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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06450 A spiritual doctrine conteining a rule to liue vvel, vvith diuers praiers and meditations. Abridged by the Reuerend Father Levvis de Granada of the holie order of preachers. And deuided into sixe treatises, as is to be seene after the prefaces. Nevvlie translated out of Spanish into English. Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632. 1599 (1599) STC 16922; ESTC S108929 160,268 410

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shevvest vvherfore dost thou vvithdravve thy self from me O most louing lord hold me vvith thy feare constraine me vvith thy loue and quiet me vvith thy svveetenes I confesse o Lord that I am that prodigall sonne Luc. 15. vvhoe liuing ouer rankly and louing mie self and thy creatures disorderedlie haue vvasted all the substance vvhich thou diddest giue me But novv that I doe knovv mie miserie and pouertie and doe returne pined vvith hunger to the fatherlie bovvels of thy mercie and doe approche to this celestial table of thy most pretious body vouchsafe to looke vppon one vvith eyes of pittie and to com forth to receaue me vvith the secrete beames of thy grace and to make me partaker of the maruailous fruites and effects of this most vvorthie Sacrament for somuch as by it is giuen the grace of the holie Ghost by it ar forgiuen sinnes by it ar pardoned the debts devv vnto sinnes by it deuotion is increased by it is tasted spiritual svveetenes euen in the verie spring of the same by it arrenued all good purposes and desires and by it finallie the sovvle is ioined vvith her heauenlie spouse and receaueth him into her self that by him she maie be ruled defended and guided in the vvaie of this life vntil he bring her to the desired harbour of his glorie Receaue then o pitiful father this thy prodigal sonne vvhoe trusting in thy mercie returneth to thy house I acknovvledge o my father that I haue sinned against thee that I am not vvorthie to be called thy sonne no nether a hired seruant yet for al this haue mercie vppon me and forgiue me my sinnes I beseeche thee o Lord commaund that the garment of Charitie the ring of liuelie faith and the shooes of ioiful Hope be giuen me vvith vvhich I maie goe securelie through the rough and cragged vvaie of this life Let the multitude of vaine thoughts and desires depart out of me for one is mie beloued one mie desired one mie God and Lord. Let nothing heereafter be svveete to me nor delite me but onlie he Let him be al mine and I alhis in such sort that mie hart doe becom one thing vvith him Let me not knovv anie other thing nor loue anie other thing nor desire anie other thing but onlie mie svveete Sauiour IESVS Christ and him crucified VVhoe vvith the father and the holie Ghost liueth and raigneth vvorld vvithout end Amen HEERE FOLOVVETH A PROFESSION OF THE CATHOLIQVE FAITH SET out according to the decree of the holie Councell of Trent I N doe vvith a stedfast faith beleeue and professe al and euerie point conteined in the Simbole of the Faith that the holie Romane Church doth vse to vvit I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth of al things visible and inuisible and in one Lord IESVS Christ the Onlie begotten Sonne of God and borne of the father before al vvorlds God of God light of light true God of true God begoten not made of the same substance vvith the father by vvhome al things vvere made vvhoe for vs men and for oure saluation came dovvne from heauen and vvas incarnate by the holie Ghost of the Virgin Marie and vvas made man vvas crucified also for vs vnder Pontius Pilate suffered and vvas buried and rose againe the third daie according to the Scriptures ascended vp into heauen sitteth at the right hand of the father and he shal come againe vvith glorie to iudge the liue and the dead of vvhose kingdom there shal be no end and in the holie Ghost our lord and giuer of life vvhoe proceedeth from the father and the sonne vvhoe vvith the father and the sonne is together adored and conglorified vvhoe spake by the Prophets and one holie Catholique and Apostolique Church I confesse one Baptisme for the remission of sinnes and I expect the Resurrection of the dead and the life of the vvorld to come Amen I doe most stedfastlie admit and embrace the Traditions of the Apostles and of the Church and all other obseruances and Constitutions of the same Church I doe likevvise admit the holie Scripture according to that sense vvhich our holie mother the Catholique Church hath holden and doth holde vnto vvhome it doth appetteine to iudge of the true sense and interpretation of the holie Scriptures nether vvil I euer vnderstand nor interprete the same othervvise then according to the vniforme consent of the fathers I doe also professe that there be trulie and properlie Seuen Sacraments of the nevv lavve instituted by IESVS Christ our Lord and necessarie for the saluation of mankind although they be not all necessarie for all men to vvit Baptisme Confirmation Eucharist Penance Extreme Vnction Order and Matrimonie and that these Sacraments doe giue grace and that of them Baptisme Confirmation and Order can not be reiterated vvithout sacrilege I doe also receaue and admit all the receaued and approued Cermeonies of the Catholique Church in the solemne administration of al the a foresaid Sacraments I doe embrace and receaue al and euerie of those things vvhich in the holie Councel of Trent haue ben defined and declared touching Original Sinne and Iustification I doe professe also that in the Masse is offered vp vnto God a true proper and propitiatorie sacrifice for the li●e and the dead and that in the most holie Sacrament of the Altare there is trulie reallie and substantiallie the bodie and bloud together vvith the sovvle and diuinitie of our lord IESVS Christ and that there is made a Conuersion of the vvhole substance of bread into the bodie and of the vvhole substance of vvine into the bloud vvhich Conuersion the Catholique Church doth cal Transubstantiation I doe also confesse that vnder ether kind onlie is receaued Christ vvhole and intire and the true Sacrament I doe constantlie hold that there is Purgatorie and that the sovvles vvhich be there deteined ar holpen by the praiers of the faithful Also that the Saincts vvhoe reigne together vvith Christ ar to be vvorshipped and called vppon and that they offer vp praiers to God for vs and that theire Reliques ar to be vvorshipped I doe most stedfastlie affirme that the Images of Christ of the mother of God alvvaies Virgin and of other Saincts ar to be had and reteined and that due honour and reuerence is to be giuen to them I doe affirme that the authoritie of Indulgences vvas left by Christ in the Church and that the vse of them is verie behofeful for Christian people I doe acknovvledge the holie Catholique and Apostolique Romane Church to be the mother and mistresse of al Churches and doe promise and svveare true Obedience to the Bisshop of Rome vvhoe is the Succesfor of S. Peter Prince of the Apostles and the Vicar of IESVS Christ All other things also defined and declared by the holie Canons Oecumenical Councels and chiefelie by the holie Councel of Trent I doe vndoubtedlie receaue and professe and also al contrarie things and
is as the tree of life that must be set in the middest of this paradise is Charitie vvhose propertie is to loue and esteeme God aboue all things To this vertue it apperteineth to laie the first stone of this building vvhich is a stedfast purpose and determination not to doe anie thing through vvhich this treasure maie be lost vvhich yet is lost by one mortal sinne Let this therfore be the first foundation and dermination of a Christian man to esteeme and make such account of God and to procure so much to obserue this manner of loialtie and fidelitie that he vvould rather endure al the torments and paines in the vvorld euen as the holy martyres suffred them then commit but onlie one mortall sinne This must be alvvaies before his eyes this he must feare in all his affaires this he must demaund in al his praiers yea this must be the greatest and the most continual of al his petitions Vnto this same Charitie it apperteineth to purifie the eye of our intention in al our vvorkes pretending in them not our ovvne commeditie and interest but the onlie vvel pleasing and contentation of God In such sort that vvhatsoeuer vve doe either folovving oure ovvne vvil o● the vvil of anie other vve doe it not for compliment nor for a bare ceremonie nor for necessitie nor by constrainte nor to please the eyes of men nor for anie vvorldlie gaine or profit but purelie for the loue of God like as an honest vvoman serueth her husband not for anie commoditie that she hopeth at his hands but for the loue vvhich she beareth vnto him And this intention ought a man to haue not onlie in the beginning end of his vvorkes but also in the time that he doeth them he ought to doe them in such manner for God that in doing them he actuallie exercise him self in louing of God so that vvhilest he is in vvorking he maie seeme rather to be louing then to be vvorking And after this sort he shal not be distracted in the vvoorks that he doeth For foe vvere the Saincts vvont to vvorke and therfore vvere not distracted VVe see that vvhen a mother or good vvife doth anie seruice to her child or to her husband vvhich com from abrode she doth both loue them and serue them together deliting her self and taking great pleasure and contentation in that seruice vvhich she doeth vnto them In like manner ought our hart to be affected vvhen it mindeth to doe anie seruice vnto his Creator To this self same Charitie it appertaineth not onlie to loue God but also al things that be his and especiallie reasonable creatures made to his image likenes vvhich be his children and the membres of his mistical bodie and so vvith one onlie self habite of Charitie ought vve to loue both God and them God for him self and them in God and for him for vvhose sake it is reason that vve respect loue them although of them selues they deserued not to be beloued This loue requireth of vs that vve hurt no man that vve speake euil of no man that vve iudge no man that vve keepe in greate secresie the good name fame of our neighbour yea and rather to close vp our mouthes vvith seuen knottes then once to touch him in his good name Nether is it sufficient onlie to doe no hurt to others but it is also requisite to doe good to al to help al to giue counsel to al to forgiue vvhosoeuer hath offended thee to ask pardon of him vvhome thou hast offended and aboue al to suffer and beare the greeuances iniuries rudenes simplicitie humors and conditions of al men according to the saying of the Apostle Beare ye one an others burden Galat. 6.2 and so shal ye fulfil the lavve of Christ This is that vvhich Charitie requireth vvherein is conteined the lavve and the P●ophets vvithout vvhich he that vvil goe about to sound a Religion shal doe as litle as he that vvould forme a liuelie bodie vvithout a soule vvhich bodie maie vvel be stravve or stone but not a liuing creature Of Hope THE second vertue sister of Charitie is Hope vnto vvhich it apperteineth to behold almightie God as a father bearing tovvards him the hart of a sonne because that in verie deede as there is no good in this vvorld that is vvorthie to be called good yf it be compared vvith God so is there no father in earth that so tenderlie loueth those vvhome he hath accepted for his sonnes as almightie God doeth And so vvhatsoeuer shal happen vnto a man in this vvorld be it prosperitie or aduersitie let him be vvel assured that al is for his commoditie and good and that al commeth from Gods hand sith no one sparovv falleth into the snare vvithout his prouidence and in al these things let him foorthvvith haue recourse vnto him vvith entiere confidence opening vnto him al his troubles trusting in the passing great bountie of his liberalitie in the fidelitie of his promisses in the pledges of the benifits alreadie receaued and aboue al in the merites of his sonne that although he be a sinner and verie miserable yet vvil God be merciful vnto him and direct al things for his commoditie And for this purpose let him alvvaies beare in mind that verse of Dauid Psal 39.18 I am a begger in pouretie but our lord is careful for me And yf he vvil regard vvith attention the scripture of the psalmes of the Prophets and of the Euangelistes he shall find it al ful of this kind of prouidence and hope vvherevvith he shal dailie take greater encouragement to trust in God And let him be assured that he shal neuer haue true peace and quietnes of mind vntil such time as he hath this manner of securitie and confidence for vvithout this confidence euerie thing vvil molest disquiet and dismaie him But vvith this confidence there is nothing that can trouble him for so much as he hath God for his father for his protector and defender as he is of al those that hope in him vvhose povver and strength no arme is able to resist Of Humilitie THE third vertue is Humilitie as vvel invvard as outvvard vvhich is the roote and foundation of all vertues to vvhich it apperteineth that a man account him self for one of the most vile and vngrateful creatures of the vvorld most vnvvorthie of the bread that he eateth of the earth vvhich he treadeth vppon and of the ayre vvherevvith he breatheth and that he esteeme him self no better then a stinking abominable carcasse stuffed ful vvith vvormes the stenche vvherof he himself can not abide and for this cause let him desire to be dispised and dishonoured of al creatures sith he hath so dishonoured and dispised his Creator Let him loue those offices that be most base and vile as to vvass he vvipe disshes to svveepe the house to vvash and make cleane the necessities of others as vvel sick as