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A95843 The supreme povver of Christian states vindicated against the insolent pretences of Guillielmus Apollonii, or A translation of a book intituled, Grallæ, seu vere puerilis cothurnus sapientiæ, &c. Or, the stilts, or most childish chapin of knowledge upon which William Appolonius of Trever, and minister of the church of Middleburgh boasts, among such as are ignorant, in his patcht rhapsodies, which hee set forth concerning supreame power and jurisdiction in matters of religion. Against the book of the most famous Dr. Nicholaus Vedelius, intituled Of the episcopacy of Constantine the Great.; Grallæ. English. Vedel, Nicolaus, 1596-1642, 1647 (1647) Wing V168; Thomason E388_5; ESTC R201503 255,312 305

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get wings with which they may flie higher which when they have got they take no longer delight in their former wives but like adulterers they begin to woe other women which are much more beautifull either because of rich Citizens or Citie commodities or for some others worldly respect And those spirituall husbands are oftentimes so impudently importunate that not onely do they use unlawfull wayes to obtaine their new Brides but make such haste also that before the former be lawfully divorsed they marry with the later Now I will aske this also if the Church be the Ministers wife how will it stand with the chastity of Wedlock that a busie Minister who loves other mens fruit better then his own should go to delight himself in other Provinces and leave his Church to other spirituall Husbands that they may performe the dues of Matrimony to her Is not he a Bawde to his own wife especially if by gluttony or sloth his meanes being spent this Husband of the Church be forced to saile to the Indies or some other part of the world to recover his losses in which case he forsakes his Wife and for the time joynes himself to a richer and lest shee should be forsaken like a Widow some other Husband succeeds in the place of the former who notwithstanding doth not suffer himself to be divorted totally from the former Wife but reserves a power to return to her if this later afterwards displease him Many things could be alledged against the Ecclesiastick marriages of Ministers and their Churches which seem to me so immodest that if it be true what these night-birds whisper that Ministers are the Husbands of their Churches all Churches will be accounted bawdy-houses and Ministers Bawdes or Whooremongers but enough of this title There is one thing remaining for establishing of Apollonius his Kingdom which I wonder that he who is in every thing the Popes Ape did not also borrow this of him there is a notable place in Jeremie Jer. 1.10 where God sending the Prophet as his Ambassador doth inaugurate him with this high elogie Behold this day I set thee over Nations and Kingdoms to pluck up and demolish to destroy and to overthrow to build and to plant c. If this elogie should be taken literally you would think it gave so much power to Jeremie that it might seem he had leave to command imperiously all Kings and Nations but Jeremie by his own example taught that this was not to be taken literally because he so performed that great Ambassie that floating through divers injuries opprobrious speeches prisons and many dangers he preached Gods judgements in great humility The Pope who strangely despiseth Gods word hath farre otherwise expounded this elogie for Sixtus the fifth in the Bull by which he excommunicated Elizabeth Queen of England in the yeere 1588. so takes these words that by them he assumes power to overthrow the whole Kingdome of England for performing of which he had Philip of Spaine ready as his executioner who by his mighty Fleet of a 150. Ships resolved then to invade that Kingdom and by the Popes command to extinguish all the Protestants but that paper-thunder vanished into the wind it appeares then by his Popes Bull what his spirituall power is that if he cannot by himself immediatly yet by his souldiers he may overthrow Kingdoms and Nations with the spirituall Sword of Excommunication and that by the same priviledge which Jeremie had who though he was the first possessor thereof yet took so small pride in it that he plainly shew by the moderation of his life that he could see no such thing in that priviledge as the Pope by his new interpretation draws from it but what can be expected else from Antichrist the man of sin and sonne of perdition the Walachrian Stilt-walker conscious of his own weaknesse durst never as I know apply this elogie to himselfe who notwithstanding seemes to observe his clandestine counsels and machinations which he is daily practising against the Magistrates of Middleburg they say that there is nothing he desires more then that he may once have power to overthrow and extirpate the Government of that famous City by the severity of which alone he perceives that his unbridled desire of domineering is curbed and though no catechisme is with him of greater esteeme as is thought then that he may recommend to trustie men the care to leave no occasion unattempted for overthrowing the foundations of that Government and dissolving the bands of their union yet I wil counsel him that he would not be too busie eager about this hemp work lest whilst he studies to weave this Church-web wherewith he may adorne himself sit ●●st he end in a Magistrates rope wherewith he may hang himself I have briefly touched the elogies by which Papists do every where extoll the majesty of their Church some whereof are fained and not found in Scripture most are figurative and metaphoricall but all conditionall which shew not what Ministers are but what they should be to wit Pastors Leaders Fathers and Overseers of the Church and so they are to be accounted if they be endowed with gifts requisite for these Functions and use them aright wherefore when Teachers were divinely inspired the calling divine and imposition of hands effectuall Christians might lawfully rest in and give obedience to their Pastors and Leaders as unto faithfull Fathers Bishops and Ambassadors of Christ even as to God or Christ himself because they were infallible but this happinesse lasted not long for even whilst the Apostles were living false brethren crept into Churches who proud of their eloquence and vocation durst equall yea preferre themselves to the Apostles so that these Divine men then gave warning to Christians not to beleve absolutely every spirit but first to examine according to Scripture whether or not these spirits were of God If Christians then stood in need of such circumspection when there were so many infallible Teachers to whom they might in blind obedience safely trust their soules how carefull now must we be of our salvation when for the space of so many hundred yeers there hath been none found in all the world whom God hath so assisted with infallibility as that we may safely rely upon him the Pope hath now for a long time strangely bewitched the world in making Christians beleeve he is infallible and this supine credulity hath in Gods just judgement cast innumerable soules into hell nor is the Pope onely guity of this remerity there is no Monk or Priest so drunk as will not bragge of the character of his vocation and boldly cry out that he is a Captain a Watchman of souls as set over the souls of men a Houshelder of heaven an Ambassador of Christ which is performed by these brawlers with such eagernes oftentimes that they imprecate all curses against themselves and pawne their bodies and souls to the people if they teach or lead them otherwayes
Magistrates cannot rule the Church This argument also is made up of divers lies for it is false that the Civill Government is alwayes Monarchicall the Government of our Country is Aristocraticall such also is that of the Venetians Helvetians and others another lye is that the Church-Government is alwayes Aristocraticall because under Heli Samuel Macchabees and others it was Monarchicall yea in the New Testament it was not still Aristocratical but oftentimes Monarchicall For I ask when Christ lived upon the earth and ruled the Church whether the Church-government was not then Monarchicall Doubtlesse it was if ever it was Again when Paul alone was at Antioch and in Syria was not then the government of that Church Monarchicall For who was to be compared with so great an Apostle Lastly when John the Apostle was alone in the world for he lived longest had not then the Church on earth a notable Monarch Surely if such a Doctor at this day could be found in the world he should be as it were the Monarch of the Church and worthy to whom the whole Christian world should rise and give honour Whence the Pope makes no bad consequence in calling himself the head and Monarch of the whole Church and not Kings and Princes because they rise and give honour to him if it be true what he brags that hee is Peters successor and endowed with the gifts of infallibility as well as Peter But because experience teacheth that he wants all Peters gifts chiefly that of infallibility and on the contrary to be nothing els but a monster and load of all vices hence it is that he is a meere Impostor and a mocker of Christianity and Princes are miserably deluded in yeelding so much to so unworthy and wicked a man All then that the Stilt-walker babbles for Oracles are meere lies But this I will add that though Christ and his Apostles were by right Monarchs of the Church yet they still ruled the Church with that moderation that their government seemed rather Aristocraticall then monarchicall so that hence it appeares there is no necessity that he should alwayes rule monarchically who hath the right of Monarchie for he may use it aristocratically If this be true of Ecclesiasticks why should it not also hold in civill Princes that though they be Monarchs yet they may handle Church-matters in an Aristocraticall way as oftentimes Kings do And so the Kingdome of the Church shall not be monarchicall though a Monarch live in it ruling Aristocratically He ascribes much strength to this Ram which he is still shewing as if it had exceeding great Hornes whereas indeed it is a horn-lesse calfe The power formally Ecclesiastick depends immediately from Christ the Mediator the Churches husband who gave Apostles Prophets Teachers par 1. p. 37. and Pastors to his Church but not Magistrates Ephes 4. And hath placed this power in the Church Mat. 18. But Magistrates are not the Church whence he gathers that the Magistrates office is neither requisite nor belonging to the Church and consequently that it appertaineth no wayes to them to use the Churches power He parted this one Argument into divers I have gathered his fooleries together in one bundle that I may fling them downe together First wee must note that this is an old and oftentimes refuted device of his in perswading us that Ecclesiastick power hath for its author Christ the Mediator and Spouse of his Church but not the Civill Power I have shewed before and now will more at large demonstrate that this is a most notorious lye His principall Argument is par 1. p 37 that while Christ lived on the earth he did all Church functions either by himselfe or by his Apostles but did not meddle with the Magistrates office but refused it and prohibited it to his Apostles whence Anabaptist-like he concludes that Magistracie hath neither Christ for its Author not belongs to the Church all which are a meere heape of lyes For first I aske whence learned he that no Function is required for the Church till the end of the world but what Christ must discharge either by himselfe or by his Disciples living upon the earth The Scripture saith no such thing but is the meere fiction of Apollonius otherwise let him tell me when did Christ or his Apostles performe the Precentors part in the Church because Martyr doubts whether in the Apostolicall Church there was any use of publique singing which wee borrowed at best from the Jewish Church many offices ceased in the Churches upon the Apostles departure to supply which Necessity hath gathered together many things mans industry hath found out without any sin or blemish if Antichrist had not corrupted all with multitudes His other lye is that Christ and his Apostles did not here discharge the Magistrates office that Fiction I have already refelled for they used a co-active externall power equivalent to the sword Christ with a whip purged the Temple Mat. 21. John 8. he suffered the judgement concerning the Adulteresse to be referred to him with his word he cast to the ground the Souldiers that came to apprehend him and chiefly when on the day of Palms sitting upon an Asse he rid to Jerusalem in a Princely but humble pompe suffering the acclamations of the People and their garments to be spread in his way Mat. 21. as if he had been a King which is so manifest that Mathew adds Zacharies Prophesie to be fulfilled Behold thy King cometh to thee meeke c. So the Apostles inflicted in the Church corporall punishments as death blindnes c. All which evince that however they despised and avoided the pride and earthly pompe of Civill government yet the office it selfe they discharged in the Church when necessity required But saith he Christ being exalted gave to the Church gifts and offices necessary for it among which the office of the Magistrate is not mentioned whence he concludes that this is not requisite fore difying of the Church I answer among these offices mention is made of Governours 1 Cor. 12. and of Rulers Rom. 12. which Calvin and Aretius on those places shew to have been censures of life and manners supplying the Magistrates office Lastly suppose that in those places no mention is made of Magistracie did he therefore not ordain it Yea Peter did plainly institute this and chiefly Paul Rom. 13. and 1 Tim. 2. as I have at large shewed before neither needs he tell us that Christ himselfe gave these offices by himselfe but Magistracie he commended onely by the Apostles this is but a frivolous cavill for he sent the Apostles onely immediately then the Apostles instituted the other functions and after them Timothy Titus and others whence it appeares that Christ the Mediator being exalted is no lesse the author of Magistracy then of Church offices because that by a most famous Elogy of the same Apostle is ratifyed in the name and authority of Christ exalted by whose government alone
now all things in heaven earth and under the earth are ordained and ruled as I have often shewed He objects that these offices and gifts were given to the Church but not Magistracy I answer that these were given indeed to the Church or in the Church as it is said 1 Cor. 12. but Ephes 4. the Apostle sayth that they were given to men using a generall word so Paul gave and instituted to the whole world the office of Magistracy but under them also to the Church because he makes him to have the charge of every soul except he will say that Churchmen want foules whence it followes that Paul hath also subjected the Church to the Civill powers so that she must be by them defended in good things and punished in evill What wise man then will deny that Christ hath instituted Magistracy and hath not given it to the Church when as he by Paul hath ordained the Magistrate for his alone Legat upon earth to whom alone he will have all soules be subject and therefore Ecclesiasticks also and that for conscience sake by whose sword and authority he will have the Church defended in good things all these are so cleare in this place of Paul and in other Scriptures that by no meanes can they be darkened I know this Divinity doth not please the Stilt-walker who is possessed with papisticall furie that the Magistrates office is not Ecclesiasticall that is necessary for the edification and conservation of the Church yet he rather placeth this office without the Church not within or in it par 1. p. 24. because that phrase is too ambiguous to him and repugnant to Divine right and therefore placeth the Magistrates office onely about the Church or Churchmen so that he speakes no other wayes of Magistrates then Heccius and other Cornuted Asses of Luther who comming to the Conference at Wormes was not presently admitted into the full Assembly where the whole Quire was of holy Church-men but was lead first apart into a private closet which these Cornuted Beasts said was well done and according to Scripture for it is written Without shall be Dogs and Witches Not much more reverently doth this Walachrian prate of godly Magistrates whom every where he fasteneth to the cares of this world as carnall men but elevates the Church and Churchmen above the world even to the Skies but these are meere chimera's the Scripture on the other side doth so extoll Magistracy as a thing perpetuall in the Church and so necessary that it cannot be parted from her and without this shee cannot subsist but must wither no otherwise then corne that wants earth as Calvin speaketh which I will shew hereafter more at large He prates every where that the Church under the Apostles and at other times wanted the civill Magistrate but these are Lyes which I have already refuted and will hereafter refute more and if this impossibility should fall out that the Church were totally destitute of civill government yet it should not cease to be an office in the Church and as it were a part necessary for the constitution thereof for as a body that hath lost a foote remaines yet without that foote but lame being destitute of a necessary part so the Church may consist without Magistracy but not long and that with much difficulty for presently there would arise Anarchy and every one would do as he listed which because Apollonius doth what he can to bring into his City under hope of a new Popery hence arise so many railing devises by which he endeavours to hisse out the Magistrates as meere worldly men that they must not meddle with Church-businesse how ever the matter be because the Church hath often wanted godly Teachers Sacraments and other things requisite for her I might also as well inferre that these belong not to the Church but are accidents circumjacent which were most absurd to the Stilt-walker Perhaps he will object if this were true then Christ had made the Churches power imperfect and lame which must depend from an outward civill power but this is repugnant with Mat. 18. tell the Church where he hath furnished her with full power I answer That all these are Jesuiticall fictions which they have devised for their Hierarchy and which he hath borrowed from them for first I deny when Christ said tell the Church that he understood by these words as if he had armed Church-men being discriminated from Lay-men with full power of exercising Government among themselves excluding the Magistrate For I said before that by the word Church is understood in Scripture any kind of meeting whether meerly Ecclesiastick or Ecclesiastick and Civill yea any tumultnary Assembly called together to determine businesse Act. 19. Act. 15. and oftentimes the whole body of the faithfull in opposition to their Rulers somtimes the body of the Church with their Rulers but never for ought I know the Rulers separate from the body Now here Apollonius must needs goe to consult with the Delphick three-footed stool that he may divine to us what Christ meant here by the Church seeing he did not define it in this place nor do we see it elsewhere explained in Scripture Apollonius doubtlesse with the Papists having a watchfull eye over his merchandise rather understands it of the Church-Rulers for this is all his care that this wonderfull Ecclesiastick power by many windings and turnings being snatched from the body of the Church and chiefly the Magistrate may be setled onely in the Governours as in the Center that is in the Consistory and because Deacons are onely positively Church-men as bellowes in a paire of Organs Elders onely comparatively as the pipes which of themselves sound not hence at last the whole power ends in Preachers superlatively Ecclesiastick as if they were Masters of the musick and so sing and play upon that Ecclesiastick Organ that every pipe shall yeeld no other sound then what pleaseth these Organists Thus the old and new Papists doe play the Philosophers upon this there tell the Church as if Christ had meant tell the Pope or the Clergie or the Preachers of the Gospell but of this never a word in Matthew yea it is contrary for Christ being so understood should have named a Judge who was neither then nor long after in the world What an absurdity had it been for Christ to have said to the godly that you may free your consciences from strife with your brother go to the Consistory or Church-Rulers which were not then nor to be in many years after Whence it is more likely that Christ by the Church meant there a Judge or Arbitrator in controversies indefinitely and as I said elsewhere without any expresse quality that is such a one as they could repaire to whether consisting of Ecclesiasticks and Civill Magistrates as the Sanhedraham was then or onely of Ecclesiasticks as afterwards under the Apostles or of Civill Magistrates as was in the Church after Magistrates became Christians
Church be in the representing Church that is in the governours suppose in the Consistory or Classis c. if the dignity of the Consistory be restrained to Ministers as the eyes and worthy of double honour in the Church for the Elders are for the most part but the Ministers foot-stools if the dignity of many Pastors reside at last in some one chiefe Pastor to whose dreames all other Pastors must subscribe either out of ignorance or negligence as you may see in the Walachran Classis who doth not now see that all the holinesse and jurisdiction of the whole Church flowes into this chiefe Pastor as into a sink-hole To whose impudencie and madnesse if no Minister dare or will make resistance if no Magistrate must under pain of sacriledge shall not he in the end be Pope of that Island or Province The third errour borrowed from the Papists is this they use to obtrude to us their visible Roman Church in stead of the Catholick and for the whole Church that part only which governeth and in lieu of the Church they recommend to us the government thereof Lastly under the title of government and the Apostolicall Church they thrust upon us all the fictions and dreames of their brain-sick Popes so that among them the Church-government is no more like that of the Apostles then a vizard is like a true face or a picture like a man Though this Stilt-walker be not as yet so impudent yet because he is continually brawling with the Magistrates as with worldly men about the right of making lawes in Church matters he doth plainly shew that he is of the Popes mind in imposing upon Christians this yoak and upon Magistrates themselves under pretence of Ecclesiastick dignity so that whatsoever the Apolonian Colledge in Walachran shall judge to be holy and to be fit or necessary for the Church Christs Spouse must be received with obedience under pain of excommunication Which licentiousnesse of Ecclesiastick Conventicles if the godly Magistrate cannot suppresse without sacriledge as he still cryes out who sees not but that Centaures and other ugly M●nsters of Antichrist will quickly break out of these Dedalaean labyrinths Such births have come to light at Middleburgh already as I have shewed in the Preface Hence it is apparent that Apolonius playes the Pope in many respects under the name of the Church For in stead of the Catholick Church the true Spouse of Christ holy and invisible he obtrudes the visible Church defiled with many spots then promising that he will maintain the digni●y of the whole Church he fails upon the commendation of the Government and Governours thereof he slights and contemnes the body of the Church Lastly under pretence of a holy and Apostolicall government he endeavours to obtrude a human corrupt and Pope-like tyrannicall Discipline as I will shew hereafter Which Jesuiticall canvasse wares of Apolonius I would have the Reader diligently to mark For he deludes us no otherwise then if an Impostor should brag that he brings us Gold which proves but Tin and this Tin but Quicksilver and at last meer drosse or poysonable Arsenick CHAP. III. Of the divers acceptions of Sanctity AS the word Church so the word Sanctity is ambiguous There is no man so irreligious but highly accounts of the name of Sanctity Hence for a person or thing to be Sacred or Holy is among fearfull superstitious people of no small weight so that not onely Papists of old but also this new upstart as often as he speakes of the Church Church-men he stil vapours having the name of Sacred and Holy in his mouth under this veile he deceives ignorant people whilst he aimes at worldly authority which I will briefly make appeare The word Sanctity signifieth properly the inward and perfect integrity of a thing such as is in God eminently hence in Isaiah he is called Holy Holy Holy to whose nature because the blessed Angels and Soules in heaven come neerest they also are called Holy And although in regard of corporiety Christs humane nature is distant from the divine yet in respect of the incomprehensible priviledge of the Hypostaticall union by which it is personally united to the divine Nature it 's not to be doubted but that the Majesty and dignity of Christs glorious body sitting at Gods right hand in heaven is ineffable so that this body may be justly called Most holy Such are the bodies of Henoch and Elijah but in a lower degree inferiour to which is the heaven and place of the blessed all which notwithstanding are truly inherently and after their manner perfectly holy and free from all pollution This word is also transferred to many other things chiefly to the worship of God because this tends to the glory of the most holy God and is the mean by which men are brought into the possession of that true and perfect holinesse which wee shall enjoy in heaven hence the worship of God and the manner or meanes of this worship lastly the persons conversant about this worship are called and are so in some measure Holy But we must be cautious in using this distinction for the confusion of these things will easily beget pride in the presumptuous and Idolatry in the superstitious There is nothing more sure then that this deserves best the name of Holinesse which hath in it self a perpetuall and inherent perfection and ordination for promoting Gods worship and mans salvation For God is so holy that whatsoever hath him for its Authour and is ordained to his holinesse is to be accounted holy Such are the vertues which by the holy Ghost are infused into us as wisdome hope love and chiefly true justifying faith which therefore in Scripture is called Most holy because not onely is it holy and most divine in it selfe but whosoever also is endowed with it though he had been never so prophane before and most unworthy in the eyes of the world yet with God he is holy and elect because he is inseparably united to Christ but mystically by faith For though Faith doth not presently change a man as to be endowed with inherent sanctity yet he is brought to have a firm hope of attaining perfect holinesse in heaven the beginning of which he obtaines here by sanctification after the infusion of true faith so that the name of Sanctity doth very well belong to justifying Faith as having God alone who is most holy for its Authour and where-ever it is infused it causeth an inseparable holinesse in that man which is the reason that every where in Scripture true beleelvers are called the holy Elect. To these vertues succeeds Gods Word which having the most holy God for its Authour is in it selfe perfectly holy For how can any prophane thing be found in that word which is known to be uttered and written by the instinct and motion of the holy Ghost So that our most holy Faith is begot of this as of an immortall seed but here is the difference
that she might feele or at least worship the dependencies of that primary holinesse How-ever the matter is I think this to be undoubtedly true That outward Church-rites are not therefore to be held sacred because of their order or reference to Religion and Worship CHAP. IV. Of SPIRITUALITY IT remaines that we examine the word of SPIRITUALITIE For although both old and new Papists doe too much betray their owne fleshly lusts yet they proclaime with full Cheekes every where their SPIRITUALITY and make it in a manner all one with SANCTITIE which notwithstanding differ in this That what is truly holy is alwayes good but that which is spirituall is sometime evill for Paul speakes of spirituall wickednesse in the aire I here take it in a good sense and in these three I make the forme of Spirituality to consist First it must have God for its Authour Secondly the end of it must be Gods worship and the salvation of soules Thirdly it must be done after a spirituall manner The Stilt-walker is large in exagerating this and scrapes together so many things out of Parker that he who will give credit to what he prates there of Church-matters may doubt whether Apolonius hath any flesh yet left about him or whether hee and his Walachrians bee not transformed into pure spirits long a goe For nothing is to be found in their Church-matters whether they bee words or things but they must be accounted spirituall For who is so meanly learned as will suspect any carnality to be left there where so many Spiritualities meet together by speciall vertue of their Function and vocation What I speak is true as is plain by the old Papists where not onely by vertue of Ecclesiastick Calling and Office wonderfull spirituality is ascribed to the Clergy but especially when they come to the Pope the head of their spirituality such is their superstition that they think him to be and so they call him a GOD and in a manner a Meere Spirit so that if he sweare forsweare drink whore and if this Roman Locust leap from one adulterous bed to another yet scarce will any bee induced to beleeve otherwise but that he is holy and spiritual still For because they think by reason of the dignity of his Function that he is altogether sanctified and Deified they will not be easily induced to beleeve that hee can lose his spirituality This madnesse by degrees in Gods just judgements possessed mens mindes which lest Apolonius should renew among the Protestants I will more largely explain every particular of what I have sayd First this is most certain that what hath not God or the holy Spirit for its Authour deserves not the Title of Spirituality and the more immediately and clearly any thing proceeds from Gods Spirit so much the more properly is that to bee called Spirituall For as that is called Kingly which the King immediatly doth speaketh with his own mouth writeth with his own hand so these things are to be esteemed divine holy and spirituall properly which are immediatly done by God So Christs vocation and inauguration is most spirituall For to him onely he spake from heaven Thou art my Sonne so God himselfe pronounced the Law on Sinai Such was the Apostles immediate vocation from Christ so the word of God in Scripture and true faith begot of that seed are chiefly to be accounted spirituall And although in things concerning faith God useth the work of man yet the effect God properly reserveth for himselfe and produceth it 1 Cor. 3. Yet this must not be taken so precisely but that these things also are to be reckoned spirituall which God worketh by instruments if so bee they are such instruments as are known to bee Gods Pen-men and Embassadours such as the Prophets and Apostles were who as they were truly Gods Embassadours so the things were divine holy and spirituall which God by them did speake write and doe Hence not only was it usuall to the Prophets in teaching to say Thus sayth the Lord but of such Messengers that is true which Christ said to the Apostles He that heareth you heareth me For as that is called Princely which the Princes Embassadour doth in his name and by his command even so whatsoever the Prophets and Apostles Gods immediat Embassadours did or taught is no otherwayes to be accounted then if God himselfe had spoken from heaven so that in them was true spiritually But where the gifts required for such an Embassie cease it is certaine that there also ceaseth the dignity and spirituality of that Embassie or else becomes much inferiour Now the honour of a Divine message consisteth in two things First that he have a Patent or Letters of Credence for though one should performe the Kings command yet if he hath not this command to shew for his imployment he is not to be accounted the Kings Agent but which sometimes hath been done ought to bee punished as a Cheater Secondly this is required in a Divine Message that the Messenger or Agent have full instructions of all things that concern his imployment and that he goe not beyond the bounds of his Embassie he that wants either of these conditions deserves not the title of a Divine Embassadour These conditions were fully in the Prophets and Apostles and therefore were truly Gods Embassadours and spirituall All the Doctors of the Church at this day come farre short of this dignity because they want both these priviledges as I will afterward shew Hence appeares the Popes falshood who though hee hath no Letters of Credence to shew for his employment by reason of the vitiosity of his Calling who almost like a Thiefe creeps in at the back dore and though he doth so performe his Embassie that he goeth beyond his Commission and tramples on it yet he bragges with such boldnesse that he is Christs Embassadour that not content with this Title will be called Vniversall Bishop and Head of the Church yea Christs Vicar upon Earth by which hee shewes his Impudency and Antichristianisme Our new Walachrian Papist no lesse boldly calls himselfe familiarly Christs Embassadour whereas he knowes and should acknowledge that in performing his Masters Embassie he violates oftentimes his commands Wee see also in his book much railing many absurdities and plain falshoods which he thrusts upon his Readers these he cannot have from his Master CHRIST but rather from his predecessor the Pope from whom also he borrowes his pride in puffing himselfe up with the Title of Spirituality so that not onely doth he equall but in many things preferre himselfe to the Apostles For hee sayth that the Spirituality of his Church-businesse is such that the Magistrate cannot attain to it making his power over the Church so absolute that he will have it to be Regall and other things of which the Apostles never dreamed as I will more fully shew hereafter And this is the first condition of Spirituality from the Author yet every thing is not
pleaded for the universall Church Acts 15. whose dignity consists in faith and profession Hence also it is called the Church properly in opposition to the Rulers thereof but presently by a new cunning trick they turne aside to the Church Ministers and their Government that the whole power and dignity of the Church might be united in the Churches outward Government and Rulers excluding the body of the Church and the faithfull as lay and carnall men Lastly they doe so prate of spiritualities and the holinesse of Government and Rulers that they stay not upon the commendations of the prime and chiefe holy things such are GODS Word Faith Sacraments and other things which properly and primarily are spirituall but by a confused acception of Holy and Spirituall things they dispute of busines and actions of Church-matters and their dependencies about which they themselves are conversant in which things either there is no true spirituality at all or if there be it is ●●●y remote and improper nor any way to be compared to the Apostolicall Government This is surely Apolonius his Canvasse packe of which I have spoken often which he had not from Christ but from the Pope For he willing to be reverenced of all men every where he pretends the Name of Catholick Church and Spirituality with which when hee hath perswadeded mens mindes he presently perswades them also that the Government of the Church is most holy whence he contracts its sanctity to the ruling Clergie and because the spirituality of all Church-men by degrees is collected in the Pope as the head of all Hence the Pope acquires this dignity to himselfe to be thought and called Most spirituall most holy Father as 〈◊〉 the force form and quintessence of all spirituality resided in the Pope alone so that now among Papists none doubt but that the Eyes Mouth Tongue Heart yea Haires Skinne Hands Feet Heeles Shoulders Ribbes Belly I had almost sayd his Belches and Farts are either spirituall or smell of spirituality This priviledge of Sanctity by the worlds fatall errour hee hath now long possessed and I feare will possesse to the end of the World For though the Christian World should happen to bee freed of this first Antichrist yet we see by what is sayd a new Antichristian seed springing out of Apolonius who to the great disgrace of Magistrates doth dawb over with the strange painting of Spirituality the businesse of the Visible Church yet with this caution That he will have us beleeve that it resides not in the whole body but onely in the Ministers as the Captaines and Presidents thereof This Fiction having taken impression there is arisen among Church men such a pride of preheminence that there is none of them though never so basely born though promoted to the Pulpit by never so wicked meanes but thinkes himselfe in Church-matters exempted from all obedience to the Magistrate and that he is to rule them all Which Pride if at length as is seen in the Walachian Classis be setled in such a Chough or Jack-daw as Apolonius is how much I pray will the world be eased of Antichrist Apolonius will not be angry if in time I detect to godly-men his arts and cunning trickes and shew how like a Bird he is to the Romish Pope So that he must not wonder if hereafter all good men bite him For he will deservedly fall into Aesops Fable of the Cuckow about which almost all Birds doe flye as about an Hawke whereas it is a weak and feeble Bird For he sayth That the Cuckow once afked why all the Birds did peck at him as if he were an Hawke The Birds answered because in his feathers he was so like an Hawke that they were afraid lest in time he should be an Hawk But now to let this alone I will examine severally the workes of the Eoclesiastick Ministery by which as by Instruments inward Faith outward profession and union with Christ and his Church are procured and preserved which therefore are accounted sc●●●ally Ecclesiastick businesse The first of these should be the publick reading of the holy Scriptures Ectypon For since it pleased God to comprehend the counterfeit of saving truth in writing he never granted so much to vocall preaching as not to have it examined and weighed in this balance of Scripture So that neither Prophets nor Apostles John 5. nor Christ himselfe were offended at this Act. 17. Hence not onely the reading of holy Scriptures in private hath been familiar with all good men but also among the publick Functions of the Church it hath been a solemne custome to read the Law that is the Scripture so that the chiefest men have not scorned to performe this duty sometimes That place Acts 13.14 is worth the noting Luke 4.16 and chiefly that of Luke where it is sayd that Christ being at Nazareth on the Sabbath day rose up and having taken the Booke did read that famous place in Esay 61.1 So that this task was performed by the best men and not put over to the meaner sort as now For at this day the holy Scripture is to be esteemed no lesse then Vrim and Thummim of old among the Jewes and the Sanctuary where God gave his Oracles For as soon as he gave off to deliver his Oracles there and ceased to send Prophets by whom he spake extraordinarily they had nothing certain but the Law and the Testimony that is the Scripture with which they ought to consult The Pope at this day utters many lies concerning his infallible power of deciding controversies The new reformed Papists trusting to their infallibility will have men beleeve their interpretations upon paine of excommunication and danger of hell fire But this should be known among Christians that now nothing is infallible except the Scripture alone which if we had not there should bee no certainty in divine worship or religion at all Surely such is the use and efficacie of reading the holy Scripture that it is knowne by experience of all Ages that in persecution many have been converted and saved onely by reading which the Pope Christs adversary the fatall tyrant of Christs Church knew too well who in the first beginning of Reformation that he might stop the course of the Gospel inhibited the reading of Scripture under pain of death but withall giving leave to preach For he knew that by the dumb and secret help of reading many were so well instructed that not onely thence got they knowledge and boldnesse to tax his errours but also to confesse the truth in the midst of flames and tortures Neither here doe I much regard Stapletons cavill that men cannot by bare reading be converted Rom. 11. because it is sayd How can they beleeve of whom they have not heard How can they heare without a Preacher Also Faith comes by hearing Because Paul hath not debarred from faith and salvation such as are corporally deafe for that they cannot heare but
the keyes to Peter Ergo to Peter alone Christ said to Peter seed my sheep and when thou art converted confirme thy Brethren Ergo this power he gave to Peter only to feed his sheep and to strengthen all his Brethren of the whole world and which is all one to reigne over all the people and Kings of the earth whence he leaps with ease to the Pope Peters fuccessor that he may conclude these inspeakable priviledges to belong to him alone the Stilt-walker doth excellently well follow this Jesuiticall Divinity for as often as he finds in Scripture that Teachers are called Bishops Captains Fathers c. he presently concludes that this right belongs alwayes and absolutely to Ministers alone as we shall see in what followeth His third fraud is that of conditionall propositions he makes absolute and applies to himselfe those priviledges which belonged onely to the Apostles or at this day appertaine to them under a condition onely who have things requisite for these priviledges this is the play of old Papists when the Church is called the mother of Christians which title belongs onely to the Catholike and truly Apostolicall Church they understand this of all the Church or at least of their Romish When it is said of Teachers He that heareth or rejecteth you heareth or rejecteth Christ which is onely true absolutely of the Apostles and of infallible Preachers they understand this of themselves chiefly of the Pope although they confesse him to be a most impure monster This VValachrian Papist speaketh in the same dialect whatsoever in Scripture is said of the Church of preaching of vocation of censuring and of the keyes being holy and spirituall as under the Apostles this he interprets of his moderne Church and Discipline in which he is as sottish as if some Caiaphas or Ananias who were wicked High Priests in the time of Christ and of Paul had ascribed to themselves the praises and titles that were given to Aaron Eleazar and Zadoc who then lived when the holy of holies and all the sacred things of the Temple did shine with divine honour which in Christs time were polluted with many spots and vices and not only did they lose the circumstances but almost the whole substance of sanctity or if some Impostor and Money-changer should brag that his coyne were sound and currant which being brought to the touchstone the gold-weights or triall of defraying of charges will bee found to be base metall adulterated coyne and to be washed light and clipped what I have now said in generall I would have to bee observed for in every Epithete that the Papists brag of you shall find nothing but sophistry The Stilt-walker prides himselfe every where in this title 1. Titulus membrum principale that he is the eye eare hand and the Prince a Member of the Church whence he goeth about to perswade unwary men that to him and such as he belongs an Authoritative Government in the Church I answer that these titles are no where to be found spoken plainly of Preachers but are consequentially onely drawne out of Scripture which way of demonstration as we have said is not sure but inclining to error But if this were spoken plainely it were a figurative speech and metaphoricall which if wrested imprudently would beget many absurdities suppose one to be an eye eare nose and hand in the Church what wise man will thence conclude that whatsoever belongs to these Members in the body belongs to him The eye is most tender round inconstant and moveable it alone sheds tears it shews in what we delight and is the window of impudency The nose is in the middest of the face jetting out swelling breathing in and out ayre and pride and the instrument of indignation so if I should philosophically speake of the eares hand and other members many things will be raised which may belong to Apollonius but with disgrace he will say I suppose that it is the property of the eye to see and to direct of the nose to smell of the eares to heare of the hands to work whence the dignity and office of Ministers may be borrowed but who will perswade us that these similitudes do note onely vertues and not vices in Ministers but if we should grant that there be eyes in the Church to see eares to heare and that the chiefe parts are appointed for chiefe functions by what art can he perswade us that this Prerogative belongs to Preachers onely Paul truly in two places speaks excellently of the diversity use and consent of the principall and servile parts of mans body and of the Church but he that will diligently weigh all things shall finde no where that it was Pauls meaning in those places to give to Preachers and Ministers alone the honor of being alwaies principall parts as eyes nose eares c. in the body of Christ that they might thence climbe up to the top of pride and domineering but he rather urgeth the contrary that most honor is to be given to those that are lesse worthy and more weake because of necessary use nor doth he define any thing else but that to him is due in the Church the honor of chiefe member but yet without pride and command on whom God hath bestowed chiefe gifts for serving and looking to the Church in which though the Apostles did miraculously excell yet they never so bragged of their principality but that they yeelded a parity and in some things a superiority over themselves even to those members that were lesse worthy so far was that Apostolicall Government from pride that no absurdity or disgrace followed if one and the same man to day were an eye to morrow but an eare now the foot then the hand and sometimes the knee that is they applyed themselves to any office as time and need required Who will not then storm to heare a VValachrian Stilt-walker so insolently bragging of these titles as if he were subject to none in Church-businesse nay not to the Magistrate though he be the chiefe of all because he thinks the title of eye eare nose and hand belongs to him by the right of his office whereas we may see by his writings that if he be the eye he is pur-blind or else blood-shot if he be the nose he is a snotty nose if the eare he is troubled with the singing of sedition and pride or else he is thick of hearing lastly he is become mad with the intoxicating wine of Church-majesty Marejetice lymphatus so that neither hand nor foot can rightly performe their duty so that he seems to be fit enough to bee the neck or throat or if you will the Cuckow of the Romish Church The title of Bishop Seer or Overseer is honorable Episcopi Ezech. 83. the Church Teachers are also called lights in a candlestick or on a hill out of all which Papists gather that they have authoritative right to judge and know all things whence at last
proceeds Kingly Power I answer all these titles are figurative of which this only followes That it is the Teachers office to take care of Christian mens salyation and to fore-warne them of destruction which is not properly an imperiall but a servile office for he that was the Overseer of Boaz his husbandry is called a servant Ruth 2. Ruth 2. he were a foole that should thinke himselfe a King or a man of authority because hee carrieth a torch or a lanterne before another or because he is hired to watch on a Tower or at a Becon perhaps the Stilt-walker will tell as that he is no ordinary inspector or link-bearer or a common watch-man but an Ecclesiastick and an honourable one because Paul faith that the office of a Bishop is a worthy office and that Preachers are worthy of double honor The answer is easie I deny not but the office of a Bishop is honourable but hence it followeth not that therefore Bishops must domineere for so the basest members of our body and which serve for necessity should be chiefe in the body because Paul saith that the greater honor is given to the weaker 1 Cor. 12.13 and more uncomely members of the body I do not think that Apollonius is such a dastard as to perswade Christians to be subject to womens commands against Gods Law and natures because the Apostle saith that the greater honor belongs to the woman as the weaker vessell but what if overseeing and Ecclesiastick inspection should conferre Kingly authority by what consequence will it be proved that this right belongs to Preachers only for it is plaine by many places of Scripture that the burthen and office of a Bishop is not onely ascribed to ordinary Preachers Act. 20. 1 Tim. 5.17 but also to all Elders yea it belonged to Deacons under the Apostles so that here Kingly power is not to remaine in the superlative sanctity of Pastors but it must passe to the comparative of Elders and positive of Deacons I need not then tell that it was common to all Lay-men and the Church-members under the Apostles to teack and consequently to exercise the office of a Bishop however the Stile-walker may cunningly goe about to unfold himselfe of these yet this is sure that Episcopall dignity did of old belong by a certaine preheminence to the Apostles and not now to Popish Bishops because by this right the Bishop of Rome excerciseth regall power but he can have no leisure to teach Christs people This new VValachrian Papist by this his unsavory writing shewes that he wants either power or will to provide for and give light to Gods people being hee is convicted of so many falshoods whence it may bee justly concluded that though Kingly power were contained under Episcopacy yet it belongs not to him as being no Bishop The title also of Governour and Leader is often used among Papists Prapositi Ducis 1 Tim. 5.17 Heb. 13.17 Christians are commanded to give double honour and to obey those that are set over them whence they conciude that Ministers must be presidents and chiefe in Church-businesse and that therefore they are subject to none nay not to the Magistrate I answer if there were such Governours and Captaines as there were then of whom Paul speakes this the consequence might have some shew because they were unblameable and infallible and therefore were true lenders and presidents but if we look upon old Papists they are seducers if on this Walachrian Divine with his Classis because their errors and blasphemies are so many who will account them leaders they are blind leaders whom Christ wills us to avoid least we fall with them into the ditch Againe if we should yeeld this also that there are true Captaines and Presidents in the Church who will thence grant to them a perpetuall presidency and dominion over Christians May not a president or leader come sometimes behind and be led They that know military affaires whence this metaphor was taken know that it is ordinary that he who leads a company to day and goeth before is led to morrow and comes after now hee should bee laughed at who should argue that he must never come after because he went once before or that he must never obey because he once commanded for so every one must be a Monarch and all must run into confusion wherefore I have often said that under the most spirituall Government of the Church in the Apostles time there was no such maxime that he who was once a ruler and leader must alwaies be so but it was ordinary to lead and to be led to go before and after to be uppermost and lowermost I know that Government is not answerable to the Popish pride who will alwaies be before and uppermost yet it agrees very well with Pauls precept who wills us to be obedient to our leaders Heb. 13.27 but he presently adds because they watch for our soules whence the Walachrian Papist may see that this title of Captaine doth not patronize his regall pride for Paul saith plainely that Preachers are such Captaines as are bound to watch over us but there is no man so ignorant of military matters who knowes not that they are the common and lower sort of fouldiers who are tied to keep Centinell or Watch So that this Stilt-walker ridiculously goeth about to make himselfe a Generall or Monarch of a poore stipendary souldier The name of Angel also is used 4. Aug●● to shew their Ecclesiastick principality but this word properly signifieth a Messenger And who will brag himselfe to be a King because he is a Messenger I confesse the dignity of heavenly Angels and Spirits is great but Apollonius is said to be too carnall to live an Angelicall life except he meane by his subtill inventions of new Popery to strip Thomas of his title of Angelicall Doctor They pride themselves more in the name Pastor Pastor●● whence Bellarmine drawes the Popes mighty Majesty over all Christian Monarchs For because it was said to Peter Feed my sheep he concludes that to Peter belenged the right of feeding all sheep And because that right was given to Peter he inferres that it was also given to the Pope as to Peter that he should feed all Christs sheep But with him to feed is to rule and to be fed is to be ruled Hence he proveth that it appertains to all Monarchs as being sheep to be fed that is to be ruled and to the Pope to feed and rule Kings according to Virgils Verse Tytere coge pecus This device pleaseth the new Popish Walachrian for he speaks so often of his authoritative office of feeding that of his Shepheards crooke he makes a sword yea a regall Scepter I answer The title of Pastor is figurative therefore by an ill consequence do Popish Pastors draw to themselves whatsoever is found in earthly Shepheards and sheep At this day Shepheards are a mean and servile kind
respect of their secular power are so ordained by God and restrained that they onely can and should meddle with carnall and secular things of this world and by no meanes with spirituall and such as may of themselves procure the peoples eternall salvation which is both false and blasphemous against Magistrates and God himselfe This he learned not of the Apostles but from the Master-builders of Romish Babylon they as I have often said handle the Scripture irreverently taking out of them what they will and adding to them what they list when it is said to Peter when thou art converted confirme thy Brethren they expound this by adding thou Peter alone shouldst confirm all thy Brethren nor thou onely but all the Bishops of Rome also alone who are thy successors shall have the same right to confirme all thy Brethren that is to judge spoile and pervert all Kings and Kingdomes of the world In this phrase spoke the old Romanists which this new Papist hath finely learned of them the Scripture speakes simply that the Magistrate or higher power is ordained by God to defend and maintaine publike peace and tranquillity Rom. 13. It saith also we must obey for conscience sake and that he is the rewarder of them that doe well and that he bears the sword to punish the evill doers not discriminating whether it be secular or Ecclesiastick good or evill which is subject to this power This Walachrian night-bird willing to free himselfe in his Church-businesse from this power he trumpets out with swelled cheeks that God hath appointed Magistrates in his Word to worldly affaires onely and that he containes them as such within the businesse of this life and of temporall tranquillity yea that he hath ordained that they must not meddle with the things of life eternall nor aime at them or properly procure them because it belongs not to them to bind the conscience Is not this to corrupt and wrest the Scripture That we may see what a monstrous paradox this is I will shew the absurdities thereof 1. If God ordained the Civill Magistrate for intent and with this restriction then it followes that all Magistrates doe well in neglecting despising and not procuring what belongs to Worship and Religion for he that so performes his duty as to follow the prescript and order that God hath set downe he performes his duty well but the consequence is blasphemous and absurd Ergo. 2. If the Stilt-walkers opinion be right then Magistrates are worthy of praise and reward when they lay aside the care of Religion and are provident onely in the corporall things of this world and profits of this life such as were the Gentiles and wicked Emperours and Kings who had little or no care of Religion these followed Gods Ordinance exactly but this consequence is impious and blasphemy Ergo. 3. If the Stilt-walker be in the right then Josua Solomon Josias and all good Princes who were carefull to restore Religion did evill and deserved punishment because they went beyond their office and Gods command which was to forbeare medling with Religion and to remaine within the affaires of this life but the consequent is absurd and blasphemy Ergo. 4. If the Stilt-walker be in the right then the order and power of the Magistrate is the most monstrous thing in the world God makes and ordaines all things for himselfe even the wicked for the evill day all are from God by God and to God nor is there any thing which hath God for its author that hath not for its chiefe and proper end Gods glory which is no where more advanced then when true Religion is advanced Whence I gather that the Ordination of Magistrateship is most perverse because God did expresly ordain this that it should not meddle with Religion but containe it selfe within the dunghills of the world whence it will follow that Magistracy is not properly ordained for Gods glory but the consequent is blasphemous Ergo 5. If God hath shut up the Magistrate within this end and prescription then he hath strangely perverted his owne order where so often he hath armed Kings and Princes and hath commanded them that they should meddle with his Worship and Religion for this end he gave the Law to Moses the Book of the Law to Josua and he hath prescribed and commanded many other that leaving their secular affaires they should be chiefly carefull about matters of worship and salvation as we may see in one Solomon all which God hath done against the first institution and ordination of the politick power which inconstancy to attribute to God is blasphemy Wee must then rather ascribe giddinesse to the Stilt-walker who obtrudes so false an Ordinance of God to men concerning the power and office of Magistrates Lastly if it be Gods perpetuall Law that the Magistrate as such must not meddle with Religion by himselfe and properly then it is very absurd that in the Scripture so many contrary commands are found such as Psal 2. and now O Kings kisse the Son c. Esa 40. Kings shall be nursing Fathers c. 1. Tim. 2.2 Paul bids us pray for wicked Kings that under them we may live peaceably with honesty and piety whence it is apparent that God is so farre from debarring Civill Magistrates from the care of Religion and piety that on the contrary he commands and will have it their chiefe businesse to promote Religion and his Worship Hence the Stilt-walker willing to award this blow brings out his satchell of distinctions that with his canvasse smoke he may blind the Readers eyes for first he saith Paul doth not shew that the end of Magistracy is to look to the good of the Church because there hee speakes of wicked Princes who then intended no such thing but rather the contrary I answer men doe not alwayes intend in their offices the end prescribed by God yet on the contrary they often resist and yet neverthelesse it is true that they should follow the end prescribed by God if they would doe well this Paul saith to be tranquillity and piety which those wicked Princes then intended not but they should have intended and Christians ought to hope and pray that they would intend it If the Stilt-walker would understand the matter let him look on himselfe he knowes that he seldome intends the salvation of mens soules in his Ministery but rather maintenance worldly honour and revenge on all them whom he thinks doe not sufficiently regard his sanctity such are chiefly the Magistrates yet I believe hee will have no man doubt but that the end and intent of his Church-Discipline is properly the salvation of soules let him say the same of the Civill power At last he confesseth that Paul here shews the end of the Magistrate prescribed by God to be the promotion of piety but least he should seem to yeeld any thing out of the Scripture to the Magistrate in sacred affaires he interposeth an army of distinctions for
from Christ What was that Not only to receive the bread broken and eat but to take break eat drink distribute among themselves with reverence For he saith that all this rite which he received from Christ he delivers to them I wonder whence this superstitious partition should arise that the Pastors alone under pain of sacrilege must have right to receive break and distribute the Bread with the Wine and that other Christians must only receive eat drink and examine themselves well before as a certain Divine speaks for although he enjoyns the whole Church with the Bishops that they should each one prove themselves yet the moderne Hierarchie assume also this priviledge to themselves of prescribing to others power to trie themselves whereof they are to be Judges but to trie themselves they think they are not liable to but that they may without any proofe at all thrust in upon the Sacrament For by vertue of their speciall spirituality they may dispense with trying themselves and with all their vices He that doth not smell this Popish Garlick he is certainly a dull-nosed Divine Therefore I gather out of this place that Pasters alone have not right to take bread in the Supper to breake and distribute it and that it is no sacriledge if a Deacon Elder or faithfull Magistrate or any other member of the Church that is a godly man do the same I confesse that for orders sake and decency in processe of time these solemne actions were appropriated to preaching Ministers but this did not proceed from any divine precept and therfore if any be so superstitious as to believe in case the Pastor be dead absent or sicke that a Deacon Elder or any famous member of the Church had minister the Sacrament he seems to me to have licked not onely the outward but the inward rine also of the Masse Briefly I will say this Apollonius can finde nothing in the ancient Leviticall worship which by speciall right he can transferre as sacred into the moderne Church-discipline For all the affaires of this moderne government which he counts so specially holy were under the Levites not of any speciall right but common to all Magistrates He took these rather from the Papists but so unfitly that both Priests and Levites may laugh at him His last dart against Magistrates is cleft into divers parts filled with poyson of malice and contempt Magistracie is onely a separable accident of the Church it consisteth of the basest Members of the Church whence hee concludes that it is a most unworthy thing that the Magistrate should guide the Church and perform Church-businesses I answered before that Apollonius did againe pre-suppose a falshood that in the Apostles time and at other times the Church wanted a Magistrate of whom againe I will discourse Now I will explode this Philosophers consequence he thinks that to be a separable accident which can be a way without the destruction of the subject whether it be a substance or an accident by which shilosophie he can make at his pleasure an accident of a substance to wit if a thiefe take away Apollonius his cloak from him then it will be an accident if in his purse hee hath ten Crownes and his purse-bearer steale one because Apollonius his purse remaines with the rest of his money that crowne will bee then not a substance but an accident so that the Stilt-walker must not be moved if he somtimes have such a losse seeing it is but the losse of an accident nor will the thiefe deserve any great punishment who did not steale a substance but an accident If we may prate so in Divinity then the written Word of God will prove an accident separable from the Church because without it the Church hath been sometime the Apostolick office will be an accident of the Church because the Church was sometime without it and is now againe and let me speak without blasphemy Christs actuall passion and incarnation will be a separable accident of the Church because it was onely in the fulnesse of time and now long since hath ceased So absurd then is this Philosophie What if Magistracy be accidentall to the Church Will it therefore follow that the Magistrate can do nothing in the Church Are not accidents the originall of all operations without which substances can do nothing For though a coal burneth yet it burneth not without a fiery quality and heat I will not urge further this absurdity of Apollonius because I know that he is more affraid of this secular accident then he hath hope in an Ecclesiastick substance so that accidentally he vexeth himselfe and in vaine in thrusting this accident out of the Church which if it were absent by the concourse of Ecclesiastick substances on a sudden heat and cold bodies moist and dry would bring in again the old chaos so that I may truly say against Aristotles Tenent the secular accident sustains the Ecclesiastick substance or els it would fall to the ground But now I will passe from the accident to the substance For the Stilt-walker is such a wonderfull Philosopher that of Magistrates he can on a sudden make an accident and againe a substance for he makes them members of the Church but of the meanest or vilest sort the reason is because Paul saith set them to judge who are least esteemed in the Church 1 Cor. 6.4 whence by a Walachrian paraphrase he concludes that at all times the meanest members of the Church are to be Judges part 1. p. 14 15. wherefore by inverting the Proposition he collects that whosoever are Judges are to be accounted for the meanest members of the Church though they had been heretofore the most learned of the Church Thus doth hee use the Scripture like a nose of wax that he may perswade us that Magiftrates are to be esteemed no better then Asses as the Papists compare Magistrates and Kings to the Asse on which Christ sate I do not think the Stilt-walker wrote this in earnest for they say that he earnestly endeavours to place his Legate a latere on the bench directly that so he may sit in it also indirectly But now I will shew how he handleth the Scripture irreverently and abuseth this place of Paul that he may make it serve his phancie This I will cleare by a plaine explication of the words there was an ill custome among the Corinthians that Christians went to law one with another about worldly businesses which controversies they did not take up among themselves but had them decided by Magistrates that were Infidels and Enemies of Christ Paul as hee ought to have done reproves this custome and like a good Physitian prescribes remedies to mend it one whereof was above the rest that they should lay aside their quarrels and rather suffer losse for if all Christians were of this moderation rather to suffer losse then to go to Law all occasions of quarrell would be cut off But the Corinthians wanted this
if one should doe the same thing in a gown or in a cloak in a long black Divines cloak or in a scarlet and militarie coat For so the old Papists play with this their formality who being secure of the possession of their spiritualitie have very frequently this changing of gowns among them that upon the changing of the gown the formall sanctity is also changed For it is not unusuall that he who is to day a Church-Cardinall to morrow laying aside this gown and changing his habit become a Secular Prince So that some are Church-men in the morning Secular-men after dinner nor is the Stilt-walker as yet so secure of his own holiness as to play so openly especially in the superlative sanctity but in the comparative he useth the same bounty when he calls Consuls and Senators to the Eldership who therefore must either in the same or in another gown be in the morning Aldermen in the afternoon Church-men He is so rigid in his preaching superlative holiness that he will not impart it to proponents although now they be half-men but to them alone on whom there hath been imposition of hands whence the authoritative and sacramentall dignity proceeds I confesse this fiction is not without a beginning and some shew also for it is taken from the Levites in whom there was an innate and genuine sanctity by Gods Ordination whence arose this difference that one and the same thing being touched or handled by a Levite it was holy in Priesthood by reason of the sanctity of the person but it was prophane being handled by him who was no Levite So in those first worke-men of the Arke and Tabernacle Bezaliel and Aholiab whom God had filled with his Spirit and dedicated for this worke The same worke might have been done by others as it was in Solomons Temple which worke had been objectively holy but they were not done formally holily that is by holy men and for this work sanctified as Bezaliel and Aholiah were The Walachrian Legendary from this beginning tooke his fable which we would confesse might have some shew if he could himselfe without laughter assever that modern Vocation and chiefly his Walachrian had in it any divine thing except the common institution of Vocation and the end as for the manner he knowes himselfe that it is so worldly and carnall that no other wayes is a cloak or gown bought in a Brokers shop of old ware then there this speciall right of sanctity So that if hee would lay aside his dissembling vizard hee would say with Scevola in Cicero that hee wonders when one sooth-sayer sees another why hee doth not laugh for the office of sooth-saying was of great authority and honour and the ignorant people had a wonderfull opinion of it but that most learned man knew well that in the secrets of soothsaying there was no true soliditie because they collected uncertaine trifles from the chatring feeding and flying of birds Even so I am sure that this Walachrian amongst his fellowes if hee may with freedome will oftentimes laugh for cheating simple men with such a fine fiction that there is in his Vocation wonderfull sanctity which hee knowes himselfe to bee none at all or if there be any it is spoiled with his evill devices So that oftentimes hee is not called who is best gifted but whom favour and promises promote Whence wee need not wonder that no spirituall effects at this day doe follow upon this Vocation and Imposition of hands but oftentimes carnall as of pride nnd envy surely hee seeks water in a pumaice-stone who out of so prophane a Vocation doth hunt for speciall sanctity and thinkes that it is introduced and infused into men If in modern Vocation and Imposition of hands there were any thing like that expresse Ordination or Leviticall separation ordained by Gods owne Law or if it were any wayes to be compared to the speciall calling of Bezaliel and Aholiab or to that notable calling of the Apostles which spirituall gifts and eminent sanctitie either followed or went before then there might bee some shew of obtruding the speciall right of sanctity although the Apostles had an humble opinion of their own authority and would not brag of it 1 Cor. 3. But because this calling wants all these gifts and prerogatives and is deprived of them by reason of the wicked fraud of Church-men what else is this then as I said to boast of riches by having a board full of painted money Their Vocation indeed hath the outward forme of that Vocation which was in the Apostles time though in many things corrupted they have also Imposition of hands after their manner but although all things were done without fraud lawfully and as neare the Apostles manner as could bee yet there were no certaine reason to inferre that they have speciall and certaine sanctity who have this calling as the Walachrian brags because there is not any speciall promise extant in Scripture that all who are called after this manner must bee holy in a speciall manner therefore it is folly and Superstition to believe this so firmly because faith is Superstition which hath not for it Gods expresse promise and suppose God had promised that this should bee because Gods promises are conditionall to wit if men doe not by their corrupt actions hinder his grace hence it is that Gods bounty at this day is many wayes hindred that from the Vocation and modern Imposition of hands especially the Walachrian there can proceed no store of spirituall gifts much lesse any permanent sanctity of speciall right no more then health followes upon Popish breathing and annointing as daily experience sheweth There is no Vocation then at this day so holy and lawfull as to confer any speciall priviledge of sanctity or make any man after a speciall manner sanctified and Ecclesiastick but the whole right depends now from the gifts So that there is a lawfull calling and right for performing of all sacred things where God hath bestowed gifts and aptitude whatsoever the party be whether Church-man or Lay-man modern vocation confers nothing else but order and a power to perform these businesses of divine worship which may be done by any man who is fitted but he that is called is bound to do it because he is hired no otherwise then in a ship which simile Paul useth 1. Cor. 4. all promiscuously may row if they will or if there be need but he that is the Boat-man or is tyed to the lower seat is bound torow by the Law or because he is hired 1 Tim. 5 which seems to be Pauls opinion who saith that Bishops who labour in the Word that is spend their whole life in thus labouring are worthy of double honour that is both of honour and profit because hee adds presently thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne for the Labourer is worthy of his hire Whence it appeares that Presbyters are not so