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A56274 The moderation of the Church of England considered as useful for allaying the present distempers which the indisposition of the time hath contracted by Timothy Puller ... Puller, Timothy, 1638?-1693. 1679 (1679) Wing P4197; ESTC R10670 256,737 603

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of the Holy Scripture our Church rather doth take for granted than prove too laboriously or uncertainly § 9. All immoderate extravagancies concerning interpretation of Holy Scripture avoided by our Church § 1. WHereas Moderation hath its name and being from the equal measures observed by it the first instance of the Moderation of our Church is most properly to be taken from the right rule and measure in Religion which this Church of ours constantly receives and holds close to by which she is safely preserved from all undue extremes having to her self the same rule and measure of her Moderation which the universal Church of Christ in all Ages hath had such a rule as is beyond all exception and is of undeniable Authority namely the Holy Scriptures which are the same right and just measure by which she measures out to others and desires to be measured by her self in whatever she receives and delivers out as matter of Faith and required practice in the necessary parts of Religion and the worship of God Whereas next to the extreme of them who have no Religion nor no Rule the vanity and extravagance of those is very notorious who set up themselves to be their own Rule which is done in the pretences of infallibility on one hand and enthusiasm on the other between that Rock and this Gulf the Moderation of our Church doth safely conduct its own judgment and practice and all that follow her In the Sixth Article of Religion see how our Church doth own the perfection of Holy Scripture as a Rule Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to Salvation so that whatsoever is not read therein nor may be proved thereby is not required of any man that it should be believed as an Article of Faith or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation and the reason why the Church of England doth require her self to be acknowledged of her own a Canon 3. 1603. as a true and Apostolical Church is because she teacheth and maintains the Doctrine of the Apostles and in the fourth Canon the Church censures all Impugners of the worship of God and whosoever shall affirm her Form containeth any thing in it repugnant to the Scriptures In the 36. Canon Article 2. All who are to subscribe are willingly and ex animo to affirm That the Book of Common-Prayer and of ordering Bishops Priests and Deacons containeth in it nothing contrary to the word of God and Article 3. That he acknowledgeth all and every of the 39. Articles to be agreeable to the word of God In the 19th Article of Religion The visible Church of Christ is defined a Congregation of faithful men in the which the pure word of God is Preached and the Sacraments be duly administred according to Christs Ordinance And in the ordering of Bishops and Priests it is asked Be you perswaded that the Holy Scriptures contain sufficiently all Doctrine required of necessity for eternal Salvation through Faith in Jesu Christ And are you determined with the said Scriptures to instruct the people committed to your Charge and to teach nothing as required of necessity to eternal Salvation but that you shall be perswaded may be concluded and proved by the Scriptures The Answer is I am so perswaded and have so determined by Gods grace In the 20th Article of Religion it is declared It is not lawful for the Church to ordain any thing contrary to Gods word written neither to expound one place that it be repugnant to another From all which passages and many more which might be repeated out of the Monuments of our Church it is evident that as our Church is formed in her whole Constitution with an uniform respect to this Rule and hath framed her Articles Liturgy Homilies and Orders thereby so it doth require her self to be acknowledged in those but in subordination to this Rule and measure as before and superiour to it self which doth manifest the exceptions of many of the Separation to be very unreasonable who seem to give such deference to the Holy Scriptures and at the same time renounce Communion with the Church of England which doth so religiously hold to the Sacred Scriptures of which our Church in union with the whole Church of God is a sure Keeper a faithful Witness a zealous Defender and a most sober Interpreter § 2. The Moderation of the Church of England further appears in avoiding the extremes of those who take away from the true perfection of Scripture and of others who seem officiously to add thereunto Of the first sort of those who detract from the true perfection of Scripture are they who frame an additional Canon of their own as the Church of Rome doth who declares that the Apocryphal Writings and Traditions of men are nothing inferiour nor less Canonical than the Sovereign dictates of God as well for the Confirmation of doctrinal points pertaining to Faith as for ordering of Life and Manners and that both the one and the other ought to be embraced with the same affection of Piety and received with the like religious Reverence b Concil Trid. Sess 4. Decr. 1. not making any difference between them Thus as it is in the second part of the Homily of good works Christ reproved the Laws and Traditions of the Scribes and Pharisees because they were set up so high as though they had been equal with Gods Laws and above them They worship Me in vain that teach for Doctrines the Commandments of men For you leave the Commandments of God to keep your own Traditions Yet He meant not thereby to overthrow Mens Commandments for He Himself was obedient to the Princes and their Laws made for good order On the other extreme They of the Separation among us are busy to attribute to the Holy Scriptures such a perfection as God never intended them namely particularly to determine of all actions of Mankind and every matter of order and decency in Religion Between these two see by how even a thred our Church divides the controversy first asserting the real perfection of Scriptures as a Rule to be as much as need to be to be as great a perfection as God hath given it in order to its end namely to guide our belief and practice in things needful to Salvation Article 20. Besides the same namely Gods word written ought not the Church to enforce any thing to be believed for necessity of salvation and in the same Article It is not lawful for the Church to ordain any thing contrary to Gods word written Yet the Article begins thus The Church hath power to Decree Rites and Ceremonies and hath Authority in controversies of Faith Wherein according to an accurate Moderation the Church doth behave itself in attributing to the Holy Scriptures their just and full perfection On the other hand our Church doth thankfully accept of that Christian Liberty which God hath left her and indeed which he hath given all particular Christians according to their
and Peace in the Church Our Church hath wisely distinguished between what is necessary absolutely and what only in some circumstances is necessary to Salvation Those things saith the Homily a 2d Part of the Homily of Scriptures that be plain to understand and necessary for Salvation every mans duty is to learn them and as for dark mysteries to be contented to be ignorant in them till such time as it shall please God to open those things unto them b Hom. 1. If it shall require to teach any truth or to do any thing requisite for our Salvation All those things saith St Chrysostom we may learn plentifully of the Scripture And in the 19. Article of the Church The Preaching of the pure word of God and the Administration of the Sacraments are made indispensable notes of the visible Church namely in all things that of necessity are requisite to the same and the 8th Article declares The three Creeds ought throughly to be believed and received for that they may be proved by most certain warrant of Holy Scripture where our Church gives the reason of her Faith and sheweth her earnestness in contending for it But the Moderation of our Church contains her self within the bounds of what is before made necessary The principal and essential points of the Doctrine of Salvation such as are fit to make up the unity of the Faith and constitute a Church are no other among us than what Christ and his Apostles at first made necessary which also the ancient Church received as necessary unto Baptism and for distinction of Heresy which fundamental Maxims of Christian Science are frequently and plainly repeated in Scripture and by our Church were first of all insisted on at the reformation of our Church as we see in the Institution of a Christian Man 1537. in the first Injunctions of our Kings and our Form of Catechism Whereas the Catechisms and Systems which have been set up in opposition to the Catechism and Articles of the Church of England have abounded with many doubtful and unnecessary definitions yet so insisted upon by some as if the Hinges of the Gate of Heaven turn'd upon those Propositions whereby many have agreed with Pope Pius the Fourth who by his Bull set out the Apostles Creed in a larger Edition of about as many more Articles without belief of which is declared no Salvation c Extra quam Nemo salvus esse potest Bulla Pii quarti super formâ Juramenti professionis fidei sub finem Concilii Trid. Unto such a strange Circumference is the body of their unnecessary belief extended whereas the Religion of our Church tends to the Center Which distinction of things necessary from what was not so King James according to the sense of our Church declares of great use to lay a foundation for the publick peace of the Church d Vt de necessariis conveniat omnis opera insumatur in non-necessariis libertati Christianae locus Rex Jacobus ad Card. Perr and of particular mens minds and the furtherance of true Faith and Piety § 2. Those Articles which are delivered by our Church for the avoiding of diversities of opinions and establishing consent touching true Religion 1. They are few especially those of positive Doctrine and the other negative positions were necessary to assert our liberty from the abuses and encroachments of the Romanists in their contrary affirmatives few if we consider either the time or the occasion of their being framed it being just about the meeting at Trent made it necessary for our Church to declare her sense of many Doctrines for the better satisfaction and directions of her Sons and to testify her equal conditions of Communion Especially also if we consider the cruel number of Articles which either the Westminster Divines or the Trent Councellors have imposed on their followers e Bishop ●ramball fol. p. 1018. Indeed the Romanists do call our Religion a negative Religion because in all the Controversies between us and them we maintain the negative that is we go as far as we dare or can with warrant from holy Scriptures and the Primitive Church and leave them in their excesses or those inventions which they themselves have added but in the mean while they forget that we maintain all those Articles and truths which are contained in any of the ancient Creeds of the Church which I hope are more than negative The Church of England saith Archbishop Laud f Archbishop Laud against Fisher 5. 14. comes far short of the Church of Romes severity whos 's Anathema's are not for 39. Articles but for very many more above one hundred in matter of Doctrine and that in many points as far remote from the foundation though to the far greater rack of Mens Consciences they must be all Fundamental if that Church have determined them Whereas the Church of England never declared that every one of her Articles are fundamentals in the Faith For it is one thing to say no one of them is superstitious or erroneous and quite another to say every one of them is fundamental Besides the Church of England prescribes only to her own Children and by those Articles provides but for her peaceable consent in those Doctrines of truth but the Church of Rome severely imposeth on all the World her Doctrine and that under pain of damnation § 3. These Articles of Religion are generally exhibited as Articles of Peace and consent not as Articles of Faith and Communion and as such they are propounded to all the Communicants in our Church g Schisin guarded p. 150. Bishop Lanies Sermons p. 48. in general For the avoiding Diversities of Opinions as the Title of the Articles is Not such a consent as Curcellaeus h Curcellaeus Religionis Christianae Institut C. 15. means where he supposeth some in the dregs of the Age of the Reformation obtrude their Confessions and Catechisms as a secondary rule if not of truth yet of consent such as ought to be urged only to an infallible truth 't is likely he might know many who did so But the consent designed to be established by our Articles is such a consent as may keep the Peace of our Church undisturbed according to the sense of the fifth Canon Where the Prohibition is directed against such as should speak against the 39. Articles as superstitious and erroneous such as may not with a good Conscience be subscribed to Whosoever shall hereafter affirm i Quicunque in posterum affirmabit c. Ecclesiae Anglic. Canon 5. not as the Council of Trent k Si quis contrà senserit Anathema sit Concil Trid. de peccato Originis directs its Anathema against those that shall so much as think diversly Wherefore our Church no where delivers our Articles as necessary to be believed neither by vertue of their own necessity or her own Command as several with Bishop Bramhall have noted For which reason subscription unto them is
measures namely leave to determine their particular actions according to the general Rule of Holy Scriptures and sometimes of Prudence where other Laws are not given to determine their Liberty And indeed this Article of the sufficiency of the Scriptures and the use of them as a Rule is the very dividing point at which those of the Separation on either hand leave our Church and her Moderation at once For those who are ready on one hand to receive all Traditions which the Church of Rome can offer with affection and reverence equal to the written word of God so that as it is in our Homily c Homily of good works 3 d. Part. The Laws of Rome as they said were to be received of all men as the four Evangelists No Moderation can contain the extravagancies such belief leads them to On the other hand to accept of no appointment for outward order and government in the Church or Kingdom but what is set out in the express word of God for the direction of every particular action under pretence of defending Christian Liberty is verily so gross and unreasonable a Pharisaical confining it that this principle is the first Sanctuary of ignorance and disobedience in most of our Separatists who under an immoderate pretence to Religion and the honour of Scriptures really offer great abuse and disservice to both as it is a real abuse to a person though of honour to give him Titles which do not belong to him so it is an occasion to Atheists and prophane persons captiously to detract from the true perfection of Holy Writings when they find attributed to them such Titles as are false and imaginary We must take heed saith the judicious Hooker d Eccles Pol. l. 3. §. 8. lest in attributing to Scripture more than it can have the incredibility of that do cause even those things which it hath most abundantly to be less reverently esteemed On this foundation of our Churches Moderation in what she judgeth concerning the perfection of Holy Scripture both the Protestant and the Christian Religion is established For as Bishop Sanderson saith e Pref. to his Sermons The main Article of the Protestant Religion is The Holy Scriptures are a perfect Rule of Faith and manners so the very mystery of Puritanism is That no man may with a safe Conscience do any thing for which there may not be produced either command or example in Scripture § 3. We are to note the Moderation of the Church in her judgment of the letter and sense of Holy Scripture and in the use of such consequences as are duly drawn from thence Whereas the Romanists 1. look on the letter of Holy Scripture but as so many dead and unsensed Characters f Richworth's Dialogues J. S. Sure-footing of variable and uncertain signification g Ni● Cus●nus Card. Ep. 7. ad ●●hem 2. They make the sense of Scripture entirely depend on the Authority of their Church h V. Concil Trid. Sess 4. Decret de usu S. Scr. 3. They presume the Church of Rome only can make authentick all the Books of Holy Scripture i Nullum Capitulum nullusque liber Canonicus habetur absque illius authoritate Greg. 7. Dict. 16. in Concil Rom. and by her sole Authority is to determine which are to be Canonical 4. They will not allow the clear consequences of Scripture to prove any matter of doctrine k V. Discourse upon a Conference Apr. 3. 1676. In these as in many other instances our Sectaries generally agree with the Romanists 1. They also make the Holy Scripture a dead Letter without their interpretation 2. In making the sense which they vouch to be the Word of God 3. Such Scriptures as seem to serve their turn they allow others they reject 4. The clear consequences from Holy Scriptures against them they cast by as only the results of carnal reason Between these two opposers of Holy Scripture at present there appears this difference instead of an external infallible Interpreter on one side the other sets up the witness of their own private spirit for an infallible interpreter also When time serves They that make the difference can compromise it Amidst these extremes observe we the Wisdom and Moderation of the Church of England 1. It gives all due honour to the Letter of Holy Writ referring her self and her Sons chiefly to the Originals l V. B. of Homilies passim Caeterùm in lectione D. Scripturarum si quae occurrerint ambigua vel obscura in V. Test earum interpretatio ex fonte Hebraicae veritatis petatur in N. autem Graeci codices consulantur Reform Leg. Eccles de fide Cathol c. 12. using all care in keeping the Letter of Holy Scripture and preserving the Originals and setting them forth correctly and translating them as faithfully as may be 2. The sense of Scripture our Church accounteth chiefly as Scripture viz. The Word of God therein The mind of God being thought by our Church to consist not in words but in sense For is the Kingdom of God words and syllables m Translators of the Bible Pres 3. The clear consequences in Scripture are in our Church accounted a good proof in matters of doubtful Doctrine Whatsoever is not read therein nor proved thereby is not to be required saith our sixth Article Wherefore Mr Chillingworth n Chillingworth 's Pref. § 28. did not without reason thus declare I profess sincerely I believe all those Books of Scripture which the Church of England accounts Canonical to be the infallible word of God I believe all things evidently contained in them or even probably deducible from them o Simpliciter necessaria Rex appellat quae vel expressè Verbum Dei praecipit vel ex verbo Dei necessaria Consequentiâ vetus Ecclesia elicuit Rex Jacobus ad Card. Perr § 4. In our Church no one Version nor more are made equal much less superiour to the original Nothing is declared authentick but what is judged truly and originally so Although the Church of Rome hath declared the vulgar Translation to be only the authentick Scripture p Conc. Trid. Sess 4. Decr. 2. according to which all points in Question are to be decided and though the same in our Church hath been convinced by sundry learned men of some imperfections yet wherein it is most faithfully performed the innovations of Popery even from thence may be sufficiently manifested Other ancient Versions and Translations which have been of Holy Scripture our Church is so far from rejecting or undervaluing that it hath made great use of them and doth constantly acknowledge their usefulness and doth esteem them according to their antiquity and the approbation they have had in the Church of God Yea in the worst of our late times when the true Church of England was most of all accused of Popery and opposition to the Scriptures then were sundry learned and religious Sons of the Church diligently
for reading the holy Scripture is made agreeable to the mind and purpose of the old Fathers and a great deal more profitable and commodious It is more profitable because there are left out many things whereof some are untrue some uncertain some vain and superstitious and nothing is ordained to be read but the very pure word of God the holy Scriptures or that which is agreeable to the same and that in such a language and order as is most easy and plain for the understanding both of the Readers and the hearers It is also more commodious both for the shortness thereof and for the plainness of the order and that the rules be few and easy Since the Reformation those who love not to be contain'd in any good bounds when they read the Bible chuse to do it out of all Canonical Order or generally snap upon the Chapters fortuitously or affect for their most common reading the most difficult Books and Chapters The wisdom of our Church hath provided that the Old Testament may be read out every Year once f Tale aliquid audio esse nunc in Ecclesiâ Anglicanâ in quâ Psalterium singulis mensibus al solvitur totum utrumque Testamentum unico anno continuatâ lectione percurritur Vtinam reliquae Ecclesiae reformatae c. Spala●ensis l. 7. c. 12. All the Psalms once every Month and the New Testament thrice every Year g V. The Order how the Holy Scripture is appointed to be read Yet with this Moderation some difficult and very mysterious places are excepted Yet so that the Church declares Though the rehearsal of the Genealogies and Pedigrees of the Fathers be not so much to the edification of the plain ignorant people Yet there is nothing so impertinently uttered in all the whole Book of the Bible but may serve to spiritual purpose in some respect to all such as will bestow their labours to search out the meaning h Homily of certain places of Scripture 2d Part. Thus manifest is it that our Church doth really intend edification in her Institutions and can the wit of man i B. Jer. Taylor Pref. to his Collection of Offices conceive a better temper and expedient than this of the Church of England that such Scriptures only and principally should be laid before them in daily Offices which contain in them all the mysteries of our Redemption and all the Rules of good Life That the people of the Church may not complain that the Fountains of our Salvation are stopt from them nor the Rulers of the Church that the mysteriousness of Scripture is abused And further to prevent the inconvenience of the vulgars use of Scripture there was a wholsome Injunction of Queen Elizabeth k 1559 §. 37. fit here to be mentioned That no man should talk or reason of Holy Scripture rashly or contentiously nor maintain any false doctrine or errour but shall commune on the same when occasion is given reverently humbly and in the fear of God for his comfort and better understanding For as it is in the Homily against contention Too many there be which upon Ale-benches and other places delight to set forth certain Questions not so much pertaining to edification as to Vain-glory whence they fall to chiding and contention With reference to which Injunction it was that some Bishops in their Articles of enquiry had this for a Question Whether any were known in their Diocese who profaned the Holy Scripture in Table-talk which was captiously misunderstood by many in their intemperate heats against the Bishops as if they thereby did forbid all sober Conference on any places of Holy Scripture whereas the Injunction of the Queen which ought still to have effect should reasonably interpret their enquiry which certainly was the ground thereof Besides many of those Bishops themselves when Masters of Colledges in the Universities observed and caused to be observed those Statutes which in most Colledges require reading of Scripture at Meals Ordering that Communication which is thereon to be such as in the Queens Injunction was before-mentioned § 7. Our Church according to great wisdom hath received such Books as Canonical of whose authority there was never any doubt in the Church l 39. Article 6. Scio tamen Vualdensem tenere quod declarandi approbandi Libros sacros sit in serie Patrum omnium fidelium ab Apostolis succedentium Fr. S. Clara. ad Artic. Confess Angl. 6. rejecting what truly are not of the Canon which the Church of Rome thrusts in of its own head and doth not leave out any which are as many have done in other times and places In relation to those Books whose Title is the Apocrypha the Moderation of our Church expresseth an excellent temper 1. In that in their Title as of uncertain Writings they are distinguisht from Canonical 2. All the Apocryphal Books are not recommended to be read in the Church 3. Nor on all days particularly not on the Lords Day as such 4. Those our Church doth use together with other Canonical Scripture as it plainly and publickly declares in her sixth Article of Religion and as St Hierom saith m S. Hier. Pres ad ●ild V. E●●phan c. 〈◊〉 for example of life and instruction of manners as Clemens Romanus to the Corinthians and other such Writings were read in the ancient Church n Sunt alii libri qui leguntur quidem sed nonscribuntur in Canone H. de S. Vic. Cap. 6. de scripturis c. but doth not apply them to establish any Doctrine as if they had such authority alone by themselves Our Church indeed doth prefer them before any other Ecclesiastical or private Writings because of the many excellent and sacred instructions in them for which good and religious use which may be made of them by all we do them the honour to bind them up with our Bibles though we make them not of equal authority thereby or of divine inspiration as we do not also either the English Meeter of the Psalms or the Epistle of the Translators of the Bible § 8. The Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures our Church according to great wisdom doth rather take for granted than labour much to prove such an undoubted principle of Religion justly supposing there is no reason either to question that the Church hath surely received those Divine Oracles or surely delivered them and therefore our sixth Article speaks of them as of whose authority there was never any doubt in the Church Our Church justly thus supposing immediately therefore applies her self in an Exhortation to a diligent reading the Holy Scriptures Homily 1. and so long as those of her Communion are by any just means convinced of their authority our Church according to a great Moderation leaves it to the Providence of God by what particular arguments of the many which lie before us we may come to this satisfaction Not causing the satisfaction of any to depend upon one sort
of means to the neglect of another Because there are so many Arguments which may sufficiently satisfy any of their Authority because some are convinced by some others by others We are encouraged in our Church to receive the Holy Scriptures as the word of God both from inward and outward motives both of divine and moral consideration But for our greater certainty and safety in a matter of so great concern our Church doth not lay the weight of so great a cause on slight or uncertain Foundations as the infallibility of the Church much less demonstration from the evidence of oral tradition or the testimony only of the Divine Spirit held by some so absolutely necessary to convince every one of the Divine Authority of Scriptures that without such an inward testimony there can be no kind of certainty whatsoever The Moderation of our Church excellently governs her judgment herein neither refusing the just Authority of Gods true Church nor denying any necessary influence of the Holy Spirit of God according to which Moderation guiding our selves we shall have occasion elsewhere to justify the real certainty of our Faith ch 6. § 8. In convincing also those of the Authority of Holy Scripture who do deny the same the wisdom and temper of our Church prudently hath omitted a twofold medium as improper to confute obstinate Adversaries The one is of proving the Divine Authority of the Scriptures by Scriptures themselves which though it be a sufficient proof among them who have received them as divine yet to others it can never stop the objection from returning infinitely if the objector please to be dissatisfied The other method is alledging the Testimony of the Spirit for though the Church of God hath the Holy Spirit yet those that dispute this point may not have the Spirit neither can any ones saying so be a proper Argument to convince another Thirdly Our Church avoids the Circle of proving the Scripture by the Church and the Church by the Scriptures again because our Church doth first acknowledge the Holy Scriptures as superiour to it self o Article 6. 20. as one of the first principles of its Doctrine and against those who deny that principle of the Holy Scriptures veracity it doth dispute no otherwise than by reasons convincing the certainty of Tradition But as Archbishop Laud in his Preface against Fisher takes notice While one Faction cries up the Church above the Scripture and the other the Scripture to the neglect of the Church According to Christs Institution the Scripture where it is plain should guide the Church and the Church where there is doubt should expound the Scripture § 9. Whereas many run into very immoderate extravagancies concerning the interpretation of Holy Scripture our Church contains it self within very wise and just proportions in its judgment and practice concerning this matter 1. Concerning Holy Scripture it doth own what the Ancient Fathers p S. Chrys Hom. 3. in ● Thess S. Aug. in Ps 8. V. Second Part of the Homily of the knowledge of H. Scrip. have testified That what is absolutely necessary unto Salvation of all either for knowledge or practice is so fair and intelligible and plain to be understood of any that there needs no interpreter of the meaning of the sense to them who understand the words 2. For the understanding other places in Holy Scripture which are more obscure our Church doth suppose and acknowledge plentiful means allowed of God both to the Church and by and in the Church to all particular persons as much as is necessary that such places be understood For those which are mysterious and intricate are for the curious and wise to enquire into They are not the repositories of Salvation but instances of labour and occasions of humility and arguments of mutual forbearance and an endearment of reverence and adoration as the Archbishop of Spalato and our Bishop Taylor use to speak Such means for the interpretation of Scripture are the ordinary assistances of the Holy Spirit of God The instructions of the Church the use of our Reason especially in comparing one Scripture with another which excellent means of finding out the sense of Holy Writ our Church her self doth often use and recommends the same to those of her Communion according to the ancient practice of the Church Yet if we speak properly we do not call the Scripture the interpreter of it self nor properly a Judge of matter of Faith q S. Scripturam Judicem qui sentiunt rectè sentiunt sed siguratè ●oquuntur Gro. de Imp●rio sum pot Though it be the Rule according to which the judgment which is of Doctrines is made and in Analogy with which Interpretations of Scripture also are to be govern'd But because of the danger of the vulgars being misled our Church doth send them frequently to their Pastors and Ministers for publick instruction and private advice and counsel and inferiour Ministers it refers to their Bishop r Exhortation to the Holy Communion Canon 53. The same method our Church directs for resolution of doubts which may arise referring to the Liturgy Preface concerning the Service of the Church Forasmuch as nothing can be so plainly set forth but doubts may arise in the use and practice of the same to appease all such diversity if any arise and for the resolution of all doubts concerning the manner how to understand do and execute the things contained in this Book the parties that so doubt shall alway resort to the Bishop of the Diocess who by his discretion shall take order for the quieting and appeasing of the same And if the Bishop be in doubt he may send for the resolution thereof to the Archbishop 3. Our Church doth not attribute more or less authority to the means of interpreting Scripture or any part thereof than God hath given it for that purpose and here the Moderation of the Church might be illustrated from the manifold extravagancies others have run into in this matter on all sides 1. Some make the Holy Spirit of God the only immediate interpreter of Scripture unto all persons whatsoever that at any time understand any thing thereof Others run into another extreme of slighting the illumination and assistance of the Holy Spirit 2. Some assert the Church of Rome only to have an infallible and absolute Authority herein others deny both the Church Universal and all parts thereof all authority to teach those under her Discipline or interpret any Scripture to them 3. Some have maintained that the publick Magistrate is the only interpreter of Scripture others deny him any kind of authority over or about the Church 4. There are those who make humane reason the only interpreter of Scripture Others reject all use of reason in divine matters Among these and many more extravagancies of men The Moderation of our Church keeps on one hand from the Tyranny of those who make such Authorities the Rule of interpreting Scripture which
never were so appointed And on the other from the wild inordinacy of them who make their own private principle whatsoever it be the rule of Scripture interpretation Among all wisely making use of and asserting and recommending such means as are given for the conveyance or interpretation or both for the conveying and interpreting of Divine Writ Something further of which will more distinctly appear in the next Chapter CHAP. V. Of the Moderation of the Church in applying the Rule of Faith to it self § 1. Avoiding extremes on either hand in relation to the authority of the Vniversal Church § 2. The Decrees of Councils § 3. The Testimony of the Fathers § 4. Other Traditions § 5. Our Churches own Testimony § 6. The use of Reason § 7. The Testimony of the Spirit § 8. Of the testimony and operation of the Holy Spirit the judgment of our Church according to great Moderation more largely declared § 1. THE Moderation of the Church of England appears very great in her due applying this Rule of Faith to her self wisely and fitly making use of all those Instruments which are most proper and useful in conveying to us that Rule or which are most subservient to the right understanding our Rule avoiding either extreme of those who attribute too much or too little to those instruments of conveyance and interpretation Such as the Authority of the Universal Church The Decrees of Councils The Testimony of the Fathers Other Traditions The Witness of our own particular Church Right Reason alone The Testimony of the Spirit To all and every of these enumerated instruments either of certain conveyance or interpretation of Scripture our Church gives their due place and esteem according to their influence and use and no more which must needs demonstrate a great deal of Wisdom and Moderation in the judgment of the Church 1. The Universal Church it self is no where by the Church of England made the Rule of her Faith but a Witness and Keeper of Holy Writ Art 20. Yet the judgment of the Catholick Church of Christ was always by the Church of England held in greatest veneration next unto the testimony of the Spirit of God himself because of those famous Promises made by Christ himself to the Church which we read of in the New Testament Yea in the Old Testament The Prophecies concerning the Messias and concerning the Church and the Ministers of the Church always are join'd together as I have sometime heard a great Prelate of our Church teach us And because whatever Arguments we have for the truth of Holy Scriptures as thanks be to God we have many beside yet also from the witness and keeping of the Church a Ecclesia non discernit sed ni●a traditioni legitimae testatur quae sint Canonicae Scripturae Spalatens l. 7. ch 1. we receive the Holy Scriptures themselves and in the sixth Article In the name of Holy Scriptures the Church doth understand those Canonical Books of the Old and New Testament of whose Authority there was never any doubt in the Church So that as the Archbishop of Spalato hath it we have recourse to the Church not as to an Authoritative Judge but as to a Treasure and Repository b Haec sunt quae Patres intra Canonem concluserunt Haec nobis à Patribus tradita S. Hieron Ruffinus in which the Canonical Books and all things necessary to Salvation are preserved by faithful Tradition Wherefore the Catholick Church it self is called not a Judge nor a Rule c Credo Ecclisiam credo Ecclesiae per E●clesiam Non di●imus credo in Ecclesiam ●●t credo in Ecclesi● Ep-Es●en● but more truly a Witness and Keeper of Holy Writ and for interpretation of Scripture and for our help in judging of Doctrines according to our Rule the Church of England values above all others the Judgment of the Catholick Church so far forth as we can attain the testimony of the Catholick Church by such instruments as are approved and undoubted For though d Second Di●●native against Popery l. 1. ● 1. If by Catholick you mean all particular Churches in the World then though truth doth infallibly dwell amongst them yet you can never go to School to them all to learn it in such questions as are curious and unnecessary and by which the Salvation of Souls is not promoted Yet we know that in the Primitive Time the Christian Church was in a less compass and more undivided Wherefore if such matters which are most essential to the being and well-being of the Church are both delivered from that time and with their conveyance have been approved by the Church in common ever since If the Church may be a sure instrument of conveyance of the Books of Holy Scripture why not also of such matters wherein all so well agree from the first and do in no sort thwart the Tradition of the Holy Scripture it self Wherefore in the Canon set forth in our Church with the Articles of Religion 1571. it is caution'd That nothing be at any time taught either to be held or believed upon the account of Religion but what is agreeable to the Doctrine of the Old and New Testament which the Catholick Fathers and antient Bishops have gathered from thence Which Golden Rule of our Church I find twice extoll'd by the Illustrious Grotius once e De imp sum potesta c. 6. §. 9. p. 181. in these words I cannot but commend that famous Canon of the Church of England That c. And again in one of his Epistles f Apologi● Eccl. Anglicanae Accessimus verò ad illam Ecclesiam in quâ omnia castè reverenter quantum nos assequ● pot●imus proximè ad priscorum temporum rationem §. 118. Inde enim putavimus restaurationem petend●m esse unde prima Religionis initia ducta essent §. 150. He takes occasion from this Canon of the Church to say He wonders any should deny In England they attribute more to the ancient Church than they do in France The form also of profession in the admission of Professors in Divinity in the University because it doth very fully express the sense of the Church of England I repeat the tenour thereof I from my heart do embrace and receive all the Holy Canonical Scripture in the Old and New Testament comprehended and all those things which the true Church of Christ Holy and Apostolick subject to the word of God and governed by the same doth reject I reject whatsoever it holds I hold Concerning the Church of England in this matter hear we what the Learned Casaubon hath declared in an Epistle to Heinsius g Ep. Ecclesiasticae p. 345. This saith he is my judgment Whereas there will and can be but one true Church we are not hastily to recede from those Doctrines of Faith which the consent of all the ancient Catholick Church hath approved and whereas I own no other Foundation of true
Religion than the Holy and Divine inspired Scriptures with Melancthon and the Church of England I wish all Doctrines of Faith were brought to us derived from the Fountain of Scripture by the Channels of Antiquity otherwise what end will there be of innovation And thus our King James of Happy Memory did declare in the words of St Austin That what could be proved the Church held and observed from its first beginning to those Times That to reject He did not doubt to pronounce to be an insolent piece of madness So that the counsel and judgment of the Church of England seems to be moderated according to the Sentence of St Hierom in his Epistle to Minerva My purpose is to read the Ancients to prove all to hold fast what is good and never to depart from the Faith of the Catholick Church and conformably King Charles I. h His Majesties fifth Paper to Mr. Henders My Conclusion is That albeit I never esteemed any Authority equal to the Scriptures yet I do think the unanimous consent of the Fathers and the universal practice of the Primitive Church to be the best and most authentical Interpreters of Gods word For who can be presumed to understand the Doctrine and practice of the Christian Religion better than those who lived in the first and purest times Wherefore i Of Heresy §. 14. Dr Hammond reckons it among the piè Credibilia that a truly general Council cannot erre § 3. And because the Catholick Church is and hath been so much divided and the Monuments of the ancient Church Universally accepted do contain but a few determinations Therefore the Church of England moderately remits her Sons to the first four general Councils as in the 28th year of K. Henry 8. k Fullers Eccl. Hist ad An. 1536. it was Decreed That all ought and must utterly refuse and condemn all those opinions contrary to the said Articles contained in the three Creeds contained in the four Holy Councils that is to say in the Council of Nice Constantinople Ephesus and Chalcedon and all other since that time in any point consonant to the same So in the Institution of a Christian Man set forth 1537. and approved by the Convocation 1543. 't is there said A true Christian man ought and must condemn all those opinions contrary to the twelve Articles of the Creed which were of a long time past condemned in the four Holy Councils that is to say c. Isaac Casaubon also in the name of King James to Cardinal Perron saith l Primo R. Eliz. c. 1 The King and the Church of England do admit the four first Oecumenical Councils and following the judgment of the Church the Law of the Kingdom doth declare m Dicimus Ecclesiam Britannicam adeò venerari Concilia generalia ut speciali statuto caverit nè quisquam spirituali jurisdictione praeditus praesumat censuras suas Ecclesiasticas aliter distringere vel administrare aut quicquam Haereticum pronunciare quod non à scripturis Canonicis quatuor Conciliis generalibus aut alio quocunque Concilio pro tali judicatum fuerit J. B. de antiq libertate Eccl. Brit. Thes 4. That none however Commission'd shall in any wise have authority or power to order or determine or adjudge any matter or cause to be Heresy but only such as heretofore have been determin'd ordered or adjudged to be Heresy by the authority of the Canonical Scriptures or by the first four general Councils or any of them or by any other general Council wherein the same was declared Heresy by the express and plain words of the said Canonical Scriptures or such as hereafter shall be ordered judged or determined to be Heresy by the Court of Parliament of this Realm with the Clergy in their Convocation Thus the authority of the four first general Councils are placed by our Church in the superiour order of Tradition forasmuch as Spalatensis according to St Austin n A plenariis Conciliis tradita Quarum est in Ecclesiâ salubr●●ima authoritas S. Aug. Ep. 118. speaks of such Councils they have obtained a wholsom authority because from the Apostolick Declarations faithfully received they have explained the Holy Scriptures and beside because they have been approved by the Universal Church which with great reason contradicts what Curcellaeus p Curcell Rel. Christianae Instit l. 1. c. 15. hath delivered to depreciate the honour even of the first four Oecumenical Councils So that Mr Cressy in Answer to Dr Pierce might very well cite the Protestant acknowledgments of the Authority of Councils as that of Ridley Acts and Mon. p. 1288. Councils indeed represent the Vniversal Church and being so gathered together in the name of Christ they have the promise of the gift and guiding of the Spirit into all truth To the same purpose are named Bishop Bilson Hooker Potter c. Instead of all these he might have owned if he had pleased the judgment of our Church it self giving all due honour to general and Provincial Councils whose wholsome Decrees she hath accepted and imitated Yea our Church maintains the right of Provincial Synods taken away by the See of Rome q Tertullianus veneratur Provinciale Concilium quasi esset Oecumenicam assentiente sc universali vel iis decernentibus secundùm universale quomodo fit repraesentatio totius nominis Christiani virtualiter tota Ecclesia Neither is this honour diminisht by the further Moderation which our Church hath shown in not taking those for Councils or general Councils which are not such as neither the Council of Florence nor Lateran nor of Trent and we know that our Articles though they are very moderately framed are many of them directly oppos'd to those of Trent being in those points of Doctrine wherein the Church of Rome hath departed from the Catholick Church and made her Doctrines of design more than truth the unjust conditions of Communion A truly free and general Council we look upon as the best expedient on Earth for composing the differences of the Christian World if it might be had but we cannot endure to be abused by meer names of Titular Patriarchs but real Servants and Pensioners of the Popes with Combinations of interested parties instead of general Councils r Dr. Stillingfleet's first Part of an Answer c. 284. When Pope Paul III. call'd a Council then to be held at Mantua and King Henry VIII refusing thither to send He defended his Protestation in a Letter to the Emperour and other Christian Princes 1538. In which the King declares t Acts and Monuments p. 11●2 Truly as our Forefathers invented nothing more holy than general Councils used as they ought to be so there is almost nothing that may do more hurt to the Christian Faith and Religion than general Councils if they be abused to lucre to gains to the establishment of errors And verily we suppose that it ought not to be called a General
principal motives why we rejected the Papacy was the constant Tradition of the Vniversal Church § 5. Concerning our Churches own Testimony Her Modesty and Moderation hath been always exemplary so far from assuming the Title of Catholick to her self only as St Austin tells us the Arians did and since them the Romanists c S. Aug. Ep. 48. ad Vincen. That she hath counted it a sufficient honour to be an humble and nevertheless for that eminent Member of the Universal Church and with her a Witness and Keeper of Holy Writ and though she vindicates to her self an authority to interpret the Holy Scripture within the bounds of her own Discipline for the edification of her own Family in Truth and Love and also asserts to her self an Authority in Controversies of Faith Article 20. namely for the avoiding diversities of opinions and for the establishing consent touching true Religion yet I cannot well omit to observe the wise modesty of our Church in her asserting her own authority in Controversies of Faith which expression I may have leave to illustrate from such another instance of Wisdom and Moderation in the recognition required to be made of the Kings Supremacy in our subscription according to the 36. Canon and in our Prayers wherein we acknowledge Him Supreme Governour of this Realm in all Causes and over all Persons It is not said over all Causes as over all persons forasmuch as in some Causes Christian Kings do not deny some spiritual power of Gods Church distinct from its temporal Authority which yet refers to the King as their Supreme Keeper Moderator and Governour Even so the Church declares her Authority in Controversies of Faith not that the Church of England or any other Church no not the Universal Church hath power to make any thing which is in controversy matter of Faith which God hath not so made The Church owns that she hath no power against the truth but for the truth Neither may it expound one place of Scripture that it be repugnant to another Article 20. But she hath power to declare her own sense in the Controversy and that I may express my own meaning in better words than my own d Pref. of Bishop Sparrow's Collection of Eccl. Records c. To determine which part shall be received and profest for truth by her own Members and that too under Ecclesiastical penalty and censure which they accordingly are bound to submit to not as an infallible verity but as a probable truth and rest in her determination till it be made plain by as great authority that this her determination is an error or if they shall think it so by the weight of such reasons as are privately suggested to them yet are they still obliged to silence and peace where the decision of a particular Church is not against the Doctrine of the Vniversal Not to profess in this case against the Churches determination because the professing of such a controverted truth is not necessary but the preservation of the peace and unity of the Church is is not to assert infallibility in the Church but authority Wherefore Mr Chilingworth e Chilingw Pres §. 28. had very just reason to declare Whatsoever hath been held necessary to salvation either by the Catholick Church of all Ages or by the consent of Fathers measured by Vincentius Lirinensis his Rule or is held necessary either by the Catholick Church of this Age or by the consent of Protestants or even by the Church of England That against the Socinians and all others whatsoever I do verily believe and embrace Whereas the Pope and Church of Rome do challenge to themselves an authority supreme over all Causes and Persons by their Infallibility by which they exclude all others from their peace and themselves from emendation Neither are their followers much in the way thereunto by what Card. Bellarmine doth assert of this supreme Authority If the Pope saith he f C. Bellarm de Pontif. Ro. l. 4. c. 5. should err in commanding any Vices or forbidding any Vertues The Church is bound to believe those Vices are good and those Vertues are evil unless it would sin against Conscience g In bono sensu dedit Christus Petro potestatem saciendi de peccato non peccatum de non peccato peccatum c. Bell. c. 31. in Barklaium However in his Recognitions h Locuti sumus de actibus dubiis vi●t●tum aut vitiorum Recogn operum c. B. p. 19. he minceth the matter in a distinction of doubtful and manifest Vices and Vertues O Blessed Guides of Souls How did the Illustrious Cardinal miss being Canoniz'd for that glorious Sentence and to help him for a Miracle to qualify him for an Apotheosis why did not some cry out of it So many words so many Miracles Thus many of the Romanists make the Pope such a Monarch in the Church as Mr Hobbs doth his Prince in the State i Hobbesius de Cive c. 7. art 26. c. 12. art 1. The interpretation of Holy Scripture the right of determining all Controversies to fix the rules of good and evil just and unjust honest and dishonest doth depend on his authority in the power of whom is the chief Government But this Doctrine is as bad Philosophy as that of the Cardinals is Divinity Among these excesses let us not forget the Moderation of our Church which holds she may revise what hath slipt from her wherefore in her 19. Article she declares As the Church of Jerusalem Alexandria and Antioch have erred so also the Church of Rome hath erred a charge agreeable to the Moderation of our Church considering what might have been further said which by the same proportions of reason she supposeth true of her self and of all others viz. That they are fallible and may erre § 6. Of the use of Reason with Reference to divine matters there may be elsewhere occasions in this Treatise to discourse * Ch. 6. §. 9 10. Yet here it is to be observed our Church doth not make its own reason a rule of Faith nor the sole Interpreter of Scripture much less the reason of private men yet because mankind hath no reasonable expectation of Miracles especially when ordinary means are sufficient and abounding and because the Holy Spirit of God in the testimony of his Church hath all along certainly conveyed to us the sense of many places beside That what is most needful to be heeded is very plain our Church doth allow and suppose rational mens perceiveing the sense of Scripture by the due use of their understanding which practice must also necessarily engage such to a high regard of what was anciently received in the Catholick Church For as nothing is held among us more agreeable to reason than our Religion so in expounding our Religion and in interpreting Scripture our Church makes use of the best and the truest reasons as is manifest in what she declares and enjoins and
spiritual effect tast comfort and consolation of them which Doctrine of our Church is most intelligible and sober and different from what some others mystically have discoursed of concerning spiritual gusts which they attribute to unaccountable Communications The ordinary means to which the interpretation of Scripture is generally annexed our Church judgeth the same which Dr Hammond mentions in his Postscript concerning Divine Illuminations Study search Meditation the Collation of places of Scripture or bringing one place together with another ſ Homily 1. the use of reason and learning and skill in original Languages the help of our spiritual guides the Declarations of Gods Church the analogy of received doctrines constant Prayer for Gods blessing the necessary assistance and gracious aids of Gods Spirit Our Church indeed teacheth us that Carnal reason is an enemy to God and to perceiving the things of the Spirit which carnal reason some do expound the Article 9 wisdom some the sensuality some the affection some the desire of the flesh But our Church esteems it a great reproach to humane nature and the Creation of God to call that carnal reason which is our rational perception and use of what is delivered us to understand or a comparing and as we said out of the Homily a bringing together one place with another and drawing easy and plain consequences from Scriptures which we are to search whereas the Scriptures are propounded to the reasons of Men and the belief of them is an act of the greatest reason that can be Indeed in the things revealed when any thing exceeds the comprehension of our reason our Church adviseth us to sequester our reason In such cases saith the Homily t Hom. of Places of Script 2. Part. Reason must give place to Gods holy Spirit From the Doctrine of our Church it is also very plain That no more supernatural and immediate operation of the Holy Spirit is necessary to the interpretation of the Scriptures than what is necessary to make us faithful and good Christians Wherefore our Church lays down the same means for improvement in divine knowledge as it doth for obtaining the Holy Spirit namely u 1 2d. Homily of Scripture The love of God and Godliness the having a care of being drown'd in worldly vanities leaving sin and the world Our forsaking the corrupt judgment of fleshly men x 3d Part of the Homily for Rogation Week Let us endeavour our selves saith our Church diligently to keep the presence of the Holy Spirit Let us renounce all uncleanness for he is the Spirit of purity Let us avoid all hypocrisy for this Holy Spirit will flee from that which is feigned Cast off all malice and evil will for this Spirit will never enter into an evil willing Soul Let us cast away all the whole lump of sin that standeth about us for he will never dwell in that body which is subdued to sin If we do our endeavour we shall never need to fear And the Holy Spirit will suggest to us what is wholsome and confirm us in all things To attain also the spiritual Wisdom of the Scriptures Our way saith the Church is to attend the time and win the time with diligence and apply our selves to the light and grace which is offered us Lastly Let us meekly call upon that bountiful Spirit the Holy Ghost which proceedeth from our Father of mercy and from our Mediator Christ That he would assist us and inspire us with his presence That in him we may be able to hear the goodness of God declared unto us to our Salvation for this cannot be obtained but by the direction of the Spirit of God and therefore it is called spiritual wisdom 2. Our Church doth not judge that the particular immediate Testimony of Gods Spirit is necessary to every Christian for his comfortable assurance of Salvation but supposeth that the best assurance of Salvation is from the sure trust and belief of Gods promises and a certain consciousness of our own sincerity according to what is required of us * Homily of Salvation V. Homily of Almes-deeds 2. Part. V. Homily of falling from God 1. Part. If you would be sure of your Faith try it by your living the true Christian Faith is no dead vain or unfruitful thing Therefore let us by such Vertues as spring out of Faith shew our Election to be sure and stable 3. Our Church doth not judge an immediate gift of the Spirit necessary to every Christian to furnish them with words in Prayer but doth rightly suppose that the Holy Spirit doth effectually assist every sincere devout person using a good form of Prayer because he by whom the Spirit is given to the Church did teach his Disciples and in them all Christians a form of Prayer requiring them to use the same Our Church also hath furnished those of her Communion with general Prayers according to their occasions judging also that such common Prayers Homily of Prayer are most available before God And the means of obtaining the Holy Spirit to be most assisting us in our Prayers our Church declares is for us to humble our selves in his sight and in all our Prayers both publick and private to have our minds fully fixed on him so that our Church supposeth those that are thus humble to pray by the Spirit How far the testimony of the Holy Spirit is necessary to convince us of the certainty of our Faith and of the authority of Holy Scriptures See Chap. 6. § 8. From which few passages already cited in comparison of those very many to the same purpose which abound in the Homilies for Whit-sunday the Homily of good works of Salvation of falling from God of Alms-deeds It is most evident that our Church judgeth rightly concerning the Holy Spirit of God and lays down the best Rules for discerning who have the Holy Spirit for according to the Doctrine of our Church believing and obeying the Gospel and having the Spirit are all one y Homily of Salvation 3. Part. For how can a man have true faith when he liveth ungodly and denieth Christ with his deeds contrariwise he is most inspired with the Holy Ghost who is most changed in his life So then this is to be taken for a most true lesson taught by Christs own mouth z Homily of good works 2. Part. That the works of the moral Commandments of God be the very true works of Faith which lead to the blessed life to come Our Church also doth suppose that those who receive most of the Spirit are such as are most truly vertuous and good such have most of the divine grace to confirm and strengthen them in all goodness as it is in the Office for the Holy Communion If with a true penitent heart and lively faith we receive the Holy Sacrament then we dwell in Christ and Christ in us c. a 1. Part of the Sermon for Whitsunday Wherefore if any
say O but how shall I know that the Holy Ghost is within me Some man perchance will say forsooth as the tree is known by the fruit so is also the Holy Ghost The fruits of the Holy Ghost according to the mind of St Paul are these Gal. 5. Love Joy Peace Long-suffering Gentleness Goodness Faithfulness Meekness Temperance c. Contrariwise the deeds of the flesh are these Adultery Fornication Vncleanness Wantonness Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Debate Emulation Wrath Contention Sedition Heresy Envy Murder Drunkenness Gluttony and such like Here now is the Glass wherein thou must behold thy self and discern whether thou hast the Holy Ghost within thee or the spirit of the flesh If thou see thy works be vertuous and good consonant to the prescript rule of Gods word savoury and tasting not of the flesh but the Spirit then assure thy self thou art endued with the Holy Ghost otherwise in thinking well of thy self thou dost but deceive thy self The Holy Ghost doth always declare himself by his fruitful and gracious gifts b 2d Part of the Hom. for Whit-sunday But to conclude ye shall briefly take this short lesson Wherever ye find the spirit of arrogance and pride the spirit of envy hatred contention cruelty c. Assure your selves that there is the spirit of the Devil and not of God albeit they pretend to the world outwardly ever so much Holiness for as the Gospel teacheth us The Spirit of Jesus is a good holy sweet lowly merciful Spirit full of charity and love full of forgiveness and pity not rendring evil for evil extremity for extremity According to which rule If any man live uprightly of him it may be safely pronounced That he hath the Holy Ghost within him if not there is a plain token he doth usurp the name of the Holy Ghost in vain As for the manner and measure of the operations of the Holy Spirit The modesty and Moderation of our Church doth not decree any thing lest as St Austin saith Humane infirmity proceed beyond what is safe Yet our Church gives a right account in sundry places of its Homilies c Second Part of the Homily of Falling from God How the Holy Spirit comes to be withdrawn from men By all these Examples of Holy Scripture we know that as we forsake God so shall he even forsake us When he withdraweth from us his word the right doctrine of Christ his gracious assistance and aid which is ever joined with his Word and leaveth us to our own wit and will and strength He declareth then he beginneth to forsake us d First Part of the Homily of falling from God which is as it follows after any do neglect the same if they be unthankful to him if they order not their lives according to his Example and Doctrine c. From whence we see also that our Church judgeth the promise of the spirit is as the blessings of the Gospel are generally conditional For as God for his part delivered his Son to suffer death for us so again we for our parts should walk in a godly life as becometh his Children so to do e 2. Part of the Homily of Alms-deeds He that is first made good by the Spirit and Grace of God afterward bringeth forth good fruits As for those who affirm a supernatural and immediate illumination necessary without which other ordinary means are insufficient either to give us certainty of the authority or interpretation of Divine Writ 1. They affirm that which no where is declared 2. That which we have little reason to credit from them that affirm so We having neither experience of their extraordinary knowledge or goodness but have found them most mistaken of any in their interpretations of Scripture and also by the notes of having the Spirit delivered in Scripture what is quite different hath appear'd 3. The holding such an opinion tends to lessen the authority of the written word of God and to make the dictates of the humane spirit if not sometime the Diabolical equal with the Holy Canon And those others who lay the stress of the proof of the authority of Scripture and the certainty of Faith and the interpretation of Scripture upon such uncertainties as only the internal testimony of the Spirit as is yet neither proved necessary or real however of which there is no proof unto others verily such labour unprofitably to overthrow Christianity and render all our Faith uncertain 4. Their Doctrine leads to such Enthusiasm as is not consistent with the peace of Kingdoms much less the peace of Gods Church But such is the constant Moderation of our Church though it doth reject and oppose all fanatical and ungrounded pretences to the Spirit Yet our Church most frequently and with all humble reverence owns the necessity of the gracious aids and assistance of the Spirit as the phrase is in our Homilies several times used as without which we can do nothing pleasing to God For in the power and vertue of the Holy Ghost resteth all wisdom and all ability to know God and to please him f 3d Part of the Homily for Rogation Week Therefore we pray that in all things he will mercifully direct and rule our hearts we pray to God to grant us his Spirit that those things which we do may please him g In the Absolution Collect after the H. C. Hom. of falling from God To prevent us in all our doings c. because of the ill condition of those who are not governed by the Spirit of God CHAP. VI. The Moderation of the Church in its judgment of Doctrines § 1. Our Church doth wisely distinguish between what is necessary for Salvation and what is not § 2. Her Articles are few § 3. Which are generally exhibited not as Articles of Faith but consent Concerning subscription § 4. Our Articles are propounded so as to avoid unnecessary controversy § 5. The wise Moderation of the Kings of England in their Injunctions to Preachers and Orders taken to preserve Truth Vnity and Charity § 6. The Controversies of the late Age are well moderated by the determinations of our Church § 7. As our Church requires our consent in nothing contrary to sense or reason so it hath also contain'd it self from immoderate curiosity in treating of venerable mysteries § 8. Our Church doth not insist upon such kinds of certainty as others without just cause do exact § 9. Doctrines are so propounded to those in our Churches Communion as not to render useless their own reasons and judgments The reasonableness of which is proved and the Objections answered § 10. The use which we are all allowed of our private judgments is requir'd to be menag'd with a due submission to the Church The duty of which submission is laid down in sundry Propositions § 1. BEcause all things in Divine Revelation are alike true but not alike necessary for furtherance of Faith and Piety and establishing Union among Christians
the great Wisdom and Moderation of the Church which in points doubtful and controverted hath propounded only that which no sober man can make matter of doubt or subject of controversy As in the 16th Article 't is said Not every deadly sin willingly committed after Baptism is sin against the Holy Ghost Now certainly this is in it self a most sound certain infallible plain and perspicuous Doctrine and being so the want of liberty to interpret one term of it deadly sin cannot render it doubtful for interpret it which way you will either all sins are deadly or say all sins are not deadly it will be equally true that every deadly sin is not the sin against the Holy Ghost In the like manner whether we may fall from grace totally and finally which hath a great doubt Without any question After we have received the Holy Ghost we may depart from grace given of that there hath never been any question In the third Article of Christs descent into Hell b Compare the Articles of K. Edw. 6. 1552. and those of 1562. The Church purposely hath waved all the Controversies thereof and plainly propounded the Article c Hujus Articuli verum genuinum sensum neque Apostoli ●●●dideru●● neque Ecclesia definivit Rem itaque credimus modum nescimus Archiep. Spalat l. 7. c. 12. §. 125. In the 17th Article there is not one word of the horrible decree of absolute reprobation rather in the close of the Article there is a wholsome caution against extreme curiosity Furthermore we must receive Gods promises as they are set forth to us in Holy Scriptures and in our doings That will of God is to be followed which is expresly declared to us in the word of God and in the Homilies our Church d 2d Part of the Homily of falling from God takes notice of some who Hearing the loving and large promises of Gods mercy and so not conceiving a right Faith thereof make those promises larger than ever God did c. So evident is it that the Church of England was intent on Peace and Edification of her Sons Wherefore the Articles of the Protestant Church in the Infancy thereof were drawn up in general terms foreseeing that posterity would grow up to fill the same meaning that these holy men did prudently discover that differences in judgment would unavoidably happen in the Church and were loth to unchurch any and drive them off from an Ecclesiastical Communion for petty differences which made them pen the Articles in comprehensive words to take in all who differing in branches meet in the root of the same Religion e Historia quinque articularis Part 2. Ch. 8. So that I think the modest survey of Naked Truth f p. 4. did not fly one jot too high when he saith It cannot be denied but the Articles of our Church were compiled with the highest discretion and Moderation that ever was used by un-inspired men so that it is a most unreasonable charge on the Church of England to say she has tyrannically imposed many unnecessary conditions on her Members in point of Faith and Doctrine so large a Scope is left in our Church for mutual charity and the enquiries of the studious Bishop Bramhall was far from one of those which some called Latitudinarians yet he saith g Fair Warning Ch. 1. If it were not for this Disciplinarian humour which will admit no Latitude h Sunt ergo res aliquae ita comparatae ut benignam sibi interpretationem suo quodam jure concedi postulent quae sc non sit interclusa verborum angustiis sed cum quodam ut Ciceronis verbo utar Laxamento liberior De Juram oblig prael 2. §. 8. in Religion but makes each nicety a fundamental and every private opinion an Article of Faith which prefers particular errours before general truths I doubt not but all reformed Churches would easily be reconciled Wherefore in such points which may be held diversly of divers men salvâ fidei compage I i Chilingworth Pref. §. 28. would not take any mans liberty from him and humbly beseech all men that they would not take mine from me k Non per difficiles quaestiones nos Deus ad beatam vitam vocat S. Hilar. l. 10. de Trin. Sunt quidem nonnullae quaestiones è curiosis inquietis hominibus excitatae etiam doctis piis viris negotium faciunt in his ea Moderatio adhibenda c. Spalat de officio pii viri And here I think the Judgment of l Jur. praedest p. 21. Bishop Andrews may fitly be repeated as most agreeable with the Moderation of our Church I truly ingenuously confess I have followed the counsel of St Austin These mysteries which I cannot unfold I admire them shut and therefore for these sixteen years since I was made Priest I neither publickly nor privately have disputed nor Preacht of them and now I had rather hear than speak of them And truly since it is a slippery place and hath on either side its Precipices and since these places of St Paul are always esteemed among those which are hard to be understood and many of the Clergy are neither fit to explain them nor many of the people can be idoneous hearers I would e'ne perswade silence enjoin'd on both sides and truly I judge it more expedient that our people be taught to seek their Salvation in the plain way of a holy and upright life than in the hidden paths of the divine Counsels into which too curious inspection use to cause giddiness in their Heads and mists before their Eyes § 5. In persuance of the same design of the Church for Peace and Moderation it is very proper here to mention the seasonable and wise Declarations and Injunctions of our Kings of England to Preachers and all others to keep them within the bounds of the same peaceful Moderation In the Injunctions of King Edw. VI. 1547. Of Sermons It is injoin'd That they shall purely and sincerely declare the word of God and in the same exhort their hearers to the works of Faith Mercy and Charity especially prescribed and commanded in Holy Scripture In Queen Elizabeth's Articles for Doctrine and Preachers They are admonished to use sobriety and discretion in teaching the people namely in matters of controversy and to consider the gravity of their office and to foresee with diligence the matters which they shall speak to utter them to the edification of the Audience King James Jan. 18. 1616. sent instructions to the Universities That young Students in Divinity should be excited to study such Books as were most agreeable to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England and bestow their time in the Fathers and Councils and Schoolmen Histories and Controversies and not to insist too long on Compendiums and Abbreviations making them the ground of their study August 4. 1623. In his Letter to the Archbishop Whereas divers
are innumerable arguments which convince us of the certainty of the Divine Testimony in the matters we have received yet such is the Moderation of our Church she doth not require every one in her Communion necessarily to know and receive all the reasons of certainty which are and may be given nor yet to rely on one to the neglect of another but leaves us to be satisfied according to the means and opportunities which we have abundantly offered unto us justly supposing there are so many reasons perswading the truth of what we believe that some are convinced by some others by others as the Providence of God disposeth things 3. Our Church no where makes infallible certainty of assent a necessary condition of Faith it being sufficient to make our Faith certain if our Rule be infallible and that applyed with moral evidence that is such an evidence as we can have of things and actions past as is sufficient to guide and govern our manners and behaviour Some of late have contended with very ill success that an infallible certainty of assent is necessarily wrought by demonstration and what they love to call scientific Evidence in every Believer which doctrine of J. S. is condemned by his Adversaries even of Rome p Animadv P. Talboti Arch. Dubl in Prop. 2. p. 54. as the pith of Manicheism because it lays this burden on the Church or an Oecumenical Council evidently to demonstrate its own infallibility If destroying the first foundation of the Roman infallibility were all we might dispense with that inconvenience as it renders their motives of credibility insufficient which before the doctrine of infallibility is received used to be the only way they had to recommend the Church of Rome to the approbation of Proselytes but to affirm that all certainty of Christian Faith is generally wrought by such demonstration in case that doctrine proves false the consequence is If Christian Faith have no other certainty Christianity it self is left uncertain in its very foundations Others there are who deliver that an infallible certainty of assent wrought only by the immediate extraordinary operation of the Spirit of God is necessarily in every true Believer Now though our Church doth as much as any can do own the necessity of Gods Grace and holy Spirit to prevent assist and follow us especially in what concerns divine matters yet our Church is not so bold with the Holy Spirit of God to affirm that such an inward testimony of the Divine Spirit working together in our Spirits an infallible assent is so necessary to assure us of the certainty of Faith and of the authority of Holy Scriptures and of the truth of other Doctrines in question as without which we could have no such belief as is required to Salvation Which precarious presumption tends to render useless all those sufficient evidences we have of Divine truth by the gracious means which God hath appointed ordinary in his Church and whereas the assertors of this extraordinary spirit exclude all other means of real certainty as insufficient such a Doctrine being false must needs tend also to overthrow all Christian Religion Such is the sad consequence of the Doctrines both of Dr I. O. and Mr I. S. in making though on differing grounds an infallible assent necessary to a true belief They agree together also in the injury they do Christian Religion by traducing our Faith as a probable fallible humane natural Faith which are the very words they q V. Dr I. O. Reason of Faith p. 72. Mr I. S. Faith Vindicated both unite in to expose our belief to contempt which is grounded on such evidences as God hath abundantly afforded us to assure us of the truth of his Divine Testimony Which evidences especially in matters of Faith necessary to Salvation since they are so plain and certain Our Church hath always held needless such an infallible guide as the Romanists would impose upon us And for the same reasons that we do not expect any new Revelations nor any ostentation of new miracles necessary to a true Church or true Faith they being superseded by the ordinary means of Faith which are sufficient for the same reasons we cannot presume to expect much less to make necessary to every true belief such extraordinary illapses of the Divine Spirit which makes those who only think they have it think themselves only infallible And thus we may discern how many are led to Popery by the way of Enthusiasm For it is usual for those into whose head Enthusiasm is flown to reel from one extream to another 4. To preserve us from these uncertainties among the very many reasons which we have from rational and moral evidence whereby the truth of the Divine Testimony is confirmed to us abundantly Our Church owns no one greater since the miraculous gifts than the testimony of Gods Church now and in all Ages since Christ and his Apostles time because of the sundry Evidences also which confirm to us the truth of the Churches testimony All which amount to more than high probability for as r ● Lomini Hi●l Consul haeres Blacklo P. 2. c. 4. §. 5. Lominus tells J. S. Probability on one side doth not exclude probability also on the opposite side but the reason of moral evidence and certainty doth exclude any probability on the contrary part and that so manifestly that only grievous ignorance and pertinacy can incline a man thereunto § 9. As the Moderation of our Church allows us to be reasonably satisfied of the certainty of our Faith much more are other doctrines so propounded to those of our Communion as not to render useless their own reasons and judgments Notwithstanding our Church doth sufficiently vindicate her own just power and the authority of what she testifies and determines Article 20. 34. c. and by her Canons requires a just submission All care being also taken by the Church to prevent error and dissentions and wresting the Scriptures Canon 34. 49. 139. Yet all is performed among us with a most excellent and golden mean And in that nothing in our Church is determin'd contrary to truth nor the judgment of the Catholick Church nor right reason the Church of England can the better allow her Sons their right to search examine and discern what they must approve Which Bishop Davenant and Bishop Bramhall and some others understand by their judgment of discretion though the word sounds not so pleasing to some Religious Ears because it seems by the use of the phrase in English to incline private persons to a power of refusing what the Church rightly determines which is not to be allowed For as the suffrage of our Church hath been constantly unanimous with that of the Apostle We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth much more ought private persons to be bounded thereby if the Apostles and the Church are The Moderation of the Church will appear the more remarkable if we
all other matters referring to that Sacrament and all the other five Sacraments also in every thing referring to Faith and Doctrine and Rites agree in heart and confession of mouth with all things received in the Roman Church and all the decrees of that Council made or to be made exhibiting all duty to the Pope as the universal Bishop of the Church c. Such gainful and advantageous bargains will they be sure to make for themselves and the keeping up their usurpations before they will allow any concession or mitigate any extreme rigour in their most unwarrantable practises or they will not fail to annex such conditions as shall render their concessions ineffectual § 2. The Doctrine of Transubstantiation which the Church of Rome receives as an Article of Faith absolutely and simply necessary to Salvation and propounds it to be received by all under a terrible Anathema y Conc. Trid. Sess 13. Can. 2. is by our Church plainly denied as contrary both to Holy Scriptures and all testimonies of venerable antiquity and as a doctrine liable to grievous consequences z V. Hist. Transubst à Jo. Dunelmensi which judgment of our Church may appear to them that peruse our Articles 28 29. Order of Communion Rubricks Homilies several Statutes of the Land particularly the late Statute wherein is provided that all that are in office do declare that they do believe that there is not any Transubstantiation in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper or in the Elements of Bread and Wine at or after the Consecration thereof by any person whatsoever yet such is the accurate Moderation of the Church of England in avoiding one error it runs not into other extremes for in the Office of the Holy Communion in the Church Catechism in the Apology for the Church of England is asserted the real presence a Archbishop Vsher's Serm. 18 Febr. 1620. of Christ in the Sacrament according to Scripture and the judgment b Patres dehortantur à quaestione 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hâc piâ Moderatione si Rex Eccl. Angl. utuntur quae invidia R. Jac. ad C. Per. of the Church of God but the particular mode and manner thereof any otherwise than that it is spiritual mystical and sacramental the Church of England according to the same Rule and practice of the Catholick Church doth not too curiously pry into or search See Ch. 5. § 6. § 3. As the Church of England doth earnestly and passionately invite and expostulates with those of her Communion to frequent the Holy Sacrament as in the exhortations before the Holy Communion in the Conclusion of the Homily of the place and time of Prayer and in Q. Eliz. Articles for Doctrine and Preaching all Ministers are required to excite the people to often and devout receiving the Holy Communion c V. Librum quorundam Canonum 1571. Jam vero singulis mensibus coenam celebrari maximè nobis placeret Calvin Ep. p. 452. and in Colleges and Collegiate Churches the Holy Communion is required to be administred every Sunday unless there be reasonable cause to the contrary d V. Rubr. 4. after H. C. Canon 23. V. Rubr. 8. after H. C. Canon 21. 1003. Rubr. 8. after H. C. and on the first or second Sunday of every month So also the Church of England doth lay its general Command according to great Moderation in requiring every one thrice at least every year to Communicate e Qui in nataii D. Paschate Pentecosle non Communicant Catholici non credantur Conc. Agath Can. 18. well tempering her Injunction in accommodation to the necessity of the Age between the earnest practice of devotion which was in the Primitive Church f Quando Domini nostri adhuc calebat cruor fervebat recens in credentibus fides S. Hieron ad Demetr Ep. 8. when they commonly Communicated at least every Lords Day and Festival and between the remissness of the Church of Rome g Dolemus tantam Christianorum incuriam ut semel tantùm in anno sumant c. Concil Rhem. 1583. which expresly requires all of her Communion to celebrate but once every Year h In Pentecoste rarior est Communio ideo fortasse Concilium Tridentinum hoc tempore nuptias solennes fieri permisit C. Bellarm. de Matrim Sacram. l. 1. c. 31. and the followers of the Directory who for many years together lamentably neglected the administration and participation of the Eucharist i V. Coena q. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 V. S. Eccl. Angl. Vindic. c. 3. as beside our own memory Mr Prin often testifies and the History of the Times soon after the Reformation tell us of some who from adoring the Elements fell to contemn them wherefore there issued out a Proclamation k Fuller's Eccl. His P. 387. concerning the irreverent talking of the Sacrament § 4. As our Church offers the Holy Eucharist only to those who have given due testimony of their knowledge and Christian belief in having been confirmed by the Bishop l V. Rubr. after Confirm Injunctions of King Edw. 6. Canon 29. So it requires that none be admitted Godfathers or Godmothers at Christening or Confirmation but such as have received the Holy Communion Yet because S. Paul remits every particular Christian to a Self-examination without any order either to Minister or Lay-Elder to exclude any from the Holy Communion upon their Examination therefore the Moderation of our Church is such it doth not depress adult Christians below the order of persons first to be Catechiz'd requiring them to such rigid Examinations as have been sometime used like the auricular Confessions of the Romanists among which Examiners of the adult Professors the being of a party hath been too often the note of preparation for their Church Communion Neither doth our most moderate Church judge any uncapable of the Sacraments whom she judgeth not unworthy of her Communion m Homily of the Sacrament We must take heed saith the Homily lest of the Memory it be made a Sacrifice lest of a Communion it be made a private eating Wherefore as the redemption of our Lord is offered to all that do not wilfully reject so great grace so is the Holy Communion in our Church to all that are not unfit to receive it And such as are the Church is not wanting to admonish and forewarn n V. Exhorta and Admon before the H. C. and takes all due care to provide against their intrusion as the general corruption of mankind now doth admit according to the Rubrick and Canon o Canon 26. concerning Notorious Offenders On which Bishop Andrews his note was Our Law will not suffer the Minister to judge any man a notorious offender but him who is so convinced by some legal sentence § 5. Our Church of England doth not admit any private Masses p Conc. Trid. Sess 22. Can. 8. 39 Artic. 31. Hom. of Sacr. which in
voluerit ut Scripturis primae deinde primorum soeculorum Episcopis Mart●ribus Scriptoribus Ecclesiasti●is secundae deferrentur Dissert cont Blondel c. 14. § 13. Basis establish the Doctrine of the three Creeds † V. Hist of Reform l. 3. p. 218. Twisden Hist Vind. c. 9. and that the Romish Doctrine of Purgatory Pardons worshipping and adoration of Relics Invocation of Saints c. is not warranted by Scripture Artic. 22. and then proceed to settle such other things as are of positive right with so just a Moderation as is hardly elsewhere to be found changing nothing for the general but where the practice of their own Ancestors did justify their doings without at all extending themselves to any thing where they had not Antiquity their Warrant * Quod si me conjectura non fallit totius reformationis pars integerrima est in Angliâ ubi cum studio veritatis viget studium antiquitatis If Casaub Ep ad Salmas Anglicanam intelligo omnium reformatorum reformatissimam Forbes Consid Mod●st Pref. Can we chuse saith Bishop Hall but observe the blessing of Monarchical Reformation amongst us beyond that popular and tumultuous reformation amongst our Neighbours Our's a Counsel their 's an Vproar Our's beginning from the Head their 's from the Feet Ours proceeding in due Order theirs with Confusion Ours countenancing and encouraging the converted Governors of the Church theirs extremely over-awed with averse Power or totally over-born with foul Sacrilege in a word Ours yeelding what the true and happy condition of a Church required their 's hand-over-head taking what they could get for the present † Of Episcopacy §. 5. p. 21. § 2. The manner of our Reformation was such as might reasonably both justify our Church and leave the Church of Rome most inexcusable in the judgment of the whole Catholic Church of Christ our Church condemning those she left no more than needs must And as Dr. More saith courting the Adverse Party to all lawful accommodations if by any means she may gain some Attempering her self to the occasion of the time * Homily for Rogation W. 3. part as our Church's Phrase is in her Homily † V. Cromwell's Letter to the Bishop of Landaff directing him how to proceed in the Reformation Collect. of Records Hist of Ref. l. 3. p. 183. From whence was manifest our Church's freedom from Prejudice and Passion and the humour of Innovation or the Spirit of Contradiction our Church not dividing but upon necessity and then using all lawful and good means to procure such an agreement only as might consist with the good Consciences of her People Wherefore that the Breach might seem no greater than indeed it is and that all probable pretences of Offence as they call it might be taken away was omitted that Suffrage in the Litany From the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome and all his detestible Enormities good Lord deliver us Which Moderations in our Church and in other Reformed Churches the like * V. D. Durell's view of Ref. Ch. p. 180. have left the Romanists the more inexcusable in their dissent especially since as Camden and others relate in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth for about ten years for at least eighteen years saith the Lord Cook few of the Popish Recusants absented themselves from our Churches till Pope Pius the 5th by his Interdictory Bull would have all Communion with us renounced For as long as Schismaticks are not hardned into obstinacy there is a prudential Latitude allowed by the Church delaying her Censures as long as possibly she can without wronging her Government as was de facto practised in England till the tenth year of Queen Elizabeth † Schism guarded p. 396. And admit that P. Paul 4. in his private Letters to Q. Elizabeth did offer to confirm our Liturgy if she would acknowledg his Primacy and the Reformation derived from him and that the same Proposal was confirmed by his Successor Pius 4. tho it had caused sundry ignorant and peevish complaints it ought to be no imputation to us since our Reformation blessed be God is so good and justifiable Insomuch that the Presbyterian Brethren acknowledged * Grand Debate p. 3. Our first Reformers in great wisdom did at that time so compose the Liturgie as to win upon the Papists What was reformed and composed in such great wisdom then is the same still The Inference therefore which may be made is what Bishop Davenant resolved The Papists are bound to be present at the English Divine Service because nothing occurs therein that can be by themselves reproved And if Papists much more Protestants And we rather suppose it the great Glory and excellent Commendation of our Reformation that it is at once so compleat and also so moderate considering how difficult a thing it is especially in matter of Reforming to pare off the Excess and not to cut to the quick to stay at the right point and not over-do because of the lyableness in such cases in declining one extreame to fall into another † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 S. Basil which usually is the fault of the unwise and the inconsiderate For as the Matters in Religion in which our utmost Zeal is required are unquestionably evident to every Christian Man's notice so the cases in which Moderation is to be exercised are almost infinite and often very intricate Wherefore the use of this Vertue is so universal that as the truest Fortitude is governed by Temperance so where there is most Moderation there is the truest Zeal and which is a better effect than usually is of suddain Calentures by Moderation the Mind is best prepared to find out and determine those Proportions and Measures which are to be observed for the right conduct of our selves and others in our moral and religious Concerns Such Operations suppose also a peculiar power and ability of the understanding and a most excellent prudence Wherefore the wise King said A Man of Vnderstanding is of an excellent Spirit Prov. 17. 27. where the Hebrew phrase is observed to signify also a cool Spirit or temper that being the most excellent disposition to Wisdom Thus in the Life of Pomponius Atticus it was said of him His Moderation gave him great security in troublesome Times procured him Friends kept him considerate and circumspect in all he did that he never over-shot himself with folly passion and precipitancy in Words and Action The like Vertue hath bin the great happiness of our Church of England especially conspicuous in her first Reformation and thus according to an excellent Moderation our Church doth express it self And for this ought we greatly to praise God for that such superstitious and idolatrous Manners as were utterly nought and defaced God's Glory are utterly abolished as they most justly deserved and yet those things that either God was honoured with or his People edified by are decently reteined and in our Church comely practised *
and establishing Truth and Peace with all freedom from prejudice and passion hath appeared throughout the whole frame of our Liturgy Articles and Homilies and Constitutions and Versions we have of Holy Scripture any who are sincere themselves may easily acknowledg if they will truly consider the same For as our Homily of Holy Scripture saith Without a single Eye pure Intent and good Mind nothing is allowed before God And in the Homily of Prayer earnest complaint is made of such as would deface the plain and simple Religion of Christ In pursuance of these sincere designs of Piety Truth Peace and Order the Moderation of our Church in her Reformation will the more certainly appear founded in Justice If we consider 1. Our Church hath not made Truth to submit to her Authority but hath chearfully and sincerely submitted her self to Truth She hath not had a weight and a weight to buy the Truth by one and to sell it by another but hath judged of all Truth and the degrees of its necessity by the Standard which God hath given his Church namely the Holy Scriptures the only Rule of her Faith So in rejection of Error our Church hath bin impartial to either extreme 2. Our Church holds no such Doctrines as necessarily or by consequence overthrow a good Life and the practice of Devotion For this we must say for the Constitution of our Church The Vices among us are in no wise the Consequences of our Doctrines Neither have we any such Moderation among us to reconcile the pleasures and profits of Sin with the hope of happiness hereafter subjecting the most divine things to most vile purposes which tends to make the World believe that Christian Religion is a cheat and its Priests the most vile Imposters of any Whatever the scandalous opinions and practices of the Adversaries of our Church have done to the great hindrance of the conversion of many and the injury of Christianity Our Church of England gives no offence to Jew or Greek Mahumetan or Heathen 3. Our Church hath not squared the frame of its Ecclesiastical Policy by the ends of Secular Grandure or external Pomp as if she could put off Christianity to put on worldly Glory and as if we believed in such a Messias as the Jews expected rather than in the crucified Jesus whose Kingdom is not of this World And here rather than stay the Reader too long I commit to his reflection how the peculiar Doctrines of the Roman Church tend to the encrease of their Power or their Patrimony * Non est amplius Ecclesia sed Respublica quaedam humana sub Papa Monarchiâ temporali Spalatensis in profect Consil rather than that Interest of the Christian Religion which the whole constitution of our Church is framed first to regard Here might properly be considered the intolerable Charge which the Moderation of our Church justly saves us in that expence which unjustly follows Popery The one Doctrine of Purgatory will cost any one very dear upon the belief of it How many Indulgences Masses Jubilees c. must be paid for ¶ V. Fullers Eccl. hist ad an H. 8. 27. V. Romish Horse-leach V. Brutum fulmen Tanti videlicet nobis constitit âmicitia urbis Romae Apol. Eccl. Angl. § 160. 4. Our Church by its Moderation hath been far from driving on any corrupt designs Whereas the Moderation of the Romish Church hath been always noted very artificial Whence they have moderate explications for the doubtful Indulgences for the soft Austerities for the soure Legends for the credulous Visions for the Enthusiast fair interpretations for what may seem harsh a mild sence for their turn and a strict sense also to keep up the Authority of their Church fair and goodly Baits to entangle Proselytes but when they are engaged they may find themselves caught with a bearded Hook Even such sometime is the seeming Moderation and Self-denial which is cherished in our Sectaries by those who actuate them that so they may more effectually divide and propagate such Division Whereas those who are truly principled according to the Moderation of our Church are made to be more constant and consistent to themselves and to Truth not to turn to one hand of Popery nor to the other hand of Enthusiasm in any sinful compliance which rather than admit if the case requires they can suffer Martyrdom as did sundry of the first Compilers of our Common-prayer-book and many since even in the late times and all kinds of Sufferings beside 5. The Moderation also of our Church in its Reformation thus founded in Justice hath caused her to avoid such Corruptions as render the Sincerity of others very doubtful We have not by Arts and devised Subtilties gone about to palliate nor by Power and Authority to uphold any Errors whatsoever nor promoted Ecclesiastical Policy by gratifying the corrupt inclinations of Men Neither the Doctrines nor Policy of our Church are kept up by pious or impious Frauds equivocations of Oaths false Miracles pretended Revelations counterfeit Reliques Forgeries and Expurgation of Books devotional Ignorance exquisite Arts of defaming our Adversaries and sometime extream Cruelty This Justice in which the Moderation of our Church is founded makes those of our Church careful to take and heedful to keep our Oaths and Vows whereas among the Romanists easy dispensations dissolve those sacred Bands of Society What think we saith our Homily of good works ¶ ●2 Part. of those that vow Chastity and yet as is very moderately expressed how their Vows are kept it is more honest to pass over in silence They vow Poverty and yet their Possessions and Riches are equal to those of Princes under pretence of Obedience to their Fathers in Religion by their Rules and Canons they are made free from the Obedience of their natural Father and Mother According to the same principle of Justice governing our Church the forms and practices of our Church do not contradict our general Rules of Faith because we believe in the Holy Trinity therefore we do not worship Saints and Angels because we believe the Holy Catholic Church therefore we believe not in the Church of Rome 6. The same Moderation of the Church founded in Justice hath governed her Reformation in using or rejecting things indifferent which have bin abused The Wisdom and Moderation of our Church having bin far from judging that things which have been abused to ill purposes can never be lawfully or profitably used which principle might lay waste all Ecclesiastical or Civil Societies of any good Orders and Appointments for there is nothing so good but either hath bin or is capable to be abused very grosly Wherefore our Church doth well distinguish between what is abused by the fault of ill Men * Si quid vitil access●t vitium tellatur r●s verò restituat●r concordia ●latur Wicelii Meth. Concord c. 5. and what in the nature of the thing it self tends to promote such an abuse
encourageth also those other helps which are any ways useful to the better understanding the sense of Holy Scripture as namely the knowledge of Tongues Arts and Sciences and whatever else may improve the industry and sincerity of the enquirer Because as our Homily saith k Hom. of Com. Pr. and Sacraments No man cometh to the knowledge of Tongues otherwise than by diligent and earnest study and elsewhere l Hom. of the peril of Idolatry 2. Part. The Church taking notice how the worshipping of Images came in times of ignorance negligence and barbarity laments the wasts made on learning by the Goths and Vandals and Hunns They burning Libraries so that learning and true Religion went to wrack and decayed incredibly Wherefore the Church of England hath been always a bountiful and careful cherisher and Patron of our Famous Vniversities as They have been and are most dutiful and zealous observers of the Church And because our Church governs it self according to such just measures in the Interpretation and Exposition of Scripture we see she doth neither practise nor encourage the turning of Holy Scripture into Cabala's and Allegory as too many have precariously and groundlesly done according to the humour of their own imaginations our Church observing that Moderation which St Austin commends m De Civ Dei l. 17. c. 3. when he blames some for one extreme that will allow no type or signification in things done and recorded and others who contend all things in Scripture recorded have their Allegorical Interpretation n Mihi multùm errare videntur qui nullas res gestas aliquid aliud praeter id quod eo modo gesta sunt significare arbitrantur it a multùm audere qui prorsus ibi omnia significationibus allegoricis involuta esse contendunt Erasin Eccles l. 3. Nunquam dubia aenigmatum intelligentia ad autoritatem dogmatum proficere S. Hieron in Mat. 13. even the Doctrines of Catholick Faith which in his Epistle to Vincentius he calls a grievous piece of impudence to hold yet as Erasmus in his Ecclesiastes adds It is not fit to doubt of such Types and Allegories which Canonical Scripture have revealed to us § 7. Though the Moderation of the Church shews it self in that it doth not vain-gloriously boast of the Spirit yet it may well consist with her excellent modesty to believe of her self That in the interpretation of Holy Scripture she hath such an assistance of the Spirit of God as is promised to the Church in general The Church of England being a true part thereof subject to and governed by the word of God upon which account in 139. Canon it requires That the sacred Synod of this Nation in the name of Christ and by the Kings Authority assembled be acknowledged the true Church of England by Representation and it may be presumed That where the lawful representative of the Church is gathered together rightly the assistance of Gods Spirit is not wanting wherefore it argues immoderate presumption in them who receive with impious scorn our Confession of our undoubted hope that the Church of England hath the testimony of the Spirit of God in her interpretation of Scripture and yet these depravers of the Scripture o Qui ingenium suum faciunt Ecclesiae sacramenta S. Hier. Ep. 9. shall with glorious assurance affirm to themselves and their Complices the wonderful illapses and impulses of the divine Spirit when at the same time they contradict the Holy Catholick Church p Neque id defendere velim contra consensum antiquitatis spiritum qui Ecclesiae corpus Quod si mecum in rebus aliis caveant ilii jam spiritus ille privatus Ecclesiae Divisor perdet fascini sui efficaciam Grotius ad Riv. art 1. and themselves and when also many pretenders to a double portion of the Spirit have acted as the eldest Sons of Belial Whereas indeed the testimony of the Spirit in the hearts of the faithful themselves for the interpreting Holy Scripture and determining doubtful matters hath been more often urged than understood yea if we could suppose it was not a precarious assertion to be sure it is an improper method to convince Gainsayers yet to those who are out of Communion with the Church it must needs be a most uncertain and insufficient testimony § 8. Many we know there have been and are who pretend to such extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit as were peculiar to the first Ages of the Church thus doth the Church of Rome as did the Donatists of old make such miraculous testimonies the necessary sign of a true Church and somewhat like both these are the Enthusiasts of our late age who would make the priviledges of the Holy Spirit special and singular to their enclosures affirming a particular inspiration of the Spirit absolutely necessary To convey into our minds the sense and interpretation of Holy Scripture To assure all Christians of the certainty of their Salvation To furnish them with words and petitions in Prayer To convince any of the authority of Holy Scriptures and the certainty of Faith Our Church declares q Homily for Whit-sunday 2d Part. It is not the part of a Christian under pretence of the Holy Ghost to bring in his own dreams and phantasies into the Church for such blaspheme and bely the Holy Ghost whereas the proper office of the Holy Ghost is not to institute and bring in new Ordinances contrary to the doctrine before taught the doing of which the Homily declares is the sign of a false Church and of such as are deceivers It is to be acknowledged that the discourses concerning the operation and testimony of the Spirit are liable to many difficulties but The principal conclusions which are rightly made in this matter I suppose may be truly made out to be the sense of our Church declared in her own words 1. For interpretation of Holy Scripture the reason why our Church holds such extraordinary illumination not necessary is because r 2d Homily of Scripture All things necessary for our Salvation are plain to understand that is as the Homilies deliver to such as use the means and so far as their explicite knowledge is required For our Church doth speak of the illumination of the Spirit and interpretation of Scripture as generally joined with the use of means When any apply their minds to the study of the Scripture to hear read and search thus God openeth the dark things of Scripture unto faithful people It cannot be saith St Chrysostom that such should be left without help When our Homily mentions the Holy Ghost inspiring the true meaning of the Scripture it adds to them that with humility and diligence do search therefore which clause is not to be left out as it is by the Author of the Scriptures genuine interpreter p. 5. Those that thus thankfully chearfully and diligently hear read meditate and ruminate on Holy Scripture such have the sweet juice