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A16065 Of the auctorite of the word of god agaynst the bisshop of london wherein are conteyned certen disputacyons had in the parlament howse betwene the bisshops a bowt the nomber of the sacramen[n]ts and other things, very necessary to be known, made by Alexa[n]der Alane Scot and sent to the duke of Saxon. Alesius, Alexander, 1500-1565.; Allen, Edmond, 1519?-1559. 1544 (1544) STC 292; ESTC S108900 30,774 92

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neyther one sparke of lerning nor yet of godlines in yow And thus shal ye lose all your estimacyon and auctoryte with them which before toke yow for lerned men and profitable membres vnto the comon welth of Christendome For that which yow do hope vpon that there was neuer heresy in the church so gret but that processe of tyme with the pour and auctorite of the pope hath quenched it it is nothing to the purpose But ye must turne your opinyon and think this surely that there is nothing so feble and weake so that it be true but it shal find place and be able to stand against all falshode Truth is the doughter of tyme and tyme is the mother of truth And what so euer is beseged of truth can not long continue and vpon whose syde truth doth stand that ought not to be thought transitory or that it wil euer falle All things consist not in painted eloquence strenght or auctorite For the truth is of so gret pour strength and efficacite that it cā neyther be defended with wordes nor be ouercomne with any strength but after she hath hidden hir self long at length she putteth vp hir head and appereth and as it is written in Esdra a king is strong wyne is strongar yet wemen be more strong But truth excellyth all He spake many more things to this purpose effect very discretely to the high delyte of all that hard him And I thinking my selfe to be encoraged by his oracyon I began thus to reason against the bisshop of london Sacramentes be signes or ceremonys which make us certē and sure of the wil of god But no mans hart can be certen and sure of the wil of god with out the word of god wherfor it foloweth that there be no sacramentes without the word of god and such as can not be proued out of the holy scripture ought not to be called sacramentes The first part of this reason is Sanct Pauls own saing the .iiij. to the Romanes where he saith that circumcisyon is a tokē and a seale of the rightwisnes of faith Ergo it requyreth faith to certify mans hart of the wil of god But the word of god is the foundacyon of faith the .x. to the Roma Faith cometh bi hearing and hearing cometh by the word of god For the mynd must be taught and instruct of the wil of god by the word like as the ey is taught instruct by the outward ceremony And Paul by this saing confuteth this opinyō that the sacramētes shuld make mē rightuos and iust before god for the very outward work without faith of them that receyue thē and after this maner doth Paul speak vnto the Ephesyans that christ doth sanctifie his church thorow the bath of water in the word of life And for as moch as he ioyneth the word vnto the ceremony declareth the vertu and pour of the word of god that it bringeth with him life he doth manifestly teach that the word of god is the principal thing euyn as it were the very substance and body of the sacrament and the outward ceremony nothing els thā a token of that lyuely inflāmacyon which we receyue thorow faith in the word and promes S. Paul also in ministring the sacramēt of the lordes supper doth manifestly adde the wordes of Christ He toke bread saith he and whan he had geuen thankes he brake it and sayd take ye this and eate ye this for it is my body Item do ye this in my rememberans Beside this he teacheth euidently that only christ and none but he had pour to institute a sacramēt and that neither the apostels nor the church hath any auctorite to alter or to adde any thing vnto his ordināce where as he saith For I receiued of the lord that which I d●lyuered vnto yow et ce To what purpose shuld he go a bout to moue the peple to bileue him and to wīne their hartes with this protestacyon if it had bene lauful for him to haue made any sacramentes or to haue altered the forme maner of ministring this sacrament as some men both wickedly and shamelesly do affirme that the apostles did alter the forme of baptyme Whā I had spoken thus moch the bisshop of lōdon did interrupt me and sayd let us grāt that the sacramentes may be gathered out of the word of god yet are you farre deceyued if ye think that there is no nother word of god but that which euery sowter and cobler do reade in their mother tong And if ye think that nothing perteyneth vnto the Christen faith but that only that is writton in the byble than erre ye playnly with the Lutheranes For. S. Iohan saith that Iesus did many things which be not writton And. S. Paul commandeth the Thessalonians to obserue and kepe certē vnwritton tradicyons and ceremonys .ij. Thessa. ij Moreouer he him self did preach not the scripture only but euen also the tradicyons of the elders Act. xvj Finally we haue receyued many things of the doctors and councels by tymes which although thei be not writton in the bible yet for as moch as the old doctors of the church do make mencyon of thē we ought to grant that we receiued them of the apostles and that thei be of like autoryte with the scripture and finally that thei may worthily be called the word of god vnwritton Now whan the right noble lord Crumwel the Archbisshop with the other bisshops which did defend the pure doctrine of the gospel hard this thei smyled alytle one vpō a nother for as moch as thei sawe him flee euen in the very beginning of the disputacyon vnto his old rusty sophistry and vnwritton verites And I wold haue disputed further with the bisshop to haue cōfuted this blasphemos lye But the lord Crumwel bad me be content for the tyme began to go away and it was .xij. of the clock and thus I made an end with this protestacyon Right reuerend master bisshop ye denye that our Christē faith and religyō doth leane only vpon the word of god which is writton in the bible which thing if I can proue and declare than ye wil grant me that there be no sacramētes but those that haue the manifest word of god to confirme them vnto this he did consent and than immediately that assemble was dissolued for that day Now the next day whan the bisshops were assembled agayne and I was present with the lord crumwel there came vnto me a certē archdeacon in the name of the archbisshop of cātorbery which told me that the other bishops were greuosly offended w●th me that I being a stranger shuld be admitted vnto their disputacyō which thing whan I had shewed vnto the lord crumwel he thought it best to gyue place vnto the bisshops specially be cause he wold not procure me their hatred for he knewe wel that if thei had ones conceiued in their hartes any malyce against any mā thei wold
neuer cease til thei had gotē him out of the way and thei had before brought to death diuerse whom the king did highly fauor before the king him self whom thei moued by all meanes to put them to execucyon quickly could perceyue spye out their craft and suttilty But he bad me gyue hym the paper wherin I had writton my disputacyon that he might shewe it to the bisshop of londō to the other bisshops in the councel the cōtentes wherof was this Right honorable and noble lord and ye right reuerend fathers yesterday whan I disputed of the sacramentes with the bisshop of london we came thus farre that those only ought to be called sacramentes which haue the word of god for them and this point only remained to be further declared that nothing ought to be taken for the word of god but only the holy bokes of the old and newe testamēt For the bisshop of london affirmed that the tradicions and ceremonys wherof the old ecclesiastical writers do make mencyon were receiued of the apostles and geuen us of the fathers from hand to hand and therfor thei may be laufully called the word of god vnwrittō and our faith must be proued by them as well as by the holy scripture which is writton in the bible Now I haue determined to cōfute this saing and opinyō and to shewe by the manifest testimonys of christ of the Apostles of the prophetes and also of the old doctors that the Christen faith ought to leane only vpon the holy scripture and that the bokes of the old newe testament only ought to be had and taken for the word of god And because there hangeth a nother disputacyō vpon this that is to say of the auctorite of the doctors and of councels I wil also speake of them For cochleus and other blasphemos lyers which for the bellys sake haue salable tūges and in whom the saing which Paul alledgeth against them that mainteyne wicked doctrine for their bellys sake doth very wel agre saing The cretyās are alweys false lyers wicked beastes and slowe bellys These hipocrites I say do plainly hold that the church that is to say the bisshops as thei vnderstond hath pour to iudge ouer the scripture and to examyne it and also that it hath auctoryte to allowe or to refuse the gospel and to dispense with the .x. commandments and to alter the forme of baptyme and to make newe articles of our faith beside those which be conteined in the scripture Some there be that speake yet more reuerently saing that thei contend not of the scripture or of the word of god but of the exposicyon theroff which thei wil haue to be taken and sought of the church and of the doctors which be alowed of the church vnto whose iudgemēt thei say we ought to stand in all cōtrouersys of our faith what so euer thei deere whether thei haue any scripture for them or no. This sophistical suttelty although it hath more coning than the first grosse blasphemy yet it is to the same effect and thei both haue one end and defend both one opinion But yet before the bisshop of londō there was neuer none so farre past shame as to say that the rytes and ceremonys in the church which can not be proued by the scripture ought to be called the word of god vnwritten ▪ and that we ought to byld our faith vp on them as vp on the holy scripture written in the bible This threfold maze or rather one tra●●formed .iij. ways couered painted with diuers wordes hath those reasons onli to cōfirme it which the bisshop did before alledge for the vnwritton word and certē other which I wil reherse and confute in the end of this writing But first I wil beate downe this grosse blasphemy and I wil shewe and declare that our whole fayth and all the articles of the christē religiō be cōteined in the scripture of the prophetes and apostles so that a christen man is bownd to byleue no other thing than such things as may be proued out of that scripture This horrible blindnes of men and the boldnes malycyos obstinacy which foloweth therup on wherthorow thei blaspheme god and his holy word is rather to be lamented than to be conuict with many reasons the thing being so manifest But the nerer that the brightnes of the sonne of reightwisnes doth cōe and the more clerely that the light of the gospel doth shyne so moch more blinder and more obstynate are the vnfaithful made in so moch veryly that thei are more blynder now in the gret light than thei were before and thei stomble in very dede vp on the stomblyng stone and vp on the rock of sclander For the false teachers euen whan thei were in the most blind darknes were neuer so bold nor impudent as to breake out in to such a blasphemy as to say the church might make newe articles of the faith not cōteyned in the scripture or that it hath auctorite to dispēse with the .x. cōmandmēts and to alter the forme of baptyme Gerson duns dorbel Decam Tomas Bonauēture do plainly condemne this heresy and thei affirme that the truth reueled of god and conteined in the body of the bible or in the holy scripture is the foundacion of our faith that is to say the thīg where vp ō our fayth ought to be bylded thei wold neuer haue byleued that there shuld euer be so gret blindnes in the church that any man shuld be so bold as to affirme that the articles of the christen faith ought to be sought not in the scripture but in the gloses of men and in bisshops lawes or that mans tradicions rites and ceremonys receyued in the church and not conteyned in the scripture ought to be called the word of god vnwritton But I wil cease my cōplayning seing I know that now is the latter tyme wherof the prophetes christ and the apostles did prophecy that there shuld come false prophetes which shuld face out the gospel and imagyne a newe gospel euen stynking hethenyssh old wiuyssh and capcyos fables inuented by the suttyl wit of man as peter and paul calle them and of these false prophetes that is to say Antichrist did daniel christ and paul admonissh us that he shuld extolle him self a boue god and shuld robbe god of his name pour wisdom and mercy and shuld accuse him of right wisnes cruelnes and weakenes vnabylyte which thing we do manifestly see in maner in all their doctrynes as in their pardons in the popes your in purgatory in pryuate masses in the prayng vnto saintes in worshipyng of Images in the vowes of monkes and pristes and in all mans tradicyons And I pray yow is not this to accuse god of ignorance of malice and of sluggisshnes neclygence to say that god hath not writton in his holy bokes of scripture all things necessary vnto our saluacyon as though either he did not remember althings
against the doctrynes tradicyons of men saing All flessh is euen grasse all the glory of it that is to say euen his most excellent wisdom pour is euen lyke the floure of an herbe the grasse widdereth away and the floure of the herbe falleth a way for the spyryte breath of the lord hath blowne vpon it And the peple be very grasse the grasse I say widdereth the floure falleth but the word of the lord endureth for euer c. He threatneth also euerlasting night of infidelyte or vnbylefe if we beleue eyther any newe reuelacyons withowt the word of god or els any apparicyōs of dead spretes The wordes after the true hebrue text be these Shal the peple seke councel of their god or shal thei are councel of the deade for the liuyng shal thei not rather loke serch in the lawe of the lord and tak the testimony of god vnto councel Iff thei tel you not saith he according vnto this word thei shal haue no mornīg lyght Sureli this is a sore threatning vnto them which vnderstond what this voyce is what this derknes signifyeth and who is the auctor causer of it Iohn calleth christ the light that shyneth in darknes that lightneth all mē which come in to this world he saith that the true life is in the word of god that life is the light of men again that god is the light in whom is no darknes at all that who so euer walketh in darknes hath no felowship with god And christ calleth hī self the life of the world he saith vnto us Walk in the light whyle ye haue it that no darknes compasse now c. Now the deuel is the prince of all darknes he did first steale this light from mankind thorow infidelite he did first robbe us of the true knowlege of god and brought us in to all darknes of infydelite and in to all kindes of errors But the sonne of rigtuosnes hath restored this light vnto the world agayne and his coming was vnto us the bright mornīg wherof Esay speaketh in this place And it is no meruel that we haue walked in a continual darknes thus long for we haue forsaken the word of god and sought the light in the deuils doctrine in our own wisdom in mans tradicyons we haue had so gret confydence in fantasyes that we haue byleued deade spyrites made newe artycles of our fayth euen owt of the appearing of them as namely that there is a purgatory after this life out of the which soules may be redemed thorow the sacrifice of the masse which the pope and the deuyl haue ordeyned to be a sacrifice for the quick and the deade contrary to the institutyon and ordināce of christ But now let us heare what witnesse christ him selfe the euerlasting word of god geueth of his scripture For the same question was disputed of euē in christes tyme among the high doctors which thought that the scripture without the tradicyons of the elders was not sufficient vnto their saluacyon and one of those doctors came to christ and saide master what may I doo to enioye euerlasting life But christ sēt this curios infidele vnto the scripture sayng what is writton in the lawe How dost thow reade thereī as though he shuld say Doist thou thinck that god is a wauerer or a changeling that wil alter his mynd euery howr as men change their lawes and imagine dayli newe opinions of god I tell the the word of god continueth for euer and do thou nothing but euen the selfe thing only that thow seyst writton in the law and so thou shalt liue he saith not now how thinkest thou or how dost thow heare the pharises the scribes preach teach but he sendeth hym to the scripture and sayth what readest thou there Do that thou shalt lyue And although the scribes pharises and doctors did euer patch their lawes and tradicyons vnto t●e word of god yea and preferred thē also before it as christ sheweth in the .xv. .xxiij. of Mathew yet all other among w●om the true church did raygne had on iudgement bylefe namely that the wil of god must be known by the scripture only that a●l articles must be iudged and examyned by it as christ declareth where as he saith vnto the iewes Serch the scriptures for ye beleue surely that ye shal haue euerlasting life in thē by the which wordes christ testifieth playnly that this was the opynion and iudgement of the o●d church that all men shuld knowe the wil of god by the scripture only and that thei shuld iudge all articles of the faith necessari vnto saluacyon by that only And where as he biddeth thē exam●ne his preaching by the scripture he sheweth euidently euin the whole gospel to becōteyned in the old scripture And who so euer denieth the cōmandment of Moyses before rehersed to perteyne vnto us because the Apostles had not yet writtō their bokes thei be very asseheades withowt any knoulege or vnderstōding For this rule did the Apostels folowe whan thei testified vn to the church of the gospel that no boke shuld be receyued except it consentyd with the old scripture and by this rule the church refused the bokes which confirmed their storys by the prophetes And by this rule do the Euangelistes proue their writings Paul also procureth auctorite vn to his pistle to the Roma .j. by this same rule where as he saith that his gospel was before promised by the prophetes in the holy scriptures To this purpose also serue these saings of christ If ye beleued Moyses ye wold bileue me also for he wrote of me c. and agayne this Serche the scriptures c. for euen thei beare witnesse of me Now this controuersy of the vnwritton word of mans gloses and tradicyons if we wil folow the councel of our fore fathers and stande to the iudgement of the church in christes tyme I wil lay this sentēce of the old church confirmed of christ for me against all that my aduersarys can make or say writton in the xij of Iohn The word which I haue spoken shal iudge them in the last day And if this word were not writtō or if it were not all writton who could besure certen of his saluacyon or of the wil and pleasure of god And if our faith and the saluacyon of mankynd did depend only of mennes doctryne so that the sōme rule of our religion were not writton in the scripture who durst trust bileue that one hole perfight and vnblemisshed sentence of christ were left vnto us For seing the deuel wresteth the scripture vnto eueri wicked opinyon and durst refuse the scripture thorow the Manicheis as he doth now adays cause it be burnt by the bisshops who dowteth but that he wold rather haue destroyed the whole scripture at ones more than .xv. hundreth yere agone and to haue
whan he gaue the scripture to be writton or els that he could not tell all things or els that he hidde certē things from us of purpose that so he myght damne and destroy us where as he had sayd before euidently that we shuld be iudged at the latter day by the word which he had spoken vnto us But thei be so blynded by the deuel that thei can not perceyue the abhominacion of this blasphemy Now to confirme all godly myndes and to call them back from their dotyng I haue gathered in order certen testimonys which do euidently proue that the wrytton word of god is the fowndacion of our christen fayth and that all the articles of our christen fayth ought to be prouyd by the holy scriptures The first is in the .iiij. of Deuterono●ye shal not adde vnto the worde which I speake vnto yow neyther mynissh from it And who dyd euer expownd this to be vnderstand of the vnwritton word before thes lying false prophetys and antichrystes And if it ought to be vnderstōd of the writton scripture only than do thei playnly agaynst gods word which Imagyne that there shuld be any vnwritton word But I am not ignorant how these mockers are wont to iest or scoff a way and to face owt this place sayng that there is one kynd of adding which minyssheth a nother which altereth a nother which maketh largyer and a nother which fulfilleth thei grant that this sayng refuseth all maner of addings sauyng the last maner wherby the scripture is made more manifest and open But to cōfute this fansy Imaginacyon the manifest scripture is suffycyēt deute the .vj. what I command that shalt thow do only vnto the lord thou shalt neyther adde nor minyssh any thing And in the last chapt of the Apoca. Who so euer addeth any thing vnto this the lord shal sēd hym the plages which be writō in this boke which place all the duns men euen duns him self granteth that it ought to be vnderstond of the whole scripture wherfore it is manifest that those synne against the commandment of god which affirme that there is any word of god vnwriton like as thei do which expownd the scripture after their own fansis or gyue iudgement of the wil of god with owt the manifest word of god For it is a deuillyssh lye to say that the scripture can not be vnderstond with owt mens commētarys or glosys because it is so darke dowtful that it may be applyed to cōfirme all maner of heresys In the .xxviij. of deuter are proffred benedyccyons of all sortys vnto them that kepe those things which are writton in the boke of the lawe And in the .xxxij. chap. of the same boke Moyses doth manifestly say thus Set and fyxe your hartes vpō all the wordes which I testyfye vnto you this day that ye may command your childern to kepe and obserue all things which are writton in the boke of this lawe for thei be not geuen and commanded vnto yow in vayne but that euery one of you should lyue after them Marke here is euerlasting life promysed vnto them which kepe those things that are writton in the scripture And Moyses doth playnly say that this is the fynal and only cause why god wold haue his word to be writton that all men in general and euery one in s●eciall of what order degre or occupacyon so euer he be shuld haue the word of god where by thei might be saued wherupō it foloweth that it is a manifest blasphemy to say that we may be saued or damned by any tradicyōs of man And here thei are conuyct to be starck idyotes which asscrybe this ignorāce neclygence vnto god as though he either could not or els wold not cōmyt all articles necessary vnto our saluacyon to be writton in the holy scripture For thei declare euydently that thei knowe not the final cause why the scripture is geuen vnto us but thei Imagyne god to be lyke some ignorant poete which hath geuen us a patched and an vnperfight worke For god wold that in the scripture his will shuld shyne as it were in a glasse and that the perfight image of hys deyte which paule calleth the prynt and seale of his substance shuld appeare therin Item s. Iohn sayth that this word doth shyne in darknes and that it is the lyght which shineth in mens hartes blynded of the deuyl thorow sinne and that christ doth open vnto us the wil of god thorow his gospel which will no mortal man did euer knowe but so farre as this word which is in the fathers bosom dyd open vnto him Wherfor we may perceyue that it is not only thorow the ignorance of man that the word of god is thus blasphemed but thorow the malyce of the deuyl For the deuel neuer ceaseth to disfigure this word namely the son of god whom he despysed before the world was made and shal fight with him euen with all his pour vntyl the day of iudgement In the .xvij. of deute The king is cōmanded to haue alweys in his handes and in his sight the boke of the lawe and to reade owt of it all the dayes of his life for this purpose that he shuld lerne to feare his lord god And for his study diligēce this promes is made him that he shuld lyue lōg and that his kingdome shuld be geuen to many of his progeny lynage And wold to god all christen kinges and princes wold think surely the reading of the holy bokes of scripture to be a part off their offyce not to reade them in latē which thei vnderstand not but so to reade it as thei may lerne the wil of god how he wil be feared by his word only and not by any popish lawes and mans tradicyons And if thei wold do thus I durst surely warāt them both that thei shuld lyue longer and also that thei shuld haue lesse tumult and sedicyon in their life tyme. For now seing thei play the tyrānes ouer the scripture and ouer the readers of it it is no meruel that god doth ponissh them for their cruelnes and that there be fewe of them but that dye some shameful and cruel death for such is the end of tirannes wont to be Ioachim king of Iuda sawe all his sonnes headed and he him self his eyes before put out was bownd and led presoner in to babylon and it was sayd openly vnto him because thow hast brent the boke of Iheremy there shal be none left of thy sede which shal sit vpon the throne of dauid and thy cark as shal be cast out in to the heate in the day time and in to the frost in the night tyme. Antiochus which cōmanded the holy bokes of scripture to be burnt perisshed miserably in desperacyon and thorow a meruelos falle Both daniel and paul do testifye that he was the figure of the last Antichrist that euer shuld be Wherfor I wil not spend my wordes in
vayne vnto these most damnable Antichristes but I wryte only for the cōfort of the faithful and for them which sinne thorow ignorance if it shal please god to put in to their hartes to knowlege the veryte and to repent and come out of the deuyls snare at whose wil and pleasure thei are now led captyue prysoners And because it were a long work to serch all the aucthorytes thorowt the scripture I wyl alledge but one place more out of the lawe and then wil I come to the prophetes and to the gospel In the .xxx. of deutero it is writton thus The cōmandment which I gyue vnto the is not aboue thy pour neyther is it farre from the it is not set in heauē that thou canst laufully say which of us all can clyme vp in to heauen to bryng it down vnto us that we may heare what it is and fulfyll it Neyther is it set beyond the see that thou canst laufully say which of us all is able to swymme ouer the see and to fetch it vnto us that we may heare what it is and fulfill that which is cōmanded vnto us therin But the word is nygh yea very nygh vnto the in thy mouth and in thy hart These wordes be spoken vnto the glotēs and belly goddes of this last tyme which for all the gret pretēce and outward shewe that thei make of holines and say that thei murder men for the preseruacyō of the true fayth and of the autorycte of the church yet thei declare euydently inough that thei denye the vertu of holinesse seing thei be spotted and shamefully defiled with blode murder whordome disceyte and with all kyndes of filthinesse and of wickednesse so that it may manyfestly appeare that thei be fully persuaded that god taketh no care at all for mankynde yea that there is no god at all which will ponish these abhomynacyons Leo the .x. called a cowncel to determine whether the soule of man were īmortal or no and whan he had heard euery mans sentence and mynd he sayd that the matter was more diffycult than that he could determine or iudge which part had strongar reasons for it but whether the soule were mortal or īmortal he said he wold not defraude his sowle of the cōmodytes delycyosnes and pleasures which were present and if there were any life after this he wold be contēt to make good chere with other there also if he shuld see that thei wold be as good felows there as thei were here This was the voyce of the high and supreme bisshop after whose sentence all men must determine of the word of god and vp on whose arbytermēt our fayth and saluacyon must depend This I say is the iudgement of the holy see wherunto men must sayle out of Aphryca Asya and europe Denmarke Inglād and Irland and out of all other landes euen in to Italy vnto this vicar of christ and vnto his .xij. Carnals the postys of the church which succeded the apostels to these must thei come to aske councel of the wil of god of the vnderstonding of the scripture which in their owne nacyons and in the councels of their own contrys thei can in nowyse vnderstād But moyses drawyth us from this deuelissh sentence where as he sayth The word is very nygh vnto the euen in thy mouth and in thy hart before thy eyes marke sayth he remember that I haue set it before thy eyes that thou maist reade in that boke yea and vnderstond it also For els in dede it had bene but a very madnes to haue writtō such thīgs as no man could vnderstond It had bene moch more worship for god to haue wryton nothing at all than so to haue mocked man kynd where as he sayd he had set before hym good and euyl life and death blessyng and curse etc. He ment not good and euel after the meaning of the serpent persuading Adam that he thorow trangressyon of gods commandmēt in eating of the forbiddyn frute that he shuld haue the knoulege of good and euel that is euerlasting dānacyon for so ment the deuel But god wil not be honored after the doctrine of the serpent nor after the doctryne of the deuel nor yet he wil not be feared after the cōmandmētes tradiciōs and doctrines of men cōtrary to his word or other wise than his word appoynteth He forbiddeth all maner of honor and condēnyth all maner of worship and seruyce done vnto him which he hath not ordeyned or commāded For these things must be lerned out of the word of god and the wil of god both what pleaseth him and what pleaseth him noti ● known only by the holy writtō scripture And if we byleue not this euen heauen and erth at the latter day shal witnes against us that we folow obey the serpent which is now waxen a gret Antichrist euen wetyngly of a sett purpose and obstynacy contrary to the exhortatiō and monicion of Moyses For he saith I take and call to witnes heauen and erth that I haue set before the in thy sight life death blessing curse not that curse that the puppy bloweth out vnder the name of almighty god the holy saintes Peter Paul but euen this curse which if we regard or obey the pope we shal heare of christ go your way ye cursed in to euerlasting fire which is prepared for the deuel his messengers For christ geueth us warning there as Moises did of the belly goddes of the last time of the fals lying prophetes of the fals christes which shuld imagyne a newe word and a newe Christ bownd to certen appointed places dayes meates othes vowes bandes to absteyne from the lauful creatures and ordinances of god which shuld driue christ out of the comp●ny of men and out of the ordinary comon life in to the w●ldernes againe and shu●d shutte him vp in deanes klosters or presons rather among the captiue presoners he saith also that thei shal byld cōfirme their preaching doctryne lawes not by the word of god or by the holy wordes of the old Prophecyes that is to say by the scripture but by false signes lying miracles that thei shal so myghtily blinde and deceyue the vnfaithful such as haue not receyued the truth of gods word but haue suffred thē selues to be ledde a way from it to be seduced thorow miracles that euē the elect if it were possible might be deceyued And he monissheth us of these thīgs so ernestly that he calleth vpon heauē erth to beare him witnes that he did premonissh and declare these things vnto us before of the Antichristes that shuld come wherby he declareth what sorow and care he taketh for us how sore he lamenteth that we shuld perissh be damned thorow such blasphemy of Antichrist And euen after this same maner with like wordes doth the prophete Esay thonder for the defence of gods word