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scripture_n apostle_n believe_v faith_n 6,183 5 5.3553 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14347 A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Vermilla Flore[n]tine, the publyque reader of diuinitee in the Vniuersitee of Oxford wherein he openly declared his whole and determinate iudgemente concernynge the sacrament of the Lordes supper in the sayde Vniuersitee.; Tractatio de sacramento eucharistiae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Udall, Nicholas, 1505-1556. 1550 (1550) STC 24665; ESTC S119144 134,300 226

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his maiestie and glorie but yet we put hym here in the Sacramēt inuisible And than as concernyng suche thynges as bee obiected of Sainctes and Martirs folowinge Christe thei saye that it is al true as touching Christ so f●rrefoorth as he is visible in heauen in his glorie maiestie But this aunswer standeth vpon a weake rotten foundacion for it supposeth that the bodye of Christe beyng but one bodie maie bee in many places at one tyme whiche thing the auncient fathers writers denie It presupposeth also that Christe is with vs as touchyng his bodye and fleashe whereas Christe sayed that as touchyng those thynges in that behalfe he would sende another in his stede meanyng the holy ghoste Neither can thei by their reason auoyde but that Christe had two bodyes The .xxvii. argumente For at the Supper when he had taken breade in his handes if thesame breade had by transubstanciation ben chaunged into the substance of Christes body than should it folow and bee true that himselfe should with his owne bodye haue borne and caried his owne bodye How Christ beareth him el●e in his owne hades and how he eateth himselfe and so should ye nedes graūt that one and the selfesame body it was that did beare and holde it in his handes and that was borne and holden in his handes and yet can it not by any reason or possibilitie be true that one and thesame bodye is bothe the doer and the sufferer in respect of one thyng An obiecciō of the aduersaries and bothe at one tyme. And thus we see into what ●nconueniencies thei cast themselfes The a●swe● Thei bee woont to bryng for their parte the woordes of Austen vpon the Psalmes whiche wordes of Austen are that Christe bore himselfe in his owne handes But if that place bee well considered whiche is vpon the threescore and thirtenth psalme It is there writen that he bare hymself in his own handes quodam modo that is to saye after a certaine manier or after a sorte or fashion so much do we graunt For he bore and helde in his handes the Sacrament of his bodie but he did not beare ne hold his verai true bodye proprie et reasiter that is to saye properly and really And here might one bryng in agayne these menne also that by their reason forasmuche as Christe receiued the Sacramēt and communion with his Apostles it should folowe that Christ didde eate hymselfe ●n obiecciō But herunto this was wount to be their aūswer ●he answer These thinges are exercises of our feith But we saie vnto them againe that we haue ferre other manier sētēces of the scripture wherin our feith may exercise it s●lfe The true exe●cises of ou● feith rather then in such thinges as are of mannes fantasticall deuise and inuencion We beleue that the soone of god was incarnate of a virgin that he was borne of a virgin that he suffered for vs that he died that he was raised vp from death to life again that he ascended vp into heauen with many thinges more of suche lyke sorte in which our feith dooeth sufficiently and aboundauntly exercise it selfe And forasmuche as this chaunge from substaūce to substaunce can not with our senses be altered vnto The .xxviii. argumente neither mannes reason can vnderstande it neither experience dooeth teache it how shall it be perceiued I knowe that ye will saye that it maie be vnderstāded cōprehēded or conceiued by feith But in case the matier must go by feithe that same feithe cannot bee had without gods word ī gods word ye haue not one iot for you Morouer wheras Christe made this sacrament of twoo partes The .xix. argumente that is to wete his bodie for one parte and his bloud for the other parte it doeth by thesame thyng appere plainly enough that the matier muste not bee taken or vnderstanded by this kynde of transubstanciation For in the real● and carnall bodye of Christ these twoo partes be not deuided or soondred the one from the other An obiecciō But a poore shifte thei haue and a stertyng hole thei saye that there is as muche conteyned in any one of these two partes as ther is in y● other parte In dede we heare theim thus affirme this to holde but the wordes of scripture doe not teache any such matier Another obiecciō but onely at the bread there is mencion made of the body onely at the cup there is bloud perticulerly mēcioned specified but thei haue yet a ferther aunswere to obi●ct against vs which is as touchyng the bread that by the strength and vertue of the wordes The answer there is a transubstanciacion of bread into Christes body or īto Christes fleashe merlye and really and of it selfe and then that bothe the bloud and the soule the deitie or godheade of Christ do folow after euen as a shadow is wonte to go with the body in the Sunshyne Per co●comitanciam And than also concerning the cup thei saye that by the strength and vertue of the wordes there is first of all and properlye a mere transubstanciacion chaunge of the wine into bloud but afterwardes the body foloweth withall Against co●comitaunce that the schoole men speake of to be of trāsubstanciacion and is there also and the solle and the deitee or godhead euen by thesame reason and waye as the bloude and solle and godheade didde folowe with the transubstanciacion of the bread into Christes body as is afore sayed Whiche the schoolemenne in their terme dooe saye to bee dooen per concomitantiam Per concomitanciam as yf ye should saie in Englishe by a necessitee of folowyng after so that euen lyke as a bodye cannot goe into the Sunshine but that the shadow of thesame body must nedes folowe and goe withall so canne not the bodye saie thei bee but the bloud goeth withal nor the bloud be but that the fleash bodye goeth wtall And thus by this their subtill and fine sophisticall manier of speakyng th●i make Christ not so wyse nor prouident as he might or should haue been in that that he deliuered and gaue in twoo soondrie partes no more then is in either of thesame partes seuerally conteined And oute of their owne feynyng and imaginaciō it sprang that afterwardes thei deuided the sacramēt by ministring vnto the laye people the one parte of the Sacramente onely thei perswaded the same and made them bele●e that thei receiued as muche in that one parte as if thei had receiued both partes of the Sacrament according to Christes institucion It maie also ferther be saied against theim that by this their inuencion and imaginacion thei open a wyndoore and dooe minister occasion to many opinions of straunge feyned doctrine For there is none opinion nor no pointe of doctrine whereunto thei maie not tye and linke an infinite sorte of thinges with their terme