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A15857 H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.; De religione Christiana, fides. English Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1599 (1599) STC 26120; ESTC S120607 223,465 477

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they could not quickly or easily be driuen out againe what should the inhabitāts of that cuntrey do to prouide for the safety of thēselues their childrē First they must flie into the strong defensed citties tarry there vntil by gods help the cuntrey might bee deliuered out of their enemies hāds Next least being besieged they should perish by famine or be cōstrained to yeld thēselues to the enemie they must looke for as plentifull prouisiō of vittailes as may be And because vnlesse the Lord do keep the cittie the watchmā watcheth but in vaine therefore all the people must with earnest prayers call vpō god daily to bee with them keep defend thē Hereunto it is ne●d●ul that al within the citty do obserue cōstantly a brotherly faith loue peace concord among thēselues sith euery kingdome deuided in it selfe as the Lord vsed to say cannot stand euen the heathē do witnes that by cōcord smale matters grovve to encrease by discordgreat things fal to decay Neither is the health of body to be neglected wherin the cittizens must be kept soūd strong as much as may be for the profite defence of the cōmō wealth For the sick deseased especially at such a time cā profite the common state very little nay they are a great burden combrance to it so far ar they frō being able to fight against the enimy Therfore it is very needfull that euery one looke to his health then there is need of a careful diligent watch least the foes by any suddain assault or by some deceite or vndermininges should pearce into the citty set vpon vs vnawares vnprouided hereupō are night watches prouided But how can there be any watching without sobriety For by surfeting dronkenesse heauy sleepe is prouoked so that there can no watch bee kept Therefore least being ouer drowned in wine sleepe we should bee catched by our enimies we had need of sobriety what is more needefull then alwaies to haue weapons in our hands whereby we our selues may both be kept defēded frō the blowes of our enemies and may also be able to repell and put back the enemie therefore ouer and besides our strong walles wel defensed rāpiers the cittizēs thēselues must also be ready in their armour But nothing can happē more pestilent pernicious to the cōmō wealth thē if within their citty especially in time of warre they haue fauourers of the enemie who may indeed giue them a wipe priuily howsoeuer they may pretend friendship with the citizens and professe in words that they cōsent vnto them in al matters such are perfidious traiterous fellowes Therefore there must great care be taken that diligent inquirie bee made who be in the citie what they doe what life they lead wheron they liue and if there be any founde to goe out of course from the common profession life manners of the cittie they may be knowne examined corrected punished or driuen out of the cittie But as there is nothing that can either set a deeper marke of infamie vppon the citizens or make thē deserue to be more seuerelie punished then if being entised by large promises or bribes of the enemies they betraye their cuntrey or being terrified by their threatnings they slipp from their ruler shamefully yeeld themselues so contrarywise there is nothing more honorable more profitable or worthie of greater praise and reward then if keeping sound thy faith to thy prince and cuntrey with the publike profession of the faith thereof thou constantly standest to it euen vnto death and fightest it out to the last man Therefore there is need of constancie in thy faith giuen to thy prince and cuntrey and a publike professio● of that faith euen vnto the death By these defensed cities I meane those churches which were once builded vppon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets and afterwardes were repaired againe out of the gospel and truely reformed and so do hold the same foundatiōs of the Apostles doctrine firme and fast with the holy scriptures vnderstāding expoūding the same according to the sound interpretations of the auncient fathers These foundations the church was wont to comprehēd in that short forme of doctrin which they cal the catechisme wherein is contained the Apostles creed the Lords praier and the ten cōmandements The creede brieflie sheweth both what we must beleeue and in whome we must place the whole hope of our saluation The Lords praier manifestly directeth vs both who is to be prayed vnto and what is to bee prayed for as also for what causes God is onely to bee called vppon and that we aske all that we aske of him onely namely because his onely is the kingdome the power and the glory by which addition our assured hope is kindled vnto praier The decalogue or ten commandemēts very briefly and plainely prescribeth how wee must behaue our selues to god-ward with what ●●●uice we must worship him in what sort also we must liue with our neighbours how we must die vnto our selues that is to our cōcupiscence in withdrawing frō it euermore all such things as it coueteth against the law of god Vnto these three those chiefe partes of the catechisme is ioyned a fourth part the doctrine of the sacramēts which by a Synecàoche is whollie comprehended in the great creed as they cal it vnder the name of baptisme All these thinges summarily gathered out of the holy scriptures reduced into a briefe compēdiary we doubt not with the whole auncient church to cal the foūdations of al christian religion And because heretikes when they durst not simplie denie these foundations were euer wont to wrest yet do wrest and wring the same for the most part by false interpretations to their owne heresies therefore that the true churches may bee discerned from the conuenticles of heretikes we must vnderstand and expound those principles and chiefe pointes of doctrine in no other sense then as the auncient church agreeably to the scriptures by common consent specially in the best approued counsailes expounded them For what to say something for exāple fake can be more firme certen manifestly spoken for the article in the creede of the person of Christ then those things which we●e determined out of the scriptures in the cou●cel at Nice at Ephesus Constant Chalced. add also the 5. 6. by the godly fathers against Arrius Samosatenus Apollinaris Nestorius Eutiches the Monothelites whosoeuer therefore teacheth concerning Christs person against the determinations of those counsells certainely they doe not rightly hold this principall foundation of christian religion Further concerning the grace benefite of Christ the beginning whereof is his eternall loue towards vs his free election of vs to the participation of redemption euerlastin life but the proceeding of it is the free dispensation of the same redēption once performed vpō the crosse the effectual vocatiō iustification sanctification
place next vnto the Canonicall bookes V. The rules of faith can be prooued onely by the canonicall bookes And therefore wee vse only the canonicall bookes for proofe of the rules of faith Hieron in praef in lib. Sal. Cypr. in sym p. 377. Con. Laod. cap. 59. and with the fathers wee teach that they are to be vsed but wee thinke the rest to be of great force to confirme the same rules beeing before sufficiently prooued VI. The canonicall scriptures take not their authoritie from the Church VVherefore this we hold without all controuersie and wee thinke it is to be holden that although the Church beeing taught of the first fathers namely Prophets and Apostles who receiued their doctrine immediatly from god and committed the same to writing and beeing also instructed by the holie ghost hath deliuered to the posteritie by a continueing and perpetuall tradition which are canonicall and which are not canonicall bookes yea and hath giuen and shall alwaies giue testimonie vnto them of the holie and heauenlie truth yet that these writings haue not receiued their authoritie from the same Church but of god onely their onely proper author and therefore that of themselues because they are the word of God they haue power ouer all men and are worthie to bee simplie beleeued and obeyed of all VII Yet that the Churches authoritie doth much auaile to make men beleeue the holie Scriptures Although wee denie not by the waie but that the authoritie of the church hath an especiall force to mooue men to the hearing and reading of the holie Scriptures as the word of god according to that of Augustine I had not beleeued the gospell for so he meant vnlesse the authoritie of the church had mooued me Tom. 6. cont Epi. Fund ca. 5. Yet the same Augustine notwithstanding in all places pronounceth that his beleefe came not from the church but from the bolie spirite whose gift faith is VIII That the church hath nopovver ouer the holie scriptures But to dispute whether the authoritie of the church be greater then that of the holie scriptures yea and much more to set downe the affirmatiue part as though the church ouer and aboue the gift of knowing the spirits and of discerning canonicall scriptures from others and of testifying of them and of interpreting of them should haue also authoritie either of adding too or diminishing anie thing from them and of dispensing with thē we iudge it more then sacriledge Deut. 4.2 5.31 12.32 Apoc. 22.18 19. For God commandeth that no man shall add or diminish nor anie one shall decline to the right hand or to the left but all together shall simplie obeye him speaking vnto them in the holie scriptures in all manner of thinges IX The holie scriptures are so perfect that nothing may be added to or taken from them For the scriptures are so holie and meerlie perfect plentifully containing whatsoeuer is necessarie to saluation that nothing can bee added vnto them written with such perfection and wisedome that nothing may bee taken from them X. And therefore men ought to rest vppon them VVherefore wee euen as all godlie men ought to doe doe rest our selues vppon the doctrine of those holie writinges holding that same spoken by the Apostle 2. Tim. 3.16 all Scripture inspired from aboue is profitable to doctrine c. XI Nothing must be established concerning religion vvithout the vvord af god but all things to be reformed by it VVe hold therefore Dist 9. that nothing must be determined cōcerning religion in the church of god which hath not apparent testimonie in the canonicall bookes or may out of them be conuinced by manifest and necessarie consequence And if at anie time there hath crept into the church anie thing either concerning doctrine or the seruice of god which is not agreeable to the holie scriptures the same ought by some lawfull meanes either quite to be taken away or els to be reformed by the rule of gods word and that all controuersies in religion ought lawfully to be iudged and decided out of the same holie scriptures XII Traditions truely apostolicall and catholicke are to be retained in the church And the traditiōs in meane while which it is manifestlie knowne haue come from the Apostles Aug. tom 7. con Donat. lib. 4. ca. 24. tom 2. 2d Ian. ep 118. D. 11. c. 8. to haue beene euer obserued in all churches as that of hallowing the Lords daie in place of the Sabaoth and such like and allthough there be no expresse commandement in the scriptures for the obseruing of them yet wee iudge that they are to be retained in the church XIII The scripture is verie perspicuous in such things as be necessarie to saluation and therefore ought to bee read of all Yea wee thinke and knowe the whole doctrine of saluation not onely plentifully but plainelie and perspicuouslie to bee deliuered in the holie scriptures and sith God neuer spake vnto his people but in their natural language which might bee vnderstood of all that it is a great iniustice and tirannie to forbidd the reading of them to anie men consequentlie the turning of them into the proper tongue of anie nation which the Lord hath willed and commaunded should be read of all men for their owne saluations sake yea should be continuallie borne about in their hands daie and night XIIII The faithfull interpretations by learned godlie men are not to be contemned Although the holie scriptures in those matters which are necessarie to saluation be plaine and easie yet wee dissolue not the interpretations and expositions of skillful and learned godlie men 1. Thess 5.21 aswell aimcient as later namely such as are grounded vppon the same scriptures and so farre forth as scriptures are expounded by scriptures and that in correspondence to the chiefe principles of faith the summe whereof is contained both in the Apostles Creede and also in the Creedes of the true generall and of the auncient holie councells gathered together against those which were notorious heretikes XV. The onely word of god to be the piller of faith and foundation of religion For our faith nether cā nor ought to groūded vppon anie other thing Rom. 10.17 then the word of god deliuered in the holy scriptures that faith may be allwaies of hearing and hearing by the vvord of god wherunto whatsoeuer in any mens works is repugnāt we reiect it whatsoeuer is agreeable we embrace it but that which standeth in a newtralitie as it shall be expedient or not expedient to the church we allow or disallow it and so we teach that it is to be allowed or disallowed CHAP. II. Of God and of the diuine persons and properties I. That there is one onely god distinct in three persons AS wee are taught therefore by the holie scriptures Deu. 4.6 which are his owne word we beleeue that there is only one god that is one simple indiuisible eternall liuing
cannot bee mooued from place to place according to it whole selfe as true philosophie teacheth christian theologie cōfirmeth which sheweth that God therefore is not mooued from place to place because being immeasurable he fileth all things 78 Neither can that bodie also which is euery where be rightly said to sitt at the right hand or the left of another but you must needs cōfoūd the substance of him that sitteth with the substance of the right hand at which with the substance of him whose right hand he sitteth at seing therefore euen the father the sonne the holy ghost filling heauen earth are euery where both all and each of them because they are one and the same essence 79 Finally we think this doctrine of the inuisible vnpalpable presence of Christs flesh euery where is neither true nor profitable 80 Not true indeed because wee could neuer see the same shewed either by any manifest testimonies of holie scriptures or any necessarie consequences drawne out of them nay wee haue obserued the same to bee repugnant to the scriptures and to the catholicke consent of the old church rightlie expounded by the rule of faith contained in the Apostles creede 81 Yea and wee see it so contrary to the scriptures that without a manifest implying of a contradiction yee cannot graunt both those things which the creed deliuereth and those things which the authors of this Vbiquitary doctrine do deliuer 82 Neither is it profitable because that which is not agreeable with gods word to propoūd beleeue and obserue it as agreeable and necessary vnto saluation is a sinne The Lord saying Add not nor diminish and the Apostle Deut. 12 32 Rom. 14.23 Rom. 6.23 All that is not of faith is sinne and the wages of sinne is death 83 Finally because if that opinion of the Vbiquitie of Christs bodie should be beleeued to be true it would bee a hinderance that a man could not apprehend and eate with a minde lifted vp Christ to the true flesh of Christ Iesus being in heauen whereunto notwithstanding both the Apostle the church calleth vs saying lift vp your hearts And seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ is sitting at gods right hand 84 They thē do nothing lesse then eate Christs flesh which doe not behold the same in heauen where indeede it is but imagine him to bee really present euerie where in his owne substance Aesops dogg leauing the true flesh did foolishlie catch at the vaine shaddowe of the flesh because it seemed a bigger peece A question out of the 1. of Ioh. 4.3 S. Iohn describing Antichrist saith Euery spirite which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the true humane flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Antichrist And seing that Christ neuer laid aside that flesh which he once tooke but carried it with him vp into heauen and shall returne againe in the clouds in the same apparēt vnto all mē to iudge the quicke and the dead The question is of what spirite they are and by what name to bee called who make no doubt with the old heretikes to forge for our Lord Iesus Christ I know not what kinde of inuisible flesh vncircumscribed vnpalpable whole and in his whole substance forsoth really existing in all places in heauen in the starres in the ayre in the earth vnder the earth in hell in all the seuerall partes of the world and the parcells of the partes yea and in the least parcells of the parcells against Scripture and against the sound agreement of the whole catholike church Of the dispensation of saluation by Christ Out of the first chapter of the Ephesians yeare 1580. 1 OVr Lord Iesus Christ ver 7 8 in whome wee were elected vnto saluation not onely once redeemed vs by his owne blood hauing obtained remission of sinnes and gottē the victorie but doth also dayly dispense and communicate vnto his the grace of redemption and saluation 2 For it belongeth to a perfect redeemer not onely by paying the ransome to redeeme but also to make the redemption knowne to them that be redeemed and to deliuer them quite out of the hands of the tyrant into freedome as it also belongeth to a good head to impart the life sense and motion which it hath vnto the members 3 Nowe Christ vseth to dispense this grace of saluation by the word of trueth that is ver 13 by the gospel of our saluation with which wee ioyne the Sacraments as seales and instruments of saluation 4 For by the gospell hee makes knowne vnto vs the misterie of his diuine wil ver 9 10 concerning our saluation through Christ and concerning the gathering together aswell those that are in heauen as these that are on earth concerning the knitting of them to one head Christ 5 Neither doth he onely make knowne vnto vs the mistery of saluation by the gospell ver 13 but also effectually calleth draweth vs to himselfe to the communion of himselfe so to the participation of redemption saluation 6 For by the preaching of the gospell ver 13 Rom. 10 hee vseth to stirr vp faith in our hearts whereby wee beleeue in him and are receiued into his communion 7 For he giueth vs his holy spirit by which he regenerateth vs ver 13 and sealeth vs with the expresse image of God to the full possession of an eternall inheritance 8 By the same spirite he stirreth vp worketh and leadeth vs to the studie of a holy life and good workes 9 And if it so be ver 14 we fall into sinne such is our frailtie he lifteth vs vpp by repentance giuen vnto vs maketh vs more assured of forgiuenesse and by that meanes through the same spirite as it were a pledge he more and more daily confirmeth vs in that assurance of saluation 10 And these benefits Christ bestoweth on vs neuer vtterly forsaking vs till he hath brought vs by his grace and singular loue towards vs from the first redemption which is our redēption from the guilt and seruitude of sinne and from the power of the deuill to the other redemption namely the full libertie which consisteth in the perfect assuring and full possession of the heauenly inheritance 11 But our Lord Iesus as he is our redeemer the head of the whole church ver 22 according to both the natures so also he cōmunicateth eternall life saluation not onely as he is god but also as he is man according to that same Beleeue my sonne thy sinnes be forgiuen thee And immediatly after but that he might know that the sonne of man hath power to forgiue sinnes he saieth to the sicke of the palsey arise take vp thy bed goe vnto thy house where each nature worketh that which is proper to it with communion of the other 12 For as the natures are so vnited within thēselues in one person that yet there is made no
losse of the graue elders After this being called to Cleue I was pastor in that church about foure yeares with what fruite though not without my crosse your Hon. doth verie well know who such was your singular piety were euer my hearer and no smale helper both with your labour and authoritie in setting forward the kingdome of Christ Afterwards in the raigne of that great incomparable prince Frederike the 3. I professed tenne yeares in the vniuersitie at Heidelberg and at length I came to Neustade the famous most valiant prince Iohn Cassimiers towne where in the schoole newly erected I haue taught seuen yeares and more And where as yet being a withered old man but yet by Gods good fauour in good health I liue by my princes liberalitie And as by little and little I die vnto the world in bodie so I doe my best eudeauour that I may also more and more die vnto it in minde I wish it indeed For the vvorld passeth avvay and the lustes thereof And the little worme in Ionas in a little houres space so gnawed the roote of the gourde vnder the shaddow whereof he laye secure that it being withered away the good prophet had not wherewith to shade himselfe from the exceeding heat of the sunne This very meanes I wish that mine owne children may also follow VVhich is also a principall cause why I was willing now to publish this summe of all the christian doctrin not onely in the name of my selfe but also of my whole familie which indeed I writt long since for another vse purpose but now brought forth into light because that my children besides the doctrine of Christ Iesus which they dayly heare deliuered in our congregatiōs may haue also mine owne forme of the same christian faith left vnto them by me which they may follow For although touching the substance of christian doctrine I teach nothing in this my confession different from that which is preached in our churches yet for that I am not ignorant how much the authoritie and example of parents preuaileth with children therefore I deemed that I should doe a thing not a little beneficiall vnto them if I should leaue behinde me in Christs church some picture or image of my selfe I meane not of my countenance but of my faith which they might often looke vppon and by which they might be more and more encouraged to the studie of the holy scriptures to proceed in the knowledge of the trueth and finally to the constancie and perseuerance in true pietie Neither was it vnknowne vnto me that hereunto belonged that which the Apostle writt to Timothie If there be any man that prouideth not for his owne and namely them of his houshold he denyeth the faith and is vvorse then an infidell To this I ioyne also another cause which pertaineth properly to my self mine own estate That which hitherto I haue in heart beleeued with my mouth cōfessed yea many years publikely taught in the church both by word by bookes published my desire was to comprehend the same wholly in one iust volume that all posteritie might knowe what my faith hath beene and that all the faithfull both now liuing and to come and so all the true catholike church may euidently vnderstand that I neuer consented to such heresies as do now spread all about or euer heretofore did spread specially seing that if I haue beene deceiued in any one thing I submit me to right iudgement therein and I wish that my escape may be examined reformed by the touchstone of the holy scriptures and by the analogie of faith Now to dedicate this my booke vnto your Hon. I was induced by many and those verie honest causes which I trust shall not bee disallowed either of you or any other good man It was meet that a booke not ill containing good doctrin should haue a good patron who both for his pietie would and for his learning could defend the same and that constantly whereunto how much the nobilitie of blood and generosity of minde if they be ioyned with true pietie can help we haue learned by long expetience For it is proper vnto a noble man to be constant in a matter commendable and worthie of honor and not to suffer himselfe to be carried away from any honest purpose either by weale or woe Sinceritie and constancy are such vertues as cannot fall into rusticall and scruile mindes Add hereunto that I iudged it a thing honest and necessarie that there should some monumēt be extant to all men in all ages of my duetiful obseruāce to you of our christian friendship For the friendship which proceedeth of vertue and is therefore sincere and sound is a thing both with God and men most worthie of all praise such as was betweene Dauid and Ionathan Peter and Iohn Paule and Barnabas For as all haue not faith as the Apostle said so al haue not true friendship as faith so also loue is from God saith Iohn and springeth from true pietie and vertue Ours doubtlesse was not setled through flesh and blood but through Christ pietie religion and loue of the same religion whereunto afterwards was added a likenesse of our mindes studies manners and a most sweet conuersing together for many yeares whereby the same was confirmed and so confirmed that it could not by any though very great distance of place no not in many yeares bee diminished or weakened What that it hath not onely cōtinued hitherto firme and constant but also hath euer and stil doth seeme more and more daily to increase the holy ghost more and more kindling this brotherly loue in our hearts I surely for my part do well feele how great a desire is in me both to see you and to speake with you yea and to imbrace you in the Lord as also I well vnderstand both by your letters vnto me and by your kinde dealings in my behalfe what great care you haue of me So true friendship which is wrought by the spirite of God is euer wont continually to be preserued and increased And surely such good things as proceed frō God and may also be for the profite of others those wee ought to shew forth celebrate by al meanes that we can for his glory the edification of our brethren Therefore as it was Gods will that the particular leagues of friendship of some of the Saintes should be commended in the scriptures so this of ours ought not to be buried in perpetuall silence Hereunto also besides that with your singular beneuolence fauour you haue respected not onely my selfe as is said but also my deare kinse-men and all that honest and christian familie of the Limacii such also haue beene your good benefites and offices towards me that vnlesse I would bee vtterly vnthankfull I must needes minde if not a full recompence yet at least an honest declaration of a gratefull heart especially seing true friendship cannot consist among
in the same manner that he was to the Apostles namely visibly seeing he saide not I will be but I am neither is there any necessity to alter the sense of those wordes 46 Adde this that if he speake of the same reall presence of his body and that this promise pertained not to the Apostles onely but also to all the faithfull which were then in the world Christ had not spoken a trueth For he was not before his death or after his Resurrection present in a visible presence with all the faithfull which were then in the world and which were gathered together in his name 47 VVherefore the doctrine of the reall and substantiall yet invisible presence of the body of Christ Iesus on the earth and euerie where is not agreeable with the holy scriptures but seemeth to come neere to the Maniches who as Augustine sheweth against Faustus saie that Christs bodie doth invisiblie hang on euerie tree 48 If Christ also satte not at Gods right hand in his bodie before his resurrection and ascension into heauen as the wholle Church confesseth then their doctrine is impious and hereticall which teacheth that Christ Iesus euen from his mothers wombe according to the flesh he tooke hath sitteth at the right hand of Gods power 49 If this also be true which the Apostle teacheth and the whole scripture confirmeth and the Catholike Church confesseth that Christ Iesus not only then sate at his Fathers right hand after he ascended into heauen but also is so placed in the same at Gods right hand as he is neuer read to sitte at such a right hand in any other place then in heauen therefore then it cannot onely not be saide according to the holy scriptures that Christ Iesus sitteth any other where at God the Father his right hand then in heauen but also it is false that he also so sitteth in the earth that he is no lesse present really in substance of his body in the bread of the Lords supper and in euerie place then he is in heauen 50 For the Apostle also in other places and specially in the epistle of S. Paule to the Hebrues denieth that he is vpon the earth namely in a corporall presence for as much as hee sitting at the right hand of the throne of maiestie in heauen executeth his office of priesthood 51 Moreouet wee hold beyond all controuersie that Christ sitting at Gods right hand is a figuratiue speach seing God to speake properly hath neither right hand nor left hand neither is it lawfull to imagine any carnall thing concerning the seates and thrones in heauen wherein they are saide to sitt and often-times in the scriptures this word sitting is vsed besides other significations for dwelling ruling exercising iudgment and for resting 52 But that the Apostle Paule ment not by this phrase that Christ Iesus in his owne bodie is truely and substantially present in all places besides that which hath bin already saide it is also euident by that which for declaration sake he adioyneth 53 For to this sitting of Christ at Gods right hand the Apostle addeth for declaration sake three thinges First that Christ is so placed at Gods right hand that he is aboue all principallitie that is that he hath no creature aboue him or equall to him no not in heauen but is made higher then the heauens and al heauenly things then he addeth that all thinges are made subiect to him that is that there is nothing beneath him ouer which he hath not power and authoritie thirdly that he was giuen to be a head of the church 54 Now as we said that whatsoeuer wee haue before spoken of the resurrection from the dead and so of the ascension ought to bee vnderstood according to the humane nature of Christ so wee thinke with the sound fathers that these thinges also must bee vnderstood especially according to the same humane nature 55 The exaltation of Christs humane nature aboue al things may be vnderstood two waies either in re-pect of the locall placing as this he ascended aboue all the heauens that the meaning may be the humane nature was placed locally aboue all created things or in respect of the excellēt preheminence of the dignitie and power thereof then the meaning may be Christ euen touching his humane nature was set ouer all created thinges and to him was giuen power and authoritie ouer all things For in these two manners any thing of the same kinde is said to bee ouer another eiin place or in dignitie 56 If then this saying be vnderstood the latter waye thereupon the vbiquitie cannot be proued seing Christ in that in his humane nature he may vse his authoritie ouer all creatures although he be not in substance of body euerie where If the former way then he is not euery where seing that which is euerie where is aswell beneath and at and within as aboue all creatures 57 But Paule doeth plainely teach that Christ touching his humane nature did so rise from the dead that hee was no longer among the dead and so ascended into heauen that hee was no longer on earth and so being exalted aboue all creatures sitteth at the fathers right hand that he is nether beneath nor within created things seing all thinges are put vnder his feete 58 Neither can the head bee saide to bee in it owne substance where the feete are although it be in them in vertue and operation and indeed aswell the head to the feete as the feet to the head are ioyned together in their substāce by the sinues and by the soule 59 But the Apostle saieth Christ Iesus is giuen for a head of the church namely according to his humanitie nowe the head is aboue all the bodie 60 The Apostle therefore ment nothing lesse by his wordes of Christs sitting at Gods right hand then to conclude that Christs bodie in it owne substance is present in all places Wherefore they doe great wrong to the Apostle which by their cauills labour to conclude this out of his words 61 Neither can any such Vbiquitie be proued by any necessary consequence out of that article of faith 62 For although it were graunted which cannot bee graunted that by the sitting at Gods right hand the humane nature is made truely by it selfe omnipotent yet vnlesse it bee prooued to bee so made omnipotent that it is also made infinite and immeasurable it can by no meanes bee conuinced that Christs bodie in it owne substance is euerie where present 63 For so is this the onely cause why God also in his owne essence is euerie where that if ye take immeasurablenesse from him he cannot be saide to be euery where in his owne essence 64 And if also yee faine an infinite body and therefore euerie where yet that it is whollie in all places at once you shall neuer prooue while the world stands vnlesse yee can shewe that the same body is also a most simple essence seing God is
election of the Saintes by free gift For as the calling vnto Christ and iustification in Christ is wholie of free gift Eph. 2.9 Tit. 3.5 and not of our owne vvorkes so likewise we vnderstand that the whole praedestination of Saintes is freelie giuen Eph. 1.4 Rom. 9.11 1. Cor. 1.31 because it is wrought in Christ and for Christ is put in execution that no man might glorie in himselfe but he vvhich glorieth should glorie in the Lord. V. We are pradestinate not onely to the ende but also to the meanes Whereuppon wee also beleeue sith God hath chosen vs in Christ that wee might bee faithfull holie vnblameable in his sight that wee are praedestinated not onely to the ende that is to eternall life and glorie but also to the meanes by which wee attaine vnto the ende and chieflie vnto faith whereby wee are ingrafted into Christ and to regeneration and true repentance 2. Cor. 5.17 Gal. 6.15 Mat. 5.16 whereby being made new creatures in Christ we might liue holilie to his glory and edification of our neighbour VI. They bee not elect neither can they bee saued vvhich are neuer grafted into Christ by his spirite and true faith They therefore are shamefully deceiued to their owne destruction which perswade themselues they are elect Tit. 1.16 Eph. 2.10 and therefore shall be saued although they bee not grafted into Christ by faith nor repent them of their sinns nor regard the will of God or to doe anie good workes For they separate that which god will haue ioyned together VII Euerie one ought stedfastlie to beleeue he is ●lect in Christ yet we may be more assured by the feeling of our faith in Christ Hence it is manifest although no man in generall ought to exempt himselfe out of the number of the elect sith the Scripture doeth not so but rather stedfastlie to trust that when he is called to Christ he is called according to the eternall decree and election of God 2. Cor. 13.5 yet if any man will be more assured of his certaine election he must runne to his faith and the witnes of his conscience whether he perceiue that he truely beleeueth in Christ and whether he carrie a sincere loue towards god and his neighbour Yea if he finde himselfe herein not altogether soundlie and throughlie setled yet let him not desparre but desire of god that he will helpe his vnbeleefe hoping that he may in time be better assured Mat. 9.24 VIII The causes why the doctrine of predestination is deliuered in the Scriptures For neither is the doctrine of the eternall free and vnchangeable predestination deliuered in the holie scriptures that we should neglect Christ or despaire of saluation or with securitie let loose the raines to our concupiscence or growe insolent but contrariewise for these especiall causes Act. 4.12 2. Tim. 2.19 First that wee may knowe that without Christ none can be saued sith the foundation of our whole saluation was fastened and laide in him before the world was made Then that in time of our temptations wee which beleeue in Christ should strengthen our selues by the certainetie of our saluation Rom. 8. and so neither dispaire nor distrust knowing the same to be certaine and sure in the eternall decree of god Thirdlie that thereby wee might be stirred vp to the studie of faith in Christ of holinesse and of good works Eph. 1.4 2.10 sith we are chosen that we should be faithfull and holie and blamelesse in his sight and walke in good works Lastlie that wee growe not proude if we trust in Christ and liue godlie in Christ and that he which glorieth may glorie in the Lord 1. Cor. 1.13 sith god through his grace did from the beginning decree in Christ that we should be such CHAP. IV. Of the omnipotencie and will of God I. So is god omnipotent that he is able to doe more then he will doe VVE beleeue that God is so omnipotent that he not onely hath done doeth whatsoeuer he would will but also he is able to will and to doe infinite works which he wil not following also herein the doctrine of Iohn who said Mat. 3.9 God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnro Abraham which yet he would not doe and also the opinion of the Apostle who writt Ro. 9.15.18 that God will haue mercie on whom he vvill whenas he could haue mercie on all and he will harden not all Turt con Prax. as hee could but those vvhome he vvill so that it is verie impious to conclude anie thing to haue beene done to bee done or shall bee done of the onely omnipotencie of God wherein his will is not also reuealed II. Jt infringeth not the omnipotencie of god that certaine things can not be done by him Where the Apostle writeth that god can not denie himselfe we holde that there is no iniurie done against the omnipotencie of God if a mā say there are manie thinges which cannot bee done by god namely such thinges as are repugnant to the nature of god and do implie a contradiction III. A confirmation of the former assertion For he being the chiefest good he can neither be made euill nor can doe ill and beeing trueth it felfe he cannot lie being iustice it selfe he cannot doe vniustlie beeing life it selfe how should he die Finallie being onely one god and that vncreated and eternall subsisting only in three persons we beleeue and confesse that he can not so take anie creature to himselfe to make the same 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 consubstantiall to himselfe and wholie such as he himselfe is or constitute a fourth person and wee are perswaded that nothing is drawne or taken away from the omnipotencie of god by this confession yea surely whatsoeuer is alreadie done it cannot be that the same should not haue bin done so that it is certaine that what so implieth a contradiction the same cannot bee done by God who is the especiall trueth it self For by this reason euen the omnipotencie of God whereby they were done should be apparentlie denied IV. The will of god to be searched for onely in the holie scriptures Furthermore sith the counsells of god are infinite and secret which he reuealeth not to the Angells themselues wee hold Mar. 13.32 that when there is anie question concerning the will of God the same is not to bee sought for in anie other place then in the holie scriptures wheras whatsoeuer thinges were necessarie to our saluation Ioh. 15.15 17.29 god hath plentifullie and perspicuouslie laide open vnto vs and whatsoeuer he would haue vs to doe he hath of his singular goodnesse reuealed vnto vs by his spirite CHAP. V. Of the creation of the worlde of Angells and of mans first estate I. All things were made by god Gen. 1. 2. and that exceeding good WE beleeue that God the Father Col. 1.16 by the
was a disobediēce Gen. 2.17 3.6 Rom. 5.19 which was shewed not so much in the outvvard deede as in the purposed consent of his minde vvherin he vvould not be obedient vnto god III. What and how manifold a death followed Adams sinne So vve confesse that man being then destitute of the fauour of god by his ovvne faulte did loose that life vvherein he liued holily vnto God his minde being darkened his vvill depraued and all integritie of nature vtterlie lost Ioh. 8.34 Eph. 2.1 Rom. 5.12 name lie in those things vvhich pertaine to god and to a life acceptable to God and so vvas made the seruant of sinne the slaue of sathan and quite dead vnto god Moreouer he incurred both the death of the bodie vvhich is novv come vnto all men with al the calamities of the bodie and also the eternall that is the most miserable grieuous and most vnhappie life of the vvhole man more intollerable vvithout comparison then anie death vvith the deuill in euerlasting torments vvhence he could not be deliuered but by Christ 1. Cor. 15.22 IIII. That in Adam all men sinned But for as much as al mankinde which was by naturall generation to issue from Adam was then in his loines whereby the commandement vvith the curse annexed pertained not onelie to the person of Adam but to all mankinde likewise The Rom. 5.19 efore with the Apostle do vve beleeue and confesse that in Adam sinning all men sinned so that that disobedience was not onelie proper to Adam himselfe but also made common to all mankinde sith his guiltines enwrapped all men who were then and are yet dailie carnallie to be begotten of his seede Euen as the Apostle to the Romaines plainly teacheth yea and most strongly prooueth by an Antithesis or contraposition of the disobedience of Adam and the obediēce of Christ For if the obedience of Christ be no lesse ours by imputation then his owne by his proper action because wee are regenerate of his incorruptible seede and of his spirite it followeth that the disobedience likewise of Adam must be imputed vnto vs and we touched with his guiltines because we are borne of the seed of his flesh being father of al men V. The corruption of mans whole nature followed vpon Adams disobedience in all men But like as the corruption of our vvhole nature Rom. 7.7 Aug. tom 7 con Iul. Pela li. 5. c. 3 immediatlie by gods iust iudgement tooke holde on the person of Adam for that actuall disobedience called of the Apostle Concupiscence which is both a punishment of the former sinne a sinne and a cause of other sinnes euen so being taught by the holy scriptures we beleeue and with the whole church confesse that all men which by naturall propagation are conceiued of his seed ar borne infected with the contagion of his corrupt nature For all men sinned in Adam and by the guiltinesse of his disobedience wee are all kept bound VI. What we properlie call originall sinne Wherefore we doe so saie that this haereditarie fault and contagion of nature is sinne in all men and so we vse to cal it originall sinne that we do not separate it from the guiltines and imputation of the first disobedience Euen as likewise on the other side we doubt not but the righteousnes of christians doth consist not so much in the regeneration of nature which is made by the spirit of Christ which is vsuallie called by the name of inherēt righteousnesse as in the imputation of the perfect obedience and righteousnes of Christ whose members we are VII That contagion of nature is verie sinne And although that contagion was inflicted not onelie vppon Adam alone but also on his whole posteritie for a punishment of that first transgression of Gods commaundement yet wee hold this as certainelie out of the holy scriptures as whatsoeuer is most certaine Rom. 7.7 that the same is not onely the punishment of sin and the cause of all other follovving sinnes but also a verie sinne it selfe euen so great as were sufficient to condemne vs. VIII That concupiscence of it owne proper nature is a sinne in the verie regenerate Yea so farre doe we learne that concupiscence of it owne nature is a sinne fighting against the lavve of God and making all men subiect to condemnation vnlesse they bee deliuered by Christ yea that in the regenerate themselues though the guiltines being taken away by faith in Christ it be not imputed vnto them anie more yet we doubt not 1. Ioh. 3.4 Rom. 7.7 but it is a sinne yea and that worthy of eternall death sith it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a transgression of the lawe and is by gods lawe condemned as the Apostle teacheth IX From concupiscence ingrafted in vs the riuers of sinne doe continually flowe Futrhermore we beleeue that this our naturall deformitie is such a fountaine of al sin and that euer so abounding that from it doe continuallie spring most corrupt waters of e-euill affections of vngodlie thoughts vvicked desires which vnlesse they be by the spirit of Christ restrained they breake out at length into manifest sinnes offences some worse thē others so that there is not any man so holie which beareth not about him this puddle of vices yea and feeleth not the filthie vapors breathing from it and is not often sprinckled and bespotted with that noisome contagion Euerie man is tempted of his ovvne concupiscence saieth Iames vvhen he is drawne avvaye by his ovvne concupiscence Iam. 1.14.15 and is entised then vvhen lust hath conceiued it bringeth forth sinne and sinne whē it is finished bringeth forth death X. That God is not the author of sinne Now all these things beeing thus wee are confirmed in that beleefe wherein wee hold that god is not the author of sinne sith he neither created Adam euill or prone vnto euil but iust and righteous neither did hee intice or mooue him to il but he of his own accord and by his free-will sinned 1. Io. 2.16 neither yet vvas this naturall peruersnesse from god but of it selfe it followed that disobedience of Adam being depriued of his righteousnes god most iustly so permitting and punishing mans trāsgression by that worthie punishment XI Errors We condemne therefore with Ireneus and the whole church all those which make god the author of sinne likewise all Pelagians as wel new as old which denie that all men sinned in Adam and are holden in the guilte of the first offence or doe labour to prooue that this ingrafted concupiscence is onelie a disease and a punishment of sinne but not indeede a sinne it selfe or at least in the regenerate will not haue it to bee worthie the name of a sinne Wee condemne also those which haue taught that originall sinne is a substance because this opinion either makes god the author of sinne or else denies that god is the maker of euerie substance and confirmes the doctrine
abideth in him XIII That this vnion is not imaginarie nor made by participation of gifts onely but by communication of substance But we call this present incorporation of vs with christ true and reall and substantiall that we may meet with that errour wherein some thinke that wee forge a certaine imaginarie and a false vnion or that wee meane no other true vnion but that which is made by participation of spirituall giftes and grace of christ without communication of the substance of his flesh and blood XIIII This vnion is made by no other meanes but by the holie spirite and by faith But againe lest some might hereby falslie gather that wee conceiue of such an vnion which is made with the flesh of christ beeing really here vppon earth by some physical or naturall touching either grosse or subtile as al sensible thinges are coupled with the sences some in grosser and some in a subtiller manner or which is made with the same flesh remaining in heauen by certaine intelligible formes in the minde as the philosophers speake as all things which are vnderstood are vnited with the vnderstanding faculty which apprehendeth the same by certaine formes or images Therefore we al adioyne the meanes whereby this vnion incorporation is made namely by the spirite of christ communicated vnto vs really abiding in vs coupling vs vnto christ and working in vs that by a liuely faith we may embrace christ XV. A confirmation of both these propositions namelye that this vnion is essentiall but is made onely by the spirit and our faith For both these things namely that this copulation is essential made by the only spirit of God and by our faith the holy scriptures do plentifully and plainely declare Eph. 2.14.15 16 The Apostle writing vnto the church at Ephesus because all enmitie being taken away by christ the particion wal broken downe The lewes and Gentilles two sortes of people much different were reconciled to God and between themselues and were altogether ingrafted renued in christ by the same holy spirit therefore hee doubted not to saye They vvere both built not into one people as it seemed hee should haue said but the better to expresse how straight this vnion is into one new man in Christ Wherefore sith all of vs doe liue with one the selfe same spirite renued as it were in one and the same minde and are ioyned together vnto one and the selfe same head christ Eph. 4 1● wee are fittlie all of vs together called one new man And in the same epistle describing this neere and essentiall incorporation he compareth christ to the heade and all vs to the members coupled knit with the head by sinnues ioyntes and ligamentes which take their life and motion from the heade And nothing is more often vsed in the holye Scriptures then this similitude that hereby wee might more easily and clearely vnderstand what and how great this coniunction of all vs is with christ through his spirite which dwelleth in al people that are regenerate For this cause the same Apostle Eph. 2.21.22 23 compareth Christ to the foundation and all the faithfull to stones but yet liuing stones euen as the foundation that they may receiue increase from him built vppon the foundation Mat. 16.18 In vvhome all the building coupled together groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lord by the holie spirite which thing also christ did before the Apostle more then once making himselfe the foundation and the church the building surely grounded vpon that foundation and fastened by an inseparable knot Ioh. 15.1 To the same purpose christ calleth himselfe a vine and vs the braunches which drawing life and sapp from the vine do liue and bring forth good fruits The same is also shewed by the similitude of the tree and the oliue Rom. 11.17 whereinto the faithful as braunches cut from the wilde oliue are ingrafted that they may bringe forth good oliues and are ingrafted by the holy spirit and by faith Phil. 2.1 Eph. 3.17 Eph. 5.32 Whereuppon to the Philippians it is called the communion of the spirite And Christ is said to dvvell in our heartes by faith Nor is it obscure that the Apostle calleth this incorporation of the church with christ and of christ with the church and all the faithfull a mariage after the custome of the Prophets whereby two shal be made one flesh And two said God shal be one flesh And the Apostle This saith he is a great misterie but J speake concerning Christ and concerning the church But that same is still very plaine and readie which Iohn writeth of this vnion and of the spirite by which the same is made and knowne 1. Ioh. 4.13 By this sayth he we knowe that vve dwell in him and he in vs because hee hath giuen vs of his spirite Therefore he dwelleth in vs we in him by the same holy spirite which is both in him and in vs. To this also beelongeth that same He vvhich hath not the spirite of Christ the same is not his But the Apostle knoweth that all are christes which are true and liuely members of christ XVI It is concluded that this coniunction is essentiall and made by the onely spirit of Christ and our faith Being perswaded therefore by these and other the like testimonies of holy scriptures we doubt not but christ and his Apostles ment to signifie vnto vs that the communion which all we the faithfull aswell smale as great haue with christ and with his flesh and bloode is true and reall and yet is made by no other meanes then by vertue and knitting of the holy spirit And therefore though it be secret ful of misteries and spirituall because it is made by the spirite and by faith Yet we ought not to doubt but that through the same spirit it is as true essential as is that same betweene the husband and the wife beeing ioyned into one flesh betweene the foundation and the stones thereon builded betweene the tree the boughes betweene the vine the braunches lastlye betweene the members and the head coupled together with ligaments and sinues liuing and working with the same soule that no coniunction with christ himselfe can be made greater then this while wee liue in this mortall flesh XVII A confirmation of this opinion by another similitude and by very philosophie Surely if there were in all men but one and the selfe same soule it must follow that innumerable many persons were onely one man Euen as of one and the same essence being in the three diuine persons the holy writers doe conclude that therefore there is one onely God Yea and the same would appeare much more plainly to be true if those many men had but one onely head to which they should bee ioyned and of which they should haue their motion VVhat maruaile then that the holie ghost bee one and the same in all the godlie
therefore wee cannot without sacriledge affirme that it passeth properly that by the mouth into our bodies And to what ende also as the sacrament of bread is giuē without wine the wine without bread so in the supper the bodie is giuen without blood and the blood seuerally without the bodie but that wee might know that these his owne substances as they are properly in heauen doe not passe through our mouthes but are receiued onely by a faithfull remēbrance effectually stirred vp by the holy ghost For this did the Lord himselfe require saying doe this in remembrance of me and in saying This is my bodie which is giuen for you For in speaking thus he required in them faith whereby they might beleeue this and beleeuing might eate that is might apply it vnto themselues for the food and life of their soules Wherefore wee hold assuredly that they eate the flesh of Christ truely and not by an imagination who beleeuing that it was giuen vnto death for the cleansing of their sinnes doe with a faithfull minde imbrace the same for such a sacrifice applie it vnto themselues And they which thus eate the bodie of Christ as dead wee doubt not but they are more and more ioyned to the now liuing quickning bodie of him according to his owne promise Ioh. 6.56 who first said He which eateth my flesh and afterward added abideth in me and I in him XII The opinion of the corporall eating to be reiected as vaine and vnproffitable Moreouer sith this manner of eating the flesh of Christ namely by faith is both sure and profitable to saluation And the other namely of eating it with the bodilie mouth cannot be prooued out of the holy scripturs and admit that somewhat might probably be alleadged for it yet it is not necessarie nor cā any thing at all profite the soule but bringeth with it into the church many mischiefes monstrous herisies idolatries stirres schismes dissolution of congregations yea makes christian religion to be a scorne and derision to infidells we therefore beleeue that piety willeth al of vs contenting our selues with that kinde of eating which in the supper is made by faith and by the spirite wee should not regard the other kinde but bidding it farewel we should reuerently imbrace brotherly charitie and peace to which ende also the supper was instituted Nether indeed cā the vse of those kinde of speaches be suffred in any other sense then in this as we vse to saye that what we vnderstand by hearing the words with our eares the same we learne by our eares But to bring in phrases not vsed in the scriptures especiallie such as bee not onely vnprofitable but also pernitious hurtfull wee thinke it altogether vnlawfull XIII That there is a true presence of Christ in the supper but it is spirituall Now by this which we haue saide both of the true vnion and the true eating it may easilie be seene what wee ought to beleeue of the true presence Wee hold therefore that if we be truely and indeed vnited with Christ so with his flesh and blood and if we truely eate his flesh and drinke his blood then the same Christ not onely in his deitie but also in his flesh and blood is present vnto them that are vnited vnto him and do eare his flesh and drinke his blood For what can be more present to thee then that which thou eatest and drinkest and to which thou in thine owne substance art coupled and from which as from thy head life and motion is imparted to thee as into a member XIV Such as the vnion and eating is such is the presence namely spirituall But as both the vnion and the eating are made by the spirite and by faith so also wee beleeue and haue beene taught that the presence is no other then spirituall and is in men that are indued with the spirite of god with faith and therefore that this kinde of presence cannot bee letted by any distance of place though neuer so great XV. A thing is present or absent so farre forth as the same is perceiued or not perceiued For neither the neerenesse nor the farnesse of the places maketh a thing to be present or absent but the participation or not participation of the same thing The sunne though it be verie farre distant from vs yet it is said to bee present and it is truely said to be in our eyes when as we are made partakers of it Againe it is absent whē as either ouershadowed with cloudes Aug. ad vol. Epi. 3. Col. 10. or gone into the other hemispheare we cannot see it To a man starke blinde the light thereof is neuer present though it shine euen into his eyes as likewise excellent musicke to one that is deafe or the sweetenes of an oration to an vnlearned man God is also said to be farre from the vngodlie because he is not perceiued of them by faith whenas notwithstanding in his owne essence he is not farre from any of vs. For in him wee liue and are mooued and haue our being Therefore so farre forth as a thing is perceiued or not perceiued of vs either by the naturall part or by the senses or by the minde or any other waye so far also is it said to be present or absent XVI VVhat kindes of presence we denie and vvhat kindes we graunt Wherefore albeit we disallow that the substance of the bread being changed or wasted into nothing there should succeede in place thereof the true flesh of Christ and that so to bee present vnto vs that vnder the accidents of bread should lie hidden the true substance of Christs bodie and albeit we also denie the flesh of Christ to be really and in it owne substance present in the bread which bread hath no other vnion with his flesh but the sacramentall vnion which is made by a misticall relation and albeit wee also gainsaye that he is present to the wicked which haue not that spirituall communion with him nor can bee said truely to eate his flesh And albeit we doe not graunt such a presence of Christs bodie namely that he is now present with the faithful vpon earth in the time of the supper visibly to bee seene of them as he was in the first supper present at the table visibly to be seene of his Apostles for this doth plainely disagree not onely frō the nature of the body of Christ but also frō the scripture it selfe but do graūt that he is present with them onely in an vnuisible manner and such a manner as is not to be perceaued by our senses Lastly albeit wee detest that presence wherein some doe faine the flesh of Christ really in it owne substāce to be euerie where yet wee beleeue and acknowledge such a presence as is no lesse essentiall for the things which are truely present vnto vs seing we are indeed made partakers of them then spirituall for the manner wherein
of the heauenly inheritance IX Charitie also doth spring of faith We beleeue also that of true faith springeth true charity by which it worketh and by which it sheweth how forcible it is as the Apostle saith Gal. 5.6 1. Ioh. 4.3 that the faith auaileth much in Christ which worketh by loue and Iohn affirmeth that he which loueth not Ia. 2.15.16 hath not knowne God Therefore we acknowledge not them for brethren which boast of faith when they haue not charitie X. Charitie is the gift of God And wee beleeue that the same charitie is the singular gift of God 1. Ioh. 4.18 whereby we are affectioned towards God the father and Christ our redeemer to loue them againe to glorifie them with all our hearts and inclined made proue to good will and louing kindnes aswell towards al men yea euen our enimies as especially towards the saintes and faithfull Therefore we disallow them which saye that man can of his owne naturall power loue god aboue all things For loue commeth of God 1. Ioh. 4.7 saith Iohn XI Testimonies of true charitie Neither doe we thinke that to be true and christian charitie which commeth not to that nature which the Apostle describeth in the first to the Corinthians chap. thirteen ver namely that it suffreth long is bountifull enuieth not doeth not boast it selfe is not puffed vp doeth no vncomely thing seeketh not her owne things is not prouoked to anger thinketh not euill reioyceth not in iniquitie but reioyceth in the trueth suffereth all things and the rest which follow XII By charitie the communion with Christ and the church is nourished We beleeue that by true charitie the communion with Christ and with the church is exceedingly cherished increased and preserued in as much as loue doth vnite betweene themselues the persons louing and beloued as Iohn saith He which abideth in loue abideth in God and God in him CHAP. XVIII Of repentance ALthough that all these thinges Faith Hope and Charitie Repentance Iustification the studie of good works and of a godly life cannot indeed be separated from one another yet in as much as one of them dependeth on another they are therefore to be distinguished and each of them seuerallie to bee considered of and to bee seene what they be and what they worke And therefore wee thinke good brieflie to declare what wee thinke of them euerie one and first of repentance the continuall and inseparable companion of faith For albeit it bee daily made more perfect after iustification yet because no man is iustified without repentance and the beginning thereof goeth before iustification therefore wee haue purposed in this first place to declare what our beleefe is concerning the same I. To Justification and therefore to the communion with Christ Repentance is necessarie Wee beleeue that to the true participation of Christs righteousnesse and so to the communion with Christ repentance is very needefull whereby beeing turned from sinne and from the worlde by chaunging our mindes willes we are turned to God and are ioyned vnto him and so obtaine forgiuenesse of our sinnes in him and by him be cloathed with his righteousnesse and holinesse For the first thing that Iohn Baptist yea that Christ himself preached Mar. 14.15 was repentance for the remission of sinnes And except saith Christ yee repent Luc. 13.3.5 yee shall all likewise perish II. What we meane by the name of repentance By the name of repentance we vnderstand two things especially first an earnest griefe a true sorrow for our sinnes cōmitted against God and that not so much for the feare of punishment due to sinne as for that we haue offended God himselfe our chiefest good yea our maker and louing father and then an vnfained chaunging of our mindes hearts wills and intents and so of our whole life For this part which Christ calleth properly repentance and the Prophets a turning to God 2. Cor. 7.10 and the circumcision of the heart the Apostle teacheth to come of the former ioyning both partes together where he saith Godly sorrowe causeth repentance vnto saluation III. Repentance is the gift of God We beleeue that repentance is the gifte of God comming from his meere grace not due to any of our deserts or endeauours as the Apostle saith 2. Tim 2.25 If god at any time will giue them repentance that they may acknowledge the trueth may come to amendment out of that snare of the deuill Ier. 31.18 and the Prophet saith Turne me O Lord and I shal be turned IV. To stirre vp repentance in vs God vseth ordinarily the word of the law and the gospell and therefore the hearing of both is most necessarie in the church God accustometh for the stirring vp of repentance in vs to vse ordinarily aswell the declaration of his lawe which discouereth our sinnes and laieth open gods wrath as also the preaching of the gospel which sheweth remissiō of sinnes fauour of god in Christ euē as it manifestly appeareth to euerie godly man which readeth the holie scriptures And therfore wee iudge the declaration and hearing of them both to bee verie needefull in the church V. A summe of the doctrine of repentance euery where and alwaies necessarie to all of yeares of discretion The summe of our faith concerning repētance necessarie euerie where and at al times to all that bee of yeares of discretion is this that repentance is a chaunging of the minde and heart stirred vpp in vs through the holie ghost by the word both of the law and the gospell wherein wee greeue from our heart wee detest we lament we loath and bewaile and cōfesse before God all our sinnes euen the corruption of our nature as things vtterly repugnāt as the law teacheth to the wil of god to the cleansing whereof the death of Gods owne sonne as the gospell preacheth was needefull and doe humblie pray and intreat for pardon and forgiuenesse of the same and do earnestly resolue vpon amendment of our life and on a continuall studie and care of innocencie and christian vertues and exercise our selues in the same diligently all the dayes of our life to the glorie of God and edification of the church VI. That the vulgar or vsuall partes of poenitencie as contrition confession of sinnes and satisfaction are not simplie condemned Concerning the partes of repentance besides those which are alreadie declared wee haue not much to speake being taught by the holie scriptures that the same doth wholy and chiefly consist in an earnest mortification of the olde man and a quickening of the newe whereof the former taketh the force from the death of Christ the latter from his resurrection the holie ghost imparting them both vnto vs. Meanewhile we doe not simplie disallow that same distinction receiued and long held in the schooles of the partes of repentance into contrition confession of sinnes satisfaction namely if it bee examined
or no aswell in the one kinde as the other sith none is iustified by the former iustice but he is also indued with the latter and both of them are declared by good workes in which sense wee doubt not but Iames spake XII Errors We condemn all Pelagians which thought that infants were conceiued without sinne therefore needed not the forgiuenes of sinns and benefite of Christ for their saluation and those also which teach that although they must needes haue forgiuenesse of sinnes yet that the same maye bee obtained without faith in Christ And those too which thinke that although wee neede to haue faith in Christ yet that the same is not sufficient but that wee need also our owne works as merites necessarie for the obtaining forgiuenes of sinne but especially those that teach the same to be done by vngodly worship and fonde superstitions Neither doe wee allowe of those which haue taught that we are iustified by no other iustice then that inwarde and inherent iustice Nor those which thought that the remissiō of sinns can stand without the internall renuing and iustice Wee also condemne them which suppose they may bee iustified and saued by the historicall faith cōcerning Christ which Iames calleth a dead faith that is none at all Yea and there opinion is disallowed of vs which teach that a mā is iustified not by remission of sinns and imputation of Christes iustice but euen by the verie essentiall righteousnesse as they call it of Christ really communicated to vs. CHAP. XX. Of the regenerate mans freechoise and power to do good I. They that are iustified in Christ are also regenerate in him and receiue power to doe good WE beleeue that they which are ingrafted into Christ like as they are iustified in him so they bee regenerated in him and made new creatures by participatiō of his diuine nature and consequētly are made free and doe take force from Christ himselfe as members from the head and as braunches from the vine to eschew euill and to follow that which is good As Christ saieth if the sonne of man shall make yee free Ioh. 8.36 ye shall bee free indeede But then be we made free when wee are ioyned vnto Christ and regenerate by his spirite as the Apostle also saith where the spirite of the Lord is there is libertie II. Christ liueth and worketh in men regenerate For with the Apostle we cōfesse that Christ liueth in vs Gal. 2.20 Phil 2.13 Rom. 8.26 that are regenerate by his spirit and liueth not idelie but worketh both that vvee may will and that wee may performe for the great loue that he beareth vnto vs and by his spirite doth help our infirmities III. A regenerate man in matters pertaining to the sensible and humaine life doth beare himselfe better then one not regenerate and therefore is more free So a regenerate man besids that he alwaies keepeth his will free from all constraint as also the vnregenerate doth he doth likewise beare himselfe better and more warelie then the vnregenerate euen in such actions as pertaine to the sensitiue and humaine life wherein the vnregenerate may bee circumspect sith in those actions also a regenerate man is wrought by the holy spirit who lighteneth his minde gouerneth his will and his thoughts and draweth his actions out of a good fountaine that is out of a good heart directeth them to their principall ende that is to the glorie of God Whereunto the Apostle also exhorteth vs 1. Cor. 10.31 saying Whether yee eate or drinke or whatsoeuer yee doe doe all thinges to the glorie of God And therefore he is euen in this kinde of actions more free then the man vnregenerate namely in that he is not violently drawne by his owne lustes to the doing thereof as the other vnregenerate is but beeing wrought by the holy ghost thinketh willeth and attempteth all things more warily wisely and religiouslie euermore heedfully respecting this that he do all things to the glorie of God his owne saluation and some profite of his neighbour Rom. 147.8 For he alwaies obserueth that rule of the Apostle None of vs liueth to himselfe nether doth any die to himselfe for whether we liue we liue vnto the Lord or whether we dye vve dye vnto the Lord whether we liue therefore or dye vvee are the Lords And therefore he commendeth all his actions to the diuine prouidence saith with Iames or at least thinketh if the Lord will I will doe this or that or I will goe to this place or that IV. Likewise in getting the morall vertues a regenerate man is freer and of more force then the vnregenerate And albeit we confesse that a man vnregenerate helped by the speciall aide of God cā bee possessed with the morall vertues yet wee hold that this speciall aide of God is much more forcible in the regenerate and that through the presence of the holie ghost Tert. in the Apol. c. 4.5 Aug. cont Iul. Pel. lib. 4 c. 3. De Ciu. De. lib. 19 c. 25. Orig con cels by whome they are lightened gouerned driuē forward as it was well prooued of the auncient fathers against the vaine boast of the gētilles that those vertues which they call morall were farre other manner of giftes in the christians then they were or could bee in the infidells sith in them they were onely the images or shadowes of vertues but in true christians they were the verie vertues indeed V. Vnto such things as are of God and pertaine to his kingdome onely the regenerate man is by the holy ghost enlightened inclined wrought to the vnderstanding choosing and performing them But we beleeue that in the true vnderstanding choosing and performing those thinges which pertaine to the kingdome of God onely the regenerate are so guided by the holie ghost that they alone truely vnderstand will and doe the same sith the Apostle saieth The naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirite of God 1. Cor. 2.19 neither can he perceiue them but of the regenerate he addeth The spirituall man discerneth all things Phil. 2.13 and in another place God worketh in vs both to will and to performe VI. A regenerate man is not onely vvrought but also worketh by the holy spirite Being so taught by these words of the Apostle and other testimonies of the holy scriptures wee confesse that regenerate men are so wrought by the holy ghost that they themselues doe likewise worke and God so worketh in them to will and to performe that they are the same which do will and doe performe For they are not blocks nor beasts but men indued with reason whereby they vnderstand and with a wil whereby they desire and whereby they commaund ouer the other powers of the soule bodie that such things as are good should be put in execution VII The povver of free choise in the regenerate is yet weake so that vve haue still neede of the help
holie ghost and so Iesus Christ our aduocate is to be prayed vnto and none other Psa 50.16 For of calling vppon God alone there bee expresse commaundements sith he alone is to bee serued and worshipped And of Christ being our mediatour and aduocate we lack not testimonies and examples in the Acts of the Apostles in their Epistles Deu. 10.12 Mat. 4.10 Col. 2.18 in the reuelation And as it is expresly forbidden vs to serue or worshipp any meere creature whatsoeuer it bee either in heauen or earth so also we are forbidden to praye vnto them And if whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinn Ioh. 1.6 much more then is that which is admitted against the cleare worde of God sith the verie heathen themselues thought none was to bee called vppon except he were thought a God And how shall they pray vnto him saith the Apostle in whome they haue not beleeued But that God alone and Iesus Christ are to be beleeued in the whole scripture and the whole catholicke church euen in the creede which is daily rehearsed do manifestly teach II. A christian man may sweare lawfully We also beleeue that a christian man may sweare Ier. 4.2 lawfully namely in trueth as the Prophet teacheth in iudgement in righteousnesse so that his oath be neither false nor rash nor vniust Neither is it condemned that one should take the name of the Lord but if he take it in vaine and for an vntrueth And among all nations since the beginning of the worlde an oath hath beene vsed when it maketh for the glorie of God and profite of our neighbour Yea it hath beene confirmed by the examples of god himselfe of Christ and of the Apostles being a parte of Gods worship to speake nothing of the perpetuall consent of the whole church Wherefore the doctrine of Christ in Matthew Mat. 5.35 Ia. 5.12 or of Iames in his Epistle cannot be repugnant vnto this For they spake against the abusing of oathes and ment to declare a true vnderstanding of the commaundement concerning an oathi III. We must not sweare but by God We beleeue when an oath is to bee taken that we ought to call vppon or take to witnes of our conscience no other besides God and therefore may not sweare but by him For God alone is the searcher of our hearts and he alone must haue his honour and worshipp that he may bee the witnesse and reuenger against our soules if we performe not that which by our oath we promise IV. Oathes which are iust and lawfully taken must be kept Hereuppon we confesse that for the honor of God whose name in our oathes is as it were laide to pleadge all oathes lawfully taken ought to be obserued as also the law commaundeth neither is the name of God to bee taken in vaine or in an vntrueth V. Oaths vpon vngodly and vniust matters such as be against the law of God ought not to bee made or being made ought not to be kept Againe sith wee ought to promise nothing that is vniust or vngodly namely contrarie to the law of God much lesse doe we iudge it lawful to be confirmed by oath or by taking the name of God yet if it be taken we affirme that such an oath vnlawfull in it selfe ought not to bee kept because in performing such an oath the sinne is doubled Mat. 14.7 as wee reade of Herode in the Euangelists VI. Oathes which cannot be kept vvithout breach of Gods law ought not to be kept though some such oathes are in themselus not vniust This also wee adde that all such oathes as cannot be kept without breach of gods commaundement C. 22. q. 4 though they are in themselues not vniust yet are not to bee kept And therefore for example sake they which by oath promise perpetuall single life which afterwards they cannot keepe without manifest breach of Gods law we iudge that such ought by no meanes to keep their oath VII Errors Wee disallowe therefore those which praye vnto idolls dead men things without life or do worship them Wee disallow also the Anabaptists which simplie condemne all oathes and affirme that no manner of oath is lawfull for a christian man as also those which call to witnesse to their soules others besids God lastly those which hold that their oathes which in themselues are vngodlie and cannot without great offence be performed yet that they are to be fully kept and obserued CHAP. XXIII Of Christs church in generall SIth it appeareth that the church of Christ which is his bodie doeth consist of those which are coupled vnto him by the bond of the holie ghost as members to their head and it is manifest that the gospell and sacraments with which as with instruments men are knitt vnto Christ are not administred but in the church and that all which are indued with a true faith in Christ with hope loue repentance and care to doe good works do pertaine vnto the church Therefore we thinke it a thing worth the labour to declare what our faith is concerning the church the rather because about this article chieflie there are so great controuersies And first of all of Christs church in generall so with the whole church it selfe doe we make confession of our faith and purpose afterwards to speake seuerally of the militant church and the things thereunto pertaining I. The article of faith concerning the church out of the Apostles creede We beleeue the holie catholick Church the communion of Saintes II. What we meane by the name of the church the description thereof By the name of Christs church we vnderstād a certen number and companie well knowne to God both of Angells and men not onely chosen and predestinated to haue a perpetual communion with Christ and among themselues and to serue the true God according to his will and commaundement and to loue among themselues mutually with a perpetuall and sincere loue but also of those which in their time shal be effectually and by the holie spirite called out of the number of others and ioyned to their head Christ and so truly made Saintes Which number was begonne from the first creation and gathered and continued in a perpetuall line band of the holy ghost and to be continued to the end of the world yea to all eternitie and partly alreadie triumphing in heauen with Christ and partly yet on earth warring with many enimies for Christ preaching and hearing the worde of the gospell ministring and receiuing the sacraments and taking care that the commaundements of Christs may be kept aswel publickly as priuately III. The church is a companie consisting of many For the Scriptures teach vs that the church is a companie consisting of manie as a bodie compact of many members calling the same the bodie of Christ distinguished into many mēbers and also a flock of sheepe Eph. 1.23 Ioh. 10.3 Heb. 11.10 and the kingdome of God and acitie consisting of many
Christ and he shall raigne in the house of Iacob for euer and the Apostle that he is as the sonne ouer his owne house and this house we are that is the church and in another place that he is the head of the church Eph. 5.23 the same is the Sauiour of his bodie II. Christ ordereth his church partly by himselfe and partly by assistance of fellowe labourers But the gouernment wherewith Christ guideth his church we know to be two fold one wherein he of himselfe and by his holy spirit without any help or seruice of man Phil. 2.13 Eph. 1.23 raigneth inwardly in the hearts of beleeuers and worketh in them to will and to performe and is euen all in all and mooueth vnto that which is good defending vs from euill against Sathan the worlde and all our enemies The other wherein he so guideth the church as hee also vouchsafeth to vse the help and ministerie of others aswell Angells as men especially to the preseruation of the church As of Angells the Apostle speaketh Heb. 1.14 They are ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shal bee heires of saluation 1. Cor. 3.5.9 and of men he saieth Wee are Gods ministers by whome yee haue beleeued For like as in a man the head of it selfe by vertue of the minde which liueth worketh chieflie therein doeth so rule the whole bodie that it also vseth the helpe of euerie member to the profite of the whole bodie so Christ the head of the church doth in like sort beare himselfe in the gouernment thereof not for his owne cause or that hee needeth our ministerie but doth it for our necessitie yea for our manifest commoditie and honour III. A difference betweene the ministerie of Angells and of men By the way wee acknowledge a difference betweene the ministerie of Angells and of men sith the Angells are not sent either to teach in the church or to administer Sacraments but to performe other dueties those for the most part inuisible neither come they ordinarily alwaies and to all but at such time and to such persons as God sendeth them but the ministerie of men is apparent and perpetuall and pertaineth to euerie one IV. Jt was most aduisedly done that Angells should not teach in the church but men And wee know it was most wisely and aduisedly done of God that Christ should teach in his church not by Angells but by men both because we can not more willingly suffer our selues to be informed familiarly of our equalles then to be taught of spirits of a farre diffring nature with an vnaquainted maiesty and also because we might more easily be deceiued of Satan falsly faining himselfe to bee sent of God and transforming himselfe to an Angel of light And those surely in our iudgement are two not the least causes why the sonne of God when he was to fulfill the office of a teacher in the church would bee made a man and our brother and familier and like vnto vs in all thinges sinne onely excepted whereto that same tendeth Heb. 4.15 Heb. 2.12 Heb. 1.1 I vvill declare thy name to my brethren in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee and that same In these last daies he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne namely being nowe made man and liuing familiarlie in the church V. There be two kinds of men especially whose ministery Christ vseth to the gouernment and preseruation of the church And although there be not one member in this whole great body of the church but Christ vseth the same to some profite of the other mēbers 1. Cor. 12.7 and so of the whole bodie as Paule teacheth yet wee acknowledge two principall kindes of men whose help and seruice he is wont to vse for the gouernment and preseruation of the church namely first teachers and others to administer the word sacraments other ecclesiasticall dueties then godly princes and magistrats whose ministeries or offices we confound not but acknowledge them to be distinct and verie diuerse among which differences this also is not the least that the ministerie of teachers is alwaies verie necessarie to the church but of politicke magistrates not so sith the former the church cannot bee without but the other it often hath wanted and may want them VI. About what matters especially the ecclesiasticall ministerie is imployed But as the summe of christian pietie consisteth in three things in faith in Christ in continual repentance that is in the mortification of our flesh and of our sinnes and quickening of the spirite and lastlie in charitie towards our neighbour so also wee acknowledge three principall parts of the ecclesiasticall ministerie First to teach and to preach the worde of the gospell and also to administer the sacraments and offer vpp the publike sacrifice of praise to God through Iesus Christ Secondly to declared by the Apostles and lastly to do all such things which though they be not expressed in the scriptures yet doe belong to order and to decencie and do make for edification and not for destruction according to the generall rule giuen by the Apostle 1. Cor. 14.40 that all things ought to be done in the church in order decently and to edification Neither thinke wee that any authoritie is giuen vnto ministers beyonde the boundes of the word of God or to any other ende then for edification therefore we denie that one Bishop or all Bishops together haue authoritie to appoint any thing against the scriptures to adde or detract any thing or chaunge any thing in them to dispense with the commaundements of God to make new articles of faith to institute new sacraments to bring new rites into the church to prescribe any lawes which may binde consciences or may be thought equall to gods law to forbid any things which God hath graunted and left free or lastly to commaund any thing without the word of God as necessary to saluatiō sith not the whole church can haue or truely be said to haue this authoritie XXI The Bishops which are also princes their politicall authoritie is not denied By the way we disallow not but that bishops which are also princes besids their ecclesiasticall authoritie they haue also their politicall rites and secular powers euen as other princes haue the law of commaunding in secular causes the law of the sword some of them the law of choosing and confirming kinges and emperors and of directing and ordering other politicall matters and to constraine people that are their subiects to do them obedience and therefore we confesse that their politicall commandements which may be kept without breach of Gods law are to be obeyed by their subiects not onely for feare but also for conscience sake Rom. 13.5 For we know that all power is of God Rom. 13.1.2 and vvhosoeuer resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and that kings are to be honoured 1. Pet. 2.17 and that we
The fourth that they should more diligently then the lay-men applie the reading and studie of the holie scriptures and those artes and tongues whereby the scriptures may the better bee vnderstood and likewise their prayers and holy contemplations The fift that they should also apply themselues with a more diligent care not one ly to the proper duetie commaunded vnto euerie one but also to all those thinges which may seeme to appertaine to edification of the whole church 39 Vppon the necessitie of the discipline is concluded the necessitie of Synodes These are the partes of the discipline without which wee see not how any congregation can be rightly ordered or preserued And how should this discipline haue any place there where the ministers doe neuer meet together to know what is amisse in the church or what is wāting to make a censure on mens deeds to iudge vpon doctrines if any new be spread to consult vppon all things which pertaine to the profite of the church we iudge therefore that meetings of ministers and ecclesiasticall Synodes are very necessary to a true wholesome administration and conseruation of churches Seing neither any ciuill state common wealth nor kingdome can stand without their senates counsailes parlaments as they call them and meetings Therefore wee would wōderfully well like that the auncient custome of the churches might bee restored that which was allowed by a newe decree of the emperour Iustinian namely that in euery prouince at the least twise in the yeare Sinods might be celebrated and that sometime also a generall councell might bee called of the most learned discreetest and wisest ministers of al prouinces and embassadours of princes which professe the gospell which if euer it might be in this our wofull miserable time wherein so many and such horrible heresies are euery where recalled out of hell it would as we thinke doe much good And wee pray vnto God the father with our whole heart through Iesus Christ our Lord that he wil stirr vp the godlie and valiant Constantines Valētinians Theodosiies who by their authoritie may call a councell in which themselues being present and moderating the Synode it might be deliberated friendly and brotherly out of the holy scriptures of godly agreemēt peace and saluation of all churches to the glorie of God and of the name of Christ and salnation of all the elect 40 Errors Wee therefore disallow all such thinges as are repugnant to this foresaid doctrine confirmed by the scriptures and chieflie these speciall pointes 1 That the church consisteth of men only and the Angells not to pertaine vnto the same 2 That the true church which is the bodie of Christ consisteth not onely of the elect but also of reprobate hypocrites that they are true members of the church 3 That the church doeth so consist of the elect and of true Saintes that in it should bee contained no hypocrites and that in the scriptures they should neuer bee comprehended vnder the churches name 4 That the church which was before Christes comming was not a true church but onely a tipe or figure of it which was to be gathered by Christ the Apostles 5 That the church hath two heades one inuisible and remaining in heauē namely Christ and another visible ruling vpon earth the byshop of Rome with whome whosoeuer doeth not agree in all matters pertaining to religion and obeyeth not him in all thinges he can not belong to the church nor be saued 6 To affirme vpon any particular church that it can not erre 7 So to binde the church to certaine places and persons as to say there onely with thē is the church 8 Not to acknowledge those for Christes churches which although they hold the grounds of faith yet in ceremonies or in some parte of doctrine doe not altogether iumpe with vs. 9 To make a separation from the churches vpon any error or for the ill life of some men 10 To stand in contention that where true doctrine true seruice and right administration of sacramēts is banished yet that therefore there remaineth the true Apostolicall church because there may be shewed a continued succession of bishops euen from the Apostles time and contrariewise that those are not true churches which although they keep fast the true doctrin right sacraments and pure discipline yet can not shewe a continuance and succession of bishops neuer broken 11 That the authoritie of any bishop in that he is a bishop is extended beyond those matters whereunto he is called of Christ 12 That the church hath authoritie to alter any thing in the scriptures or to dispense with the commaundements of God or to make new commaundements that may binde consciences 13 That it shoulde not be lawfull for ministers to marrie wiues or at least to marrie the second time 14 That ministers may not lawfully receiue stipends 15 That it is lawfull in churches to vse an vnknowne language though there bee no interpretation 16 That it is also lawfull to inuocate besides God and lesus Christ the holie men that are dead and to direct prayers and sacrifices of thanksgiuing vnto thē 17 That christians may not in the fasting time of lent and other certaine dayes eate any kindes of meate 18 That the church should do well in praying for dead mens soules that they might bee deliuered out of the fire of purgatorie CHAP. XXVI Of a magistrate SEing wee haue nowe spoken of the first kinde of men whose labour God vseth in the gouernance of the church namely ecclesiasticall ministers and their dueties and other matters belōging vnto them it remaineth that wee also brieflie declare what our faith is concerning the other kinde that is the ciuill magistrate For the Lord doeth also vse his ministerie especially if he bee a christian to the defence and preseruation of the church I. Euerie magistrate whether godly or vngodlie is of God and therefore no magistrate simply to be resisted Wee beleeue therefore that euerie magistrate aswell impious as godlie Rom. 13.1 1. Pet. 2.13 Rom. 13 7 is from the Lord God and is the minister of God for reuenge of euill doers and for the praise of well doers and therefore that he is to be feared to be honoured and his commaundements which may be done with a good conscience without breach of Gods law Rom. 13.5 to be obserued and that not onely for feare but also for conscience sake namely because the Lord so cōmaundeth Therefore in respect that he is gods minister Rom. 13.2 he is not to be resisted for who so resisteth it resisteth Gods ordinance and God himselfe II. A magistrate that commaundeth any thing against God must not be obeyed But yet if a magistrate commaund vs any thing against the will of him who sent and whose minister he professeth himselfe to bee we doubt not with the Apostles to denie obedience vnto him Act. 5.29 and to say wee ought to obey God more then man whenas
not as euerie art hath it owne proper wordes and names Then if there be any collection or argumētation darke or intricate they explaine the same by Analysis or resolution and set it forth by examples and by generall precepts they teach particular things and declare how largelie the same are ment and taken And this is properlie to teach Now though this bee in faithfull and sound deliuerie of instruction yet a true faithfull teacher not contenting himselfe thus doth also rehearse and often taketh accompt of that which he teacheth and is still at hand among his schollers that of such things as they doubt they may euer require and aske the plainer exposition of himselfe Moreouer the thinges which he hath taught them he also propoundeth to be decided and handled in publike disputations that no whit of doubt may remaine To these thinges also he adioyneth oftentimes exhortations to encourage them forward in the same instructiō and exhortations from such matters as may hinder the same and also generall admonitions reprehensions and childings Lastlie such a maister marketh diligentlie what profite euerie one of his schollers taketh if he finde anie one to loyter in his learning he both priuatelie corrects him and admonisheth him of his duetie if he perceiue anie to goe through his learning lustilie him he encourageth commendeth and whetteth on to follow the studie of it more more From the seuen dueties of teaching were brought into the church 7. orders of ministers All these seuen points of teaching did our Lord Christ also obserue In the Synagoge at Nazareth he read the 61. chapter of Esay and expounded it Luc. 4. He expounded the commaundements of God vpon the mount Math. 5. And he taught in all places and exhorted he reprehended out of the word of God And he made aunswer to al that asked him aswell good as badd and also asked them as Matt. 22. He also catechized his disciples and he himselfe was present at a catechizing Luc. 2. Sith then the ministerie of teaching doth require such manifold labour there haue bin also many sorts or orders of ministers appointed to this ministerie And first of all readers whose office was in some pulpit or high place to rehearse the diuine scriptures Now this rehearsall of the scriptures was instituted to this ende that the language and manner of phrase in the scripture and the scripture it selfe also might so bee made better knowne and more familiar to the people For within one yeare they reade ouer all the bible to the people where as they which shall expound the scriptures are not able to performe more thē some one parte and that not greatnether in one yeares space And meane while by the onely reading of the holie Bible to the people the knowledge of all the principles of our saluation was wōderfullie confirmed for the same are still againe and againe repeated in each of the holie books and are declared by other other words so that the people might often by the following readings learne that which by the former they could not so wel conceiue And by this verie meanes the peoples iudgement was strengthened aswell in religion as also in the expositions of scriptures and in all doctrine which was brought vnto them either by the lawfull curats teachers of the church or by others For this cause this office of onely reading the Scriptures to the people was greatly esteemed in the auncient churches neither were any chosen for this ministerie vnlesse they were commēded for singular piety Which we may knowe aswell by other monuments of the auncient fathers as especially by two epistles of Saint Cyprian as the fiue Epist of Aurelius the reader ordained the 5 3. Epist booke 2. of Saturus and in the 4. booke of Celerinus Celestinus To these readers were afterwardes also added queristers or singing men which ordered and directed the singing of the psalmes and hymnes For the reading of the holie Scriptures it is by Gods grace verie well appointed in the churches of England if so bee that there were meete men ordained which might add a grauitie and a religion worthy the diuine ministerie in the holie readings Let them therefore diligentlie weigh consider whose mouth they make themselues which read the holie books vnto the people in their sacred assemblies euen the mouth of the Lord Almightie as also of what force and of what dignitie the words at which are read which be the words and precepts of eternall life Lastlie vnto what manner of men and for what purpose the readers of the diuine Scriptures ought to serue For they serue to administer the worde euen to the children of God for whose saluation the first begotten sonne of God powred out his precious blood and to whome by them the same saluation is more and more declared made perfect All which things whosoeuer weigheth with himselfe in true faith what grauitie decencie religiousnes can be vsed in any action which such a reader may ouerslipp And this they whosoeuer be appointed for that office ought euermore to haue in the sight of their minde that the things which are read must effectually serue for the edificatiō of faith in the hearers which is then done when the same things are well vnderstood and receiued as the very words of god To both which is requisite a pronunciation verie plaine discreet graue and religious Hereby it is knowne that they are not Christs ministers who do so read the holie Scriptures as if onely this were to bee required that as little tarrying as may be might be made in rehearsing the same Now another duetie is the interpretation of the doctrine which is to be disposed namly a more plaine declaration of the wordes and sentences This office was performed by bishops and Elders and sometime by them of the order of Deacons and subdeacons sometime also they employed vnto this function some of the laitie whom they found by the holie ghost to be made fitt for the profitable executing of the same So Origen also a lay man was called vnto this office in the church at Cęsarea in Palestine by Alexander bishop of Hierusalem by Theoctist bishop of the same church at Caesarea So Euelpis was called by Neonus bishop of Larandi and Paulinus by Celsus bishop of Iconium and Theodorus of Atticus bishop of Sinadi This we read in Eusebius his sixt booke of his ecclesiasticall storie chap. 20 and out of the epistle of those two bishops Alexander of Hierusalem and Theoctist of Caesarea in Palestine vnto Demetrius bishop of Alexandria who had reprehended the deed of these two bishops concerning Origen as a thing neuer heard of that a lay man where bishops were present should speake to the people in the congregation But this the same bishops manifestly affirmed was not true but that godlie bishopps had euer vsed to exhort such as they knewe meet men among the laitie to profite the people by interpreting the Scriptures and
can be found more excellent then Christs body both for the vnion with the word and for the wonderfull gifts created in the same and so also for the most perfect glorie and happines wherein he nowe liveth It must needes be that this bodie must exist in some certaine most happie place 31 Neither can it proceede but onely from trupiety and from our true reverence towardes Christ that we should beleeue that his body doth dwell not vnder the earth not in the earth not in the waters not in a peece of bread not in every leafe of a tree not in the ayre or in the celestiall speres but in a place as the most happie faire perfect so the highest of al others which we with Ambrose think the Apostle spake of when he said that he was caught vp 2. Cor. 12.2 4. into the third heaven and into paradise 32 To this the same scripture also teacheth the Catholike faith beleeueth and confesseth that the same Iesus Christ shall come out of that heauen in the cloudes Phil. 3.20 1. Thes 4.16 1. Thes 4.17 to iudge the quicke and the dead and that we beeing raised from the dead shall be caught vp into the aire to meete him in the cloudes and so shall be with him in that heauen for euer 33 And this heauen Ioh. 14.2 which is called the Fathers house and the heauenly citty and by many other names The scripture prooueth to be placed aboue all the visible and mooveable heauēs saying that Christ is ascended aboue all heauens Eph. 4.16 and that he is in heauen 34 For this heauen wherein he is in his body and wherein we shall be in our bodies and soules cannot be some vast and I knowe not what vncreated roome partly because nothing is vncreated but God partly because it is plainely to the Hebr. Heb. 11.10 said to be Gods workmāship 35 Moreover the chiefe and principall efficient cause of that moouing wherein his bodie was carried vp into heauen was the divine nature remaining in him according to that to the Phil. 2. God hath exalted him And he was taken vp of God into glory But a secondary efficient cause was the gift of agility which followed his glorious resurrection bestowed on the humane nature by the diety by which agility that flesh ascended vp not held and sustained by angels or by the cloudes as once Elias was in the fierie chariot but of it owne accord and without trouble or difficultie and therefore that motion was not a violent motion 36 Now this ascention of Christ our head was the cause and the example of our ascension which shal be into heaven For sith the head is ascended it must needes be that the members shall ascend and as his ascension was so ours shall bee For he shall chaunge our vile bodies to be like to his glorious body and we shall be caught vp into the cloudes to meete Christ in the ayre and so we shall be with the Lord for euer 37 If then ours shall be a true ascention and that we shall truely be lifted from the earth into heauen Therefore Christs body also did truely ascend from earth into heauen not imaginarily or putatively 38 And this doctrine of Christs true ascention into that highest heauen and his perpetuall abiding there is most profitable and full of cōsolation 39 For first it serueth to strengthen our faith about the certaine place where with the eyes and hands of our faith we may behold touch and take hold of the body of Christ Then to establish our hope namely that it shall be that before the resurrection of our bodies our soules beeing separated from our bodies they shall neither discend beneath the earth nor shall flote in the waters or the aire nor roule about with the spheres but shall be carried aboue all these heauens to that blessed and heauenly house of the Father into which Christ in his body is already entred that they may be euer with Christ Lastly to kindle in our hearts the loue and desire of a heauenly life and conversation as the Apostle saith If ye be risen vvith Christ seeke those things which are aboue set your affections on thinges vvhich are aboue vvhere Christ sitteth at the right hand of God 40 Of Christs sitting at the right hand of the father thus speaketh the Apostle And hath set him Christ raised from the dead and carried vp into heauen in the heauenly places farre aboue all principallities and power and might domination and euerie name that is named not onely in this vvorld but also in that which is to come and hath made all thinges subiect vnder his feete c. YVhatsoeuer is read otherwise in the holy scripture or confessed by the church in the Creedes concerning this sitting is agreeable vnto this 41 But we cā no where read that for this sitting at Gods right hand either Christ Iesus tooke any other body call it howesoeuer or that in his naturall body there was any chaūge made of the substance of it or of any of those naturall qualities and essentiall proprieties which it retained after his resurrection It is therefore manifest that in what body Christ rose and ascended into heauen namely a visible palpable and circumscribed body in the same he also sitteth at the Fathers right hand in the highest heauens and wheresoeuer he is or pleaseth to be he keepeth still to himselfe such a body 42 The Apostle also witnesseth and the church confesseth in the Creedes that Christ first died was buried raised from the dead and taken vp into heauen before he fare at the Fathers right hand Therefore either it is false that Christs humaine nature thē first receiued a gift for substance of his body to be really euery where or if it be true then it receiued it not by the hypostaticall vnion which was made in his very incarnation 43 Neither is this exception any thing that by the hypostaticall vnion this was giuen him in the first act as that if he would he might be present every where but by the sitting at Gods right hand it was giuen him in the second act that is that he was indeed present every where 44 For besides that the tearmes of this distinction are tearmes not taken from the fountaines of Israel but out of the puddles of sophisters Christ himselfe also refelleth this exception when speaking not of the first act but of the second that is of his actuall presence he said both a little before his death Where two or three shall be gathered together in my name there am I in the middest of them and after his resurrection bofore his ascension he said Beholde I am vvith you even to the ende of the world 45 By those sayings it evidently appeareth that either Christ spake not of the reall presēce of his body but onely of the presence of his diety and power of his spirit or that he is present to vs