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A19272 Certaine sermons vvherin is contained the defense of the gospell nowe preached against such cauils and false accusations, as are obiected both against the doctrine it selfe, and the preachers and professors thereof, by the friendes and fauourers of the Church of Rome. Preached of late by Thomas by Gods sufferance Byshop of Lincolne. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1580 (1580) STC 5685; ESTC S120768 201,470 274

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commaundeth that christians willing to vnderstand the sure ground of faith should haue recourse to no other thing but to the Scriptures And agayne in the same place Before time it was euidēt by many meanes what the true churche was and what gentillitie but now after that heresie is growne into the church there is no way whereby it may be knowne but only by the Scriptures Now Dearely beloued we shunne not this Triall we desyre to be iudged hereby only we say with Moyses yea with God himselfe Nothing is to be added or taken away from his worde We say with S. Iohn 20 chapter So much is written that if we beleeue we shall haue saluation by the name of Christ We say with S. Paule that the scriptures can make vs wise to saluation We say with S. Paule agayne that the scriptures written by the inspiration of the holy ghost are profitable to teache to reproue to correct to instruct in Iustice and to make a man perfect in all good workes Finally we say with S. Ambrose Noua omnia quae Christus non docuit iure damnamus quia fidelibus vita Christus est i. All newe Doctrine which christ hath not taught we rightly condemne because that christ is life to all the beleeuers Contrariwise the aduersaries of the Gospell will not abide this triall of their Doctrine but seeke by all meanes they can to auoide it I wil not in this place discribe their whole practise herein but I will note vnto you three pointes First the keeping of the scriptures in an vnknowne tongue from the common people and to make it little lesse then Heresie to haue it in their mother tongue Haue not many good men partly lost their liuing and borue fagots partly bene burned for no other cause Manye yet aliue knowe it to bee true But they did not only finde this meanes to keepe it from the common people of GOD but brought to passe that it was almost out of vse euen with the learned sorte of which very fewe did reade the Texte of the Bible you had almost tenne that wrotte vppon the mayster of the sentences The greate heapes of schoolewriters declare this to be true Secondly they doe marueilously disgrace and discredit the Scriptures as vnsufficient to saluation and not contayning all necessary truth but that there are manye Articles of necessity to be beleeued whiche are not contayned in the Scriptures So sayth Lindan lib. 1. Cap. 10. The Apostles sayth hee Woulde not committe certayne principall pointes of our Fayth to paper and ynke thereby to perishe and be forgotten but they committed them to the faythfull hartes of Christians As though those thinges remayned more sure whiche be committed to the frayle memorye of seeble men in this sinfull world then those thinges that by the spirite of God are put in writing Doe you not see howe this malicious and reuolting Aduersary doth ouerthwart the gratious and ordinary prouidence of God in preseruing the truth of his doctrine and holy will When God saw that the law written in the heart of man was in continuaunce of time by corruption of the world greatly blemished and almoste cleare forgotten then that it might bee renewed and remayne more surelye in the memoryes of men did hee not by Moyses put the same in writing But this is the manner of the olde Heretiques as Irenaeus sayeth When they are confuted by the Scriptures they fall to blame and accuse the scriptures as though they were not in good case and of sufficient Authoritie and because they may be diuersely interpreted or as though the truth could not be knowne by them without the knowledge of Traditions For say they the truth was not deliuered by them but by the liuely voice of the speaker Hitherto Irenaeus This was the gappe whereby almoste all Heresies were drawen into the Churche that eyther they de●ied the Scriptures or else depraued them as vnsufficient without priuate traditions reuelations And so the aduersaries at these dayes strine to keepe the same gappe open as well for the maynteinaunce of their tradicious as for that they see they are not by them hable to maintayne the moste of their Doctrines What shall I say of them which are not contented by these means to accuse and discredit the Scriptures as the old Heretiks did but giue vnto the sacred written worde of God contemptible and blasphemous titles of reproche as to call it A dead writing A dumbe maister doubtfull and vncertaine A black Gospell Dead ynke Ynkie Diuinitie A Nose of waxe A leaden Rule c. But the eternall and euer liuing God whose immortall word scede of life they so reuile sitteth in heauen and seeth their wicked blasphemy howsoeuer conningly they will seeme to cloake their doinges Thirdly they say the scriptures take authority of the church and therfore that the Church is aboue y e scriptures and her authoritie the greater Sine authoritate ecclesi● saith Friar Soto Scriptura sacra non habet authoritatem hoc certissime fatemur i. Without the authoritye of the Church the holy scripture hath no authoritie This we confesse most certainly As though the maiestie of Gods wisdome the truth contained in the scriptures depended vpon the authoritie of man For though the Church be neuer so holy yet it consisteth of men which maye and often times do erre when they leane not to the word of God Oh say they how know you that the Scriptures came from God but by the church I graunt dearely beloued that the true church that is the faythfull people of God haue the spirit of discretion to discern what writings are according to the law Prophets which are not And therfore the Godly Fathers in the primatiue church partly in the time of the Apostles partlye after reiected many counterfeyted writinges fathered by Heretiques vppon some of the Apostles because they agreede not with the lawe and the Prophets nor were agreeable to the Analogie of fayth and truth of Doctrine contained in them and so by their witnesse they iustifyed the truth of those canonicall scriptures and that no other ought to be Judges ouer them or in any part of doctrine in them or to haue authoritie aboue them or withoute them When a Prince sendeth a commission to certayne ●ounsaylers they may by their skil in the lawes in the realme and practise of gouernmente consult whether it be a right true commission or other wise but when they haue by their iudgement determined that it is a true commission vnder the Princes hand and seale they take not to them Authoritye ouer it yea they submitte themselues in all thinges to bee ruled by it They may not be so bold to ad to diminish to change or to interprete it further then authority doth warrant thē So is it with the church of Christ it must submit it selfe to be directed by the word of God
teache it to be a cognizaunce or badge of our Religion whereby wee bee separated and distincte from Turkes Jewes and all other Miscreantes and by the vse thereof confesse before God and the worlde that wee are of the number of them that looke to bee saued by the death of Christ And therefore sayeth Saint Paule Yee cannot drinke of the Cuppe of the Lord and of the cuppe of deuils Thirdlye wee teach it to hee a Seale added to the laste wyll of Christ to assure vs of all those legacies that in the same hee hath bequeathed vnto vs and principally that hys bodye was gyuen to death for vs and his blood shedde for the remission of our sinnes Fourthlye wee teache that it is a linke of vnitie among our selues and a spirituall ingraffing of vs into the mysticall bodye of Christ so that as the braunches haue lyfe and mayntenaunce from theyr roote and stocke so haue wee from Christ Lastlye wee teache that it is a spirituall and heauenly Feast and banquet● wherein the sonne of God Christ Jesu offereth to the faythful hartes of Christians the heauenly foode of hys moste precious body and blood they therein receiue the same effectuallye truely indeede and not in sygne onelye for wee doe from our heartes detest that opinion that Christes body and blood is receaued in the Sacrament onely figuratiuely For S Paul sayth Panis quē frāgimus nonne comunicatio est corporis Christi poculus benedictionis cui benedicimus nonne comunicatio sanguinis eius est i. The breade whiche wee breake is it not the partakyng of the body of Christ and the cuppe of blefsing whiche wee blesse is it not the partaking of the blood of Christ Wee beleeue therfore teach that the faithfull Christians are made partakers of the bodye and blood of Christ indeede and of all the benefites procured vnto mankind by the same And yet wee meane not this carnally and grossely so that the Reall and naturall bodye of Christe vnder the shape of a rounde peece of breade or his blood vnder the forme of Wine entreth into our mouth and descendeth into the naturall partes of our bodye God forbyd As wee say with Christ He that eateth not his bodie nor drinketh hys blood hath no life in him So we say with Cyprian Non acuimus dentes ad mordendum sed panem sanctum fide syncera frangimus i. Wee sharpen not the teeth to byte but wee breake the holy bread with sincere faith And with August we say Quid paras dentcm ventrem crede manducasti i. Why preparest thou thy teeth and thy bellie Beleue thou hast eaten Faith then is y ● mouth wherby we receiue Christ so digest him into y ● stomacke of our soules That which Christ did generally vpon the crosse to y ● whole world y ● do we thinke to euery man perticularly with no lesse good effect through faith to be applyed in the Lordes Supper So farre bee wee from teaching it to bee a signe or figure onely Let vs nowe continue in the comparison consider how the church of Rome doth vse this sacrament But Lord God what a sea should I enter into if I should take vpō me fully to declare their abuse of this reuerend Mysterie I will not I cannot thys time wil not serue for it yea diuers sermons wil not serue to deliuer it Who knoweth not y ● this onely matter hath occupyed the tongnes and pennes of all the learned of Europe I will therefore rehearse vnto you onely the titles of the abuses reseruyng the full discourse to some other tymes Christ instituted a Supper or holy Feast they make it a priuate repast In a feast there is both the Feast maker and the guestes but in theyr priuate Masse one supplyeth the person both of the Feast maker and of the guest Christ Instituted a Sacramente of thankesgeuyng as hee sayeth Doe thys in remembraunce of mee They make it a Sacrifice propitiatorie for the quick and for the dead hauing not one syllable of Gods worde for it Christ gaue breade they say there is no breade Christ gaue Wine they saye the substaunce of Wine is cleane vanished awaye Christ said Drinke yee all of thys nay saye they none but Priestes maye drinke of it Christ sayde when hee gaue breade This is my bodye and when he gaue Wyne This is my blood They saye when the aue or the other is gyuen that it is both the bodye and bloud I omitte that they mixed diuers corrupte doctrines and vnfruitful and daungerous Ceremonies I omitte that they made it a common Marchandize to buy soules out of Purgatorie Finally I omitte that they haue made of this heauenly mysterie a perpetuall matter of Idolatrie by leading the people in theyr Eleuations to worshippe the creature in steede of the Creator If I shoulde enter to declare how they haue wrested and wroong the words of Christes Institution it myght seeme to all men that haue the feare of God verye marueilous but this that I haue spoken may suffice Seeyng therfore they haue not the ryghte vse of the Sacramentes accordyng to the Institution of Christ they cannot challenge vnto them the second Note or marke of the true Churche of God but that the same remayneth rather wyth vs then with them Yea wyll some say but they haue one token wherevppon the olde learned Fathers dyd seeme more to stay their consciences than al y ● residue that you haue spoken of that is Continuall succession of Bishops for y ● space of 1500. yeeres Irenaeus Tertullian Augustine c. and other when truth was in controuersie heretikes challenged the name of y ● Church did flie to this as a principall anker whereby to stay them and their doctrine I graunt deerely beloued that it is true in same respect they did so But I praye you who were they agaynst whom they so reasoned Forsooth Marcion Valentinian and other lyke Heretikes which did refuse reiect almost the whole Scriptures both of y ● olde newe Testament And such few bookes as they admitted they had corrupted by adding chaunging and by pulling out that these learned Fathers were there by forced to appeale to the Succession of the Apostolicall Churches as well for the triall of the auctenticall Scriptures alway frō the Apostles age left among them as also for the iustifying of that doctrine which they taught out of the Scriptures and had bene alway obserued in the same That it was thus Tertul. himselfe witnesseth Ista haeresis sayth he non recipit quasdam scripturas si quas recipit adiectionibus detractionibus ad dispositionem instituti sui interuertit si recipit non recipit integras c. i. This Heresie doth not admitte certain Scriptures and those that it receiueth by additions and detractions it wresteth to her purpose as it receiueth certain so it receueth them not wholly c.
And yet doth Irenaeus confute the same Heretiks by those bokes of holy Scriptures which they themselues allowed Now as it was necessary in this case for those fathers for trial of truth to resort to the Succession of the Apostolicall churches that the scriptures in them reserued from the Apostles time mighte bee of more authoritie among them that beleeued not the scriptures So it is not necessary so to deale agaynst them which willingly and gladly submit themselues to all the partes of the Canonicall scriptures Neither do those Fathers stay vpō these churches because of their ordinary Successiō as the patrones of the church of Roome now doe but because in that ordinarye Succession the Doctrine of the Fathers was still kept inuiolable according to the word of God Whiche thing if the Church of Roome were able to prooue wee would willingly yeelde vnto it That those learned Fathers did this it shall euidently appeare vnto you by the verye same places whiche they alleadge for their purpose Irenaeus sayth Presbyteris obaudire oportet qui successionem babent ab Apostolis i. We must heare or giue eare to the ministers which haue their suc cessyon from the Apostles But he sayeth not so onelye but immediately addeth Et cum Episcopatus Successione charisima veritatis certum secundum placitum patris acceperunt i. And together with the Succession in their Bisho pricke haue receaued also the certaine grace of true Doctrine according to the will of the Father And in the very next Chapter agayne after he had giuen certayn Markes of ill teachers much agreeing to the course of the Church of Roome at these dayes he addeth Of all suche persons we must beware and cleaue to them which as I haue sayde before both keepe the Doctrine of the Apostles and togither with the order of Priesthood shew wholesome and true teaching with honest conuersation of life Neither doth Irenaeus onlye thus replye vpon the Doctrine of the Apostles but the residue also of those Fathers whome they alleadge for the authoritye of Succession Tertul. sayth as he is alleaged by them Let them shew the beginninges of their Churches Let the Heretikes deuise some such Succession c. But marke I pray you what immediately followeth For their Doctrine being cōpared with the doctrine of the Apostles by the diuersity and contrarietie thereof wil euidently shew it selfe to be the doctrine neither of any Apostle nor any Apostolicall man Doth he not in playne words shew y ● Succession without the Doctrine of the Apostles is nothing worth S. Augusti likewise against the Epist Fūdamentum c. when he hath reckoned vp those things which moued him to remayne in the church among which Successiō is but one He addeth No such thing is with you where is only a promise of persons teaching the truth which truth if it were so euidently declared that we might not iustly doubt of it it were to be preferred before all those thinges with whiche I am kept in the Church c. What can be more euident then that S. Aug. doth attribute more to truth of doctrine manifestly proued by the word of God then to Succession or any other token that can be alleaged Succession with continuance of Apostolical Doctrine ought to be of great authoritie but without it nothing It is notable that Tertullian hath in the Boke before alleaged How commeth it saith he that Heretikes are straungers and ennimies to the Apostles but only by the diuersity of their Doctrine which they deuise of their own brayn agaynst the Apostles Wherfore the corruption of scriptures and the exposition thereof is to be thought to be among thē where diuersitie of Doctrine contrarye to the Apostles is founde This is a notable witnesse agaynst the church of Roome whose Doctrines be so diuerse from the doctrine of y ● primatiue church The sonnes of Aaron had more allowable Succession from Aaron than the Bishops of Rome haue from Peter and yet because they brought straunge Fyre into the Temple of God they were reiected and perished Euen so sayth Cyprian Those which in the Churche of God do imitate them and contemning the truth deliuered by God desire strange doctrines and bring into the church the instruction of humain ordinance them Christ sharpely rebuketh in the Gospel saying You cast away the commaundement of God that you may place your own deuises c. Annas and Cayphas had full Succession from Aaron yet were it hard therevpon to conclude that they had the righte of the true Churche and Christe and his Disciples to be Seismaticks Though they pretend to haue the ordinary Succession of Bishoppes in their Seas sure wee are that wee haue the Succession of the sincere Doctrine of our saluation which they haue not For if their Doctrine be cōpared with the Doctrine of the Apostles by the diuersitye contrarietie thereof it will appeare that it is the Doctrine neyther of the Apostles nor of anye Apostolicall men The Doctryne of the Apostles is that Christe is not onelye GOD Eternall with the Father but that hee is Manne also taking fleshe of the blessed Virgine in all thinges like vnto vs sinne only excepted and that in his humanitie hee is nowe ascended into Heauen and sitteth perpetually at the right hand of the father But the Doctrine of the Church of Roome telleth vs that the humanitie of Christ and his very naturall body and blood are really and carnally not in heauen alone but in tenne thousande places also on the earth at one instante the whiche propertye is peculier to God alone For nothing but God can be in moe places but one at once As the whole scriptures declare The Doctrine of the Apostles is that Christ is by God appoynted to be our only Mediatour Reconciler Aduocate and intercessoure to make attonemente betweene God and vs so often as our sinne shall seuer vs from him and that to that end he sitteth now at the right hande of God that he may appeare before him for vs. But the doctrine of the Church of Roome putting Christ out of office teacheth vs that beside Christ we haue an infinit number of Mediatours and Intercessours to procure vs fauoure and to make reconciliation betweene God and vs that is the whole number of the Aungels and Saintes in Heauen The Doctrine of the Apostles is that Christ is our only Redeemer and sauyoure and by the price of his blood hath purchased for vs full and perfite remission of sinne But the Doctrine of Roome is that we haue remission of sins not onely by Christe but by the merites and prayers of saynts by our own good workes by Masses by Pardons by Purgatory by holy water a number of other things so that not without note of blasphemye they matche the vayne deuises of men for the remission of our sinnes with the Blood of the sonne of God the most excellente price of our
to bee of this Churche which yet in Gods appoyntment are the certaine members of it as euidently was shewed in the example of S. Paule But the visible Churche that is discerned of man and by outwarde tokens is knowne to the worlde maye in thys manner bee described to you It is the multitude of all them bee they fewe or manye whiche beeing vppon the face of the earthe and called by the worde of the Gospell protest to beleeue in our Sauiour Christe looking for sanctification and saluation by hym and worshipping him according to his holy word That it is the whole multitude of all beleeuers it is euident when Christ himselfe sayth Ite predicate Euangelium omni creaturae i. Go ye and preache the Gospell to all creatures He excepteth none and therefore the grace of God and benefites of his Church are not tied to anye one place as to Rome to Hierusalem to Constantinople to Antioche or any other place That the number of this Church may be as wel small as great Christ himselfe teacheth saying Grex meus pusillus est i. My Flocke is verye small And where two or three be gathered togither in my name there am I in the middest of them Hereby maye you learne that the argument of Multitude or great number is not alwaye strong For by it the Doctrine of the Prophets the Doctrine of Christ and of the Apostles mighte be reiected which vndoubtedly were but few in comparison of them that misliked and reproued it That this multitude must be called by the word of the gospel S. Paule affirmeth Rom. 10. Fides ex auditu auditus per verbum Dei Et quomodo predicabunt nisi missifuerint that is Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the worde of God And how shall they preache vnlesse they be sent And therefore Christ did sende his Apostles to preache the Gospell that thereby they mighte by brought to the beleefe of the Church The members of the Church be graffed into it by professing the beleefe saluation in Christ In the 8. chapt of the Acts. When the Eunuche desyred Baptisme Phillip aunswered If thou beleeue with all thy harte thou mayst he aunswered I beleeue that Iesus Christe is the sonne of God By this branche of the description the Jewes and Turkes are excluded and as many as seeke other meanes of saluatiō then by Christ Jesus though y t they pretend to be christians though that they pretend to be the church This church is knowne by certayne markes and tokens Nowe what they are lette vs consider The Gentiles for the state of their Religion alleadge Pindarus and other Poets The Jewes their Talmud The Turkes their Alcorane and all sorts doe ground their religion vpon some authoritie But God in Esay to his people saith this Ego ineo cum his quiresipuerint in Iacob hoc meū foedu● vt Spirit us meus qui est super te verba mea quae posui in ore tu● non recedant ab ore tuo neque ab ore seminis tui amodo vsque in saeculum i. I will make this my couenaunt with them that turne from iniquitie in Iacob My spirite that is vpon thee my words which I haue put in thy mouth shal not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede from henceforth euen for euer Here you see that God willeth his church to sticke vnto his word And in the 10 of Iohn Qui ex deo est verbū Dei audit He which is of God heareth Gods word And Oues meae vocem meam a●diunt c. My sheepe heare my voice and I know them and they follow me A stranger they wil not follow c. True doctrine then according to the word of God is one vnfallible token of the righte church of Christ For god by his Prophet by his sonne witnesseth that it is his worde and that it is his voyce that his people doe staye vpon This marke S. August acknowledgeth in his Booke Contra litteras Petil. I haue the manifest voice of my shepheard sayth hee without all circumstaunces declaring which is his Churche My sheepe heare my voice and they follow me Beholde we heare his plaine and euident voyce For how dareth he call himself christes sheepe that doth not vouchsafe to followe christe Let no man saye vnto mee what sayde Donate what sayde Petilian or Pontius for wee must not consent to catholike Bishops if they be in any pointe deceaued and iudge contrary to the canonicall scriptures c. And agayn If thou crie out recite vnto me any other thing vnderstād then that after the voice of our sheapherd vttered euidētly vnto vs by the mouth of the Prophets by his owne mouth and by the mouth of the Euangelists we will not hearken to your voices nor giue eare to any thing that you shal speake Whosoeuer wil not wāder frō his flock let him hearken to him let him folow him Now as Christ y ● true sheapheard doth call his sheepe by his voice lead them by his word so doth he mark thē by his Sacraments The Gentiles the Jewes the Turkes haue their ceremonies but only the church of christ hath the true Sacramēts by him appointed distributeth the same orderly lawfully vnto faithfull people according to his Justitucion for by one spirit saith S. Paule are we al baptised into one body And of y ● Lordes supper he saith We being many are one bread one body because we are all partakers of the same bread By these marks thē of baptisme the Lords supper Christ doth vnite his flock togeather in one folde maketh them known to be his Now let vs examine these tokens how well they agree to the Church of Roome Touching the fyrst how can they haue truth of doctrine which vse not that rule of Religion nor that Touchstone whereby onely all truth of faith and holinesse is tryed Can that Goldsmith alwaies haue good and pure mettall that doth not vse a right and true Stone to trye it The right touchstone perfect directory whereby all trueth in doctrine is known is The word of God deliuered in his holy scriptures Therefore sayth y ● Psalmist Thy word is a lantern to my feete and a light vnto my pathes And Christ himself saith vnto y e Jewes Search the scriptures for they beare witnes of me He imputeth the grosse errours of the Saducies to the ignoraunce of the scriptures The Conuerts of Berrhaea in the Acts to trie Paules doctrine did dayly search the scriptures whether all thinges were so as Paule preached This is it then wherby preachers and teachers are discerued This is it whereby the true church of God is tried This is it wherby al truth of doctrine is examined So sayth Chri. The Lord knowing the cōfusion of al things that would be in the latter dayes
it must not adde diminish alter or change or otherwise by wrested interpretatiō draw it to another meaning then the Analogie of our fayth and the conference of one place with another place of it in it self may warrant And therefore it is strangely written of Hossius that if a man haue the Interpretation of the Sea of Roome vppon anye place of the Scriptures though he knowe not nor cannot vnderstande howe it can possibly agree with the wordes of Scripture yet is it sayeth hee the moste certaine worde of GOD. Yea they say that the interpretation of the scripture Varyeth with the practise of the Church so that as that changeth the interpretation of the Scripture chaungeth also Of this Vsurpation of authoritie ouer the worde of GOD and of this discrediting of the scriptures it commeth not onelye that they make in manye places Interpretations repugnant to the Text as when they interprete Datur for Offertur and Facite for Sacrificate But also that the moste parte of their Doctrines are contrarye to the expresse wordes of GOD and the Analogie of oure fayth As by example of a fewe you shall take the measure of the residue As for interpretations when Christ sayth in the matter of the Sacrament This is my body that is say they this is Transubstantiated or hath the substance of it turned into my Body contrary to all writers and the nature of al tongues expounding est the Verbe substantiue is by Transubstantiatur Let them shew eyther any auncient Father yea or anye latine writer that euer did the like and let them take the victorie Agayne where Christ sayth This is my body that is Giuen for you that is say they that is Offered for you So that that which he mēt to be giuen to death vpon the crosse as al good christians vnderstand the place they to mayntayne their Sacrifice of the Masse drawe it to this that Christ then presently in the time of the Ministration offered his body to God the Father in waye of a Sacrifice And so for to mayntayne a deuise of their owne they doe robbe the people of God of that sweete promise and comfortable legacie wherein Christe in his last will assureth them that his body shoulde be giuen to Death for their redemtion In like manner when christ sayth Do this in remembraunce of me that is say they Sacrifice this in my remembraunce Wherein with as great absurditie as before they doe peruerte the meaning of Christ For where his purpose was to giue a warrante to all christian people to vse and celebrate this Sacrament in remembraunce of his death they bring it to bee spoken to Priestes only wringing them vtterly contrary to that exposition of Christes wordes whiche S. Paule maketh 1. Cor 11. saying So often as you eate this bread and drinke this Cuppe you shewe the Lordes death vntill he come Nowe as touching their Doctrines repugnaunte to Gods word you shall ●●te these few examples in steede of many mo The Scripture teacheth that we haue redemption and iustification by fayth in Christes blood onelye without the helpe of our owne Vertues and good workes For S. Paule saith Therefore we gather that a man is iustified by faith without the deedes of the lawe And to the Ephe. 2. Ye are iustified by grace and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of works least any man should boast And yet if wee beleeue not that our workes doe helpe vs to our iustification and remission of sinnes the Churche of Rome will condemne vs as Heretikes The scriptures teach vs that Christ By once offering himselfe on the Crosse made perfect all them that are sanctified For so saith S. Paule to the Hebr. And yet by the Churche of Rome are they horrible heretikes that say there is not daylye sacrifice propitiatorie for our sinnes in their Masse The scriptures teach vs y t Christ is ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the Father and from thence and no place else he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead yet contrarie to this article of our faith and contrarie to the nature of Christes humanitie if wee beleeue not that Christ euen in his fleshe is still in earth with vs yea and that in a. 1000. places at once we must be pronoūced detestable heretikes The scripture saith in the vse of the Lordes Supper Bibite ex hoc omnes Drinke ye all of this The Churche of Rome saith it is heresie to affirme that y e lay people should drinke of the Lordes Cuppe The scriptures say Thou shalt make thee no grauen image nor thou shalte not bow downe to worship it The Church of Rome saith it is godlye to haue the churche full of Images to kneele downe before them to set vp candels to them and with incense to honour them The scripture saith In the Church it is better to speake fiue wordes vnderstanded to edifie than to speake tenne thousande in a tongue not vnderstanded yet you knowe the churche of Rome hath defined it that it is more fruitfull and godly to haue all the diuine seruice in a straunge and vnknowen tongue Wherefore howe truely they can claime to haue this first marke of Christes churche I doubte not but those consciences that haue the feare of God can easily perceiue As for the sacraments it is not onely sufficient to haue them but to haue those that Christ appoynted and to vse them accordyng to hys institution Saint Ambrose sayth verie notablye Qui aliter presumunt accipere quam Christus instituit deuotus esse non potest i. Hee that presumeth to receaue it he meaneth the sacrament of the bodye and bloud of Christ after another sorte then Christ hath ordained can not be accounted to be truely deuoute But howe they haue altered the Sacraments both in number and in the right vse of them no man almost can bee ignoraunt Where the Scriptures mention but two they haue appointed seuen I will not now stand vpon the number of sacramentes I will speake only of those which both parts agree to be sacraments Baptisme the Lordes Supper First as touching Baptisme we teache not onely as some falsely father vppon vs that it is signum Initiale a Signe wherby we be first consecrated Christians but wee adde also that we by faith and the operation of the holy Ghost doe put on Christ as a garment that is that wee haue him so fastened and appropriated to vs that he is ours and wee his and that he hydeth and couereth our nakednesse according as S. Paule saith As many as are Baptized haue put on Christ We beleeue and teache that Baptisme is to Christians the Fountaine of life whereby our sinnes are washed away So saith S. Peter Baptizet●r vnusquisque vestrum in nomine Jesu in remissionem peccatorū i. Let euerie one of you
be Baptized in the name of Iesu for the remission of sinnes And Ananias vnto S. Paul Arise and be Baptized and washe avvaye thy sinnes Yet doe we not attribute the operation hereof to the water or outward element but to the might of Gods word y e power of y e holy Ghost working by faith as S. Aug. saith Quomodo fit quod aqua corpus tangat cor abluat nisi faciente verbo nō quia dicitur sed quia creditur i. How commeth it to passe that water toucheth the body washeth the soule but by the working of the word not because it is spokē but because it is beleued Where it is to be noted y t it is not y ● sound of y e words vttered in y t way of a charme by y e minister but the words beleeued in y ● harts of y ● faithful y t maketh y ● promise of Christ effect of y e Sacramēt to be fruitful to y ● receiuer We beleue moreouer teach y t the sacrament of Baptisme is as it were y e wombe of y e church of Christ where we are newe borne become of y ● childrē of wrath y e children of God are prepared by this our second birth to enter into the kingdome of God Vnlesse you be borne again saith Christ by water the holy ghost you cā not enter into the kingdome of God And saint Paul saith Not by the works of righteousnes that wee did but according to his mercye hath he saued vs thorough the foūtaine of regeneratiō innouation of the holy ghost We beleeue also teach as touching this sacrament y t not onely we but our seede also hath by it the benefite of saluatiō therfore doe we defend y ● Baptizing of our childrē against y e wicked heresie of the Anabaptists They which consider these things simply with a charitable christiā minde I trust wil cleare vs of y t odious report wherwith our aduersaries slaunderously do burden vs as though we contemned y e sacraments sleightly taught the fruits benefites of them Now on y ● contrarie part let vs consider how corruptly the Churche of Rome teacheth as touching this sacrament and how horribly they haue abused it First they teache that Baptisme dothe conferre grace and washe away our sinnes Ex opere operaeto that is Euen by the verie vvashing only of the vvater thoughe there be no good motion of faith or beleife in the hearte of him that is Baptized This is the common op●●●●● of all the Scholemen And Gabriel Biel sayth Si● quod pr●ter exhibitionem signi foris exhibiti non requiritur ●o●●● motus interior ex suscipiente i. So that beside the giuing of the outward signe there is no good motiō inwardly required of him vvhich receiueth it What shall I say of the prophane and wicked abusing of Christes sacrament to the baptizing of Bells the curing of sicknesse and the driuing away of spirites and Diuels with the water thereof This I may not omitte that in using this one outward sacrament of Christ by water they practised fiue or sixe of their owne ordinaunce without any warrant of Gods worde at al blasphemously attributing vnto them the like effectes that in trueth are gyuen to Christes institution and to no other First they adde salte with this interpretation Vt sapientia conditus foetore iniquitatis careat vltra non putrescat vermibus vitiorum i. That he being seasoned with salt may not haue the filthie sent of iniquitie nor any more by rottennesse abound with wormes of vice and wickednesse Next is Breathing Vt exuffletur pellatur malignus Spiritus ● That the wicked spirit may be blowne and thrust out of the partie Thirdly the sacrament of Spittle Vt tactu supernae sapientia aures aperiantur ad verbum dei audiendum naris ad discernendum odorē vita That both the eares may be opened to heare the word of God and the nose to sent the sauour of life Moreouer Annointing of the breast Vt muniatur aduersus hostem ne noxia persuadere possit that he may be fenced from the enemie that he may no more perswade him to doe those things that be hurtfull Also Annointing of the shoulders that he may receiue strength and might to beare the burden of the Lorde Likewise Annointing on the crowne of the head that by hauing his portion of the spirit of God he may worthily be called a Christiā be made the heire of eternall life by holy vnctiō c. What christian heart can heare these things without great griefe and horrour Who can suffer y ● the effectuall graces of Christes word and sacraments and the operation of the holy Ghost in the heartes of the receauers shall with horrible blasphemyes be attributed to the vaine ordinaunce of man without any promise or assuraunce of Gods worde To take from vs the rottermesse of sinne to expell out of vs the wicked spirit to opē our eares fruitfully to heare Gods word to giue vs sense of the Sauiour of lyfe to defend vs from the wicked assaultes of Sathan to strengthen vs in bearing the burthen of the Lorde to make vs the heyres of eternall lyfe are the myghtie and most gracious workes of the holy Ghost throughe the merite of Christ our sauiour and not of Salt not of Breathing not of Spittle not of Annoynting c. And they are to bee gyuen and applyed to vs eyther by the worde of GOD or by those Sacramentes by hym ordayned and not by the Deuises of men I wyll now passe to the next Sacrament As touching the Lordes Supper I say with S. Paule That vve haue receiued of the Lord that doe we deliuer to the people of God We vse Christes single Institution without any addition diminutiō or alteration We vse it as a feast or supper as it is termed in the Scripture We take bread we take the cuppe we drinke we set forthe the beathe of Christ the vse and effect of the Sacrament wee declare to be this And I desire all good Christians to obserue and note our doctrine that they may well vnderstand that wee teach not so sleightly or contemptibly of this Sacrament as our aduersaries would haue men to beleeue that we doe For in deede wee teach beleeue that it is one of the sweetest and moste excellent comfortes that Christe at hys departure lefte vnto hys people Yea I dare saye that that Christian which with a single and charitable hearte shall vnderstande our doctrine wyl conceiue more fruite thereof than euer he dyd whyle the doctrine of the Churche of Rome preuayled in hys heart First wee teache that it is a reuerent and blessed memoriall of the deathe of Christ in celebrating whereof we shewe our selues thankefull for hys great and vnestimable benefytes towardes vs accordyng to these wordes Doe this in remembraunce of mee Secondlye we
Redemption The Doctrine of the Apostles is that Christ is our onely Priest for euer according to the Order of Melchizadech that with once offering of himselfe hath for euer made perfecte them that bee sanctified But the Church of Roome telleth vs that Christe hath a state of Priesthoode succeeding him which must dayly and continually offer the very natural body and blood of Christe to God the Father for the remission of the sins of y e quick the dead The Doctrine of the Apostles is that Christe is the only Mayster and teacher of his church in his holy word hath deliuered vnto it al truth But the Church of Roome teacheth vs that Christ hath not deliuered vnto vs all truth but that there be many thinges necessarye to be beleeued which are not contained in the Scriptures herevpon doe they ground al their vnwritten verities and vayne tradicions of men saying that they are to bee receiued with the like Reuerence that the written worde of GOD is The Doctrine of the Apostles is that Christ is the onlye Heade of his Churche and the Ruler and gouernor of the same but the Church of Rome would perswade vs that the Pope his successors are the heads of the vniuersall church of Christ The doctrine of the Apostles is that Christ is the only Foundacion ground of his Church wherevpō it resteth and is stayed for S. Paule sayth that No man can lay any other foundacion then that is layd Christe Iesus But the church of Rome teacheth vs that S. Peter and his successours be the foundation of the Church and that Hell gates shall neuer preuayle against that church that is builded vpon that foundation This may you see very euidently how well the doctrine of the Church of Roome agreeth w t the doctrine of y e Apostles And therfore though they haue personall Succession neuer so muche yet because they haue not Succession of this true doctrine that may not iustly be taken for the right Churche of Christ Now if they will continue to aske of vs where oure Succession is We aunswere that wheresoeuer since the comming of Christ there hath bene any persons vpon the the face of the earth that haue confessed this sincere truth and doctrine We say that they are our predecessors we are their Successors and with them members of the true Church Therefore our church is not so new a Church as they would make it but as auncient as the Doctrine is which is the most auncient Doctrine y t euer was vpon the face of the earth But if this their personal Successiō be the greatest proofe of their Church What will they saye of the Grecians Who haue hadde Successyon of Bishops for as long continuaunce as they haue and yet did neuer acknowledge the Supremacy of Rome nor that it was the only Catholike church but a member of it only as others were Oh will they say The Grecyans were Scismatickes yea but they haue cōtinual succession of Bishops professing Christ And by what authority proue they that forsooth because they separate themselues from the Apostolicall Sea And is that sufficient Why if the Grecians are to bee counted Scismatyckes because they forsake the sea of Roome howe muche more is Roome it selfe to be counted no true Churche whiche hath swarued from Christe himselfe as before I haue declared both in Doctrine and in the right vse of the Sacramentes Wherefore their alleadging of the name and Title ot the Church is euen a lyke shyft as the Jewes vsed against Ieremie and the other Prophets of God in old tyme saying Templum Domini Templum Domini i. The Tēple of the Lord The Tēple of the Lord. Whereas the Lord did acknowledge nothing among them to bee his So do they now crie we are the catholique church We are the catholique Church and God hath promised that he will neuer forsake it but alwaye assiste it with his holye spirite and therefore hath it prospered so many yeares Or if the Churche of Roome be not the true Church there hath bene no church at all for certayn hundred yeares For where was your churche scene within these fourty yeares before Luther began What token was there of your Doctrine had christ no church at al yes truely had he God forbid that Christ at any time should not haue his true church But good people it is not alway necessarie that the churche of GOD should be Notable or flourishe in the outwarde face of the Worlde by continuall Successyon of Byshops GOD and the worlde bee contrary and therefore often times the Churche is more notable by contempte of the world and persecution then by great Number or Power Yea sometime they whiche in the outwarde shewe of the Worlde and by certayne externall Signes mighte seeme to bee the Church and haue taken vppon them the name of the Churche and people of GOD haue bene persecutors and to theire power the Oppressors of the true Churche of God as it appeareth towarde the Prophets towarde Christe himselfe and towarde his Apostles Wherefore though the heads and gouernors of the church with the assistance of the greater number doe forsake the true worde worshipping of God doe make new lawes repugnante to gods word do bring newe Rites ceremonies into the church and vtterly corrupt and deface the righte Sacramentes and true markes of the Churche yet GOD reserueth to himselfe his true churche sending from tyme to tyme Doctours and Teachers to lead them although the same bee not allowed by them that will bee counted the Ordinary gouernoures of the churche but esteeme them as Scismatiks as Heretiques as disturbers of the people of God So were the Prophetes vsed so was Christe himselfe and his Apostles serued by the Jewes that woulde be counted the true churche of of GOD. But this I wil declare vnto you by particuler Examples Noe had preached as some write sixe score yeares but to howe small effecte it did afterwarde appeare when that in the Deluge eyghte personnes onelye of his Familye were saued Consyder then what countenaunce the Churche of GOD had in the World before the Deluge when it consisted onlye in eighte Personnes and they not the best esteemed in the time of Abraham Isaac and the Patriarches In how few and small families were they dispersed vpon the face of the Earth in whome the dignitie of the Church consisted Achas King of Iuda Vria the high Bishop and the other Priests not resisting him shut vp the Temple of GOD and tooke away the Chayre so that vndoubtedly the ordinary Sacrifice and Teaching of Gods Lawe did cease and yet was there an holy and true Church in the Kingdome of Iuda where Esay and other good men did Teach but extraordinarily Vnder Manasses the true Doctrine and celebration of the Sacramentes ceased and so this Defection continued vntill it was refourmed by the good King Iosias yet
authoritie which preachers haue had the very same intertainmēt at their hands y ● the ancient Prophets had of y ● false prophets priests Princes of y ● people We must not therfore beleue y t he is a true minister of god a deliuerer of sound Doctrine y t is furnished w t ordinary authority challengeth y ● cōmendacion of successiō lawful calling for the wolues often times be couered w t that clothing And I wil note vnto you in this place one claw whereby you shall not lightly fayle to Discearne the greedy and greeuous Wolfe that is Tyranny crueltie and blood for the false Prophets are alwayes cruell and bloody Take Example of the olde false Prophets in the time of Esay Ieremie Micheas Zacharie and other and Christe himselfe doeth note that Marke in them in sundrye places of the Gospell Howe blooddye and cruell Eusebius and the other Arians and false Teachers were toward Athanasius other Godly catholike Bishops of that time the ecclesiasticall Histories doe largely declare might be layde down in this place if time would serue But neuer was shewed more notable examples herof thē in these oure dayes by the Popes their Prelates which to extinguish y ● Gospell the true preachers professours therof haue bene Trompets to mooue Princes to war murder by sword fyre haue imbrued the whole earth with the blood of Gods saintes and blessed martirs But cōtrariwise the spirit of truth in the right preachers of God is alway charitable mild merciful so much as possible may be with the safety of the church of Christ detesting crueltie and blood Let example bee taken hereof by the practise of all the primatiue church for the space of sixe hundred yeares and of all the professoures of the gospell in these latter dayes in comparison of the contrarye part The third Lambes cloathing wherewith false prophets seeke to couer and hyde themselues is the goodlye name title of y e Holy Apostolical Catholique church wherewith they seeme gloriously to aduance set forward themselues as though that all their Doctrines Traditions deuises of new worship proceded not frō thēselues but were established by the perpetual consent of y ● church and allowed by the sentence and interpretacion of the holy counsailes and ancient learned fathers Doctours and yet whē it shalbe rightly trulye examined it is nothing so In deede cōsent of y ● church to true godly Preachers is not onely a goodlye and bewtifull Garment but a moste necessarie Ornament that men may not faigne and deuise Doctrines opinions and Phantasies of their owne heads but professe beleeue and teache the consent of the true Catholike Churche in that doctrine that was first planted in Paradice by God him selfe and after renewed and continued by the Patriarches and Prophetes and so published into the whole world by Christ himselfe and his Apostles The summe whereof is briefely contained in the articles of our faith teaching vs the vnestimable goodnesse of Almightie God towarde vs as well in making of the world as in redeeming mankinde by the Incarnation and deathe of hys Sonne c. This faith and beliefe ought to be established and conserued by the consent of the Catholike Churche from the beginnyng But it is of all Christian heartes to bee lamented that most wicked and rauening Wolues vnder this cloake of the Churches Consent do abuse the people of God bring into the Churche and maintaine straunge worshipping of God and what soeuer they haue newly deuised of themselues without iust warrant of the holy Scriptures and contrarie to the manifest doctrine of the Prophetes Apostles and auncient Fathers of the Primitiue Church And by the authoritie of this Title of the Church doe persecute and feare men from embracing the reformation of the Gospell and striue still by violence to keepe them in the blindnesse of ignoraunce and errour But for so much as I haue sufficiently and at large in another place spokē against this Lambes clothing and haue taught men how by certayne Tokens to espie the same I will not stande longer vpon it at this time but will referre the reader hereof to the seconde Sermon made vpon this Text the briefe some whereof was recited in this place The last Lambes clothing that I meane to note vnto you at this time is their Vaunting of myracles wonderous workes that haue bene done for the confirmation of their doctrines Ceremonies which they haue brought into the Church For as Christ by myracles did confirme the true doctrine of the Gospell so doe the Scriptures witnesse that wicked teachers members of Antichristes schoole shoulde vse the countenaunce of the same to leade men into errour For the Diuel doth often turne himselfe into an Angell of lyght and wyll seeme to imitate the diuine power of God That false Prophetes doe sometimes vse this clothing to commende themselues and their profession it is euident in many places of the Scriptures Iannes and lambres by this meanes resisted Moyses and did harden the heartes of Pharao and the Aegyptians against the messengers and people of God Simon Magus Elymas the Sorcerer by such straunge working seduced many Moyses giueth warning of such and wylleth the people of God to take heede of them saying If there arise among you a Prophete or a dreamer of dreames and giueth thee a signe or wonder and the signe or wonder that he hath tolde thee come to passe saying Let vs goe after other Gods c. Thou shalt not harken to the wordes of that Prophete for the Lord your God doth proue you to knowe whether you loue him with all your heart c. Christ himselfe sheweth that they be not all by and by true Prophetes and ryght teachers that haue power to worke Myracles Many will say vnto mee in that day Lorde Lorde haue not we in thy name prophesied haue we not cast out Diuells in thy name and by thy name haue done many great workes But it followeth Then I will professe vnto them I neuer knew you departe from mee all yee that worke iniquitie Here we see that with wickednesse and corrupt doctrine may be ioyned working of Myracles and straūge doyngs And agayne our Sauiour Prophesying of y e latter dayes sayeth Then if one saye vnto you beholde heere is Christ or there is Christ beleeue hym not for there shall aryse false Christes and false Prophetes and shall shewe great Signes and wonders in so muche that if it were possible the verie elect of God shoulde bee seduced Beholde I haue giuen you warning before And Saint Paule in lyke manner giuyng vs warning of Antichrist and his false Prophets sayth Whose comming is after the working of Sathan with all power signes and lying wonders and in all deceaueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse among them that perishe because they receiued not the loue of the truth
that they might bee saued And therefore God shall sende them strong delusions to beleeue lyes c. Thys warnyng principally toucheth vs vppon whome the latter endes of the worlde hath lyghted that wee shoulde carefullye take heede that by Wonders and Myracles and Apparition of Spirites wee bee not Seduced eyther to beleeue errour or to refuse the trueth of the Gospell offered vnto vs. Christ gyueth vs a speciall charge● Beware saith he I haue tolde you of it before hand Therefore if you doe not harken vnto him but yeelde your selues by suche meanes to be caryed into Superstition Errour and Idolatrie the daunger shall bee the greater And Saint Paule addeth a terrible threatning Because they receyued not the loue of trueth God shal sende them stronge delusions that they may beleeue lyes that all they myghte bee damned whiche beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse Let them looke therefore carefully to themselues which by suche Myracles are Induced or confyrmed to beleeue the corrupte errours of Pilgrimages and worshypping of Images of praying to Sainctes departed of Purgatorie of Masses and Trentalles of praying and offering for the synnes of the Deade and suche other infinite errours as hath beene brought into the Churche by Monkes Fryers and other false Teachers of the Churche of Rome It is a wonder to see the Heapes of such Myracles as of late yeeres haue beene put in writyng by Vincentius and a number of other like authors so that to such as feare God there is scant any greater Token that Antichrist is come and hath set a long time in the Church then this is That their doctrines are altogether confirmed rather by such Myracles Apparition of spirites then by the scriptures and word of God When the riche glutton as it is mentioned in the Euangelist desired of Abraham that one myght rise from death to life and warne hys brethren that they came not to that place of torment where he was Abraham aunswered They haue Moyses and the Prophetes if they will not beleeue them they will not beleeue though one rise from death to life Wherby the ●●lye Ghost doth Signifie that after the true doctrine of Christes Gospel first published was throughly confirmed and b●yng generally receaued was put in writing and so remaineth as a perfect Testimonie of the worke of our redemption that the prouidence of God towarde the latter ende of the world woulde vse no moe Myracles least hee should thereby seeme rather to Discredite the truth of his written word than by such meanes conserue them For whosoeuer wil not beleeue the doctrine of truth confirmed by the expresse and euident worde of God will not beleeue y t same though they sawe a. 1000. myracles Take example hereof by y ● Jewes who continually called for Signes and Wonders but when they had seene many they neuer the sooner Beleeued but sclaunded the doinges of Christ and sayd that he and his Apostles wrought by the power of Beelzebub c. Christians therefore must learne some Rule wherby they may iudge false and deceitefull Myracles done by the power of the Diuell from them that bee done directly by the Worde of God in his Saintes And this rule is the ende wherevnto myracles doe tende Godly myracles bee alwayes shewed by God to confirme the Diuine nature and office of Christ in the worke of our redemption and that he is the true and onely Messias and Sauiour or to iustifie and proue the doctrine of the Gospel to bee good According as Christ sayth in the last of S. Marke Goe yee into the whole worlde and preache the Gospell to euerye creature he that shall beleeue and bee Baptised shall bee saued but he that wyll not beleeue shall bee damned and these tokens shall followe them that beleeue In my name they shall cast out Diuells and shall speake with newe tongues and shall take away Serpentes and if they drinke any euill thing it shall neuer hurte them they shall laye their hand vpon the sicke and they shall recouer c. Those Myracles then that bee done to this ende to direct the people to acknowledge Christ to bee the only ful and perfect redeemer of mankynde and to embrace the doctrine of the Gospell by the holye Scriptures confirmyng the same are good and godly and to bee esteemed true Myracles But contrariwyse if they leade men from Christ and directe them to put their trust of Saluation remission of sinnes in any other name vnder Heauen then Christ Jesu or to beleeue any other doctrine than that which by Gods word is euidently confirmed or to accept any other worshippe of God than by himselfe is appoynted are false Myracles and delusions of the Diuel wrought to deceiue men Let vs therefore beware of these thinges and looke into these myserable delusions wherewith the Diuell and his Ministers haue bewitched the worlde nowe these manye yeeres by Spirites Ghostes Goblines and many vaine Apparitions and faygned Myracles c. ⸪ ¶ The seconde Sermon vppon this part of the Texte Exfructibus eorum cognoscetis eos By their fruites shall ye knovv them IN this place we haue diligentlye to obserue the great difference y t Christ our Sauiour in this louing and Fatherly admonitiō doth make betwene the clothing the fruits By their fruites you shall know them he saith not by their garmēts or outward clothing for wyth that y ● false Prophets vse to colour countenance all their crafts deceiptes of corrupt doctrine Now what these fruites be whereby they are knowne let vs consider by y t similitude or parable y t Christ here vseth Do they saith he gather Grapes of Thornes or figges of Thistles Euery kinde of tree hath fruit by which it is knowne to be good or bad The Apple tree by the Apple the Plumtree by the Plumme c. so euerie trade occupation or state of lyfe hath certaine proper and peculiar workes by which it is discerned either to be good or bad in it selfe or differing from other The Carpenter by right squaring framing of his Tymber the Mason by his buylding c. the Lawyer by his Counsaile the Phisition by his cure is iudged skilfull or ignoraunt euen so is the Preacher or Prophet knowē by his doctrine that proceedeth from him which is the peculiar worke and sruite of his trade and occupation In all the olde Testament God doth accuse the false Prophetes to bee euill because they deliuered vnto his people false doctrine corrupt worship contrarie to his holy will and worde Heare not saith God by Ieremie the wordes of the Prophets that prophesie vnto you teach you vanitie They speake the vision of their owne heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord. And agayne Howe long doe the Prophetes delight to prophesie lyes euen prophesying the deceipt of their owne hart And immedately after Therfore beholde I will come against the
prophets that steale my word priuily euery one frō his neighbour behold I will come against those Prophets that haue sweete tongues say The Lord hath said it I will come against thē that prophesie false dreames and tell thē out cause my people to erre by their lyes by their flatteries I sent thē not nor cōmaunded thē like testimonies haue Ezech. Hoseas Malachi other But the places be manifold wherein the spirit of God in y t scriptures teacheth vs y t lying false doctrine peruerting of y t word of God are the fruites of false prophets wherby they may be knowē Sathā himself the father founder of all lying false teaching vsed y t same course in Paradice For whē God had said vnto Adā our first father In what houre soeuer thou shalt eate of the fruite of this tree thou shalt die the death The old craftie Serpēt seeking to seduce man frō God sayde Nay you shall not die the death but you shal be like vnto God By which glofe false interpretatiō of Gods word he pulled them cleane frō the obedience of Gods holy will commandement to their owne vtter ouerthrow heauy iudgemēt By y t like falsehood he tēpted Christ to make him conceiue ouer great cōfidence of y t prouidence of God toward him Oh said he it is writtē that he hath giuen his Angels charge ouer thee that with their handes they maye saue thee least at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone By like craft of lying and by false Sence peruerting y t words of God he from time to time instructeth his messengers false Prophets to abuse and deceiue the Simple people of God that bee not well taught by his holy spirite howe to withstand them But I will come neere vnto my purpose by some perticular example shew how the worlde in these latter dayes hath ben in a great part yet is deceaued by false Prophets how the same may be knowne examined shunned S. Ioh. in his first Epistle sheweth vs a certaine rule how we may know these fruites of false Prophetes and in a manner distinctly telleth vs what they are and likewise the fruites of true Prophets Who is a lier sayth he but he that denieth Iesus to bee Christ he is Antichrist that denieth the father the sonne Whosoeuer denieth the Sonne hath not the Father And agayne Dearely beloued beleeue not euerie spirit but trie the spirites whether they be of God or no. For many false Prophets are gone out into the world By this you shall know the spirit of god Euery spirit that cōfesseth Iesus Christ to haue come in the fleshe is of God And enerie spirit that denieth Iesus christ to haue cōe in the flesh is not of God this is that spirit of Antichrist of which you haue heard that he should come and now alreadie is he in the world By these wordes some other that S. Iohn in the same Epistle vseth I obserue three sundrye pointes of doctrine touching the very ground of our saluation by which he teacheth vs to discerne true or false teachers The first is what Christ is in Person Office and what it is truely to confesse or denie Christ The secōd why Christ came into the world what benefites mankinde hath by it and who it is that doth confesse the same or denie it The thirde howe or by what meanes we are made partakers of those benefites and how the fruite of the same is applyed to vs. These braunches are not deuised by mee They are layde downe distinctly by Saint Iohn in thys place and they containe as I haue sayde the whole mysterie of our redemption and saluation by Christ that you may not thinke I purpose to rest vpon trifles or matters of small moment in triall of true Doctours and teachers As touching the fyrst we may not thinke that a sleighte knowledge confession of Christ the sonne of God and sauiour of the World is sufficiente For the Diuels sayeth S James doe beleeue know and tremble yea Mahomet and the Turkes after a sort do acknowledge Christ We must so know and confesse Christ as S. Peter did saying Thou art that christ the sonne of the liuing GOD. We must deepely pearce or enter into y t whole course of y t scripture and earnestly consider by what titles Christe is called and in dede what hee is both in person and Office To confesse that Jesus is Christ the sonne of God is as much as if you should say I knowe confesse and beleeue that Jesus borne of the blessed Virgine is the blessed Sede the true Messias promised by God by the mouth of all his Prophets and the eternall and onelye begotten sonne of God that is according to his person very God very man and by his office the true Christe annoynted of the Holy Ghoste King of Kinges Lorde of Lordes the Highe Bishoppe and principall Sheapheard of oure soules our Sauiour Redeemer Mediatour and Intercessour the head Gouernour Ruler Patrone Defēdour of the Church And we may not thinke y t the eternall prouidence wisdome of God wold prepare so precious high vnestimable a Means as to sēd down his son to take the forme of a seruant vpō him in this vale of misery to work only some parte of our saluation and so but in part to execute the office of a sauiour Wherfore we must assuredly know confes y t Christ is al y t is before spoken wholly and only without any part attributed to other For as Peter sayth There is no other name giuen vnder heauen wherby we shalbe saued We must therfore beleeue that Christ is our only Redeemer Mediatour Intercessour y ● only head ruler gouernor defēder of his church y e only high Bishop chefe sheapherd maister techer of his flock They that beleue confesse teach this be true preachers and are of God they y t do not beleeue confesse teach this howsoeuer they doe countenance and set forth themselues are false Prophets of the Diuel For so sayth S. Iohn Who is a lyar but he that denieth Iesus to be christ he is that Antechrist c. Now y t professors teachers of y t gospell in these latter dayes as wel in this church of England as other parts of y t world do confes teach preach in this manner therefore they are true Preachers and of God Let all our doctrines be examined see whether they tend not to this end y t Christ is our only ful perfit Redemer Mediatour Intercessour y t he is the only Head Guide generall gouernour of his church y t he is y t only high Bishop maister teacher of his flock y t in these offices none can without blasphemy be ioyned with him And I doubt not but our verye Aduersaries will say that this
defende strengthen and maintaine the same against all assaultes that they may to his glorie performe their worke whereto he hath appoynted them For so our Sauiour Christ willeth vs to cal vpon the Lord of the Haruest that he would send forth plentiful store of labourers to bring in his Haruest The seconde way to beware of false Prophets is a diligent and continual reading of the Scriptures of God which as I haue said before is y ● rule of true knowledge and right doctrine Herevnto Christ exhorteth when he sayth Search the Scriptures for in them you thinke ye haue eternall lyfe And they are they that testifie of me And the Thessalonians that did heare Paule at Berrhaea dayly searched the Scriptures whether things were so as Paule preached or no. S. Augustine also doth exhort vs to the same by a very apt similitude Euen as a Prince or gouernour in time of peace maketh prouision for armour munition and all warlike furniture that when he is assaulted by his enemies he may not be foūd vnprouided so saith he is it necessary that al good Christians should diligently reade carefully hearken to the teaching of the word of God and out of that storehouse to furnish thē felues with all spirituall furniture against the assaultes of Sathan his instruments whether it be in matter of faith and Religion or behauiour of life For of all the spirituall armor y t S. Paul describeth aboue all things he warneth to haue y t Target of faith the sword of gods holy word By y t weapō only you know y t christ our sauior droue back y t Deuil whē he indeuoured to seduce him by peruerting y t scriptures of God They therefore y t forbid the people to reade y t scriptures do hearken to gods word are to be esteemed no better thā traitors y t take frō the people of God their chief defence to leaue thē open to y t daunger of their enimies Or if men be not able to reade y t scriptures themselues in any wise as they haue care of their soules let thē learne to vnderstand y t generall principles of Christian Religion in their Catechisme that is the .x. Commandemēts the articles of their beliefe y t right vse of the Sacraments the Lordes Prayer And this must they learne not as Parrets to sound the words but to vnderstand the truth of the matter And then surely w t gods assistance may they be easily able to discerne the spirites of the Preacher tollerably to iudge of his doctrine as I could by some particular examples declare vnto you if the time would serue But if men will be take themselues to the Colliars faith that beleeued generally as the Church beleeued and knewe not one word what the church did beleeue or ought to beleeue they shall by such wilfull ignoraunce lay themselues open to false teachers that shall come vnto them in sheepes clothing and seeke nothing but as rauening Wolues to deuour their soules c. ¶ The thirde Sermon vppon this part of the Texte By their fruites shall ye knovv them Mat. 7. 16. THE Churche of Rome and the writers thereof doe interprete these wordes not of the fruites of doctrine as I haue done but of the fruites of godly and honest lyfe and withall challenge to themselues a singular holynesse aboue the Preachers of the Gospell in these dayes Who as they saye discourage men from vertuous exercises of godlye lyfe and in their owne behauiour shew a dissolutenesse and loosenesse of life fo that vice and wickednesse euer since the rysing of thys newe Gospell as they call it hath increased among men And for this cause will they haue vs noted to bee the false Prophetes that Christ willeth men heere to take heede of and say that we are knowne by our euill fruits Wherefore I thinke it most necessarie at this tyme to pull thys Lambes cloathing from them that the worlde or at least such as be not too muche affectionate to them may see how lyttle helpe they haue by this colour eyther for themselues or against vs. Neither doe I thinke that there is any fitter meanes to doe this than to let men vnderstand by the course of their owne histories and other credible writers how great corruption of lyfe and how foule vices haue ben vsually practised not among common persons of the meanest sorte but among the most holy and reuerend fathers of the Churche of Rome the Popes themselues that thereby you may gheasse what state of Religion hath most preuailed wyth them For it can not bee that that place can bee the seate of true Religion and holynesse whiche hath bene alway a sinke of most horrible and foule vices And here I protest vnto you that I will not speake or alleage anye thing of stomacke to aggrauate the matter but as I finde it in trueth layde downe in verie credible histories And first to begynne with the most notable roote of the corruption Simoniacall ambition in aspiring to that exceedyng power whiche this manye yeeres they haue vsurped About the yeere of our Lord. 600. Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople because that Citie was the Royall seate of the East Empyre obtayned of Mauritius the Emperour with intollerable pride to bee vniuersall Byshoppe the head and ruler of al other Against whom Gregorie 1. at y t time Bishop of Rome did write very earnestly reproueth sharply his exceeding ambition saying y t whosoeuer doth so aspire doth shew himself to be the forerunner of Antichrist And he calleth y t name of vniuersall Bishop a new a peruerse a superstitious a prophane a foolishe a proude a wicked name a name of errour a name of singularitie a name of vanitie a name of Hypocrisie a name of blasphemie Notwithstanding Boniface 3. y ● next Pope of Rome sauing one w t great suite obtained of y t wicked traiterous Emperour Phocas y t he his successors might haue that name Title of vniuersall Byshop and heade of the whole Church This was the first open step of their monstrous exceeding pride ambition which afterward by corruption briberie they continually followed still heaping on wicked practizes euery day more more as their owne histories do witnesse What shall I say of Constantius y t. 2. who being a lay man by exceeding ambition with great broile stirre obtained y ● Popedome was after depriued cast in prison had his eyes pulled out What shal I say of Formosus y t. 1. which by manifest briberie came to the Bishoprick I wil come to y t time wherin their owne secretaries Platina and Stella Venetus openly cry out on them y t is about the time of Benet the. 4. 900. yeeres after Christ Of which time Stella Venetus sayth Omnis virtus tam in capite quam in membris ex hominū ignauia consumpta est i. All vertue
these manye hundred yeeres and by that meanes it is come to passe that the Texte of the Scriptures is nowe better vnderstanded than euer it was in anye age That sundrie poyntes of doctrine bee refourmed without which men can not possiblye haue anye true sense of Christianitie as the doctrine of Originall Sinne of the Lavve and the Gospell of Repentaunce of Faythe of Hope and Charitie whiche before were maruaylouslye corrupted and wrapped in darkenesse and errour Principally the wholesome doctrine of the grace and merite of Christ of Remission of Sinnes of eternall lyfe receyued by fayth in Christ and Sealed and confirmed by his Sacramentes doth in these dayes bryng vnestimable comforte to troubled consciences as well at all other tymes as chiefely at the houre of death when Sathan most seeketh to shake mennes consciences wyth desperation The sence hereof the godlesse Epicures and secure Hypocrites haue not but suche as feare God and haue any touche of conscience conceiue exceeding comforte thereby Men in these dayes also are better instructed to praye and call vppon the name of God and indeede doe the same more sincerely because they vnderstande what they speake whereas before when they were taught to praye in a straunge tongue it coulde not possibly bee that their heartes and lyppes coulde goe together which of al other was a most myserable seducing of the people and as it were a mocking of God and his seruice and a singular instrument of the Diuell to keepe the people in errour and blindnesse Lastlye as I haue fayde reformation of manners and lyfe in verye many hath beene wrought and I doubt not but a great deale of euyll in these myserable and corrupte latter dayes restrayned by the sincere Preachyng of the Gospell and earnest callyng of men to repentance whiche otherwyse surelye according to the infection of this tyme woulde haue broken out to greates corruption of mannes lyfe These fruites and a number suche lyke althoughe the aduersary●● wyll not acknowledge I trust suche as feare GOD and wyll but indifferently iudge of thinges can not choose but perceaue and wyth comforte confesse to bee true Thus haue you hearde that externall shewe of honest lyfe ordinarie callyng and succession the Tytle and Name of the Catholike Churche the vse and workyng of Myracles bee in deede the clothing of Christes true sheepe but yet that rauening Wolues oftentymes hyde themselues vnder them to deceaue Gods people You haue hearde that the fruites whereby false Prophetes are discerned and knowen is corruption of doctrine and teaching of errours and lyes And you haue hearde it euidentlye proued as well by the testimonie of Saint Iohn as other partes of the Scripture that those fruites haue beene in the Churche of Rome and not among vs whiche submit all our doctrines to the touchstone of Gods holye worde Lastly you haue hearde by comparison that the good fruites of godly life and detesting of sinne hath more prospered among the professors of the Gospell than among the patrones of the Churche of Rome The Lorde graunt vs the grace of his holye spirite that to his glorie vice and wickednesse may dayly bee more repressed and vertue and honestie more aduaunced ⸪ Amen ¶ Certaine Sermons made vppon this Text. 1. Cor. 10. 1. c. Moreouer brethren I would not that you should be ignorant that al our fathers were vnder the cloude and all passed through the Sea and were all Baptized vnto Moses in the cloude and in the Sea and did all eate of the same spirituall meate and all drunke of the same spirituall drinke for they dranke of the spirituall Rocke that followed them and the Rocke was Christ But with manye of them God was not pleased c. SAint Paul dearely beloued from the beginnyng of this Epistle blamed the Corinthians for sundry faultes and corruptions among them As that they had factions and dissentions one parte against another that they more esteemed in their Preachers eloquence of speeche then the simplicitie of Christ crucified that they made small accompt of him in cōparison of some other corrupt teachers that they suffered incest among them vnpunished that they resorted to Idolatrous feasts with the heathen and did eate of those things that were offered to Diuels contrary to the sinceritie of true Christians Now because men are very prone to flatter their owne mindes by vaine pretences and to feede themselues in euill doing he preuenteth an obiection or excuse y ● happily they might make for themselues For they might haue said Sir we beare y ● name of Christ and bee Christians wee haue his Gospell among vs and vse hys Sacramentes whereby his merite is sealed in vs. Therefore wee are sure that wee are in the fauour of God and that his displeasure and plague shal not lyght vpon vs. c. To this S. Paule aunswereth that this trust and secure confidence in the profession of Christianitie and vse of the Sacramentes is but vayne vnlesse they approue make good their fayth and outward profession of Christ wyth the exercise of honest lyfe and Godly conuersation This he confyrmeth by comparison of the Israelites The people of Israell sayth S. Paule were the chosen people of God they had his law and Ceremonies among them yea they had promise of saluation by the same blessed sede that we haue they did vse in effect the same Sacramentes that we doe they were baptised in the Cloude and in the Sea they did eate of the same spirituall meate that we doe they did drinke of the same spirituall drinke that we drinke of for the Rock that they dranke of was Christe And yet many of them by Gods heauy hand perished in the Wildernesse And if you looke into the cause you shall fynde it to be nothing else but for y ● they were inclinable proane to the corruption of Idolatrie that they were giuen to fornication and vncleannesse that they tempted Christe and munnured against God and committed other like naughtinesse against the will of God c. Seing it is so you may be sure that God is no changeling but will deale in the same manner with you nowe as he did with his people before time Now for so much as S. Paules reason doth principallie stand vpon the vse of the Sacramentes and that the people in those dayes were more skilfull and better taughte the effecte nature and strength of a Sacrament thē in this time they be through slacknesse of teaching and way wardnesse in learning before I come to that which S. Paule principallye respecteth in this place I thinke it necessary for your better instruction fyrst to speake generally of Sacraments and to shew what a Sacrament is of what partes it standeth for what causes they are ordayned and what fruite maye be taken of them Secondly because he sayth The Rocke was Christ and that they did eate and drinke of the same Christ I will declare what manner of speethe this is and shew why Chist
entelye to bee noted in them and greatly to be 〈…〉 When we speake therefore of the sacrament we must speake as it is in it selfe by the force of Gods worde consisting of all three partes and not as the baldnesse of men or the weakenesse and imperfection of oure fayth maye make it ●●w vs. Nowe let vs consider the causes and endes for which Christes pleasure was to ordaine Sacramentes in hys Church that we may thereby also in part learne what fruit and benefite wee take by them The first cause is partly our owne infirmitie and weakenesse beyng dull and slowe in the vnderstanding of heauenly things partly the great goodnesse and loue of God that woulde vouchsafe to attemper himselfe to our simple capacitie and seeke meanes by outward things to ease and helpe the same For this cause in the Scripture doth he so often vse parables and similitudes of those things that are within the compasse of our vnderstāding by those the sooner to induce vs to the knowledge of his heauenly doctrines This cause the auncient and learned Fathers did acknowledge in their writinges The Lord saith Chrisostome geueth vs not any thing that is sensible but insensible things The outward things are sensible but all thinges are to bee vnderstanded in the minde In Baptisme water is sensible but our regeneration and renewing is perceiued in the minde For if thou wert spirituall and without a body he would haue giuen all these things to thee naked bare but because with thy minde there is ioyned a grosse body in things sensible he declareth vnto thee things by thy minde to be vnderstanded Like wordes almost hath Dionysius in Caelost Hier. Because of carnall persons saith Augustine visible Sacramentes were instituted to the end that by things that be seene with your eyes your minde may be transformed to those things that be vnderstanded Our vnderstanding is weake and dull our memorie is fraile and fickle and soone forgetteth the benefite of God Both these our unperfections God by his Sacramentes helpeth our vnderstanding is ●ed by the similitude and lykenesse of the external signes as before I haue noted Our Seuces also are by the erercise of the Sacramentes stirred vp to be instrumentes to helpe one mynde and weake faith Our remembraunce also by the same 〈◊〉 is marueilously● strengthened And therefore a seconde cause or ende of a Sacrament is that it maye bee to vs a blessed exercise whereby wee call to remembraunce the benefite of our redemption in Christ and yeelde to him most hartie thankes and praise for the same according as Christ teacheth vs in the institution of his laste Supper Doe this in remembraunce of mee And Saint Paule so often as you eate of this bread and drinke of this cuppe you shall set forthe the death of the Lorde vntill his comming c. They therefore which come to receaue the Sacrament and neuer thinke of this nor call to theyr remembraunce to prayse God for this vnestimable benefite but thinke that the outwarde vse of the Sacrament is sufficient are among the number of them that receyue vnworthily and make lyttle accompt of Christes benefite procured for vs. A thyrde cause and ende of a Sacrament is that wee by the practice and vse thereof myght bee traded to the obedieuce of Gods holye wyll and commaundementes thoughe the thinges seeme to our selues neuer so simple and mean● and also that thereby wee myght openly before God and the worlde protest and acknowledge that we are his people and of the number of them that looke to be saued preserued defended by the benefite of Christ onely So that the open vse of the sacramentes is a parte of that confession wherevnto S. Paule attributeth saluation when he sayeth If thou confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and beleeue in thy hart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt bee saued for by the heart wee beleeue to righteousnesse and by the mouth confession is made to saluation In the vse of the sacramentes wee confesse both by mouthe an● testimonie of all the partes of our bodye that Christ Iesus is our Lorde and sauiour A fourthe cause and ende of the Sacramentes is that they myght bee as bandes and linkes of loue vnitie and concorde among our selues Therefore Saint Paule when hee exhorted to vnitie and loue among other thinges a 〈…〉 th Wee haue one faith one Baptisme And agayne in another place Wee are one bodye as manye as bee partakers of one lofe For this cause doth Saint Augustine call the Sacrament of the Supper Sacramentum vnitatis i. A Sacrament of vnitie and teacheth vs as before I haue saide that as a loafe of breade is made of manye graynes and a Cuppe of Wyne of many Grapes so wee thoughe manye in number are made members of one mysticall bodye of Christ Iesu A foule thing it is to see the seruauntes of one Maister that weare one cognizaunce or liuerie to fall out among themselues it can not bee without some reproche of their Maister All Christian men weare one cognizaunce and badge for the Sacraments are the marks of Christes sheepe Therfore not to loue agree together is a reproch wrought to our Lord and Maister Wherby in a maner we protest to the world that we be not seruaunts of his familie For in this sayeth he shall men knowe you to be my Disciples if you loue one another as I haue loued you Hereof doth the right vse and vnderstanding of the Sacrameutes very notably put vs in remembraunce For it teacheth vs that in Baptune wee are all newe borne children of God and graffed into one bodie and in the Lordes supper fedde and nourished with one heauenly foode of the body and blood of Christ and therefore that we should with faithfull and vnfained loue hartelie embrace one the other as the children of one father the members of one body and the seruauntes of one Maister fed at one table and nourished with one foode to eternal life Let them therfore looke with what consciences they come vnto the Sacramentes y ● reserue bytter rancour malice in their hartes let them consider what heauy testimony they giue against thēselues before God his Angels The last cause end of a sacrament y ● I meane nowe to speake of is that by those as by blessed instrumentes of the holye Ghostes working hee myght imparte vnto vs and bestowe vppon vs hys vnestimable Graces and benefytes together wyth all the fruites of our redemption in Christ Jesu For as his worde is so are his Sacraments instrumentes and Meanes by the working of his holy spirite to bring vnto vs the whole benefite of our saluation And here againe because of our sclaūderous aduersaries I must put you in remēbraunce that we which teache thus teache not as it is fathered vpon vs that the Sacramentes are but bare signes For you heare vs
will raise him vp at the last daye Who seeth not heere that Christ attributeth the same force to beleeuing that in the other verse he did to eating and drinking and therfore vseth y ● wordes indifferently as beyng of one meaning I myght stay vpon many other places wherein the holy Ghost wytnesseth that we haue eternall life by beleeuing in Christ as in the same place He that trusteth in me hath eternal life but the matter is needelesse and the time will not suffer me Therefore by Christes owne wordes to beleeue in Christ is to eat Christ That you may not thinke this is a new deuise proceeding from my selfe or from the Preachers of thys tyme hearken you what S. Augustine sayeth This is the bread that came from heauen that if any doe eate of it he shoulde not die but that stretcheth to the Vertue of the Sacrament not to the visible Sacrament He that eateth within not he that eateth without he that eateth with the hart and not he that presseth it with his teeth Marke I pray you y ● he attributeth the true effectuall eating not to the pressing with the teeth and bodyly mouthe but to the inward eating with the hart and what is that but by faith and beleeuing spiritually to eate him and so he expoundeth himselfe in an other place This it is therefore fayeth he to eate that foode that perisheth not but remaineth to eternall lyfe What preparest thou thy tooth and thy belly beleeue and thou hast eaten And againe To beleeue in hym that is it to eate the bread of lyfe Cyprian also to the same purpose writeth These things so often as wee doe wee sharpen not our teeth to byte but with sincere fayth wee breake and diuide that holye breade Some happily thinke that this spirituall eating by faith is but a ●leight matter and of no great weyght and so the teachers of the Churche of Rome woulde perswade men but they consider not the great vertue power and strength of Faith By Fayth wee knowe Christ and the true meane of our saluation by hym By Faith wee bee graffed into Christ as braunches into the roote and stocke so that wee lyue now by him and by his spirit as the braunches doe by the Iuice that commeth from the bodye of the tree By Fayth wee bee so vnited vnto Christ that we may iustly saye whatsoeuer is hys is ours also by fayth we are made the chyldren of God and heyres of eternall lyfe By fayth wee haue peace wyth God and are assured of hys fauour in the myddest of all our troubles by fayth wee dare boldly approche to the throne of Gods mercie This might and strength of fayth they feele not that thinke it so simple a matter to eate Christ by fayth Christ witnesseth That by eating him by faith and beliefe we haue saluation and eternall lyfe and that hee will raise vs at the last daye Wherefore I woulde knowe of them what other eating there is beside thys whereby wee maye assure our selues of Saluation Truely the Scriptures mention none And that carnall eating for which the Churche of Rome striueth is suche as they themselues confesse that Iudas and all wicked persons may vse and bee damned Nowe I appeale to the consciences of them that feare GOD and will not willyngly runne into errour whether wee or they deale with the people of God more sincerely They without any euident proofe of the Scriptures contende as I haue sayde for that reall and bodily eating with which damnation maye bee ioyned wee endeuour to perswade men that manner of spirituall eatyng by faythe throughe which by the testimonie of the whole Scriptures wee shall be assured of eternall lyfe and with which damnation can not bee ioyned Some perchaunce wyll saye vnto mee or wyll thinke with themselues in their mynde If this doctrine bee true then are Sacramentes needelesse For wee may eate Christ by fayth spiritually in such sort as you haue sayd without any vse of the Lordes supper and therefore it maye seeme superfluous God forbydde that the most perfect Christians and of strongest fayth should once thinke Sacramentes to bee superfluous and needelesse They bee the blessed and holy ordinaunces of Christ by his mercy and goodnesse appoynted for our great helpe and benefite as I haue in the former Sermon declared And yet I must confesse to the great comforte of many godlye persons that the faythfull Christian maye and doth often feede vpon Christ to saluation beside the vse of the Sacrament For the spirituall grace and benefites which as I haue sayd before is the principall parte of a Sacrament is not of necessitie alwaye so tyed to the outwarde signes that without them God can not or doth not sometime bestowe the same I doubte not but the Theefe vppon the Crosse without vse of the Sacrament dyd eate the bodye and blood of Christ in such sort that he was the same day w t him in Paradise We see in the Actes of the Apostles that Cornelius and hys company was sealed with the spirite of GOD before the receauing of the outward Sacrament in such sort that if he had then immediatly departed out of this life he should haue gone to heauen which coulde not bee vnlesse he had spiritually by fayth eaten the true foode of euerlasting life that is Christ Jesus crucifyed which he fed vppon most assuredly whyle he heard Saint Peter preach Christ There were in tyme of the Primitiue Churche great numbers of godly Martyrs saued which neuer outwardly receaued the Sacrament of the Lordes supper and yet fruitfully and effectually did eat Christ by faith And so doe many at this daye which either by sicknesse or by imprisonment or by any other lyke cause of necessitie are tyed from the outwarde vse of the Sacraments Yet as I haue fayde God forbyd that we shoulde thinke the Sacrament of the Lordes supper superfluous but rather exceeding profitable In the vse of y t Sacrament there is a double eating of which one helpeth the other † As manne consisteth of two partes bodie and soule so the bodye feedeth vppon the outwarde elementes of bread and wyfe but the soule feedeth in deede and truely vpon Jesus Christ crucified The outward eating by y ● instrumēts of our body causeth al our senses our hearing our seeing our feeling our tasting to helpe our inwarde eating by faith by the same quickeneth stirreth strengtheneth increaseth our faith y t we may eate y t body and blood of Christ more effectually fruitfully For when the faithful christian heareth the wordes of Christes institution sounde in his eares This is my body that is giuen for you this is my blood that is shed for the remission of your sinnes it stirreth vppe his faith for faith is by hearing to lay strong howfast vppon this promise in his hart doth assure himselfe that Christ dyed and shed his blood not
make smalle accompt of them The last reason is that God our heauenly father knoweth that wee haue neede of those things and therefore for the tender and fatherly care that he hath ouer vs his children he will not suffer vs to want so much as shall be necessarie conuenient for vs. Wherefore we ought to bend our whole studie to seeke the kingdome of God and the glory thereof and leaue the cares of this world and the immoderate desire of earthly ryches least the same pull from vs and extinguish in vs the happie desire of hearing the worde and so through the deceiptfulnesse of Riches the word of God bee vtterly choked in vs and we of faire blossomes become vnfruitefull hearers and vnfit members for the kingdome of heauen c. ¶ A Sermon made vpon this text John 8. 46. Quis ex vobis arguit me de peccato Si veritatem dico vobis quare non creditis mihi Which of you can rebuke me of sinne and if I say the truth why doe yee not beleeue mee WHen I was assigned to this place and pervsed the Text of the Gospell for this day seeing the first verse thereof to bee these wordes which nowe I haue recited vnto you I could not but thinke it to bee some part of Gods gracious prouidence there-by to put mee in minde giue mee full occasion to speake of those things which in conscience I thinke most necessarie at this time and in this place to bee vttered These wordes deerely beloued are a parte of that notable conference which was betweene our Sauiour Christ and the Jewes Ioh 8. Wherein both of them are so earnest in defence of their part as hardly the lyke is to be found in the whole historie of the Euangelistes The Jewes in defence of their Synagogue denie Christ to bee the light of the world that shoulde open the true way of saluation to men but affirme that he was an a●bitious and vaine glorious man bearing witnesse of himselfe for his owne credites sake yea they say he is a Samaritane a worker with diuells a blasphemer of God and therefore lastly take vp stones and draue him by violence out of the place A verye ryght paterne of the enemyes of Christ and hys Church On the other part Christ in deede mooued wyth the true zeale of Gods house after hee had declared that hee was the lyght of the worlde which hee that followed should not walke in darkenesse but see the truth of euerla sting life he euidently proueth that the Jewes were not as they pretended to bee the right seede of Abraham for then they would doe the workes of Abraham nor the children of God for then they would haue receaued him who was sent vnto them from God but earnestly affirmeth that they are of the seede and ofspring of Sathan the father of lying and vntrothe and therefore euen by very corruption of nature they could not abyde the truth Then Christes knowing that they woulde obiect against him that they denied not his doctrine because it was the truth as he charged them but because he was an euill man and a seducer of the people and not like a person that should deliuer the truth vnto the people of God Therefore Christ to preuent this obiection wherewith they went about to deface and discredite his doctrine speaketh in such sorte as ye haue heard Quis ex vobis c. Which of you can rebuke me of sinne c. In which wordes you see Christ doth two things First he standeth to the integritie of his cause euen as well in the vpright dealing in his office as in Innocencie of lyfe Secondly he iustifieth the truth of his doctrine and therefore requireth them to beleeue it if they will shewe themselues to be of God in deede This dealing of Christ all Christians generally but especially Byshops Preachers and all such as are called to the ministerie of the word ought to set before their eyes as a right paterne of their doyngs if they will be the true Ministers of Jesus Christ And these two things I meane w t Gods assistaunce to speake of at this time and in this order First I will declare what the office of a Preacher or Minister is by his calling and what daunger hangeth ouer them if they doe it not Secondly because men may deale wyth good consciences and yet be subiect to great infamie and sclaunders for euen Christ in this place notwithstanding his integritie heard of hys aduersaryes Nonne bene dicimus quod Samaritanus es daemonium habes c. i. Say we not well that thou arte a Samaritaine and hast the Diuell Therefore I will let you vnderstande what blame they deserue and what daunger they are in that falsely vncharitably defame the Ministers Preachers of Gods worde and truth of purpose to discredite their doctrine Thirdly I will prooue that the doctrine of the Gospell which we haue preached in this land these 20. yeeres and more which vnder hir Maiesties gracious protection authoritie of hir lawes hath bene established is the truth and no truth of doctrine but that and therefore y t it ought to be beleeued receaued and without exception to bee confirmed of all them that be of God As touching the first S. Paul saith Sic nos aestimet homo c. Let a man so esteeme vs as the Ministers of Christ the bestowers of his mysteries The mysteries of God are the true doctrine of saluation in Christ Jesu and al the other benefites and commodities of his holy word mentioned by S. Paule to Timothie A good Bishop therefore and a right Preacher must out of y ● holy scriptures teach true doctrine sincerely he must confute error superstition idolatrie zealously he must exhort to vertue earnestly he must without respect of persons reproue vice and wickednesse boldly and freely he must comfort the afflicted conscience sweetely and gratiously This is the charge that God layeth vpon vs in his word very earnestly with greeuous daunger if we doe it not In Esay God speaketh in thys wyse Get thee vp into the high mountaine thou that teachest in Syon thou that preachest the Gospell in Hierusalem lyfte vp thy voyce with strength lyfte vp thy voyce I saye and feare not tell the Cities that the Lorde their God commeth You heare that wee are commaunded to tell the Cities that is the particular Churches of Christ that the Lord their God commeth to visite them eyther in mercy offering them his worde and callyng them to repentaunce or in iustice to punish them for the contempt of his worde and want of repentaunce And this wee must doe not in secrete corners but in the face of the worlde for wee must stande vppon the toppe of the Mountaine that we may bee seene and shewe our selues not ashamed of the Gospell We must not doe it slackly but zealously lyfting vp our voyce with strength
maliciously seeking to supplant one an other Which of you is able to accuse vs that wee pull downe Townes and inclose whole fieldes to feede wylde beastes famish a number of Christian people or that we ioyne house to house lande to land with oppression of the poore as thoughe wee woulde lyue alone vppon the face of the earth Which of you is able to saye that wee wast the treasure of the lande in feedyng three Cankers riotously to consume the same I meane Monstrous Vanitie in Apparell Needelesse pompe in Sumptuous building and Excessiue charge in daintie feeding Which of you is able to say that in all our doings we set not the feare of God before our faces make not his holy word the directiō of all our deuises Which of you I say is able to accuse vs in any of all these things If all men in all states and conditions bee able with good conscience thus to say Surely this lande is blessed But Heauen and earth seeth and the Lorde knoweth that it is not so in a number yet God forbyd for that number that we should condemne all God hath his in euery state and condition of man Nowe come I to the thirde parte contayned in the second sentence of my Theame Si veritatem dico vobis quare non creditis mihi If I say the truth why doe you not beleeue mee Wherein I promised to let you vnderstande that the doctrine of the Gospell which we haue Preached in this lande by the space of this 20. yeeres and that hath beene confirmed and established by the authoritie of the Prince lawes of this Realme is the onely truth that there is no truth of doctrine but it therfore y t you ought both faythfully without exception to embrace it and constantly wythout reuolting to abyde in it But mee thinketh I heare some say Sir if you coulde resolue vs that it is the trueth whiche you Preache wee would easilye receaue it but wee may iustly doubt of it For ye are but men and such men as carie their blemishes openly in the sight of the world ye may be deceaued and deceaue others As good Clarkes as you and as honest men for any thing wee see teache vs the contrarie and say their doctrine is the truth or at the leastwyse wee may iustly thinke that those great contentions that you make against y t Churche of Rome are but for trifling ceremonies and matters of small weight and importance and therefore that Christian Princes might do ver●e well to see some order for those matters and to force you to agree for the residue whether you will or no that you may no longer trouble the worlde as you haue done these many yeeres with these needelesse controuersies Surely that they wyll not receaue our doctrine with triall I can not mislike it for S. Iohn in his 1. Epist 4. cap. giueth them the same Counsell Deerely beloued saith he beleeue not euery spirit that speaketh to you but trie the spirites whether they be of God or not for many false Prophetes are come into the world Therefore I would to God all sortes of men but chiefely Princes Counsellers and Magistrates would trie our doctrine by the true touchstone of Gods word as those noble Conuerts of Berrhaea did mētioned in y ● Act. 17 which came to heare Paules Sermons not of custome and fashion onely But dayly searched the Scriptures whether those things were true that Paule spake or no. If God would moue them so to doe they should easily vnderstand not onely that our doctrine were the truth but also that the controuersie betweene vs and the Church of Rome is not for trifling Ceremonies as they saye or matters of small weight but for the very substaunce of our fayth and ground of all Christian Religion and that there can bee made no more agreement betwene our doctrine and theirs then betweene light and darkenesse truth and error God and Beliall Christ Antichrist which thing it behoueth all Christians and professors of the Gospell deepely to consyder For as before time often I haue sayde in this place so now thinke I the time draweth nigh that Godds iustice for our vnthankefulnesse will pull vs to the tryall of our fayth and therefore it behooueth vs to vnderstande that we contend not for trifles but for matters of principall importance as I mean now to declare vnto you And if som persons shall thinke these poyntes needelesse to be spoken of in this place I humbly craue leaue that for the confyrmation of mine own fayth I may declare vnto you y ● grounds of my conscience that if euer I liue to be tempted to forsake my Lorde God and his truth that this my protestation made in this place may bee a bonde vnto my conscience The rule that I will vse to prooue that our Doctrine is the truth and not that which commeth from Rome shal be the same that the Scripture of God layeth downe by S. Iohn in the place before mentioned where after he hath as you haue heard admonished men to trye the Spirites whether they be of God or no hee addeth these meanes of triall Euery Spirite that confesseth Christ to haue come in flesh is of God and euery spirite that denieth Christ to haue come in flesh is not of God but is the Spirit of Antichrist of whome you haue heard howe hee shoulde come and now already is he in the worlde Nowe that you may vnderstande I go not about to deceaue you with shewe of eloquence and Rhethoricall amplifications and with motions of affections to leade you into erroure ear● you be ware I will laye open myne argumente vnto you nakedly and barely that you may see euery ioynt thereof and with your selues consyder of what force it ought to bee in any christian cōscience And this I say euery spirit that confesseth Christ to haue come in fleshe is of God and teacheth you the truth And euery spirite that denyeth Jesus to haue come in fleshe is not of God but leadeth you into errour and is that spirite of Antichrist But wee and the Preachers of the Gospell in all Godly sence cōfesse Christ to haue come in fleshe and our Aduersaries of Roome doe not therefore we and not they haue brought the truth vnto you The 2. proposition I know wil be denied for both y t parts therof which I wil proue vnto you by this meanes First I will let you vnderstand the causes why christ came in fleshe and what benefites he procured to mankynde by the same Secondly I will shew vnto you what it is to denye Christe to haue come in fleshe The firste of these two shall confirme our truth The seconde shall confound their error As touching the cause why christ came in flesh When sinne had made separation betweene God and man and the exceding great mercy of God was not willing vtterly to cast away man and to ras● him
of the high and most excellent meanes of oure saluation deuised by the wisedome and vnspeakeable mercye of God For it should greatlye impeache the wisedome of God if he should send downe his sonne the seconde person in Trinitie into the vale of miserye here to take Fleshe and in the forme of a Seruaunt and abiecte man to suffer most vile and reprochfull Death to bee a partye redeemer or a partie Sauiour and to yeelde a great parte of the honoure and glory thereof to other No no he is GOD he giueth not his glory to other He onely onelye I saye hee is our full and perfecte reconciler and Redemer and all the residue that I haue spoken of before This is the Doctrine which we teache this is the Gospell whiche we preache and this is no new Doctrine but that whiche was conceaued in the bosome of the wisedome of GOD before the beginning of the Worlde For wee were chosen sayeth Sayncte Paule in Christe Antequám iacerentur Fundamenta Mundi i. Before the Foundations of the Worlde were layde This is that Gospell that GOD himselfe opened in Paradise to our fyrst Fathers I will set enmitie sayeth he to the Woman betweene thy seede and his seede and thy seede That is one that shall come of a woman shall breake the Serpents head That is ouerthrow the whole power of the Deuil and delyuer mankynde from sime This is that Gospell that was renued to Abraham and all the Patriarches In thy Seede shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed This is that Gospell that was fygured to the Jewes by the Paschall Lambe by Manna by the Rocke by all the Sacrifices and Ceremoniall seruices of the Lawe This is that Gospell Where vnto all the Prophets beare witnesse As Saynt Peter sayeth in the Actes That all they that beleeue in him shall haue remission of sinnes by his name This is that Gospell that Saynt Iohn the Forerunner poynted vnto Beholde the Lambe of God c. This is the Gospell that Christe himselfe preached and deliuered to his Apostles and they to the whole Worlde So GOD loued the Worlde that hee gaue his onlye begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeued in him should be saued Therefore as I haue sayde Our doctrine is no newe Doctrine but the moste aunciente Doctryne that euer was vpon the face of the Earth neyther doe wee teache anye other Doctrine then this and those that doe of necessitie depende vppon this or bee grounded vppon this Neither doe wee impugne anye Doctrines in other but suche as are repugnaunte to this Fayth and eyther directlye or indirectlye impeache the same For I protest before GOD and his Aungels and in the presence of this honourable Audience for my selfe and as many professoures of the Gospell as I know that whatsoeuer Doctrine is agreeable to this wee doe gladly receiue it and with both armes imbrace it though it come from the Churche of Roome And whatsoeuer Doctrine is repugnant to this and will not stande with it wee doe reiecte it though it come from an Aungell in Heauen Seeing then wee haue nowe this 20. yeares taught you this vnfallible trueth Why doe you not beleeue vs c. Now as touching the second branche what it is to denye Christe to haue come in Fleshe and who they are that denye it you shall vnderstande that there bee two wayes to denye Christe to haue come in fleshe The one flatlye and groselye and in playne wordes as Ebion Erinthus Marcion Valentinian Arrius and a number suche other in the Primatiue Churche whiche denyed eyther the Deitie or Humanitie of Christe But in them Sathan shewed himselfe in his owne Coloures like a blacke Deuill and therefore the Heresyes beeing so grosse were soone confuted and confounded in the Churche of GOD. There is another waye more subtle and perilous vndirectly to denye Christ to haue come in fleshe in whiche Sathan tourneth himselfe into an Aungell of lighte and as Cyprian sayeth Vnder the name of Christe confounding the Religion of christe That is While in wordes they confesse the Incarnation of Christ by peruerse Doctrynes in effecte they deny it by denying those causes for which the Sonne of GOD was Incarnate attributing the effect of oure Saluation to other thinges And after this sorte the Teachers of the Churche of Roome very plainlye and perilouslye denye Christe to haue come in fleshe as I wil particularly lette you vnderstande by the Branches of our saluation before recyted As touching the fyrst cause of Christe his Incarnation that Christe is the onelye reconciler mediatoure and attonement maker betweene God and vs and for that cause sitteth at the right hande of God perpetualy to appeare before his face for vs Against this Article they teach blasphemous Doctrine of Inuocation of Saintes that they are our mediatours and reconcilers that by their merites and prayers we haue accesse vnto God and are for their sakes heard receiued and accepted into the fauour of God agayn euidently displacing the son of God frō the cheefe office of his eternall priesthood setting his creatures in his place and dignitie and y t with out any warrant of scripture eyther by word or by exāple This Doctrine is ioyned with two other foule erroures Firste that they conceaue of Christ as of a dreadfull God and terrible iudge and not as of a mercifull Mediatour therefore that wee haue needs of other spokesmen to make the way to him for vs though he himselfe most gratiously and mercifully cryeth vnto vs Come all ye that trauayle and be heauy loden and I will refresh you And in sundry places commaundeth vs to pray vnto God the father in his name assuring vs that whatsoeuer wee desire it shall be graunted vs. And therefore doe they shew them selues to mistrust the Credite of Christ Secondly in this praying to the Saintes not without great daunger of Idolatrie they attribute vnto them diuine power For in their praying to them they imagine of them that they bee of Vniuersall knowledge and vnderstanding not onelye what men speake but also what they thinke in theire hartes Agayne they attribute vnto them Almightie power as being able to worke and bring to passe whatsoeuer is desyred of them And lastlye they shewe themselues to beleeue that they are More merciful and readye to heare sinners then Christ himself which is flat Blasphemy As touching the second cause of christ his Incarnation that he is our onlye redeemer and purchazer of remission of our sinnes This ground of our faith they weaken by a number of corrupt Doctrines As first that in parte wee haue saluation and remission of sinnes by the Merites of Saintes for thus they praye Tuper Thomae sanguinē quem pro te impendit Fac nos Christe scandere quò Thomas ascendit Graunt vs O Christ by the blood of Thomas which he shed for thee thether to goe whether he is ascended And to
Christ and his Gospell in the beginuing of the world ● D. Deuice ¶ Man in his excellencie of carnall wit is not able to giue any perpetuitie to his Deuice Folio 4 The gouernemente and direction by Gods word preuayleth more than any Deuide of man Folio 5 Of mans policie and Deuice and what kinde of grounde it is to Common weales Folio 8 How God can shew himselfe when all mans Deuice fayleth c. Folio 8 Dissention ¶ Dissention of opiniōs is no new thing Fol. Folio 54. 55 Dissention of the Protestants about the Sacrament c. Folio 56 Dissention among Protestants for apparell c. Folio 57 The bitternes of the Dissention amōgst the Schoolemen Papists Folio 6 Dissention about originall sinne and the vertue of Sacraments Folio 60. 61 Of the multitude of Dissentions among Papists in sundrie poyntes Folio 59. 60 Late Dissentions in opiniōs among Papists Folio 62 Doctrine ¶ Protestantes Doctrine of saluation is the Doctrine of the Scripture Folio 234 The generall ende of the Protestantes Doctrine and what doctrine only they mislike Folio 234 Godlynesse may be pretended by some that loath true Doctrine Folio 216 None can haue good conuersation which are not sound in Doctrine Folio 216 Faith followeth Doctrine Folio 216 Contemners of Doctrine were foretold of to come Folio 217 How little their owne methode would profit thē of teaching manners without Doctrine Folio 217 Most vnnaturall and vndutifull warres lawfull by Papists Doctrine Folio 220 What is the cause that good Doctrine doth not fructifie in the hearers Folio 222 What the Scriptures shew to be most commonly the cause why true Doctrine doth not fructifie Folio 223 Doctrine is to be receyued vpon trial Folio 228 How to perceyue Protestantes to haue true Doctrine and of what weight the matters are wherein they differ from Papistes Folio 228. 229 F. Fayth ¶ Faith doth ingraffe vs into the church Fol. Folio 21 Faith followeth doctrine Folio 216 No man can be saued for any good life when he hath not true Faith Folio 216 The force and effect of Faith set out at large Folio 146. 147 Faith the mouth of the soule whereby Christ is eaten Folio 144 Matters of Faith may be better perceyued by meanes of writing than by mans bare memorie Folio 25 Of the doctrine of iustification by Faith only and what it procureth Folio 13. 14 Fortune ¶ A definition or description of Fortune declaring what it is Folio 164 God the creator disposer and preseruer of all and not blind Fortune Folio 164 Nothing betideth man by Fortune but all things by Gods direction Folio 163 Freewill ¶ How profitable the doctrine is which is against Freewill Folio 13 Opiniō of Freewill is vnthankefulnes Folio 13 How we haue Freewill and how we haue it not Folio 13 G. Gentilitie ¶ Of the vayne opinion of Gentilitie and the daunger of the same thys toucheth contempt Folio 2 Of heathenish Gentilitie and the mischiefe by it Folio 189 God ¶ Certayne notable and excellent titles proper vnto God Folio 193 Who or what God that is whiche is taught to be beleeued Folio 193 Mocks against God his iudgemēts Folio 190 Against those that denye God altogyther Folio 191 Meanes to make those acknowledge a God which do altogither deny him Folio 191 Gospell ¶ Why we ought rather to esteeme the Gospell than all earthly things Folio 205 In what sort true professors of Christ his Gospell must cleaue to him it Folio 199 How God hath blessed England euen in this late time of the Gospell Folio 65 That Princes do resist the Gospell is no cause of discredite vnto it Folio 65 The Gospell often flourisheth when it is most resisted Folio 66 Howe it commeth to passe that many seeme first to be glad of the Gospel yet afterwardes hate it c. Folio 197 Of some which now professe the Gospel which peradventure may dyslike of it hereafter c. Folio 198 Of worldelie inconveniences which do commonly followe the professors of the Gospel Folio 199 Why true professours of the Gospel can not by any meanes be dryuen from it Fol. Folio 199 The mercie of the professors of the Gospel compared with the crueltie of the Church of Rome Folio 76 The Gospel euill spoken of because of suche as ydlely professe and liue not after it Folio 109 The preachers of the Gospel exhorte to holinesse of life to godlynesse c. Folio 111 The preaching of the Gospel is not altogither fruitlesse Folio 111 The godlynesse of the preachers of the Gospel compared with that of the prelates of Rome c. Folio 112 What fruits haue followed the preching of the Gospel Folio 113 Not the Gospel but our corrupt nature is the cause why our fruits at these days are no better Folio 109 Diuers sorts of enimies to the Gospel Folio 8. 9 Sixe obiections againste the Gospel to bring it into dyscredit c. Folio 10 A first obiection against the Gospel that it doth not further but hinder good conversation Folio 10. 11. 12 A seconde obiection against the Gospel that it maketh this lyfe lesse pleasant to vs than it should be Folio 16. 17 18 A thirde obiection againste the Gospel that we the pretended professors ther of are not of the catholike church Folio 19 A fourth obiection againste the Gospel concerning the leude lyues of protetestantes c. Folio 46 A fift obiection against the Gospel that the professors of it agree not in opinion Folio 54 A sixt obiection against the Gospel that ignominie and persecution doth followe it Folio 64 The estimation of Christ his Gospel Folio 2 Of the power of the Gospel of Christ how many wayes it appeareth Folio 3 Man needeth not by the Gospell thinke himselfe debased c. Folio 15 Of the power of the Gospell appearing in these latter dayes Folio 7 That the power of the Gospell is no whit to be discredited by afflictions c. Folio 7 Contentions and warres haue bin in other Nations before the renuing of the Gospell Folio 219 England neuer in such peace as since the embracing of the Gospell Folio 219. 220 The sturre following the Gospell is not to be imputed to the Gospell Folio 52. 53 How stirres do come in the time of the Gospell Folio 53 H. Holynesse ¶ Outward Holynesse is no sure token of true teachers Folio 69 The firste clawe whereby a Woolfe is knowne is trust in Holynesse of life Folio 70 The second claw to know the Wolfe by is Holinesse consisting in the obseruation of mens conditions Folio 71 The preachers of the Gospell exhort to Holinesse of life c. Folio 111 K. Kingdome ¶ The Kingdome of God what it is Folio 199 Of the Kingdome of Christ and what is by it to be looked for Folio 198 M. Martyrdome ¶ The increase of the church by Martyrdome 182 What increase only commeth by Martyrdome Folio 182 Ministerie There is more meanes amongst protestants to reforme the Ministerie thā
is so hard a thing for him that aboundeth in Riches too bee saued Fol. Folio 202. 203 Two meanes to withstād the mischiefes of Riches and worldly wealth Folio 204 There is no assurance to bee had of worldly Riches Folio 204 The estimation that is to be had of all earthly things and consequently of Riches Folio 205 S. Sacrament ¶ What a Sacrament is Folio 118 How the body and bloud of Christ are sayde to be meate and drinke thys concerneth the Sacrament Folio 137. 138 Against the carnal eating and drinking of Christ body and bloud in the Sacrament Folio 142. 143 What to eate Christes bodie and to drinke his bloud as in the Sacrament Fol. Folio 144. 145. 146 The eating of Christ by faith is no derogation to the dignitie of the Sacrament and profit therof Folio 147 In the vse of the Sacrament is a double eating to be noted Folio 148 Our sences in the vse of the Sacrament are helpers to our better receyuing of the same Folio 148. 149. 150 The dissention of the Protestantes for the Sacrament is no such greate matter as the Papists make it Folio 56 The wickednesse of the minister doeth not derogate any thing from the effect of the Sacrament c. Folio 119 The faith of the receiuer not the life of the minister doth helpe or hinder in the effect of the Sacrament Folio 120 Fruiteful actions and doctrines concerning the Sacrament of the Lords supper Folio 33 Christ his body c. receiued in the Sacrament of the Lords supper Folio 34 The enemie of Christ in the Sacrament is not carnally to be vnderstoode Folio 35 Papisticall vntruthes and abuses concerning the Sacrament of the Lordes supper Folio 35 Blasphemous doctrine of wicked mens eating of the bodie of Christe in the Sacrament refelled Folio 152 153 How we ought to prepare our selues to the worthye receiuing of the Sacrament of Christs bodie and bloud Folio 154 How we are to make triall of our selues before we come to receiue the Sacrament of Christs bodie and bloud Folio 154. 155. 156. A briefe and pithie prayer for communicāts to say before they receiue the Sacrament of Christs bodie and bloud Fol. Folio 157. 158 The faithful togither with the outward signe receiue the inwarde thinges in the Sacrament Folio 128 Sacraments ¶ The difference betwixte the Iewes Sacrament and ours consisteth in externall signes respect of time Folio 133. 134 Sacramēts are badges by which we christians are knowne from Idolaters Folio 150 Sacraments are the seales whereby Gods promises are confirmed vnto vs. Folio 151 How Christes bodie and bloud is truely and rightly to be eaten and drunken as well in the Sacraments as without them Folio 142 What the internal part of Sacraments is Fol. Folio 122 Sacraments are seales whereby the letters patents of our saluation in Christ are confirmed vnto vs. Folio 123 Why Sacraments were ordayned Folio 125 Our infirmitie the first cause why Sacraments were ordayned Folio 125 The second cause why Sacraments were instituted is oure exercise in the remembraunce of Christs benefits Folio 126 The thirde ende wherevnto Sacramentes were appointed Folio 126 Sacraments consist of three parts Folio 120 The second part whereof Sacraments doe consist is the spiritual or inward thing Fol. Folio 122 The third part wherein Sacraments consist is the words of Christs institution and promise Folio 124 The fourth cause why Sacramentes were ordayned Folio 126 The last cause why Sacraments were appointed Folio 127 God the only author of Sacraments Folio 118 Sacraments vnite vs vnto Christ Folio 151 Sacraments are too linke vs togither in brotherly vnitie Folio 151 Papisticall Sacraments of their owne deuise Folio 32 Papistes cannot be knowne to be of the true Church by their Sacraments Folio 30 Papisticall number of sacraments Folio 30 Sacraments markes of Gods Church Folio 23 What diffeeence is to bee obserued betwixt the Sacramentes of the olde Iewes c. Folio 129 Saluation ¶ Christonly is al in al to Saluatiō Folio 85. 86 It is not sufficient to Saluation to be idle professours of God but also doers of godly deedes Folio 160. 161 Blasphemous derogation to the merits of Christs working our Saluation Folio 91 The letters patents and seales of our Saluation what they are Folio 123 The old Iewes vnder the law hadde the same hope of Saluation by Christ that we now haue Folio 129. 130. 131 Protestants doctrine of Saluation is the doctrine of the Scripture Folio 234 Scismes ¶ Christēdome torne by Popish Scismes Fol. Folio 103 Scismes in the East Church whiche were Christians Folio 58 Scismes between diuerse of the auntient fathers Folio 58. 59 The Papistes cannot without their own great shame obiect Scismes to Protestants Folio 59 Scriptures ¶ The learned aduersarie refuseth to be tryed by the Scriptures and why Folio 25 Why Papistes doe refuse tryall by the Scriptures Folio 26 Blasphemie of the Papistes againste the Scriptures Folio 26 The written Scriptures onely are and ought to bee sufficiente to trye all truth Folio 23 The Papistes refuse triall by the Scriptures Folio 24 Three poyntes shewing how the Papistes esteeme the Scriptures Folio 24. 25 How the Church may iudge or vse the Scriptures concerning their truth Folio 27 Greuous faults in the Church of Rome by taking hir authoritie ouer the Scriptures Folio 27. 28 Manifest false interpretations of Scriptures vsed by Papistes Folio 28 Doctrines of Papists againste the Scriptures in sixe perticulars Folio 28. 29 Sectes ¶ Protestantes are not to be blamed for the Sectes that happen in the time of the Gospell Folio 55 Sectes do more agree to Papistes than to Protestants Folio 55 Papisticall Schoolemen which diuided themselues into Sectes and how hurtfull that is to Christianitie Folio 6 Sinne. ¶ God is not the author of Sinne. Folio 166 The punishment of Sinne and what are the causes that moue God to plague men Folio 168 We cannot acknowledge a God but that withall he must punish sinne Folio 191 Wicked menne are plaged of God for their owne Sinnes to our example Folio 162 Soule ¶ Faith the mouth of the Soule whereby Christ is eaten Folio 144 A comparison betwixte the body and the Soule Folio 138 What the Soule is to the body that is God to the Soule Folio 138 How Christ was prepared to bee the foode of our Soules Folio 139 Christ the foode of our soules Folio 136. 137 Succession ¶ Papistes obiect Succession as a true note of their Church Folio 36 How the argumente of Succession hathe bin vsed by the fathers Folio 37 Succession is nothing without the doctrine of the Apostles Folio 38 The true Church better proued by doctrine than succession c. Folio 39 Personall Succession is no sure proofe that the Romish Churche is the true Church Folio 42 T. Transubstantiation ¶ The absurditie of Transubstantiation Fol. Folio 121 V. Vniuersities ¶ The cause of few Diuines in Vniuersities of the best sorte of wittes Folio 64 Diuersitie of opinions betwixt
the Vniuersities and the Friers Folio 62 Vnthankefulnesse ¶ Opiniō of fre will is Vnthākefulnesse Folio 13 W. Wealth ¶ The means wherby the Welth of England is wasted Folio 227 Wickednesse ¶ Of colouring Wickednesse with other mens faults Folio 224 What a mans flattering of himselfe in Wickednesse may come vnto Folio 224. 225 Word ¶ The true cause why the Word preched doth not alway bring forth fruite Folio 185 The godly alway take profit by the preching of the Word Folio 185 Three ●o●tes of foule whiche eate vp the seede of Gods Word in the high ways Fol. Folio 186 The inconuenience of preaching the Word in generalitie Folio 187 That the Word of God is resembled to seede and why Folio 179 The power of the Word of god in it self in the estimation of the world Folio 180 What Gods Word worketh in the hearers Folio 180 How gods Word preuaileth euē against mans wisedome and cunning Folio 180 The imaginations practises and means of the wicked to withstand GODS Worde Folio 181 The Authoritie of the Worde of God is from it selfe c. Folio 26 Such are openlye of the Churche as are called therto by Gods Worde Folio 21 Gods word is a marke of his Church Folio 22 The causes which holde men from obedience to Gods Worde Folio 203 The negligence of our dayes in hearing the Worde Folio 203 Of the power of Christe appearing in himselfe and his Worde Folio 4 The gouernement direction by gods Worde preuaileth more than any deuise of men Folio 5 How the church of Christ must preserue Gods Word and deliuer the meaning of it Folio 27 Workes ¶ Papistical iustification by Workes Folio 29 The doctrine of iustification by Faythe only doth procure good Workes c. Fol. Folio 13. 14 That the Gospell doeth not discourage man from good Workes why Folio 15 FINIS 1. Cor. 1. 23. Hovv contemptible Christ and his Gospell vvere vnto the vvorld in the begynning Vayne opinion of gentilitie may be occasion of the eternall distruction of those which regarde it Considerations concerninge Christ which maketh mans carnal reason to contemne him The more excellent men are in carnall reason only the more they contemne Christe Hilar. 5. de trinit what estimation alway pertayned to Christ and his gospell VVhat povver is in the Gospell of Christ and hovv it appeareth tvvo vvayes 1. Cor. 15. 56. Rom. 6. 23. Luk. 1. 73. 74. Ephe. 4. 8. Psa 68. 18 1. Cor. 15. 55. Rom. 8. 33. 2 The power of Christ appeareth both in himselfe and also in his word Man in his eccellency of carnal wit is not able to giue any perpe●ui●ie to his diuice The gouernment and direction by Gods word preuaileth more than any deuise of man Example in the Apostles Tertul cōtra Jud●os Aug. de agone Christi Act. 17. 6. Aug. de ciuitate dei Lib. 22 Example of late and present tones 2. The. 2. 4 The power of the gospel doth most manifestly appeare in these latter dayes The mightye povver of the Gospell is no vvhyt to be discredyted by afflictions vvhych may follovv it VV●●● kinde of grounde mans policie is to common weales Hovv GOD c●● shevve himself vvh●n all mens deuyse fayleth yea and agaynst man also in his cheefest povver Psal 2. 4. The seconde parte Diuerse sortes of ennim●es to the Gospell Epicures 2 Politikes 3 Hypocrites Sixe Obiections made agaynst the Gospell to bryng it into dyscr●d it and the ansvvers to them 2. Obiection against the Gospel that it doth not further but hinder good co 〈…〉 on Answere Rom. 6. ● Rom. 3. 23. 24. Rom. 5. 12. 14. Cor. 15. 22. Eph. 2. 3. Ioh. 3. 3. Iob. 14. 4. Psa 51. 5. Gen. 6. 5. Ioh. 15. 5. 2. Cor. 3. 5. August Aug. ser 2. de verbis Opinion of freewill is vnthankfullnes August How we had freewill And how we haue it not How profitable the doctrine is which is againste free-will The doctrine of iustification by faythe only doth procure good workes and no● hinder them Ioh. 14. 2● Luk. 17. 10 ●it 2. 11. 12 Ephe. 2. 10. Lu● 1. 73. 74. 75. Rom. 6. 4. Eph. 6. 5. c. Rom. 13. 12. ●an nedeth not by the G●spell thinke himselfe so debased that he should thereby be any whit disco●●aged from good works for he is also therby maruellously exalted by gods goodnes toward him 1. Pet. 3. ● Ioh. 15. 4. 5. Rom. 3. ●5 The second obiection against the Gospell that it doth make this lyfe lesse pleasant to vs then it should be The answere is anne●ed to euerie perticular part of the obiection Esay 3. 16. ●c Mat. 6. 19. 20. 1. Tim. 6. 7 Luc. 19. 8. Mat. 19. 22. Rom. 13. 13 Joh. 15. 19. 1. Pet. 2. 9. 1. Cor. 6. 9. 10. 〈◊〉 of the answere The thirde obiection against the Gospell ●● That we the pretended professors of it are not of the catholike Churche Answere The inuisible church consisting of the electe Col. 1. 24. Rom. 11. 4. 1. Cor. 2. 11. The visible church The description of the church Mat. 28. 19. Mar. 16. 15. The church of Christ is tied to no one place The number of the church may be smale Luc. 12. 32. Mat 18. 20. None are openly of the Church but such as are called theris by the worde of God Io. 10. 17. 15. Faith doth in graffe vs into the Church Act. 37. The markes of the church Esa 59. ●1 Ioh. 8. 47. Io. 10. 27. The firste marke is Gods word August contra litteras petil The second marke is the sacraments 1. Cor. 12. ●● 1. Cor. 10. 17. The Church of Roome hath not in it the tokens of the true Church The written Scriptures only are and ought to bee sufficient to trie all truth Psal 119. 105. Ioh. 5. 39. Act. 17. 11. Chrisost Deut. 4. 2. 31. 2. Tim. 3. 1● Verse 16. Ambrose Papistes refuse triall by the Scriptures Three points shevving that Papistes vse not neyther esteeme the scriptures as they ought if they vvere the true churche The firste point The seconde poynte Matters of fayth maye better be preserued by meanes of writing then when they are only left to the bare memorie of man The learned Aduersarye refuseth to be tried by the Scriptures because they do manifestlye confound all such Why Papistes do refuse triall by the Scriptures Blasphemies of the Papistes agunst the scriptures The thirde poynt The authoritie of the word of God is from it selfe and not from the Church principally Howe the Churche maye iudge or vse the Scriptures concerning their truth Howe the Churche of Christ muste preserue Gods worde and deluer the meaning of it Greeuous Faultes in the Churche of Kome which haue come by their taking of authority ouer the Scriptures Manifest false interpretations of papistes 1 Mat. 26. 26. 2 Luc. 22. 19. 20. 3 1. Cor. 11. ●4 1. Cor. 11. 26. Doctrines of papistes against the scriptures i●●●●●a●●i ●ule●● Rom. 3. 28. verse 8. 9. 1 Papisticall iustification
by vvorkes Heb. 10. 14 2 Papisticall dayly sacrifice propitiatorie Col. 3. 1. 3 Papisticall presence of Christ on earthe 4 Papisticall keeping avvay of the cuppe of the Lorde Mat. 26. 27. 5 Papisticall vngodlinesse in vvorshipping saintes Exo. 20. 4. 6 Papisticall abuse of the scripture in a tonge vnknovvne 1. Cor. 14. 19. Papistes cannot be knowne to be of the true church by their sacramentes Papisticall number of sacraments Fruitfull doctrines of the protestantes concerninge Baptisme v● 5. Gal. 3. 27. Act. 2. 38. Act. 22. 16. August Joh. 3. 5. Tit. 3. 5. Papisticall vntruthes and abuses concerning Baptisme v● 3. Papisticall sacramentes of their own deuise Thres sortes of Papistical annointing Fruitfull actions and doctrines of the protestantes concerning the Lordes supper vz. 5. 1. Cor. 11. 23. 1. Cor. 11. 25. 1. Cor. 10. 21. Christ his body and not signe only of his body is receaned 1. Cor. 10. 16. The receuing of Christ in the sacraments is not carnallye to be vnderstod Jo. 6. 53. Papisticall vntruthes and abuses concerning the Lords Supper vz. 5. Note Papistes obiecte Succession as a note whereby to proue themselues the true church De prescrip Heret How the argument of Succession hath bene vsed by the fathers Lib. 4. ca. 43. Succession is nothing without the doctrine of the Apostls De prescrip Aug. ca. 4 The true Church better proued by Doctrine then Succession and neuer without doctrine what Church is moste likely to haue falle interpretations De simplic Prael Phil. 2. 7. Heb. 2. 17. Act. 1. 11. Rom. 3. 25. ● Joh. 2. 1. Col. 1. 20. Act. 10. 43. Jer. 31. 34. Rom. 3. 25. Eph. 1. 7. Col. 1. 14. Heb. .10 1. 10 Joh. 3. 2. Joh. 14. 26 Joh. 16. 13. 1. Cor. 11. 3. Eph. 5. 23. 1. Cor. 3. 11. Personall Succession is no sure profe for the Romishe church that it is the true church It is against the papists that they say the Gretians are Scismatikes Papists obiecte the visible state of their churche to proue it to be the true churche Gods true churche may be and yet not appears generally visible That may seame to be the true Churche whiche is not Examples prouing a Church and yet not visible as the papistes require it In the time of the prophets Noe. Achas 2. Chro. 28. 24. Esay Manasses 2. Chro. 33. 1. c. 2. Chro. 34. 1. c. Ieroboam 3. Reg. 12. 31. Achab. 2. Reg. 16. 33. 1. Reg. 19. 10. Also in the time of Christ and his Apostls The iu●isible state of the Church since the Apostles doth not proue the Church to be no true Church Rom. 1. 16. The. 4. obicetion against the Gospell Answere Dissolutsnesse of protestantes lyues doth not make their doctrine errour or to be hated Mat. 11. 19. Jo. 8. 48. Act. 21. 28. Act. 24. 5. Dissolutnesse and wickednesse of life hath beene more in the church of Rome then amongest the protestantes That the popedome was to begotten by ambition and briberie Vertue and learning not regarded in choise of popes And yet worse then so to c. Of horrible cruelties in popes A cruell tormentor Time when in state of the popishe clergie vertue seemed to be vtterlye decayed Popes Sorcerers Nicromancers Coniurers Poisoners Popes did greate iniuries even to Emperours Of couetousnesse and extortions in Popes Protestants not to be hated of papistes as seditious persons which is parte of the answere to the 4. obiection Wars were in time of papistrie more then fr●●ce Spensers Popes raisers of war Popes by their strife cur●ing one the other set all christendome by the eates Meanes for Magistrates to iudge what cebellious subtectes Papists are The Religion of protestantes maintaineth no ●●●●ultes c Rom. 13. 1. The stirre following the Gospell is not to bee imputed to the Gospell Rom. 3. 8. How stirres doe come in the time of the Gospell Act. 19. 24. Papisticall slaunder of Protestants to be sedicious c. is no new thing The. 5. obiection against the gospell vs. That the professors of it agree not in opinion Obiection of dissention is no new thing Mat. 13. ●5 Protestants at not to be blamed for the sectes that happen in the time of the gospell 1. Jo. 2. 19. Sectaries Sectes do more agree to papistes then protestantes Obiection ● conuince protestantes for dissention in opinions The dissencion of the protestantes for the sacrament is no such greate matter as papistes make it The dissention among Protestants for apparell is no suche great matter as Papistes make it God suffereth diuersitie of opinions euen in his true Church Gal. 2. 11. Act. 15. 39. 1. Cor. 11. 18. ●● Act. 17. 5. Act. 21. 27. Act. 15. 6. Diuersitie of opinion which was in the Easte and Weste Church for Easter Other Scismes in the East church whiche were Christians Chrisost Other Scismes of others Papistes com●●e without their owne shame obiect scismes to protestants Of multitude of dissentions amongst papistes Of their diuersitie of helpers Of their diuersitie of orders professions whereby to goe to heauen Mar. 13. 21. 1. Cor. 1. 12. Repugnancie euen in the decres of popes The Scholemen are full of diuersitie of opinions Lib. 2. di 25. For originall Sinne. Li. 4. di 4. For the vertue of the Sacramentes Diuersitie of titles chalenged of Papisticall Scholemen Papisticall Scholemen which deuided themselues to sectes and how hurtfull that is to christianitie The bitternesse of the coutention amongest the Scholemen papistes Counselles to disagree differ in opinion Diuersitie of opinion betw●●t the vniuersitie the Friers Of late dissentions in opinion amonge papistes 1 2 3 4 Rom. 1. 16. The. ● obicetion againste the gospell vz. That igno●● and persecution doth followe it The cause of few diuines in vniuersities of the best sorte of witts Answere to the ● obiection Ioh. 15. 18. How god hath blessed Englande enen in this late time of the gospell That princes do resist the gospel that is no cause of discredite vnto it The gospell often florisheth when it is most resrifted God his good prouidence is such to his that they may hope wel against any force whatsoeuer Mat. 5. 1. c. Discription of false Prophets examined Mat. 7. 15. 2. Cor. 11. ●3 c. 2. Thess 2. 9. c. Distinction to be made betwixt the Cloathinge the fruites of false prophets The fyrste Sheepes cloathing where with Wolues are cladde Outward holinesse no sure token of true teachers Mat. 6. 2. Mat. 6. 16. ● Wolfe in a sheepes skinne is discried by his clawes The first claw where by a Wolfe is knowne is trust in holinesse of life Luc. 18. 21. Mat. 3. 4. The seconde Claw to know the Wolfe by is the holinesse consisting in obseruation of mens traditions Mat. 15. 3. The thirde claw is the respect that the wolues haue more to their owne bellyes then to the glory of god Mat 23. 14. Luk. 20. 47. Ezec. 13. 2. Ezec. 34. 2. 2. Pet. 2. 3. 1. 2. Tim. 3.
and how it is so Seneca The way to acknowledge god in man Who so can not acknowledge god in him self can not be saide to be a man Properties which can not but be knowen in god if we do● acknowledge him but only in his creatures Eternall Omnipotent vvise infinitly Good exceedingly and liberall and louing Mercifull Iuste Who or what that God is which is taught to be beleeued Of obstinate PaPistrie in three sortes England in most daungerous perils by papistes The meanes to remedie some kinds of papistes C●use of care in what places of credite papistes are put Who those be which are the stonie ground which is the 2. kind of ill ground How it commeth to passe that many seame first to be glad of the gospell and yet afterward hate it and helpe to punish the professors of it The cause why many of the Jewes which semed to like of christ well did afterward crie crucifie him crucifie him Of some which now professe the gospell which peraduenture may dislike it hereafter those also that do preache it Meanes to remedie the professors last spoken of Of the kingdom of christ and what is by it to be loked for Gen. 3. 15. Mat. 10. 16. Of worldly inconueniences which commonly follow the professors of the gospell and why Joh. 15. 18. Mat. 7. 24. Why true professors of the gospell cannot by any afflictions be driuen from i● What the kingdome of god is In what forte true professors of christ must cleaue to christ and for him renounce al things els Such as doe but a little close with the world are and s●and in da●ger of treason to Christ How the godly do stay themselues in afflictions so that they may not fall from Christ by 2. considerations The first cause of stay Met. 10. 29. Tertul. Iob. 1. 10. e. Luc. 22. 32. Of gods speciall prouidence for euery thing The second cause of stay Mat. 5. 10. Mat. 19. 29. Luc. 6. 21. c. Ioh. 16. Mat. 10. 37. The third kind of ground Why riches pleasures a●e resembled to thorns How riches ●o hurte ●● In getting In keping In loosing ●hy it is so h●●d for a riche man to ●● saued Mat. 19. 24. Mat. 22. ● c. Luc. 14. 16. Interpre●●●●on of the parable of the guestes bidden vnto a feaste which came not The causes that with holde men from obedience to gods worde The negligence of ●●● daies in hea●inge the worde 1. Tim. 6. ● Tvvo meanes to vvithstand the mischifes of Riches and vvorldlye cares Mat. 6. 19. There is no assurance to be had of worldly Riches Eciesiastes 2. 4. c. The estimation that is to be had of all earthly things Esay 40. 6. Why we ought rather to estee me the gospel then al earth ly things That we must rest vpon gods prouidence in our desiring thinges of this life Mat. 6. 25. Fovver reasons Vvhy for things of this life vve shold euer content our selues in and vvith Gods prouidence Ordinarie course of things maketh vs not to regarde Gods wonderfull work in them The occasion and circumstances of this texte preached vpon The speciall purpose of Christ in this text here preached vpon What Ministers shold be able to do when their doctrine is discredited by their liues The diuision of this Sermon 1. Cor. 4. 1. 2. Tim. 3. 16. 17. The specialties of a preachers duetie Esay 40. 9 Preachers in deliuering gods will must do it openly without feare or negligence Esay 58. 1. Ezec. 3. 17. Ezec. 33. 6● 2. Tim. 4. 2. ● Pet. 5. 3. 1. Tim. 4. 12 Tit. 2. 7. Preachers must giue good example of life answerable to their doctrine Jer. 23. 1. Ezec. 34. 2. Jer. 25. 34. What is to be thoughe of Ministers if they liue offensiuely and how they are to be spoken of and delt with Mat. 18. 6. There is more means amongest protestantes to reforme the ministery then amonge papistes It is an ordinarie way of Sathan to discredit true doctrine by the life of the ●●eachers A very commendable example of concealing Ministers falts Gen. 9. 23. A good example admonishing princes to beware of secreat dealers against Ministers All Ministers a● not to be ill spoken of bicause some deserue it and yet though they shall be so ill delt with they haue to be patient 1. Pet. 1. 19. Joh. 1● 12. The first faul● obiected against preachers and the ansvvere Godlinesse may bee by some preten ded who loth true doctrin None can haue good conuersation which at not sound in doctrine Heb. 11. 6. Rom. 14. 23 Faith foloweth doctrine Ro. 10. 17. No man can be saued for any good life when he hath not true faithe Rom. 3. 8. 2. Tim. 4. 3 Contemners of doctrine were foretolde of to come Eze. 33. 32. How little their owne methode would profite them of teachinge manners without doctrine How the enemies of truth dislike particuler reprehension The meanes now left to the ministers to redresse the curiositie and obiection of hearers for preaching either of doctrine or manners Ier. 1. 18. Eze. 3. 8. The second crime obiected against preachers to discredit their doctrine and the ansvvere to it All common weales are not to be tied to one forme of gouernement To be dis●●● bers of common weales c. is no new slaunder no● now first obiected against gods true ministers 1. Reg. 18. 1. Reg. 22. 8. Jer. 38. 4. Amos. 7. 10 Contention and warres haue been in other nations before the renewing of the gospel England hath euer bene so farre from contentions and warres as since it hath ●●●●ased the late renuing of the gospel and the wars that haue bene haue not bene by protestants A principle of papistrie against principalities and which can not but occasion wars Papists and not protestantes alter titles of principalities Papists and not protestants challenge all temporall power due to princes Most vnnatural and vndutifull warres lawfull by papists doctrine How papists do vnlawfully ouerrule and abuse princes The full right of authoritie is only by protestants graunted to princes and by them also only restored being taken away by papistes 3. Reg. 11. 2. Chro. 24. Good subiects haue to pray in this sorte for hir Maiestie The third matter obiected against Preachers and the ansvvere therof Gods people do neuer make the want of godlinesse in the preacher to be the cause that good doctrine shold not fructifie in the heaters What the Scriptures sh●w to be the cause most commonly why true doctrine doth not fru●tifie The same shewed by similitudes Verse 3. Truth may be preached and yet three to one take no fruit by it Verse 18. Of colouring wickednesse with other mens faltes What a mans flattering of him selfe in wickednesse may come vnto Esay 5. 19. Verse 12 Psal 127. Math. 7. 3. Others must liue well howsoeuer Ministers do liue What perfection sholde be in the life of euery one and of the application of the text therein The meanes wherby the wealth of England is wasted Verse 1. Doctrine is to be receaued vpon triall Verse 17. How to perceaue protestants to haue truth and of what weight the matters are wherein they differ from papists 1. Ioh. 4. 1. 1. Ioh. 4. 2. c. The causes why Christ came in the fleshe The general cause 1. Tim. 1. ●● Luc. 19. 10 The particuler causes Verse 18. Verse 1● Col. 1. 20. Heb. 2. 4. 7. 9. cap. 1. Rom. 8. 37. Christ only ●● our aduocate and mediatoure 1. Tim. 2. 5. 1. Ioh. 2. 1. 2. Rom. 8. 34 1. Ioh. ● 8. 1. Pet. 1. 18. Ioh. 1. 29. Eph. 1. 7. Christ only is our redeemer Act. 4. 1● 1. Ioh. 1. verse 7. Heb. 6. 20. Christ only is our priest to sacrifice for vs which he hath done once for all Heb. 10. 14. Heb. 9. 28. Heb. 10. 12. Deu. 18. 15. Mat. 3. 17. Mat. 17. 5. Verse 4. Christ is our only Instructour Verse 6. c. Luc. 1. 33. Verse 22. Verse 18. Verse 23. Christ is the only head of the church Christ hath no partakers in any of his offices Protestants doctrine of Saluation is the doctrine of the Scripture Eph. 1. 4. Gen. 15. 3. Gen. 22. 18. Acte 3. 21. Acte 4. 12. Ioh. 1. 29. Ioh. 3. 16. The generall end of the protestants doctrine and what doctrine only they mislike What it is to deny christ to haue come in fleshe and that in two sortes Popistes and not protestants do deny Christ to haue come in the flesh and how Praier to Saintes is against christ his mediatourship and aduocatship Praier to Saints containeth besides it selfe two other wicked thinges Mat. 11. 28. Ioh. 16. 23. The papistes will haue Christ to be a de●nie Sauiour 1. Pet. 1. 18. Jer. 6. 16. Verse 19. 2. Chro. 36. 15.
to couer the nakednesse of those reuerend men then with Cham to blaze their infyrmities to the discredit of that religion which they taught and professed And yet is it a wonderfull thing to see how that same wise noble and Godly Emperour was shortlye after abused by certayne pernicious flatterers and conning workers about him in his Court which were infected with y ● heresie of Arrius For they made such suggestion agaynst that reuerend and great learned Father Athanasius that he sent for him and not only condemned him as an obstinate and stiffenecked man that woulde yeelde to no conformitie for quietnesse of the Church but also cast him into banishment into Fraunce where he remayned all the time of his Empyre afterward vnto the very great hinderaunce of true Christian fayth and to the aduauncing and spreading abroade of that wicked and detestable Heresie of Arrius A verye not able Example for all Princes to take hede howe by secrete Suggestions they bee caryed to thinke euill of the Ministers and Preachers of Goddes truth Surelye I muste confesse that the State of the Ministerye of the Churche of Englande is not so perfecte by muche as it oughte to bee and yet I muste needes saye this and in the feare of GOD tell it you playnelye that since Englande did beare the name of a Christyan Churche there were neuer so manye in it so well furnished with Gods Giftes nor so well able oute of the holye Scriptures to deliuer the true waye of Saluation vnto his people as there are at this daye and I praye GOD make this Lande thankfull for it otherwise it will fall out to their heauy iudgemente Neuerthelesse I confesse that there be some that are to bee lamented some that are to bee prayde for and some for whom men are bounde in Conscience to giue GOD greate thankes for And therefore great vncharitablenesse is it to wrappe them all in one Sentence of Condemnation and contempte But the best canne looke for no better intertaynemente in these miserable latter dayes then beefore them the Prophets the Apostles and the Reuerende Fathers of the Primatiue Churche hadde in theyre tyme whiche doing their duetyes faythfullye and Godlye were notwithstanding burthened with most haynous and cruel crimes Yea that immaculate lambe of GOD Christe our Sauyour who in this place did and mighte iustlye saye Quis ex vobis arguit me de peccato c. Which of you canne rebuke mee of Sinne yet scaped not and was amonge men contemned as a Drunkarde as a Glutton as a Friend and fauourer of Publicanes and Sinners as a Coniuror and worker with Deuils as a seducer of the people as a Samaritane and Enimye to his Countrey as a Traytor and Aduersary to the Prince for Si hunc dimittis non esamicus Caesaris If you let this man go you are not Cesars friende Therefore if they did this to the Maister of the housholde the poore sillie seruauntes of the Familie maye not disdayne if they haue no better curtesye And yet the fault of them that so abuse them must needes bee verye greate whereof I haue nowe nexte to speake That is what blame they deserue whiche eyther maliciouslye or vntruelye or vppon anye other si●ister affection by false reportes seeke to discredite the Preachers of Gods worde And herein I will onelye note vnto you two or three poyntes wherewith they vniustly and maliciously burthen Bishoppes and other Preachers in these dayes to the discredite of the Gospell As for priuate euery seueral mens faults I will not medle withall If they be true they must needes bee greate burthens to oure Consciences if they bee false for my parte I smallye esteeme them and so woulde I wishe the other to doe Onelye I will touche those things wherewith the Doctrine is more blemished then we our selues discredited The firste thing is that they blame vs for that whiche oughte to bee our greatest commendation For if in our Sermons we deliuer the truth of Doctrine vnto the people of God and entring into anye controuersie of Religion somewhat zealouslye reprooue the erroures superstition and Idolatrye of late vsed in the Churche Oh saye some in some places and happilye in this place too What neede this vehemency in these matters these thinges bee banished by Lawe and by Authoritie of the Prince No manne dare auowe them no man thinketh nowe of the Supremacye of Roome of praying to Sayntes of praying for the deade of Pardones of Purgatorye of Images they are cleane out of mennes myndes I praye you Sy● exhorte to Vertue and deterre from Vyce so Preache that you maye make vs the better lyuers Nowe GOD for his mercye sake giue vs that grace and poure into our hartes that mighte of his Spirite that nowe yet at the length after so many yeares oure wordes maye worke in theire hartes to that effect I pray God also that such speeches as they vse in this case proceede not rather of a loathing to heare true Doctrine caught then of a longing to learne better life For sure I am there were neuer Preachers in any age that either more directly or soundly according to the rules of Gods worde haue exhorted to vertue neuer more terribly and boldly thundred agaynste vyce and wickednesse then God be thanked a number haue done in this Church for the space of this 20 yeares And yet I muste tell you playnely I see as little fruite of that as I doe of Doctrine and lesse too For in Doctrine they make some pretence in amendment of life none at all And therefore seing both zeale of true doctrine decayeth study of Godly life nothing increaseth no maruayle though God eare it be long shew his heauy iudgementes agaynste vs. And this I must say farther to them that desyre vertue onely to be preached of and no doctrine that they shall neuer haue that vertuous and honest life that shal be acceptable in the sight of God vntill the perswasion of true fayth and righte religion be placed in their hartes For Without fayth it is impossible to please GOD and whatsoeuer is not of Fayth is sinne thoughe it seeme neuer so goodly in the sight of men Neither is there any other true fayth then that which is grounded vpon true doctrine out of the word of God For Fides ex auditu auditus per verbum Dei Faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God But happily these loathers of Doctrine and louers of vertue be of this opinyon that if a man liue well hee shall bee saued howe soeuer hee beleeue whether hee bee Jewe Turke Sarasin or Papiste for some there bee that thinke so Quorum damnatio iusta est Whose damnation is iust For if that should be so the wisdome of God hath greatly ouer reached it selfe the sonne of God tooke fleshe and dyed in vayn the scriptures are false our religion is voyde and our fayth is
frustrate But surelye these be those dayes that S. Paule prophecied of The time shall come fayth he whē men shall not abide sound doctrine but hauing itching eares shall frame vnto thē selues preachers according to theire owne phantasyes and shall turne their eares from the truth For if we doe as these men would haue vs to doe leaue doctrine preach of manners so that it bee done in generalitie with some shew of eloquence and enterlacing of fyne short senteuces it is tollerablye thoughte of and vsed somewhat lyke as GOD speaketh of to Ezechiell As a iest and song of a pleasaunt Musitian But so soone as the sweete tune and note of the eloquence is out of their eares the Dittie and matter is cleane forgotten and they remayne the same persons that they were before bee the thinge neuer so good that was spoken But if wee speake of anye matter particularlye and come so nigh them that they feele their consciences nipped and touched then are they greued with this disease Noli me tangere Touche mee not Then the Preacher rayleth hee wanteth wisedome hee hath neede to go to a Schoole of Discretion hee medleth with those matters that he should not In deede I woulde not wishe eyther Preachers or any other Subiectes to enter into Councell Chambers and openly to deale in the consultation of Princes or controuersyes of the State so long as they bee consultations but if any matter breake oute in facte contrarye to the Lawe of God eyther in the fyrste or seconde Table which toucheth eyther religion and the true worshipping of god or the order of iustice and charitie among Christians I see not but that euery good Preacher maye and in duetye ought to speake agaynst them and to denounce the perill thereof euen to the face of the offendoures vnlesse wee will bee contented that the blood of them that perish without warning should be required at our hands which is too heauy for any mortall creature to beare Therefore seeing the mynde of men in these dayes bee so ouerthwarte and waywarde wee whome GOD hath placed for the Ministerye of his worde haue great cause to praye vnto him that hee will assiste vs not onely with that spirite of integritie as well in office as life whereof Christ here speaketh that with confidence of conscience wee maye bee able to saye for the iudgementes of men Quis ex vobis c. Which of you can rebuke me of sinne But also that he will indue vs with that spirituall strength which in like case he promiseth to his Prophets Ieremy and Ezechiell that is that he will make vs strong cities yron pillers and brasen walles agaynst them that oppugne in vs God and his truth and if they do make stiffe their neckes and harden their faces as stones agaynst the Lord his preaching to repentaunce that he wil make vs also to haue faces of flinte or Adamante that maye not blush or be abashed to let them vnderstande it For ●urteous talking and shame fast speaking will not serue Another crime that they lay agaynst vs and that with great daunger is that wee are seditious and contentious men in common weales daungerous to States and Principalities neuer contented but still seeking alterations and studying to bring al states to y ● Swizers cōmon weale here with charge they not only vs that be Preachers but also all those y ● be true sincere professors of the Gaspell What the Swizers common weale is I partly vnderstand but I neuer yet hearde nor reade of any man that was of this opinion that all principalities ought to bee broughte either to the forme therof or any one other Or if there be anye such out of my knowledge I muste saye vnto him Anathema if hee were an Aungell in Heauen For the Doctrine of GOD teacheth no such thing but that all Christian Subiectes should content themselues with that forme of gouernemēt vnder which God hath placed them and by prayer and all other honest and Godlye meanes of obedience studie to preserue and maintain the same Therfore they that laye this to oure charge doe desyre maliciously to deface the word of God and his truth But this is the olde meanes where with the Serpent Sathan by his politique Instrumentes hath alwayes indeuoured to make odious to Princes and Magistrates the Prophets preachers and Ministers of Gods word So was it sayde of Helias and Micheas That they troubled Israell that they were enimies to the King neuer spake any thīg that was pleasaunt to him So was it sayde of Hieremias That he was a Traytor to his Countrey that he had conspired with the Babilonians and bare no good harte to the Prince So was it sayd of Amos That the earth might not abide the words that he had spoken to King Jeroboam So was it sayde of the Apostles and Fathers of the Primatiue Churche in so muche that the name of a Christyan in those dayes was in that state as nowe in some Countreyes the name of a Protestante or Gospeller is That is a sufficiente cause to drawe men in daunger of goodes Landes lyfe and al that hee hath though there bee no other matter in the worlde to charge them And these men studye to make their accusation probable by those sturres that of late yeares haue fallen out in Germany Flaunders Fraunce Scotland and as they saye here in Englande too But it is a wonderfull thing to see how affection blindeth men that either they cannot or will not see the truth Were there neuer sturres rebellions or vndutifull dealinges towarde Princes in Flaunders Fraunce and Scotlande before these late yeares of the re●●ing of the Gospell If they thinke so they knowe nothing and erre of ignoraunce and by ignoraunce seeke to misleade other but if they know it to be otherwise as needes they muste if they haue reade anye thing then erre they of malice and purposely seeke to deface God his Ministers and his truth As for the Realme of Englande all men knowe that for the spare of these fyftie yeares or more there hath scante bene two Princes so happy as to scape w t one Rebellion in theyre tyme. To lette passe other and to speake of those thinges that are in oure rememberaunce Were they Protestantes that rebelled in the tyme of king Henrie Were they all Protestantes that rebelled in the time of that blessed Babe King Edwarde the sixte Were they Protestantes that rebelled in the Queenes Maiesties time that nowe is They cannot nor I thinke they will not say it for shame The Messengers and seditious Fyrebrandes that inflamed that styrre are well knowne to be Englishe Romanistes and Louanistes as euen nowe they doe indeuour the like Is it vnknowne to any man that it is a principle of their Doctrine that if a Prince be not a friend to the Sea of Roome be his Title otherwise neuer so good yet he is