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A09147 The Protestants theologie containing the true solutions, and groundes of religion, this daye mainteyned, and intreated, betwixt the Protestants, and Catholicks. Writen, by the R. F. F. VVilliame Patersoune religious priest, Conuentuall of Antwerpe, preacher of Gods word, and Vicar generall of the holy order of S. Augustin, through the kingdome of Scotland. The 1. Part. Paterson, F. William. 1620 (1620) STC 19461; ESTC S101863 199,694 338

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point of religion called in controuersie but lock to be directed as they haue been alwayes in all former ages by there Catholik Pastors to vvhō they are cōmanded by the Apostle to obey submit thēselues no lesse thē the soger to his captain or the passager to the schipper master of the shippe Therfore after the exāple of the Apostle I haue set down the Protestantes opinion sound doctrine that the modest and discret Reader may iudge with equity that their profession is reall heresie and containes nothing but filthy abominable assertions without any good grounds eyther of Scripture or reasone That in vveighing the balance in thy hand of iudgement and vnderstanding thow may saue thy soule which is lost if thow remaine in the profession with them who will goe about to saue his soule will learne the verity And therefore Gentle Reader I haue set downe in this Protestant Theologie there owne wordes lest some would say that I doe belye them which to doe I am very loth but to obserue charity as I would they should doe the lyke to me and whereas Gentil Reader that thow hadst not the full work accomplished blame me not I lippened to mens promises who hath failled when I haue brought this booke so farre on the way for my owne part I am sory that it is manked or abriged if pouerty hath not been my impediment notwithstanding to my ability with the curtosie of some goodes friends out of the zeall of their deuotion This first part of my booke is commed to light expecting opportunatie and frienship to effectuat the other part which God-willing in his owne tyme shall be seene Therefore inioy this for the present and pitie my pouerty bidding the hartly fairewell Thy friend in Christ F. VV. P. A. THE PROTESTANTS THEOLOGIE QVAESTIO I. WHerefor good Christians adheere ye and ioyne rather to the Papists Church and faith than to our reformed Church seing our Church and faith is the trew Catholik faith and is from the Apostles them selues delyuered Cal. praef ad Franc. Gal. Reg. ANSVER The Catholik Roman faith was long befor the reformed WHEREFOR praefere ye not the Roman-Catholik-Church and hir faith befor the Lutheran Caluinian or any vther sect what soeuer vnder pretence of reformation with a whorish applaud for as God was befor the deuil appeared euin so his trew Church and faith out of all dout is more ancient than the false and was befor it euer appeared for when the husbandman hade soowed his good seed in the feild than efter came the enuyous man and owersowed cockle as is said Matth. 15. but our Catholik Roman Church faith religion by the rest is long befor the reformation The Church and hir crew faith is from the tyme of the apostles ordeered and printed in the tables of verytie forasmuch seing that these many ages it hath bene from the tyme of the Apostles and long befor hath preuented the reformed nether can any of their wryters or centurians shew and declare as yet any forcible and sufficient argument what tyme place or by what author any corruption entered in the Catholick Roman Church Morouer ther was none except heretickes who beleued thes thinges contrary to the doctrin of the Roman Catholik Church or haue proposed to be beleued which they dogmatically indeed belieue and peruersly propound to be belieued if they can as yet shew and declare An honest chalenge let them approue them selues men for thair souls good and the honor of their reformed religion and for the satisfaction of many halting betwixt their new opinions and our old Roman Catholick doctrine Morouer we may easily declare demonstrate these your dogmaticall opinions and paradoxes in which yow do discrepat The new reformed religion is long sensed condemned disagre frō vs long since to be condemned and to be tryed real heresies out of diuerse sectaries alredy condemned by the Church also what tyme place increas procedings author of whō they weer oppugned gainsaid It is bulded on the old heresies alredy condemned which when they weere brought to light and made knowne to all men did all sauour of heresie noueltie and change of religion with no long apparant continuans of long keiping possession or perseuerant tyme as shal be in euery place argument of this book obserued the man and his opinion the oppugner and contradictor the censor iudgment the age tyme. And therfor as for our part we shall first let Tert de praescr haret c. 32. as a defender of the Catholik Roman faith steppe into the feild with whom we demande Tert. demandes of the heretikes their entres and inquyre of your newe nouation and vpstatt reformation becaus yow claime the Catholick Church and hir name vnto you in this maner asking of you by these interrogations saying as he said to the heretikes in his tyme What do yow in my place and bee none of myne lykwyse by what right Marcion Luther Caluin cut ye doun my woodes by what licēse Valētin Luther Caluin made into my fountaines by what authoritie Appelles Luther Caluin break yow my boundes myne is the possession why do ye rest heere to sowe and pasture at your pleasure myne is the possession Tertul defendes the Catholik name to aperte in to him as to a lawful successor of the Apostles long synce I possest it and first I did possesse it I shewe the first original of the owners to whome the thing was proper thus he Morouer our holy father S. August lib. de vtilit cred c. 7. as an other martial champion entereth in the feild against the heretikes of his tyme who vsurped the Catholick name and sayes ther is one Church All heresie confesse one Church as al confesse and if you look on the wholl compasse of the world it exceedeth all other in nomber as they affirme that know also shee is more sincere in doctrine of the treuth and ther is one Catholick Church Diuers heresies heth geuen diuers names to hir bot culd neuer deface hir of the Catholick name to which diuerse heresies haue geuen different names whē as euery on of them haue their proper name which they dare not deny by which it may easily appeare to whom the name Catholick of which al are desyrous ought to be attributed This word Catholick made him to boast and outface the enimyes saying contr epist fund c. 4. I may not omit this wisdome This name catholick mad●s him to boost against heresies which you deny to be the Catholick Church ther ar diuerse other things which do most iustly retaine and hold me in hir boundes as vnitie ther hould me the consent of people Consent of people authoritie and the name Catholik held S Augastin in the Church and nations the authoritie which had hir beginning by mirackles nourished by hope augmented by charitie confirmed by antiquitie there do hold me the succession of
were they in lyke authority with the Iewes whih after the vniuersall Church did authorize by the holy Ghost for authentical Scripture vpō which authority S. Austen feared not to confirme the prayer for the dead as holy Canonicall Scripture with the Church OBIECTION LOng since of many it was doubted of the Epystle to the Hebrewes the second of S Peter the last of Daniel c. Therefore for this doubt they are not to be adiudged Hereticks who now eyther reiect them or put them in doubt ANSVVER THe consequent is denyed because the lyke raeson should follow in the lyke doubt whether they are to be baptized agayne whome Heretickes haue baptized which S. Cyprian with some others haue thought meet to be don And whether the Moysaicall law is to be obserued of Christians yea also who belieued of the Gen tils whereupon the counsell of Ierusalem was moued about these Heresies Lykwyse whether the grace of the Euagely did appertayn to the Gētils or to the Iewes only as is disputed in the Act. Apost cap. 11 For albeit the Church retayne all tymes the same one fayth yet notwithstanding by progresse of tyme and occasions as the church increaseth in her nomber so things pertinent to fayth may be amplifyed and made more ample then it was in the beginning For the Church at no tyme euer receaued for an opinion of Faith that which before she had once reiected Now those books once censured and approued by the Church it is not lawfull more to doubt of them and are in as great authority and veneration as the others bookes of Scriptures be for example For as a piece of gold in the beginning is suspected to be false and conterfeyt yet if afterwards it be tryed by the touch-stone of the Goldsmyth and found sufficient and approued of the Magistrat is receaued of the whole people goeth currant as other quoyne and is no lesse worth then any other peace of gould which was neuer suspect euen so these books of Scripture c. QVAESTIO XVII Of Traditions WHerefore are the Papists so simple as to belieue some thinges which are not expresly contayned in the Scriptures VVich they call traditions Calu. lib 4. inst cap. 8. § 8. Brent in prolog Kemnit in exam Conc. Trident. ANSVVER IT may be demanded in lyke manner wherfore Caluin lib 4. inst cap. 3. § 19. Alloweth and commendes traditions for in the ordination of the ministers of the Church he commandes as a precept the imposition of handes yet notwithstanding seing there is no commandement extant in the Scripture he himself protestes it to be necessary as his owne wordes recorde Albeit sayth he there is no commandement extant for the imposition of handes yet we doe see it to be in perpètuall vse from the Apostles and therfore that same diligent obseruation of theirs ought to be to vs as a commandement So that Caluin who before denyed traditions doth allowe of them as necessary in the ordination of the ministery whome for entrance we see led with the spirit of cōtradictiō For I say that not only these things which plainly are conteyned in the Scripture are to be obserued but also many traditions and obseruations which haue flowed and comed from Christ his Apostles which are to be retayned necessary as it were in a manner the written word it selfe Because it is found in the Scriptures Christ and his Apostles to haue delyuered many things which are not written For in the 16 of S. Iohn Christ sayes I haue many things to say to you but you cānot beare them now In which wordes he signifyeth that many things are necessary and needfull to be known to the Apostles which things out of doubt he made knowne when he appeared to them the fourty dayes speaking of the Kingdome of God his Church and of the gouernement of the Kingdome of grace and what the Apostles haue heard out of doubt they haue delyuered to the Church for her cause these were cōmunicated of our Lord to them which although they be not expressed in the Scriptures yet by tradition are delyuered Of which S. Paul speaking to the Thess epist 2. cap. 2 v. 14. stand and hold fast sayth he the traditions which you haue receaued whether by word or by our Epistle that is to say the doctryne delyuered to you whether by the preaching viua voce or by an epistle written to you Which place these venerable fathers expoundes of traditions as S. Basil lib. de S. S. Chry. Oecom Theoph. and S. Aug. epist 174. to that now sayth he which I haue rehearsed it fal so that Homousion is not found in the writtē word and yet as an article of fayth the word is defended Lykewyse the Father is called vnbegotten which is not read in the Scriptures The Symbole of the Apostles is by tradition not by the writtē word Lykewyse the obseruance of Sondy for the Saboath the baptizing of infantes ●he receauing of the Sacramēt fasting And S Luke acknowledgeth that he hath receaued by tradition what he hath written in his Euangely For if you reiect traditiōs why not also the whole wrytten Scripture by what reason is there only four Euangelists and no more And wherefore are they receaued that neuer sawe Christ and these Euangelists reiected who did see heare and were conuersant with him as Nicodem S. Thomas Thaddeus S. Peter Bartholomewe and others who haue wrytren Euangelyes and yet their written Euangelyes are reiected and these other foure are receaued who neuer did see Christ And with vs you belieue thē which are not expressed by any written word but only belieued to be true Euangelists by tradition What can be more sayd for verification of the truth then the wordes of the Apostle 2. Thes cap. 2. v. 14. Which wordes all tend for the commendation of our belief Of which S Basil l. de S. S. cap. 29. I account it Apostolicall to continue and belieue firmely the vnwriten word To whom all the Fathers are conformable For when the old Heretickes as Gnostes Marcion Cerdone Arius Eunomius Aerius Nestorius c. opposed themselues against traditions disdayning and denying them were with the whole consent of the auncient Fathers condemned as Heretickes as witnes Iraen lib. 3. Tert. de praescript S. Basil lib. de S. S. cap. 27. Epiph. Haer. 53. S. Aug. lib. 5. cont Maxim Now brother Asill what can be denyed against traditions what argument haue you for your defence for you accept no Scripture as canonicall ergo yow must proue Scripture by tradition and the other Scripture which you reiect is named apochrypha and in so doing you must allow tradition and so on euery side tradition conuinceth you and yet ye wil be oppugners and denyers of tradition I demand this if you were to conuince any man of Heresie for denying the Canon of Scripture what argument would you vse to conuince him As for example Luther in the Preface of the new testament decreed to reiect the epistle
beateth the windes but runnes to obtaine and fightes to vinne the reward And lykewise that we late not goe the steadfast hold of our hope but holding it sure and cleauing fast to the Rock of our faith against which the gates of Hell cannot preuaile neyther infidelity to haue accesse Cyp. Epist 55. ad comm PP If therefore we see by the verdict of the Apostle that Heresies must be which in effect brust out in the dayes of the Apostles as bade weeades springs vp amongst the cornes in the good husbandrie of our Lord and as cockle owersowede of the enemy in the good feild of God For in the dayes of the Apostles there wāted not most wicked Heretickes as Simon Magus Her nogines Philectus Hymenaeus Alexander Nicolaus who are mentioned in the Scripture to haue wauered and been inconstant in the faith and after the knowledge of righteousnes to haue turned back from the verity and to haue maintayned erroneous opinions and teached false doctrine for lucre cause VVith those also brust out others as the Ebionists Cerinthus Marciō against whom S. Paul S. Peter S. Iohn and S. Iude hath writen discouring thē their doctrin vvth there manners the which wicked persones were so drūned in the sees of Heresies and delighted themselues in their poysonable opinions of errors yealous and fyrie to mantaine the same with their blood So that to this presēt day there hath been no age free of Heresie neyther was the world so perfect in Faith and Religion in the dayes of the Apostles more then now neyther is the world so perfect yet as not to haue many simple people in it neyther is the simple people so happy as to keepe themselues securly humble and in the obedience of the doctrine of the Church neyther is the obedient fully secure not to be deceaued of subtill and crafty men neyther is the subtill crafty Heretick so carefull of his credit honesty to moderat his peruerse opiniō and malice to spare and forbeare to maintain opē falshoods old dampned opinions to intangle and snare the ignorantes and simple people VVherfore the Apostle prognosticates Heresies to be that mē ben forewarnde and fortold that as Heresies must be with it subtility and malice that whē men beholde the one to be circumspect not to be deceaued and trapped in the other against whom Christ our Saluiour exhortes vs totake head of false Prophets who are clothed in sheape skinnes and are inwardly reaweing wolues Matth. 7. And S. Iohn biddes not belieue euery spirit but try them and decerne them whether they be of God or no But who is this prudent and wyse that can not be deceaued and who hath that gift to decerne spirits seing Heresie it selfe is of the Scripture and deceit and malice is of the diuell that old serpent for made not Sathan this potion out of Scripture when he said Gen. 3. Eritis sicut dij his deceat and malice is discouered in calling him an Serpent as it is writen erat serpēs calidior cunctis animantibꝰ terrae gen 3. Therefore how shall men of good iudgement know thē farelesse how shall the ignorant and lai-persones try truth from falshood sounde doctrine from error heresie frō true Religion seing it is cōmon in this age and taught euery man to read the Scriptures and by them to decerne spirites truth and falshood heresie and true Religion I wish frō my hart if it please God that as holy Scripture is the true tryall therof that it were as euident and plaine to all men to seike the tryall therin which the whole learned holy men frō the Apostles tymes hath iudged the contrary that the Scripture is a book of difficulties as S Aust saith lib. 2. de doct Christi cap. 6. Many things are darke and obscure in the Scriptures and it hath been so prouyded of God to the intēt that our pryd may be taymed with traueill and our knowledge not cloyed with facility which quickly contemneth what hath been easily learned In this same mynd is S Hier. in Ezech. cap. 45. saying All prophesie and interpretation of the Scriptute containes the truth in darknes and obscurity to the intent that the scollers learned within may vuderstād but the rude people without may not know what is said least we should cast precious perles before hoges if the treasure of Gods secrets should be opened to euery mā To amplifie at more lenght the difficultie therof Epiph. in Anchoratu saies The Scripture telleth all truth but we haue need of a good vnderstanding and perseuerance to know God and his word Lykewyse Orig lib. 7. in leuit There is in the Gospel saith he the letter that killeth and this destroying letre is not only in the old buc also in the new Testamēt to him that vnderstandes it not spiritually what is said VVhich difficultie Tert. in praesc affirmes saying I am not a feared to say that the Scriptures themselues haue been so disposed by the will of God that they might minister matter vnto Heretickes And therfore seing the Apostle prognosticates that Heresie must be which could not be without the Scripture which is an ample field for all sectes the greater should be our prudence and wisdome to beweere of their deceat and subtilities lest they bring to passe which S. Paul feared saying that as the Serpent deceaued Eua through his subtility euen so your senses may be corrupted and to fall away from the simplicity vvhich is in Christ Iesu For such false Apostles are decetfull workers transfigurating themselues in the Apostles of Christ Neyther is it marueil that they so appeare for their master Sathan can transfigure himselfe in an Angell of light therfore it is not a great matter if his ministers can transfigurat thēselues in the apparance of ministers of righteousnes vvhose end shal be according to their vvorks Secondly to deceat and craft is neuer anexed malice enuy ialousie calūnies vvhich must proceed from Heresie as Christ himself defines saying ex fructibꝰ eorū cognoscetis eos mat 7. vvhich fruicts are so manifest and euident that they cannot be obscured and denyed is their slanderous reportes inuections lyes skooffs and blasphemies against God and his Church vnknown to the vvorld no in vvhich doing they haue follovved and imitated the Manicheis as vvitnes S Aug. lib. de vtilit cred c. 1. vvho exceeded all other Hereticks before them that vvith open mouth selādered the Church of Christ and charging her vvith sensles prodigious dostrines and errours outfaceing their blasphemies vvith bitter inuections and calumnies to affray the ignorant people frō the bosome of the Catholik Church and by setting them selues in the stoll as fearfull bogelles to affray children that they might not knovv the verity through ther deceat and malice neyther vvhether the Church is but their synagogue manasseing and treatning to ioyne all to there cōuentickle lyke foullars vvho hauing layd the lyme vvands by the spring
the Priestes keepe wisdome and they shall aske the law at his mouth and not of the reading of the Scriptures which rashnes S. Hier. epist. 103. reprehendes that euery one will chalenge Scripture this the chatting old wyfe this the doting aged this the babling sophister this euery one presumes to teach before he learne And lykewyse Tert. de Prasc sayes all are swelled vp all do professe knowledge yea euen very hereticall women how male pert and bould they are to teach and dispute in Scriptures therefore to auoyd these absurdities it is not lawfull to reade the Scriptures OBIECTION CHrist gaue thanks to his Father that he had hid these things from the wyse and prudent and had reuealed them to babes Matth. 11. which doth manifest the greater ostentation of Gods diuine righteousnes mercy and light of the Ghospell therefore the Scripture is no lesse commended to the vnlearned of spirituall vnderstanding then to the iudgement of the prudent and wyse but the Papists doe interdict the people this knowledge in reading the word of God in remitting them to the Doctores of their vniuersities ANSVVER I Admit the antecedent and deny the subsequēt for by litle ones is not vnderstood the vnlearned people but the humble and meke that is not puffed vp with vaine science such were the Apostles and Disciples fishers who altogeather were not vnlearned in that whole three years they were conuersant with Christ the Master of veritie who by his diuine doctrine illuminated their mynds and vnderstanding to haue knowledge of the Scriptures But such little ones were not old-doting-foles prating-old-wyfes Barbers Smythes c. who hauing alwayes false passadges search not the vnderstanding of them but prate bable and read them in their shopps esteeming more of their owne iudgement then all the Doctors and vniuersities in the world OBIECTION THE Scripture is the booke of the faithfull Therefore it is to be read and is plaine to euery mans mynd and vnderstanding ANSVVER I Graunt it is but not to be expounded of all because S. Ambrose calleth it the Priests booke neyther was it without a cause that the bookes of the old Testament were most surely kept in the Temple by the Priestes as relates S. Aug. lib. 16. de cruit cap. 13. And therefore the Priestes bookes are not bookes for the vulgar people OBIECTION THEY shal be all taught of God Ioa. 6. v. 45. Therefore there is no need of any other Doctor for the people then the Scripture ANSVVER I Deny the consequent for it is not there signifyed that all people shall vnderstand all Scriptures without any externall Doctours of God by his inspiration as they dreame but he sayes all shal be taught of God in the last tymes which doctrine is fulfilled by Christ and after him of the holy Ghost in powring in his Pastores of the Church true faith So that this doctrine of Christ and true faith is publickly denounced by the Catholicke Church whereby euery one may be taught in the knowledge of God and not by naked reading of the Scripture For the assumption maketh against themselues To what end are ministers and preichers admitted amongst the Protestantes if all men by reading the Byble may be sufficiently taught in the knowledge of God of God by inward inspiration and of his owne reading aswell as by their preaching OBIECTION THe Scripture is the Key of knowledge but this Key ought to be knowne to all Ergo. and the Scripture ANSVVER ORigine lib. 4. de princ cap. 2. sayes that the inter pretatiō of the church is the key of knowledge drawne from the self same Scriptures but the Scripture it selfe is not the Key of knowledge because the Scripture cannot warrant it self withour the authority of the Church and this authority and spirituall interpretation of the Church is the spirituall Key of knowledge and not the reading of Scripture OBIECTION THe reading of the Scripture bringeth consolation of the spirit to the people therefore it is good and necessary to be read of the vulgar for consolations cause ANSVVER IT is true but not to the purpose for there are many other things which giue consolation to the spirit as the expositions of the Scripture Sermons Meditation receiuing of the Sacraments and not the naked reading of the Bible Otherwise if it be of necessity how shall the poore miscrable and idiots who can not read haue any consolation for the word of God consisteth not only in externall sound but in the true sense and vnderstanding OBIECTION CHrist commanded the Iewes to search the Scriptures Iohn 5. vers 39. And the same lykewyse is commanded to Christians to try the doctrine of fayth according to the rule of scripture and that they may iudge of his interpretation ANSVVER THe word search both in Latin and Greeke may be in the indicatiue and imperatiue moode if it be in the indicatiue as D. Stapeltō saies the sense is you diligently inquyre the Scriptures and yet will not belieue that there you doe fynde of me and these were the bookes of the old Testament for there were none other then writiē If it be in the imperatiue Christ hath not here spoken to the vulgar sorte but to the Scrybes Psiests Leuites and Pharisies with whom was the Key of knowledge who had their dayly conuersation in the Scriptures the which for probability Herod affirmeth whill he assembled the Scrybs Matt. 2. to inquyre of them where Christ should be borne OBIECTION THe Beronenses doe search the Scriptures after the preaching of S. Paul and are commēded that they bestowed thēselues dayly in searching the Scriptures cōcerning those things which were affirmed by Paul and Silas Therefore it is necessary to read the Scriptures ANSVVER THe Beronenses search the Scriptures after the preaching of the Apostles not as doubting of the word but diligently attending least with new doctrines cōtrary to the scriptur they might also be deceaued for as yet the Beronenses had not made professiō of Christ name neyther were they boūd to credit the Apostles except their doctrine had ben proued with myracles or els by testimony of Scripture But farr other wayes the reformed vse to do who will mix their priuate interpretation with the Scripture repugnant to the Scripture Church in raysing new opinions and renewing old damned Heresies OBIECTION LVther de ser Arbit Teaches and constantly affirmes that the Scriptures in thēselues are easy of vnderstanding and need no interpretor yea all men are taught of God and his spirit need not to be taught of any other Therefore as they are facill in vnderstanding so should they be cōmon to all men without interdiction ANSVVER WHere difficulties are it is not plaine neyther facill to all men but the Scripture is full of difficulties for it is the storehouse of Gods Secrets Ergo. Moreouer the disciples hearing Christ disputing about the mysterie of his body And because they were his disciples should haue better digested Christs words thē the people
of S. Iames for Apochripha to conuince him of this error it cannot be done by the Scripture neyther of himself because he is iudge in his own cause neyther is he to be belieued by the reuelation of his priuat spirit for all do make for confirmation of his opinion theref●re to conuince him rightly they must haue recourse to the tradition of the Church as sayes S. Aug. Serm. 191. de temp We receaue the new and ould testament in the nomber of bookes the which by authority of the Catholik Church is delyuered to vs. Moreouer this other argument is to be obserued for the Church from the beginning of the world till Moyses two thowsand yeares was without Scripture only ruled by traditions and rites of the sacrifice In the new testamēnt Christ hath written nothing neyther commaunded to wryte but well he sayth Marc. 16. vers 15. Preach you the Euangely to all creatures in which mission no precept is giuen of writing for saluation depends vpon the word of God and not vpon books neyther the written Scripture nor reuelation or prophesie c. For that cause Iraen lib. 3. cap. 4. wryteth that some nations in his tyme had the fayth of Christ and yet no Scripture Where is it found in the Scripture to reiect traditions But this is the cause why you withstand all traditiōs for these being banished easily you may peruert and glosse the Scriptures and apply them to your own myndes which traditions of the holy Church stād out against you for the clearing of the verity and will not suffer the Scriptures to be corrupted with your fansies which corrupt interpretations permitted and suffered we shall see you follow traditions and consequently your owne inuentions to be for holy Scripture for the first part is probable for Caluin himself approueth the traditions of the Iewes commenting in the 104 Psal sec 18. Many things remayned amōgst them by successiue tradition which were godly and necessary for them of the which no mention is made in the Scriptures Out of which place it followeth that Caluin willingly would Iudaize and as concerning the following of their owne senses in reiecting the traditiōs of the holy Ghost to erect their own traditions contrary to the written word I would most willingly be satiefyed by what reason eyther spirituall or morall why you Puritans vphold and set vp traditions as the pillar of repentance denigrate and made black and sinners to stand there to the spectacle of the whole Church with the showing of their heades at the crosse bound with yron chaynes in tyme of Market your sackcloth at the Church doore and carting of poor women thorow the city of whom haue you learned to punish fornicators by this ignominious punishement Others by the purse and to pardon some who are fatt and to execute rigor vpon the poor From whence haue you receaued that tradition in your prayers to hould your noses in others tailes and to ly groaning on the ground after the manner of the Iewes From vvhence is that tradition to fast on sondayes and feast on frydayes and to work on Christmas day and other Sainctes dayes and to obserue monday suter sonday for holy day These a thowsand more are the Puritanes traditions of their owne inuentiō vvithout any Scripture or vvrittē word and yet not vvithstanding they vvill abolishe and condemne all traditions and yet vvill set vp and authorize traditions of their owne authority contrary to the law of God and all Scripture and tradition of any age before passed OBIECTION THe Lord sayth Deut. 12. vers 32. What I cōmand thee do thow that vnto the Lord only neyther shalt thou add any thing neyther diminish Therefore traditions are superfluous and in vaine ANSVVER IF this argument were auaileable neyther the Prophets nor the Apostles ought to haue writtē any thing after Moyses for vvhat the Prophets haue vvritten are not conteyned in Moyses neyther vvhat the Euangelists Apostles haue wryten are contayeed in the old testament but generally and implicite In lyke sorte traditions are contayned in the Scripture implicite vvhē Christ sayd Luc. 10 v. 16. Who heareth you heareth me Therfore the sense of these vvordes vvhich sayth that thou shall add nothing nor diminish is that thou shalt add nothing repugnāt vnto those things vvhich are commaunded in the Scripture In this same sense sayth S. Paul Gal. 1. v. 8. Whether we or an Angel frō Heauen euangelise to you otherwise then that which we haue euangelized let him be accursed For that praeposition praeter is asmuch to say as cōtrary for otherwaies should he be contrary to himself who added many things as his epistles witnes And lykewyse S. Iohn after he had written the Apocalyps and Euangely who threateneth the same curse should fall in the same sentencē in adding to his Epistles in which are many precepts traditions which are not contayned in the Apocalyps and Euangely c. OBIECTION THE Scripture is a Rule to belieue therefore it ought to contayne all things which are to be belieued ANSVVER THe Scripture is a Rule to belieue but not adequat and a right Rule because the right Rule is the word of God whether written or delyuered by Tradition OBIECTION THese things are written that you may belieue that Iesus is the Sonne of God and that belieuing you may haue lyfe in his name But all things writen serue to belieue in Christ therefore all beliefe is written ANSVVER SAinct Paul sayes that Abel Enoch Noe Abraham Isac Iacob Heb. 11. had vndoubtedly true fayth yet they had no Scripture writen Againe the primitiue Church at least tenne yeares after Christ had no Scripture written who will say but that they had true faith Againe these are not conteyned in the written word to vvit the consubstantiality of the Trinity the procession of the holy Ghost the virginity of the most blessed Virgin Mary the baptising of children and the not rebaptising of them who are baptised of Heretickes the breaking of the Sabaoth keeping of Sonday the obseruing of Easter the receauing of the Sacraments fasting the eating of blood strangled meares prohibeted in the Law and Euāgely Act. 15 But I would know of the Protestātes what Scripture they haue for women to singe Psalmes and to glosse on the Scriptures in the Church at home and in the tauernes What Scripture haue you for your pillary crosse steeple repētance seat carting and showing of poore women for the sinne of fornication for these things you haue no Scripture but must build vpon traditiōs eyther true or false QVAESTIO XVIII Of the certitude of Hope WHerefore doe the Papists deny that our Hope is with certitude seing it is written that Hope maketh vs not ashamed but bringeth with it certitude and confidence Luth art 10 11. Caluin lib. 3. instit cap 2. § 16. ANSVVER WHat certitude assured hope can the Protestants haue in our Sauiour if they defend and abyde in the principall poincts of their
one new doctrin and of these som were called Marcionists Basilidanes other Saturnists others agane of late Lutheranes Thair names and profession is after the name of men and so faile to be called Catholik Caluinists Protestants Puritanes and therfor in this they faile to be called Christianes as sayes Athan. in apol secund Lact. firm lib. 4. c. 30. de vera sapientia Therfor heretikes and ther Reformed faith is not lerned of the Apostles fathers and predecessors of the Church but partly borrowed of som other heresie or partlie by phantasticall and new inuention and so no faith but inuention neither Apostolicall but Pharisaicall The reformed faith ●is lyk a painted man nether Catholik but particular which is no more faith in effect than a painted man is a man For this cause S. Hieron Epist. ad Pamach reproches taxes the heretiks saying Wheir for after fourhundrith years past labor ye to teach which befor we haue not knowne for vnto this present day The world wes Catholik Christian befor thair faith was knowne without your doctrin the world was Christian And Tertull. de praes haeretic repelles their vaine boast concerning any Catholik tytle saying who ar ye from whence and when cam ye where haue ye lurked so longe And S. August no lesse scornes them saying to the Donat. S. Aug. admiration from whence they ar come From whence haue ye apeared of what soile haue ye sprunge out ouer what sea haue ye comed or what heauen haue ye faln from And lykwise Opt. Melet. lib. 2. contr Parm. Sayes in dirision to the heretiks Opt. Mel. derides them asking the originall of thair church Show the original of your Church who would chalenge to you the holy Catholick-Church And as Valer. Max. lib. 6. in principio sayes for conclusion that as the name of God is a most certaine pledge of humane saluation As the name of God is a sauegard to saluation so is the Catholike name a sauegard to al beleueres and a sauegard for man so is this name Catholike a sauegard to al Christian belieuers and theirfor we haue great reason to adheere and ioyne our selfe to the Catholik-Church and not to your reformed which hath no affinitie nor any thing of a Catholik Church or name in it Morouer these and diuerse reasones persuade me Reasone persuades man to beleue the Romā-Church to be Catholik the only Roman Catholik faith to be accepted as true Apostolicall doctrin but yours and others suchlyk vnder pretext colour of reformation to be repudiat as very fleeting dregges of heresie Which shall not be difficill to proue For the Apostle sayes Ephes 4. that there is one comen and sauing faith in expressing these wordes there is one God one faith one Baptisme This Church is praised of the Apostles own mouch And first for that is the trew and Apostolicall faith which the Apostel praising God and writting the Romans cap. 1. doth say your faith is published through the whol world But our faith which is hated and dispraised by name of Papistry and proprie is that same Roman faith This Catholik church is hated of all heretikes and calumniated Seing no man as yet by any sure reason could shew the Roman Church from that tyme to discrepat or disagree in any substantiall point or that eyther Bishope counsell or any Catholick person do dissent from the Roman Church in essentialles or yet the pastors of our Church Amongst the pastors of the Romā Church ther is no variāce in essentialles at any tyme to varie from them in substantiall things yea in the smal-lest artickles what soeuer but all to accord and agree with the Catholik faith and to fauour no opinion of heresie Therefor our Papisticall and Roman faith hath obteined the title of the Catholick and Apostolicall name That richtly others sectes discouered this is only to be adiudged and belieued of all men for trew Catholick and Apostolicall and yours for heresie Trew faith most be receaued and belieued of hearing and not by reading of books or reuelations The second reason is the trew faith which who ordinarly declares or teaches to any other it must be first by the ear receaued of the Church of God by the preaching of Christ as the apostell affirmes Rom. 10. faith is by hearing and hearing is by the word of Christ as he would say trew faith is conceaued not immediatly by reuelation or reading of the Scriptures but by those things which are hard of the preacher and mediatly by external doctrin and the doctrin trewly that is harde or to be harde consistes in the word of God preached by the Church But the reformed faith teached by Luther and Caluin and their faith is not by hearing and externall doctrin which they euer receaued in the Church from any pastor doctor bishope or any other hauing authoritie of mission The Protestāts preiching is nether by the word of God nether of the church or euer had commission of any man to preach that reformed faith Therefor their reformed faith is no trew faith The minor is euident becaus they can not produce any doctor nor pastor if they can do it from whome they haue receaued their doctrin For the assertiones written by Luther him self declare the contrary Who in his book of Seruill libertie Luthers glorie him to dissent from all the fathers of the Church obiectes against Erasmus Rotterd in the cause of frewill publiquely to vant boast him to depart and dissent from the doctrin of all the former pastores of the Church and declared by the mouth of the Church and to oppose him self cōtraire to Dion Areop Iren. Clem. Cypr. Arnob. August c. Whos 's doctrin in the course of frewill deliuered of the elders to be trew Catholik doctrin and authorised of the mouth of the Church We sayes Luther beliue Luther adiudged all the fathers blind ignorāt in the Scriptures and preach that the fathers all these many ages past plainly haue ben blind and most vnexpert ignorant and vnlerned in the holly Scriptures And therefor for conclusion of this minor theyr preaching and doctrin is not of the Church nor of any pastor of the Church and consequentlie no faith nether word of God Trew faith should beginne at Ierusaiē The thrid reason is the preaching of the trew faith ought to beginne at Ierusalem and after to go abrod through all the partes of the world as it is writen in S. Luc. 24. it behoued that penance and remission of sinnes should be preached in his name to all nations beginning at Ierusalem but the preaching of Luther and Caluins reformed faith hath not begonne at Ierusalem The reformed faith begane in Germany in Geneue in particulare cornes nether is it spred abrod through the world and therefor it is no trew faith The minor is euident for Luther begane in Wittemberg in Saxonie and Caluin in
feare least perchance by ignorance he had sinned for the hart of man is a depth and what is more profound then this depth Psal 41. for men may speak and may be seene mouinge and workinge and harde speake but of whome is his hart penetrated of whome is his thoughtes beholden what he meanes within him self What within he may think what he would what he would not who shall comprehend this depth hearing the Apostell saying I know nothing in my self yet do I not iudge my self would any beleue such a profunditie to be in man that this depth to him self is not known in wkome it is this profunditie of infirmitie appeared not to S. Peter S. Peter knew not his own weaknes in his rashe promises how shall a man know of his full perfection which is iustificatiō when he knew not what was to be done in him self when rashlie he promissed to dye for our Lord Matth. 26. Therefor is any man secure in this lyf which is called a warrfaire and temptation and as Hierem. 17. sayes the hart of man is froward and inscrutable who shall know it so that no man knoweth what is in man except the spirit of man which is in him and yet treuly the spirit him selfe not fully for when the Apostle sayes I esteme litle to be iudged of yow or of man but addinge therto nether do I iudge my self wherfore becaus I cānot giue a treu sentēce of my self for although I am nothing guyltie yet in this I am not iustifyed God knowes in man that he knowes not in him selfe for God heares and sees in the hart of the thinker that he nether heares nor sees in him self that thinketh For this cause Hier. 17. sayes thow knowest I haue not desyred the day of man and if this my day smyled on me nether iudge I my self because nether do I know my self sufficient therefor is our Lord Iesus worthily constitut iudge of the liuing the dead who knowes the thoughtes of all mens hartes and vnderstandeth their workes so that all good Catholikes doe attende the iudge whome we acknowledge our only iustifyer No mā should be temerous iudge of him selfe And therfor I do not vsurpe and tak vpon me being a Seruant the authoritie of the sonne nether do I nomber me with these solifidianes without knowledge of their oun weaknes and the hidde secretes of their hartes to iustifye themselues to iustify my self against whome the Prophet complianes Men heaue taken from me my iudgment God complaines on man that vsurpes the office which is gods Iob nor S. Paul would not iustifye them selues and therfor it is euident when the Apostle did say nether do I iudge my selfe rightlie he doth imitate Iob cap. 9. Who treuely in this same maner speaks of him self howbeit if I should haue any thing iust I shal not answere but I shall pray my iudge and when he shall hear me call I beleue not that he heares my voyce also if I be simple this same my soul is ignorant of and I was affraide of all my workes knowing that thow sparest not the sinner are not these sufficient scrupulous testimonies in so holy men as Iob and S. Paul doth not all men clearlie see that this their vaine solifidian faith The protestantes do plain cōtrary to all good rules and presumptuous persuasion and lykewise their sinfull securitie and impious iustification to be contrary to the holy Scriptures doctrine of holy fatheres from the primitiue church to iustify them selues while they ar conuersant in the fleshe and this verdict of iustification all heretikes vsurpe to them which is properly the office of Christ Iesus Iudge of the liuing and of the dead and not mans office Only faith anulls the lords prayer Morouer this doctrine of only faith taketh away and a bolisheth the Lordes prayer in which we pray that our sinnes be forgiuen vs for seing it is certaine that no man rightly askes in prayer that he hath assuredlie in him self but by this only faith a man persuades him self certaine Caluin mockes thē that do say the Lords prayer of the forgiunes of sinnes therfor it followeth according to Caluins saying that the faithfull man scornes God while he prayes forgiue vs our trespasses for what shall he pray for remission that hath already obtained remission of sinnes and is by only faith iustifyed Only faith anulles baptisme Moreouer the doctrine of this only faith is contrary to the Scripture concerninge baptisme for no man can be admitted in full yeares to baptisme except those who haue the Christian faith according to that sayinge of Philippe to the Eunuch Act. 5. if thow beleeue from thy whole hart it is lawfull to baptise but according to the doctrin of this only faith by assured persuasion If a man only beleue hee needes not baptisme a man in perfect yeares by belieuing this faith he is certaine in him self that he is the sonne of God that now in apprehensiō of this faith God is merciful to him and hath forgiuen him his sinnes and therfor consequently it is not need to baptise or to giue baptisme that sinnes may be forgiuen or to be borne againe of the water and the spirit So that this doctrin is contrary to the symboll of our profession which sayes I confesse on baptisme in the remission of sinnes and in lycksort to that Sermon of S. Peter to the Iewes in the day of Pentecost Act. 2. let euery one be baptised in the remission of sinnes as also to our Lords cōmaund Ioan. 3. saying except a man be borne of the water and the spirit he can not enter into the kingdome of heauen but this doctrin of only faith is false Who would persuade men of iustification and remission of sinnes without mediation Only faith is against the doctrin of the Apostle in the receauing of the Lords supper Moreouer this doctrine of only faith is against the doctrine of the Apostle concerning the right vse of the Eucharist for he sayes who soeuer shall eat of this bread and drinck of this cuppe of the Lord vnworthilie shal be guyltie of the body and blood of our Lord but let a man proue him self and so let him eat and drink of this cuppe for he that drincketh ad eateth vnworthily eates and drinkes to his own iudgment not iudging the Lordes body But this doctrine of only faith commandes thee to be certaine and to persuade thy self and firmly deere with thy selfe that thow shal be nether guyltie nether shall incurre iudgment and shall escape all perrill If we only belieue it suffices although we neuer examine our conscience if that thow only belieue but the Apostle teached the faithfull Corrinthians to proue thē selues least they should tak the holy Eucharist vnworthily to their gvyltines and therby be condemned but Luther Caluin and all the rest teach by only faith securitie and assurednes of the mercies of God and
so thou takest it not vnworthily or art any wayes guiltie but shalt obtaine grace thereby so that thou belieue The Apostle teacheth Examining of conscience Luther affirmeth that in receauing the Sacramēt with guiltie conscience a man receaues grace if he but only belieue to goe before but Luther and the rest teach only faith to suffise and belieuing doth assure him self of grace and that he doth obtaine the same in the Communion and so by disswading men from the examen and probation of themselues before they receaue the holy Sacrament and teaching them only faith to looke only on the mercyes of God and not on his iudgment doth make men guiltie of iudgment and so throwes them into perdition Moreouer this doctrine of only faith doth subuert ouerthrow the preaching of true repentance Only faith disanulleth repētance conuersiō to God and of our conuersion to God for the Scripture saith Psal 84. Conuert vs our God of saluation and turne away thy wrath from vs. And Isai 1. Let the wicked leaue his way the iniust man his cogitations and returne vnto the Lord and he wil be merciful vnto him Againe VVash you and be ye cleane take away your euil cogitations from before myne eyes cease to doe euil and learne to doe well come and reason with me saith the Lord. If your synnes were as scarlett as snowe they shal be made white Again Do pennance and be baptised enery one of you Pennance and conuersiō are before remission of synnes in the remission of synnes Act 2 Seeing the Scripture is euident witnes which declares and shewes true pennance and conuersion to God to goe before remission of synnes Contrarywise by this doctrine of only faith remission of synnes is obtained But the Protestants make remission of synnes to anticipate all meanes without any other meanes going before only by faith and then followeth forthwith true repentance and conuersion to God this Luther affirmes in Bulla Leon art 11.12 Who belieueth himself to be absolued saith he is absolued whatsoeuer be spoken of contrition and pennance Only faith disannulleth the iurisdiction of the Church concerning the loosing and binding of synne Moreouer the doctrine of only faith is contrary to the power of binding and looseing in remitting and retayning of synnes which power our Lord gaue to Peter and the other Apostles for our Lord did auouch synnes to he remitted to those to whome they remitted synne and those to be loosed in heauen whome they loosed vpon the earth Matth. 26. Ioan. 20. But this onely faith teacheth that synnes are remitted by only faith yea though no looser nor remitter be present or cōdescend thereto yea that hauing this faith euen when they shall come to the Pastors of the Church to be absolued their synnes be remitted to them and they haue obtained and purchased now already by only faith remission of their synnes that it is now ridiculous to stand to the promisses and wordes of our Lord which he hath said to his disciples VVhose synnes ye remitt they are remitted to them seeing their synnes are remitted to themselues before they come to the Apostles or their Successors Yea also no more power is left to the Apostles at the least in this parte then to any Christian man yea also children for after the foolish opinions of these Rabbies that belieuing the preaching of only faith anone receaues forgiuenes of synns Therefore of this maxime is that wonderfull saying of Luther Luthers absurd iudgmēt that women children and ech lay man may remitt synnes aswell as the Priestes of the Church That in the Sacrament of pennance and in the remission of the fault no more doth the Pope or Bisshop then the lowest Priest and when there is not a Priest each Christian may doe the same yea women and children may doe the same if they be present aswell as Pope Bisshop or Priest in Bulla Leon. sent 13. Moreouer the doctrine of this only faith is contrary to it self for no man agreeth and consenteth to any thing This doctrine is contrary to it self No man condescendes and Yeildes to any vnknowne thing but onely faith is belieued as an vnknowne thing which is contrary to al reason The gospell was not belieued without trial and miracles except he iudge it true first before he condescend to it for out of a natural loue of veritie and the hatred of falsehood moralitie teacheth that before we condescend to any thing we doe trye it whether that which is reported to vs be true and when we haue found the same to be in it self true then next we giue consent The same argument appeareth in the Gospell that many receaued and belieued the same by reason of the sygnes and miracles which they sawe done and likewise in searching of the old scriptures found the same thinges prophecyed to be fulfilled in the time of the gospell and to be true miracles but this doctrine of only faith and assured confidence that a man belieues his synnes to be remitted to him is by the same only faith which he belieues so it followes of necessitie that he hath remission of synnes before he belieued by the same faith and therefore the remission A filthie absurditie the effect to be before the cause is behinde the remission which is beliued to be of this only faith so that the effect is first before the cause which is very absurde For truly the Christian faith goeth before iustification as the Apostle sayes The hart belieues to richteousnes Roman 10. Likewise a man is iustifyed by faith Gal. 2. An other absurditie that only faith goeth before the word of God But it is most absurde that faith goeth before the word of God and the self same word of God faith to giue credit to the word it self seeing the word of God is not faith but faith dependes vpon the word of God it is therefore necessary that the testimony of God precede before his testimony may be belieued But the Christian Catholique Church knowes that before any belieue in Christ that he is a child of wrath and the wrath of God to abide on him Ephes 2. Ioan. 3. And also knowes that the vngodly man should leaue his wayes and the wicked man his cogitations Isai 55. and turne vnto God by true pennance and faith in Christ in hope and prayer and by frequent receauing of the Sacraments that so at last God may haue mercy on him This Catholique faith is farr from the other only saith which only doth belieue synnes to be remitted excluding all mediation apprehending the effect before the cause Onely faith doth peruert the word of God Again this doctrine of only faith peruerteth the word for this assured persuasion to belieue doth procede from the vnderstanding of a strange gospell and not of the word of God So that by the same doctrine of only faith the word of God is peruerted wherefore it is to be reiected which
begetts so many absurdities as a fewe we haue rehearsed for faith to no otherthing should leane to then to the word of God The word of God is from God and only faith from mā and by that nothing is to be belieued as the heretikes themselues confesse which word the Apostle declares whose word it is saying VVhen ye receaued the word of God which ye heard of vs ye receaued it not as the word of men but as it is indeede the word of God 1. Thess 2 Again faith is by hearing but hearing is by the word of God Roman 10. But there is no word in the Scriptures If only faith were found in the gospell the gospell it self should be nought saying to any man synnes to be remitted to him by only faith for the gospell is one and the same with all Nations and the gospell is generally proposed to all Nations But if the gospell should haue a particular annunciation of only faith thereby synnes to be remitted to the only belieuers it should be false and no Euangelie because it is not found in the gospell Onely faith is add●d contrary to the commaund of God in the Scriptures Moreouer God commaundes that thou shalt add nothing to his word least thou be rebuked and founde a lyar Prouerb 30. But they must confesse them to belieue this faith which God hath neyther spoken by his Prophets nor by his onely begotten sonne nor by his Apostles and to belieue the same as the word of God Only faith ouerthrowes all Sacramēts euery good wercke therefore they add to the word of God and for that cause are to be reproched and condemned lyars So that for conclusion I confesse this doctrine giues consolation and tranquillitie of mynde but full of perill for it doth subuert and ouerthrowe all the fortresses and strenghes of our saluation as the Sacraments good workes pennance prayer yea to repeat the Lords prayer is to doubt in the saith so that a man by this diuillish faith is come to that madnes that he feares not the diuine iudgment of God neyther his owne workes but passing ouer the time with securitie in the considence of this onely faith to be saued for Christs sake whome Christ acknowledgeth not As concerning iustifying faith it is not onely a certaine trust What is iustifying faith or firme hope of the mercyes of God in remitting synnes hauing for his obiect to obtaine a difficil good thing for that cause in the will subiected but it is a certaine facultie in the vnderstanding by which facultie we doe agree and consent to all those thinges which are proposed in the Church as true reuealed by God So that it is plainly a virtue distinct from trust confidence and hope of which these are begotten for who belieues God to be of infinite power and most excellent in goodnes easily by this Of the power goodnes of God we gather confidence conceaues and obtaines some benefit of trust confidence and hope for the Scripture doth manifest this distinction in separating faith hope and charitie so that they are not one thing as the Apostle saith 1. Cor. 13. v. 13. The Protestants mingle al togeather as one But now remaineth faith Hope and Charitie Therefore the reformed are deceaued whilst they confound faith with hope as one virtue not making distinction betwixt them Secondly the Scripture teacheth hope and confidence as effects of faith as of one great cause to arise of a certaine effect Hope confidence are as effects of faith not to be the self faith but somewhat flowing from him as the Apostle affirmes Ephes 3. v. 13. In whome we haue trust to draw nere in confidence by his faith Which to wit begetteth confidence which the Apostle also affirmes 1. Timoth 3. v. 13 VVho haue well ministred doe purchase to themselues a good place and much confidence in faith which is in Christ Iesu Where plainly the Apostle deduceth from faith confidence as an effect from his cause because God is powerful and faithful in his promisses therefore we arise in hope and confidence Faith hath not alwayes confidence ioyned with it Thirdly faith hath not alwayes confidence conioyned to it as it doth plainly appeare in the Leapre who said to our Sauiour Matth. 8. v. 2. Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane Iustifying faith sheweth no matter and obiect Fourthly the Scripture speaking of faith necessary to saluation doth not shewe the matter and his obiect to be any thing which is to be belieued or to be apprehended by vnderstanding neyther properly doth it fall in hope or confidence of will for what els doth our Sauiour say Ioan. 14. v. 10. Doe ye not belieue that I am in the father and the father in me Likewise Matth. 9. v. 28. Doe you belieue that I can doe these things to you Which now sometimes is present now also in the future apprehended by onely vnderstanding and not hoped Faith sometimes apprehende the present tense sometimes the future for hope and confidence respect and looke to the future All the ancient fathers are of this opinion who place faith and his action to be in consent Faith falls in the consent operation of the vnderstanding and not in the confidence of will and operation of the vnderstanding and not in confidence of wil as sayes S. Aug. lib. de praedest sanct Ipsum credere respondet nihil altud est quam cum assentione cogitare That is Him to beleue he answers it is no other than with assente to think for this greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth aswel signify consent as confidence as Matth. 9. v. 29. accordinge to your faith be it vnto you that is to say according to the thought of your myndes as the blindmen belieued Christ to be able to restore them their sightes but of the power to do is not confidence but an inherent qualitie persuadinge them to assent to this power in whom they belieued as ther prayer witnesseth The faith which Christ prayses is highly cōmended of him self for vertue that is cōioyned with it But that faith which Christ so oft hath praised sayinge Thy faith hath made thee wholl as Luc. 7. v. 50. cap. 8. v. 48. Was not only faith or alone as the reformers this day goeth about to establishe hereupon laying downe the friuolous and weak foundation of their only faith who ar deceaued becaus they look not to the vertues that accompaned those persones as feruent loue towardes god with ernest prayeres confidence loue towardes ther neigkboures teares penitential workes humilitie shamfastnes confession of their sinnes perseuerāce gratitude in acknowledging of their receaued health many of these may be obserued and marked in the faith of Mary Magdalen and not only faith as they dreame of I know our sauiour to haue said to the archsynagogue asking health to his doughter feare not only belieue Marc. 5. v.
of firme and assured hope that they receaue in the present remission of synnes and in the futur eternall lyfe ANSVVER I Deny the assumption for nothing is to be belieued of vs rightly and Catholickly which may be any way false for faith is the substance of things hoped and an argument of no appearance because the reason of faith is placed in the veritie reuealed of God which for that cause may neither deceaue or be deceaued Yea also we hope these things rightly which otherwayes may happen for the cheifest reason of hope consists in the possibilitie of the acquiring and seeking of these things which we haue hoped according to the commandement and promise of God and for this cause we are exhorted after the exemple of Abr●ham that in hope against hope we should labuor and belieue to mak our caling and election sure 1 Pet. 2. The differēce betwixt hope and faith For many vnder pretence of this only faith being loaden with the weight of ther synnes and charged in conscience vnthankfull to their Creator and yet apeare externally to work the workes of the righteous and walk securely perswadinge them selfes to be in grace and fauour of God and at last to obteine eternall lyf when without hope they are condemned Because hope lookes to the promisses and cōmandement of God which only faith annulles And therefore we are more commanded and exhorted to hope then beleue because hope hath euer actuall rychteousnes adioyned with him and only faith is lyk an Irishmans in his trowses which is without any conformity to the habit of any other nation so for conclusion only faith is no faith and is playne opposit anu contrary to the article of our creed I beleeue the remission of sinnes QVESTIO IIII. Of the informall fayth of Synners WHerfore doe the Papistes affirme teach fayth to remaine in Synners seperated from loue contrary to the tenour of the Scriptures Fathers Caluin lib. 3. inst cap. 2. § 8.9.10 in Antid Con. Trid. ANSVVER IT is the vniuersal doctrine of holy Church that trew fayth which the Apostles defynes to be the substance of thinges which are hoped for Faith may be without loue aswell as with it and the euidence of things which are not seene may successiuely stand with loue and charity or without it soe that fayth may be in the same specie and nomber notwithstanding with diuersity of tyme formall or informall Faith is formall and informall Calu. Scornes all diuyne and humane sciences Howsoeuer to the contrary Caluin laboures but to no effect albeyt he goeth about to scorne this distinctiō of faith made in the Theologicall Schooles but if this scorner of diuyne and humane sciences would approach to the fountayne of holy wryt and gust with wholsome taste truely he should fynde the same habit of fayth and nomber to haue the place of merit and of demerit that the scorner may be at rest For first Christ Matth c. 7. vers 22. acknowledgeth fayth in Synners for in the day of iudgment or in the hour of death as in a particular iudgment many shall say to him Faith may be in great sinners to the working of myracles Lord we haue prophesied in thy name and in thy name we haue cast out diuels and haue wrought many miracles to whome he shall answer saying I neuer knew yow For this nunquam giues to vnderstand that euen then when they wrought miracles in fayth and by faith in my name euen then I knew you not because you lyued a wycked and deformed lyfe with your faith Sinne is opposite to the merit of faith and was so defyled in sinne lyke to the conditiō of a most expert Phisitian who is not ignorant of art and science which he professes and vnderstandes and yet notwithstanding by fragility of nature by intemperancy and bad liuing a similytude doth violate the science and medecyne albeit he doth not loose and quitte the science of medecine euen so a Christian man a Prophet Religious Faythfull or els whatsoeuer morall man instructed in the faith sinning in the precepts of fayth Fayth profits nothing without workes doth not loose or is destitute of his faith nether faithfulnes or ceases to be a Christian and yet notwithstanding is excluded from the Kingdome of God for onely want and defect of charity good workes The naughty banquetter had faith with out his garment Secondly he who entered to the banquet of the King not hauing his weddinge garmēt Matth. 25.15 was cast into vtter darckenes not because of his faith or of his baptisme by which he entered and abode in the Church but because of only the wāt of his wedding garment that is to say the want of charity So expoundes this place all the Fathers of the Church as S. Greg. in euang hom 78. Thirdly to conclud all doubtes the Apostle sayd if I should haue all faith so that I could remoue mountaynes and want charity I am nothing what it is to haue all faith without charity Calu. Glosse discouered to wit not to be in grace neyther auailles the glosse of Rabbi-Caluin in this place saying that the Apostle speakes not of the Catholyck faith but of the faith of miracles or the vertue of confidence to worck miracles but this euation is naught for when the Apostle sayes if he had all faith absolutly he concludeth all both intensiue and extensiue perfect and imperfect for in the end of the same chapter 1. cor 1 he concludeth that there doe remayne fayth hope and charity these three but the cheifest is charity only so out of doubt he speakes of that faith which before in the same chapter he made mention of Faith is compared with charity and charity to faith as he did speake of that same charity before therfore it followes that he hath compared the Catholicke faith with Charity Fourthly S. Iacob c. 2. v. 14. sayd Bretheren what helpeth it if a man say he hath fayth but hath no workes can his faith saue him Is any Christian so absurd of iudgment Faith may be without workes although it profit not that thinkes faith to iustify a man without workes to the defence of the verity the whole Fathers affirme and haue taught faith cannot iustify any man without workes as Iren. lib. 4. cap. 25. expounding the same saying of the Apostle sayth neyther knowledge nor wisdome towards God neyther the comprehension of diuyne mysteries neyther fayth neyther prophesie helpe without charity but are voide and of no merite before God And lykewyse S. Aug. lib. 15. de Trinit cap. 18. sayth without charity faith may be but not to profit What need we yet witnesses seying reason teaches that by true faith the faithfull are distinguished and discerned from Infidels Heretycks albeit defacto they are separated out of the Church yet in name and shew they are within yet damned and yet notwithstanding if synners fall from
Church and approued by authority for trew doctrine according to the iudgment of men and of them who haue authority to iudge in matters of Fayth Otherwayes their mission and doctrine cannot be receaued nor belieued who without this ordinary authoritie by thēselues approue doctrine to be sufficient or insufficient and must be moued thēselues by some other preacher and his authority to belieue and therfore if there want myracles I know not how they shall approue their doctrine discusse ambiguities resolue doubtes neuer I say by their owne reasoning and vnderstanding of their priuie spirit but their doctrine shall euer be held suspect No doctrine can be known trew without myracles zuing affi mes the same And for the verity of this assertion Zuing. Tom. 2. eccl sayes how many haue vsurped the function to Preach and teach or to worke myracles were called of God cōfirmed by eléctiō of the pastores of the Church Thus he I hope Zuingl hath sayd as much as I would say that ordinary vocation is necessaey that therby God workes often tymes myracles for the maitayning of the same and therefore both lawfull mission and myracles are of God The heretycks make themselues Pastors without ordination to their shame and ignominie who sitting in the Chayre of pestilence contemne and blaspheme all lawful succession and ecclesiasticall ordination calling themselues and presuming to gouerne vvithout lawfull ordination and taking the name of Byshop on them and no man gyuing it to them as sayth S. Cyp. de Simpl. prael They succeed to none but beginne at themselues Hereticks are prophane persones Calu. flyeth to extraordinary vocation and are prophane and enemies to our Lords peace and his diuyne vnity But Caluin teaches in his book de vera eccl reform That God rayseth vp pastores extraordinarily by the inspiration of his owne spirit who should restore his decaying and ruinous Church as long since he did in the Synagogue of the Prophets And so in our tyme by the ordinary vocation of man he hath raysed Prophets and Pastors for the building of his Church as Luther Zuingl c. Whose commendations of their owne Bretheren of the Gospel is wonderfull and first The commendation of the extraordinary Pastores Towit luth and zuingl Bez. to Sanctezij calles Luther the wonderfull instrument of God most heauenly inspyred and an admirable seruant of God in whom who acknowledgeth not the spirit of God knowes nothing Iewell calls him the most excellent man of God sent of him to lyghten the world Apoc. part 4. cap. 4. § 2. Mathesius calles him the Supreme Father of the Church con 8. de lut pag. 88. Amdorff sayes that there was none lyke in the world in spirit and faith vvisdome and profunde knowledge of the Scriptures Amdorff praef tom 1. Luther Albertus calls him a trew Paul and Elyas and a man sufficient to appease and diuerte the vvrath of God from men to whō Augustin myght think no shame to be his Scholler lib. cont Carollost lib. 7. Some other call him the Angell of God Austen might haue bene Luther Scholler flying throw the myddest of heauen hauing the eternall Ghospel in his hand Illiricus in apoc cap. 14. Schussinburge sayth that Elyas and Iohn Baptist vvere but figures of Luther Elias Iohn baptist were figures of Luther Luther vituperation and disprayse of his owne professors Theol. cal lib. 2. fol. 124. in the end this extraordinary Prophet is descrybed of his owne for Schulss lib. 2. art 12. de Theol. cal calles him proude furious intolerable full of errour impudent a forger and a deprauer of Gods word deceyptfull a seducer a false Prophet lunatyck presumptuous a crucifyer and a murtherer of Christ Lykewyse Zuing. calles him a drunken dreamer and a head full of lyes Moreouer Caluin vvould be numbred amongst these Prophets Caluin would be accounted a Prophet and extraordinaryly called as is obserued in diuerse of his sermons saying I am a Prophet I haue the spirit of God am sent of God I cannot erre if I erre it is God that deceaues me and puts me in errour for the synnes of the people His myracles and lyf his Propheticall extraordinary vocatiō is rehersed of Schlussinburge one of their owne professiō His myracles and vocatiō is commēded of the professors of the Gospel lib. 2. art 12. fol. 72. de Theol. Calu. who sayes that God would not be mocked by men hath shewed his iudgment in the world against Caluin visyting him in the scourge of his fury punishing him before the day of his death for he strok this sacramētal heretyck in such sorte that he dyed desperate swearing and inuocating the diuells to whom he randered his spirit vvhich isued out of his priuy members and out of his vlcerous soores and lay so stincking that the people was notable to endure the stinck and thus miserably ended his lyf Besides this he vvas infamous by sodomy Calu. dieth desperat cursing God and inuocating the diuels his bad lyfe The Catholyckes haue registred the myracles of the Sainctes for a memory all as S. Luc did the actes of the Apostles cruell bloody tyrannous deceytfull treacherous a babler a contemner a sophist an epicure and a tosser of the Scriptures as Quid in his metamorphosis thus he So that this way they haue made their extraordinary vocation conformable to their extraordinary myracles but for the Catholyck part all the holy Fathers haue accounted of myracles and haue written the admirable lyues of the Sanctes and haue them in regyster from Christ tyme imitating S. Luc admirable and miraculous relation of the actes of the Apostles and Dauid praysing God in his Sainctes as also to follow their deuotion and holynes of because the Prophet sayes Ps 14. He that glorisyeth them that fearour Lord shall dwell in his tabernacle and rest in his holy hill For their myracles done on earth haue made them glorious in heauen for Caluin confesseth In heb 2.4 2. cor v. 12. That myracles are seales of doctrine Calu. is contrary to himselfe for now he sayes that myracles are seales of trew doctrine The Heretyks wāt myracles Myracles The ouerthrow of Idolatrie Myracls were the cause of the conuersiō of Scotland and do establish faith and Scripture Wherupon all the Sectaries haue great cause to distrust their faith as a nouelty vnsealed and vnestablished by the vertue of God for they are knowne altogeather to want myracle as also good lyfe Far otherwayes was the conuersion of Scotland from Idolatry to the Catholycke fayth which was not only by the preaching of the vvord but also was in the working of myracles as trew faith reuealed and approued from heauen with admirable holynes of lyfe and modest conuersation both in clergie and lay persons that many ages after death and solution of mortality we see and read the lyuing Lord honoured and worshipped in them whose bodyes whilst they liued were the temples of the holy Ghost
and cōpell man to Idolatr● and to worship himself and his image in all Churches and approued Religion And where as the Apostles sayes 2. Thes 2. That God shall send them not only the worker of error but the very fountaine of errour For as S. Ambros in Luc c. 21. sayes that he shall dispute out of the Scriptures that he his Christ and he shall teach that he himself is God also he shall leade not only men to Idolatrye bus also shall persuade and compell all men to follow and obey him he shall also commaūd himself to be worhhipped and adored and his image to be placed in the temple of God not only in Ierusalem but in all other Churches also For Antichrist knowing sayes the Apostle Antichrist shall vsurpe the name of Christ because he knowneth Christ shall come and beat him downe He shall call himself God The Pope can not be Antichrist because he belieues the articles of his creed which Antichrist shall abolish 2. Thess 2. That our Lord shall come to beat him down in the meane tyme will vsurpe his name vnto himself to that ende that his kingdome may seeme true he will leade with him such as may perish togeather with him that he may sit in the house of our Lord in the seat of Christ affirme himself very God And therfore seing Antichrist is noted properly to be a singular man and as yet not come whose power lyf is against Christ that consequently the Popes of Rome cannot be this Antichrist who long since are come for the difference which is betwixt them may decerne which of them is with or against God for this sayd Antichrist shall oppose against Christ and abolish the faith of Christ And contrary w●●e the Pope forbide●h no man to belieue in Christ neyther denyeth any part of holy Scripture Antichrist will do openly against the faith of Christ and shal call himself God but the Pope did ne●er against the faith of Christ neyther priuatly nor publickly nor neuer did call himself God The differēce betwixt the Pope and Antichrist and by what notes they may be knowne Antichrist will not only be called God of o her men but will extoll himself aboue God that is he will extoll himself aboue the blessed Trinity But this extolling no Pope euer did think of much-lesseprof●sse it but professe and confesse themselues to be seruants of them who serue God and therefore the Pope is not Antichrist Antichrist thallbe receaued of the Iewes for the Messias Antichrist shal be receaued specially of the Iewes S. Hier. ad Algas Chrys Hom 4 in Iohn But the Iewes haue not receaued the Pope at any time and if they receaued not Christ far lesse the Pope but shall receaue Antichrist as Christ fortold Ioh. 5. Which place all the Fathers expoūd of Antichrist as Ambros in 2. Thess 2. Cyril lib. 3. in Iohn cap. 6. Theod. in 2. Thes 2. Antichrist shall come circumcised Antichrist shal come circumcised of the circumcision and of the circumcision that the Iewes may haue some confidence in belieuing him as S. Hier. sayes sup He shall do all those things not by his owne power but by the permission of God for the Iewes sake And Theod. vt sup sayes that the Iewes do looke for him and when he cometh they will belieue in him But to this day the Pope is not of the circumcision neyther circumcised neyther is he expected of the Iewes neyther of them is belieued ergo neyther is he Antichrist Moreouer Daniell cap. 7. After the description of the four Empyres it is said Daniels prophesie of Antichrist that the fourth beast which is the Roman Empyre had ten hornes and I considered the hornes and behold an other littel horne sprange out of the middest of them and three of the first hornes were pulled vp before his face and behold the eys as it were of a man were in his horne and a mouth speaking great things In which place S. Hier. in Dan cap. 7. Let vs say sayes he Before Antichrist come ten kings shall deuide the Roman Empyre and the eleuenth king shall humble three principal of the ten as a token of the comming of Antichrist Before the comming of Antichrist the Euangelly must be preached t●rough the world That all the Ecclesiasticall wryters haue lest by tradition that in the consummation of the world when the Empyre of the Romans must be distroyed there shal be ten Kings who will deuyde the Roman Empyre amongst themselues and there shall arise the eleuenth being a very little King who shall ouercome three of these ten Kings that is to say the Kings of Egypt Africk and Ethiopia this witnes Hippol Hom. de Antichrist and Theod. 2. Thess 2. But the Pope hath not conquered to him the Kingdomes of Egypt Africk Ethiopergo he is not Antichrist Moreouer before the comming of Antichrist the Euangely is to be preached through the whole world as Christ hath sayd Matt 24. v. 14. This euangely of the Kingdome halbe preached in the whole world for a testimony to all nations then shall come the consummation But this liberty of the Euangely is not fulfilled as yet as a certaine signe of the comming of Antichrist when he shall appeare seing Antichrist is not as yet come as of this signe may be gathered Ergo the Pope is not Antichrist Before Antichrist come Henoch and Elias must come when they come they will withstand him in their preachings Moreouer the preaching of Henoch and Elias is not yet fulfilled who by their preachings shall oppose themselues against Antichrist for confirming of the faithfull in the Catholik and Apostolicall Faith as witnes S. Ioh. Apoc. 11. I shall giue my two witnesses and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundrith and sixtie dayes clothed in sa●hcloth as witnesseth this place in their commentaries Primas Bed Richard Aret. in Apoc. Damasc lib. 4. cap. 18. Greg. lib. 4. cap. 11. D. Aug. in Gen. ad lit lib. 9 cap. 6. But Elias and Enoc● shall not come but in the tyme of Antichrist and as yet Antichrist is not comed Ergo the Pope is not Antichrist Hippol. serm de Antich Aug. de ciuit lib. 20. cap. 19. Chry. in 2. Thes cap 2. Moreouer Antichrist shal be borne of the trybe of Dan as witnes Iren. lib 5. aduers Haeres Hippol serm de Antichrist Theod. in 2 Thes 2 Greg. Mo●al lib 14 in 106. cap. 11. Antichrist shal be borne of the trybe of Dan. But the Popes are not borne neyther deriued from such a trybe ergo not Antichrist Morouer Antichrist commeth a litle before the end of the world as the forsayd Authors make mention but if the Pope were Antichrist the world should haue byn finished long since ergo the Pope is not Antichrist The tyme of Antichrist shal be three yeares and an half he shal reigne in Ierusalem and sit in the tēple of God Moreouer
that rock was the reward of the confession The prayer of Christ for Peters faith was the warrand of perpetuity of his strong confession The prayer of Christ is a warrant of p●rpetuity Peters primacy The power to feede Christ sheepe was to make Peter such a rock as should stay vp his Church by teaching and ruling the faithfull whose voyce we are bound to hear as Chry. in Iohn hom 18. Cyril in Ioh. l. 2. c. 12. Hill de Trin. l. 6. Tertul. de praesc aduers Haeret. Hippol. de consum mundi Origen hom 5. in exod Cyp l. 1. Epist 3. l. 4. Epist 9. Hil. c. 16. in Matth. S. Amb. 68. S. Bas in conc de paenit S. Hier in 16. Matth. Epiph. in anchoratu Theod. in cant cant Damasc in Iosaphat Barlaam Theoph. in 22. Luc Euthym. in 26. Mat. Aug. retract l. 1. c. 21. cont Epist Don. Prosp de vocat gēt lib. 2 c. 28. S. Greg. epist l. 6. epist. 37. In fine we haue many reasons why S. Peter aboue all others was this rock to wit the excellency of his faith The excellēcy of Peters confession and faith is the cause that he is the rock In Peter is vnity and an euerlasting Preisthood the auoyding of Schisme an ecclesiasticall iorisdict●ō These are Peters prerogatiues which declare him head of the Church and are collected and conferred of the Scripture set in order as followes Peters prerogatiue of primacy The keyes of heauens are promised to him Christ compares Peter with himself in paying tribut Christ made choise o● Peters but to preach in and the excellēcy of his glory the vnity of the church built on him are a lone the signifying of Christ to be the only euerlasting sheepheard And last for the eschwing of Schisme and for receauing of ecclsiasticall power for the whole Church So that the Apostle Peter passeth farr the other Apostles in ecclesiasticall dignity in so much that these his prerogatiues may be easly gathered out of the Scripture it selfe as first he is only named first of all the twelue Matt. 10. For asmuch as he had the promise to be called Cephas that is to say a rock and this promiss was made before the twelue were choosen and was really named Peter at the tyme of his choise Ioh. 1. For asmuch that although both S. Iohn Baptist had confessed Christs Godhead before and Na●hanieli had sayd Thow art the sone of God thow art the King of Israel Mar● 3. Ioh. 1. Yet only Peters confession being made after was most heighly esteemed and rewarded For asmuch as he is called Peter and Christ doth say to him Matt. 16. Thow art Peter vpon this rock I will build my Church For asmuch as the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen are namely promised to Peter alone Matt. 16. And for asmuch That the tribut of didragma was dewe for the first begotten of euery famille num 3. loseph de antiq lib. 18. cap. 12. Yet Christ payed both for himself for Peter also as being the vnderhead and first begotten of his family the Church Chry. in Matt. Hom. 59. For asmuch as also Christ although an other boate was a hand yet he taught the people out of Peters boate Luc. 5. to shewe that in Peters chayre his doctrine should alwaies be firmely professed Christ prayeth for Peters faith Peter entered first into the sepulture of Christ Peter of the Angel is nominated specially Peter walkes on the sea as aprerogatiue to rule the world Peter more then others loued Christ and is commaunded to feed his sheepe Christ fortelleth Peter that he shall suffer death on the crosse for christs sake Peter answered for the rest of the Apostles Peter giues sentence on iudas to depose him Peter after receipt of the holy Ghost taught the faith to the multitude Amb. in 5. cap. Luc. For so much as the Apostles were sure to be sifted of Sathan Yet the faith of Peter allone is prayed for that he being once conuerted might strenghthen his bretheren Luc. 22. Leo serm 2. de nat Pet. Paul For so much as when the tidings of Christs resurrection was sent to his disciples Peter was first that entred into the sepul●hre Luc. 24. For asmuch as he was not coprehended with the rest but was seuerally named by himselfe whil the Angel sayd Teil his disciples and Peter Marc. 16. For asmuch as the other Apostes sayled in the sea in a boat yet Peter alone walked in the sea without a boate as a token that the whole world was as a sea and was to be subiect to his turisdiction Iohn 22. Bern. de considerat lib. 2. For asmuch as some other Apostles standing by Peter alone is shewed to haue loued Christ more then they Ioh. 21. And he alone is commaunded to seed Christs sheepe and to rule his lambes Aug. ibid. For asmuch as it is sayd to Peter alone Thow shalt strech-forth thy handes and fo● ow thow me which way in following was by suffering death on the Crosse prophesied by Christ Ioh. 21 For asmuch as Peter answered alwayes for the Apostles as being the mouth of them all Iohn 6. Matth. 16. For asmuch as after Christs ascention Peter allone gaue sentence vpon Iudas and pronunced him deposed Act. 1. And an other to be choosen in his place Act. 1. Chry in act Apost hom 3. For asmuch as when the Holy Ghost came downe Peter aboue all the test first of a● taught the faith and the multitude being conuerted saye to Peter and to none other what shall we do c Act 2 Peter exhortes the conuerted to pēnance and baptisme Peter wrought the 1. miracle Peter first publickly confessed Christ before the counsell Peter knew the secrets of Ananias and Saphiras harts Peters shadow wrought myracles Peter excommunicated enioyned pennance to Simō Magus For asmuch as Peter made answere for all that they should repent and be baptized Act. 2. For somuch as Peter did the first miracle after the comming of the holy Ghost and first healed the seete of the lame because he being the head shewed mistically that he established the feete of others Act. 3. Amb. serm 68. For so much as Peter confessed Christ first not only before priuat men but also at the seat of iudgment Act. 4. For asmuch as Peter perceaued the secrets of the hartes of men some to do in simplicitie and some in deceipt He therefore extended his power on Anania and Saphira stryking them dead with one word Act. 5. Greg. lib. 1. Epist 24. For asmuch as all the Apostles did miracles yet Peter was so famous aboue the rest that his shaddowe wrought myracles Act. 5. For asmuch as Peter excommunicated and enioyned pennance to Simon Magus the first Heretick Act 8. For asmuch as he was the first after Christs Ascentiō who rayted a dead persone to lyfe called Tabitha Act. 9. Peter by visiō is made to know of the conuersion of the gentils For
lyk in all things and equall in degrees of dignitie ANSVVER SAINCT Paul might do it iustly because they were bretheren in the office of Apostleship also for that he had the same holy Ghost with Peter Yet it is to be obserued that no doctrine of S. Peters was then reproued as false but only his behauiour in an outward act as Tertul. lib. de praes Haeret. witnesseth For all the fault was in his conuersation and not in doctrine for he conuersing with the Gentils without respect of the keeping of the law for he belieued the law to binde no man yet at the comming of certaine Iewes he abstained from the Gentils thinking thereby he should do more good to the Iewes to abstaine frō some meates so that Paul reprehended his dissembling in that the Gentels also were compelled to plaie the Iewes as S. Aug. Epist 19. ad Hier. notes vpō this place Yet no lesse S. Paul in this fault is also culpable in tollerating the obseruance of the law in that he circumcised Timothie against the doctrine of the Ghospell Act. 20. Now in that fashion of reproufe S. Paul belieued that the tyme was proper that no man should winke at the ceremonie of the law and to dissemble longer for it was vnprofitable for they belieued the tyme was come to professe Christ plainly c. OBIECTION CHrist is the Head of the Church as the Apostle sayes Eph. 4. He hath constituted him head ouer all the Church but if Peter be head and consequently after him the Pope of Rome there shal be two heades of one body which is absurde Ergo. ANSVVER HOw impertinently doth Luther inferre this argumēt against vs to proue the body of the Church to be a monster with two heades For we doe not say that Peter is a lyk equall head with Christ but vnder Christ that is to say head-vicar substitute in the place of Christ and so a second head after Christ that is an head of all others frō Christ or of his misticall body which of all men groweth in Christ and so he is not the head of the full body seing he is not the head of Christ but Christ is simpliciter absolute head of the whole Church yea of Peter who is a member of this whole body notwithstanding more worthy then others As a Vice-roy is truly head of that Kingdome of which he beares charge neuer-theles the King is superior and first head of all his Kingdomes euen so Christ and Peter who is called a rock Matt. 16. and a foundation 1 Cor. 3. vers 11. but not first for Christ is only the first stone layed in the foundation of the Church but Peter is the second foundation and rock vpon whom the rest of the Church is founded by Christ OBIECTION IF the Pope succeed to Peter Ergo he is an Apostle which is false ANSVVER THe sequell is friuolous for more things are requyred to the Apostleshipe then to succeed to the Apostle to wit that immediatly he be called of God moreouer that he be taught of God his doctrine and sent with authority to effectua● the same and lykewise to be indued with the gift of the holy Ghost to write canonicall Scriptures Which things the Pope hath not although in the meane tyme he doth obtaine the Apostolicall power in the whole Church in which he hath succeeded to S. Peter from whence it is called the Apostles seat because of the iurisdiction and authority which the Apostls had and was giuen immediatly by Christ OBIECTIO THE Counsell may depose the Pope therefore the Pope is not supreame head of the Church when the Counsell may depose him ANSVVER THe assumption is false absolutly for a counsell with iudiciall authority cānot depose the Pope because the first seat is iudged of no man the reason is because the Pope hath receaued authority in the whole Church immediately from Christ so that the Church can no way take away that authority Put the case that he should be a manifest Heretick he should not be deposed of men but of God who will not retayne such a vicar who de facto declars himself an heretick cuts himself of so manifestly from his body eyther by euidence of deed or by declaration of a generall counsell QVAESTIO IX Of the Roman Sea of S. Peter WHerefore doth the Roman-Papists boast so much of the succession of the Roman Byshops seing S. Peter was neuer at Rome Welenus Illyr Magdeburg Sebast Franc c. ANSVVER IT is probable that Peter was not only in Rome and to haue made his residence in it but to haue been crucifyed there Howsoeuer the impudēcy of Heretickes doth prate against the tradition of all antiquity It is probable that Peter was in Rome by his owne epistles First it is proued out of his owne first epistle cap. 5. v. 13. saying The Church collected in Babilon salutes yow that is to say Rome which he calles Babilon because it was full of riches persecution superstion and idolatrie with all manner of sinnes reygning in it as witnesseth Eus lib. 2. cap. 15. Lykwise Papias the disciple of S Iohn sayes that Peter in his first epistle which he wrote from Rome hath remembred Mark whom he calleth his sonne Rome is called Babylong in which figuratiuely he hath nominated Rome Babilon when he sayes that Babylon salutes yow Lykwise Hie● de Vir. Illust in Marc. sayes that Peter in his first Epistle vnder the name of Babylon figuratiuely signifieth Rome Moreouer to haue houlden and kept the Episcopall Chayre at Rome At Rome he ouercame Simon Magus and there to haue ouercome and been victor ouer Symon Magus This S. Aug. declares lib. 2. cont lit petil cap. 51. reprehēding the Hereticks in this manner saying VVhat hath the Chayr of the Roman-Church done to thee S. Aug. defendeth the seat of Rome in which Peter hath sitten and in which at this day Anastasius doth si●t Moreouer speaking of Simon Magus lib. de Haer. ad quoduult Har. 1. sayes that he Heretick gaue the images both of himself Simon Magus superstuious dealing in Rome and of the whorishe citie to his disciples to be worshiped the which at Rome he had set vp by publick authority as the images of the heathen Gods in the which city the blessed Apostle Peter ouerthrow him by the true vertue of God omnipotēt thus he For all the Hystories His ouerthrow at rome by the power of God and Holy writers with generall traditions in all ages haue testified that S. Peter came to Rome as sayes Egisip lib. 3. cap. 2. Ire● lib 3. cap. 3. But and Euseb the professors of ●●●ditious sayes in Ch●on Eccl. Hist. lib. 2. cap 15 That in the secōd yeare of Claudius the Emperour Peter the Apostle when he had first founded the Church at Antioch he went to Rome Peter preached at Rome XXV yeares wher preaching the Euangely twenty-fyue-yeares he remained Byshop of that same towne And S.
S. Peter Seing Ioane the eight was a woman and incapable of this Byshoprick long since elected lawfull Pope and receaued in the Chayr of Sainct Peter ANSVVER WHen we sayd him to be a lawfull successor of S. Peter to haue receaued full power in the whole Church of Christ who by lawfull way is receaued of the Church The Pope of Rome is euer chosē capable and sett in the Seat of S. Peter This sense no otherway we vnderstand but that the Church lawfully electes receaues him who is capable of the high Priesthood of the which is neyther a woman nor an infidell nor an Heretick capable of nor can be Whatsoeuer be the cause in which a Pope may be chosen incapable of this byshoprick I iudge charitably with many godly and learned men that it came neuer to passe as yet that any was chosen incapable God of his owne goodnes and prouidence turning away the perill of such euentes from his Church who neyther in this manner of canonicall election of his owne Vicar is dead sleepeth or is careles who hath said Math. 28. v. 20. Behold all dayes I am with you to the consummation of the world But this assertion is a manifest and a falsely whatsoeuer they can produce concerning Pope Ioane to be a woman for first there is none of the greek latin historiographers and wryters who make mention of one sillable or word of this mater neyther Cedrinus nor Zonoras much more auncient then Martyn Pollon the first author of this fable who are wranglers and contemners of the Byshop of Rome and most willingly are glad to haue such an occasion to scoff at the Latine Secondly the same Martyn Pollonus doth not affirme this history as certaine The Author doubtes of the historie but sayeth it was spoken by report and of vulgar rumor for Sigibertus Marianus Scotus who were a liue before Martinus Polonus in their old hand written bookes make no mention of a woman Ingland and Moguntia are diuerse regiōs Thirdly Martinus Polonus reportes this woman Pope to be borne in Moguntia in Ingland which is a manifest lie seing Moguntia is not in Ingland but in Germany situat on the Rhyne Fourthly the same Martinus Pollonus doth leane to an other falshoode that this woman-pope was brought vp in Athens The history of Martinus Polonus is full of contradictions and lyes and studied there her course of morall sciences seing by all vniforme consent of all wryters that neyther then nor long before any studies was at Athens much lesse inhabited of any So that it is a manifest lie that euer this woman Pope were Far lesse credible that any woman of honesty or estate bygge with child and neare her tyme of deliurance to goe throughout the streates in publick processiō with so great perill of infamie and scandal to her self from which easely she might haue excused her selfe Last of all I shall euer persuade my selfe that God would neuer haue permitted such a base scādall to ryse in his Church As concerning the rest of the trifles that is obiected by our aduersaries as the hole in the chayr for his dimissorialles the image of a woman the declyning of the street and way all are sufficiētly answered of Bellarm. tom 1. cont Gen. lib. 3. c. 24. Therefore I counsell all Protestants to moderate their hatred and malice against the Pope and see of Rome A friendly exhortation to vse mederatiō in detracting the see of Rome Let them call to remembrance the hereticall mynd and ende of Wiritri Archdeane of Oxford in England who in the yeare of God 1571. expounding that place of Scripture Ephes 4. v. 11. He therefore gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastors and teachers c. To serue the tyme Weretries fatall end in glossing the Scriptures against the Pope inferres the Pope you heare sayes he what offices are promised and giuen to his Church but amongst these vocatiōs you heare nothing of a Pope which when he had made his application immediatly he was stricken with a great sicknes and became dombe and was caryed out of the stoole to his bed not to his dinner as he presupposed to goe Thus Surius in chronicis de vita Veretri c. Who dyed miserably in raging and wrangling of consciēce to the fear of all that were about him Lykwise I cannot omit to rehearse as it was reported to me by faithfull men and beholderes of the truth of M. walter Makcanker one of the Puritane ministers in Edinburg in Scotland an 1614. expoūding the 13. chapter of the reuelation in his sermon speaking of the beast that had seauen heades Mackankers fatall and in applying Antichrist to the Pope and ten hornes vpon his hornes were ten crownes and vpon his head the name of blasphemy c. Applying these things to the Pope with such vehemence of gaping and gloaring calling him Antichrist as Puritans doe mentioned and discrybed vnder the name of the beast in the reuelation immediatly the hand of God was on him who although he dissembles long yet in the myddest of their iniquity punishes with equitie that his teeth fell into his throat and he fell downe in the stoole and from thence was caryed home to his house half dead the night following senseles ended his lyfe And in such lyke manner the sweet Sainctes so called of the Clouted Kirches-sisters of the new Ghospell make their finall ende for as they lyue in hatred and malice against the Pope so die they in the same malignity that we may rightly see that Luthers benediction hath efficacie and power for as the benedictions of Gods Sainctes was in efficacie towards men that belieued in God euen so Luthers maledictiō workes powerfully in the followers of his misbeliefe Which Vitus Theodoricus a Lutheran makes mentiō of Tom. 4. Operum Luth. Praef. in Ioell The which is worthy of memory saying when he came to the Synod to confirme the confession of Augustana by testimonies of Scriptures Fathers in the way he was wonderfull sicke and by stopping of his vryne nynes dayes almost dead sit vp in his bed and lifting vp his handes to blesse those that were about him vttered these wordes for his benediction saying The Lord replenish yow with his benedictiō and hatred to the Pope So that being almost dead he left them with hatred to the Pope as a right inheritance of his cursed mynd which malediction as from Cain discends linially to his successors so from Luther it passed in his successors as it took effect to worke in himself QVESTIO XI Of the infallible authority of Generall Counsells WHerfore doe the Papists esteeme so much of their Generall Counsells Seing their Byshops in them may erre as men And moreouer vniustly against all reason do exclude the power and voyce of Emperours and Kings in iudging matters of faith Luth. in varijs locis Calu. lib. 4. inst cap.
and so all things hard and pondered A iudge and a witnes di●fers greatly he giueth sentence therfore seeing an Hereticke and Catholicke both sayes that they haue searched the Scriptures these Scriptures beare testimony of their doctrine so that in this debate the searching of the Scripture is not a sufficient way seing these Scriptures are interpreted of euery one at his pleasure but there is need of a iudge who may giue sentence of the true interpretation and sense of Scriptures and this iudgement and sentence is due and proper to the Pope and his counsell and not to the searching of Scriptures But this is the ambition and pryde of all Heresies who set at nought the vniuersality of the whole Church because they will credit them selues their owne proper iudgement Hereticks wil credit themselues and noe other and that all men from the primitiue tymes haue erred and they only haue not erred let scriptures fathers counsels vniuersalitie and practise do all what is right they will belieue themselues and remaine iudges in their owne cause as though they were gods not men and neyther subiect to sinne nor error OBIECTION THe Generall counsell doth represente the whole Church as defyneth Martyn 5. in the ende of the counsell of Cōstance which counsell representeth the persone of the wholl Church which Church can noe way be gathered togeather but so farr as the Prelates assemble in one place and in the name of all the faithfull But it followes that the vniuersall Church cannot erre Ergo neyther the Generall counsel which is the vertue of the whol Church ANSVVER SEcluding the Pope as head the counsell is only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 neyther doth it represent perfectly the wholl Church and so it may erre because they are particular counsels as the coūsell of Carthage and Areminense as Caiet Tractat. de Auth. Concil cap. 9. OBIECTION IF the infallibilitie of the counsell depende on the Pope in vaine it seemes to call a counsell for truely alswell by the Pope himself without a counsell the matter may be defyned as wish the counsell ANSVVER NOt so neyther are coūsels instituted in vaine for how much more inquisition is made of the groundes of verity and is decerned by the iudgement of many the verity is made the clearer and errour is taken away because those things in which the Pope defines with the counsell are of greater weight then those which he defynes of himself that the very Heretick may persuade himself that it is true solyde which by so great labour and exquisit diligence is found out and with so many consentes is defyned for veritie wherefore the Pope doth wysly in censuring of heresie and other weightie causes to conuocate counsel and to defyne the same with them In which definition of counsell although the Byshops are iudges yet notwithstanding they are inferior iudges but the Pope is supreame iudge And as a King in the kingdome may recall the sentence of an inferior iudge when the greater part is left out euen so the Pope as head of the Church may approue and reiect with the assistance of the holy Ghost and when the greatest part of the Church condiscendes and defynes therupon with him OBIECTION IN many counsels the Pope of Rome is absent and only his Legates are present Ergo they may err very much ANSVVER I Grant such counsels may erre except those Legates haue instruction from the Pope and do followe the same and that the definition of the counsell be conformable to his instruction in soe doing the counsell agreeth with the head in the same doctrine and such a counsell is adiudged lawfull when the Pope before hath giuen them instruction and hath pronunced his iudgement what shal be done But if the Pope send no instruction by his legates albeit his legates do cōsent vnto the definition of the counsel it is of no effect neyther is that definition infallible because the authority to define and conclude is not in the Legats who are but only messengers betwixt the counsell and the Pope But for conclusion all cōuselles before they conclude any thing after longe deliberation and inquisition in euery matter with their iudgements and sentence they vse to seeke confirmation of the Pope as we read of the counsell of Trent in the bull of Pius 4. by which confirmation both the counsell is approued lawfull and all things are confirmed and ratifyed and this is the manner of all Catholick Counsels that for many no heresie dare show one to be an vniuersall counsell for them although they had for protectors of their heresie most puissant and potent Emperours and Kings as Valence and Constance Arian Emperors the Vandals and Gothes as also all sectaries haue attempted but as yet neuer could assemble a generall counsell QVESTIO XII Of the veritie of the Roman-Church and of her notes WHerefore doe the Papistes promise to all men saluatiō to be only in the Roman Church Conf. Aug. art 6. Calu. lib. 4. inst cap. 1. § 10. Brent in conf Wittemb cap. de Eccl. ANSVVER BEcause it standeth with reason for that the Papistes haue certaine markes of credible euidence that only that multitude of men who obey at the present tyme the Pope of Rome The true Church is knowne by her markes are the true Catholick Church which we proue after this manner Seing that congregation of men is only the Church of Christ which is videlicet one holy Catholick and Apostolicall Church So that all the auncient counselles were decerned by those tokens from other sectes and not by the preaching of the pure word neyther by the pure vse of the Sacramentes The Hereticks marks are as obscure as their church which is inuisible the which the Heretickes assigne for notes of their Church alyke obscure with their Church For what is he of the fift Euāgelists profession who proues not by those marks that the Church of Christ is with him and with no other Because saith he only in his congregation is the true preaching of the word and sincere vse of the Sacraments but markes ought to be euident otherwise they are no markes but the cōgregatiō that obeyes the Pope of Rome hath those euident markes which is One Holy Catholick and Apostolicall Church therefore this is the true Church and only in her is expected saluatiō For first the Church of God is One partely in the head The Church is one for diuerse respects in so farre that all Byshops acknowledge the Pope for head to whom they agre and accord in doctrine and in administration of the Sacramentes Partly in diuyne worship for withall Catholikes is offered the same sacrifice and the same Sacramentes with the same administration of Ceremonies And partly amongst the members themselues to wit in the doctrine of Faith for all belieue one thing and condemne heresie In this one Church vnity is kept In one church vnity is kept and taught as witnesseth
Christ according to his persone should not be God or at least there should not equality of good-head be belieued And moreouer in his Comment in cap. 14. Gen. v. 18. and in 6. Ioh. v. 57 he sayes Christ our Lord to be but a second King next to God and a second cause of lyfe Hath this Arch-Rabbi had any respect to S. Paul Phil. 2. who iustifieth his equality with his Father to rob him so easily Moreouer the very deity it self could not retayne Caluin frō this abominable blasphemy Lykewyse Caluin affirmes That the word of the creation was imperfect for somuch that in Heauen he is not dutifully and sincerely serued without sinne committed euen by the Angells them selues Calu. in c. 1. col vers 20. Which doctrine is contrary to the Scriptures that witnes that in that Heauenly Citty is no vnclean thing or sinne Apoc. 21 Seing that all power and gouernement belongs to the Father all wisdome knowledge and doctrine belongs to the sonne all begnity liberaltty plenitude and sanctification is appropriated and imputed to the holy Ghost all good thinges are ascrybed to the three persones not excluding any good from any of them as being all three equall God and consequently not vnequally fountaynes of all good things as well in particular as in generall Morouer concerning this article which sayes and in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord Against the 2. Article How the Protestants deny Christ in the Creed many of the Protestant Professors appeare to be against this article For some affirme that Christ is not the Messias others saye that the name of Christ is a filthy name Some other that he was a deceauer of the world and that he was not God Some other sayd that he had but a meane measure of Godhead Some lykewyse sayd that he was ignorant and his discourse absurde and himself no more God then Socrates and Trismegistus c. All these blaspemies are extant in the first and second article of the family of loue as wryteth Rogerus against the sect of the family of loue printed at Lōdon an 1579. Lykewyse Cartwright discentes nothing from his former false bretheren whyll he sayes in his 2. replic pag. 191. That he could not be persuaded that the Israelites was so madde as to belieue him to be the liuing God whom with their eyes they did behold to be a miserable and simple man And therefore all the world may see of themselues what distrust they haue of Ghrist to be God and our Lord. Morouer they impugne this Article who equal themselues in Gods fauour in right to Heauen vnto Iesus Christ the only begotten consubstantiall Sonne our Lord. Lykewyse they belieue not in Iesus Christ our Lord who distrust any part of his doctrine whether it be of the Sacramēts or whatsoeuer other point because they conceaue it not in their vnderstanding as Caluin affirmes in cap. 6. 7. Iob when the reason of any thing doth not appeare vnto vs such is our great Pryde that we esteeme it nothing Lykewyse they misbelieue this article who thereby haue made God the Father sometymes not to vnderstand which is his begetting For sayes Caluin it is foolishnes to think that God the Father doth continually begett his Sonne And so the sonne is abolished who is not otherwayes actually the Sonne of the Father but by determinating actualy the relation of the Father to himself Wherupon Luther disp de deo Thes 18. Tom. 2. VVittemb lat It is no marueil saies he if Arius if a Iew if Mahomet and all the wold denie Christ to be the Sonne of God And farlesse marueil if the Protestant be also thus persuaded to deny Christ cōsidering their principall Euangelistes teach the same Against the 3. Article Moreouer as concerning that Article Who was cōceaued of the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie How the Protestants deny Christ to be conceaued of the holy Ghost and borne of the Virgin Mary in the creed It is impugned misbelieued by those who blasphemously affirme the holy Ghost to haue been Father to Christ in manner of other Fathers towards their children as reportes Maldonat in cap. 1. Mat. Lykewyse others misbelieue this Article who belieue Christ to haue byn only cōceaued but not borne of a Virgin Caluino-Turc pag. 530. 531. Greg. de Valent. de Virg. S. Mariae To which assertiō Caluin condiscendes saying That the blessed Virgin was in manner weakenned in trauail vpon Christ as other women in their trauail Lyckewyse they misbelieue this Article who equal or prefer themselues to be the B. V. M. and such are the Houling-Puritā-typling Sisters with Rachel Arnot the maistresse of the congregation with Smythes doughters besides these ring-leaders there is not a dyrtie hussy or drabbe in the I le of Britane but will auouch the same which the poore people would not so ignorantly doe if they were not teached of their high diuynes soe to say and belieue against the true grounds of Scripture that pronunceth her prerogatiue to be blessed aboue all women and to conceaue and beare a child and he to be the God of Heauen earth which no other women euer had or did Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who make Christs body as much in Abrahams tyme as when it was conceaued and borne by the Virgin Mary not only in efficacy but also in essence nature as Beza did lib. cont Hesbusium fol. 284. On this sam subiect is the colloq mompel gart saying Christs body was extant euen in the tyme of Abrahā Wherupon these absurdities followes that Christ was true man in essence and in existence before his conception birth so consequently the Angel sayd not true to the sheephearders that this day is borne to you a Sauiour and that the Blessed Virgin Marie was not his Mother c. Moreouer they make Christ to haue two bodies one deliuered in the supper another borne of the Virgin Mary because they forge another Christ thē was her Sōne as witnes aucto diallactici vide Bellarm. 5. Euang. pag. 98. Colon. 1595. Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who affirme that Christ was not eternally but began only at the tyme of his birth Symler in praef lib. de aeterno dei filio Against the 4. Article How the Protestants deny this article that he suffered and how they euacuate his passion Moreouer as concerning that Article That he suffered vnder Pontius Pilat was crucifyed dead and buryed many Protestants deny this Article by euacuating the Passion of Christ and that by saying that the blood is putrifyed in the earth and for that cause which is putrifyed and corrupt cānot redeeme vs but the Apostle defendes the contrary 1. Pet. 1. who sayes VVe were not redeemed by any corruptible pryce Morouer they euacuate the passion of Christ according to all other partes who with Molineus in Harm Euang. makes the merits of Christs of no effect saying they profit vs
of God lykewyse that Church which was after Christ hath neuer fayled or might fayle according to that stait in which it was instituted of himself It is euidēt by testimony of holy Scripture in which Christ kingdomes is fortold to be eternall as psal 47 v. 9. Is sayd as we haue hard so we haue we seen in the city of our God and God hath established it for euer Which psalme is spoken altogeather of the Church and her perpetuity lykewyse her visibility is also mētioned whyl the prophet sayes as we haue hard and seene therefore it is not obscurly designed or inuisible Also Dan. 2. v. 44. sayes That in the dayes of those Kings the God of Heauen shall set vp a Kingdome which shall neuer be distroyed and this Kingdome shall not be giuen to another people but it shall break and distroy all these Kingdomes and it shall stand for euer Moreouer S. Matth. 16. v. 18. sayes That the gates of Hell shall not preuayle against her for as there is a visible head there must be a visible body and seing Christ was seen in earth did conuerse with men shall not his body and members therof also be visible if the foundamēt be visible it behoweth also the house to be visible and seing the Apostles and prophets are foundament of his Church Ephes 2. who can deny the building not to be visible Lykewyse our coniunction with Christ is not only spirituall but also is bodily that we may be bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh the Apostle calleth it a great Sacraments Eph. 5. And seing by Sacramentes we are vnited and knowne togeather which are visible things and therfore appertayne to a visible body which is his Church also which hath a visible head that the Church of God may euer appeare visible wherupon Chrysest Tom. 5. orat de non rontemnend Eccles What is more stronger then the Church of God the barbarous may pull downe the walles but the infernall diuels cannot ouercome it When she is battered she is victor and when she is inuaded with deceipt ouercommeth thus he And S. Bernard Serm. 79. neyther by the verbositie of Philosophers neyther cauillations of heretyckes neyther by the sword of the persecutors might the Church at any tyme be separat from the loue of God thus he Moreouer it is sayd Eph. 4. v. 11. He gane some to be Apostles and some Prophets some Euangelistes and some Pastors and ●eachers for the ●●summation of the Saincts for the worke of the ministery and for the edification of the body of Christ whyll we all meer togeather in the vnity of faith and in knowledge of the sone of God vnto a perfyt man and vnto the measur of the age of the fulnes of Christ In which words the Apostle rehearsing these offices Apostles Pastors and Doctors to abyd in the Church to the end of the world declares the Church to be visible which no ways cā be vnderstood of an inuisible church by reason that there is no such offices that Moreouer it implicates a contradition the visible Church sometyme to haue fayled and the inuisible to remayne for somuch as the wonders of the world are noted partly by Scripture as the deludge Gen. 6 4 Reg 17 Matth. 25. the going back of the sonne the sonne mone to haue lost their light and darkenesse to haue ouer shaddowed the whole face of the earth at the death of Christ Lykwyse Historiographers and Chronologies make mention of erthquakes fyre tempestes pestilence and such lyke prodigious things which are registred and are extant in euery mans hand and yet what tyme the Church fayled and became inuisible there is no Scripture no chronologie no witnes euer to be found but only clamorous mens voyces to say it once it was visible this they graunt but how in fayled it is improbable For if the visible Church hath fayled and the inuisible remaine and was not seene there followe to wyld absurdities for eyther she professed her fayth and yelded not to the persecutions of the Gentills or Heceticks and in so doing it followeth that she was visible as the primitue Church in the tyme of the Apostles and Martyres in tyme of persecutors for in profession suffering sho appeared and was a spectacle to the world and contrary wise if she professed not her sayth but lurked and retayned it inwardly in the hart and outwardly by dissimulation accommodated hirself to the tyme in following of false worship as the Helchesi●nes did as witnes Euse lib. 6. cap. 31. In so doing sho cannot be accounted the true Church of Christ For Christ sayes Matth. 10. ● 33 VVho shall deny me before men him shall I deny before my Father in Heauen Therefore the Church in vigor and subsistance cannot want a signe of visibility Morouer the Church contayning alswell the vniuersality of faithfull as of Byshops absolutely cannot err in matters of fayth which vniuersally eyther are to be belieued of fayth or propounded vnto vs to be done for good manners whether expressely they be found in the Scripture or noe because the Church is gouerned of Christ the head as S. Paul sayes Ephes 1. u 22. He hath giuen him to be head of all the Church which is his body And therefore if sho may err it redounds vnto Christ which according to the verity it self no manner of way may fall because God is true and because the Church is the pillar and foundament of verity 1. Tim. 3 v. 15. Therefore sho cannot err lykewyse Christ promissed to his Apostles and to the whole Church The spirit of verity to abyd with hir for euer and to leade hir in all verity S Ioan. 14. 16. It is not to be vnderstood of simple verity because the Scripture speakes generally of all verity descrybing the holy spirit to teach the Church and sho to be a pillar of verity that in nothing sho should err otherwayes if the Church may erre in teachings things necessary to saluation no man shall know wher the verity is and the holy Ghost shall be found the lyar For haue not all the Fathers in whatsoeuer question and controuersie of fayth fled to the church as vnto the ancher of verity They would neuer haue taken this refuge if they thought that the Church might erre To this effect S. Aug. lib. 1. contra Cresc c. 33. sayth the verity of the Scriptures is kept of vs seing we doe that thing which hath pleased the vniuersall Church the which doth commend the authority of the selfe Scripture forsomuch the holy Scripture may deceaue none but whosoeuer hath feared to be deceaued by obscurity of any question let him consult with the Church which without any ambigu●ty doth demonstrate and shaw the holy Scripture Againe Epist 118. To dispute against that thing sayes he which the vniuersall Church belieues it is most insolent madnes Againe in psal 57. In the bowells of the Church sayes he veritie remaynes
consequently the Churche neither was inuisible nor erred at that tyme. OBIECTION SAint Hier. Dial. cont Lucif the whole world sayth he hath sorrowed and maruelled to be an Arian ergo the Church hath erred ANSVVER HE calleth the world a great part not absolutly the whole world lykewise these Catholik bishops were assembled at Arimin to Abolishe that name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in which counsell they only materially erred not knowing the true signification of the Greek word neither were these fathers heretiks for furth with knowing the error they amended it with pennance OBIECTION ALl the Apostles in tyme of the passion of Christ lost their faith therefore the whole Church some tyme hath erred The Antecedent is proued Matth. 26. v. 31. all you shal be scandalized in me this night Luc. 24. v. 11. but these words seemed to them as fained neither belieued they him Marc. vlt. And he reproued their incredulites and hardnes of hart because they belieued not these who had seen him risen Ergo the Church in the Apostles hath erred ANSVVER THe Apostles at that tyme sinned becaus they were slow to belieue and were worthy of reprehension yet notwithstanding they were not infidelles howbeit they cōmitted a sinne in ouer much fearing quia timor cadit in virum iustam neither at this tyme had they receaued the holy ghost the doctor of Veritie to preserue them from humane error and feare neither by this argument hath the Church erred QVAESTIO XV. The interdicting of Scriptures WHerfor doth the Papists interdict and forbid the people the reading of the Scriptures which is easy of vnderstanding and cleare in themselues Luth. de lib. Arb. Caluin lib. 1. instit cap. 7. § 2. Beza conf fid Punct 4. art 27. Brent prolog cont à Soto Illiric in Claue Script c. ANSVVER I Deny the holy Scripture to be easy of vnderstanding as ye persuade your selues for it is a book full of mysteries and difficulties the knowledge of which none can attaine without the great help of Gods grace and morall Science so that the vulgar reading of the same without vnderstanding hath giuen occasion to many to interpret them after their own sense and filthily to err as the euidences bear witnes from whence ar heresies Schisme and dissention Are they not builded on the Scriptur because that euery mā wil vnderstand it after his own opinion and not according to the iudgement of the Churche And therefor we see by experience that the Scriptur is not facill of vnderstāding for the disciples thē selues were whole three yeares vnder the instruction of Christ Iesus the maister of veritie who were euer by him and often they heard him preach of his suffrings death and resurrection notwitgstanding they vnderstood not the scriptures perteining to that neither in the law Psalmes nor Prophets vntil Christ opened to them the sense that they might vnderstand the Scriptures Luc. 24. v. 45. that is to say that not only Christ hath expounded the Scriptures to them as a litle before he did to his disciples going to Emaus but also he giues to his Apostles and disciples a certaine diuyne grace of the sense and meaninge for the better vnderstanding of the Scriptures So that it is euident when the Apostles and disciples were thus dull to vnderstand the Scriptures how shall the vulgar people vnderstand them Moreouer S. Peeter 2. Epist. cap. 3. v 15. sayes As our beloued brother Paul according to the wisdome giuen to him hath writtin to yow and as in all his epistles speaking of them in which there are some difficil to vnderstand which the vnlearned instable depraue Therefore it followeth that all the writings of S Paull were not to euery one plaine but many things difficil to vnderstand Moreouer to what end haue the learned laboured in the knowledge of the tongues to seeke and search the vnderstanding of the Scriptur if it be so easy of vnderstanding why did S. Hiero. vex himself aboue twentie yeares in studying the Scriptures a man instructed in all tongues and indued with most singular learning yet we read of him that oft he doubted in expounding the Prophetes and hath beene in extasie of mynd through the profunde obscuritie of the Scriptures In the same laborinth was S August the pillar of diuinitie whilst he explicated the sinne against the holy Ghost lib. 2. de doct Christ cap. 6. in which he himself thinketh not to haue laboured sufficiently because of the difficulties that aryse in the holy Scripture which were aboue his iudgement Therefore S Hier. epist ad Paulin. sayes the law is spirituall and hath need of reuelation that it may be vnderstood as also that we may contemplate the glory of the reuealed face of God The sealed booke in the Apocalyps with seauen sealls is showen which if thou shalt giue it to a mā of vnderstanding to read he will answere thee I cannot for it is sealled How many at this day think thēselues to be of vnderstanding literature and yet hould the sealed book in their hand neyther may they open it except he open it who hath the key of Dauid who opens and no man shuts shuttes and no man opens thus he Morouer the Euangelists Matthew and Luke seeme to vary in the genealogie of Christ in that Luke sayes that Ioseph was the sonne of Heli S. Matthew sayes that Iacob begate Ioseph which disagreemēt Iulian the Apostate obiected to Christians Lykewyse S. Chryst. 1 Matth. sayes that it is to be numbred among hid things how that Elizabeth beyng of the trybe of Leui may be called the Cosin of Mary who was of the trybe of Iuda Moreouer S Marke speaking of the day of Iudgmēt sayes of that day hour no man knoweth it neyther the Angels which are in Heauen neyther the Sonne himself but only the Father In reading this no man seeth the doubt Lykewyse S. Hier. receaued some questions of Algasia and Hedibia about the reading of the Scriptures and the first is why did Iohn in prison sent to Christ demaunded saying art thow he that shall come or shall we looke for an other who before had pointed him saying behold the lābe of God c. How cometh he now to aske dout of him Hedibia ad Hier. Matth. 28. Iohn 20. 4.5 How agreeth this that Matthew sayes that Mary Magdalen fell downe at the feet of Christ after his resurrection and held his feet S. Iohn sayes the cōtrary that he forbad her to touch him Iohn 20. Lykwyse S. Marke sayes Matth. 16. Iohn 20. that the two Maryes in the morning in the first day of the sabaoths they came to the sepulchre when the Sonne was rysē and S. Iohn sayes the contrary that they came whē it was darke Lykwyse in the resurrection Matth. 28. Iohn 20. Marc. 16. there are a great number of apparant contrarieties as the tyme of the resurrection of the appearance of the Angells in the Sepulchre their
number and place Moreouer that Christ breathing on his Apostles sayd receaue yee the holy Ghost Now if he gaue them the holy Ghost before his Ascention what needeth he to send them the holy Ghost after his ascention seing they had receaued the holy Ghost already Hidib quaest 9 Lykewyse S. Paul sayes Rom. 3. We thinke a man to be iustifyed by fayth without the workes of the law And contrariwyse S. Iames cap. 2. sayes what auayleth it though a man say he hath fayth if he haue no workes can his fayth saue him for without workes faith is dead Moreouer it is sayd Rom. 5. That fayth was reckned to Abraham for righteousnes And contrariwyse S. Iac. 2. sayes that Abraham our Father was iustifyed by workes Lykewyse S. Paul Rom. 10. declaring the reiection of the Iewes and vocation of the Gentiles alledgeth the Prophet Isai saying I am found of them that sought me not and manifested to them that asked not for me but vnto Israell all the day long I haue streached forth my handes vnto a people that belieueth me not but speaketh against me And after this he sayes hath God cast away his people God forbid if the Casting away of thē be the reconciliation of the world Haue they so offended and stumbled that they should fall he answeres saying God forbid And yet after this he argumentes the contrary saying because of vnbeliefe they are broken and cast away I pray yow is this place by reading the plaine text easily vnderstood How opposite is the Apostle to the readers iudgement Lykwyse about predestination Rom. 9. where he sayes that it lyeth not in the will of man neyther in the running of man but in the mercy of God Againe the Apostle is contrary to himselfe Rom. 7. saying will is present with me Moreouer in the first Epistle Timoth. cap. 2. it is sayd that God will haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of his truth If God so willeth who can gainstand his will why then doe so many perish amongst Christians and others remayne in infidility Lykewyse the Apostle Rom. 9. wished to be accursed for his bretheren the Iewes yet he saies that nothing could separate him from the loue of Christ Roman 8. what may be gathered of these wordes but that he loued the Iewes better then Christ Algasia ad Hier. q 9. Lykewyse S Paule cor 15. sayes when al things are subdued vnder him then shall the sonne also himself be subiect vnto him that put all things vnder him that God may be all in all this place fits well Caluin with the Arians to make Christ inferior to his Father Lykwyse the Apostle sayes Coll. 1. that he doth fullfill that lacked of Christs sufferings in his body This place seemes to make the passiō of Christ insufficient if we vnderstand it according to the letter Lykewyse to the Hebrues 6. saying it is impossible that those who once are illuminated haue Gusted the Heauenly gift and are made participant of the holy spirit and haue tasted of the good word of God of the ioyes of the world to come if they fall away The Scripture is of difficill vnderstāding should be renewed againe by pennance VVhich in cap. 10. For sinning willingly after the receipt of the knowledge of verity there is not left now for sinne any sacrifyce but a terrible expectation of indgement and burning fyre If these places were not fauourably interpreted by the literall sense no man can be saued that if a man sinne after he is Christened and hath receaued the gifts of God that after he cannot be reconciled with pennance and by this all hope of mercy for remissiō of sinnes is takē away which argument was the cause of Nouatus heresie Moreouer S. Hier. ad Algas quest 7. sayes what was the Apostles meaning What wonderful heresies hath rysen of the Scripture that scharcely wil any man die for the righteous man peraduenture for a good man durst a man die The words seemes to be plaine and easie of vnderstanding and yet notwithstanding for lack of knowledge two great Heresies arose of this sentence For Marcion by this defended that there were two Gods one iust creator of Heauen and earth and author of the Law and Prophets The other a good God the God of the Ghospell and Apostles whose sonne is Christ For the iust God few or none haue dyed for the good God innumerable martyres haue dyed thus Marcion Lykewyse Arius was in the contrary opinion that Christ was the iust God by this argument ps 71. Giue the King thy Iudgments o God and thy righteousnes to the Kings Sonne And the other good God he calleth the Father God of Heauen by reason by the Euangelist Luc. 18. why cal yow me good seing there is none good but God the Father All these being well considered is the Scripture easy of vnderstanding Think with your selues and iudge equally and if so be why haue your chief Rabbines written so many prolix cōmentaries on the Scripture and chiefly on the wordes of Christs institution which are so plaine and clear in themselues and yet there hath rysen aboue two hundrith diuerse opinions to interpret them For the words of a testament ought to be plaine without obscurity ambiguity doubt or equiuocation as the nature and condition of a testament requyres Therefore iudicious Reader obserue diligētly what facility is in the whole Scripture when in one word there is aboue two hundrith explications they go about to giue yow the light of Gods word whyll they inferre darknes and shut vp the verity from yow they will haue you vnderstand the hid misteryes of God by reading and yet they will be interpreters of the meaning of it and not delyuer it according to the spirit of God and his Church but according to the reuelatiō of ther priuy spirit as Cal. l. ● inst c. 7 § 2. who sayes the obscurity and hard places of the Scripture in their sense and vnderstanding is no more difficill to iudge them then to iudge the colours of things blake and whyte swet and bitter which of the spirit and sense are iudged So that the reading of the Scripture in a vulgar tongue giues occasion to subuert the faith of Christ and giues place to euery Heresie and to make it a store-house of ech dogmaticall opinion as Luth. postilla dom post pent There is no heresie hovvsoeuer euill or grosse it be which will not defend it self by the Scriptures Lykwyse Tert. lib. de praesc the Scripture sayes he is the booke of Heretickes not of it self but occasionally OBIECTION THE Scripture is the food of the soule therefore the faithfull are not to be depriued of it by interdiction not to read the Scriptures ANSVVER IT is true the Scriptures are the food of the soule but this food is to be eaten by the mouth of the Pastors and teachers of the Church as Mal. 2. v. 7. the lyps of
who notwithstāding grosly sayd how can he giue his flesh to be eaten this is a hard saying so that neyther the Iewes nor his disciples who should exceede others did attaine to the vnderstanding of Christs words as noteth Chrys in c. 6. Iohn What thē is this word hard and a saying not easy of vnderstanding which was full of dread that their imbecillitie could not bear it c. For if the Scriptures were easy it was no great benefite that Christ did to his Apostles in opening their wits that they might vnderstand the Scriptures neyther was it any great matter that he hid to his two Disciples going to Emaus vnto whome beginning at Moyses and the Prophets he interpreted in all Scriptures which were written of him for this action of Christ argueth difficulties otherwayes why did he labor to much to make them vnderstand them The Enuch of the Queene of Candy reading the Scriptures confesseth that he vnderstood them not and yet a man of good experience To this effect Phil●p is moued of the holy Ghost to ioyne him to his chariot who hard him read I say the prophet and asking him if he vnderstood what he read he answered how can I except I had a guy de Wherefore when Philip was with him in his chariot and the Scripture was read the Enuch asked him saying I pray thee of whome speaketh the Prophet of himself or some other man Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preached vnto him Iesus For the work of the holy Ghost in placing Philip to him had been in vaine if there had not been difficultie in the Scripture and if this man could not vnderstand without a guyde for all his experience no more can other men do Moreouer when Christ spake of his passion and resurrection his Apostles vnderstood him not saying after a little whyle and ye shall not see me and agayne after a whyle and you shall see me for Igoe to the Father Ioan. 16. If the liuely voyce of Christ was obscure and darke to the Apostles so the same is now being written in dead letters for the liuely voyce of Christ is of greater force then the letter Lykewyse S. Paul numbring the Giftes of the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 12. to one sayes he is giuen the vtterance of wisdome and to another the gift of knowledge to another the gift of fayth to another the gift of healling to another the gift of miracles to another the gift of prophesie to another the gift of iudgement to discerne spirits to another the gifte of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues and all these things worketh one and he self same spirit distributing to euery man seuerally as he will Therefore seing euery one hath not the gift of vtterance of knowledge of Prophesying c. and consequētly also no more vnderstanding of the Scriptures And as these gifts are not cōmon to all men euen so the vnderstāding of the Scriptures is not easy to al men S. Paul proueth this well by the order and disposition of a naturall body from which he deduces an argument to proue an order in the mysticall body the Church 1. Cor. 12. You are sayes he the body of Christ and members of his body and therefore God hath ordayned in the Church first Apostles next Prophets thirdly Teachers fourthly thē that doe miracles fifthly the gifts of healling c. For if the Scripture be easy of vnderstanding then these giftes are superfluous for where euery one vnderstandeth there needeth no Apostle Prophet Teacher c. And if euery man vnderstand then euery one hath all these giftes contrary to the Apostles meaning who sayes all be not Prophets and Teachers c. Moreouer S. Hier. in praef sup Ezech. sayes that the Iewes might not read the bookes of Genesis before they ere thirthy years of age but the Protestants as new-hatched chikēs pipes out of their mothers belly pratle of the Scriptures as experience teaches in Scotland it will not serue the Puritane ministers to haue long grace but also the chapter must be read with his Glosse after the spirit and Iok Genny and Mady c. must gather and repeate longe notes old and young must do the same otherwayes they haue not the spirit and are weake in the fayth and soe play the hobly-horse in the Scriptures QVAESTIO XVI Of the adulterating of the Byble WHerefore do the Papistes condemne our reformed Bybles Iohn Wigand lib de bonis malis Germ. Brent Kemn Cent. Magdeburg ANSVVER THe reason is iust on the Catholick part for each on of the sectaries condēne on anothers Byble therfore iustly they may be condemned of the Catholicks Each Heretick condemnes one anothers Byble for euill translatiō For Luther cōdemnes the Zwinglians and contrariwyse the Zuinglians the Lutherans lykewyse Beza Castalion and lykewyse Castalion Beza c. Lykwyse did not King Henry the 8 condēne his 1. traslatiō made a new trāslatiō published it by authority of Parlamēt as witnesseth Calu. Turc lib. 4. cap. 7. Wherefore not vniustly are they condemned of vs Catholickes from whom your grand-Father Lvther had receaued the true coppies who hath corrupted them in mutilating and adulterating the whole text from his originall It is the Protestants reformatiō to deny many bookes in the Scriptur For what reformation is it to take away from the Canon of Scriptures To bias Iudith the booke of wisdome Ecclesiastes and the Machabies which bookes were receaued for Canon Scripture of the famous and ancient Counsels as Carthage Florence and Trent Of which sacred books Innocent the 1 maketh mētion of thē for Canon Scripture in epist ad exuperant Lykewyse Gelatius in his coūsell of seuēty Byshops Lykwise the Fathers who cyte these books for diuine scripture as at lenght are rehearsed a Sixt Senens lib 8. S. Bibliothecae If this be your reformation let the world be iudge to blot out S Iames epistle calling it a straw-epistle which contrarywise is receaued of the Caluinists Lykwyse to call in doubt the second epistle of S. Peter with the first epistle and the second of S. Iohn Iude the Apocalyps which places were euer in authority with the Greeks and Latines Lykewyse in adding to the Scripture they think no sinne for when S. Paul Rom. 3. v. 22. sayes that the righteousnes of God by the fayth of Iesus Christ is vnto all and vpon all that belieue the reformed traslatiō add this word only as it were that by only faith the Christian righteousnes falls to vs to exclude all good workes Lykewyse is it an honest translation of the Zuinglians in Turingne to change the wordes of Christ Matth. 26. Marc. 14. Luc. 22. 1. cor 11. where it is sayd This is my Body and this is my Blood to chāge it say this signifyeth my body blood For which causes of trumpery the Heretickes cannot suffer the Roman Catholicke Bybles and therfore iustly may the Catholicks say
to thē iustly with S. Aug. l. 4. de Symb. c. 10. All cōgregations heresies is a concubine and an ●●hoore who cannot blushe and be ashamed as experience teaches Did not Luther translate the new testament in the German tongue but so wicked pernicious corrupt and erroneous that it ministred sedition mutination and rebellion of the people against the higher powers By this simple women tooke on them the reading of the Scripture and their notes with such feruour of the spirit with contempt of all learned men to preach and exhort publickely contrary to the inhibition of S. Paul who ought to keep silence hold their peace where men are In the same manner did not the sighing-puritane-sisters of Edin brough and other cities in Scotland after this Ghospelling conuersation at four a clock when they were rypest of vnderstanding take vpon thē to read the Scriptures I hope it falls to them by ignorance and blindnes of mynd so long as they read that bible bable as was prophesyed of Peters-wyfe who will neuer mend but euer grow worse and wòrse For are not their Rabbies in that same conformity with the old Hereticks about the Scripture who were condemned of the ancient Fathers for depraueing the Scriptures denying of sundry books as the Aebionits who denyed S. Paul epistles as witnes S. Iren. l. 1 cap 26. S. Epiph. haeres 3 Lykewyse was not the Manicheans damned for denying the Ghospell of S M●tthew as witnes S. Aug. lib. 33. contra Faust cap. 3 7. Lykewyse the Alogians were condemned for the denying of S Iohns Euangelist and his Apocalyps S. Aug Haer. 30 Lykewyse the Marcionists and Arians for denying the Epistle to the Hebrewes to be S. Pauls as witnes Tertul. de praesc Iten lib. 1. cap. 29. Epiph. Haer. 41. S. Hier. in praef in epist ad Tit. Or the same opinion is the moderne Rabbins with the old Hereticks concerning the Scripture to repudiat reiect the bookes of Moyses here upon is Luthers doctrine Serm. de Moyse saying let not Moyses be thrust on vs we in the new testamēt will neyther regard nor hear him Againe idem Luther calles the old testament no word of God belonging to Christians for Moyses appertayneth nothing to vs. Againe in his booke de decem praec lib. 2. cont Rusticos Thow seditious preacher affirmes sayth he that the old Testamēt is to be obserued preacher I say not to me but to the Iewes preach thy Moyses not a title or Iot of Moyses belongeth to vs yea not the law concernes vs but the Ghospell yea not the ten cōmandements belongs to vs. Lykewyse Luther Serm. de Phar. Publ in proaem noui testam Not vnfitly did I admonish the reader in my prologue of the new testament that they should abolish this opinion to be four Ghospells for I haue sayd that the Ghospell of Sainct Iohn was most acceptable and true Lykewyse he sayes in Assert in prologo the bible buble-bable togeather with the Scripture is nothing but fables Lykewyse Ochinus denyeth the whole new testament Iacob Carion in Chron. an 1556. pag. 151 printed at Basil And lykwyse Ochin lib. 2. dial pag 154. 155. 156. saies that we ought to belieue no more thē the S ●● of the old testamēt to him subscrybeth Cal taxing the Euangelists and Apostles lib 4. inst cap. 8 § 4. saying if they be Apostles let thē not bable what they lift Lykewyse Calu. in Iohn cap. 19. v. 23.24 sayth that the Euangelists wrest allegations and depart from the right meaning of them in cap. 2. Matth. v. 18. in 3. Matth. v. 13 in 5. cap. Matth. v. 17. Caluin accuseth them to speake a bruptly many sentēces in their wrytings to tearme things improperly and to vse many improper wordes Whereupon Caluin sayd that he could neuer be persuaded that the sixt chapter of S. Iohns Euangelist was euer his To this effect is not these books called Apochrypha in summa the translation of the Byble in the vulgar tongue is the cause of a thowsand errors for sayth not Broughton in his aduertisement to the counsell of the corruptions of the Byble an 1604. That the whole originall text of the new Testamēt was peruerted in aboue 8. hundrith and 8. places and that it was nothing inferior to the Turkish Alcaron Lykewyse in Hampton conference pag. 45 c. The Inglish Bybles are euill translated altogeather And them of Geneua the worst of all they containe partiall vntruthes and are full of seditious notes to much intending to mutiny and rebellion allowing dissobedience to Kings and full of taxing of Kings OBIECTION LOng since of some Fathers some bookes of the Scripture were put in doubt as Iudith Tobie Wisdome and the Epistle to the Hebrews the second of S. Peter Iude Apocalyps c. Therefore with vs also it is lawfull to doubt of them ANSVVER THe sequel is nothing for albeit Thomas did once doubt of the resurrectiō of Christ it followeth not that he should euer doubt and albeit ther was no book of Scripture which was not walled with the Apostolicall authority and tradition yet-notwithstanding in the beginning of the Church were suspected and doubted whyle by litle and lytle by inspiration of the holy spirit things were made more clear so that these books which before haue ben doubted of haue now of the vniuersall Church abtayned diuyne authority and so consequentely they are no more to be doubted OBIECTION THe Counsell of Laodice omits and leaneth out those books of the old Testament because they were not in the Canon of the Hebrews ergo what the counsell hath not acknowledged neyther we acknowledge for cannon Scripture ANSVVER IDeny the consequence for the Fathers in that Counsell haue not reiected these books as not holy neyther canonicall but they haue not numerated them amongst those books which are read in the Church because of the cōuerted Iews who almost liued Iudaizing of whom Phrygia was full from the tyme of the Apostles and therfore the holy Byshops in that counsell would not attēpt to read those bookes in the Church which they had not in the Canon of the Hebrwes Secondly if no booke be Canonical but these which are in the Canon of the Hebrewes the new Tastament shal be ieiected for it is not in their Canon OBIECAION GRegorius lib. 19. Mor. cap. 17. as cōcerning these bookes of the Machabees we do not speake vnciuilly if by beside the canonical books which are made for the edification of the Church we shall produce any testimonyes Ergo these books are not canonicall ANSVVER HE denyeth not these books to be holy which are rehearsed in the Canon of the Church seing it could not be hid and vnknown to the holy man of God that 200. yeares before blessed Innocent Pope and the counsell of Carthage had spoken of the Machabees as canonicall Scripture But he speaketh of the Canon of the Hebrwes in which these bookes were not nombred neyther
Ianuar. So that what is instituted of the whole Church for the publicke vtility of fayth it is nōt to be changed Secondly because of the iudgement of the people who are naturally inclyned to Heresie and nouelties whilst in reading of the Scripture and not vnderstāding it they take occasiō to hold opinions against the doctrine of faith the precepts of manners least they should deryde sinistrously interprete these thinges which are religiously instituted and albeit many things be put in the vulgar tongue as the psalmes and other partes of the Scripture notwithstanding the people cannot attayne to the sense and meaning of them for euen these who are expert in the Latin tongue finde difficultie to vnderstād the Scriptures It is not needfull that the people vnderstand what is songe or said in the church except first they consult with commentaries and holy Fathers of the Church Neyther is it needfull that the vulgar people vnderstand what is songe or is celebrated in the Church more then the people vnderstood what the heygh Priest did in Sancta Sanctorum Hebrue 9. Luke 2. For the Ecclesiasticall songs are not instituted to instruct the people in their vnderstanding with wordes but it is instituted to awake and sturr vp their myndes to the worship of God by swet Harmony Reuerence Maiesty and solemne actions What if perchance it come to passe that eyther we trauaile in a strāge coūtry or that a stranger come where Religion is if Gods seruice be not in a vulgar language as Latin is how shall he vnderstand whether they serue God or mocke him how shall he that is ignorant say a men to thy benediction as the Apostle sayth Therefore publicke priuate prayers in a strange tongue albeit they be not vnderstood of him that prayeth yet are acceptable to God haue vertue to impetrate and obtayne blessings because God his saincts vnderstand all tongues which is probable Praiers in the latin tongue are acceptable to God for that common people with the chyldren cryed Matth. 21. v. 9. Osanna filio Dauid which wordes neyther the peoole nor the chyldren vnderstood and yet Christ commendes and prayseth the children neyther reprehendeth he the cry of the people Whereupon Greg. hom 20. in Iosua speaking of a strange tongue sayth If thow hearest somtyme to be read in thy eares that thow vnderstandest not yet in the meane tyme know thow that thou hast receaued vtility thereby in that the only hearing is to thee as it were a certayne charme to expell the deadly poyson dāmage euill spirits who ly snares and go about beseygning Christian souls Which grounds Caluin contradicteth who sayth in his Catechisme to pray in an vnknown tongue it is to mocke God and peruerse hypocrisie Contrary to this who is of sound iudgement A similitude conuinting Caluin will easily esteeme him no hypocryte and mocker who offereth a supplication in an vnknown tongue to the King who is expert in the tongue through dayly vse yet vnknown to the delyuerer It is to be thought that all nations had a common tongue as Gen. 19. in which God was serued but cōfusion of tōgues being made three speciall tongues are separat institute for the diuine seruice of God whereupō this custome followeth that in the occidentall Churches the vse of the latin tōgue was euer with them which was a naturall tongue to them and althought it was not altogeather common to all nations for diuerse nations and tongues were included in the occidentall Churche and yet for diuine seruice this tongue is most frequently vsed So the Greek church vseth the Greek and chaldaick and yet the Greek and chaldaick is another tongue different from the cōmon tongue which the people vseth in their meettings but the others were vsed only amongst the learned and with the Priests in diuyne seruice For it was neuer a custome through the vniuersall world that the vse of the vulgar country tongue should be admitted in diuyne seruice but that which is most cōmon vniuersally to all nations Vt omnis spiritus laudet Dominum And as concerning the reading praying in a vulgar nationall tongue it is no perfection to do so for then the vse of the better tongue failes as Hebrew Greek and Latin which were sanctified on the crosse of Christ And as Latin is common to all it is vsed much more specially it is cōmon to the seruice of God and seing God requireth the best of euery thing to be offered to him as soueraine Lord and most louing Father who doubteth but a learned holy and commō tongue is more honourable then a barbarous prophane priuate tongue is And moreouer in respect of the whole body of the Church with whom specially we cōmunicat in our seruice in prayers that we may say all one thing the vulgar tongues are counted strange and vnknowne which strange tongues S. Paul doth litle regard I. Cor. 14. and preferreth the common tongues which were delyuered to the first Christiās sanctified of Christ and delyuered by the Apostles in the East and West parts of the world not regarding the multitude of vulgar tongues which were vsed in particular prouinces For vsually the Greek tongue was specially in the East and the Latin in the West Church For Christ being on the Crosse from whome is the paterne of all prayers and oblatiōs who knew right well that the common people of the Iewes could not vnderstand him because the true Hebrue tongue was eyther lost or much decayed in the comon speach and euery day more and more failed after the captiuity of Babilon did recyte the beginnig of the Psal 21. in Hebreu my God my God why hast thou forsaken me And did not eyther then or any other tyme interprete it in a vulgar tongue Therfore out of doubt after his example we may do the lyke in these tōgues in our seruice and prayers which Priests and clerkes vnderstand albeit the common people do not vnderstand the same for this good aryseth to the whole Church by the vse of the latin tongue to wit learning and deuotion wheras the Protestants hauing once had the Latin seruice changing it into their particular vulgar tōgue haue lost both learning and deuotion for Amen Alleluia builded many Churches Hospitalles Bridges c. and augmented the deuotion of the people contrary wise So be it hath pulled downe the Churches c. and banished deuotion So that falling from the Latin to the vulgar they haue fallen from the better to the Worse and from vnity into heresy and so to deuyding the coate of Christ into many partes which thing the barbarous and prophane souldiers were affrayed to do Iohn 19. OBIECTION SAinct Paul I. Cor. 14. sayes let no man speake a strange tongue in the Church which is not vnderstood for sayth he who shall supply the place of the Idiot how shall he say Amen vpon thy benediction because he knoweth not what thow sayest but
accept and condiscend to our doctrine of Predestination and Reprobation Seing by them the diuyne mercy and iustice of God doth chiefly shyne claer and is made manifest Caluin lib. 3. cap. 21. 23. Piscat cont Scaff c. ANSVVER VVE Catholickes accurse your wicked doctrine who affirme that God not only from eternity hath defined and preordayned all things in perticular both good and euill before the forseen determinatiō of freewill but also that our first parents haue falne by the eternall ordination of God And that that most clement Lord whose nature is goodnes hauing no respect to our good or euill hath decreed from eternity to creat some to lyfe some to death only that in them he may declare his iustice and in other his mercy so that to one of those endes euery one is created this they call predestination and therefore lest I should seeme to forge or counterfeyt any thing contrary to verity it is requisite to produce the words of their own Rabbins to this purpose Cal. lib. 3. inst cap. 23. § 7. No man can be iustifyed sayth he whylst God hath forseen what progresse he is to haue that made him and therefore God hath forseen because by his owne decree he hath disposed what he had forseene c. For it doth appertayn to his wisdome to forsee all things which are to come and lykewyse it appertayneth to his power to rule and moderate all things with his hand Moreouer ibidem he sayth It was decreed of God that Adam should sinne morouer that it should seeme absurd to any that which I say not only God to haue forseen the fall of our first parentes and the ruine of the whole posterity in them but also to haue disposed it so by his decree and will and so we call predestination the eternall decree of God which he hath declared with himselfe what should be done of euery man For all are not created to alyke condition but some are preordinate to lyfe and others to eternall death therefore whether of those endes he hapneth on we say that to that end he is predestinat Calu. lib. 3. inst cap. 21. § 5. To iustifie Caluin Caluins and Piscatores blasphemy burst out Piscator a Caluinist in his Treatise against Scaffmā printed in Lai in Holl. 1610. pag. 26. God so created our first parents sayth he that indeed they should sinne for so much as there was no other way that he myght obtayne his owne first end which is in the declaring and showing his mercy in the saluation of some and in the manifestation of his righteousnes with iust condemnation of others thus he But as concerning this predestination to death Caluin sayth sup whom God giueth ouer to damnation these truely by his equity and righteousnes and in his incomprehensible iudgement we affirme them from the entrance to lyfe to be secuded and stoped And lykewyse euē as God with vocation and iustification doth seal his owne elect that they cannot fall euen so the reprobat by excluding them from knowledge notice of his vocation or from the sanctification of his spirit in his decree and predestination the which he declares and manifest by iustice lib. 3 cap. 21. § 7. Morouer he teaches in another place that God draueth the reprobate by force and constraineth them of necessity to the doing of wickednes and yet notwithstāding by no meanes can they be excused eyther from sinne or from the punishemēt of diuine iustice for he sayes that the reprobate would be thought excusable in sinning because they cannot eshew the necessity of sinne seing this manner of necessity is layd on them by the ordination of God Predestinatiō constreines and forceth a man to sinne after Caluins opinion But for this we deny them to be excused for asmuch as the ordination of God by which they complaine them to be ordayned or destinat to damnation standes with his equity to vs the cause is vnknowne but that equity is most certayne and vpright with him lib. 3. inst cap. 23. § 9. The which doctrine is most impious wicked cruell and blasphemous and is repugnant withstands the holy Scriptures right reason and their owne euangelical consistory of Tuguring Basil who hath reiected this doctrine of Caluin concerning predestination anno Dn̄i 1552. as witnes Bols cap. 13. Therfore what appertayneth to the euill of our fault and the forward actions of a sinner they are not predefinite and preordinate from eternity which the whole Scripture withstandes as Psal 5. where it is sayd That God loueth no iniquity neyther willeth wickednesse And as for punishement and eternall damnation to be decreed of God before the forseen malice and wickednesse of the creature or without respect of futur sinnes that God should haue predestinat and to haue created them to eternall condemnation Let Christian ears abhorre to heare such doctrine to which the Scriptures oppose which testify that God doth not pull out the sword of punishement Punishment and reuenge is a strange work to God and reuenge except he be compelled and forced by prouoking him by long continuance in sinne For this cause the prophet Isai cap. 28. v. 21. sayeth That Vengeange and the Scourge are called an vnusuall and a strange work and cap. 1. v. 24. as it were he complaineth saying by an interiection ah ah I will case me of my ennemyes I will reuenge me on my foes which interiection Heu many interpret it so that it is against his will and that he expresseth it with sorrow that force vrgeth him contrary to his will to vengance and punishment who willeth all men to be saued that his mercy not his iustice might be declared God is forced to punish man against his will for it is more proper to him to haue mercy and to spare then to punish but reuenge is a strange work to him and contrary to his nature to be a punisher Is not this fully expressed in Gen. 6. How he was forced when it is sayd that he was inwardly touched with dolour of hart and sayd I will destroy man whom I haue created Lykewyse Ezech. 18. v. 23. Is my will the death of the wicked sayth the Lord God Lykewyse Sap. 1. God made not death neyther reioyse in the perdition of the liuing But by the equity of his iustice when Sinners conuertes not he shall reioyse exceedingly in the reprobation of sinners for the ostentation of his iustice for his work of predestination is good is without any preuision or forsight of mens demerites or originall sinne who from eternity hath not decreed to determinate constraine force moue or impell the wils of any to wickednes and sinne Moreouer if the Angells and men from eternity are predestinated to reprobation to the only ostētation of Gods diuyne iustice they haue falne into a more miserable condition then all the brute beastes of the world Angels and men are created to a more miserable cōdition
the most sacred and true Ghospell By the testimonie of this doctrine I will iudge all men Angels Lykewyse Luth. Tom. 2. Tom. 5. ad Gall. cap. 1. fol. 290. sayes the same I am assured Christ himselfe doth call me an Euangelist and approueth me his preacher Lykwyse Calu. de vera Eccl. reformat rat 463. de libro arb cont phigium lib. 1. pag. 192. sayes that the matter it self not Martin Luther in the begiuning did speake but God to haue thundered out of his mouth and not we to speake now but God to vtter his power albeit each one of these are repugnant to other yet are secure of their owne opinions to proceede from the holy Ghost Moreouer they impugne this article who derogate from holy Scripture the authority due therto by inspiration of the holy Ghost of the which Zuing. tom 2. Elench cont Anabap. fol. 10. sayes that although Paul did arrogate so much to his epistls as to think all in them cōtayned to be authentical which is to impute to the Apostls immoderate arrogancie whereupon it concludes Zuingl to haue the assurance of the holy Ghost and no● S. Paul But Ochinus lib. 2. dial pag. proceedes further saying we should belieue no more thē the Sainctes of the old testament Hereby we see the whole new testament is discredited and misbelieued Some other Hereticks were more curteous in abridging and excluding some partes of it but not all And what Ochinus alloweth Luther disproues saying Sermone de Moyse Let not Moyses be thrust vpon vs we in the new testament will neyther regard nor hear him Et Iacob Curio in Chronol ann 1556. pag. 151. sayes that he had rather neuer preach then to propoūd any thing out of Moyses and he that doth alledge any thing of his doth depriue Christ of the harts of men And that Moyses belongs not to vs that he receaueth him not for otherwyse he should receaue all the Iewish ceremonies that his gouernemēt is failled himselfe is dead that Moyses only belongeth to the Iewes and not to Christians Et Sand. de schism Aug. lib 2. pag 272. reporteth Buccerus to say If all be true which the Euangelists set down Christ must be truely and really in the Sacramēt yet whether we be bound to belieue absolutly euery thing set down by them to be true or no he would not be iudge To conclude this is their designe what they list to belieue that they will belieue that they make the inspiration of the holy Ghost to be holy Scripture and themselues Euangelistes and true and what displeaseth their mynds be it in the new or old Testament they can raze reiect affirme it apochriphal neyther in this are they satisfyed but perswade themselues that the holy Ghost himself could suggest or teach nothing but what Christ before had delyuered by mouth and such restraint limitation to be heedfully noted This Caluin lib. 4. inst cap. 8. § 8 howsoeuer Christ foretould the contrary of the holy Spirit Morouer what is sayd of impugning of Scriptures which is a misbeliefe against the holy Ghost in that there are few Protestantes who haue not denyed some part of Scriptures Moreouer the holy Ghost is misbelieued and impugned when traditions of the Church are denyed although they be not all extant in the Scripture as the name Trinity the consubstantialitie of persones the obseruation of Sonday for the Sabboth the baptising of infantes the receauing of the communion fasting and the feast of Easter c. Which traditions the holy Church acknowledges to haue issued from the holy Ghost according to Christ his promise that he should not only teach but also suggest all truth Moreouer the Protestantes impugne the holy Ghost when they impugne miracles which are done by the power of the holy Ghost and not by the Diuell S. Aug. in quaest ex vtroque test quaest 102. proueth that they sinne with the Pharisies in the sinne against the holy Ghost for there is no miraculous operations but they appertaine to the working of the holy Ghost Moreouer the Protestantes impugne that article to wit the Catholicke Church who cannot abyd the name Catholick nor the name of Church but rather tearme it congregatiō which properly belongeth to beastes Of this see more in the first question and in the twelft vpon the note Catholick Moreouer they misbelieue the holy Ghost who affirme the Church may err in any point of beliefe not accounting of the promise of Christ who had sayd that the gates of Hell should neuer preuayle against it Matth. 16. Luc. 22. Iohn 14. Act. 2. that is to say the faith therof should neuer fayle and the holy Ghost the teacher of all truth should perpetually remayn with it to keepe the spouse of Christ vnspoted and without all wrinkle and this Church is the Church of Rome as the sectaries themselues professe neyther deny they but in this Church is vniuersality consent antiquitie as Fox acts pag. 1359. Iewelrepl cont Hard. part 4. diuis 14. 21. pag. 249. 268. Cal. lib. 4. institut cap. 2. § 2.3 Also considering that in no other prosession is the lyk holines of lyfe and vnity in doctrine which accompany one another as good and bad fruit of a good and a bad tree No heresie that euer hath been can make comparison with the Catholicke Roman Church eyther for holynes of lyf or integrity of doctrine As for their doctrine we may easily consider to what holynes of lyfe●t tends as their owne Rabbins shall testimony giue And first Caluin iustruct contra Laber● cap. 13. Hath any man coueted his neyghbours wyfe let him inioy her if he cā for he knoweth assuredly he doth not contrary to the will of God Let him boldely snatch by force or fraud his neyghbours substance for he will take nothing vnles God wil and approue it Lykwise Zuingl ●om 1 in actis disp Tigurinaefol 628. God hath bound himself to giue vs Heauen we need not trauail to at tayn it And as for fruites ensuing such doctrin Luther sayes Tom. 1 inc 8 Mat. They speake of the ghospel as if they were Angels but if you regard their workes they are rather diuels J in nari in 1. Cor. cap. 15 fol 161 162. They liue lyk hogges as dogges they die Lykwyse Calu. descand pag. 118 127 128. Our preachers I say our preachers who enter into the pulpit are eyther of wickednes or other euils more filthy examples then Pagans are and such forsooth as are to be cōtēned of the people and to be pointed at in di●isiō I admire the patience of the people that womē childrē do not load them with myre and dyrte Lykwyse Zuing tom 1 fol 115. We cānot deny but the heat of the flesh is ardent with vs whereas the workes thereof hath made vs infamous to all Churches Morouer the Roman Church hath stability and constancy in her whol doctrine in her Sacramē●s and Scriptures But the
contrary is with the Protestants no constancy no stability in their doctrin as witnes Zuingl Tom. 2. comm de vera falsa relig cap. de euch fol. 202. We recant here what we sayd there with this condition that that which we delyuer the 42 yeare of our age take place of what was taught in the 40. yeare In this same mynd is Beza in colloq mompel pag. 1●0 268 388 I confesse me to haue written many things which I wish had not been written I would to God the memory of them all were abolished Moreouer they impugne this article and fall in misbeliefe who appeall to an inuisible Church remoued from all senses lyk a Platonicall Idea separated from all knowledge neyther extant in any country neyther read of in any history in which there is no Euangelicall Annunciation no Sacraments minystred no persones knowne and this is done because their conscience informed them that the true visible auncient and vniuersall Church in which Christs name Scriptures and Sacraments were preserued stood with vs agaynst them in auouching the same It is a desperat opinion proceeding from profound infidelitie As concerning that article The communion of Saints the forgiuenes of sinnes Against the 10 Article By this article it is euident that there should be a communion betwixt the liuing and the dead who liue and die in one faith hope and charity But this article is misbel●eued of the Protestants who deny all corespondence betwixt the Saincts in Heauen and men in earth As also they misblieue impugne Scriptures which iustify this controuersie of the inuocation of Saincts conformable to this article Moreouer this article disalloweth the discordes amongst the Protestants themselues For Sturn di rati● contradict ineundae pag. 24. sayes that the Lutherans in their published bookes do condemne the Churches of England Fraunce Flanders Scotland c. And call their martyres Martyres of the Diuel And Iester Zuingl Caluinist lib. de diuturm belli eucha pag. 25.80 There is no end of chiding wryting accusing disputing condemning excōmunicating betwixt the Lutherans and the Caluinistes and this is the communion of the Saincts in the reformed Church Morouer they fall in misbeliefe and impugne this Article who affirme it blasphemie to giue tytles to Saincts in Heauen which they themselues vsurpe and giue to sinners on earth in this madde humor is Caluin who not induring any honour towards Saincts or images yet could permit his owne picture to be borne about the necks of them in Geneua and when some thought it insolent arrogancy and reprehensible admonished that the people might sinne thereby because they esteemed it as a remedy against mischances answered them grieue at it till yow burst and after hange your selues Bols in vita Calu. cap. 12. Morouer as concerning the forgiuenes of synnes all protestants remayne in this misbeliefe and are repugnant to this article partly affirming only fayth to iustifye and consequently being once in this Protestants fayth which once had can neuer be lost they can neuer after synne what should they belieue which they already haue as we haue declared in the second question at length Partly by making God the author of euil and themselues but bare instruments and consequently not themselues but that God hath need of the remission of sinnes Partly in saying a man hath no frewill and consequently cannot synne Partly by saying that synnes cānot be forgiuē in the Church contrary to Christs doctrin Iob 20 For if the Protestant will not deny but there is remission of sinnes in baptisme whey not in pennance to the remission of sinnes for if the one be a washing of the spotted the other is also a lowsing of the bound and the one as necessary as the other Against the 2● article Moreouer as concerning the resurrection of the dead this article is misbelieued and impugned amongst themselues For Luther sayth of the Caluinists that they intend to a manifest Apostasie cōcerning this article Tom. 7. VVitt. defend Verb. Caen. fol. 390. The same Villagaignon epist ad Geneu in praef lib. 1 de euch affirmes that with his eares he hard it preached of the Caluinistes that the hope of lyf did not belōg to the bodyes but to the soules Lykwyse Almaricus on of Foxes Martyres as Caesar lib dial dial 5 affirmes sayd that there was no resurrection of the bodyes Caluin is of this same opinion in his epist ad Farell fol. 194. saying In that the resurrection of the flesh seemeth incredible to thee it is no thing admirable Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who deny mens soules to be immortall vnto which opinion Luther is inclyned Tom. 4 in Eccles cap. 9● 5 10. It appears sayth he out of this place that the dead feel nothing Lykewyse Calu in praef Psi●hrinachiae in praef Gallasij sayes that he knew certayne good men to whome this opinion of the souls sleeping seemed sound It followes that he himself is one of these good mē who in the ps 130. sayes that the soules of the wicked are anihillated and not in hell lib. 3. iust cap. 25. § 12. and the residue to be but shadowes imaginations fantasies idoles dead And consequently no immortality Whereupon it was concluded in a solemne disputation at Geneua when they had long consulted how to auoyd purgatory to say Let vs affirme the soule to be extinguished togeather with the body Purgatorie is abolished by denying the article of the ●●eed and so purgatory wil be spedely abolished For this doctrine is so vrgent that they are persuaded that it cannot well be denyed vntill the resurrection of the dead and the immortality of the soule also be denyed But why is purgatorie so annexed to this article that the Protestants are driuen to his extremity because they obserued that God oft forgiueth the offenses and yet reserueth a chastisment for satisfaction as in Adam in Moyses in Dauid whose offenses being forgiuen yet Adam remayned subiect to death This place serueth for the proofe of Purgatory and indured all other myseries Moyses neuer entred into the land of promise Dauids ch ld begotten in sinne dyed So lykewyse because God is euer one and lyk himself such as repent late or slakly might be forgiuen at their death and yet for satisfaction remayne in purgatory therefore it is the rediest way to deny purgatory by the denyall of the resurrection of the dead and mortality of the soule Against the 12 article And as for that Article the lyfe euerlasting So many are in misbeliefe and impugne this as deny God Heauen the resurrection of the dead the immortality of the soule and our redemption by Christ c. And this is the great aboundāt light of truth that hath sprung with the reformed who in the blindnes and night of darkenes wherein they are wrapped do vant and glorifie as in the clearnes of the light Greg. lib. 1. Mor cap. 26. who wil be more curious to know how