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A77642 Scripture-redemption freed from men's restrictions: being an answer to a book lately published by Mr. William Troughton (who stiles himself a minister of the gospel at Onlep in Leicester-shire) intituled, scripture-redemption restrained and limited: as also the substance of several conferences and disputes had in England, Wales, and Scotland, with Mr. Heath, Mr. Bartley, Mr. Powel, Mr. Sam. Rutherford, and Mr. James Wood, two rectors of the university of S. Andrews, and many others, about the death of our most dear redeemer, and the controversies which are the constant concomitants of it. Together with a brief reply to Mr. Troughton's rayling accusations in his introduction. By J. Brown, sometimes of Orial Coll. in Oxford, afterwards a priest of the Church of England, and vicar of Tenbury in Worcester-shire; but now through mercy a preacher of the faith which once he destroyed. Browne, James, 1616-1685. 1653 (1653) Wing B5022B; ESTC R230501 118,497 139

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the intrinsicall merit of it was sufficient for ten thousand Worlds but it was not the intention of the Father that all should have any benefit by it we are very unlikely then to be reconciled to Rome in this point although Mr. Troughton who closes much more with them in this point then we about originall sinne and sprinkling Infants c. would so perswade people that he might render the truth of God odious And as for conditionall Election I know not what the Papists maintain but as before manifested we hold that God did appoint or choose all men to be holy and those that are so to happy But that the naturall man hath power of himself without spirituall grace to believe in Christ to eternall life as Mr. Troughton sayes we hold is most notoriously false nay weare so farre from thinking any such thing that we know and teach every where that the best of men have not power of themselves to make one haire white or black But that we have all our sufficiencie of God and that of his own free mercy through Christ he hath given power to every man and woman to do what he requires of them and that every good and perfect gift is from God Jam. 1. 17. c. as I have before shewed Neither doe we say there is no original sinne for Adams sinne was the originall or first sinne but we are not so silly as to think there are two originall sinnes neither are we so foolish as with the Papists Mr. Troughton and all false Teachers in the world as to say that Children bring so much sinne with them into the World as will or at least may damne them eternally in the second death or that Baptisme doth cleanse away originall sinne as some besides the Papists Prelates hold or that men shall be damned eternally after the Resurrection for Adams ●inne but we say that through originall sinne all dye or returne to the dust as is before declared at large And although we thus hold ●hat Infants bring not with them into the World so much sin as will or may cast them into the second death yet this is no way inconsistent with the Antipaedobaptists neither doth it follow that because children may and shall be saved therefore they may and must be baptized for God hath declared that unto little Infants belongs the Kingdom of God Mat. 19. 14. but he hath no where commanded or declared that they may or ought to be sprinkled with water for they having done neither good nor evill have no need of repentance faith and baptisme or any other externally or internally-purifying Ordinances until they sinne against light and so their consciences are defiled which without applying the blood of Jesus and obedience to his precepts will never be purged againe when men come to know what 's good yet commit that which is evill There is no peace of conscience to be had without conformity to the will of God revealed to Men and Women But doubtless its the greatest piece of folly in the world to sprinkle little Babes under a colour of a promise belonging to them Baptisme is a precept that followes repentance and is of equal duration with it even till the comming of our Lord so that the sanctification of Infants by the blood of Christ doth neither help the Paedobaptists nor hurt the Antipaedobaptists for whatsoever God hath done for little ones yet we must do no more for them then the Lord who gives the fruit of the womb requires of us It s very improbable then that ever we shall be reconciled to Rome as Mr. Troughhton sayes whilst we disavow the infalibility of men the sprinkling of Babes the taking of Tythes or a forced maintenance and national Churches in all which being the foundation and main building of the Papacy Mr. Troughton and the Parish Ministers are already reconciled to Rome Object But sayes Mr. Troughton If Christ dyed for all then some men may fall away from a state of grace and salvation Ans It followes not any way but rather it argues they may not but may and ought to hold fast that state of grace and salvation which Christ hath brought them to Secondly We never say that men may fall away from Grace but that many have so done and therefore admonish the Saints who are in a state of grace to take heed lest they fall from the grace of God Heb. 12. 15. and lest there be in any of them an evill heart of unbeliefe to depart from the living God and we are sure that taking heed never made any man to fall But we remember how Adam being in the favour of God and a good state fell how the Israelites fell Row 11. 22. How Hymeneus and Alexander put away and make ship-wrack of faith and a good conscience 1 Tim. 1. 19. And how all they in Asia were turned away from Paul 2 Tim. 1. 15. yea all the famous Churches of Rome Corinth Galatia Colosse Thessalonia with the seven Churches of Asia long since fell from the faith once given to the Saints and are buried in oblivion Ans 3. By Grace I mean the Gospell we are not under the Law but under Grace Rom. 6. 14. Now many have profest the Gospel or Grace of God and have fallen from it whereas had they continued in it they had beene safe even our enemies themselves being judger But they did but seem to professe the truth I answer Then they did well to fall from a seeming profession which is hypocrisie t is a vertue to forsake an evill way but many have forsaken the right way 2 Pet. 2. 15. and concerning the faith have erred and put away a good conscience Object Oh but that was but seeming faith and a bad conscience to which I answer Answ 1. Then Paul bids Tim. hold fast seeming faith and a good conscience for the Apostle bids him hold fast that which some had put away 1 Tim. 1. 19. Ans 2. It seems also that Hymeneus and Alexander were delivered to Satan for putting away seeming faith and a bad conscience whereas they should rather have been commended and highly praised Ans 3. The Scriptures say faith and a good conscience men ●y it was seeming faith and a seeming good other say a ●ad conscience believe the Scriptures or men which you ●●ease But men cannot endure to heare that there is any possibility of falling from the favour of God for this would check them in their full career of sinning but they would fain have pillowes sown under their Arm-holes and heare that whatever sinnes they commit yet God is not displeased with them and that whatsoever they do God is not angry with them contrary to Mal. 2. 17. of whom I demand what they think if David had dyed in the act of Adultery or before his repentance I know what some have said that David was as fully in the favour of God in the time of his sinning as ever he
towards man appeared and thoughts of peace he harbours even towards them that are in rebellion against him yea how he was Reconciled to them who yet are enemies they even they would harbour sweet thoughts of God no longer look upon him as an enemy But throwing away the weapons of wickedness their sins would consider him as the chief of friends and so be reconcil'd to him as the Apostle speaks 2 Cor. 5. 20. and of which the prophet Isaiah speaks Chapter 27. 5. This reconciliation also is special and proper to believers Thus have I as briefly as I could and more briefly then the matter indeed will well allow spoken of redemption and reconciliation how general and how special I come in the next place by Jehovahs help to treat of Justification which is also universal and special The one is by the effusion or pouring out of the blood of Christ the other by the application of it of the one mention is made Rom. 5. 9. Being now justified by his blood c. and thus God is said to Justifie the ungodly Rom. 4. 5. but that this may be the better understood we must consider that there is a twofold sin or offence That which some call original which the Scriptures call one offence or offence of one even Adam and the●e innumerable transgressions which every man and woman commit From the former only I finde that all are justified by the pouring out of the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world from the latter none is or shall be but through the applying of that blood by believing The former of these is absolutely free sutable to this is Rom. 3. 24. without any condtion and is universal as you may see Rom. 5. 18. The latter is also free on Gods part but upon condition of believing on ours as you may find Act. 13. 39. For the further clearing of this thing I desire the reader with me to reveiw that lately-recited text Rom. 5. 18. and I shall lay it down according to the Original Therefore as by one offence or sin condemnation came upon all men even so by one justification to life came upon all men But having handled this point partly before upon another occasion I shall only reminde the reader that these tex●s hold forth this cleerly to us that as sin came upon or was imputed to all men by Adam so righteousness came upon or was imputed to all men by Christ and as for that sin all men were condemned to dye so from that death all shall through Christ be made alive and this is agreeable to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15. 22. and all divine justice and reason for had not Christ justified mankind from that offence Adam and all his posterity had been banished from God for ever as you may plainly perceive by that which is written 2 Sam. 14. 14. I would gladly know whether any man hath life here or can rise from the grave but by Christ by whom are all things or whether we could by any means enjoy these if we were not justified from that which deprived us of it and so quitted from that prison the grave which without a Christ dying and rising again would have kept Adam and in him all his posterity under its power but the day shall come when all that sleep in the dust shall rise and shall give an account before the Lord not of Adams sin but of the things done in their own bodies so that it seems that when every creature shall stand before the Judge of the world they shall not be look'd upon as unrighteous persons because Adam did offend If any affirme they shall let them prove it by the Scriptures and I shall willingly assent to them In the mean space I propound this to my self and others that either men shall at the day of judgement be damned for Adams sin or they shall not if they shall then God hath somwhere revealed it in his word for he will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the Prophets if they shall not then they shall be considered righteous and justified from it which is cleerly sutable to Rom. 5. 19. As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the Obedience of one shall many be made righteous And this is that which I understand by the justification of all men even Gods acquitting of them from Adams sin and the suffering which came by it at the day of judgement then which nothing is more cleer to me and thousands more in all the holy Scriptures and agreeable to all the revealed will of God in this case declaring that every soul shall bear his own burden and dye for his own offence But now a word or two of special justification and so I shall conclude this point That which I call special Justification or the Justification of some particular persons is when God is pleased to look upon his poor creatures which through believing in Jesus Christ turn from sin to serve him as righteous in his Son which I desire further to explaine thus God having in the purpose of his own will freely justified mankind from that sin of Adam and granted them to live in this world they all commit many grievous offences against that loving God that gave them life breath and all things by lying swearing drunkenness theft murder adultery fornication pride ambition coveteousness idleness cozening envy by evil thoughts and evil words from which the law of Moses is too weak to justifie them for let poor creatures annoyed imcumbred and compass'd about with these sins read the Law of Moses or offer up sacrifices according to that Law yet that will not drive sin out of the soul but t●● blood of Christ applyed by faith the blood of Christ sprinkled upon the conscience will purge out sin When a poor soul doth know and believe that Jesus Christ shed his blood for him or her they begin to hate iniquity and abhor every sin and at length through faith i. e. the constant application of the blood of Christ to their hearts they who formerly were servants of sin and free from righteousness become quit justified freed from sin and servants of righteousness for with the heart man believes unto righteousness Rom. 10. 10. so that by believing they become justified righteous and cleered from those sins from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses as that before I hinted from the mouth of the Apostle Paul Acts 13. 39. So that which I find in the Scripture concerning this is that though God hath freely through the pouring out of the Lambes blood taken away the sin of the world I understand Adams sin yet none ever did or can get free or justified from the sins which they themselves have committed in their own bodies but through believing or laying to heart the goodness kindness grace mercy or love of God which towards man appeared in Christ Jesus before the
that Infants are to be baptized and added to the Church before they either repent or believe and that God doth decree the unbelief and disobedience of men and that he will damn some eternally for Adams fault and others for not doing that which since they came to discern betwixt good and evill they had never ability from the Lord to perform therefore are we call'd Heretiques and because we are willing that our Doctrine should be tried by the word of truth both publikely an privately and desire by the same Touchstone to prove what others teach for doctrine and will not be deluded by Philosophy and vain deceit not stung with the tail of the old Serpent I mean the Prophet who teacheth lies Isa 9. 15. with Rev. 12. 4. therefore are we counted the troublers of Israel such as turn the world upside down ring-leaders of Sects c. as our Brethren of old were neither are we grieved by these things for our sakes but for theirs even our countrymen and brethren after the flesh who rage at us and incense the Rulers against us because we believe and speak what is written and will not receive nor practise the Doctrines and Traditions which are not written witnesse M. W. T. who though he hath not one word of Scripture speaking that which he affirms yet he raves and rails publikely and privately because his Arguments are not held Authentick accounted Canonicall and received as Maxims of divine truth when indeed they are but the thoughts of his own heart and collections tha● he hath made from men that must die If I should go from place to place and say Christ did not die for all and he died only for a few men and women and God commanded men to do no more then he hath enabled them to do and that he hath appointed some even from the beginning to be disobedient to his commands might not men say where is this written might they not justly say that here is no light in these things and that these things not being written are not for our learning doubtless they might Ob. But if Christ died for all then all shall be saved All are and shall be saved or deliver'd from the first death as I have declared and i● shall be testified in due time 1 Tim. 2. 6. only the Elect the Saints that is such as receive the light held forth to them shall escape the second death they that believe and obey him shall enjoy eternall salvation through him Rev. 2. 11. 1 Thes 1. 10. Heb. ● 9. Ob. All prophane ignorant persons will say that Christ died for them I answer first they speak truth though they know not what they say for put such prophane persons to prove it by Scripture and to give you the text in which their evidence is contained and they come short of assurance then they say they believe he died for them and at last when they are put to shew the ground of their faith or what their faith was built on they will tell you they hope he died for them and he died for all that believe on him and serve him Secondly I answer 't is one thing for a poor soul to say that Christ died for him and another thing to know it by an infallible testimony and therefore we endeavour to prove this to every man by the Scriptures which hold forth the dying of Christ for all that so they may know certainly that Christ shed his bloud for them and by the knowledge hereof either be drawn to love and live to the Lord Jesus or be left vvithout excuse Ob. But cannot men be left without excuse without the preaching of this Doctrine to them Ans They cannot when and where this doctrine may be preached and heard indeed where the Scriptures are not people shall not be accused for not reading searching and preaching them or for their not knowing the vvords that are vvitten in them for God will at the last day require according to what he gave Luk. 12. 48. but vvhere this is fully made knovvn that Christ tasted death for every man they vvho imbrace it and bind it to their hearts by believing find abundance of consolation and they vvho receive it not shall not at the last day be able to plead ignorance Oh then hovv sad vvill it be at that time for such Preachers as deny preach vvrite pray and rail against this foundation truth of the Gospell Ob. Is it not said Rev. 5. 9. 14. 3. 4. Thou hast redeemed us is God and these were bought from amongst men c. Ans These precious texts are true but yet they do not say that there vvere no more bought to God from amongst men for if vve vvill 〈◊〉 the Apostle Peter there are some that d● deny the Lord that bought them 2 Pet. 2. 1. to say that because 144000. vvere redeem'd or bought from amongst men therefore there vvere no more redeemed is bad Logick and vvorse Divinity and is 〈◊〉 one ●s ●f a man had redeemed a thousand men out of Turky meeting vvith three or four of them should receive an acknowledgment of their deliverance that he had redeemed them the standers by should argue that he redeemed no more Ans Secondly I have before shew'd that redemption is consider'd two ways first by the effusion of the bloud of Christ from the first sin or originall offence secondly by the application of that bloud by which the Elect such as walk in Gospell-obedience receive Redemption or deliverance from their sins which they have committed in their own bodies since they knew good and evill for no sooner is the bloud of Christ closely laid to the heart of a sinner but he presently begins to loath and leave sin and at length by a constant application of it becomes fully redeemed freed or delivered from his bondage of these later the texts by M W. T. alledged are especially to be understood and so the word of truth being rightly divided is kept from clashing and seeming contradiction all men left without excuse and the justice and mercy of God cleared against the calumnies of imperious sinners But there are some whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world It 's most certain that these words Rev. 13. 8. are a prophecy of the great Antichrist vvho shall exercise his power for a time times and the dividing or half of time Dan. 7. 25. two and forty moneths or 1260. dayes Rev. 11. 2. 3. with chap. 3. 5. or three years and a half and many shall follow his pernitious ways idolizing him and worshipping him as a God and it is as certain that such as worship him are not written in the Book of Life for God hath of old ordain'd to condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of God unto wantonnesse and all Idolat●rs but this proves not that Christ never died for them but rather that he did die
14 15. but all and every man and woman in the world are not the Sheep of Christ therefore he died only for the Sheep I bes●ech the Reader to behold the fallacy of this sophisticall fillogism by a parallell thus out of Gal. 2. 20. Christ loved the Apostle Paul a●d gave himselfe for him but every man and woman in the world is not the Apostle Paul therefore he gave himself only for the Apostle Paul whether this be good Logick let the godly Reader judge yet this is as good as M. Troughtons as any man that is not byassed by partiality may easily discern and of this Nature all his Arguments are if you search them to the bottom But he thinks to help himself by saying that though Christ says not his Seeep only yet he means so and he endeavours to prove his conception by saying that though the Scripture sayes not we are justified only by faith yet it means so I answer the Scripture neither ●ays so nor means so for then all infants must be damn'd which I think M. Tro. will not affirm though I confesse he is very positive in matters of the greatest improbability for all those infants that shall be saved were never justified ●y faith yet justified by the bloud of the Lamb or they shall never enter into life and here let the wise and godly judge whether M. Troughton leaning to his own wisdome and the wisdome which is from above hath not brought in an evidence to prov● his cause that speaks directly against him and for the truth of God and besides I have before shew●d how all are justified sanctified and redeemed and therefore shall here spend the lesse time to answer these reasons which he thinks impregnable though others see they are but ropes of sand But sayes he those that Christ died for shall live eternall life and shall never perish but all men have not eternall life but many shall perish eternally therefore he died not for all I answer first this Sophistry is like all the rest of M. Troughtons reasons and though it be finely span and cunningly woven yet it 's but a spiders web and truth will tear it in pieces for the Scriptures say that they deny the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves destruction and so thy weak brother perish for whom Christ died 1 Cor. 8. 11. with many other places I know that Christ layed down his life for his sheep and for the Apostle Paul and all the Saints but not as sheep or Saints for no Scripture sayes so but for sinners for the ungodly for the world which are in opposition to sheep and Saints And again as it 's true that he died for the sheep so it is as true that he bought those that do deny him if the Scripture may decide the controversie Secondly I answer such fallacious consequences as these do even strike at the root of the Gospell of Grace and free love of God and quits the divell and all ungodly men of bringing destruction upon themselves and implies that men shall be condemn'd for want of a Redeemer neither will that thred-bare shift that men shall be damned because they fell in Adam serve any mans turn especially M. Tro. who hath acknowledged in his sixth Argument as he calls it that God will not take double payment for the same sin now all must once die by reason of that offence and if after they shall be raised again they shall be damn'd for it again then there is a double punishment inflicted for one offence which God will never do but if it be because Christ never died for them as M. Tro. and thousands of deceived souls seem to say let them produce a text of Scripture or els we shall not believe them if they say for unbelief and disobedience which is most true and sometimes these men will say so then there is a Christ to be believed in and obeyed by them But says M. Tro. There is a higher cause why men believe not to salvation and have not eternall life then the stubbornesse of mens hearts but shews not what only adds ye believe not because ye are not my sheep i. e. saith he in another place because ye are not elected if that be his meaning he hath made the remedy worse then the disease and andeavour'd to help himselfe by a text that speaks truth against errors for Christ doth not say ye believe not because ye are not elected Ioh. 10. 26. but because ye are not my sheep i. e. because ye hear not my voice as you may see in the next verse and I desire to know how men can believe if they hear not his words as they are laid before them seeing as the Apostle sayes faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Rom. 10. 17. but if he mean the cause is Gods decreeing of their unbelief as many hold I have through the Lords assistance disproved such opinions before and only here pray that the thoughts of his heart may be forgiven him if his day of mercy be not past But he subjoyns another text which he thinks also makes for his purpose Deut 29. 2 3 4. ye have seen all that the Lord did before your eys in the Land of Aegypt unto Pharoah and to all his servants and to all his Land the great temptations which thine eys have seen the signs and those miracles yet the Lord hath not given you an heart to perceive and eys to see and ears to hear unto this day from whence as I perceive he would perswade men to believe that there are some men to whom God did never afford ability to perceive see and hear his words and wonders and this viz. Gods not giving these things is a higher cause of their unbelief then the stubbornnesse of their own hearts and so the dirt must still be flung at Gods door but such thoughts are all vain and abhominable for the spirit speaks expresly twice in the second and third verses that their eys had seen all that the Lord did the great temptations signs and miracles c. I desire to know who gave them those eys if it was not the Lord who made the seeing eye and hearing ear but it 's true he continued not light to them unto that day viz. the time that Moses spake these words to them but took away their wisdome their light their understanding their counsell as a man may do many courtesies for his friend or servant if they prove false and rebellious he discontinues his courtesies so the Lord dealt with the Israelites he bare them as on Eagles wings and carried them in the daies of old and said surely they are my people c. but they rebelled and vexed his spirit so he was their enemy and fought against them Isa 63. 9. 10. see a further reason of their Lords withdrawing his light from them and leaving them to their own counsells Psal 81. where the Lord recounts his
they who shall be damn'd might have been saved had they received the love of the truth if the Apostle may be believed 2 Thes 2 11 12. Ob. But saith M. Tro. many dangerous consequences will follow if we should grant that Christ died for all as first it riseth up against the power of God as M. Tro. says that he should give his Son to die for the salvation of thousands and yet all not be saved Ans 1. To which I answer first by wa● of the distinction used by the Apostle 1 Tim. 4. 10. he is the Saviour of all men especially of them that believe and from hence observe that God who gave his Son and Christ who gave himself a ransome for all hath saved or delivered every man from the power of the grave but God never gave his Son to save or deliver any from the wrath to come or to bring any to eternall glory but such as believe and obey as I have often proved Ans 2. Secondly it doth not impeach the power of God in that we maintain that what God did intend to bring to passe by his own sole soveraign power through the death of his Son is effected viz. the breaking of the Serpents head the continuance of life to mankind here making way for light and salvation and the raising up all men from the grave but that God did ever purpose to bring men to eternall life whether they believe or no by an absolute power we deny for the Saints themselves are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation 1 Pet. 1. 5. Ob. But says M. Tro. it makes the salvation of the creature to depend on the contingency of his own will and naturall ability Ans 1. Answer first that salvation I mean everlasting glory with God or eternall life is Gods gift as I have formerly proved by the Scriptures Ans 2. Secondly that none shall enjoy this gift of his but such as walk as he hath injoyned them in that Law which he manifested to them is the eternall infringeable and unresistable Decree of God and M. Tro. page 45. confesseth that though the precepts of God do not shew what God hath done for us yet they determine mans duty and the rule of his obedience what God approves as good in it self and what is our duty to do there being a sweet harmony and connexion between the end and the means which is fully as much as I hold in this point viz. that they who would be saved which is the end they must believe and obey as God hath enabled them which is the means or at least one means But says M. Tro. it s contrary to the wisdom justice and love of God that he should give his Son to die for all and not give them faith and repentance c. Ans 1. To which I answer as before that indeed if God had given his Son to die for all with an intent to save all that is give eternall life to all or any without faith and obedience then if any had come short of it it might have seemed to reflect on the wisdom justice and mercy of Jehovah but the Scriptures never reveal any such purpose in God as you may see by Joh. 3. 16. H●b 5. 9. with many other places Ans 2. Secondly so far as God did intend by his Sons death to save or deliver men he did doth and will fully effect ●t and whether men believe it or no they shall one day be saved from the grave by him that died and rose again Ans 3. Thirdly that God so put men in a sav●●ble condition that if any come short of eternal life their destruction is of themselves their rejecting light and loving darknesse will be their condemnation Ans 4. God doth not give faith and repentance as M. Tro. dreams viz. make men to believe by an irresistable power for I have shew'd before that God is said to give faith and repentance when by his Word or Spirit he perswadeth men to believe and repent or depart from evill when he gives the Gospell which is the Word of Faith and frequently in the Scriptures is called faith thus Faith is the gift of God and so when by the Gospel or goodnesse of God any soul is led to repentance God is said to give repentance yet the act or duty of believing and repenting is never call'd Gods gift work or act for then they that shall be damn'd for unbelief and impenitency shall perish because God gave them not the means yea because God did not perform his act or work in the creatures contrary to all the revealed will of God so that it appears to me and thousands besides that M. Tro. doctrine doth highly scandalize and impeach and restrain the power wisdom justice and love of God For if Christ did not die for all or redeem all from the power of the grave at least which is that I hold and which M. Tro. cries down under the name of universall redemption it was either because he could not or because he would not I am certain it is not the later for he will raise up all men at the last day 1 Cor. 15. 20 21 if M. Tro. says it is because he could not wise men will a●hor such savings both therefore are true he is willing and able and also will do it all mankind are and shall be freed in due time from whatsoever Adam brought on them and whosoever affirms the contrary debaseth the power of the omnipotent God seen ●sp●cially in raising up Iesus from the dead Eph. 1. 20. that so he might be Lord of the quick and dead as hath before been manifelled of which dom●nion Lordship or power M. Iro and others though I hope not knowingly have endeavoured to devest Jesus Christ except they will say that our Lord will exercise authority over those whom he never purchased the very thought whereof is abominable to every knowing sincere h●aits seeing the Scriptures ●re so p●ain that to this 〈◊〉 Christ both died and rose again and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and the living they that oppose this disparage the power of Christ scandalize his Scepter which is a Scepter of righteousness and make Christ an arbitrary usurper the name whereof 〈◊〉 amongst all and at least in words exploded by us in this Island And as for the wisdome of the Lord which is infinite Mr. Troughtons Doctrine detracts from it for he confesseth that the tenders of mercy by the Lords commands are and must be to all where the Gospel comes though not really and in good earnest as one saith yet Christ dyed not for all saith Mr. Troughton Now I beseech thee O impartiall soul that readest this judge what is right and see whether it suits with the wisdome of God to invite perswade beseech and stretch out his hands unto stubborn gain-saying wretches having never given Christ for them nor Christ any right to
of universal salvation viz. that none shall be punished or perish in the lake of fire my soul abhors as also Mr Troughtons Doctrine that any shall be punished or perish there meerly because it is the pleasure of the Lord so to have it or because they were by Jehovah appointed to be disobedient and to be damned or because there was never a Saviour that dyed for them or because Adam eat of the forbidden tree my soul also abominates and it is the griefe of thousands to heare that God is dishonoured by such Declarations Though once I confeffe it was my judgement but the Lord hath had mercy upon my soul and now I see that every mans destruction is of himselfe and that the vengeance of eternall fire comes on men through their omitting some good that they might have done or their committing some evill that they might have avoided for rejecting some light that they might have received or turning from what they had received for trampllng under foot the blood of the Covenant wherewith they were sanctified and denying the Lord that bought them c. Object But saies Mr. Troughton if it we should preach that Christ dyed for all this would bolster up men in a prophane course or at best in a generall dead faith Answ The contrary to which is true for one constant use that we make of this Doctrine is to diswade deter and dehort sinners from prophanenesse and all manner of sinne and to perswade them therefore to hate that which is evill to die to sinne to live to righteousnesse to love and live to the Lord Jesus because he dyed for them and rose againe and we declare unto all men that if they do not leave sinne repent and live to Christ but deny his word despise his Spirit and slight his blood they shall be sure to be damned for ever because they live not to him that dyed for them and rose againe and that although Christ bought them or layed down a sufficient price for them yea though they professe that truth yet if in their works they deny him and follow not those further manifestations of light which he appeares to them in but refuse his words and so receive him not they shall be destroyed at the last day Secondly This Doctrine cannot be the Nurse of a dead faith if truly preached and received for this teaches men to know first by the Scriptures that Christ dyed for them and what a man knows infallibly he may believe comfortably undoubtedly and without wavering yea all faith that is not groundupon knowledge is but a meere fancy and very uncertaine when men believe they know not what But one the contrary Mr. Troughtons Doctrine is the nursery of prophanesse and deadness of faith or at least of sadness of soul yea dispaire of mercy How many poore wretches hearing that God did appoint a certain number of persons onely to believe and so to be saved and the rest to disobedience and so to be damned have desperately concluded if I am appointed to believe and be saved I shall be saved live how I will and others when they commit sinne sooth up themselves with this conceit it is Gods will that they should commit such sinnes God did decree and appoint them to be disobedient and it could not be avoided with many such devillish conclusions tending to all lewdness loosnesse and prophaneness that can be imagined And hence it is there is so much bitternesse wrath hatred revenge and strife amongst men for did they but know and seriously lay to heart that Christ shed his blood for those poore Creatures that injure them and which they so maligne their heart would melt towards them they would not hate their persons nor seeke to ruine their Estates onely abhor their vices and seek to draw them out of the sinck of their sins It must of necessity also be the root of a dead faith for what life can that faith have which is grounded upon our own qualifications For thus Mr. Troughton teaches men to Argue Christ dyed for beleevers sheep saints but I am a beleever a sheep a saint therefore Christ dyed for me but the Scripture proves neither of his propositions but teaches us better Logick thus Christ dyed for sinners for the ungodly for all for the whole world and those that deny him therefore for me and this shews gracious humility the other vaine ostentations this gives sweet and certaine assurance of Gods love to any poore soul the other when his qualifications are absent as often they are leaves the Creature in a doubtfull dispaire whether God loved it at all this engageth the soul to love God who loved him first and gave his Sonne to dye for him the other saddens the heart with feare shakes the foundation causing a distressed soul to question whether ever Christ dyed for him or her If a faithfull Gospel preacher should perswade a prophane wretch to repent and turn to God and the sinner should aske What should move him to change his life The messenger of the Lord must answer That the goodnesse of the Lord should lead them to repentance if the other should reply Wherein God shewed his goodness towards him The Embassador of the Lord must rejoyne in that he gave his Sonne to dye for him a miserable wretched sinner and that there is a doore of salvation open for him upon his repentance through the blood of Jesus or he sayes nothing for if he should onely tell him of the goodness of God as to this life or tell him of some wild uncertain hopes of mercy without assuring him that Christ was Curcified for him it would leave but a slender impression upon his spirits and to perswade exhort require and beseech a company of exorbitant sinners to amend their lives and love the Lord Jesus is but a lost labour if we declare not unto them the certainty of his kindness and love to them first according to the Scriptures for a soul will never truly love Christ except he be assured that the Lord Christ first loved him or at best if by a preaching of the Gospel at randome as many do any poor soules are fallen in love with Christ yet their spirits are full of feare and perplexing anxieties till they know and are assured of his love to them and wherein that consists the Apostle Paul shews us Rom. 5. 8. 1 Joh. 4. 9. 10 19. Herein is love not that we loved God but he loved us first and sent his Sonne to be a propitiation for us You would blame that man exceedingly who should use his utmost endeavour by all means to perswade his Neighbour being but a mean man to set his affections upon some great Lady admired for vertue beauty birth and riches being not able to assure his friend first that she loves him and desires to bestow her selfe upon him but if he heare it from her mouth or have it made under her hand that she loves such
perceives it will make to his disadvantage and stick to that grand error that Infants are visible Church-members I shall onely add this 1. That they who were such in the Apostles daies gladly received the word and were baptized Act. 2. 41. 2. That to every Church-member every ordinance of Christ doth belong as breaking of Bread Act. 2. 42. preaching of the word Col. 3. 16. reproof Mat. 18. 15 16 17. judging of points of difference among brethren 1 Cor. 6. 4. c. I wonder why Mr. Troughton doth not preach to them break bread with them reprove them and set them to judge at least in the things of this life which are the smallest matters For we would gladly know who dares add to diminish from or alter the practice of Jesus Christ and his Apostles in the constituting of the Church of God or hinder any of his members of their priviledge Secondly He saith but he saith falsly that we hold none to be Saints Disciples or Believers but such as are grown persons and rebaptiz'd Here he misrepresents our expressions For first we are not so silly as to lay down such negative propositions we say indeed that as in the dayes of Christ they that did repent and believe the Gospel were baptiz'd and added to the Church so we are sure they who thus walk now are visible Saints Church-members and Disciples in that they follow the precepts and practice of Christ and his Apostles we account them sheep of Christ or Christians who continue in the word of Christ and keep the Ordinances as they were delivered to the Churches by the Son of God when they may so enjoy them and that they who neglect and despise them when they so may be had and practise Baby-sprinkling are disobedient to Christ and followers of the Pope In a word they which faithfully follow that light which God layes before them are the beloved of his soul and pretious in his sight As for his tearm rebaptize we neither know nor do we practice any such thing neither can he prove his accusation against us except he can prove that the sprinkling of Babes in the face with a little water be the Ordinance of Baptisme appointed for us by the Lord Jesus in his word of truth and then we shall owne it and Mr. Troughton also in it Thirdly He accuseth us for baptizing believers into this Faith that Christ died for all c. To which I answer If the Scriptures say Christ dyed for all I hope Mr. Troughton hath no just cause to finde fault with us for believing it except he can prove it to be a crime to believe as the Scripture saith which kinde of beleiving Christ hath made a pretious promise to Joh. 7. 38 39. And whereas he taxeth us for not joyning with others which he calls in derision Anabaptists I wish Mr. Troughton not to speak evil of what he knows not Mr. Jessey Mr. Kiffin Mr. Patience so far as they practice Gospel-Ordinances do as closely follow Jesus Christ as Mr. Troughton and others in their Baby-sprinkling do Antichrist In a word we are to joyn with the Lord Jesus the head of the body not with men nor follow them further then they follow Christ Fourthly He accuseth us saying that we owne such as Christs Disciples who are baptiz'd into our opinion be they never so ignorant and vain c. This is a meer scandal for first we baptize none but such as in some good measure know their miserable state by sin the love of God by a Saviour c. And as for such as walk in a vain conversation they are cast off if they refuse to hear the Church And whereas he saies we unchurch all that differ from us though never so spiritual heavenly experienced Christians I say first as before that they that walk up to the light which God allows them are his Congregation 2. That they who have the word of God and follow Christ and his Apostles in Gospel-obedience are the Church of Christ his Disciples and experienced Christians according to the Scripture computation see Joh. 8. 31. To the fifth Accusation where he saith we refuse to hear the ablest and most approved Ministers of the Gospel except it be to cavil against them I answer It is not so for those that are approved Ministers of the Gospel I mean such as yeeld obedience to to Jesus Christ in his commands and follow him in life and doctrine we freely hear But we do not judge them who reject the counsel of God and teach otherwise then Christ and his Apostles taught able and approved Ministers of the Gospel though they talk long and loud yea though they could speak with the tongue of Angels As for Tithe-takers Baby-sprinklers and Parish-Ministers their practice declareth them to be at least in some things Popish Levitical Priests acting contrary to the precepts and practice of Jesus Christ and so Antichristian By the word cavil I judge he means reason out of the Scriptures and in this we desire to do as we would be done by for we never deliver any Doctrine publickly but we are willing publickly to give an account of what we declare to them And for the serviceableness of those whom Mr. Troughton counts able Ministers to the state I shall at present be silent onely adding that most of us whom Mr. Troughton traduceth in the margin of his book have adventured our lives in the service of the Commonwealth and shall again when thereunto called Sixthly He accuseth us as overthrowers of Magistracy and for accounting the Parish-Priests Antichristian persecutors when they call for the civil power to punish such as would publickly dispute their Doctrine and Ministery he calls it the keeping of order and peace in the Congregation whilst they are about the worship of God and to prevent cumbustions c. I answer This is a meer fiction they are sure the Magistrates most faithful friends who desire them to wait on that office which God hath called them to and they are enemies to the civil powers who call to them to do that which is not appertaining to their duty Now we desire the Magistrate as a Magistrate to exercise his power in its proper place as for example if any had been at Odeby or are elsewhere stickers or breakers of the peace by any means God hath ordained the powers that are for the punishment of such evil doers But if any do desire to reason out of the Scriptures about the worship of the most high God they that call to the Magistrate to punish such or by the civil Sword to stop their mouths are Antichristian persecutors yea Tyrants over the consciences of their fellow creatures and those Magistrates who shall at the request of such Tyrants exercise their Authority against such as seek to finde out the truth by disputing with the false Ministery if they take not heed betimes will be overthrown by the might of the Lord as they have been before
we quarrel with them for praying before and after Sermon To this I have given satisfaction in my answer to his tenth charge In his thirteenth are many gross slanders together for whereas Mr. Trough chargeth us with an absolute denyal of original sin we teach that Adams offence in the garden was the first sin and that we being all in his loines who sinned became subject to corruption yea judgement came thereby on all men to condemnation And as for Gods absolute decree which he most falsly sayes we scoffe at we hold that God hath from the beginning chosen to salvation such as obey the truth through the Spirit and of old ordained to condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of God into wantonness even all such as by the goodness of God are not led to repentance What he means by free-will I know not But we hold that God hath given to his creatures out of the riches of his free mercy ability and liberty one time or other to performe whatsoever he requires them to believe and do And whereas he sayes we preach for falling away to use Mr. Trough own tearms it is most untrue for we preach for holding fast by Jesus Christ and warn admonish and beseech the Saints to take heed lest any of them fall from the grace of God or by an evil heart of unbelief depart from him Heb. 12. 15. To the fourteenth where he taxeth us for bringing the Saints into bondage by disswading them from frequenting the Parish-assemblies and exercises I answer Most of those whom he in derision calls our followers have heard him and other Parish-preachers till they were weary of their soul-distracting and self-contradicting doctrines Neither is it we but the Lord who commands both us and them to come out from Babel to be separate and to avoid and turn away from them that cause divisions contrary to the doctrine delivered by Christ and his Apostles not to receive to house nor bid such God speed yea and though he were an Apostle or an Angel from heaven to hold such accursed as bring any other Gospel or doctrine then what hath been preached by the Lord Jesus And such I am sure are our tithe-taking mercenary Parish-Ministers who teach men to sprinkle babes and to believe that Christ dyed not for all c. Gospel and Doctrine which never came out of the mouth of our blessed Redeemer yet we will hear you if you will but give a reason of what you say to dissatisfied spirits otherwise we should bring our selves into bondage if you will neither answer us nor let us go Blessed be our God we can hear Christ and his Apostles preach search the Scriptures prove their doctrine and receive satisfaction and they are not offended at us The fifteenth Article of Mr. Troughtons charge against us is a meer cavil and groundless surmise upon his own mistake for he using some vilifying and contemptful language to one that had been a souldier and commander in the States service after long silence and bearing his imperious checks the party told him he had shewed his face in the defence of his Country where Mr. Trough durst not appear But if ever I finde Mr. Trough charging an enemy for his Nations just liberty I shall assure him of all submissive satisfaction But upon this he chargeth us of giving out threatning language And by this you may see the weight of Mr. Troughtons complaints His sixteenth accusation is a gross falsity For he saith that we are ready to make insurrection upon them when they fight against our opinions with Scripture-weapons and that some of us have beaten some of their hearers which till Mr. Trough prove and bring the offender to condign punishment I shall only say this that The religion of that man who bridleth not his tongue is but vain Jam. 1. 26. The contrary to Mr. Trough 17 accusation is true for whereas he sayes our design is to pull down the powerful Ministry of Christ our desires and endeavours are and shall be by the Lords assistance to set it up even such Ministers as are obedient to every command of Christ keep the ordinances as they were delivered by him and are enabled by the Spirit of God through the Scriptures to preach the Gospel without stealing the word from their neighbors and scraping and scribling their Sermons out of Popish Postillers ancient Fathers as they call them and commentators but as for all national parochial tithe-taking hireling baby-sprinkling-Ministers we know they are plants which our heavenly Father hath not planted and will be rooted up The Lord is mercy by his word root them up out of the dunghil of their errors that they may be rooted and built up in Jesus Christ In the last place Mr. Trough accuseth us for holding the truth in love though he alter our expressions For t is true we do deny that any can infallibly prove that Christ dyed for him or her in particular but by the testimony of the Spirit of God in the Scriptures if they can let them bring forth their witnesses I am sure that 's an infallible evidence being the witness of God and all other spirits qualifications and witnesses are fallible false without foundation and are built upon the bottomless pit And we do affirme that they who can and do by the Scriptures prove that Christ dyed for them are built upon a sure foundation even the Doctrine of the prophets and Apostles They may by such a Testimony if profane come to be convinced and converted if of a sadned spirit to be comforted some come thus to be delivered out of the bondage of sin others out of the bands of sorrow It puts a check to the presumptuous sinner and lifts up the head of the despairing soul and though Cain Pharaoh Judas and millions of men deny the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction yet that no whit abateth the comfort of the Saints who know and believe the love that the Father hath to them I'ts but a fleeting inconstant comfort for a man to believ that which he hath no assurance of to believe that Christ dyed for him before he know it beyond the reach of doubting for of necessity it must be that he believes he knows not what When we say that men cannot certainly and comfortably conclude that Christ dyed for them but by the word of the living God which says Christ dyed for all and for want of this proof are in any kinde of bondage and trepidation of spirit we do it not to upbraid them but in love and tenderness of soul to free and refresh them and therefore Mr. Trough did very ill as I judge to bring in this as a crime against us but hatred for goodwill is the portion of such as follow Christ And withall you may see the spirits of men how they seek a knot in a rush any thing to make the persons of men odious Surely they that shew their teeth
against those that love them would if they had power bite yea devour such as they hate and count enemies for telling them the truth And if Mr. Trough did not hate us he would never cry out so to the Magistrates and bring railing accusations against us and shun conference with us but would endeavour to debate soberly the points in difference render a reason of his hope and hear ours But I leave this to the Lord and the impartial readers consideration because I hasten to the work only I shall add a saying of Solomons He that is first in his own cause seemeth just but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him Prov. 18. 17. Pag. 41. through a mistake called pag. 40. lin 7. for Justification read Sanctification The literal or figural faults I desire the Readers to pass by or correct with their pens SCRIPTURE-REDEMPTION freed from Restraint I Have heard and read some Conferences and Controversies concerning the death of Christ and the effects of it but remaining dis-satisfied in part with what men have said and written on both sides I have put forth this to publike view that so they who have any thing to say for or against what I have held forth may publish also their approbation or dislike in order to the investigation of the clear and soul-establishing truth in this point For my part I am satisfied that we shall be judged at the last day by the Word that Christ hath spoken which some call the Letter of the Scriptures and which I say are able to make us wise to salvation 2 Tim. 3. 15. and not according to the Comments and Glosses which men have put upon them I know also that Christ died for our sins according to be Scriptures 1 Cor. 15. 3. and therefore by the conduct of that Spirit which gave them to us shall begin to prove by these That Christ died or tasted death for all and every man and after give my Reasons why I so judge Yet before I come to lay down these I shall shew you how I hold this point and what Christ dying hath done for every man The first Scripture which I shall present to your consideration is Isai 53. 6. All we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all Now indeed if there be any that have not gone astray or any that have not turned to their own way then Christ bare not their iniquity But if the contrary be true and all men yea all mankinde have gone out of the way it will undoubtedly follow that the burden of their iniquity was laid on Jesus Christ A second text of Scripture is Joh. 1. 29. Behold the Lamb of God which taketh or beareth away the sin of the world By iniquity of us all and sin of the world in these two texts mentioned I understand the sins against the first Testament sins of ignorance sins committed before conversion or before we knew good or evil the one or first offence of Adam which some call Original Sin as I shall in this ensuing Discourse by the Lords assistance endeavour to make plain to each impartial and humble soul Another text for the proof of this is Joh. 3. 16. God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have eternal life Compare this with Acts 10. 34. A fourth plain and positive proof of this truth is Joh. 6. 51. latter part And the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world Sutable to this is that 1 Joh. 4. 9. The next place of Scripture to be considered is 2 Cor. 5. 14. 15. The love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one died for all then were all dead and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but to him that died for them and rose again Where it is evident that the great love of Jesus Christ constrained the Apostle to judge two things viz. that All were dead and that he died for all The Apostle Paul 1 Tim. 2. 5. 6. says thus There is one God and one Mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransome for all to be testified in due time The seventh place of Scripture plainly proving the truth of this glad tidings is Tit. 2. 11. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation to all men hath appeared A clear proof of this we have also Heb. 2. 9. later part That he by the grace of God should taste death for every man or every one In the ninth place you have an evident testimony to this truth 1 Joh. 2. 2. Who is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours onely but for the sins of the whole world The tenth and last positive proof of this great love of God in Christ lies in two texts viz. Joh. 10. 15. I lay down my life for the sheep and 2. Pet. 2. 1. But there were false prophets among the people as there shall be false teachers among you who shall privily bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction And thus in stead of fallible Arguments which men make by mis-understanding the Scriptures I have produced ten positive Proofs which we finde written in the Word of Truth in express terms declaring that Christ died laid down his life tasted death for and bought all and every man the world the whole world the sheep and those that deny him and shall be destroyed And whether you that read these things will believe Mr. Troughton's ten Arguments or the express Word of the eternal God chuse ye But perchance some may say Though these Scriptures say that Christ died for all c. yet they mean otherwise I answer first by a Querie Whether we shall be judged by the Word as it speaks or as men say it means Secondly if the Word in this means otherwise then it speaks we make God like the worst of men which God forbid and withal men are to blame for reading it to us otherwise then it means Object But all and every man do not always signifie every individual Answ Although the words all and every man do not everywhere intend every individual yet in many places it doth and that it so signifies when the death of Christ is treated of I shall hereafter by the assistance of Jehovah prove by undeniable Reasons Secondly although all and every and the word world are sometimes taken for a part of the whole yet the whole world is never taken but for all sinners as 1 Joh. 2. 2. and 1 Joh. 5. 19. But how comes it to pass may some say if this be so clear a truth that so many godly learned men are of another opinion and maintain that Christ did not die for all
God hath given to his Son to give to whom he will and he will give it to such as hear his voice and follow him so that it is plain to me and many thousands more that there was before time an election or appointment of all men to the means of grace and also of such as in time do believe through the Spirit to everlasting glory Object But faith is the gift of God and men cannot believe except God give Faith Answ In this poor souls lye sadly in the dark because their Teachers have not rightly divided the word of truth to them That I may therefore shew you how faith is the gift of God I must desire you to consider that faith is taken chiefly two wayes in the Scripture First For the doctrine of Christ the Gospel so 't is taken Jud. 3. ver Contend earnestly for the Faith once delivered to the Saints so t is taken Gal. 1. 23. so also Gal. 3. 23. Before faith came we were kept under the Law shut up unto the Faith that was afterwards to be reveal'd Rom. 10. 8. the Apostle speaking of the Gospel sayes This is the word of Faith So it is taken Eph. 2. 8. By grace are ye saved through faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God not of works c. As if he had say'd Our salvation is not by the Law of works but by the Gospel which is the gift of God and is called the Gospel of our salvation Eph. 1. 13. and salvation Act. 28. 28. God hath given three great gifts to men Christ Faith and Life and these three are as fully and freely the Gifts of God one as the other onely by faith so taken as a gift I understand the truth or Gospel of God Secondly Faith is taken for the duty of believing as Heb. 11. throughout Rom. 10. 17. Jam. 3. 2. with many other places and it imports the act of the creature enabled by the Lord to believe Obj. Is it not said To you it is given on the behalf of Christ not onely to believe but also to suffer for his sake Answ I know God doth give or grant men to believe and suffer he gives the power or ability to believe or suffer or else it were impossible that men should do either all our sufficiency is of God he gives the object of Faith Christ or the Word of Truth and he gives power or ability to believe this truth But to say that God gives the duty or act of faith is not common sense for that were all one as to say that God believes and obeys for he that acts a thing is said to do it and he that acts faith is the believer He worketh in his creatures to will and to do and then it 's their duty to work out their salvation with fear c. not with fear lest God should fail them but lest they should come short c. For the fuller discovery of this consider seriously what is said Isai 43. 9 10. Let all the nations be gathered together let all the people be assembled who amongst them can declare this and shew us former things let them bring for their witnesses that they may be justified or let them hear and say It is truth Ye are my witnesses saith the Lord and my servant whom I have chosen that ye MAY know and believe me and understand that I am he Before me there was no God formed neither shall there be after me Whence I see first when men hear truth they may and must acknowledge it Secondly that all Nations may know and believe God and that there is none but he c. Thirdly that all people are and shall be witnesses against themselves and Christ is and shall be witness that they MAY know and believe God and indeed nothing hinders men from doing these things but self-will the Devil and false Teachers who say that God hath not given all men ability and understanding to know and believe God and people are very glad of such doctrine that they may lye in their sins and yet lay the fault upon God and say that he doth not give them power to do what he requires of them and if he would give them more grace then they would do better and so blessing themseves in their hearts go on in their wickedness hoping to finde an excuse in the last day that God was wanting to them contrary to Isa 5. 4. where the Lord enquires What could have been done more to his Vineyard which he had not done for it to which Mr. Troughton and the rest which hold such principles might reply that God might have done more for he might have brought forth good grapes for them or force them to bring forth good grapes by an unresistable power which he never did nor ever will though poor ignorant creatures have so taught and believed contrary to Rom. 1. 19 20. and chap. 2. 15 16. where it's clear that God hath furnished every man with so much means for the knowledge and obeying of him as will leave them without excuse which is granted by all Object But say they though it may leave them without excuse yet it may not be sufficient to salvation Answ This is most unbeseeming the mouth of a sober man for if the means of grace extended by the Lord to men be sufficient for the glorifying of him it is not too little for the glorifying of them Againe those means which men afford their servants for the doing of their work will not leave them without excuse if not sufficient to effect that which is expected from them through those means and will men still make God an austere master reaping where he did not sow God forbid He was called a wicked and slethful servant Mat. 25. 26 27. that taxed the most High with such dealings And the hard speeches of men who say that God expects more from men then he gives them ability to do and that he will punish them with eternal damnation to whom he gives not means sufficient to salvation will one day be rewarded as that servant was Matth. 25. 28 30. if they repent not Shall not the judge of all the earth do right Gen. 18. 25. I beseech the Reader to weigh well that which the Spirit of God speaks Job 34. 23. for he will not lay upon man more then right that should enter into judgement with God Surely if all men shall be left without excuse it shall be by having sufficient means for the doing of that which God expected from them in their generation and for not doing whereof they shall be damn'd Read Matth. 25. 45 46. and 2 Thes 1. 8. chap. 2. 10. 11 12. But if they had not what was sufficient for enabling them to know God and believe the truth unto salvation they will have an excuse viz. that now they must be damn'd but it is because God gave them not sufficient means to know him and believe his
world began and in some measure of light or other hath been is or shall be manifest to all men Of this justification by faith the Scriptures of truth speak much as Rom. 5. 1. Being justified by faith we have peace with God from whence I gather that though God be at peace with us in relation to the first transgression yet no man can have peace with him in their own souls in reference to those many sins that themselves have committed but by believing or laying hold of his strength as you may see if you will but considerately weigh Isa 27. 4 5. Of this Justification which believers onely are sharers in mention is also made in many other places as Gal. 2. 16 3. 8. 24 c. As for justification by works as the Papists plead for it the Scriptures own no such thing only as they serve to justifie our saith before men shewing it to be such a faith as worketh by love and is agreeable to the word of the Lord. The next in order to be spoken of is Justification in treating of i● I shall first with the aide of God shew you by the Scriptures how all are sanctified and then how onely some are sanctified by the blood of Jesus First there is a sanctification of all men and that is by the blood of the Lambe slain from the foundation of the world poured out or shed for them For the full discovery of this I would desire the reader to consider what sanctification is according to the Scripture and he shall finde that it is either a cleansing purging or a separating somthing to an holy use and this is either by blood or by the word of truth or Spirit of God A word or two of the former of these when all mankinde were polluted and unclean through the offence of one and in him banished from the presence of God and condemn'd to the dust our dear Redeemer by his blood freely purged away that spot or filthiness which would have kept men out of the presence of God for ever that so all men and women are through him separated or sanctified to serve the living God and for proof hereof search the Scriptures and see Heb. 13. 12. Wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctifie the people with his own ●lood suffered without the gate And if any shall say that the text proves not that he sanctified all men with his blood Answ first There are none excluded Secondly His suffering without the gate argues that his blood was shed to sanctifie both Jews and Gentiles which are all the people that the Scripture makes mention of Thirdly If Christ had not by his blood sanctified whole mankind from the filth of Adams fault they had never had life or liberty to serve God And if any shall say that God hath not through his Son given all men liberty to serve him then it seems that they who shall be damn'd perish because God would not give them liberty or leave to obey him or else because Adam did eat the forbidden fruit either of which is absurd yea horrid to a knowing spiritual heart But more clearly is the evidence given by the same Apostle Heb. 10. 29. Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath troden under foot the Son of God and counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done dispite to the Spirit of grace Whence without violent wresting of the Scripture a thing that many use to serve their turnes we may clearly conclude that they who trample under foot the Son of God and do despite to the Spirit of grace and count the blood of the Covenant as an unclean or unholy thing were sanctified by that blood which they so lightly regard Now all will grant that they who prize Christ obey the teachings of the Spirit and highly esteem the blood of the Son of God were sanctified by it and the Scripture here evidently testifies as before mention'd that others even the worst of men as I may so say were likewise sanctified who then is excluded or are there any more sorts of men and women but such as obey the Spirit and such as resist it Is it not most evident that all were sanctified by the blood of Christ even they that trod it under foot and flight it and despise the Spirit of grace and Son of God I am not ignorant of the many poor shifts which I and others have had to evade the truth of God so plainly revealed in this pretious place of Scripture but I judge they are not worth the taking notice of Object But some may enquire happily What is my end in endeavouring to prove that ungodly men who tread under foot the Son of God c were sanctified justified reconciled and redeemed by his blood Answ That when I meet with such I may declare unto them the righteousness kindeness and goodwill of God convince them of their ingratitude perswade them to love Christ and believe on him to leave their evil learne to do well demanding of them how they can have the heart to live so wickedly and abuse the mercy of God in Jesus Christ by whose blood they were justified from that one offence and sanctified or set apart to serve God how they can be so unkind to their Saviour and to tread him under foot that bought and sanctified them with his dearest heart-blood That in case they refuse they be left without excuse so as they shall not be able to say in the last day Lord when did we hear of thy love or that thou didst redeem and sanctifie us by thy blood and so it being manifest that their destruction is of themselves the Lord may be clear when he judgeth And whereas it may be demanded How it comes to pass that all serve not God in holiness I answer first negatively It is not because God did appoint them to unholiness and disobedience as some blasphemously say but because they resist the holy Spirit or the teachings of truth or light of Christ shewing good and evil excusing them in doing the of one and accusing them for the other for they who receive the instructions of the holy God and turn at his reproof shall have his Spirit poured out to them Prov. 1. 23. Turn you at my reproof I will pour my Spirit unto you I will make known my words unto you and so the Lord giving out his word and Spirit and they receiving it become partakers of that special or peculiar sanctification of which I made mention but even now of which a word or two in the last place When the posterity of Adam once sanctified as I have shew'd you by blood or set apart to serve Jehovah which priviledge had all lost in one come to know good and evil to receive vain thoughts to lodge in their hearts and so vain words proceed from their lips and vain traditions from their Teachers and
died not for them Ninethly they who regard lying vanities forsake their own mercies Jonah 2. 9. I desire to know what mercies they can or do forsake for whom Christ never died Tenthly men judge themselves unworthy of eternall life Act. 13. 46. and neglect their own salvation I beseech you consider whether it be possible for men to put off eternall life or neglect their salvation if Christ never died for them so as to bring them into a possibility of enjoying everlasting happinesse Eleventhly if Christ died but for some then the Devil destroys no man but they perish for want of a Saviour contrary to J● 3. 17. and many other places Twelfthly if Christ died not for all then despair of pardon and salvation in them that perish is no sin seeing there is nothing for those men to believe unto their everlasting peace for whom Christ shed not his bloud Thirteenthly if Christ died not for all then it would be a sin for some men to believe that Christ died for them in that they should believe a lye and all will grant that it is a sin for any man to believe a lye Fourteenthly if Christ died but for some even such as are eternally saved then none can be guilty of that sin of treading under foot the bloud of the Covenant wherewith they were sanctified contrary to Heb. 10. 29. Fifteenthly if Christ died not for all then Satan doth no evill in perswading some that Christ died not for them but perswades them to believe the truth if it be true that Christ died but for some of the world Sixteenthly if Christ did not die for all then the Devil doth not deceive those that are damn'd when he perswades them that Christ died not for them and the Opposers of the truth affirm that he cannot deceive them for whom Christ died and so he can deceive none and by this if it be true the divell is no deceiver Seventeenthly if there be some men that Christ died not for then it is a vertue for some men not to believe in Christ for salvation for in believing this they believe the truth and it 's a vertue in any to believe every truth Eighteenthly if Christ died not for all mankind then this unavoidably follows that those for whom Christ died not do as well in believing that Christ died not for them as those for whom he died do in believing that he did die for them seeing both are true if the Adversaries of the truth say right and it is as much vertue to believe one truth as another Nineteenthly all are bound to live to him 2 Cor. 5. 15. even unto him that died for them and rose again Now I wonder what good it will do men to live to Christ or why we should perswade all men to live to him yea tell them that they are bound to do so if Christ died not for them yea we know that therefore men shall be damn'd at the last day because they live not to him that died for them and rose again Twentiethly he being Lord of quick and dead shall judge all men at the last day as you may most clearly see Rom. 14. 9 10. For this end Christ both died and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and the living and he shall judge all men quick and dead at his appearing 2 Tim. 4. 1. how shall he judge those whom he never purchased with a price shall we think that he that reproves men for judging another mans servant will allow that which he condemns God forbid it must needs be then that Christ died for all seeing he is Judge of all except you will say that Christ will judge men because they had not a Redeemer 21. There is no place of Scripture sayes that Christ died only for the Elect or only for his Church that he died but for a few or but for some therefore they that so say speak not the language of the Holy Ghost but a private interpretation we speak what we know and testifie what we have seen that which we have looked on with our eys and heard from Christ and his Apostles with our ears which our hands have handled of the Word of life declare we unto you Mr. Tro. doth as good as confesse that there is not one plain Scripture to prove his position that Christ did not die for all for if you mark the inscription of his book he says not an Antidote against universall Redemption in ten positive texts of Scriptures but in ten Reafons deduc'd from the Scriptures I have proved that Christ d d die for all by ten Witnesses proceeding every one out of the mouth of God by the Ministery of Christ the Prophets and Apostles through the Spirit and whether you that read will believe what these say in so many words or the dark consequences and conclusions of men chuse ye if there had been any text that had said that Christ died only for some sure Mr. Tro. would have cited it we know and acknowledge that Christ died for some for his Church for the Elect for the Saints but to say that he therefore died for none else is contrary to Scripture reason and sense we may as well argue that he died for none but Paul because he says Gal. 2. 20. he loved me and gave himself for me and hence it is that we are perswaded to take whatsoever the Scripture holds out in this point which says he laid down his life for the sheep i. e. such as hear his voice and follow him Jo. 18. 15. compared with ver ●7 and we believe that he bought those that deny him and bring upon themselves destruction read 2 Pet. 2. 1. and because we believe in Christ as the Scripture hath said even all that is written in the Law and the Prophets for this cause we are accounted Heretiques and Sectarians as the Apostles and Saints of old were Acts 24. 14. with chap. 28. 22. For they did declare the love and mercy of God towards all men and such as laid his love to heart and were thereby led to repentance they did baptize with these they did walk in Church-fellowship in breaking of bread in prayers and praises in holinesse of life and waiting for the Lord Jesus from heaven I also and many more declare the love of God in Christ towards all men such as repent and believe this kindnesse of his do we baptize with these we walk in Church-fellowship in breaking of bread and in prayers praising God and provoking each other to holiness and to wait for Christs coming in glory that this is through the mercy of God our practise as it was the practise of the Apostles our God is witnesse and that for this as the Apostle was we are called Heretiques is manifest to all men even our enemies themselves being Judges and because we will not say that Christ did not die for all or that he died only for a few
will see that he prefers mercy before Sacrifice the Gospell before the Law faith before works the believers or children of the promise before the natural seed that he regardeth not but hateth such as seek for righteousnesse by the Law as the Jews did and loveth or chooseth such as seek for the righteousness of the Gospell of Jesus Christ as the Gentiles did Isa 1. 14. saith the Lord thus your new Moons and your appointed Feasts my soul hateth yet once these were appointed by God all things that were written of old concerning Ismael Isaac Esau Jacob Pharoah c. were directly as they are written but the Apostle we see draws out the Allegory and shews what they did typifie to us as you may see if you diligently search this nineth to the Romanes and reso●ve and roll up all that is here written as the Apostle doth in the 30. and 31. verses but the time will not give me leave to treat largely of these things in this place if God give oportunity I shall declare more of this matter in my Generation as the great God shall give opportunity and utterance either by preaching conference or writing in the mean space every sober man will see that it is not proper to draw positive conclusions from allegoricall expressions and so these words I have hated Esau i.e. refus'd righteousness by the Law or Covenant of works doth not at all prove that Christ did not die for all and withall I desire the Reader to consider that M. Tro. hath not yet produced one Scripture that says he died only for a small number but some few consequences which are too weak ever to overthrow the faith of Gods Elect. But saith M. Trough Christ did not die for all because he did not satisfie his Fathers wrath and justice for the sins of every man and woman in the world for the reprobates go down to hell but he made a plenary satisfaction for the sins of those for whom he died and the Holy God saith he cannot nor will not exact double payment for the same debt or punish twice for the same sin Answer first That which he speaks last is true and it is from this that I conclude that Infants shall not be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death for if they should then they must be punisht twice for one fault viz. Adams offence as some call it originall sin and that Rebrobates that is wicked men shall be cast into hell is as true Psa 9. 17. but what he means by plenary satisfaction to the Fathers justice given for some I know nor in that I find no such terms in the holy Scriptures if there be why did not M. Tro. produce them did he think that his bare word is a sufficient warrant for us to believe by surely it is not and the word of truth testifies that false teachers who bring in damnable heresies deny Christ and bring upon themselves destruction were bought by the Lord whom they deny and that others trample under foot the bloud of the Covenant wherewith they were sanctified Heb. 10. 29. Answer secondly if M. Tro. means that Christ did so satisfie for the sins of some that none of the punishment due for that sin shall come upon them but that it is wholly by the powring or offering of the bloud of Christ prevented I shall desire him to prove it in the mean space I shall desire the imparti●ll Reader to remember first that the Elect the choicest 〈◊〉 must di● I mean go to the dust the wise man as well as the fool by reason of Adams transgression so that the punishment which came through that fault is not plenarily satisfied for if it had been so indeed God requires double payment which he will never by M. Tro. own confession do for if by the death of the Lamb this debt had been fully paid the Elect should never have gone to the grave and thus you see how M. Tro. is contrary to himself his light is darknesse and he wearieth himself to bring others to the same condition with himself Secondly consider that amongst all the sons of Adam none shall receive remission of their sins I mean which themselves have acted but believers Mark 16. 16. Act. 10. 43. so that he did not so satisfie as to take away mens actuall sins whether they believe or no. Thirdly consider that if any draw back from the Lord he will take no plea●ure in them Heb. 10. 38. and the best of Saints if they sin must confesse and forsake their sins if they will find mercy and pardon Prov. 28. 13. Joh. 1. 9. but I pray read the whole verse for M. Tro. leaves out in his book the former viz. if we confess our sins as Apocriphal pag. 21. and so deals with us as the Devil did with Christ Luk. 4. 10. 11. conceal that which would make against him Lastly consider and call to mind what I have in this preceding discourse manifested that Christ hath so died that all do live by him and injoy light by him Jo. 1. 9. Jo. 6. 33. and that whosoever believeth on him should not perish Jo. 3. 15. 16. and that all men through him might believe Jo. 1. 7. and that as sin hath raigned unto death even so might grace raign through righteousnesse unto eternall life by Jesus Christ our Lord Christ hath so died that all shall ●ise again by him Jo. 5. 28 29. I beseech you read and consider that the just and unjust shall all be called out of the grave by the Lord Jesus he died and rose and revived that he might be Lord of quick and dead Rom. 14. 9. that they which live should live to him 2 Cor. 5. 15. But we never read that Christ died to satisfie for sin whilest men continue in them without repentance but to manifest his love to all mankind thereby to perswade them to leave sin and love him who loved them first he was set forth to be a prop●tiation through faith in his bloud Rom. 3. 2● 26. and that the world through him might be saved Io. 3. 17. not by the works of the Law but the words of Jesus Christ God never appointed that righteousness and salvation should be by the Law for then Christ had died in vain Thus you see what the form of sound words speak concerning the death of Christ who took or bare away the sin of the world viz. the sin of Adam in whom the whole world of men were involv'd that so lost mankind through him might have liberty to serve the living God and through believing on the light be delivered from their actuall sins committed before conversion and by confessing and craving pardon might be cleansed from their infirmities after their coming into Christ by the intercession mediation and eternall Priesthood of him whose bloud speaketh better things then that of Abel But he laid down his life or the sheep Jo. 10.
was but for my part I think such Doctrine is most horrid and dismall the sinck of sinne and the enemy to all close walking with God the decay and ruine of the power of godlinesse and a little will reconcile the brochers of it to the Ranters I am of Christ's mind Except ye repent ye shall likewise perish Luk. 13. 3. And of the Prophet Ezekiel's When a righteous man tnrneth away from his righteousnesse and committeth iniquity c. all his righteousnesse which he hath done shall not be mentioned in his tresp●sse that he hath trespassed and his sin which he hath sinned in them shall he die Ezek. 18. 24. And of Pauls mind If any man draw back the Lord will have no pleasure in them Heb. 10. 38. Lastly I do not say that Mr. Troughton may fall from a state of grace but I pray with all my soul that he may come up to it and continue in it therefore he need not be offended and I am certaine no soule that truly feares God will dislike that Doctrine which perswades to perseverance and disswades from carelessenesse and Apostacy Object Lastly sayes Mr. Troughton if we hold that Christ dyed for all this may be an occasion to vilifie and debase the Scriptures for they that so hold do affirme that the Sun Moon and Stars and fruitfull seasons reveale Christ as a mediator savingly c. Ans 1. God hath given unto men three principall wayes of Teaching nature teacheth 1 Cor. 11. The heavens declare or preach Psal 19. 1. and his written Word declared by Moses and the Prophets Christ and his Apostles Now there are no men upon the face of the earth but have the two former and where the Lord affords those onely he expects obedience accordingly these leave men without excuse for mans eternall wel-fare stands not upon how much light or truth is manifested but how that which is manifested is obeyed and followed Ans 2. Where these are if the word of truth and peace preached by Jesus Christ may be enjoyed and is rejected then the others will not suffice Ans 3. As under the Law there was a dark discovery of Jesus yet sufficient as to that dispensation so in the teachings of nature and the creatures there is some discoveries of mercy and goodnesse in and from God which is not without Christ and will be found sufficient to those who have no other means For God accepts where there is a willing mind not according to what men have not but ac●rding to what they have 2 Cor. 8. 12. and will require according to what he gives if Christ may be judge Luk. 12. 43. I see some very inquisitive what shall become of Heathens Turks and Jewes c. others insulting over them judging and censuring them as a people of whom God hath no regard but who art thou that judgest another mans Servant look not how little they have and what shall become of them but how much thou hast and what is required of thee and know that God will expect of thee a suitable improvement taking this withall for the debellation of thy haughty thoughts of thy riches that as he that hid his one Talent is condemned and he that imployed well his ten Talents commended so whoever makes his own Talent two shall be rewarded when thou that boastest with thy great light and many Talents if not improved according to the Doners will and bounty maist be receive the greater condemnation it shall be easier for Tyre Sidon Sodom and Gomerrha at the great day of the Lord then for Chorazin Bethsayda and Capernaum Neither let any man think that anothers improvement will excuse him or that he may build his faith or what men have written in these things of which I have treated but on the Rock of ages and the Doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles whose pure rule and perfect prophesies discover to us the truth of these things wherein men differ Mr Troughton would perswade men that it s but a fiction to say that Christ dyed for all because it is not said in the Scripture that Christ dyed by name for thee John Thomas Robert c. their is no such particular Scripture revelation I grant there is no such particular revelation and therefore we affirme with the Scripture that Christ dyed for all that to John Thomas Robert or any other man may have a ground to believe that Christ dyed for every one of them 't is true if Christ did not dye for all then no man can certainly know that Christ layed down his life for him except he could finde both his names written in the Scpriptures And I appeal to every wise and impartial man whether Mr. Troughtons Argument doth not evidently conclude against himselfe for what need is there that every mans name should be recorded in Scripture seeing Christ gave himselfe a ransome for all But if that were true that Christ bought only a small number then its requisite that their names should be expressed or else no man can positively conclude that Christ dyed for him as for example If a pardon should be sent to all the prisoners in a prison there is no need of nominating them but if it be onely for two or three amongst many their names being not mentioned in the pardon the bringer of the pardon cannot tell who to call for nor the Keeper of the Prison whom to release nor the prisoners to whom it relates for if a man should come to a place where a thousand prisoners lay bound and should pretend that he comes with joyfull tydings to them and then at last tell them that two or three of them are onely redeemed though every one of them may have some hopes yet no man can know who it is till their names are manifested but if the act of Grace be sealed to them all every one hath a certaine ground of serious rejoycing by this you that love the truth and peace may see the bottome of Mr. Troughtous errors and depth of his wisdome Who teacheth men in the next place to argue thus Whosoever beleeveth on Christ shall be saved But I beleeve in Christ therefore I shall be saved For Answer hereto Consider how improper it is for men to tell men they must beleeve in Christ before they know who he is and what he hath done for their soules except you would have men beleeve they know not what and to walk by an implicit faith as Mr. Trovghton doth and then you will soon be reconciled to Rome The Scriptures teach us another Doctrine Ye may know and believe Isai 43. 10. They that know thy name will put their trust in thee Psal 9. 10. we have knowne and believed the love that the Father hath to us Jo. 4. 16. Let all the house of Israel know assuredly c. Act. 2. 36. after they have escaped the pullutiont of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour 2 Pet. 2 20. I know
to wife may sometimes be at peace and quiet in his minde and have some hopes of attaining his desires but when he knows that he is beloved by her whom he loves his joy is more solid and his minde more setled Answer 4. I and many more who have knowne both states can testifie that our joy peace love to God faith and knowledge c. were very weak low and mercenary when we the Doctrine of Christs dying for all although some of us profited above many our equals set a good face upon the businesse and were able to say much against the truth and for my owne part I disputed so long against Christs dying for all that at last I could not tell whether he dyed for me and would have given a thousand worlds if it had been possible to have knowne it by the Scriptures wel knowing that no other evidence can po●sibly satisfie a doubting heart except we shall decline them and incline to Enthustasmes and spirits that are to be accursed For if any brings glad tydings to us any otherwise then the Scriptures declare them he is so to be accounted Gal. 1. 8. 9. What he sayes about Christs meriting faith for men is a wild Popish-assertion no where found in the Scriptures having no savour of the forme of sound word is very inconsiderable and contrary to what he sayes in page 45. of his Book that the commands of God of which that we should beleeve is one of the chiefest 1 Joh. 3. 23 shew not what God or Christ hath done for us but what is our duty to do But for M. Trough and all men of his judgement to contradict themselves is is no new thing as I know by sad experience in my former ignorance But I shall through Gods helpe answer his question which is this Let me aske our Adveasaries this question What men a●e bound to believe for the peace of their Consciences when they take it for granted already that Christ dyed for them being comprehended in the world of man-kind I Answer 1. That he is raised and ascended up without which we had been in our sins 1 Thes 4. 14. Jo. 20. 17. Act. Answer 2. They ought to believe that he is the Sonne of God the Christ i. e. the onely Anointed King Priest and Prophet who alone is to mediate gives Lawes and teach the feare of the Lord who and none else is to be heard in matters appertaining to Gods worship and the gathering and govering the Church or Congregation of the Lord Jo. 6. 66. Act. 2. 36. 1 Tim. 2. 5. Isai 9. 6. with 33. 22. Heb. 7. 17 Jo. 6. 14. Answer 3. We must beliive all the Commandements Psal 119. 66. Yea All things that are written in the Law and the Prophets Act. 24. 14. Now by beleeving his precepts I doe not meane that we should onely believe that they are his and that they are true and righteous c. Although this be truth and must be first believed and relates to that which some call faith of assurance in that we beleeve and are sure that they are the commands of Christ But we must adhere to them apply them to our hearts and apply our bodyes and soules to the practise of them And hence it is that all Gospel obedience is sometimes concluded under the name faith as Rom. 16. 26. and all disobedience of times is comprehended under unbeliefe as Heb. 3. 19. compared faithfully with Rom. 10. 16. And without this obedience of faith or faithfull obedience to the Gospel or will of God or light revealed to us there is no peace of conscience to any man or woman in the world Disobedient persons may close their eyes stoppe their ears and harden their necks and yet blesse themselves in their hearts saying they say shall have peace they may for a space be a sleep in sin insensible of wrath yea perswaded that they are children of the most high and in favour with the Almighty that they are Disciples Saints Christians and the chosen of God but ere long again their consciences being awakened considering how far they differ and stand at a distance from the commands of Jesus their hearts condemne them or at least are full of doubts feares and flashings of terrour they question their present and future state and are amazed at the wrath which the light or Law of nature presents to their soules the turth they oppose the errors they maintaine and practise their bosome darling closet sinnes stare them in the face but above all their continuall incertainty about Christs dying for them and their election c. do so perplex their spirits that there is no peace to them whereas they who know and so believe that Christ dyed for for them are by that love of his constrained to love him compelled to come i●to his wayes and obey his commands and thereby they have the answer of a good conscience before the Lord 1 Pet. 3. 21. 4thly They are to believe all the promises of the Lord both in this life and that which is to come Luk. 11. 13. Such as these Act. 2. 38. Repent and be baptised c. and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost Act. 10. 43. Whosoever beleeveth on him shall receive remission of sinnes Mark 16. 16. he that beleeveth and is baptized shal be saved 10. 22. He that endureth to the end shall be saved 1 Jo. 1. 9. that if the Saints confesse their sinnes he will forgive them and the blood of Christ shall clense them c. That the Lord Jesus shall come the second time Heb. 9. 28. that he shall raise up the just and unjust Act 24. 14. yet toe dead in Christ shall rise first this is the first resurrection 1 Thes 4. 16. Rev. 20. 5. that Christ shall raigne and prosper and execute judgement and justice in the earth Jer. 23. 5. yea he shall reigne till he hath put all his enemies under his feet 1 Cor. 15. 25. that he will give the Kingdome to the Saints of the most high the little flocke that heare his voice and follow him Luk 12 32. that they who do his commandements shall have right to the tree of life and enter in by the gates into the holy City Rev. 22. 14. where they shall see his face behold his glory be like him and with him for ever where they shall know as they are knowne see him as he is and rest with him under the crown of everlasting peace joy and righteousnesse to all eternity In a word They are to believe that he who dyed for them hath so justified and delivered them from the one offence of Adam and the miseries that came by it that they shall not for ever lye under them and that they shall never be acco●●able or punished for that sinne after they are raised from the Grave 2dly That if they repent and turn from their sinnes be they never so many great open secret old festred sinnes God
him out when by the word or teachings of God which are his drawings he comes to him 6. To reprove obstinate proud Rebells who deny the Lord that bought and dare sin against such grace and kindnesse as is seen by the Fathers giving his Son for them 7. This serves to leave all men without excuse they cannot say that God hath not commended his love to them seeing he hath written it in legible Characters of his Sons bloud 8. Here is consolation for the Saints who through the knowledge of such love have been drawn to obey God they know whom and in whom they have believed and are as sure that Christ died for them as if he had told them with his own mouth in that they believe the Scriptures affirming that he ransomed all 9. This may serve to them as an antidote against sin and errors in that Christ died for their sins according to the Scriptures 10. It may serve to incite us to love every creature with the love of good will or pity at least when we remember that Christ died for them as well as for us oh if this doctrine were fully known it would so increase love and quench hatred discord and debate peace justice and mercy would florish and wars oppression and cruelty would be banished some beams of this universall love of God beginning to shine forth upon the hearts of our Commanders Rulers Judges c. have inclin'd them to more clemency righteousnesse and pity then some former time● have afforded and as it is more manifested we shall doubtlesse see more of God who is love and lov'd us when enemies appearings 'T is true a man that truly fears God cannot delight in an ungodly person neither can our heavenly Father yet he doth them good and the Saints desire the conversion of their enemies and will do good unto all according to their ability and their fellow creatures capacity and though they hate the vices of men yet they love their persons so as that they will exhort intreat and admonish them to come in to the Lord that bought them and not seek the ruine of their bodies states reputations and souls as I fear too many who deny the death of Christ for all would if it were in their power and could wish that there were something in force like that Popish Statute de Haereticis comburendis as appears by their continuall appeals to the civill yea and military powers their complaints and petitions against such as hold the truth in love by all means labouring to perswade the Magistrates to unsheath their swords to cut off banish or silence by might of men those who are full of might by the Spirit of the Lord to declare against their corrupt principles and practise they have a zeal but not according to knowledge for did they know what love the Father hath shewed those whom they maligne and what sweet communion they have with God and that God lov'd those whom they hate so as to give his Son to die for them they would never suffer that cursed root that beareth gall and wormwood to spring up in their hearts but would endeavour to instruct them with meeknesse or contend against them at least with the sword of the spirit But this they do not but by all meanes seek their impoverishment and ruine and will not speak to them though they bring the same doctrine which Christ and his Apostles taught they shun disputing with them under pretext that they are Heretiques and reject them not knowing that that advise is proper to those that are members together of the Church of Christ and not those that are of different Churches for what authority hath any Church to cast out or reject one that is not immembred with them but the truth is these men are afraid of the light and have no love to such as are of Pauls opinion that Christ died for all and therefore they incense authority gnash their teeth against them But we know that Christ died for them and desire that they also may know it and by that goodnesse be led to repent of all their evills and in particular of their envy and consultations against the Saints of the most high who believe as the Scripture saith and will not receive the corrupt glosses which men put on them or the sad and dark conclusions and consequences which they draw from them In a word if Christ died for all this may serve to keep the poor sin-sick sinner from despair and the proud transgressor from presumption to reprove such as give the Scripture yea the Spirit of God the lye who in so many place● hath clearly evidenced it yet they deny what is there written and would have us rather adhere to their expositions which are all darker then the text Again if God hath of his free mercy in Christ appointed and ordain'd all men to serve him and furnished them with every thing necessary for so doing so that all Nations may know and believe him through that light which lighteth every man which cometh into the world according to that manifestation of it which shines forth to them as undoubtedly he hath then this serves to reprove such as say God did appoint some men as men to be disobedient that is to serve sin and Satan 2. Such as teach that God hath not enabled all his creatures to do what he requires of them but that he exacts more of his creatures then he hath given ability to perform and so make God is an austere man as the wicked servant did yea as bad as Pharoah 3. This may serve fully to convince every sober spi●i● of the reall truth of those sayings thy destruction is of thy self a●d that the damned bring upon themselves swift destruction 4. It serves to clear the pure justice of God and leave all without excuse when they hear that God through his Sons blood hath made all Nations of the earth to seek him and in order thereto hath done what could be done for his Vineyard 5. This may serve to stir up poor creatures to be thankfull and admire the riches of grace and speak good of the name of the Lord so mercifull and bountifull and to incite them to arise and be doing 1 Chron. 22. 16. and God will be with them some to hear search read inquire that they may know and believe the Lord and them that come to know and apply his love to repent and be baptized to separate from the world and such again to continue in the grace of God in the fellowship and doctrine of the Apostles in breaking of bread and prayers in praising of God in holinesse of life watching against sin and for the coming of their Lord and Master Jesus Christ 't is true all are not capable of the same exhortation for to exhort a wicked man that never yet believ'd the Gospel to pray and break bread with the Saints wait for the day of Christ is preposterous
but to exhort such to hear to seek or inquire after God hear read and search the Scriptures that so they may come to know believe and repent is suteable to the direction of the Spirit through the whole book of God who hath enabled men and women come to years of discretion so as to discern betweene good and evil thus to do To call them to baptism and so make them members of a visible Church who never heard of God is ridiculous and M. Tro. himself in his Epistle to the Reader confesseth it under his own hand That visible title to and interest in the Covenant of Grace consisting in a s●rious profession of the Christian faith accompanied with a suteable conversation is that which constitutes a member of the visible Church of Christ whence two things are considerable 1. That infants are not whilest infants visible Members of the Church of Christ in that they make no profession of the Christian Faith neither is their conversation suteable to the holy precepts of the most high for they speak and act as children neither doth God require that it should be so for he speaks not to children 2. This discovers the folly of Baby-sprinklers who require more of poor creatures then they are able to perform which shews that their Ministery in this as in other things is not of God who never exacts that of any which he of his own free mercy and goodnesse hath not given them ability to bring to passe yea they are contrary to God and palpably contradict themselves After this short digression a sixth use that may be made of this doctrine is this that seeing God hath appointed set apart or chosen all men to serve him and enabled them so to do this should teach Ministers to take heed that they add not to neither diminish from the precepts which God hath given to mankind by laying more or lesse upon persons then they are able to perform which is a usuall thing for they say of infants that they must be baptized and be Church-Members though they have done neither good nor evil nay know not their right hand from their less and tell men that are 20. 40. 50. years of age that they cannot believe nor repent nay that they must not be baptized c. Lastly this may serve for a triall and examination to every man whether he hath done all that good which God enabled him to do and avoided that evill which he by the light manife-fested from God might have shunned that so he may through a certain knowledge of his actings in these things be comforted in his obedience through Christ the strength and arm of the Lord or repent of his non-performance of that which through that light or power he might have performed And now let the judicious Reader judge whether these things being very profitable do not freely flow from that doctrine which men call heresie Thirdly seeing some departed from the faith Hymeneus and Alexander put away faith and a good conscience all they in Asia turned away from Paul others deny the Lord that bought them and some tread under foot the Son of God and count the bloud of the Covenant wherewith they were sanctified an unholy thing and doing despight to the Spirit of Grace and seeing the Holy Ghost sayes it is impossible to renew them again by repentance who fall away after they are inlightened and are partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come therefore we admonish the Saints in the language of the Lord nay the Lord warns them by us to beware and take heed lest they fall and le●t there be in any of the brethren an evill heart of unbelief to depart from the living God and to beware lest any man deceive them and lest any of them fall from the grace of God as some did Gal. 5. 4. to beware of false Prophets and take heed lest they fall away from their own sted●astnesse c. which precious words of the eternall God were of no use if the Saints were not in danger even in their best estate here below We exhort them to watch and pray and stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free and to beg of God that he would hold up their go●ngs in his paths that their footsteps may not slide and to keep them from falling and turning back from him and knit their hearts to him pray one for another to him that is able to build them up that he would preserve them blamelesse in body soul and Spirit to the coming of Jesus Christ all which and thousand such like Petitions were frivolous if there were no danger and all those ●recepts and promises he that endureth be th●u faithfull he that overcometh 'T is true we do not exhort any to beware but such as walk in that way as those Saints of old did to whom those words we use were written and spoken that were improper and one means it hath been to deceive the poor ●ouls in this Island and make them think they were all Saints according to the Scripture account when they were exhorted not to fall away from their present s●ate whereas it had been happy for many thousand if they had fallen from it so they had fallen down and worshipped God according to his Word We do not exhort the Parish-Ministers of Great Britain much leste those poor bl●nd creatures who follow them idolize them and are led by an implicite faith to hold fast their profession for it 's very bad and Antichristian or to continue in the way where they are for it is not good nor to take heed that they depart not from the way of God for they are not in it or from the living God for they are not with him But we bese●ch them to repent and turn to God that so they may be baptized and added to the Church and enjoy the precious priviledges that pertain to such as worship G●d in spirit and truth i. e. according to his word which is spirit and truth well knowing that men may as well ●e destroyed for resisting the power of God and putting from them the Word of God and eternall life as for deserting the way of righteousnesse add turning from the holy Commandement delivered unto them and therefore they have no just cause to be angry against us as they are for the searcher of hearts is witnesse that we de●ire earnestly their conversion and salvation and therefore for my part I shall in love tell them this that if they shall still oppose Christ and call his way heresie take part with the Pope and Prelates in their Nationall Churches Baby-sprinkling forced maintenance c. none of which are according to the testimony of Jesus within few years they will be driven to darknesse but as many of them as imbrace the Gospell and walk in the way of righteousnesse which men call heresie whether they have