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B11837 A hundred sermons vpo[n] the Apocalips of Iesu Christe reueiled in dede by thangell of the Lorde: but seen or receyued and written by thapostle and Eua[n]gelist. S. Iohn: compiled by the famous and godly learned man, Henry Bullinger, chief pastor of the congregation of Zuryk. Newly set forth and allowed, according to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties, iniuntions. Thargument, wurthines, commoditie, and vse of this worke, thou shalt fynd in the preface: after which thou hast a most exact table to leade thee into all the princypall matters conteyned therin.; In Apocalypsim Jesu Christi. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Daus, John. 1561 (1561) STC 4061; ESTC S107053 618,678 759

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to come albeit s Iohn hath hitherto spokē neuer so largely yet hath there nothīg be sayd worthy so greate a matter wher both the prophetical Apostolicalscrip saith that which the eye hath not sene nor the eare hath hard nor yet hath ascended into the harte of man the same hath God prepared for those that loue him But those things whiche I haue hitherto drawen into an abridgement the title and conclusion of the woorke omitted the order of the booke shewed also by the way S. Iohn in his Apocalypse deliuered by Christe as ofte I haue said through the ministery of a most excellent Aungel commendeth to the vniuersall Churche of Chryst and chiefly to vs in whom th ende of the world hathe chaunced wherin he hath taught nothyng at all contrary to that which he hath taught in his euangelicall story and his epistles The doctrin of the Apocalypse is the apostolicall doctrine Iohn .v. In his story he resiteth certen thinges concernynge the persecutions of the church by the wordes of our Sauiour Christ Of Antechrist nothing vnlesse he sayd this only which many vnderstode to be spoken of Antechrist I came in my fathers name and you receyue me not If an other shall come in hys owne name hym ye wil receyue In thepistle he touched by the way Antechristes matter sayde 1 Ioan. ij dere children the last tyme is at hand and as you haue hearde that Antechrist shall come euen now many Antechristes haue begon to be But in this last boke of his S. Iohn toke vpō hym to declare peculiarly and in dew order and plentifully such things as oure lord Iesus Chryste had distinctly and playnly reuealed to hym of that great Antechrist and of the perills and persecutiōs of the church And for that cause he appereth to haue vsed more plētiful copie and a kind of speach better furnished more painted variable and polished so that it is no maruell though the phrase of this boke vary somewhat from the style of his other bokes Wherof we shal touche somewhat also in this that followeth In the meane time you wil say there wanteth nothing in this boke if you way euery thing more dilligently whiche you shulde require of a boke moste euangelicall and apostolicall We haue in the same not only expressed but also well expounded the chief articles of our belefe Moreouer innumerable places of the prophets are expounded in this boke For the whiche cause this S. Iohn was called of Iohn Decolampadius The apocalypse is the paraphrasis of the Prophets not without cause thexpositour of the prophets And as the Apostles had this peculiar to themselues to cōfirme such thinges as they taught by the wrytinges of the prophets So in thexposition of the boke it shall appere that this holy wryter S Iohn hathe either borrowed all his thinges of the scriptures or to beautifie and confirme his writhinges by the scripture What excellent and profitable things ar treated in this boke Bat chiefly this boke of S. Iohn setteth forth the kingdom and priesthode of oure Lord and sauioure Iesus Christ the power glory and maiestie of his deitie and humanitie the mistery and veritie of his redemptiō And I doubt whether after the Gospel there may be founde in anye other boke of the scripture more goodly and more godly fit descriptions of Chryste Neither do I desire that credit shulde be geuen to these my wordes let the triall be made of the thinge it selfe Yea the church also the chosen spouse of Christ is painted out most beautifully and she with her vertues and vices is touched also the fall of her and likewise the reparation and reformation and the conflict or fight of the same here be moreouer described the perils ayde and victories that you may seme to haue herein an abridgemente of the story of the church Moreouer it appereth by this boke what is the true and sincere doctrine in the church of God which is false corrupted Furthermore it sheweth vs also sondry descriptions figuratiōs of matters most weyghtie but first and chiefly of that honorable Trinitie of Chryst also as I said before our sauiour and iudge Finally protectour and president gouerning all thinges most iustely in most goodly order for the saluation of his chosen watching ouer his worde and ouer his church and ministers of the same Iustifieng also sanctifieng and preseruing all the faithfull in the felowship of the churche Punishyng lykewyse all the wicked with all superstition and vngodlynes Briefly no where neglecting the chosē no where sparyng thenemies Besides this it setteth forth to vs the description also of the Deuil of al his mallice and warre And setteth before oure eyes also the horrible torments and paynes that they suffer in hell It setteth open to vs heauen it selfe and sheweth what may be the hope of the faithfull And affirmeth the true resurrectiō of al flesh In this boke is taught how great is the grace and mercy of almighty God howe rightuous he is true Here is taught what is the true repētaunce of the faithfull here are taught the true good workes of the true faythe what be the duties of true pietie and what be the holy exercises dew to God acceptable of Sainctes in earth Here are shewed also most diligently those wicked dedes whiche are to God most hatefull Here is shewed most plenteously what shal at the length be th end of good men and euyll what shal be the souerayne felicitie and what the extreme misery and infelicitie In somuche that this boke maye euen by the thinge it selfe or matter that it treateth and setteth forthe commende it selfe to all godly people and may shew and proue in dede that it was writtē by the spirite of thapostle Now all these matters are setforth and handled after the Apostolicke maner and accustomed facion of holy scripture By what meane and in what sort these are setforth playne and ful of perspicuitie At the beginning God propounded diuine matters and the which concerned our saluation as it were vnder a veale and vnder figures not to thintente to darken or obscure them but rather to vnfolde them and set them foorth For this maner of declaryng inuisible thyngs by visible is more fit to teache more mete to moue more apt for perspicuitie and most conuenient and sitting that things may be more depely imprinted in minde and the lesse fall out of the same And therfore we rede that sondry visions were exhibited to the Patriarches as to Abraham Israell Ioseph Moses and others Certes yf you take frō the bokes of the Prophetes the visions parables and sundry figures of speache how much I pray you shall you leaue of theyr doctryne emongs these be more notable in visions Ezechiel Daniel and Zacharie Neyther is thys maner of teachyng by visions parables and sundry figures takē away in the new testament lyke as I haue shewed els where The very story of the
these thinges for a declaration only but for confirmation also For by the oracles of the prophetes the faithful are comforted whose oracles sins they haue neuer failed in any thing nother shall they in the ende disceyue in such things as they had prophecied concernyng the last iudgement And againe we see how great is thautoritie of the auncient scripture and that the vse of it is excellēt in the church euangelicall wherin we see both Christ and his Apostles to confirme all theyr saiynges with prophetical scriptures and also to illumine set forth and declare or demonstrate The testimonies of the prophetes concernyng the last iudgement of the rewarde and punnishmēt of the godly and vngodly of the abolishyng of Antichrist of death and of al corruption are in the .110 Psalme in the .24.26.27 and .46 also in the .7.11 and .12 of Daniel in the .14 of Zacharie .3 and .4 of Malachie and also els where Thapostle hath cited Osee .1 Corinth 15. Therfore let vs lift vp our heades bretherne let vs watch and pray for because our redemption draweth nere Deliuer vs Christ from al euil Amen ¶ S. Iohn deuoureth the booke receyued at the Aungelles hande and prophecieth agayne to the gentiles nations and Kinges The .xlv. Sermon ANd the voice which I hearde frō Heauen spake vnto me agayne and sayed goe and take the little boke which is open in the hande of the Angel which standeth vpō the sea and vpon the earth and I wente vnto the Angel and saied vnto him geue me the litle boke And he sayed vnto me take it and eate it vp it shal make thy bealy bitter but it shal be in thy mouth as swete as hony And I toke the little boke out of the hande of the angel did eate it vp it was in my mouth as swete as hony as sone as I had eaten it my bealy was bitter And he sayed vnto me thou must prophecie againe vnto the heithē and tongues people and to many Kinges This is the .iii. comfort which in this .x. chap. is cōteined The apostolical doctrine is restored against Antichrist For vnder the persone of S. Iohn is shewed here that thapostolical euangelicall doctrine must be restored in the laste times before the iudgemēt against Antichrist Mahomet And he might briefly haue sayed The apostolital doctrine as it was preached of Iohn shal florish again but he had rather expresse the same by a goodly vision at the last to adde a plaine briefe expositiō of the visiō Which is thou must preach againe c. And those things al expositour do expoūde agreably Iohn preacheth agayne first in dede of the persone of Iohn which vnder the Emperour Nerua retourned into Asia from exile by the space of fiue yeres or ther about againe preached the gospel For he liued til the .3 or .4 yere of the reigne of themperour Traiane Secondly of al preachers before the laste iudgement indewed with the spirite and doctrine of S. Iohn and constantly professing Christ against Antichrist Primasius expounding this place the certaine meaning saieth he is directed to S. Iohn whiche must yet beyng deliuered from exile not only bring this reuelation to the knowledge of Christes church but also preach more depely the Gospell to people and nations to tongues and many kinges notwithstanding no man doubteth but that this voice agreeth also to the whole Churche which neuer ought to cease from preachyng c. Thus saieth he The ordinary glose expoundeth these wordes although this be vnderstande of the very person of S. Iohn yet euen herein is vnderstāde that the lord wil haue his church likewise instructed and taught by other preachers also This apperteineth to the consolatiō of the faithful which shal liue in the dayes of Antichrist the residewe Thomas of Aquine also In S. Iohn him self sayeth he other preachers are vnderstande whome the lord in the time of Antichrist will haue to preache instauntly to great small So much sayeth Thomas Before the iudgement cōmeth Enoch agaīst Antichrist Aretas Bisshop of Cesaria an expositour of this boke reciteth of this place of S. Iohn that the opinion of the cōmon people was that S. Iohn with Enoch and Elie shuld come againe into the world before the iudgemēt to wit corporally ernestly and constantly to preache against Antichrist The self same doeth Aretas repete with a more plentiful expositiō where in the .11 chapt He expoundeth the wordes of Iohn concernyng the two witnesses c. Certes where in the .44 of Ecclesi it is writtē that Enoch was trāslated that he might teache the heythen many haue expounded it as though he should corporally retourne that he might teach the gentiles against Antichrist where by the very translation made in times past he teacheth rather the gentiles that there is an other life prepared for the seruaūtes of God that the same is also dewe for the bodies sins that Enoch was translated both in body soule against the opiniō of Epicure and the madde world supposing none other life to remaine after this that the bodies do putrefie and neuer to rise agayne This Enoch semeth to come spiritually to that laste age for that the lorde him self prophecied that a like thing should come vnto it as chaunced before the deluge or flud of Noe. For like as many than beyng carelesse contemned the iudgementes of God nother feared they any perill or hoped for any better life so cometh it to passe also in the last age in the which Enoch constantly preacheth by them which establissh and maineteyne eternall life and the resurrection of bodies agaynst the Epicures Before the iudgement cōmeth Helias agaīst Antichrist Helias in the mounte Thabor appered in glory with our sauiour Christ vnto three chosen Apostles neyther is it to be thought that about the ende of the world he must be thruste out of the heauenly palace and agayne be subiecte to corruption and obiected to the cruell handes of Antichristians which might teare him in peces For like as in the time of our sauiour Christ Helias in vertu and spirite I meane S. Iohn baptiste went before Christ the Lord so also before the iudgement Helias shal preache in them againe which indued with the spirite and vertue of Helias shal cal awaye the mindes of al men from the worshippyng of creatures to the adoration of the eternal and only God Helias cried out howe longe do ye halte one bothe sides yf the Lord be God followe him yf Baal be God followe him And nowe shal the Helianes crie 3. of Kings 18. yf Christ be the perfection of the faythful what nede is there of mans inuentions and constitutions to worke a perfectiō Yf Christ be our iustification satisfaction purificatiō our only mediatour and redemer wherfore are these thinges attributed to mans merites whie are sainctes accōpted intercessours in heauen whie is saluation ascribed to many other stinking things
be noted the goodnes of Almightie God The scripture expounded whiche declareth to vs him selfe the hardest places of the Scripture Where be they therfore that accuse the Scripture of obscurenes and contende that it can not be vnderstāde let vs here marke also the cōmon maner of speakyng of the whole scripture seuen starres The phrase of the scripture be seuen Messengers The seuen lightes are seuen Churches For signes receyue the names of the thinges although they be remaine in theyr owne substaunce and bee not chaunged into another This the very contentiouse persons do graunte also whiche in the woordes of the supper this is my body will acknowledge no figuratiue speache at all Starres be called Aungelles Aungelles be Gods Messengers pastours of churches so called in the ii iii. chapter of Malachie For God sendeth preachers as Ambassadors to the people and willeth them to be hearde in like case as himselfe Luke .x. Iohn .xiii. Let no man therfore tary till the Lord him selfe come downe from heauen againe and preach ●nto vs. Euen now he preacheth to vs by his Messengers whiche preache his that is to saye the woorde of Christ yf ●ou contemne them you contemne Christ Preachers be ●alled starres by reason of theyr bright and Heauenly doc●rine and for their purenes of life 2. Peter 2 Iude. 1. Beware therefore you Preachers that you be not wandering Planettes leest ye ●aue no light at all neyther in doctrine nor conuersation of ●●fe For than ye shall be likened to starres that fall downe ●ut of Heauen as shall happen here after in this boke to the ●alse teachers But those starres are not in the head or in the fete The starres be in the right hāde of Christ or on ●he backe or sides but in the right hande of Christ Whiche ●●ing hath in dede a great consolation for the Pastours be in the right hande of God in Gods protection neither sh● any man take them out of his hande God him selfe also ●●ueth pastours and furnisheth them with necessarie good● of the Church Therfore is the whole gouernement and gl●ry his Wherefore the Apostle sayeth also he that water● and planteth is nothing but God that geueth increase Nowe as concernyng the Candelstickes there was o● verely in the Tabernacle of Moses with seuen sockettes Candelstickes 〈◊〉 set in seuen Candelles In Salomons temple were ten ca●delstickes The one represented a figure of Christ And the ●●uen therupon and the ten betokened the vniuersalitie● Churches whiche are lighted all of the only lighte Chris● and haue of this one what light so euer they haue And th● candelstickes are of Golde The mistery whereof Aretas e●pounding They are all golde sayeth he for the puritie a● preciousnes of faith liyng hidde in them And in dede the ●delstickes of them selues geue no light but be receptacles 〈◊〉 light So of vs arriseth no light but darkenes But in 〈◊〉 that light euerlasting set a light in the candlesticke the lig● shineth if Christe illumine the Churche with faithe and ●●retie than faith sheweth foorth her selfe in open confessio● and the purenes of life in conuersation And this the Lord ●quireth of his churche in the v. chapter of Matth. So let yo● light shine c. And the apostle in the ii to the Philipp In t● middes of a frowarde and croked natiō shine like lightes the worlde And hitherto we haue handled the consolation of Chri● and the exposition of that great and celestiall vision whe● we haue learned the misteries of the faith of Christ and of his Churche to the ende we should knowe that Christ is the Lorde reignyng in his Church and applying al thinges to the saluation of his faythfull That he sendeth Preachers teacheth by them and kepeth and defendeth them To him be Glory c. ¶ Of the Epistles reuealed out of the throne of God from Christ by an Aungell and receiued and sent of Iohn Where also a parte of the Epistle to the Ephesians is expounded The seuenth Sermon VNto the Messenger of the congregation of Ephesus write These things saieth he that holdeth the seuen Starres in his righthand and walketh in the middes of the Seuen golden Candelstickes I knowe thy workes and thy labour and thy patiēce and ●ow thou cannest not forbeare them whiche ●re euil And examinest them which saie thei are Apostles and are not And haste founde ●hem liars hast suffered and hast patience ●nd for my names sake haste laboured and ●aste not fainted Neuerthelesse I haue some what againste thee because thou haste lefte ●hy firste loue Your charitie hath sene a certen Image of the lord christ Christe is prelate of the Church ●itting on the right hande of the father in glorye yet so that 〈◊〉 no wise he eyther forsaketh or neglecteth his Churche Now followeth it more fully and plainely howe our Saui●ur Christe in Heauen executeth the office of the highe Bishop and teacheth the whole churche by his ministers rebu●eth comforteth and reteyneth it in her dutie Finally tour●eth alwayes awaye thinges hurtefull and auaunceth it to greater thinges For here follow seuen Epistles to the seuē Congregations that is to witte Seuen Epistles vnto all the churches in the ●hole worlde For this moste ample and holsome doctrine ●aye not be restreyned to a fewe sins Christ is Bisshoppe ●niuersall Thautoritie of these ep●stels But great is the autoritie of these epistles For they are reuealed from the throne of God by the sonne of Go● speaking by an Aungell whiche prescribeth what is to b● written in those Epistles S. Iohn receiueth and writeth th● same through Christ his cōmaundement and sendeth the● to the seuen congregations And verely they aperteyne n● lesse vnto vs than if now the bearer entring into the churc● should deliuer these letters vnto vs. Moreouer in these seuen Churches is figured vnto v● the nature The epistles be vniuersall maners vices medicines rebukes prayses of 〈◊〉 Churches in all times and what soeuer is wonte to chaun● aboute them Then by examples of moste excellent mean● mixed of Hypocriticall also and wicked And these our Lo● dothe euidētly instructe reproue rebuke and blame prais● correct moue exhorte comforte the same he threatneth an● promiseth them also ioyfull thinges c. This is no light 〈◊〉 cōmon example but of the sonne of God the high and mo● blessed Bishop teaching vs howe we should deale with 〈◊〉 congregations after the capacitie disposition of euery on● And not without cause he chouseth vnto him seuen th● most noble cities of Asia Certaine it is that Asia was of 〈◊〉 first inhabited and from thence they were dispersed into ●ther partes of the worlde Certaine it is also that the Deu● set vp his Throne in Asia and there reigned in men throug● Idolatrie murther ambition auarice vncleanes and filth● pleasures For the prouerbe is knowē the laughter Iouica● It is knowen what the apostle wrote to the Ephesiās in th● iiii
that the preaching of the Gospell can not be so oppressed but that it shall rather be preached with great Constancie through out all the worlde And that Rome also shal fal and al the vngodly be pūnished He exhorteth therfore most ernestly that we haue not to do with Antichrist leeste also we be made pertakers of his damnation And to thintent there might waunt nothing that cōcerned a full comforte he addeth that thinge whiche maye chiefly confirme the mindes of al the godly euen in the greatest daungers howe they that die in Christ doe flitte streight wayes from the corporall death vnto lyse euerlastynge Whiche finisshed he tourneth to the description of the punnishement to be taken assuredly of the Antichristians Wherfore if the Bokes of the Gospell and newe Testament be to be estemed for the manifolde description of Christe and of saluation by him obteyned for the faythefull yf they are to be estemed of the comforte and preaching of the gospel this is doubtles a boke most gospel like as that which by a cōtinuall tenour to perillouse thinges annexeth consolation The Lābe standeth on mounte Sion S. Iohn therfore seeth the Lambe standyng vpon Moūte Sion Christ therfore slepeth not he is not ignoraunt of the perilles and conflictes of his churche but he standeth as prepared to ayde and succour his He standeth as a king inuincible whome nother the Dragon nor the olde nor the newe beast hath ouerthrowen For I haue tolde you oftener than ones especially in the .5 chapt that by the Lambe is vnderstande Christ For he is the lambe and price of our redemption vntill the iudgement but than laiyng a parte the office of an intercessour he shall be a moste seuere and also a moste holy iudge And Christ standeth not in the sande as did the Dragon but on a Mounte and that vpon mounte Sion Mounte Sion was a figure of Christes kingdome as appereth playnely in the .2 Psalme and the .2 of Esaye And the kingedome of Christe is the church aswell triumphante as militaunt therefore in the felloweship of Sainctes standeth Christ the ioye and glory of them that are in heauen and the life and helper of them whiche fight as yet in Earth Let vs beleue therfore that in the Antichristiane persecutiōs Christ wil neuer faile his faythfull as he is red neuer to haue fayled the olde Sainctes vnder the olde Romane Empire afflicted For this consolation serueth chiefly for vs which are vexed of Antichrist and serued for them also whiche suffered martirdome vnder the olde Romane Empire Nother is there any doubt but that they cōfirmed themselues herewith in the greatest persecutions With the lambe are 144000. But that same is moste full of consolation that the lambe is not alone but hath with him an hondreth and foure and fourtie thousande that is to saye a most ample church How so euer therfore the beaste rageth and sleyeth the confessours of Christ yet shal there be alwayes a church that shall neuer be plucked vp euen in the Earth He setteth a nombre certen for vncerten and yet certaine and determinate for that the nombre of them that shal be saued shal seme small in comparison of them which shal worshippe the beastes and perisshe Howebeit we vnderstande that the nombre of them shal neuertheles be greatest which shal be the body of the Church vnder their head Christ euen than also what time the Pope with all the limmes of Antichrist shall haue powred out all their furie Of this nombre of the electe I haue spoken in the 7. chapt where the selfe same nombre is set And as the Antichristians beare the marke of Antichrist in the righthande and foreheades so verely the shepe of Christ Thei haue the name of the father in theyr foreheads and which shal be the church the spouse of christ vnder their head Christ shal haue their marke also in their foreheades to witte the name of the father of the Lambe For Eius is to be referred to the Lambe And he speaketh not of an externall marke whiche should be printed on their foreheades but of the marke of their mindes The same is faith the signe of all Gods children And the fayth in the Father and the Sonne whiche are not without the holy ghost And howe shouldest thou beleue that almightie God is thy father vnlesse thou vnderstande the same to be obteined of the sonne This faith therfore is here vnderstande to be a christen not a Iewish or Turkishe fayth whiche yet confesseth God to be the father But sins they haue not the sonne as sayed S. Iohn in his Epistle they nother haue the father Therfore the true membres of the church of Christ the trewe shepe doe beleue that they haue a mercifull father through the sonne by whome they knowe that the father beyng pacified hath geuen all thinges of life and of saluation in his sonne They that seke not for saluation and all goodnes in the only mediatour the sonne of God haue not doubtles the right marke of the children of God in their foreheades At this daye all will be christiās but neglectyng Christ thei depēde wholy of Sainctes Therfore their faith is not the trewe marke of the children of God No they nother knowe the father nor the sonne And therfore they persecute those that cleaue wholy to the father by the sonne And seyng Christ is with his church what nedeth the church a vicar Certēly it can not be the true church whiche hath a vicar of Christe for than it waunteth Christe whom the trewe church can not waunte It was not enough for the Apostle to haue sayed that the church was vnited with Christe vnlesse he had added moreouer with many wordes howe he hath sene the churche affected and how she demeaned her self than verely when the beastes did afflicte her that euen we may learne therof what is the hope of Sainctes in greatest daungers of what sorte it behoueth vs to be in persecutions and temptations He heareth the voice of many waters First he heareth a voice from heauē as the voice of many waters Waters in the Scriptures many times doe signifie people We vnderstande therfore herby that the church shal be populouse and speaking to thintēt to dissemble nothing but frely to professe Christ And therefore he heareth also the sounde of a great thonder For the church getteth from heauen power to preache and shewe forth the Gospell grauely though the worldes bowelles burste And verely of the frāke constaunt preaching of the gospel Iohn and Iames are called with Marke the sonnes of thōder And cōcerning the preachyng of the gospell shall followe more afterwarde He heareth moreouer a melodiouse harmonie of menne singyng to their harpes singing as it were a newe song The which is chiefly referred to the sainctes in heauen singing eternall prayses to God secōdely to the sainctes liuing here yet in earth which also offer vnto God continually prayses thankes geuyng
in that laste iudgement shal be caste out Dogges and the residewe whiche are recited in the register of the condēned The vocable of Dogs is not alwayes taken in the holy Scriptures in the euill parte but yet for the moste parte Abner the Prince of kyng Saulles warres am I the head of a Dogge sayeth he to Isboseth whiche defende the house of Saull agaynste Iuda Signifiyng that he had incurred the displeasure of the tribe of Iuda for that he had reteined ten tribes yet in their duetie and vnder the dominion of the house of kinge Saule Els where as in the .15 of Matthewe the gentiles or heythen or estraunged from the people of God seme to be called Dogges As some at this daye call the Turkes namyng them Turkish do good that is to saye turkish infidelles Now also the prophet Esaye calleth the false Prophetes dogges shamelesse rauening vnsatiable not able to barke and defende the lords Shepef●lde or els vnwillyng and slepie After the same signification the Apostle sayeth to the Philippians beware of dogges beware of euill workers c. Moreouer in the holy Scriptures are called dogges angrie men fierse cruell contemners of godly thinges barkers at the trewth sclaunderers and persecuters thereof and blasphemers For in the .22 Psalme Dauid a figure of Christ the lorde crieth Dogges haue inuironned me rounde aboute the counsell of the malignaunt hath compassed me Whom he now calleth Dogges by and by he nameth malignaunt And when Semei cursed Dauid Abisai the sonne of Zaruia sayeth whie doeth this dogge that shall die curse my Lorde the kynge Math. 27. And the lorde in the Gospell forbiddeth to caste that is holy to dogges or pearles to Swine Finally they are called dogges these filthie men vncleane without repentaunce wallowyng themselues in the dungehill of sinne and wickednes For S. Peter calleth suche dogges retournyng to their vomite And the lord prohibiteth 2. Peter 2. that no man bring the price of a strompet or dogge into the Temple For euen therfore the Iewishe Priestes refused the price of bloud offered of Iudas Therefore vnder the name of dogges we vnderstande heythen or infidelles false Prophetes or deceauers cruell men blasphemers persecuters of the veritie cursed speakers contemners of the trewth vncleane and filthie c. And as for the membres that followe haue ben expoūded before to witte in the .9 chapt and about the beginnyng and in the ende of the .21 He loueth maketh lesinges chapt To a lie he addeth here he that loueth and maketh For many make them not opēly but they loue fauour and auaunce them Many both loue and make them They loue a lesyng chiefely whiche mainteyne liyng learnyng and delighte therein But hereof moste purposely Primasius Bishoppe of Vtica to all these thinges sayeth he must be geuen not dilligence of expoūding but carefulnes of auoyding the euils The lord Iesus saue vs frō al euill Amē ¶ Christ is shewed agayne to be Authour of this booke how great he is here Here is also declared the desire of the church wisshyng for the commyng of Christ and the liberall promesse of the Lorde The C. Sermon I Iesus sent mine Angell to testifie vnto you these thinges in the cōgregations I am the rote and generatiō of Dauid and the bright mornyng Starre And the spirite and the bryde sayde come And lette him that heareth saye also come And let him that is a thirste come And let who so euer will take of the water of life free The Authour of this booke Christ The tenth place of this conclusion sheweth againe the authour of this worke to be Iesus Christ whiche is brought in here of S. Iohn speakyng to the intent the thing that is spoken maye haue the more authoritie and credit be geuē more easely of the Auditours to the whole worke Wherefore nothing is to be ascribed to S. Iohn but the writing of the worke that is to wit that he first saw al these thinges indited committed them to writing And the maner also of the reuelation is repeted Christ himselfe came not downe into the earth or into these lower partes but sent forth his Angel which from Christ in Christes name opened shewed these thinges to S. Iohn The ende also of the Angelles sendyng or reuelatiō is specified that he should testifie these thinges in congregations and to you al that are in the world vnto th ende of the world And we learne of those fewe wordes that credit muste be geuen to this boke as that which is propoūded of the very sonne of God by his Angel and Apostle and that in dede propounded to all that are in the church Agayne that Iesus Christ is very God the lord of Angelles as S. Paule also affirmeth in the .1 chap. to the Hebrewes Christ very God Of the which thing is spoken also before And these moste clere testimonies of the scripture ought to moue the faithful more thā al the dotages of Seruetus the Spaniarde and Seruetanes playing the Arrians and Iewes Let vs obserue moreouer that Christe sente his Angell not to Iudge or to teache but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The holy writinges are Authēticall that is to testifie Testimonies lawefully taken or committed to wryting and sealed it is not lawefull to speake agaynst For they are altogether taken for Authentical But all this boke was written by S. Iohn and is a witnes or the testimony of the Angell of God Therefore is it vnlawefull to doubte any thynge thereof And also ought to haue the same opinion of all other bookes of the olde and newe Testamente For the Prophetes and Apostles are called the witnesses of God and the Gospell and doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles the witnes or testimonie He is madde that thinketh not the Canonicall Scripture to be of it selfe Authenticall vnlesse it be first made authenticall by the approbation of the church and Counselles Moreouer we vnderstande that the doctrine of this whole boke belongeth not only to the seuen churches of Asia but to all dispersed through out the whole worlde and therefore to apperteyne chiefely and singularly vnto vs whiche liue at this daye at Zuricke or in Swycerlande Englande Fraunce or Germany Aretas Bisshoppe of Cesaria that he should testifie saieth he that is to saye that ●e should proteste not priuely nor obscurely but in the audience of all Churches dispersed in all the worlde that no man pretendynge wilfull ignoraunce shoulde remayne vncorrected And incontinently the Lord him selfe also sheweth and declareth Christe is the roote stocke of Dauid who and howe greate he is and what we faythfull haue layde vp in store in him And he vseth agayne parables and allusions for the more perspicuitie And firste he calleth him selfe the roote and generation of Dauid that is to saye a trewe and naturall man For we hearde before that he was very and naturall God And he cutteth of from al Heretikes deniyng and impugnyng the
the spirit we be the kingdō of God The which thing S. Paul handleth at large in the sixt chap. to the Romains Moreouer we be made kings that is free We be kinges by Christ that we should not serue the deuill th● flesh and the world according to that saying of Zacharie 〈◊〉 being deliuered from the handes of our enemies we migh● serue him without feare in holines and rightuousnes befo●● hym al the daies of our life We be priests And Christe hath consecrated v● priestes with his spirite and bloud that we should offer vp t● God spirituall sacrifices our selues pure prayers and pra●ses 1 Pet. 2 Ro. 12.15 Philip. 4. Hebr. 13 Exod. 19 and almosdedes For that these be spirituall oblation● Peter and Paul do testifie And these thinges toke S. Ioh● out of Exodus For we of the Gentils that haue beleue● haue succeded in the place of the people of Israell reiecti● Christ through incredulitie And these thinges geue a lyg●● to that article of the Crede I beleue the holy catholick church the communion of sainctes For we be as many of vs as b●leue the fellowship of Gods people sanctified through Chris● to the seruice of God Of whome be these thinges hitherto In the sixt place in the discriptiō of Christ he sheweth the glory and rule is dewe vnto God alone through Christ 〈◊〉 the churche for euermore The glory and kingdome is of God We geue glory vnto God wh●● we ascribe to his goodnes our saluation and all goodne● not to our own strength and merites We geue hym ru●● when we acknowledge hym to be Lord head in the churc● workyng by hym selfe not by the sainctes in heauen to wh● he hath graunted power Not by the Pope whom he ha●● constitute Vicar in earth The whole glory rule is Christs Seuenthly in the description followeth the commyng 〈◊〉 Christ vnto iudgemēt Christ will com to iudgement and the maner of his comming F● as a cloude toke him vp from the eyes of the Apostles e● so shall he come in cloudes to iudge the quicke and the dea● The scripture witnessing And he addeth that the eyes of a● men shal se the iudge Math. 24 Act. 1 1 Tessa 4. euen of those which haue peased hym Wherof we gather two thinges first that the iudgemēt sha●be vniuersall Wherin men arrising shall se Christ with th●● owne eies An other thing that Christ shall come to iudg●ment in the same fleshe Iob. 19 in the whiche he was wounded and sticked honge vpon the Crosse was buried and rose again This place is taken out of Zacharie and is cited also in S. Iohns Gospel zacha 13 Iohn 19 And it behoueth that his body be shewed to the whole world full of printes and markes that herof may be iudged the Godly and also the vngodly They that then haue beleued in such a redemer These that then haue reiected and contemned suche a one Of these we vnderstande that is added And they shall wayle for that in dede thei haue neglected their owne saluation Which the wise man discourseth at large Sap. 3.5 Moreouer lest any may should doubt of those thinges that are spoken of the iudgement and of the lamentation of the wycked as S. Peter said Thinges spoken of the iudgement are certain 2 Pet. 3 the contemners and mockers of the iudgement should be he addeth a kynde of a confirmation euen so Amen In them also is expoūded the article of the crede of Christ that shall iudge the quicke and the dead He concludeth this place with these wordes I am Alpha Omega that whiche followeth the beginning and end is omitted in some copies As though that interpretation of that same I am Alpha and Omega crept in out of the margent It is a prouerbe of S. Iohn the Apostle I am Alpha and Omega Heretickes as Basilides and Valentine were wonderfully delighted in letters But against those lettered Heretickes Iohn speaketh plainly by the mouth of Christ I am Alpha and Omega If any thing ought to be ascribed to letters I am al this whole that euerlasting vertue essence and eternitie For the sense is that God is the beginning and ende that is eternall vnspeakeable best and greatest Those things are repeted He that is which was c. Which were expoūded before There is added almightie For hereby is declared the vnitie and maiestie of God of whom the Trinitie was opened also before Hereby also the authoritie of this boke is confirmed the authour wherof is shewed to be that God eternal and almighty To whom be glory ¶ Of the Narration of this boke where also is discoursed of the place and tyme and of the authour of this Reuelation The fourth Sermon I Iohn your brother and companiō in tribulation and in the kingdō patiēce which is in Iesu Christ was in the I le of Pathmos for the word of God testimony of Ies● Christe I was in the spirite on the Sonday and heard behind me a great voice as it ha● bene of a trompe saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last That thou see● wryte in a boke and send it to the congregations whiche are in Asia vnto Ephesus an● vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos Thyatire and vnto Sardis and vnto Philade●phia and vnto Laodicia Narration The last place of the first sheweth vnto vs a brief narrati● wherin the Apostle S. Iohn declareth the tyme and place this Reuelation and by whose commaundement he wrou● sent the same to the seuen churches in Asia And againe now the third time is the name of Iohn rehea●sed He sawe vndoubtedly that there would be some which to the ende they might take away the vse and fruite of th● boke wold doubt of the authour Against whom he repet●● and reiterateth his name so oft leest we should doubt lac● the great commoditie of so worthy a boke S. Iohn is the brother of the faithful He addeth to his name certen thinges whiche instruct● touching the state of the Apostle and certen profitable ma●ters First he calleth him self a brother namely of those s●● churches and of al ours As where I haue admonished yo● that in the seuenth number are comprised all churches of 〈◊〉 times throughout the whole worlde We are all so many 〈◊〉 beleue the children of one heauenly father And therfore all spiritual brethren in Christ coinheriters with Christ heires of God Which thing S. Paul taught after Christ Rom. 8 Math. 23 And seing our dignitie is so great let vs ones be ashamed of our misdedes least our memory be put out of this moste noble and celestiall familie It is a shame the brother of Christ of S. Iohn all the Apostles should degenerate c. But why haue not they so instantly vrged this brotherhood as the Munkes haue beaten in their forged fraternities the Rosaries of the virgin Mary and of Sainctes Bycause that was fre
contemplation of m●ters diuine and in holy prayers he heard a voice whereof 〈◊〉 wyll speake hereafter But here we are presently taugh● what is the religion of the sonday and how it is mete to o●serue it Finally wordly men are reproued whiche pollut● breake it with prophane workes and affaires Dauid w● time he suffered persecution of Saul lamenteth chiefly t● he might not come to the Lordes tabernacle Our men a●compt it a great felicitie neuer to enter into the felloship Sainctes And to abuse the sonday in gamenyng drinkin● dauncing and worldly businesse By whose commaundement he wrote and sent the Apocalipse These thinges on this wyse declared he cometh at len●● to the reuelation setting forth before the expresse commau●dement of God wherby he was commaunded both to w● the thinges ●euealed also to send thē to the seuen church● of Asia To the maner and maiestie of the reuelatiō that sa● chiefly apperteineth that he heard a voice and that notab● as the sound of a trompet For so we reade it was done the law geuing at the mount Sinay Now is declared who voyce it was and who was the authour of the reuelation Verely the eternall God which calleth hym selfe Alpha ● Omega that is the beginning and the ende Or as it is sa● in Esay first and last Wherof els where Now followeth the commaundement whiche hath ●partes For first the Lord commaundeth S. Iohn to w●● And to wryte suche thinges as he sawe that is to witte 〈◊〉 Apocalipse And that he should wryte nother in the san● nor on the walle but in a boke Verely for the edifiyng● profit of the churche present and of all posteritie After he● also commaunded to sende those writinges to seuen cong●●gations and verely to all the churches of the whole world● al times ages Therfore al these thinges belong to the pro● of congregations and that of al that be haue bene or shal● Thautoritie of the Scripture Here of we learne how great is the authoritie of the s●●turs It was not written nor cōpiled in bokes but by Go● cōmaundment There be notable testimonies of the bok● of Moyses in the .xxxiiii. of Exod. and .xxxi. of Deuter. And to say nothing of the residue of the Propetes is not Ieremy commaunded to wryte his Sermons againe whiche kyng Ioachim had cut in pieces and burnt The scriptures are ours Doubtes S. Peter beareth manifest witnes that the Prophetes receiued the misteries of God to none other ende than thei shuld reueale them to vs Which in dede might only be done by the scriptures Now is Iohn moste apertly commaunded to wryte What wyl we say that he is also commaunded to sende his wrytinges to the congregations Wherof againe we gather that God willeth right well to the congregations and euen to euery one of vs. Let vs beware and take hede that we put not from vs vnworthely so great benefites of God to whō be prayse and glory ¶ THE BEGINNING OF THE worke is made a moste goodly description to vs exhibited of Christe kyng and byshop in glory neuertheles woorkyng in the Churche The fifth Sermon ANd I tourned me that I myght see the voice that spake with me And when I was tourned I sawe seuen golden candelstickes And in the middes of the seuen candelstickes one like vnto the sonne of man clothed with a linnen garmēt ●owne to the grounde and gyrde about the pappes with a golden girdell His head and his eares were whyte as whyte wolle and ●nowe And his eyes were as a flame of fyre ●nd his feete like vnto brasse as though they brent in a fournace and his voice as the sound of many waters And he had in his ryght and seuen Starres and out of his mouthe went out a sharpe two edged sworde and hi● face shone euen as the Sūne in his strength Suche thinges as haue bene treated of hitherto in th●● boke be in stead of the prologue or preface as they terme● Now at last shall the matter it selfe be propoūded to vs. The som of these things vnto the .iiii. Chapter H● therfore followeth the second part of this boke whiche r●cheth to the fourth chapter In the which is Christ describe vnto vs with his catholike churche For first in dede is set ●fore vs the moste sacred Image of Christ our Lord teachi●● what a one he is on the right hande of his father in glor● how he sittyng on the right hand of his father worketh n●uerthelesse in his churche continually neuer absent prese● alwayes Of what sorte moreouer the churche is here● earth is figured in those seuen congregations Here therfo● are shewed the excellent giftes of churches and agayne i● shamefull errours How the Lord Christ confirmeth such● are sliding and ready to fall establisheth those that stande● forteth the weake harted restreyneth the folyshe hardy a● preserueth thinges that are corrupt Finally how faithful ●stours of the churche must worke and trauell with the pe●ple committed to their credit For here is exceadingly w● taught what is the reparing and preseruation of church● Where also a briefe somme of the whole ecclesiastical and 〈◊〉 some doctrine brought in to an abridgement shal be set be● vs. For here is repeted from heauen of Christ in glory 〈◊〉 doctrine of true religion whiche he had set forth more pl●tifully when he was yet here in earth And here most ap● applieth it to churches after consideration of the same And in most goodly order the wordes are knit togethe● as likewyse the whole boke is wrytten with playne wor● and hanging right well together they are disceaued that thi●● it to be lose besomes or broomes vnbounde Iohn heard voice behind him criyng Wherupon he tourned backwa● that he might se the voyce speaking that is to wit hym t● spake For Aretas also admonissheth that there is a trope● the wordes For no man seeth but heareth the voyce A● tourning him to see he sawe a figure of Christ our sauio●● Therfore when the Lorde speaketh let vs tourne also w● all our harte Let vs turne to the lord speaking that we may lykewyse deserue to se the misteries of the kingdom of God for he gladly reuealeth him sel● to suche as tourne and desire heauenly thinges And from those that neglecte the misteries of the kingdome of God al thinges of saluation are hidde Further more S. Iohn exhibiteth to vs the Image of Christ our catholike kyng and high bishop sitting in glory Thimage of Christ is set befor vs. in the whiche description are comprised the chiefest matters of Christ For suche a taste of Christ is here geuen vs as in this world may be of our weake flesh perceiued But we shal se hym at the length in the world to come such as he is in the fulnes of his maiestie wherin shal be ioye life euerlasting But this in this corrupt world is yet graunted to no man So much therfore is permitted vnto vs that liue yet
the passion of Christ and therfore to reste now vnder the Aultar Christ For they that are pertakers with him in passion doe cōmunicate also with him in glory The aulter and bosom of Abrahā For like as the bosome of Abrahā is called a receptacle and that porte and hauon of Saluatiō into the whiche the soules of thē are receiued which had the faith of Abraham so do we vnderstande the aultar to be a place of blessednes in heauen wherin they rest which with true faith haue acknowledged Christ the aultar propiciation sanctification and satisfaction and haue moreouer in suffering offered them selues to God in Christ through patience an acceptable sacrifice to God Vnder this Aultar was gathered the first martyr Abel and after as many as haue died for religiō and shal begathered who so euer in bearing the crosse through tribulation enter with Christ into glory The saītes crye vnder the Aulter Now is also declared what they do vnder the Aultar The very martirs I saye crye not the beastes as they haue done hitherto and they crie out with a lowde voyce No man shal Imagine that the blessed soules in Heauen doe complayne be sorowfull doe accuse and be troubled These thinges are fayned to an other ende to the intent we should gather therof that God forgetteth not his that he putteth not out al reuengement that he seeth feleth and regardeth the iniuries and deathes of his seruauntes Where the vengeaunce followeth not immediately God is thought of many to slepe and to haue no respect vnto his We heare therfore that the holy Martirs crie and that with a lowde voyce He appereth to haue alluded to that same in the .4 of Genesis The voyce of thy brothers bloud crieth vnto me to witte for vengeaunce Crying sinners For the Diuines call certen sinnes criyng as those whiche are red in the Scriptures to crie vnto God as is at this present the shedyng of bloud the sinne of Sodome in the .9 of Genes the oppression of widowes and orphanes in the .22 of Exodus wages for worke deteyned Deuteron 24. and Iames the .5 How longe so euer therfore God differreth vengeaunce be it neuer so many yeres yet is not the bloud of the iuste forgotten before God S. Paule in the .12 to the Hebrewes crieth out and sayeth that the bloud of Abell speaketh In the .18 of Luke the Lord sayeth that the afflicted do crie bothe daye and nighte for deliueraunce Would God they would wayegh these thinges whose feete are swifte to shede bloud God would not in times paste be mercifull to his people for that much innocent bloud was shed emonges them by the meane of Manasses theyr kinge as appereth in the .4 boke of Kinges Therefore dere bretherne let vs consider wel at this daye what we doe and let vs not shede rashly innocent bloud Certenly the wordes are expressed of S. Iohn Whether the Saincts in heauē desire vēgeāce whiche the Martirs cried to the Lorde howe longe saye they Lord whiche arte holy and trewe c. They put God in remembraunce not as ignoraunt or inconstaunt but as knowyng and moste stedfastely mindefull of holines and trueth For in asmuche as the Lorde is holy he hateth all prophane and vncleane persones and spareth them not For as muche as he is true he maynteyneth and defendeth his chosen and punnissheth and oppresseth his enemies as he hath promised by his worde Sins therefore thou arte suche saye they O God why doest thou not iudge and auēge our bloud of them which in earth as in their kingdome exercise tiranny and oppresse euery good man Al this signifieth none other thing than that God for his owne sake whiche is holy and true will neuer forget the iniuries of his seruauntes Therefore we vnderstande these thinges to be spoken by a figure called Prosopopeia that is the fayning of a persone not that the Sainctes in Heauen do expostulate with God but that we by suche a figure might vnderstande that God hath care of Martirs because he is holy and true S. Austen in the .68 question vpon the newe Testamente Seynge the Lorde sayeth he hath taught vs to praye for our enemies what is the cause that the soules of those that are slayne crye out as doeth the bloud of Abell and require that they maye be auenged And he maketh aunswer Sainctes be not impatient that they should vrge that thing to be done now which they know shal come to passe in the time prefixed which neither can be preuented nor yet delayed but by this saying he woulde shewe howe God will auenge the bloud of his seruauntes leest bycause he semeth now so patient that wicked warre shuld be thought vnpunished which is made against the Sainctes that both he might driue a feare into them that persecute the seruauntes of God and might also exhorte the sufferers vnto patience Thus sayeth he And this in dede semeth the playnest sense of al others especially if we consider the things that follow in the lordes aūswer and it was sayed vnto them that they should rest c. Primasius Bishop of Vtica expoundyng this place of S. Iohn Sainctes not incensed with carnal vnderstāding it is not to be thought saieth he that the Sainctes are incensed with a carnall vnderstanding and stoutenes to be auenged sins we knowe that through the aboundaunce of charitie the very enemies are of thē also in this case beloued but it is euident that they prayed agaynst the kingedome of sinne and to haue ernestly desired the other thinges of that kingdom wherof we saye thy kingdome come For it is not lawful to thinke that they woulde couet any thinge agaynst the pleasure of God sins their desires depende vpon his wil c. And S. Gregory what is it sayeth he that the soules make request of reuengement but that they desire the laste daye of iudgement and the resurrection of bodies slayne Aretas noteth here also out of the commentaries of S. Andrew bishop of Cesaria moreouer the Sainctes appere hereby to wisshe for the ende of the worlde Wherfore they are commaunded patiently to abide vntill the accomplishement of their bretherne Hebr. 11. leest they should be fulfilled with out them after the holy Apostle Vēgeaūce is desired two waies Howbeit Thomas of Aquine in the exposition of the Apocalipse sheweth that vengeaunce is required of god two waies First in dede with an euil and malliciouse affectiō which the Scripture doeth vtterly represse Secondely by a Zeale of rightuousnes and after the wil of God is iudgement required agaynst them that be vncurable After he annexeth this therfore do the blessed soules require vengeaūce of their enemies albeit they intende it not chiefly bicause of a Zeale of rightuousenes and affection of godly loue they grudge as also doeth god him self at the wickednes of the persecutours who impugne God him self and seke to hinder his religion and tourment suche as worshippe him wherfore they would
to come S. Iohn here moste expressely speaketh of them The faithfull in heauē reioyse which are not to be saued but already haue atchieued saluation and are in Heauen to the intent we should not doubte of their saluation And also shaddoweth the maner of saluation and blesse euerlastinge This treatise confuteth those which suppose the soules to slepe not to haue the fruition of the godhead before the iudgement nor to be as yet in heauē First he sayeth howe they stande before the Throne and in the sighte of the lambe For the firste felicitie in the blessed life is to see God as he is and to inioye his glory to be with Christe in glory Iohn .17.1 Iohn .3 white stoles are the garmentes of triumphant and cleane persones As herafter shal be declared more at large and hath ben noted ones or twise before It betokeneth that the blessed soules are decked with light c. And the Palme also is a token of victory The palme Plinie treateth much of the Palme in the .4 Chapt. of the .13 booke Al men write that the Palme was the moste auncient badge of a conquerour And wherefore this tree chiefly was chosen for this vse of men of most antiquitie Aulus Gellius sheweth the cause in the .6 Chapt. of the .3 boke of Noct. Att. Writing that in a Palme tree there is a certen peculiar thing whiche agreeth with the nature of stoute and noble men For if you laye sayeth he greate weightes vpon the wood thereof the Palme geueth not place downewarde but riseth vp against the weight and beareth vpwarde And for this he alledgeth the authoritie of Aristotel and Plutarche vnto whome you maye adde also Plinie .16 boke .24 Chapter Vnto al these thinges is annexed an exceding great noise wherby not only they geue God thankes and prayse his mercy To whom thei impute theyr saluation but also shewe and testifie moste manifestly whome they maye thanke for their saluation And they saye saluation to him c. For so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is rather as also Erasmus hath noted For they signifie that God is not blessed in him self only but to haue cōmunicated this saluation vnto them and saued them Of the Throne or seate of God was spoken before in the .4 chapt God the father him selfe sitteth on the seate It is therfore a phrase of speach which hath this cense we owe this our saluatiō and blessednes to our God which sitteth in his Throne Agayne they cōmunicate this saluation to the lambe also that is to Christ For God by his grace through Christe saueth the beleuers And where as Christ is called the lamb the whole misterie of the incarnation and redemption is remembred in the word Lambe that beyng in dede reconciled to God by the bloud of the hoste Iohn .6 Ephes 1. Rom. 3. we be nowe the heires of God and the sonnes of God c. Therefore the Sainctes in Heauen and our fathers already saued and dwelling in heauen doe testifie and in testifiyng teache that they be iustified and saued not by Mahometrie or Poperie or any other obseruaunces but by the mere grace of God in Christ Errours ar cōfuted Hereby are confuted two opiniōs right hurtefull to the whole worlde The first weneth that the Papistes be saued for their simplicitie and seuere discipline For bycause saye they they know no better things and the workes that they doe they doe them of a good intente therfore are they saued by the same That is moste vayne and moste vngodly They adde vnlesse we shuld iudge thus doubtles there should not one of the Papistes be saued Certenly I saye playnely that no man is saued by papistrie no more thā by Mahometrie For it is called the waye of perdition euen of S. Peter him selfe 2. Pet. 2. Howebeit I thinke not therfore that no man of the nūbre of Papistes is saued But I beleue that innumerable as I sayed before haue at the lēgth sene the filthines of papistrie through the illumination of God and the papistry forsakē to haue imbraced the sincere Gospell and so by Christ alone to be saued The latter supposeth that euery manne in euery and what so euer his religion be shall be saued Agaynste these the Sainctes here crie how they that are saued are saued by the grace of God through Christ Euery mā is not saued in his religion Therfore none other religion saueth There is non other name geuen to men wherin they must be saued but that of Christ Iesus None other waye is open into heauen nor any other dore he that affirmeth any other is called of the veritie a thiefe and a murtherer Yea they vtterly abolishe Christ and the whole scripture who so euer contende that euery man is saued by his owne religiō Neyther can I tel whether any other thing so hurtful can be Imagined Therfore lette vs holde that thing whiche all the Sainctes in heauen haue taught vs that saluatiō is of God through Christ All the Aungelles in Heauen confirme these thinges The cōfirmation of Aungelles example songe leest any thing should waunte which belongeth to a sure and certayne testimony and also teache vs by theyr example what we should doe They sing together Amen wherby they also testifie that saluatiō is of only grace through Christ Againe they fall downe and worship God But howe muche more ought we men mortall by worshippyng to attribute to him this honour And by singing an himne they exhibite to vs a forme of seruing God finally of iudginge rightly of God that we attribute nothing to any creature to the reproche of the creatour whiche belongeth to God alone but ascribe all thinges to God wholy The wordes of this Hymne are expounded in the .4 and .5 chapt that I nede not here to tary aboute them They putte blessing for prayse the reste of the wordes are playne And nowe lette vs learne beyng taught by so many testimonies and examples of all Sainctes forsaking al vayne wicked opinions to geue al glory to God through Christ to whom be prayse and thankes geuyng Amen ¶ Here is expounded who they be that are are clothed in white from whence is saluation and what is the trewe blessednes The .xxxvi. Sermon ANd one of the elders aunswered saying vnto me what are these which are arayed in longe white garmentes whence came they And I sayed vnto him lorde thou wotest And he sayed vnto me these are they whiche came out of greate tribulation and made their garmentes large and made them white in the bloud of the lambe therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God and serue him daye and night in his temple and he that sitteth in the seate will dwel emong thē They shal honger no more nother thirst nother shall the sunne light on them nother any heate For the lambe whiche is in the middes of the seate shall fede them and shall leade them to fountaynes
corrupte that place and vtter it so as though it mente that the prieste should sacrifice the real body of Christ for the quicke and the dead But the holy Bisshop of Lions knew this filthie errour Away with them and their sophistrie whither they are worthie I haue spoke also befor something of the same matter And that it might clerely appere vnto all menne the smoke of the odours ascendeth that the prayers of the faythfull offered to God through Christ are pleasaunt and acceptable ther is added and the smoke of the odoures ascendeth that is to saie the prayers of the faithful were of God accepted Therfore let vs offer dilligently our prayers vnto God through Christ For he heareth vs and deliuereth vs from euill And the scripture many times calleth our prayers an acceptable sacrifice to God The pla●es are in Osee 14. in the .50 Psalme And in many other places In the .141 the prophet sayeth Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight the lifting vp of my handes an euenyng sacrifice Primasius expoundyng this place sayed how Christ is sayed to haue taken of the prayers of Sainctes For bycause through him the praiers of al maye come swetely vnto God Hebrew 13 Herof the Apostle by him we offer vp alwayes a sacrifice of prayse vnto God that is to saye the fruicte of lippes confessyng his name Agaynste praiyng of Sainctes Herby is cōfuted the opinion of them which suppose that the Sainctes in heauen be the intercessours of the faithfull which should cōmende their prayers vnto God make the waye open to God For what nede haue they to procure to thēselues other intercessours or aduocates what lacke finde they in Christ or whom maie they preferre or compare with Christ what shal we say that euē at this present the odours are offered vp by the hande of the Aungel The celestial sainctes were present with the Lorde and were sene aboute the seate but which of them taking the censer and gathering the prayers of the faithfull offered them vnto God It tourned Ozias or Asarias the king to displeasure that he toke in hand the censer minding to sacrifice and to execute the priestes office the same would be worse for the heauēly dwellers naye they should not remayne in Heauen in case they toke vpon them the office of the only Bisshoppe c. He filleth the censer with fire sendeth it into the Earth After this we haue heard that Christ filled the censer with fire taken from the Aultar and sent it downe into the Earth By the whiche narration he retourneth agayne to finish the exposition of the trompettes This fire is the grace of the holy ghoste That is put into the censer is taken of the Aultar is sent doune into Earth For Christe toke the fulnes of the spirite as S. Iohn sheweth in the ● and .3 chapt Christ is Aultar and censer Of the Aultar here is takē fire For the holy ghoste is the spirite of the Father and of the Sonne Whom sayeth he I will sende you from my father Him he sente into earth vnder the shape of firie tounges he sendeth him also at this daye into the hartes of the faithfull that he maye inflame them This is the same fire which the Lord in the gospell of Luke sayeth Luke .12 that he will sende into the Earth and would that it should burne Moreouer the effecte of this fire followeth immediately For there were made thonderinges and voices and lightninges and Earthquake By the voices of the Gospell the woundes of sinners are healed and the hartes of men lighted by the illumination of the holy spirite c. Of the whiche thinges we haue spoken also in the .4 chapt and .24 Sermō Of the preaching of the Gospell as Haggeus also prophecied it should come to passe insewed a wonderfull commotion of all nations c Sathan also was stired whiche reysed vp his ministers through out the worlde agaynst holesome preachyng of the Gospell For there sprange vp sectes whome the mayneteyners of the veritie resisted fightynge with them Whereof nowe he wil reason at large The Lord geue grace that these thinges maye bothe be spoken and hearde with much fruicte ¶ Of the seuen Aungelles trompetters and of the trompettes and of the first .ii. and .iii. trompet The .xxxviij. Sermon ANd the seuen Aungels which had the seuen trompettes prepared themselues to blowe The firste Aungell blewe And there was made hayle and fire which were mingled with bloud and they were caste into the Earth and the thirde parte of trees was burnt and all grene grasse was brēt And the second Aungell blewe and as it were a great Mountaine burnyng with fire was caste into the See the third part of the See tourned to bloud and the third parte of creatures whiche had life died and the thirde parte of Shippes were distroyed And the thirde Aungell blewe and there fell a great starre from Heauen burnyng as it were a cresset and it felle into the thirde parte of the Riuers and into the fountaines of waters and the name of the starre is called Worme wood and the thirde parte of the waters was tourned to Worm wood And many menne died of the waters because they were made bitter Our lord Iesus Christ hath kindeled in earth a bright and holesome fire which the Apostles and men Apostolical haue euery foote more and more inflamed But contrary wise sathan seketh to quenche this holesome fire not only to corrupte and depraue this doctrine of saluation but also to abolish it and ouerwhelme it with lies The meaner and maner herof is at this present described and euen paynted out gallauntly to none other ende but that the faithful beyng warned and fully taught might be wel ware of that pestilent infection For the scope or ende of this boke is to preserue the church safe and sounde from corruptions or at leest to repare the same beyng corrupted The seuen Aungelles stande in the sighte of God S. Iohn therefore sawe seuen Aungels stande in the sight of God To stande signifieth to minister and compriseth the faith and diligence of Ministers Seruauntes stande before kinges ready to do seruice and to execute al theyr commaūdementes We reade in the .1 chapter of Iob. The sonnes of God came and stoode before the Lord and Sathan came also into the middes of them The blessed Aungelles are called the children or sonnes of God They come to doe seruice before God Sathan preaseth in emongs them forasmuch as he is also the minister of God for the executiō of those things whiche apperteyne to the wrath and indignation of God agaynst the wicked Al elementes be Gods ministers and finally al the creatures of god For he is the lord of Sabaoth the God of hostes whiche for the saluation and iudgement of men vseth wel and rightly all his creatures euery one accordyng to his nature and disposition For he vseth the ministerie of Aungels
out of this life But contrarywise the Lord here pronounceth and declareth euerlasting rewardes to be for them prepared For theyr soules deliuered from their bodies are streight waye taken vppe into heauen and their bodies reysed at the last iudgement ascende into heauē also that there they maie reioyce with Christ for euermore But to the intent that this godly promesse of the euerlastyng and inestimable rewarde might be of more authoritie and credit with al men the Lord propoundeth it not simplely but most gallaūtly decked and ●●rnisshed for he setteth before that a voyce was sente to the prophetes and that from heauen morouer great or lowde For great is the consent of Patriarches Prophetes and Apostles with the very sonne of god in most assured doctrine wherupō we beleue vndoubtedly that those which suffer for the confession of Christ are saued both body and soule And that doctrine was brought frō heauen that there is no place lefte for doubtfulnes There be testimonies in the scriptures both manifest and many as in .26 of Esaye .12 of Daniel .10 and .16 of Matth .14 of Iohn and diuerse others What shuld we saye that at this present is brought an expresse testimony hereof for a voice soundeth from Heauen ouer the afflicted with the tiranny of Antichrist Come vp hither come vp hither That is asmuch to saye as I see the lewdenes and crueltie of the Antichristians to be such that there is no place lefte you in earth They tourmoyle and persecute you as plagues and vnworthie to liue on the earth come ye therefore hither to me into the heauenly palace whither I my selfe came also after the crosse and opprobriouse death We reade in the Gospel that the iudge shall saye to the godly come the blessed of my father c. They wēt vp into heauen in a clowde Furthermore leeste any man should thinke these wordes to be vayne the lord adioyneth by S. Iohn and they ascended into heauen not for that the resurrection is made already but for the vndoubted certentie of the thing he speaketh of the thing to come as if it were paste of the which sorte are founde many lyke phrases euery where in the Prophetes Helias in times past ascēded into heauē both soule and body as we reade in the .4 boke of Kinges the .2 chapt by the same miracle he shewed than also what rewarde the Lorde hath prepared for the faythfull preachers of Gods worde nother is there any other thing here nowe repeted He addeth how they went vp in a clowde For a clowde toke vp Christe our head from the eyes of the disciples and we shal be also taken vp in a clowde to mete the Lord in the ayre as the scripture reciteth in the .1 of the Actes and the .1 to the Thessalonians the .4 chap. Albeit therfore that preachers those which beleue the preachers be excōmunicated of Antichrist through open and shamefull punisshmentes should seme to be sent to the Deuill yet Christ receiueth them deliuered from al euils vnto him into the palace of Heauen Vnto this he addeth an other thing also and their enemies sawe them Their enemies sawe them They saw I saye with an horrible feare for whilest they shall see them whom they haue condēned for gods enemies as the trewe and honorable frendes of God to be in glory therof they shal gather that they themselues shal be deputed into the fellowship of Deuilles Reade herof a plentiful cōmentary in the .3 .5 chapt of the boke of wisedome Albeit therfore that the preachers of the Gospell in this present worlde be iudged and seme and appere before the world as damned yet in that same daye wherin all men shal be assembled so many as euer haue ben be now or shall be vnto al it shal be manifest that these be the most dere frēdes of God and that their cause is best And herewith wil the lorde haue them comforted which are persecuted condemned dispised and spurned for the preachyng of Gods worde By these thinges he prepareth establissheth the mindes of the faithful that thei be not discouraged with the rebukes reuilinges and oppressions of Antichrist and his limmes Finally the Lorde addeth also certen thinges of the miseries of the Antichristians The calamities of the Antichristians wherwith the rightuouse Lord beginneth to punnish them to interrupte their wicked ioyes that at the last in an other world he maye put the same to tourmētes that neuer shal haue ende In that same houre sayeth he the same time doubtles wherin they shall afflicte the prophetes shal be made a great Earthquake the tenth parte of the citie shal fal And the tenth part we vnderstād to be great yet so that the more parte shal remaine in errour As S. Peter prophecied should come to passe in the .2 of Peter the .2 And the Lord him selfe also in the .7 of Matth. And he semeth to recite two euilles which hāge ouer them calamities and reuoltinges For S. Iohn him selfe semeth to adde an exposition and to saye and there were slayne in the Earthquake the names of seuen thousande men And the residewe were affrayed and gaue glory to God of Heauen Therfore I suppose by the Earthquake to be signified excedyng greate alterations Seuē M. men slaine with the earthquake commotions seditions warres slaughters and distructions And he sayed the names of men after the Hebrewe phrase for a nombre of men And he put 7000. a nombre certayne for an vncertayne as where it is sayed to Helias I haue lefte me seuen thousande men which haue not boughed their knees to Baal For if it signifieth a great multitude Likewise he signifieth here also that no smal nombre of Antichristians shal be dispatched out of the waye by slaughter and sondry or all kindes of calamities Agayne he signifieth that the tenth parte of the world that is to saye the adherentes and fauourers of the Romisshe churche shall reuolte not a fewe of them from the same church beyng feared with the preachyng of God his worde and with plagues inflicted to the enemies of God his worde and so they shal forsake the Romisshe churche that they shal geue all glory to the God of Heauen The tenth part of the citie falleth Hitherto being abused with the Romish trifles and sophisticall opinions they haue not geuen all glory wholy to the trewe God creatour of heauen end earth and the inhabiter and geuer of heauen whilest they haue attributed more vnto creatures mens inuentions and to errours than to the veritie and communicated the glory which they owe to God alone vnto sainctes also and to the workes of their handes but now beyng instructed with the preachyng of the gospel they wil depende of God alone and wil ascribe al glory vnto him through Christ Nowe if ye conferre herwith histories not olde for wherunto shoulde I moleste you with a long rehersall but lately made that with in
shall discourse more at large of the distruction of Rome in the .17 chap. Wherfore within the space of .136 yeares Rome came seuen tymes into straungers handes and was sacked most cruelly and fell on the edge of the sworde and was led into captiuitie Councell how the godly shall demeane thēselues in so great euils which hath long stricken with the swoorde and led away all nations prisoners This was the iust iudgement of God And S. Ihon annexeth a doctrine howe the godly shulde behaue thēselues in so greate troubles and aduersities Here that is to wit whilest the Romanes reigne and rage also in those blouddy and cruel alterations and destruction of the Romane Empire the Sainctes shall nede to haue patience or perseueraunce and fayth These two vertues shal kepe the faithfull that they perish not also Of patience the lord speaketh in S. Luke the .21 chapt In your patience shal you possesse your soules Of faith speaketh blessed Iohn and this is the victory that ouercometh the world euen your faith Impatience and incredulitie hath led away many into the deniyng of the faith to idolatrie and to al vngodlines So learne we also how to arme our selues in our dayes against all vngodlines The lord deliuer vs from euill Amen ¶ Of an other beast which cometh vp out of the Earth that is to saye of Antichrist The .lviij. Sermon ANd I behelde an other bea●● c●●●●● vp out of the Earth and he had two hornes like a lambe and he spake as did the Dragon The Apostle S. Paule playnely testifieth What is th ende of this prophecie Rom. 15. such thinges as are written to be written for our learnyng that through the patience consolation of the scriptures we maye haue hope wherfore we must also applie therunto these things present For Christ the lord of all when he foresawe how greatly sathan should by his chosen membres the olde and newe Romane Empire afflicte the church would haue vs dilligently admonished of euery thing to the intent that al afflicted persones should hereof learne patience and conceaue comforte and hope and not be discouraged with the heauy burthen of euilles Like as he hath therfore diligently described the olde Romane Empire and shewed as it were p●yntyng with the fingar what mischief it should worke to the church admonisshed al to haue faith patience right so wil he from hence forth describe poperie or Antichristianisme in the which descriptiō he setteth forth before our eyes what so euer the sainctes shall suffer that beyng warned before they maye abide more manfully persecution and lesse yelde to mischauntes The secōd beaste cometh not forth tyll the first be taken awaye And in goodly order beginneth he to sette forth Antichrist after the Romane Empire torne and taken awaye For Daniel sayeth that a little and small horne shoulde arrise vp emonges the ten hornes and three of those hornes to poole downe plucke of and caste awaye and so to atteyne vnto greate power For he signifieth that the Romane Empire beyng diuided and brought now vnto decaie Antichrist shal arrise whiche should procure to himselfe a newe and countrefet Empire And S. Paule sayeth also that Christe shall not come vnto iudgement till Antichrist haue gone before and that he shall not come nother vnlesse this be firste taken awaye whiche hindereth and letteth that he can not come The whiche S. Hierome and other holy expositours do vnderstande of the Romane Empire 2. Thess 2. whiche muste be plucked vp and taken awaye and that then shall Antichrist arrise But the Maiestie of the Empire was distroyed aboute the yere of our Lorde .480 when Odacer inuaded Rome For from that time by the space of .300 yeres and more ther was no Emperour of the Weste after Augustulus And besides this vnder the Emperour Iustinian Rome was brente and layde waste of Totila Sins the whiche time the Bisshoppes of Rome haue begonne to loke a lofte and to thinke vpon a newe kingedome The secōd beaste of the Earth And therefore the Lorde sayeth that this beaste arriseth of the very earth The kyngedome of our lorde Iesus Christe cometh from heauen and bringeth to heauen Papistrie cometh nother of Christ nor of his doctrine but cometh out of the Earth that is to witte of euill meanes Ambition auarice treason and crueltie What ministers of the churche Christ ordeyned is easely perceyued by the Gospell of Iesu Christ That he forbadde them gouernement supremacie superiorite and maioritie as they terme it appereth of the .18 and .20 chapt of S. Matthew and .22 of Luk● Therefore do the Actes of Apostles and the doctrine of Peter testifie that Peter was a Minister and not Lorde of the Apostles muche lesse Prince of the citie or Empire of Rome For they lye lowde that saye howe Rome and Italy are the Patrimonie of S. Peter geuen him of the Lorde At the first the Apostles and Apostolicall men ministers of churches gouerned the churches equallye neyther ded one take vpon him more preheminence than an other Which thyng I am able to proue by many testimonies of auncient wryters yf nede requyred Aboute the counsell of Nice and a litle before that tyme when churches were greatly multiplied were ordeyned and custumably receyued Metropolitanes instituted in dede by a laudable but yet mannes ordinaunce that is to witte in a certen prouince or head citie was ordeyned a Byshop or Pastor which shoulde haue as it were thē ouersighte of the reste and shoulde serue for the calling of Synodes or assemblees Yet was it than dilligently prouided that he shoulde not be called Primate leeste any manne should thinke himselfe preferred before others in power but in order Nother was the Byshop of Rome at that tyme exalted aboue all others but there were dyuerse Metropolitanes whereof the byshop Rome was one The Niceyue counsell confyrmed that same custome and woulde haue it ratified Socrates in his ecclesiastical Historie the .5 boke the .8 chapt reciteth many Metropolitane churches in Asia S. Hierome to Euagrius and in an epistle to Titus sayeth playnely that in oulde tyme churches were gouerned by the common counsell of priestes or elders and that time Byshops and priestes were all one After by the custome of the church not of the veritie of the Lordes ordinaūce I rehearce Saincte Hieromes wordes Byshops were preferred before priestes yet muste they gouerne churches together And of that same custome Howe the Bisshop of rome came to his supremacie yea rather of the abuse of the custome Antichrist had his beginning For Boniface Bishop of Rome began fyrste to take vppon him dominion ouer the churches of Affricke But he was immediatelye repressed by the sixte Affricane coūcell where at Sainte Austen is red also to haue bene After that began also the Byshop of Cōstantinople to chalenge to himselfe the Supremacie for this cause chiefelie that Constantinople was than the courtelyke Palace and chiefe Citie of the Empyre Howe beit
Fucine he was taken with duke Fridericke Anno. 1266 There were slaine as it is saied .12 thousand The occasion of so greate an euill were the Popes chiefly Clement the .4 which beyng demaunded of Charles the worthie Prince what he should do with his prisoners aunswered so that the Frenche men vnderstode that they must suffer Therfore he put them both to the sworde In whome the house and posteritie of the moste noble Dukes of Austriche and Swauelande is sayde to haue failed Paulus Aemilius discourseth this gere more at large in the .7 booke of Frenche Actes and Auentinus in the .7 booke But yet might not the Ire and furie of those moste holy fathers be so pacified conceiued hereof that the most noble Dukes of Swauelande had for gods glory and the comon welthes sake most godly and most constantly resisted the Romish Bisshoppes Wolues I would haue saied Thempire made desolate But these Parricidies and blouddy warres displeased all good mē euery where and chiefly the wise and godly Princes so that they vnderstode how they must eschew that Empire and flee from it as from the plage as the which was not only but a shaddowe but moreouer would vtterly consume his yerely reuenewes and treasour which should receiue the office For now was it knowen through out the world what the moste valeaunt and excellent Princes of Germany had nowe about .119 yeres from Henry the .4 to the Sonnes of Fridericke the .2 suffered of the bolde ambition and vncredible mallice of the Popes and that many of them had loste both their liues with their auncient kingdomes and their ●ibertie most excellent of all And here was thempire with out any Emperour for certē yeres which I am wont to cal a desolation of the kingdome or Empire For the Popes with their inuincible and intollerable pryde and tyrannie had so weakened the force of the Emperours that the empire semed subuerted destroyed nother coulde there any be easely founde which ded set by it or thoughte it worthie to be desyred At the laste at the commaundement of Gregory the .10 which helde a Counsell at Lions was chosen Counte Rodulph of Abspurg which although he forsoke not the thing offered yet being oft requested to come to Rome is sayed to haue aunswered the waywarde steppes of fete do feare me sore meaning by this dixaine that he trusted not the Popes which by their craftes had destroyed both many Prences of Germanie and also innumerable people comming to Rome And this Rafe is red to haue ben crowned Kyng in the yeare of our Lorde .1273 the .200 yeare after Gregory the .7 And so longe time lasted the fight of Popes and Emperours A little whyle after whyleste Alberte the sonne of Rafe was chosen Emperoure and the election was referred to Boniface the .8 of that name he stoutely reiected the same and shewed by and by in word and dede that he was both Pope and Emperour which by right had both swordes Which I expounded in the .58 sermon the same doth Albert Krantz declare excedingly well in the .8 boke .36 ch of Saxon matters In the place of King Albert was substituted Henry Prince of Lucemburge But what authoritie ouer him thempire chalēged Clement the .5 pope he that list may know of the Clemētines For there is a long treatise therof in the .2 boke .9 tit I could also rehearce many other lyke things of pope Ihon the .22 and of others if I ded not thinke it superfluouse For of these things which I haue rehersed hitherto The proprietie of kingdomes is the popes but the vse of Kings and Princes it appereth sufficiētly that the popes thēselues by a mischeuouse boldnes haue takē to thēselues thempire do boast thēselues for monarkes do abuse the seruice ministerie of kinges as their wards cliētes yet to pretend the name of sōnes to the intent thei may haue them the more obediēt For so in times past wrote Gregory the .7 to Geusas king of Hongary which place read in the .17 chap. of this boke the sermō .75 yet vnderstād we in the meane time that the gretest part of Princes Nobles haue not knowen the same beast but haue rather impugned him therfore not to come in the nombre of the beast but in asmuch as they lyued vnder the Empire yet estraunged farre from the beaste By this I woulde haue them aunswered which wyll exclame and saie who can take it in good parte to haue the holy Empire called the Image of the beast and so many noble Kings and Princes Cities and people praise worthie But I nother oughte nor wyll chaunge the manner of speakinge which the scripture vseth They be the Lordes woordes all which Daniell in oulde tyme and nowe Ibon haue reuealed to vs but I maie excepte and excuse such as are excused by the testimonie of scripture The way is ready briefe whosoeuer wyll be free from the beaste let him take hede that he be not inspired withe the Popes spirite and that he speake not and doe that the Pope commaūdeth against godlynes Let him rather be ruled with the spirite of Christ and so shal it come to passe that dwelling in the middes of Babilon he shal not lyue after the iniquities of Babilon but in the Kingdome of Christe They that shall not worship the beaste shal be slain It foloweth and the beast shal cause that whosoeuer shal not worship the Image of the beast shall be slayne And it is all one offence to worship that oulde beaste and to worship the Image of the newe beaste Of the worshipping of him I haue spoken a little before Therfore doe they worshippe the Image of the beaste which admitte the decrees and those ordinaunces of the seate and Empire speaking the inspiration of the beaste which allowe the Romish religion which fall to the kyssing of the fee●e and shew themselues in all things obedient chyldren of the seate and are faithfull to the popish Empire Nowe yf any wyll not be suche a one and woulde be content with Christianitie would abhorre Rome the seat of the beast and detest the Image of the beast he lyke a church robber and traytour is iudged vnworthie of lyfe There is a Canon in the .5 boke of Decret the .7 tit of heret Wherein withoute any circumstaunce of wordes Lucius the thirde of that name determyneth playnelye that heretykes are strycken with an euerlastinge curse whosoeuer beleue and teache otherwyse of the Sacraments than the church of Rome beleueth and teacheth He commaundeth moreouer that such beynge depryued of all dignitie shall be committed to the iudgement of the secular powers to be punished with dewe correction But yf the temporall maiestrate wyll not punish so defend the church that than he shal be also depriued of al honour c. But why do I tary in rehearsyng these thinges All men at this daie knowe and see what thynges are done daylie They are
I know rightwell that the proper names of great men haue ben sealed by prophecies and signified before as Iosias Cyrus Iesus But here thou canst gather no such thing but forceably and as it were agaynst the heere I vnderstande therefore by the nombre of the name of Antichrist or beaste the very accōpte wherby we come vnto his name And a name is a briefe definition or description of any thing whereby it is knowen of what sorte and maner it is Which thing in this our cause the nōbre supplieth whiche bringeth vs vnto those times which geue him his name whereof he taketh his name that is whiche times reueale vnto vs Antichrist spoken of before in the prophetes and shewe vs who and what he is or whō we should take for Antichrist euen him verely whiche hauing brought lowe three kinges he him selfe starteth vp of naught and to the distruction of the true religion beginneth to reigne And nowe he sheweth vs expressely this nombre nominall as I maye calle it The nōbre of .666 yeres is expounded and vocalle which maye leade vs vnto Antichriste that we maye knowe who it is and when we knowe him we maye beware of him and commaundeth vs to nombre the yeres sixe hondreth sixtie and sixe For so many importe these Greke letters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In expoundyng of the which nombre the expositours haue varied wonderfully I like best the exposition of the blessed Martir S. Ireney which perauenture an hondreth yeres after the setting forth of the Apocalipse wrote his boke against heresies saw some whiche hearde S. Iohn preach with S. Ireney maketh also Andreas the good bishop of Cesaria which with Aretas speaketh thus the perfit rekening iuste accompte of the nōbre as likewise other thinges which are written of the same Antichriste the oportunitie of time shall open Time shal reueale antichrist and very experience to suche as will watche dilligently For if it were necessary as some of the Doctours suppose that this name should be manifestly knowē he that sawe him would doubtles haue reuealed But the diuine grace allowed it not that the name of this pestiferous beaste should in this godly boke be rehersed Thus farre Andreas The exposition of Ireneus After the same sorte also the holy Martir of Christ Ireneus before Andreas lefte written in the .5 boke agaynst Heresies For aboute the ende of the booke it is surer sayeth he and with out daunger to abide and tary for the fulfillyng of the prophecie than to suspecte and gesse at euery name where as many names maye be founde hauing the foresayde nombre whereby notwithstanding the question is not aunswered Yet by and by he sayeth the name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 conteineth the nōbre of .666 And very like it is to be true For this vocable hath a very kingdome For thei be latines that now raigne This sayeth he Antichriste shal be a latine as also Sibilla prophecied And doubtles this good doctour erred not one whit indued with the holy spirite of God For we see that the church of Rome is called the latin churche and the Pope the high Bisshop of the latin church We see al seruice in churches sayde in the latin tongue In Courtes al iudgementes of Bisshoppes the latin tōgue only vsed Moreouer no man shall serue in this churche excepte he be a latiniste What wil you saie that these latinistes cal the Hebrewe that is to wit the holy tongue by an opprobriouse name Iewish the Grece Church tongue heretical The Bibles in Greke and Hebrewe be of them suspected For they will haue the latin Bibles only to be authenticall and to be red of all men as authenticall But these thinges are better knowen than that I nede to admonisshe and recite them here with many wordes Neuertheles this holy mā Ireneus doeth not wholy affirme this his coniecture as moste certayne whiche notwithstandyng he sayed yet was moste probable and like to be trewe For he addeth notwithstandyng we will not be in hazarde herein for he recited also the name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the royall or tirannicall name of Nimrod nother will we affirmatiuely pronounce that he shal haue this name knowing that in case it were requisite that his name shuld be manifestly preached at this present time it should doubtles haue ben vttered by him whiche had sene also the reuelation But this nombre of the name hath he shewed that we mighte beware of him when he cometh knowyng who he is And he concealed his name for that is not worthy to be preached of the holy ghost and so forth Neuerthelesse the same before this sheweth vs away A place of Daniel in the .7 chapt lighteth this place how to accompte those .666 yeres For thus he sayeth knowyng the sure nombre whiche is shewed vs of the Scripture that is to saye of .666 let the godly abide or loke for firste the diuisiō of the kingdome into ten afterwarde the same reigning and beginnyng to refourme their matters and to augment their kingedome he that cometh vpon the sodayne chalenge to him selfe a kingdome and shal put the foresayde kinges in feare hauyng a name conteyning the foresayde nombre to knowe him verely for the abomination of desolation This agayne sayeth he But who seeth not that the holy Martir sendeth vs to the prophecie of Daniel whiche in the .7 chapt sayeth howe the Romane Empire shall be diuided into many kingedomes how in the middes of those kinges shuld rise vp a litle horne whiche should ouerthrowe and abase three hornes and that the same shoulde beginne to reigne prowdely tirannically and wickedly agaynst bothe God and menne but chiefly to the faithfull intollerable Let vs see than how and when these thinges are fulfilled The Romane Empire falleth Where the Romane Empire had godly Emperours nother yet would wicked Rome bowe her styffe necke vnto Christ but alwaies most obstinately aspired to her olde and wonted Idolatrie which it coueted to haue restored and finally whē the fatal time was at hande wherin the lord most rightuouse thought to requite blouddy Rome he armed against her the Gothians Vandales and Germanes which subdued distroied the lady of the whole worlde and distroyed the whole Empire of the which matter seke more in the .57 Sermō and in the sermons followyng Many hornes or kinges arrise And it is euident by Histories that the Romane Empire the Gothians beginnyng to inuade it did slide prouinces reuolting in euery place and was seuered in many kingdome For to speake nothing of Asia and Affricke the Persians wasting that and this the Vandalles al Grece followed the Emperour of Constantinople and likewise other nations nere The Westegothes possessed all Spayne and the French mē of Franconie subdued Gaulles and Germany and the nations adioynyng to the same The Eastegothes and Lumbardes obteyned Italy Thus verely mere establisshed many kingdomes in steade of Rome reygned many
heauen or whether they be holden with a slepe and loke for the resurrectiō of the bodies to the intent they might than awake and together with their bodies enter into heauen vnto all the which things the celestial oracle aunsweryng forth with sayeth he that is by by cometh vnto soules that same felicitie In the latin copies this place is poincted thus blessed are th● dead which dye in the lorde Forthwith nowe sayeth the spirite that they maye reste from their labours In like maner readeth the Spanish or Complutēsian copie But Aretas and the Greke copies and also the exampler of Paris is thus poincted that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 should be the ende of the sentence as Erasmus noteth After followeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is yee verely certēly sayeth the spirite The sense is therfore that the faithfull beyng dead shal streight wayes immediately atchieue saluation For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which word S. Iohn vseth signifieth from the very instaunt from that houre immediately incōtinētly This suffereth no space betwixte but expresseth that which we are wonte to note by the dutch phrase beyng admonisshed therfore by a diuine oracle and confirmed by a writte brought from heauen let vs al be assured that the soules of al faithfull do flitte from the bodily death into life euerlasting These thinges are confirmed and made playne also by other places of Scriptures innumerable I wil chouse out only a certen fewe and those also the testimonies of our sauiour whiche is the light of the worlde and the worde of life In the .3 chapter of S. Iohn he sayeth expressely that the faythfull are so deliuered frō death by his crosse as in times paste by the sight of the brasen Serpent the Israelites were deliuered from the deadly sting of venemouse poison And playne it is that they were deliuered incontinently and most fully In the .5 of Iohn the same sayeth he hath passed from death to life Let this place be waied dilligently and it shal appere the same alone to satisfie in this matter In the .6 of Iohn he sayeth openly and I will reyse him in the laste daye But he reyseth not the bodies only at the laste iudgemente but in euery mans laste daye that is in the death of euery one he preserueth the soules that they should not perish or be tormented c. We haue in the gospel examples moste clere to witte of Lazarus the beggar which was by and by after his death caried vp of thaungelles into the bosome of Abraham and of the thiefe whiche hearde of the lord this daye shalt thou be with me in Paradise and of Stephen saiyng Lord Iesus receyue my spirite but especially of our Sauiour saiyng on the crosse father into thy handes I commende my spirite c. By these are quite ouerthrowen what thinges so euer the monkisshe and Antichristiane doctrine hath buylded of purgatory of trētalles and of the miserable state of soules in an other world Whereof they made a moste shamefull gayne They are also confuted which beleue that soules be mortall moreouer that soules slepe in another world Where they cā not so muche as here in this infirmitie slepe Therefore you wil saie it is madnes to thinke that soules slepe beyng quitte of the burthen of the body But cōcernyng the maner of the blessednes of Sainctes they reste from their labours Blessednes reste frō al labours Saluation therfore is a moste ioyeful tranquillitie Awaye go at ones diseases sickenesses griefes affections sorrowe famine thirste colde briefly all thinges that vexe or trouble men Rest and tranquillitie ioye and blesse come in place And sins the dead reste from theyr labours who can beleue that they be vexed with tormentes but leeste any man should neuer so little doubte herof he annereth a confirmation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yee or certenly verely sayeth the spirite the dead shal be quiet from al their griefes Let no mā therfore doubte Theyr workes follow them And he addeth an other thing that the workes of sainctes followe thē that is to saie after that the sainctes be departed hence than are they rewarded in another world if they haue done any thing wel if they haue suffered harde thinges For there is a rewarde prepared for vertues The which the sainctes do hope for and receyue without boasting of their owne deserte and not in contēpte of the merite of Christ For they acknoweledge that God in his sainctes crowneth his owne giftes And this is spoken of the rewarde of workes for the consolatiō of them which suffer many things in this world So sayed the lord in the Gospell your rewarde is plentifull in heauen And the Apostle affirmeth euery where that rewardes are prepared for them that are crucified here with Christ And here let vs marke dilligently that these thinges are spoken also of the spirite of Christe vnder the religion of an othe For the worlde dispiseth religiouse persones suche as suffer for religiō and obiecteth that they lose their labour and coste Cōtrarywise the spirite by an othe auoucheth that rewarde is prepared for vertue Followe them Lette vs marke also this that is sayed theyr workes and not other mens also followe them and are not by others sent after them Let no man therefore disceaue him selfe let no man thinke that after his death there should be sente to him into purgatory by soule priestes a fardell of other mens merites Those are not good workes which ar done by priestes freres besides and against Gods worde but prouocations of Gods wrath And be they not in the gospel shut out of the kingdome of God which runne to others to bye them oyle The Scripture in an other place Lette vs doe good whilest we haue time the time wil come that no man can worke Let vs watch therfore and of faith do good workes in dede ¶ The Iudgement of the Lorde is described vnder the paraboles of haruest and vintage The .lxvi. Sermon ANd I loked and beholde a white clowde and vpon the clowde one sittyng like vnto the Sonne of man hauing on his head a golden crowne and in his hande a sharpe sickle And an other Aungell came out of the Temple criyng with a lowde voyce to him that sat on the clowde Thruste in the sickle and reape for the corne of the Earth is ripe And he that sate on the clowde thruste in his sickle on the Earth and the Earth was reaped And an other Aungell came out of the Temple whiche is in Heauen hauyng also a sharpe sickle And an other Angell came out from the Aultar whiche had power ouer fire and cried with a lowde voyce vnto him that had the sharpe sickle and sayde thruste in thy sharpe sickle and gather the clusters of the Earth for hyr grapes are rype And the Angell thruste in his sickle on the earth and cutte downe the grapes of the vineyarde of the Earth and caste them into the greate wine fatte of the
plagues The .lxviij. Sermon ANd after that I loked beholde the Temple of the Tabernacle of testimony was open in Heauen and the seuen Angelles came out of the Temple whiche had the seuen plagues clothed on pure and bright linnen and hauynge their brestes gyrded with golden girdels And one of the foure beastes gaue vnto the seuen Aungelles seuen golden vialles ful of the wrath of God which liueth for euermore And the tēple was ful of smoke for the glory of God and for his power and no man was able to enter into the Temple till the seuen plagues of the seuen Angelles were fulfilled The fruictes of the treatise of Gods iudgementes He retourneth now to the description of the iudgementes of God from the which he had made a little digressiō This treatise hath much fruicte For the iudgementes of God be the punnishmentes or paynes of the wicked the testimonies of Gods rightuousenes and veritie Againe the godly are herwith confirmed in their hope For they see that one Iote doeth not fall from the wordes and threateninges of God although he be of longe suffering winketh at them long and euen semeth to fauour and to spare the vngodly The godly therefore perceyue that their hope is not vayne They learne also to feare God and to praye continually leeste beyng dronken with the pleasures and felicities of this world they reuolte frō God to vngodlines Finally the wicked are feared with paynes are prouoked to repetaunce which whilest they refuse they fele vndoubtedly plagues as Pharao felte The description of the seuen Aungelles But before the Angelles powre out the cuppes of plages receyued they are most gallaūtly and dilligently described And is shewed from whence they came out that is what is the originall of the iudgementes of God They come out of the temple set open and that out of the temple of the Tabernacle of witnes which is in heauē For Moses sawe a temple on the mounte and that also in heauen after the similitude whereof he was commaunded of God to make the tabernacle of witnes Therefore was the tabernacle of witnes facioned and builte after the shape exhibited and sene in heauen which the blessed Apostle to the Hebrewes calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to wit the very example or patron For it was sayed to Moses see that thou makest euery thinge accordyng to the Patron which was shewed thee on the Mounte Which thing Moses did accordingly But such thinges as came forth of the Tabernacle of witnes made in earth semed to the Israelites iuste and holy Herof were ared the oracles and aunswers of God which it was not lawefull to speake agaynst Therfore when we heare nowe that the very iudgementes of God agaynst the wicked world Thangels come forth of the tēple paynes and punnishmentes come out of the trewe temple it selfe the patron I meane and that celestial who should herafter doubte that al the iudgemētes of God wherwith he plageth the vngodly be sacred holy And whilest the vngodly are plaged that we muste thinke nothing els but that a sentence as it were an oracle is comen or pronounced from heauen whiche it is vnlawefull to gayne saye to conclude the diuine iudgementes do procede out of the very tr●ne of God wherefore they can not but be moste holy Otherwise we shal heare in the .21 chapt that there is no temple in heauē These be therfore Tipes and figures not matters trewe and permanent but after they haue signified this for the which they were instituted passyng and fadyng awaye Hereunto also apperteyneth the apparell of Angelles Aungelles clothed in brighte white linē that hereof ●oe maye also esteme the iudgementes of God They are sayed to be clothed in pure lynen or cleane and white or bright 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherby is signified that the iudgementes of God are vnspotted and bright For we haue hearde that these thinges which S. Iohn sawe were signes Therfore we maye not Imagine carnal thinges in heauenly matters but spiritually to expounde suche thinges as in the signe seme to be as it were corporall The garment in this worlde is chaunged with the state of thinges For they vse white garmentes in victories and triumphes blacke at burialles and mourninges red in battel Here is signified therfore that the iudgementes of God are most pure that God ouercometh and triumpheth ouer the vngodly At the resurrection and ascention of our lord Angelles appered in white garmentes shyning bright to signifie the glory of Christ Now is the very breste girded with a girdel and that in dede with a golden girdell Golde is a token of purenes In the breste is the seate of affections The girdell byndeth moreouer prepareth for the iourney Therefore it betokeneth that the iudgementes of God are prepared and in a readines the same to waunt affections that is to saye not to be pronounced or done of enuie or mallice loue or fauour but to be iuste moderate and vpright One of the beastes geueth vials And one of the beastes gaue vnto the seuen Angels reuengers punnishers seuen bolles the same ful of gods wrath Now although God nedeth not the helpe of creatures nother receiueth any thing of them as waūting any thing yet sins he made not his creatures in vaine doeth thinges in order al creatures doubtles for I sayed in the .4 chapt how by the beastes the vniuersalitie of creatures is signified bestowe their labour agaynst the wicked and what so euer they haue of God and they haue al thinges at his wil and cōmaundement they imploye willyngly and franckely to execute the iudgementes of God Thus fire fallyng from heauen vpon Sodome and the cities aboute it did minister the plage or cup of Gods wrath to the Aungel reuenger So the water ouerwhelmed Pharao and his hoste So the Earth opening swallowed vp the company of Chore Dathan and Abyron c. Thus the Armies of the gentiles imploye themselues to take punnishement of the vngodly The walles of Iericho fall the hayle distroyeth the Chananites Thus God without any difficultie punnisheth his enemies seyng al creatures are ready to ayde and assiste And the viall or cuppe is of golde For againe is signified the iustice equitie of Gods iudgementes And where God is called a reuēger liuyng for euer his eternitie and maiestie is signified whiche neuer the transitorie thinges of this worlde and humane infirmities shall ouercome In the sight of the liuyng God all the wicked shal fall and perish euerlastingly After this the Apostle seeth The temple ful of smoke the temple filled with smoke for the maiestie of God and for his power That smoke is a signe of Gods presence it appereth by many places of the Scripture but chiefly in the .8 chap. of the .3 boke of Kinges Than is it also a token of Gods wrath For Aretas smoke sayeth he is a tokē of Gods wrath according as it is sayed smoke ascended in
him after whose will and lawe she frameth her selfe wholly For she is the body of a liuely head As S. Paul saieth in the .5 to the Ephe. The bride leaders be the prophets patriarkes Apostles So Ihon Bapt. in the .3 of Ihon calleth himselfe the frend of the brydegrome He addeth to be the spouse of Christ S. Paul 2. Cor. 11 I haue maried you to one man a chaste Virgin c. Hereunto the .16 chapter of Ezechiell semeth to appertayne And the ioyninge together of eyther partie is made after they be affiaunced with certen ceremonies to wit by taking ech other by the handes and certen wordes spoken there is geuen a token or a ring c. But immediatly after the beginning was a league or bonde made betwixte God and men which is ofte tymes red of not withoute ceremonies certen wordes and sacrifices repared as by Abraham Moses and others God byndeth himselfe to men and men to him and that notwithout Sacramentes Hereunto belonge all those thinges that God woulde be in league with man and haue men bounden to him and all his thinges communicated to vs. And this mariage of all others is most straightly ioyned and made whyleste the sonne of God hath vnited our fleshe into one and the same person with him and hath commaunded the Apostles to preach vnto all that he wyll haue a communion with the faithful Of the which communion are red many things euery where in the scriptures And he hath geuen a pledge of faith and perpetual amitie A pledge not a ring of gold but rather the sacramentes yea euen the holy ghost as S. Paule sayeth in the .2 to the Cor. 1. and to the Ephesi the first And the mariage Mariage shall be solemnized in the resurrection of the dead The soules verely passe from the death corporal into lyfe euerlasting but yet the full restitution and saluation of man is not made perfect except the body come also Therfore at the resurrection cometh the mariage of the lambe that is of Christ our redemer Than are we caried to mete Christ in the ayer than he bringeth in his wyfe into the bed chamber of eternall glory and blesse than shall be holden that feast and deintie supper than shal the bryde inioy for euer the loue of the brydegrome This shall be verely the mariage of the lambe And the mariage shal be the merier for that the whore beinge caste oute and condemned the wyfe and honeste matrone shal haue the ful and perfect ioy alone At this ioy and at this mariage the holy inhabiters of heauen do reioyce The preparation of the bryde to ye●ariage Moreouer the Sainctes resite here also a certen preparation of the Bryde that by the waye the godly maye vnderstande what thinge beste becommeth them and whereunto they shoulde apply themselues in the last age Let vs prepare our selues to mete the Bridegrome For we loke for the iudge euery howre And we prepare our selues not in one howr or day but all our lyfe time And howe we shoulde be prepared the Lord himself sheweth by the parable of ten Virgins Let vs decke our selues with true fayth againste Antichriste in the later dayes Math. 25 Luke 21. Let vs beautifie our selues with the works of charitie the works also of righteousnes chastitie and temperauncie Let vs not be corrupted and defiled with drōkennes bloude and cares of this worlde Furthermore leest any shoulde ascrybe this preparation to his owne merite strength and vertue The bryds araye and that we shoulde see also that the same preparatiō doth chiefly consiste in prouyding of the garment S. Ihon addeth incontinently and to her was graunted that she shoulde aray or apparell her selfe Yf it be geuē than is it not by our force or meanes prepared 1. Corinth 4. chapter Yf it be geuen than is it not bought by popish trafficke Reade the .8 to the Actes And he expresseth also the kinde of garmēt of cleane or pure silke shyning or brighte For we reade also in the gospell of the wedding garment The Apostle ful oft exhorteth vs that we shuld put vpon vs the Lorde Iesus These things be in alligorie But he by and by expounding nowe this kynde of garment sayeth that silke is the righteousnes of sainctes ¶ Iustifications or ryghteousenesse Sainctes he calleth the faithfull But where there is one only iustificatiō of faith through Christe S. Ihon speaketh iustifications in the plurall nombre For they that be freely through Christe iustified by fayth onely doe incontinently sondry and many workes of righteousnes For he that is iuste as the same Ihon saieth 1. Ihon. 3 the same worketh righteousnes Therfore be ther iustifications to witte the righteousnes of fayth iustifieng and the righteousenes of workes iustifieng that is to saye declaring vs to be iustified by fayth alone For we are purified by the bloud of Christe freely the which we receyue by fayth and be fully iustified witnesse Paule in the .3 to the Romanes Agayne they that be righteouse do sondry workes of righteousenes and cōmend themselues vnto God So do they not appeare naked but clothed with ther wedding garmēt as we touched also in the thirde chapter of this booke A pure and bright garment And full aptely is the garment of the bryde called pure or cleane not for her selfe whome we knowe to be alwaies hindered and weakened by the fleshe but for the spirite sanctifieng and bloude of the sonne of God as Saincte Paule testifieth Ephesians the fifte and fyrste of Ihon the fyrste The garment is sayed moreouer to be shyning and bryght and that for the glorifieng of Sainctes to come Whereof is made mention in the .12 of Daniell and .13 chapter of Mathew For of righteousnesse followeth glory For whome he hath iustified Roma 8 the same hath he also glorified Vnto him be prayse honour and glory ¶ Of the certētie of the saluation of Sainctes and what blesse or Saluation is The .lxxxiij. Sermon AND he sayed vnto me wryte blessed are they which are called vnto the lambes supper And he said vnto me these are the true sayenges of God Of the certētie of the saluatiō of the faithfull The second place of this chapter is of the certentie of the saluation of the faithful where is signified in the meane season what and of what maner is the blesse of the faithful For ther is saied enough already of the mariage of the lamb and that is to say of the glory and blesse of the chosen but many thinges are suggested to man in this lyfe which bring saluation in doubt and go aboute as it wer to make it vncertaine and therefore waueryng myndes are here nowe confyrmed This doctrine is profitable for afflicted and troubled cōsciences and ouerthroweth and beateth downe the doctrine of sophisters affirming that man is neuer assured of his saluatiō for that in an other place the wise man saieth man knoweth not whether
whome the lord executeth greatest affaires They take vpon them for the moste parte the shape of men and very oft appeare vnto men serue kepe and doe good vnto thē accordyngly as God vseth their ministerie Hebrew 1. For the Apostle speakyng of Angelles as I tolde you in the .29 Sermon be they not al sayeth he ministring spretes which are sent forth to serue for their sakes whiche shall be made heyres of saluation And these thinges doeth the Scripture make playne by sondry examples Genes 18.19 Three appered to Abraham in mans likenes whiche were Aungelles instructyng him two deliuered Loth him self out of the handes of the Sodomites and brought him out of the fire Genes 32. whole armies of Aungelles inuironne Iacob defendyng him agaynst the force and violence o● his brother Esawe Exod. 34. The Lorde sente his Angell before Moses and the children of Israell to leade them through the wildernes into the lande of promission 4. kings 6 4. kinges 19. Firie charettes compassed about Helizeus An Angel leuied the siege of Hierusalem slayeng an hondreth foure score and fiue thousande of the Assiryans Daniel hath Angelles familiar with him Likewise the fathers and other Prophetes An Aungell deliuereth Ioseph out of all care Math. 1.2 the same deliuereth the wise menne from the treason of Herode by and by he commaundeth to conueye awaye Christ into Aegipt Matth. 4.28 Angelles minister to Christ in white garmentes they testified that the Lorde was risen and ascended into heauen Actes 1.5.10 and .12 The same bryng the Apostles out of prison one of them deliuereth Peter out of Herodes prison An Angell is sent to Cornelius an Italian captayne Angelles many times talke with Paule Oftentimes they imploye great benefites vpon men They declare themselues through God to be of greate power And whileste menne obserue those thinges ❀ Whie Iounwold haue worshipped the Angel they would worshippe Aungelles as euen at this present where the Apostle S. Iohn vnderstande that Christ him self by his Angell did open to him so great misteries for the profit of churches whilest he maruayled at his brightnes and godly giftes he would by and by haue worshipped this his Angell the bringer of misteries not that he intended or pourposed to reuolte from God and couered in stead of God to worshippe an Angell for nother is it lawefull ones to Imagine suche a wickednes of so greate an Apostle He woulde therefore haue worshipped and honored the Angell with Dulia as they terme it and as Thomas of Aquine expoundeth it not with Latria that is to saye to worshyppe and honour God as God but the Aungell somewhat lesse as an excellent messager of God Howebeit herein he offended to the ende that al menne should vnderstande that they sinne howe many so euer doe worshippe and honour Aungelles or excellent creatures with godly worshippe As all the worshippers of Sainctes doe at this daye in Papistrie Nother haue they any other shifte to colour their errour but that same distinction that God is worshipped and honoured with worship latrical and Sainctes and Angelles with worship dulical and the virgin Mary with honour hiperdulical and I wote not what thinges els which I am both ashamed and loth to reherse And it appereth that S. Iohn here was intangled with the same errour S. Iohn erreth whom otherwise we must nedes cōfesse to haue sinned by Apostasie and would haue worshipped the Angell for God or with God Which are both two wicked and vnworthie such a manne But in ease he worshipped God and would neuerthelesse haue worshipped the Angel also what thing els did he than offende in the worshippe dulicall And verely God hath permitted so worthie a man to erre as he did also Peter and Thomas to the intent he mighte heale ou● infirmities that is to witte that by their errours we might learne to beleue more rightly and to honour God more purely For this present place teacheth openly and other like examples of errours that all the sayinges and doynges of Sainctes are not to be allowed without any differente For now here followeth the facte of an Angel most excellent that is to saye a godly confutatiō of the errour That no● A●●gell●s 〈◊〉 Sa 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sh●uld be worshipped First he sayeth not lightly do not as thou haste pourposed but greuousely condemning his facte he sayeth with a certen vehemencie see thou doest it not We haue a like phrase of speach here in Swicerlande what time signifiynge in any wise to be ware we saye Long vnd thu das nitte Loke thou doest it not Wherefore we haue learned by the testimonie of the angell that now nother Angels nor sainctes are to be worshipped For seyng the Lord himself sayeth of Sainctes thei shal be as the Angelles of God I see not whie they shoulde not match the Sainctes with Angels And we haue verely learned that they maye be worshipped nother with culte latrical nor dulical And to worship is with a minde to honour to fal at the fete to bowe downe and knele As I haue sayed els where After thangel sheweth reasons whie he ought not to worshippe for I am thy fellowe seruaunt He sayeth not seruaūt but fellowe seruaunt to witte of the same office with thee vnder the same lord and maister For Angelles serue God after their maner and so doe menne serue God after theyr maner yet are all seruauntes and that the seruauntes of one maister And it is agaynste reason that one seruaunt should honour and worship and other of his fellowes beyng of the same state and creation It is therfore an vnworthie matter that the faithful should worship the Apostles Prophetes or Martirs muche lesse doeth it become them to honour their dead bones And leeste any man should saye how thangel in dede in respecte of the moste excellent Apostle S. Iohn confesseth himself to be his felowe seruaunt but that there is an other consideration to be had of other men which come not nere the dignitie of blessed Iohn therefore sins we be much inferiour we maie worship Angelles and Apostles our superiours The bretherne of Iohn and Christ he preuenteth and sayeth and of thy bretherne And who be the bretherne of the Apostle S. Iohn the Angel him selfe aunswereth and sayeth whiche haue the testimony of Iesu The testimony of Iesus is the gospell the very fayth fixed on the gospell comprehendyng with a faythfull minde Iesus Wherfore al the faithful of Christ be Iohns bretherne therefore is the Angel their fellowe seruaunt also And therefore none of the faithful ought to worship any Angel or Apostle the lorde him selfe also in the .12 of Matth. calleth all that obeye his worde or preachyng Christē fraternitie bretherne And here is dilligentely to be noted that by faith we are made the bretherne of Christ of Angelles and Apostles This shuld the Monkes and Freres haue beaten in and set forth and not the fraternitie of our Lady
sins prepared the same is also prepared for the kynge whiche he hath made bothe wide and depe the inwarde parlour therof is fire great store of wood which the blaste of the lord or streame of sulphur setteth on fire Not muche vnlike things are red in the .66 chapt in the gospel of Iesu Christ Marke the .9 Matth. .25 and in other places in maner infinite And the plague of Sodome is knowē to all men Genes 19. The laughynges therefore of the vngodly sknorners dispised the godly had rather beleue these thinges than to proue them For here is helle set open as it were for vs to loke into it Let vs feare And two here are singularly named These two are cast into the ponde For sins they haue ben authours of all euilles of right they muste be chiefe in paines or tormentes For the wise man also hath sayde terriblely and sodēly wil he appere vnto you for it shal be a most harde iudgement to thē that beare rule Sapiēt ● and the mightie shal suffer mightie tormentes For the Scripture also sheweth in an other place that there be degrees of punnishement after the qualitie of the crime And let vs not thinke here that the head is punnished with out the membres For the whole body of Antichrist shal be condemned to tormentes Al vngodly shal be punnished as hereafter shal be more plainely and in the ende of the .20 chapt declared But that same is also especially to be noted They are caste into the po●●● quicke that it is saide howe they shal be caste quicke into helle For so is signified the resurrectiō of the dead Here is signified that in the iudgement the world yet remayning shal be taken in the flesh not as yet dead but liuyng whiche S. Paule expresseth liuely .1 Thessal 4. And we pronounce openly in the crede saying frō thēce he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead not only the iust and vniuste but the dead to witte remaynyng in the flesh and liuyng Antichrist therefore shall liue at the daye● iudgemēt shal not be extinguished before The persecution of Antichrist shal indure with all vngodlines euen to the last daye And like as Chore Dathan and Abyron and the reste of the conspiratours were taken in the very crime of rebellion and swallowed vp quicke with their tabernacles and all their thinges of the Earth openyng so at the daye of iudgement Helle gapyng wide shall receyue and swallowe vp all the vngodly but chiefely the Antichristians The which many now beleue not but in that daye shall so finde it with vnspeakeable paynes and horrour incredible and al we shal see it with these our eyes Euery one putteth truste in his owne secte and hopeth to obteyne saluatiō in his superstition But the thinges that we here at this presente are tolde vs of the iudge him self Christ as most certayne and vndoubted and after a sorte are set forth to beholde And the rēuaunt are slaine with the sworde And what shall be done at that iudgemente with the residewe of the vngodly and impenitent shall the Antichristians only be damned for Antichristianisme S. Iohn addeth and the remnaunt are slayne with the sworde c. For in the 25. of Matth. is pronounced by the mouth of the iudge go into fire euerlastyng prepared for the deuill and his Angelles For I was hōgrie and ye gaue me no meate so forth For if they be to be damned by the iuste iudgemēt of God which when they might haue done good to men haue not done it what I praye thee shal come of them whiche not only haue shewed no liberalitie to the nedy but haue moreouer spoiled suche as had honestly and were liberall of their goodes and they afterwardes haue spent the same in liuyng riottousely and so haue brought them that were of honest substaūce into extreme miserie and by this meane haue robbed the pore also which were wont to be holpen through their liberalitie of their helpe succour here are also comprehended heretikes Iewes Gentiles Mahometistes and all other like ¶ And all foules are filled At th ende is repeted that all foules are filled with the flesh of the damned The whiche we vnderstande to be repeted by a figuratiue speache and yet not to be expounded after the lettre but by that maner of speakyng to be signified that all vngodly and impenitent persones shal be punnisshed moste aboundantly Primasius expoundyng this place we ought not sayeth he to vnderstande it so carnally that we shoulde beleue the Sainctes for by birdes he expoundeth Sainctes to be satiated with the flesh of the wicked but the equitie of Gods iudgement beyng to the Sainctes reuealed by the which redemyng the ful nomber of the chosen the residewe he hath decreed to be damned they are saide to be filled with this knoweledge of rightuousenes whiche in this life a man maye honger or thirste fore but not perfitly comprehende And Esaye also speaking of the vngodly and thei shal be sayeth he for the fulnes of sight vnto al fleshe here I suppose to be set the foresayde fulnes of soules And by and by and the foules maye be taken in the euill parte for the Angelles that transgressed whiche after they haue brought their followers to destruction their euil desire accomplisshed they are sayde to be filled with the fleshe of the condemned takyng satietie of their damnation vnto whome they were Authours of errours Thus muche Primasius But for my parte as I doe not mislyke these things which are doubtles spoken truely so thinke I that the same are not to be sifted so nere whiche spoken figuratiuely and after the propheticall imitatiō seme to intimate no other thynge but as I sayde a little before that all the vngodly should be distroyed by the great power of God and extreme tormentes Therfore let vs feare God to whom alone be glory ¶ Of the bright veritie of the gospell which by the ministerie of the Apostles was spred abroade through out the whole world by a thousande yeres The .lxxxvij. Sermon AND I saw an Angel come downe from heauen The .20 chapter hauyng the keye of the bottomlesse pitte and a great chayne in his hande And he toke the Dragon that olde Serpent whiche is the deuill and Sathanas and he bounde him a thousande yeres and caste him into the bottomlesse pitte And he boūde him and set a seale on him that he should deceaue the people no more till the thousande yeres were fulfilled And after that muste he belowsed for a little season The greatest force of religiō consisteth in the knowledge of the laste iudgemēt Seyng the greatest poinctes of religiō and true godlines consiste in the true knoweledge and vnderstandyng of the laste iudgement as I ofte admonish to our great commoditie S. Iohn discourseth with so much dilligence the treatise of the laste iudgement And after his accustomed maner to the intent all thinges that