 19. For God commandeth that no man shall add or diminish nor anie one shall decline to the right hand or to the left but all together shall simplie obeye him speaking vnto them in the holie scriptures in all manner of thinges IX The holie scriptures are so perfect that nothing may be added to or taken from them For the scriptures are so holie and meerlie perfect plentifully containing whatsoeuer is necessarie to saluation that nothing can bee added vnto them written with such perfection and wisedome that nothing may bee taken from them X. And therefore men ought to rest vppon them VVherefore wee euen as all godlie men ought to doe doe rest our selues vppon the doctrine of those holie writinges holding that same spoken by the Apostle 2. Tim. 3.16 all Scripture inspired from aboue is profitable to doctrine c. XI Nothing must be established concerning religion vvithout the vvord af god but all things to be reformed by it VVe hold therefore Dist 9. that nothing must be determined cōcerning religion in the church of god which hath not apparent testimonie in the canonicall bookes or may out of them be conuinced by manifest and necessarie consequence And if at anie time there hath crept into the church anie thing either concerning doctrine or the seruice of god which is not agreeable to the holie scriptures the same ought by some lawfull meanes either quite to be taken away or els to be reformed by the rule of gods word and that all controuersies in religion ought lawfully to be iudged and decided out of the same holie scriptures XII Traditions truely apostolicall and catholicke are to be retained in the church And the traditiōs in meane while which it is manifestlie knowne haue come from the Apostles Aug. tom 7. con Donat. lib. 4. ca. 24. tom 2. 2d Ian. ep 118. D. 11. c. 8. to haue beene euer obserued in all churches as that of hallowing the Lords daie in place of the Sabaoth and such like and allthough there be no expresse commandement in the scriptures for the obseruing of them yet wee iudge that they are to be retained in the church XIII The scripture is verie perspicuous in such things as be necessarie to saluation and therefore ought to bee read of all Yea wee thinke and knowe the whole doctrine of saluation not onely plentifully but plainelie and perspicuouslie to bee deliuered in the holie scriptures and sith God neuer spake vnto his people but in their natural language which might bee vnderstood of all that it is a great iniustice and tirannie to forbidd the reading of them to anie men consequentlie the turning of them into the proper tongue of anie nation which the Lord hath willed and commaunded should be read of all men for their owne saluations sake yea should be continuallie borne about in their hands daie and night XIIII The faithfull interpretations by learned godlie men are not to be contemned Although the holie scriptures in those matters which are necessarie to saluation be plaine and easie yet wee dissolue not the interpretations and expositions of skillful and learned godlie men 1. Thess 5.21 aswell aimcient as later namely such as are grounded vppon the same scriptures and so farre forth as scriptures are expounded by scriptures and that in correspondence to the chiefe principles of faith the summe whereof is contained both in the Apostles Creede and also in the Creedes of the true generall and of the auncient holie councells gathered together against those which were notorious heretikes XV. The onely word of god to be the piller of faith and foundation of religion For our faith nether cā nor ought to groūded vppon anie other thing Rom. 10.17 then the word of god deliuered in the holy scriptures that faith may be allwaies of hearing and hearing by the vvord of god wherunto whatsoeuer in any mens works is repugnāt we reiect it whatsoeuer is agreeable we embrace it but that which standeth in a newtralitie as it shall be expedient or not expedient to the church we allow or disallow it and so we teach that it is to be allowed or disallowed CHAP. II. Of God and of the diuine persons and properties I. That there is one onely god distinct in three persons AS wee are taught therefore by the holie scriptures Deu. 4.6 which are his owne word we beleeue that there is only one god that is one simple indiuisible eternall liuing
election of the Saintes by free gift For as the calling vnto Christ and iustification in Christ is wholie of free gift Eph. 2.9 Tit. 3.5 and not of our owne vvorkes so likewise we vnderstand that the whole praedestination of Saintes is freelie giuen Eph. 1.4 Rom. 9.11 1. Cor. 1.31 because it is wrought in Christ and for Christ is put in execution that no man might glorie in himselfe but he vvhich glorieth should glorie in the Lord. V. We are pradestinate not onely to the ende but also to the meanes Whereuppon wee also beleeue sith God hath chosen vs in Christ that wee might bee faithfull holie vnblameable in his sight that wee are praedestinated not onely to the ende that is to eternall life and glorie but also to the meanes by which wee attaine vnto the ende and chieflie vnto faith whereby wee are ingrafted into Christ and to regeneration and true repentance 2. Cor. 5.17 Gal. 6.15 Mat. 5.16 whereby being made new creatures in Christ we might liue holilie to his glory and edification of our neighbour VI. They bee not elect neither can they bee saued vvhich are neuer grafted into Christ by his spirite and true faith They therefore are shamefully deceiued to their owne destruction which perswade themselues they are elect Tit. 1.16 Eph. 2.10 and therefore shall be saued although they bee not grafted into Christ by faith nor repent them of their sinns nor regard the will of God or to doe anie good workes For they separate that which god will haue ioyned together VII Euerie one ought stedfastlie to beleeue he is ●lect in Christ yet we may be more assured by the feeling of our faith in Christ Hence it is manifest although no man in generall ought to exempt himselfe out of the number of the elect sith the Scripture doeth not so but rather stedfastlie to trust that when he is called to Christ he is called according to the eternall decree and election of God 2. Cor. 13.5 yet if any man will be more assured of his certaine election he must runne to his faith and the witnes of his conscience whether he perceiue that he truely beleeueth in Christ and whether he carrie a sincere loue towards god and his neighbour Yea if he finde himselfe herein not altogether soundlie and throughlie setled yet let him not desparre but desire of god that he will helpe his vnbeleefe hoping that he may in time be better assured Mat. 9.24 VIII The causes why the doctrine of predestination is deliuered in the Scriptures For neither is the doctrine of the eternall free and vnchangeable predestination deliuered in the holie scriptures that we should neglect Christ or despaire of saluation or with securitie let loose the raines to our concupiscence or growe insolent but contrariewise for these especiall causes Act. 4.12 2. Tim. 2.19 First that wee may knowe that without Christ none can be saued sith the foundation of our whole saluation was fastened and laide in him before the world was made Then that in time of our temptations wee which beleeue in Christ should strengthen our selues by the certainetie of our saluation Rom. 8. and so neither dispaire nor distrust knowing the same to be certaine and sure in the eternall decree of god Thirdlie that thereby wee might be stirred vp to the studie of faith in Christ of holinesse and of good works Eph. 1.4 2.10 sith we are chosen that we should be faithfull and holie and blamelesse in his sight and walke in good works Lastlie that wee growe not proude if we trust in Christ and liue godlie in Christ and that he which glorieth may glorie in the Lord 1. Cor. 1.13 sith god through his grace did from the beginning decree in Christ that we should be such CHAP. IV. Of the omnipotencie and will of God I. So is god omnipotent that he is able to doe more then he will doe VVE beleeue that God is so omnipotent that he not onely hath done doeth whatsoeuer he would will but also he is able to will and to doe infinite works which he wil not following also herein the doctrine of Iohn who said Mat. 3.9 God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnro Abraham which yet he would not doe and also the opinion of the Apostle who writt Ro. 9.15.18 that God will haue mercie on whom he vvill whenas he could haue mercie on all and he will harden not all Turt con Prax. as hee could but those vvhome he vvill so that it is verie impious to conclude anie thing to haue beene done to bee done or shall bee done of the onely omnipotencie of God wherein his will is not also reuealed II. Jt infringeth not the omnipotencie of god that certaine things can not be done by him Where the Apostle writeth that god can not denie himselfe we holde that there is no iniurie done against the omnipotencie of God if a mā say there are manie thinges which cannot bee done by god namely such thinges as are repugnant to the nature of god and do implie a contradiction III. A confirmation of the former assertion For he being the chiefest good he can neither be made euill nor can doe ill and beeing trueth it felfe he cannot lie being iustice it selfe he cannot doe vniustlie beeing life it selfe how should he die Finallie being onely one god and that vncreated and eternall subsisting only in three persons we beleeue and confesse that he can not so take anie creature to himselfe to make the same 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 consubstantiall to himselfe and wholie such as he himselfe is or constitute a fourth person and wee are perswaded that nothing is drawne or taken away from the omnipotencie of god by this confession yea surely whatsoeuer is alreadie done it cannot be that the same should not haue bin done so that it is certaine that what so implieth a contradiction the same cannot bee done by God who is the especiall trueth it self For by this reason euen the omnipotencie of God whereby they were done should be apparentlie denied IV. The will of god to be searched for onely in the holie scriptures Furthermore sith the counsells of god are infinite and secret which he reuealeth not to the Angells themselues wee hold Mar. 13.32 that when there is anie question concerning the will of God the same is not to bee sought for in anie other place then in the holie scriptures wheras whatsoeuer thinges were necessarie to our saluation Ioh. 15.15 17.29 god hath plentifullie and perspicuouslie laide open vnto vs and whatsoeuer he would haue vs to doe he hath of his singular goodnesse reuealed vnto vs by his spirite CHAP. V. Of the creation of the worlde of Angells and of mans first estate I. All things were made by god Gen. 1. 2. and that exceeding good WE beleeue that God the Father Col. 1.16 by the
our sinnes shall no more bee imputed vnto vs as being once washed away in Christ but shal be pardoned by the fauour of God for Christs sake alone Ia. 2.21 and on the other side that Christs righteousnesse shal bee imputed to vs as our owne and that wee being clothed there with shall be and shal bee counted iust in the sight of God An assured and manifest testimonie whereof is as wee saide before that same begonne and inhaerent righteousnes in vs which consisteth in the detesting of sinne and the loue of righteousnesse and the studie of good workes VI. A confirmation vvhat it is to be iustified by faith Wherefore when we saye a man is iustified by faith or through faith we doe not meane that the vertue of faith is that verie thing whereby as by the forme as they speake and by true iustice he is iustified or that for which we deserue forgiuenes of our sinnes and iustification or that which as the head of al other vertues and the cause or fountaine of all good works doeth drawe with it all other vertues charitie cleanesse of heart in ward iustice and good workes whereby wee are iustified But because it is as the light whereby looking into the glasse of the gospell we behold in what state wee are in Christ by the free bountie will of God and through the merites of the same Christ and also because it is as the hand whereby we grasp and take hold vppon that fauour of God and benefite of Christ shewed vnto vs in the gospell and performed in the person of Christ or to say more brieflie as the matter is wee are said to be iustified by faith that is by remission of sinnes and by the imputation of Christs righteousnesse apprehended by faith so that faith is taken for the thing that is beleeued or apprehended by faith As we read of Abrahā Gen 15.6 He beleeued God it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse namely that which he beleeued of the seede promised vnto him that is Christ For he is the righteousnesse of all the chosen which beleeue and of the children of the promise as the scripture calleth them VII Men are iustified by faith alone Here by it is easily vnderstood what is mēt in that wee haue euermore confessed and doe yet constantly confesse with the holy scripturs and with the godly fathers that wee are iustified by faith alone For sith to bee iustified by faith in the sight of God is nothing else but to be accounted iust by the remission of sinne and iustice of Christ apprehended by faith that this is onely the true righteousnes whēas whatsoeuer inherent righteousnesse there is in vs and whatsoeuer good worke wee doe is such as cannot stande in the sight of God according to that saying Psal 142.2 Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord Psal 130.3 for no flesh is righteous in thy sight and that also if thou markest what is done amisse O Lord Lord vvho can abide it it most plainely appeareth that our beleefe concerning iustification by faith alone is most certaine and most true VIII Not onely in the beginning of our conuersion but euen in the whole course of our life to our death wee are iustified onely by faith And hereby also is it that wee cannot but beleeue and constantly affirme that not onely in the beginning when of vngodly men we bee made righteousse but also all the whole course of our life euen vnto the end we are iustified onely by faith in Christ so that our righteousnesse is alwaies from faith to faith For there is no man which doth not daily sinne so that we haue need continually to say Mat. 6.12 Psal 32.6 1. Cor. 1.30 1. Ioh. 2.2 Forgiue vs our sinnes and To thee saieth Dauid shall euerie one that is godlie make his prayers for forgiuenes of his sinnes And Christ not once but euermore is our righteousnesse sanctification redemption and the propitiation for our sinnes IX Iustification by faith alone is no imaginarie or fained matter Now least any man might thinke that wee forge a certaine imaginarie righteousnesse which hath no foundation nor force in vs we will againe repeat that which we haue before made profession of First that this faith where by we say that we are iustified is a faith that is liuely and worketh through loue then that God doeth not so iustifie vs by the forgiuing of our sinnes and imputing Christs righteousnesse vnto vs but that he also makes vs partakers of his diuine nature but that he regenerateth refineth sanctifieth vs giueth inherent righteousnesse to vs and makes vs conformable to the image of his sonne and this begun righteousnesse in vs is a manifest testimonie of that other true and perfect righteousnesse which wee haue in Christ alone and wee confesse that both of these are ioyned together by the band of the same holy spirit Rom. 5.15 as the Apostle saith not onely the grace of God but also the gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christ hath abounded vnto manie For euen as not onely the disobedience of Adam was imputed vnto vs but also the corruption of his nature flowed into vs so also not onely the obedience righteousnes of Christ is imputed to vs which are ingrafted into him but also his holy nature is truely communicated vnto vs 2. Cor. 5.17 Eph. 2.10 Tit. 2.14 that wee may be made new creatures righteousse and holie euen in our selues followers of good workes X. Inherent righteousnesse is increased by good works But like as we say that the former iustice is neither due to our good works nor begonne nor increased by them so the latter although it be not due nor begunn by our good works that wēt before for they are all sinne sith good workes goe not before him that is to be iustified but followe him that is iustified yet wee confesse that by these following good works and exercises of godlinesse it is much preserued set forward and increased 2. Tim. 1.6 as the Apostle teacheth the gifts of God bestowed on vs are stirred vp nourished and maintained with such māner of exercises like vnto a fire and of this increase of righteousnesse Iohn saith Hee that is righteousse let him be righteousse still Apo. 22.11 And therefore when wee speake onely of this inherent righteousnesse we denie not but that a man is iustified by good works and not of faith onely that is he is made more and more iust XI A man is iustified by that iustice vvhich consisteth in the forgiuenesse of sinnes and imputation of Christes iustice and not properly of his owne works but by them he is declared to be iustified to be iust But if we bee asked of the former kinde of iustifying wee aunswer that a man is neuer iustified by his workes but alwaies properly by faith alone but yet that it is declared by his works whether he bee iust
commaundeth to be performed faithfully and prudently by the other faculties of the minde and instruments of the body Vpon the 19. chap. Of iustification Aphorisme 6. Whereas I so expounded that place concerning the faith of Abraham out of the 15 of Genesis and the 4. to the Rom. as I saide that that same thing was imputed vnto him for righteousnes which hee beleeued concerning Christ the promised seede I did it rather respecting the matter it selfe then the bare word of faith For I was not ignorāt that both Moses and Paule spake of the faith of Abraham that this faith was imputed to him for righteousnes seing the Apostle manifestly gathering a general doctrine from the example of Abraham adioyneth these wordes But to him that vvorketh not but beleeueth in him that instifieth the vngodlie his faith is counted for righteousnes that is hee is therefore accompted iust with God because he beleeueth in him which iustifieth the vngodlie by which place it most plainelie appeareth that from the true iustification of vs are excluded our owne works and that it is whollie ascribed to onely faith aswell touching the ende as touching the beginning But when the question is asked what cause there is why iustification should be attributed to faith and not to the works thereof it is wōt to be aunswered and that both well and truely because faith not the works thereof doth apprehend remission of sinnes and Christ our righteousnes For by it we are not iustified in respect that it is a worke but in respect that Christ is apprehēded by it by the righteousnes of whom alone being imputed vnto vs we are properlie reputed iust before God and this is that which some say how faith iustifieth not in respect of it selfe but in respect of the obiect which it taketh hold on Thus is it manifest that it is true which I saide how that was properlie imputed vnto Abraham for righteousnes for that hee beleeued God concerning Christ namelie that in him all nations should be blessed and therefore Abraham himselfe also Likewise in the last aphorisme Neither deo wee allow of those which set our iustificatiō in the only remission of sinnes denying the imputation of the iustice and obedience of Christ which we thinke to be repugnant to the Scriptures Esay 7. Achild is giuen vnto vs c Whatsoeuer therefore he did or hath it is wholly ours Rom. 5. As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one many shal bee made righteous The disobedience of Adam was the breaking of Gods commaundement therefore the obedience of Christ cōsisteth not onely in his death but also in his whole former keeping of the law Likewise the disobedience of Adam was whollie imputed to vs why not then also Christs whole obedience Also wee are two manner of wayes made sinners by Adams disobedience namelie by imputation of his transgression and by the reall deriuation of sinne that is of concupiscence into vs. Why then should we not thinke the same of Christ The vertue of his obedience to the commaundements of God the father is truely communicated vnto vs so that wee also begine to obey Gods law What lets then why wee may not say that his whole obedience is imputed vnto vs 1. Cor. 1. He is made vnto vs of God wisedome and righteousnes and sanctification and redēption Phil. 2. He became obedient vnto death for which humbling of himselfe and obedience euen vnto death God hath highlie exalted him and in him vs c. He hath deserued by his obedience eternall glorie for himselfe vs as al the schoolemen and fathers do teach Therefore his obedience also to the law is imputed vnto vs for righteousnes Gal. 4. He was made subiect to the law that hee might redeeme those vvhich were vnder the lavve Therefore he kept the law for vs and for our saluation The testimonies of the fathers and also of the learned men of this age for breuitie sake we ouerpasse To conclude we beleeue concerning Christ that as for vs men and for our saluation hee came downe from heauen and was incarnate so also for the same cause he kept the law and did all the other things Vppon the 25. chapter Aphor. 10. and 11.12 When I write this cōfession of saith I write euerie thing vppon a good conscience and as I beleeued so I spake freelie as the holie scriptures doe teach that wee ought to doe My faith is grounded simplie and principallie on the word of God and next somewhat vpon the common cōsent of the whole auncient catholicke church if it doe not gainsaye the holie Scriptures For I beleeue that the thinges which were decreed and receiued of the fathers by common consent of them all gathered together in the name of the Lord without anie contradiction of holie Scriptures that they also though they bee not of equall authoritie with the Scriptures come from the holie ghost Hereupon it is that the thinges which are of this sorte I neither will nor dare disprooue with a good conscience And what is more certaine out of the histories the councells and writings of all the fathers then that those orders of ministers of which wee spake were ordained and receiued in the church by common consent of all the whole christian common wealth And who om I that I should disprooue that which the whole church hath approoued Neither haue all the learned men of this age dared to disprooue the same as knowing both that the church might lawfullie doe so and that all those thinges were ordained and done vppon a godlie purpose and to excellent good endes for edification of Gods children For confirmation sake hereof I haue thought good here to insert that which Martin Bucer of godlie memorie a man both for life and learning most famous hath left written concerning those matters vpon the Epistle to the Ephesians The ministerie of the worde being performed by reading and rehearsing the diuine Scriptures by interpretation and exposition of the same and with exhortations takē there out and also by rehearsall and catechisme which is done by mutuall questions and aunswers of the yong beginner and the catechizer and also by holie conferences and deciding of the hard questions about religion according to this manifold dispensation of wholesome doctrine there are also manie dueties in this function For whatsoeuer belōgeth to the perfectest manner of teaching is with an especiall care to bee vsed in the ministerie of the doctrine of saluation because indeed it ought to be deliuered as a knowledge both of all other most diuine and of all most difficult namelie that he which is man should liue according to God Now they which do teach diligently the artes as they are contained in certen knowne books as if they meane to teach mathematicall principles out of Euclide first of all they will reade and rehearse the same booke by and by they will expound the seuerall words such as euerie one knowes
cannot bee mooued from place to place according to it whole selfe as true philosophie teacheth christian theologie cōfirmeth which sheweth that God therefore is not mooued from place to place because being immeasurable he fileth all things 78 Neither can that bodie also which is euery where be rightly said to sitt at the right hand or the left of another but you must needs cōfoūd the substance of him that sitteth with the substance of the right hand at which with the substance of him whose right hand he sitteth at seing therefore euen the father the sonne the holy ghost filling heauen earth are euery where both all and each of them because they are one and the same essence 79 Finally we think this doctrine of the inuisible vnpalpable presence of Christs flesh euery where is neither true nor profitable 80 Not true indeed because wee could neuer see the same shewed either by any manifest testimonies of holie scriptures or any necessarie consequences drawne out of them nay wee haue obserued the same to bee repugnant to the scriptures and to the catholicke consent of the old church rightlie expounded by the rule of faith contained in the Apostles creede 81 Yea and wee see it so contrary to the scriptures that without a manifest implying of a contradiction yee cannot graunt both those things which the creed deliuereth and those things which the authors of this Vbiquitary doctrine do deliuer 82 Neither is it profitable because that which is not agreeable with gods word to propoūd beleeue and obserue it as agreeable and necessary vnto saluation is a sinne The Lord saying Add not nor diminish and the Apostle Deut. 12 32 Rom. 14.23 Rom. 6.23 All that is not of faith is sinne and the wages of sinne is death 83 Finally because if that opinion of the Vbiquitie of Christs bodie should be beleeued to be true it would bee a hinderance that a man could not apprehend and eate with a minde lifted vp Christ to the true flesh of Christ Iesus being in heauen whereunto notwithstanding both the Apostle the church calleth vs saying lift vp your hearts And seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ is sitting at gods right hand 84 They thē do nothing lesse then eate Christs flesh which doe not behold the same in heauen where indeede it is but imagine him to bee really present euerie where in his owne substance Aesops dogg leauing the true flesh did foolishlie catch at the vaine shaddowe of the flesh because it seemed a bigger peece A question out of the 1. of Ioh. 4.3 S. Iohn describing Antichrist saith Euery spirite which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the true humane flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Antichrist And seing that Christ neuer laid aside that flesh which he once tooke but carried it with him vp into heauen and shall returne againe in the clouds in the same apparēt vnto all mē to iudge the quicke and the dead The question is of what spirite they are and by what name to bee called who make no doubt with the old heretikes to forge for our Lord Iesus Christ I know not what kinde of inuisible flesh vncircumscribed vnpalpable whole and in his whole substance forsoth really existing in all places in heauen in the starres in the ayre in the earth vnder the earth in hell in all the seuerall partes of the world and the parcells of the partes yea and in the least parcells of the parcells against Scripture and against the sound agreement of the whole catholike church Of the dispensation of saluation by Christ Out of the first chapter of the Ephesians yeare 1580. 1 OVr Lord Iesus Christ ver 7 8 in whome wee were elected vnto saluation not onely once redeemed vs by his owne blood hauing obtained remission of sinnes and gottē the victorie but doth also dayly dispense and communicate vnto his the grace of redemption and saluation 2 For it belongeth to a perfect redeemer not onely by paying the ransome to redeeme but also to make the redemption knowne to them that be redeemed and to deliuer them quite out of the hands of the tyrant into freedome as it also belongeth to a good head to impart the life sense and motion which it hath vnto the members 3 Nowe Christ vseth to dispense this grace of saluation by the word of trueth that is ver 13 by the gospel of our saluation with which wee ioyne the Sacraments as seales and instruments of saluation 4 For by the gospell hee makes knowne vnto vs the misterie of his diuine wil ver 9 10 concerning our saluation through Christ and concerning the gathering together aswell those that are in heauen as these that are on earth concerning the knitting of them to one head Christ 5 Neither doth he onely make knowne vnto vs the mistery of saluation by the gospell ver 13 but also effectually calleth draweth vs to himselfe to the communion of himselfe so to the participation of redemption saluation 6 For by the preaching of the gospell ver 13 Rom. 10 hee vseth to stirr vp faith in our hearts whereby wee beleeue in him and are receiued into his communion 7 For he giueth vs his holy spirit by which he regenerateth vs ver 13 and sealeth vs with the expresse image of God to the full possession of an eternall inheritance 8 By the same spirite he stirreth vp worketh and leadeth vs to the studie of a holy life and good workes 9 And if it so be ver 14 we fall into sinne such is our frailtie he lifteth vs vpp by repentance giuen vnto vs maketh vs more assured of forgiuenesse and by that meanes through the same spirite as it were a pledge he more and more daily confirmeth vs in that assurance of saluation 10 And these benefits Christ bestoweth on vs neuer vtterly forsaking vs till he hath brought vs by his grace and singular loue towards vs from the first redemption which is our redēption from the guilt and seruitude of sinne and from the power of the deuill to the other redemption namely the full libertie which consisteth in the perfect assuring and full possession of the heauenly inheritance 11 But our Lord Iesus as he is our redeemer the head of the whole church ver 22 according to both the natures so also he cōmunicateth eternall life saluation not onely as he is god but also as he is man according to that same Beleeue my sonne thy sinnes be forgiuen thee And immediatly after but that he might know that the sonne of man hath power to forgiue sinnes he saieth to the sicke of the palsey arise take vp thy bed goe vnto thy house where each nature worketh that which is proper to it with communion of the other 12 For as the natures are so vnited within thēselues in one person that yet there is made no
and most perfect essence in three existences or as the church vseth to speake persons Mat. 28.19 1. Ioh. 5.7 namelie subsisting of the eternall Father the eternall Sonne and the eternall holie spirite truely distinct among themselues yet without all diuision being both beginning and cause of all thinges II. That so euerieperson by it selfe is true god that yet there be not three gods For so wee doe beleeue and haue learned out of the holie scriptures that the father by himselfe is true and perfect god the Sonne by himselfe is god and the holie spirite by himselfe is god and yet that they are not manie but one onelie god Almightie Rom. 11.30 of vvhome all things by vvhome all things and for vvhome all things are III. One person to be distinct from another in personall proprieties but in essentiall they differ from euerie creature And because the holie scriptures doe so speake of god that they attribute vnto him manie proprieties both essentiall and personall and they teach that in the essentiall he differeth from all things created but in the personall one person to be distinguished frō another we therefore doe so beleeue that as to begett the Sonne is such a proprietie of the Father as can agree neither with the Sonne nor the holie spirite and againe to be begotten can agree to none but the Sonne and so of the rest so likewise to be most pure eternal immeasurable present euerie where simplie knowing all thinges simplie almightie simplie good and such like are in such sorte the verie proprieties of god that they can by no meanes bee communicated to anie creature so as it should bee good for example sake in that immeasurable goodnesse or omnipotent in the same omnipotencie that god is IIII. The essentiall proprieties in god doe not in verie deede differ from the essence For we acknowledge that in god for his singlenesse the essentiall proprieties doe not in deede differ from the essence and therfore they without this cannot be communicated to anie creature and therefore no creature can be or can be said to be for example sake omnipotent simplie iust wise or such like Euen as our Lord Iesus speaking of one proprietie Matt. 19.17 teacheth of them all saying none is good simplie but god V. That nothing is or can be made simplie such as god is vnlesse the same might simplie be god Wherefore they which will affirme that anie created substance euer could or can bee made partaker of those diuine proprieties whereby it should be such as god is as simplie omnipotent and such like they must needs then confesse that the same is or that it can be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the same substance with god for asmuch as neither the sonne himselfe is simplie omnipotent but as he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 consubstantiall with the father nor yet the holie spirite VI. A confirmation of the former opinion Whereuppon we also vnderstand how it is that sith the sonne is no lesse omnipotent thē the father and so likewise the holie ghost yet we doe not saie that they are three almighties Atha creed but wee confesse with Athanasius and the whole church that they are one onlie almightie because indeed of them all there is but one and the selfe same substance Therefore seeing no creature hath one the selfe same essence with God but a farre other and diuerse and if the same by cōmunication of the diuine omnipotencie could also be made omnipotent then it must follow that there might be more almighties then one which wee beleeue can not without blasphemie be affirmed VII Errors Wherefore we condemne and detest all heresies which haue risen against this first article of our faith or haue sprong from hell bin condemned by the holie fathers in their lawfull councells as those of Cerin thus Ebion Valentinus Marcion Manichaeus Arius Eunomius Sabellius Praxea Fotinus and such like as Seruetus and Tritheitae also the blasphemies of Iewes and Turkes and lastlie all heresies which haue bin inuented by the diuell either against the vnitie of the diuine essence or against the true Trinitie of persons Yea and those therefore which denie either the Sonne to be true and euerlasting god or the holie ghost to be so or which do cōfound these persons and saie they bee one and the selfe same existence which for diuers respects is called by diuerse names of Father Sonne and holie Ghost We also condemne all those errors which doe seperate the essentiall proprieties of god from the diuine essence which it seemeth vnto vs that these men verie vnaduisedlie doe which teach that those essentiall proprieties in verie deed may be communicated or rather at already cōmunicated to creatures without cōmunication of the essence CHAP. III. Of the foreknowledge and praedestination of god I. God did foreknovv and foresee all thinges from the beginning WE beleeue that God before he made the worlde euen then from before all things by his immeasurable wisedome foreknew all things yea and what good he ment himselfe to doe and what ill he meant to suffer to be done so farr forth as nothing was euer hidden or could be hidden from him but all things aswel what hath bin done is done or shall be done as what cā be done though it neuer be done Heb. 4.13 Act. 15.18 wee doubt not but hath and doth lye open and manifest all waies in his sight II. God hath determined all things in his eternall counsell and hath before hand ordayned them to the best ends And we beleeue that God hath not onely foreseene all things and that they are present in his sight Act. 4.28 but also in that his most wise and eternall counsell he hath certenly established whatsoeuer did or doeth appertaine to the creation and gouernement of the world or to the selecting of his church from the vncleane filth of other people or to our redemption and eternall saluation and that he ordained through his infinite goodnesse that those euills which in his wisedome he would suffer to be done should bee to good endes so that not one haire can fall from our head Mat. 10.29.30 without the will of the Father or without cause III. All men to be praedestinate some to life and some to death Wherefore we also doubt not that God when he created all men to speake nothing of Angells in Adam righteous he foresawe that in him all should sinne and elected some in Christ Eph. 1.4.5 that they should be holiē and vndefiled in his sight in charitie and therefore predestinated them of his meere grace and according to the purpose of his will Rom. 9.22 to eternall life other some he would not vouchsafe that grace and therefore prepared them as vessells of wrath for destructiō because of his iustiudgement that in the one sort his infinite mercie in the other his iustice might bee knowne to the whole world to his great glorie IIII. The
Sonne together with the holie ghost in the space of sixe daies created of nothing all things visible inuisible which the holie spirite in the holie scriptures comprehendeth vnder the name of heauen earth and the same all exceeding good Pro. 16.4 Heb. 1.10 Luc. 1.35 and appointed the same for mans vse and for his owne glorie so that wee acknowledge aswell the Sonne and holie ghost for creator of the world as the Father sith they are all one the selfe same god II. That heauen is distinguished from earth and the Saintes heauen doth differ from the other heauens Neither doe we mingle heauen with earth or confound the heauens among themselues 2. Cor. 12.2 Mat. 6.10 but with the holie scriptures wee distinguish them euen as we see the elements and al the kindes of liuing creatures of other things to be distinguished And therefore wee confesse this heauen likewise wherein the soules of the blessed doe liue with Christ where all the bodies of the faithfull shall be which Christ calleth his fathers house and paradise and the Apostle calleth a cuie hauing a foundation the maker and builder whereof is god Ioh. 14.2 Luc. 23.43 Heb. 11.16 to differ frō the other heauēs but much more from earth and the deepes Whereunto also Paule alludeth 2. Cor. 12.2 where he saieth he vvas taken vp into the third heauen namely aboue the heauen which we see and aboue all the visible and moueable spheares III. The Angells vvere all created good though some of them continued not in the trueth We beleeue also that all the Angells were created good and righteous spirituall immortall substances indewed with an intelligence and free will although all of them did not abide in that goodnes and righteousnes and as the Lord Iesus speaketh in the trueth but we are taught by the Scriptures that manie of them of their owne will euen from the beginning sinned beeing made enimies to god and all goodnesse yea and of mankinde especiallie of the church of god liers speaking lies of their owne menkillers diuells euill spirites and for this cause were thrust downe from heauen into hell and deliuered to the chaines of darkenesse and reserued to condemnation IV. Causes vvhy manie of those celestiall spirites were suffered to sinne and to become euill And that this also was not suffered of the diuine wisedome without cause we learne by the Scriptures For besides that he ment in this to set forth his iudgemēts and his wrath against sinne in all kindes of creatures he decreed also to vse their labour to tempt exercise vs in faith in spirituall fight in patience and so to help forward our saluation Eph. 6.12 lastlie he would haue them the executors ministers of his iudgements against mens offences that 1. Reg. 22.21 they which will not imbrace the loue of trueth wherby they might be saued 2. Thes 2.12 might followe the doctrines of diuells and might beleeue in their lies and so perish V. The good Angells were saued by the fauour of God that they might be Gods ministers and ours Againe we beleeue that innumerable manie of those celestiall spirites were saued by the fauour of god for Christ that they should not sinne with the rest Dan. 7.10 but should abide in the trueth and in obedience and that these are made the messengers ministers of god which doe their seruice for helpe of the elect Heb. 1.7 Ps 103.20 and doe defend them against the diuell and set forward the kingdome of Christ who do so loue vs and awaite vpon vs that they greatly reioyce at our welldoing yet will they not bee worshipped of vs Luc. 15.7 Apo. 22.9 Mat. 22.30 but doe instruct vs that god alone is to be worshipped and call themselues our fellow-seruants with whome also vve shall liue an eternall and blessed life in heauen VI. Man was created after the image of god Gen. 1. 2. Wee beleeue that after all other thinges were created man also at the last was created to the image and likenesse of God his bodie being fashioned of earth and his soule being a spirituall and immortall substance made of nothing and inspired into that body and that shortly after woman was giuen him made concerning the bodilie partes of his bones and formed to the same image of God VII That image of god in what things it especially consisteth But we beleeue that this image of god especially consisted herein both in that as god is the absolute Lord ouer all thinges Gen. 1.28 Ps so vnto man were all thinges subiect the foules of the aire the fishes of the sea and beastes of the earth so as he should bee king of the whole world most especiallie that as god is most holie and most iust Eph. 4.24 so man also was created righteousse in iustice and true holinesse as the Apostle interpreterh VIII Adam vvas meerelie free before his fall Hereuppon wee beleeue that man in that first estate was not onely indewed with such a libertie that he could not will anie thing without consent of his will Eccl. 7.30 Sirac 15.18 which libertie euer was and is remaining in man but also was furnished with such strength that hee might if he woulde not haue sinned and not haue died but haue continued in righteousnesse and eschewed death so that deseruedlie it is to be imputed to himselfe and no other that he lost both IX Errors We condemne therfore the Valentinians Marcionits Maniches and whosoeuer either taught or left anie thing in writing against this article of faith faininge either that all thinges were made of some other god then the father of Christ or that good things were made of one God which was good and euill things of another which was euill sith none can be god but he which is chieflie good and onely maker of al things We condemne likewise all those which either teache that the soule of man is of the substance of God or which denie the immortalitie and perpetuall action of the same or which referr the image of God in man onelie to his power and rule ouer creatures or lastly which doe denie that man was created meerelie free CHAP. VI. Of prouidence and gouernment of the world I. The vvorld and all that is Gen. 2.2 and is done therein is gouerned by gods prouidence WE beleeue that God hauing created all thinges did so rest from all the workes which he had finished that he neuerthelesse ceased not or left of to care for Wis 14.3 Matt. 10.29.30 to rule and gouerne the worlde and whatsoeuer is therein as well smale thinges as great and especiallie mankinde yea euerie particular man so that nothing can be done or may happen in the world which is not gouerned by the diuine prouidence II. The Church of God to bee gouerned by a peculiar care But although al and euery thing be subiect to the
holie ghost and so Iesus Christ our aduocate is to be prayed vnto and none other Psa 50.16 For of calling vppon God alone there bee expresse commaundements sith he alone is to bee serued and worshipped And of Christ being our mediatour and aduocate we lack not testimonies and examples in the Acts of the Apostles in their Epistles Deu. 10.12 Mat. 4.10 Col. 2.18 in the reuelation And as it is expresly forbidden vs to serue or worshipp any meere creature whatsoeuer it bee either in heauen or earth so also we are forbidden to praye vnto them And if whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinn Ioh. 1.6 much more then is that which is admitted against the cleare worde of God sith the verie heathen themselues thought none was to bee called vppon except he were thought a God And how shall they pray vnto him saith the Apostle in whome they haue not beleeued But that God alone and Iesus Christ are to be beleeued in the whole scripture and the whole catholicke church euen in the creede which is daily rehearsed do manifestly teach II. A christian man may sweare lawfully We also beleeue that a christian man may sweare Ier. 4.2 lawfully namely in trueth as the Prophet teacheth in iudgement in righteousnesse so that his oath be neither false nor rash nor vniust Neither is it condemned that one should take the name of the Lord but if he take it in vaine and for an vntrueth And among all nations since the beginning of the worlde an oath hath beene vsed when it maketh for the glorie of God and profite of our neighbour Yea it hath beene confirmed by the examples of god himselfe of Christ and of the Apostles being a parte of Gods worship to speake nothing of the perpetuall consent of the whole church Wherefore the doctrine of Christ in Matthew Mat. 5.35 Ia. 5.12 or of Iames in his Epistle cannot be repugnant vnto this For they spake against the abusing of oathes and ment to declare a true vnderstanding of the commaundement concerning an oathi III. We must not sweare but by God We beleeue when an oath is to bee taken that we ought to call vppon or take to witnes of our conscience no other besides God and therefore may not sweare but by him For God alone is the searcher of our hearts and he alone must haue his honour and worshipp that he may bee the witnesse and reuenger against our soules if we performe not that which by our oath we promise IV. Oathes which are iust and lawfully taken must be kept Hereuppon we confesse that for the honor of God whose name in our oathes is as it were laide to pleadge all oathes lawfully taken ought to be obserued as also the law commaundeth neither is the name of God to bee taken in vaine or in an vntrueth V. Oaths vpon vngodly and vniust matters such as be against the law of God ought not to bee made or being made ought not to be kept Againe sith wee ought to promise nothing that is vniust or vngodly namely contrarie to the law of God much lesse doe we iudge it lawful to be confirmed by oath or by taking the name of God yet if it be taken we affirme that such an oath vnlawfull in it selfe ought not to bee kept because in performing such an oath the sinne is doubled Mat. 14.7 as wee reade of Herode in the Euangelists VI. Oathes which cannot be kept vvithout breach of Gods law ought not to be kept though some such oathes are in themselus not vniust This also wee adde that all such oathes as cannot be kept without breach of gods commaundement C. 22. q. 4 though they are in themselues not vniust yet are not to bee kept And therefore for example sake they which by oath promise perpetuall single life which afterwards they cannot keepe without manifest breach of Gods law we iudge that such ought by no meanes to keep their oath VII Errors Wee disallowe therefore those which praye vnto idolls dead men things without life or do worship them Wee disallow also the Anabaptists which simplie condemne all oathes and affirme that no manner of oath is lawfull for a christian man as also those which call to witnesse to their soules others besids God lastly those which hold that their oathes which in themselues are vngodlie and cannot without great offence be performed yet that they are to be fully kept and obserued CHAP. XXIII Of Christs church in generall SIth it appeareth that the church of Christ which is his bodie doeth consist of those which are coupled vnto him by the bond of the holie ghost as members to their head and it is manifest that the gospell and sacraments with which as with instruments men are knitt vnto Christ are not administred but in the church and that all which are indued with a true faith in Christ with hope loue repentance and care to doe good works do pertaine vnto the church Therefore we thinke it a thing worth the labour to declare what our faith is concerning the church the rather because about this article chieflie there are so great controuersies And first of all of Christs church in generall so with the whole church it selfe doe we make confession of our faith and purpose afterwards to speake seuerally of the militant church and the things thereunto pertaining I. The article of faith concerning the church out of the Apostles creede We beleeue the holie catholick Church the communion of Saintes II. What we meane by the name of the church the description thereof By the name of Christs church we vnderstād a certen number and companie well knowne to God both of Angells and men not onely chosen and predestinated to haue a perpetual communion with Christ and among themselues and to serue the true God according to his will and commaundement and to loue among themselues mutually with a perpetuall and sincere loue but also of those which in their time shal be effectually and by the holie spirite called out of the number of others and ioyned to their head Christ and so truly made Saintes Which number was begonne from the first creation and gathered and continued in a perpetuall line band of the holy ghost and to be continued to the end of the world yea to all eternitie and partly alreadie triumphing in heauen with Christ and partly yet on earth warring with many enimies for Christ preaching and hearing the worde of the gospell ministring and receiuing the sacraments and taking care that the commaundements of Christs may be kept aswel publickly as priuately III. The church is a companie consisting of many For the Scriptures teach vs that the church is a companie consisting of manie as a bodie compact of many members calling the same the bodie of Christ distinguished into many mēbers and also a flock of sheepe Eph. 1.23 Ioh. 10.3 Heb. 11.10 and the kingdome of God and acitie consisting of many
that the militant church is the cōpanie of men chosen in Christ before the worlds creation Mar. 28.19 Mar. 16.15 Rom. 10.14 Eph. 1.22 Mat. 18.20 which being called by the preaching of the gospell by the holie ghost in their time from the worlde to Christ and from the kingdome of the deuill to the kingdome of God and gathered together into one bodie vnder one head Christ and so made truely iust and holie wheresoeuer they bee Ioh. 10 27 13.4 and whether few or manie doe professe from their heart soule the same faith in god and in Christ the same hope of the heauēly inheritance for the onely meritts of Christ the obedience of the same commaundements of Christ and so the same brotherly loue among themselues and charitie to wards all men doe preach and heare the word of the gospell Rom. 7 doe administer and receiue the sacraments according to Christs institution and haue a great care to liue soberly rightly and godlie in this world meanewhile while they remaine in this flesh euer warrfairing for Christ and fighting against sinne that dwelleth in the flesh Eph. 6.12 and against the world either alluring them to sinne or persecuting thē for Christ or lastly against the deuill Mat. 13 and by patience looking for the comming of Christ and eternall felicitie Among whome also many reprobates naughtie hypocrites doe liue 1. Ioh. 2.19 and professe the same Christ But as they thēselues are nothing lesse then of the church so their wickednes cannot take awaye the church nor extinguish the name of the church Neither do we doubt Mat. 13 but vnder the name of the church the hypocrites also which are in it are contained sith the Lord himselfe saieth it is like vnto a flowre wherein there is corne and chafe to a field wherein is wheat and tares to a nett Mat. 25.1 wherein are good fishes and badd to the companie of ten virgines wherein some were wise and some foolish Mat. 16.18 but yet that these are not of the church the same Lord taught vs when he said he would build such a church against which the gates of hell should neuer preuaile 1. Ioh. 2.19 and Iohn confirmed it in his epistle when he said they vvent out from vs but they were not of vs. This wee beleeue to bee a true description of the militant church for it hath manifest testimonies from the holie scriptures II. Differences betweene the triumphant and militant church So although the triumphant and militant be one and the same church yet what great difference there is in each part we may easilie vnderstand For besids that the militant cōsisteth onely of men when as the other hath also the blessed Angells ioyned and present wee haue also here neede of preaching the word of administration of the Sacraments of discipline of manners which things are not required in heauen Likewise from that are al the wicked and hypocrits excluded in this there are euer ill mingled with good And there those heauenlie brethren hauing as it were receiued a token of free-dome doe triumph and reioyce ouer those vanquished enimies being in Gods presence and see him face to face but wee must still fight with flesh and blood with the world with sinne and Satan the prince of this world and we see through a glasse in a darke speach as straungers to the Lord. Lastlie that is euermore one and the same that it can neither bee deuided into partes nor bee in hazard of anie chaunges which cannot certainely be spoken of the militant church III. So is the militant church one and the same that catholicke that yet it fareth not euer after one sort it may be parted into diuerse particular churches Wee acknowledge therefore that albeit this militant is and hath alwaies bin one and that a catholicke church sith it hath euer since the worlds beginning and in all places had one and the same head Christ who coupleth to himselfe into one bodie all the elect out of all people yet the same hath not nor doeth euer fare or shew it selfe after the same sort is distinguished into manie particular churches as into diuerse and sundrie members according to the varietie of times places and people For it was after another māner in the terrestriall paradise before sinne and another after sinne before the floude and among the Patriarches otherwise vnder the lawe and otherwise vnder grace and otherwise in Christs time among the Iewes onely and otherwise after Christs glorification gathered aswell of Iewes as Gentiles by the Apostles that not in one place but in diuerse neither of one people but of diuerse and manie neither obseruing alwaies and euerie where the same cerimonies in which respects we vse to say that there was one before another after Christ and that was the church of the old Testamēt this of the new as we read they were wont to cal them the old people and the new likewise one church was at Rome another at Corinthus another at Ephesus and so of the rest IV. Of manie particular churches consisteth one catholicke church Againe albeit for these manie and diuers respects already declared there euer haue beene and are manie and diuerse particular churches yet wee acknowledge that in substance there hath euer consisted one and the same church of them all Eph. 2.15.18 and the same Catholicke Apostolick and holy One because it euer was and is gathered into one bodie Eph. 4.5 vnder one head by one and the same spirite and there is one faith of all men one confession of faith Catholicke because it stretcheth to all times and places and consisteth of all kinds of persons people Eph. 2.20 Apostolicke because it is built vpon the foundation which the Apostles haue laid Iesus Christ and is grounded vppon the Apostles doctrine which hath beene the same with the teaching of the Prophets euer since the worldes beginning Lastlie holie not because it hath no sinne but because being grafted into Christ and indued with a continuall repentance and faith no sinnes are imputed vnto it but hath obtained forgiuenes of them all because also it is made partaker of the spirite of Christ which sanctifieth and regenerateth it lastly because the righteousnesse and holinesse of Christ is imputed to it for which cause it is also saide to bee without wrinkle Eph. 5.27 namely in Christ the head spouse thereof V. Particular churches how they may be knowne whether they be true churches or not And hereby wee beleeue euerie particular church may be discerned whether it be a true church gathered in the Lord euen by those things whereupon the Lord hath willed them to be built Mat. 28.19 20 namely vpon the preaching of the gospell the administration of the Sacraments instituted of Christ and the keeping of his cōmaundements Therefore those churches wee acknowledge for the true churches of Christ in which
Christ and he shall raigne in the house of Iacob for euer and the Apostle that he is as the sonne ouer his owne house and this house we are that is the church and in another place that he is the head of the church Eph. 5.23 the same is the Sauiour of his bodie II. Christ ordereth his church partly by himselfe and partly by assistance of fellowe labourers But the gouernment wherewith Christ guideth his church we know to be two fold one wherein he of himselfe and by his holy spirit without any help or seruice of man Phil. 2.13 Eph. 1.23 raigneth inwardly in the hearts of beleeuers and worketh in them to will and to performe and is euen all in all and mooueth vnto that which is good defending vs from euill against Sathan the worlde and all our enemies The other wherein he so guideth the church as hee also vouchsafeth to vse the help and ministerie of others aswell Angells as men especially to the preseruation of the church As of Angells the Apostle speaketh Heb. 1.14 They are ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shal bee heires of saluation 1. Cor. 3.5.9 and of men he saieth Wee are Gods ministers by whome yee haue beleeued For like as in a man the head of it selfe by vertue of the minde which liueth worketh chieflie therein doeth so rule the whole bodie that it also vseth the helpe of euerie member to the profite of the whole bodie so Christ the head of the church doth in like sort beare himselfe in the gouernment thereof not for his owne cause or that hee needeth our ministerie but doth it for our necessitie yea for our manifest commoditie and honour III. A difference betweene the ministerie of Angells and of men By the way wee acknowledge a difference betweene the ministerie of Angells and of men sith the Angells are not sent either to teach in the church or to administer Sacraments but to performe other dueties those for the most part inuisible neither come they ordinarily alwaies and to all but at such time and to such persons as God sendeth them but the ministerie of men is apparent and perpetuall and pertaineth to euerie one IV. Jt was most aduisedly done that Angells should not teach in the church but men And wee know it was most wisely and aduisedly done of God that Christ should teach in his church not by Angells but by men both because we can not more willingly suffer our selues to be informed familiarly of our equalles then to be taught of spirits of a farre diffring nature with an vnaquainted maiesty and also because we might more easily be deceiued of Satan falsly faining himselfe to bee sent of God and transforming himselfe to an Angel of light And those surely in our iudgement are two not the least causes why the sonne of God when he was to fulfill the office of a teacher in the church would bee made a man and our brother and familier and like vnto vs in all thinges sinne onely excepted whereto that same tendeth Heb. 4.15 Heb. 2.12 Heb. 1.1 I vvill declare thy name to my brethren in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee and that same In these last daies he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne namely being nowe made man and liuing familiarlie in the church V. There be two kinds of men especially whose ministery Christ vseth to the gouernment and preseruation of the church And although there be not one member in this whole great body of the church but Christ vseth the same to some profite of the other mēbers 1. Cor. 12.7 and so of the whole bodie as Paule teacheth yet wee acknowledge two principall kindes of men whose help and seruice he is wont to vse for the gouernment and preseruation of the church namely first teachers and others to administer the word sacraments other ecclesiasticall dueties then godly princes and magistrats whose ministeries or offices we confound not but acknowledge them to be distinct and verie diuerse among which differences this also is not the least that the ministerie of teachers is alwaies verie necessarie to the church but of politicke magistrates not so sith the former the church cannot bee without but the other it often hath wanted and may want them VI. About what matters especially the ecclesiasticall ministerie is imployed But as the summe of christian pietie consisteth in three things in faith in Christ in continual repentance that is in the mortification of our flesh and of our sinnes and quickening of the spirite and lastlie in charitie towards our neighbour so also wee acknowledge three principall parts of the ecclesiasticall ministerie First to teach and to preach the worde of the gospell and also to administer the sacraments and offer vpp the publike sacrifice of praise to God through Iesus Christ Secondly to declared by the Apostles and lastly to do all such things which though they be not expressed in the scriptures yet doe belong to order and to decencie and do make for edification and not for destruction according to the generall rule giuen by the Apostle 1. Cor. 14.40 that all things ought to be done in the church in order decently and to edification Neither thinke wee that any authoritie is giuen vnto ministers beyonde the boundes of the word of God or to any other ende then for edification therefore we denie that one Bishop or all Bishops together haue authoritie to appoint any thing against the scriptures to adde or detract any thing or chaunge any thing in them to dispense with the commaundements of God to make new articles of faith to institute new sacraments to bring new rites into the church to prescribe any lawes which may binde consciences or may be thought equall to gods law to forbid any things which God hath graunted and left free or lastly to commaund any thing without the word of God as necessary to saluatiō sith not the whole church can haue or truely be said to haue this authoritie XXI The Bishops which are also princes their politicall authoritie is not denied By the way we disallow not but that bishops which are also princes besids their ecclesiasticall authoritie they haue also their politicall rites and secular powers euen as other princes haue the law of commaunding in secular causes the law of the sword some of them the law of choosing and confirming kinges and emperors and of directing and ordering other politicall matters and to constraine people that are their subiects to do them obedience and therefore we confesse that their politicall commandements which may be kept without breach of Gods law are to be obeyed by their subiects not onely for feare but also for conscience sake Rom. 13.5 For we know that all power is of God Rom. 13.1.2 and vvhosoeuer resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and that kings are to be honoured 1. Pet. 2.17 and that we
it in the flesh as being a fello-worker with the deitie in his humaine will consenting to the diuine and pronouncing the wordes thy sinnes are forgiuen thee as also Leo the first Epist 10. c. 4 so expoūdeth it to Flauianus saying each forme namely of God and man worketh with communion of the other that which is proper to it selfe as the word working that which is proper to the word the flesh performing that which belongeth to the flesh To forgiue sinnes vvas the proper action of the diuine nature and to saye thy sinnes are forgiuen thee of the humaine Thus farre he VI. Jn Christ alone is offered the forgiuenesse of sinnes and of the elect alone indued with faith it is receiued But like as in Christ alone our mediatour redeemer as the head of the whole church we haue redemption by his blood and remission of sinnes so as without Christ there is none so also wee beleeue that onely the elect indued with true repentance and true faith and ingrafted into Christ by the holie spirite as mēbers to their head are made partakers therof and therefore although forgiuenes of sinnes bee declared vnto all manner of men by the gospell yet to the reprobate as vnrepentant and vnbeleeuing they are not forgiuen but by their owne fault and blame their sinnes do still remaine VII All sinnes at once are forgiuen to the faithfull elect Wee also beleeue that as Christ by his one oblation satisfied not for some but for all our sinnes so also is offred vnto vs that are truely penitent of Christ and in Christ by the gospel the forgiuenes not only of some of our sinns but also of them altogether and the same cōmunicated to vs by the holie ghost and receiued by faith Mat. 18.23 c. seing God declared by a parable that he forgiueth all our debt not part of it VIII Forgiuenesse of sinnes is bestowed in the church onely receiued by faith onely and that onely in this life Lastlie to make an ende we beleeue that as in Christ alone is found remission of sinnes so the same also is disposed and bestowed in the church onely and as it was purchased for vs by the merits and blood of him alone so also it is receiued by true faith in Christ only without our owne meritts and as in this life onely the gospell is preached and by it forgiuenesse of sinnes declared to the repentant and beleeuers so also we can onely in this life be made partakers thereof seing after this life there is no place lefte for faith and repentance and therefore that the church by her ministerie can do nothing for the obtaining of forgiuenesse for men after they be departed this life Cyp. ad Demetr as Cyprian also saieth VVhen a man is once gone hence there is no place for repentance no effect of satisfaction Here life is either lost or gotten here he must prouide for saluation by seruing of God and by the effect of faith IX A confirmation of the former doctrine by the order of the creede According to these three pointes we interpret this article of forgiuenes of sinnes in the creede as first that after the article of the church communion of Saints is placed this article to teach vs that without the church remission of sinnes is not bestowed nor hath any place Againe that the same is placed after the confession of our faith in God the father the sonne and the holy ghost and of our faith wherein we beleeue the church to be holie to consist of the societie and communion of Saintes to wittnesse vnto vs that not for our owne merites but by our faith in the father sonne and holie ghost and because wee are in the church and haue communion with all the Saints therefore we daily obtaine forgiuenes of our sinnes And finally by this placing of the articles of faith we may well beleeue and confesse that after forgiuenesse of sinnes obtained in this militāt church there is no more to be looked for of the dead but the resurrection of the flesh and life euerlasting X. Errors Thus wee condemne the error wherein some do teach that after the fault forgiuen there remaineth a debt to be paied for the punishment and this punishment being eternall death by penitencie is chaunged into temporall paines which we must abide either in this life or after death in purgatorie vnlesse wee bee deliuered thence by masses indulgences and other helps Secondly we condemn their blasphemie which seeke for forgiuenesse of sinnes any where then in Christ and doe so teach Likewise them which would prooue that the same may bee applied to themselues and receiued by any other meanes then by true faith and by the holie spirite Wee condemne also their sacrilegious doctrine which teach that God doth forgiue alwaies to the faithfull all their sinnes but euer retaineth some of them which are to be satisfied for by fasting almes deeds prayers and other works of our owne or else by the oblations of other men and sacrifices of priests CHAP. XXVIII Of the state of souls after death and of the resurrection of the dead I. Mens soules doe neither dye with their bodies nor sleepe after they are loosed from the bodie nor lye still out of heauen or hell nor be tormented in purgatorie WE beleeue that our soules doe neither dye with our bodies nor being loosed frō our bodies do sleep or not sleeping do lye still in some close place both out of heauen and hell nor yet are tormented in purgatorie but that out of the body also mens soules do liue vnderstand desire and that the soules of the godly do raigne with Christ in heauen and of the vngodly are tormented in hell with the deuills the Lord himselfe saying of them when the godly and mercifull men do decay that is depart out of this life they that is their soules Luc. 16.9 shall be receiued into euerlasting habitations Luc. 23.43 Luc. 16.23 Act. 1.25 and teaching in another place that they are with him in paradise but of the other by shewing an example of the rich glutton that they goe downe into hel that is into the place appointed for euerlasting fire as we also read of Iudas there to be tormented II. That the places be diuerse where the soules of the faithfull and the vnfaithfull do liue after the deaths of their bodies Nowe seing the condition and state of the soules of faithfull and vnfaithfull men is so diuers we also beleeue that the places into which they passe are diuers that is to say euerlasting tabernacles ● Pet. 2.4 or heauen paradise ordained for the godlie and hell and the deepes prepared for the wicked sith to one of these places the scripturs attribute an immeasurable light and to the other exceeding darkenesse which Christ called vtter darkenesse and sith the Lord saieth Mat. 8.12 Ioh. 17.24 that he desireth that where he himselfe is there should also bee
baptized For no mā is baptized vnto the giftes of the holie ghost but vnto the holie ghost it selfe as also vnto the father and the sonne And the Apostles held it for certaine beyond all doubt that whosoeuer were baptized either of Iohn his true disciples or of Christs disciples they were surelie baptized with instruction of the true doctrine of the holie ghost also according to Christs institution Hereupon was that admiratiō Vnto what were ye then baptized They answered him vnto Iohns baptisme For Paule thought this could not stād together that they should bee baptized with Iohns lawfull baptisme and yet should not knowe nay not so much as heare whether there were and whether there did exist an holie ghost whom Iohn both knewe and preached vnto all that came to his baptisme neither did he preach Christ without this holie ghost For he said that he baptized in water but Christ Iesus should baptize in the holie ghost Hereupon was it that meaning to cōuince them that they were not baptized of Iohn nor of his true disciples he added saying Iohn indeed c. This truely or verely is an aduersatiue particle wherby he would shew how it could not agree with the lawfull baptisme of Iohn that they said they had not so much as heard namelie when they were baptized whether there be an holie ghost or no Sith Iohn baptized none without mentioning the same And to this truely here expressed doeth a but closelie vnderstood make aunswer so that the argumēt is such as before we set downe Iohn indeed baptized c as though he had said Iohn preached both repentance and faith in Iesus Christ such as he is namely the sonne of god from whome as also from the father proceedeth the holy ghost and who baptizeth in the holie ghost and into the confession of this doctrine he baptizeth men The minor was to be added which Luke expressed not because it is contained in the twelues owne confession but vvee haue not so much as heard c. what is plainer then this text That therefore which followeth in the fift verse But when they heard it c is Lukes owne words shewing truelie and brieflie what followed vpon Paules argumentation But when they heard c namely these 12 whē they heard what what it is truelie to beleeue in Christ that he baptized men according to the confession of this doctrine concerning Christ his father and the holie ghost and that Christ alone as the onely Sauiour baptized men into the holie ghost when they heard I saye these things not onely with the eares of their bodies but also of their mindes and so beleeued and confessed the same They vvere baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus that is into Iesus as he is called and described in the Scriptures not onelie man but also the sonne of God God from whome as also from the father proceedeth the holie ghost and therefore as a true and onelie Sauiour baptizeth vs with his holy spirite Add this also that by the new interpretation there is admitted in a little narration no smale Battologie or superfluitie of words For when Paule said Iohn verily baptized vvith the baptisme of repentance saying vnto the people that they should beleeue in him which should come after him that is in Christ Iesus to what ende should the Apostles haue added this concerning thē whom Iohn baptized but whē they heard namely that companie or those men were baptized For who could not vnderstand by the wordes going before if Iohn baptized they therefore which had heard professed his doctrine concerning repentance and faith in Christ were by Iohn baptized To conclude if I should allow that interpretation I see not what Paule could els proue by this whole narration but that those Ephesians had beene rightlie baptized and therefore that nothing else remained but that by laying on of hands they might receiue the holy ghost But this conclusion I doe not thinke to agree with that which goeth before it but to bee needelesse I haue to my power declared the exposition of the fathers vpon this place and that modestlie and without preiudice to anie to no other end but that I may by such reasons as I am able declare vnto the brethren which perhaps haue tooke offence at that particle in my confession That Paule did baptize those twelue againe vvhich had not bin rightly baptized that I did not put those words rashlie in my confession By the way as I said we condemne no other mens interpretation And this also I freely professe that my cōscience is such that I cannot be easily drawne to dissent frō the auncient fathers either in their assertions or in their interpretations of scriptures Vnlesse I be cōuinced enforced by manifest testimonies of holy scriptures by necessary consequences plaine demonstrations For so doeth my conscience rest and in this setled stay of minde I desire to die And therefore I humbly desire of all the brethren that if in this behalfe my opinion be not altogeather as theirs is they will by no meanes take offēce especially seeing that in all the principall points of Christian faith we haue a sound agreement Vpon the 16. chapter The 9. aphorisme The place of the 1. to the Corinth 6. beeing diligently marked as also we noted before in the 15. chap. and 14. Apho. may well decide the controversie about the wicked mens Eating that is the Hypocrites and of the sacramentall eating We say that hypocrites doe not eate the tru body of Christ sith they are void of faith namely they eare it not truely and indeede sith it is not indeede eaten but onely by true faith which they want but onely sacramentally that is they eate indeede the sacrament and the signe it felfe The Adversaries say also that hypocrites doe eate the true body of Christ onely sacramentally but by this word they meane that they receiue not onely the sacrament that is the signe but all the thing it selfe though not vnto salvation If they mean this in the same sence that the Apostle doth when he said The Corinthians were all sanctified iustified c. namely that by receiuing baptisme the sacrament of true Regeneration and sanctification they were reckoned to haue receiued the thing also sith the very sacrament hindred not but they might also be pertakers of the true sanctification although all of them did not indeede obtaine the same by reason of their hypocriticall faith thē doubtlesse I see not but such a manner of speaking may be well allowed so it be declared as it ought after the Apostles meaning This I only alleadge that the brethren may bethinke them of some good meanes of agreement that so great an offence and scandale may be rooted out of the Church We must all stand before Christs Tribunall seate Vpon the 16. chap. Apho. 10. Here should a subdistinction haue beene added of the godly because some doe come worthely some vnworthely yea one and the
onely make ruleth and worketh all thinges in time without himselfe but also can bring to passe infinite things which he neuer will doe 8 Whereuppon it is also that the same is vsually deuided into actuall power which worketh whatsoeuer hee will and into absolute power whereby he can also do infinite things which he will not because otherwise he could not be said to be simply omnipotent 9 For as we hold not with them which think God is therefore called omnipotent because simplie whatsoeuer can bee saide or thought whether it be good or ill or if the same implie a contradiction he can doe the same so neither doe we subscribe to their opinion which hold that God is called and is omnipotent for no other cause but for that he can do whatsoeuer he wil that his power should so stretch no farther then his will but we beleeue he is therfore almighty in that besides he can do whatsoeuer he will he can also both will bring to passe innumerable things which he will neuer will nor bring to passe 10 For when the Scripture saith that God did whatsoeuer he would it plainely teacheth that he could haue done much more if he would And he which saieth hee will haue mercie on whome he will and he will harden whome he will he sheweth manifestly that he could aswell haue mercie on all or harden all as he can harden some and haue mercie on some and therefore that hee can haue mercie on more then he will haue merdie on and so that there are more things which he can doe then he will doe 11 For that which he can doe be can by his nature doe and therefore can not but be able to doe it vnlesse he could also so doe as that he should not be God But whatsoeuer without himselfe he willeth he freely willeth it and therefore could also not will it so as it is manifest that God can do more then he will seing he can will that he will not 12 Now we say God can doe all those thinges which are not repugnant either with his personall proprieties or with his essence and nature or which implie not a contradiction or lastly which are not of the defect or want of power if they be admitted 13 Thus although the father cannot bee the sonne nor the sonne the father neither also the father cā beget of himselfe another sonne or the sonne any other of himselfe yet therefore doeth nether the Sonne nor the Father cease to be omnipotent 14 For these are personall proprieties that the father should begett and not be begotten but the sonne be begotten not begett neither doth the essence of God beare it that there should be more fathers or more sonnes 15 Neither is any thing taken away from the power of god in that he cannot bring to passe but that he must be good iust wise seing he cā not be God vnlesse he be such as the scripturs describe him 16 So we take no power from God nor weakē it at all if we say God cannot sinne he cannot suffer he cannot bring to passe either not to be that which he is or that those things which are done should not haue bin done because these things are partly of the defect of power and partly they implie a contradiction And therefore are directly repugnant to the trueth of God and simply impossible 17 And so is it the propertie of God to be omnipotent as that it can belong to no created thing 18 For seing omnipotencie is nothing else but the verie immeasurable infinite essence and able to be communicated to no creature that it should agree to that thing to be omnipotēt vnto which it doeth not agree to be God in it owne essence 19 Neither can a thing finite bee capable of a thing infinite seing euerie thing is receiued according to the measure as they saye of the receiues 20 Also it is no lesse contrary to the nature of God that there should bee more almighties then that there should be more gods Whereupon christian religion will not allow that the three persons in God should be said to be three almighties 21 Wherefore although the man Christ Iesus is truely omnipotent because hee is not man onely but also God yet his humanitie cannot be or be said to be properly omnipotēt without impietie 22 For the humaine nature of Christ though it be vnited to the diuine nature into one person of the word and yet as it is not therefore made God so neither is it made properly omnipotēt but held still the owne weakenes whereby it was able to suffer for vs and to die 23 For neither could it haue suffred if as God so also it had beene made omnipotent seing to be able to suffer is impotencie and therefore God could not suffer because hee is omnipotent 24 And if the humaine nature of Christ was made omnipotent through the hypostaticall vnion in Christ why doe the Scriptures attribute it not to his humanitie but to his deitie that his bodie sawe no corruption or that this soule being restored to him he rose from the dead 25 Furthermore as a humaine bodie through the vnion with the minde neither is made an incorporeall substance indued with will and vnderstanding neither receiueth from it either immortalitie or the vertue of vnderstanding or willing so neither the humaine nature through the vnion with the diuine nature of the word is made an essence subsisting by it selfe most simple and most perfect or hath receiued from it to be properly omnipotent 26 Noreouer the argument whereby the father 's prooued against the Arrians Christ to bee true God by the omnipotencie attributed in the holie Scriptures to the sonne is quite ouerthrowne if we graunt that the omnipotencie maye bee communicated to any created thing 27 Lastlie concerning religion wee must not speake but agreeable to the Scriptures and to the analogie of faith But the holie Scriptures doe declare none but onely God to be omnipotent neither did the church euer professe any otherwise in her creeds 28 Whereas Christ saide after his resurrection alpower is giuen vnto me Authoritie is one thing and power another neither said he it is giuen to my humanitie but to me neither was this spoken in respect of his nature but of his office of a mediatour And that office was and is of his whole person according to both natures 29 Therefore as we beleeue by the holie ghost God alone to bee truely and properly omnipotent so also with the whole church do wee confeffe and preach 30 But we doubt not that the humaine nature of Christ is indued both with that power though finite which farrexceedeth the power of all created things aswel in heauen as earth and therefore wherein it may well properly be called the mightiest of all creatures also forthe hypostatical vnion with the truely omnipoten worde although properly in it selfe it be not such yet we graunt it may in some sort be said