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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14216 The summe of Christian religion: deliuered by Zacharias Vrsinus in his lectures vpon the Catechism autorised by the noble Prince Frederick, throughout his dominions: wherein are debated and resolued the questions of whatsoeuer points of moment, which haue beene or are controuersed in diuinitie. Translated into English by Henrie Parrie, out of the last & best Latin editions, together with some supplie of wa[n]ts out of his discourses of diuinitie, and with correction of sundrie faults & imperfections, which ar [sic] as yet remaining in the best corrected Latine.; Doctrinae Christianae compendium. English Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Parry, Henry, 1561-1616. 1587 (1587) STC 24532; ESTC S118924 903,317 1,074

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withdrawen from those errors which happily we drunk in in our childhood 3. Because we are to hold the foundation vpon which we may build and vnto which we may referre those thinges which wee reade 4. Because God receaueth not into fauour those who by their iudgement cannot discerne betweene things honest and dishonest this is to be vnderstood touching those who are able to receaue instruction neither doth saluation befal to those who haue vnderstanding without agnising and profession of the truth or without faith repentance This is life eternall Iohn 17.3 Rom. 10.17 that they know thee to be the only verie God And faith commeth by hearing Now no man beleeueth in him of whom he hath neuer heard There must therefore in the Church be deliuered such a summe of doctrine of which the ruder and yonger sort also may bee capable 5. Because of order and seemlines For as the Children of the Iewes after Circumcision were instructed in the Lawe so it beseemeth vs also after Baptisme to instruct our little ones in the first principles of Religion 6 It is necessary also for the rude and yonger sort that they bee seuered and discerned from the Heathen Obiection But we may haue an implicit or confused faith Therefore no neede of instruction Aunswere No faith is without knowledge therfore there is need of instructiō Rom. 10.14 Iohn 3.36 How shal they beleeue in him of whom they haue not hard He that beleeueth not in the Sonne the wrath of God abideth on him OF THE HOLY SCRIPTVRE WE see all men who at leastwise striue not to cast off all sense of humanitie to imbrace and professe some opinion of God and his wil as also some manner of worshipping him partly drawen from nature her selfe and partly by persuasion receaued which is it that they cal Religiō Now albeit al wil easily grant that to be the true Religion which hath beene deliuered by God himselfe neither will they seem to haue come vnto that degree of impudency as not to yeeld their assent vnto God when he speaketh of himselfe and of his owne wil yet notwithstanding which maie be that Religion deliuered from aboue wil neuer be agreed vpon amongest men vntil our Lord Iesus Christ returning to iudge the quick and dead doe decide the controuersie There are two opinions of Religion The one deemeth that in euery Religion which doth leade a man towardes God saluation is to be found The iust man shal liue by his faith that is euery man as these men interpret it shall liue by his faith what maner so euer it be But this opinion is not true because there is but one true Religion others are false lying at variance with the true according as it is said He that beleeueth not in the Sonne the wrath of God abideth on him The other opinion thinketh and that rightly that that is the true Religion in which God is truely worshipped and that to be but one that in it onely men shal be saued But the Church of God doth certainly know and though all the Diuels and wicked ones stamp at it doth professe that this is the alone true and wholesome doctrine of God and his worship which God himselfe euen from the creation of man deliuered by his owne voice to our first fathers and afterwards would haue to be contained in the scriptures by the Prophets and Apostles Since then whatsoeuer we may affirme of God and the saluation of men doth depend on the written word we wil first consider these foure things as touching the Scripture before wee come to make recitall what our selues affirme 1 What the holie Scripture teacheth or how Christian doctrine is diuided 2 What Religion deliuered in the Scriptures differeth from other religions or how we ought to discerne the true Church and to disseuer her from other sects 3 From whence it appeareth this Religion alone to be true and diuine and al others to be forged 4 For what cause no doctrine besides the holy Scripture is to bee receaued into the Church OF THE FIRST QVESTION What the holy scripture teacheth THE argument and summe of the whole sacred Scripture cannot be more rightly nor more simply nor with more perspicuous breuitie comprised thē the holy Ghost hath comprised it in the ten commandements Creed in which the Articles of our Faith are rehearsed which will be manifest inough if we remēber that the whole Scripture consisteth of twoo partes the Law and the Gospell The Catechisme of Heidelberg maketh mention of three of which yet the first the third appertaine vnto the Law Others make fiue parts The Decalog or tenne commandements the Law the Creed the Sacraments and praier But the Decalog is the summe of the Law and therefore is it to be referred vnto the Law which is the former part The Creede conteineth the summe of the Gospel and therefore must it be referred vnto the Gospell which is the secōd part The Sacraments are as appurtenāces adioined vnto the doctrine of the Gospel therfore also they are referred vnto the second part Praier is a part of the worship of God and therefore to be referred vnto the Law There are also who say this doctrine of the Church is diuided 1. Into the doctrine as touching God 2. into the doctrin concerning his wil 3. into the doctrine concerning his works But these three parts are handled both in the Lawe and in the Gospel An argument from the diuision 1. For al the doctrine concerning God is either of the nature or of the will or of the workes of God Wherefore what the nature of God is is taught in the Law and Gospel His wil is seene either in his commandements or in his threatnings or in his promises Now his works either are his benefites or the iudgementes of his will which are to be beheld in the creation after the fal in the restoring of man Besides these the sinnes also of men and diuels are described And of all these wee are taught either in the Law or in the Gospel or in both Wherefore the Law the Gospel are the chiefe generall heads which comprehend al the doctrine of the Scripture 2 Christ himselfe hath made this diuision saying So it is written and so it behooued Christ to suffer Testimonies and to rise from the dead the third day and that in his name should be preached repentance and remission of sinnes Now all this is conteined in the Law and the Gospell 3 Because the Law and the Gospel doe comprehend the same which are comprehended in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and in the doctrine of the Church in which is comprehended what God hath done vnto vs and what of vs hee requireth Therefore haue we well diuided the Doctrine of the Church into the Law and the Gospel 4 We doe gather also the self-same argument of the holy scripture by this From the definition of the subiect to wit
the couenant that the bookes of the Prophets and apostles are called the old and new Testament For it is wel known that here by the name of Testament is meant the couenant If then the couenant which is between God and the faithfull bee described in these bookes it must needes bee that in them is declared what God promiseth and what hee doth vnto vs to wit his fauour remission of sinnes his holy spirit righteousnes and life euerlasting and preseruation of his Church in this life by and for his sonne our mediatour as also what he requireth of vs that is to say faith by the which we receaue his benefits and a life framed according to his commandementes by which wee declare our thankfulnes And these are the thinges which are taught in the Law and Gospell 5 Neither is the meaning of the holy Ghost otherwise From the Subiect correlatiue of the couenāt when in a woorde he sayeth that Christ is taught in the whole Scripture and that hee alone is to be sought there For Paul truely as also the rest of the Apostles did not propose a maimed but a whole doctrine vnto the churches euen as himselfe witnesseth Act. 20. That hee kept nothing backe but shewed all the counsell of God concerning the Ephesians And yet the selfe-same Apostle 1 Cor. 2. saith That hee knew nothing but Iesus Christ and him crucifyed And Cap. 3. That the foundation of the doctrine of the Church is Christ alone And that this foundation is common to the Prophets together with the Apostles Wherefore the Doctrine concerning Christ is the summe and scope of the Scripture and the foundation laid by the Prophets and Apostles on which whosoeuer rely not they are not stones of the Temple of God that is members of Christes Church OF THE SECOND QVESTION SINCE that we do vnderstand what is the Doctrine of the Church Wherefore true religion is to be discerned from others cōteined in the books of the Prophets and Apostles to wit the sound and vncorrupt voice of the Law of God and the Gospell concerning Christ easie it is necessarie for vs to discerne it from al other religions 1 Because of the commandement of God 1 Cause The commandement of God 1. Iohn 5.39 1. Cor. 10. 1 Cor 6.17 Apoc 18.4 E●a● 52.11 ● Iohn 10. 2. ●●me The glory of God 2. Cor. 6.15 which ought to suffice vs whether we know the cause or no. Flie Idols Depart from her my people Be not yoked with Infidels Be yee holy Touch no vncleane thing yee that beare the vessels of the Lord. Hee that bringeth not this doctrine bid him not God speede 2 For the glorie of God who as hee will not haue him-self coupled with idols and diuels So also hee will haue his truth seuered from lies and his houshold to bee separated from the enemies of the Church that is from the children of Satan It were contumelious so to thinke of God as that he would haue such Children as persecute him There is no agreement betweene Christ and Belial ● Our saluation 3 For our owne saluation and that in two respects 1. That the Church may be known that is may be beheld vnto the which the faithful may ioyne them-selues Whereas if thou canst not discern the true Church from the false thou shalt ●ot know vnto which to ioyne thy selfe and what maner of woorship thou oughtest to follow For God will that all which are to he saued be gathered vnto the Church according as it is said Out of the Church there is no saluation 2. In regard of our comfort that euery one may know of what kingdome they are and whether they be of those vnto whom God promiseth saluation This canst thou not know except thou canst discerne the true Church from false churches 4 The doctrine of other sectes 4. The confirmation and the difference is necessarie to be knowen that our faith and comfort may bee the surer when as we see that to be in our Church which ●is wanting in others likewise when as wee perceiue what is the cause why they who make profession of our doctrine he saued but all other sectes together with their sectaries be damned 5 Least wee being deceaued should embrace the doctrine of some other sect for true Religion 5. The eschuing of danger Act. 4 Iohn 10. For there is no saluation in any other neither among men is there giuen any other name vn●der heauen whereby wee must bee saued Therefore is it said He that is the sheepheard of the sheepe him doe the sheep follow because they know his voice and they wil not follow a stranger but they flee from him for they know not the voice of strangers It is necessarie therefore that the sheep know how to discerne the voice of the sheepherd from the voice of wolues according vnto the rule 1. Iohn 4 Beleeue not euerie spirit For Sathan is wont to transforme himselfe into an Angel of light and the most part of Heretikes doe imitate the woords of true teachers whereas their opinions are most different And wee oftentimes see that the ruder sort when as they perceaue some similitude in some either rites or opinions are easily lead to beleeue that the aduersaries of the Church do professe either the same religion with vs or not so bad as wee make it or since that they haue some thing common with vs that it is not much material whether they let passe some thinges or ad some others Wherefore least some shewe of likenes may beguile any man it is profitable that the manifest and vniuersal differences of the true and false religions may be laid open to the sight 6 Least we be partakers of the punishments which are to 6. Punishment come on such men Apoc. 18.4 Goe out of her that ye be not partakers in her sinnes and that ye receaue not of her plagues 7 That the wicked may bee left vnexcuseable 7 That the wicked may bee left vnexcuseable For albeit an acknowledging of God is neither sufficient to saluation nor true without the doctrine of the Church yet so much of God is manifested vnto al men as is sufficient to take away al excuse from them for their impiety For neither vnto these very things which may truely bee gathered concerning God by the light of nature and frame of the world do they giue their assent neither go they forward to seeke a more full knowledge of God vnto the which those thinges are as it were spurs to pricke them forward but either they doe quite and clean reiect them or they draw them vnto an other meaning and stitch their own inuentions vnto them besides and against the testimonie of the whole nature of things and their owne consciences So that they are ignorant indeed of God but that of stubbornes and of purpose And this is the very cause why at length they are oppressed with desperation because they are
wee beleeue that the scriptures were deliuered from heauen be the witnes of the church who seeth not that heerby the autoritie of mans voice is made greater then of the voice of God For he that yeeldeth his testimonie vnto an other so that he is the onely or the chiefe cause why credence is giuen vnto the other out of all doubt greater credite is giuen vnto him then vnto the other who receiueth his testimonie Wherefore it is a speech most vnwoorthy the maiestie of God that the voice of God speaking in his holie booke is not acknowledged except it bee confirmed by the witnesse of men Secondarily 2. Reason Our comfort Faith is groūded on approoued witnes therfore not on mans wheras the doctrine of the Prophets Apostles doth preach of so great matters as the certaine knowledge of thē is so greatly desired of all who are well disposed and the conflictes of doubtfulnes in all mens mindes are so great what full assurance of our faith can there bee what sure consolation against the assaultes of temptations if that that voice on which our confidence relieth bee no otherwise knowen vnto vs to bee indeed the voice of God but because men say so in whom wee see so much ignorance error and vanitie to bee that no man scarcely especially in matters of some weight doth attribute much vnto their woorde except other reasons concurre with it 3 Reason The confutation of our enemies Thirdly the truth of God and christian religion is plainly exposed vnto the mockes and scoffes of the wicked if we going about to stop their mouthes do therefore onely desire that we should be credited that our Religion is from God because our selues say so For if they bee by no other confutation repressed they will with no lesse shew of truth deny it than wee affirme it 4 Reason Witnesses Last of all the scripture it selfe in many places is against this opinion doth chalenge a far higher authoritie vnto it selfe thē which hangeth vpon mens woords For so sayth Christ himselfe Iohn 5. I receiue not the record of man signifieng thereby that his doctrine stood not no not on Iohn Baptists testimonie although yet he did alleadge it but as of lesse account that he might omit nothing by which men might be moued to beleeue Therefore he addeth But I saie these thinges that you may beleeue I haue a greater witnes then the witnes of Iohn And if Christ nowe beeing humbled said these thinges of himselfe then surely shall they be no lesse true of him being in glory and sitting in his throne And 1. Corinth 2. Paul saith My word and my preaching stood not in the entising speech of mans wisedome but in plaine euidence of the spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisedome of men but in the power of God If so bee then our faith must not rest no not vpon reasons wisely framed by men much lesse shal it depend on the bare word of men Eph. 2. the Church herselfe is said to bee builded vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles If then the confidence and confession of the Church staieth on the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles as on the foundation the certainty of the Scripture cannot hang on the Churches witnes For so should not the Church be vpheld by the testimonie of the Prophets and Apostles but by her owne And 1. Iohn 5. it is said If we receiue the witnes of men the witnes of God is greater If it be greater then the authoritie of it hangeth not on the record of man But wee are to giue more credence vnto God witnessing the Prophets and Apostles writings to bee indeede his voice then vnto the Church affirming the same Now that it is said of the contrary That they are true the Church alone doth witnesse Answere The minor is false That by the Churches Obiection 1 record alone it doth appeare vnto vs that the sacred bookes which wee haue were written by the Prophets and Apostles whose names they beare in their forhead and that euen vnto vs they are come vncorrupt this we grant not For God farre more certainly testifyeth both in the Scripture and in the hartes of his Saints that no fained or forged thing is in these books thē it can be by the Church and all the creatures of the world confirmed They therefore who stand vpon the Churches testimonie alone in this point shew that themselues haue not as yet felt or vnderstood the chiefest testimonies Furthermore they say that the bookes authentike The discerning of bookes Answere The Minor is false 1 The working of the holy Ghost or as they Obiection 2 terme them Canonical of both Testamentes are discerned from the Apocryphall by the Churches iudgement and therefore that the autority of holy canon doth depend on the churches wisedome But that this difference of the bookes is not determined by the churches iudgement but being imprinted into the books themselues by the Spirite of God is onely acknowledged and approoued by the Church this is easily to be vnderstood if the causes of this difference be considered For either in these which are called Apocryphall the force and maiesty of the heauenly spirit doth lesse euidently appeare in the weight and vehemency of woordes and matter then in others of which it is clear that they are the heauenly oracles therefore set downe in writing by diuine instinct that they might be the rule of our faith or it cannot be determined neither out of these books themselues 2 The certainty of authours nor out of others which are canonicall that they were written either by the Prophets or Apostles because either they were not penned by those whom God by certaine testimonies hath warranted vnto vs to be endued with a prophetical spirit or themselues do not shew any certaine authors of them or by their forme of speech or other reasons it may be gathered that they were not left of them whose names they beare Now as touching either this euidence of the spirit or certainty of the authors we builde not our iudgement on the testimonie of the Church but of the bookes themselues And therefore not for the Churches iudgement onely do we iudge some bookes to be canonicall and the foundation and rule of our faith and do therefore accept of the doctrine of other some because they agree with the canonicall but rather for the verie causes of this difference which wee finde in the bookes them-selues Obiection 3 The Church is more ancient than the Scripture 1. Answere The minor is false As for that which some men say that the Church is ancienter then the Scriptures and therefore of greater autoritie it is too trifling For the woord of God is the euerlasting wisedome in God him-selfe Neither was the knowledge of it then first manifested vnto the Church when it was committed to writing but the manifesting of it began together with the
you into all truth for hee shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer hee shal heare shal hee speake and hee wil shew you the things to come Hee shall glorify mee for hee shall receiue of mine and shall shew it vnto you To this witnes do the Apostles appeal as beeing the chiefe and alone sufficient The Apostle Paul 2. Cor. 1. And it is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ who hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hartes And 1. Thes 1. For our Gospel was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy Ghost and in much assurance And 1. Iohn 2. But yee haue an ointment from him that is holie and yee haue knowen al thinges Wherefore wee must euer remember this that by the alone witnes of the holy spirite wee are mooued forcibly in our harts to beleeue the Scripture and to submit our selues vnto it as vnto the voice of God and that by al the other before alleadged Testimonies al men indeed are conuicted and the godlie also profitably confirmed but no man is turned vnto God thereby without the spirit witnessing within him For whenas he once breedeth this most assured persuasion in our mindes that the doctrine which is conteined in the holy Bible is of a truth the wil of God worketh that comfort and change of our minds and harts which is promised and taught in this booke by our experience and feeling it is so confirmed that while this remaineth within vs though al Angels men should say contrarie yet we would beleeue this to be the voice of God Obiection The scripture beareth witnes of the spirit therefore the spirit not of it Answere but if that remaine not or be not in vs though al should say it yet we would not beleeue it Neither doth not the spirit therefore establish the autoritie of the Scripture because we are to examine what the spirit speaketh within vs by the rule of the Scripture for before that this is done of vs the spirite himselfe declareth vnto vs that the Scripture is the word of God and inspired by him that he wil teach vs nothing in our hartes which is not agreeable vnto that Testimonie before set downe of him in the Scripture And if this be not first most certainlie persuaded vs of the spirit himselfe we will neuer recal our opinions of God his worship to the Scripture as the onelie rule to trie them by Now then after it is declared vnto vs by diuine inspiration that the Scripture is a sufficient witnes of that diuine Reuelation in our harts then at length do we find our selues to be confirmed by the mutual Testimonie of the same spirite in the Scripture and in our harts and we beleeue the Scripture affirming of it selfe that it was deliuered by diuine inspiration to the holie men of God as it said 2 Tim. 3. and 2. Pet. 1. OF THE FOVRTH QVESTION For what cause no doctrine beside the holy Scripture is to be receaued in the Church The scripture is of God therefore the rule of faith WHEREAS it appeareth vnto vs that it is the woorde of God which the Prophets and Apostles haue left in writing there is no man which doth not see that the Scripture must bee the rule and squire by which all thinges which are taught and done in the church must be tried Now all thinges of which there vseth to arise questions in the Christian Church doe appertaine either vnto doctrine or vnto discipline and ceremonies That the word of God ought to be the rule vnto both sorts it is out of doubt But in this place wee speake of the doctrine of the church which consisteth in the sentences and decrees which wee are bound by the commandement of God to beleeue or obey and therefore they can not bee chaunged by the autoritie of any creature they are become obnoxious vnto the wrath of God whosoeuer submit not themselues in faith and obedience vnto them To these decrees and preceptes the Papists adde many sentences which not onely are no where deliuered in the Scripture but are repugnant vnto it and they contend that the Church or the Bishops haue autoritie of decreeing yea contrarie and besides the Scripture what the Church must beleeue or doe and that mens consciences are bound by those decrees no lesse than by the woordes of the holy Scripture to beleeue or obey Contrariwise wee beleeue and confesse that no doctrine is to bee proposed vnto the Church not onely if it bee repugnant vnto the holie Scripture but if it bee not conteined in it And whatsoeuer either is not by the expresse testimony of the holie Scripture deliuered The difference of the Scripture of other mens opiniōs or doth not consequently follow out of the woordes of the Scripture rightly vnderstood that wee hold may bee without any hurt or conscience beleeued or not beleeued chaunged abrogated and omitted 1 The Scripture only is of it selfe to be beleeued and the rule of faith For wee must euer hold a necessarie difference betweene the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles and the writinges and doctrine of others in the Church first that the Scripture onely neither hath nor can haue anie error in anie matter other teachers both maie erre and oftentimes also doe er when they depart from the written woord of God Againe that the Scriptures are beleeued on their own word because we know that God speaketh with vs in them others haue credit not because themselues say so but because the scripture witnesseth so neither a whit more than they can proue by the Scripture Wherefore we doe not reiect others doctrine and labors in the Church but onely setting them in their owne place we submit them vnto the rule of Gods word This doctrine first is deliuered of God himselfe and that not in one place onely of the Scripture as Deut. 4. You shal not ad vnto the word which I speak vnto you neither shal you take away frō it And in the last Chapter of the Apocalyps I protest vnto euerie man that heareth the words of the Prophesie of this book if any man shal ad vnto these things God shal adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this book And if anie man shal diminish of the words c. Neither onely by these wordes is forbidden that no false things openly repugnant to the written woord be added to the doctrine of the church but also that no vncertaine things or things not appertaining vnto it be mingled therewith For it is not in the power of any creature to pronounce what we are to thinke of God and his wil but this is onely to bee learned out of that which is disclosed in his woord And therefore the men of Beraea are commended Act. 17. Who searched the Scriptures daily whether those thinges were so 2 Faith is grounded only of the word Secondly
faith which is spoken of in the Church is a part of diuine worship that is the sure assent by which wee embrace euery word of God deliuered vnto vs because it is impossible for vs to be deceiued by it if we vnderstand it aright Further also that it may breed in vs a true woorshipping of God and comfort of our soules it must stand sure and immoueable against temptations But there is no certain doctrine cōcerning God religion besides that which is knowen to be reuealed in his woord We may not therefore giue the honor which is due vnto God vnto men neither may wee go from certain thinges vnto vncertaine but cleaue onely to the woord of God in the doctrine concerning religion and therefore humane decrees must not bee accounted amongst those preceptes which wee are to embrace by faith Faith commeth by hearing hearing by the word of God c. 3 Things necessary to be beleeued or done are part of diuine worship But things not prescribed are not part of diuine worship Therefore they are not necessarie Thirdly for so much as the woorship of God is a woorke commaunded of God perfourmed by faith to this ende principallie that God may bee honored it is manifest that to beleeue and doe those thinges which can not bee denied or omitted without offending of God is the woorship of God and contrariwise that God can not bee woorshipped but by the prescript of his will both the consciences of al men and God himselfe in his holy woord doth testify as Esai 29. and Matt. 15. In vain do they woorship mee who teach the doctrines and commaundementes of men It is as wicked therfore to number those things which are not expressed in the woord of God amongest those which are necessarie to bee beleeued and done in matters of religion as it is vnlawful for any creature to thrust vpon God that woorship which himselfe neuer required Fourthlie 4 The Scripture is sufficient there cannot be anie thing added of men vnto his doctrine without great iniurie and contumelie done vnto the holy Scripture For if other thinges besides these which are written are necessarie to the perfection of true Religion then doth not the Scripture shew the perfect maner of worshipping God of attaining to Saluation which fighteth with the plaine words of Scripture which affirme that God hath opened vnto vs in his word as much as hee would haue vs know in this life concerning his wil towards vs as Christ saith Iohn 15. Al thinges which I haue hard of my father I haue made knowen vnto you And Paul Act. 20. I haue kept nothing back but haue shewed you al the counsaile of God And 2. Tim. 3. Knowing that thou hast knowē the holie Scriptures from a Childe which are able to make thee wise vnto Saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesus For the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improue to correct to instruct in righteousnes Fiftly 5 Other Doctors may er the Prophets and Apostles cannot therfore they are tied to these we are to consider the degrees of them who teach in the Church For therefore is the authoritie of the Prophets and Apostles far higher then of other Ministers of the Church because God called thē immediatly to declare his will vnto other men and adorned them with Testimonies of miracles and other thinges by which hee witnessed that he did so lighten and guide their minds with his spirit that he suffered them to erre in no one point of doctrine other ministers are called by men and may erre and doe erre when they depart from the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles Wherefore the Apostle Paul Ephe. 2. saieth That the Church is builded vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles And 1. Cor. 3. That hee had laied the foundation and other then that could no man lay others build vpon it gold siluer precious stones wood hay stubble Now it is manifest that they who may err ought to be tied vnto their doctrine who are warranted by the testimonies of God that they can not erre Wherefore all other teachers in the Church must not bring any new point of doctrine but onely propound and expound those thinges vnto the Church which are deliuered by the Prophets and Apostles For these causes therefore doth the whole auncient Church with great consent submit it selfe vnto the rule of the sacred Scriptures whose autoritie yet ought of right to bee somewhat greater than these men who both in woords and deedes fight against this opinion Basil in his Sermon of the confession of saith saieth that it is a falling from the faith and a fault of pride either not to admit those thinges which are writtē in the holie Scriptures or to add any thing to them And August in his third Epistle For neither ought wee to account of euery ones discourses though they bee catholick and woorthy men as of the canonical scriptures that it may not bee lawfull for vs without impairing the reuerence which wee owe to those men to dislike and refuse any thing in their writinges if peraduenture we shal find that they haue thought otherwise thē the Scripture hath as it is by Gods assistāce vnderstood either of others or of our selues And Epist 112. If ought be confirmed by the plain autoritie of the diuine Scriptures of those which are called in the Church canonical wee must without any doubting beleeue it as for other testimonies by which any thing is mooued to bee beleeued thou maist chuse whether thou wilt beleeue thē or no. But against these testimonies of the Scriptures the auncient church the aduersaries of the truth contend that besides the doctrine which is comprised in the holy Bible other decrees also made by the autoritie of the Church are no lesse vnchangeable and necessarie to saluation then the oracles Propheticall and Apostolick Obiections of the Papistes And that they may not without some shew and pretence take vpon them this autority of decreeing what Obiection 1 they list besides and contrary vnto the Scripture they alleage places of Scripture The scripture doth not remaine perfect in which some writinges of the Prophets and Apostles are mentioned which are not come to our handes as Num. 21. is named the Book of the warres of the Lord. Ios 10. The Booke of the iust And often in the books of Kings The Booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iuda In the Epistle catholicke of Iude are alleaged the prophecie of Enoch and the storie of the bodie of Moses And lastly the Apostle Paul 1. Cor. 5. and Eph. 3. maketh mention of his Epistles which now the Church hath not Hence therefore these men will conclude that the doctrine of the sacred Scripture is maimed and that therefore the defect hereof must be Supplied by the Church But first of all concerning the holie Scripture we are to know that so
much thereof hath beene preserued of God for vs as was necessarie and profitable for the doctrine and comfort of the Church euen as Iohn witnesseth that Iesus did many thinges before his disciples 1 As much of the history as is sufficient doth remain Iohn 21. which are not written in the storie of the Gospel And that these thinges which are extant were written that wee might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the Sonne of God and that beleeuing wee might haue life euerlasting in his name Furthermore 2 The holy Scripture is perfect in sense though not in words concerning doctrine and precepts albeit some thinges written by the Apostles be not extant whatsoeuer yet of necessarie doctrine was in them it is certaine that it is contained in those which we haue both because that Paul in both places doth repeate that which hee hath written in those Epistles and also because it hath bin before shewed that God hath deliuered the whole doctrine of our saluation in the Scripture which is extant and wil preserue it vnto the ende of the world They bring other places also by which they indeuour to Obiection 2 gather Some things were spoken by word of mouth that Christ his Apostles did deliuer some things vnto the Churches by mouth which are not comprised in the writings of the Apostles As Mat. 28. where Christ sendeth his Apostles to preach Iohn 16. I haue yet many things to say vnto you but you cannot beare them now Act. 16. Paul and Timothy deliuered vnto the Churches the decrees to keepe ordained by the Apostles and elders which were at Ierusalem 1. Cor. 11. I wil order other things when I come 2. Thes 2. Keepe the instructions which you haue beene taught either by word or by our Epistle And cap. 3. Withdrawe your selues from euerie brother which walketh not after the instruction which he receaued of vs. And in the 2. and 3. Epistles of Iohn I haue many things to write vnto you but I would not by paper and incke but I trust to come vnto you and speake mouth to mouth 1 Tim. 6. Tit. 1. and 2. And Paul chargeth Timothie to keep that which was committed vnto him and to commit those things which he had heard of him to men fit to teach Lastly they saie That before the bookes either of the olde or new Testament were written the doctrine was deliuered vnto the Church by mouth But neither the Prophets nor Christ nor the Apostles haue deliuered any other precepts by mouth then those which are written And if they ordained any ceremonial thinges in the Churches which they committed not to writing neither were they contrarie to these which are written neither ouer-many or vnprofitable neither put on them with an opinion of necessitie For neither was there any other Gospel from the beginning neither did Christ command anie other to be preached then that which we haue written Neither were those things any other which the Apostles then could not beare through infirmitie then the selfesame which the Lord had taught them before which the spirite should cal into their minds and expound vnto them which themselues afterwards did deliuer in writing to the church neither were they otherwise then sutable to those thinges which they had before receaued of the Lord neither olde wiues to is such as a great part of the Popish traditions are but the most authenticke doctrine of the Gospel either vnknowen or repugnant vnto the reason and wit of man But what Paul in the Acts is said to haue deliuered vnto the churches is there expressed euen the decree of the counsel of Ierusalem concerning blood strangled and thinges offered to idols Vnto the Corinthians hee promiseth that he will take order for matters of ceremonies euen such as appertained to the ministring of the Lords Supper Now by the instructions which he speaketh of to the Thessalonians he vnderstandeth not anie Lawes concerning ceremonies but the whole doctrine of the Gospel which he had taught euen the selfe same both by word and writing which hee had committed to Timothie and by the declaring of which mouth to mouth Iohn promiseth to bring true ioie vnto his auditours But bee it that Paul spake neuer so much of keeping traditions or ordinances which were not written as 1. Cor. 11. when hee saith Now brethren I command you that you keepe the ordinances as I deliuered them vnto you yet should not the aduersaries therefore obtaine that their traditions either are to be kept or are Apostolicke wheras most of them are singularly repugnant to the Apostles doctrine neither yet that there were more ordinances then in the Church then are written since that the Apostles did ordaine no rites by which the consciences of men should be bound Obiection 3 They alleadge farther the practise and examples of the Apostles That the Apostles haue decreed against and besides the Scripture Tit. 1. as if they did make anie ordinances or Lawes either besides or against the Scripture as when Paul ordaineih manie things of choosing Bishops and Deacons of widowes of weomen to be couered and to containe themselues in silence of not deuorcing the husband if he bee an infidel of controuersies betweene Christians 1 Tim. 3. 1 Cor. 11. 1 Cor. 14. 1 Cor. 7. 1 Cor. 6. But these men remember not that their authority is not equal vnto the Apostles authoritie neither consider they that there is nothing in all these thinges appointed of Paul which is not agreeable to the rest of the word of God contained in writing and that manie of those things which they alleadge is comprehended in the commandements of the Decalog More trifling is it 1 Answere that they saie the forme of Baptisme appointed by Christ was changed by the Apostles because it is reade in the Acts. 2.8 and 19 that they Baptised in the name of Iesus Christ For in those places not the forme of Baptism but the vse is declared that is that men were baptised for to testifie that they did belong to Christ Neither yet by the example of the Apostles who interdicted the Churches thinges offered to idols blood and that which was strangled is it lawful for Councels and Bishops to make decrees and Lawes to tie mens consciences For first here againe there must needs be reteined a difference betweene the Apostles by whom God opened his wil vnto men whereupon they also saie It seemed good to the holie Ghost and to vs and other ministers of the Church who are tied vnto the Apostles doctrine Further as cōcerning this decree of the Apostles they decreed nothing else then what the rule of charitie commaundeth which at all times would haue that in things indifferent men should deale without offence Now if they vrge that these ordinances are called necessary againe it doth not thereupon follow that the traditions of Bishops are necessarie especially such as are the Bishops of Rome Then that necessity whereof the Apostles speak
was neither to last continually neither did it binde consciences for feare of the wrath of God if these things were not obserued but it dured but for a time for their infirmity who were conuerted from Iudaisme to Christ or were to be conuerted as Paul doth at large teach 1. Cor. 10. To these they ad the examples of the Church whom they say Obiection 4 euen from the Apostles to these verie times to haue beleeued and obserued some thinges not onelie not deliuered in the Scripture Present examples but contrarie to the Scripture They bring forth the selfesame decree of Ierusalem concerning things offered to idols and blood which being made of the Apostles and expresly set downe in the Scripture was yet abolished by the Church But it hath bin already ready said that that constitution was made not that it should last for euer but for a time for a certaine cause euē for the infirmitie of the Church which was gathered from among the Iewes and after that cause ceased that ordinance taketh place no longer Neither yet did it at that time fetter mens consciences as if the worshipping or offending of God did lie in it wherefore the abrogating of it is not contrarie but doth verie well agree with it To these also they recken the obseruing of the Lords Daie We trulie as we doe beleeue this to be an Apostolick tradition perceaue it to be profitable and a farre other maner of one then for the most part they are which they would faine thrust vpon vs vnder the Apostles name so we doe not put anie worship of God to consist in this thing but know it to be left arbitrarie vnto the Church Euen as Coloss 2. it is said Let no man condemne you in respect of a holie daie But they affirme also that some things not written are beleeued which yet to call in question we our selues confesse to be vnlawful as That infantes are to be baptised That Christ descended into Hel That the Sonne of God is cōsubstantial vnto the eternal father But they are too impudent if they take vnto themselues a licence of hatching newe opinions because the Church for to expound the meaning of the Scripture vseth some where wordes which are not extāt in the Scripture But impious are they blasphemous if they saie the doctrine it self which the Church professeth in these wordes is not extant in the Scriptures 5 Obiection The holie Ghost is to teach the Church therfore not the Scripture They say also that the holy Ghost is promised the Church that it may teach those things which ar not deliuered in the Scriptures as Iohn 14. But the cōforter which is the holy Ghost whō the father shal send in my name he shal teach you al things And cap. 16. whē the spirit of truth shal come he shal lead you into al truth But here they maliciously omit that which is added And shal bring all things to your remembrance which I haue told you Again He shal beare witnes of me Again He wil reproue the world of sin of righteousnes of iudgement Again He shal glorify me for he shal receiue of mine shall shew it vnto you For out of these it is manifest that the holy Ghost should speake nothing but that which was writtē in the Gospel Christ himself had before time taught his disciples so far is it that he should bring any thing contrary to thē For neither can he dissent frō Christ nor frō himself So also when they alleadge that of Ier. 31. I will put my Lawe in their inward partes and in their harts will I write it And 2. Cor. 3. Ye are the Epistle of Christ written not with incke but with the spirit of the liuing God not in tables of stone but in fleshie tables of the hart they doe not marke that the spirite cannot speake in mens hearts contrarie vnto these things which he reuealed in the Scripture neither would God write anie other Law in mens harts but that which is alreadie reuealed and written and that therefore the Apostle Paul opposeth not the matter written but the manner of writing in tables and hearts one against another for because that the same was written in both but there with ink and here with the spirit of God It hath lesse colour which they goe about to builde out of that place to the Philippians cap. 3. If you be otherwise minded God shall reueile euen the same vnto you If therefore saie they the Church think anie thing different from the written woorde that proceedeth from the holie Ghost For the Apostle comforteth and cōfirmeth the godly that albeit they did not vnderstād somewhat of that which there hee had written or were of another iudgement in it yet that hereafter they should bee taught it of God and should know those things to bee true which he had written Whenas therefore it is denied that the holy Ghost reuealeth any thing diuers from that which is written the rule maistership of the spirit in the Church is not taken awaie but the same spirit is matched with him selfe that is with the rule of Scripture least those thinges should be thrust vpon vs vnder his name which are not his Further they make their boast that the Church cannot erre 6 Obiection The Church doth not er and that therefore the decrees of the Church are of equall autoritie with the holie Scripture because the Church is ruled by the same spirite by which the Scripture is inspired euen as it is promised Matth. 18. If two of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing whatsoeuer they shal desire it shal be giuen them of my Father which is in heauen For where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the middest of them And cap. 28. I am with you alway vnto the end of the world So 1. Ioh. 2 Yee haue anointment from him that is holy and yee know all thinges Likewise The anointing which yee receaued of him dwelleth in you and yee neede not that any man teach you But as the same annointing teacheth you of all thinges and it is true and is not lying and as it taught you yee shall abide in him But first of all wee know that it is the true Church onely 1 Aunswere The true Church Mat. 13. Mar. 4. Luk. 8. which erreth not and is ruled by the holy spirite which is gathered in the name of Christ that is which heareth and followeth the voice of the Sonne of God And therefore these things doe nothing appertain to a wicked multitude which openlie maintaineth doctrine contrary to the Gospel though it neuer so much vaunt of the Churches name yea and beareth sway and rule in the Church according to that which is said To him that hath shal bee giuen But from him that hath not euen that which hee seemeth to haue shall bee taken away So did the Pharisees and Sadduces amongst the Israelits er
not of it owne nature but because of the corruption of men it killeth that is it terrifieth mens mindes with the iudgement of God and doth stir vp a murmuring and hatred against God as wee are plainly taught by the Apostle Rom. cap. 7. The Law is holie and the commaundement is holy and iust and good Was that then which is good made death vnto me God forbid But sinne that it might appeare sinne wrought death in me by that which is good that sinne might be out of measure sinful by the commaundement For we know that the Law is spiritual but I am carnal sold vnder sinne But the proper effect of the Scripture is to quicken men that is to lighten them with the true knowledge of God and to mooue them to the loue of God As it is said 2. Cor. 2. We are vnto God the sweete sauour of Christ in them that are saued and in them which perish c. Secondly albeit the letter that is 2 It killeth as it is without the Spirit the doctrine without that spiritual motion killeth yet the operation of the holy ghost accompaning it when now it is not the letter but the spirite and power of God to saluation vnto euery one that beleeueth it doth not kil but quicken as it is said Psal 119. Thy word quickneth me Wherefore that the letter kil vs not we must not cast awaie the Scripture but the stubburnes of our harts and desire of God that he would let his doctrine bee in vs and others not the letter but the spirit that is that he would forcibly moue our harts by it turn them to him The spirit quickneth agreeing with the word Thirdly that it is added that the spirit quickneth that calleth vs not awaie from the Scripture to other opinions or reuelations For that spirit quickneth which dissenteth not from the Scripture but teacheth and mindeth the same which he hath vttered in the scripture But that spirit which leadeth men awaie from the Scripture it quickneth not but may bee said much more truely to kill then the letter that is not by an accident or external cause but of it owne nature For the spirit of Antichrist is a liar and a murderer and therefore be it accursed vnto vs. 4 The Apostle misconstrued by them Fourthlie they who by the letter vnderstand either the characters of letters or the proper and literall sense whether it be of the whole Scripture or of those speeches which are allegorically and figuratiuely spoken and by the spirite the interpretation of those speeches it is manifest that they swarue farre from the minde of Paul both by those thinges which haue beene spoken concerning the meaning of Paul and also because not onely euerie sentence of Scripture whether it be proper or figuratiue but also euerie interpretation of it is and remaineth the killing letter except the quickning force of the holie Ghost come vnto it Wherefore since that neither for interpretation nor reuelation nor authoritie nor any other pretence it is lawful leauing the Scripture of the Prophets and Apostles to depart to whatsoeuer decrees of religion which are not confirmed by the Testimonie of the Scripture let vs hear it as an oracle sounding from heauen bringing to the reading thereof not minds forestalled neither with opinions conceiued either of our owne brains or elswhere neither with affections neither with preiudices but the loue of God a desire of knowing the truth So shall it come to passe that both wee shall know the true meaning of the Scripture and by it godlines and sure and sound comfort shall bee kindled in vs and get increase OF THE TRVE COMFORT of the Godlie THE scope and ende of this doctrine is that wee may haue sure comfort both in our life at our death And that wee may haue this wee are especiallie to learne the doctrine of Christianitie Now the summe of this comfort doth consist in this that wee are the members of Christ that is that we are engraffed into Christ by faith that he is carefull of vs and that by him wee are loued of God reconciled to God and conioyned with him This comfort the diuel goeth about to take from vs after this maner 1. Thou art a sinner therefore thou art not acceptable in the sight of God Answere But Christ hath made satisfaction for me with his precious blood 2. But thou must die the death Answere But Christ hath deliuered me from the power of death and I know that by Christ I shall scape out of the hands of death 3. But how if thou leese the grace of Christ For thou maist fall and perish because it is a long way to heauen Answere Christ hath not onely merited his benefites for mee but also bestoweth them on me and preserueth them in mee and giueth mee perseuerance that I may not fall from grace 4. But what if these thinges appertaine not vnto thee and how knowest thou that thou art Christes Answere 1. Because I haue the testimonie of the holie Ghost within me 2. Because the generall promise appertaineth to all the faithful If I haue faith therefore that promise appertaineth vnto me But I know I haue faith by the effectes of faith 1. Because I haue a will to obey and beleeue God albeit I am but weake 2. Because I haue good woorkes which are signes of true faith Therefore I haue true faith and by a consequent Christ and his benefites appertaine vnto mee This comfort is necessarie 1. For our saluation that we despaire not 2. For the woorshipping of God For that wee may woorship God wee must come out of sinne and death not rush into desperation but bee susteined with a sure comfort vnto the ende This comfort though other sectes promise yet can they not make performance thereof because their conscience and experience oftentimes goeth against them The doctrine of the Church alone maketh performance of it so that mens consciences are at rest because this alone sheweth the fountaine of all miseries vnto which mankind is subiect and this also alone prescribeth the waie of escaping them The partet of this comfort are 1. Our reconcilement to God by Christ to which Christ alone we belong and therefore wee are not at our own libertie so that wee may freelie sin neither lieth our saluation in our handes or power For if it were so we should leese it euery moment 2. The maner of our reconcilement euen by the blood of Christ 3. Our deliuerie from miseries 4. The preseruation and maintenance of our reconcilement and deliuerie Mat. 10.30 so that not so much as an haire may fal from our head without the will of our heauenly father Obiection But the godly are daily slaine Aunswere These things do not hurt but helpe forward our saluation Rom. 8.28 All thinges worke together for the best vnto them that loue God 5. The testimonie of the holie Ghost woorking true comfort in our hartes
In the end and the meanes whereby they are wrought Furthermore they haue this as their chiefe end that they may confirme idols superstitions manifest errors mischiefs But the miracles with which god hath set foorth his church are works either besides or contrarie vnto the course of nature and second causes and therefore not wrought but by the power of God The which that it might be the more manifest god hath wrought many miracles for the confirming of his truth whose verie shew the diuel is neuer able to imitate or resemble as are the raising of the dead to stay or call backe the course of the Sunne to make fruitles and barrain women fruitful But especially the miracles of God are distinguished by their endes from the diuelish and fained For they confirme nothing but which is agreeing with those thinges which afore time were reuealed by God and that in respect of the glorie of the true God of godlines and holines and the saluation of men And therefore is it said of the miracles of Antichrist 2. Thessal 2. That his comming shal bee by the working of Sathan with al power and signes and lying wonders and in al deceiueablenes of vnrighteousnes among them that perish c. Now if any be so bold as to cal in question 2 Obiection They are doubtful Answere The Antecedent is false whether or no the miracles which are reported in the Scriptures were done so indeed he is out of al question of ouer great impudency For he may after the same maner giue the lie to al both sacred and profane histories But let vs first vnderstand that as other parts of the holy story so especially the miracles are recited as things not wrought in a corner but done in the publik face of the Church and mankind In vaine should the Prophets and Apostles haue had endeuored to get credit vnto their doctrine by miracles which men had neuer seen Furthermore the doctrine which they brought was strange vnto the iudegement of reason and contrarie to the affections of men and therefore their miracles except they had bin most manifest woulde neuer haue found credite Also it clearly appeareth both in the miracles themselues and in the doctrine which is confirmed by them that they who writte them sought not their owne glory or other commodities of this life but only the glory of God mens saluation To these arguments agreeth not only the Testimonie of the Church but the confession also of the verie enemies of Christ who surely if by any meanes they could woulde haue denied and suppressed euen those thinges that were true and knowen much lesse would they haue confirmed by their Testimony ought that had beene forged or obscure 5 Oracles Obiection The Heathens also haue Prophecies Answere 5 The prophecies which were fulfilled in their due time doe yeelde their testimony vnto this doctrine in like manner the foretellings of thinges to come and the correspondence of euentes which could not bee foretold but by God reuealing them And albeit the heathens also and others boast of their prophecies and oracles yet great and manifold is the difference betweene them the sacred Prophecies which sheweth euidentlie enough that these were vttered by diuine instinct but those to haue beene Leigerdemains of the Diuell going about by a fained imitation to darcken the trueth and glorie of God For they squared from the truth and iustice of God before time reuealed they countenanced wickednesse and idolatry they were poured out by Prophets who were stirred with a furious and diuelish pang they were darke or doubtful and wheras they were vncertaine oftentimes by a false hope they allured those who listened vnto them into hurt and destruction at leastwise they were vttered of such things whose euents the Diuel through his subtiltie maie after a sort coniecture by tokens going before or else because he did know that by the permission and commaundement of God hee should bring them to passe Wherefore neither do they confirme and make good the Religions of those men amongst whom they florished neither doe they diminish the authoritie of the holy Scripture in whose oracles we maie see al things contrary vnto that which hath bin now spoken of these 6 The confession of the enemies them-selues 6 The confession of the enemies because whatsoeuer is true good in other Sects that also Christian Religion hath and that more clearly and better neither can those natural principles be refelled And if other sectes haue anie thing which agreeth not with our doctrine that may easily be refuted but if they haue any thing which cannot be refuted they haue stollen that from vs which is the Diuels woont Yea our verie enemies themselues are constrained to confesse that our doctrine is true yea the Diuel himselfe too Thou art the Sonne of God Luke 4.41 For of that force and nature is the woord of God that it doth so much the more grieuously strike and wound the consciences euen of those who are not conuerted how much the more stubburnelie they kicke against the pricke Euen as it is said Heb. 4. The word of God is liuely and mightie in operation and sharper then any two edged sword and entereth through euen vnto the diuiding asunder of the soule and the spirit and of the iointes and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the hart And Luke 21. I wil giue you a mouth and wisedom wher-against al your aduersaries shal not be able to speak or resist 7 The hatred and oppugning of the diuel the wicked Iohn 8.44 7 The hatred and oppugning of this doctrine by the diuel and the wicked which is a testimonie that it is true For the truth breedeth hatred The diuel was a lier from the beginning He endeuoureth therefore to oppresse the Law and the Gospell that faith and honestie may bee destroied He doth therefore together with his complices persecute the truth because it doth more sharply accuse him than other sectes Iohn 7.7 The world hateth me saith Christ because I testify of it that the woorkes thereof are ill 8 The marueilous preseruation 8 The maruailous preseruation of this doctrine against the furies of Satan and enemies of the Church None is so much assailed none also continueth so sure Others are not assailed and yet they perish most speedily 9 The punishments of the enemies 9 The punishmentes of the enemies as of Arius Iulian and others Albeit in the world for the most part the wicked florish and the Church is oppressed yet that it falleth not Objection 1 so out by chaunce The enemies of the church doe florish Aunswere For a short time neither because God is pleased with them the euents witnes and the Scripture very often doth iterate it For the Church is alwaies preserued euen amidst her persecutions when as the short felicity of Tyrants wicked imps hath a most dolefull and aeternall destruction
consequence holdeth not God will not the actions of the wicked as they are sins Therefore simply he will not haue them to be done but they depend onely on the will of the wicked For if God simply would them not they could by no meanes be done And except there were somewhat in them which did agree with his iustice and nature he would not by reason of his goodnes infinite and passing measure suffer them to be done If they reply That God woulde thinges contrarie to those which men doe as it is saide How often woulde I haue gathered thee and therefore it is done onely by the will of men whatsoeuer men doe the same answere serueth that God would the obedience of all his reasonable creatures towardes his lawe as concerning his commanding and approouing it For he requireth it of all and bindeth all to it and approoueth it in all as being agreeable to his nature and puritie but neither will he alwaies it nor in all as concerning his working and grace whereby they who are directed and guided doe that which God approoueth and requireth Deut. 29. The Lord hath not giuen you an heart to perceiue and eies to see and eares to heare vnto this day 4 Whether there be anie libertie in vs and what it is THat there is libertie of will in men it is proued 1. Gen 1.26 Eccl. 15.14 15. Because man was made to the image of God And free-will is part of the image of God 2. By places of scripture Let vs make man in our image according to our likenes God made man from the beginning and left man in the hand of his counsel 3. By the definition of that libertie which agreeth to man For man worketh vpon deliberatiō that is freely knowing desiring and refusing this or that obiect And because the definition agreeth vnto man therefore also doth the thing which is defined agree vnto him 1 Obiect If there be in man libertie of will The doctrine of Originall sinne not ouerthrowen by that libertie which we hold to be in man the doctrine of original sinne is ouerthrowen for these are contrarie not to be able to obey God and to haue libertie of will Aunswere They are not contrarie because we haue libertie to wil and do good onely in part to wit as we are regenerated by the holy spirite but not in whole and full neither in that degree in which before the fall we had it and shall haue it in the life to come Againe although the vnregenerate are onely able to wil those thinges which are euil yet they will them vpon deliberation without constraint euen by their owne proper and inward motion and therefore freely Abilitie to choose as well good as bad is not necessarily ioined with free-will 2 Obiect He that hath not ability to choose as well good as bad hath not free will and arbiterment But man hath not ability to choose as well good as euil Therefore he hath not free will Answ The Maior consisteth of a bad definition of free will For the liberty of reasonable creatures consisteth in the iudgement and deliberation of the mind or vnderstanding and in the free assent of the will not in a power to will as well good as euill or contrarie The good Angels by reason of the wisedome and rightnes of their iudgement and of the great and constant propension or readinesse of their will to that which they knowe to bee good and right cannot will euill and vniust thinges but onely thinges good and honest and yet notwithstanding they most freely choose and doe those thinges which are iust Right so men by reason of their inbred ignoraunce and corrupt iudgement of those thinges which are to be done and of the ende as also by reason of the stubbornnes and frowardnes of their will can will onely those thinges which are euill which also they followe and pursue with exceeding willingnes and pleasure vntill they are regenerated by Gods spirite 3 Obiection That is free which is ruled of none other but of it selfe onely The will of man is seruant to sin and yet inclineth to sinne freely or which is bound to none Mens will is not ruled of it selfe onely but of another and is bound to the law therefore it is not free Aunswere The Maior is true if it bee meant of that libertie which is in God but false being meant of mans libertie For man to be ruled of none is not libertie but a shamefull barbaritie and a wretched slauerie But the true libertie of the creature is to bee subiect vnto honest and iust lawes and to obey them It is a power of liuing as thou wilt according vnto the law of God 4 Obiection That which is a seruaunt and in bondage is not free But our will is a seruaunt and in bondage Therefore our will is not free Aunswere There is an ambiguity in this reason or it affirmeth that to bee simplie so which is but in some respect sort so or the conclusion fetcheth in more than was in the premisses That which is in bondage is not free that is not in that respect or consideration as it is in bondage Our arbiterment or will is in bondage to wit vnder sinne Therefore it is not free that is from sinne which it is not able to shake off by any force which it self hath except it bee freed and deliuered by the grace of God But hereof it foloweth not therefore simply no way it is free For it is free as touching the obiects represented vnto it by the vnderstanding because it chooseth or refuseth them being once knowen or suspendeth and forbeareth her action by her owne and proper motion without constraint The summe of all is We graunt the conclusion if free bee taken for that which hath abilitie to do those things which are good and pleasing to God for so farre is it in seruitude vnder sinne and hath power onely to sinne but wee denie the whole if free bee taken for voluntarie or deliberatiue which chooseth the obiectes represented vnto it by voluntarie motion not constrained or forced thereto by any externall agent 5 There are foure degrees of freewill IT may easily be vnderstood by the degrees of the liberty of mans will what the libertie it selfe is Now there are fower degrees of that libertie which is in man which are distinguished according to the diuers states or conditions of mans nature The first degree of libertie was in man not yet fallen The first degree of libertie in man before his fall before sinne euen that power and abilitie giuen vnto man from aboue by which the mind was lightned with the perfect certaine knowledge of God his diuine will whereby the will also by the proper inclination thereof and free motion did yeeld perfect obedience vnto the knowen will of God But yet the wil was not so confirmed in this inclination knowledge but that it could decline defect
saue euen one from euerlasting death than to make all men by one sin guiltie of euerlasting death For be it that Christ should saue euen but one man 1. It was necessarie that hee shoulde paie in a finit time a punishment in greatnesse and valewe infinit not only for that one sinne of Adam but for other infinite sinnes which followed it of which euery one also deserue infinit punishment 2. It was required also that he should purge and take away not onlie that originall birth-sinne but also infinite others 3. and should restore in vs a perfect conformitie with god Wherefore the grace of Christ in sauing euen one man doth in infinit manner exceed the sinne of Adam Againe that al are not saued by Christ the cause lieth not in the force and excellency of his satisfaction or in the merit of Christ for this in it selfe is a sufficient and ful worthie ransome for the expiating of al the sinnes of al men but the fault rather is in men who do not as much as applie vnto themselues by a true faith Christs merit as they doe apply vnto themselues the sinne of Adam both by beeing borne in it and consenting vnto it and in fostering it For the grace of God is not narrower or of a straiter compasse than sinne in respect of the sufficiencie of Christes satisfaction but in respect of the sufficiency of the application thereof which is required of men For God will not so shewe his mercie as that he will not also exercise his iustice Now the reason why God doth impute for perfect righteousnesse the merit of Christ to beleeuers onely and restoreth saluation vnto them is for that in them alone he obtaineth the end both of his creation also of his deliuerie iustification euen his praise and glorie For they only agnise this benefit of GOD and yeeld thanks vnto him for it the rest despise it OF FAITH HAVING declared the Doctrine concerning the Mediatour which is the gospell it remaineth that we speake of the meane whereby wee are made partakers of the Mediatour that is of faith without which also the preaching of the Gospell profiteth and auaileth nothing The principal questions concerning Faith are seuen 1 What faith is in generall 2 How many kindes of faith there are 3 How those kindes differ 4 How faith and hope differ and agree 5 What are the causes of faith 6 What the effects 7 To whom it is giuen 1 WHAT FAITH IS FAith in generall is a knowledge of certaine propositions a firme assent caused by the authoritie of a true witnesse who is not thought to deceiue whether it be God or Angell or Man or Experience or it is to assent firmelie to a thing knowen for the asseueration sake word of true witnesses This faith reacheth to thinges both diuine and humane Wherefore wee must giue a more restrained faith which may agree to diuine thinges which notwithstanding must bee also generall Theologicall faith therefore is a certaine knowledge firmely yeelding assent to all thinges The definition of Theological faith in general which are deliuered in the sacred Scriptures of God his will and woorkes and of sinne euen because God himselfe dooth affirme it or it is to yeeld assent to euerie word of God deliuered to the Church either in the Lawe or in the Gospell for that it is the asseueration or auouching of God himself Oftentimes it is taken for the very doctrine of the Church or those thinges whereby wee are out of Gods woorde enfourmed and instructed vnto faith or assent and beleefe Furthermore albeit there be also other certain notices whereunto we firmely giue assent as vnderstanding or apprehension of principles Science Sapience Art How faith differeth from all other kindes of knowledge Prudence for the assent comming vnto the notice doth confirme and perfect it so that what knowledge of a thing is had without assent it is imperfect and vnprofitable yet none of these are that faith especially the Theologicall such as a little before it is described For to those notices or apprehensions we doe assent either because they are naturally engraffed in our mindes or for that they bring demonstrance or some other true and certaine proofes But the Theologicall assent or faith is not neither ariseth it out of the instinct of nature neither out of sense or experience neither out of demonstrations or reasons borrowed from Philosophie but commeth and dependeth of a peculiar and supernaturall reuelation or diuine Testimonie That therefore which is added in the former description for the asseueration of God himselfe distinguisheth Theological faith from al other knowledges euen the most certaine And this generall definition of Theologicall faith is necessarie that wee may not thinke that out of Philosophie or such principles as are naturally knowen to all are to bee drawen reasons or argumentes sound and sufficient to confirme the articles of our faith but may know that the woord of God and those good and necessarie consequences and arguments which are framed out of it are a supernaturall light and more certaine then all though most exact and exquisite demonstrances either natural or Mathematicall of Philosophers 2 What are the kinds of faith 1 Historical 2 Temporary 3 Working miracles 4 Iustifieng What historical faith is THe difference of these kindes one from the other appeareth out of their definitions Historicall faith is to know and think al those thinges to bee true which are manifested from aboue either by voice or by visions or by any other manner of reuelation and are taught in the bookes of the Prophetes and Apostles and thus to be persuaded of them for the asseueration and testimonie of god himselfe It is called historicall because it is a bare knowledge of such thinges as God saith hee dooth or hath done or hereafter wil doe Of this faith these Testimonies of holy Scripture make mention Iames 2.19 The Diuels beleeue and tremble For the Diuel knoweth exactly both what things are written in the woorde and also what are not written Because he is a spirit witty quick and learned hee is present and seeth whatsoeuer things are doone in the church also through long experience hath known doth know the doctrin of the church to be true c. 1. Cor. 13.2 If I haue al faith so that I moue moūtains c. Which saying may be constred of al the sorts of faith Iustifing faith only excepted Act. 13. Simon Magus is said to haue beleeued to wit that the doctrine was true which the Apostles did propound Historical faith good in it selfe but made ill by them who can not applie it vnto themselues Wherefore historicall faith may be without iustifieng faith although iustifieng faith is not without it for the historical is a part of the iustifieng therefore this is good and profitable and necessarie in it selfe but is made in Diuels and men sinne by an accident for that they apply not
order of his minde declared in the nature of thinges and in his woorde and what agreeth therewith and disagreeth and all his woorkes and the works of all creatures past present and to come all the causes and circumstances of all things And moreouer That al Angels and men haue no more knowlege of diuine and humane matters than God doth woork maintaine in their minds For among other thinges the most beutiful and sightlie order which is in the nature of thinges the endes and vses of all things the signification of future euents arts and sciences the euerting and ouerturning of those deuises which the Diuell and wicked men haue most craftily contriued against God and all the godly doe enforce all men to confesse that these things could not proceed but from a most wise artificer and author Wherefore also the scripture it selfe willeth vs to consider the wisedome of God shining in these his woorks Eccle. 3.11 God hath made euerie thing beutiful in his time Isai 44.7 Who is like me that shal cal shal declare it set it in order before me since I appointed the ancient people Ioh. 5.13 He taketh the wise in their craftinesse And of these hee concludeth that the wisedome of God is immense vnconceiueable As Ps 145 7. His wisdom is infinit Rom. 11.32 O the deepenesse of the riches both of the wisedome and knowledge of God! But here again is to be obserued a difference betweene Philosophie and the word of God First that euen in the creation the knowen or legall wisedome was darkned and maimed in men through sinne and therefore needeth a renewing by the woorde deliuered to the Church And then that men without this heauenlie doctrine are altogether ignorant of that especial wisedome of God reuealed in the gospell whereby he saueth the Church gathered from amongst mankind by the son As it is said Mat. 11. I giue thee thanks O father bicause thou hast hid these things from the wise men of vnderstanding and hast opened them vnto babes The Goodnes of God diuerslie taken in scriptures The goodnesse of God signifieth sometimes his bountifulnes as Psa 106.1 Praise the Lord because he is good sometimes all the vertues and whatsoeuer is spoken of the nature of God As Psalm 14. Let thy spirite leade mee thorough the right waie That which also is meant by the name of holines or sanctity and light 1. Iohn 1. So in this place first by the name of goodnesse are vnderstoode al those thinges which are attributed to god in his woorde and are represented and resembled in his image as those thinges which are termed good in Angels and men as life power wisedome ioy righteousnesse c. For such is the nature of God as it hath manifested it selfe in the Lawe and Gospel and the goodnesse of the reasonable creature is an image of the diuine goodnesse And therefore here also differ philosophy and the Scripture in that Philosophy attributeth onely to God that his goodnesse which was opened in the Lawe and yet neither that wholie but of his goodnesse reuealed in the Gospell it is altogether ignoraunt Secondly by reason of the great and huge difference betweene the creatour and the creature we vnderstand those good thinges to bee in GOD which are agreeing to his diuine nature and maiestie For those which are proper vnto created natures woulde not bee good in GOD but rather a diminishing of his goodnesse Thirdly By reason of the immensitie of his diuine nature those things which are finite in creatures are in GOD infinite And therefore against sundry and diuerse disputes of Philosophers concerning the chiefest good we learne in the Church that GOD is the chiefest good Fourthly because nothing is vnperfect or not subsisting by it selfe in GOD whatsoeuer is attributed vnto him is not in him as formes or accidentes in creatures but such is his essence and nature in a manner not able to bee comprehended by our knoweledge and vnderstanding Fiftly His nature and will is a rule of that goodnesse and vprightnesse which is in creatures For so farre foorth thinges are and are called good as they agree with the wil of God Sixtly GOD is the onelie fountaine of goodnesse and the first cause of all good thinges So that all thinges haue so much goodnesse as God dooth create and maintaine in them And in this sense is it said Luke 18. There is none good but God onelie euen so as hee is most perfectly good and the fountaine of goodnesse The righteousnesse of God sometimes in Scripture signifieth that which is accounted righteousnesse before him The righteousnes of God both generall and particular and whereby he maketh vs righteous that elsewhere legall which is holines of life or conformity with the law of God which God worketh in vs by his spirit begun in this life to be perfected in the life to come as Iam. 1.20 The wrath of man dooth not accomplish the righteousnesse of God Or sometimes Euangelicall which is the righteousnesse of Christ imputed to beleeuers of the free mercy of God As Roman 3.21 But now is the righteousnes of God made manifest without the Law hauing witnesse of the Lawe and of the Prophetes to witte the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vppon all that beleeue Sometimes is meant that righteousnesse whereby himselfe is righteous and then also in many places it signifieth the faithfulnesse or mercie and benignitie of GOD who according to his promises preserueth defendeth and deliuereth the faithfull as Psalm 31.1 Deliuer mee in thy righteousnesse But when it is properly spoken of the righteousnesse of GOD whereby himselfe is righteous as in this place First hee is called iust in respect of his generall iustice and righteousnesse which is the order or nature of this diuine vnderstanding and will whereby GOD will and approoueth doth himselfe and woorketh in others vnchaungeablie and vnspeakeablie such thinges as hee hath commaunded in his Lawe and neither will nor approoueth nor woorketh nor causeth nor furdereth any thing whatsoeuer disagreeth from this order but horribly hateth and detesteth them as it is said Psalm 11.17 The righteous Lord loueth righteousnesse Secondly In respect of his particular iustice and rightiousnesse which is the vnchaungeable will of God whereby God giueth to himselfe and will haue giuen him by others that glory which is due vnto the chiefe good as he saith I wil not giue my glory to another punisheth al sin with such punishment as is equall to the offence that is with eternal as in them who perish or with equiualent as in his Sonne Christ susteining the punishment for al those who are saued by him according as it is saide Thou shalt not depart thence vntill thou host paied the vtmost farding and cannot iniury anie creature whatsoeuer he determineth of him or doth vnto him because he oweth no man any thing as it is said Psa 45. God is iust in
a sonne and a man and yet the manhoode or to be a man is one thing the fatherhoode or to bee a father another but there is not one subsistent which is the father and another subsistent which is a man but one and the same subsistent is both because both manhoode and fatherhoode is in him manhood absolutely fatherhood respectiuely as in regard of his Sonne Of the worde essence also it is furder to be noted that God or the Deitie or diuine essence is not in respect of the persons the same which the matter in respect of the effect because God is vnchaungeable neither is compounded of matter and forme Therefore we cannot say wel Three persons are or consist of one essence Neither is it as the whole in respect of the parts because God is indiuisible Wherefore it is not well saide that the person is a part of the essence or the essence consisteth of three persons for euery person is the whole diuine essence one and the same Neither is it as the general to the speciall because the persons are not specials but indiuiduals Neither is it simplie as the special to the indiuiduals because the diuine essence it selfe is indiuiduall or one in number and the persons are not another or a diuerse or a separated thing from the essence but euery person is that essence Therefore it is well said God or the Diuine essence is the father is the sonne is the holy ghost Likewise The three persons are one God or in one God Againe they are one and the same essence nature diuinity wisedome c. They are of one or the same essence nature diuinitie c. Yet it cannot bee saide well they are of one God Wherefore the diuine essence is in respect of the persons as a thing after a rare and singular maner communicated in respect of those things vnto which it is common For neither is there the like example of community in any created things For a generall is a certain thing common to manie specials a general and special to manie indiuiduals but yet so that they are affirmed of those manie plurallie not singularlie as that the father and the sonne or this father and sonne are two liuing creatures two men But wee maie not speake after this sort of God and the diuine persons as to saie the father and the sonne are two Gods two spirites two omnipotentes c. Because there is but one GOD one spirite one omnipotent c. Wherefore that affirmation the father is God the Son is God the holy Ghost is God is a true affirmation affirming that which is more common of a thing which is more restrict that is affirming the essence of the indiuidual which hath in some sort an analogy and proportion only with the speciall affirmed of his indiuiduall but is not at al the same nor of the same kind 6 Whether these names are to be vsed in the Church THese names are to be vsed and reteined in the church Obiection But these names namely Essence person and Trinitie are not in the Scripture therefore they ought not to be vsed and reteined in the Church Answere These names which are not in the Scripture neither the words themselues nor the sense of them are not to be vsed but both the names them selues of essence and person are found in the Scripture and the thing also or the doctrine it selfe concerning them The name Essence is expressed by the name of Iehoua which is frequent in the Scripture Likewise by the name of Beeing which often also offereth it selfe in the Scripture Exod. 3.14 I am that I am Reuel 1.8 Which is and which was and which is to come The woorde Person is expressed by the greeke woord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 13. which woord is there interpreted Person The ingraued forme of his person The name of Trinitie is signified 1. Iohn 5.7 There are three which beare recorde in heauen the father the woorde and the holie ghost and these three are one And this for the names themselues Now for the thing As often as is mentioned one Iehoua so often is mentioned one essence As often as the Father the Sonne and the holie ghost is called Iehoua so often the three persons of the Diuinitie are expressed that is three subsisting three vnderstanding c. And this aunswere yeeldeth the first cause why these woordes ought to bee reteined in the Church because namelie they are extant in the holie Scripture either in woordes or in sense and meaning The Second cause is because they are fit to expound the phrase and speech of the Scripture vnto the vnlearned And furder if no woordes were to bee vsed but such as are extant in the Scriptures all interpretation shoulde bee taken away For interpretation requireth that the words of Scripture bee expounded to the vnlearned by such words as being more vsual in other languages or matters doctrines are more easie for them to vnderstand paueth and maketh plaine away vnto them for the vnderstanding of the speech and phrase of Scripture The third cause is that the sleights and sophismes of heretiques which for the most part they goe about to cloake and couer with the woords of holie Scripture are more easily espied and taken heede of if the same things bee expounded in diuerse woordes and those especiallie short perspicuous and significant So the sectaries and followers of Seruetus do confesse that the Father the Sonne and the holy ghost are one God but not one in essence but by propagation that is that they are not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same in substance but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 like in substance Likewise they graunt the Sonne to be true God but they deny him to bee the same in substance with his father But therefore is it that heretiques will none of the Churches phrase speech because they dislike the thing it selfe For if there were a consent an according in the thinges we shoulde easily come to an agreement about the woordes 7 How many persons there be of the Diuinity or God-head IN one diuine essence are subsisting three persons Three persons are one God and one God is three persons and those truely distinct one from another by their properties namely the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost each of which three persons notwithstanding are one and the same God eternal infinit most perfect in himselfe And these persons are consubstantiall and coeternal without any confounding of their properties and respects as also without anie disparagement or inequalitie betweene them And that there are three persons each of which are that one true God creatour of all thinges is prooued first by testimonies of Scripture which are taken partly out of the olde Testament and partly out of the newe The old Testament yeeldeth vs many testimonies Gen. 1.2 The spirite of God mooued vpon the waters Then God said let there be light Exod. 3.2 The Lorde is
is the withdrawing of Gods grace Further that God doth in such sort permit sinne as that he doth not illighten their minds with the knowledge of his will or doth not bend their harts and wils which by his arcane and secrete efficacie he inclineth whither himself listeth vnto this as for the obeying of God to pursue or flie these or those obiectes that is doth not conforme the wils of sinning creatures to his will these sayinges of scripture witnes Rom. 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Deut. 13. If there arise among you a Prophet or a dreamer of dreames saying let vs go after other gods thou shalt not hearken vnto the words of the Prophet for the Lord your god prooueth you Deut. 29.2 Yee haue seene all that the Lord did before your eies in the land of Aegypt c. Yet the Lorde hath not giuen you an heart to perceiue and eies to see and eares to heare vnto this daie 1. Sam. 24.14 Wickednes proceedeth from the wicked but mine hand be not vpon thee Lastly in the description of prouidence it was said God directeth all both good and euil vnto his glorie and his chosens saluation that it directeth all things both good and euil to gods glorie that is to the manifesting and magnifiyng of his diuine iustice power wisedome truth mercie and goodnes And to the safetie of his chosen that is to the life ioy wisedome righteousnes glorie and felicitie euerlasting of his Church And that to these ends euen to the glorie of god safetie of his chosē al the counsels works of God in them also the punishments of sinne are referred of God ought to be out of controuersie seeing in al of them is beheld the glorie of god his fatherly care towards his Church Psalm 19.1 The heauens declare the glorie of god and the firmament sheweth the work of his hands Isai 48.9 For my names sake wil I differre my wrath Rom 8.28 We know that all things worke together for the best vnto them that loue god Iohn 9 3. Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of god should be shewed on him God vseth also sinne or corruption it selfe which yet himselfe worketh not but suffereth to concurre with his owne action in the wicked 1. To shew forth both his iustice in punishing it and his mercie in remitting it 2. To woorke in vs a hatred of sinne true humilitie and an imploring of gods grace and thankefulnes of our deliuerie from sinne and death Prou. 16.4 The Lorde hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked but not wickednes for the daie of euill Exod. 9.16 Rom. Ezech. Gal. 3. We are further to consider the degrees of gods prouidence The degrees of Gods prouidence whereby hee tendereth the whole world mankind his chosen For he respecteth indeede and gouerneth all his creatures but especiallie mankinde as being the chiefe and principall amongst his woorkes and which beeing created according to his image he hath adorned with verie manie benefites aboue all other creatures And in mankinde especiallie those whom he hath elected and chosen to eternal life whom with the blessed Angels he maketh one euerlasting Church that in them he may dwell as in his Temple and habitation and therefore doth so guide and rule them in the whole race of their life as that all things must serue for their safetie Now haue we explicated and made plaine the definition of gods prouidence The prouidence of God is the gouerning and guiding of euery particular thing whereout ariseth a Question greatly to be considered which is whether gods prouidence extendeth it selfe to all things Aunswere Yea to euery little thing dooth the prouidence of GOD extende it selfe And that all thinges both the greatest and the smallest of them are ruled by the prouidence of GOD and that his prouidence is extended to all actions and motions of all creatures euen of those that sinne so that all thinges whatsoeuer are done come not to passe but by the eternall counsell and purpose of GOD either woorking them as they haue a respect and qualitie of good in them or permitting them as they are sinnes but moderating and gouerning all thinges euen sinne it selfe and directing them to his glorie and the safetie of his chosen is confirmed both by verie manie testimonies of Scripture and also by reasons drawen from the nature of God Testimonies Of the testimonies which may be alleadged for confirmation hereof there are certaine orders and rankes For some are vniuersall and generall which teach that all euents vniuersally are subiect to Gods prouidence Some are particular which speake both of some particular and certaine euents as also of the whole specials and generals thereof For the Scripture doth often transferre that to the whole specials generals which it speaketh of particular singular examples Wherefore it will haue all the indiuiduals singulars of the whole specials generals to be subiect to the diuine prouidence of God Of particular testimonies some belong to reasonable creatures or such as haue a wil in working be they good or bee they bad some to those which are without reason whether they be thinges liuing or not liuing Some likewise intreat of thinges contingent fortuning and casuall which soothly are such in respect of vs Some speake of necessarie thinges Nowe to all these heades as it were and principals adde we some such testimonies as are most cleare and famous for there are infinite Gods general prouidence confirmed The vniuersal and generall prouidence of God is witnessed by these Eph. 1.11 Hee woorketh all thinges after the counsell of his owne will Actes 17.25 Hee giueth to all life and breath and all thinges Num. 23.19 Hath hee saide and shall hee not doe it And hath hee spoken And shall be not accomplish it Nehem. 9.6 Thou hast made heauen and earth and all things that are therein the seas and all that are in them And thou preseruest them all Esai 45.7 I forme the light and create darkenes I make peace and create euill I the Lord doe all these things Of the prouidence of God ouer reasonable creatures the historie of Ioseph yeeldeth vs notable testimonies Gene. 45.18 Gods particular prouidence ouer creatures indued with reason You sent not me hither but God Gene. 50.20 When ye thought euill against me God disposed it to good Likewise the indurating and hardening of Pharao Exodus Exodus 4.11 Who hath giuen the mouth to man or who hath made the dumme or the deafe or him that seeth Haue not I the Lord Therefore goe now and I will bee with thy mouth Iohn 9.3 it is saide that GOD woulde that hee shoulde bee borne blinde to whom CHRIST restored his sight Ios 11.6 The LORD saide vnto Iosua bee not afraide for them for to morrowe about this time will I deliuer them all slaine before Israel Iosua 21.45
attributed vnto Christ can not bee wrested to any other meaning If therefore wee fence and gard our selues with such testimonies the aduersaries of this Doctrine cannot consist or stand but will they nill they they shall bee forced to confesse that Christ was before hee tooke fleshe And if hee were before hee tooke fleshe hee was either the Creator or a creature But he was no creature both because he created all thinges and because also hee is called creator Wherefore seeing the true GOD hath beene from euerlasting his Godhead also which is true God must needes be subsisting from euerlasting The Minor is likewise confirmed by the former Argument 1. The nature which tooke flesh is GOD and the Sonne of GOD. For neither the Father nor the Holy Ghost tooke flesh Therefore the Sonne otherwise the Sonne of God is not by nature GOD. 2. The humane nature in Christ is not the naturall sonne of GOD. Therefore the Diuine nature must bee that sonne 3. The Diuine nature in Christ is the Worde 4. Jt is Wisedome 5. According to it Christ is Mediatour 6. The Deitie of Christ is the Angel and messenger of the Lord sent of olde vnto the Church Therefore the Deitie of Christ is the sonne of God THE SECOND CONCLVSION The sonne of God Christ is a person reallie distinct from the Father and the holie Ghost THat the Worde or sonne of GOD is diuers and distinct from the Father and the Holie Ghost not in office onelie but also in subsistence and Person is prooued by foure Arguments No one person can be both Father and sonne in respect of him selfe 1 None is the same person with him whose sonne hee is or with him who proceedeth or floweth from him Otherwise the same thing in one respect shoulde bee relatiue and correlatiue But the Word is the sonne of the Father and from the Word the Holy Ghost proceedeth and is giuen therefore the Word is neither the Father nor the Holy Ghost 2 Christ himselfe expresselie calleth himselfe another from the Father and the Holie Ghost Iohn 5.32 Christ another from his Father There is another that beareth witnesse of mee namely the Father in the same Chapter vers 37. And John 7.16 My Doctrine is not mine but his that sent me Iohn 14.16 J wil pray the Father and hee shall giue you another comforter 3 The scripture dooth plainelie affirme that the Father Three persons expressed in scripture the sonne and the holie Ghost are three 1. Iohn 5.7 There are three which beare witnesse in heauen the Father the Word and the Spirite and these three are one Gen. 1.26 Let vs make man in our image Iob. 10.30 I and my father are one hee dooth not say am but are Iohn 14.26 The comforter which is the Holie Ghost whom the Father will send in my name hee shall teach you all thinges Ioh. 15.26 When the comforter shall come whom I will send vnto you from the father euen the spirite of truth which proceedeth of the Father hee shall testifie of mee Matthew 28.19 Teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the sonne and the Holie Ghost 4 The attributes or properties of the Persons namely The properties of the persons are distinct and diuers sending reueiling and their offices are diuers The Argument is this Whose properties are distinct they are in them-selues distinct But the properties of the Father the sonne and the Holie Ghost are distinct therefore the sonne is neither the father nor the Holie Ghost The Minor is prooued because the sonne onely and not the father or the Holie Ghost was begotten of the Father conceiued by the Holie Ghost made flesh sent into flesh manifested in the flesh made Mediatour baptized did suffer and died The Father of himselfe woorketh by the Sonne The Sonne not of him-selfe but of the Father by the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost of the father and of the sonne Matthew 11.27 No man knoweth the sonne but the father neither knoweth anie man the father but the sonne These words cannot be expounded after this sort No man knoweth me but I and no man knoweth me but I. Iohn 10.15 As the father knoweth me so knowe I the Father The sense of these words cannot be this As I knowe mee so I knowe mee The sonne of GOD therefore Christ is another from the father and the holy Ghost THE THIRD CONCLVSION The Word is equall with the Father THat the Word or the sonne of God Christ is no made god or inferiour to the father but by nature true eternal God and equall vnto the father in Godhead and in all essential perfections of the Godhead is confirmed first by testimonies of scripture 1. Iohn 5.20 We are in him that is true that is in his sonne Iesus Christ This same is verie God and eternall life Iohn 16.15 All thinges that the father hath are mine Colos 2.9 In him dwelleth all the fulnes of the god-head bodilie Iohn 5.26 As the father hath life in himselfe so hath he also giuen vnto the sonne to haue life in himselfe Phil. 2.6 Who being in the forme of god thought it no robberie to be equall with god Iohn 5.19 Whatsoeuer thinges the Father doth the same thinges doth the sonne also that all men shoulde honour the sonne as they honour the father But the father is to bee honoured as God Therefore Christ is God equall in honour with the father Christ hath the whole Godhead entirely cōmunicated 2 He that hath the whole Essence of the godhead is necessarilie equall with the father But the sonne of god hath the whole Essence of the godhead communicated vnto him For this because it is infinite is indiuisible Therefore the whole must needes be communicated vnto whomsoeuer it is communicated Therefore the Word or the sonne of god is equall in all thinges with the eternall father in the god-head The minor is prooued Generation or begetting is a communicating of the Essence the Word was generated or begotten of the Essence of the eternall father because he is his sonne proper naturall and onelie begotten Therefore the whole Deitie was communicated vnto the Word 3 The Scripture giueth the same proprieties and perfections of Diuine nature vnto the Sonne which it dooth vnto the Father Hee hath the same properties of the godhead as namelie eternitie omnipotencie immensitie omniscience the searching of the hearts and reines 4 The same woorkes are attributed to the father Hee worketh the same diuine workes and to the sonne as that he is creatour preseruer gouernour of all thinges that he susteineth all thinges by his powerfull woorde Heb. 1.3 that hee is the authour and woorker of miracles Lastly that hee is the giuer of the holie ghost and that he saueth his Church that is hee ordaineth and maintaineth his ministerie and by it through the vertue of the holie ghost is effectuall and forcible in moouing the heartes of men These diuine woorkes
attributed vnto the sonne differ so from the diuine properties which are attributed vnto him as the effectes from their causes so that then his properties woorke them 5 The equalitie of honour and woorshippe Hee hath equal honour giuen him dependeth of the equalitie of Essence properties and woorkes Isai 42.8 I will not giue my glorie to anie other But the Scripture giueth equall honour and woorshippe to the Father and the Sonne therefore they are truelie equall in God-head and in all the perfections thereof The Minor is confirmed first by Testimonies Psalm 97. Heb. 16. Let all the Angels of god woorshippe him Iohn 5.23 That all shoulde honour the sonne as they honour the father Reue. 5.13 c. Secondly Hee is called God absolutelie and simplie as is the Father Psalm 45.7 and Hebrews 1.8 Acts. 20.28 1. Timothy 3.16 Thirdly the Epithets or titles of Diuine honour which are euerie where in the scriptures attributed vnto the sonne As God blessed for euer The great god and Sauiour The Lord himselfe from heauen The Lord of glorie The Lord of Lords and King of Kings Power and eternall kingdome Sitting at the right hand of the Father The Bride-groome husband head of the Church god of the temple which are all the elect Trust and Beliefe in him Inuocation for hee is woorshipped of the Church as GOD and Bride groome of the Church at all times and in all places Thankesgiuing for his Diuine benefites Furthermore albeit the name of GOD especially beeing put absolutely and without restraint dooth euidently prooue the sonnes equalitie with the Father as it hath beene saide yet seeing that signifieth moe thinges and is also applied to others who are not by nature God wee are diligently to collect and haue in a readines those Testimonies in which thinges proper to the true God only are attributed to the sonne which agree to none else who are called Gods and whereby God himselfe discerneth himselfe and will haue him selfe discerned from other creatures and forged Gods For vnto whom the essential properties of any nature or essēce doe truely and reallie agree vnto him the essence it selfe must needes bee giuen The sonne hath all thinges from the Father not by grace but by nature 1. Obiection He that hath all things of another is inferiour to him of whom hee hath them The sonne hath all thinges of the Father Therefore hee is inferiour vnto the Father Aunswere The Maior holdeth and is true of such a one as hath any thing by the grace and fauour of the giuer for hee might not haue it and therefore is by nature inferiour but it is false of him who hath al those thinges by his owne nature which hee himselfe hath of whom hee receiueth them For seeing he can not not haue them it can not be that he should bee inferiour or should haue lesse than hee of whom hee receiueth them But the sonne hath all thinges of the Father which the Father hath and that by nature and absolute necessitie that is in such sort as that the Father can not but communicate vnto him all thinges which him selfe hath belonging to his diuine nature and maiestie Therefore hee is equall vnto the Father in all thinges The sonne doth all thinges with the consent of the Father in like manner as the Father doth 1. Obiection Hee that doth whatsoeuer he doth by the will of another interposed and going before is inferiour vnto him The sonne will and doth all thinges by the will of his Father going before Therefore he is not equal vnto the Father in vertue dignitie and essence Aunswere The sonne doth all thinges his Fathers will going before not in time and nature but in order of persons so that hee will or doth nothing which the Father also will not and doth and whatsoeuer the Father will and doth the same also the sonne will and dooth likewise that is with equall aucthoritie and power Wherefore the societie order of the diuine operations doth not take away but doth most of al settle establish the equalitie of the Father and the sonne as also of the holy Ghost THE FOVRTH CONCLVSION The word is con-substantial with the Father THE woordes con-substantiall and like-substantiall differ For * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 like-substantiall signifieth mo persons and like essences as three men are like-substantial For they are both three persons and three essences of like nature that is agree in humane nature But * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 con-substantial signifieth one essence mo persons In the god-head is not like-substantial because there are not three gods but con-substantial because there are three persons of one and the same diuine essence For there is but one Iehoua that is one diuine essence which is the same is wholy in euery of the three persons therefore euery of thē are that one God besides which essence whatsoeuer is it is a creature not God The Latine church turneth the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 con-substantial taking substance for essence It is therefore the same that coessentiall that is of one and the same essence Furthermore these three thinges beeing declared and set downe namely that the Sonne is subsisting or a person that he is distinct frō the Father that he is equall with the Father the fourth is easilie gotten and obtained against the newe Arrians to wit that he is con-substantial with the Father which is also in like manner to be vnderstood concerning the holy Ghost For either this must be granted or of necessity there are made three gods which they though in words they deny it yet in very deede affirme when they frame and faine three essences and spirits The Arguments which shew The Father the Son to be of one the same essence are these 1. Iehoua is but one essence The English translations reteine not the worde it selfe IEHOVA but vse the Lord in steed thereof which is the signification of IEHOVA and therfore in effectuall one or one god Deut. 6.4 But the eternal Father and the Sonne coeternal with the father are that Iehoua Therfore these two are one essence and one God The Minor is proued first by those places of Scripture which cal the sonne Iehoua Ier. 23.6 This is the name whereby they shal cal him Iehoua or the Lord our righteousnes Isai 25.6 The expected God and Sauiour is called Iehoua But Messias is the expected god Sauior Therefore Messias is that Iehoua whereof the Prophet speaketh Za. 2.8 The deliuerer of the Church sent from Iehoua which is the Messias onely is called Iehoua Mal. 3.1 He is called Jehoua whose fore-runner was Iohn Baptist. But Iohn Baptist was the fore-runner of the Messias or the Sonne of God Christ Hee therefore is called Iehoua Hither belong al the places in which are giuen to the Angell or messenger of Iehoua both the name of Iehoua the diuine properties and honours But that Angell was the Sonne of
be taken awaie the effect likewise is taken awaie The wages of sinne is death Further if he hath abolished death and that by a sufficient satisfaction for our sinnes which satisfaction hee hath shewed and declared by his resurrection to bee sufficient it is certaine that his resurrection is a most certaine testimonie of our resurrection for he hauing perfourmed a sufficient satisfaction for the sinnes of his members the members cannot remaine in death But the resurrection of Christ the Heade is an argument of the perfect satisfaction for the sinnes of his members Therefore Christes resurrection is also an argument of the perfect resurrection of his members 3. As the first Adam receiued blessinge● for himselfe and all his posteritie and lost the same from all So Christ the second Adam receiued life and al other giftes for himselfe and others and therefore also will communicate eternall life with vs. 4. Seeing the same spirite dwelleth in vs which did in Christ hee shall woorke also the same in vs which in our Head he did For the spirit is alwaies like neither dooth he woorke in the Head and sleepe in the members Therefore seeing Christ hath raised himselfe vp by his spirite for the dead he wil verilie also raise vs vp For if hee raised himselfe vp beeing dead much more shal he bee able beeing aliue to raise vs vp 5. Because Christ is man for execept hee were man we shoulde haue no hope of the resurretion of our flesh For by man came resurrection 1. Cor. 15.21 Obiection 1. Then the wicked shall not rise againe because christes resurrection is neither an argument nor the cause of the resurrection of the wicked but of the godlie onelie Aunswere There be other causes for which the wicked shal rise again euē for the iust iudgement of God whereby he hath appointed them to eternall paines For the same thing maie haue moe effectes and diuerse causes Obiection 2 These are the benefites of his death therefore not of his resurrection Aunswere They are of his death as by it he deserued them of his resurrection in respect of the application of his benefites Hee beeing rich was made poore and beeing poore was made rich againe that he might enrich vs. Obiection 3. The effect is not before the cause The cause of these benefites which is his resurrection was not before the first resurrection therefore neither the effect that is the benefites themselues Aunswere The resurrection was not as touching the accomplishment thereof but in the counsell of God and in efficacie and vertue it was in the olde Testament For then also were men receiued into fauour they were endued with the holie Ghost and receiued the other benefits but for and by the Mediator which was in time appointed to be humbled and glorified The last though not the least fruite of christes resurrection is The consummation and perfecting of all his benefites and the glorifieng of his church For christ did therefore die and is therefore risen and hath therefore perfectlie deliuered vs from sinne that wee may bee ioint-heires with him of his kingdome Coloss 1.18 Hee is the first borne of the dead Rom. 8.17 Wee are the heires of God and heires annexed with Christ He shal conforme vs and make vs like vnto himselfe because we liue by the same spirit whereby he dooth And this spirite is not vnlike himselfe Rom. 8.11 Jf the spirite of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised vp Christ from the deade shall also quicken your mortall bodies because that his spirit dwelleth in you Ioh. 14.3 I wil come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there maie yee bee also Now in this we obserue That the whole humiliation of the Mediatour doth not dure for euer For it was enough that hee suffered once but the efficacie and power thereof in preseruing and maintaining the blessings thereby comming endureth for euer Christ therefore rose that is by his owne proper vertue and power brought againe and returned his soule vnto his bodie that both soule and bodie might bee deliuered from al ignominie and infirmitie and be adorned with immortalitie and perfect glorie That is 1. Hee recalled his soule vnto his bodie 2. But both yet beeing now glorified and freed from infirmities 3. By his owne proper power he receiued his soule I beleeue then that Christ is raised from the dead that is that he therefore rose againe from the dead that hee might make vs partakers of his righteousnesse sanctification glorification which hee purchased for vs by his merite Seeing therefore Christ is risen it is manifest that hee is declared to bee the Sonne of God and as touching his humanitie is endowed with that glory which becommeth the nature of the Sonne of God and further that he endueth vs also with his spirite regenerateth vs by the vertue of his spirite and wil at length consummate and perfect the new life begun in vs and make vs compartners of the same his glory felicity and euerlasting life HE ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN CHRISTS Ascension into heauen is a locall true and visible translation and remoouing of Christs bodie into that heauen which is about all visible heauens to that light which is not to be come vnto to the right hand of God where he now is and remaineth and whence he shall returne to iudgement The chiefe Questions of Christs Ascension into heauen 1 Whither or to what place christ ascended 2 How he ascended 3 Wherefore he ascended 4 What is the difference betweene christs Ascension ours 5 What are the fruites of christs Ascension 1 WHITHER CHRIST ASCENDED IESVS Christ man when he was together with his Disciples in Bethania fourty daies after his resurrection after he had often prooued and confirmed his resurrection his true fleshe and humanity vnto his Apostles ascended in their sight into heauen Heauen in Scripture signifieth 1 The aire 2 The Skieye region and celestiall Spheres 3 The place of the blessed which is that space immense most lightsome glorious without and aboue the whole world and the visible heauen where God sheweth himselfe to the blessed Angels and men where is prepared the seat of our blisse with Christ and the Angels God is said to dwel there because there dooth his glorie especially appeare vnto the blessed Angels men It is called the new world paradise the bosome of Abraham This heauen is not euerie where Luk. 16.26 Betweene you and vs there is a great gulfe set so that they which would go from hence to you can not neither can they come from thence to vs. In this third signification is heauen here taken Christ then ascended into Heauen that is was caried vp into the place of the blessed Act. 2.2 The Holie Ghost came from Heauen in the day of Pentecost 2. King 2.11 Elias was taken vp into Heauen 2. Cor. 12.2 Paul maketh mention of the third Heauen Coloss 3.1 Seeke those thinges which are aboue
vnto vs of christs body euen as also it is cōmanded in the words of the institution Shew the Lords death til he come 5 The Analogie proportion of the sign the thing doth manifestly enough refel transubstantiatiō For in euery sacrament ar these two the sign the thing signified but the sign should perish if the bread should be transubstantiated that is if there shold be a change of the bread into christs body for so should remaine the thing signified onlie and not the signe therefore no sacrament O●iection But the Accidents of bread and wine doe still remaine as whitenesse softnesse and such like Aunswere But so wil there not bee a proportion betweene the signe and the thing signified because accidents doe not nourish You can not say as the accidents of bread and wine nourish the body so the body of Christ nourisheth my soule vnto euerlasting life And further also the promise of God would by this meanes be made voide and frustrate For God promised that hee would giue the Messias not of the substaunce of wheat and wine but of the seede of Dauid Reply But we saie not that the bread and wine are conuerted into the substaunce of Christs bodie but that the substaunce of the bread and wine vanisheth quite awaie in place thereof succeedeth the substance of the bodie and bloud of Christ Aunswere Of this bread christ speaketh That it is his body and the same bread both before and in and after the administration of it is called bread Christ saith not this which is vnder the forme of bread is my body but he saith this that is this bread is my bodie And Paul saith The bread whith we breake is the communion of the bodie of Christ And againe For we that are many are one breade and one body Againe As often as yee shall eate this bread c. And a little after Whosoeuer shal eate this bread vnworthilie c. Moreouer Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of this bread Wherefore it is plaine and euident that the substaunce of bread and wine neither is changed neither perisheth neither lieth hid vnder a forme but remaineth stil the same bread and the same wine Nowe that there is no transubstantiation or conuersion of the substaunce of the breade and wine into the bodie of Christ is thus prooued If there bee anie transubstantiation christes institution is peruerted for it abolisheth and bringeth to nothing the substaunce of the bread which is the verie thing that in this ceremony is the body of christ For seing the bread is the body of Christ then doubtlesse if the bread remaine not neither doth the bodie of christ remaine in the supper and so christs woordes are no longer true when hee saide that that bread is his bodie and that wine his ●loud The Transubstantiaries if they be demaunded what thing it i● that they call the bodie of christ in the supper certainely they will not aunswere it is bread for they haue no bread left in the supper because it is transubstantiated but they will send vs to the very substance of christs body absolutely cōsidered couered on the altar with the accidentes of bread Wherefore all they er who obiect and present the bodie of christ beeing considered by it selfe in it own proper matter and subiect to the external actions of the supper These and the former reasons refell consubstantiation also wherefore neither wil we bring any moe reasons seuerally against it Onely some certaine obiections of the Consubstantiaries themselues we will refute A refutation of obiections framed to confirme consubstantiation 1 OBiection Christ said This is my bodie But Christ is true Therefore we must beleeue him setting apart all Philosophicall subtiltie and sharpenes and so by consequent bread is not a signe of his bodie Aunswere Wee graunt their argument if they prooue that Christ putteth this to bee his meaning namely that Jn Vnder and With the bread is his bodie Replie But it is said here This is my bodie Aunswere In other sacramentes also are the like speeches as The Paschal Lambe is called the Pass●ouer Bap●isme the washing of the newe-birth Circumcision the couenant Replie But we say not that the bread is the bodie of Christ reallie as the Papists say but that the bodie is in the bread Aunswere But in this respect the Papists seeme more to keep the word whom yet the Apostle expressely refuteth calling it bread both before the eating and in the eating and after the eating 2. It is no where saide either by Christ or by Saint Paul That the bodie of Christ is in the bread vnder the bread with the bread neither any where in scripture is this expressed But the true sense and meaning of those wordes is expressed in the text it self namely that the bread is the bodie of Christ symbolically that is as a symbole or tokē of it For in the text it is plainly said Do this in remembrance of me So Paul also calleth the bread the communion of the bodie of christ Wherefore the bread is the representing or symbolical signifieng body of christ The bread is a sign of christs bodie but not a couert wherein his bodie it self remaineth 2 Obiection Christ is omnipotent Therefore his bodie may be there and so because he said it it is there Answere The reason is of no force which will conclude a thing to bee done because it may bee done Replie Whatsoeuer is at the right hand of God is euerie where Aunswere It is false For the sitting at the right hand of God signifieth the vnion of both natures in Christ his power and rule and excellencie of gifts Now although he rule all thinges yet is it not necessarie that hee shoulde bee present in bodie It is sufficient that his person is euery where and is present in dignitie As also hee sustained all thinges euen then when hee hung on the Crosse neither yet was his bodie euery where Therefore to say that christ sitteth at the right hand of the Father signifieth that christ is the person by whom the Father mediately gouerneth ruleth al things especiallie the church But no part of this Sitting is the vbiquitie of christs bodie it sufficeth that christs person is euery where 3 Obiection That which quickeneth and nourisheth vs is receiued into vs the bodie and bloud of christ doe quicken vs therefore they are receiued into vs. Aunswere The Maior is but meere particular and therefore false in general for not whatsoeuer quickeneth and nourisheth vs must necessarily be receiued into vs. That only must be receiued into vs necessarily which quickneth nourisheth naturally that is by a ioint-touching of our bodie This meate which so nourisheth vs after a naturall manner dooth not nourishe vs except thereby the substaunce of our bodie bee increased But wee speake farre otherwise of the nourishing of the soule which is spirituall Christes bodie doth not at all nourish vs naturally
or Decalogue is to bee vnderstoode according to the interpretation of the Scripture that is according to the exposition and declaration of the Prophets Christ his Apostles and not according to the sense and iudgement of man only or Philosophy We must ioine together the explication scattered euery where thoroughout the Scriptures and not stick onely vpon those short commandementes Neither doth Morall Philosophie suffice for interpretation thereof because it conteineth but a little part of the Lawe and this is one difference betweene Philosophie and the doctrine of the gospel which is deliuered in the church 2 The Decalog requireth in al the commaundementes obedience both external internal perfect not in parts onlie but also in degrees that is that we obey God not onely in al the duties prescribed but in the degrees also of those duties Cursed be he that abideth not in al. 3 The first commandement must be included and vnderstoode in al the rest that is the obedience of the first commandement must be the motiue and final cause of our obedience towardes the rest of the commaundementes otherwise it is not the worship of God but hypocrisie whatsoeuer we doe For we must doe al thinges which are deliuered and prescribed in the other commaundementes euen for the loue we beare to God and for the desire we haue to woorship him For except wee so doe them we doe them not according to the sentence and prescript of the Law neither doe we please God therein Wherefore the first commaundement of the Decalogue must sinne before and giue light as it were vnto all the other commaundementes both of the second and the first table bee included in them This rule is deliuered by the Apostle 1. Corinth 10.31 Whether therefore yee eate or drink or whatsoeuer yee doe doe al to the glorie of God By these two former rules many things are made more cleare and manifest namely That no man in this life perfourmeth entire and perfect obedience vnto the Lawe that the vertues of the vnregenerate are sins in the sight of God because they are neither ioined with inward obedience nor come from the obedience of the first commaundement neither are referred vnto it seeing they do not know the true God and therefore they are but a shadow of obedience and are hypocrisie which God most seuerely condemneth Isai 29.13 Because this people come neere vnto me with their mouth and honour me with their lips but haue remoued their heart far from me J wil again doe a marueilous work in this people Roman 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Moreouer by the these rules it is manifest that true obedience cannot be begunne but by faith through the knowledge of the Mediatour and the gift of the holie Ghost Acts. 15. Purifieng their harts by faith Galat 2. In that that I nowe liue in the flesh I liue by faith in the Sonne of God For God is not truely knowen or loued without faith in Christ Joh. 5. He that honoureth not the Sonne honoureth not the Father which hath sent him Againe by these rules it is declared that our obedience in this life seeing it is but begunne onelie cannot please God but through for the satisfaction of Christ imputed vnto vs. Eph. 1. He hath freelie made vs accepted in his beloued Lastly by them it is manifest that in true conuersion obedience is begunne according to al the commaundementes For who truly loueth god he submitteth himselfe without exception to al his commandements 1. Joh. 3.9 He that is born of God sinneth not 4 That wee maie iudge aright of the meaning of euerie commaundement or Law we must aboue al thinges consider the drift or end thereof For the end of the Law sheweth the meaning thereof and by the end we shall iudge aright and easilie of the meanes This rule also is of force in humane Lawes But we are to vnderstand it of the next and neerest end of the Law For not those thinges which are necessarie to the attaining of such endes as are remoued and a far off but those which are necessary to the attaining of the neerest and subordinate ends are to be comprised in the sentence and prescript of one Law which except it be obserued the sentence and substance of al or many Laws wil be brought al into one The furthest end and therefore the end of the whole Law is the worshippe of god It requireth therefore the whole obedience of the Law The end of the second table is the preseruation of the society of mankinde this requireth al the duties of the second table The end of the fift commaundement is the preseruation of ciuill order it compriseth therefore the duties of superiors towards inferiors and of inferiors towards superiours because without these ciuil order cannot be preserued 5 The same vertue is often in a diuerse respect commaunded in diuerse commandementes that is the same vertue is required for the performing of obedience vnto many commandementes This wee are to know least we in vaine trouble and vex our selues in distinguishing and placing the vertues As fortitude is a vertue both of the sixt and fift commaundement because it is required in a Magistrate who is to take vpon him the defence of others 6 The Lawe-giuer dooth in an affirmative commaundement comprehend the negatiue and contrariwise in a negatiue hee comprehendeth the affirmatiue that is in the commanding of vertues the forbidding of the contrary vices is conteined and so contrariwise 7 We must take heede that we restraine not the commandementes too much and take them too streitlie For they are so to be taken and vnderstoode as that in the generall all the specials be conteined and in the chiefe special the next allied specials and in the effect the causes and in one of the correlatiues the other also So when chastity is commaunded temperancy is also commaunded without which this effect is not When subiection which is the one relatiue is commaunded Magistracie also which is his correlatiue is commanded 8 The obedience or commaundementes of the second table yeeld vnto the obedience or commandements of the first table Obiection But the second commandement is like vnto the first Ans Jt is like 1. as concerning the kind of Moral worship 2. As concerning the kinde of punishment to wit euerlasting punishment whereunto they are subiect who breake the second as well as they who break the first 1. Ioh. 3. Lastly they are like as concerning their coherence and connexion because neither can bee kept without other For God is not loued except our neighbour be loued neither is our neighbour trulie loued except God be loued 1. Joh. 4. Hence also aunswere may be made to this obiection The second table must yeelde vnto the first Therefore ceremonies which are duties of the first table must be preferred before the duties of loue and charitie towardes our neighbour For the second table yeeldeth vnto the first in moral duties not in ceremonial
is agreeing vnto the true god only This kind of Idolatry is especially forbidden in the first commandement and furder also in some part in the third commandement 2 When mē er in the kind of woorshippe that is when worship or honour is imagined to be doone vnto the true god by some such woorke which himselfe hath not commanded This kind is properly condemned in this second commandement and is called will-worshippe or superstition They are saide to be superstitious whosoeuer ad humane inuētions to the commandements of God 2 Hypocrisie which is a pretending or faining true godlinesse and worship of God doing the external works commaunded by god whether morall or ceremoniall without true faith and conuersion This vice is depainted and described in these woordes by the Prophet Isaias This people come neere vnto me with their mouth and honour mee with their lips but haue remooued their heart far from me and their fear toward me was taught by the preceptes of men In the same words and those that followe and also euery where thoroughout the whole Scripture is hypocrisie condemned of the Lord. 3 Prophanenes which is a voluntary letting goe or contempt of all religion and of the whole worship of God both internal external or else of some part of diuine worship This prophanenes is repugnant also to the whole worship of God in the first and second table Now let vs entreate a little more at large of superstition That Wil-worship whereof we before made mention is reprehended of the Lord in many places of holy Scripture So by Moses it is forbidden Deut. 12.8 Yee shall not doe after al these things that we do here this daie that is euerie mā whatsoeuer seeemeth good in his owne eies And in the end of the same chapter he saith Whatsoeuer I commaund you take heede you doe it thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought there-from It is also reprehended by Isaias whose woords before recited are alleadged by Christ himselfe Matth. 15.8 for the condemning of superstition or Wil-woorshippe The same is condemned also by Paul Col. 2.8 Beware least there be any man that spoile you through Philosophy and vaine deceite through the traditions of men according to the rudimentes of the world and not after Christ Obiection Such places and saiengs speak of the wicked and vngodlie commaundementes of men and of Mosaical and Jewish ceremonies Aunswere That this is false which is replied some demonstrances which are added vnto certaine places declare which also reiect those humane Lawes and ordinaunces that commaund any thing in regard of diuine worshippe which is not commaunded by God although the same be a thing in his own kind not forbidden of God So Christ reiecteth the Iewes tradition of washing of handes whereof he saith Matth. 15.11 That which goeth into the mouth defileth not the man but that which commeth out of the mouth that defileth the man Hither also may that be referred which Christ speaketh 23.25 Wo be to you Scribes Pharisees Hypocrites for ye make cleane the vtter side of the cup and of the platter but within they are ful of briberie and excesse Now that these and the like thinges are lawful setting aside of an opinion of superstition in them the Apostle in sundry places doth shew Roman 14.6 He that obserueth the daie obserueth it to the Lord and he that obserueth not the daie obserueth it not to the Lord Hee that eateth eateth to the Lord for hee giueth god thanks and he that eateth not eateth not to the Lord and giueth God thankes Againe 1. Corinth 10.25 Whatsoeuer is sold in the shamble eate yee and aske no question for conscience sake For the earth is the Lords and al that therein is Wherefore they are not simplie so condemned but onely so far as they are prescribed for diuine worship In the same respect is single life also condemned especially seeing the same is not a thing indifferent but to those only who haue the gift of continēcy according as it is said of Christ Matth. 19 12. He that is able to receiue this let him receiue it For al men as in the same place Christ saith cannot receiue this thing saue they to whom it is giuen And this is the difference between things indifferent or of middle qualitie and those things which are properly the worshippe of god Which difference we must diligently obserue 1. Bicause when men faigne other worships of god in them they faigne another wil of god which is to faigne another god 2. Because by confounding of the true worshippe with false worships the true god is confounded with Idoles Rom. 14.23 which are worshipped with those worships inuēted by men 3. Because whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne And when any man doth a thing as thereby to worship God his conscience not knowing whether God wil be worshipped after this manner or no he doth it not of faith but is ignoraunt and doubteth whether God be pleased or displeased with his work and therefore he presumeth to do that albeit it may displease god Wherefore hee dooth not thereby worship but contemne god OF TRADITIONS MOreouer that wee may make that difference of diuine worship and of things indifferent fully and wholy manifest and answere to an obiection of theirs who defend worshippes inuented by men with such places of Scripture as where god willeth vs to obey the commandements of mē we wil note and obserue that there are foure sorts of those things which men commaund 1. The ordinaunces of god which god wil that men propose vnto others to be obserued but not in their own name but in the name of god himselfe as being themselues the ministers and messengers not the autors thereof So the ministers of the church propound the heauenly doctrin of god to the church parents to their children Maisters to their scholers so Magistrates propound the commaundements of the Decalogue vnto their subects The obedince of these commaundementes is and is called Gods woorship because they are not humane ordinances but diuine which are necessarily to bee obeied although no autoritie or commaundement of any creature came thereto yea although all creatures should commaund the contrary Hither appertaine many places of Scripture As Prouer. 6.20 My Sonne keepe thy Fathers commaundement and forsake not thy Mothers instruction 1. Thessal 4.2 Yee know what commaundementes we gaue you by the Lord Iesus He therefore that despiseth these despiseth not man but god Matth. 23.2 The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seate Al therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe These and the like sayinges will vs to obey men as the ministers of god in these thinges which belong vnto the ministery that is which god by expresse commaundement hath testified that hee will haue published and commaunded by them but they graunt not authority vnto any to institute newe worshippes of god at their owne pleasure according as it is said Prouer. 36. Put
places of scripture Matth. 20.25 Yee knowe that the Lordes of the Gentiles haue domination ouer them and they that are great exercise authoritie ouer them But it shall not bee so among you but whosoeuer will bee great among you let him be your seruaunt 1. Pet. 5.3 Not as if ye were Lordes ouer Gods heritage but that yee maie be ensamples to the flocke Colos 2.16 Let no man condemne you in meate and drinke or in respect of an Holie-daie or of the newe Moone or of the Sabboth daies Gal. 5.1 Stand fast in the libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free Neither are the causes obscure or harde to come by for which God made this difference namely that there might bee an euident difference betweene the ciuill Magistrate vnto whom it belongeth to beare rule ouer his subiects and to constrain by corporall force such as obeie not and the Ministers of the Church vnto whom no such rule and power is graunted but vnto them is committed the charge and office of teaching and instructing men concerning the will of GOD. Againe because by the breach of Ecclesiasticall lawes if it bee done without giuing of offence the first table of the Decalogue for which they are to serue is not broken but by the breach of ciuil lawes albeit no offence be giuen thereby the second table is broken in as much as either some thing is taken frō the common wealth or some occasion is giuē of iniurying it Neither is this replie of force That vnto the greater and worthier office greater obedience is due And therefore the constitutions of the Ministers of the Church are no lesse necessarilie to bee kept than the lawes of the ciuil Magistrate For vnto the worthier greater obedience is due in those thinges which are properly belonging vnto his office Now the proper office of the ciuil Magistrate is to make lawes which are for the commaundement it selfe to bee obserued but the proper office of the ministerie of the Church is to sound foorth Gods commaundements And the proper office of the Church is to ordaine Ceremoniall decrees which must bee kept not for the commaundement of man but for auoiding of offences 4 Humane ordinances which are repugnant vnto the ordinances of God These God forbiddeth vs to obey whether the ciuil Magistrate commaunde them or the Church or the Ministers of the Church Acts. 5.29 We ought rather to obey God than Men. Matth. 15.3 Why transgresse yee the commaundement of god by your tradition Hauing now considered these foure kindes of ordinances deliuered by men it is easie to make aunswere vnto that first obiection God commaundeth vs to obey the commandementes of men He doth so first Such as bee good that is not repugnant vnto his woorde Secondly such as hee himselfe hath commaunded by men that worship maie be giuen him Thirdly Ciuil ordinances which depend on the authoritie of men not obeiing them for diuine worshippe but for conscience sake Fourthly Ecclesiasticall or Ceremonial ordinances obeying them but not respecting therein anie diuine worshippe or conscience neither of which they import but onelie the auoiding of offence 2 Obie What things the church commandeth by the instinct of the holie ghost those are diuine ordinances belonging to the worship of god But the church decreeth good and profitable constitutions being guided by the guiding of the holie ghost Therefore good constitutiōs decreed by the church appertaine to the worship of god Aunswere The general indeede of those commandements which the church prescribeth by the instinct of the holie Ghost appertaineth to the worship of God This general compriseth the diuine Lawes of God of not breaking charity and of auoiding offence of keeping order and comelinesse in the church And in respect of this general the constitutions which the church decreeth by the instinct and motion of the holy Ghost are also diuine or the constitutions of God as namely they are a part of these diuine Lawes the care and keeping whereof is commended vnto vs by god himselfe in his word But those good constitutions of the church are humane or the constitutions of men as they doe in speciall designe that which was in generall by these diuine Lawes signified rather than expounded Wherefore those ordinances are no worship of god which the church aduiseth decreeth receiueth or commaundeth for the countenaunce of mutual charity among vs and for the preseruation of order and comelinesse or for the auoiding of offences albeit in the choosing and constituting of these shee be directed by the instinct of the holy ghost For the holy ghost declareth both vnto the church both what is profitable for the auoiding of offences and also that those things which are commaunded for the auoiding of offences are neither the worship of god nor necessary to be obserued but in case of auoiding offence and therefore that the church reteineth her libertie of deliberating of them or of chaunging of them or of omitting them if there be no feare of offence This doth Saint Paul manifestly declare when as 1. Corinth 7. counselling them to single life which haue the gift of continency yet hee addeth further But I speak this by permission not by commandement Again This J speake for your owne commoditie not to tangle you in a snare but that yee followe that which is honest and that ye cleaue fast vnto the Lord without separation Here he affirmeth both both that hee wisheth them that are continent to leade a single life that so they may the more fitlie serue god and that also hee leaueth it free vnto them to marry and hee speaketh both by the instinct of the holie ghost 3 Obiection God is worshipped by those thinges which are done to Gods glory The things that the Church doth decree are don to Gods glorie Therefore these also are the worship of God Aunswere Those thinges that are done to the glory of god by themselues that is which are commaunded by god to this end as that by these workes wee should declare our obedience towardes him they are the worshippe of god but not those thinges which serue for the glorie of god but by an accident that is which serue sometimes for the perfourming of those thinges which are commanded by god vpon some accidental respectes and causes which if they do not concur god yet may be honored both of those that do thē and of those that doe them not so that they be done or left vndoone of faith which is assured and resolueth that the person is not reconciled vnto god and that the action or omitting of the action doth agree with the word of god 4 Obiection The examples of those who haue worshipped God without his direct commandement confirme that it is permitted to men to worship God with that worship which themselues ordaine Auns The example of Samuel sacrificing in Ramoth cannot at al establish Wil-worship For as touching the sacrifices they were the worship of god because they were commaunded by god and as
distinguished from that presentnes of minde and courage which through a cogitation and thinking on Gods wil ought to bee raised and stirred vp in al especially in gouernours 1. King 2.2 Bee strong and shew thy selfe a man Hither appertaineth the example of the spies of the land of Canaan and of the people being out of heart and despairing for euer compassing and possessing of it Numb 13. and. 14. Like vnto this vertue is warlike fortitude which is a defendres of iustice an vndertaking of the iust defence of our selues or others albeit it be not without peril and danger War is either a necessary defence against those that exercise robbery and outrages or cruelty against the people or a iust punishment for grieuous iniuries sustained which is vndertaken by force of armes Jndignation or zeale is a vertue iustly offended wrath for the reproch of Gods name the vniust hurting of our neighbor for some grieuous iniury which is done either against God or our innocent neighbor hauing moreouer a desire as ability and strength affordeth to repel and reuenge the iniury done against God or our neighbours according to Gods commaundement Judg. 8. Gideon said to Zebah Zalmunna The men that ye slue at Tabor were my brethren euen my Mothers children as the Lord liueth if ye had saued their liues I would not slaie you And Iud. cap. 20. The Israelites wage war against the Beniamites for the wickednes cōmitted against the Leuites wife As therfore vniust wars are forbidden by this commaundement so iust warre is allowed in the fift commaundement as a part of the Magistrates duty towardes his subiectes and in this commaundement as a defence both of his owne and others safety life and consisteth partly in iustice not hurting and punishing partly in fortitude and indignation For either it is as before was said a necessary defence against those that exercise robbery and violence or cruelty against the people or a iust punishment for grieuous iniuries which is vndertaken by ordinary autority with force of arms 1. Sam. 25.28 My Lord fighteth the battles of the Lord. Hither also belongeth the defence of their owne life and their neighbours which priuate men vse against vniust force and violence when necessity suffereth not the Magistrates aide to be required For when the Lawes and the Magistrate arme a priuate man against a robber or adulterer he vseth then the sword not vnaduisedly taken but iustly deliuered into his hand by the Magistrate as beeing the Magistrates deputy and minister So Moses slue the Aegyptian in defence of the Israelite The vertues benefiting or doing good which namely consist in doing good turns are these Humanity Mercy Amity Humanitie or the loue of man is a true sincere good will both in mind and wil and heart towards others and a declaration thereof in words behauiour and duties conuenient and possible This selfe same vertue in the Scriptures is called the loue of our neighbour which in Philosophy is termed Humanitie for by this vertue all men perfourme that vnto others which they woulde haue to bee doone vnto them-selues Roman 12.10 Bee affectioned to loue one another with brotherlie loue Galath 6.10 Let vs doe good vnto all men but especiallie vnto them which are of the house-holde of faith Mercie is a vertu which hath a fellow-feeling and taketh compassion of the calamities of good men or of those who sinne through ignorance or infirmity endeuoreth to take thē away or to assuage them as much as equitie gods glory permitteth neither reioiceth at the calamities of the very enemies themselues Or it is sorrow for the calamities of innocent men or such as fal through ignorance or infirmity a desire to asswage or take away their calamities by honest means Amity is a vertue cōprehended vnder humanity as a special vnder his general it is a mutual sincere good wil between good men wel known one to another performing mutual and possible duties or It is a vertue rendring mutual and sincere good wil and perfourming mutual duties such as are iust lawfull and possible kindled by the knowledge of vertue and by communication in both parties Jt is different from loue in that loue stretcheth both to the knowen and vnknowen but amity or frindship extendeth onely vnto those that are knowen one to another that for some vertues appearing in them The partes then of al that which is commanded vs in this commandement are 1. That our neighbour liue 2. That hee liue wel by our assistaunce and endeuor vnto the vtmost of our power The vices contrarie to the vertues of this sixt commaundement VNTO particular iustice hurting no man is opposed 1. Iniustice hurting men namely a wil to hurt men and al vniust endammaging hurting or iniuring 2. Remisnesse when they are not hurt who are to be hurt by them vnto whom the execution thereof belongeth Vnto mildnesse is repugnaunt 1. Vniust anger hastinesse grudging immoderate reuenge hatred and spite Anger is a short madnesse Hastinesse is angrinesse or a readinesse vnto anger 2. Remisnes when a man is not moued for grieuous iniuries Vnto equabilitie or equitie is repugnant 1. Jmmoderate Rigour when there is had no regard of circumstances whereof it is saide Extreme right is extreme wrong likewise cruelty and vniust seuerity 2. Remisnesse that is not to be moued at such things whereat we ought to be moued when god commandeth Likewise partiality accepting of persons Vnto peaceablenesse is opposed 1. Jn the excesse Remisnesse when as thou so couetest to keepe peace that thou doest not respect Gods glory neither thine owne and thy neighbours safety This is an vniust gratifieng 2. Jn the defect al vniust or vnnecessarie speeches Contentions backbitinges slanders whisperings Vnto iustice commutatiue in punishmentes is contrary 1. In the defect remisnesse when that is not punished which ought to bee punished 2. Jn the excesse cruelty vniust and ouer-great seuerity priuate reuenge false pretending of strict iustice Briefly vnto punishing iustice is repugnaunt iniustice which either doth not at al punish or doth vniustly punish Vnto fortitude is opposed In the defect timerousnesse the betraying of anothers safety when thou art able to vndertake his defence likewise a shunning of such daungers as God hath commanded vs to vndergoe 2. In the excesse rashnesse or fool-hardinesse which is to vndertake things vnnecessary or impossible Vnto indignation are contrary 1. Vniust anger 2. Remisnesse and slownesse when there is no sharpnesse or earnestnes shewed in being iustly offended with iniuries in reuenging them Likewise vnto this are the same repugnaunt which are vnto peaceablenes Vnto humanitie are opposed 1. Selfe-loue with a neglect of others 2. Jnhumanitie 3. Spitefulnes or hatred against others or a shewe hereof 4. Vniust pleasurings and gratifiengs Vnto mercie are contrary 1. In the defect vnmercifulnes crueltie hard-heartednesse not to haue compassion of those of whom we are to haue compassion
endeuour to obserue al these conditions in their praying the wicked contrarily either omitte and neglect them all or keeping one or two conditions erre in the rest Some er in the knowledge of the nature and wil of God therein omitting the first condition some erre in the thinges which are to bee asked when they aske either euill thinges or vncertaine or not approoued by god Some aske these hypocriticallie some without a feeling of their want some not with a confidence in the Mediatour some persisting in their wickednes thinke yet that God heareth them some desire things necessarie to saluation with a distrust and diffidence some lastly aske not thinking of Gods promise and therefore not according to faith 4 What is the forme of praier by Christ prescribed THE forme of prayer prescribed by Christ vnto vs is recited by the two Euangelists Matthewe and Luke Which forme Christ deliuered vnto vs not that we should be tied to these woords but that we might know both how and what to aske Obiection We may not be wiser than Christ Therefore seeing hee hath appointed vs a certaine forme of praier we must hold vs contented therewith and therefore we doe amisse when wee vse other formes of praiers Aunswere Wee maie not depart from that forme if Christ will haue vs tied vnto it but he will not haue vs tied to these words because his purpose was when he taught his disciples to pray to deliuer a briefe summe of those things which we are to ask of God Replie That is to be reteined than which no better can be inuented Wee cannot inuent a better forme and better woords than are these of Christ himselfe Therefore wee must retaine also the forme and woords Aunswere Wee can not inuent better woordes neither a better forme that is to expresse this summe of such thinges as are to bee desired which is as it were the general of al thinges that are to be desired These generals of gods benefits which Christ in this forme hath prescribed vnto vs to be desired cannot bee proposed in a better forme but Christ will haue vs also to descend to the specials to aske particular benefits according to our necessitie For that forme prescribed by Christ is nothing else but a set or course of certaine heads or generals whereunto al benefites as wel corporal as spiritual may be referred And whē christ willeth vs to desire the generals he willeth vs also to desire the specials And furder also those things which are here put in general we are in like maner for this cause to declare in special that we may be lead into a consideration of our necessity to a desire of making our petition vnto God to help our necessity Now that we may do this we haue neede also of special formes of praieng For to the explicatiō of generals by their specials we haue need of another form But yet al other forms of praier must agree with this form prescribed by christ although we be not tied vnto this form of Christ as being a thing altogether indifferent as appeareth by these places of Scripture Ioh. 14.13 Whatsoeuer ye aske of the father in my name whether ye aske it in general or in special he wil giue you Wherefore Christ hath not tied vs to a certaine forme Jam. 1.5 Jf any of you lack wisedome let him aske and it shal bee giuen him Likewise Matt. 20.24 Pray that your flight be not in the winter But this as touching the woordes is not in the praier prescribed by Christ There are also examples of praiers both in the New and old Testament Wherefore the forme of praier deliuered vnto vs by Christ is wholy a thing indifferent Nowe this praier of christ hath three partes a Proeme a Petition and a Conclusion The Proeme is Our Father which art in heauen The Proeme hath two partes 1. Our Father 2. which art in heauen And the Lord vsed this kind of Proeme because he wil be called vpon with due honor This honor consisteth 1. In true knowledge 2. Jn true confidence 3. Jn obedience Obedience compriseth 1 True loue 2. True fear 3. Hope 4. Humiliation 5. Patience The first part of the Proeme Our Father God is called Our Father 1. Jn respect of our creation Luk. 3.38 The sonne of Adam the sonne of God 2. In respect of our redemption and receiuing into fauour by his sonne our Mediatour Christ is the only begotten sonne of god we are not his sons by our owne nature but are adopted for christs sake 3. In respect of our sanctification or regeneration by the holie Ghost in Christ Obiect 1. We Jnuocate the Father according to the prescript of his own son Therefore we must not inuocate the son and the holy Ghost Aunswer The consequence of this reason is denied because the consequēce holdeth not from the attributing of some property vnto one person of the god-head to the remouing of the same from another person of the god-head Again the name of Father as also the name of god when it is opposed to all the creatures is taken essentially not personally but when it is put with another person of the God-heade it is taken personallie Wherefore in this place the name of Father is taken essentially the reasons hereof are manifest 1. Because the name of Father is not here put with another person of the God-head but with the creature of whom he is inuocated So also by the Prophet Isaiah cap. 9.6 Christ is called The euerlasting father 2. The Jnuocating of one person doth not exclude the others when mention is made of their external outward works 3. We cannot consider God the father but in the sonne the Mediatour And the Son hath made vs Sons by the holy ghost who is called the spirit of adoptiō 4. Christ teacheth vs that we must inuocate him also saying Verilie verilie I say to you whatsoeuer yee shal aske of the father in my name he shal giue you 5. Christ giueth the holie Ghost Therefore it is hee himselfe of whom wee aske him Obiect 2. Christ is called and is our brother Therefore he is not our father Aunswere He is our brother in respect of his humane nature But hee is our father in respect of his diuine nature Ob. 3. If he be called the father who hath receiued vs into fauor for Christs sake then is not Christ vnderstoode by the name of father because he that receiueth vs into fauour for christs sake is not Christ himself But the father whō we here so cal receiueth vs into fauor for christs sake Wherefore he is not christ Answ Hee that receiueth vs into fauour for Christs sake is not Christ himselfe that is not in the same sense and respect Christ as he is our Mediatour is hee through whom we are receiued but as he is god he is he that receiueth vs. Christ wil haue vs to call God Father and so to inuocate him 1. In regard of the true