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A06492 A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians first collected and gathered vvord by vvord out of his preaching, and novv out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the vnlearned. Wherein is set forth most excellently the glorious riches of Gods grace ...; In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1575 (1575) STC 16965; ESTC S108973 590,302 574

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quieted VVhat peace Paule vvisheth to Christians Psal. 2.2 Iohn 10.23 Iohn 14.27 Peace of the vvorld The grace of te vvorld VVhy this is added and frō our Lord Iesus Christ Exod. 23 ●0 That Meritemongers or such as seeke to iustifie thē selues by thē selues shutte out Christ and vvill only haue to doe vvith God. The Alcoran is a boke containing the Turkes religion receaued frō Mahomet a false prophet that vvas among them The vvill of God is to be sought in Christ 1. Cor. 1.21 The fall of Lucifer VVhat God is in his ovvne nature 1. Cor. 1.13 VVhere the vvil of God is to be sought Iob. 36.23 24.25 Esaias 2 10. Prouerb 25 27. 2 Esdras 12 4. 2 Esdras 13.52 Eccles 3 22. Rom. 12 3. Io. 14 6. Christ the vvay the truth and the life The afflicted conscience vvrestling vvith the iudgment of God by faith onely in Christ is comforted Mat. 11 28. Coloss 2 3.2 9. Mat. 11.27 Io. 10.15 Genes 28.12 Christian diuinitie beginneth at Christ lying in the lappe of the virgine Mary Io. 1.18 Christ God. The deuill an aduersarie to faith 1. Iohn 5.4 The povver of the father and of Christ equall Esaias 42.8 Hovve Christ giueth grace and peace The vvorks of Christ are diuine and proper to God. One and the self same Godhead of the father and of the sonne Arrians Mahomet The vvorkes of Christ VVhich hath geuen himself Iohn 1.36 The greatnes of sin is to be vveied by the greatnes of the price Rom. 17 14. Sinne a puisāt tiraunt holding all men captiues The iudgemēt of the Godly A great vehemencie alvvayes to be marked in pronovvnes Mans reason doth extenuate and lessen sinne The hypocrits vvould that these vvordes vvere rather spoken to shevv the humilitie of Paul then the greatnes of our sinnes for that they can not heare The picture of the Iusticiaries and meritmongers Luke 1● 11 The cheefe vvisedom of Christians Sinnes against the first table Satan is vvōt to chaūge our righteousnes into sinnes Hovv vve must ansvver the deuil reasoning vvith vs. Io. 5.24 Io. 11.25 1 Io. 4.9 Esaias 53.6 Esaias 53.8 The proper and true definition of Christ Galat. 1.4 Ebr. 10.10 Colos 2.14 Let euery man learne to apply this pronovvne our to him selfe The true picture of Christ VVhat snares Sathan layeth for vs. This sentence is diligently to be vrged vvhich gaue him selfe for vs. VVhy Paule doth call this vvorld present and euill Io. 12.31 1. Iohn 5.19 That the vngodly vvith al their gifts doe serue the Deuill They that knovve not Christ the more vvise and righteous they are the more do they hate and persecute the gospell Galat. 1.4 The vvhite deuill Spirituall vvhoredomes the most abhominable Christ only deliuereth vs out of this present euell vvorld The vvorld obayeth his prince the deuill VVhat sinnes are in the vvorld VVhat the vvorld is vvith all his vertues and righteousnes Phil. 3.8 Esay 64.6 The kingdom of the vvorld The kingdom of Christ Colossa 13. Iohn 3.16 Iohn 4.10 Iohn 8.16 It is a great consolation to knovv that Christ is geuē for vs by the vvill of his father God is a common father both to Christ and to vs. Iohn 10.17 VVhat knees vve ought to bovve vvhen vve mention the name of God. Gal. 1.8.9 Galat. 5.10 Hovve Preachers ought to behaue thē selues in bringing backe such as are gone astray and falne through vveakenes The studie of Bishopes to maintaine their Lordeship and soueraintie 1 Cor. 10.12 VVhat an hard thing it is to plant a church That vvhich in long time of godly preachers if builded vp of one vvicked teachers is quickly destroied The Church is a most tender thing He speaketh of the Anabaptistes The right picture of fantasticall spirites The churches are ouerthrovvne vvhile the teachers sleepe 1. Peter 5.8 Math. 13.25 Vvhat Hierom vvould that Paule should meane by calling them Galathians The dispositiō of the Germaines This may vvel be said of vs English men for our heat is sone cooled and that may appeare by our cold proceedings at this day A double exposition vpon this place VVhat good things the doctrine of grace bringeth vvith it The vvorld hateth the light and loueth darknes Io. 1.9.10 VVhat revvard the vvicked vvould repay to Christ for his benefits Io. 1.5 The calling of Christ The vvhite Deuill The blacke Deuill Sathan chaūgeth himselfe into an Angel of light The false Apostles condemne Paules doctrine Acts. 15.5 The nature of heretiks liuely painted out The Deuill vvill not be blacke in his Ministers A prouerbe among ths Germains The Deuill doth more hurt on the right hand then on the left Ephes 6.22 The troublers of the church Hovve the false Apostles had slaundered Paule That vngodly teachers condemne and persecute the godly Euery one that teacheth vvorkes is a troubler of mens consciences The Papistes vvorse then the false Apostles amōg the Galathians Actes 15.1 False Apostles brag of their ovvne doings and dispraise other mens False Apostles trouble and ouerthrovv the gospell of Christ The most vvicked teachers vvould be taken for holy instructers The righteousnes of the lavv and the righteousnes of grace are contrary They that mingle the righteousnes of the lavve and grace together are subuerters of the gospell of Christ The discommodities that follovv the mingling of faith and vvorks together The vehemēt zeale of Paule against the false Apostles Iosua 6.26 Leuit. 16.29 Exod. 17.14 The Gospell of Paule Acts. 13.2 Rom. 1.2 Deut. 18.15 Act. 3.22 The vehemencie of Paule against the false Apostles An horrible sentence against the Papistes The contents of the tvvo first chapters The reason of the Papists to proue that the Church is aboue the scripture The vvord of God must only be taught in the church VVhat revvard Paule receaued for his paines taking VVhat the ministers of God ought to seeke Ephes 2.3 The summe and effect of the doctrine of the Gospel Psal. 19. ● To teach the things that are of God Iohn 7.7 VVhy the vvorld hateth Christ Iohn 3.19 Signes that testifie Paules doctrine to be true False Apostles seeke to please men Teachers of mens traditions doe please men The revvard of godly teachers The revvard of false and vngodly teachers Mat. 6.2 Io. 5.44 Verse 11. Lies and sclāders deuised by the false Apostles against Paule Acts. 16.5 Acts. 18.13 Acts. 21.24 1 Cor. 15.1 Acts. 9.1 The chiefe purpose of Paule in this disputation Paules doctrine vvas not after man. Christ both God and man VVhere Paule receaued the Gospell Acts. 9.71 Verse 1● The argument of the false Apostles takē from the authoritie of the Apostles So great is the vveaknes euē of the godly that they are hardli dravvn to Gods promises though they be most certaine The office of the lavv Exod. 19.18 He alludeth to the geuing of the lavv in mount Synai The conflictes of the godly Galat. 5.17 Rom. 7.23 Faith is the gift of God. The cheefe seruice of God. VVhat inconueniences follovv the lothing of Gods vvord ‖
somewhat from Zuinglius sticking to nere to the letter yet he ioyneth not so with the Papist that he leaueth there any transubstantiation or idolatrie Wherefore the matter being no greater then so nor directly against any article of our crede let not vs be so nice for one litle wart to cast away the whole body It were doutlesse to be wished that in good teachers and preachers of Christ there were no defect or imperfection But he that can abide nothing with his blemish let him if he can name any Doctor or writer the scripture onely except greke or latin old or new either beyond the Alpes or on this side the Alpes or him selfe also what so euer he be which hath not erred in some sentence or in some exposition of holy scripture But if he can not so doe then let him learne by him selfe to beare with other to take the best and leaue the worst although there is no such matter in this booke to be feared forasmuch as we hauing a respect to the simple haue purposely spūged out and omitted such stumbling places being but few which might offend and to geue God thankes for any thing that is good and namely for this which he hath geuen to vs by Luther in opening to vs his grace mercy and good will in his Sonne so excellently through the preaching of this man who if he had not taught the difference betwene the lawe and the gospell and set out to vs our iustification victory and libertie by faith onely in Christ so plainely so plentifully and so assuredly as he hath done who euer durst haue bene so bold to open his mouth in such wordes or so confidently to stand in this doctrine of faith and grace For if there haue bene since the time of Luther and be yet some which openly defend that workes be necessary to saluation where he before so mightely hath taught the contrary what then would these haue done if Luther had not bene who also did forewarne vs of the same prophesying that after his time this doctrine of iustification would be almost extinguished in the church as in certaine places experience beginneth partely to proue Wherefore so much as the Lord shall geue vs grace let vs hold constantly the comfortable doctrine of faith and iustification not lose that the Lord so freely hath geuen calling vppon the Lord with all obedience and diligence to geue vs grace with S. Paule not to refuse the grace whiche he bestoweth vppon vs nor to be offended with this ioyfull doctrine as many be And therefore as our duty was for our part to set it abroade so our counsell is no lesse to euery studious reader thereof to pray for grace rightly to vnderstād that he readeth For els vnlesse the special grace of Christ doe helpe hard it is to flesh and blood to comprehend this mysticall doctrine of faith onely So straūge it is to carnall reason so darke to the world so many enemies it hath that except the spirite of God from aboue doe reueale it learning can not reach it wisedome is offended nature is astonied deuilles doe not knowe it men doe persecute it Briefely as there is no way to life so easie so is there none so hard Easie to whom it is geuen from aboue hard to the carnall sense not yet enspired The ignoraunce whereof is the roote of all errours sectes and diuisions not onely in all christendome but also in the whole world The Iewe thinketh to be saued by his Moses lawe the Turke by his Alcoran the philosopher by his morall vertues Besides these commeth an other sort of people not so ill as the Iewe nor so hethen as the philosopher but hauing some part of both which refuse not vtterly the name of Christ but with Christ doe ioyne partely the law of Moses partely the morall and naturall discipline of philosophy and partely their owne ceremonies and traditions to make a perfect way to heauen And these here in this commentary are called papists of the Pope their author being diuided within themselues more then into an hundreth diuers sectes orders and professions of Cardinales Frears Monkes Nunnes Priestes Heremites and other votaries All which seeme to springe vp of no other cause but onely vppon ignorance of this doctrine And no meruell For take away this doctrine of iustification by faith onely in Christ and leaue a man to his owne inuentions what ende will there be of newe deuises Such a perilous thing is it to erre in the first fundation whereuppon the higher ye build the greater is the fall And yet such builders are not without their proppes to hold vppe their workemanship of workes against this doctrine of iustifying faith pretending for their defence the testimonie of S. Iames where he seemeth to attribute iustification to workes and not to faith onely Touching which matter of iustification for as much as in the sequele of this treatise the author hath discoursed vpon the same at large it shall not be much needefull to vse many wordes at this present This briefely may suffice by way of preface in a word or two to aduertise the christian reader who so taketh in hand with profite and iudgement to reade this booke that in him two things are specially to be required First to reade it wholy togeather and not by peeces and partes here and there but to take it in order as it lyeth conferring one place with an other wherby to vnderstand the better the right meaning of the writer howe and in what sense he excludeth good workes and howe not howe he neglecteth the law and how he magnifieth the lawe For as in case of iustifying before God the free promise of the gospell admitteth no condition but faith onely in Christ Iesu so in case of dutifull obedience Luther here excludeth no good works but rather exhorteth thereunto and that in many places Thus times and cases discretly must be distincted The second thing to be required is that in reading hereof he that seketh to take frute hereby doe bring such a mind with him to the reading as the author him selfe did to the preaching therof that is he had neede to haue his senses exercised somewhat in such spirituall conflictes and to be well humbled before with the feare of God and inward repentance or els he shal hardly conceaue the excellent swetenes either of this writer or any other For albeit most true it is that no greater comfort to the soule of man can be found in any booke next to the holy scripture then in this commentary of M. Luther so this comforte hath litle place but onely where the conscience being in heauines hath neede of the phisicions hand The other who feele thēselues whole are not touched in soule with any sorowe as they litle care for these bookes so haue they litle vnderstandinge of this doctrine when they reade it And this is the cause in my mind why the Pope his papistes
haue so litle feeling liking of Luthers doctrine and all because they commonly are neuer greatly vexed in spirite with any deepe affliction but rather deride them that be beaten downe with such conflictes and tētations of Sathan as they did by Luther whom because God suffered to to be tried and exercised with the buffets of the enemie they say therefore that he learned his diuinitie of the Deuill But how he learned his diuinitie let vs heare what he him selfe in this booke fol. 197. 198. cōfesseth in these wordes saying Vnlesse we had bē exercised with violēce and craftie assaultes by tirannes heretikes and in our heart with terrors and fiery dartes of the deuill Paule had bene to vs no lesse obscure then he was in times past to the whole world and yet is to this day to our aduersaries the papistes the Anabaptistes and other our aduersaries And therefore the gifte of knowledge of the scripture and our studies through such inward and outward conflictes open vnto vs the minde of Paule and of all the Scriptures c. But let these ignorant papistes who so euer they be tast a litle the same or like as Luther did and then see what they will say Experience geueth demonstration For howe many of them doe we see for all their auricular confession which puffeth them vp in false securitie but at length when they lie at the point of death where death on the one side and Gods iustice on the other side is before their eies for the most part either they despaire or ells leauing all other helpes they onely sticke to faith and the blood of Christ Iesus and in very deede many of them are glad to die Lutherans how so euer they hated Luther before And what shall we say then of this doctrine of Luther If the papistes them selues be glad to die in it why are they vnwilling to liue in it And if it be true at one time how can alteration of time make that false which is once true And therefore where these men so stoutely wihstand this doctrine of iustification by faith onely they are much deceaued And where they alledge S. Iames for them that is soone aunswered if we rightly discerne the meaning of S. Iames and of S. Paule Of whom the one speaketh of mans righteousnes or iustification onely before men which is a demonstration of a true faith or a true beleuer before man rather then the working of true iustification before god And so is it true which S. Iames saith how that faith without workes doth not iustifie whose purpose is not to shewe vs what maketh a iust man before God but onely to declare the necessary coniunction of good workes in him that by faith is iustified The other speaketh of righteousnes or iustification not before men but onely before God meaning not to exclude good workes from true faith that they should not be done but to teach vs wherin the true stay and hope of our saluation ought to be fixed that is in faith onely And so is it true likewise that S. Paule saith that faith onely without workes doth iustifie The which proposition of S. Paule the better to vnderstand and to ioine it with S. Iames here is to be noted for the satisfying of the cauilling aduersary that the proposition is to be taken full and whole as S. Paule doth meane it so that with the right subiect we ioyne the right predicatum as the Scholemen terme it that is so that faith of Christ in iustifying euer haue relation to the true penitent and lamenting sinner And so is the article most true that faith onely without workes doth iustifie But whom doth it iustifie the worldlīg the licentious ruffen the voluptuous Epicure the carnall gospeller Paule meaneth no such thing but onely the mourning and labouring soule the greeued conscience the repenting heart the mending sinner And in him the proposition is true according to the doctrine of S. Paule Credenti in eū qui iustificat impium fides eius imputatur ad iustitiam that is to him that beleueth in him vvhich iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnes Contrarywise let faith haue relation to the obstinate and willfull rebel who contrary to conscience continueth and deliteth in sinne and in him it is true likewise that S. Iames saith non ex fide tantum that is and not by faith onely meaning therby that faith auaileth not to iustification but onely in such persons as haue a good will and purpose to amend their liues Not that repentance and turning from iniquitie doth saue them but that faith in Christ worketh iustification in none but onely in such as heartely repent and are willing to amend So that Credite Euangelio beleue the gospell hath euer agite poenitentiam repent and amend going withall Not that repentance saueth any malefactor from the law but onely sheweth the person whom faith in Christ onely doth saue and iustifie But of this enough and more then greatly needed especially seeing the booke it selfe here following will satisfie the reader at large in all such doutes to this matter appertaining And thus ceasing to trouble thee gentle reader with any longer preface as we commend this good worke to thy godly studies so we commend both thee and thy studies to the grace of Christ Iesu the Sōne of God hartely wishing and crauing of his maiestie that thou mayest take no lesse profite and consolation by reading hereof then our purpose was to doe thee good in setting the same forth to thy comfort and edification which the Lord graunt Amen Amen Faultes escaped in the printing and to be amended before the reading of this booke Leafe Page Line   11. 2. 1. put out this vvhole line 21. 2. 28. put out our 23. 1. 29. for to erre in the faith reade to fall in faith 25. 2. 20. for gon reade God. 37. 1. 9. for the God reade God. 39. 1. 22. reade still goeth about 68. 2. 22. for any other reade an other 88. 2. 30. for slime read slymy body 91. 1. 1. for vvere reade neuer 128. 1. 23. for the ciuill reade then the ciuill 151. 1. 13. reade would haue hated 201. 1. 37 for he is reade he was 216. 2. 26. reade but we onely suffer 226. 1. 38. reade likenes of Christ 226 2. 12. reade I haue ouercome 232. 2. 15. for syirite reade spirite 235. 1. 17. for amply reade amplifie 237. 2. 9. for I trust to you reade I haue a trust of you 244. 2. 28. for vnderstand vvel reade know well 267. 2. 17. for lost reade decayed The Preface of Martine Luther vpon the Epistle to the Galathians I My selfe can scarcely beleeue that I was so plentifull in wordes when I did publikely expounde this Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians as this booke sheweth me to haue bene Notwithstanding I perceaue all the cogitations which I finde in this treatise by so great diligence of the brethren
require to all manner of burdens and daungers of this present life because he knoweth that this is the will of God that this obedience is acceptable vnto him Thus farre as concerning the argument of this Epistle which S. Paule hath taken in hand to entreate of taking occasion of false teachers which had darkened this righteousnes of faithe amongst the Galathians against whom he commendeth his authority and office The first Chapter Verse 1. Paule an Apostle not of man neither by man but by Iesus Christ and God the father vvhich hath raised him from the dead NOwe that we haue declared the argument and summe of this Epistle to the Galathians we thinke it good before we come to the matter it selfe to shewe what was the occasion that S. Paule wrote this Epistle He had planted among the Galathians the pure doctrine of the gospell and the righteousnesse of faith but by and by after his departure there crept in certaine false teachers which ouerthrew all that he had planted and rightly taught among them For the Deuill can no otherwise doe but furiously impugne this doctrine with all force and subteltie neuer resteth whilest he seeth one sparke therof remaining We also for this onely cause that we preach the gospel do suffer of the world the deuill his ministers bothe on the left hand and on the right all the mischeefe that they can worke against vs. For the gospell is such a doctrine as teacheth a farre higher matter then is the wisedome righteousnes and religion of the world that is to say free remission of sinnes through Christ c. It leaueth these things in their degree to be as they are and commendeth them as the good creatures of god But the world preferreth these creatures before the creator and moreouer by them would put away sinne be deliuered from death deserue euerlasting life This doth the gospel condemne Contrariwise the world can not suffer those things to be condemned which it most esteemeth and best liketh of and therfore it chargeth the gospel that it is a seditious doctrine and full of errors and that it ouerthroweth common wealthes countreis dominions kingdomes and Empires and therfore offendeth both against God the Emperour abolish●●h lawes corrupteth good manners and setteth all men at libertie to doe what they list Wherfore the world in his moste feruent zeale and high seruice of God as to him it seemeth persecuteth this doctrine and abhoreth the teachers and professors therof as the greatest plague that can be in the whole earth Moreouer by the preaching of this doctrine the deuill is ouerthrowne his kingdome is destroyed the lawe sinne and death wherwith as most mightie and inuincible tyraunts he hath brought all mākinde in subiection vnder his tyrannie are wrested out of his handes Brefely his prisoners are translated out of the kingdome of darknes into the kingdome of light libertie Should the deuill suffer all this Should not the father of lies employ all his force and subtile policies to darkē to corrupt and vtterly to roote out this doctrine of saluation and euerlasting life In deede S. Paule cōplaineth in this and all other his Epistles that euen in his time the deuill shewed him selfe a cūning workeman in this businesse We thought good to shewe heere by the way that the gospell is such a doctrine as condemneth all manner of righteousnes and preacheth the onely righteousnes of Christ and to them that embrace the same it bringeth peace of conscience and all good thinges and yet notwithstanding the world hateth and persecuteth it most bitterly I said that the occasion why S. Paule wrote this Epistle was for that by and by after his departure false teachers had destroyed those thinges among the Galathians which he with long and greate trauel had builded And these false Apostles being of the circumcision secte of the Phariseis were men of great estimation and authoritie which bragged among the people that they were of that holy chosen stock of the Iewes that they were Israelites of the seede of Abraham that they had the promises and the fathers and finally that they were the ministers of Christ and the Apostles schollers with whom they had bene conuersant had seene their miracles and perhaps had also wrought some signes or miracles them selues For Christ witnesseth that the wicked also doe worke miracles Moreouer these false Apostles by all the crafty meanes they could deuise defaced the authority of S. Paule saying Why doe ye so highly esteeme of Paule why haue ye him in so great reuerence Forsoth he was but the last of all that were conuerted vnto Christ But we are the disciples of the Apostles were familiarly conuersant with them We haue seene Christ working miracles heard him preache Paule came after vs and is inferior vnto vs and it is not possible that God should suffer vs to erre which are of his holy people the ministers of Christ and haue receaued the holy Ghost Again we are many and Paule is but one and alone who neither was conuersant with the Apostles nor hath seene Christ yea he persecuted the church of Christ a great while Would God thinke ye for Paules sake onely suffer so many churches to be deceaued When men hauing such authoritie come into any countrey or citie by and by the people haue them in greate admiration and vnder this coulour of godlines religion they doe not onely deceaue the simple but also the learned yea and those also which seeme to be somewhat confirmed in the faith especially when they bragge as these did that they are the ofspring of the Patriarks the ministers of Christ the Apostles scollers c. Euen so the Pope at this day when he hath no authoritie of the scripture to defend him selfe withal vseth this one argument contenually against vs The church the church Thinkest thou that God is so offended that for a few heretikes of Luthers secte he will cast of his whole church Thinkest thou that he would leaue his church in error so many hūdreth yeres And this conclusion he chiefly standeth vpon that the church can not be ouerthrowne Now like as many are moued with this argument at this day so in Paules time these false Apostles through greate bragging and setting forth of their owne praises blinded the eies of the Galathians so that Paule lost his authoritie among them his doctrine was brought into suspition Against this vaine bragging and boasting of the false Apostles Paule with greate constancie boldnes setteth his apostolical authority highly cōmending his vocation defending his ministery And although elswhere he neuer doth the like he will not geue place to any no not to the apostles them selues much lesse to any of their schollers And to abate their pharisaical pride and shameles boldnes he maketh mention of the history done in Antiochia where he withstode Peter himselfe Besides this
But forasmuch as we take in hand to expound this Epistle which we doe not because it is needefull or for any hardnes that is in it but that our consciences may be confirmed against heresies yet to come let it not be tedious vnto you if we repeat these things againe that elsewhere and at other times we teach preach singe and sette out by writing For if we neglect the article of iustification we lose altogether Therefore most necessary it is cheifly and aboue all things that we teach and repete this article continually Like as Moses saith of his law for it can not be beaten into our eares enough or to much Yea though we learne it and vnderstand it well yet is there none that taketh hold of it perfectly or beleueth it with his whole hart so fraile a thing is our flesh and disobedient to the spirite This greeting of the Apostle is straunge vnto the world and was neuer heard of before the preaching of the Gospell And these two words Grace and Peace cōprehend in them whatsoeuer belongeth to Christianitie Grace releaseth sinne and peace maketh the conscience quiet The two Feends that torment vs are sinne and conscience But Christ hath vanquished these two Monsters and troden them vnder foote both in this world and in the world to come This the world doth not knowe and therefore it can teach no certaintie of the ouercomming of sinne conscience and death Only Christians haue this kinde of doctrine and are exercised and armed with it to get victory against sinne despaire and euerlasting death And it is a kinde of doctrine neither proceeding of free wil nor inuented by the reason or wisedome of of man but geuen from aboue Moreouer these two words Grace and Peace doe containe in them the whole summe of Christianitie Grace containeth the remission of sinnes peace a quiet and ioyful conscience But peace of conscience can neuer be had vnlesse sinne be first forgeuē But it is not forgeuen for the fulfilling of the law For no man is able to satisfie the law but the law doth rather shew sinne accuse and terrifie the conscience declare the wrath of God and driue to desperation Much lesse is sinne taken away by the workes and inuentions of men as wicked worshippings straung religious vowes and pilgrimages Finally there is no worke that can take away sinne but sinne is rather encreased by works For the Iusticiaries Meritmongers the more they sweate and labour to bring them selues out of sinne the deeper they are plunged therin For there is no meanes to take away sinne but grace alone Therfore Paule in all the greetings of his epistles setteth grace and peace against sinne and an euill conscience This thing must be diligently marked The words are easy but in tentation it is the hardest thing that can be to be certainly perswaded in our harts that by grace alone without any other meanes either in heauen or earth we haue remission of sinnes and peace with God. The world vnderstādeth not this doctrine therfore it neither will nor can abide it but condemneth it as hereticall and wicked It braggeth of free will of the light of reason and the soundnes of the powers and qualities of nature of good workes as meanes wherby it could deserue and attaine grace and peace that is to say forgeuenes of sinnes and a quiet conscience But it is impossible that the conscience should be quiet and ioyfull vnlesse it haue peace thorowe grace that is to say through the forgiuenes of sinnes promised in Christ Many haue carefully laboured by finding out diuers and sundry religions orders and exercises for this purpose to attaine peace and quietnes of conscience but by so doing they haue plunged them selues in moe and greater miseries for all such deuises are but meanes to encrease doubtfulnes and despaire Therfore there shall be no rest to my bones or thine vnlesse we heare the word of grace and cleaue vnto it stedfastly faithfully Then shall our conscience vndoubtedly finde grace and peace The Apostle doth fittly distinguish this grace and peace from al other kinds of grace peace whatsoeuer He wisheth to the Galathians Grace Peace not from the Emperour or Kings and Princes for these doe commonly persecute the Godly and rise vp against the Lord and Christ his anointed Psal. 2. nor from the world for in the world saith Christ ye shall haue trouble but from God our father c. which is as much to say as he wisheth vnto them a heauēly peace So Christ saith My peace I leaue vnto you my peace I geue you not as the vvorld geueth it do I geue it vnto you The peace of the world graunteth nothing but the peace of our goods and bodies So the Grace or fauoure of the world geueth vs leaue to enioy our goodes casteth vs not out of our possessions But in affliction in the hower of death the grace and fauour of the world can not helpe vs they can not deliuer vs from affliction despaire and death But when the Grace and Peace of God are in the hart then is man strong so that he can neither be cast downe with aduersitie nor puffed vp with prosperitie but walketh on plainly and kepeth the hie way For he taketh hart and courage in the victory of Christes death the confidence thereof beginneth to reigne in his conscience ouer sinne and death because through him he hath assured forgeuenes of his sinnes which after he hath once obtained his conscience is at rest and by the word of Grace is comforted So then a man being comforted hartened by the Grace of God that is by forgeuenes of sinnes and by this peace of conscience is able valiantly to beare and ouercome all troubles yea euen death it selfe This Peace of God is not geuen to the world because the world neuer longeth after it nor vnderstandeth it but to them that beleeue and this commeth to passe by no other meane then by the onely Grace of God. A rule to be obserued that men ought to abstaine from the curious searching of Gods maiestie But why doth the Apostle ioyne in this salutation And from our Lord Iesus Christ Was it not enough to say And from God our father why then doth he couple Iesus Christ vvith the father Ye haue often times heard of vs howe it is a rule and principle in the scriptures diligently to be marked that we must abstaine from the curious searching of Gods maiestie which is intolerable to mans body and much more to his minde No man saith the scripture shall see me and liue The Pope the Turkes the Iewes and all such as trust in their owne merits regard not this rule and therefore remouing Christ the Mediatour out of their sight they speake onely of God before him onely they pray and doe all that they doe As for
brethren were crept in to espie out their liberty and would haue constrained Paule to circumcise Titus Paule perceauing this constraint and necessity would geue no place no not for one hower but strongly resisted them And therefore he saith Neither Titus vvhich vvas vvith me being a Gentile vvas compelled to be circumcised If they had required this in the way of brotherly charitie doubtles he would not haue denied it But seīg they would haue done it as a necessary thing and that by compulsion to the ill example of others to the ouerthrowing of the Gospell and to bring mens consciences into bondage therefore he setteth himselfe mightely against them and preuailed so that Titus was not circumcised It may seeme to be but a small matter to be or not to be circumcised But when a man hath an affiance in keping or is in feare for not keping of it here God is denied Christ is reiected the grace and all the promises of God are refused But if circumcision be kept without this addition there is no daunger If the Pope would in this sort require of vs the keping of his traditions as bare ceremonies it should not be greuous vnto vs to kepe them forasmuch as we also doe vse ceremonies but to binde mens consciences to these ceremonies and to make of them an high and acceptable seruice vnto God yea and moreouer to adde that life and saluation or death and euerlasting damnation consisteth in the obseruation hereof is a deuilish superstition and full of blasphemie Who so will not crie out against this accursed be he Verse 6.7 And of them vvhich seemed to be great I vvas not taught vvhat they vvere in times past it is no matter to me c. This is a vehement and a stout confutation For he geueth not to the true Apostles themselues any glorious title but as it were abasing their dignitie he saith vvhich seemed to be great that is which were in authoritie vpon whom the determination of all matters depēded Notwithstanding the authoritie of the Apostles was in deede very greate in all the churches And Paule also did not seeke any whit to diminish their authoritie but he thus contemptuously aunswereth the false Apostles which set the authoritie dignitie of the Apostles against Paule in all the churches that therby they might weaken his authority bring his whole ministery into contempt This Paule might not suffer To the end therfore that the truth of the Gospell and liberty of conscience in Christ might continue among the Galathians and in all the churches of the Gentiles he aunswereth stoutly to the false Apostles that he passed not how greate the Apostles were or what they had bene in time past and wheras they alleadged the authority of the name of the Apostles against him it toucheth him nothing at all He confesseth that the Apostles are in deede somewhat and that their authority is to be reuerenced Notwithstanding his Gospell and ministery ought not to be ouerthrowne for the name or title of any whatsoeuer be he an Apostle or an Angeil from heauen And this was one of the greatest arguments that the false Apostles vsed against Paule The Apostles said they were familiarly conuersant with Christ for the space of three yeares They heard and saw all his preachings and miracles Moreouer they themselues preached wrought miracles whiles Christ was yet liuing in the world whom Paule neuer saw in the flesh as touching his conuersion it was long after the glorification of Christ Wherefore they should now consider which of these they ought more to beleue Paule which was but one and alone and also but a disciple yea and one of the last of all or the cheifest and most excellent Apostles which long before Paule were sent confirmed by Christ himselfe To this Paule aunswereth what of all this This argument concludeth nothing Let the Apostles be neuer so greate yea let them be Angels from heauen it is no matter to me The question is not here cōcerning the excellency of the Apostles but concerning the word of God and the truth of the Gospell Herein consisteth all the weight of the matter that the Gospell may be preserued pure and vncorrupt which also aboue all things ought to be preferred Therefore how greate Peter and the other Apostles haue bene what greate miracles they haue wrought it is no matter to me This is it that I onely seeke euen that the truth of the Gospell may continue among you This seemeth to be but a slender aunswere of Paule when of purpose he so contemneth the authoritie of the Apostles which the false Apostles alledged against him and geueth no other solution to their mighty argument then this it is no matter to me Notwithstanding he addeth a reason of the confutation Verse 6. God accepteth no mans person This place he alledgeth out of Moses who vseth the same not once but many times Thou shalt not accept in iudgemēt the persō of the rich man or of the pore And this is a principle of diuinitie God is no acceptor of persons With the which saying he stoppeth the mouthes of the false apostles As though he would say Ye set those against me which seeme to be somewhat but God careth not for such outward things He regardeth not the office of Apostleship It is not the dignity or authority of mē the he loketh vpon And in tokē hereof he suffered Iudas one of the chiefest Apostles Saul one of the greatest kings yea the first of all to fall away to be damned Ismaell also Esau he refused being both first born So shal you find throughout al the whole scripture that god oftētimes reiected those which in outward shew were very good holy mē And in these exāples God semeth sometimes to be cruel but it was most necessary that such feareful exāples should be shewed also be writē For this vice is naturally grafted in vs that we highly esteeme that persons and outward appearance of men and more regard the same then the word of god Contrariwise God will haue vs to fixe our eies and to rest wholy vpon the word it selfe he will not haue vs to reuerence and adore the Apostleship in the persons of Peter and Paule but Christ speaking in them and the word which they bring and preache vnto vs. This the naturall man can not see but the spirituall man onely discerneth the person from the word the veile of God from God himselfe Now this veile of God is euery creature Moreouer God here in this life dealeth not with face to face but couered and shadowed from vs that is as Paul saith in an other place vve se him novv as it vvere through a glasse and darkely Therefore we can not be without veiles in this life But wisedom is here required which can discerne the veile from God himselfe and this wisedom the world hath not The couetous man hearing
that man liueth not by bread onely but by euery word that procedeth out of the mouth of God eateth the bread but he seeth not God in the bread for he beholdeth the veile onely and outward shew So he doth with gold and other creatures trusting to them so long as he hath them but when they leaue him he despaireth And thus he honoureth not the creator but the creatures not God but his owne belly This I speake least any man should thinke that Paule vtterly condemneth these outward veiles or persons For he sayth not that there ought to be no person but that ther is no respect of persons with god There must be persons and outward veiles God hath geuen them and they are his good creatures but we must put no trust in them All the matter is in the right vsing of things not in the things thēselues as before I haue sayd There is no fault in circumcision or vncircumcision for circumcision is nothing and vncircumcision is nothing but in the vse therof To put righteousnes in the one and vnrighteousnes in the other that vse is damnable and ought to be taken away which being remoued circumcision and vncircumcision are things tolerable So the Prince the magistrate the preacher the scholemaster the scholer the father the mother the children the master the seruaūt are persons and outward veiles which God will haue vs to acknowledge loue and reuerence as his creatures which also must needes be had in this life but he wil not haue vs so to reuerence them or trust vnto them that we forget him And to the end that we should not too much magnifie the outward persons or put any trust in them God leaueth in them offences and sinnes yea great and foule sinnes to teach vs what difference there is betwene the person and God him self Dauid that good king because he should not seeme to be a person vpon whom men should trust fel into horrible sinnes adulterie and murther Peter that excellent Apostle denied Christ These and such like examples wherof the scripture is full ought to warne vs that we repose not our trust in the person outward veile nor thinke that when we haue the outward shewes shadowes we haue al things As it is in Poperie where they iudge all things according to the outward veile and therefore all Poperie is nothing else but a meere respecting of persons and outward shewes God hath geuen his creatures to our vse and to doe vs seruice and not as Idols that we should do seruice vnto them Let vs then vse bread wine apparell possessions gold siluer and all other creatures but let vs not trust or glory in them for we must trust and glory in God alone He onely is to be loued he only is to be feared and honored Paule calleth here the person of man the Apostleship or office of the Apostles which wrought many and greate miracles taught and conuerted many to the faith and were also familiar with Christ Briefly this word person comprehendeth the whole outward conuersation of the Apostles which was holy and their authoritie which was great Notwithstanding sayth he God esteemeth not these things Not that he esteemeth them not at all but in the matter of iustification he regardeth them not be they neuer so great and so glorious For we must diligently marke this distinction that in matters of diuinitie we must speake farre otherwise then in matters of policy In matters of policy as I haue sayd God will haue vs to honour and reuerence these outward veiles or persons as his instruments by whom he gouerneth and preserueth the world But when the question is touching religion conscience the feare of God faith and the seruice of God we must not feare these outward persons we must put no affiance in them loke for no comfort from them or hope for deliuerance by them either corporally or spiritually For this cause God will haue no respect of persons in iudgement for iudgement is a diuine thing Wherefore I ought neither to feare the iudge nor trust to the iudge but my feare trust ought to be in God alone who is the true iudge The ciuill iudge or magistrate I ought in deede to reuerence for Gods cause whose minister he is but my conscience may not stay or trust vpon his iustice equitie or be feared through his vniust dealing or tyranny whereby I might fal into any offence against God either in lying in bearing false witnesse or denying the truth c. Otherwise I will reuerence and honour the magistrate with all my heart So I would also honour the Pope and loue his person if he would leaue my conscience free and not compell me to sinne against god But he will so be feared and adored as can not be done without offence to the maiestie of god Here since we must needes lose the one let vs lose the person and sticke to god We could be content to suffer the dominion of the Pope but because he abuseth the same so tirannously against vs would compell vs to deny and blaspheme God him onely to acknowledge as our Lord master clogging our consciences spoiling vs of the feare trust which we should haue in God therfore we are compelled by the commaundement of God to resist the Pope for it is writen that vve must rather obey God then men Therfore without offēce of cōsciēce which is our singular cōfort we cōtemne the authority of the pope There is a vehemencie in this word God for in the cause of religion and the word of God there must be no respect of person but in matters of policy we must haue regard to the person otherwise there must needes follow a contempt of all reuerence and order In this world god will haue an order a reuerence and a difference of persons For els the childe the scholler the seruaunt the subiect would say I am a Christian as well as my father my scholemaster my master my Prince why then should I reuerēce him Before God there is no respect of persons neither of Grecian nor of Iewe but all are one in Christ although not so before the world Thus Paule dissolueth the argument of the false Apostles touching the authority of the Apostles saying that it is nothing to that purpose For the question is not here concerning the respect of persons but ther is a farre weightier matter in hand that is to say a diuine matter cōcerning God his word whether this word ought to be preferred before the Apostleship or no. Whereunto Paule aunswereth So that the truth of the gospel may continue so that the word of God and the righteousnes of faith may be kept pure and vncorrupt let the Apostleship goe let an Angell from heauen let Peter let Paule and altogether perish Verse 6. Neuerthelesse they that seemed to be the chiefe did communicate nothing vvith me
call himselfe the Apostle of the Gentiles and Peter with the other the Apostles of the circumcision This question is not hard Paule here hath respect vnto this that the other Apostles remained specially in Ierusalem vntil God called them vnto other places Thus stoode the matter then for the time that whiles the politicall state of the Iewes continued the Apostles still remained in Iudea but when the destruction of Ierusalem approched they were dispersed throughout the whole world But Paule as it is written in the Actes by a singular vocation was chosen to be the Apostle of the Gentiles and being sent out of Iudea he traueled through the countreys of the Gentiles Now were the Iewes dispersed almost throughout the whole world and dwelt here and there in cities and other places amongs the Gentiles Paule comming thether was wont as we read in the Actes to goe into the Sinagoges of the Iewes and by this occasion he first brought vnto them as the children of the kingdom this glad tidings that the promises made vnto the fathers were now accomplished by Iesus Christ When they would not heare this he turned to the Gentiles as Luke witnesseth where he bringeth in Paule thus boldly speaking against the Iewes It vvas necessary that vve should first preach the vvord of God vnto you but seing ye reiect it iudge your selues vnvvorthy of euerlastīg life loe vve turne to the Gentiles And in the Actes Be it knovvne therfore vnto you that this saluation of God is sent vnto the Gentiles and they shall heare it Wherefore Paule was sent specially vnto the Gentiles But because he was a detter vnto all and became all things vnto all mē therfore occasion being offered he went into the Sinagoges of the Iewes where not only the Iewes but also the Gentiles heard him preaching Christ Otherwhiles he preached publikely in the market place in houses and by the riuers sides He was specially then the Apostle of the Gentiles as Peter was of the Iewes who notwithstanding preached Christ to the Gentiles also when occasion was offered And here he calleth vncircumcision the Gentiles and circumcision the Iewes by a figure named Synecdoche which vnder part comprehēdeth the whole which figure is commonly vsed in the scripture The gospell then ouer vncircumcision is that which should be preached to the Gentiles This gospell he sayth was committed vnto him as the gospell ouer circumcision was vnto Peter For as Peter preached the gospell among the Iewes so did he among the Gentiles This he often repeteth that Peter Iames and Iohn which semed to be the pillers of the church taught him nothing nor committed vnto him the office of preaching the Gospell as hauing authoritie and rule ouer him But they them selues sayth he did see that the gospell was committed vnto me but not by Peter For as I did not receiue or learne my gospel of man so did I receiue no cōmaundement by man to preach the same but both the knowlege and the cōmaundement to preach it amōg the Gentiles I receiued immediatly from God like as the charge was geuen of God vnto Peter to preach the same among the Iewes This place witnesseth very plainly that the Apostles had like calling like charge and all one Gospell Peter preached no other Gospell then the rest of the Apostles did neither did he appoynt to others their charge and office but there was an equalitie among them all for they were all taught of God that is both their vocation and charge was wholy and immediatly from god There was none therefore greater then other none that had any prerogatiue aboue other And therefore where the Pope vaūteth that Peter was the chiefe of the Apostles that thereby he might confirme and stablish his vsurped primacie it is an impudent lie Verse 8. For he that vvas mightie by Peter This is a confutation of an other argument of the false apostles Why doe the false apostles boast sayth he that the Gospell of Peter was mightie that he conuerted many that he wrought many and great miracles raised vp the dead and with his shadow cured the sick I graunt all these things to be true but Peter receiued this power from heauen God gaue a vertue to his woorde that many did beleeue him and great miracles were wrought by him The same power had I also which I receiued not of Peter but the same God and the same spirite which was mightie in Peter was mightie in me also I had the same grace I taught many I wrought many miracles and through my shadow also I cured the sicke And this Luke testifieth in the .19 of the Actes in these wordes And God vvrought no small miracles by the handes of Paule so that from his body vvere brought napkins and handkercheefes and the diseases departed from them and the euill spirites vvent out of them Read more hereof in the . of the Actes To conclude Paule wil be counted in no poynt inferiour to the rest of the Apostles and herein he standeth with a godly and a holy pride For he was compelled of necessitie to take vpon him stoutly against Peter and the zeale of God constrained him to be proud whether he would or no. Certaine prophane spirites as Iulianus and Porphirius not considering this thought it to be but a carnall pride that caused Paule thus to doe such as at this day we see in the Pope and his generation But Paule had not here his owne busines in hand but a matter of Faith. Nowe as concerning Faith we ought to be inuincible and more harde if it might be then the Adamant stone But as touching charitie we ought to be soft and more flexible then the reede or leafe that is shaken with the winde and ready to yelde to euery thing Therefore the controuersie was not here touching the glorie of Paule but the glory of God the word of God the true worship of God true religion and the righteousnes of Faith to the ende that these things might still remaine pure and vncorrupt Verse 9. And vvhen Iames and Cephas and Iohn knevv of the grace that vvas geuen vnto me vvhich are counted to be pillers they gaue to me and to Barnabas the right hands of felovvship that vve should preach vnto the Gentiles and they vnto the circumcision That is to say when they heard that I had receaued my calling and charge from god to preach the gospel among the Gentiles that God had wrought so many miracles by me moreouer that so great a nomber of the Gentiles were come to the knowledge of Christ through my ministerie and that the Gentiles had receiued the holy Ghost without the law and circumcision by the onely preaching of faith they glorified God for this grace which was geuen vnto me He calleth grace here what so euer he had receaued of God to wit that of a persecuter and waster of the Church he
of faith where neither the law nor reason do shine but onely the light of Faith which assureth vs that we are saued by Christ alone without any law Thus the gospell leadeth vs beyond and aboue the light of the law and reason into the inward and deepe secretes of Faith where the lawe and reason haue nothing to doe Notwithstāding we must hearken also vnto the law but in place and time Moises whiles he was in the mountaine where he talked with God face to face had no law made no law ministred no law but when he was come downe from the mountaine he was a lawgeuer and gouerned the people by the law So the conscience must be free frō the law but the body must be obedient vnto the law Hereby it appeareth that Paule reproued Peter for no light matter but for the chiefest article of all Christian doctrine which by Peters dissimulation was in great daunger For Barnabas and the other Iewes dissembled togither with him which did all offend not through ignorance or malice but for feare of the Iewes wherby their hearts were so blinded that they did not see their sinne And certainly it is much to be maruelled that such excellent men as Peter Barnabas and others should so sodenly and so lightly fall especially in that thing which they knew to be well done had also before taught vnto others It is a perilous thing therefore to trust to our owne strength be we neuer so holy neuer so well learned and although we thinke our selues neuer so sure of that we know For in that wherof we thinke our selues most sure we may erre and fall bring our selues and other into great daunger Let vs therefore diligently and with all humilitie employ our selues in the studie of the holy scriptures and let vs heartely pray that we neuer lose the truth of the gospell Thus we see then that we are nothing with all our giftes be they neuer so great except God assist vs When he leaueth vs to our selues our wisedom and knowledge is nothing For in the houre of tentation it may suddenly come to passe that by the subteltie of the Deuil all the comfortable places of the scripture shal be taken out of our sight and such places onely as containe threatnings shal be set before our eies shal oppresse vtterly confound vs Let vs learne therfore that if God withdraw his hand we may soone be ouerthrowne Neither let any man vaunt and glory of his owne righteousnes wisedome and other gifts but let him humble himselfe and pray with the Apostle Lord encrease our faith Verse 14. But vvhen I savv that they vvent not the right vvay to the truth of the Gospell This is a wonderfull example of such excellent men and pillers of the church There is none but Paule that hath his eies open and seeth the offence of Peter Barnabas and the other Iewes which dissembled with Peter On the other side they doe not see their owne offence nay they rather thinke that they doe well in bearing with the infirmitie of the weake Iewes Wherefore it was very necessary that Paule should reproue their offence and not dissemble it and therefore he accuseth Peter Barnabas and other that they went not the right way to the truth of the Gospell that is to say they swarued from the truth of the Gospell It is a greate matter that Peter should be accused of Paule as one that was falne from the truth of the Gospell He could not be more greuously reprehended Yet he suffered it patiently and no doubt but he gladly acknowledged his offence I sayde before that many haue the Gospell but not the truth of the Gospell So Paule saith here that Peter Barnabas and other of the Ievves vvent not the right vvay to the truthe of the Gospell that is to say they had the Gospell but they walked not vprightly according to the Gospell For albeit they preached the Gospell yet through their dissimulation which could not stand with the truth of the Gospell they established the law but the establishing of the law is the abolishing of the Gospell Who so then can rightly iudge betwene the lawe and the Gospell let him thanke God and know that he is a right Diuine In the time of tentation I confesse that I my selfe doe not know how to doe it as I ought Now the way to discerne the one from the other is to place the Gospell in heauen and the lawe on the earth to call the righteousnes of the Gospell heauenly and the righteousnes of the law earthly and to put as greate difference betwene the righteousnes of the gospell and of the law as God hath made betwene heauen and earth betwene light and darknesse betweene daye and night Lette the one be as the light and the day and the other as the darkenes and the night And would to God we could yet further separate the one from the other Wherefore if the question be concerning the matter of faith or conscience let vs vtterly exclude the law and leaue it on the earth but if we haue to doe with works then let vs lighten the lanterne of works and of the righteousnes of the law So let the Sunne the inestimable light of the Gospell and grace shine in the day and the lanterne of the law in the night Wherefore if thy conscience be terrified with the sense and feeling of sinne thinke thus with thy selfe Thou art now remaining vpō earth there let the Asse labour and trauel there let him serue and carry the burthen that is laid vpon him that is to say let the body with his members be subiect to the law But when thou mountest vp into heauen then leaue the Asse with his burthen on the earth for the conscience hath nothing to doe with the law or works or with the earthly righteousnes So doth the Asse remaine in the valley but the cōscience ascendeth with Isaac into the mountaine knowing nothing at all of the law or workes thereof but onely looking to the remission of sinnes and pure righteousnes offered and freely geuen vnto vs in Christ Contrariwise in ciuill policy obedience to the law must be seuerely required There nothing must be knowne as concerning the Gospell conscience grace remission of sinnes heauēly righteousnes or Christ himselfe but Moses onely with the law and the works thereof If we marke well this distinction neither the one nor the other shall passe his bounds but the law shall abide without heauen that is without the heart and conscience and contrariwise the libertie of the Gospell shall abide without the earth that is to say without the body and members thereof Now therfore as soone as the law and sinne come into heauen that is into the conscience let them by and by be cast out For the conscience being feared with the terrour of the wrath and iudgement of God ought to know nothing of the
Christ in so much that without circumcision and keping of the lawe they denied the iustification of faith for except ye be circumcised sayd they after the lawe of Moses ye can not be saued euen so at this day these straite exactors of the lawe besides the righteousnes of Faith doe require the keping of the commaundementes of God according to that saying Doe this and thou shalt liue Also If thou vvilt enter into life kepe the commaundemēts Wherfore there is not one among them be he neuer so wise that vnderstandeth that difference betwene the lawe and grace But we put a difference and say that we do not here dispute whether we ought to doe good workes whether the law be good holy and iust whether it ought to be kept or no for this is an other maner of question But our question is concerning iustification and whether the lawe doe iustifie or no. This the aduersaries will not heare they will not aunswere to this question nor make any distinction as we doe but onely crie out that good workes ought to be done that the lawe ought to be obserued We know that well enough But because these are diuers and distinct matters we will not suffer them to be mingled together That good workes ought to be done we will hereafter declare when time shall serue But since we are nowe in the matter of iustification we set aside here all good workes for the which the aduersaries doe so earnestly striue ascribing vnto them wholy the office of iustifying which is to take from Christ his glory and to ascribe the same vnto workes Wherfore this is a strong argument which I haue oftentimes vsed to my great comfort If then vvhile vve seeke to be made righteous by Christ c. As though Paule should say If we being iustified by Christ are counted yet as not iustified and righteous but as sinners which are yet to be iustified by the lawe then may we not seeke iustification in Christ but in the law But if iustification cometh by the lawe then cometh it not by grace Now if iustification cometh not by grace but by the lawe what hath Christ done and wrought by his death by his preaching by his victorie which he hath obtained ouer the lawe sinne and death and by sending the holy Ghost We must cōclude therfore that either we are iustified by Christ or else that we are made sinners culpable and giltie through him But if the lawe doe iustifie then can it not be auoided but needes it must folowe that we are made sinners through Christ and so Christ is a minister of sinne The case standing thus let vs then set downe this proposition Euery one that beleueth in the Lord Iesus Christ is a sinner and is giltie of eternall death and if he flie not vnto the lawe doing the workes thereof he shall not be saued The holy Scripture especially the new Testament maketh often mention of faith in Christ highly aduaūceth the same which saith that vvhosoeuer beleueth in him is saued perisheth not is not iudged is not confounded hath eternal life c. But contrariwise they say he that beleueth in him is condemned because he hath faith without works which doth condemne Thus doe they peruert all things making of Christ a destroyer and a murtherer and of Moses a Sauiour And is not this an horrible blasphemy so to teach that by doing good works thou shalt be made worthy of eternall life but by beleuing in Christ thou shalt be made culpable and giltie of eternall death that the law being kept accomplished saueth faith in Christ condēneth These selfe same words I graūt the aduersaries doe not vse but in very deede such is their doctrine For faith infused say they which properly they call faith in Christ doth not make vs free frō sinne but that faith which is furnished with charitie Hereof it followeth that faith in Christ without the law saueth vs not This is plainly to affirme that Christ leaueth vs in our sinnes and in the wrath of God and maketh vs giltie of eternall death On the other side if thou keepe the law and doe the works therof then faith iustifieth thee because it hath works without the which faith auaileth nothing Therefore works iustifie and not faith O horrible impietie What pernicious and cursed doctrine is this Paule therfore groundeth his Argument vpon an impossibilitie a sufficient diuision If we being iustified in Christ are yet found sinners and can not be iustified but by any other meane thē by Christ that is to witte by the law then can not Christ iustifie vs but he onely accuseth and condemneth vs and so consequently it followeth that Christ dyed in vaine and that these with other like places are false Behold the lābe of God that taketh avvay the sinnes of the vvorld Also He that beleueth in him hath euerlasting life yea the whole scripture is false which beareth witnesse that Christ is the Iustifier and Sauiour of the world For if we be found sinners after that we be iustified by Christ it followeth of necessitie that they which fulfill the law are iustified without Christ If this be true thē are we either Turks or Ievves or Tartariās professing the name and word of God in outward shew but in deede and veritie vtterly denying Christ and his word It is greate impiety therfore to affirme that faith except it be adorned with charitie iustifieth not But if the aduersaries wil needes defend this doctrine why do they not then reiect faith in Christ altogether especially seing they make nothing els of it but a vaine qualitie in the soule which without Christ auaileth nothing why doe they not say in plaine wordes that workes doe iustifie and not faith Yea why doe they not generally denie not onely Paule but also the whole gospel as in very deede they do which attribute righteousnes to works and not to faith alone For if faith and works together doe iustifie then is the disputation of Paule altogether false which plainly prononceth that a man is not iustified by the deedes of the law but by faith alone in Iesus Christ Verse 17. Is Christ therefore the minister of sinne This is a kinde of speach vsed of the Hebrewes which Paule in the 2. Cor. 3. doth also vse Where he most diuinely and plainly speaketh of these two ministeries to witte of the letter and the spirite of the law and grace or of death and life And he saith that Moses the minister of the law hath the ministery of sinne as he calleth it and of death and condemnation For Paule is wont to geue reprochfull names vnto the law and among all the Apostles he onely vseth this maner of speach the other do not so speake And very necessary it is that such as are studious of the holy scripture should vnderstand this maner of speach vsed of the Apostle Now a
for his mischeuous deedes What is this els but to heape vpon him that is already most miserably afflicted extreme perdition and destruction and through a false confidence in his owne death to shew him the ready way to hell Hereby these hypocrites doe plainely declare that they neither teache nor vnderstande one letter or syllable concerning grace the Gospell or Christ They retaine onely in outwarde shewe the name of the Gospell and of Christ that they may begile the heartes of the people Notwithstanding they denying and reiecting Christ in deede doe attribute more to the traditions of men then to the Gospell of Christ Which thing to be true so many kindes of false worshippe so many religious orders so many ceremonies and so many wilworkes doe witnesse All which things were instituted as auailable to deserue grace righteousnes and euerlasting life In their confessions they make no mention of faith or the merite of Christ but teach and set forth the satisfactions and merits of men as it may plainly appeare in this forme of absolution I speake nothing here of other matters which the Monkes vsed among themselues yea and such as would be counted more deuout and more religious then others which I thinke good here to sette downe that our posteritie may see howe greate and howe horrible the kingdome of the Pope is The forme of a Monkish absolution God forgeue thee my brother The merite of the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ and of blessed Saincte Mary alwaies a virgine and of all the Saincts the merite of thine order the streitnes of thy religion the humilitie of thy confession the contrition of thy hart the good workes which thou hast done and shalt doe for the loue of our Lord Iesus Christ be vnto thee auaileable for the remission of thy sinnes the encrease of desert and grace and the reward of euerlasting life Amen Ye heare the merite of Christ mencioned in these words but if ye weye them well ye shall perceaue that Christ is there altogether vnprofitable and that the glory and name of a iustifier and Sauiour is quite taken from him and geuen to Monkish merites Is not this to take the name of God in vaine Is not this to confesse Christ in wordes and in very deede to deny his power and blaspheme his name I my selfe also was once entangled with this errour I thought Christ to be a iudge although I confessed with my mouth that he suffered and died for mans redemption and ought to be pacified by the obseruation of my rule and order Therfore when I prayed or when I said Masse I vsed to adde this in the end O Lord Iesus I come vnto thee I pray thee that these burthens and this streitnes of my rule and religion may be a full recompence for all my sinnes But now I geue thankes vnto God the father of all mercies which hath called me out of darkenes vnto the light of his glorious Gospell hath geuen vnto me plentifull knowledge of Christ Iesus my lord for whose sake I coūt al things to be but losse yea I esteme them but as dunge that I may gaine Christ and that I may be found in him not hauing mine owne righteousnes out of the rule of Augustine but that righteousnes which cometh by faith in Christ Vnto whom with the father the holy ghost be praise and glory world without end Amen We conclude therefore with Paule that we are iustified by faith onely in Christ without the law Now after that a man is once iustified and possesseth Christ by faith and knoweth that he is his righteousnes and life doubtles he will not be idle but as a good tree he wil bring forth good frutes For the beleuing man hath the holy Ghost and wher the holy Ghost dwelleth it will not suffer a man to be idle but stirreth him vp to all exercises of pietie and godlines and of true religion to the loue of God to the patient suffering of afflictions to praier to thankes geuing to the exercise of charitie towards all men Hitherto we haue handled the first argument wherin Paule contendeth that either we can not be iustified by the law or els that Christ must needes be the minister of sinne But this is impossible wherefore we conclude that iustification cometh not by the law Of this place we haue largely entreated as it is well worthy and yet can it not be caught and setforth sufficiently Verse 19. For I through the lavv am deade to the lavv that I might liue vnto God. These are maruelous words and vnknowne kindes of speach which mans reason can in no wise vnderstand And although they be but few yet are they vttered with greate zeale and vehemencie of spirite and as it were in greate displeasure As if he should say why doe ye boast so much of the law wherof in this case I will be ignoraunt But if ye will needes haue the law I also haue the law Wherfore as though he were moued through indignation of the holy Ghost he calleth grace it selfe the law geuing a new name to the effect and working of grace in contempt of the law of Moses and the false Apostles which contended that the law was necessary to iustification and so he setteth the law against the law And this is a sweete kind of speach and full of consolation when in the scriptures and specially in Paule the law is set against the law sinne against sinne death against death captiuitie against captiuitie hell against hell the altar against the altar the lambe against the lambe the passeouer against the passeouer In the .8 to the Romaines it is sayd For sinne he condemned sinne Psal. 68. and Ephes 4. He hath led captiuitie captiue Hosee 13. O death I vvill be thy death O hel I vvill be thy destruction So he saith here that through the lawe he is dead to the lawe As if he sayd The lawe of Moses accuseth and condemneth me but against that accusing and condemning lawe I haue an other lawe which is grace and libertie This lawe accuseth the accusing law and condemneth the condemning law So death killeth death but this killing death is life it selfe But it is called the death of death by abundance of spirite or vehement indignation against death So righteousnes boroweth the name of sin because it condemneth sin this cōdemning of sin is true righteousnes And here Paule semeth to be an heretike yea of all heretikes the greatest his heresie is straunge and monstrous For he sayth that he being dead to the lavv liueth to God. The false apostles taught this doctrine Except thou liue to the lawe thou art dead to God that is to say vnlesse thou liue after the lawe thou art dead before god But Paule sayeth quite contrary If thou be not dead to the law thou canst not liue to God. The doctrine of our aduersaries at this day is
to reply againe By this meanes Paulus Sergius the Lieutenaunt and all those cities regions kingedomes and countreis where the Apostles had preached by the onely preaching of faith did beleue without the law and the workes therof In the whole booke then of the Actes there is nothing els handled in effect but that it behoueth as wel Iewes as Gētiles as wel righteous as vnrighteous to be iustified by faith alone in Christ Iesus without the law and the workes therof The which thinge doth appeare as well by the preaching of Peter of Paule of Stephen of Philip and the other Apostles as also by the examples of the Gentiles and Iewes For as God gaue the holy ghost to the Gentiles which liued without the law by the preaching of the Gospell so did he geue the same to the Iewes yet not by the law nor by the ceremonies and sacrifices commaunded in the law but by the onely preaching of faith Now if the law had ben able to iustifie and the righteousnes of the law had bene necessary to saluation then doubtles the holy ghost had not bene geuen to the Gentiles which kept not the law But experience it selfe doth plainly witnesse that the holy Ghost was geuen vnto them without the law and this did the Apostles both Peter Paule Barnabas others see therfore the law doth not iustifie but faith onely in Christ which the Gospell setteth forth These thinges are diligently to be marked because of the aduersaries who do not consider what is handled in the Acts of the Apostles I my selfe in times past also reade this booke when in deede I vnderstoode in it nothing at all Therefore when thou hearest or readest in the Actes of the Apostles or wheresoeuer it be in the scriptures this worde Gentiles thou must there thinke that it is not to be vnderstand literally of the common nature of the Gentiles but it carrieth with it a spiritual meaning and is to be taken not for those which are vnder the law as were the Iewes as before is said in the second chapter VVe by nature Ievves c. but for those which are without the lawe Wherfore to say that the Gentiles are iustified by faith is nothing els but that they which obserue not the law nor doe the workes therof which are not circumcised which sacrifice not c. are iustified and receaue the holy Ghost By what meanes Not by the law and the workes therof for they haue no law but freely and without any other meanes sauing onely the hearing of the Gospell So Cornelius and his frendes whom he had called to his house doe nothing neither looke they vpon any workes going before and yet as many as are present receaue the holy Ghost No man speaketh but Peter they sitting by doe nothing they thinke not of the law much lesse doe they keepe it they sacrifice not they care not for the receauing of circumcision but only are bent to heare that which Peter speaketh He by his preaching brought the holy Ghost into their heartes as it were visibly For they spake vvith tonges and glorified God. But some man may here cauill and say who knoweth whether it were the holy ghost or no Wel let him cauil Sure it is that the holy Ghost so bearing witnesse doth not lie but hereby sheweth that he accepteth the Gentiles for righteous iustifieth them by no other meanes then by the onely voice of the Gospell or hearing of faith in Christ preached We may see also in the Actes how greatly the Iewes marueiled at this newe and straunge thinge For the faithfull which were of the Circumcision and came with Peter to Caesarea seing the gifte of the holy Ghost to be poured out also vpon the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius were amazed Also they that were at Ierusalem complained of Peter for that he went into men vncircumcised did eate with them but when they heard the matter declared by Peter in order as it was done touching Cornelius they marueiled and glorified God saying Then hath God also geuen saluation to the Gentiles This report and fame then that God hath geuen saluation also to the Gentiles was not onely at the first intolerable but also a greate offence euen to the beleuing Iewes which they could not easily shake of for they had this prerogatiue aboue all other nations that they were the people of God the adoption the glory the worship c. belonged to them Rom. 9. Moreouer they did exercise them selues in the righteousnes of the law they laboured all the day long they bare the burthen and heat of the day Moreouer they had the promises for keeping of the law therfore they could not but murmure against the Gentiles and say Behold the Gentiles come but euen now and haue not suffered any heate or borne any burden notwithstanding they haue the same righteousnes and holy Ghost without labour which we by labour by the heate and burthen of the day could not obtaine They haue laboured in deede but that was but one hower and by this labour they are more refreshed then weried Wherefore then hath God tormented vs with the lawe if it auaile nothing to the obtaining of righteousnes He now preferreth the Gentiles before vs which haue bene so long burdened with the yoke of the law For we which are the people of God haue bene vexed all the day long but they which are not the people of God neither haue any lawe nor haue done any good at all are made equall with vs. And hereupon the Councell of the Apostles through great necessity was assembled at Ierusalem to satisfie and pacifie the Iewes who though they beleued in Christ yet was this opinion notwithstanding deepely rooted in their hearts that the law of Moses ought to be kept There Peter vpon his owne experience set him selfe against them saying If god haue geuen the same grace vnto the Gentiles which he hath geuen vnto vs that haue beleued in the Lord Iesus Christ who am I that I should forbid God Againe God vvho knovveth their hearts bare them vvitnesse in geuing vnto them the holy Ghost euen as he did vnto vs And he put no difference betvvene vs and them purifiing their heartes by faith Novv therfore vvhy tempt ye God to lay a yoke on the disciples neckes vvhich neither our fathers nor vve vvere able to beare c. With these wordes Peter at once ouerthroweth the whole law As if he would say We will not keepe the law for we are not able to keepe it but we beleue through the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ to be saued as they doe So Peter here is altogether occupied in this matter that God hath geuen to the Gentiles the selfe same grace that he hath geuen to the Iewes As though he would say When I preached to Cornelius I learned by mine owne experience that the holy Ghost was geuen without the law
vnto the law or vnto works or to the carnal generation of the fathers For not by the law but by the righteousnes of faith the promise was made vnto Abraham that he should be heire of the world that is to say that in his seede all the nations of the earth should be blessed and that he should be called the father of nations And lest the Iewes should falsly interpret this word Nations applying it vnto themselues alone the scripture preuenteth this and saith not onely a father of nations but a father of many nations haue I made thee Therefore Abraham is not onely the father of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles Hereby we may plainly see that the children of Abraham are not the childrē of the flesh but the children of faith as Paule Rom. 4. declareth vvho is the father of vs all as it is vvritten I haue made thee a father of many nations euen before God vvhom he did beleue So that Paule maketh two Abrahams a begetting Abraham and a beleuing Abraham Abraham hath children and is a father of many nations Where before God where he beleueth not before the world where he begetteth For in the world he is the child of Adam a sinner or which is more a worker of the righteousnes of the law liuing after the rule of reason that is after the manner of men but this pertaineth nothing to the beleuing Abraham This example then of the beleuing Abraham comprehendeth also the holy scripture which saith that we are counted righteous by faith This argument therfore is strong and mightie two manner of waies both for the example of Abraham also for the authority of the scripture Verse 8. For the scripture foreseing that God vvould iustifie the Gentiles through faith These things doe pertaine to the former argument As if he should say Ye Iewes doe glory in the law aboue measure ye highly commend Moses because God spake vnto him in the bush c As the Iewes doe proudly bragge against vs as I haue my selfe at sundry times heard saying ye Christians haue Apostles ye haue a Pope and ye haue Bishops but we Iewes haue Patriarkes Prophets yea we haue God him selfe who spake vnto vs in the bush in Sinai where he gaue vnto vs the law and in the temple c. Such a glory and such an excellent testimony alledge ye for your selues against vs if ye can To this aunswereth Paule the Apostle of the Gentiles This your proude bragging boasting is to no purpose For the scripture preuēted it foresaw long before the law that the Gentiles should not be iustified by the law but by the blessing of Abrahams seede which was promised vnto him as Paule saith afterwards .430 yeares before the law was giuen Now the law being geuen so many yeares after could not empech or abolish this promise of the blessing made vnto Abraham but it hath continued firme and shall continue for euer What can the Iewes aunswere to this This argument grounded vpon the certaintie of time is very strong The promise of blessing is geuen vnto Abraham .430 yeares before the people of Israell receaued the law For it is said to Abraham Because thou hast beleued God and hast geuen glory vnto him therefore thou shalt be a father of many nations There Abraham by the promise of God is appointed a father of many nations and the inheritaunce of the world for his posteritie and issue after him is geuen vnto him before the law was published Why doe ye then bragge O ye Galathians that ye obtaine forgeuenes of sinnes and are become children and doe receaue the inheritaunce through the law which followed a long time that is to say .430 yeares after the promise Thus the false Apostles did aduaunce the law and the glory therof aboue measure but the promise made vnto Abraham .430 yeares before the law was geuen they neglected and despised and would in no wise know that Abraham of whom they gloried notwithstanding as the father of their whole nation being yet vncircumcised and liuing so many ages before the law was made righteous by no other meanes then by faith onely as the scripture most plainly witnesseth Abraham beleued God and it vvas counted to him for righteousnes Afterwards when he was now accounted righteous because of his faith the scripture maketh mention of circumcision in the .17 of Genesis where it saith This is my couenaunt vvhich ye shall keepe betvvene me and you c. With this argument Paule mightely conuinceth the false Apostles and sheweth plainely that Abraham was iustified by faith onely both without and before circumcision and also .430 yeares before the lawe This selfe same argument he handleth in the fourth chapter to the Romaines to witte that righteousnes was imputed to Abraham before Circumcision and that he was righteous being yet vncircumcised much more then was he righteous before the law Therefore saith Paule the scripture did well prouide against this your glorious bragging of the righteousnes of the law and workes When before Circumcision and before the law For the law was geuen 430. yeares after the promise whereas Abraham was not only iustified without the lawe and before the lawe but also deade and buried and his righteousnes without the lawe did not onely flourish vntill the lawe but also shall flourish euen to the end of the world If then the father of the whole Iewish nation was made righteous without the lawe and before the lawe much more are the children made righteous by the same meanes that their father was Therfore righteousnes cometh by faith onely and not by the law Verse 8. Preached the Gospell before vnto Abraham saying in thee shall all the Gentiles be blessed The Iewes doe not onely lightly passe ouer but also doe deride and with their wicked gloses doe corrupt these excellent and notable sentences Abraham beleued God c. I haue appointed thee a father c and such like which highly commend faith containe promises of spirituall things For they are blinde hard harted and therfore they see not that these places do entreate of faith towards God and of righteousnes before god With like malice also they dallye out this notable place of the spirituall blessing In thee all the nations of the earth shal be blessed For say they to blesse signifieth nothing els but to praise to pray for prosperitie and to be glorious in the sight of the world After this manner they say that the Iew which is borne of the seede of Abraham is blessed and the proselyte or straunger which worshipeth the God of the Iewes and ioyneth himselfe vnto them is also blessed Therefore they thinke that Blessing is nothing els but praise and glory in this world that is to say that a man may glory and vaunte that he is of the stocke and familie of Abraham But this is to corrupt and peruert the
Scriptures of the Fathers Prophetes and Kings how they wrought righteousnes raised vp the deade ouercame kingdomes thou must remember that these and such like sayinges are to be expounded as the Epistle to the Hebrewes expoundeth them that is By faith they vvrought righteousnes by faith they raised vp the deade by faith they subdued Kinges and kingedomes So that faith incorporateth the worke and geueth it his perfection And this the aduersaries if they be wel in their wittes can not denye neyther haue they any thinge to saye or obiecte againste it In deede they can cry out that the scripture speaketh oftentimes of doing and walking And we alwaies aunswer them againe that it speaketh also of faithful Doing For first reason must be lightened by faith before it can worke Now when it hath a true opinion and knowledge of God then is the worke incarnate and incorporate into it so that what soeuer is attributed to faith is afterwardes attributed to works also but yet because of faith onely and alone Wherfore in reading of the Scriptures we must learn to put a difference betwene the true and the hypocriticall the morall and the spiritual Doing of the law So shall we be able to declare the true meaning of all those places which seeme to maintaine the righteousnes of works Now the true Doing of the law is a faithfull and a spirituall Doing which he hath not that seeketh righteousnes by works Therfore euery Doer of the law and euery holy morall worker is accursed For he walketh in the presumption of his owne righteousnes against God whiles he wil be iustified by mans free wil reason so in doing of the law he doth it not And this according to Paule is to be vnder the workes of the law that is to say that hypocrites do the law and yet in doing it they do it not for they vnderstād this word Doing according to the literal sense of the law which in true Christian diuinitie is nothing worth In deede they worke many things but in the presumptiō of their owne righteousnes and without the knowledge of God and faith as the Pharise did Luke 18. and as Paule did before his conuersion therfore they are blind and miserably erre and so remaine vnder the Curse Wherefore againe I admonish you that such sentences as the aduersaries doe alledge out of the scriptures concerning workes and rewards therof must be spiritually expounded As if they alledge this sentence out of Daniel .4 chap. Redeeme thy sinnes by almes deedes thou must not here expounde these wordes after the morall sense but after the meaning of the Gospell So shall thou see that this word Redeme signifieth no moral but a spirituall Doing that is to say it comprehēdeth faith For in the Scriptures the worke as I haue said requireth also a good will and right iudgement of reason to goe before not morall as they would haue it but diuine and spirituall which is faith By this meanes thou shalt be able to stoppe the mouthes of these peuish Sophisters For they them selues are compelled to graunt and so they teach also out of Aristotle that euery good worke procedeth out of mans choise or free will. If this be true in Philosophie much more must this good will and righte iudgement of reason guided by faith goe before the worke in Diuinitie and diuine matters And this doe all wordes of the imperatiue mode that is all such wordes as are commaūding signifie in the Scriptures all such words also as teach the lawe as the Epistle to the Hebrewes doth plainly declare By Faith Abel offred c. Now admit the case that this solution is not sufficient although it be in deede most sure and certaine yet notwithstanding let this be the argument of all arguments and the principall mirrour of Christians to beholde against all the tentations and obiections not onely of the aduersaries but also of the Deuill him selfe namely to apprehend and to holde fast the head which is Christ Moreouer admitte that the Sophisters being more craftie and subtill then I should so snare and entangle me with their arguments which they bring for the maintenaunce of workes against Faith that I should knowe no way how to wynde my selfe out which notwithstanding is impossible for them to doe yet wil I rather geue reuerence and credite to Christ alone then be perswaded with all the places they are able to alledge for the establishing of the righteousnes of works against the docrine of Faith. Wherfore they must be simply and plainly aunswered after this māner Here is Christ there are the testimonies of the Scripture touching the law and works Now Christ is the Lord of the Scripture and of all works He also is Lord of heauen the earth the Saboth the temple righteousnes life wrath sinne death generally of all things whatsoeuer And Paule his Apostle sheweth that he was made sinne and became accursed for me I heare then that I coulde by no other meanes be deliuered from my sinne my death and my malediction but by his death and bloudsheeding Wherefore I conclude that it properly appertained to Christ him selfe to ouercome my sinne death and malediction in his owne body and not to the workes of the law or mine owne workes And herevnto reason is constrained to agree and say that Christe is not the worke of the lawe or my worke that his bloud and death is not circumcision the obseruation of the ceremonies of the lawe and much lesse a Monkes cowle a shauen crowne abstinence vowes and such like Wherefore if he be the price of my redemption if he be made sinne and malediction that he might iustifie me and blesse me I care not if thou bring a thousand places of the Scripture for the righteousnes of workes against the righteousnes of Faith and crie out neuer so much that the Scripture is against me I haue the author and Lorde of the scripture with me on whose side I will rather stand then beleue all the rablemente of Lawworkers and meritemongers Albeit it is impossible that the Scripture should be against this doctrine vnlesse it be among the senseles and indurate hypocrites but among the godly and such as haue vnderstanding it geueth witnesse for Iesus Christ his lord See therfore how thou canst reconcile the Scripture which thou sayest is against my doctrine As for me I will sticke to the author of the Scripture Therefore if any man thinketh himselfe not well able to reconcile such places of the Scripture or aunswer vnto the same sufficiently and yet notwithstanding is constrained to heare the obiections and cauillations of the aduersaries let him aunswere simply and plainely after this sorte Thou settest against me the seruaunte that is to say the scripture and that not wholy neither yet the principall parte thereof but onely certaine places as touching workes This seruaunte I leaue vnto thee But I come with the
the godly beforehand that they be not offended with those persecutions sectes and offences saying But as then he that vvas borne after the flesh c. As if he would say If we be the children of the promise and borne after the spirite we must surely loke to be persecuted of our brother which is borne after the flesh that is to say not only our enemies which are manifestly wicked shall persecute vs but also such as at the first were our deare frendes with whom we were familiarly conuersant in one house which receaued from vs the true doctrine of the Gospell shall become our deadly enemies and persecute vs extremely For they are brethren after the flesh and must persecute their brethern which are borne after the spirite So Christ in the .41 Psalme complaineth of Iudas The man of my peace vvhom I trusted vvhich did eate of my bread hath lifted vp the hele against me But this is our consolation that we haue not geuen any occasion to our Ismaelites to persecute vs The Papistes persecute vs because we teach the pure and sincere doctrine of the Gospel which if we would forsake they would persecute vs no more Moreouer if we would approue the pernicious heresies of the Sectaries they would praise vs But because we detest and abhorre the impietie both of the one and the other therefore doe they so spitefully hate and so cruelly persecute vs. But not onely Paule as I haue sayd armeth vs against such persecutions and offences but Christ himselfe also most sweetely comforteth vs in the .15 of Iohn saying if ye vvere of the vvorld the vvorld vvould loue you but because ye are not of the vvorld but I haue chosen you out of the vvorld therfore the vvorld hateth you As if he would say I am the cause of all these persecutions which ye endure and if ye be killed it is I for whose sake ye are killed For if ye did not preach my word and confesse me the world would not persecute you But it goeth well with you For the seruaunt is not greater then his master If they haue persecuted me they vvill also persecute you for my names sake By these wordes Christe layeth all the fault vpon himselfe and deliuereth vs from all feare As if he would say Ye are not the cause why the world hateth persecuteth you but my name which ye preach and confesse is the cause thereof But be of good comfort I haue ouercome the vvorld This comfort vpholdeth vs so that we dout nothing but that Christe is strong enough not onely to beare but also to vanquish all the crueltie of tyrannes and the subtill sleightes of heretikes And this he hath declared in shewing forth his power against the Iewes and Romaines whose tyrannie and persecutions he suffered for a time He also suffered the subtelties and craftie practises of heretikes but in time and place he ouerthrew them all and remained King and conquerour Let the Papistes then rage as much as they will let the Sectaries sclaunder and corrupt the Gospell of Christe as much as they can notwithstanding Christe shall raigne eternally and his word shall stand for euer when all his enemies shal be brought to nought Moreouer this is a singular consolation that the persecution of Ismael against Isaac shall not alwayes continue but shall endure for a litle while and when that is ended the sentence shall be pronounced as foloweth Verse 30. But vvhat sayeth the Scripture Cast out the seruaunt and her sonne For the sonne of the seruaunt shall not be heire vvith the sonne of the freevvoman This word of Sara was very greeuous to Abraham and no doubt when he heard this sentence his fatherly bowels were moued with compassion towards his sonne Ismael for he was borne of his flesh And this the Scripture plainly witnesseth Genes 21. when it sayeth And this thing vvas very greeuous in Abrahams sight because of his sonne But God confirmed the sentence which Sara pronounced saying to Abraham Let it not be greeuous in thy sight for the childe and for thy bondvvoman In all that Sara shall say vnto thee heare her voice For in Isaac shall thy Seede be called The Ismaelites heare in this place the sentence pronounced against them which ouerthroweth the Iewes Grecians Romanes and all such other as persecute the Church of Christe The selfe same sentence also shall ouerthrowe the Papistes and as many as trust in their owne workes which at this day boast them selues to be the people of God and the Church which also trust that they shall surely receaue the inheritance and iudge vs which rest vppon the promise of God not onely to be barren and forsaken but also heretikes cast out of the Church and that it is impossible that we should be sonnes and heyres But God ouerthroweth theyr iudgement and pronounceth this sentence against them that because they are the children of the bondwoman and persecute the children of the freewoman therefore they shall be cast out of the house and shall haue no inheritaunce with the children of promise to whom onely the inheritaunce belongeth because they are the children of the freewoman This sentence is ratified and can neuer be reuoked wherefore it shall assuredly come to passe that our Ismaelites shall not onely lose the Ecclesiasticall and politike gouernment which now they haue but also euerlasting life For the Scripture hath foretold that the children of the bondwoman shall be cast out of the house that is to say out of the kingdom of grace for they can not be heires together with the children of the freewoman Now here is to be noted that the holy Ghost calleth the people of the lawe and workes as it were in contempt the childe of the bondwoman As if he sayd Why doe ye vaunt of the righteousnes of the lawe and workes and why doe ye glory that ye are the people and children of God for the same If ye know not of whom ye are borne I will tell you Ye are borne bondseruauntes of a bond-woman And what seruauntes The bondseruauntes of the lawe and consequently of sinne of death and of euerlasting damnation Now a seruaunt is no inheritour but is cast out of the house Wherfore the Pope with all his kingdom and all other Iusticiaries what outward appearance of holines so euer they haue which hope to obtaine grace and saluation by the lawe are seruauntes of that bond-woman and haue no inheritaunce with the children of the freewoman I speake now not of the Popes Cardinals Bishops Monks that were manifestly wicked who haue made their bellies theyr God and haue committed such horrible sinnes as I will not willingly name but of the best of them such I meane as liued holily and went about through great labour and trauaile by keeping of theyr Monkish order to pacifie the wrath of God and to merite remission of their sinnes and
Paule sheweth how the false perswasions of such as are deceaued by wicked teachers may be rooted out of their heartes The false apostles were ioly fellowes and in outward appearance farre passing Paule both in learning and in godlines The Galathians being dedeceaued with this goodly shew supposed that when they hearde them they heard Christe him selfe and therefore they iudged theyr perswasion to be of Christe Contrariwise Paule sheweth that this perswasion and doctrine was not of Christ who had called them in grace but of the Deuil And by this meanes he woonne many of them from this false perswasion Likewise we at this day reuoke many from errour that were seduced when we shew that their opinions are fantasticall wicked and full of blasphemies Againe this consolation belongeth to all those that are afflicted which through tentation conceaue a false opinion of Christe For the Deuill is a wonderfull craftie perswader and knoweth how to amplie the least sinne yea a very trifle in such sort that he which is tempted shall thinke it to be a most hainous and horrible crime and worthie of eternall damnation Here the troubled conscience must be comforted and raised vppe in such sort as Paule raised vppe the Galathians to witte that this cogitation or perswasion commeth not of Christe for as much as it fighteth against the worde of the Gospell which painteth out Christe not as an accuser a cruell exactor c. but as a meeke humble hearted and a mercifull Sauiour and comforter But if Satan ouerthrow this For he is a cunning workman and will leaue no way vnassayed and lay against thee the word and example of Christe in this wise True it is that Christ is meeke gentle and mercifull but to those which are holy and righteous Contrariwise to the sinners he threatneth wrath and destruction Luke 13. Also he pronounceth that the vnbeleuers are damned already Iohn 3. Moreouer Christe wrought many good works he suffered also many euilles and commaundeth vs to folow his example But thy life is neither according to Christes word nor his example For thou are a sinner and there is no Faith in thee Yea thou hast done no good at all and therefore those sentences which set forth Christ as a seuere iudge doe belong to thee and not those comfortable sentences which shew him to be a louing and a mercifull Sauiour c. Here let him that is tempted comfort himselfe after this maner The Scripture setteth out Christ vnto vs two maner of wayes First as a gift If I take hold of him in this sort I can want nothing For in Christe are hid all the treasures of vvisedom and knovvledge He with all that is in him is made vnto me of God wisedom righteousnes sanctification and redemption Therfore although I haue committed both many and greeuous sinnes yet notwithstanding if I beleue in him they shall all be swalowed vppe by his righteousnes Secondly the Scripture setteth him forth as an example to be folowed Notwithstanding I will not suffer this Christe I meane as he is an example to be set before me but onely in the time of ioy and gladnes when I am out of tentation where I can scarsely folow the thousande part of his example that I may haue him as a mirrour to behold and view how much is yet wanting in me that I become not secure careles But in the time of tribulation I will not heare nor admit Christe but as a gift who dying for my sinnes hath bestowed vpon me his righteousnes and hath done and accomplished that for me which was wanting in my life For he is the ende and fulfilling of the lavve vnto righteousnes to euery one that beleueth It is good to know these things not onely to the ende that euery one of vs may haue a sure a certaine remedie in the time of tentation wherby we may eschue that venome of desperation wherwith Sathā thinketh to poyson vs but also to the ende we may be able to resist the furious Sectaries Schismatikes of our time For the Anabaptistes count nothing more glorious in their whole doctrine then that they so seuerely vrge the example of Christ and the crosse especially seeing the sentences are manifest wherin Christ commēdeth the crosse to his disciples We must learne therfore how we may withstand this Sathan trāsforming himself into the likenes of an Angell Which we shall doe if we make a difference betwene Christ set forth vnto vs sometimes as a gift sometimes as an example The preaching of him both wayes hath his conuenient time which if it be not obserued the preaching of saluation may so be turned into poyson Christe therefore must be set forth vnto those which are already cast downe and brused through the heauie burden and weight of their sinnes as a Sauiour and a gift and not as an example or a lawgeuer But to those that are secure and obstinate he must be set forth as an example Also the hard sentences of the Scripture and the horrible examples of the wrath of God must be laid before them as of the drowning of the whole world of the destruction of Sodome Gomorrha and such other like that they may repent Let euery Christian therfore whē he is terrified and afflicted learne to cast away the false perswasiō which he hath cōceiued of Christ and let him say O cursed Sathan why doest thou now dispute with me of Doing and Working seeing I am terrified afflicted for my sinnes already Nay rather seeing I now labour and am heauie loden I will not hearken to thee which art an accuser and a destroyer but to Christe the Sauiour of mankinde which sayeth that he came into the world to saue sinners to comfort such as are in terrour anguish and desperation and to preach deliuerance to the captiues c. This is the true Christe and there is none other but he I can seeke examples of holy life in Abraham Esay Iohn Baptist Paule and other Sainctes But they can not forgeue my sinnes they can not deliuer me from the power of the Deuill and from death they cannot saue me and geue me euerlasting life For these things belong to Christe alone whom God the father hath sealed therfore I wil not heare thee nor acknowledge thee for my teacher O Sathan but Christ of whom the father hath sayd This is my vvell beloued sonne in vvhom I am vvell pleased heare him Let vs learne in this wise to cōfort our selues through Faith in tentation in the perswasion of false doctrine else the Deuil will either seduce vs by his ministers or else kil vs with his fiery dartes Verse 9. A litle leauen doth leauen the vvhole lumpe This whole Epistle sufficiently witnesseth how Paule was greeued with the fall of the Galathians and how often he beat into their heades sometime chiding and sometime entreating them the exceding great horrible enormities that should ensue
and peace with them but also we offer our selues to be their seruauntes and to doe for them what so euer we are able If not lette them perish and be cast downe into hell and not onely they but euen the whole world also so that God and his pure word doe remaine For as long as he remaineth life saluation and the faithfull shall also remaine Paule therefore doth well in cursing those troublers of the Galathians and in pronouncing sentence against them to witte that they are accursed with all that they teach and doe and in wishing that they might be cutte of especially that they might be roted out of the church of God that is that god should not gouerne nor prosper their doctrine nor their doings And this malediction procedeth from the holy ghost As Peter also in the .8 of the Actes curseth Simon the Sorcerer Thy money and thou perish together And the holy Scripture oftentimes vseth cursing against such troublers of mens consciences and chiefly in the Psalmes as Psal. 55. Let death come vpon them let them goe quicke into the pitte of corruption Also Let sinners be turned dovvne into hell and all they that forget God. Hitherto Paule hath fortified the place of Iustification with strong and mightie arguments Moreouer to the ende he might omit nothing here and there he hath intermingled chidings praisings exhortations threatnings and such like In the ende he addeth also his owne example namely that he suffereth persecution for this doctrine thereby admonishing all the Faithfull not to be offended nor dismayed when they shall see such vprours Sectes and offences raised vppe in the time of the Gospell but rather to reioyce be glad For the more the world rageth against the Gospell the more the Gospel prospereth and goeth happely forwardes This consolation ought at this day to encourage vs for it is certaine that the world hateth persecuteth vs for none other cause but for that we professe the truth of the Gospell It doth not accuse vs for theft murder whoredom and such like but it detesteth and abhorreth vs because we teach Christe faithfully and purely and geue not ouer the defence of the truth Therfore we may be out of all doubt that this our doctrine is holy and of God because the world hateth it so bitterly For otherwise there is no doctrine so wicked so foolish and pernicious which the world doth not gladly admitte embrace and defend and moreouer it reuerently entertaineth cherisheth and flattereth the professours thereof and doth all that may be done for them Onely the true doctrine of the Gospell life and saluation and the ministers therof it vtterly abhorreth and worketh all the spite that may be deuised against them It is therfore an euident token that the world is so cruelly bent against vs for no other thing but onely because it hateth the word Wherfore when our aduersaries charge vs that ther riseth nothing of this doctrine but warres seditions offences Sectes and other such infinite enormities let vs answere Blessed be that day wherin we may see these things But the whole world is in an vprour And wel done For if the world were not so troubled if the Deuil did not rage and stirre vp such broiles we should not haue the pure doctrine of of the Gospel which can not be preached but these broyles tormoiles must nedes folowe Therefore that which ye count to be a great euill we take to be a speciall happines The Doctrine of good workes Now folow exhortations and precepts of life good works For it is the custome of the Apostles after they haue taught Faith and in structed mens consciences to adde preceptes of good works wherby they exhort that faithfull to exercise the dueties of charitie one towards an other And reason it selfe after a sort teacheth and vnderstandeth this part of doctrine but as touching the doctrine of Faith it knoweth nothing at all therof To the end therfore that it might appeare that Christian doctrine doth not destroy good workes or fight against ciuill ordinaunces the Apostle also exhorteth vs to exercise our selues in good workes and in an honest outward conuersation and to keepe charitie and concord one with an other The world can not therefore iustly accuse the Christians that they destroy good works that they are troublers of the publike peace ciuile honestie c for they teach good works and all other vertues better then all the Philosophers Magistrates of the world because they adioyne Faith with their doings Verse 13. For brethern ye haue bene called vnto libertie onely vse not your libertie as an occasion vnto the flesh but by loue serue one an other As if he would say Ye haue now obtained libertie through Christe that is to say ye be farre aboue all lawes as touching conscience and before God ye be blessed and saued Christ is your life Therfore although the lawe sinne and death trouble and terrifie you yet can they not hurt you nor driue you to despaire And this is your excellent and inestimable libertie Now standeth it you in hand to take good heede that ye vse not that libertie as an occasion to the flesh This euill is common and the most pernicious of all others that Sathan stirreth vp in the doctrine of Faith namely that in very many he turneth this libertie wherwith Christe hath made vs free into the libertie of the flesh Of this the Apostle Iude also complaineth in his epistle There are crept in certaine vvicked mē sayth he vvhich turne the grace of our God into vvantonnes For the flesh is vtterly ignorāt of the doctrine of grace that is to say it knoweth not that we are made righteous not by workes but by Faith onely and that the lawe hath no aucthoritie ouer vs Therfore when it heareth the doctrine of faith it abuseth and turneth it into wantonnes and by and by thus it gathereth If we be without law let vs thē liue as we list let vs do no good let vs geue nothing to the nedie and let vs not suffer any euil for there is no lawe to constraine vs or binde vs so to doe Wherfore there is daunger on either side albeit the one is more tolerable then the other If grace or Faith be not preached no man can be saued for it is Faith alone that iustifieth and saueth On the other side if Faith be preached as of necessity it must be the more part of men vnderstand the doctrine of Faith carnally and draw the libertie of the spirite into the libertie of the flesh This may we see in all kinds of life as well of the high as the low All boast themselues to be professors of the Gospell and all bragge of Christian libertie and yet seruing their owne lustes they geue themselues to couetousnes pleasures pride enuie and such other vices No man doth his duetie faithfully no mā charitably serueth
11.28 Math. 9.13 Math. 9.2 Iohn 15.33 Luke 19.10 The doers of the lavve doe not the lavve Verse 12. Verse 10. The consciēce is not quieted and pacified vvith the obseruation of mans traditions Confidence in vvorks vtterly taketh avvay Faith or at least hindreth it in vs. Iusticiaries meritmongers vvill be recōpensed for their vvorkes vvith euerlasting life He that receaueth Moises in one poynt must receaue him in all Christians are free from the policie of Moises as touching their conscience Deut. 34. They that seke to be iustified by the lavve deny Christ Gal. 3.14 1. Cor. 1.12 Paule condēneth not circumcisiō but to trust in circumcision is that vvhich he condēneth Christe and the lavve can not dvvell together True Faith. VVe must either forgoe Christ or the lavve Deut. 27.26 The doctrine of the Pope led vs quite avvay from Christ and made him altogether vnprofitable to vs. VVhat daunger it is to seeke righteousnes by the lavve Iohn 3 3● Iohn 5.18 The Popes kingdom is grounded vpon mens traditions 1. Cor. 4.7 VVhat he loseth thrt falleth from grace Math. 15 1● Verse 3. Vers 14.25 Rom. 8.24 Rom. Rom. 7.23 The righteousnes of the faithfull standeth not in feeling Faith hope differ in respect of their subiect Exod. 25.20 The differēce betvven faith and hope in their office The difference as touching the obiect Difference in order Rom. Difference in vvorking The differēce betvven faith and hope in diuinitie is the same that is betvvene fortitude and prudence in policie As soone as vvee begin to lay hold on Christ our enemies the fle●h the vvorld the Deui●l rise vp against vs but hope vvr●s●l●th against them all Psal. 116.10 Rom. 15. ● Rom. 5.1 Rom. 1.24 The true knovvledge of Christ is not vvithout the crosse Faith. Hope Charitie of loue 1. Cor. 13 1● VVhatsoeuer the vvorld estemeth to be good and holy vvithout Christe is sinne A svvete consolation in anguish trouble of conscience Psal. 51.17 Psal. 51. Our righteousnes consisteth not in feeling but in beleuing Ephes 5. ●6 Rom. 5.8 Rom. 5.34 Rom 14.9 1. Cor. 15.3 Esay 66.2 Math. 11.28 Esay ●2 3 The treasure of the Faithfull 2. Cor. 6.7.10 A true and a liuely Faith. Paul shutteth all hypocrites out of the church of God both on the right hand on the left The vvhole life of a Christian The christian life is a course or a race That vvhich seemeth to vs to creepe runneth svviftly in Gods sight Math. 5.4 Luke 6.21 Rom. 8.28 Galath 3.1 False doctrine bevvitcheth men Falling in doctrine cometh of the Deuil The authority of the false apostles A consolation for them vvhich conceaue a false opinion of Christe Christe is set out in the Scriptures as a gift and as an example Coloss 2.3 1. Cor. 1.30 Rom. 10.4 To vvhom Christ must be set out as a gift and to vvhom as an example Math. 11.28 Iohn 6.27 Math. 3.17 1. Pet. 1.17 Coloss 1.13 The false apostles misreported Paule to the churches Doctrine and life must be separate farre a sunder The doctrine of Faith. Luke 11.34 Luke 11.36 Iam. 2.10 Charitie suffereth all thīgs but Faith suffreth nothing 1. Cor. 13. ● Charitie may be deceaued but faith cannot VVhen vve must exercise charitie and vvhen not VVhether vve may trust vnto men VVicked teachers are troublers of mens consciences The aucthoritie of the false apostles Galath 1.8 ● The differēce betvvixt doctrine life No errour in the doctrine of Faith. Actes 13.50 Actes 17.4 The false apostles enemies of the crosse of Christ Gal. 6.12 The doctrine of Faith. 1. Cor. 1.17 2. Pet. 1.11 The church is in best case most flouri●heth vnder the crosse Esay 3● 17 * He meaneth that God somtimes in punishing shevveth him selfe as though it vvere not he but Satan and contrarivvise Satan vvhen he flattereth shevveth him self as though he vvere God and not Satan Esay 53.12 The vvorld hath no pitie vpō the godly Iohn 16.2.3 VVhat the vvorld loketh for by the death of the godly Math. 5.10 Marke 9.10 Luke 14.34 Actes 5.41 1 Pet. 3.14 1. Pet. 4.14 Luther vvil be at no vnitie vvith the enemies of the Gospell The Gospell setteth forth the glory of God and discloseth the craftes of the Deuill Math. 5.12 Paul vvisheth that the false apostles vvere cutte of VVhether it be lavvful for Christians to curse Galath 1.3.4 The Maiestie of Gods vvord is highly to be aduaunced Actes ● 20.21 Psal. 54.5 Psal. 55.15 * As Corah Dathan and Abiron Paules example in suffering VVhat the vvorld condemneth in godly teachers An obiection The Apostles after the doctrine of faith adde precepts of good life Philip. 1.21 Iude. 1.4 Carnall men vnderstād not the doctrine of Faith. The saying of the vvicked The greatest part of men vnderstād the doctrine of Faith carnally The profite of tentations 1. Pet. 2.16 The godly are free accordīg to the spirite but bond seruaunts according to the flesh Gal. 5.17 Carnall men abuse Christian libertie Christian libertie must be taught though men abuse it Coloss 1 1● They vvhich vnderstād the Christian libertie serue one another through loue 1. Cor. 3 11.1● Leuitis 19 1● Meritmōgers hypocrites vnderstād not the doctrine of faith and of good vvorks 1. Cor. 3.12.15 Galath 4 1● Reason is naturally delited vvith superstition No mā loueth his neighbour as himselfe Naturall corruption superstition remaining in the faithfull A saying of Hierome Paul teacheth good vvorks and condemneth euill vvorkes 1. Sam. 31.6 Math. 12.3 ●● Math. 22 2● Ephes 1.2 A brief summe of all Moises lavves The shortnes of the doctrin of all true christianitie To serue our neighbour through charitie A description of an hypocrite Charitie the bright sunne of all good vvorkes A briefe exposition of this commaundement Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Hovv our neighbour ought to be loued Charitie a singular vertue VVho is our neighbour The cōmaundement of charitie 1. Cor. 13.7 The doctrine of faith and charitie the shortest and longest The vvay hovv to kepe concord The ende of the authors of vvicked opinions Hovv the doctrine of faith and of vvorks is to be taught An obiection Galat. 2.16 Galat. 3.10 Arguments from precept to vvorke So euill consequence of the Sophisters It is vvryttē therfore it is done The Loue of our selfe corrupt Sinne is not here layed to our charge because of our Faith in Christe 1. Cor. 13 1● Charitie can not pacifie God. Apoc. 21.27 Esay 53.9 1. Pet. 2.22 1. Iohn 3.2 * He alludeth to the place of Exodus Chapt. 13.21 1. Cor. 13.12 Faith adorned vvith charitie is the papistes righteousnes Rom. 1.23 Deut. 6.5 Math. 22 3● Marke 12 2● Luke 10.27 Perfect loue God first loued vs. 1. Iohn 4.10 Galath 2 4. Galath 4.4.5 Galath 5.17 Desires and lustes of the flesh euen in the godly To vvalke in the spirite VVhat the cōcupiscence or lust of the flesh is after Paule Beleuers are both sinners righteous Hierome The