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A89922 The Christian and Catholike veritie; or, The reasons and manner of the conversion of Francis de Neville; formerly a Capuchin, preacher, the Popes missionary, and superiour in sundry covents of the same order. A treatise very usefull for all Christians, and especially for such as are popishly affected, or not fully setled in their beliefe; and for the further confirmation of the faithfull. Wherein many secrets of the Romish clergy, heretofore unrevealed, are discovered. Dedicated by the author to the high court of Parliament now assembled, 1642. See the contents at the next page. Neville, Francis de.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing N502; Thomason E144_15; ESTC R11352 153,461 187

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done by the grace of the Father of lights who is never deficient in necessitie and from whom I confesse doth proceed the great gift of faith And if a Pagan should be Judge of this controuersie and others betwixt us and the Romish Church I verily beleeve he would suddenly condemne that Church of an unjust usurpation and intolerable errour in this point as all the rest which by the grace of God we shall handle hereafter and give sentence in favour of my beliefe which I protest I have chosen as the holiest purest and most conformable to the doctrine and intentions of the Sonne of God and his Apostles Now all the question and difficultie of this point consisteth the knowledge of those two which of them is the most certain rule and sure Judge most to be beleeved and most proper for our faith whether the Word of God or the Pope of Rome and his traditions The Church of Rome saith it is the Pope but I hold with the Orthodox doctrine of this Kingdome of England and the reformed Churches that it is the Word of God We shall shew hereafter that our Saviour never gave that power and authoritie to the Pope and therefore he cannot pretend it but here I shall prove that the holy Scripture is and ought to be the sole rule and true Judge of our faith grounding my selfe upon these following reasons CHAP. II. That the holy Scripture is the onely Iudge and rule sufficient of Faith and not the Pope nor the Church THat man without question hath a true catholick and perfect faith and is in a true beliefe who beleeveth all that Christ Jesus hath caught and neither beleeves nor will beleeve more in the matter of faith for the Son of God being that divine and infinite wisdome and knowledge which came into the world to save mankinde and teach them true faith hath preached and taught all that was necessary to faith and salvation so he who beleeves all that Jesus Christ hath taught and nothing more hath a true and perfect faith and it is impietie to beleeve the contrary Now it is true that whatsoever our Saviour did preach necessary to salvation is in the holy Scripture and therefore the holy Scripture containes all the doctrine which is necessary to faith and out of the written Word of God nothing necessary to faith is to be sought For the Evangelists and holy Writers having undertaken by the motion and command of the holy Spirit to write the actions and doctrine of the Son of God for the instruction of all the faithfull that should come after it is not credible that they should have written but a part and omitted something that was necessary to the perfect faith and for the instruction and forming of a true Christian otherwise wee must say that the Gospel is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ but onely a part of the Gospel and the New Testament is but a part of the New Testament of the Son of God And note that they were inspired and commanded by the Spirit of God to leave to Christians and the whole Church the life and doctrine of Jesus Christ they being assisted and helped by his speciall grace to that end Moreover they have not onely within one chapter or two but every one of them a great number where undoubtedly they have had space enough to comprehend all the doctrine necessary to salvation and being foure that which one of them might have forgot and left out might be supplied by the other their purpose being specially to write the doctrine and precepts of the Son of God which were necessary to salvation and if there were any thing more to be beleeved than that which is in the Evangelists we must thinke that it should be found in the Epistles either of St Peter or St Paul or some others of the chiefe Apostles who all except St Paul were witnesses of the doctrine and actions of the Apostles for many years and many of their Sermons fully might have touched it a little So it is voyd of all reason to thinke that Christ Jesus did preach any other thing necessary to salvation than that which is contained in the holy Scriptures And if it were not in the holy Scriptures it would follow that the Evangelists were faultie and blame-worthy and their writings imperfect for that Author is greatly to be blamed who being expresly commanded to write of some important subject writes many things not necessary to his purpose and passeth by more important and principall things Now the Evangelists having undertaken by the command and motion of the holy Spirit to write the doctrine of faith and salvation preached by Jesus Christ for the instruction of the faithfull they have written many things not absolutely necessary to salvation as a number of Parables Histories and Miracles for illustration or farther confirmation of fundamentall doctrines and therefore wee must say that having written such things they have not omitted more necessary and important things otherwise they were blame-worthy and their writings would be imperfect Now seeing there was but one holy Spirit that moved them and guided their pens and their writings in this worke one of them might have omitted something which the holy Spirit would leave and teach us by the other or by the writings of other Apostles but that there is any thing necessary to salvation omitted by them all is more than can be beleeved by any Christian Furthermore we see that the Evangelists and Apostles have left us sufficient instructions in their writings to lead us to perfection and the practice of most excellent vertues wee must beleeve them with better reason that they have given us sufficient instructions to a perfect faith which is the foundation of all vertue and perfection and without which there can be no perfection nor vertue or otherwise it behooved us to say that they taught men to be perfect not giving them sufficiently instructions to be Christians which should be an intolerable foppery Even as if a Mason would teach his apprentise to build an excellent house not instructing him how to lay the foundation or if a Master would instruct his scholar to read not teaching him to know his letters We must therefore believe that they having left us so noble and sufficient instructions to become perfect they have also left us sufficient doctrine in their writings to obtain a perfect faith which is the necessary ground of all vertue and perfection and doubtlesse there are none but obstinate and blinde persons who will deny it 2. Tim. 3.15 Doth not Saint Paul also speaking to Timothy say Thou hast learned from thy infancy the holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus We must say then that the holy Scriptures being able to make him wise to salvation contain all the doctrine necessary to salvation otherwise they could not make him wise to salvation that is sufficiently
from the dead to convert his brethren God who is understood by Father Abraham did he not answer They have Moses and the Prophets let them harken to them that is let them reade and see what they say for Moses and the Prophets were already dead and could not speake but by their Bookes St John the Evangelist having written the Apocalyps which is the most obscure and difficile Booke of all the Scripture in the opinion of all the learned whereof St Jerome saith that it containes as many mysteries as words yet St John who writ it forbiddeth not the reading thereof to Christians nor saith that none but the Pope of Rome or the Bishops and Doctors have power and presumption to reade it but stirreth up every one to reade it and proclaimeth a blessing upon all those that reade it by those words Blessed is he that readeth Apoc. 1.2 and they that heare the words of this Prophesie and keepe the things that are written therein Apoc. 1.2 When Philip went out of Jerusalem by the commandement of the Lord Act. 8.27 to goe for Gaza he did meet with the Eunuch of the Queene of Ethiopia who being a man that sought the Kingdome of God did reade the old Testament the Apostle did not reprove him for reading the Scripture but explained to him a Prophesie of Isaiah that was difficile to be understood and that reading was a means and helpe to finde true faith and to embrace Christian Religion In the time then of Jesus Christ and his Apostles the reading of the holy Scripture was not forbidden neither was it thought to be pernicious The Romish Church commendeth also St Cecill whose feast they keep as of a great Virgin and Martyr for carrying continually in her bosome the Books of the Evangelists and they hold she lived in the times of St Clement who is esteemed one of the first Bishops of Rome after the death of St Peter The Scriptures then were not as yet prohibited nor the reading of the same thought pernicious or dangerous to the simple sort for she was but a simple young damsell brought up in Paganisme As we reade of St Jerome who lived about three hundred yeares after that he did recommend nothing to Paula and Eustochium Mother and daughter both great Romane Dames so much as the assiduous reading of the holy Scriptures and that it should be their most ordinary study and frequent meditations By these and an infinite of other examples which I might alledge if I feared not tediousnesse we see that the reading of the Scripture was permitted yea recommended and laudable in Christians and that neither by Christ Jesus nor his Apostles nor the Romish Church in those times was it thought to be pernicious None will say that the Gentiles Jewes and Christians of those times were of greater judgement than those of our times or that they were more capable to read the holy Scriptures and the most difficile Prophesies for that should be ridiculous Neither dare any one say that the Prophets and Apostles and Jesus Christ himselfe or the first Pastours of those times had not as much and more understanding than the Pope or the Church of Rome in our time and yet they did not conceive that some would abuse such reading for that should be a great impietie notwithstanding this must be the inference from such a prohibition But to speake truth it appeareth to be no other thing but a policy and malicious subtiltie of the Romish Church for the present too much corrupted or rather from those who governe the same for feare that the people reading the holy Scriptures perceive the errours and falsenesse of the doctrine therein preached seeing so little conformitie in it with the Word of God And truly according to the Maxime of policy and for the conservation and upholding of their doctrine they have as great reason as Mahomet had to destroy all the Universities and Colledges of learning within the reach of his authoritie for my part I doe not remember to have seene any Christians who have not in reading the holy Scriptures faln soon to an infinite number of doubts about the beliefe of the Romish Church it being almost impossible to be otherwise and as black is never better seen than when it is brought neere to white in the light so the lies and false doctrine being confronted and placed by the truth cannot but appeare immediately And there are but few learned men who perceive not this cleerely enough but being interessed in that party and being bound to it with humane cords and bands they strive to dissemble the same that they may conserve their goods and dignities and by the spirit of pusillanimitie or avarice endeavour to suffocate and tread underfoot the prickings motions caused by the truth but blessed are they whom neither wealth nor honours nor any worldly or humane consideration hinder to come to Christ and who embrace his holy doctrine and can say with St Paul Phil. 3.8 Phil. 3.8 I account all things but losse for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ my Saviour Since then courteous Reader the reading of the holy Scriptures is of such vertue that it discovereth the lies and is so much recommended to us by God the Father who hath spoken to us by his Prophets and servants and by his Sonne Jesus Christ who hath preached it to us from his owne mouth and by the holy Spirit who hath charged us therewith by his Apostles and Evangelists be in love with it reade it againe and againe without wearinesse Let no power nor authoritie in the world no prohibition of any whosoever hinder you from the reading of it for it being against the will and intention of God there is no power nor authoritie in the earth can binde us from it On the contrary God who commandeth it must rather be obeyed than all the Popes that forbid it although they were universall Pastours as they falsely brag themselves to be and undoubtedly it is a great sin to neglect and set at naught the commandements of our God in that point to obey man and therefore I exhort you againe to read the holy Scriptures couragiously and often to have them continually before your eyes to compare the whole doctrine of our salvation with them and hold them for a sure rule of all truth to meditate and ruminate them uncessantly and obey the holy Spirit who preacheth to us therein for I doubt not but yee may reape great profit for your soules necessary instruction for your salvation and a singular consolation And because that some one by Gods punishment and just judgement abusing the same finds death instead of life is that a sufficient reason to deprive others thereof forbid the reading of it Because the Sunne the fire or the water occasions sometimes great damage to certain persons ought the use thereof be forbidden to all men therefore as most dangerous some there are who abuse both
Church which are almost without number And mark that in all ages this hath been the malice of hereticks to have recourse to Traditions when the Scriptures faile them Tertull. de Monog cap. 2. Joh. 16.12 Bellarm. lib. 5. de verbo Dei so Tertullian being become hereticall in his Booke de Monogania cap. 2. maintaineth the heresie of Montanus by those words of our Saviour I have yet many things to say unto you but yee cannot beare them now Which is the passage Bellarmine citeth for Traditions cap. 5. of his Book of the unwritten Word and yet it appeareth by the following verse that our Saviour by those things which they cannot for the present beare meant the things which are to come as the prophesies concerning the things which were to fall out which are to be seen in the Epistles of the Apostles and in the Revelation of St John and such like things and not any doctrines of faith Irenaeus in the second chap. of his third Book saith Irenaeus cap. 2. lib. 3. that when any did convince the hereticks with Scripture they began to accuse the Scripture saying that the truth could not be found in the Scripture by those who knew not the Tradition because it was not given in writing but onely spoken verbally Now this is practised by the Romish Church more than by any sect that hath ever yet been because seeing Scripture doth faile her to maintaine her tyranny and innumerable superstitious policies she hath invented a word not written which shee calleth Traditions equalling their authoritie with the holy Scriptures and those Traditions are invented and augmented from time to time according to the will and fancy of the Popes for some of them have invented the Masse and some other ceremonies and one or other of them have now and then added to them or taken from augmented or diminished the same some of them have invented Purgatory others Indulgences some the invocation of Saints others the reliques some the Communion under one kinde and yet to this day their number is not perfect neither is it yet known to the Romish Church that which our Saviour preached as necessary to faith and salvation for as there were new Articles of faith made in the Councell of Trent which was the last generall Councell amongst them as that of justification and originall sin so doe they hope to make yet more in the next Councell as it may be of the conception of the Virgin Mary of predestination with or without merits or some others Here is another objection those of the Romish Church thinke to be of great force and which I my selfe have often used disputing against those of the Romish Religion pretending thereby to prove the necessitie of Traditions and to referre our selves to the Church for say they who gave you the holy Scripture but the Tradition and whence know yee the Canonicall Books from those that are not Canonicall but by the determination and tradition of the Church It is true that every particular man receiveth the holy Scripture from the Church he liveth in whether it be a pure or impure Church so the Apostles had received from the Priests and Scribes enemies of Jesus Christ the books of the old Testament but in that the Church doth onely the office of a Witnesse and not of a Judge it onely witnesseth that those Books are holy and Canonicall but it judgeth not them to be holy nor giveth them any authoritie and the Tradition of the Church witnessing those books to be divine and holy is onely a protestation of her subjection to the Scripture and not an usurpation of her authoritie above the written word of God He who sheweth the King to a stranger is not therefore above the King nor giveth he any authoritie to the King and a Book-seller shewing to a buyer the Book of the Statutes of the Kingdome doth not for that authorise those Statutes and some man may receive the holy Scriptures from the Church and afterwards use it to condemne the same Church And as the testimony of innumerable eyes and eares seeing the lightnings and hearing the thunder maketh us say that it thundreth and lightneth so the testimony of innumerable Churches assuring us that the holy Scriptures are from God cause us to give an assent to them as divine Where it is to be noted that as for the Books of the New Testament wee ought to take the testimony of the Churches under the New Testament so for the Books of the old Testament we ought to follow the judgement of the Churches of those times and refer our selves to their testimony without making them for that Judges of the controversie Nor doth it appertaine to him who is to be judged by the holy Scripture and the word of God to make himselfe Judge of that word of God so it is a great impertinency to inferre from this objection the necessitie of Traditions to be of the same vertue with the pure word of God CHAP. VI. Traditions condemned by the holy Scriptures VVE have seen the testimonies of the holy Scripture and the reasons they of the Romish Church bring to establish the doctrine of Traditions Now let us see the testimonies of the same Scripture which the Orthodox and reformed Church alledge to condemne those Traditions and consider which of them are of greatest strength As for mee having maturely considered the passages I cannot see how their force can be eluded or rather that men yeeld not to their cleernesse The Prophet Moses saith to the people of God Deut. 12.13 Deut. 12.13 Yee shall doe that which I command you before the Lord neither adding nor diminishing there from and more cleerly in Chap. 12. Yee shall adde nothing to the word which I command you nor take nothing from it and Salomon in his Proverbs saith Pro. 30.6 Adde thou nothing unto his word least he reprove thee and thou be found a lyar Which being not deniable but that it is said of the Church what doth the Scripture thereby but condemne most cleerly the Traditions which are questionlesse new inventions added to the holy Scripture For my part after I began to consider attentively the words of the Apostle St Paul on this subject I could never see how those of the Romish Church can maintaine the doctrine of their Traditions as pertaining to faith and equall in authoritie to the holy Scriptures Gal. 1.8 Mark I pray you with me those words Gal. 1.8 If we our selves or any Angel from heaven preach to you any other Gospel than that which hath been preached unto you let him be accursed Note these words Let him be accursed which are of no small importance and observe the word besides Praeterquam quod is in the vulgar translation of St Jerome which is more fully expressed by the word besides than by the word otherwise as it is in some corrupted impressions and above all note that he saith not against but besides Praeterquam
desire a dispensation and verily it seemeth that the doctrine of the Romish Church aimeth onely at greatnesse and profit so was the doctrine of indulgencies purgatory invocation of Saints and confession founded with others the like which we shall explain more amply hereafter Furthermore they say the Scripture is a dumb rule and therefore insufficient to be Judge which is a great injury done to the word of God and against both reason and practise for although the Kings edicts be in paper and have no voice notwithstanding they have as great power amongst the good subjects as if they were pronounced out of the Kings mouth and there is no man of understanding who will esteem them lesse for that to be sufficient rules and judges for matters contained therein When God commandeth to have no other gods but him nor to have no strange gods before his face is this a dumbe rule and hath it not as great power as when God pronounced it to the Prophet Moses upon Mount Sinai certainly a law hath as much or more force being put in writing and signed with the Kings hand or his Secretaries as if it were pronounced out of his mouth and if the King write or pronounce an act it is ever the same act and hath the like force It is therefore wrongfully and without reason they tax the word of God as an insufficient rule or judge because it is onely written for it hath the same power and force as if God did pronounce it every day from his mouth and so ought we to receive and respect it Now let us see if the commandment not to reade the Scriptures be just or not for the consideration thereof is of great importance CHAP. IV. That the holy Scripture is given us by God to read and meditate in the same and that the Prohibition of the Pope to read it is altogether unjust and contrary to the will of God A Malefactour who knoweth his fact to be condemned by the law apprehendeth nothing more than that the Judge cast his eye upon that Law wherein he knoweth his condemnation to be written so I perceive that the Pope seeing there is nothing that condemns his doctrine so much as the holy Scripture and the word of God feareth nothing more than that this Scripture come to be knowne and considered for which cause he hath done all he was able and planted his fiercest Batteries to hinder the reading thereof And in the last generall Councell at Trent where many Canons were made concerning bad and dangerous Books and many clausses and degrees of those Books the holy Scripture is placed in the first clausse and in the first Chapter as one of the most pernicious and dangerous Books in the world and by those Canons they who shall reade it in the vulgar tongue must incurre as great and greater malediction and Anathema as those who should kill their father and mother or reade the Alkoran or the most wicked filthy and detestable Booke in the world for a simple Priest or a Bishop can absolve a man from excōmunication for other things but to read the Bible in a vulgar tongue that is in English French Spanish or Dutch there is none except the Pope himselfe or his Deputy can absolve him and to have it in his house or to reade it in Spaine Italy or where the Inquisition reigneth is a fact that deserveth burning and the permission can be given by none but by the Pope so neither the Priests nor Doctors of the Universities nor all the Bishops of the world who call themselves the successours of the Apostles nor the Cardinalls of Rome themselves have power to reade the Scriptures and give License to others there is but one in the world to wit the Pope who hath that power because he holdeth that none but himselfe in the world can understand it well and know the meaning of it this seemeth to me a strange policy Now because the Pope who is but a man and is thought ordinarily to be inclined to his pleasures as much as any man in the world will not be troubled with those who aske License to reade the Scriptures he hath appointed at Rome a certaine company of Cardinalls called the Congregation of Cardinalls in matters of faith to whom he hath given permission to reade it and power to give License to those who aske and whom they shall thinke capable through the whole world So those of France Spaine England Hungary and Poland yea even of the East and West Indies who would have License to reade the Scriptures must according to the Canon of that Councell write or send to Rome either by themselves or by exchange and obtaine License in writing for that condition is expressed in the Prohibition and I my selfe had it in that sort which doubtlesse cannot be had in remote Countryes without great paines charges and time so that by this means the poore though they were the most capable and judicious the most zealous and affectionate Christians in the world are deprived of reading the Word of God it may be for ever in the Romish Church I know indeed a great many Bishops in that Church scorne that prohibition as altogether unjust and ridiculous and calling themselves the successors of the Apostles thinke they have sufficient authoritie by their office and dignitie to reade the Scriptures and to give license to those of their Diocesse whom they esteeme capable without sending to the Pope whom many among them hold onely for their equall But such is the order of that Councell held by them to be generall and called most holy and hath been confirmed since and made stricter by an expresse Bull such is also the practise of all the Orders and the resolution of their Canonists and the absolute will of the Bishop of Rome so that if he be universall Bishop and have power to command over all Christians as they affirme in the Romish Church this ought to have place and be obeyed by the Papists under paine of eternall damnation and Anathema This is also so exactly observed almost every where among them that hardly shall a Bible be found in an hundred houses yea there are many Priests and Pastors in whose houses it is not to be seene it may be was never seen and who have never read it I say not onely not wholly but who have never read one whole Chapter if it be not perchance in their Brevier or in the Booke of the Masse or other Books where some little parcells may be found If there be any Christians found who reade it in the vulgar tongue which they understand best besides the curses and Anathemaes that are thundred against them by the Romish Church they are imprisoned and in danger of death where the Inquisition is in force and are accounted commonly every where as heretickes or people who have an evill opinion of the Church although it were an impression and translation approved by themselves Thence out
of all question doth proceed that great ignorance which is to be seen amongst the people in the Church of Rome there not being ten amongst an hundred instructed sufficiently to salvation or that can give a sufficient reason of their beliefe I say even according to the doctrine of their own Church This is specially to be seen in the Countrey Parishes and in many Cities also where though there be more frequent preaching the Communion and confession be oftner haunted yet the people are nothing the better instructed in the faith for all that nor know they sufficiently that which concerneth their salvation this defect can be imputed to no other cause but the forbidding the reading of the Scriptures which is the Booke of life appointed by God for the instruction and consolation of the faithfull for howsoever they make many Catechismes and the Preachers endeavour often to instruct the people in their beliefe they are but little the wiser or better instructed for all that for they nourish them not with the Book of life to wit the Word of God which is the true bread of the faithfull instituted by God for their instruction and comfort Where on the contrary in the Churches of the reformed Religion there is not one almost but he can give a reason of his beliefe if he have any judgement and is instructed in the faith though often they cannot reade but have onely heard the Scripture read and you shall finde in many places an infinite number of simple and ignorant people in humane learning who know the Bible a great deale better than many great Bishops in Popish Universities and famous Preachers among them which I protest I have often seen with great admiration as did many others also to the great confusion questionlesse of the Romish Church what ever they can alledge As for my part I confesse I could never finde any sufficient reason in that prohibition for reading the Scriptures for if the Scripture we call the Old Testament is the same Word of God that was left unto us by Moses by the Prophets and servants of God as is most certaine I see nothing more common in that Word than straight commands to reade heare meditate ruminate and observe the same to write it upon the posts of our houses and carry it tyed to our fingers that is to have it continually before our eyes and in our hearts I should make too large a volume contrary to my intention if I should cite all the passages which are clearly to be seen in it to this effect peruse but the Bookes of Deuteronomy and Numbers the Proverbs of Salomon the Psalmes of David and divers of the Prophets All those commandements and exhortations are given to all men as well the learned as the ignorant the poore as the rich which cannot be understood of the Bible onely in a strange tongue but in a language that is best understood of every one which is the vulgar That which is said of the old Testament may be more easily proved of the New which is as the last Will Christ Jesus our Father hath left us as his children by which we must know his intentions and that which he desireth us to doe to become worthy children of so good a Father and to possesse the inheritance he hath purchased for us through his merits and bloud Is there any man of judgement in the world who can beleeve that he hath left us his Commandements last Will and intentions as altogether needfull to salvation and not suffer us to reade the same and that there was but one man in the world to wit the Pope who had power to reade and explaine the same to others Where is that so important prohibition set downe Where is it so spoken have not we as much part in the inheritance of Christ Jesus as our Father the Pope By what right should Christians be deprived of the reading of the will and intentions of their Father the will of God and his holy Commandments which they ought to know and doe under paine of eternall damnation Is there any power or authoritie under heaven that can hinder them seeing God enjoyneth and commandeth the same the thing being of so great importance to them that none can be answerable for them in the day of Judgement Is there any power on earth that can dispence them No no this prohibition is altogether unjust and against both reason and the will of God Yes but some will say the intentions of God his Testament and the holy Scripture are made knowne to Christians by the sermons which they call commonly the Word of God It is true the preaching of the servants of God and Orthodox Preachers are highly to be esteemed for they may learne and profit much thereby but there is great difference betwixt a mans and the Word of God because the Word of God is altogether divine and holy and the infallible truth of which we cannot doubt and the Sermons of Preachers howsoever they be called the Word of God are not to speak properly the Word of God except onely that which is simply produced out of the holy Scripture the rest are onely humane words subject to faults and defects to passions and errors especially in the Romish Church where many among them cite oftner Plato Seneca Plutarch or some other than they doe the holy Scriptures and if they cite them it is so far from the true meaning thereof that they may rather be tearmed prophane than piously cited and sincerely explained Finally it is to deceive Christians to make them beleeve that Sermons should serve them in place of reading the holy Scriptures the Word of God is filled with a better spirit than all the best Sermons in the world for there it is the holy Spirit who speaketh to us whereof we ought not to doubt nor can we enter into any suspition of deception but Sermons being onely the words of men instituted to instruct and stirre us up to God wee ought indeed to respect them much and heare them willingly but we are not obliged to heare and receive them with so great respect as the holy Scriptures and we ought also to examine and confer them with the Scriptures as did those Noble Bereans having heard St Paul preaching to see if that which he said unto them was conformable to the Word of God as it is set downe Act. 17.11 neither did St Paul nor St Luke Act. 17.11 nor any other ever blame them for that action And our Saviour himselfe reproaching the Jewes that being sent from God his Father they would neither receive him nor beleeve in him saith to them Search the Scriptures Ioh. 5.39 for in them yee thinke to have eternall life for they are they which testifie of me And in the History of poore Lazarus and the wicked rich man is written in St Luke chap. 16. Luk. 16.28 when this damned wretch desired that God would shew miracles and raise some
quod Now what I pray you are all the traditions of the Romish Church but doctrine and things besides the Word of God Besides that which St Paul and Christ Jesus and the other Apostles did preach yea even contrary for all doctrine taught as necessary to faith out of the Scripture is also contrary unto the Scripture seeing it is against the prohibition to adde to the Word of God Mat. 15.9 and God condemneth them who teach for doctrine of faith the doctrine and commandements of men And mark that Christ Jesus in this chap. of St Matthew did specially condemne the Pharisees because they transgressed the commandements of God by their traditions and what I pray you were those traditions they were not things expresly forbidden in the law of God but simple additions and willing devotions without the word of God and which outwardly smelled of nothing but devotion puritie and holinesse as to fast three times a week to wash the cups the platters to tithe Mint and Annise to make conscience to heal any sick man on the Sabbath day to make long prayers to abstaine from certaine meats and that not through a conceit that those things were polluted but through a willing devotion and humilitie of spirit or through a desire to mortifie the flesh but because those things were taught as being of equall authoritie with the doctrine of faith that is the cause wherefore they are condemned by the Son of God as contrary to his holy Word There is no doubt but by this passage of the Apostle St Paul we cited before are also condemned all the Traditions of the Romish Church which are taught and preached to be of equall authoritie with the holy Scriptures which truely are besides the Word of God and the Gospel that was preached by our Saviour and his Disciples for how cometh it to passe that they should have preached so many things pertaining to faith and salvation and never speak any thing of them in any of their Books nor in the acts of the Apostles which is the History of the most remarkable actions and Sermons of the Apostles for more than twenty yeares see if there be any thing spoken there of the invocation of Saints of Indulgencies Purgatory prayer for the dead of the Communion under one kinde or of the rest and if those and the like things be not in the holy Scriptures they are besides the Word of God and consequently he that preacheth them is accursed and Anathema and they are not to be received as pertaining to faith And to shew that the Traditions which the Church of Rome teacheth as Articles of faith doe not come from Christ Jesus and his Apostles nor cannot be said to be Apostolique nor divine but papall and humane to say no worse there is almost none of them the history of that Church sheweth not by what Pope or Bishop they were invented and at what time they had their beginning Baro. Annal Eccle. Gualter Chronol Durant de ritib. see the Authors who handle the same least I should be too prolix in this matter being desirous to lay open another of not much lesse importance CHAP. VII That wee cannot ground our beliefe upon the Books of the ancient Fathers THose of the Romish Church to authorise their Traditions which are besides nay contrary to the Word of God send us to the Fathers as to other Judges to determine our differences whose doctrine they affirme to be conformable to that which they teach Certainly I have thought Antiquitie in it selfe to be very venerable and worthy to be respected especially the Fathers whose grave and learned Books deserve praise of all good spirits principally if their doctrine be conformable to the Word of God which is the sole infallible rule of all good doctrine And to speak truly I finde that the Fathers of the first ages condemne in a number of places so manifestly the errors and superstitious doctrines of the Romish Church that I have marvailed oftentimes how they can have the boldnesse to alledge them in their favour It is true that as in the time of St Paul the mystery of iniquitie was already working so it is not to be marveiled that they being men some things have now and then insensibly crept into the writings of some of them which were not altogether so pure and seeme somewhat to incline to superstitions which by little and little insinuated themselves into the Church But I beleeve that though all their Books should seeme manifestly to contradict the faith of the Reformed Churches wee are not obliged to receive them as our Judges neither as irreprochable Witnesses and howsoever I esteeme highly of the Authours yet wee cannot ground any Article of faith upon their Writings but so far as wee finde them to conforme to the Word of God which is the toucstone of all truth neither are wee bound to have recourse to them any wayes For if we were obliged to have recourse to them and receive them for Judges of our faith that were to bring our faith and the point of our salvation in an impossibilitie at least morall because all Christians should be obliged to have them and to have them all or the most part which is not possible but to the richer sort and having them they should be obliged to reade them almost all and that wholy to the end they might compare one with another and see if they agree one with another in the same doctrine and if they be conformable to themselves every where and so none but those who had great leasure could reade them and being almost all of them either in Latine or Greeke or other strange tongue but few of them in vulgar tongues what should they doe who understand neither Latine nor Greeke There would be none then but the richer and learneder and those who had no other imployment but to reade could be assured of their faith and so all others should be without faith and knowledge of those things which concerne their salvation and consequently in a manifest way of perdition by their ignorance Notwithstanding our Saviour his coming was to teach the poore as well as the rich the ignorant as the learned the Merchants and Tradesmen as well as those who are not so much imployed Besides it is impossible to build upon their Writings any beliefe of faith for as Printing was not in their time but onely two or three hundred yeares since those who have written in the Primitive Church even to our time since our Saviour which hath been thirteen or fourteen hundred yeares have left us nothing but Manuscripts which behooved to be transcribed that they might be dispersed Now there is no man who will not confesse that the Originals and first Manuscripts written or at least revised and corrected by the Fathers which composed them have been seen but of a few and little or nothing of them all is to be found at this time nor was found
unto him goe and governe my subjects well what foole is there in the world will beleeve that by these words the King giveth him an ample unlimited power over all his Kingdome subjects and createth him thereby his successour in all his estates after his death would not he be thought to be hypocondriacally affected who would make himselfe beleeve it the King understandeth questionlesse thereby his people and subjects which are in the Province and place where he is sent as Governour and not those who are in other places If a Bishop send a Priest to governe a Parish or a Church and say to him goe I recommend my people and my sheep unto you teach them well and instruct them faithfully take great care to feed my flock with good doctrine ought this Priest therefore to imagine with himselfe that all the people in his diocesse are subject to him and that the Bishop giveth him ample power over all his Bishopricke and maketh him his successour by those words Let him perswade himselfe as much as he can as doe the Hypocondriaques but I beleeve he should finde some to speake withall if he would undertake the exercise of such authoritie without some other Commission for by that it is sufficient he beleeves that the Bishop recommendeth to his charge the sheep which he hath committed to his guard and leading So it is without sence and reason they imagine to inferre by those words that Christ hath given all power over the Church to St Peter and established him his Vicar and Successour in his place but onely he commandeth him to preach and declare the Gospel every where as he did in other places to all the other Apostles without distinction of Jewes or Gentiles Countreyes or Estates but generally in every place where they should be sent And after this manner doth the Romish Church use the holy Scripture to prove the Articles of their beliefe Another objection of the Church of Rome is Our Saviour cōmanded St Peter Mat. 17.27 Mat. 17.27 To take the first fish he could catch and take a piece of money out of its mouth and pay the tribute for them two therfore he made him his successour after his death and hath given him the Primacy over the whole Church and over the other Apostles See here the meaning of this history some Collectour or Publicane cometh to St Peter who was with our Saviour as the first he found it may be or perhaps the most ancient and considerable of all and said unto him that their Master did pay no tribute to the Prince St Peter telleth it to Christ who commandeth him to go to the sea and the first fish he could catch to take a piece of money which he should find in his mouth and pay for him and himself to the publicane to eschew scandalls hereby it appeareth that he maketh him his successour and vicar after his death and that he hath the Primacy and superiority over all the other Apostles and Christians Is not this a consequence handsomely deduced by wise men and neverthelesse it is one of the Romish Church The publicans and collectours for the Prince come to a noble man to ask of him some subsidy and tribute they addressed themselves to the first they met withall or to some old servant and tell him that his Master hath not paid the subsidies the servant goeth and telleth it to his Master who commandeth him to go to such a place and take money to pay for him and himself which he doth to shunne noise and scandall this servitour ought he here for to presume with himself that he will succeed to all the goods and estate of his Master and that thereby preheminence is given unto him over all his other companions and fellow-servants and should he not shew himself altogether ridiculous who would maintain the same to draw such consequences and to found one Article of faith and the most important of them all upon so frivolous conjectures and weak proofs is to make fools of men there must be other proofs and more authentique and clearer declarations to pretend lawfully the greatest power and most advantagious succession in the world Take here yet another parcell of the same dough or rather more frivolous St Peter say they was the first who was called to the Apostleship therefore Christ made him his Successour and Vicar and gave him after his death the superiority over his fellows and the whole Church St John saith that Andrew having found Jesus Christ Ioh. 1.41 went and told his brother Simon and brought him to Christ so that by that means Andrew should be the first of the Apostles who found the Messiah and knew Christ but put the case it were Peter and that he was the first chosen of the Apostles and called to the Apostleship will it follow thence that Christ Jesus made him his Successour The first souldier that is inrolled in a Company by his Captain is he for that his Successour after his death must he have the superiority after his Captains death over all the rest without other declaration or title at all especially the Captain having never declared any thing that way but provided other waies for the government and leading of his company there is certainly neither rhyme nor reason for deducing such consequences so all this serveth onely to deceive the simple and weaker spirits but every man of judgement seeth well enough their weaknesse to believe or give credit thereto Now I protest they are the strongest arguments the Romish Church produceth out of the holy Scripture to prove the primacy of St Peter and consequently that of the Pope for there is nothing spoken of the Pope in the holy Scripture nor doth he pretend any right thereto but so farre as he termeth himself the Successour of St Peter and if they be attentively considered as they ought I perswade my self there is no man in the world provided he hath any sparks of common reason who will not judge them too small and weak to prove so important a doctrine which is the foundation of all the Romish belief and this certainly is more then sufficient to shew that the power of the Pope is usurped that he hath not the authority he pretendeth over the Church and that wrongfully he calleth himself the universall Pastour over all Christians and Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth he not being able to shew or prove his succession and power by any passage of Scripture which hath any strength or likelihood But I minde not to stay there not for any obligation but for greater satisfaction of those who are desirous of salvation and the truth I will prove the negative by Scripture and thereby shew that our Saviour had never intention to leave St Peter nor any other Successour or Vicar in his place and that the Apostles never acknowledged S. Peter nor any other for universall Pastour but Christ we shall also see hereafter how the
Pope of Rome was above three or foure hundred yeares without being acknowledged for generall Bishop and universall Pastour of the Church which next we shall shew how this usurpation was brought into the world and how it hath been maintained in such an ambitious greatnesse CHAP. IX Proved from holy Scripture that Christ had never intention to leave S. Peter or any other Apostle for his Successour or generall Vicar after him ALthough it be sufficient to prove the usurpation of any authoritie that no authentique nor credible titles can be produced so to prove the authority the Pope pretendeth over the Church to be usurped it is sufficient that he cannot produce any passage of Scripture which sheweth with any appearance that that authority was given him by Jesus Christ Neverthelesse I shall shew the contrary out of the holy Scripture and evidence cleerely by the same that it was never the intention of Christ Jesus to leave St Peter nor any other of the Apostles as generall Vicar in his place or superiour over the whole Church assuring the Reader that if he will be but an indifferent Judge in this point and examine this with sinceritie and without passion he shall finde my reasons stronger for the negative which none is obliged to prove than those of the Romish Church for the affirmative of the most important article of their beliefe Our Saviour saith St Luke being neere the time of his suffering did advertise his Disciples of his death telling them that the Son of man should be delivered into the hands of men Luk. 9.49 Mark 9.33 and that they should slay him and put him to death and that he would rise againe the third day after his death They understood not say the Evangelists these words and that mystery neverthelesse hearing him speake of his death they dreamed of a succession and primacy after his death and fell into dispute among themselves who should be the greatest among them and who should command after his death If Christ Jesus had had any desire to leave any Successour after his death for universall head over them all and the whole Church that was a very fit occasion to declare his will None dare say that he forgot himselfe for the Disciples gave him sufficient occasion to thinke of it Moreover he being the eternall Wisdome he did remember all things he had to doe neither was there ever in him defect of remembrance or memory St Peter was present with the others if he had a desire to leave a Successour there is no man in the world who will not thinke that this was a faire occasion to declare himselfe there anent his death being neere or then take some other time to leave a successour to them and neverthelesse he never spake so much as one word neither at that time nor any other onely he reproved and checked greatly their ambition in that and setting a little childe in the middest of them exhorted them all to submission and to the contempt of domination to imitate the humble thoughts of that little childe which were questionlesse far from ambition And observe that they did even dispute of that primacy after our Saviour had said to St Peter Thou art Peter Mat. 16.13 and upon this rock c. and the other words which the Romish Church bring for the primacy of St Peter and if they understood those words as the Romish Church saith they must be understood how commeth it to passe that they disputed yet still among themselves for the primacy Luk. 22.26 Was not that to oppose themselves to the Lords command And Christ saith not unto them why dispute yee for the primacy doe yee not well remember that I have already given the superioritie to Peter if it was given as they pretend this was the answer he behoved to make but he exhorteth them onely to humilitie and to the contempt of all primacy And as they disputed yet another time the night before his death he said to them The Kings of the Nations exercise Lordship over them but it shall not be so amongst you Now seeing Christ hath not left a Successour neither at that time nor at any other it is an evedent signe that he would not that it was never his intention and that it is to conjecture without reason to thinke the contrary Further our Saviour being neere to his death yea a few houres before he was taken he desired being with all his Disciples together to sup with them and celebrate the Passeover Ioh. 14.4 after Supper he riseth from the Table and laying aside his garment girdeth himselfe with a linnen cloath putteth water into the Bason himselfe and washeth the feet of his Apostles beginning it is true at St Peter it may be as one of the ancientest and being of a lively spirit and a bold he was questionlesse one of the most considerable amongst them nor must we marvell if our Saviour spoke often to him and that St Peter speaketh sometimes for all the rest not by office nor dignitie but possibly through confidence of facilitie in discoursing but this by the way he doth the same to the other Apostles and washeth their feet he resumeth his garments and sitteth down to the Table againe and beginneth a long exhortation to them as being the last of all both to bid them farewell and declare to them his last Will. It is out of all doubt at this time that he should speak to them of a Successour if he have any intention to leave one after him he exhorteth them by his owne example to humilitie to puritie and patience to charitie and to love one another he speaketh to them of his deitie and of eternall life of the persecutions and tortures which he and they were to suffer In a word he telleth them a number of things which may be seen at large in St Joh. chap. 13. but he speaketh not one word to them of a Successour Ioh. 13. nor of leaving a Vicar in his place or an universall head after his death And is it not a most evident signe if he have not done it that he would not doe it for that was his last exhortation before his death knowing that they should not conveene nor he see them any more together to speake to them He speaketh indeed of Peter and to him when he spoke of his inconstancy that he should deny him three times but he speaketh never a word to him of primacy or leaving him as his Vicar on earth he saith often that he is to depart from them and promiseth he will not leave them Orphans but that he will send them the holy Spirit to abide eternally with them to comfort them and teach them in all truth but he saith not to them that he will leave them another Master in his place a generall Vicar or head and superiour whom they must obey after him There are none who will not judge that if he had intention to
and corporally there and the Orthodox and reformed Church spiritually sacramentally and figuratively and after the same manner that our Saviour did receive it and give it to his Disciples Now there is no appearance our Saviour did eate his true and proper body for so should he have had his body within his body his whole head in his mouth in his stomacke and at one time been passible and impassible neither is there any likelihood he gave it after that manner to his Disciples for as it is said Ioh. 6.63 Joh. 6.63 It is the spirit that quickneth the flesh profiteth nothing and although we know that the whole body and person of the Son of God is of an infinite merit because of the hypostaticall union with the Deitie yet the Romane Doctors confesse ingenuously and affirme with us that it is not the corporall reception nor to receive it corporally that quickneth and maketh us partakers of the graces of this holy Sacrament for so should rats and dogs be capable as we are but onely the sacramentall and spirituall union and reception which is by true faith and the true and simple love of God under the signes of this holy Sacrament and therefore I marvell they stammer so much at this seeing they doe not pretend to receive more spirituall graces and benefits therein than they of the reformed Churches doe For my part I may truly say in this as I have already said in the matter of the Saints my inclination is very forward to render to God and the Saints and all the mysteries of our Religion all possible honour and respect and if I could acknowledge the reall and corporall presence of my Saviour in all his Sacraments and in all the mysteries of my Religion I would do it with all my heart but we have rules and lawes that guide us and to which we ought to submit our selves and onely looke to the will of God his institution and holy Word for that is the onely measure which ought to rule and forme our faith Now it is most evident by the Words and institution of Christ that he did not give his body corporally but onely figuratively and spiritually under the substance and figure of bread for see the words of Matth. 26.26 And Jesus took bread blessed it Mat. 26.26 and brake it and gave it to his Disciples There yee see that which he tooke was nothing but bread and that he blessed the bread which he did take and brake it and gave it so it was but bread which he gave for that which he tooke and blessed and broke was but bread But yee object that he said Mat. 26.26 This is my body therefore that which he gave was his body It is true he said This is my body but it is to be remarked that our Saviour speaking in Hebrew which although much mingled with the Syriaque was yet so called spake according to the phrase of that tongue now in that language the word signifie or represent is not found and in place thereof they used the word Est So we see in the Hebrew old Testament this word Est ordinarily used for the word signifie or represent as Gen. 40.12 Gen. 40.12 Joseph expounding the Dreames of the Cup-bearer and Baker of Pharoah saith The three branches are three dayes Vers 18. and in the 18 verse The three baskets are three dayes that is signifie and represent three dayes and in the 41 Chap. vers 26. Gen. 41.26 The fat Kine and the seven full eares are seven yeares and the seven evill favoured and leane Kine and the seven blasted eares are seven yeares It is cleare then from these passages that the word Est even in the Plurall number and in diverse Tenses import so much as signifie or represent Whence it is that although the Greek tongue want not words to expresse signifie figure or represent yet the Greek new Testament which often followeth the Hebrew phrase hath often est for signifie as the Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 10.4 1 Cor. 10.4 Gal. 4.24 Rev. 19.9 The stone was Christ and to the Galat. 4.24 the bondwoman and the free to wit Agar and Sarah are the two Testaments And Rev. 17.9 The seven heads are seven mountains upon which the woman sitteth And in vers 12. The ten hornes ARE ten kings v. 18. and vers 18. The woman which thou sawest IS the great City It being impossible then for our Saviour to say in his own language this signifieth or representeth my body because those words were not in that language he spake as he could and according to the forme of speech used among the Jews and familiar in holy Scripture And the Evangelists knowing that Christ did speak in that manner have set it down the most ingeniously they could so the Romish Church hath no reason to beleeve that to be his true body because Christ said This is my body Ioh. 14.6 Besides when our Saviour saith St. Joh. 14.6 I am the way the truth and the life I am the doore and the like the Romish Church understandeth it figuratively and by way of Allegory why then when Christ hath said This is my body do they not understand it figuratively for it is as hard to beleeve that the bread is the bodie of Christ as that he is the way or a doore and all that they say that our Saviour did more clearly explain himself in those other passages than in this it is without reason or ground but rather he hath explained himself more cleerly in this than the others Luk. 22.19 1 Cor. 11.16 saying Do this in remembrance of me as S. Luke hath it 22.19 and as S. Paul explaineth it 1 Cor. 11.16 Moreover if Christ had given his true body he would have commanded his disciples to adore it and would have elevated it that they might have adored it which cannot be observed seeing they sate stil at Table which is a posture no way fit for adoration and they who should do it now in the Romish Church would be judged to be prophane and contemners of God and this adoration would have been chiefly necessarie at this first institution and as it was impossible but some crums would fall especially in breaking the bread as Christ is said to have done he would straightly have charged them together to gather up all the crums together diligently not leaving any as they do in the Romish Church for according to this opinion Christ should be wholly in everie little crumme as well as in the greatest pieces which neverthelesse is not to be seen in any place of the holy Scripture This is also proved by the words pronounced in the distribution of the cup for thus S. Matthew hath it 26.27 and taking the cup he gave thanks Matth. 26.27 and gave it them saying Drink ye all of this for this is the blood of the new Testament which is shed for many for the remission of
his Incarnation and passion and the love that he hath testified unto us it is willingly and without grounds to make soules despaire and terrifie the consciences without subject onely to bring profit to the Clergie for this is the meaning and ground of the mystery Now let us see if they have passages out of the holy Scripture for a doctrine so cruell and contrary to the bounty and mercy of God and merits of the blond of Jesus Christ They alledge this of St Paul 1 Cor. 3.14 1 Cor. 3.14 If any mans worke abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward If any mans worke shall be burnt he shall suffer losse but he himselfe shall be saved yet so as by fire and that fire the Romish Church understandeth the Purgatory and so concludeth that there is a Purgatory I have granted that all which is in the holy Scripture is not cleere nor easie to be understood but onely that which is necessary to salvation and this passage is one of the most obscure and difficile in the Scripture but not necessary to salvation and yet the Romish Church will ground an Article of faith upon it and the most strange and terrible of all and contrary to the bounty of God but he who will reade the whole passage will easily judge that it must be understood in an Allegoricall sense and especially the word fire which St Paul addeth on as by fire to shew that it must be understood by similitude saying He shall be saved as by fire that is to say as if he had passed through the fire or were purged and purified by the fire even as we see the mettalls are purged by the fire and the Fornace Now there is no reason for grounding this so important a doctrine which is so strange and difficile to be beleeved on such a doubtfull foundation much lesse on metaphoricall and allegoricall and such words and it is evident from this passage that the Apostle speaketh nothing that commeth mere to the doctrine of Purgatory But the Apostle speaketh of Pastors and Doctors who in teaching retaine the foundation which is Christ on whom some build wholsome and solid doctrines which in that place he tearmeth Gold silver and precious stones others build light and vaine doctrines called in that place Wood hay and stubble and the Apostle saith that those frivolous doctrines being tryed by the word of God as mettalls by the fire shall not subsist and that the work of such a Preacher shall perish and the tryall shall make it knowne that there is no soliditie but as for the person of the Pastour he may be saved because of the foundation Jesus Christ which he hath holden being notwithstanding tryed by the Word of God as by fire So you see that it is there spoken of a tryall which is made in this life and not after death and also of a tryall of the doctrine and beliefe of Pastours by the holy Scriptures and not of a torturing of soules by fire so they have no reason to ground Purgatory on this I know that this passage being obscure and hard hath many divers explications but I beleeve every man of understanding will judge this the truest and most conformable to the intention of the writer if he will but take the pains to consider it but howsoever it being obscure we have no reason to beleeve that the Apostle hath preached an Article of faith to us therein which is not to be found more cleerly explained in any other place of the holy Scripture and if because there is mention made of fire in that place the fire of Purgatory must be understood they may produce an infinite number of passages where Purgatory may be found because there is mention made of fire in them Take here another of as little strength Our Saviour speaking in St. Matth. 12.32 of sins against the holy Spirit saith Matth. 12.32 He that shall blaspheme against the holy Spirit it shall neither be pardoned him in this life nor in the life to come This life to come saith the Church of Rome is properly the fire of Purgatory and so there is Purgatory but this doctrine doth not even agree with that they teach of their Purgatory for they said the sins be forgiven before they enter into Purgatory and that none go thither who are not received in favour with God and so according to them no sin is pardoned in Purgatory Now Christ by those words which are also obscure and difficile to be understood doth onely exagerate the sin against the holy Spirit and saith that he will not pardon it neither in this world nor at the day of judgement where the second condemnation is pronounced and so that he will punish them in this world and after death but there is no man who seeth not that this is too far distant from the doctrine of Purgatory to ground an Article of faith upon it You see neverthelesse the cleerest things which they produce taken out of the Word of God to establish the Purgatory and that so terrible doctrine where you may perceive the small reason and little probabilitie thereof But behold here other far cleerer and manifest proofs drawn from the holy Scripture against Purgatory Christ said to the thiefe who implored his mercy and put his trust in him in the time of his death Luk. 23.43 Thou shalt be this day with me in Paradise that is to say thou shalt be this day happie with me He sendeth him not to Purgatory although he had been a great sinner all his life time and that the death which he suffereth is by force and by order of justice and not for innocencie or for the faith as the Martyrs and S. John saith in his first Epistle 1. chap. 9. The blood of Jesus Christ purgeth us from all sins 1. Ioh. 1.9 if all sins be purged by the blood of Christ there is no need of the fire of Purgatorie to purge them more Col. 2.13 And S. Paul to the Colossians 2.13 saith that God forgiveth us all our offences freely if God forgive us freely as is evident thereby he desireth then no more any other satisfaction on our part nor pretendeth to punish us in satisfaction to his justice If a father correct his children it is for their amendment and not for his satisfaction and can it be beleeved that God who is so good and mercifull doth punish his own with so cruell fires onely for his satisfaction where there is no hopes of amendment But if God afflict us in this world it is for our amendment and not to satisfie himself Heb. 1.3 And in the Epistle to the Hebrews Christ hath made the purgation of sins not out of all doubt by fire nor by the tormenting of souls but by his own precious blood which he hath shed for us And in the Epistle to the Romanes 8.1 Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation to them who are
times and at least as many vigils which make 24. dayes with fourty in Lent which make above threescore and they are obliged every day to fast under pain of mortall sin and there be very few as all the Casuists affirm who are justly exempted for from the age of 21. till threescore all those who are able to fast without great manifest prejudice of their health ought to do it so that those are 60 new commandments which joyned to the former make alreadie above 200. Moreover he must abstain all the fasting dayes from flesh under pain of mortall sin that is to say neither eat flesh eggs nor butter according to the Statute and some one will easily fast who cannot so easily keep this abstinence so there are 60. more commandments from this which being joyned with the former besides Gods ten Commandments make above two hundred and fourscore commandments of the Church which every faithfull person ought to observe every yeer and are onely comprehended in the first commandments besides those of keeping abstinence every Friday and Saterday and others which we might find in them that rest in the last of which onely which is to pay the tithes and dues to the Church a great number might be remarked and so we should have above 300. Now God having given us onely ten Commandments the most part whereof are negatives and the Church of Rome proposing above 300. whereof the most part are affirmative and without holy Scripture of her own authoritie and particular invention may we not say first that she goes beyond the Commandments of God by her traditions and next that the yoke of Christ is light and easie and the Romish yoke heavie and insupportable and if the authoritie of the Church of Rome be true some men might be saved if there were no more but the Commandments of God which will be condemned for not doing those of the Church and an infinite multitude might fulfill the commandments of God sufficiently to be saved which must be damned because they have not fasted or do not fast all Lent over and other fasting dayes or who have not heard the Masse all the Sondayes and holidayes or who have wrought or caused their servants work on them I leave off to speak here of an infinite multitude of other commandments of that Church which are not common to all Christians but to the Priests alone and those who are in Orders and possesse Benefices as every day to say their Brevier which is very long and wearisome as also of all other precepts and commandments particular to every religious Order which truly make a great multitude of poore souls groane and lament who out of simplicitie and ignorance have unhappily suffered themselves to be oppressed under the weight of their burthens But I will let them groane so long as they will if knowing their error and abuse as do the most part they will not take a necessarie resolution to break all those humane bonds wherewith they are detained in that captivity and follow after the doctrine of Christ whose yoke is easie and burthen light CHAP. XXVIII If one can be saved in the Church of Rome IT is certain that no man can be saved but by the faith which Christ did declare and the Apostles hold and preach which is the onely true and perfect faith without which none can hope for salvation Now I having shewed clearly as ye have seen that the faith of the Church of Rome is another different from that of Christ and his Apostles the consequence is easie to be drawn But as I remember never to have hindred those of the Reformed Religion so much to become docile to the doctrine I preached to them when I was in darknesse as when according to the maximes of the Romish Church I preached to them that they would all be damned without remission so that I may not alienate the spirits of those of the Romish Religion from the reading of this discourse and lest that thinking me too severe they rellish not so well the reasons which they might read in this Treatise I chose rather to let them draw the conclusions themselves and remit the decree to Gods judgement to whom onely it appertaineth to pronounce the sentence of the salvation and condemnation of souls But the thing I especially intend in this Chapter is to shew to those of the Romish Church that even according to their proper maximes and doctrine it is impossible for them speaking morally to be saved I know this proposition will seem a paradox to many but if they will onely take the pains to see and examine the reasons on which I am grounded I perswade my self that even the most learned will confesse and acknowledge it with me for they cannot deny it it being the common doctrine of their own Schools and books which questionlesse a multitude of simple people have never been aware of I will not speak here of the difficultie they of the Romish Church may meet withall as do other Christians in the keeping of Gods ten Commandments for howsoever I know certainly and may speak it truly that they are worse kept and fulfilled in that Church than in the Reformed Religion in England or other places which I have seen yet I will leave this point and comparison till the following chapter and will shew this impossibilitie of salvation onely by the commandments which are added by the Romish Church or rather by the Popes of Rome to the ten Commandments of God and I shall shew it especially in the obligation of hearing Masses on Sundayes and holidaies and in the conditions of the mystery of confession for notwithstanding that according to the maximes of their Doctors the obligation to fast all Lent over and at other dayes commanded ought to damne and destroy many who otherwaies it may be are persons unblameable walking straightly in the observation of Gods ten Commandments yea and in many other things but having too much a do to fast do it not although they might do it if they would but endeavour to do the same and be not of the number of them whom the Lawes of fasting exempted And howsoever also the obligation to keep the holidaies strictly without working or causing others to work should condemne according to their doctrine another great multitude by whom this rigid and straight commandment is hard to be kept for the great charge and imployment of their calling yet that is nothing in comparison of the difficultie that is in the commandments of hearing the Masse which obligeth all Christians and the saying over of the Breviary which obligeth the Priests and the obligation of Auricular confession which is common to all Because ye must know according to the Doctors and Casuists of the Romish Church that for accomplishing the commandment of hearing the Masse it is not sufficient to be there bodily present but to fulfill the precept one must be present in attention and devotion so that he who
THE CHRISTIAN AND CATHOLIKE VERITIE OR THE REASONS AND MANNER OF THE CONVERSION OF FRANCIS DE NEVILLE FORMERLY A CAPVCHIN PREACHER The Popes Missionary and Superiour in sundry COVENTS of the same ORDER A Treatise very usefull for all Christians and especially for such as are POPISHLY-affected or not fully setled in their beliefe And for the further Confirmation of the FAITHFULL Wherein many SECRETS of the ROMISH Clergie heretofore UNREVEALED are DISCOVERED Dedicated by the Author to the High Court of PARLIAMENT now Assembled 1642. See the Contents at the next Page LONDON Printed by T. P. and M. S. for H. Blunden at the Castle in Cornehill 1642. THE CONTENTS OF the CHAPTERS AN Historicall Prelude concerning the Author Chap. 1. How the Romish Church acknowledge no other Judge in matters of Faith but the Pope page 1 Chap. 2. That the holy Scripture is the onely Judge and rule sufficient of Faith and not the Pope nor the Church p. 4 Chap. 3. That the holy Scripture is clear in that which concernes things necessary to salvation pa. 8 Chap. 4. That the holy Scripture is given us by God to read and meditate in the same and that the prohibition of the Pope to read it is altogether unjust and contrary to the will of God p. 12 Chap. 5. Of Traditions and that they ought not to be taken for Judge or rule of our faith p. 20 Chap. 6. Traditions condemned by the holy Scripture p. 25 Chap. 7. That we cannot ground our beleef upon the books of the ancient Fathers p. 27 Chap. 8. Concerning the chief point of controversie to wit that S. Peter had no Primacy in the Church and that the Primacy of the Pope is an unlawfull usurpation p. 30 Chap. 9. Proved from holy Scripture that Christ had never intention to leave S. Peter or any other Apostle for his successour or generall Vicar after him p. 40 Chap. 10. Proved by the holy Scripture that the Apostles did never acknowledge S. Peter for superiour and universall Head of the Church p. 43 Chap. 11. That although S. Peter had had the preeminence the Pope hath no right to challenge it to himself and that the Primitive Church never acknowledged this universall superiority in the Bishop of Rome p. 48 Chap. 12. In what manner and at what time the Bishop of Rome usurped the Primacie pa. 53 Chap. 13. How the Bishop of Rome hath and doth labour to maintain his usurped Primacy and after what manner the Pope is elected at this present p. 57 Chap. 14. A notable reflection upon the usurped power of the Pope and his election and how much all Princes Prelates and Christians even Romanes are interessed therein p. 64 Chap. 15. How absurd is and how little ground hath the pretended infallibilitie of the Bishop of Rome and that it is not without cause he is called Antichrist p. 71 Chap. 16. The summe and conclusion of the former discourse concerning the usurped Primacie and infallibility of the Pope p. 75 Chap. 17. Of the Invocation of Saints p. 78 Chap. 18. That profit temporall is the cause of the Invocation of Saints and Images in the Romish Church p. 84 Chap. 19. Of the Miracles of the Romish Church p. 89 Chap. 20. Of the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper and the Communion under both kinds p. 101 Chap. 21. Of the Masse and of Prayers in a strange tongue p. 107. Chap. 22. Of Auricular Confession p. 113 Chap. 23. Of Purgatory p. 122 Chap. 24. Of Indulgences p. 131 Chap. 25. Of the Congregations and Religious Orders p. 136 Chap. 26. Of Justification p. 141 Chap. 27. Of the heavinesse of the yoke of the Church of Rome in comparison of the yoke of Christ. p. 147 Chap. 28. If one can be saved in the Romish Church p. 151 Chap. 29. A comparison of the Protestant Reformed Church with the Church of Rome and in which of them two is salvation most certain pa. 156 TO THE MOST HIGH AND HONORABLE COVRT of PARLIAMENT of England now assembled in the yeer of the Lord 1642. Most Illustrious Assembly WE owe the homage of Service in those places where we first breathed not where we were conceived this little Treatise had indeed his conception beyond the Seas but being brought into the world in the Land and in the time of Your Authoritie it is to You it oweth homage and to whom it is bound to render all the dutifull submissions a vassall oweth to his Lords and will account it self exceeding glorious if ye but daign to vouchsafe it with your favorable acceptance for it trusteth that once being acknowledged for Yours it will be the more welcome in other places and your Patronage alone will be a sufficient protection to defend it against all the attempts of its enemies and evill willers And I am fully perswaded it could never have obtained a more happy nor Honorable protection in this world For that famous Assemblie consisting of the supreme and royall Majesty as the most worthie Head thereof of the Illustrious Nobilitie and the choicest Persons of the whole Kingdom as the Members of it there is none in this State who will not think themselves obliged to receive it favourably and if it shall passe the Seas to travell through forraigne Countreys it will questionles be more regarded there being no Canton in Europe where the wisdome of this Noble Assemblie is not admired and redoubted and where all that it avoweth and protecteth is not highly prized But as there is no good thing in the world which meeteth not with some contrarietie no vertue that is not opposed no prosperity that is not crossed I doubt not but it will find contradictions and obstacles both at home and abroad at home from some evill Christians secret enemies of the peace and tranquillitie of this Church and Estate abroad from the Enemies of the truth and every where from envious and malicious spirits But I trust it shall be as the nest of the little Alcion which under the protection of the most High contemneth the surging billows of the Ocean and which though tossed with the waves remaineth still victorious above the floods Or rather as the Rocks which cannot be moved with stormes but continue firm against all the assaults of winds and tempests So I shall let it travell under those favourable hopes with expresse charge to proclaim in all places where it shall passe the greatnesse of your glorie While in the meane time I shall endeavour to shelter my self here from all dangerous stormes under the shadow of your wings to enjoy the sweetnes of peace and happines which this whole Land expecteth from your wisdom and one who for the glory of God hath sought hither for refuge as I may hope from your bountie And there in greater securitie than the Dove that is chased by the Hawks doth find being once gotten into the holes of the Rock I shall meditate the rest of my dayes the wonders of the Almighty and
earnestly pray to him that it would please him to poure out upon their royall Majesties and their Princely Progenie upon your most Honorable Persons and this whole Land all the heavenly and earthly blessings that can wish Most Illustrious Assembly Your most humble and obedient Servant FRANCIS DE NEVILLE London this 28. of March 1642. Authoris Submissio SAcrosanctae Individuae Trinitatis Catholicae orthodoxae Ecclesiae authoritatis omnis sanae sincerae non praeoccupatae mentis judicio censurae haec quae scripta sunt hic subiecta sunto To the Reader FRiendly Reader if you finde any thing faulty and unpolisht in this Booke Know that the English tongue is strange to the Author to whom newly and as it were miraculously escaped out of Popish persecutions and strict imprisonment Tranquillitie and many other accommodations were wanting requisite for the perfection both of composition and impression yet neverthelesse if you understand French the Authors naturall Language may supply what is here defectuous and if it come againe to the Presse you shall have every thing more exact and perfect in the meane time be favourable in all and especially in some faults occasioned by the Printer such as are these following Errata quaedam PAge 15. v. 24. Bishops leg Doctors p. 43. in Tit. Spirit l. script p. 68. v. ult Infallible l. Insatiable AN HISTORICALL PRELVDE CONCERNING THE AVTHOR CHristian and courteous Reader there is nothing in the world made for it selfe but all for man and man for God who is the last end of all things and as the members of one body doe ayde and serve one another for the enjoying the priviledges and felicitie their nature is capable of so men being Members of the same body 1 Cor. 11.3 whereof Christ is the Head as St Paul saith ought to serve one another to bring themselves to God who is their last end and blessednesse It is that which moved the Apostles to Preach the Gospell through the world with so great travaile and paines It is that motive of charitie that moved St Paul and others to leave unto us the writings and doctrines which we have in the Canonicall Books It is onely this Consideration also that hath engaged mee to undertake this present Treatise wherein I onely intend to lead and conduct you to God If you walke straight to the paths of the true Church and faith I intreat you in reading this Treatise to give thankes and praises unto God with mee for the mercies and marvailous deliverances he hath wrought for mee in bringing me out of darknesse and from the shadows of death If you waver and be in doubt of the truth of the way you will finde here matter to assure and confirme you And if you be gone astray out of this way I hope reading this Discourse you shall be directed into it againe Especially if you be in the Romish Church it is to you chiefly I speake and for whom I write this hoping examples will be of greater power than words with you For friendly Reader I have been a long time even as you in the same blindnesse and doubtings you are in and because I was told that it behooved mee to beleeve without further enquiry and have onely the good faith as they say of the Colliar which is to referre himselfe to the faith of his Curate without further examination I assayed to doe the same bending my will that way but so soone as I began to have a little judgement J had a thousand combats in my minde in that blinde obedience which J could not see grounded upon any sure foundation J heard of an holy Scripture but J was almost twenty yeares old before J knew what it was J was permitted yea and recommended to reade and learne even by heart Virgil Cicero Homer and Plutarch all of them Pagan prophane Authors and proper to teach paganisme the Idolatry of the false gods no man desiring mee to reade or learne the holy Scriptures which the holy Ghost left to make us wise unto salvation and to instruct us in Christianitie and the worship of the true God as the Alphabet and rudiment of Christians Is not this a strange malice or blindnesse All that was spoken to mee in matter of faith was that it behooved mee to beleeve without further search and refer my selfe to the faith of our Teachers And what did J often say in my selfe If those who lead us be blinde or dissemble the truth through perversenesse or for other interests Mat. 15.14 the blind leading the blined both must fall into the ditch if our Leaders will goe to hell and be damned J shall then be as they referring my selfe to them J saw they were but men full of infirmities and imperfections as others that their words were words of men subject to deceit and lyes where J did finde nothing sure to settle a firme beliefe so that J did conclude in my selfe that faith being a certain knowledge and beliefe it could not be sure but upon a certaine and infallible foundation and so J concluded there was nothing but the Word of God alone and not the word of man that could assure us of true faith and of the way to salvation and that that Word of God being left to us in the holy Scriptures it was the dutie of every man to search and examine if the faith and doctrine preached were conformable to it and that no wise and judicious man should refer himselfe to another every one being to give an account for himselfe in the day of Gods Judgement and none received there to warrant and baile another This then moved mee to compare the doctrine of faith which was taught mee with that which Jesus Christ did preach and there J found so great difference in many points that it might be said to be altogether another doctrine than that of the Sonne of God Happy was it for mee J understood the Latine as my Mother tongue for J was above twentie yeares old before J durst reade or keepe by mee the Bible in the vulgar tongue under paine of greater Excommunication said they then is pronounced against one who should reade a Book of the Black Art or kill his father or mother and there is none but the Pope alone hath power to doe it or can give License Even so did J obtaine it by that means but this by the way They produced indeed for every thing the holy Scripture but for the most part in a meaning so far different from the truth that there is no error heresie nor dissolutnesse which may not be grounded and maintained in like manner upon and by the holy Scriptures J did heare them speake of Traditions and that we ought to submit our selves to the meaning and judgement of the Church but when J came to examine the Church and the infallibilitie of those Traditions J found that all was resolved in the judgement and head of the
reserved by the Pope alone to distribute to all christians and cannot commonly be obtained without a great deal of money especially for those who are remote from Rome and that for the explanation thereof we must submit to the Church that is to the Pope as I have already shewed So there is nothing but the explication of the Pope which can be a rule of faith and which is infallible doctrine and so the Pope maketh himself sole Judge of all matters of faith to determine that which is and that which is not is not this an intollerable extravagancy and worthy to be laught at by all men of understanding seeing it is without warrant from Gods word as may evidently appear The Pope saith then the Scriptures are very obscure and must not be holden for a rule of faith nor be read for fear of mistaking the meaning It is true that the Scripture consisting of many books written by divers authours at divers times yea and in divers ages and for divers ends contain great diversitie of style for in some places it is historicall in others propheticall in some metaphoricall in some morall and in some mingled and although all that is contained in those diversities of the holy Scriptures be written for our salvation as saith Saint Paul and we ought to make our profit thereof Rom. 13. neverthelesse it is not to be doubted there both are and ought to be many obscure things according to the nature and qualitie of the style in which the things are writren for prophesies parables and metaphors are ever accompanied with obscurity But as our Saviour did make but a short speech upon earth and having lived some 33 years preached but 3 or thereabouts during which small time he did preach and teach clearly and soundly all things which were necessary to salvation so that the most simple and ignorant might understand him and be sufficiently instructed by his sermons Neither is there any but Reprobates who will say that God being come to save mankind did not give sufficient instruction and clear enough for all men to be saved Otherwise how could he have condemned Corasin and Bethsaida and pronounced those words against those towns Matth. 11.20 c. Wo be unto thee Corasin wo be unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works which have been done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon they had repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes But I say unto thee that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgement then for thee And thou Capernaum if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained unto this day But I say unto you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgement then for thee Out of all question those cities would have received clear and sufficient instructions for their salvation otherwise he would have condemned them wrongfully And if Christ Jesus did preach clearly all things necessary to salvation so that those who followed him and heard him preaching might attain to perfect faith The Evangelists having set down his life and doctrine to us especially that which was necessary and also endeavoured so farre as they were able to make the same known to us as clearly as our Saviour had preached it otherwise they should be very blameworthy and we should have great reason to except against them that our Saviour having preached a doctrine so clear and easie to be understood of all men they should have left it in so obscure and hard terms that none except the learned Divines were capable to understand what not the learned Theologians nay none I say in the world except one man to wit the Pope were able to understand and give its true meaning and explication No no it is blasphemy to imagine it but we must beleeve that the doctrine of the Evangelists being the same our Saviour preached is left to us with all the facilitie and clearnesse was possible and sufficient to instruct to true faith and salvation neither can they be blamed of any defect especially being directed and assisted by the holy Spirit to that end This impertinency also may be confuted by the onely reading of the Scripture and those who tax the same of obscurity or hardnesse do it undoubtedly out of malice or ignorance never having read it nor it may be never seen it whereof are an infinite multitude in the Romish Church For certainly it is so clear especially in those things which are necessary to our salvation that the most ignorant and simple may understand it and that oftentimes better then many learned whose presumption of their science seeking subtile and curious interpretations in the simple words of our Saviour beyond the purity and sincerity of his intentions are by his just judgement deprived of the true meaning of the same As the Sonne of God himself saith in those words Mat. 11.26 I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes t is so Father because such hath been thy good pleasure And be assured no man how ignorant soever providing he hath common sence shall ever reade the holy Scripture with the spirit of simplicitie and a mind onely desirous to seek the way and means of salvation but the holy Spirit who hath indited the same will give him with a singular consolation and satisfaction an easie and clear knowledge of all things necessary to salvation But if any passages somewhat hard be found which is very rare in the Evangelists they may be passed over as not absolutely necessary or rather for greater satisfaction the opinion of learned men may be asked about it nor must we marvell if sometimes we find diversity in their explications for being matters not absolutely necessary nor touching the essence of Faith the controversie in such points is not of great importance But to say that we must instruct all and not read it for fear of mistaking some things is a meer invention of the Romish Church or rather of the Bishop of Rome who desiring to establish many articles of Faith to maintain his authority and the greatnesse riches of his estate and Clergy and seeing nothing clear in the holy Scripture to authorize his doctrine hath gone about to make Christians beleeve that the Scriptures were obscure and that it belongs to him onely to declare their true meaning and determine that which belongeth or belongeth not to faith and that they ought not so much as once presume to read them Further he hath straightly forbidden them under pain of Anathema and an eternall curse fearing lest the people coming once to read them should there find the condemnation of his false doctrine and the more prohibitions there are the more also is the gain and profit he maketh thereby upon those who
the Sacraments and the bounty of God yet no man will judge them so pernicious and of so dangerous consequence that they ought to be abstained from and the Popes prohibition is grounded upon a too frivolous weak and ridiculous reason to have any weight or authoritie in the judgements of the wiser Neither is there any who doe not sufficiently see it to be meerly a humane and a politique invention to conserve a false doctrine and an usurped jurisdiction if he will but strictly remarke it as God hath given mee grace to doe CHAP. V. Of Traditions and that they ought not to be taken for Iudge or Rule of our Faith THe Romish Church finding her selfe but weakly sustained by the Scriptures and not being able to maintaine her doctrine by the written Word of God hath be thought of an unwritten word called Tradition making it of the same power with the holy Scriptures and is therefore called Divine Tradition and Apostolique and not humane which seemed to me a brave field to lay open all her fancies Now the rule and way of the Romish Church to know and declare those Apostolique Traditions is this When the beginning and originall of any doctrine or Ecclesiasticall ceremony is not knowne neither exactly by whom or in what yeare it was instituted since the time of Jesus Christ and his Apostles it is holden amongst them of Divine and Apostolique Tradition As for example because it is not certainly knowne who was the first that invented holy-water and imployed it in Baptisme and to other uses it is esteemed to come from Christ Jesus and his Apostles although it appeare sufficiently from the holy Scripture that Christ and his Apostles did never use that ceremony but onely baptized with pure and naturall water So because it is not knowne who it was that first did pray to the Saints that doctrine is said to be of Apostolique and divine Tradition and to come from Christ and his Apostles although it appeare not in any place of Scripture that ever any Apostle did pray to the Saints that were before them or recommended it to us but the contrary and so of the rest of their Traditions Is not this a fine rule and prety invention whereon to ground an infinite number of divine and Apostolique Traditions for Printing not being in use but within this two or three hundred yeares there were but few things written before that and that seldome to be left to posteritie and that which was written for the most part dyed and vanished by the death of the Author or shortly after for not being transcribed as it is with a great number of particular writings especially if they doe not concerne temporall things So that in so many ages an infinite number of things ceremonies doctrines and errors have been invented in the worship of God by the superstition vanitie and presumption of some particular men of which now it is impossible to know the originall and first Author either because it was never written by any or if it hath been written the writings have been lost if therefore all those things must be esteemed divine and Apostolique out of question there will be a numberles number of divine and Apostolique Traditions And upon these considerations I marveiled no more at the great number of Traditions that are in the Romish Church which I can assure you to be such that if they were all redacted to one volume it would assuredly be greater than all the books of the Bible for their number is almog infinite and not certainly known to this day the number yet not being perfect and hardly is there any generall Councells in which some one or more new ones are not discovered Those of the Romish Church who will not admit nor acknowledge the Scripture as Judge of faith strive neverthelesse to serve themselves with it the best they can to confirme their doctrine But I pray you with what reason in the point of Traditions To prove that the holy Scripture is not a sufficient rule of faith and that we must have recourse to a word not written which they call Tradition 1 Thes 2.15 they alledge this of St Paul Wherefore my Brethren be yee stedfast and hold fast the Traditions which yee have learned either by word or by our Epistle Thence they inferre that St Paul had preached many things to the Thessalonians which he had not written to them in his Letters and therefore wee must beleeve more things than those which are written We ingeniously confesse that the whole doctrine of salvation and that which St Paul might have preached to the Thessalonians is not in these two little Epistles and affirme that we must beleeve more things than those which are conteined in them but thence it will not follow that that which St Paul had preached to the Thessalonians of the necessitie of faith and salvation is not conteined in the Old and New Testament for there is great difference betwixt the two little Epistles to the Thessalonians and all the rest of the holy Scripture and the consequence is very bad as every one may judge Besides when St Paul saith Keep the Traditions it will no more follow that by this word Traditions an unwritten word ought necessarily to be understood and that besides the written word of God there is yet an unwritten word equall in authoritie to the other for by the word Tradition may be understood that which is given and left either by word or writing and not necessarily some word not written for the holy Scripture is also a tradition that is a doctrine which hath been left us And although wee should grant that St Paul had preached to the Thessalonians many things which are not written in the holy Scriptures and exhorted them to keepe them it will therefore not follow that he did exhort them to keep all those Traditions as necessary to salvation for there are none who will not confesse that St. Paul might have preached and said many things which were not absolutely necessary to salvation nor faith but onely convenient and helpfull as our Saviour did in his preaching and although our Saviour should give us charge to remember them all and keepe them he doth not therefore meane that wee should be equally obliged to keep them all and that wee should keep them otherwise and in another fashion than he gave them to us that is the Articles of faith as Articles of faith and necessary to salvation the Commandements as Commandements the examples and parables as such things essentiall to faith as essentiall the ceremony and things accidentall as such and it is a very bad consequence drawne by the Romish Church that because St Paul exhorteth the Thessalonians to keep the Traditions he commandeth us all to beleeve and keep them as pertaining to faith and of equall authoritie with the Scripture a word not written and Traditions meerly humane as divine Traditions and chiefly all the Traditions of the Romish
doe it it should especially have been at this time an occasion and if he hath not done it here nor elsewhere it is an infallible and certaine proofe that he will leave no other superiour over the Church but himselfe and the holy Spirit Mat. 28.20 and he saith that he would remaine and stay with them alwayes even to the end of the world Besides our Saviour being upon the Crosse recommendeth his Mother to St John and St John to his Mother if St Peter should have been his Successour and Vicar after his death he might even then have spoken something but neither did he it there nor before nor after he was risen although he was conversant amongst them and with his Disciples oftentimes for the space of fortie dayes is not this then a most manifest and cleere proofe that he would leave neither Successour nor generall Vicar in his roome and that it is without sence or reason to say he left St Peter If the testimony of all the men in the world should be found to contradict this same would it be of greater force and strength than this The Word of God ought to triumph over all neither should any thing be opposed to it and it is blasphemy to attempt it there needeth no glosses here for this is cleere enough but either must a man renounce all that is in the holy Scripture or acknowledge this doctrine and truth nor could ever I conclude otherwise having considered it Here you may see good Reader by the holy Scripture that Jesus Christ had never intention to leave any man for Successour and universall Vicar or generall head in his place and that he himself alone would be governour and director for ever and none other but himselfe Therefore it is wrongfully that the Pope of Rome groundeth and maintaineth his authoritie upon that Now let us see by the holy Scripture that the Apostles did never hold Peter for his Successour or universall head of the Church CHAP. X. Proved by the holy Spirit that the Apostles did never acknowledge St Peter for superiour and universall head of the Church IF St Peter hath been instituted by Christ generall Pastour of the Church and Superiour over all the Apostles and Christians I undoubtedly beleeve that the other Apostles did know it perfectly for although Christ should never have declared any thing to them yet the holy Spirit who instructed them in all truth would have taught them this so important a point So it is that it may be proved even by the Scripture it selfe that the Apostles did never acknowledge this superioritie and primacy in Peter and therefore we may safely conclude that he never had it I finde in the Acts of the Apostles chap. 15.7 that the first Councell of the Church after the death of our Saviour was holden at Jerusalem where St James was Bishop and not St Peter that Paul and Barnabas and others came expresly that the Apostles and Elders did assemble to confer about something touching Circumcision and after great debate Peter saith Luke rose up and spake and after him Paul and Barnabas declaring what signes and wonders God had done by them among the Gentiles and so soone as they had done St James answered saying Men and brethren hearken unto mee Simon hath declared how God c. Wherefore my sentence is that wee trouble not them which among the Gentiles are turned to God but that we write unto them c. Now judge I pray you by this passage if Peter may be thought chiefe in this so noble and famous action if there be any of the Apostles who may be thought superiour in this assembly it is questionlesse St James the Councell holding in his Citie and Church It is true St Peter speaketh after some dispute not first as is pretended for they had already disputed and spoken but St James pronounceth sentence in this assembly and as Judge and of most authoritie in the Councell it being done in his Church he imposeth silence to speak and pronounce the sentence as is the custome of the Judges and saith Wherefore my sentence is or now I Judge Ego autem Judico as St Jeroms translation hath it which questionlesse he did not as superiour to all but as Bishop of the place where the assembly was holden and to whom for that respect the first place and greatest authoritie was due as there is no Bishop in the world that giveth not place to another in his owne Church and within the bounds of his Jurisdiction But if Peter had had the primacy he would have pronounced the sentence as Judge and as Master and superiour over them all and it was his to say Ego Judico I marvell also that St James speaking to him if he thought him Vicar of Christ said not our Master Simon or the universall Vicar and Pastour or gave him not some great title such as is now given to the Pope it being a great over-sight to omit it but he saith onely Simon hath told if Simon was his superiour and universall head of the Church St James was greatly to be blamed in this point for some irreverence or little respect but knowing that there was but equalitie among them he useth him as his equall keeping onely the authoritie and dignitie of his own Sea It is said in the Acts chap. 11.1 that St Peter having converted and baptized Cornelius the Centurion and all those men who were Gentiles he came up againe to Jerusalem and being there they who were of the Circumcision that is the converted Jewes would have reproved him and contended with him saying Why wentest thou into men uncircumcised and didst eat with them Peter beginneth and declareth all the matter unto them in order and justifieth the action if St Peter was head of the Church and generall Pastour of all Christians and of all the world I marvell first how they had the boldnesse to reprove him for preaching to the Gentiles whose Pastour he was as well as of the Jewes and I admire also that St Peter seemeth to excuse himselfe before them upon a particular revelation and commission and did not rather tell them that being universall Pastour he had power over all soules and it belonged to him to preach the Gospell to every creature not onely to the Jewes but also to the Gentiles certainly he did not acknowledge as yet that generall power and universall primacy in himselfe nor yet did Christians acknowledge it in him for out of all question they would have spoken otherwise to him and he would also have answered in other tearmes especially if he had thought to have had that infallibilitie which the Pope of Rome vindicateth to himselfe which he saith he hath gotten by the succession and in the person of St Peter Moreover the Apostles sent Peter and John to preach in Samaria would the Pope now adayes receive any such commission Acts 8. and goe preach to the Indians or in Russia by Commission
from some other Bishops in France or Italy Further St Paul saith Gal. 2.16 that the preaching of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision was committed to him as that of the Circumcision to St Peter and when James Cephas and John who seemed to be pillars perceived the grace saith he that was given unto mee they gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship that is they received mee for companion that we should goe unto the brethren and they unto the Circumcision Here if you please you may observe that he attributeth no more to Peter than to John and James but calleth them all three Pillars and nameth not Peter but James first which shewed that he acknowledged no superioritie amongst them above the rest and saith further that the right hand of association was given him that is they received him for companion to goe and preach to the Gentiles as they to the Jewes Is there any Bishop in the world who dare write himselfe companion to the Pope and the charge to preach to the Gentiles was it not the most honourable and greatest and most fit to the universall Pastour of the world which if St Peter had been it was to him rather than to St Paul to whom it did belong it being also said that he hath been Bishop of the chiefe Citie of all the Gentiles although there be no proofe or likelihood of it fit in the Scripture but of this hereafter Gal. 2.11 And a little after in the same chap. When Peter saith he was come to Antioch I withstood him to the face because he was to be blamed for before that certaine came from James he did eat with the Gentiles but when they were come he withdrew and separated himselfe fearing them which were of the Circumcision and the other Jewes dissembled likewise with him in so much that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the Gospel I said unto Peter before them all If thou being a Iew live also after the manner of the Gentiles and not as doe the Jewes why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as doe the Iewes Here you see how Paul saith that he withstood Peter to his face because he was to be blamed yea and reproved him sharply for his dissimulation and evill example if Paul had acknowledged Peter for his superiour and head over all Christians it is out of all doubt a great fault in Paul to resist his superiour to his face and so to write and if he did acknowledge in him that infallibilitie whereof the Pope braggeth how saith he that he was to be blamed and faulty there can be no other thing answered to this but that Paul did not acknowledge any superioritie or infallibilitie in Saint Peter otherwise there is none of good judgement in the world who would not think Paul guilty of a fault and crime of contempt and yet no man even to this day nor any Pope durst ever condemne this fault in Paul and did also he onely acknowledge Peter as his equall and fellow-fellow-Apostle whom he was bold to reprove and I beleeve that every man who is not interessed and is void of passion will judge with me by those passages of Scripture and with the orthodox belief that the Apostles did never acknowledge this superiority and Primacy in Peter and that it is in vain to the Pope to vindicate the same to himself Peter having never had it Finally if Saint Peter himself did think he had this universall authority over all the Apostles and all Christians and all the Churches of the world I marvell he never made it appear nor used it at any time and that there is nothing spoken of it in the Acts of the Apostles which are the history of the Apostles for more then 20 years I marvell also that he did not addresse some Epistles to all the Christians in the world but contented himself to write onely to some Jewes who were dispersed by the persecution of Saint Steven and I marvell yet most of all he did not put some titles before his Epistles to make known his Primacy he doth not write Peter Bishop of Bishops or universall Pastour of the Church or great Vicar of Christ on earth 1. Pet. 1. nor any such thing but onely Peter an Apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers which are scattered in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bythinia there is not so much as one word in both those Epistles that favoureth of his Supremacy his words are not the words of a Master nor of a Superiour or Soveraign doth a Soveraign ever write long letters to his subjects and never speak to them as a Soveraign how humble soever he be without using any word of Lord and Master or giving any commandement It appeareth then hereby and by that which we spoke before that the Apostles did never acknowledge this Primacy of Saint Peter nor did he ever acknowledge it himself and I beleeve I have sufficiently proved this by Scripture to be judged by any man of judgement that those arguments of Scripture to prove this negative to wit that Saint Peter had no Primacy are beyond all comparison stronger than those which the Romish Church doth produce to prove the affirmative of this Doctrine to wit that Saint Peter was Head of the Church I know that the Doctours of the Romish Church want not explications in their favour upon those passages whether found out by them or some of the auncients for there is no errour that may not finde some colourable pretext but we shall give sufficient answers thereto in the next chapter and J protest I never found satisfaction nor I beleeve shall any man of sound judgement find satisfaction therein for this truth is too clear and evident to be contradicted Now let us see if the Bishop of Rome who calleth himself Successour of Saint Peter was acknowledged by the primitive Church and those first ages to have had this Primacy and universall superiority over the whole Church CHAP. XI That although Saint Peter had had the preeminence the Pope hath no right to challenge it to himself and that the Primitive Church never acknowledged this universall Superiority in the Bishop of Rome THe first question to be cleared here should be whether Saint Peter were ever Bishop of Rome or if he ever was at Rome for the Pope of Rome pretendeth onely his Primacy by succeeding Saint Peter in the Sea of Rome to which saith he is annexed the generall chair and universall power over all christians If any truth may be drawn from the Scripture in this point it is out of all doubt more probable yea and more certain that he was never Bishop nay that he was never there then otherwise for it was a strange and hard thing to beleeve that he was there and founded that Church established there his Sea and chair which the Pope esteemeth the first
ground but when I came to consider and examine the ground more narrowly I thought they had reason sufficient for so doing especially for attributing to himselfe the infallibilitie which is onely proper to God and which is the most execrable blasphemy Antichrist can commit and the greatest of his offences mentioned by St Paul in those words 2 Thess 2.4 Even to sit as God in the Temple of God and exalting himselfe above every thing that is called God for truely the Pope in this maketh himselfe as God appropriating to himselfe infallible truth which is onely proper to the Godhead and is the Godhead it selfe Making himselfe further to be adored as God yea more than God causing men to carry him upon their shoulders at the Procession of the Sacrament where that which they call the Hoast or body of the Son of God is onely carried on horsebacke causing Christians yea Nobles and Princes to kisse and adore his feete and laying the holy Scripture at his feete And when he celebrateth the Masse his Chaplaines use a great deale more reverence and ceremony about his person than they doe about the Altar and Hoast with an infinite number of other things proper to the sonne of perdition described by St Paul and by other Scriptures which to shunne tediousnesse I passe by remitting the Reader to those who have expresly and amply written on this subject CHAP. XVI The summe and conclusion of the former Discourse concerning the usurped Primacy and infallibilitie of the Pope YOu have seen good Reader how I have clearly shewed that the Romish Church which maketh the primacie and infallibilitie an Article of faith set down especially in the Confession of faith of the Councell of Trent can produce no passage of holy Scripture that proveth it with the least ground or reason you have seen how I not being obliged to prove the negative by Scripture have notwithstanding by the same word of God shewed cleerly enough that Christ Jesus had never intention to give that primacy to S. Peter as the Apostles did never beleeve nor acknowledge it and that S. Peter himself did never think it nor make use of it and consequently that it is falsly attributed to the Bishop of Rome although he were successour to S. Peter in the Bishoprick of Rome which is a great controversie You have also seen that the Bishop of Rome was never called nor acknowledged for head of the Church or universall Pastor the first 300. yeers without controversie yea for almost 500. yeers which is a very great and long time and further that he never assumed but rather rejected that title as wicked damnable and arrogant and proper to Antichrist never using that Authority It hath been shewed you how this usurpation was brought in and how it hath been maintained in what case it may be in at this present and by what unjust and tyrannicall means that unlawfull Authoritie reigneth in the world to the great prejudice of Princes and oppression of Prelates and to the great scandall and hurt of all poore and simple Christians Lift up therefore the eyes of your understandings and conclude with me that this power being usurped is unlawfull and void as it appeareth is in vain and without reason said to be the rule of faith that it appropriateth to it self the infallible explication of the holy Scripture and the priviledge to declare the Articles of faith It is in vain then that it sendeth us to its Synods and Councels which presume to have no authority but from him who hath none himself neither to call nor confirm them and all the Canons that were ever made under that unlawfull authoritie have neither force nor vertue neither can they oblige any Christians All the Canons and Constitutions therefore established and confirmed by the Popes of Rome and their Councels are of no force nor strength neither can they oblige any man Therefore all the Excommunications and Anathema's all the commandments and prohibitions issuing and coming from such an Authority which are numberlesse ought to be rejected and set at naught if they have no other authoritie from the Word of God as void and unlawfull and cruell burthens laid on mens shoulders to hold them in slaverie as those of the Pharisees condemned and accursed by God himself Compare I pray you courteous Reader the Commandments of God with those of the Church and Pope and you shall see that the Commandments of God are easie Mat. 11.30 and his yoke is light as he hath said and that the commandments of the Church which the Pope affirmeth to be of equall authoritie with Gods are insupportable burthens and cords to strangle the consciences and snares to precipitate them into hell Open therefore your eyes O ye people and behold your blindnesse and the captivitie in which ye live so miserable Isa 52.2 Loose the chains from off thy necke poore slave and captive daughter of Sion may I say unto you with Isaiah I know that many Bishops and Prelates men of great learning and honest conversation yea the most part of the Prelates of the Romish Church mourn and groan under the weight of that yoke and wish nothing more than the happy occasion to see themselves delivered complaining often amongst themselves and making their complaints resound in the eares of their trusty friends I know assuredly as having heard it from their mouthes that they are of the opinion of the ancient Bishops that the Apostles were equals according to the testimonie of the Scriptures and that the Bishop of Rome is no more than their equall their fellow Bishop and brother not their superiour although one of the greatest amongst them because of the greatnesse of the City of Rome where he resideth as they of the first ages did esteeme I know they see and acknowledge that it is nothing but an usurpation begun by the liberality of great Princes and brought in by the ambition of the Popes and the indiscretion of the wicked Emperour maintained by force during the weaknesse and calamities of the Emperours and the dissention and division of States and yet tontinue at this present by unlawfull policies and courses under the bountie of soveraigne Monarchs who suffer it All the learnedst and most judicious of the Romish Church see and deplore this miserie and tyranny but to open their mouth aloud and in publique is a thing which none dare attempt under the Popes authoritie for besides the excommunications and Anathema's which will not be wanting to terrifie the simpler besides the prisons and other corporall punishments where the Inquisition reigneth they must expect where the Pope hath any credit with Princes to be quickly deprived of all the Church Revenues they possesse and out of hope to get any more which verily are too strong motives to retain many who have not sufficient courage and who by pusillanimity and those temporall respects are forced to keep silence and yeeld as dumbe dogs which dare not barke
you He saith not goe to Moses or to Abraham or have you recourse to Jacob but come to me all both poore and rich men and women whosoever yee be how great sinners soever all yee that are weary with any griefe or affliction for any disease or any affaires whatsoever and I will comfort you and be assured yee shall finde consolation Is there any Saint in the world to whom we have so great reason to addresse our selves as to Jesus Christ our God who ever hath commanded and provoked us to come to him who hath called and charged us who hath ever said come to me who hath given us so great confidence and to whom ought we to beleeve and to trust so much is there any Saint so able to assist us and who can comfort us so much in all our afflictions and heale us so well of our diseases or so quickly and powerfully helpe us in all our crosses as he Is there any Saint that hath assured us so much of his good will towards us Is there any Saint in whom and on whom we can trust and repose our selves so freely To what purpose then should we goe and addresse our selves rather to the Saints than to him who is our God and omnipotent Father and who infinitely desireth our wellfare It is easie by that which I have said and which I am to say to answer the objection Papists commonly have and imagine to be strong drawne from the comparison of Princes and Mediatours which men use to goe to them and to doe their businesse the better for it is not so in God we goe not directly to Princes either because they know us not or because we are not sure of their affection towards us or if they be minded to doe us good but this hath no place in God for we are certaine he loveth us and desireth and willeth our good it is moreover his will and he commandeth us to come to him so we have no need to interpose others and having no commandement to doe it nor example in holy Scripture nor any reason in the world we cannot doe it without offence And we need not doubt but the Apostles had a sufficient inclination to honour the Saints which were before them yet we see not in any place of Scripture that ever any of the Apostles did invoke any of the Saints either before or after the death of our Saviour or that he ever recommended that doctrine if this had been an Article of faith and of so great importance doe yee not thinke they would have left something of it in some one of their Epistles or St Luke in the Acts which no where appearing it is a manifest signe Christ Jesus did never teach it and that it was never his will we should practice it Now if our Saviour hath not recommended it nor the Apostles taught it and if further it appeare they never practised ●o upon what reason and ground ought we to doe it Shall we thinke our selves wiser than Christ and his Apostles and doth it not appeare to be a humane invention and addition to the Word of God which is cursed from his mouth and threatned with an Anathema by the Apostle St Paul Besides if we interpose Christ who is our true and soveraigne Mediatour is there any that can deny that our prayers are not as well and better made as if we did interpose all the Saints to what purpose is it then to interpose St Pachomius St. Paphnutius St Anthony S te Theresias St John Gualbert and the like rather than Christ Jesus and leave him to goe to Saints which are nothing in comparison of him And there is no man who would not confesse but it is better to pray to God and to Jesus Christ than to the Saints and addresse our selves to him rather than to them because wee have a commandement for the one and not for the other Seeing then it is better to addresse our selves to God than to the Saints we having no commandement nor counsell in the holy Scripture nor any example in the lives of the Apostles who were better Christians than wee and who had a greater inclination and affection than wee to honour the Saints with what reason should wee doe it We ought therefore to reject this as a humane invention and a superstition invented by the Romish Church and which is threatned with Anathema CHAP. XVIII That Profit temporall is the cause of the Invocation of Saints and Images in the Romish Church AS it is manifest that the Romish Church is wholy builded upon utilitie and profit so is game and lucre the principall cause of the article of the invocation of Saints and images for when the Clergie did perceive that the people commonly inclined to superstition using to passe many nights at the Sepulchres and Tombes of the Martyrs in fasting and prayers praysing and blessing God for their constancy did begin to pray to them upon the assurance of their felicitie and hope that their soules being immortall might heare them and have credit enough with God to helps them and charitie sufficient to imploy themselves for them they did not reprove them for this superstition but were glad to finde out these means and use the occasion to draw profit therefrom Thence came to passe that the Priests did resolve to place the Images of such Saints and Martyrs in their Temples although they were not buried there to the end the people relinquishing the Tombes and Sepulchres where their bodies did rest might come see and pray to them represented in their Churches and so comming to make their prayers might leave some offering imagining well they would not returne without shewing their liberalities in favour of the Saint but where the Priest the keeper of the Saint should ever have the best part And that abuse in short time grew to such a disorder that every Priest laboured in emulation one of another to place the most Images of Saints as was possible in his Church especially to set up those the people most esteemed and to which they came most willingly and furthest so that in the end many Temples are become true Pantheons there being no corner where some big or small Saint had not place and I have seene in some Churches where for want of place to erect all their Images in Bosse their Pictures were confusedly drawne one by another as the 15000 Virgins are shewing onely their faces to the end that whatsoever Saints the people desired to adore and pray to they might be found in their Temples And when they perceived some Saints to be more prayed to and in greater request than others they were not content onely to set their Images in the Churches to dedicate and consecrate Temples to them but the avarice of Priests hath invented fraternities and Congregations in their honour which bearing their name professe themselves chiefly affected and devoted to those Saints and to combate and live under their
a short Masse in great confusion rub their beads against the Image and receive in haste some small suffrages for their money and see and hear a great disorder throughout the Church because of the presse of the people and those who gain most there are the Priests and the Devils As I remained in another Town bigger than the former there was a child of twelve yeers of age who had his sinews so contracted and drawn in that he could not walk but crookedly and leaning upon his hands and knees and was foure yeers in that manner after which time a Gentlewoman of qualitie who had some skill in Physick did undertake to cure him and while he was in her hands for some weeks his parents carried him to a famous Church dedicated to the Virgin Mary where being come at the earnest sollicitation of his parents he constrained himself to walk and indeed did walk a little and then did they cry out a Miracle beleeving their child was healed by a meer Miracle which the honest Gentlewoman did contradict maintaining that it was by her industrie and remedie But she was commanded by the Priests to keep silence saying that it was to deny the Virgin the glory due unto her and that she did not well but because the child did not walk firmly but as if he were tottering and very weakly and as one whose sinews were not as yet sufficiently strengthened as I did see with my eyes and as it happened to those who are cured by the Art of Physick it was a very strong proof to all men of good understanding that that cure had been done rather by remedies than by miracles which notwithstanding was published in every place for most certain and beleeved by those who did not understand the circumstances I have heard speaking and had knowledge of a number of cures which the people did esteeme Miracles they being done beyond the hope of the Physitians and the appearances of nature but if all that falleth out so ought to passe for a Miracle there are an infinite number of the like done every day both with and without prayers both amongst Christians and Infidels nature working often by wayes unknown to us God permitting and so disposing But those who are born blind to recover sight and the dead to be raised and such like is not done nor heard of now adayes but those who come after us shall find enough wherewith to fill their books as many Writers in our time in the times past and as they have done at all times in the Romish Church And concerning the dead which are raised I have but this one word to say to wit that there being hundreds yea and thousands who are said in the Legends to have been resuscitated at divers times and by divers Saints there is nothing seen nor found of all the said dead or written after they were raised and I marvell that men did not carefully gather all the news they might have brought from the other world where they had been and how they did live after For my part if I knew a man who were raised 200. Leagues hence I think I would willingly go thither to see him and to learn something from him of that which he had known and done from the time of his death to his resurrection and if a man should carry him through the world as they do Monsters and rare things I suppose he would gain more monies than did ever any man hitherto with any other thing But we must say either our forefathers have not bethought themselves of that as now they might do or rather they are but all fables and except those who have been raised by Christ and his Apostles and which are mentioned in the holy Scripture I see not sufficient ground to beleeve so much as one And although there is no miracle now seen amongst us yet there is no famous Church wherein they do not often publish some and there is no Religion and Order that doth not daily represent to the people some new Images of Saints who are or have lived as they say not long ago in their Monasteries and do many miracles which in truth have never been done or otherwayes are not miracles but notwithstanding shall be written for Miracles by the posteritie I being the last yeare in close prison above eleven moneths together where I had no other company but two little tame doves which seemed to be given to me of God for my consolation and recreation in the affliction wherein I was for the confession of his name and of the truth and besides some few Popish Bookes there I chanced to reader amongst others a certain English Authour called as I remember Ordericus Vitalis a benedictine Monke who lived about St Bernards time a man zealous of the welfare and honour of his order and writ the history of his owne age and the two precedings there he makes mention of a multitude of able men and who were thought to be very holy in those ages and were afterwards canonized especially of St Bernard whom he had seen and knowne and St Anselme Archb. of Canterbury who was dead a little before and in whose Monastery he had lived and of others the like but he speaketh not of one Miracle which he would not questionlesse have omitted if he had knowne any for it was his speciall intent and inclination and he complaineth extreamly and was sorry he found none to write Neverthelesse those who lived after have been abler and sharper-sighted than he was for they have discovered them by hundreds a far of where he who was in the place and living at that time could not see nor finde one onely so may we say of all the rest and although there be none in our time yet they who shall come after us and write after the manner of the Romish Church will finde a great number I have knowne a great many of religious persons especially who at this present have the opinion to be holy and some of them to worke miracles to have wrought in their life time although I did never heare of it so long as they were alive and now they begin to adore their Images some of them indeed were men who lived without scandall and in reputation of godlinesse but they were also said to have their owne imperfections as others and I have knowne a multitude of secular persons whom I beleeve to have been no lesse holy more perfect than they And I may boldly affirme as having known it by long experience and heard it an hundred times from the most judicious and best among the religious that if there be any vertue in the Romish Church it is beyond all comparison more among the Laicks and secular persons than in the religious orders and Cloysters for there is much hypocrisie among them and more exteriour shew and appearance to guide the opinion of men and be esteemed holy than of interiour and care to please and
and sing the Masse I confesse truly that Christ and his Apostles did sing Masse and that the faithfull communicating and perticipating of the Sacrament after this manner say Masse But if by the Masse they meane to make a sacrifice upon an Altar covered with three Table-clothes with so many prayers before and after in a strange tongue and unknown to the people with so many Ceremonies and lifting up of their hands and eyes with stretching abroad and folding of their armes fingers hands and body with so many crossings upward and downward on the right hand and on the left on the bread the wine the corporall the Altar the forehead breast and mouth of the Priest and where the Priest communicateth ordinarily alone and almost everie day and the people for a long time onely once a yeer for my part after I had read again and again the holy Scriptures I could never find any such thing or any thing like to it and so it must of necessitie be confessed to be a humane invention for the end which I shall quickly shew you and no Divine institution nor Invention Neither can they in reason alledge here the Apostolicall Tradition and derived from Jesus Christ and his Apostles although there is nothing expressed in the holy Scripture nor any written word for if that mystery were of such importance as the Papists would have it at this day it would have been so also in the time of the Apostles who should have had a perfect knowledge thereof it being a doctrine they should have much preached to the people as a thing of exceeding great importance and they being men of excellent devotion and incomparable zeal for the mysteries of faith they should every day or at least often have said Masse and exhorted the people earnestly to be present and hear the same as they do in the Church of Rome now there appeareth nothing at all of this in the holy Scripture St. Paul indeed speaketh to us especially once of the Sacrament of the Supper and of the preparations wherewith we ought to come to it Furthermore we see that the Apostles and primitive Christians did conveene sometimes about Easter to break bread and participate of that divine mystery together but in no other place is there any mention made of the masse in the Romish fashion nor of any sacrifice without blood as they tearme it which I exhort all the Romanists diligently to consider as I have done and I perswade my self they will no more find it there than I Neither will they find any where that the bread of the Supper was an hoast or a round cake or that they kept it in the Temples with so great ceremony and care in Tabernacles and rich cabins as they now do in the Romish Church and I beleeve no other thing can be concluded but that the Romish Church thinketh her self wiser than Christ and his Apostles in obtruding for an Article of faith a doctrine which was never left by Christ and which was neither preached written nor practised by the Apostles for although they had spoken nothing in their Epistles yet Luke who did write all that he could see and learn of their actions would not have omitted this which is esteemed of so great importance in the Church of Rome So it is clearly to be seen in the Histories that it is an invention of the Popes who have from time to time added to it every one of them according to his fancy to day one ceremony and prayer to morrow another now one ornament and vesture and then another sometimes making it of one fashion sometimes of another till at last it was come to that height wherein it is at this day in the Church of Rome it is now a snare to precipitate many Priests into the bottome of hell for not using that disposition which they know to be required therein and which is the cause of the perdition of an infinite multitude of Christians for not hearing it with that respect the Romish Church requireth which they of that beliefe are obliged to obey and in doing against their conscience although erroneous they are judged culpable of sin and all that according to the doctrine and maximes of that Church Now to define properly or describe the Masse as it is at this present I suppose I may say justly that it is a good trade instituted and invented by the Church of Rome to nourish and entertain an infinite number of Priests who become Priests principally to gain their living thereby fit to inrich the Monasteries and Churches and make all the Monks live finely and whereby the peoples purses are emptied and finally a Trade that serveth to condemne many as well as those who say it as of those who are obliged to hear it This definition seemeth a little too rude and at the first sight ridiculous but it is true and the Romanists themselves may confesse it if they will for the taxes and prises of Masses now adaies are for the most part as of bread in the Market and he that giveth not so much getteth none and because silver was scarcer in former times than now so the Masses were not worth so much and a Masse that will not be said now for eight or ten pence was not worth two or three pence in former times and in many places men had more then they desired at that rate and because all things are dearer now than they were so the masses are also And because the religious orders who are insatiable in wealth and who never refuse any wealth whensoever it cometh were loaded with so many masses that they could not say the half of them the Pope who saith he hath power in heaven and earth hath as they say of many smals made one great and of an infinite number of masses which were founded by particulars he hath made but one wherein all the benefactors are comprehended in grosse and in generall termes and so by an handsome Bull hath discharged them of all scruples which if their founders had mistrusted they would have been wary to have left so great wealth and rents as they have done to that effect so they who live at this present amongst the Papists are become wise at the coast of their Ancestors and are loath to commit any such follies and rob and beggar their children to inrich and fatten the Monks But howsoever commonly he that wants money can have no masses and because the Church of Rome holdeth masses to be the principall meanes to deliver a soul out of Purgatory so there are none but poore people who are to stay a long time in that fire for want of money to buy masses as the richer sort and so to be rich is a great help in the Church of Rome to go speedily to Paradise contrary to that which Christ said in S. Matth. 10.25 that it was very hard for rich men to enter into heaven Matth. 10.25 but it is a Church
words of God even in the matter of the Sacraments But the Pope doth not onely extend those words unto internall and externall sins but perswading himself that it was especially said to him All that thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and all that thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed He taketh upon him to loose the bands of oaths loose and exempt Subjects from the subjection and fidelity they owe to their natural Princes and children from the obedience they owe to their fathers and mothers when they become Religious in any Monasterie by the same authoritie they loose marriage lawfully contracted if it be found that the husband and the wife together have presented a child to be baptized or be allied by the confirmation and so it seemeth that the Scripture is onely alledged by the Papists to uphold and maintain the power of the Pope Now what ever is the controversie among them for this passage it sufficeth that it manifestly appeareth through the whole Scripture that Christ did never command Auricular Confession but repentance and amendment and that the Apostles did neither command nor practise it which if they had done it would questionlesse have been mentioned in the Scripture in some places of their writings or in the History of the Acts of the Apostles and if the confession were of such importance as they would have it in the Romish Church the Apostles doubtlesse should have preached it and even practised it often amongst them confessing one to another For all the Doctors confesse that they might commit if not mortall yet veniall sins and when they did declare the faith to the faithfull they would also have preached the sincere confession of their sins and taught them the true manner of the same and even to make generall confessions as they had preached the practise and exercise of other vertues which not being found in any part we must conclude that in their time confession was not in use and that it is an humane invention proceeding neither from Christ nor his Apostles but instituted established and maintained by the Clergie for the great temporall profit they draw from it I say moreover in the time of the primitive Church Auricular confession was not in use and was neither thought an obligation nor command nor of such importance as it is at this present which that it may be most cleerly seen I intreat the Reader and especially them of the Romish Church to see in the life of their Saints which they hold for their Bible and holy Scripture there let them read the life of all the Apostles and holy Martyrs nay even of all those whom they call the Confessors of the first ages as of St. Augustine Chrysostome Athanasius and Basilius who is esteemed to be founder of the orientall Monks of St. Anthony and St. Paul the Hermits Finally of all those of the fourth fifth and sixth ages yea and since I am assured they will never find that any of those ancient Fathers did make any auricular and secret confession to the Priests Notwithstanding they are esteemed to have been very zealous men in Christian Religion and men of vertue and exemplary perfection who would never have omitted it if it had been of so great importance See both their life and death there is never a word spoken of Auricular confession which if they had used it would questionlesse have been mentioned some where in some one of those lives which are in great number And he especially who not long ago hath gathered and collected all those lives and who hath omitted nothing which he thought might be usefull to the Romish Church would never have left out this point if he had found the least traces of it in any places and I even marvell he hath not added it as he hath done many other things of his own invention but we must say that either he did not bethink himself of it or God hath not permitted it to confound this new doctrine of the Romish Church by looking to the ancient and the practise of those Fathers And mark how the same Author forgetteth not to mention this point in the times of those where he findeth it to have been used and because that this Auricular confession hath been in greater estimation within this short time than ever before so there is no Saint in those last ages in whose life there is not very speciall mention made of their frequent confessions and their sincerity therein but in the lives of the ancients there is no mention made of it at all Moreover I marvelled often that there was no more spoken of it in the books of the ancient Fathers Turn over I pray you Augustine Irenaeus Theodoret Chrysostome and Cyprian and see if there be any thing spoken of Auricular confession to the Priests it may be they speak of some exomologese and confession but that was publike and not secret confession to the Church for satisfaction and edification and not secret and Auricular confession to the Priests for sacramentall Absolution Remarke also if yee finde in any place of them any examination of the conscience with which all the Books of this time are filled in the Church of Rome see if any of them hath written any cases of conscience to teach the manner of confession as we see a great multitude in our dayes there yee will finde no such things and is it not a strong proofe if it be not found in those Fathers that Auricular confession was not in use in those dayes for they being so godly men and the most famous of their ages they would often questionlesse have used it and recommended it to others and it is not credible they would have composed so big volumes without making cleare mention in some place nay even in many places of that which is esteemed so necessary a Sacrament and of so great importance Furthermore Yee will find in the Book of the lives of the Saints and in the History of the ancient Hermits attributed to St Jerome how those Ancients were sometimes nay even often and in many places of Aegypt foure or five thousand Hermits or Cenobites or more under one Superiour Master accustoming themselves to the singing of Psalmes reading and meditation of the holy Scripture for it was not as yet forbidden in those times and to work with their owne hands and bodyes to winne their livings and be burdensome to none as St Paul did and commonly there was but one Priest for that great multitude who often did not live amongst them but came to see them every Sabbath to celebrate divine Service unto them Now there is no appearance that the confession was in use in those times for one or two Priests would not suffice to confesse often so great a number and though a man should doe no other thing in a fortnight he were not able to confesse two thousand And those Books of their lives make no mention that they