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A14707 Antichrist, that is to saye: A true reporte, that Antichriste is come wher he was borne, of his persone, miracles, what tooles he worketh withall, and what shalbe his ende: translated out of Latine into Englishe. by I.O.; Antichristus. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 25009; ESTC S119373 149,758 392

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might be obteyned with al that the B. of R. is the head the vniuersall bishop of all the churche as he that being successour of Petre the prīce of the apostles Christes vicare hath his sea in the principall churche And bycause this so ambicious and lickepeny lieng glose shoulde not lacke his countrefait colour these arrogaunt sawcy helhoūdes haue brought furth places of scripture violentlye wretchedly wrasted for their purpose And where as we reade that Christe sayd to Petre whan he confessed him to be the sonne of God Thou art Petre and vpon this rocke will I buylde my churche They sayde Christes wordes are thus to be vnderstanden that Christ made Petre the foundacion of hys churche and that al churches are bounden therfore of duetie to be vnder the obedience of Petres successour the B. of Rome Againe wher the Lorde saithe Petre fede my shepe these men haue expounded this worde fede so that they wold nedes haue the autoritie and supremacie of all bishoppes and churches geuen to the B. of Rome as vnto Petres successour They haue also violently wrasted this vnto the same purpose the Christ speaking of the keyes sayth What so euer thow shalt bynde in earthe shal be boūden in heauen and what so euer thow shalt lose on earthe shal be losed in heauen For they saide whom so euer either the B. of Rome him self or any other sacrificeing priest being consecrated by the B. of Romes autoritie assoiled was losed and ridde from the bondes of synnes and contrary wise that vnto whom so euer that maner of absolucion was denyed he was bounden still in the cheynes of synne and in the state of damnacion These toyes I saye and infinite other haue the subtil sleighty marchauntes beaten in to the eares and heartes of the common simple sorte And as sone as these maters beganne once to growe in to credence men beganne also to taste of the B. of Romes power and tirannye For if any mā hade so good a stomacke that he durst set his fote either against the B. of Rome or his he was straightwaies knocked in the head with the thonderbolt of excommunicacion and reputed of all men for a damned and an vndone man and thus the mater growed so farre furthe that euen most mighty emperours began to be afraide of the B. of Romes power For they spared not emperours but shotte of their ordinaunce at them also and commaunded straitly vnder great paynes that no mā should obey those emperours that were excommunicate as it is to see in the chronicles of the greke emperours by the vnworthy falles of the emperours Hēry ye. 4 5. Lewis ye. 4. Friderike ye. 1. 2. And doubtles albeit they did with al diligēt forsight resiste the wicked tirānie of the bishoppes of Rome entred Italie sondry tymes with roiall strong armies droue their enemies the bishoppes of Rome out of the title set others in their rowmes yet all their trauailes were vayne to no purpose nother were they hable to twytche awaye so muche as one heare of the bishoppes cruel violēce nor to pul it vnder any whitte at all For as sone as their backs were once turned departed Italie the bishoppes of Rome came in to the citie again occupied their lost tirannye afreshe and with the thonderclappes of their curse they made the Emperours fayne to be obedient vnto them And the only cause of this mischief was that the B. of Rome was not yet dead in mennes consciences bicause they beleued that he was Christes vicare hade power to lose bynde yea power ouer heauē hel to Therfore the streinght power of emperours was neuer hable to preuaile or bring any thing to passe against the craftye doiges force of the bishoppes of Rome For although emperours thē selues other of their courtes householdes espied the romishe fraudes deceueable wiles wel ynough yet the vulgare people being ignoraūt of al that thought that the B. of Romes decrees ought to be honoured as the lawes of God and bicause they dradde the thonderclappes of his curse as though they hade ben the fearfull sentences of the iudgemēt of God they wold nother meddle nor be of counsail with suche as they sawe knocked downe with the laitbolte of excommunicacion And this the bishoppes of Rome could the easylier bring to passe bicause ther were bishoppes and doctours of churches scatred throughout al the coastes of christendom which set furthe the autoritie of the churche of Rome for apostolike and godly But now let vs speake also of such maters as haue chaūced in our tyme that we maye see how Paul the Apostles prophecie is fulfilled at this daye At such tyme as it pleased God our heauenly and mercifull boūteous father to set his people at libertie which had ben long holden in bondage and to brydle Antichristes tirānie he chosed the small vesselles and such as were of no reputaciō to cōfoūde by thē those thinges that semed most mightie inuincible For two or thre faithful doctours ministres of churches being enlumined with the spirit of God whan they were growne to more perfite knowlage of the scriptures vttred openly the breathe of the Lordes mouthe that is to saye the worde of God and weaponed many a one with the same sharpe strong sweord Thā whā men hade once goten that weapon in their handes to kepe their heades against the craftye wiles of the false prophetes they began to acknowlage Iesus Christ and to beleue that he is the only head of his churche the chief priest and king the sufficient sacrifice for the synnes of the worlde and the only mediatour and aduocate wyth the heauenly father yea and such a one that is neuer absent from his churche and nedeth not the seruice of any vicare in his rowme And in dede the knowlage of these maters dothe also reproue the lies and legier demayne of the B. of Rome to the intēt they might see on the other parte that he is nother the head of the churche nor the high priest and king muche lesse the vicare of Christ our saueour They haue moreouer learned that the Masse is no sacrifice for synnes nor the popishe absolucion is of any autoritie Furthermore those places of scripture which the bishoppes of Rome like most shameles helhoundes hade violētly wickedly and sawcely wrasted were plainly opened in their owne true meanyng whan the light of the truthe was laide to them And out of those places men learned that Petre is not the rocke it self but that he hade his denominacion of Petra that is the rocke whiche he confessed Christ is the Rocke and not Petre. and so they acknowlaged that Christ is the rocke which is the only foundacion of the churche wherupon the churche of faithfull people being surely buylt can not swarue 1. Cor. 3. Men haue learned also that the office of feding signifieth not an empire or a kingdome but
so must al they nedes be false Christes that set out who is a false Christ them selues for redemers and saueours of men And than also they are false prophetes shewe a false Christ as many as teache men to seke saluacion and redempcion forgeuenesse of synnes the waye of lyfe the grace of God and the true eternall blessednesse any wher elles than at the fole and only sonne of God our redemer and saueour Iesus Christ Wherof it is in this place to be noted that this worde Christ is vsed for redemer saueour and reuenger so that the meanyng of our Lordes wordes is this Whan the destruction of the temple citie begynneth to drawe nere O brethren ther shall ryse many that shall boast them selues to be saueours of the people shall wythdrawe many of the people vnto their partes for asmuche as they also shal haue Apostles Prophetes of their owne that shall praise thē vnto the symple rude people And in like case ther shall not a fewe in the later tymes goo before my glorious commyng which shall boldely take vpon them to be that thing that none is but only I that is to saye they shall crepingly insinuate them selues in mennes consciences to be suche through false setting furthe and wicked arrogauncie as thoughe they hade in their handes the grace of saluacion redempcion forgeuenesse of synnes euerlasting life Beleue not these maner of men yea although they sende furthe preachers of their name and doctrine neue● so many to praise them most highly wyth wordes and studious diligence yea and though they do miracles and suche wonders as haue hitherto ben scarcely sene or knowē of For they are deceauours most falselyeng seducers of the simple rude cōmon people Beholde therfore I haue tolde you before and forewarned you Learne you this lesson at least waye to remembre my warninges and to beware and to escape so great a mischief Now thā like as Christ faithfully admonished those that his were of these thinges euen so the mater it self beareth recorde that he was a true prophet the veritie of the dedes afterwarde proued hys sayeng true For if a man cōsidre the destruccion of the citie and temple and the thinges that went before it he maye fynde that ther were many of this kynde of guydes and rulers connyngly sene in craftie deceates that is to wete a sorte of magical philosophers cōnyng in deuillishe sciences other wicked knackehardye felowes amōg the nombre of whom a certain Egipcian is chiefly reckoned than Caphedon Theodas and others which like as through their false ꝓmises allured the people that were of them selues to muche inclined to sediciō euē so were they Autors vnto many of most depe miseries and extreme sorowes Loke for these maters in Iosephus the 20 boke of antiquities the 11. 1● and 14. chap. Furthermore in case False Christes in the primatiue churche we marke respectiuely the apostles tymes and the thinges that chaūced about the primatiue churche it shall euidently appeare that euen at that tyme also many rose which partly toke vpon them the office to geue the grace of God and the giftes of saluacion and partly which declared that they must be hade som wher elles thā at our sole and only redemour Iesus Christ For to this meanyng the texte ought to be applied that we reade in Act. 8. the actes of Symon magus which was so sawcye as to name him selfe the mightie power of God To this sayeng also the swarmes of heretikes are to be accōpted which by by euen in the apostles tymes or sone after arose withdrewe mēnes myndes from Christ Iesus miserably disquieted mennes consciences with their doctrine Herevnto shal worthily be referred the blaspemous helhoūd the deuilles owne mynion that deceauour Mahomet Mahomet who as he is the autor of a new lawe hath with his abominable entreprise feined also a new kingdome of heauēs not hearde of before newe blessednesse newe waye of saluacion and a newe secte To be short vnto this purpose belong they that from the lippes forewarde as touchyng the title aduaunce the religion and faith of Christ and for al that they commonly set furthe remission of synnes the grace of God the father eternall lyfe and saluacion not in the only merite of our saueour Iesu Christ but trayne awaye mennes simple rude myndes to other purposes Of this sorte we saye that all the Popishe doctours are which in dede Teachers of Popery professe Christ wyth their mouthe but yet the maner of thē is to teache the folowers of their doctrine religion to put their trust partly in their owne workes and merites partly to trayne them vnto Saintes merites vnto Saintes intercession vnto Popes pardones vnto Saintes ymages and finally vnto many suche sortes of trifles and fantasies of mānes brayne or rather supersticion and also to seke comforte of mynde peace and quietnesse of cōsciences in suche gaire For it shal appeare more clear than the daye lyght that euen these sortes of men are no lesse ment by Christes wordes than the other sortes are in case the thinges that are spoken of in this place be compared with their tradicions For they are not afrayde to declare not only that remission of synnes and saluacion of soules must be atteyned by som other meanes than at our saueour Christ but also to set furth euē that same our Lorde him selfe in sondry places contrary to the autoritie of the scriptures and of the worde of God For as concerning Christ which was hanged on the crosse and dyed and after that whan he was raised vp agayne from deathe caried his very owne true bodye into the heauens in the sight of his disciples they teache contrary besydes the plaine articles of our catholyke faithe and besydes the truthe of the holy scriptures that he is conteyned without all doubte in the sacramēt of the aultare corporally also in the same substaūce as he was hanged on the crosse and offred vp him selfe for vs and that he lieth enclosed in the churches or boxes as they call them that are consecrate to that ende and so they shewe him in those same places to the sely rude people whom they haue wyth their tradiciones fātasies brought in to suche a madnesse that they forgette the faithful admonicion of this our Lorde Iesu Christ and put their confidence in these mennes tryfling toyes a great parte of mē folowing these deceauours goo about to seke the Lorde Christ the saueour of the worlde in breade in boxes in the aultare in other sōdry sortes of places And how great and how farre out of square this errour of the world is it shal be declared in other places more plenteously God so willing And forasmuche than as we heare that the Lorde Christ him self in this place nameth false Christes And seing that mencion is made of suche maner of deceauours which by theyr false prophetes
cōtrary purposes setteth his delyte to haue a do with them that be of the most wealthy the most myghty astates He playeth he bāketteth he kepeth all maner of voluptuous cheare with the most delicate companies of the most fyne mē Besydes this least his statelynesse rufflyng riote yea aboue the ryote of Siracuse should bring him into pouertie at any tyme his custome is either by false countrefaicte supersticion or elles by open force armes to get the rychesse of al nacions into his owne handes Christ whā the people wolde haue geuen him the title crowne to haue Ioh. 19. ben a King fledde away mynding so to auoyd that honour said with plaine purposed wordes that his kingdom was not of this world But the b. of R. chalēgeth to him selfe the title of a King wickedly coueteth the kingdome that is of this worlde and to that purpose he hathe alwaies applied him selfe with all his forcast and wyth al the powers bothe of his witte and of his bodie vntill he became not aboue kinges only but also aboue emperours and made them fayne perforce to fall downe like an hoūde kisse his fete Yea he boasteth him selfe to be heire of the empire if an emperour dye as ye shall fynde Clemētines the 2. boke the 11. title and 2. chaptre Christ vsed a more diligent studie to excute his fathers will which he was sēt for thā to promote encreace such as were his kinsfolkes as cōcerning the fleshe with worldly wealthe and honours But the B. of Rome studie forcaste for the most parte how they maye endue suche as be either their kinsfolkes or their alliaūce or elles their bastardes with greatest pleintie of richesse to aduaūce them to the most high honours And that they maye that more easily bring that to passe they vse many tymes to put awaye the treasures of the churche which they call with to muche shamelesnesse S. Petres patrimonie to bestowe them vpon their owne frendes Which thing like as many other haue in tymes past done euē so is our Paule the thrid not afrayd also to do the like opēly wtout blushing Christ was cōtet to submitte hī self to the autoritie lawes of the laufull magistrate payed with a good will the reuenues of the taxes tributes being asked of others he taught that those were due to thē Matth. 17. 22. But the B. of Rome thinking to ꝓuide better for him al his hathe forged a certain immunitie for the churche which maketh al those that are marked with his marke free frō al lauful publike burthēs setteth thē in suche case that sence they owe naught to no mā they geue thēselues to do what they lust serue their bely vicious carnalitie wherin the meane while al mē aswel magistrates as subiectes are occupied busy how they maye with their sweat substaūce vpholde mayntene those most holy fathers intentes Christ led a life al together geuē to the notable Matth. 11. studie of al peace softenesse cōmēded the same vertues to vs also But the B. of Rome is fearre swelling rageing in malice desire of reuēgemet He passeth not also to moue horrible batailes to set al folkes together by the eares amōg thē selues for light tryfling causes which thing they haue so shamelesly practiced these v. hundred yeares euen vnto our tymes that it nedeth no further declaracion Christ led an innocēt a blameles Io. 8. Matth 26 an vnreprouerable life so as his enemies could nother fynd nor ymagine any thing worthie of deathe in him for al the lies that the false witnesse made But the B. of Rome being most farre of frō this studie of innocēcie is the mā of synne drowned in synne geuē in al thīges to al kynd of vicious liuing as I haue alredy declared Christ toke to be his disciples suche as were poore Matth. 4. 1. Cor. 1. vile of no reputaciō mē of simple witte But the childe of this world the B. of Rome mynding to seme wyser in his generaciō choseth men out of the most noble houses of Italie Fraūce Spayne other naciones to be Bishoppes Cardinalles to thintēt being afterwarde supported by their autoritie fauour he might not nede to passe vpō his enemies threattes and mightie powers Christ sēt out his disciples to preache the Gospell But the Matth. 10 28. B. of Rome suffreth none of his to go any whidre frō him but loueth to be waited vpō with their presēce rufling or if he send out any he biddeth them not preache the gospell nor teache faith to wynne some to Christ but with their false wyles fraudes lyes deceates to begyle princes the people to stere vp hurly burlies ciuile mocions of warres Christ was diligēt to care for his shepe vsed the office of a most Io. 10. faithfull shepeherde in that he fedde thē taught thē continually But the B. of Rome being geuē to the wealthe of richesse delicacies pilleth of the shepes wolle yea the skynnes the fleshe to as for fedīg of thē he maketh litel mater Christ neuer enforced any man vnwillingly to cleaue either to him or to Luce. 9. Matth. 26 his doctrine nor cōpelled euer any mā by violēce to graūt on his syde but with frēdely faithful teaching he studied to moue the heartes of mē But the B. of Rome as a right warlike emperour yea like a yong Salmoneus rather and as a newe countrefaicte Iupiter shaketh the thondre of excomunicacion the thonderbolt of cursing externe gonneshote also and weapones at all men as many as goo about to slyppe from his doctrine and supersticion as the horrible vproare of this present warring dothe most euidently proue it Christ sent out such Apostles to preache the gospel as were most readyly Act. 2. instructe in the ample large giftes of the holy goost in the vnderstanding of tongues in the knowlage of the scriptures But the B. of Rome not caring for the prouision of Christes shepe but mynding to gratifie his owne secte folowers committeth the cure of the congregacions almost to none but to his Curtisanes bawdes cokes hūtors and mule dryuers which though they be cleane voide of all maner of learning bothe diuine prophane yet they are connyngly skilled in abominable sciences lecherous lustes corrupt filthye maners Christ hauing cōflicte with sathan his enemie wonne not the victorie with the Matth. 4. weapones of this worlde but with the sweord of the spirite the worde of God But the Bishop of Rome mystrusting Christ setteth vpō his enemies wyth worldly weapones conspiracies treasones robberies poysonynges also wyth sweorde and fire Christ our Lorde oftentymes seing Matth. 6. Luc. 19. the dispersed shepe of the house of Israel and pitieng them euen from the botome of his heart wepte ouer their
Senacherib king of the Assirianes and the most wofull ende of many suche tirannes as they were Now let these suffice to be spoken in the fourth place concernyng Antichristes workes and practices Wherby it appeareth most manifestly as it dothe by the other sayenges that are mēcioned before that the B. of Rome is that notable and mightie houge Antichrist whom God wold haue reuealed in the oracles of his worde by Daniel and the rest of the prophetes Now therfore let vs passe ouer vnto the fifthe special poīt of that we 5. Antichristes weapones haue in hande that we maye considre with what weapones Antichrist shal obteyne enlarge mayntene his kingdom And these it is necessary for vs to haue skilful knowlage of that we maye the more handsomly beware of them and arme our selues the more strongly against his tirannie For as in feates of warre it is a good piece of the victorie if a man can knowe his enemies weapons put by the strokes euen so the same is specially requisite for vs in this sore fraye of Christ our king And as for the hole furniture and all the weapones wherwith Antichrist dothe bothe defende him self make batail against other the apostle Paule in his seconde epistle to the Thessalonianes comprehendeth them all in fewe wordes sayeng that Antichrist shall come after the working of satā with all power and with lyeng signes and wondres and with all deceaueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse In these wordes we must note brethren that the apostle saithe all Antichristes power al his streynght and all his weapones shal be deuillishe so that he teacheth vs that Antichrist shall ordre all his affaires after the working of sathan Therfore if we marke what kynde a thing the what the power of Sathan is power of sathan is we shall also most perfitly perceaue what Antichristes streynght and weapones be And albeit Paules wordes might suffice to make this mater playne yet let vs hear Christ the eternal wisdō of God the father speake which talketh thus of sathan the prince of the worlde He was a murtherour from the begynnyng Io. 8. and stode not in the truthe for the truthe is not in him Whan he speaketh a lye he speaketh of his owne for he is a lyer and the father of lies Christ here comprehendeth all the streynght and all the weapones of the deuile in two kyndes murther lyeng By this worde Lyes he vnderstandeth Lieng al that is contrarie to the truthe and also his sleightes his giles his false fraudes and deceaueablenesse aswell in wordes dedes as in miracles doctrine And this terme Murther cōteyneth al wrongful violēce Murther al temerarious attēptates al the force al the tirannie and all the power that men are violētly pressed withal And that these haue ben alwaies that deuilles tooles weapones it is manifest by many examples sence the begynnyng of the worlde For thus he deceaued our furst parētes with false ꝓmises robbed them of paradise of their blessed state asmuche as in him laye he spoiled thē also of euerlasting life And afterwarde through murther he made warre bi their furst begotē sōne Cayn against true religiō the folowers therof euer sithence he hathe shewed him self such a one as his furst frutes hade shewed that he wolde be Now seing the holy goost reporteth that Antichrist shal be armed with the deuilles weapons Lyēg and murther it standeth vs in hande to trye these also to be in the B. of Rome whom scripture they haue for their trinkettes they are not ashamed to saye that they lacke that but they rather heape lies vpon lies and bring out a certain new lyēg blasphemous glose Tushe saye they al is not cōteined in that scriptures that is necessary for man to obteyne saluacion by As for the autoritie of the holy goost they are not afraide of it which making answer to their blasphemous sayeng speaketh by the apostle S. Paule in plaine wordes All scripture geuen by inspiracion 2. Timo. 3. of God is profitable to teache to reproue to amende and to informe in righteousnesse that the man of God may be hole or perfite prepared to all good workes What can be spoken more clearely more pithily more euidētly thā these wordes be The apostle Paule the chosen instrument of God being endued with the spirit of Christ saieth that all the scripture is inspired of God and that therfore it is profitable and effectuall not only to teache to monishe and amende but to this vse that also the man of God may be hole perfite and fitte to doo all thing that God iudgeth to be good is good in dede Howbeit those most shameles and most lyeng deceauours without reuerence to the autoritie of these wordes wher they dare not denye but the scripture is inspired of God yet they saye it is vnperfite and prate that all thinges are not conteyned in the scripture that man hathe nede of to saluacion and to religion And is God vnperfite O shameles impudencie Shall we cal that vnperfite which is set furth by god through the spirit of truthe and thinke that perfite and absolute which was inuēted by the rashe reason of man But Note well Paules wordes teache vs a greater mater yet thā al this For if the scriptures make a man perfite fitte vnto all good workes than can it not be a good worke that is required hauing Good workes non autoritie of the scriptures to beare it therfore they shall neuer worthily be called good workes which they require besides the autoritte of the scriptures Let these vayne helhoundes lose and ridde them selues out of this knotte if they can But they must nedes fight with lyes the very owne propre weapons of satan that in thus speaking they may both plucke the vnlearned rude cōmon people from the truthe of the scriptures and also to tye them to the licke peny tradicions of mennes deuising Yet to vttre them selues more openly they doo not only set vp these kinde of lies but also they fight with false tokens and lyeng wōders wherof Paule maketh menciō here Christ hath biddē vs to beware of thē For who is it that knoweth not the endles heape of tokens that flyering friers mūmyng massepriestes were wont to prate openly of in the papacie For somtyme they feyne that soules appeare make mone vnto them somtyme they declare miracles wrought by ymages somtyme they preache of wonders wrought by the bread God of the aultare infinit suche other trickes they ymagine dayly wherby they maye the more easily cheoppe men downe into the kyngdome of darkenesse hold thē downe surely whā they haue them once ther. Therfore brethren to thintent we be False tokens not begiled herein we must note that ther be false signes wonders that by two maner of false meanes For furst ther are oftentymes signes feyned that are false in dede
than in heauen cursed be they and let them not be beleued how gaye felowes so euer they be how fynely so euer they cā tell their tale and of how high autoritie so euer they are But if sō be so wilfully stubburne and blinde that they will rather beleue them thā Christ our saueour geuing vs so faithfull monicion we must nedes let them alone to doo after their owne lust They shall fele like wretches one day to their owne great payne what a guyde it is that they haue folowed Secondarily the Lorde warneth Goo not furthe vs that we goo not out if they either teache a false Christ or shewe Christ any wher elles thā in heauē Which wordes although they may be expoūded to meane concerning the bodie that the Lorde forbiddeth all stacions and pilgrimages that are done for saluacion and religion yet they ought chiefly to be applied to our soule mynde so that the soule goo not out from Christ our Lorde and saueour nor seke saluation any wher elles but sattle it self in him wyth an assured and vndoubting faithe And herein verily are all thinges closed that make vnto our saluacion For like as a man may fynde the fauour of God the father the remission of synnes and saluacion in Christ alone euē so as many as go out frō Christ thīke scorne to beleue stedfastly in him can not chose but goo out quyte from life and saluacion Therfore it is very muche profitable for vs to knowe louing brethren in Christ after what sorte we may abide in the Lorde and tary with him still vnto the ende specially seing we heare him saye Not euery one that saithe Lorde Lorde shall Math. 7. entre into the kingdome of heauen but he that dothe the will of my father which is in heauē These same wordes teache men what becometh them to doo that are desirous to abide in Christ and entre wyth him in to the kingdome of heauen We must nedes doo God the the heauenly fathers wil Mary what that is we may knowe by the wordes of Christ him self and the Apostles And furst in dede the Lorde him self speaketh of the will of the father Io. 6. chap. and saithe This is the wil The will of God is that we beleue in his Sonne of him that sent me that al that see the sonne and beleue in him haue euerlasting life Therfore the will of God is good holsom vnto vs which hathe this appointed ende that we shall haue euerlasting saluacion but with this condicion that we should knowe the sōne and beleue in him whom he vouchedsafe to sende in to the worlde for our sakes Thā the furst point of Goddes wil requireth of vs a very a certain a perfite and an vnwauering faithe in Christ our Lorde saueour to cleaue fast vnto him withall and to seke in him alone for those thinges that are necessary to com to eternal saluacion And this faithe requireth a certain a perfite knowlage of Christ to thintent that least while we make boast of our faithe we carye in our hearte nothing but as it were a bare and a vayne fātastical opiniō but we must beleue faithfully and without al doubting those thinges that are set furthe vnto vs in the worde of euerlasting truthe by Christ our Lorde This worde describeth our saueour How the scriptures describe Christ vnto vs after this sorte Iesus Christ is the true and natural sonne of God the father of all one substaūce nature maiestie with the father frō euerlasting And at the tyme appointed he became mā for our sakes not by layēg awaye his godhead but by receauing of Māhead so that he which was God from euerlasting is now bothe very God very mā in one inseperable persone And forasmuche as he became man he suffred all thinges that a man may do synne only except For he was borne as man growed waxed strong in body streynght processe of age He was weary with trauailīg he rested he suffred bothe hongre thyrst he also wept for sorowe of hearte Yea he was afrayde of deathe of the paynes of deathe yet he abode them paciētly strongly for our sakes But before the tyme of his deathe approched his will was to haue his diuinitie knowen to men not only by miracles wonderous signes but also opening the wil of his father he gaue vs a certain and an absolute doctrine of saluacion and blessednesse He chosed disciples also that after he had instructed them with his spirite in the doctrine of the truthe he might at his ascēding in to heauē sende them furthe in to all the wyde worlde And whan he dyed he satisfyed his fathers righteousnesse by his deathe and offring him selfe for vs once for all he made a sufficient sacrifice for the clensyng of the synnes of the worlde For by his deathe he brake the olde serpentes head all to clattred his power and toke his streynght from hym and than by his glorious resurrection he ouercame deathe it self At last whan he went vp in to heauen he set heauē gates wyde open for vs again the which synne hade locked vs out of and wolde haue the fleshe which he toke of vs to be the earnest peny and pledge of our resurrection and saluacion in heauen And now he sitteth in heauen and is our only and supreme bishop which as he offred his body a sacrifice for our synnes euen so dothe he make intercessiō for vs continually before our heauēly father so as we as muche endaungered with synne as we are may safely approche to the throne of grace Such a maner Christ I saye and suche a maner saueour the oracles of the scripture purporte vnto vs and the will of God the father is that we stedfastly beleue him to be such a one and that we goo not about to seke any wher elles those thinges that are geuen vs in him Now the faythe that we talke of is not a certaine bare and a vayne fantastical opiniō that consisteth in bare wordes and in nothing elles but in the speche of the mouthe but it is a quicke lyuely strong power whiche beyng by the spirite of God graffed in mennes consciences conteyneth all the hole mater of saluacion and religiō For it is necessary for vs also to know God the father that we maye be truly and faythfully grounded in Iesus Christ Goddes owne sonne If we acknowlage him rightly to be suche a one as he is we shall feare him also and not that only but also we shall loue him aboue all other thinges beyng boūden to him with suche feare and loue as children owe to their natural parentes we shal willingly obeye him in al thinges Out of the spowte of the same foūtayne shall spring what so euer can be required also vnto externall religion For in this faythe we shall not heare the ymaginacions of our owne reason but haue respecte onlye vnto