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A05294 The answere that the preachers of the Gospel at Basile, made, for the defence of the true administration, and vse of the holy Supper of our Lord Agaynst the abhominatio[n], of the popyshe Masse. Translated out of Latin into Englyshe by George Bancrafte. 1548.; Responsio praedicatorum Basileensium in defensionem rectae administrationis Coenae Dominicae. English. Bancrafte, George, fl. 1548. 1548 (1548) STC 1544; ESTC S107183 30,936 108

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do they serue me teachinge the doctrines and preceptes of men the proude herted Iewes did stande so well in there owne conceite for their tradicions and inuentions that for loue thei had to them they dispised hated and at last killide oure maister Christ Iohn xxi our aduersaris dare saye that Christ and the apostles taught manye thynges whyche are not wryten in the scripture and that Christe sayed hys Disciples coulde not beare awaie al that he had taught thys cauil repungnaūt to the true vnderstandinge of the scripture maye be an occasion and cause of greate errours for there wyth all lyes and herisies maye be confirmed they will saye albeit it is not written yet the appostles taught it by worde of mouth and also the scriptures of God shoulde be an vnperfecte doctrine which thyng to offirme is blasphemie agaynste the holy gost considering that thē all the doctrine of our fayth should be put in question Therefore surely so muche is contayned in holye scripture as is necessary vnto saluacion to eueri one that beleueth They saye coulde the churche erre so longe time as it hath If youre doctrnie be true the ▪ true churche hath not errede whiche hath the word of god only The church verely must be tried by the worde of God and not the worde of god by the churche whether the churche that beleueth be of manye or of fewe for the churche is knowē by the frutes and not because it cōsisteth of many and hath her begynynge of the worde of God and her frutes are tried by the worde whether the tr●e christan churche brought them forth or no if it be the true christen churche Iohn ● she heareth no nother voice but Christes her shepherde and bryde gro●e whiche the appostles preached to the church and if an angel came out of heauen teaching any other doctrine then thys let hym Gala. ● be accurssed if we loue and folow the doctrine that Christe taught and beinge hys disciples we shal not be excluded frome the true churche so longe as we kepe wyth vs the worde of God But he is puffed vp wyth pryde and doeth i. Timo. ● knowe nothinge at al that wil not obey the word of God he therfore which doth knowe nothinge can not teache vs religion and y● true worshippinge of god if the Masse be vsede as it hath ben hitherto it can in no wyse agree wyth the worde of God but is so muche repugnaunt as what thing is most The Masse therfore is a diuilishe Idolatrie and detestable abominacion against God and y● maynteners therof shal incurre his displeasure ▪ for euer thys thyng we wil proue two waies first because the popishe Masse is vsed in nothinge lyke the supper that Christ orde●ned and differeth nolesse frō it then blacke to white they synne therefore so grinouslye as dyd Achas y● made an aultar at Ierusalem eg●● ●vi lyke that which was at Damascō and caste the aultare of god out of the temple so they haue left the true vse of oure Lordes supper And in stede of it haue instituted and ordeinede the Masse of theyr owne folishe deuise and oppinion which is a great and blasphemouse abominaciō before god Moreouer we wyll proue by ther erroures and abusinge of y● masse whyche they call an offeringe for the quicke and deade that it is an horible abominacion for if the Masse were ordeined of Christe which is faulse yet by there abusinge of it they woulde make it a blasphemouse hemous abominacion before god vndoubtedly we ought to folowe truely and sencelye that thynge whiche is absolutly Deut. vi sufficient of it selfe alredie Firste let vs consyder and expende the maner and order that Christe vsed at the institucion of thys holly and sacrede supper and then we wyll confer the abuse with the truth But we ought to learne all these thynges of the Euangelistes and of Saynte Paule and of none other Verely the true Masse which is worthy al kindes of praieses is the Masse which Christe ordeyned at hys laste supper before he shoulde suffere Luk. ●● for when the houre was come he sate downe and the twelue appostles wyth hym and he sayed vnto thē I haue inward ly desired to eate thys passeouer wyth you before that I suffer for I say vnto you hence furth I wil not eate of it any more vntyll it be fulfilled in y● kingdome of God and he toke the cup and gaue thākes and saied take this a●d deuid it amonge you for I saye vnto you ● will not drinke of the frut of the vine vntyll the kingdom of god come and he toke breade and when he hadde giuen thankes he brake it and gaue it vnto thē saying this is my bodye whiche is giuen for you thys do in remembraūce of me Like wyse also whē he had supped he toke the cup sayinge thys cupe is the newe testament in my bloude whiche is shed for you These wordes Sainte Luke ●●●it ●h xxvi writeth the other euangelestes wrytte the same but they differ in some wordes as Math sayed Drinke all of thys for thys is my bloude whiche is the newe testamente that is shed for manie for Mar. ● the remission of synnes and saint Marke sayth they al dranke of it meaninge the cup. Saint Paule doth expounde Christes wordes sayinge thys doo as ofte as you drinke it in remembraunce of me for as often tymes as you shall eate thys breade and drinke thys cup ye shall shewe furth the Lordes death tell he come but let a man examyne himselfe and so let hym eate of the breade and drinke of the cup Saint Iohn doeth not declare the ordinaunce of thys sacrament ● But he teacheth from the .xiii. Iohn ●●●v xvii x Cap. to the ▪ xviii how Christ did vse his supper and what he did at it he washed hys disciples fete he preached to thē and commaunded them to be in charitie he exhorted them to pacience he strengthend confirmed and establyshed their fayth towarde god and praied for them to hys father but especially he rebuked Iudas the traitor S. Paule sayth we beinge many are one breade and one bodye in so muche we all are partetakers of one breade and y● Euangelistes reporte that Christe dyd finishe hys holy supper wyth thankes geueyng The some and grounde of the hole matter proponed cōsisteth in the sentences of scripture nowe rehersed but because Christ sayth serch the scripture we therfore wil are counsaile of the word of God in other plases and debate howe the Lordes supper ought to be vsede let vs first deuide thes questions into foure partes firste some thinges are common both to the ministre and receiuour of the Sacrament moreouer some thinges belonge only to the ministers thyrdly some thynges perteyne to the receyuer onely and finally some thinges must be obserued in the sacramente alone First let vs expende and consider what is the dutes of y● ministers and laitie
commaundementes frelye preachede and wythout daunger of ponishement as you may euidently perceyue by Iosue Ios ● and the people of God committed to hys gouernaunce And strayngers are moued wyth nothynge so much as whē the●se the truth the glorie of god and an honeste order of lyuinge magnified had in reuerence for God doeth kepe the citie that seketh his glorie Fyrste of all we proteste that in our puklyke sermones and in thys writynge we nothere speake nor write against the most holye ordinaūce of Christ or the Apostles in the administraciō of the Lordes supper but we both speake write against the abuses the be crept into the church are obstinatli defēded bi cōtinuaūce of time wtout the hollie scriptures to the great hinderaūce of the fruites of christes passion craftle deceiueinge of the vnlerned people cōtrarie to Christes ordināce administraciō of the apostles the cōmon rumor is through the mali clouse enuie faulse forgid lies of some popish preachers of some other the are euen against vs which know y● truth the we goo about to let abolishe and bringe to nought all good workes they fayne this on ther owne heade as they do al other thynges for nethynge can be more greauouse to vs then to here that men do not lyue after the cōmaūdementes of God And we know through the grace of God What ceremonies what part of the cerimonies is profitable mete for christen mē our purpose maintained with a good consciēce is to vse well sincerly wtout any fau●sly deuised traditi●s so muche of this sacrament of oure Lordes sit per as was most perfectly begon and ordiened of Christ our master and there can no man proue that our intent was other wise at any time and thys by the assistaunce of gods grace we wil affirme by the onely scriptures of God Now we wil in godes name declar shewe furth our reasones for this questi on proponed Vndoubtely al such as do not regard care for the only glory of god teach nothing that is godly true or in aniwise profitable Math. i● For god saith by Malachi the prophet And now Oh ye priestes this cōmaūdemēt toucheth you if you wil not heare it nor regard it my name sayeth the Lorde of hostes ● wyil sende accuisse vppon you and wil Curss● your blessing yea ●ursse them wil I if ye do not take hede It is therfore manifest that God beynge griuousely displeased cursseth thē that regarde not his name and glorie for God is gellouse and a consuming f●er He wil haue hys name magnified ●eut v. and pray●sid the Iues and gentiles dyd fall into lewde myndes Rom i. and corrupte Iudgementes because they knewe God and dyd not glorifi him as God The lord ●sa i. 42 hym selfe sayeth I wyll g●ue my glorye to none other Finallye ●ath 12. he that seketh not goddes glorye doeth nother desire to encrease it nor doeth speake lyue nor is of God out is abomination before God For whosoeuer is not wyth 1. Cor. ● Christ as who sayth the God may be glorified he is a●ominaciō before God and is hys enemye when the ●a● ●3 naturall man perceyueth not the thynges that pertayne to the Ro. ●● spirite of God And hys thought is ●s fare in sunder from the wyl of God as y● earth from heauē for in dede man touchinge hys owne knowledge doeth knowe nothing lesse thē y● wyl of God Who therfore Luc. xvi can tell what is the wyll of God and hys true glorye Christe sayeth that whiche is highly estimede amonge men is abominacion before God for men are euer prone and readye to fall and forsake the truth to folo●e cleaue to there owne profite and inuencions whereof Idolatrie othere abominacions come vp and haue Proue ●●● there begynynge wherefore the wise man sayth truste in the lord Deut. xi● wyth all thyne herte and not in thyne owne wisdome And Moyses sayth you shall not do after al thinges that we do here this day eueri mā what semeth hy●n good in his owne eies it is therefore folishely spoken to saye what thing soeuer that a man doeth for gods sake is a good worke and worthey to be rewarded for then eueri mā myght haue knoledge sufficientli without any teaching or doctrine of the worde of God But howe shoulde a man be then of an vndoubting cōscience or wyth what hope myght a man lyue to please God Wher the knoledge of the wyl of God wantethe there moste also hope and fayeth want ▪ namely in trouble and afflictiō what so euer truely is not of fayeth is sinne where Syne is there is abominaon before God Therfore god hath declared hys wyll and mynd by thapostles And Christe hym selfe that our knowledge may be sure and our oppinion vndoubtfull howe god ought to be truely worshiped Moreouer he hath gyuen vs astrayght cōmaūde mēt to kepe his law that we shal tourne nother to the right nor yet to the Deut. xvii l●ste hande that we shall nother adde nor take awaye any thynge from it he that wyll not herken to the prophet that I wil raise vp sayeth the Lorde I wyl require it of hym after the lawe was gyuen and the trueth was knowen God would be worshipped as his word teacheth and the offence was thē much more greuouse Albeit king Saull dyd kyll and offer fat Oxen i. R. xv to the true liuing God whiche was a good worke in apparaūce yet because the scripture of God dyd not teache hym so to do God therfore was griuoslye displeased wyth hym For althoughe he offered his sacrifice to God yet that accōpted he to him for Idolatrie ii Re. ●● Oza died sodenly because he tuched the arke againste the Lordes commaundement yet h●● hought it had ben agood dede Dyd not the earth swallowe vp Corah and his adherētes because thei would ●ume xvi take vppon them the office of the priests The Israhelites did think it a godlye and goodlye thynge to ●eut xvi haue pleasant groues night vnto the aulter of God but hym dyd it not please Thei though it agoodly ●acte at Tophet in Ierusalem ●ome vii to kyl and offer ther owne sounes but the more they did so y● greater was ther abominacion before god For god sayth he neuer cōmaūded them nether came it euer into his Iose ● thought God commaunded Iosue to be stronge and bolde that he myght obserue and do accordinge to al the lawe which Moyses commaundyd hym and that he should turne ther ●rom nither to the ryght nor to the lefte hād y● he myght do wisely in al thynges Esa xxx he toke in hande god by hys prophet Esaias saith alas for the disobedient children that wyll take counsayle wythout me and wyll take asecerete aduise and not out of my spirite therefore adde they Math. ● sinne vnto sinne and Christ saith in vaine