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A36102 A discourse of the Holy Spirit his workings and impressions on the souls of men : with large additionals. Sherlock, R. (Richard), 1612-1689. 1656 (1656) Wing D1605; ESTC R203556 193,794 256

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laid in the right understanding and firm adherence to the principles of holy Religion Now the general ground and foundation of all holy and saving Truth is the word of God or the divinely inspired writings of Moses and the Prophets in the old and of Christ and his Apostles in the new Testament Ye are built upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ himself being the head corner stone Eph. 2.20 But although all things contained in the holy Scriptures be infallibly true and in some respect or other usefull and edifying yet all are not therefore fundamentall Truths Those principles of holy truth contained in the Scriptures which are fundamental are according to the doctrine of the Church reduced to five Heads 1. Repentance 2. Faith Ch. catec 3. Obedience 4. Prayer 5. Sacraments If any winde of doctrine move us from off any of the grounds our souls must needs suffer the shipwrack of holy Truth and be split upon the rocks of false erroneous opinions As to these principles therefore these particular rules must be observed for the avoiding of errors 1. And first for Repentance which is termed the foundation of Christian Doctrine Heb. 6.1 He that will not build but upon what is the foundation of truth must not admit of any opinion whatsoever that shall take him off from the constant confession of his sins with all humility and godly sorrow remembring that there is not a just man upon earth that doth good and sinneth not Eccl. 7.20 And the only means left us to recover our selves out of the snares of sin is by Repentance to wash our hearts with the tears of godly sorrow for sin to empty our souls of them by confession and make them clean by more stedfast purposes and strong resistance against all temptations unto sin And this is the first part of that Baptismal vow or of that covenant we made with God when any of us by holy and lawful Baptism were admitted into the bosome of his Church even to forsake the devil and all his works the pomps and vanities of this wicked world and all the sinful lusts of the flesh or manfully to sight under the banner of Christ against the devil the world and the flesh which is no other but to adhere to the doctrine and to continue in the practise of true Repentance 2. As to Faith which is joyned with Repentance as another essential part of the same foundation of Truth Heb. 6.1 't is necessary for the avoiding of Errors to admit of no opinion relating to Religion that is not agreeable to those Articles of the Christian faith summarily exprest in the Apostles Creed which is that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or form of sound words in faith Symbolum Ap●slorum est r●gula fidei vestrae brevis grandis braevis num●ro verborum gra●dis pondere sent●nt●arum Aug. de Temp. we are commanded to hold fast 2 Tim. 1.13 That modell of faith once given to Saints we are commanded earnestly to contend for Jud. 3. The Apostles Creed saith S. Aug. is the rule of your faith which is though short yet weighty short in the number of words but weighty in sentences or the several articles thereof The Gospel of Christ is indeed the grand Rule of faith whereof this lesser Rule the Apostles Creed is the sum and Epitome And he that gees besides and not according to the Rule of faith goes not forward in the way but backward from the way of Truth 3. As to Obedience To entertain no opinion that agrees not with that all-perfect rule of Righteousness the Decalogue or ten Commandements of the moral Law for whatsoever shall oppose thwart make void or any way take off our obedience to any of Gods Commandements is to be rejected as false and erroneous Whosoever saith our Lord shall break one of these least Commandements and teach men so to do he shall be called least in the Kingdome of heaven that is saith the Glosse the most despised in the Church of Christ Minimus in r●gno h. c. d●spectissimu● in ecclesia quia decidit à side Lir. in loc and the reason is given because he is saln from the faith he is lapst into error which is expresly asserted by S. John Hereby we are sure we know God if we keep his commandements he that saith he knowes God and keepeth not his commandements is a lyar and the truth is not in him 1 Joh. 2.3 4. And in order to this Rule 't is necessary also to admit of no opinion that tends to the breach of either of those general Rules of Charity which is the fulfilling of the Law viz. To love God above all and thy neighbour as thy self for on these two hang all the Law and the Prophets Mat. 22.37 c. Whatsoever therefore doth not tend either 1. to the inflaming of our souls with the sacred fire of divine love to the advancement of Gods glory and the promoting of his service both inward and outward As also whatsoever 2. tends not to the maintenance of love and unity justice and charity innocence and beneficence towards our neighbors is not to be entertained as a beam shining from the light of holy Truth but as a slash of illusion suggested by the spirit of Error Hereby shall all men know that you are my disciples if ye love one another Joh. 13.35 He omits saith the Father the gift of Miracles Tongues Prophesies Aug. Knowledge to understand all mysteries Faith to remove mountains by none of those but by your charity you shall be known to be my disciples 6 As to the doctrine of Prayer That we admit of no opinion that shall take us off either from the frequent and fervent use of holy Prayers in general or more particularly from the use of the Lords Prayer the which is not only commanded by our Lord to be used when we pray Luk. 11.2 but by the which also we do communicate in our prayers with all holy orthodox Christians there being no time when ever we do use this prayer but many thousands of pious persons are at the same time powring forth their souls unto God in the words of the same prayer To neglect therefore much more to despise the use of this prayer if it be not a piece of disobedience to the plain and positive command of Christ and so a branch of Hecesie yet 't is a depriving our selves of the greatest benefit of the Communions of Saints and so a branch of Schism 7. As to the Sacraments that we reject what ever doth either obstruct the use or deny the efficacy either of Baptism or the Supper of the Lord Mat 26 26 27. c 28 1● Joh. 6.51.53 Act. 2.38 The use thereof being positively commanded and the efficacy thereof as positively asserted by Christ himself These being also the seales of the covenant of grace Baptism the seale of our admission and the Eucharist of our confirmation in the
erroneous opinions in Religion is not a heat cast forth from the fire of Gods Spirit but it ariseth rather from the fire of hell it comes from our adversary the Devil who also continually goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may devour 1 Pet. 5.8 And his Disciples they be and consequently in the same wofull state and condition with him who take pains to proselyte persons unto the waies of error and perdition Mat. 23.15 Wo unto you Scribes Pharisees and hypocrites for ye compasse Sea and land to make one Proselyte and when he is made ye make him twofold more the childe of hell then your selves 5. 'T is an impression of Gods Spirit on the minde of man to be apt and ready active and forward to counsel advise admonish Mat. 18.15 and in some cases and at some times to reprove one another Prov. 12.1 and tell men of their faults and He that hateth reproof is a fool but to rail and revile censure and judge and condemn our brethren and say it 's only a telling them of their faults and telling them what they are or to meddle with other mens matters that concern us not or to reprove other mens faults whilest our selves are guilty of greater these are no true parts of Christian fraternal admonition but false glosses that the Devil puts hereupon 1. To allure men to overlook and neglect themselves and the amendment of their own faults and amisses And 2. To dissolve the sacred bonds of amity peace and unity with others which are those ligaments and sinews of the body of the Church whereby good Christians are coupled and united and joyn together in the sacred service of God which is the way of their own salvation And as into erroneous opinions on the one hand so into sinful actions on the other are we allured and inveigled by the same subtil wile of Satan obtruding his false counterfeit coin of wickedness under the shew and semblance of the impressions of the Spirit of holiness gilding painting and setting out sinfulness and vice with the title shew and flourish of godliness and vertue thus covetousness on the one hand wears the painted mask and flourish of providence and good husbandry and prodigal profuseness on the other hand of noblenesse and generosity Thus riot and excess drunkenness and gluttony carry the fair flourishing titles of bountifulness good fellowship and freedome of spirit Thus wantonness and uncleanness are painted over with the specious terms of amorous kindness and Courtship and pride and haughtiness of magnanimity greatness of spirit superiority of rank I might instance in most of sins and vices how men are inveigled and consened into them by the Devil under the shews and false glosses of pretended vertues For full well that subtil Serpent knows that there is nothing so beautiful and comely nothing that hath so much power to win upon the hearts and affections of men as vertue and holiness and therefore in their habits and attire doth he dress his deformed strumpet vices puts them in their colours and sends them forth under their names and titles and hence it comes to pass that the silly souls of men are so often cheated with the baneful poyson of sinfulness whilest vicious dispositions undiscernibly insinuate themselves into our affections under the attire and dress of vertuous qualifications But thus the Devil transforms himself into an Angel of light 2 Cor. 11.24 whilest baiting his suggestions either with counterfeit revelations on the one hand or with false glosses of spiritual graces on the other he entraps the souls of men in the snares of sinfulness and error and leads them captivity captive to his pit destruction CHAP. VIII Of the Spirit of Man and the Spirit of the World THere are two Familiars whereby the Devil doth ordinarily work and lay his secret and subtil snares to catch cousen and delude our souls thus into sinfulness and error and these are either 1. the spirit of man or 2. the spirit of the world The dictates and workings of both which kinde of spirits being stirr'd and quickned by the evil spirit diametrally oppose the impressions and workings of the Spirit of truth First that the dictates of mans spirit the conceptions of natural sense and carnall reason with private resolutions thereupon do oppose the working of Gods Spirit our Saviour himself teacheth Mat. 16.17 Mat. 16.17 Flesh and bloud hath not revealed this unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven So that flesh and bloud hath their Revelations that is private men have their opinions and conceits which oppose the truth that is revealed from heaven The same opposition of private resolution to holy inspiration doth St. Peter observe 2 Pet. 1. ult For prophesies of old time came not by the will of Man 2 Pet. 1. ult but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost not as they were moved by their own private will wit judgement reason and resolution but as they were moved by the holy Ghost Et haec ideo dicuntur c. These things are therefore said by the Apostle Clos o●d that no man should presume to interpret the holy Scripture after his own private minde or fancy as too often opposing and thwarting perverting and wresting the same and the meaning of the holy Ghost therein There were many such persons in S. Chrysostomes daies which saith he boast of the holy Spirit Chrys reference Juello in Apolog eccl Anglic but whilest they speak of their own they falsly boast to have the Spirit of God For saith he as Christ did deny that he spoke of himself when he spoke cut of the Law and the Prophets even even so now if any thing besides the Gospel and this rightly understood be obtruded under the name of the Spirit 't is not to be believed For as Christ is the fulfilling of the Law and the Prophets so the holy Spirit is the fulfilling of the Gospel The Church of Christ hath in all ages been infested and in these last times more then ever with such kinde of persons who pretending to be holy men of God to have the Gift of prophesie and interpretation of Scripture even to speak by the holy Ghost and yet are led by their own ghost only following their own private will and desires imaginations and opinions as their only guide and dictator who pretend to the Spirt of God and yet will not admit at any hand of other spirit then their own of other truth then the vision of their own heads or of other directions then the motions of their own hearts rejecting renouncing and crying down all but what themselves call holy with the Donatists of old Quod volumus sanctum est that they will have to be holy right and true shall be so and nothing else 't is the very ground whereupon this last upstart crew of Quakers build all their resolutions and strange fanatick opinions and
quantum in ejus dilectione profecerimus God suffers us to be tempted tryed and proved by the lying wonders of false Peophets arising amongst us not that he himself may know what is in us to whom the hearts of all men are naked and bare but that we may thereby know our selves and our own proficiency and constancy to the principles of truth and integrity The very same reason is given by the Apostle for the necessity of heresies 1 Cor 11.19 1 Cor. 11.19 For there must be heresies among you Aug. de civ Dei lib. 18. that they which are approved among you may be known Quolibet errore caecentur c. With what error soever our enemies are blinded or with what wickedness soever they are deprav'd 't is for the proof trial and exercise of the graces of Gods Spirit within us Have they received power to afflict persecute imprison c. 'T is for the trial of our patience in suffering and charity in loving our enemies and praying for our persecutors as becomes the Disciples of Christ Mat. 5.44 Mat. 5.44 Do they only by fair words and cunning speeches distil their false and poysonous Doctrines 'T is for the trial of our wisdome in resisting Gal. 6.1 and beneficence in perswading and endevouring to restore them with the spirit of meeknesse proving whether God will give them repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth that they may escape the snare of the Devil of whom they are taken captive at his will 2 Tim. 2.25 26. 2 Tim. 2.25 26. Secondly Try the spirits whether they be of God or no Try them how but by the revelations of the Spirit which is of God who being the Spirit of truth must necessarily therefore in all his qualifications and impressions be consentaneous and agreeable to himself Aug. Veritas veritati congrua one truth ever holds proportion with another nay all truths are as it were the images and resemblances one of another they are all links of the same golden chain which affixt to the throne of heaven displayes ' its radiant lustre unto the mindes of men upon earth They are all but streams flowing from one and the same fountain the God of truth There is nothing then that we are to receive for truth but what is consonant and agrees with the Spirit of truth which ever blessed Spirit speaking in the Word hath thereby prescribed and given us a sure and infallible rule of truth What the Apostle cals a being filled with the Spirit Eph. 5.18 19. he also cals the dwelling of the word of Christ in us richly which any one that will compare the places may perceive whence it is easie to observe that the Apostle means no other by being filled with the Spirit then to be full of the Word of Christ or to be mighty in the Scriptures and the reason is because the holy Spirit is not only the great Dictator of the Scriptures unto us but also our guide in several respects as to the right understanding of them The first rule of trial then is the holy Word of God in general that 's the grand general rule that 's the great square or level according to which we are to try and examine the rectitude truth and integrity both of the doctrines and opinions of others without and also the impressions and workings of the Spirit within Gal. 1.8 Though we Gal. 1. ● or an Angel from Heaven should preach unto you another Gospel besides that you have received let him be accursed Though we preferring authority of the Gospel they had preached before their own authority the Preachers thereof nay before the authority of celestial spirits Though an Angel from Heaven c. He saw saith the Father Aug. that it might so come to passe that Satan transforming himself into an angel of light and working by his mediators and instruments those deceitful workers who transform themselves into the Apostles of Christ 2 Cor. 11 13 14. might so cousen and deceive them if they did not keep close to the Gospel received which is the true rule of faith therefore he saith another Gospel besides c. praeter any thing that is besides that holds not square and is not level to that rule Qui praetergreditur fid●i regulam non procedit in via sed recedit à via he that goes besides and not according to the rule of faith goes not forward in the way but backward from the way of truth so 1 Joh. 4.8 We are of God speaking of himself and the rest of his fellow Apostles He that knoweth God heareth us acquiescendo doctrinae nostrae cleaves to our doctrine and he that is not of God heareth us not Lyra. neither is obedient to our word And hereby know we the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error q. d. He that cleaves to our doctrine is guided by the Spirit of truth and he that doth not so by the spirit of error But the spirit of error will come with his scriptum est likewise as he did against our Lord himself Mat. 4. And all hereticks and schismaticks do generally alledge Scriptures and wrest the very sayings of the Spirit of truth against himself to insinuate thereby their lies and errors For as Tertullian observes of the writings of Ovid Virgil Homer both the matter of them hath been transferr'd unto other uses and the verses applyed to other matter Even so do hereticks deal with the holy writings of inspired men De Praeser adv Haer. cap. 39. Nec periclitor dicere c. I fear not to say that the Scriptures were so disposed by the wisdome of God that they might accidentaliter and by the by even administer matter to Heresies since I read that heresies must come and without the Scriptures they cannot come For 't is in the production of heresies as of natural things Corruptio unius est generatio alterius the corruption of truth is the generation of heresie all heretical opinions being generally grounded upon and flowing from the fountain of truth the Scripture not as they are in themselves rightly interpreted and understood but as they are wrested and perverted either in the words or in the sense either by additions or diminutions or by not considering them together but divided into parts and taken up by shreds and pieces for the avoiding whereof these following rules must be observed in the trial of spirits by the Scriptures First try and oxamine by the coherence whether that be the very intent and aim of the holy Ghost in the text for the which it is urg'd and alleged For the same words of the Spirit may be misapplyed both to other things and other persons then the Spirit ever meant or intended therein Secondly distinguish betwixt times ages persons when wherein and to whom this or that word was spoken For there are many things both said and recorded to be done in the Word which are only agreeable
divine grace whether relating to piety or charity the holy Ghost descends from heaven Thus he daily comes unto us and thus he will ever come and be with his Church and people unto the end of the world according to that promise of our Lord Mat. 28.20 Mat. 28.20 And lo I am with you alway unto the end of the world He will be with us if we will be with him and not neglect the means he hath ordained to be made partakers of his ever blessed presence with us The means to fetch down this holy Spirit from heaven to sanctifie our souls by his grace here that he may exalt us to his glory in the heavens hereafter besides those natural and moral means for the attainment of spiritual gifts before remembred which are also dispensed from the Spirit of God the divine means or conveyances of the Spirit are either 1. Outward 2. Inward The outward means are no other but those three essential parts of divine worship 1. Holy Prayer 2. The holy Word 3. The holy Sacraments The most holy God commanding us nothing but what are the means and waies of our own happiness viz. the means of grace and sanctification here Quod homini proficit Deo servit Tert. de ●o●n c. 2. as the way to our glorification hereafter For there is nothing that we poor frail mortal dust and ashes can perform that may any way add really add to the glory or happiness of the most high most glorious and ever blessed God And in that he lays his commands upon us and enjoyns us several waies of acknowledging our obedience to him 't is of his tender care and respect to us-ward even for our guidance and direction in the waies of our own felicity The Laws of God are no other then the rules of mans perfection even the sacred paths we must tread to attain that pitch of perfection whereunto we are created being instampt after the blessed image of our Maker So that the parts of Gods service commanded are to us the means of grace and salvation sincerely obeyed 1. Holy prayer in all the parts and species thereof is a means to fetch down the holy Spirit of God in his gifts and grace So saith our Lord positively and clearly Luk. 11.13 Luk. 11.13 If ye being evill know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give his holy Spirit to them that ask him And that we might know what is here meant by the Spirit St. Matthew records the words of our Lord thus Mat. 7.11 How much more shall your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask him All good things being comprised under the name of the Spirit as the fountain from whence they flow And Joh. 14.14 Joh. 14 14. If ye shall ask any thing in my name I will do it and presently after he promiseth as the sum of all that they could ask for I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter even the Spirit of truth c. God is in himself the fountain of all perfection every good and every perfect gift every divine celestial soul-sanctifying grace is in God as the original prototype and grand examplar as the root from whence the sap of every grace as the Sun from whence the beam of every gift for illumination is derived unto us Jam. 1.17 from the holy heavens they must come for there is their proper seat and habitation as the Wise man confesseth Wisd 9. when he petitioned the God of heaven for the wisdome of the Spirit And the same means must we use to fetch down both wisdome and the rest of the graces of the Spirit even by prayer commanded Jam. 1.5 Prayer is the blessed mean that unites God and man brings heaven and earth together 'T is that golden chain saith Basil that ties the gracious ears of God to the hearts and tongues of men 'T is the hand which reaches from earth to heaven and takes forth every good thing out of the Lords treasury Mat. 7.7 Therefore 't is said Mat. 7.7 Ask and ye shall receive seek and ye shall finde knock and it shall be opened unto you so that 't is also the ring or hammer wherewithal we knock at the gates of heaven and beg a blessing from the great Lord that dwelleth there Nay it is the key of heaven saith Aug. which opens unto us those everlasting doors of glory 'T is the blessed engine wherewithal we storm the heavenly Jerusalem and as it were by force and violence make our entrance into the holy City which is full of wealth and never fading treasures Mat. 11.12 The Kingdome of heaven saith our Lord suffers violence and the violent take it by force fervent importunate prayers being the scaling ladders Gen. 28. represented by Jacobs ladder which being set upon the earth the top thereof reacheth to the heavens our several prayers upon all occasions wants and opportunities are as it were the several rounds of this celestial ladder whereupon the desires and affections of our souls ascend from earth to heaven and leaving these frail earthy tabernacles of clay make their way unto the most high God which sits in the heavens Or it may be represented by that fiery chariot of Elijah 2 King 2.11 wherein he was wrapt from earth to heaven for so by fervent prayers and devotions are the souls of holy and religious men they are thereby enwrapt and mount from the earth to have their conversation in heaven with God on high whence they again descend enricht with celestial blessings or with the Spirit of God This is also further proved by the example of the Apostles who after they had prayed the holy Ghost descended on them Act. 4.31 And when they had prayed the place was shaken where they assembled together and they were all filled with the holy Ghost and the spake the Word of God with boldnesse 2. The holy Word of God in general but the Gospel of Christ in special in the preaching or reading hearing and understanding thereof is an effectual means for the obtaining of the Spirit 2 Tim. 3 16. for all Scripture is given by inspiration they are the very dictates the breathings of the Spirit upon the souls of men and are therefore profitable for doctrine or to teach the truth for reproof to convince what is false and erroneous for correction of the negligent and delinquent and for instruction in righteousnesse to the proficient That the man of God Gloss Lyra. he who is ordained to divine offices as Timothy was may be to that end perfected and thoroughly furnished to every good work 2 Tim. 3.16 And of the Scriptures in the verse before 't is said they are sufficient to make us wise to salvation viz. being spiritually understood saith the Inter. Gloss That they are the means both of our illumination and sanctification which are the ends of the
1. Cor. 1.24 Joh. 14 6. Joh. 1.5 and the sun of Righteousness Mal. 4.2 The storehouse of wisdome and knowledge Col. 1.19 The only mean of discovering unto us the knowledge of God without whom it is impossible to know God For no man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared him Joh. 1.18 Wherefore is he termed the Word of God and the Wisdome of the Father the Way the Truth and the Life but by these and many more expressions besides these to signifie unto us that the knowledge of God and of his holy will is so fully by Christ revealed that here we must now six and not expect any further Revelations or new Lights to be discovered He looks beyond the Moon that looks for Revelations beyond Christ and what already stands upon record to be revealed by him There is no need to be curious after knowledge N●bis ●uri●sitate opus ●●n est p●st Christ●● Jesum nec inqu●sitione p●st ●●angeli●●n Cum ●●●d●●●● nil desider amus ult●a●●de●● Hee n. prius ●●dmus non esse quod ul●ra ●redere de●●amus Tert. de prae advers Haer. c. 8. since the Revelation of Jesus Christ saith Tertul. nor is there need of further search after Truth since we have found the Gospel where we beleeve in Christ we desire not to beleeve any thing beyond this belief for this we believe first of Christ and his Gospel that beyond this there is nothing ought to be believed 9. The Apostles of Christ had the honour after him to receive by immediate Revelation not any new Gospel but the right understanding firm remembrance and powerful publication of the Gospel of Christ All whose epistles and writings are as so many Commentaries and illustrations of the Gospel as the Prophets of old were of the Law And as Moses and the Prophets compleat the old so Christ and his Apostles compleat the canon of the new Testament which was ever received in all ages by the Church of Christ Qu●d prople●ae praec●●az●ve●unt p●rs●●●a Christus Apostoli tradiderūn a quibus ●eel●sia accipiens per universu● mundum sela bene cust●d● as tradidit filiis Iren. l. 5. advers Haer. as the Rule of Faith and summary of divine Revelation So Irenaeus What the Prophets foretold Christ hath perfected and his Apostles have delivered from whom the Church through the whole world dispersed receiving the same hath delivered it to her sons the true Members of the Church Catholick all which must undoubtedly believe and professe with the rest of the family we are built upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ himself being the head corner stone Eph. 2.20 And here it cannot be either impertinent or unprofitable to observe in what respects sometimes Christ and sometimes his Apostles are said to be the foundation we are built upon 1. Christ is called the Foundation 1 Cor. 3.11 Primarily as he is the fountain of all Revealed Truths originally they flow from him for no man hath seen the Father but the Son Joh. 1.18 and he to whom the Son hath revealed him The prophets and Apostles are the soundation too Secondarily from and under Christ as his Stewards 1 Cor. 4.1 Ambassadors 2 Cor. 5.20 Workmen together with but under Christ 2 Cor. 6.1 2. Christ is the Foundation as upon whose doctrine and example life and death the faith of the whole Church is setled and their salvation fixed for there is no other name under heaven in whom there is salvation but the name of Jesus Act. 4.12 The Prophets and Apostles are the foundation ministerially as they are the Administrators of this faith and salvation which is in Christ the Prophets more obscurely the Apostles more clearly delivering it unto us Christ is as 't were the acceptable year of the Lord Clem. Rec. l. 4. having his twelve Apostles as the twelve moneths which compleat and fill up the year Christ is Alpha and Omega the beginning and end of all divine Revelation the end of the Law the beginning of the Gospel the Supplement of the Prophets and the whole Tenor of the Apostles preaching even the corner stone in whom both Law and Gospel Prophets and Apostles meet or the centre in whom they are conjoyned And in this center we must fix our faith having found Christ as by his Prophets and Apostles he hath revealed himself unto us Joh. 14.6 we must seek no further He is the way the truth and the life Let us not seek any new waies or new Truths lest being misled by the Spirit of Error we wander in the by-waies of death and ruine Tert. de virg v●land The canon or Rule of our faith saith Tertullian is one alone immovable and not possible to be better framed anew And what Rule this is he sheweth by rehearsing the Articles of the Christian Faith and Irenaeus before his time Pren. advers Haeres l. 1 2. 3. The Church though scattered through the whole world unto the uttermost borders of the earth hath received from the Apostles and their Disciples what to believe The parts of which belief he also writeth the same in substance with Tertullian and thereupon infers This Faith the Church spread far and wide preserveth as if one house did contain them Similiter n. fides nostra Revelationi Apostolis Prophetis factae qui canenicos libros scripserunt non a. revelationi si qua suit alits doctoribus factae Aquin. 1 p. sum q. 2. Art 8. ad s●cund These things it equally embraceth as though it had one common soul one heart and no more It publisheth teacheth and delivereth these things with uniform consent as if God had given it but one only tongue wherewith to speak He which amongst the Guides of the Church is best able to speak uttereth no more then this and lesse then this the most simple doth not utter i.e. when they make profession of their Faith And to conclude this second General Our Faith saith the Schoolman depends and is grounded upon that divine Revelation which those Prophets and Apostles received which wrote the canonical books of holy Scripture and not upon any other Revelation if ever there were any such received by any other learned or holy persons whatsoever Non n. novis Revelationibus nunc regitur c. The Chuch is not now guided by any Revelations but persists and perseveres in those things which the Prophets and Apostles have revealed and delivered unto us who were the Ministers of the word revealed CHAP. VIII Of the necessity of learning as to the understanding of Gods revealed will in his word AS God hath graciously pleas'd in his holy Word to reveal himself unto us The 2. General Deut. 17.19 1 Tim. 4.13 Rev. 1.3 2 Tim. 2.15 1 Tim. 5.17 so he hath commanded us to read study and labour in this word that the light of divine Revelation therein may
Geography History Arts and monuments of antiquity For 1. The holy Scriptures being the Language of other Countreys how shall they understand them that know nothing of the situation of those countreys and places or of their rites and customes particular idiomes phrases and proverbial speeches which must needs seem strange improper and insignificant to them who know no more but the ordinary places customes and expressions of their own nation 2. The Scriptures are of all books in the world the most ancient now as times do alter and vary so do the customes and constitutions actions and affections manners and proverbial sayings of all people alter also hence the 14. chapter of the 1 Cor. is so hard to be understood Because those customes are so long since out of date And this may seem to be one reason why God in his wisdome hath so often altered his waies of dispensation and the revelaton of his truth unto his Church and 't is the ground of that wise direction of the Father Distingue tempora intelliguntur Scripturae he must warily distinguish betwixt ancient and modern times that will rightly understand the Scriptures III. The knowledge of Rhetorick Logick c. by the help whereof we are enabled to take notice 1. Of those tropes and figures and metaphorical expressions whereof the holy Scripture is full to know what is properly and what figuratively expressed what is the literal and what the mystical sense therein what is delivered by way of History and what by way of parable and similitude what by way of command and what by way of counsel to compare the more obscure and dark places with the more plain and perspicuous the like saying in one place with its like in another and the differing and unlike with its unlike and differing expression 2. To observe the causes and grounds the scope and drift of every saying with the reasons and arguments to enforce it and warily to distinguish betwixt the substance and circumstances of each command and admonition 3. By way of Logical Analyse to open divide and resolve the holy Word into its proper parts that each who hears and reads the same may know his own portion and what particularly is applyable to him An art which Timothy was commanded to study for Study to shew thy self approved a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth 1 Tim. 2.15 IV. The knowledge of natural causes vertues operations and effects which is the sum of Natural Philosophy For 1. The holy Scripture as well sets forth unto us the works of God Adoro scripturae plenitudinem quae mihi factorem manif●stat facta Tert. cont Herm. as his words of command admonition c. Witness the history of the creation Gen. 1. which is in it self a little epitome of all natural Philosophy and the admirable discourses of Gods works in the book of Job and in the Psalmes of David and many other places and this because the works of God are as the great Basil styles the world 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the School of Gods knowledge For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead Rom. 1.20 The most wise God who hath revealed himself unto us in his works as well as in his word hath also used the one as a means to illustrate and clear the meaning of the other so that as the word of God sets forth his marvellous works so by his works and by similitudes and resemblances taken from his creatures he teacheth us in his word both the knowledge of himself and of his holy will touching the waies of his worship witnesse the manifold commands and admonitions expressed under the notion of several creatures The Oxe and the Asse the Stork the Crane Isa 1.3 and the Swallow To exemplifie but in one text which is also a positive command of the Gospel Mat. 10.16 Be ye therefore wise as Serpents but innocent as Doves He then that knowes nothing of the nature of the Serpent and of the Dove how shall he understand the meaning or yeeld obedience to this command And that very appearance of the holy Ghost in the shape of a Dove upon our Saviour Mat. 3.16 Act. 2.2 3. and in winde and fire upon his Apostles implies the necessity of this price of humane Learning to understand something of the properties of that creature and of these elements to understand aright the several qualifications of the holy Ghost V. The knowledge of moral Philosophy for rightly to understand the nature properties c. of moral vertues must needs conduce exceedingly to the right understanding of the perfection and excellency of spirituall graces the one being but the elevation and raising up of the other to an higher pitch of perfection The light of nature being not extinguished but made more clearly seeing by the light of Grace And the guidance of natural reason being not abolisht 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Just Mart. Diol cum Tryph. but rectified perfected and confirmed by the dictates and commands of the holy Christian Faith Therefore Justin Martyr stiles Philosophy meaning I believe natural and moral Philosophy as subservient to Divinity The greatest possession and most acceptable unto God as the means whereby we are brought to the knowledge of God and of his holy will CHAP. XI Of the Analogie of faith and the Doctrine of the Church TO the right understanding of holy Scriptures 't is further required to know what sense and meaning the ancient Fathers the learned and pious Doctors of the Church in all ages have given of them for no Scripture is of private interpretation But interpreted and understood it must be according to the general Canon or Analogie of Faith that faith which was once given to the Saints by the Apostles the articles whereof are summarily comprehended in the Apostles Creed That Faith which so delivered and received hath been preserved and maintained Winc. vi● semper abique ab omnibus at all times in all places by all persons Councels and Fathers and is by the merciful providence of God in spite of all opposition from Infidels Heretiques and Schismatiques brought down unto us Prov. 3.5 This Faith must be the rule according to which we must steer our interpretations of holy Scriptures not leaning to our own understanding or abounding in our own sense but ever submitting our private judgement to the publique judgement of the Church which in the Apostles own times was commanded when the gift of prophesie or interpretation of Scripture was by more immediate and extraordinary inspiration communicated yet even then the judgement of the Church was to be allowed in the interpretation of Scripture 1 Cor. 14.29 Let the Prophets speak two or three and let the other judge Object But 't is here objected Numb 16.14 Wilt thou put out the eyes of these
people must we not see with our own eyes but only with those of the Church Shall we pin our faith upon any mens sleeves What need we the authority of men when we have Gods own authority for our direction and men are but men i. e. frail and liable to error so that all they affirm is not to be taken for Gospel In answer whereunto consider Answ 1. That there is a great deal of difference betwixt an implicite faith and blinde obedience to the dictates of the Church and a submission to the publique judgement thereof The first deprives the people of their reason and judgement the second renders them more meek humble submissive and obedient and thereby more capable to receive the impression of the knowledge of celestial mysteries 2. That we assert not the ancient and learned Fathers of the Church ut dominos sed ut duces sidei Nihil carum rerum scire quae antè nascereris facta sunt hoc est semper esse puerum Cic. Not as Lords over our faith but as guides in the true belief And he that knows nothing of the Religion of the Fathers for his guidance and direction is most likely still to continue a childe in his religion Nor 3. are we to receive for Oracle all that the ancient reverend Fathers of the Church did affirm being very few amongst them Quicquid omnes vel plures uno eodemque sensu manifeste frequenter perseveranter velut quodam sibi consentiente concilio accipiendo tenendo tradendo firmaverint id pro indubitato certo ratcque habeatur Quicquid vero quamvis ille doctus san●tus quamvis Episcopus praeter omnes aut etiam contra omnes senserit id inter proprias privatas opiniunculas à communis publicae generalis sententiae authoritate secretum sit Vinc. Lyr. but had their particular errors and mistakes and in many particulars also 't is confessed they did contradict each other 'T is not therefore the affirmations and private opinions of particular persons we must look upon as the Doctrine of true Religion and true meaning of the Scriptures but the general and universal consent of all for that all should erre and fall from the truth is contrary to what our Lord hath promised who will undoubtedly be as good as his word Mat. 16.18 Vpon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall never prevail against it and Mat. 28.20 I am with you alway even to the end of the world In a word in the interpretation of Scriptures and for the confirmation of holy truths thence deduced the authority of the ancient Fathers and Doctors of the Church is to be consulted and known for these reasons 1. Because they are certain and undeniable witnesses of what the Church and the people of Christ did in their respective times believe and hold for orthodox Doctrine If the same doctrine St. Augustine taught in Africk was also taught by St. Chrysostome in Greece by St. Ambrose in Italy by St. Hierome in Palestine and so in other places by holy and reverend Bishops and Pastors of the Church then this undoubtedly was the doctrine of the Church and thus were the holy Scriptures understood in those ages of the Church Ita intellexit Ambrosius ita Cyprianus c. Thus Ambrose thus Cyprian understood such or such a place of Scripture this had some weight in St. August time and St. Aug. opinion and there is no reason but that it should be of the same force still amongst us 'T is no way probable but that persons so eminent in learning and in piety so frequent in holy prayers and meditations in fastings and wailings so indefatigable in their studies and labours in the Word and Doctrine and who laid down their lives and fortunes for the doctrine they preached should more truly understand the Scriptures and the truth of Christian Religion then we who if there be any thing of Modesty and Humility in our hearts must confesse our selves far inferiour to them in the said gifts and graces of the holy Spirit Aug. Vsque adeo promiscuit imis summa longus dies c. Hath time so confounded all things is light so changed into darkness and darkness become light ut videant Pelagius c. that Haeretiques now are the only seers Et caeci sunt Hilarius Cyprianus Ambrosius And the learned pious Fathers of the Church become blinde The words are too much appliable to the Heretiques of the times 3. The judgement of the Fathers being so far remote from these times wherein we live must needs be impartial as to the controversies amongst us touching the interpretation of any texts of Scripture or doctrines therein delivered as being altogether disinterested and knowing nothing of our disputes and contestations thereabouts Aug. contra Julian Pelag Nullas nobiscum vel vobiscum amicitias attenderunt c. They were neither in friendship nor in community with us or with them who in this age are of a contrary opinion to us they were neither angry with us nor them neither did they pity either of us but what they found professed in the Church they faith fully preserved what they learned they taught and what they received from their fathers they delivered unto us their children and undoubtedly Survey of the pretended discipline as a learned man of our Church observes they that contemn the learned Fathers that went before them do but open a gap to their own discredit making way thereby to be contemned themselves by all those that shall come after 4. We cannot but reasonably imagine that those holy and learned persons who lived nearer the Apostles times should proportionably know better the Apostles meaning in their writings and the doctrine they preached then any of us who live so many hundred years since Iren. l. 3. ch 4. Therefore saith Irenaeus who was the Disciple of Polycarpus the Disciple of St. John Where any question ariseth and the holy Scripture as 't is too common is so perverted Vinc. Ler. as to be made speak for both sides whither shall we have recourse for satisfaction but to the ancient Churches of Christ in which the Apostles converst from thence to hear what the truth is viz. Quid Apostoli quid primi fideles quid eorum successores c. what the Apostles what their Disciples and successors what the primitive Saints and Martyrs Councels and Fathers have received taught and delivered unto others For what came the word of God our from you or came it unto you only 1 Cor. 14.36 Since the Word of God comes not first to us but by and from the Church it is delivered it followes that the sense and meaning of Gods word must not spring from our own heads but to be by and from the Church delivered together with the word The learned Doctor Whittaker in his disputes against the authority of the Church Whit. de sac Q. 3. con 1. c.
presume to intermeddle with preaching or unfolding the mysteries of the Gospel 'T is recorded of the great St. Basil and Nazianzen that after their long studies in saecular learning Russin Lib. 2. cap. 9. they continued for the space of thirteen yeers together in a monastery giving themselves to the study of holy Scriptures the sense and meaning whereof they fetcht not out of their own heads but out of the writings and authority of the ancients to whom by succession from the Apostles the rule of right understanding the Scriptures was apparently known The order of divine wisdome and providence in the dispensation of holy truths to the world is worth our observation out of 1 Cor. 12.4 5 6. There are diversities of gifts but the same Spirit there are diversities of administrations but the same Lord and there are diversities of operations but the same God that worketh all in all From hence it is easie to observe that there must be gifts before administrations i. e. 1. A man must be qualified with gifts fit for every calling before he receive administration or be ordained to that calling 2. There must be administration before operation i. e. A man must be lawfully ordained to a calling before he work or labour therein So in the great calling of the Ministry the gifts of the Spirit must precede or go before before Letters of administration be taken And 2. a lawful ordination must be taken before operation or working therein And he that either 1. assumes this high and sacred function Bish Andr. serm in 1 Cor. 12.14 c. being not qualified with gifts contemns the Spirit from whom they come Or 2. He that labours in the word and Doctrine though he be gifted being not also lawfully ordained contemns the Lord from whom all administrations come and who hath instituted and commanded ordination thereunto Or 3. He that being both gifted and lawfully ordained is not industrious in this calling contemns God the Father of all operations who worketh all in all He that thinks any of these superfluous may as well question whether some one Person of the Trinity be not superfluous also even that Person from whom comes that part of the division which he slights and contemns As it is therefore in the order of the Trinity as the Father begets the Son and from the Father and the Son proceeds the holy Ghost So in this Division the gifts of the Spirit beget the Lords Administration or calling to the Ministry and both together produce the operation or labour therein which is the work of God and as no man comes to Christ but by the holy Ghost so no man comes lawfully to the calling but by the gifts and as no man comes to the Father but by the Son so no man comes to the work but by the calling CHAP. XIII The internal and divine qualifications of the soul as to the understanding of holy Scriptures 1. T Is confessed that all the external parts of humane learning already remembred though they be the gifts and blessings of Gods Spirit and necessary helps to the opening of the Letter and right understanding of the literal and genuine sense of Gods word yet are not in themselves alone sufficient to attain a true and throughly saving knowledge thereof except our souls be enricht as with the outward gifts so with inward graces of the holy Spirit also Truth and Holiness are the two inseparable constituent parts of spiritual wisdome and to understand the truth or true meaning of the Spirit of Truth in the word the Spirit of holiness must necessarily concur And this is most eloquently expressed Job 28. where after a most high and magnificent expression of the praises great price and value of true wisdome a view is taken of all the parts of the world where it might be found gold and silver iron and brasse all useful metals and precious stones have their places though secret designed them but where shall this rich pearl where shall wisdome be found and what is the place of understandings Vers 12. It is not found in the land of the living the depth saith It is not in me and the sea saith It is not in me Vers 14. It is hid from the eyes of all living and kept close from the fowls of the air vers 21. The most Eagly sighted Philosophers and wisemen of the world who have viewed the natures properties and causes of all things not in the earth alone but in the heavens also even the courses influences and operations of the Sun Moon and Stars have not yet attained true wisdome how then shall we finde it out it followes God knoweth the place thereof and he understandeth the way thereof vers 23. And he hath said Behold the fear of the Lord that is wisdome and to depart from evil is understanding briefly describing both the place of wisdome and the way thereunto even the way of piety and obedience And of that piety which is necessarily requisite to the understanding of holy Truth there are several species or particular parts which from the example of holy Bernard may be thus reckoned up Qui ut legeret intelligendi fecit cupiditas ut intelligeret oratio impetravit ut impetraret quid nisi vitae sanctitas promeruit His earnest desire of knowledge made him studious and industrious in reading his fervent prayers obtained the understanding of what he read and his holy life made his prayers effectual for the enlightning of his understanding and thus he must desire thus study thus pray and thus live who will attain that knowledge which shall make him wise to salvation 1. The first divine qualification of the soul requisite unto knowledge is the desire thereof The beginning of wisdome it the desire of instruction Wisd 6.17 Come unto me all ye that be desirious of me and fill your selves with my fruits Ecclesiasticus 24.19 and what is more authentick If thou seekest wisdome as silver and searchest for her as for hid treasure then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and finde the knowledge of God Prov. 2.4 Such desires and studies for wisdome the holy Ghost undoubtedly would never 1. exemplifie 2. exhort unto 3. enkindle in the hearts of men but that they should tend not to vexation and trouble but to satisfaction and accomplishment in the prosecution of them Et hoc modo priùs invenire oportet ut quaeras deinde quaerere ut pleniùs invenias This desire of knowledge must not be only earnest but also sincere Pura erit intentio si in omni actione aut honorem Dei aut militatem proximi aut bonam consci●ntiam conscientiam quaeramus Bern. serm par free from partialities prejudices and prepossessions free from pride covetousnesse ambition emulation and all base carnal and worldly ends and interests denoted by the singleness of the eye Mat. 6.22 which is generally interpreted to be purity of intention in all our studies and endevours
truth which their understandings being not able to digest they are intoxicated therewith and stagger like drunken men being tossed and fro with every winde of doctrine against which presumption the wise Syracides admonisheth Ecclus. 3.21 Seek not out the things that are too hard for thee neither search the things that are above thy strength But what i● commanded thee think thereupon with reverence For many are deceived through their own vain opinion and an evil suspi●ion hath overthrown their judgement Hence 4. Even from ignorance under the pretext of knowledge 't is the custome of Heretiques to snarle and detract and speak evil of those Truths the profound and deep excellency whereof their darkned understandings cannot fathom so they are described 2 Pet. 2.12 and Jude vers 10. To speak evil of the things they understand not As the Jewes because they understood not Christs Doctrine of the bread of life therefore they strove amongst themselves saying How can this man give us his flesh to eat Joh. 6.52 And Nicodemus because he understood not the nature of Regeneration was offended at the doctrine saying How can a man be born when he is old c. Joh. 3.4 Whereas all good Christians who have any grain of true faith do believe with reverence even those mysteries of godliness which they understand not expecting with all humility and obedience till they shall be opened and made known unto them Hist eccl l. 7. c. 13. So Eusebius records of Dionysius Alexand who speaking of the Revelation of S. John saith I do not impugn those things therein which I understand not but rather admire them the more for that they are above my understanding And S. Aug. gives us this rule to be observed as touching the mysteries of holy Religion Quod secundum fidem qua imbuti sumus inteligere valucrimus tanquam de cibo guadea●us quod secundum sa●a●n sidei regulam intelligere non poterimus bonum tanen verum esse minime dubitemus Aug. in Joh. tract 18. What according to the measure of faith wherewith we are endowed we do understand aright let us therein rejoyce as 't is the food of our souls but what we cannot according to the sound rule of faith conceive we must not therefore doubt but to be holy just and good Hence 5. ariseth so much levity and inconstancy of minde in all heretical and schismatical persons like children tossed to and fro with every winde of doctrine Ephes 4.14 Even as children for want of judgement distinguish not betwixt wholsome and unwholsome diet betwixt food and poyson so all persons become erroneous and wavering for want of knowledge and judgement rightly to distinguish betwixt light and darkness tares and wheat corn and chaffe betwixt what is the food and what they poyson of their souls therefore they are compared to clouds without water carried about with windes Jude vers 12. denoting the emptiness of sound knowledge which renders them not only inconstant in the tenents of religious Truths but also obnoxious both to the broaching and belief of lies having ever an itching desire to things new and strange but with the Israelites loathing the old Manna though it be the food of Angels for no other reason but because they are accustomed to it And this spiritual itch a more baneful disease then the corporal is grown epidemical and so overspreading the body of our Church as that prophesie of the Apostle hath at no time been more manifestly fulfilled then in these our daies 2 Tim. 4.3.4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears And they shall turn away their ears from the Truth and shall be turned unto Fables This itch saith the Father Pruritus in auribus spiritualiter fornicantibus sicut pruritu libidinis in carne corrumpitur integritas castitatis Aug. in Joh. Hom. 43. is as pernicious to the purity of Truth as is the itch of lust to the vertue of chastity for hence many solid and soul-saving Truths are often contemned for their antiquity because they were heard of before and so they tickle not their itching ears And lies and errors are readily embrac'd in their stead meerly for their novelty And those teachers which feed this humor and claw this itch by bringing things new and strange to their ears are the only persons they lust after delight in and follow by heaps and multitudes But undoubtedly amongst many other this is one infallible mark whereby to distinguish Truth from Error and consequently Heretiques and Schismatiques from orthodox Christians Truth like the Sun in the firmament is ever one and the same and constant to it self but Error changes like the Moon is multifarious and endless knowes no stint or limits therefore Tertullian cals the faith of Heretiques Fides annua menstrua sides temporum non evangeliorum Not like the faith of the Gospel which is fixt and setled permanent and constant but the faith of a year or of a moneths continuance and the faith of the times as the times change and alter so doth the Religion commonly of all seduced and erroneous persons From which inconstancy new sect and parties daily and hourly do arise amongst Heretiques as from the shop of Simon Magus Heresie sprung all those innumerable sorts of Heretiques in the Church till the time of the Manichaean heresie And these Manichees were also subdivided into Catharists Macarians and Manichees strictly so called From Arrius sprung the Macedonians Aerians Aetians Aug. cont Don. l. 1. c. 6. and innumerable others Donatus party saith S. Aug. was soon broken into many lesse and smaller parcels Denique penitus inspectae omn●s haereses in multis cum autoribus suis dissentientes deprehenduntu● Teit. de prae cont Haer. c. 42. The Anabaptists amongst us are subdivided into Antinomians Brownists Seekers Ranters Quakers Familists c. And finally saith the Father look into all Heresies and you may easily finde them in many things dissenting even from their own authors and Founders And seldome shall you see Heretiques agree in any one point except it be to oppose and cry down the Truth as Herod and Pilat against Christ 6. From the same dark Abysse of Ignorance Neque n. natae sunt haereses quaedam dogmata illaqueantia animos in profundum praecipitantia nisi dum scripturae bonae intelligerentur male quod in its non bene imelligitur etiam temere audacter asseritur Aug. in Joh. Tract 18. under the semblance of self-conceited wisdome hath sprung that which is of all others the greatest cause of Heresies viz. The misinterpretation and mis-application of the holy Scriptures For saith the Father Heresie had never sprung up nor false doctrines bewitching and destroying the souls of men had never been broacht had not the good word of God been ill understood and that also which is but ill and weakly understood been rashly