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A06502 A commentarie or exposition vppon the twoo Epistles generall of Sainct Peter, and that of Sainct Jude. First faithfullie gathered out of the lectures and preachinges of that worthie instrumente in Goddes Churche, Doctour Martine Luther. And now out of Latine, for the singuler benefite and comfort of the godlie, familiarlie translated into Englishe by Thomas Newton; Enarrationes in epistolas Divi Petri duas et Iudae unam. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Newton, Thomas, 1542?-1607. 1581 (1581) STC 16978; ESTC S108928 231,904 387

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is to bee esteemed and also how to attaine to the certaine knowledge thereof FIrst of all is to bee noted that all the Apostles doe handle one and the self same doctrine and therfore is it not well done of some in that they say there bee onely fower Euangelistes and fower Gospels whereas all is one Gospell what so euer the Apostles haue left in writyng Now the Gospel signifieth nothing els then the preaching and publishing of the grace and mercie of God through Christ our Lorde purchased for vs by his death And to take it properly it is not that whiche is contained in bookes and comprehended in letters but rather the vocall preachyng and the liuely worde and voyce whiche soundeth in the whole worlde and is so openly vttered that it maie euery where bee heard Neither is it a booke that containeth the Lawe wherein are many points of good doctrine as it hath bin hitherto commōly beleeued For it draweth vs from all confidence and hope of any woorke of our owne whereby to become righteous and declareth vnto vs the riche graces of God freely and without any our owne merite giuen vnto vs teachyng vs also Christ who hauing by his intercession appeased y e wrath of God and satisfied for our sinnes hath quite abolished and blotted out our iniquities and by his works iustified and made vs righteous Now whosoeuer either preacheth or writeth these thynges he teacheth the true Gospell in deede whiche all the Apostles but especially S Paule and S. Peter haue done in their Epistles Whatsoeuer then is preached or published concerning Christe is one Gospell although one handle it after one sorce and in one kinde of wordes an other after an other sorce and in an other kinde For a thing may be handled either in many wordes or in fewe and may be described either briefly or at large Howbeit seeyng all tendeth vnto no other ende but to teache vs that Christ is our Sauiour and that we through faith in hym without any our owne workes are iustified and saued it is al one Word and one Gospell as there is one onely faith and one Baptisme in the whole Churche of Christ Thou readest then nothing written by any of the Apostles whiche is not also contained in the writynges of others that were as it were penners of the Scripture but thei that haue handled this poynt especially and with greater endeuour and studie then the rest namely that onely faithe in Christe doeth iustifie euen thei are the best Euangelistes of all Hereupon thou maiest more rightly call the Epistles of Paule the Gospell then those thinges whiche Matthewe Marke and Luke haue written For thei describe not muche beside the Historie concernyng the doinges and miracles of Christe as for the grace whiche Christe hath purchased for vs none doeth more fully and fitly entreate therof then S. Paule especially in his Epistle to the Romans Now seing the Word is of more importance then the actions and doynges of Christe and that if we should want the one of them it were farre better to be with out the deedes and Historie then the Wordes and Doctrine it followeth that those bookes are most highly to be esteemed whiche entreate especially of the doctrine and wordes of our Lorde Iesus Christe For asmuche as if there were no miracles of Christ and that we were altogether ignoraūt of them yet were his wordes sufficient for vs and without which wee can not so muche as liue Hereupon therefore it followeth that this Epistle of S. Peter is to bee accompted among the moste excellent bookes of the newe Testament and is the true and pure Gospell in asmuche as the Apostle herein teacheth nothyng els then that whiche Paule and the rest of the Euangelistes doe namely sincere faith and that Christe is freely giuen vnto vs who hauyng taken awaie our sinnes is our onely Sauiour as in the processe of this Epistle we shall see By this that is here saied wee maie likewise iudge of all bookes and doctrines what is the Gospell what is not For whatsoeuer is not either preached or written after this sorte and to this ende that maie wée boldly iudge not to bee the Gospell haue it neuer so faire and goodly a shewe This power to iudge haue al Christians and not the Pope or Councels alone whiche face and crake that thei and none but thei haue authoritie to iudge of doctrines And thus muche maie suffize for the argument let vs now heare the Epistle The first Epistle generall of Sainct Peter The first Chapter PEter an Apostle of Iesus Christe to the straungers that dwell here and there throughout Pōtus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia Elect accordyng to the foreknowledge of GOD the Father vnto sanctification of the Spirit through obedience and sprinckling of the bloud of Iesus Christ Grace and peace be multiplied vnto you Blessed be GOD euen the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ whiche according to his aboundant mercie hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead To an inheritaunce immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not awaie reserued in heauen for you Whiche are kept by the power of God through faithe vnto saluation whiche is prepared to bee shewed in the last tyme. Wherein ye reioyce though now for a season if neede require ye are in heauinesse through manifolde tentations That the triall of your faith beyng much more precious then gold that perisheth though it be tried with fire might be founde vnto your praise and honour and glorie at the appearyng of Iesus Christ Whom ye haue not seene and yet loue him in whom now though ye see hym not yet do you beleue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakeable and glorious Receiuyng the ende of your faith euen the saluation of your soules Of the whiche saluation the Prophets haue inquired and searched whiche prophesied of the grace that should come vnto you Searchyng when or what tyme the Spirit whiche testified before of Christ whiche was in them should declare the suffrynges that should come vnto Christ and the glorie that should followe Vnto whom it was reueiled that not vnto themselues but vnto vs thei should minister the thinges which are now shewed vnto you by them whiche haue preached vnto you the Gospell by the holy Ghost sent doune from heauen the whiche thinges the Angels desire to beholde Wherefore girde vp the loynes of your minde bee sober trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the reuelation of Iesus Christ As obedient children not fashioning your selues vnto the former lustes of your ignorance But as he whiche hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all maner of conuersation Because it is written Be ye holy for I am holy And if ye call him Father whiche without respect of persone iudgeth according to euery mans woorke passe the tyme of your dwellyng here in feare Knowing that ye were not redemed with corruptible thinges
for this cause doeth the Lord so afflict vs that our faith maie be tried exercysed and made manifest to the world that others also maie bee inuited and wonne to the same faithe by our example and wee at the last maie attaine vnto glorie For as wee praise God so will he againe also praise glorifie and honour vs when as those counterfait and liyng Hipocrites who haue contemned the right waie shall be subiect to shame and confusion The Scripture doeth often compare the crosse vnto fire so here Sainct Peter compareth gold which is tried with fire to the triall of faith whiche is made by the crosse and afflictions The fire doeth not diminishe Golde but clenseth and purifieth it that whatsoeuer drossie substaunce is mixed with it maie be separated from it After the same sorte layeth God the crosse vpon all Christians whereby thei maie be as it were scoured and polished And it was well saied of the Apostle That the trial of your faith c. That is your faith must be tried and purified euen as the Worde is pure whereunto alone ye must sticke and trust vnto nothyng els Now this purgyng scouryng and polishyng of vs by the crosse is daily very necessary for vs because otherwise that olde and dull Adam would still to muche hang vppon vs and dull the spirite and make our faith vnpure Suche then is the life of a true Christian that it continually becōmeth better and purer For when through the worde of the Gospell wee doe beleeue wee are iustified and beginne to be purged yet as long as we are in the fleshe we can not be altogither cleane and pure And therefore doeth God cast vs into the middest of the fire that is into affliction ignominie and trouble whereby wee are daily more and more purged vntill suche tyme as wee dye This purgyng wee can attaine vnto by no workes of our owne for how should the outwarde worke purifie the harte within Now when faith is after this sorte tried whatsoeuer was mixed with it or was feined and counterfait must needes bee remoued and separated from it Hereupon at the last when Christe shall appeare shall followe magnificent honour praise and glorie And reioyce with ioye vnspeakeable glorious Receiuyng the ende of your faith euen the saluation of your soules THE Apostle saieth they haue vnspeakeable and glorious gladnesse and ioye because it bringeth with it honour and glorie when as the worlde hath suche ioye whereof cometh ignominie and shame Sainct Peter speaketh here of true spirituall ioye more plainly then thou shalt reade almost in the whole Scripture yet could he not fully vtter declare the same Now these things which haue bin saied are part of the preface wherein the Apostle sheweth both what faith in Christ is and also how the same must be proued and purged by aduersities and afflictions whiche God doth sende It now followeth that this faith is contained and promised in the Scriptures Of the whiche saluation the Prophets haue inquired and searched whiche prophesied of the grace that should come vnto you Searchyng when or what tyme the Spirite whiche testified before of Christe whiche was in them should declare the suffrynges that should come vnto Christ and the glorie that should followe Vnto whom it was reueiled that not vnto them selues but vnto vs they should minister the thinges whiche are now shewed vnto you by thē whiche haue preached vnto you the Gospell by the holy Ghost sent downe frō heauen the which thinges the Angels desire to beholde HEre Sainct Peter calleth vs to the Scriptures wherein wee may see that God of his onely grace and by no merit of ours performeth those thynges whiche he hath before promised For hereunto tendeth the whole Scripture that withdrawyng vs from al confidence in our own works it maie bryng vs to faith and very needfull it is that we he very diligent in learnyng the Scriptures whereby wee maie bee certein and throughly confirmed in faith After the same sorte doeth Sainct Paule also call vs to the Scriptures when as in the first Chapter to the Romanes he saieth that God had promised his Gospel afore by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures Also when as he saieth Rom. 3. that the faith whereby wee are iustified was witnessed before in the Lawe and the Prophets We reade also in the 17. of the Acts that he did the same when he preached of faith to them of Thessalonica whō he called to the Scriptures and expounded the same vnto thē who also on the other side searched the Scriptures daily whether those thynges were so or no which sainct Paule did teach This it behoueth vs to doe also that those thynges whiche we reade in the newe Testament wee maie learne to confirme out of the olde Wherein wee shall see those promises concernyng Christ whereof Christ himself also hath admonished vs Iohn 5. Searche saieth he the Scriptures for they beare witnesse of mee And againe If ye did beleeue Moses ye would also beleeue me for he wrote of mee Those vaine ianglers therefore are not to bee regarded whiche contemne the olde Testament and presumptuously saie that wee haue no more neede thereof when as notwithstandyng out of it alone must be taken the foundation and grounde of our faith For to this ende God sent his Prophets to the Iewes that thei might testifie vnto them of Christe that was to come Wherefore the Apostles did euery where conuince and refell the Iewes out of their owne Scriptures prouyng Iesus to be Christ And for this cause the bookes of Moses and the Prophets are Gospels forasmuche as in them we reade the same thinges foretolde concernyng Christe whiche afterwarde beyng doeu and accomplished the Apostles did preache and write This difference onely there is that whereas the bookes of bothe were committed to writing yet is it not withstanding not so much requisite that the Gospel or new Testament should be contained in writyng as preached by the voyce whiche maie openly publishe and sounde it forth that it maie be heard euery where in the worlde Now whereas it was also written that was more then necessary For whereas the olde Testament doeth speake onely of Christ to come the Gospel is that liuely word and vocall preachyng of Christe who is alreadie come Betweene the bookes of the olde Testament moreouer this difference there is first the fiue bookes of Moses are the summe of the whole Scripture and are peculiarly called the olde Testament Then are there Histories also and Bookes wherein are described the deedes and diuers examples of them whiche obserued Moses lawe and also of them which transgressed the same Lastly there are Prophets whiche haue plaine relation to the writyngs of Moses and haue more largely and in plainer wordes expressed the same Howbeit there is one and the same meaning both of Moses and of al the Prophetes Now whereas it is wont to be saied that the olde Testament is abrogated and reiected it is thus
hunger is as the Prouerbe saieth the beste sauce those pinches maketh this meate meruailous sauorie For the harte and conscience when thei once beginne to haue feelyng of their miserie and wretched state can heare nothyng that is so pleasaunte as the Gospell thei whollie rely vnto it thei smell afarre of the delicacie and toothsomnesse thereof and can not bee fullie satisfied therewith So was the song of the blessed virgine Marie He hath filled the hongrie with good thinges In the meane season those stiffe mynded persones that trust to their owne holinesse and leaue to their owne woorkes and righteousnesse haue neither any feelyng of their Synnes and wickednesse neither enioye any tast of these thynges here spoken of As for example when any that is hungrie sitteth at a table eche kinde of meate sauoureth well and hath a good relishe in his mouth whereas to hym that is full stomacked nothing sauoreth well but all meates yea the beste and daintiest dishes seeme loathsome Therefore vseth the Apostle these woordes If so be that you haue tasted how bountifull the Lorde is as though he should saie If you haue not as yet tasted this my preachyng to you is but in vaine To whom comyng as vnto a liuyng stone HEre againe taketh he holde of Scriptures afore tyme written and bryngeth in the xxviii of Esaie saiyng thus Heare the woorde of the Lorde ye mockers because ye haue saied wee haue made a couenant with Death and with Hell are wee at an agreement and haue made falshood your refuge Therefore thus saieth the Lorde Beholde I will laie in Zion a Stone a tried Stone a precious corner Stone a sure foundation c. This place doeth saincte Paule also alledge and it is one of the principallest places of the Scripture For Christe is that precious Stone whom God hath laied for the foundation and vppon whom wee are to bee builded And here beholde how S. Peter taketh these wordes and interpreteth them of Christ Again that which Esaie calleth Trustyng in hym that saieth S. Peter to be the same that to bee builded vpon hym is And this is truely and aptly to expounde the Scriptures Thei that builde laie their foundation in suche a place where it maie continue faste and remaine firme so that it may beare vp the whole house and frame that is builded vpō it And euen so doth this liuyng Stone which is Christ vphold and beare all this spirituall buildyng And to be builded vpon hym is nothyng els but that we all together repose our trust confidence and hope whiche wee haue in our selues whollie vpon hym Disalowed of men but chosen of God precious HEre againe he alledgeth a place out of the Cxviij Psalme of the Prophete Dauid The same Stone whiche the builders refused is become the hedde Stone of the corner and it is merueilous in our eyes Whiche place Christ hymself also citeth in the xxj of Matthewes Gospell and is repeted in the fourth of the Actes The Stone whiche you builders reiected and set nought by You saieth he are the builders For thei taught the people preached many thynges enacted sondrie ordinaunces and Lawes but thei made men nothyng thereby but Meritemangers Hypocrites Wherevpon Christe pronouncyng sentence vppon them calleth them plaine Hypocrites and the generation of Vipers and pronounceth many terrible sentences vpon theim reckonyng theim among Synners and not for suche greate holie men as thei would faine haue semed This can thei not abide but reiect hym and saie Hereticke forbiddest thou to doe good woorkes Thou shalte dye the death for thy so saiyng And therefore saieth saincte Peter here This same corner Stone vpon whiche you must be builded is euen likewise refused and set at naught This as the Prophet saieth appeareth merueilous in our eyes and seemeth verie straunge and so wonderfull that vnlesse the Spirite did teache it vs no man by reason could conceiue in Therefore saith he before God this Stone is chosen and precious and of so high price and value that it taketh awaie Death recompenseth for Synnes deliuereth from Hell and laste of all giueth also vnto vs the Kyngdome of Heauen Ye also as liuelie Stones be made a spirituall house HOw and by what meanes are wee builded Euen by the Gospell and preaching of the Woorde The Builders are thei that preache Thei that are builded are suche Christians which heare the Gospell thei are the Stones whiche must be laied and couched vpon this corner Stone so that wee repose our whole truste vppon hym and that out harte leane onely vpon hym and so bee at reste Now it followeth that wee must so directe and frame our selues that wee maie expresse shewe forthe and imitate that course of life that he ledd For it is verie meete that I who am builded and laied vpon hym by faithe should freme my self to the same workes that he did and shewe forth the same conuersation Which order all menne generally and ioyntly ought and are bounde to resemble And this issueth forth and proceedeth frō Faithe and is the woorke of Loue that we should mutuallie bee morteised and ioyned out into an other that we all together maie make one buildyng The same reason hath sainct Paule also j. Cor. iij. Howbeeit not altogether after the same maner that this is You are saieth he the Temple of God It is not the materiall house made of woodd and stone which is his House a Spirituall house is that whiche he requireth whiche is the Churche of Christe in whiche wee are all through one Faithe equall That whiche one is an other is all builded together within our selues mutuallie and emong our selues cemented couched framed and knitte together by Loue without al maliciousnesse guile hypocrisie enuie and euill speakyng as afore hath been declared An holie Priesthood HEere taketh he awaie that outwarde and corporall Priesthood whiche was in the old Testament as also that outward Temple all whiche he quite remooueth and saieth thus That outwarde and externall pampe of Priesthoode is now cleane ceassed now therefore beginne yea newe Priesthood and offer other Sacrifices but so that all thynges be Spirituall Here haue we had somewhat adoe for that wee haue mainteined and affirmed that these persones whiche commonlie of late yeres haue been called and tearmed by y e name of Priestes are not Priestes before God at all and that assertion prooued we cheeflie out of this place And therefore vnderstande it aright and beare it well in mynde That if any should bee so wilfull in suche sorte to wreste and teare in peeces for I will not call it expounde this place as that the same were to be meant of a double Priesthoode whiche some blusteryngly and boldly haue auouched that is to witte bothe of a Spirituall and also of a Corporall Priesthoode will hym to cleare his eyesight and a little better to awake his senses For sainct Peter saieth thus Be ye builded into a Spirituall or holie Priesthood Now demaunde of
knowne that the same time was come The Prophet Daniel came verie nere the matter neuerthelesse he spake thereof obscurely and darckly namely at what tyme Christ should suffer and dye and when this or that thing should come to passe So thei had an undoubted Prophecie that the Kyngdome of the Iewes should ceasse before Christe did come but the daie and certaine tyme when the same should bee fulfilled was not expressed forasmuche as it was sufficiente to knowe that when that tyme was come the commyng of Christe was not then farre of So Ioel in the second Chapter of his Prophecie fore shewed the time when the holie Ghost should come In the last daies I will powre out my Spirite vppon all fleshe Whiche Prophecie Sainct Peter in the seconde Chapter of the Actes rehearseth and thereby proueth that it was foretold of that his tyme and those his brethren whiche then liued Hereby thou seest with what diligence alwaies the Apostles rendered reasons of those thynges whiche thei preached and taught approuing thē same by the Scriptures but Coūcels and the Pope would doe all thynges with vs without the Scriptures cōmaundyng vs by the obedience of the Churche and vnder paine of excommunication to beleue thē The Apostles were replenished with the holie Ghoste were certaine bothe that thei were sent of Christ also that thei did preache the true and vndoubted Gospell yet did thei humble and submit them selues thus farre that thei required to be beleeued in nothyng whiche thei did not proue soundlie out of the Scriptures to bee so as thei affirmed that the mouthes of Infidels might be stopped and be able to saie nothyng against thē with reason And shall wee beleeue these grosse and vnlearned Lubbers whiche neither preache the Woorde of God neither can doe any thyng but iangle and prate bauie and reuile It could not be y t the Fathers should thus erre so long is it since it was so concluded wherefore of these thinges there ought now no reason to be giuen to any man Wee are able to proue certainly out of the Scriptures that none shalbee saued but he that beleeueth in Christe so that these men are not able to speake any thyng there againste And also thei shall neuer bee able to proue vnto vs their childishe trifles by the Scriptures as namely that he is in a damnable ease whiche fasteth not this or that daie and suche like wherefore it is not meete neither ought wee at any hande to beleeue them Sainete Peter now saieth moreouer And the glorie that should followe That whiche is here spoken of the Apostle maie bee vnderstoode bothe of the afflictions whiche Christ him self suffered and also of those which wee Christians being his members doe suffer For sainct Paule calleth that the sufferyng of Christe whiche euery Christian doeth suffer As the affiance name worde and woorkes of Christe are myne forasmuche as I firmely beleeue in him so are my afflictions also his in asmuche as I am afflicted for his sake Wherefore the afflictions of Christ are daily accomplished in Christians euen vnto the ende of the worlde This now is no small comfort vnto vs that howsoeuer thinges fall out wee are certaine that all our afflictions are so common togither with Christe and vs that he counteth them no otherwise then his owne This also maie not a little encrease our comforte that glorie shall vndoubtedly followe these afflictions Howbeit wee must knowe this also that as Christ came not vnto glorie before hee had suffered so wee also must first beare the crosse with hym that we maie afterwardes reioyce togither with him All thinges therefore saieth the Apostle in effect whiche wee dode now preache the Prophetes haue long since manifestly declared and foretolde that thei should come to passe the holie Ghoste reuellyng the same vnto them Now whereas wee doe so little vnderstande the Prophetes the cause is for that wee are ignorant of the tongue wherin thei did write for thei haue written very plainly and manifestly Wherefore to them that are skilfull of the tongue and haue the Spirite of God whiche vndoubtedly all that beleeue haue it is not harde to vnderstande them for as muche as thei know where unto the whole Scripture tendeth But where bothe the tongue is not vnderstood and the spirite is wantyng it appeareth no otherwise then if the Prophetes were madde or dronken Howbeit if wee should want either of these it were farre better to haue the Spirite without the tongue then the tongue without the Spirit The Prophetes spake after an other sorte then did the Apostles yet did they signifie the same thinges which afterward the Apostles preached For bothe shewe many thinges of the afflictions aswell of Christe as of those that beleeue in his and also of the glorie that followeth the same So Dauid Psal 22. when hee speaketh of Christ in this sorte I am a wo●●e and no man 〈◊〉 doth he els declare but his exceeding debasing and 〈◊〉 whiche in his passion hee suffered Also Psal 44. he writeth of the afflictions of Christians sayng Wee are counted as sheepe appoincted to be slaine c. Vnto whom it was also reueiled that not vnto them selues but vnto vs they should minister the thynges whiche are now shewed vnto you by them whiche haue preached vnto you the Gospell by the holy Ghoste sent downe from heauen IT was sufficient for the Prophetes that they knewe these thynges but in that they left the same behinde them in writyng it was for out sakes makyng themselues herein as it were Ministers to 〈◊〉 as to the 〈…〉 and vnderstandyng hereof and that wee might learne the same of them as of our maisters And thus haue wee a sure helpe and strengthenyng of our faithe for our further and better instruction whereby wee maie bee able to defende our selues against all false doctrines Whiche thinges the Angels desire to beholde SO greate thinges haue the Apostles delared vnto vs by the holy Ghoste whiche came downe vppon them from heauen that euen the very Angels doe desire to beholde and see them Here wee muste with greate attention shut our eyes and see what the Gospell is wherein surely we can not but haue exceedyng delight ioye and consolation We can not yet see these thynges with our bodily eyes but wee must beleeue that wee are made partakers of righteousnesse truth saluation and of all good thinges which God hath For inasmuche as he hath giuen vnto vs Christe his onely begotten Sonne the fountaine and head of all good thinges how should hee not through and with hym giue vs also all his good thynges riches and treasures whereat the Angels in heauen doe take merueilous ioye and delight All these thynges are offered vnto vs by the Gospell so that if we beleeue we must needes likewise take merueilous delight and pleasure therein howbeit our delight and pleasure while wee liue on the earth cā not be so perfect as that of the Angels is For here
it beginneth in vs so that by faith wee haue a certein feelyng thereof but in heauen it shall bee so greate that the harte of man is not able to comprehende it yet shall we enioye the same when we come thither Thus thou seest how Saincte Peter teacheth vs to arme and prepare our selues by the Scriptures For hitherto hath he described what it is to preache the Gospell and how it was foretolde by the Prophetes that it should bee after this sorte preached and taught Now hee proceedeth and hereafter exhorteth vs by faithe to embrace and by loue to followe suche preachyng of the Gospell saiyng Wherfore girde vp the loynes of your mind bee sober and trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the reuelatiō of Iesus Christ As obedient children not fashioning your selues vnto the former lustes of your ignorance But as he whiche hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all maner of conuersation Because it is written Bee ye holy for I am holy THis is an exhortation to faith the meaning wherof is this Forasmuche then as so greate thynges are preached and giuen vnto you by the Gospell whiche euen the Angels doe desire with pleasure to beholde see that ye faithfully cleaue vnto them and with an assured trust and affiance repose your hope therein that your faithe maie bee sincere and sounde and not any fained opinion or dreame Girde vp the loynes of your mynde SAinct Peter speaketh here of the spirituall girdyng of the mynde like as if a man should corporally girde a sworde vppon his loynes Of which girdyng Christ maketh mention Luke 12. where he saieth Let your loynes be girded about In some places of the Scripture Loynes signifie carnall lust or concupiscence But sainct Peter speaketh here of Spirituall Loynes Whereas the Scripture speaketh of the bodie and calleth that part the Loynes from whence from the Father proceedeth naturall generation according as we read Gen. 46. that Christ should spring out of the Loynes of Iuda Wherefore corporally to girde the Loynes signifieth nothing els then chastitie as it is in Esay Chap. 11. Righteousnesse shall be the girdle of his Loynes and faithfulnesse the girdle of his reynes that is by onely faithe filthie and vnlawfull lust is restrained and brideled But the spirituall girdyng whereof the Apostle here speaketh is after this sorte As a Virgin is in bodie chast and entire so the mynde through faithe whereby it is espoused to Christ is spiritually sounde and sincere Howbeit as sone as it reuolteth from faithe to false and erroneous doctrine it is violate and corrupted wherevppon the Scripture commonly calleth Infidelitie and Idolatrie by the names of adulterie and fornication namely when the mynde sticketh to the doctrines of mē and forsaketh faithe in Christ From this Sainct Peter here dehorteth when hee biddeth to Girde vp the loynes of the mynde which in effect is asmuche as if he should saie Ye haue now heard the Gospell attained vnto faithe see then that ye persist therein and suffer not your selues to be defiled corrupted with false doctrine waueryng in vncertentie now this waie now that waie The Apostle sainct Peter vseth here a certen peculiar and proper kinde of speeche not suche as sainct Paule vseth when he saith Gird vp the loynes of your mynde Hee calleth that the Mynde which we otherwise call the thought as when I saie I thinke thus that this is right and as sainct Paule saieth so dooe wee thinke suche is our opinion so it seemes vnto vs. And by this meanes doeth the Apostle here moste properly signifie Faith meanyng thus much in effect Ye haue now attained to a true thought and are setled in a right perswasion that wee are iustified by faithe onely persist strongly herein girde it fast vnto you and valiauntly sticke thereunto let no man pull these sounde opinions out of your hartes and then shall yee prosperously persener and stande There will many false teachers arise who will forge doctrines of men thereby to corrupte your mynde and looze this girdle of Faithe wherefore in harte receiue this admonition whiche I giue you aforehande that the Doctrine of Truthe maie be well fixed in your mynde and that you maie valiauntly persiste therein Those Hypocrites whiche truste to their woorkes and liue an honest and vertuous life as it appeareth outwardly dooe verily thinke and are fully perswaded that God muste needes receiue theim into heauen because of their woorkes This maketh them proude presumptuous and glorious in their owne conceiptes As that Pharisey mentioned in the 18. of Luke and whereof also Marie maketh mention in her song commonly called Magnificat where she vseth the same woorde whiche thou readest here in Sainct Peter He hath scattered the proude in the imagination of their hartes that is he hath ouerthrowne and brought them to confusion in the deuises of their owne myndes and thoughtes Bee sober THis Sobrietie perteineth outwardly to the bodie and is an especiall woorke of Faithe For although manne bee iustified yet is he not free from euill desires In deede Faithe hath begonne to restraine and bridle the fleshe notwithstandyng the same doeth continually striue against it and assaulteth it with sondrie sortes of desires whiche goe aboute accordyng to the concupiscence thereof againe to burst forthe and preuaile Wherefore the Spirite hath daiely muche adoe to bridle and restraine them and it must therefore without intermission haue continuall fight with them and alwaies take greate heede of the fleshe least that at any tyme suche is the craftinesse thereof it vndermine and supplant Faithe By the premisses it appeareth how farre thei deceiue theim selues whiche boste that thei haue Faithe and coumpt that sufficient liuyng in the meane season according to their owne lustes and desires For where true Faithe is there muste needes bee an earnest endeuour to keepe the bodie vnder and to holde it as it were with a bridle from outragyng and doyng what it listeth herevpon it is that sainct Peter here exhorteth vs to bee sober Howbeit he biddeth vs not as it were to destroye our bodie or to weaken it more then is meete as some haue doen whiche haue made them selues mad by ouer muche fastyng yea some haue quite pined and consumed themselues a waie In this fonde error for a tyme was sainct Bernard although he was otherwise an holy man For he afflicted his bodie with so great abstinence that by reason of noysome breathe whiche hee gott thereby no man could abide to stande neere hym or bee in his companie But hee was at length deliuered from this error and willed his brethren that thei should not too much pine and pinche their bodies For he well sawe that by that vndue abstinence he had made himself vnfit to serue his brethren Wherefore Sainct Peter requireth no more then that wee be sober that is that wee doe so muche and so farre restraine the fleshe as wee feele the wantonnesse and vnrulinesse thereof
assailed and shaken that it euen trembleth and quaketh how can he stande that is voide of Faithe And therefore he concludeth Wherefore lett theim that suffer accordyng to the will of God committe their soules to hym in well doyng as vnto a faithfull Creator THei vnto whom God sendeth affliction beyng vnsought for vndesired and vnprocured by themselues lette them committe their Soules vnto hym that is their Creatour Thei still continue in well dooyng thei perseuere and goe forwarde in good Woorkes thei shrinke not backe for afflictions but committe and commende their Soules to hym that created them and is faithefull In whiche Woorde is contained moste plentifull store of heauenly consolation For seeyng that God hath created thy Soule without any care labour or helpe of thee when as thou was not as yet any thyng shall not be also easily preserue and saue it And therefore committe it onely to hym but yet so that thou muste not thinke thy self exempted and priuiledged from good Woorkes for thou must not thinke that thou must bye idle thou must striue and endeuour thy self to accomplish and be eche waie aunswerable to the name of a Christian witnessyng thy Faithe by thy good Workes But if thou liue here carelesly and rechlessely thou shalt in the ende doubtlesse finde that thou haste foulie deceiued thy self This is the laste admonition of saincte Peter vnto them that must suffer affliction for the will of GOD. ¶ The fifth Chapter THe Elders which are emong you I beseeche whiche am also an Elder and a witnesse of the suffrynges of Christe and also a partaker of the glorie that shalbe reueiled Feede the flocke of GOD whiche dependeth vpon you caryng for it not by constraint but willingly not for filthie lucre but of a readie mynde Not as though ye were Lordes ouer Gods heritage but that ye maie bee ensamples to the flocke And when the chief shephearde shall appeare ye shall receiue an incorruptible croune of glorie Likewise ye yonger submit your selues vnto the Elders and submitte your selues euery man one to an other decke your selues inwardly in lowlinesse of mynde for GOD resisteth the proude and giueth grace to the humble Humble your selues therefore vnder the mightie hande of God that he maie exalt you in due tyme. Cast all your care on hym for he careth for you Bee sober and watche for your aduersarie the Deuill as a roaryng Lion walketh aboute seekyng whom he maie denoure Whom resist stedfast in the Faithe knowyng that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren whiche are in the worlde And the GOD of all grace whiche hath called vs vnto his eternall glorie by Christe Iesus after that ye haue suffred a little make you perfect confirme strengthen and stablishe you To hym bee glorie and dominion for euer and euer Amen By Syluanus a faithfull brother vnto you as I suppose ha●e I written briefly exhortyng testifiyng how that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stande The Churche that is at Babylon elected together with you saluteth you and Marcus my sonne Greete ye one an other with the kisse of Loue. Peace be with you all whiche are in Christ Iesus Amen The Elders which are among you I beseech which am also an Elder and a witnesse of the suffringes of Christ HEre sainct Peter teacheth those that haue any charge of feedyng the Flocke of Christe how thei ought to behaue thēselues In the Chapiter afore he tolde that none should presume to teache or preache any thing vnlesse he were certeine and assured that the same was the syncere and pure Worde of GOD vppon whiche as vpon a firme and strong Rocke our Consciences maie boldly staie For this in dutie is required of vs Christians that wee should bee certaine and knowe throughly what thing is allowed of Christe and what is not for thei that wauer in vncertaintie of this knowledge are not to bee taken as Christians He addeth also thus much that whosoeuer entreth into any office or functiō should so behaue himself therein in eche respect as that he should not doubt but that God was the Authour therof But what he here saith peculierly belongeth to Bisshops and Ecclesiasticall Pastors wherein he teacheth them how they are to deme●ne themselues in the administration of their dueties and charges and what maner of persons thei ought to bee Wee must here further be acquainted with the phraze and proprietie of the tongue wherein this Epistle was written that wee bee not deceiued through ignoraunce of the signification and force of the Woorde For this Greeke name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which S. Peter here vseth doeth signifie An Elder by whiche worde thei also are called that bee Senatours that is Meuiexcellyng in age grauitie vertue wisedome and experience After the same sorce doeth Christ call his Disciples Ministers and Senate to whose office it belongeth to ouersee and gouerne his Spirituall Empire that is to preache and to take care of the Christian Congregation by the name of Elders And therfore meruaile not awhit neither let it any thing moue thee though thei which bee Elders ●e nowadaies called by other Titles or names whereof the Scripture maketh no mention at all But not respectyng the order wherein thinges presently stande weigh and conceiue the mater thus When S. Peter or any other of the Apostles came into any Citie wherein Christians were thei ordeined some one or other of theim suche as liued honestly and vnblameably and had wife and children and also skilfull in the Scriptures of GOD to haue the superintendencie and charge ouer the rest And them thei called Seniors or Elders whom afterward bothe sainct Peter and also Saincte Paule called Bishopps whereby wee maie note that Bishoppes were none others then the verie same that were Elders Touchyng this purpose wee reade in the historie of sainct Martine how a ceirtaine man came vnto a place in Apbrica and there in a poore Cotage found an elderly man whom thei thought to haue been some plaine Countrieman Within a while thei sawe many people come flockyng to hym to whō he preached and expounded the Woorde of God whereby thei perceiued that he was their Pastour or Bishopp For in those daies there was no difference either in apparaile or maners betweene the Bishoppes and the residue of Christians The Elders saieth S. Peter vppon whom the charge lieth to feede the flocke of Christ with the Worde of GOD and to haue care ouer them in the Lorde I exhort whiche am also an Elder Whereby it manifestly appeareth that thei whom he here nameth Elders were suche as laboured in the ministerie of the Woorde and diligently preached the glad tidynges of the Gospell For suche as he was that calleth hymself their fellowe Elder suche also appeareth it that thei were And here we see how farre he humbleth and abaseth hymself in that he taketh not vpon hym the name of a Prelate which in respecte that he was an Apostle of the Lorde he
stabished in the present truth For I think it meete as long as I am in this tabernacle to stirre you vp by puttyng you in remembraunce Seyng I knowe that the tyme is at hande that I must laie doune this my tabernacle euen as our Lord Iesus Christ hath shewed me I will endeuour therefore alwaies that ye also maye be able to haue remembraunce of these thinges after my departyng For wee followed not deceiuable fables when wee opened vnto you the power and commyng of our Lorde Iesus Christ but with our eyes wee sawe his maiestie For he receiued of God the Father honor and glorie when there came suche a voyce to hym from the excellent glorie This is my beloued Sonne in whō I am well pleased And this voyce we heard when it came from heauen beyng with hym in the holy mount Wee haue also a moste sure worde of the Prophetes to the whiche ye doe well that ye take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place vntill the daie dawne and the daie starre arise in your hartes So that ye first knowe this that no prophesie in the Scripture is of any priuate interpretation For the prophesie came not in olde tyme by the will of man but holiemen of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost Simon Peter a Seruaunt and an Apostle of Iesus Christ to you whiche haue obteined like precious Faithe with vs by the righteousnesse of our GOD and Sauiour Iesus Christ AS in the former Epistle so in this wee haue bothe a Subscription and an Inscription That wee maie knowe bothe who writeth it and to whom it is written namelie to them that zealously heare the Woorde of GOD and constantly stande by Faithe in the sincere profession of the same But what Faithe meaneth he Euē that saith he whiche is by the righteousnesse of God In whiche woordes he ascribeth Iustification to Faithe onely euen as S. Paule Roma j. saieth In the Gospell the righteousnesse of GOD is reueiled from Faithe to Faithe as it is written The iuste shall liue by Faithe Sainct Peter therefore warneth them to stand readie not to be beguiled nor to suffer the doctrine of Faithe whiche thei had receiued and learned to slippe awaie from thē And whereas he here peculierly speaketh of the Righteousnesse of God he thereby excludeth and putteth backe all humaine Iustice For it is Faithe onely that iustifieth vs before GOD and therefore Faithe is called the Righteousnesse of God For before the worlde it is nothyng accoumpted of nay it is rather persecuted and flatly condemned Grace and peace bee multiplied to you by the knowledge of God and of Iesus our Lorde THis is an vsuall Salutation wont to bee prefixed at the beginnyng of Letters and Epistles The meanyng whereof is thus I wishe vnto you the encrease of Grace and peace and that ye maie bee therewith enriched euery daie more and more Whiche grace issueth and floweth from the knowledge of GOD and of our Lorde Iesu Christ as if he should saie This Grace no manne can haue vnlesse he haue withall the knowledge of God and of our Lorde Iesus Christ Of this knowledge of GOD aswell the Apostles as the Prophetes dooe verie often and almoste continually make mention in the holie Scriptures as Esaie the xj In all my holie hill thei shall not hurte nor destroye for the Earth shalbe full of the knowledge of the Lorde as the waters that couer the Sea That is The knowledge of God shall bee as plentifull and abundaunt as the waters of the swellyng Sea when it breaketh out and surroundeth some whole Countrey And here hence shall suche peace and tranquillitie presently ensue that no man shal seeke to molest or damnifie an other But this is not to knowe God if thou dooe but onely beleeue that God is Almightie and that he hath created and made all thynges and that Christ was borne of the virgine Marie suffred death and rose againe for thus muche doe the Turkes Iewes and Deuilles beleeue But the true knowledge of GOD is this That thou haue a feelyng of hym in thyne harte conscience and that thou be certainly perswaded that God and his Christ is thy God and thy Christ whiche belief the Deuilles and false counterfaite Christians haue not neither can haue Therefore the knowledge of God is nothing els then a sounde and entire Faithe in Christ For when thou thus fullie knowest GOD and Christe thou wilte moste gladlie resigne and committe thy self vnto hym and firmely beleeue and trust in hym aswell in aduersitie as in prosperitie in death aswell as in life This settled confidence and sure trust can not bee in theim that haue euill consciences that is in theim that want true and sincere Faithe For thei knowe GOD none otherwise but that he is the God of S. Peter and of all the Sainctes in Heauen But for their God thei dooe not knowe hym neitheir haue any feelyng of hym but haue hym and take hym rather as their heauie tormentour and angrie Iudge To haue GOD is to haue all Grace all Mercie and all goodnesse that can bee named To haue Christe is to haue a Sauiour and a Mediatour who hath brought vs vnto God and made hym now all ours and at whose handes he hath obtained for vs all Grace and Blessyng All these thynges thou muste drawe and applie to thy self and not doubte but that Christ is thyne and thou Christes And this is the true knowledge of Christ An vmnaried woman seyng a man maie saie this is a Manne but she can not saie this is my Manne or my Housebande In like sort all of vs can saie This is God But all of vs can not saie that he is our God because wee dooe not all of vs beleeue and trust in hym and comfort our selues onely in hym and by hym This true knowledge of GOD the Scripture tearmeth the face and Countenaunce of the Lorde whereof the Prophetes speake verie copiouslie For thei that see not his face and knowe hym not doe see but onely his hinder partes that is doe see hym as their angrie and displeased God whereas if thei sawe his face that is if thei had the true knowledge of hym by Faith thei should behold and see nothing but Grace and Mercie Wee see here how sainct Peter in this his seconde Epistle purposely entreateth not of Faithe for he largelie discoursed therevppon in his former Epistle but his purpose is in this to write an Exhortation to them whiche beleeue that thei should shewe forthe their Faithe by Good workes For he would not haue Faithe to bee without Good woorkes nor Good woorkes without Faithe But firste he requireth in vs Faithe and Faithe beeyng once surely grounded to shewe foorthe Good woorkes And therefore he addeth According as his godlie power hath giuen vnto vs all thynges that pertaine vnto life and godlinesse WHen wee throughlie knowe God by Faithe wee are possessed of the franke gift of all
sawe their obstinate perseueraunce in Sinne My Spirite shall not alwaies striue with Manne because he is but fleshe his daies shalbe an hundreth and twentie yeres Genes vj. And a little after in the same Chapter I will destroye from the Earth the Man whom I haue created from Man to Beast to the creepyng thyng and to the Foule of the Heauen c. These wordes did Noah in his daiely Sermons preache and beate into their heades withall also buildyng the Arke accordyng as God had commaunded hym and that in the full space of an hundreth yeres But thei were so senselesse of their estate and so frozen in the dregges of their accustomed Synnes that thei laughed him to skorne and grewe still more and more obstinate and rebellious The Sinnes wherefore God brought the Floud vppon the Worlde as it appeareth in the same sixte Chapter of Genesis were that the Soonnes of God that is the Children of the holie Fathers degenerated from the Faith and knowledge wherein thei had been trained taught For seing the daughters of Mē that thei were faire thei tooke them wiues of all that thei liked Of whom were borne mightie Gyantes and lawlesse Tyrantes whiche did all thynges accordyng to their owne lustes and as beste liked themselues This was the cause why God punishing their sinnes drouned the whole Worlde And tourned the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrhe into ashes condemned them and ouerthrewe thē and made theim an ensample vnto them that after should liue vngodly THis third example is of the fiue Cities whiche God destroied as we read Genes xix Ezechiel also in his xvj Chapter speakyng hereof in the persone of God and appliyng his woordes by waie of vpbraidyng to Hierusalem saieth This was the iniquitio of thy Sister Sodom Pride fulnesse of Bread abundaūce of Idlenesse both in her and in her daughters neither did she strengthen the hande of the poore and needie but thei were hautie and committed abhomination before me therefore I tooke theim awaie as pleased me Sodome and Gomorrha and the Territories thereof till the Lorde destroyed them were as Moses witnesseth Genes xiij as the Paradise or gardein of the Lorde aboundyng and flowyng with plentie of Wine and Oile in theim all thynges that to the life of man were either necessarie delightfull or commodious were in moste aboundaunce to bee had in so muche that the common sorte beleeued that God hymself had chosen it for his owne peculier habitation and dwellyng And therefore as Moses in the same Chapter saith the people thereof were wicked and exceeding sinners against the Lorde leadyng their liues accordyng to the leuell of their owne leude lustes Whiche inordinate beastly and wicked lustes their owne vaine curiositie and the greate plentifull aboundaunce and Idlenesse whiche thei enioyed procured and brought vnto them As wee at this daie by experience doe set that the wealthier a●y Cities be the wantoner and dissoluter life the people therein lead but where Famine Penurie or other extremities pinche there the Citezeins are nothyng so muche giuen to loosenesse and Sinne. And therefore God vseth to exercise and enure those that be his and whom he loueth with hard cheere and slender pittaunces because they maie the better walke in integritie of life These therefore are the three dreadfull Examples wherewith S. Peter threateneth the vngodlie whiche he here aptly alledgeth and bringeth in as fitlie hittyng the persones of whō he here speaketh who he saieth liued euen as these Sodomites and Gomorrheans did whose greeuous punishement is heere laied before them for their greater terrour And therefore these thynges agree in eche respect and verie fittly are to be applied namely and specially vnto the Pope with his Cardinalles Bisshoppes Munkes Friers Nunnes and all the rest of his filthie Spiritualtie and rumpwood retinue For thei beyng appoincted to be as it were Angels in the places of Apostles truely to preache and expounde the Woorde of God in steade of beyng suche Angelles for the name Angell is a worde of Office and not of Nature signifiyng a Messenger or an Embassadour wherevppon all Preachers of the Truthe who are the Messengers of GOD are called in the Scriptures Mala. ij j. Cor. xj by y e name of Angels thei do cary vs headlong with themselues into the dungeon of error and quite reuolte from their loyall allegiaunce to GOD by mere Pride and Apostacie like these of whom S. Peter here speaketh aduauncyng theimselues aboue God and will haue no Lorde ouer them but bee Lordes themselues and of them selues And yet will thei bee called Apostolicall hauyng nothyng in theim but onely a vaine braggyng shewe of the bare name and title as heere afore in this Chapter thei are named by the name Angelles who properly are not so This blasphemous route therefore of Pope and Popelynges for that thei haue conspired with the Deuill against God and denied hym that is their Creatour are kepte faste fettered in Chaines of darkenesse vnto damnation whose Iudgement as he saied afore ceasseth not neither dooeth their damnation sleepe although as yet it bee not fullie and completly come vpon them Againe thei bee herein also like vnto the old Worlde who although thei haue the Prophetes and the Woorde of GOD preached vnto them yet did thei blaspheme and as it were defy hym and as Moses writeth of them tooke to theim selues Wiues accordyng to their owne lustes and likynges and became mightie Tyrauntes and Gyantes in the earth Gen. vj. Now a little let vs see whether all the properties and dealynges reported by Moses to be in those men of the old World bee not nowe moste manifestly resiaunte and inuested in our Popishe Clergie For thei now be greate mightie and dreadfull Tyrauntes thei liue of all menne moste delicately moste riotouslie and euen as thei liste theimselues thei haue moste aboundaunt store and plentie of all thynges thei oppresse the Worlde and with their tyrannous exactions and bloodie cruelties ouercrowe all Christendome and yet maie no manne speake one woorde or once open his mouthe against them no not Kynges and Princes Againe if thei bee disposed to take a waie a mannes Wife or his daughter from hym thei maie with suche impunitie dooe it that no man maie dare so muche as complaine of their violence and if any doe complaine yet are thei themselues the iudges of the matter and so it shall be euen as good to saie nothyng at all for amendes hee shall haue none at all Finallie by all the shiftes and driftes by all the waies and meanes that thei can possibly deuise to pill and poll robbe and spoile rake and scrape by cosonage pillage exaction tribute commaundementes licenses depredations and al other suttle trickes whatsoeuer thei hale and pull thei catche and snatche vnto theim without hoe without measure without conscience without shame And if any manne in any sorte laye his lawfull claime or touche any thyng whiche thei pretende to be theirs and whiche thei haue in theirs
wherein God himself will dwell For he not onely dwelleth in the Heauens but euery where and therfore where he is there shall the elect also bee Wherefore beloued seeyng that ye looke for such thynges bee diligent that ye maie bee founde of hym in peace without spot and blamelesse FOrsomuche saieth he as ye haue escaped so great mischieues and daungers and shall come to suche and so great ioyes this ought not a little to moue you to contemne and despise all the thinges of the Worlde and with pacient myndes to suffer what aduersitie soeuer shalbe allotted vnto you and this is it that he saieth ye ought diligently to endeuour yourselues to liue without spot and blame and after this ●orce in peace to expect and looke for that daie And suppose that the long suffryng of our Lorde is saluation IN that hee so long spareth you and deferreth his iudgement and doth not by and by iudge you think ye it your greate gaine and auaile He hath cause enough to be angrie with you and euen by and by to take present reuenge vpon you but suche is his mercie and clemencie y t he spareth you pardoneth all your transgressions Euen as our beloued brother Paule accordyng to the wisedome giuen vnto hym wrote to you As one that in all his Epistles speaketh of these thinges among the whiche some thinges are hard to bee vnderstande which they that are vnlearned and vnstable wrest as thei do also other Scriptures vnto their owne destruction SAinct Peter here giueth expresse testimonie and allowaunce of the sounde doctrine contained in S. Paules Epistles whiche prooueth that this Epistle was written long after the Epistles of Paule And this is one of those places whereby a man maie take occasion to thinke that this Epistle was not written by S. Peter as also an other sentēce a little afore in this present Chapter expressed dooeth insinuate and purporte where he saieth that God would haue no man to perish but would all men to come to repentaunce For it seemeth to sauour of a lower spirite and to carie a meaner grace then to one inspired with an Apostolicall spirite is vsuall Yet is it not altogether incredible nor amisse to thinke this Epistle to bee written by Peter For seeyng that in this Epistle his purpose and meanyng was not to write of Faithe but of Loue and Charitie be purposely abazeth hymself in his Style as the nature of Charitie alwaies is to dooe to the intent thereby to humble hymself to his Neighbour as on the other part Faith alwaies mounteth and lifteth vp it self to Godwarde And this 〈◊〉 he well see would come to passe that many light and vnstable Spirites would wrest and wring inuert and peruert S. Paules wordes in sundrie places For that in his Epistles there are some Textes harde to bee vnderstoode as where he saieth that no man is iustified by workes but by Faithe onely Rom. iij. Againe that the Lawe was giuen to knowe Sinne. Rom. iiij vij And moreouer Where sinne abounded there grace abounded muche more Rom. v. and suche like places For assoone as they heare this they straight ways breake out into these or y e like speeches ●f it be thus we will liue ydlie and merilie wee will doe to good worke at all and yet shall wee neuerthelesse be saued and iustified and after this sorte euen nowadaies doe they ●aise on vs and shamefullie helpe vs faiyng that wee in our Sermons condemne and dispraise good Workes But wee maie not thinke it any meruaile or straunge thyng seeyng thei haue not spared to wrest and misconstrue S. Paules wordes Ye therefore beloued seyng ye knowe these thinges before beware lest ye bee also plucked awaie with the errour of the wicked and fall from your owne stedfastnesse But growe in grace and in the knowledge of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe to him bee glorie bothe now and for euermore Amen SEyng therfore ye perfectly know all these thinges afore declared and are certainly giuen to vnderstande that many false Teachers shalbee chopped and foysted in among you to seduce the Worlde and many froward mockers shal wilfully mistake and wrest the Scriptures not beyng willyng to vnderstande them aright it greatly standeth you vpon to take good heede to your selues and moste carefully to beware of them least with their false and erroneous doctrine thei carie you awaie from the right Faithe but looke rather that ye dailie encrease in godlinesse and knowledge that from daie to daie through continuall preachyng and exercise of the Worde of God ye maie bee more and more confirmed and strengthenes And here wee are to beholde and note the greate care that the Apostle had ouer them which had now receiued the Faith whiche caused hym to write vnto them these twoo Epistles wherein is largely and plentifully layed doune al and whatsoeuer is expedient and necessarie for a Christian man to know yea concernyng those thynges also whiche are to come God graunt vnto vs his grace that we maie both rightly vnderstand also effectually keepe and obserue the same to the glorie of his holy and blessed name and to the comforte and consolation of our own Soules and consciences Amen ❧ THE GENERALL Epistle of S. Iude. IVDE a seruaunt of Iesus Christ and brother of Iames to theim whiche are called and sanctified of God the Father and reserued to Iesus Christ Mercie vnto you and peace and loue bee multiplied Beloued when I gaue all diligence to write vnto you of the common Saluation it was needefull for me to write vnto you to exhorte you that ye should earnestly contende for the maintenaunce of the Faithe whiche was once giuen vnto the Sainctes For there are certaine men crept in whiche were before of old ordained to this condemnation vngodlie men thei are whiche tourne the grace of our God into wantonnesse and deny God the onely Lorde and our Lorde Iesus Christ I will therefore putt you in remembraunce forasmuche as ye once knewe this how that the Lorde after that he had deliuered the people out of Egypt destroied them afterward whiche beleeued not The Angelles also whiche kept not their first estate but lefte their owne habitation he hath reserued in euerlastyng chaines vnder darkenesse vnto the Iudgement of the greate daie As Sodom and Gomorrhe and the Cities about theim which in like maner as thei did cōmitted fornicatiō followed straūge Flesh are set forth for an ensample suffer the vengeance of eternall Fier Likewise notwithstādyng these dreamers also defile the Fleshe and despise Gouernement and speake euill of theim that are in aucthoritie Yet Michaell the Archangell when he stroue against the Deuill and disputed aboute the bodie of Moses durste not blame hym with cursed speakyng but saieth The Lorde rebuke thee But these speake euill of those thynges whiche thei knowe not and whatsoeuer thynges thei knowe naturallie as beastes whiche are without ●eason in those thynges thei corrupt themselues Wo bee vnto them
Worlde This is alreadie saieth Iude begunne to bee put in practise For wee reade that this mischiefe of Bishoppes seeking Lordly authoritie and higher prerogatiue then other Christians beganne aboue a thousande yeares agoe whiche thyng in the Epistles of Hierome is euidently to bee seen And deny GOD the onely Lorde and our Lorde Iesus Christ SO also writeth Sainct Peter in his Christs But that Deniyng as it is there and here in 〈◊〉 is not with the mouthe for outwardly in woordes thei confesse that GOD is the Lords but in their woorkes and dealynges thei flatly deny the Lorde Christ not acknowledgyng hym to bee their Lorde but chalenge rather a Lordinesse and predenimation vnto themselues For when as thei Preache that Fastyng Pilgrimage buildyng of Abbaies Chastitie Obedience Pouertie and suche like is the right high waie to felicitie thei th●re●● miserablie seduce and drawe men from the truthe to them wretched Workes vtterly suppressyng concealyng and keepyng Christ doune Which is no lesse then if thei should saie Christ auaileth that nothyng neither can his woorkes and 〈◊〉 fires any whitte helpe thee Thou must needes trust to thy self and merite Heauen with thyne owne Workes And thus thei ●●ny the Lorde who hath bought and redeemed vs with his owne precious bloud as S. Peter afore declared I will therefore putte you in remembraune for as muche as ye onto knewe this how that the Lorde after that he had deliuered the people out of Aegipt destroied them afterward whiche beleeued not The Angels also whiche kept not their first estate but left their owne habitation he hath reserued in euerlastyng chaines vnder darknesse vnto the iudgement of the greate daie As Sodome and Gomorrhe and the Cities aboute them whiche in like maner as thei did committed Fornication and followed strange fleshe are sett forthe for an ensample and 〈◊〉 the vengeaunce of eternall Fier HEre he inferreth three seuerall examples whereof the two last are mētioned why S. Peter One onely he here addeth more and 〈◊〉 it of the children of Isral whom God by many wonders brought out of the Lande of Egipt and who for their vnbelief dyed in the Wildernesse and were destroyed so that of sixe hundreth thousande men beside women and children vnder twentie yeares that came out of Egipt there were left no moe but onely twaine Num. xj This example he bringeth for an admonition and terrour as if hee should saie let those that are called by the name of Christians and vnder colour thereof turne the grace of God into wantonnesse take heede and looke well to themselues least that happen vnto them whiche light vppon the Israelites And truely since the tyme that blind Poperie beganne and the clere light of the Gospell was couered and restrained from beeing publiquely preached one plague hath still fallen in the necke of an other whereby GOD hath still from tyme to tyme taken reuenge of the vnbeleeuers and giuen them ouer into the very Iawes of Sathan Likewise notwithstandyng these Dreamers also defile the fleshe THese Doctors Teachers he calleth Dreamers because that as when one dreameth he thynketh himself to haue somewhat and to see many thynges whiche in truth are but vaine phantasies and when he awaketh and seeth himself to haue nothyng then perceiueth he all to bee but a dreame so maketh he no accoumpt thereof So whatsoeuer these iuggling Rabbines and Lordly maisters doe saie is nothyng but mere dreames whiche they shall one daie when their eyes shalbee opened well finde and know to haue been nothyng at all And namely when thei goe about to perswade men that their shauen crounes their forked Cappes their wilfull Pouertie their counterfaite Chastitie their vowed Obedience suche like trashe and guegawes are thinges very acceptable vnto God Herein they merueilouslie blea●● themselues in their owne imaginations and thinke themselues to see that whiche in deede is but false and phantasticall and no better then a very fonde and foolishe dreame as in truthe all this their trashe and tromperie is before God nothyng els but mere dreames and lyes Therefore in callyng them Dreamers he did very wel and hit them home with their right name for that with their dreames they seduce and beguile bothe themselues and the Worlde This vice of liuyng looselie and wantonlie the Apostles doe peculiarly attribute and ascribe to those whiche bee greazed Priestes and marked Baalamites God long agoe foretolde vs that they should bee a Sect liuyng without Wiues And Daniell also prophecying of the kyngdome of the Pope foretolde long agoe that their lust should be vpon women Dan. xj because he foresawe that thei would be suche as could not abide to bee linked in lawfull mariage with any women but burne in lust and wicked concupiscence And this is one of the outwarde iolie vertues not muche vnlike to that their other inwarde properties namely that they are dreamyng Sleepers And despise gouernemente and speake euill of thē that are in aucthoritie THeir third qualitie is that thei refuse to bee subiecte to the Temporall Sworde and Ciuile Magistrate But wee knowe and so teache that so long as wee liue vppon Earth wee are bounde by the Worde of GOD to yeeld our obedience vnto Magistrates For the Faithe of Christe doeth not violate infringe and disanull externall Pollicie and therefore it is not lawfull for any man to exempt hymself from his obedience toward them Wherevpon we see it plainly and consequently prooued that the Popes Canons and Decrees touchyng Ecclesiasticall Immunitie bee nothyng but verie deuises and inuentions of Sathan Yet Michael the Archangell whē he stroue against the Deuill and disputed about the bodie of Moses durst not blame hym with cursed speakyng but saied The Lorde rebuke thee THis is one of the places for the whiche this Epistle was of the old Fathers not allowed and receiued for Canonicall because he here alledgeth an example whiche is not read els where in any place within the whole bodie of the Bible Namely that Michaell the Archangell contended with the Deuill about the bodie of Moses This contention some thinke grewe herevpon because there are so many notable stories written of Moses namelie in the laste of Deuter where wee reade that the Angell of God buried hym but that no man knoweth of his Sepulchre where it is vnto this daie Againe because the Scripture testifieth of hym in the same Chapter that there arose not a Prophete in Israell like vnto Moses whom the Lorde knewe face to face c. Seyng therefore in what greate estimation and reuerence Moses was among the Iewes some of the Interpreters and Expositors that write vpon that same laste Chapter of Deut. saie that Moses was buried by God and that his Sepulchre was neuer hitherto knowen or founde by any man Whiche God did to the intente the Iewes should bee kept from all occasion of committyng Idolatrie whereinto thei might easily and quickly haue slipped if thei had had the bodie of so noble and renoumed a