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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12496 A playne declaration made at Oxforde the 24. daye of July, by mayster Richarde Smyth, Doctor of diuinite, vpon hys Retractation made [and] published at Paules crosse in London, in the yeare of our lorde God, D.D.xlvii. the xv. daye of May Smith, Richard, 1500-1563.; Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. Godly and faythfull retractation. aut 1547 (1547) STC 22824; ESTC S104734 11,143 44

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of the Kynges gracious highnesse and his moost honorable Counsell by whose goodnesse and elemency I am here admytted and suffered too shew myne Errors and Faultes in my booke of Traditions which I made of late entituled thus A brief Treatise setting furth diuerse truthes necessary both too be beleued of Christen people and kepte also which ar not expressed in the Scripture but lefte to the Churche by the Apostles Traditions made and set furth by Richard Smyth Doctor of Diuinite and Reder of it in Oxforde Which Booke I do Reproue Reuoke in dyuers Faultes in it of the which I wyll a non recite certayne perticulerly and then I shall geue vnto you a trew and Generall Doctrine of all those thynges of which I doo entrete in that my Boke that therby you may well perceyue see after what sorte thei ought too be taken of Christen people that no man erre therin * FYRST Wheras I sp●kyng in my booke of Traditions of the autorite of Bysshoppes in makyng lawes and ordenances whyche the people ought to obey I dyd say teache in this wyse That men ought to obey the Bysshoppes commaundement in all thynges leaful vpon payne of euerlastyng damnacyon And that these wordes of Mathew Doo as they byd you but not as they doo be vnderstand not only of thinges conteined in Scripture but also of the Churches ordenaūces besydes Scripture made by the Ministers of the Churche although the said Ministers do abuse their auctorite for their owne benefite and profite And further where I taught that it is more conuenient that the people obey their Bisshops cōmaundementes Decrees although it be but in a thinge indifferent of it selfe and not commaunded by God then that seruaūtes shuld obey their maisters or children their fathers and mothers And finally where I sayd concernyng the same matter That as subiectes be bounde to obey and fulfyll their Princes Lawes which ar not conteyned in Gods Lawes beyng not agaynst it euen so be Christen people bounde too obey doo that which their Bisshops byddeth them doo All these sayinges I doo now Reuoke Disanull and Condempne as erronious and false And do professe and acknowledge fyrst that the auctorite aswell of the Bysshop of Rome whose auctorite is iustly and lawfully abolyshed in this Realme as of other Bisshops other called the ministers of the church consisteth in the dispensacion and ministratiō of Gods woorde not in makyng Lawes Ordinaunces and Decrees ouer the people besyde Gods word without the consent and auctoritie of the Prince and people ¶ Secondly I say affirme that no Bysshop nor none of the Clergy assembled togither haue auctoritie to make any Lawes or Decrees besydes Gods Law ouer the people without the consent of the Princes and the people and if they do make anye suche no man is bounde to obey theym ¶ Thirdly I say that in those coūtryes where by the auctorite of the Prince they haue made any suche Lawes thauctorite of those Lawes doth not appende and hang of the Bisshops and the Clergy but of the princes cheif heds in euery coūtry ¶ Fourthly I say affirme that within this Realme of England other the kinges Dominions there is no 〈…〉 Constitution 〈…〉 and auaileable 〈…〉 but only by the kynges ma●●styes au●●ority or of his 〈…〉 And where in my foresaid booke of Traditiōs I sayd that Tenthes of Benefices be 〈◊〉 only to theym that do preche and teche the Scripture and also that he that serueth not the Aulter nor precheth not the Gospell can nott iustly lyue by the Tenthes but is in conscience boūd to restore the profites and frutes taken therby Which my sayenges as it lieth in woordes sentences is s●●itious and sclaunderous to the Kynges maiesties procedinges and the Lawes and Ordres of this Realme which haue graunted Tenthes and Tythes to many Ley persones Therfore this my sayeng as it may be taken iustly by the wordes 〈…〉 they be put 〈…〉 to defende nor 〈…〉 but I requyre that I may 〈◊〉 theym and declare theim gently that I ment not in these my sayinges of any Lay men to the derogation of the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme but I ment only of Curates and Preestes which receyuing their Tythes do not their dutyes accordingly And where also in my sayd booke of Traditions and lykewyse in my boke of the Sacrifice of the Masse I followyng Pamascene and other Auncient Authors wrote that the Disciples of Christ dyd make certayne Canons which saint Clement dyd gether togither and put in writyng and that these same Canons must be taken for the Appostles doctrine and techyng and their woordes without doubt to be beleued kepte as that which is cōteyned expressely in scripture Now hauynge red many thynges whiche at that tyme I had not diligently marked wayed I doo thinke affirme and cōfesse that doctrine to be not trew but a vayne vnlawfull vniust and vnportable burdein to Christen consciences And that those Canons pretended to be of thappostles making and gatherd of saint Clement not to be made of thappostles or if they were not to be made otherwise than but for an order in the Church for that tyme not euer for to endure wherof many at this tyme in no wyse be too be obserued And those which do remayne not to be of that force as Gods lawe to charge mens consciēces otherwise then as mans Ordinaunces and Policie whiche may be taken away by Superior powers aswel with so lytle scruple of cōscience as other of them which many yeres a go were taken away to sum clene contrary lawes made In the said boke of Traditions also I sayd affirmed that Christ and his Appostles taught and lefte to the church many thingꝭ without writyng which we must both beleue stedfastly also fulfyll obediently vnder payne of dampnation euer to endure Amongest the which I rehersed by name a greate nomber to be obeyed kepte folowed as the obseruation of Lent from flesh or wyne the kepyng of the Sacramēt in the Pyx the receyuing of it at the preestes handes the hallowyng of the water in the Font the thrise dippyng of the Chylde in the water at the Christenyng the puttyng on of the Chrisome the Consecration of the Oyle Anoyntyng of the christened chylde the hallowyng of the Aulters the prayeng towardes the Tast the Sensyng of the aultare the Wasshyng of the handes sayeng Confiteor and li●ting vp of the Sacrament at the Masse the makyng or Holy Water That the .xii Appostles euery man a peece for his portiō made the Crede many mo besydes these And after lyke sorte I spake of Canons Decrees and Ordinaunces of bysshops and generall counsels Now I do confesse the saide doctrine as concernyng thobseruyng of the sayd Traditions vnder that payne to be false and Tirannicall an vniust vnlawfull and vntrew burdein of mens consciences not fit to be taught preched or defended Lykewyse of the beleuynge
of thinges where I dyd say that there are dyuerse thynges not expressed in the scripture which we are boūde to beleue egally with those thynges which arr written in Scripture in the nomber o● which I dyd cōfusely indiscretely for an example bring some of the afore rehersed and other many As cōcernyng many things in my booke put and the more nomber there by me reconed and named I affirme and say to be false and in no wyse trew but very daungerous and vniust onerous to the consciences of christen men and too be trew only in those Doctrines which necessaryly may be gathered consequently doo folow too the wordes and sentences in Scripture so that in effect they may be iustly counted to be in scripture though the very fourme of woordes be not there Of the which in my Booke is very few yet some I dyd reherse as Baptismus puerorū Descensus Christi ad inseros Virginitas Marie Trinitas personarum Processio Spiritus sancti and a few other And bicause I wold declare the trew acception dignitie and auctoritie of scripture too be distincte diuerse of higher surer more stable and firme order and credence then the other vnwritten Tradicions Assertions wandring in thobseruation of many yeres the churches canons and Decrees ordinaunces and traditions left by succession Here I do declare set furth confesse affirme and asserte my trew stedfast opinion belefe and fayth in these thynges propounded vttred vnto me as concernyng scripture written and other Traditions vnwritten and not declared in the said holy Scripture 1 Thaucto●…ite of scri●ture The scripture of tholde and new Testament written by thinspiratiō of the Holy ghost concernyng our belefe is too be beleued accepted taken as an vndoubted truthe not to be altered refourmed or chaunged by any man nor to be minished nor abrogate by any custome but vnder perell of dampnation to be beleued and vnder the same daunger to be followed hauyng auctoritie geuē vnto it by almightie god taught enspired by the holy ghost dependyng of no mans auctoritie nor violable or defesible by any power otherwise then vnder the perell daūger of eternall damnatiō Suche thynges as in the Actes 2 Thinges ī scr●ptur● for a tim● commau●ded of the Apostles or any other place of Scripture as for a tyme was taught and setfurthe for an introduction of the weake in the fayth not to remayne for euer as fayth incresed was abrogate none otherwise than it was thauctors mynde and intente they shuld those that concerned eatyng drinkyng coueryng or discoueryng of heades or such other externe rites and ceremonyes rather concernyng an ordre among men outwardly to be for a tyme obserued than an eternall law to rule and gouerne the soule Suche thynges as sometyme be 3 Thinges ●ecessary●y gatheed of scri●ture called traditions not expressely and by wordes found in holy scripture but which may necessarily and well be gathered of holy scripture are to be beleued and followed in somuche as farr as they may truly be gathered of the scripture or consequently doo follow the wourdes and intentes of the same Traditiōs pretended to be made 4 Thynges ● beleife ●ot neces●arily ga●hered of ●cripture of thappostles by some authors ascribed to theym as concernyng thinges to be beleued not found in scripture directly nor necessarily directly consecutyng followyng to scripture laufully with out perell of dampnation may be doubted of also denyed and refused by the superior powers suche as haue Auctoritie in the church There be many thinges ascribed 5 ●●●●ed f●●●ed dic●ous doc●r●n● to thappostles called traditions deduced from the tyme of thappostles read in the name of olde Authors and set furth vnder the pretensed title of their name which be feyned forged nothing trew full of superstition and vntrewth feyned by theym which wold magnify their owne power and auctoritie as is the Epistles of Clemens Anacletus Euaristus and Fabianus other which arr set furth by the bysshop of Rome and his complices which be forged feyned and of none auctoritie nor to be beleued but coūterfeyted by theym who with the color of a●●tiquitie wolde magnify that v●●●ped power of the bysshop of Rome Traditions of 〈…〉 ●●●ther Thinges ●●ncernīg ●…aners ●ot neces●…rely ga●hered or ●cripture they be in deed or 〈…〉 so aunciēt that they 〈…〉 ●sed frō the begyn●●● 〈…〉 the tyme of 〈…〉 haue ben appoynted 〈…〉 of later dayes by 〈…〉 bysshop of Rome 〈…〉 by generall 〈…〉 superioritie of one 〈…〉 ●●●…ther Watching 〈…〉 Sensynges 〈…〉 and all other suche Rites Ceremonyes and comen Orders to be vsed in the church of God doth not ●ynd but where they be receyued and by disuse maye be abrogate or by contrary law made in any countrey by thauctority of the superior powers may be clene taken away other Rites Canons Traditions Ceremonyes brought in for them with out any daūger of synne or grudge 〈…〉 And with any suche 〈…〉 the kynges 〈…〉 may either 〈…〉 cause or of his 〈…〉 any cause 〈…〉 man frō be●●… 〈…〉 〈…〉 with whom 〈…〉 haue dispensed 〈◊〉 all 〈…〉 free from them 〈◊〉 vse his said lybertie with 〈…〉 synne or scruple of 〈…〉 either to the kynges maiestie which gaue lybertie or to him whiche hath obteyned the 〈…〉 ●●●pensacion None otherwyse than in any other acte statute or proclamation made by humane polycie the kynges maiestye and the hygh powers may Whan contrary wyse that that is Goddes law and commaunded by scripture alwaies to be obserued no man can dispence with if nor gyue any man libertie to breake it vnder daunger of synne corruption of conscience This is my full firme and stable bele●e as touchynge the scripture written Traditions vnwritten what thyng soeuer I or any other heretofore haue preached taught written or endyted to the contrary of these my assertions belefe now declared vnto you or if any man hereafter which God forbyd shuld preach teach or set furth any thing which is not consonaunt agreyng to these aforesayd articles and assercions beleue good hearers and know you iurely that it is a false vntrew deuellysh doctrine and vngodlye vsurpation vpon the holly Scripture contrary too the trew pure and Catholicall doctrine of Christes churche In the which ●aythe and beleef conteyned in the sayd vi Assertions I doo entende good hearers with the grace of almighty God to lyue by Christ and all my hope is also too dye therin if need shal be And whensoeuer God shall call me therunto his grace assistyng I shal be redy AND now concernyng another booke whiche I made of the Sacrifice of the Masse where the moast chief and principall article of our fayth and moast directly perteynyng too the redemption of our synnes and to our saluation is That our sauyor Christ Iesu by his moast precious death and effusion of his moast precious blood vpon the crosse dyd