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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A41072 Womens speaking justified, proved and allowed of by the Scriptures, all such as speak by the spirit and power of the Lord Jesus and how women were the first that preached the tidings of the resurrection of Jesus, and were sent by Christ's own command, before he ascended to the Father, John 20:17. Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702.; Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702. A touch-stone. 1666 (1666) Wing F642; ESTC R31506 14,857 16

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his Message as is manifested else how should his Disciples have known who were not there Oh! blessed and glorified be the Glorious Lord for this may all the whole body of man-kind say though the wisdom of man that never knew God is alwayes ready to except against the weak but the weakness of God is stronger then men and the foolishness of God is wiser then men And in Act. 18. you may read how Aquila and Priscilla took unto them Apollos and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly who was an elloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures yet we do not read that he despised what Priscilla said because she was a Woman as many now do And now to the Apostles words which is the ground of the great Objection against Womens Speaking And first 1 Cor. 14. let the Reader seriously read that Chapter and see the end and drift of the Apostle in speaking these words for the Apostle is there exhorting the Corinthians unto charity and to desire Spiritual gifts and not to speak in an unknown tongue and not to be Children in understanding but to be Children in malice but in understanding to be men and that the Spirits of the Prophets should be subject to the Prophets for God is not the Author of Confusion but of Peace And then he saith Let your Women keep silence in the Church c. Where it doth plainly appear that the Women as well as others that were among them were in confusion for he saith How is it Brethren when ye come together every one of you hath a Psalm hath a Doctrine hath a Tongue hath a Revelation hath an Interpretation let all things be done to edifying Here was no edifying but all was in confusion speaking together Therefore he saith If any man speak in an unknown Tongue let it be by two or at most by three and that by course and let one Interpret but if there be no Interpreter let him keep silence in the Church Here the Man is commanded to keep silence as well as the Woman when they are in cofusion and out of order But the Apostle saith further They are commanded to be in Obedience as also saith the Law and if they will learn any thing let them ask their Husbands at home for it is a shame for a Woman to speak in the Church Here the Apostle clearly manifests his intent for he speaks of Women that were under the Law and in that Transgression as Eve was and such as were to learn and not to speak publickly but they must first ask their Husbands at home and it was a shame for such to speak in the Church And it appears clearly that such Women were speaking among the Corinthians by the Apostles exhorting them from malice and strife and confusion and he preacheth the Law unto them and he saith in the Law it is written With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people vers 2. And what is all this to Womens Speaking that have the Everlasting Gospel to preach and upon whom the Promise of the Lord is fulfilled and his Spirit poured upon them according to his Word Acts 2. 16 17 18. And if the Apostle would have stopped such as had the Spirit of the Lord poured upon them why did he say just before If any thing be revealed to another that suteth by let the first hold his peace and you may all prophesie one by one Here he did not say that such Women should not Prophecsie as had the Revelation and Spirit of God poured upon them but their Women that were under the Law and in the Transgression and were in strife confusion malice in their speaking for if he had stopt Womens praying or prophesying why doth he say Every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoureth his head but every Woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head Judge in your selves Is it comely that a Woman pray or prophesie uncovered For the Woman is not without the Man neither is the Man without the Woman in the Lord 1 Cor. 11. 3 4 13. Also that other Scripture in 1 Tim. 2. where he is exhorting that Prayer and Supplication be made every where lifting up holy Hands without wrath and doubting he saith in the like manner also That Women must adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefastness and sobriety not with broidered hair or gold or pearl or costly array He saith Let Women learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a Woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the Man but to be in silence for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the Woman being deceived was in the transgression Here the Apostle speaks particularly to a Woman in Relation to her Husband to be in subjection to him and not to teach nor usurp authority over him and therefore he mentions Adam and Eve But let it be strained to the utmost as the opposers of Womens Speaking would have it that is That they should not preach nor speak in the Church of which there is nothing here Yet the Apostle is speaking to such as he is teaching to wear their apparel what to wear and what not to wear such as were not come to wear modest apparel and such as were not come to shamefastness and sobriety but he was exhorting them from broidered hair gold and pearls and costly array and such are not to usurp authority over the Man but to learn in silence with all subjection as it becometh Women professing Godliness with good works And what is all this to such as have the Power and Spirit of the Lord Jesus poured upon them and have the Message of the Lord Jesus given unto them must not they speak the Word of the Lord because of these undecent and unreverent Women that the Apostle speaks of and to in these two Scriptures And how are the men of this Generation blinded that bring these Scriptures and pervert the Apostles Words and corrupt his intent in speaking of them and by these Scriptures endeavour to stop the Message and Word of the Lord God in Women by contemning and despising of them If the Apostle would have had Womens speaking stopt and did not allow of them why did he entreat his true Yoak-Fellow to help those Women who laboured with him in the Gospel Phil. 4. 3. And why did the Apostles joyn together in Prayer and Supplication with the Women and Mary the Mother of Jesus and with his Brethren Acts 1. 14. if they had not allowed and had union and fellowship with the Spirit of God wherever it was revealed in Women as well as others But all this opposing and gainsaying of Womens Speaking hath risen out of the bottomless Pit and spirit of Darkness that hath spoken for these many hundred years together in this night of Apostacy since the Revelations have ceased and been hid and so that spirit
Womens Speaking Justified Proved and Allowed of by the SCRIPTURES All such as speak by the Spirit and Power of the Lord JESUS And how WOMEN were the first that preached the Tidings of the Resurrection of JESUS and were sent by CHRIST'S Own Command before He ascended to the Father John 20. 17. And it shall come to pass in the last dayes saith the Lord I will pour out of my Spirit upon all Flesh your Sons and Daughters shall Prophesie Acts 2. 27. Joel 2. 28. It is written in the Prophets They shall be all taught of God saith Christ John 6. 45. And all thy Children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the Peace of thy Children Isa 54. 13. And they shall teach no more every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother saying Know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest of them saith the Lord. Jer. 31. 34. London Printed in the Year 1666. Womens Speaking Justified Proved and Allowed by the Scriptures WHereas it hath been an Objection in the minds of many and several times hath been objected by the Clergy or Ministers and others against Womens speaking in the Church and so consequently may be taken that they are condemned for medling in the things of God the ground of which Objection is taken from the Apostles words which he Writ in his first Epistle to the Corinthians chap. 14. vers 34 35. And also what he writ to Timothy in the first Epistle chap. 2. vers 11 12. But how far they wrong the Apostle's intentions in these Scriptures we shall shew clearly when we come to them in their course and order But first let me lay down how God himself hath manifested his Will and Mind concerning Women and unto Women And first When God created Man in his own Image in the Image of God created he them Male and Female and God blessed them and God said unto them Be fruitful and multiply And God said Behold I have given you of every Herb c. Gen. 1. Here God joyns them together in his own Image and makes no such distinctions and differences as men do for though they be weak he is strong and as he said to the Apostle His Grace is sufficient and his strength is made manifest in weakness 2 Cor. 12. 9. And such hath the Lord chosen even the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and things which are despised hath God chosen to bring to nought things that are 1 Cor. 1. And God hath put no such difference between the Male and Female as men would make It is true The Serpent that was more subtile then any other Beast of the Field came unto the Woman with his Temptations and with a lie his subtilty discerning her to be more enclinable to hearken to him when he said If ye eat your eyes shall be opened and the Woman saw that the Fruit was good to make one wise there the temptation got into her and she did eat and gave to her Husband and he did eat also and so they were both tempted into the transgression and disobedience and therefore God said unto Adam when that he hid himself when he heard his voice Hast thou eaten of the Tree which I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat And Adam said The Woman which thou gavest me she gave me of the Tree and I did eat And the Lord said unto the Woman What is this that thou hast done and the Woman said The Serpent beguiled me and I did eat Here the Woman spoke the truth unto the Lord see what the Lord saith vers 15. after he had pronounced Sentence on the Serpent I will put enmity between thee and the Woman and between thy Seed and her Seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel Gen. 3. Let this Word of the Lord which was from the beginning stop the mouths of all that oppose Womens Speaking in the Power of the Lord for he hath put enmity between the Woman and the Serpent and if the Seed of the Woman speak not the Seed of the Serpent speaks for God hath put enmity between the two Seeds and it is manifest that those that speak against the Woman and her Seeds Speaking speak out of the enmity of the old Serpents Seed and God hath fulfilled his Word and his Promise When the fulness of time was come he hath sent forth his Son made of a Woman made under the Law that we might receive the adoption of Sons Gal. 4. 4 5. Moreover the Lord is pleased when he mentions his Church to call her by the name of Woman by his Prophets saying I have called thee as a Woman forsaken and grieved in Spirit and as a Wife of Youth Isa 54. Again How long wilt thou go about thou back-sliding Daughter For the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth a Woman shall compass a Man Jer. 31. 22. And David When he was speaking of Christ and his Church he saith The Kings Daughter is all glorious within her cloathing is of wrought Gold she shall be brought unto the King with gladness and rejoycing shall they be brought they shall enter into the Kings Pallace Psal 45. And also King Solomon in his Song where he speaks of Christ and his Church where she is complaining and calling for Christ he saith If thou knowest not O thou fairest among women go thy way by the footsteps of the Flock Cant. 1. 8. c. 5. 9. And John when he saw the wonder that was in Heaven he saw a Woman clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet and upon her head a Crown of twelve Stars and there appeared another wonder in Heaven a great red Dragon stood ready to devour her Child here the enmity appears that God put between the Woman and the Dragon Revelations 12. Thus much may prove that the Church of Christ is a Woman and those that speak against the Womans speaking speak against the Church of Christ and the Seed of the Woman which Seed is Christ that is to say Those that speak against the Power of the Lord and the Spirit of the Lord speaking in a Woman simply by reason of her Sex or because she is a Woman not regarding the Seed and Spirit and Power that speaks in her such speak against Christ and his Church and are of the Seed of the Serpent wherein lodgeth the enmity And as God the Father made no such difference in the first Creation nor never since between the Male and the Female but alwayes out of his Mercy and loving kindness had regard unto the weak So also his Son Christ Jesus confirms the same thing when the Pharisees came to him and asked him if it were lawful for a man to put away his Wife he answered and said unto them Have you not read That he that made them in the beginning made them Male and Female and said For this