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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29189 A review and conclusion of The antidote agianst [sic] Mr. Baxter's palliated cure of church-divisions wherein Mr. Baxter's late repentance is examined, all his immodest calumnies confuted, and the grounds of separation further cleared / by Edward Bagshaw. Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671. 1671 (1671) Wing B421; ESTC R37056 15,565 24

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rest and satisfie our selves This is called the Obedience of Faith Rom. 16.26 Yea this is the first and chief Obedience that God requireth of us The first work of his Grace in us is to subdue our Reason 2 Cor. 10.5 Till we have attained to this simplicity we shall never be wise unto Salvation nor come to any comfortable Certaintie in the matters of Religion The same worthy Author goeth on this serves saith he to reprove the Disputer of this World of whom the Apostle speaks 1 Cor. 1.20 Where is the Disputer of this VVorld such as will receive no more in Religion then they can see Reason for Scripture will not serve their turn they must have Reason But saith he it is a dangererous thing not to rest in the Authority of the Scriptures not to count it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For there be many truths of God revealed in the Word which are such Misteries as it is not possible for Man by Reason and by Light of Nature to conceive Nay indeed the whole Doctrine of the Gospel is so 1 Cor. 2.7 1 Tim. 3.16 Yea the more a man excelleth in Natural Reason and Understanding the more unable shall he be to conceive them Rom. 8.7 The VVisdom of the Flesh is enmity to God It is God alone that by the supernatural Light of his Spirit revealeth those things Mat. 16.17 And God will reveal it to none but to those ●hat are Meek and Humble to none that have such ●igh conceit of themselves and attribute so much to their own Reason Psalm 25.9 The Meek will he teach his way I have at large repeated this passage of that truly judicious and excellent Writer because he speaketh suitably both to Scripture and to what every Person truly enlightened can witness to But to shew how much you differ both from him and others of our soundest Divines in this point and to make a full discovery of your spirit and temper I shall compare it with a quite contrary pass●ge which some years ago I read and much wondered at in your self 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 I know there is a sort of over-wise and overdoing Divines who will tell their followers in private where there is none to contradict them that the Method of this Treatise is perverse as appealing too much to Natural Light and over-valuing Humane Reason and that I should have done no more but briefly tell men that all that which God speaks in his word is true and that Propria Luce it is evident that the Scripture is the Word of God and that to all Gods Elect he will give his Spirit to cause them to discern it and that thus much alone had been better than all these Disputes and Reasonings But these Over-wise men who need no Reason for their Religion and judge accordingly of others and think that those men who rest not in the Authority of Jesus Christ should rest in theirs are many of them so well acquainted with me as not to expect that I should trouble them in their way or Reason against them as much as I am addicted to scribling I can quietly dismiss this sort of men without the Labour of opening their ignorance Thus you who are if compared to them but a Rash and Insolent Seribler because you have nothing to do but are at leisure to be a Voluminous Trifler dare with your breath blow upon and seek to blast the Credit of all these worthy weighty Writers whom you call Over-wise and Over-doing Divines such as Calvin Preston Hildersham Perkins c. whom I quoated before as if they were all but Bubbles for you to play with and blow up and down at your pleasure but their Name and Doctrine shall live and flourish when yours shall wither as not being able to endure the Fiery Tryal So far therefore as I can by Entreaties or Example prevail with any I do earnestly warn all persons truly fearing God that they be not deceived by Names nor take any thing upon trust from a commonly Received and Mistaken Repu●ation For if I understand any thing of the true nature of Religion your writings do contain that secret Leaven which will sowre and infect the Mind of an unwary Reader with such Erronious Apprehensions and Mis-conceits of the Truth that nothing but a new and thorough Conversion will be able to recover them For laying your Foundation in the Corrupt Will of Man and building your Superstructure in the Carnal Vnderstanding you leave no room for true Holiness and Mortification but the Root of sin which lieth within remaineth untouched and Carnal Presumption or at the best Doubting if not Despair will be the utmost that such Principles can possibly end in or lead unto I shall therefore here leave off and for the present if not for ever end any farther Controversie with you as being one of whom I cannot say what you do of me after all your virulence that I am upright in the Main page 26. For I hold you are altogether Rotten and Vnsound in the Main and so much the more incurable in that you have greatly sinned and turned Scorner since your Admonition These being my most serious thoughts of all your Works I do willingly pass by lesser Matters which yet afford me sufficient ground of Exception such are First Your Absurd and Insigniflcant way of speaking although I have already reproved you for it as when you talk of a Rash and Carolefly uttered Vntruth page 29. which is Privatively voluntary that is where the VVill omits its office Where I am much to seek what can be meant by Privatively voluntary or how any action can be done where the VVill omits its office Adde to this your discourse of a receiving Obediential Power in a Carnal VVill which receiving Power you call a Passive Power page 139. where the Comment and Explication is much harder than the Text. Lastly To urge no more your saying that by Corruption and ●mposition barely seemeth to be meant such Formaliter quoad Actum without including the degree of the Matter page 134. Sir These and the like expressions though you and the Schools call them Distincteons yet indeed are nothing else but Learned Non sence Which although they may not other wise have much hurt in them yet they are those Big swelling words of Vanity which are the usual Language of False Teachers and one of the Marks which is fore-told by which they may be known 2 Pet. 2. Secondly I might except against your scornful trifling with things that are most sacred and serious as when you say page 57. I am verily perswaded if Christ came personally and visibly to demand it the King himself would yeild up his Crown to him and I am as verily perswaded the Turk or Pope would do so too which yet at present I do not look upon as any great commendation to either of them And besides had ever the Terror of that Day of the Lord fell upon you
which you lay d●●n is ●●●ect●y contrary to the Doctrine of all our Ancient Protestant Divines and particularly to that of the First Reformers and besides is the very Foundation of the Roman that is of the Antichristian Church For you say plainly as Andradius Stapleton Bellarmine and others pag. 188 the worst Defenders of the Trent Council do that the S●lf evidencidg Light of Scripture is not sufficient without humane Help and Testimony to make us know every Canonicall Book from the Apocryphal 〈◊〉 And you instance Particularly in Solomon's Proverbs Gab. p. 61. unto which our Saviour himself and his Apostles have witnessed as to a Divine Writing And besides in defence of this you urge an Argument of a more impious sense and sound than ever I read in any but your self And I think that Bellarmine was modest and but a Trifler to you ●ab p. 63. c. Mahomet say you and his followers more numerous than the Christians pretend that Mahomets name was in Gospel of John as the Paraclete or Comforter promised by Christ and that the Christians have blotted it out and altered the Writings of the Gospel and how shall we disprove them but by Historical evidence To which I shall only reply in short that if matters between them and us must be brought to this issue Actum est We have nothing substantial to plead and it is not God's but Man's Word that must be taken we having no certain nor infallible 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 left us to discern and know the voice of Scripture by I might urge what Whitaker Chamier and others have replyed but I shall content my self with what I find briefly yet fully stated by that Judicious and Weightie Writer Mr. Hildersham whose name in other cases particularly that of Conformity where you think he maketh for you you pretend great Reverence to Indeed the Testimony of the Church saith he doth first encline us to think that the Scripture is the Word of God and maketh us willing to hear and read it but after we by hearing and reading it attain to further certainty and assurance John 4. Lect. 76. For God himself speaketh to us in the Scripture Luke 1.79 Hebrews 1.1 and that so clearly and evidently that the Faithful are undoubtedly assured that it is he that speaketh that it is indeed his Word and they can say as Cant. 2.8 It is the voice of my beloved This is promised to the Faithful Isa 52.6 They shall know in that day that I am he that speaketh behold it is I and John 7.17 If any man will do his Will he shall know of the Doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of my self And indeed if we could not now be undoubtedly certain that is indeed Gods Word the Case of the Church were worse now than it was when God spake to his people in Visions and Dreams For they were without any external Testimony from Men fully assured then that it was the Lord himself indeed that spake unto them Nay it is Certain that we may be more sure that God speaks to us in his Word then they could be of his speaking unto them in Visions 2 Peter 1.19 We have also a more sure Word of Prophesie Thus far that worthy Writer who asserteth no more in substance than what is the unanimous judgement of Calvin Luther and all our Ancient Protestant Divines and I wonder while you tax another of Falshood you should venture thus to reproach their Memory as if they held with you when not one of them but some few bold Innovators of late like your self did ever assert that Opinion which overthroweth and razeth to ground the whole Protestant cause as tending wholly to enthrone Tradition and to advance the Authority of Men in the Things of God I know you bear your self very high upon what you have already writ in defence as you call it of Scripure page 16. And you do insolently tell us I know of no man living in this age that hath written so much I say not so well for the things in Question Scripture and Christianity as I have done To which Boast I reply First some have written large Books and pretended great earnestness for many things on purpose that they might attaque and set upon them afterwards with greater advantage Thus Caesar Vanins wrote a very learned Book against Atheism though it was his own professed and avoiwed Impiety in defence of which afterwards he desperatly died Secondly give me leeve to ask you To what purpose is all this VVaste or who hath required this at your Hands And why do you undertake a Needless as well as an Impossible Task That is to reconcile Religion to Natural Reason to bring down the Things of God unto the understanding of Man which is in effect to say you do not believe them to be Tremendous Mysteries Thirdly Me thinks you should be frighted by the dreadful falls of those pretendedly Rational men that went this way before you from following after their bold and daring Example Socinus a man of no little Reason proceeded so far as to deny the Divinity of Christ And Grotius who wrote as learnedly on the Truth of Christian Religion as any yet himself died of none or if as you say he died a Papist Pres to five Disp it was worse than none So that I may say of the●e Rational Arguing● what the Apostle hath concerning meats They have not profited those that walked in them Lastly Heb. 13.9 This I must testifie from my own Experience and leave it as a warning to all in whom the Itch of curious Enquiry is not yet healed that had not I learn'd the Truth of Christian Religion from better A●guments and a more Certain way of Reasoning than any your Bo●ks afford I had still been plunged in the depths of Atheism and I look upon your whole Discourse about the Nature Being and Decrees of God the Immortality of the Soul and The reward of the Life to come which you pretend to found upon Natural Reason to be so far from the Cogency of Demonstration and the Evidence of Rational Light that such kind of Discourses serve much rather to Teach then to preserve from Unbelief while they give Corrupt Reason leave to argue and justifie it self against that which is accounted the weakness and simplicity of believing I look upon it as sound Doctrine and so I held it long before I read it in Mr. Hildersham That this glory is due to Christ and to him alone to believe him upon his Word John 4. lect 32. even without the Testimony or Authority of any man yea though we see no Reason for it yea though it seem never so contrary to our own Reason we must in this case be-like Pythagoras his Schollars and so rest in that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when once we hear Thus saith the Lord this must suffice us instead of all Reasons here we must