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A55302 Christus in corde, or, The mystical union between Christ and believers considered in its resemblances, bonds, seals, priviledges and marks by Edward Polhil ..., Esq. Polhill, Edward, 1622-1694? 1680 (1680) Wing P2751; ESTC R3312 145,980 330

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positâ oportet habere Christum in nobis Zanch. de tribus El. Li. 4. c. 3. especially seeing he is so our life that he communicates his own Spirit to us the same holy Spirit which is upon him falls down upon us as mystical parts and members of him to quicken and actuate us in the holy ways of God And what an union is this actuation by one spirit is an union much more high and close than that which is only by continuity or a meer adhesion of parts a branch from which the juice retires rather hangs on than is properly united to the root a member however adhering if void and desolate of animal spirits is as if it were not knit unto the Head the most strict and proper union is from one Spirit Believers are so joined to Christ as to be one spirit if they had not his spirit they were none of his Rom. 8.9 They are led by the spirit of God v. 14. which is the very same with the Spirit of Christ as appears v. 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they are acted and moved by the Spirit of Christ Thus there is the same Spirit in Christ and believers and so the union between them must needs be very close and intimate in respect of this intimacy it is that Christ compares this union with that which is between him and the Father Joh. 17. And the Apostle calls Christ and the Church by one name As the body is one and hath many members and all the member of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ 1 Cor. 12.12 in which place the Church is called Christ the Scripture sometimes speaks of Christ and the Church the head and the body as if they were one person Hence St. Austin saith that believers are made cum homine Christo unus Christus De pecc Mer. l. 1. c. 31. One Christ with the man Christ Hence Aquinas saith That Christ and his members are una persona mystica one mystical person Not that we are Christed with Christ as some have said but that there is a very intimate union between Christ and believers 6thly The union between Christ and believers is a mystical one there is a great mystery in it Hence the Apostle saith This is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the Church Ephes 5.32 It is not meerly a mystery but a great one In another place he saith The riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of glory Col. 1.27 He speaks of Christ not meerly as offered in the Gospel but as dwelling in the heart this he calls not barely a mystery but the riches of the glory of the mystery it is such a mystery as hath riches and glory in it Now to make it appear that this union is a mystical one I shall offer some things There is that in this union which answers to all the resemblances the Holy Ghost in setting forth this union did not stay in one or two earthly patterns but useth many going on from one thing to another from Politicks to Oeconomicks from Oeconomicks to Artificials from Artificials to Naturals of divers kinds that so from each somewhat might be borrowed to illustrate it In the Political union we have Law and Power in the Conjugal one love in the Architectonical one support in that of the Vine and Head vital influence in that of food nourishment and intimate conjunction but in the mystical union we have all these It is said of Manna that it suited to every palate it is certain of Christ the true Manna that he is All to the Church That union therefore which fully answers to so many resemblances of different import must needs be a very mysterious one There is that in this union which highly exceeds all the resemblances In them there is but a shadow but in that is the substance in them one creature is united to another but in that believers are united to God-man The Mystical union is built upon the Hypostatical in each of them there is some import but none of them can reach the perfections of Christ Never was there such a King as he he is the most excellent one his subjects are all Saints and of the seed Royal his Throne and Laws are within he inspires as well as commands his people Never such an Husband as he he took an humane nature that he might espouse us nay he died on a Cross that his Spouse might come forth out of his bleeding side Those who are joined in spiritual marriage are made one spirit with him and have admirable communications from him No foundation is like him who is laid not by humane art but divine and bears up the weight of the whole Church not as dead matter doth but by his Spirit of life He is a Vine whose juice is the holy Spirit filling every branch an Head who makes those who were no members to become members and afterwards actuates them by the influences of his Spirit He is such food as turns the eater into himself and nourishes him unto life eternal Every way he hath the preeminence over the earthly patterns That union therefore which doth not only answer unto but far exceed all the resemblances of it must needs be a mysterious one This union is such that no distance of place or time can break or dissolve it No distance of place can do it In meerly Political or Moral unions distance of place hinders not but vital influence appertains not to them In the natural Vine or Head there is a vital influence but then there must be a local conjunction the Vine doth not communicate juice to a distant branch nor an Head to a distant member but though Christ be in Heaven and believers on earth yet he influences life and strength into them The reason is because he doth it by a spirit which is infinite a finite spirit cannot at once move and actuate distant subjects yet an infinite one which is every where can do it The same holy Spirit which is in Christ above is communicated to us here below to move and actuate us the vital influence is not at all hindred by local distance When our Lord discoursed of eating his flesh and drinking his blood Joh. 6. they murmured and said This is an hard saying who can bear it Our Saviour knowing this returns them this answer Doth this offend you What if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before It is the spirit that quickneth ver 61 62 63. There was no reason to be offended at his Doctrine He would ascend up to heaven and then his flesh would be as distant from men as heaven is from earth yet this hinders not eating of or union with him The Spirit would be in and with the eater to quicken and strengthen him No local distance can interrupt this union or influence I conclude this with the
are incorporated into him there is a kind of spiritual continuity between him and them that holy Spirit which resides in him falls down in a measure upon them The Scripture signally sets forth this Union He dwells in believers and they in him Joh. 6.56 He abides in them and they in him Joh. 15.4 He is in them the hope of Glory Col. 1.27 And they are in him that is true in Jesus Christ 1 Joh. 5.20 He lives in them and they live by the faith of him Gal. 2.20 He partakes with them Heb. 2.14 And they partake of him Heb. 3.14 Eternal life is in him and they having the Son have life 1 Joh. 5.11 12. He is one flesh with them and they are one spirit with him These things shew that there is a real union between them This real union which is what I aim at is by Divines stiled a mystical one and that upon very good reason the Holy Ghost in Scripture calls it a mystery that is it is a Divine Secret or holy Arcanam above humane reason and only conceivable by a supernatural light De Eccles visib 464. The Learned Whitaker saith of this union that it is mystica plane mirifica mystical and plainly wonderful The noble Sadeel calls it De spirit Mand. 226. magnum adorandum mysterium a mystery great and to be adored as being above nature and all humane bonds Life of Christ 462. Dr. Reynolds stiles it one of the deep things of God which are not discernable without the Spirit There are three admirable Unions the essential union of three persons in the Sacred Trinity These three are one 1 Joh. 5.7 That is one in essence The hypostatical Union of the Divine and Humane natures in the person of Christ Great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh 1 Tim. 3.16 The mystical union which is between Christ and his Church We are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones this is a great mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the Church saith the Apostle Ephes 5.30 and 32. Touching these three unions * Christus habet in se Patrem cum quo est unâ substantia habet assumptum hominem cum quo est una persona habet adhaerentem sibifidelem animam cum quâ est spiritus unus Bern. de Verb. Psal 23. fol. 415. an Ancient hath observed That all three may be seen in Christ he hath a Father I may add and a Spirit with whom he is one substance he hath an humane nature with which he is one person he hath adhering Believers with whom he is one Spirit Unto this observation I shall add another the mystical Union which is the last of the three bears a respect to the two former Two or three things will manifest this First The mystical union depends upon the two former a hint of this we have in the words of our Saviour who speaking of himself as God-man and of giving his flesh for the life of the World saith As the living father hath sent me and I live by the father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me Joh. 6.57 Here are tres viveatis three livers one under another the Father who is fons Trinitatis the fountain of the Trinity lives of himself Christ lives by the Father as he is the Word he hath life from him by the eternal generation as he is man he hath it by the hypostatical union The believer who spiritually eats Christ lives by him Conjunction with the Father is that by which Christ lives conjunction with Christ is that by which the Believer lives were there no essential union there could be no hypostatical one which supposes that the second Person in the Trinity doth assume an humane nature made by all three Incarnation say the Schoolmen is effectivè belonging to the whole Trinity but terminativè it is peculiar to the Son who is the alone term unto which the humane nature is assumed were there no hypostatical union there could be no mystical one which imports that belivers are united unto God-man Were he only God how should we fallen creatures ever have an immediate approach unto him or if we could what use would there be of a Mediator It is through him as Mediator that we have access to the Father Eph. 2.18 The way into the holy of holies lies through the vail of his flesh Were he only man to what purpose should we be united to a meer creature or how should we dare to fix our faith on such an one To trust in a meer man is a curse to worship a meer creature a piece of Idolatry Believers therefore are united to God-man the mystical union depends upon the hypostatical and the hypostatical upon the essential Without a Sacred Trinity there would be no God-man without God-man there would be no fit person for Blievers to be united unto Again There is in the mystical union a shadow or dark resemblance of the two other unions There is a resemblance of the essential union This is hinted in our Saviours Prayer As thou father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us Joh. 17.21 From which words St. Hilary concludes De Trinit Lib. 8. That the union between Christ and Believers is not meerly a moral union of will and affections for then our Saviour who is the eternal Word and knew how to speak would have prayed thus Pater sicut nos unum volumus ita illi unum velint unum per concordiam simus omnes Father as we will one and the same thing so let them also do and let us all be one by concord But instead thereof our Saviour prays thus As thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us The particle as notes some kind of similitude the words thou father art in me and I in thee note out the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or mutual inexistence of the Father and Son a resemblance of which we have in the mystical union which in Scripture is expressed by the mutual inexistence of Christ and Believers he is in them and they in him he dwells in them and they in him Very remarkable are the words of our Saviour I am in the father and you in me and I in you Joh. 14.20 We have here in one Text mentioned the high mystery of the Sacred Trinity and the mystical union together First The inexistence of the Son in the Father and which is implied and to be understood of the Father in the Son is signified and then immediately follows the mutual inexistence of Christ and Believers which shews that in this latter there is a resemblance of the former Again there is in the mystical union a resemblance of the hypostatical one this I gather from the likeness of those Scripture-phrases which express both the unions Christ was conceived of the Holy Ghost
your eyes upon them in their pure spiritual glory Spiritual objects being represented under sensible are much better attempered unto our minds than they would be if set forth in a more proper dialect only Moreover Metaphors are of excellent use to make us seek after the things above did our minds indeed take in and digest the sacred similitudes in Scripture the very objects of sense would prompt us to be heavenly outward things being but the shadows would lead us to the true substance The Sun would tell us that there is a more glorious one above which shines with healing under his wings The Wind would remember us that the best Gales come from the holy Spirit The Fountains would mind us that there is a Well of water which springs up into life everlasting The old creation would be a gloss and paraphrase upon the new every where we should meet with Christ and holy mysteries The duct and tendency of these holy Metaphors is such that a due improvement of them must needs render our minds very spiritual and Divine In particular The Holy Ghost in Scripture sets forth the mystical union by many resemblances Christ saith St. Chrysostom unites us to him In 1 Cor. hom 8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by many patterns and then he goes on he is the head we the body he the foundation we the building he the vine we the branches he the husband we the spouse he the shepherd we the sheep he the way we the walkers we are the temple he the inhabitant he is the first-born we brethren he the heir we coheirs he the life we the livers he the resurrection we the raised he the light we the inlightned and after all he concludes thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all these things declare union My first work shall be to consider the chief resemblances by which this union is set forth in Scripture Certain it is that the holy Ghost uses no Metaphors or similitudes in Scripture but such as have an aptitude and fitness to manifest the mysteries thereby shadowed out to us he is so wise that he knows what forms of speech are most adapted to promote our knowledg of spiritual things and so good that he will in no forms but such declare his mind unto us Touching these resemblances I shall first note two things in common to them all There is an Analogy between the mystical union and the other unions which resemble it There is an excellency in the mystical union above all the other There is first an Analogy between them somewhat in the earthly unions resembles the mystical one somewhat in the mystical union answers to the earthly pattern there is a correspondence between them This must needs be so because in all Scriptural Metaphors touching this or any other mystery the Holy Ghost always speaks aptly and truly When there is no propriety in the words there is an aptitude in the things to shadow out the mystery when there is no truth in the proper sense there is a truth in the metaphorical one because of the similitude which is between the earthly pattern and the heavenly mystery If the Scripture say that the internal work of grace is a new birth or a resurrection or a new creation it is sure that there is some act of power which makes good the resemblance if it say that Christ is to believers a king or an husband or a foundation or a root or an head or spiritual meat and drink it is sure that there is somewhat of law or love or supportance or vital influence or intimate conjunction which makes good the Analogy Two things may be noted touching the Analogy the one is this there is a necessity of it otherwise the holy Spirit in such Metaphors should not speak aptly or truly not aptly there being no proper aptitude in the very words the aptitude must be in the things or no where take away the Analogy and there will be no aptitude at all the words which cannot befall so wise a speaker as the holy Ghost is will be insignificant and to no purpose nor yet truly there being no truth in the proper sense the truth must be in a metaphorical one or no where Take away the Analogy which makes the Metaphor a Metaphor and there will be no truth at all the words which cannot befall so true a speaker as the Holy Ghost is will be false and delusive For instance our Saviour saith I am the bread of life Joh. 6.48 I am the door of the sheep Joh. 10.7 The first words are apt and true because by him believers are spiritually nourished to life The second are so because by him believers go in and find pasture of comfort but take away these things in which the similitude consists and the words will not be apt or true The other is this there is a very good use of the Analogy to be made it serves being duly and regularly taken according to the line and level of Scripture not only for illustration but for very good proof also For instance St. Paul sets forth the union of Christians among themselves by the union of the members in the natural body 1 Cor. 12. And from thence he argues strongly that Christians should not differ and despise but accord and have a care one of another the eye cannot say to the hand I have no need of thee nor the head to the feet I have no need of you if one member suffer all the members suffer with it if one member be honoured all the members rejoyce with it Also the Apostle sets forth the Union of Believers with Christ by the union of the members with the head Eph. 4.16 and Col. 2.19 And from thence he argues strongly that Believers have a near conjunction with Christ and admirable communications from him there are joints and bands there is a body fitly joyned and compacted there is nourishment ministred there is an effectual working in the measure of every part there is an increasing with the increase of God all these are rationally drawn from the Analogy Thus we see the Analogy is of use not only for illustration but for proof only we must by no means stretch it beyond the scope of Scripture The next thing is There is an excellency in the mystical union above all and every one of the other unions which resemble it It is more excellent than any one of them singly taken The Holy Ghost doth not shadow it out by one or two resemblances but by many and those resemblances do not all point it out in one or two respects but in more and various ones if one resemblance or respect might have reach'd it there would have been no use or need of any more It is also more excellent than all of them put together they are but shadows and resemblances the mystical union is the truth and substance of them all in them meer creatures and those upon earth are united together in
shall therefore instance in several things The first Priviledg is this Those that are in union with Christ have his satisfactory righteousness imputatively derived upon them Christ obeyed unto death the death of the Cross not as a private person but as a Sponsor or Surety for us he stood in our room he suffered in our stead he was a second Adam an head no less communicating to his seed than the first Adam was to his posterity as Adams sin comes upon each one of us as soon as he is proles Adae so Christs Righteousness comes upon each one of us as soon as he is proles Christi Thus the Apostle As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Rom. 5.19 Hence those many phrases in Scripture Christ is our Righteousness we are the Righteousness of God in him he is the end of the Law for Righteousness to us his stripes heal us his blood cleanseth us from all sin All which shew that his Righteousness is communicated to us this is an exceeding great priviledg Two things will evidence this The one is this The Righteousness of Christ delivers us from the curse and wrath of God There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Their being in him is a security it is with them as it was with those Servants of Pharaoh which were within when the storm came they are under the cover of Christs satisfaction when the fire and brimstone and horrible tempests comes down upon a Christless world they are in a Sanctuary in the wounds of Christ Vindictive Justice once satisfied there cannot come there again for a second satisfaction their sin was condemned in the flesh of Christ Rom. 8.3 It was fully punished there it is not to be condemned again or punished a second time in his members no the Apostle doth in that place immediately add The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ar. Eth. lib. 5. c. 7. vers 4. The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the satisfaction that Christ made to the violated Law becomes imputatively ours the Law cannot demand another satisfaction Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us Gal. 3.13 It was never meant that the curse should fall upon the head and members too it was upon the head that the members might escape This is such a priviledg that those who have it are happy in every condition their troubles are single and without a curse in them their cup is pure and without any dregs of wrath in it Death to them is but a dark entry into life-eternal it unties their bodies and souls but it separates neither from their Head they sleep in Jesus in a state of conjunction with him the great day of judgment need not alarum their fears the trumpet of God doth not sound death to them but life the world may be wrapt up in a winding-sheet of flames the Christless inhabitants may cry to the Rocks and Mountains to fall upon them and cover them but Believers are safe with Christ as members with the head his Righteousness is as a rich Robe to cover them Christ will come in glorious Majesty a train of Angels will attend him but Believers need not be afraid being head he will not condemn his members being Author of his own Righteousness he will not deny the plea of it they shall be for ever discharged from the wrath to come The other is this The Righteousness of Christ intitles us unto favour and life-eternal It intitles us to the favour of God Our Saviour prays to his Father for Believers That the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them John 17.26 That is that the Fathers love might be not only towards him but might in a measure be derived upon his members in whom he is by a mystical conjunction the words I in them point out that conjunction as the reason of extending love to them God favours us as mystical parts of Christ he is with us through Immanuel he shines on us in the face of Christ he tells us in Scripture that he taketh pleasure in them that fear him looks to a contrite Spirit compasses the righteous with favour but all this respect is unto them as being in Christ it is only for persons in innocency and graces in perfection to be accepted in themselves fallen persons and defective graces must be accepted in and through a Mediator Here 's the priviledg of those in Christ notwithstanding all their defects they are favourites of Heaven Gods eye is upon them his pleasure is in them his favour irradiates them the light of his countenance is a kind of Heaven unto them It also entitles us to life-eternal Justification of life is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by one righteousness Rom. 5.18 not by many righteousnesses but by one which is that of Christ by the same blood by which he entred into the holy place Hebr. 9.12 do his members enter also his blood removes obstacles it purges away guilt which would have barred them out of Heaven it satisfies Justice which would have been like a flaming sword to keep them out of Paradise neither is this all it is a full price for Heaven it merits all the glory above St. Bernard therefore observes that Christ hath a double right to Heaven haereditate patris merito passionis De Vitâ S. Vern lib. 1. cap. 12. by the inheritance of his Father and by the merit of his Passion the one is enough for him the other for us those that are in Christ shall enter Heaven and see the blessed One there in whose presence is fulness of joy and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore This is a priviledg not fully to be known till it be enjoyed a thing too excellent to be seen in this dark and fluctuating world when we are in the region of light and in the eternal center then we shall understand what an heavenly purchase Christ hath made for us and what a priviledg it is to be in union with him Another priviledg is this Christ who suffered on earth for those that are in him doth intercede for them in Heaven he is an Agent for them above to maintain their peace and intercourse with Heaven he bears their Names upon his Humeral and upon his Pectoral spiritually sustaining and intimately loving them he appears in the presence of God for them he is their Advocate with the Father and pleads though not orally yet really by his Blood and Righteousness that all the good and excellent blessings thereby purchased may come down upon them he is the Lamb that stands as if it were slain Rev. 5.6 His wounds and blood cry in the ears of God to be returned unto his members in pardons and graces he who satisfied justice now pleads for grace he who dying laid the foundation of Salvation