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A03885 A summary of controuersies Wherein are briefly treated the cheefe questions of diuinity, now a dayes in dispute betweene Catholikes & protestants: especially out of the holy Scripture. Written in Latin by the R. Father, Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland, Doctour of Diuinity, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by I.L. of the same Society. The I. tome, deuided into two controuersies.; Controversiarum epitomes. English Gordon, James, 1541-1620.; Wright, William, 1563-1639. 1618 (1618) STC 13998; ESTC S104309 167,262 458

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VI. Wherin euen by the doctrine of our Aduersaries it is proued that there are Traditions THE fourth argument wherby we proue Traditions is taken out of the doctrine of our Aduersaries For all those things which our Aduersaries do affirme to be points of fayth against the Catholike doctrine they teach and belieue them without any expresse Scripture For it cannot be found expressely in Scripture that fayth only iustifyeth that there are only two Sacraments of the new law that none should pray for the de●d c. for all these things and many others which they teach against vs they gather only out of Scriptures and that by some false and very weake consequence but it is no where expressely written that fayth only iustifieth that there are only two Sacraments that we must not pray to Saynts or for the dead c. 2. Moreouer there can no Catholike be found who doth not receaue and assuredly belieue the whole authenticall text of the holy Scripture why do they therfore condemne vs when they affirme that nothing is to be belieued besi●● the text of Scripture wheras the whole Controuersy betwixt them and vs is of the vnwritten points of fayth which we affirme they deny 3. Our Aduersaries being conuinced by this argument do now at the last confesse that not only that is to be admitted and belieued as the pure word of God Beza de n●●i● Ec. pag. 137. volū 2. Theol. Tract ●dit an 1581. which is expresly written in holy Scripture but all that also which by a necessary consequence may be gathered out of it 4. But when they answere thus they are forced to depart and forsake that their first principle whe● by they affirm●d that all the poynts of fayth are expresly conteyned in Scriptures and that they were set downe in writing by the Apostles 5. Furthermore not per●auing so much they ioyne in opinion with vs so that they must needes indeed confesse that the Traditions of the Church are altogeather necessary For such things as are gathered out of Scriptures do rather belong to Traditions then to expresse Scripture For that which only consequently by reasoning discoursing is gathered out of Scripture albeit it very well and necessarily may be deduced from thence is not expressely in Scripture but only obs●urly secretly or vertually is conteined therin For no man can truly say that the conclusion which is only inferred out of the premisses is expresly conteined in the same premisses for otherwise our discourse and arguing were vayne and to no purpose But therfore do we reason and discourse to the end that that which lieth hidden vertually in the premisses may be expresly manifested in the conclusion 6. And that we may alleadge an example out of the Scriptures themselues when God the Father sayd this is my welbeloued Matt. 17. v. 5. Sonne heare him Out of these wordes we may very well gather and by a necessary consequence that the whole doctrine of Christ our Lord is to be heard and receiued of all yet none will say that al the doctrine of Christ is conteyned expresly in these few wordes And truely the holy Scripture is so fertill plentifull that many points of faith do as yet lye hidden and vnknowne therin which hitherto haue neuer byn gathered togeather by any but these thinges are conteyned vertually and not expressely in it 7. Moreouer after so many debates and contentions after so many bookes set forth against vs after so many slaunders wherby our Aduersaries charge vs as though we taught that the Scriptures are imperfect they at the last returne to our opinion For we do not deny yea we willingly acknowledge that all those things which rightly and without errour are deduced or gathered out of the expresse wordes of the holy Scriptures do belong vnto the written word of God and are contayned in holy writ obscurely not expressely vertually and not plainly For in that God doth reueale any thing in expresse wordes consequently and vertually he reuealeth all things which necessarily and without any errour may be deduced from thence 8. We graunt also that the Scripture consequently mediatly vertually as in a generall principle conteyneth all things necessary to saluatiō yea in that one only article of the Creed I belieue the holy Catholike Church in those few words also of Christ Luc. 19. v. 16. he who heareth you heareth me if the collection be rightly framed as we haue also said before in the 25 Chapter But when these thinges are gathered togeather which are not expressely in Scripture there is scarse any of them which is not vncertayne doubtful without the authority and Traditions of the Church Wherefore these collections do manifestly conuince the necessity and authority of Traditions 9. But that these collections may be vncert●yne and deceytfull both experiēce reasō teacheth vs experiēce because almost all Heresies haue had their beg●nning not from the Scripture alone in it selfe but from these collections badly framed and made For there is not almost any one heresy which is only grounded on the expresse wordes of Scripture without some other collection seing that almost all Heretikes both in tymes past as now al●o go about to proue and gather their heresies from the Scripture by certayne deceytfull sophistical arguments Arius for example out of those wordes of Christ the Father is greater then I did gather Ioan. 14. v. 28. but badly that Christ euen according to his diuine Nature was inferiour to his Father The new Arians out of those words of the ten cōmaūdemēts thou shalt not haue strāge Gods before me do gather but foolishly that Exod. 20. v. 3. the Sōne is not God the holy Ghost is not God So the Diuell himself against Christ Matt. 4. v. 6. vsed this reason It is written God hath giuen his Angells charg● of thee therfore cast thy selfe downe headlong Lastly all the arguments indeed which our Aduersaries at this tyme alledge against vs out of Scriptures and all the errours which they haue inuēted do take their beginning and strength from their new illations and reasons and not out of the bare and playne words of Scripture as will manifestly appeare in euery one of these Controuersies 10. The reason also is manifest why these their collections and reasons are vncertaine and doubtfull For in nothing can one more easily or more often erre then in these illations The which may proceed of many causes eyther because the illation it selfe is bad and Sophisticall or because the place of Scripture from whence it is gathered is falsified by some false exposition therof or because the proposition which is assumed and adioyned to the wordes of Scripture is false and ambiguous or because one or more wordes in that collection are vsed doubtfully that is to say in one sense in the premises and in another in the conclusion or lastly because there hapneth some errour to be in the collection which maketh
it weake Sophisticall and erroneous 11. Besides that there are so many and so contrary illations of diuers men that the authority of the Church is altogeather necessary in maters of faith that there may arise a certayne and an vndoubted faith of these matters of which sort Traditions are that is to say the doctrine of the whole Church 12. But when one belieueth such an illation with a diuine or Catholike faith he must needes know two thinges the one is that the expresse place of Scripture from whence this conclusion is deduced must certainly be well vnderstood by him which disputeth the other is that he who maketh such a deduction and collection can neyther deceiue others nor be deceyued himselfe But none can know eyther of these without the Traditions of the Church seeing that otherwise there is none which may not be deceiued sometimes All collections therefore which produce or breed fayth in vs do most clearly conuince and shew the authority and necessity of Traditions CHAP. VII Wherein it is proued that there are Traditions by the absurdities which otherwise would follow THE fifth argument wherby we proue that many things are to be belieued which are not expressed in holy Scriptures is taken out of the absurdities which do ensue of the contrary doctrine For hauing once admitted that nothing is to be belieued which is not expressed in Scripture all old heresies are renewed and a great vncertainty and confusion of all things is brought into the Church of God yea euen the way to Atheisme is layd open because hauing once reiected despised the Traditions of the Church all the poynts of fayth from the Apostles tyme till now explicated and proued by the auncient Fathers against heretiks all those things also which were decreed and determined by all the generall Counc●lls in times past against the said heretiks loose their chief●st strength and authority the which notwithstanding our Aduersaries do acknowledge themselues to receiue and belieue 2. Neyther do we know by an assured Catholike faith whether there were euer any Fathers or Councells but by the Traditions of the Church But neyther do we know any other way but by fayth whether since the Apostles tyme till now there were any Catholikes or no● because of those things which were done since the tyme and death of the Apostles there is nothing extant in holy Scripture seeing that all the bookes thereof were written before the death of the Apostles But such things as haue b●n done since till now cannot otherwyse be knowne but by the Tradition of the Church 3. Neyther is it sufficient to say that we know these things by the Ecclesiasticall histories For that fayth which proceedeth of histories without the authority or Traditions of the Catholike Church is but an humane fayth which oftentimes deceaueth others and may be deceiued it selfe and therefore these kind of histories cannot produce a diuine fayth in vs this experience it selfe doth clearly teach vs. For our Aduersaries do somtymes doubt whether S. Peter was euer at Rome or no because forsooth this is not to be found expresly in holy Scripture wheras notwithstanding it is most assuredly proued and testified in many bookes both of the auncient Historiographers and holy Fathers Why may they not as lawfully call other matters in question which are notwithstanding expressely set downe in other auncient writers Our Aduersaries therfore do make all things very doubtfull and vncertayne whiles they will only belieue and admit the Scripture but now l●t vs answere their arguments CHAP. VIII Wherein the arguments of our Aduersaries taken out of the old Testament are confuted THE first argument wherby our Aduersaries oppugne Traditions and which they vse very often the which also as inuincible they haue added to the confession of their Rupell Confess Art 5. Deut. 4. v. 2. Deut 12. v. vlt. fayth they take out of these words of Deuteronomy Thou shalt not add any thing to the word which I speake vnto you nor shall you take any thing from it And againe that which I commaund thee do that only neyther add or diminish any thing from it By these places of Scriptures our Aduersaries do inferre that nothing is to be receiued as a point of fayth which is not expressely set downe in Scripture 2. But this argument is erroneous and the weaknes thereof is very great for many causes First because in those words there is no mention made of the Scripture nor of the written word of God but only of the word preached and deliuered viua voce Thou shalt not add sayth the Scripture to the word that I speake vnto you he doth not say that I write vnto you Againe Do only sayth he that which I commaund thee he doth not say that which I write vnto thee 3. Moreouer in these words the holy Scripture doth not only speake of matters of fayth to be belieued but also of ceremonies and customes to be done and obserued but our Aduersaries themselues confesse that these customes may be added by the authority of the Church yea they haue ordeined themselues very many the which they chang euen yet when they please Caluin also acknowledgeth that Calu. cōtra 4 sess Concil Trident. many vnwritten customes were deliuered vnto vs by the Apostles 4. That also according to the phrase of Scripture is said to be added to the word of God which is contrary opposite vnit For Iosue did not transgresse this commaundement of Deuteronomy when he added his booke to the bookes of Moyses Nor did others transgresse it who added the bookes of the Iudges Ruth and of the Kinges which were not written by Moyses which are also to be belieued as contayning pointes of faith But in these bookes there is nothing contrary to that which Moyses wrote And the Hebrew text agreeth very well to this answere for in both places of Deuter●nomy this word Ghal is vsed which sig●●tieth o●tentines contrary or against so that the sense is Do not add any thing contrary to the word which I commaund and againe yee shall not add any thing contrary to the word which I say vnto you For so is that particie G●●l taken in the 40. Psalme or according to the Hebrewes 41. in the 2. Psalme also the second verse And in the 14. of Numbers the 2. verse els where very often Euen as also in the new Testament 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which answereth to the Hebrew Ghal signifieth also contrary or ag●i●st when the Apostle writeth to the 1. ad Cor. 4. v. 6. Corinthians that in vs you may learne one not to be puffed vp against another aboue that is writtē that is to say against the Scripture the which saith we must not be puffed vp in pryde ●s S. Chrysostome and after him Theophilactus others do note vpon that place The which place some bouldly alledge against Traditions wheras the Apostle in that place doth not speake of the whole Calu in
●lla verba 1. ●l Cor. 4. v. 6. word of God but of this one point that we must not be puffed vp in pryde as euen Caluin himselfe acknowledgeth 5. But to omit all such thinges as other Catholike Doctors haue very well and learnedly written of the proper and literall sense of these wordes yea that we may also graunt to our Aduersaries that this which they alledge is the true sense they erre very much in that they thinke that these wordes of Moyses belong vnto vs and that we are no l●sle now bound and obliged by them then the Ieues were in tymes past For these wordes do no more appertaine vnto vs then those of the same booke of Deuteronomy C●rsed be ●e that Devt 27. v. v●● abideth not in the wordes of this Law and s●lfil●●th them not in worke From which wordes S. Paul manifestly teacheth that we are deliuered Ad Gal. 3. l. 10. 1● and freed by the grace of Christ Iesus But seing that in these wordes which they do heere alledge Moyses commaundeth that the Childrē of Israel should obserue fulfill euery word which he had commaunded them for so it is expresly set downe Deuteronomy 12. the last verse in the Hebrew text and in all the Bib●s of our Aduersaries and he presently addeth that nothing is to be added or detracted from all these he manifestly commaundeth the keeping of the whole Moysaicall Law and of all the Sacraments Sacrifices and Ceremonies of the old Testament For he doth not only commaund that nothing should be added but also that nothing is to be detracted of all those thinges by him commaūded Wherefore if our Aduersaries obiect against vs that we adde any thing against this precept we may more iustly obiect vnto then that they detract farre more then we add seing that they neyther obserue the Circumcision nor the legall Sacrifices nor other Ceremonies which are so often and so straitely commaunded in Deuteronomy It cannot truly be denyed but that this is to detract somewhat from those thinges which Moyses commaunded and ther●ore our Aduersaries must needes confesse that these are the wordes of the old Law and consequently do appertaine nothing vnto vs. Out of this which hath byn said it followeth that our Aduersaries do very indiscretly foolishly boast and bragge of those wordes of Moyses For in the exposition thereof they erre farre from the truth and a great deale more in the application when they go about to proue that we are also bound and obliged by them 6. Our Aduersaries take their second argument out of these wordes of Salomo●s Prouerb 30. v. 5. 6. prouerb● Euery word of God is fiery it is a s●ield of defence to those which hope in it do not add any thing to the words therof and thou shalt not be found and reprehended as a lyar I answere that this place maketh nothing against vs for in that place there is no mention made of Scripture only but of al the word of God And it is most true that nothing should be added to all the whole word of God the which is to be belieued with a Catholike faith as the true word of God For as we haue said before our faith relyeth only on the word of God but the Scripture only is not all the word of God because all Traditions also which contayne poynts of faith belong therunto as we haue sufficiently Supra c. 2. proued already But they add to the word of God are lyar● who affirme that God sayd this or that which indeed he neuer spake And of this sort ●re those false Prophets of whome God by the Prophet Ieremy complayneth saying They Hier. 23. v. 16. 21. speake the vision of their hartes not from the mouth of our Lord againe I did not speake vnto them and they did prophesy This place also may very well be vnderstood of those who add any thing contrary to the word of God For in the Hebrew text there is set downe that particle Ghal which often tyme● signifieth contrary or against as we haue already declared in our answere to the first argument CHAP. IX Wherin is examined that place of S. Pauls Epistle to the Galath●ans which our Aduersaries do obiect against Traditions THE third argument our Aduersaries take out of the first Confess Rup●l● Art 3. Chapter to the Galathians the which they haue also added to their confession of fayth as inuincible For they haue omitted their second argument as not strong inough for their purpose But thus they frame their argument The Apostle Gal. 1. v. 8. 9. sayth twice an Anathema to those who teach any thing besid● that which he hath taught therefore nothing is to be receiued or belieued but Scripture Our Aduersaries haue this place of the Apostle often in their mouthes wherefore it shal be exa●ined more exactly We answere therfore tha● our Aduersaries do erre heere for two reasons first because our whole controuersy is of the written word of God but in these words there is no mention made of the writtē word or of Scripture but only of the word preached and deliuered vi●● v●c● to the Galathians by S. Paul And hence it is that S. Augustine farre otherwise August Tom. 7. de vnit Ec●les c. 24. then our Aduersaries disputing against the Donatists proueth by these words of the Apostle that we are bound to admit and belieu● the Traditions of the Church as for exāple that those who are once orderly and lawfully christened by Heretiks are not to be baptized againe And well truly for that which is viua voce deliuered is a Tradition and not Scpriture Moreouer if the Scripture only conteyned expressely all the poynts of fayth the Apostle would rather haue proposed the Scripture as the rule of fayth then his owne preaching seing that the Scripture is manifestly well knowne to all Nations but his owne preaching to the Galathians only But our Aduersaries vrge againe and say that all that which the Apostle preached to the Galathians was written eyther before that tyme or afterward by S. Paul and the other Apostles they say this but they proue it not For this is no where written in holy Scripture and so whiles they goe about to perswade vs that all points of fayth are writtē they coyne inuent a new poyn● which is no where extant in Scripture that is to say that all such thing● as S Paul viua voce taught the Galathians are written But we following herein S. Augustine do 3. Aug. Tom. 9. Tract 96. in Io. Tom 7. de ●nit Eccles c. 21. infine gather much better by these words and infer thus against them If there must be nothing belieued but that which S. Paul preached to the Galathians and that none knoweth certainly what are those things which he preached but by the Traditions and doctrine of the Church it followeth manifestly that besids the Scripture we must also belieue
the Traditions and doctrine of the Church seing that without them we cannot certainly and without errour know what were those things which the Apostle taught the Galathians 2. Secondly our Aduersaries do erre in that they do not rightly expound that particle in the wordes of S. Paul praeter besides but rather contrary to the Apostles meaning For the Latin word praeter as also the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Hebrew Ghal haue two significations In the former it signifyeth all that which is not the selfe same thing whereof we doe speake in the later sense it signifieth that only which is contrary to that we speake of In which sense praeter signifieth the same that contra doth to wit against the former sense is manifest inough the later is proued by these places of Scripture Act. 18. v 13. where all do translate these Greeke words Calu in act Apo● an 1560. Beza ed. an 1560. 1565. 1598. Hemic Steph. in thes linguae Graecae Tom. 2. dictione 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be against the Law so hath not only the vulgar edition but also Caluin and Beza and all the French Bibles of Geneua Likewise in the first to the Romans the 26. vers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signyfieth against Nature so hath the vulgar edition and all the French Bibles of Geneua yea Cicero as witnesseth Henricus Stephanus doth thus translate this phrase out of Greeke Againe in the 4. to the Romanes the 18. verse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth against as the vulgar edition and Beza hath in all editions Moreouer in the 11. to the Romans the 24. vers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth against as the vulgar edition and all the Bibles of Geneua haue finally in the last to the Romans the 17. vers aswell the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Latin word praeter in our interpreter signifieth the same thing that contra doth as manifestly appeareth by the precedent wordes for dissentions and scandals are contrary or against the doctrine of Christ and not only besides his doctrine Wherfore Caluin in his Commentaries set forth in the yeare 1557. vpon the Epistle to the Romanes and Sebastian Castalio and all the French Bibles of Geneua haue contrary or against the doctrine and albeit Beza translateth it besid● the doctrine yet in his last edition set forth in the yeare 1598. he translateth it contrary to the doctrine and in his Annotations he warneth that it is rather so to be translated It is not therfore strange or absurd that the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the Latyne praeter should fignify the same that contra doth 3. But now that this word may not only be thus vsed but that also it must necessarily be so vnderstood and taken in this place we haue shewed by the absurdities which would otherwise follow The first is that S. Paul would haue sayd Anathema to S. Iohn Euangelist who many yeares after the preaching of S. Paul to the Galathians yea after his death wrote his Apocalyps wherein there are many new reuelations which S. Paul had not preached to the Galathās because they were not thē reuealed by God 4. The second absurdity that S. Paul had pronounced Anathema vpon all those who in his tyme by a propheticall spirit 1. Cor 14. v. 2. 4. 16. 30. did dayly prophesy new things For in the Apostles tymes there were many such as appeareth by the first epistle to the Corinthians And S. Paul could not preach to the Galathians that which God had not yet reuealed 5. The third absurdity the Apostle for the same reason had pronounced Anathema against S. Luke who in the Acts of the Apostles relateth many thinges which happened long after S. Paul left Galatia 6. The fourth absurdity the Apostle for the same cause also had condemned himselfe with the sayd A●athema For he wrote many Epistles after he had left Galatia wherein he reateth many thinges which hapned afterward vnto him eyther at Rome or in other places 7. Lastly it is an absurd thing to think either God after those wordes of S. Paul to the Galathians could reueale to men nothing more by an Angell sent from heauen or that the said Angell who by the commaundement of God should reueale any new thing but not contrary to faith should incurre that Anathema by S. Paul seing that this were to wrest the Anathema vpon God himselfe who commaunded the Angell to do so This place therefore cannot be vnderstood of diuers and distinct thinges from those which S. Paul taught the Galathians but only of contrary and opposite thinges vnto them But according to this sense of the word praeter all the foresayd Absurdities doe cease For neyther S. Iohn in his Apocalyps nor S. Luke in the Actes of the Apostles nor any other which did prophesy nor S. Paul himself euer wrote or taught any thing contrary to that which S. Paul taught the Galathians But euen God himself cannot Ad Heb. 16. v. ●8 reueale the contrary by an Angell because according to the Apostle It is impossible for God to lye 8. Neyther is it sufficient for me to say that those thinges which were afterward reuealed and written were not necessary pointes of faith to saluation For S. Paul did not say if any shall Euangelize vnto you any point necessary to saluation but absolutely if any shall Euangelize any thing contrary to that which you haue receyued Moreouer all those thinges which were afterward set downe in holy Scripture were true points of faith the which euery Christiā is necessarily boūd to belieue if not expressely yet at the least virtually and generally euery one is boūd to belieue if not expressely yet at the least virtually and generally euery one is boūd to belieue with an assured faith all those things which are in holy Writ to be most certaine and true 9. Finally euen our Aduersaries confession doth conuince this to be most true for now they acknowledge that all those thinges which by a necessary conseqēce are deduced out of the Scriptures do belong vnto the word of God and are points of saith and therefore they may be lawfully preached vnto the people as we haue Suprac 3. said before But al these are distinct things from those which are expresly written in holy Scripture For the antecedent whereby some other thing may be inferred is distinct from that which is inferred For it were a ridiculous illation if one and the same thing should be inferred from it selfe But that which is inferred in a good collection is neuer contrary to the antecedent The Apostle therefore speaketh of doctrine contrary to his and not absolutly of any other distinct doctrine 10. And in this sense the Fathers doe often say that S. Paul affirmed in this place that nothing was to be taught besids that August Tom 7. contra lit Petil. Donat. l. 3. cap. 6. August Tom.
belieue by faith are inuisible but by faith we belieue there is a Catholike Church as appeareth by the Apostles Creed therefore the Catholike Church is inuisible and not visible I answere that this is a weake argument albeit Calu. l. 4. ●nstit c. ● sect 1. in prin● Caluin also vseth it For if it were not it would proue that the holy Scripture were also inuisible because we belieue also the holy Scripture by faith yea it would also proue euen our Aduersaries Church to be as yet inuisible for they as yet belieue their Church by faith and yet they cōfesse that their Church is now visible And truly if their Church had remayned stil inuisible they had neuer caused so many tumults in the Christian Common-wealth But certainly euen as in the holy Scriptures we see one thinge and belieue another we see the letters characters the which the Infidels also see but we belieue that the Scripture is most true in all thinges the which they do not belieue so we s● that the Church of Christ is extant the which also the Infidels do see for Turkes Iewes do very well know that there is a Pope and that there are Bishops Princes and Christian Nations but we belieue that this Church which we see is an holy Church is gouerned directed by the holy Ghost and that she cannot erre in matters of faith all which the Infidels do not belieue 3. The fifth argument None is in the Church but by faith but faith is inuisible therfore the Church also is inuisible I answere that this is a very weake consequence for otherwise we might reason thus None is man but by a reasonable soule but the soule of man indued with the vse of reason is inuisible therfore the whole man also is inuisible Also no Scripture is to be accounetd holy but by the authority of God but this authority is invisible therefore the Scripture also is inu●sible For it is not necessarie that a thing may be called visible that the chiefe part or reason thereof be visible but it sufficieth if any part therof be visible as manifestly appeareth in all visible substances for their chiefe partes to wit their substantiall matter and forme are thinges inuisible 4. Secondly I answere that the faith wherby a man is made a member of the visible Church is not only an interiour faith which is not to be seene but that which is euidently seene and declared by exteriour signes as for example by confessing publikely the said faith by receauing the Sacraments and such other exteriour acts The which is so true that this exteriour profession of our faith only without the interiour faith sufficeth that a man become a member of the visible Church as Bellarmine well proueth Bell. l. 3. de milit Eccl. c. ●0 seing that otherwise none could be certaine of his Prelate or Pastour because none can see the faith or mind o● another 5. Hence also it is that not only the predestinate and iust men are members of the visible Church but also such as be hypocrites and wicked men who professe their faith according to those wordes of Ioan. ●● v. 2. Ibid. v. 6. Christ Euery branch in me not bearing fruit he will take it away And if any abide not in me he shal be cast forth by whcih wordes Christ sheweth that they also who doe not remayne in him that is to say those which are not predestinate and those which do not bring forth any fruit that is to say bad Christians are in him that is to say in his visible body which is the Church the which also almost all our Aduersaries confesse as we haue said before and Bellarmine proueth more at large 6. The sixt argument our Aduersaries Apoc. 12 v. ● 14. deduce out of the Apocalyps wherein it is said That a woman ●●uested with the sunne which signifieth the true Church fled into the desert and remayned there for the space of 1260. dayes that is to say as our Aduersaries interprete it a thousand two hundred and sixty yeares Out of which they infer that the Church remayned inuisible as it were in the desert these thousand two hundred and sixty yeares last past I answere that this is a vicious argument for many reasons For first it is very absurd to thinke that the Church of Christ did ly hidden and invisible these thousand two hundred sixty yeares past For therupon it would ensue that the Church of Christ was inuisible then when it most florished was spread abroad ouer the whole world as for example in the tymes of S. Augustine Ambrose Hilary Athanasius Hierome Chrysostome Cyril c. Yea in the tyme also of all the auncient Councels the which our Aduersaries Confess Rupell Art 6. themselues do admit in their confession of faith For all these Fathers and ancient Councels haue byn within the space of the forsaid thousand two hundred and sixty yeares the which our Aduersaries do account from Pope Siluester till Luthers tyme wherefore this place of the Apo●●lyps is not to be vnderstood of yeares but literally of daies only 7. Moreouer it is not certain that by this word desert is vnderstood any solitary place or such as is depriued of all the society or comfor of men For Primasius S. Prima in cap. 12. Apoc. Augustines scholler saith that by the foresayd word is signified the whole world the which also that desert signified through the which the Children of Israel Numer 14. v. 34. passed before they came to the land of Promise euen as by the sayd land of Promise was also signified the euerlasting lyfe Some others will haue the foresayd word desert to signfy a departure or forsaking of all sinnes and vices and all other pleasures of this world according to that sa●ng of the Prophet Osee I will carry and lead her into the desert and I will speake vnto Osee v. 14. Psal 54. v. 8. her hart And that of Dauid Behould flying away I went farre off and I remayned in the desert 8. Lastly albeit we should graunt that this desert were some wyld or forsaken place yet neu●rthelesse it could not be gathered thereby that the Church of Christ eyther was or euer shal be inuisible For neyther this womā which fled into the wildernesse signifieth the whole Church of Christ but some one famous Church the which Antichrist shall persecure most of all because it will strongly oppose it selfe against his impiety and wickednesse And in the end of the forsaid vision S. Iohn playnly affirmeth that the Dragon Apoc. ●2 v. 17. after the deliuery of that woman shall make warre against the rest of her seed who keep the commandmēts of God and haue the testimony of Iesus Christ therfore besides that woman there wil be some out of the desert who will publikely professe the true faith of Christ against whom for that cause the Dragon will fight 9. But that we may now conclude
adde also some other naturall reasons and perwasions that they may be conuerted For there are many things in holy Scripture which seeme opposite to naturall reason as the mysteryes of the Blessed Trinity Incarnation Resurrection of the dead c. 9. Ninthly there wanteth last of all the tenth property for there is nothing extant of the Scripture in the Apostles Creed 10. The holy Scripture indeed is the ground and reason why we belieue many points of faith but not the ground why we belieue all Moreouer neyther is it the first ground of all that we belieue by it For the Scripture it self is proued by some other more generall ground to wit by the authority of the Church VVherfore the Scripture is only a particuler ground and not a generall a mediate and not immediate a secondary and not the first and chiefest rule of faith CHAP. IIII. That the priuate or particuler spirit of euery one is not the ground or rule of faith THAT no priuate spirit of any can be the ground of our Faith is farre more euident by the same properties now alledged For none of these ten properties doth agree with the priuate spirit of euery one that belieueth the which we declare by these arguments 1. First there wanteth the foresaid continuance For there is no priuate or particuler person who hath continued from the beginning of the world or shall endure till the end therof as faith hath continued 2. Secondly there wanteth truth because there is no priuate man to be found which cannot erre and be deceiued for as witnesseth the Apostle Euery man is Rom. 3. v. 4. a lyar 3. Thirdly there wanteth certainty in proposing matters of faith vnto vs because none can be certaine that any priuate person can haue such a spirit yea euē in our Aduersaries iudgemēts For the predestinate only in their opinion haue this spirit euen as they only in their iudgments haue the true fayth but the predestinate are knowen to none but only to God according to that of the Apostle God knoweth who are his The which Caluin 2. Tim. 2 v. 19. Cal. l. 4. Inst c. 1. sect 2. expressely teacheth 4. Fourthly the foresaid strength and immutability is wanting for that a priuate man hath not that strength and immutability of his doctrine Our Aduersaries themselues confesse and experience teacheth vs that they often times change their interpretations of Scriptures and at diuers tymes they teach plaine contraries yea they confesse that this their priuate spirit is not permanēt with them but often times leaueth and forsaketh them the which they proue out of that place of the 29. or 30. Psalme the eight verse Thou hast turned thy face from me and I became Vid disp Paris an 1566. in disp 1. di●i sub finem troubled For thus they affirmed in that famous disputation had at Paris Anno 1566. 5. Fiftly there wanteth that fulnesse sufficiency because no priuat man can define all poynts of fayth seeing that many were defined before he was borne against the ancient heretikes and there wil be many things defined in the Church after his death assoone as there shall arise any new heresies 6. Sixtly there wanteth necessity For before there was any priuate man which now liueth there was true fayth and the same fayth will continue after he is dead 7. Seauenthly there wanteth the seauenth property of the rule of faith seing that by this priuate spirit a Christian cannot be distinguished from an Infidell But in truth all heretikes do bragge and boast that they haue this priuate spirit wheras notwithstanding one condemneth or rather damneth another 8. Eightly there wanteth the eight property For no point of faith can be certainly deduced out of this priuate spirit only seeing that it is oftentimes vncertayne and deceitfull 9. Ninthly there wanteth the ninth property For it is a ridiculous thing for one to endeauour to conuert an infidell to the fayth by bragging only that he hath this priuate spirit the which none can eyther see or vnderstand 10. Tenthly there wanteth the tenth and last property because there is no mention made of this priuat and particuler spirit in the Apostles Creed 11. And the true spirit of faith which is in euery faithfull soule wherof the Apostle speaketh when he saith that we haue the spirit of sayth is not the 2. Cor. 4. v. 13. ground or reason of fayth we heere speak of but it is the helpe of God or the supernaturall gift of fayth whereby our vnderstāding is helped to belieue and it is in regard of our vnderstanding as it were the efficiēt cause of the acts of faith But we speake in this place of the formall cause or reason of fayth as it appertaineth to the obiect of Faith which is the word of God and by which we know what is the true reuealed word of God and what is not For albeit the holy Ghost and the gift of faith moue vs to belieue yet they do not rashly moue vs without any reason or ground Eccles 19. v. 4. For he as the wise man sayth who belieueth quickely is light of hart but with a solid and sure ground according to those words of 1. Ioan. 4. v. 1. S. Iohn do not dearely beloued belieue euery spirit but proue the spirits whether they be of God But this proofe and triall necessarily requireth some good reason and sure ground whereof we will speake in the next Chapter 12. Lastly it is to be considered that we do heere dis●ute of the Catholik faith as it is necessary to al to attaine their eternall saluation not of the speciall faith of one or other the which we know very well may arise or proceede from some particuler or extraordinary reuelation of God but this is not the Catholike faith not an ordinary but an extraordinary fayth not to be admitted generally of all till it be approued and receyued by the Church as presently we will declare more at large CHAP. V. That the Catholike Church is the ground or rule of our Faith THAT the Catholike and visible Church is the most solide and true ground of our faith is manifestly proued by the former properties of the Ground of faith For all those ten properties do very well agree to the Church and to nothing els besides The Church hath the first property to wit a continuall and neuer-interrupted Sup● cap. 3. huius Controu duration For the Church hath alwaies continued as we haue already proued euen by the testimony of our Aduersaries 2. The Church also hath the second property that is to say a most certaine Supr cap. 7. huius Controu and vndoubted truth because she can neuer erre in faith as we haue proued before 3. She hath also the third property that is to say the infallible certainty on our partes because in the doctrine of the Church we may haue the greatest certainty perspicuity and euidency that possibly we can
with the word of God in generall the which they should not doe for ther are three sorts of the word of God to wit that which is belieued preached and written The belieued word is in the hart of the Church that which is preached is in her mouth and that which is written is in her bookes Of the belieued and preached Word the Apostle sayth the word is in thy mouth and in thy hart this is the word of fayth which we preach We Rom. 20. v. 8. confesse that in the belieued and preached word the Church is founded because by the same it is ingendred nourished Rom. 10. v. 10. Ibid v. 14. and gouerned and that vnto this word it is subiect and obedient as vnto the Words of her spouse For indeed this kind of word is necessary for the Church For with our hart sayth the Apostle we belieue vnto Iustice but with the mouth confession is made to saluation And againe How shall they heare without a preacher 2. But the nature of the written word is farre different for this is neyther altogeather necessary for the Church seeing that the Church was without it more then two thousand yeares neyther can the written word be profitable to the Church vnlesse it be also rightly preached and belieued For what doth it profit a man to haue the Bible vnlesse he rightly belieue and vnderstand it 3. But the Scripture whereof we now dispute doth only conteyne the written word but the belieued and preached word is conteined in the visible Church as the necessary and essentiall parts therof seing the one is as it were the life in the hart of the Church the other as it were the speach in her mouth neither can they euer be separated from her according to that saying and promise of God The words which I haue put in thy mouth shall not Isa 59. v. vlt. depart from thy mouth nor from the mouth of thy seede nor from the mouth of thy seedes seede from henceforth for euermore 4. Wherefore this argument doth proue the quite cōtrary for seeing that the written word receiueth it profit and authority from the rightly belieued and preached word which are the partes of the Church it is necessary that the written word receiue that authority and vtility from the Church as that wherin only the word rightly preached and belieued is to be found 5. The second argument If the Church should teach any thing contrary to the Scriptures we were not to belieue the Church Therefore the Scripture doth not receiue that authority from the Church but rather the Church from the Scripture I answere that in the same māner it may be said that if the Scripture should conteine any thing against truth we should not also belieue it if the holy Ghost should vtter and speake any lye we should not belieue him But th●se conditions are indeed impossible and blasphemous against God wherefore they are not only to be admitted but not euen to be proposed of Christians For it is impossible that the Church should teach any thing contrary to the Scriptures for then the holy Ghost should lye because he should teach one thing by the Church and the contrary by the Scriptures 6. The third argument if the Scripture receiue that authority from the Church then the Church should be aboue the Scripture which seemeth to be very absurd I answere That the Church is aboue the Scriptures may be vnderstood two wayes First because the Church exceedeth the Scripture in dignity and excellency and in this sense without all doubt the Church is about the Scripture for the Scripture is made for the Church and not contrary wise All things sayth the Apostles 1. Cor. 4. v. 51. are done for you Christ dyed for the Church and not for the Scriptures the Church belieueth hopeth loueth and prayseth God but the Scripture doth none of these The Church shall reigne and liue euerlastingly with Christ in heauen the Scripture shall perish after the day of Iudgement Lastly the Church conteineth in it the word of God rightly belieued preached and the Holy Ghost it selfe all which do farre exceede the written word in excellency and dignity 7. Secondly it may be vnderstood that the Church is aboue the Scripture so as she may change the Scripture or of Scripture make no Scripture or lastly she may teach some what contrary to Scripture or depart from the true sense of Scripture In which sense the Sectaries of this tyme say that we affirme the Church to be aboue the Scripture And thus it is false that the Church is aboue the Scripture but neyther is there any Catholike which in this sense will affirme that the Bellar. l. 3. de verbo Dei c. vlt. in resp ad 14. argum Church is aboue the Scripture as Bellarmine truly affirmeth For if the Church were in this sense aboue the Scripture the Church should erre and be opposite vnto her ●elfe because in that the Church hath once approued the Scripture she cannot any more reiect and disproue it vnlesse she contradict her selfe which is impossible 8. The fourth argument The holy Scripture receiueth her authority immediatly from God himselfe because he is the Author of the Scripture therefore it doth not receiue it authority from the Church I answere there be two kinds of certaynties the one of the thing in it owne Nature the other in respect of vs so also there are two kinds of authorityes the one of the thing considered in it selfe and this hath the Scripture from her principall Author to wit God himselfe the other is in respect of vs and this it hath from the Church as we haue Cap 13. praeced §. 17. 19. proued before out of Caluin and Beza For we know not otherwise that God is the Author of the Scripture with any certainty of fayth but by the testimony of the Church 9. And that which we haue sayd of the Scripture may also be euidently seene in Christ our Lord who is aboue the Scripture For Christ was forced to proue his authority by miracles that it might the better be knowen and allowed of men For otherwise the Iewes had not beene bound to haue admitted his authority Ioan. 15. v. 14. S. Aug. Tom. 9. Tract 91. in Ioan. Hereupon saith Christ speaking vnto his disciples of the Iewes If I had not done among them workes that no other man hath done they should not haue sinned that is to say of Infidelity not belieuing in Christ a● S. Augustine very well expoundeth And in another place speaking vnto the Iewes Ioan. 10. v. 17. he sayth If I doe not the workes of my Father belieue me not 10. But if the authority of Christ which was most exellent in it selfe and immediatly from God stood in need of those meanes wherby it might become knowne vnto vs to the end it might oblige vs to belieue it much more the authority of the Scripture will stand in need
with the Roman Church that is to professe the Roman Faith and not that of VVittemberge as Luther or that of Geneua as Caluin did Wherfore with good right we professe our selues not only to be the children of the Catholike but also of the Catholike Roman Church and faith the which S. Paul also manifestly professeth himselfe to be 4. But our Aduersaries obiect that the Church of Rome in the Apostles tyme had the true faith but afterward she forsooke and lost it So in tymes past those Heretikes which were called Donatists when they were vrged by the arguments of Catholikes were wont to say that indeed the Church of Rome was famous ouer all the world in the Apostles tyme but in their tyme she perished in all the other partes of the world and remayned only among the Donatists in S. Aug. Tom. 7. de vnit Eccles cap. 12. Africke whome S. Augustine refuteth very well and we imitating him herein will vse this kind of argument That the faith of the Roman Church was once the true and sincere faith the holy Scripture doth expresly testify but that the same Church afterward forsooke or lost her former faith is no where extant in holy writ therfore we must not belieue that which is so expresly against the Scripture 5. And this argument indeed vrgeth much more our Aduersaries then the Donatists seing that they teach that we must belieue nothing which is not expresly in Scripture but this is no where to be found expressely therin to wit that the Roman Church forsooke or lost her faith which she had receyued from the Apostles And truly there can be no greater signe of the want of learning and iudgement then to think that that Church forsooke and lost her fayth whose faith euen the expresse word of God doth so greatly commend vnto vs vnlesse this her forsaking and loosing of her former true faith can be proued out of the same word of God 6. Our Aduersaries indeed say that they will proue it in some particuler points of faith but they will neuer be able to performe their promise as in euery particuler Controuersy will appeare 7. Moreouer God promiseth to this espouse of Christ by the Prophet Isay the which he also confirmed with an Oath that she should be inuested and adorned with diuers Nations and People For so speaketh God to the Church Lift vp thy eyes and looke round about thee and see all thes● Isa 40. v. 18. are gathered togeather they are come vnto thee As I liue saith our Lord thou shalt be inuested with all these as with an ornament thou shalt cōpasse them about vnto thy selse as a spouse So the Roman Church hath alwaies had and still hath many Nations and People subiect vnto her wherewith she is inuested and adorned the which euen our Aduersaries cannot deny 8. Secondly the Church is the visible and mysticall body of Christ but in the Roman Church there hath alwaies byn and now also there is the visible body of Christ consisting of diuers members and states as also of Doctours and Pastors wherof S. Paul speaketh writing to the Ephesians and Corinthians 9. Thirdly the Church is the Kingdome of Christ but in the Romane Ephes 4. v. 11. 12. 1. Cor. 12. v. 12. Church there hath alwayes now also is the visible Kingdome of Christ and that such a one as the Prophet Isay described when he sayth that Kings and Queenes shal be thy nurses For there hath Isa 46. v 23. euer beene since the conuersion of Nations many Kinges and Monarkes who haue agreed in vnity of fayth with the Romane Church and haue acknowledged alwayes the Bishop of Rome to be the chiefe head and Pastor of all the whole Coccius Tom 1. l. art 7. 8. militant Church as may appeare by that which Coccius hath set downe in his Catalogue to this purpose 10. Furthermore the Prophet Ieremy thus describeth the future Kingdome of Ierem. 33. v. 20. 21. 22. Christ This sayth our Lord If my couenant can be broken and made voide with the day and my couenant with the night so that there be neyther day nor night in their due tymes then my couenant can be broken with my seruant Dauid that there shall not be a sonne of his raigning in his throne and the Leuits and Priests my ministers as the ●larres of the heauens cannot be numbred nor the sands of the sea measured so will I multiply the seede of my seruant Dauid and the Leuits my Ministers Thus sayth God by his Prophet of the Kingdome of Christ his sonne and of the Leuits and Priests ministring vnto our Lord and of the infinit number of them which is manifest to haue byn fullfilled hitherto in the Roman Church 11. Fourthly the Church is the Inheritance of Christ to wit that which according Psal 2. v. 8. Psal 1. v. 7. 8. Isa 51 v. 10. to the oracles of the Prophets extendeth her self to the very boūds and limits of the whole earth which is in the eyes of all Nations the which all the corners of the earth shall see lastly which is extēded from the east to the west Ma● ab 1. v. 12. But in the Roman Church there hath alwayes byn such an inheritance of Christ 12. Hereupon are those famous words of S. Leo to the Citty of Rome These are they who haue exalted thee to this glory that being a holy Nation a chosen people a priestly S. Leo serm 1. in Natal Apost Petri Pausi a princely Citty by the holy seate of S. Peter made the head of the world should haue a more large command by the meanes of diuine Religion then euer thou hadst by forr●ine domination For albeit thou being famous renowned for many victories hast extended the limits of thy Empyre both by sea and land yet notwithstanding it is lesse which thy warlike labour hath subdued then that which the Religion of Christ hath made subiect vnto thee Hitherto S. Leo. 13. Moreouer S. Prosper the great glory of Aquitania and dearly beloued friend of S. Augustine and who defended egregiously his doctrine against the Pelagians in a certaine booke written in verse against the same Pelagians speaking of their heresies writeth thus VVhen this infectious pestilence arose Rome Peters seat first gaue it deadly blowes S. Prosp in lib. de Ingratis cont Pelag c. 2. VVhich made the head of pastorall dignity VVherto the whole world should obedient be Could more now subiect by Religions law Then her fierce armies erst could keep in awe Thus wrote he a 1200. yeares ago 14. But in this our age the fayth of the Romane Church is propag●ted and preached in the most remote Countries of the East and VVest Yea euen vnto the furthest parts of the world in so much that the children of the Church of Rome come oftentymes from the East to the VVest according to that of the Prophet Malachy to wit frō the
assembled togeather to Calu. eadē sect 13. discerne the truth from falshood then if any one should attempt it at home 2. The second thing which our Aduersaries graunt is that Generall Councells Mat. 18. v. 20. Calu. c. 6. citato sect 2. 6. 9. sequēt Beza 3. volum Tract Theol. Tract 6. de Eccles notis pag. 1. 8. 〈◊〉 ann 19●● Calu. l. 4 Inst cap. 9. sect ● when they are assembled togeather in the name of Christ do not err in matters of faith for they consesse that Christ promised this to two or three assembled togeather in his name Thus Caluin and he addeth that they may erre when they are not call●d togeather in the name of Christ the which no Catholike did euer deny as will appeare hereafter 4. The third thing which they admit is that the first Generall Councells were lawfully assembled and that they did not erre in points of fayth Thus Beza expresly who admitteth also the fifth sixt generall Councell he sayth that all those of his Religion are of this opinion Caluin also of the auncient Councells writeth thus I reuerence them from my hart and with them to be had in their due honour Calu. eod● c. 9. sect 8. with all men And a little after whē he treateth of the anciēt Coūcells he saith that besides those foure first generall Councells to wit Nic●num Cōstantinopolitanū the 1. Ephesine Chalcedonerse he admitteth also such other auncient Councells the which cannot be vnderstood Eodem c. 9. sect 9. but of the fifth and sixt For a little after he plainly reiecteth the seauēth 5. Heere it is also to be noted that Luther in the beginning reiected wholly Luth. in l. contra Regem Angliae all generall Councells but the Caluinists afterward by reason of Seruetus and other Anti-trinitarians were forced to admit the first foure Councells Moreouer by reason of the Vbiquitarian Lutherans who confunded the properties of the two Natures of Christ they were cōstreined to admit also the fifth sixt And these things euen the Caluinists themselues do graunt vnto vs. 6. But Catholikes teach these fiue things of the generall Councells The first is that a generall Councell cannot without the word of God make any new articles of fayth but her office is to explicate clearly and propose the word of God to be belieued of all the which the Church hath receaued from Christ and his Apostles For a lawfull generall Councell defineth nothing in matters of fayth which eyther is not extant in the holy Scripture or Concil Trident. sess 4. may not be gathered by the traditions of the Apostles or lastly may not euidently be deduced out of both The which the Councell of Trent doth manifestly professe for now we must not expect new reuelations Calu. l. 4. Inst c 8. s●ct 10. in fine from heauen Wherfore it is a meere slaunder that Caluin sayth that Catholikes teach that the Church hath authority to make new articles of fayth and that Catholikes despising the word of God do coyne at their owne pleasure new points of fayth 7. The second is that we acknowledge S. Aug. Tō 7. de Baptis cont Donat l. 2. c. 3. that Generall Councells may erre in matters which do not belong vnto our fayth and in this sense sayd S. Augustine One full and perfect Councell may be corrected by another Not in fayth the which is neuer changed but in Ecclesiasticall Constitutions the which according to the diuersity of tymes both are and should often be changed Whereupon in the same place he writeth that things ordeined before may be changed by those which come after when we see by experience that is opened and made knowen which before was hidden and secret For the experience of new matters which happen may change or correct the Ecclesiasticall lawes Constitutious but it cannot alter and change matters of fayth 8. Wherefore Caluin wrongfully obiecteth against vs that S. Leo the Cal. l. 40. Iust c. 9. sect 11 Pope reprehended the Councell of Chalcedon seeing that Caluin himselfe acknowledgeth in the same place that to appertaine nothing to fayth which S. Leo reprehended And he also confesseth that Catholikes teach that Councells may erre in those thinges which nothing concerne fayth And no lesse foolishly Caluin reprehendeth the first Councell of Cal● eod● c. 9. sect 17. Nice about matters which do not belong vnto fayth 9. The third is that we acknowledge those Councells may erre which eyther are not lawfully assembled or do not proceed lawfully in their busines they haue in hand For such Councells indeed are not assembled togeather in the name of Christ and of this sort was the Councell of the Arians holden at Ariminum that of the Eutichians at Ephesus the seauenth Constantinopolitane Councell of the Image-breakers the which therefore our Aduersaries doe in vayne obiect against vs. 10. The fourth is that albeit a Councell be lawfully assembled and seeme to proceede orderly the definitions notwithstanding thereof will not be altogeather certayne according to the opinion of many Catholikes vnlesse they haue their approbation from the Vide Bell. l. 2. de Eccles milit cap. 11. Bishop of Rome if he be not present at the Councell The reason is because before that the Councell be approued and allowed of by the Pope it is as yet an vnperfect body of Christ without any visible head and such a body may stumble Concil Trid. sess vlt. infine Conc. Nicaenum● dequo Baron Tō 3. Anno 325. n. 111. Chalced. Act 1. in fi●e in epist ●d Leon●m Papam Sexta Synod in ep ad●dgatho●ē Papam Suprac 17. huius Controu fall 11. And hence it is that the Councell of Trent demanded her confirmation from Pius 4. who solemnely afterward confirmed it The which also the other auncient Councells demaunded yea euen those which our Aduersaries do admit as for example the first Nicene Councell that of Calcedon the sixt Synod to omit other later Councells 12. The fifth is that we affirme a Generall Councell approued by the Pope cannot erre in fayth The reason is because it is altogeather necessary that there be some supreme iudgment in the Church of God wherunto all should submit themselues and belieue assuredly in all matters in Cōtrouersy as we haue proued before but there can be no other supreme iudgment but this 13. Moreouer we see that euen frō the beginning of the Church till now all heresies and controuersies concerning matters of faith haue byn still ended and taken away by the generall Councels Wherfore they who deny this do open and make way for all old Heresies The which when our Aduersaries had learned by experience in the Anti-trinitarians Anabaptistes Vbiquitarians and such other sectes they were forced to admit §. 4. h●iu● cap. those six more auncient Councels as we sayd before but the authority of all Generall Councells is alike and equall 14. Finally our Aduersaries themselues
diuers mysteries which lye hidden in the Hebrew text and cannot sufficiently be explicated in Latin wordes may be the better vnderstood And lastly that we may the more fully attayne vnto the force and Emphasis of that holy tongue 3. But as for the Hebrew text now extant we do not acknowledge it to be of so great either authority or perspicuity as our Aduersaries pretend and we further deny that the vulgar Editiō wherinsoeuer it differeth from it is to be corrected by it and that for two reasons The first is for that the Hebrew text though neuer so incorrupt further then it is approued by the authority of the Church is much more doubtfull and vncertayne then the Latin The other reason is for that the Hebrew text which is now in vse is in ma●y places corrupted and depraued in which the vulgar Edition is entire and vncorrupted Both these reasons sh●lbe confirmed in the ensuing Chapters which the learned Reader may see in the Latin edition from the seauenth Chapter to the 14. all which I haue omitted to put into English because I intend to help the lesse learned who are not so capable of that so profoūd and learned a discourse CHAP. VII Of our Aduersaries new Translation of the Bible THE Catholike Church of Christ not without good cause doth reiect and condemne our Aduersaries new Translations of the Bible and that for many reasons The first and most iust reason is because such their translations are replenished with errors which haue byn inuented eyther by Ie●●es or Heretikes wherof see many examples in the precdent Chapters of the Latin edition but we in this Chapter will set downe three other causes or origens from whence these errors spring wherby it shall further appeare that our Aduersaries can set out no Translation which shall not be sound full of many great errors 2. The first cause is for that our Aduersaries eyther contemne or make little account of the translations and interpretations of the Fathers and imploy all their labour in finding out all the versions and interpretations and expositions of the Iewes which they highly extoll commend so as in their Commentaries vpon the old Testament you shall see them cite Thargus Rabins and such other Thalmudicall fictions but especially Rabbi Dauid Kimhi whom sometimes they call learned sometymes the most learned among the Hebrewes But of the auncient Fathers no mention at all for if there be it is for the most part eyther to taxe or manifestly to oppugne or euen to corrupt their writings 3. Now what can be more vnreasonable or absurd then to begge the true sense of the Scripture of the Iewes who 2. Cor. 3. v. 14. 1. Thess c. 2. v. 15. 16. lacke faith and who haue a veyle ou●r their hartes when they read the old Testament with whome God is not pleased and who are Aduersaries to all men vpon whom the Anger of God is come to the end who peruert all the oracles of the Prophets that appertayne to Christ and lastly who are the most malicious enemies of Christians And on the other side to despise the excellent Doctors of Christs Church who euen in the iudgment of our Aduersaries were indued with the Rom. 8. v. 9 Eph 4. v. 14. true faith full of the holy Ghost ra●s●d by God and placed in the Church to the end we should not be carried about with euery wind of doctrine who haue d●fended the faith against all he●esies who haue sincerely instructed the faithfull people in the mysteries of the Christian faith who haue faithfully set downe to Posterity the sense and interpretation of the Scriptures which they rece●ued frō the Apostles 4. Moreouer wheras no man can 2. Cor. 12. v. ●● ●8 ● Pet. 1. v. 20. 21. rightly interprete the Scriptures who hath not rec●aued from God the gift of the interpretation which is not giuen but to the members of Christ and his Church only it is apparent ●nough how much more salfe it is to follow such holy Doctors then the impious Iewes who are wrapt in the snares of the Diuell and h●ld 2. Tim. ● v. v●t Mat. 15. v. 14. captiue at his will And seeing that saying o● Christ is most true if the blind lead the blind they hoth fall into the ditch it cannot be but our Aduersaries blind and destitute of the light of faith and led by the bli●d Iewes must needes fall downe headlong and breake their neckes 5. Heerehence it is that our Aduersaries do insert into the new Translations almost all the places of Scripture corrupted by the Iewes and that they deny togeather with the Iewes many oracles of the prophets to be vnderstood of Christ and many wayes wrest euen those oracles which they cānot deny to be vnderstood of Christ from that true sense in which they are cited in the new Testament by the Apostles Euangelists and Christ himselfe to prophane impious senses lately inuented by the Iewes out of their hatred to Christ 6. The second cause is that they desire nothing more then in their translations to depart from the vulgar edition the which seeing it is most sincere and correct they which almost in all thinges leane it must needes fall into many errors 7. The third cause is the malicious intention of our Aduersaries who set forth new Translations of the Scripture for no other end then by them to oppugne the Catholike doctrine and to establish and confirme their owne errors and heresies and therefore when any plain text occurreth which maketh manifestly against their erroneous doctrine they seeke to make obscure the true and proper sense by their peruerse translation but if they light vpon any place somewhat obscure which may seeme to sauour their doctrine they so depraue it by their new translation that the Scripture it selfe may seeme to confirme what they falsely teach and so by this meanes they must needes stuffe their translations with infinite corruptions For these three reasons therfore not without great reason Gretser tract de noua transtat in defen Bel. arm do we reiect our Aduersaries translations which so swarme with corruptions Many other reasons are both learnedly and largely set downe by Iames Gretser which we for breuity sake omit CHAP. VIII Of the Latin vulgar Edition OVR Aduersaries conuinced by the truth it selfe confesse sometymes that the vulgar Edition not only is to be preferred before all other latin Editions but euen before the Greeke text of the new Testament and the Hebrew text of the old for in many places reiecting them they follow our vulgar translation as may be seene in the Latin edition in the Chapters 8. 9. 10. 13. notwithstanding that in many other places they exceedingly inueigh against it and with great hostility oppugne it partily for that they see the same to contradict in many places their errors and partly also for that they labour by all meanes to peruert the text of the Scripture by their new
that name to the Morauians at their first Conuersion to the faith of Christ but this was 880. yeares after Christ and this custome was of no long continuance amongst them as appeareth Baron Tom. 10. an 880. n. 19. Tom. 11. an 1080. n. 1. by that which Pope Gregory the s●auenth writeth to the Duke of Bohemia is to be seene in Caesar Baronius 6. The third assertion To translate the Scripture into the vulgar tongue is neyther in it selfe vnlawfull nor forbidden by any Ecclesiasticall law so it be truly translated Nay such a translation serueth Preachers to great vse who are to cite and expound the Scriptures to the people in the vulgar tongue Hereticall translations are indeed forbidden especially of the new Testament because in them many places of holy Scripture are by false translating corrupted 7. The fourth assertion It is not a thing profitable to all to read the Scriptures in the vulgar tongue yea to many it is rather pernicious for we are taught by ● Pet. vlt. v. 26. the Apostle S. Peter that in the Scriptures are many thinges hard to be vnderstood which vnlearned and vnstayed persōs depraue to their owne destruction Many also there are vncapable of meate and solid sustenance who are therefore to be ● Cor. 3. v. 2. Heb. ● v. 12. fed with milke as the Apostle speaketh and for such it is more wholesome to be fed by the sermons and instructions of their Pastors then to feede themselues with reading the Bible It was therefore great prudence of the Church to forbid that the Bible though translated and set forth by Catholikes should be read of Index li. ●roh●● Reg. 4. all indifferently and without the approbation and leaue of the Bishop Pastor or Ghostly Father 8. Our Aduersaries obiect certayne places of S. Chrysostome and S. Hierome in which they exhort to the reading of the Scripture but they should haue obserued that those Fathers speake of reading the Scripture in the Greek tongue then extant or in the Latin according to the old edition which was neuer forbidden to any by the Church whereas our Controuersy is about the translations of the holy Scripture out of the Hebrew Greek and Latin into the vulgar tongue which are all for the most part corrupted 9. And it is worthy the noting that our Aduersaries spend their tyme in vayne in gathering togeather arguments by which to perswade men that it is necessary for them to read the Scriptures in the vulgar tongue to the end they may learne out of them what they must necessarily know if they wil be saued for how truly or plainly soeuer they be translated no man shall euer receyue any fruite by them vnlesse he first belieue aright and be guided by the holy Ghost to whome it appertayneth to guide vs into the right Psal 142. v. 8. 1● land to make knowne vnto vs the way in which we are to walke to teach vs the will of God which we are to fulfill VVhich is manifestly to be seene in the Iewes who vnderstād the Hebrew text much better then Christians in which there is so ample and cleare mention of Christ and yet for all that they do not belieue in Christ Our Aduersaries therefore haue little reason to keep such ado about the wordes of Scripture or the translation of them let them first imbrace the true Faith which is in the Church only let them seeke after the holy Ghost who is not to be found out of the Church let them seeke out the true sense of the Letter which the Church only conserueth vncorrupteed and it will easily be graunted vnto them to haue the Scriptures in what tongue soeuer they will so they be truly and vncorruptedly translated and that they vse them to their owne saluation and not to their destruction as many do wherof we haue for witnesse not only the Scripture but dayly experience And this shall suffice concerning the translatiō of the Scripture into the vulgar tōgue 10. For of the prayers in Latin eyther priuately made by the people or publikely offered by the Priest at masse and in the administratiō of the Sacramōts we wil treat hereafter in their proper places CHAP. XIII That our Aduersaries vse many sleightes in corrupting the Word of God OVR Aduersaries often require vs to proue all that which we say out of the written Word of God but when we cite the same in expresse tearmes they haue many wayes by which they depraue it Wherfore before I make an end of this Controuersy concerning the written Word it shall not be from the purpose briefly to detect such their corruptions partly to the end that no man be deceaued by them and partly that euery man may vnderstand nothing to be so plainely and clearely set downe in the written VVord which by the Commentaries of crafty and subtile wittes may not be weakned and made of little force if no regard be had to the authority and iudgment of the Church And that no man may thinke that I herin calumniate them or deale lesse sincerely with them I will set downe out of their owne writings some one or two exāpls of each manner of corrupting wherof many will occure in ech Controuersy 2. The first manner of shifting of places alleadged out of the written Word is to say that the originall text is corrupted and what is alleadged is crept out of the margent into the text whereof see many examples in the 12. and 18. Chapter of the Latin Edition of this Cōttouersy 3. Their second shift is to reiect the vulgar translation and insteed thereof to cite some new and corrupt translation of their owne It is euident inough that Luther in his first version of the new Testament into the German tongue set forth in the yeare 1522. hath more then a thousād e●rors as many haue obserued amōgst Ioannes Cocl eus de actis Luther an 1522. which neyther the last nor the least is his presuming to add to the text of S. Paul the 3. Chapter and 28. verse the particle alone thereby the stronglier to establish his doctrine that Fayth alone iustifieth for this place of the Apostle VVe thinke a man i● Rom. 3. v. 28. iustifyed by fayth he trāslateth by sayth alone when a certaine friend of his to whome the same was obiected by a Catholike asked the cause why he so translated it he no lesse ridiculously then proudly answereth in a certayne little booke set forth by him in the yeare 1530. vnder this title A certaine information or answere made to two questions proposed by a certayne good friend concerning the translation of Scripture and the inuocation of Saints In which he aduiseth his friend to answere the Catholikes obiection after this manner D. Martin Luther Luth. ●0 4. Germ. excuso VVittemb an 1551. fol. 475. will haue it so and sayth that a Papist and an Asse i● all one thing so I will so I command let my
them as if Christ should teach that we cold deserue life euerlasting by keeping the law And a litle after he concludeth saying This answere of Christ is according to the old law to wit that no man can be accounted iust before God but he who shall satify the law which is impossible And Calu. in 16. Luc. v. 28. L●b 3. Instit c. 17. sect 7. vpon the later place he writeth thus It is impossible sayth he to fulfill what the law commaundeth yea it is a principall axiome with Caluin a cōmō āswere to all such places A legal promise sayth he ānexed to a cōdition impossible proueth nothing thus with s●ch impossibilities they dally with vs with the holy Scripture it selfe so far forth as they Calu. Beza in c. 2. ad Rom. dare affirme that the Apostle in one Chapter auo●cheth vnto vs seauen times thinges im●ossible For wheras the Apostle in the 2. cap. of the Ep. to the Rom. and 6. v. affirmeth Bez. in c. 2. ad R● v. 6. annot 6. edit an 1550. 1564. 1565. first that God will render to euery one according to his workes they interprete the place thus that God will indeed giue to mē according to their good works if there were any such but that no man can do any good worke before God Is there any man saith Beza that shal be able to bring these workes which the Apostle saith shal be rewarded with eternall life And wheras in the seauēth v. the Apostle saith that God doth render life euerlasting to such as seeke the same by the patience of good works their answere is that he insinuateth a thing impossible and that no man can do any good worke before God no not the iuslest man which is not worthy of eternall damnatiō Calu. l. 3. Instit c. 19. sect 4. VVhosoeuer saith Caluin haue made the greatest progresse before all others in the way of the Lord if they cast their eyes vpon the Lord God what worke soeuer they attempt or go about they see it to be accursed And surely I for my part could easily belieue that such is the progresse of our aduersarirs in the way of our Lord. See the rest of the Aposiles places in the latin edition 2. The tenth last shift is the wresting of diuers wordes to a wrong sense and to inu●nt sundrie different vnderstandings of the wordes to build vpon it many interpretations neuer heard of before and for a finall Conclusion to say the place is obscure and therefore proueth nothing For Luc. 22. v. 19. example hereof those most euident words of Christ This is my body with is giuen for you may suffice for some of thē wrest the pronowne hoc others the word est others the word corpus others the pronowne meum others the relatiue quod others the preposition pro others the pronowne vobis and others the Verbe datur and ech word they wrest diuers waies so as one more then Anno 1577. thirty yeares ago hath gathered out of their writings two hundred expositions of these few wordes of Christ of which Cl●u●ius de Xainctes numbreth particulerly 84. And that they are both many and different yea repugnant wherwith they labour to make obscure these wordes of our Sauiour no man can doubt See another example in the latin edition And it is worthy of noting that in all these shifts they serue themselues of other places of Scripture to proue what they say whereby it may appeare how easy a thing it is to corrupt the Scripture by other places of Scripture but that the prouidēt and dayly care of the holy Catholike 1. ad Tim. v. 15. Matt. 28. Church opposeth it self against such corruptions worthily therefore called the Pillar and Firmament of truth against which the gates of hell shall neuer preuaile FINIS OF TRADITIONS The second Part of the first Controuersy CHAP. I. Of the true state of the Question HAVING already in the precedent Treatise spoken of the written Word of God and of all other things thereunto belonging now it remaineth we speake a litle of the vnwrittē word cōmōly called Traditiōs But to the end that the state of this controuersy may more easily be vnderstood I will heere set downe foure things diligently to be considered in this matter we treate of The first is that by the vnwritten Word we only vnderstand that which is not written in the old o● new Testament for of the vnwritten word of God in this sense is our whole Controuersy in this place Wherefore that obiection of our Aduersaries is both friuolous and nothing worth to wit that the word of God which we cal the vnwritten word may be found extant eyther among the holy Fathers or in the books of the Councells or other Canons of the Church But this nothing belongeth vnto this purpose for it is sufficient for vs that this word of God is not written in any book eyther of the old or new Testament 2. The second is that a thing may be cōteined in the holy Scripture 2. wayes The one way is implicite that is to say in some generall principle from whence this other may be certaynly deduced and in this sense we acknowledge that the whole word of God is conteined in holy Writ and not only in Scripture but also in the Apostles S. Aug. in 140. quaest vpon Exodus Tom. 4. Matt. 22. v. 40. C●eed yea euen in that one article I belieue the Catholike Church so that it be diligently examined and well vnderstood as S. Augustine very well noteth For so sayth Christ the whole Law and Prophets doe depend vpon two precepts of charity as in the same place S. Augustine noteth For seing that the holy Scripture teacheth that we are bound to beleeue the Church in all things that it can neither deceiue vsnor be deceiued as we will euidently proue in the next Controuersy in the 7. Chapter it consequently also teacheth the whole and entire word of God seing that all that which is not express●d in the holy Scripture is conteyned expressy in the doctrine of the Church the which the Scripture commendeth vnto vs as infallible as S. augustine very well sayth and declareth S. Aug. Tom. 7. contra Crescon Gram. c. ●3 de vnit E●cles c. 22. in fine-Matt 17 v. 5. Matt. 81. v. 17. Luc. 10. 16. in many places For euen as God the Father comprehended in these few words This is my wellbeloued Sonne heare him the whole word of God so Christ proposed vnto vs the whole word of God when he commaunded vs to heare the Church 3. And in this sense do the holy Fathers often tymes say that all the points of fayth are conteined in the holy Scriptures to wit in that generall principle in the which they admonish vs to b●lieue the Church but many of the holy Fathers sayings are falsifyed corrupted by Martin Kē nitius and some Caluinists as may be seene in
Iudocus Ruesten in his first tome defending the Councell of Trent against Kemnitius 4. Secondly a thing may be conteined in expresse words in the holy Scriptures as that Christ is borne suffered and risen againe c. And in this sense we deny that the whole word of God is conteined in the Scrip●u●e That obiection of our Aduersaries by this may easily be answered when they say that we affirme that Traditions are the v●written word of God yet we goe about to proue thē by Scriptures For we do not proue euery particuler Tradition by expresse words of Scripture but we only deduce and gather them out of it and conuince in generall that there are Traditions 5. The third thing which is to be considered is that our Aduersaries being conuinced by truth doe acknowledge that many things were deliuered vnto vs by the Caluin cōt 4. sess Con. Trident. in ●ntid Beza denotis Eccles tom 3. Tract Theo● p. 137. edit Anni 1582. Apostles besids those which are written But say they those were only externall rites and ceremonies seruing only for the ornament or discipline of the Church but nothing concerning doctrine of fayth was deliuered by the Apostles which they haue not set downe in writing So Caluin and some others which follow his opinion Wherfore it remayneth for vs to proue that not ●●ly external ceremonies but also those which belong vnto the doctrine of fayth were deliuered vnto vs by the Apostles that they were neuer expressely ●et downe in writing 6. The fourth thing is that seing our Aduersaries cannot deny that which was obiected vnto them by Catholikes to wit that the Scripture in many places maketh expresse mentiō of the word of God preached deliuered and diuulged ouer the whole world as we haue already declared euen out of the holy Scriptures they are wont to answere that long since in the Apostles tyme this Word of God was deliuered preached and not written but the Apostles after wards set downe in writing all the preached word of God or at the least as much therof as was necessary vnto saluation The which solutiō albeit it be very weak and friuolous seing that it relieth vpō no sure ground yet notwithstanding t●at it may more fully be confuted we will declare hereafter that many of the chiefest points of faith were not expressely set downe in writing by the Apostles And thus much of the state of this Question CHAP. II. Out of the first and chiefest principles of faith it is clearly conuinced that there are Traditions THE first argument wherby we proue Traditions is taken out of some of the chiefest principles of faith For there are three chiefe and most necessary points of faith yea the c●ie●e grounds of our whole faith which are not to be found expressely in Scripture 2. The first that there must needes be some Catalogue or Canon of the sacred Bookes aswell of the old as of the new Testament the which all Christians with an assured faith should imbrace as a most certaine and an vndoubted truth and this is a very nec●ssary point of faith yea of it dependeth the authority of all the bookes of holy Scripture because by this Canon the sacred and true books of Scripture are discerned and made knowne from all those which be Apocriphall especially because aswell in times past as in these our daies there hath bin so many and so great Controuersyes about the Canonicall and Apocriphall bookes of Scripture and such a Canon was altogeather necessary aswell in the auncient Church before Christ as in our present Church after Christes tyme the which also our Aduersaries themselues haue learned by experience For they haue also placed their new Canon of the books of holy Scripture in their Consession made at Confess Ru●ellana Act. 3. ●ochell and in the later end of some of their Bibles and yet neyther in the time of the old Testament nor in the tyme of the new Law was this Canō euer written downe in the Bibles themselues 2. I know our Aduersaries that they may escape this argument do runne to the inward instinct of the holy Ghost wherby say they we know what book is Canonicall and what is not But this answere is refuted reiected before where we haue shewed that the holy Ghost doth not moue vs to belieue any thing with the Catholike faith which is not the word of God If Suprac 5. therfore the holy Ghost moue vs to belieue that some bookes are Canonicall and some are not it is necessary that this be the word of God We aske therefore of them whether this is the written word of God or the vnwrittē if it be the written word in what Booke or Chapter is it to befoūd if it be no where to be found our Aduersaries must needs cō●esse that by the instinct of the holy Ghost they also belieue the vnwritten word of God or Traditions 3. The second principle of faith is that we must necessarily with an assured and firme faith belieue that all those Bookes eyther of the old or of the new Testament which we now retaine are safely deliuered vnto vs entyre a●d vncorrupted through so many handes so many ages so many vexations and persecutions of the Christians for otherwyse the whole credit and authority of those bookes will decay and perish But this is no where extant or written for neyther the Prophets or Apostles haue eu●r written that their bookes should neuer be falsified or corrupted by any yea it appeareth sufficiently Supra c. 9. 10. 12. 13 by that which hath byn already said that they were falsified and corrupted in many bookes by the Iewes and H●ret●kes Let our Aduersaries therfore tell vs where it is written that this holy Scripture which we haue now is not corrupted or falsifyed 4. The third principle of f●yth is the true sense of the letter For the true word of God consisteth rather in the true sense or meaning of the words then in the words Supra cap. 3. themselues as we haue declared before But the true sense of the words that is to say in what sense or meaning the words are to be vnderstood eyther properly or figuratiuely cannot be had from the holy Scripture alone but also from the doctrine and Traditions of the Church as we haue sayd before in the fourth Chapter wherby it also followeth that the writtē word of God conteyneth in it the least part of the word of God to wit the bare letter only but the word of God preached and deliuered keepeth and professeth vnto vs the cheif part of the word of God that is to say the true natiue sense of the same S. Basil l. de Spir. sanct c. 27. Brent contra Petr. ● Soto in suis prologom Kemnit cont 4. sess Conc. Trid. cùm agi● de 2. gen Tradi● 5. And this is that which S. Basil sayth that those who reiect the vnwritten points of fayth as indiscreet persons do
wrong and damnify the chiefe parts of the Ghospel yea they euen as it were cōtract or bring the whole preaching of the Ghospell to the bare name thereof 6. Many of our Aduersaries who deale more sincerely with vs conuinced by these arguments do acknowledge that these grounds or principles of our faith are only to be had by Traditions without any written word of God as Ioannes Brentius and Martin Kemnitius who adde also that those Traditions which doe not repugne to the written word of God are to be admitted and receiued and that those only are to be reiected which are opposit vnto the holy Scriptures 7. But whatsoeuer our Aduersaries do answere it is altogeather necessary that they confesse these three principles of our fayth do belong indeed to the very word of God it selfe They must also needs confesse these are not extant in plaine and expresse tearmes in any booke either of the old or new Testament out of which necessarily followeth that the whole intire word of God is not conteyned expresly in the holy Scripture CHAP. III. Wherein it is proued out of other particuler poynts of fayth that there are Traditions THE second argument whereby we proue Apostolicall Traditions is taken out of other particuler poynts of fayth the which almost all our Aduersaries belieue with vs albeit they be no where expressely conteyned in the Scriptures There are many poyntes o● sayth of this sort wherof for example sake we will alledge some few But to the end we may vse our accustomed breuity we will rehearse only those which do also manifestly shew out of this opinion of our Aduersaries that nothing appertayneth to the doctrine of fayth which is not expresly conteyned in holy Scripture there are many greeuous errours and heresies in this our age arisen 2. The first point is that in God there are three Persons really distinct among themselues and one only substance for this is now here extant in holy Scripture yea in it nothing is to be found expresly written eyther of the substance or of the person in that signification wherein these words are vsed when we speake of the Blessed Trinity 3. This indeed the Caluinists to their great losse and domage haue sufficiently learned by experience fourty yeares agoe in Transiluania For when one Iohn Huniades whom they called Iohn the secōd King of Hūg●ry was then Gouernour in Trā●luania a Coūtry or Prouince of Hungary had ordained a publike disputatiō betwixt the Cal●inists and the Anti-trinitarians that is to say those who oppugned the mystery of the Blessed Trinity and that according to the cōmon doctrine on both syds they should dispute only out of the holy Scriptures the Caluinists could neuer proue out of the Scriptures alone that there is eyther a substance or person in God neyther could they by the Scriptures only declare what is a person or what is a substance 4. Wherefore at the last this was the end of the disputatiō that almost all those which were present iudged that the Antitrinitarians got the victory and that the Caluinists were shamefully ouercome wherupon it came to passe that the sayd Prince of Transiluania of a Caluinist became an Anti-trinitarian yea one of their chief friends in so much that he tooke some publike Churches from the Caluinists and gaue them to the Anti-trinitarians and he continued miserably in that wicked heresy euen till death which happened in the yeare 1571. the 14. of March 5. All which things are aboundātly declared by one Ioannes Sommerus Pirnensis in the funerall Oration which he made at his death where in among other things he affirmeth that the chiefe cause why this Prince left the Caluinists and became an Antitrinitariā was this because forsooth in the Scriptures he could fynd nothing of the Blessed Trinity and for that the Caluinists were forced to confesse that the words wherby the mystery of the Blessed Trinity is explicated are not extāt in the holy Scripture but because this funerall Oration is scarce any where to be found least some should thinke that I falsely coyned these things my selfe I will heare set downe his owne words For after he had most blaspemously spoken as the Anti-trinitarians are wont to doe against the Blessed Trinity the which he calleth heere and there the Roman Idolatry these things he addeth of his Prince 6. This funeral Orat of Ioan Sommer was printedat Claudiopolian Domini 1571. But this our Prince sayth he being instructed by God easily vnderstood what was the truth and with earnest desire imbraced it and with no lesse pleasure of mind defended it for being accustomed euen from his childhood to read the holy Scriptures he made them very familiar vnto him presently he found that such things which were contrary to the phrase of Christ and his Apostles were in the ensuing ages by a wicked curiosity brought into the Church and that they are not at all to be numbred amongst those things which adde any firmity or strength to the Author of our saluation especially seing that the Aduersaries themselues acknowledge that the words wherby these subtilties of this new opinion are explicated if not rather as I may well say more obscured are not to be found in the writings of the Apostles 7. And a little after Wherfore little regarding eyther the multitude of wranglers He meaneth Seruetus who was bu●ned at Geneua an 1553 as Beza writeth in vita Caluini or the torments and paines which others had endured who first endeauoured to breake this yce he manifestly condemned the falsity of the Trinity freely professing his owne opinion therein And after a few words For what hath he not done what assemblies and disputations hath he not ordayned caused to be had about this matter both in Hungary and in Transiluania that the sense or meaning of the Scripture might the better be explicated by conferring those thinges togeather which were then said or spoken of where he would not only be present himselfe but also taking the place or office of the Iudge and vmpyre in the said disputations he very wisely and grauely confuted the great absurdities of that superstition warning often the Aduersaries that reiecting the fancies or fond expositions of men they should lesse impudently and more sincerly carry themselues in the explication of the heauenly doctrine Thus farre S●●●merus of the great care diligence of the Prince of Transiluania in defending the heresy of the Anti trinitarians 8. Moreouer it is also manifest that out of this opinion of our Aduersaries to Seruetus l. 1. de erroribus Trinitat fol. 32. pag. 1. Edit an 1531. wit that we must not belieue any thing which is not expressed in Scriptures this wicked heresy of the Anti trinitariās in these our dayes had her beginning For that Michael Seruetus who in our age was the first of them that by printed bookes presumed to oppugne the mystery of the Blessed Trinity doth plainely testify writing in
this manner For the solution saith he L. Item apud §. A it Pr●tor ff d● iniurijs of all things which may heere be alledged by the Philosophers for thus he calleth the Catholikes thou must obserue this rule which is an axiome among Lawiers that those thinges which do not deserue any speciall note or marke are vnderstood and esteemed as things neglected vnlesse they be specially noted But I pray thee iudge whether this article of the Trinity deserue any speciall note or no seeing that it is the chiefest and first ground of all our faith whereof the whole knowledge of God and Christ dependeth And whether it be expressely noted or no may be seene by reading ouer the Scriptures seing that there is not one word to be foūd of the Trinity in the whole Bible nor of the persons therof nor of the essence or vnity of the supposition nor of the vnity of nature in many distinct thinges and such like Thus farre Seruetus By this it euidently appeareth that all these monstrous strange opinions of latter Arians who are also called Anti-trinitarians do proceed from this one principle of our Aduersaries to wit that we must only belieue Scriptures and by this they are encreased But let vs now see other matters 9. The second point of faith is that Infants are to be baptized But our Aduersaries will neuer shew this in the holy Ioan. 3. v. 1. Scriptures For that one place which doth clearly conuince this to wit vnlesse he be borne againe of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God they wrest and expound it in another sense For they will Calu. in cap. 5. Ioan. v. 5. not haue this word water to signify the element of water but the holy Ghost so Caluin Hence arose that wicked sect of the Anabaptistes who affirme now adayes that it is an vnlaw full and prophane thing to baptize Infants seing that there is no solide reason heereof extant in the Scriptures 10. For that wherunto Caluin and his followers do fly for refuge to wit that in the old Law Infants were circūcised Genes 17. v. 10. the Anabaptistes do easily confu●e both because cōcerning that there was an expresse precept of God but there was none of the baptisme of Infants and the similitude also betwixt circumcision and baptisme doth not hold in all thinges for otherwise S. Aug Tom. 6. de haer cap. 84. S. Hier. cōtra Hel uid Author de Eccl. dogm cap. 69. S. Ambros in Epist 7. ad Siriciū Papam Epiph. haer 78. lunius cōtra Bellar Controu 1. lib. 4. c. 9. nota 5. women should not be baptized but only men 11. The third point of faith is that the Blessed Virgin Mary the mother of God remayned allwayes a Virgin euen after her childby●th For this is extant no where in Scripture and yet Heluidius was condemned as an Heretike by the whole auncient Church because he presumed to deny it 12. When Card. Bellarmine had alleadged this vn writtē point of faith to proue that all such pointes of faith were not expresly set downe in holy Writ Francis●us Iunius to answere vnto this difficulty was forced to take and approue the condemned heresy of Heluidius For he denyeth that we ought to belieue as a point of faith the perpetuall Virginity of our B. Lady But the ancient Fathers had neuer condemned Heluidius a● an Heretike vnlesse he had denyed a point of faith But in this manner are our Aduersaries forced to renew the old heresies of tymes past to the end they may defend this their paradoxe that we must only belieue Scriptures CHAP. IIII. Whether there are any pointes of faith to be alleadged which are no where extant in the Bible THE fourth Point that our Aduersaries also belieue but without expresse Scripture for it is that Christians cannot lawfully Concil Trident. sess 24. c. 2. haue more wyues at once for the Councell of Trent hath very well defined this to be a point of faith against the heresy of these tymes wherof we will speake more presently But yet our Aduersaries can neuer proue this out of Scripture only abstracting from the authority of the Church albeit they also agree with vs in the beliefe heerof Yea the examples of holy Scripture do rather perswade the cōtrary For those most holy men Abraham Iacob Dauid and many others had more wyues at once yet neuer did God reprehend this in them albeit he often s●ake vnto them Beza Ep. 1. ad Andream Dudi●ium 2. When Bernardine Ochi●e one of Caluins schollers did consider this he was not afrayd to perswade both by word and writing that Polygamy was yet lawfull of whome and of his most wicked life Beza writeth at large ● But Ochinus grounded only this his heresy in that principle of our Aduersaries before alledged to wit that we must belieue nothing which is not expresly in Beza in lib de Poligamia extat in i●it voluminis 2. suarum Tract Theol. Scripture And whereupon Beza himself in his booke which he wrote against the same Ochinus doth testyfy that Ochinus vsed this argument where Beza also manifestly acknowledgeth that Polygamy is not forbidden in holy Scripture by any expresse Law The other argumen● saith Beza of Ochinus is that Polygamy is not forbidden by any expresse law to the contrary but I answere that there are not lawes written of all thinges Thus Beza 3. But after ward indeed Beza goeth about to proue that Poligamy is contr●ry to the Law of Nature but the same difficulty still remayneth For according to our Aduersaries doctrine all thinges necessary to saluation are expressed in holy Scripture but the obseruatiō of all things belonging to the Law of Nature is altogeather necessary to saluation therefore the obseruation of these thinges is expressed in Scriptures or els truly many thinges necessary to saluation must be sought for out of the Scriptures Moreouer that Poligamy is vnlawfull is a point of faith but this as Beza confesseth is not expressely contayned in Scriptures therfore all the pointes of faith are not expressely contained in Scriptures 4. The first point of faith is that the Sacrament of Baptisme may only be giuen in water For this point is also very necessary for the Church least so great and worthy a Sacrament be prophaned contrary to the institution of Christ and yet our aduersaries will neuer be able to proue this out of the Scriptures only who deny that the forsaid place of S. Iohn is to be vnderstood of true water as we haue said before in the second point For the examples of holy Scripture do proue indeed §. 9. cap. praeced Beza Epist 2. ad Tho. Tilium fratrem Symmistam suum that water is the fit matter of Baptisme but they do not proue that there can be no other matter 5. When Beza did consider this well least that his foresayd principle that we must belieue nothing but
9. Tract 98. in Euan loan subfinem which is in the holy Scripture For so S. Augustine speaketh in one place But in another he clearly explicateth himselfe by this word praeter to vnderstand contra because we must preach nothing contrary to the holy Scripture That this is the true sense and meaning of S. Augustine it is manifest by the words themselues wherby also he proueth that the word praeter in those words of the Apostle doth signify diuers but not contrary thinges For in this manner he writeth when he warneth his schollers to take heed of the opinions of the Manichaeans other heretikes Ad Gal. 1. v. 6. because these are not only distinct but also contrary to those which the Apostle taught Let the admonition sayth he of the holy Apostle neuer depart from your hart If any shall euangelize vnto you besids that which you haue receiued let him be Anathema He doth not say 1. Thess 3. v. 10. more then you haue receaued but besides that which you haue receaued For if he should say that he should be preiudiciall to himselfe who coueteth to come to the Thessalonians that he might supply that which was wanting to their sayth Now he which supplieth addeth that which is lacking taketh not away that which was But he which ouerposseth Ioan. 16. v. 11. the rule of fayth doth not goe on in the way but departeth frō the way That therfore which our Lord sayth I haue yet many things to say vnto you but you cannot beare them now were to be added to those things which they knew and not to be ouerthrowen by those they had already learned Hitherto S. Augustine CHAP. X. Wherein●other obiections of our Aduersaries against Traditions are refuted THE fourth argument is deduced out of these words of the Apocalyps Apoc. 22. v. 18. Confess Rupell Artic. 5. which they also cite and alledge in their Confessiō at Rochell If any man sh●ll adde to these things God shall adde vpon him the plagues written in this booke But who doth not see that S. Iohn speaketh expresly of the booke of the Apocalyps only and not of the whole Scripture for he sayth I testify to euery one hearing the words of the Prophesy of this booke if any man shall adde to these things c. and in the 19. verse following If any man shall diminish of the words of the booke of this prophesy c. He speaketh therfore only of the propheticall words of the Apocalyps For it is manyfest otherwise out of Ecclesiasticall histories that S. Iohn wrote his Ghospell after the Apocalyps and Hier. de script Eccles in Ioan. Apost consequently that he added many things besids the Apocalyps But let our Aduersaries take heed least they incurre those paynes which S. Iohn threatneth to those which adde or detract any thing from the Apocalyps seing that they so often and so bouldly wrest the prophesies of the Apocalyps to many strang senses against the Pope and the Catholike Church 2. Our Aduersaries alledge many other things but their arguments which be of lesse moment are taken out of those places of Scripture which commend vnto vs the great excellency of holy Scripture But Supra c. 2. all these are very easily confuted by that one ground which as we haue declared before euen our Aduersaries do admit to wit that to the end the holy Scripture be perfect in it selfe and sufficient to euerlasting saluation it is not necessary that it should expresly cōteyne al points of fayth but it is sufficiēt that all such poynts may be deduced by a good consequence out of it But all the Traditions of the Church which belong vnto fayth may be gathered Supra c. 2. as we haue sayd out of Scripture the which also we declare more at large in euery one of these controuersies Our Aduersaries therfore haue not reason to say that we teach the Scripture to be impersect or insufficient For as concerning this sufficiency and perfectiō of Scripture they are forced at least to yield and subscribe vnto our opinion here in but these their arguments whereof they make great account we haue therfore alledged to the end all may know how badly they interpret the holy Scriptures and by how friuolus reasons they are perswaded to forsake the Catholike fayth 3. But euen this sufficiency of Scripture which they pretēd they proue very foolishly by those wordes of the Apostle wherein he teacheth that the Scripture Ad Tim. 3. v. penut is very profitable as though forsooth euery thing which is profitable for obtayning some particuler end or purpose were also absolutely sufficient then the which nothing can be spoken more absurdly The Head truely is not only profitable but also necessary that a man may liue but who I pray you will say that the head only without the rest of the body is sufficient for the lyfe of man But our late Aduersaries to the end they may make this their discourse or reason the stronger say that in humane thinges not euery thing which is profitable is also sufficient but in diuine matters whatsoeuer Iunius cōtra Bell. controu 1. lib. 4. c. 10. not● 44. is profitable is also sufficient whervnto Iunius like a fine young stripling addeth that this can be ouerthrowne by no sophistry But who doth not see that the Eucharist by the diuine vertue thereof is profitable to the obtayning of eternall saluation and yet notwithstanding without Baptisme it is not sufficiēt as also without faith and pennance the same may be sayd of Baptisme and of euery booke of Scripture Yea euen the Apostle doth not speake of the whole Scripture as our Aduersaries thinke he doth when he saith that euery Scripture is profitable but of euery particuler part thereof For how Hier. de Scrip. Eccles in ●oā Apost 2. Tim. 1. v. penult could he speake of a thing which was not then extant But as then the Ghospell of S. Iohn was not yet written nor the Apocalyps For these were after S. Pauls death written by S. Iohn Hence it is that the Apostle S. Paul doth not say the whole Scripture but euen Scripture inspired by God is profitable For there is not one part of Scripture which is not profitable vnto vs if it be well vnsterstood Yet for all that notwithstanding euery one part precisely in it selfe abstracting from the rest of the Scripture as all do very well know is not sufficient 4. Finally it is also to be considered that all those places wherin the integrity perfection and vtility of the Scripture is commended vnto vs must nedes be vnderstood not of the bare wordes only but of the same well and rightly vnderstood But this true vnderstanding of the words cannot otherwise be had then by Tradition Supra c. 4. and the vnwritten doctrine of the Church it selfe as we haue already decl●red Wherefore all those places which do commend vnto vs the holy Scriptures do also
visible and inuisible and they say that the inuisible Church cannot erre but Supr hac ipsa cont cap. 4. the visible may erre But we haue now already declared that the true Church of Christ must needes be visible Wherfore this distinction is now sufficiently refuted And truly it importeth but a little whether that their inuisible Church can erre or not erre seing that it cannot be seene or knowne of any and consequently cannot be profitable vnto any 16. There are also some of the later Sectaries who distinguish and deuide the Church into the Church of the Saints which Iunius in Bellarm. Contr. 1. l. 4. c. 10. nota 8. are in Heauen and into that which remayneth fighting heere vpon earth And they say that the Church triumphāt of Saints cannot erre in faith or in the doctrine of faith but the Church militant may erre But this is a ridiculous distinction First Hebr. 21. v. 1. because the Saints hauen ot fayth but a cleare vision of God for as the Apostle witnesseth Fayth concerneth things which doe not appeare wherefore if at any tyme faith perished vpon earth without al doubt it could not be found in heauen neyther must we exprect the doctrine of fayth from heauen as the Anabaptists doe who seeke for reuelations from heauen but we must looke to receiue it from the Supr c. 1. huius controuersiae Church militant vpon earth Moreouer the properties and offices of the Church of Christ before alledged out of holy Scripture do not agree as is manifest to the Church triumphant of Saints but to the Church militāt vpon earth For neither is that Church of the Saints betrothed vnto Christ by fayth neyther are the Saynts those who preach vnto vs the word of God who administer the Sacramēts vnto vs who execute the other offices of the Church but men liuing vpō earth wherfore they runne in vaine to this heauenly Church wherof we do not here dispute 17. Moreouer that is also a very weake reason wherby they thinke that Iunius ibid. nota 8. they conuince that the Church militant vpon earth may erre This Church sayth he militant vpon earth is imperfect and therfore she may erre euen in explicating the doctrine of sayth for otherwise a perfect effect might proceed 1. Cor. 13● per totū caput from an imperfect cause So ●e As though forsooth there could be no other imperfection in the Church besids infidelity or error in explicating the doctrine of fayth or as though the whole perfection of the Church consisted in fayth only and in the doctrine thereof and not also in charity and other gifte● of God as the Apostle declareth at large Or lastly as though this perfection of the Church which consisteth in a right fayth and a good explication of the doctrine thereof could proceede from the militant Church only and not rather from a most perfect cause to wit from the holy Ghost who continually ad Rom. 8. v. 26. gouerneth the Church and as the Apostle sayth helpeth her infirmity and imperfection 18. Lastly when our Aduersaries Ita Philip Mor. Tract de Eccles cap. 9. Genes 3. v. 6. can by no places of Scripture nor other reasons proue that the Church hath erred they g●e about to persuade i● by many examples And heere they be●in a discourse frō our first Father Adam till these our da●es For first they say that Adam lost his fayth and so lykewise his wy●e Eue when they both eate of the for●idd●n fruit consequently the wholy Church then erred in fayth Then they runne through all the old Testament till Christs tyme and heap togeather many places which say that those who liued in the tyme of the Naturall Moysaicall Laws forsooke God Lastly out of some Historiographers who haue writtē since Christs tyme they scrape togeather all such testimonies as s●eme to serue to this purpose in any sort 19. But they labour in vayne For if these kinds of argumēts were good they would also proue that the Church it selfe also wholy perished and was not to be found in any place as in tymes past the Donatists contended the which euen our Aduersaries themselues acknowledge to by very absurd and against the holy Scriptures as hath beene declared before For if all haue lost their fayth then indeed the true Church could no longer be which without fayth cannot consist and thus the whole Church had perished 20. But that which they affirme of Adā and ●ue to wit that they lost their fayth by sinning is of no moment at all For to omit that they do not so much proue by that argumēt that they lost their fayth then that after their sinne there remayned neyther any fayth nor Church in the world it is truly manifest inough that this belongeth nothing to this disputation we now handle For neyther do we heere dispute of the Church of Angells nor of that which was in Paradise before the fall of our first parēts but of that only Gen. 3 v. 15. which ensued that promise made vnto all mankind after the sinne of Adam wherein God foretould that there should be perpetuall enmity betwixt the woman and the serpent that is to say betwixt the Church of Christ and Satan And wherein also God foretould that the Church should alwayes haue the victory Supra cōtrou 1. cap 16. 17. 18. ouer Satan as we haue declared more at large before Wherfore our Aduersaries must needes shew this promise to be frustrate if they desire to conclude any thing against vs. 21. But those examples which they Supra cap. 5. in solut 2. argumenti alledge our of the old Testament are the very arguments of the Donatists and other auncient Heretikes who by them went about to proue that the true Church was wholy decayed and perished wherunto we haue also sufficiently answered out of S. Augustine 22. And lastly those thinges which they haue takē out of those Authors who wrote after Christs tyme are eyther corrupted by our Aduersaries or taken out of Apocriphall Authors and such as are Baron in 12. Tom. Annal. not worthy of credit as the worthy Cardinall Baronius declareth manifestly in euery age in his Ecclesiasticall histories and the same hath Bellarmine done before Bellarm. l. 3. de Eccles militante him more briefly vnto whome we refer the Reader because they do not appertaine to this present question but rather vnto that which is of the continuall duration of the Church the which now almost euery one doth acknowledge and Supr c. 3. 4. buius Controu which we haue sufficiently declared before wherefore these arguments are of so small worth that they need no longer a confutation CHAP. VIII That there is no lawfull Calling of Preachers or Pastours of the Church but by the visible Church ONE of the Offices of the true Church is to appoint lawfull preachers of the Ghospell and true administers of
perspicuously resolued Their first argument is if the authority of the Church were the ground of fayth then it would follow that our faith relied vpon men and not vpon God for the Church consisteth of men Our Aduersaries do often repeate and inculcate this argument vnto vs. I answeere that the same argument if it were any thing worth would also proue that we should not belieue Scriptures because althose who wrot the books of the Bibles were also men bu●●● we do belieue their writinges not because they were men but because they had a certaine peculiar assistāce of the holy Ghost who did so gouerne and direct them that they could not erre so in like manner we belieue the Church and make it the ground of our fayth not as it consisteth of men but as it hath a speciall and continuall assistance of the holy Ghost by whome she is continually gouerned and directed wherby it commeth to passe that she can neuer erre as we haue proued Cap. 7. praeced a little before 2. Wherefore to make the Church the ground of our fayth is nothing els then to make the holy Ghost and Christ himselfe the ground therof For it is he who speaketh vnto vs by the mouth of the Church according to that saying of S. Paul Seeke you an experiment of him that speaketh in me Christ And in another place speaking of his own 2. Cor. 13. v. 3. 1. Thess v. 8. doctrine he sayth therfore he that despiseth these things despiseth not man but God who also hath giuē his holy spirit in vs. But our Aduersaries do thinke speak too basely of the Church as though it consisted of men only as the Churches of Infidells and Heretikes seeing that the chiefe part of the true Church of Christ is the holy Ghost who is as it were the soule and spirit of the Church 3. But neither is this to make the Scripture or the holy Ghost subiect inferito our men as our Aduersaries are wōt to cauil but ōly to shew that the holy Ghost is euery where conformable to himself that in all things he neuer differeth or disagreeth frō himselfe Whether he speak vnto vs by the holy Scripture or by the mouth of the Church as Caluin acknowledgeth Calu. l. 1. Instit c. 9. sect 2. disputing against the Anabaptists and Libertines who by such an argument went about to reiect the holy Scriptures to wit least the holy Ghost might be made subiect and inferiour vnto them 4. The second argument is that Christians may and ought to iudge and examine all things as the Apostle sayth therefore the spirit of euery Christian ought to be the groūd of al things I answere that by the same argumēt the Anabaptists Libertines 1. Cor. v. 15. reiect●d all the Scriptures that they might only retaine the spirit as witnesseth Caluin but badly for euen as Christians must discerne and iudge all things so must Cal●● c. 9. citat sect 1. they also obserue the rule and methode in iudging which the Scripture doth prescribe vnto them and which himselfe appointed but this rule is not euery ones priuate spirit but the spirit of the whole Church For it is altogeather necessary that the rule of fayth be most certayne free from all errors as the spirit of the whole Church is and not that of euery priuate man Hereupon sayth S. Iohn He 1. Ioan. 4. v. 6. which knoweth God heareth vs he who is not of God doth not heare vs in this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error We must t●erfore iudge of euery man by that they eyther heare or do not heare the Church c because they either agree or disagree from the spirit of the Catholike Church 5. The third argument is that Catholikes proue the Church and the authority thereof by the Scripture therfore Scripture is rather the ground of fayth then the Church I answere first that the proofe of the Church which is taken out of Scriptures when we dispute against heretikes is an argument called by Philosophers ad hominem and it is deduced out of the premises already graunted in which manner also the first principles or grounds of euery science may be proued and out of those thinges also which of themselues are not very strong and certayne So out of the old Testament agaynst the Iewes we proue the new Testament albeit this also is the ground of our fayth because the Iewes do admit and receiue the old Testament but not the new yea also euen out of the Iewish Talmud we proue many things against the Iewes because they admit and approue it as the word of God but yet their Talmud is not the ground of our fayth because this only is as I sayd an argument deduced out of such thinges as they gra●●t vnto vs. So in like mā●er because almost al heretikes admit the Scripture and reject the authority of the Church therefore when we dispute against them we proue the authority of the Church by the Scriptures as premisses already graunted by them But if we were to deale with Infidells or others who doe not admit the Scriptures then the sayd Scriptures were to be proued by the authority of the Church and not contrarywise For it is a thing farre better and more commonly knowne that there Infra 18. buius cō ●r §. 10. is a Church then that there are the holy Scriptures as afterward we will shew more clearly 6. Secondly I answere that there is so great connexion betwixt the Scripture and the Church that the Scripture may very well be proued by the authority of the Church and againe the church by the authority of the Scripture Neyther should this seeme strange to our Aduersaries For Logicians also know very well that that which by it owne nature is more certaine better knowne may be proued by that which is more certaine and beter knowne vnto vs by a demonstration called by them à posteriori And cōtrary wise that which is better knowne vnto vs may be proued by that which is better knowne and more certaine in his owne nature by a demonstration called à priori So the cause is proued by the effect the effect by the cause as fyre is proued by heate à posteriori and heate by the nature of fyre à priori So in like manner by the authority of the Church the which in regard of vs is more certayne and better knowne we proue the Scripture as it were à posteriori and by the authority of the Scripture which in it owne nature is more certaine we proue the true Church of Christ as it were à priori 7. The fourth argument S. Paul testifyeth that the Church is supported by the ground and foundation of the Prophets and Apostles that is to say by their Propheticall and Apostolicall doctrine but if the foresaid doctrine be the ground of the Church it necessarily followeth that this doctriue appeareth to
be certaine in it selfe before the Church began to be The Church therefore must be that which giueth certainty to the doctrine or writings of the Apostles but rather their doctrine and writings do affoard sufficient certainty to the Church So Caluin Calu. lib. 1. ●nst c. 7 sect 2. Beza in 2. cap. ad Ephes v. 10. I answere first if we will follow the interpretation of this place alledged by Beza Caluins argument wil be nothing worth For Beza will haue this to be the sense of those words that the Church is built vpon Christ who is the ground and foundation of the Apostles and Prophets and he will haue only Christ to be the ground-worke and the Apostles and Prophets he saith were only as the Architects and builders of this Church as also all faythfull Ministers of Christ are at this day but not the ground it selfe Beza also addeth that he is truly Antichrist who attributeth that vnto himselfe which belongeth only to Christ that is to say to be the ground and foundation of the Church 8. Out of which doctrine of Beza it followeth manifestly that Caluin is truly Antichrist For he attributeth vnto all Ministers of the Church and to their doctrine and consequently vnto himselfe and his owne doctrine that they are the foundation of the Church but according to Beza whosoeuer attributeth this vnto himselfe is plainly Antichrist because he attributeth that vnto himselfe which only belongeth vnto Christ 9. Secondly I answere that yet whatsoeuer Beza sayth Caluins exposition is the trewer agreeing therin with S. Chrrsostome S. Chrys Hom. 6. inc 2. ad Ephes S. Aug. Tom. 8. in Psal 86. adv 1. Theoph in e. 2. Ephes S. Augustine Theophilact and other auncient Fathers that is to say that S. Paul in this place calleth the Apostles and Prophets the ground and foundation of fayth or that which is alone their doctrine for in the sameplace he compareth Christ to the chiese corner stone and the foundation of this spirituall building doth consist of many stones but there is one lowest and chiefest to wit Christ Iesus who supporteth all and who is that corner stone which vniteth Ephes 2. v. 14. the Iewes and Gentills togeather as S. Paul sayth in the same Chapter 10. Hence it is that S. Iohn in the Apocalyps affitmeth that this heauently Apoc. 2● v. 14. Citty hath twelue foundations and not only one and Christ notwithstanding is S. Aug. Tom 8. in Psal 86. initio the chiefest of all the foundations and the foundation of foundations as S. Augustine sayth that is to say of all those twelue foundations he is the foundation 11 And heere the Apostle vseth t●e Hebrew phrase in which it is all one to say Vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets to say Vpon the Apostolicall and Propheticall foundation For the Hebrews Psal 5. v. 7. often vse the Genitiue case of the substantiue for the adiectiue as a man of bloud deceit in the fifth Psalme signifieth a blouby and deceitfull man 12. Furthermore that which Caluin sayth that the Apostolicall and Propheticall doctrine hath it certainty of it self before the approbation of the Church that indeed is true but this is the certainty which it hath of it owne nature from Cap. 13. praecedent §. 17. 19. God himselfe but in regard of vs it receiueth it certainty from the Church as Caluin and Bez● witnesse as we haue already declared 13. But Caluin erreth in this that he thinketh S. Paul to treate in this place of the Scripture only of the Apostles and Prophets For not only the Apostolicall Scripture is the ground of our faith but all the doctrine of the Apostles And few of the twelue Apostles to wit only fiue haue written any thing but of the other seauen there are no writings extant but yet they all taught the Apostle therfore speaketh of the Apostolicall doctrine and only of the Scripture 14. But neyther do we deny that fayth dependeth of the Apostles doctrine yea more then that we say that our faith dependeth of the doctrine of the present Church For when we affirme that the Church is the ground of our faith we ad Rom. 10. v. 17. do not vnderstand by the Church the shoulders or bodyes of them who are in her but their authority doctrine and preaching for by these thinges faith is ingendred and as the Apostle witnesseth faith is by hearing 15. But whensoeuer we treate of the true Church of Christ we do not speake of that which wanteth true faith which is deafe dumbe or foolish and which also eyther neglecteth or not vnderstandeth the Word of God or Scriptures for such a Church is not the true Church of Christ But we speake of that which belieueth which speaketh which preacheth the pure word of God which keepeth and expoundeth the Scriptures most faithfully and which fit●ly applyeth them in Sermons Exho●tations Amōg vs therfore all these wordes haue one and the same signification the Church the faith of the Church the preaching and doctrine of the Church the word of God preached by the Church and the truth of God proposed vnto vs by the Church And we vnderstand all these thinges by the Name of the Church when we say that she is the groūd of our fayth For all these thinges are eyther properties actions or offices of the Church which cannot be separated from her 16. Wherefore our Aduersaries doe erre exceedingly whē they separate euery one of these from the Church and oppose or obiect it against her as though it were a quite distinct thing from her nay of the true Church of Christ they make her the Sinagogue of Sathan Therfore the Apostolicall Propheticall doctrine must not be separated and made opposite vnto the Church as Caluin doth seeing that it is an essentiall part of the visible Church Caluin therfore disputeth as if one should make this argument A man without his soule neyther seeth speaketh nor vnderstandeth therefore a man neyther seeth speaketh nor vnderstandeth 17. But peraduenture some will say We haue said a little before that faith is the ground of the Church and now we say that the Church is the ground of faith wherof the one seemeth to be contrary to the other I answere that heerin there is no contrariety For there be two kindes of faith the one is the particuler faith of euery Christian wherby togeather with hope and charity euery one is iustified the other is the generall and common faith of the whole Church The particuler faith of ech one relyeth vpon the Church to wit vpon the faith preaching and authority of the whole Church But she her selfe relieth vpon the generall faith and profession and preaching therof in the whole Church which is an essentiall part of the visible Church When therfore we say that the Church is the ground of faith we speak of the particuler faith of euery Christian But when we say that
publican 18. Fiftly the Church hath power and authority to punish VVhat will you 1. Cor. 4. v. vlt. 2. Cor. vlt. v. 2. 2. Cor. vlt. v 10. sayth the Apostle that I come vnto you with a rodde or in charity and with the spirit of mildnesse And in another place If I come againe I will not spare And againe that being present I may not deale hardly according to the power which our Lord hath giuen me vnto edification and not vnto destruction 19. Sixtly the Church absolueth byndeth and retayneth sinnes excommunicateth Matth. 18. v. 19. Ioan. 20. v. 23. as the holy Scriptures doe expresly testify and our Aduersaries doe also confesse all which actes belong vnto Iudges but the Scripture doth none of them 20. The second argument The holy Scripture expresly affirmeth that the Church doth sometymes iudge I indeed absent in body but present in spirit haue 1. Cor. 5. v. 34. 5. already iudged as present him that hath so done in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ you being gathered togeather and my spirit with the vertue of our Lord Iesus Christ to deliuer such an one to Sathan And a little after Do not you iudge of them that are within where the Apostle ● Cor. 5. v. 12. plainly saith that the Pastours of the Church iudge those which are in the Church 21. The third argument is taken from the common practice of the Church aswell in the old as in the new Num. 11. ● 16. 17. 25. Deut. 17. ● 8. ●eq 2. Par. 19. v. ●0 11. Testament For in the old Testament the chiefe iudgement of all causes was ordeined by God himselfe first in the booke of Numbers and afterward it was confirmed in Deuteronomy in which Iudgment the priestes did sit as Iudges and the chiefe Iudge who did giue his sentence for in all thinges which were doubtfull by the expresse commaundement of God the common people were sent to this Iudgment of the Church and not only to the holy Scriptures or to the priuate spirit of any 22. Moreouer till the comming of Christ this manner of iudging continued in the old Law For of it Christ himselfe sayd Vpon the chaire of Moyses haue sitten the s●ribes and the Pharisies All thinges therfore whatsoeuer they shall say to you obserue y●e and doe yee this Councell or Iudgment in the yeares following by cor●upting the Greeke word the Iewes called Sanhedrin Matt. 2. v. 2. 3. as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say an assembly or Councell 13. In like manner in the new Testament when there arose that controuersy about the obseruation of the lega●l ceremonies or customes the Apostles did not Act. 15. v. 28. send their disciples to the holy Scriptures only or to the priuate spirit of any but they assembled themselues togeather and defined what was to be belieued It seemed good say they to the holy Ghost and vs. For Act. 15. v. vlt. Act. 16. v. 4. the holy ●host is as it were the soule of the Church And this Decree of the Apostles S. Paul and S. Barnabas did diuulge and promulgate euery where as appeareth by the same Chapter and the next following where these determinations of the Apostles are called Decrees or according Act. 21. v. 25. to the Greek Phrase 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to s●y things already iudged wherupon Act. 21. vers 25. the Apostles doe say that iudging and decreeing they had written this 24. In the same manner in the next ages the Arians the Macedoniās the Nestorians Eutichians and other old Heretikes were iudged condemned by the Catholike Church in the generall Councells holden at Nice Constantinople Calcedon and others 25. Lastly our Aduersaries in their Consistories and Assemblies doe vsurpe vnto themselues the authority of iudges neither doe they referre the iudgment to the Scriptures alone or to the priuate spirit of any 26. Yea Caluin conuinced by these reasons confesseth that the writinges of euery priuate person must be submitted to the iudgmēt of the Church Where he also concludeth thus Neither therefore sayth he do we condemne or diminish the authority of the Church neyther do we giue liberty ●o euery froward Calu. in Antid contra Con●il Trid. sess 1. in fine fellow to do what he list I would to God they would shew vs such a Church as the holy Scripture doth paint or describe vnto vs we would easily agree about the honour thereof Thus he But we will shew in the ensuing Chapters such a Church as the Scripture describeth I wish also we may agree concerning the honour and authority thereof 27. There are two principall argument● of our Aduersaries the first is that the holy Ghost is not tyed vnto men but ●udgeth freely in whatsoeuer it pleaseth him therefore he is not tyed vnto the Church But the same argument would proue that there is no certainty in the holy Scriptures For they who wrote the Scriptures were men vnto whome according to our Aduersaries opinion the holy Ghost was not tyed I answere therfore that the holy Ghost is not absolutly bound or tyed vnto men but he is tyed to his owne promise as also to the words and promises of Christ For neither the holy Ghost nor Christ himselfe can deceiue vs in not performing their promises because as the Apostle Tit. 1. v. 2. sayth God cannot lie But God hath promised that he wil be with his Church not only one or two dayes or one yeare but euen till the end of the world He promised that he would giue the holy Ghost to remayne Math. vit v. vlt. and stay with vs not for one or two yeares only but euerlastingly It is needfull therfore that he performe and stand to his promises 28. The second argument If those things which we haue said of the Church as Iudge were true it would also follow that the Church is Iudge of the holy Scripture and consequently of the word of God in generall I answere that the word of God in generall cannot be called in question or doubted of by any which professeth Christ For the diuine faith cannot be without some word of God but where there is noe controuersy there is no neede of any Iudge But if of any one part of the word of God whether it be written or not written there arise any controuersy as for example of the true sense of the written word without doubt we must recurre vnto the iudgement of the Church for it belongeth vnto her to iudge of the truesense of the holy Scripture and of the exposition thereof which is the chiefer Ioan. 14. v. 16. part of the written word as also of any doubtfull letter of the holy Scripture for seeing that in times past there haue beene many controuersyes of diuers books of holy Scripture and of the particuler Chapters and parts thereof as also of the true sense of the letter and other
A SVMMARY OF CONTROVERSIES WHEREIN Are briefly treated the cheefe Questions of Diuinity now a dayes in dispute betweene Catholikes Protestants especially out of the holy Scripture WRITTEN IN LATIN By the R. Father Iames Gordon Huntley of Scotland Doctour of Diuinity of the Society of IESVS And translated into English by I. L. of the same SOCIE●Y The I. Tome deuided into two Controuersies THE SECOND EDITION IHS Permissu Superiorum M. DC XVIII THE CONTENTS OF THE ENSVING CONTROVERSIES CONTROVER I. The first Part of the first Controuersy treateth of the Written Word of God Of the Scope and Methode of this Treatise Chap. 1. Of the VVord of God in generall Chap. 2. Of the written VVord of God Chap. 3. How we are to seeke out the true sense meaning of the holy Scripture Chap. 4. How we may know which is the true letter of the holy Scripture Chap. 5. Of the Hebrew Text. Chap. 6. Of our Aduersaries new translations of the Byble Chap. 7. Of the Latin vulgar Edition Chap. 8. The place of Genesis She shall breake thy ●head is shewed to be well translated Chap. 9. Of the true sense of these wordes Ipsa cōteret c. Chap. 10. That the written VVord is no fit Iudge of Controuersies concerning matters of fayth Chap. 11. VVhether the Scripture be obscure or hard to be vnderstood Chap. 12. VVhether the holy Scripture be to be translated into the vulgar tongue Chap. 13. That our Aduersaries vse many sleights in corrupting the VVord of God Chap. 14. The fourth fifth and sixt shift that our Aduersaries vse in deprauing the VVord of God Chap. 15. Of the seauenth and eight shift Chap. 16. Of the ninth and tenth shift Chap. 17. THE SECOND PART Of the first Controuersy handleth the vnwritten Word of God commonly called Traditions Of the true state of the Question Chap. 1. Out of the first and chiefest principles of faith it is clearly conuinced that three are Traditions Chap. 2. It is proued out of other particular points of saith that there are Traditions Chap. 3 VVhether there are any points of sayth to be alledged which are no where extant in the Bible Chap. 4. It is proued that there are Traditions by the testimonies of the holy Fathers Chap. 5. By the doctrine of our Aduersaries it is proued that there are Traditions Chap. 6. It is proued that there are Traditions by the absurdities which otherwise would follow Chap. 7. The Arguments of our Aduersaries taken out of the old Testament are confuted Chap. 8. That place of S. Pauls Epistle to the Galathiās the which our Aduersaries do obiect against Traditions is examined Chap. 9. Other obiections of our Aduersaries against Traditions are refuted Chap. 10. It is declared how we may know the Apostolicall Traditions Chap. 11. CONTROVER II. The first part of the second Cōtrouersy treateth of the properties of the true Church of Christ Of the properties and offices of the true Church in generall Chap. 1. That out of the true Church of Christ there is no saluation Chap. 2. That the Church of Christ is to continue for euer Chap. 3. That this Church which hath alwayes continued hath alwayes byn visible Chap. 4. The arguments against the visible Church are confuted Chap. 5. Other arguments of our Aduersaries against the visible Church are confuted Chap. 6. That this visible true Church of Christ cannot erre in matters of sayth Chap. 7. That there is no lawfull calling of preachers or Pastours of the Church but by the visible Church Chap. 8. THE SECOND PART Of the second Controuersy treateth of the Ground of Fayth VVhether the Church be the foundation and ground of our fayth And of the true state of this Question Chap. 1. The properties of the ground and rule of our saith are alledged Chap. 2. That the Scripture alone is not the ground or rule of sayth Chap. 3. That the priuate or particuler spirit of euery one is not the ground or rule of sayth Chap. 4. That the Catholike Church is the ground or rule of our fayth Chap. 5. The arguments of our Aduersaries are confuted Chap. 6. That the Church doth not only giue a bare testimony but also authority to the Scripture Chap. 7. The Arguments of our Aduersaries are confuted Chap. 8. That the Church is the Iudge of all Controuersies in matters of Fayth Chap. 9. THE THIRD PART Of the second Controuersy treateth of the true Marks of the Church Of the false and true signes or Markes of the Church in generall Chap. 1. That the true Church of Christ is One Holy Catholike Apostolike Chap. 2. That the Roman Church only is the true Church of Christ is proued by the properties of the true Church Chap. 3. That the Church of Rome is the true Church of Christ is proued by the offices of true Church Ch. 4. By the signes of the true Church it is declared that the Roman is the true Church of Christ Cap. 5. That the Church of the Citty of Rome is the chiefest of all the visible Churches of Christ is clearly conuinced by the holy Scriptures Chap. 6. That the Church of Rome is the chiefest and head of all other is proued out of the auncient Fathers and euen by the confession of our Aduersaries themselues Chap. 7. The arguments of our Aduersaries against the Church of Rome are confuted Chap. 8. Of the Adoration of the Pope of Rome and of the kissing of his feete Chap. 9. Of Generall Councells Chap. 10. Of the Authority of the Auncient holy Fathers Chap. 11. THE FIRST CONTROVERSY OF THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD. The first Part of the first Controuersy CHAP. I. Of the Scope and Methode of this Treatise ALL the Controuersyes of this tyme may be reduced to two heades for eyther they are certayne generall principles foundations of our faith and Religion or they are particuler questions appertayning to the same Amongst other generall Principles there be two about which is the greatest contention at this day the one is the Word of God the other the Church we will first speake of the word of God and afterwardes of the Church and lastly we will examine euery particuler Controuersy if God shall graunt vs life and health 2. Two things do now adayes hold many in errour The one is a false opinion that many haue who thinke it a matter of little importance whether they giue credit or no to many things taught by the Roman Church which daungerous perswasion may be taken out of the mindes of all faithfull people by that which we shall deliuer cōcerning the word of God and the Church for thereby it shall euidently appeare that al thinges are firmely to be belieued which the Roman Church belieueth and that without this faith no man can hope to be saued The other is that such as desire to find out the true faith in euery particuler Cōtrouersy are oftentimes so hindred by the sleights and falshoods of our Aduersaryes as it will
be very hard for them to discerne that which is true from that which is false Wherfore we will endeauour in euery particuler Controuersy to set downe the true state of the question Afterward we will lay open the foundation of the Catholike doctrine And lastly we will plainly and briefly answere the chiefe obiections of our Aduersaries whether they be drawne out of the Scriptures or taken from the Fathers 3. And because our Aduersaries euermore boast and brag of the written Word of God pretending out of it only to proue their doctrine impugne ours our chiefe care shal be to shew that the Catholike and Roman faith is both euidently and strongly to be confirmed out of the wrirten Word of God and the doctrine of our Aduersaries to haue no foundation at all in the holy Scriptures but is manifestly opposite repugnant therunto yet so as we will set downe the vniforme consēt of the auncient Church to be agreeing with vs in euery Controuersy leauing the more ample search of antiquity vnto others to whome we will referre the Reader setting downe their particuler names so loath we are that this booke of ours should grow too great and for the same reason we haue thought good to omit many arguments which might be drawne out of the holy Scriptures for confirmation of the Catholike faith contenting our selues to set downe only the more solide and euident proofes because we are resolued to be as briefe as may be CHAP. II. Of the Word of God in generall THE word of God if we speake of it in generall may be considered two wayes either for that One Eternall and Infinite Word which contayneth perfectly in it selfe whatsoeur is in the mind of Almighty God which is the same with the Sonne of God and Word of the Father of whome S. Iohn speaketh in his Ghospell saying In the beginning was the VVord and of this Word we are to say nothing heere but the Word of God may be other wise cōsidered and taken for that Word which was not alwayes nor contayneth all thinges which are in the mind of God but a small part only of them to wit such thinges as God would haue vs know and belieue and of the Word of God in this sense we speake now For this Word is the proper and complete obiect of our faith 2. Moreouer this Word hath two conditions or properties the one is that the same be reuealed vnto vs for there are innumerable verities in the mind of God the which b●cause they are not reuealed to vs do not app●rtayne to this Word The other is that it be immediatly reuealed by God for such thinges as God manifesteth Rom. 2. v. 19. ●0 Heb. 11. v. 1. vnto vs by naturall reason appertayne not to this Word of God called therfore by the Deuines the reuealed Word of God 3. Of this Word of God so vnderstood there is no Controuersy betwene vs and our Aduersaries but only in wordes for wher●s our Aduersaries say that Catholikes affirme that we must with diuine fayth belieue the words of men or which is worse rather belieue the words of men then the Word of God it is a meere slaunder for there is no Catholike so ignorant but he knoweth that the Theologicall vertue Faith relieth altogeather vpon the pure sincere and certayne Word of God alone according to that of S. Paul VVhen you had receiued of vs the 1. Thes 2. v. 13. word of the hearing of God you receaued it not as the word of men but as the VVord of God as indeed it is Neyther can any man doubt but that the reuealed word of God is partly the written Word contayned in the Canonicall bookes of the old and new Testament partly vnwritten and deliuered by tradition and preaching of which vnwritten ● Thes c. 2. v. 14. 1. ad Cor. 15. v. 1. ad Gal. 1. v. ● 1. Pet. 1. v. vl● word the Scripture maketh mention in many places but we will first treat of the written Word CHAP. III. Of the written Word of God THE witten Word of God consisteth of two parts of the Letter which euery man may read in the books themselues and in the true sēse of the Letter which is as it were the very soule and life thereof without which the Letter alone rather killeth thē quickneth or giueth life as we see euidently by experience in the Iewes Arians all other heretikes as well new as old for the Iewes hold thēselues stiffely to the Letter of the old Testamēt the Arians as also in a manner all other heretikes receiue eyther altogeather or for the greatest part the Letter of the new but because they will not acknowledge the true sense of the Letter Iewes they are Heretikes they are Catholikes they are not And surely the Letter alone without the true sense cannot truly and properly be called the Word of God no more then a body without a soule can truly and properly be called a man wherefore they which spoile the Letter of the true sense may be compared to them who be●eaue a man of his soule and life 2. But whosoeuer do substitute another contrary sense and meaning in place of the true do no otherwise then they who not only kill a man but by Art Magicke bring into the body of the man killed some other diabolicall spirit by which the dead body is so moued and stirred as it seemeth to many to be aliue all this is so manifest a truth as our Aduersa●ies themselues are not able to deny it 3. This to haue byn the doctrine of the auncient Church sufficiently appeareth Aug. ser ●8 de temp by the words of S. Augustine The vnhappy Iewes sayth he more vnhappy Heretikes whilst they attend only to the sound of the Letter as a body without a soule so they remayne dead and voyd of the spirit which quickneth And els where All Heretickes which receiue Aug Epist 22● the Scriptures and their authority will seem to follow them wheras indeed they follow rather their owne errors and are therefore Heretikes not because they contemne them but because they do not vnderstand them And before him S. Hilary that honour of the French Nation Remēber Hil. l. ad Constant Imperat. saith he that there is not one of the heretikes which doth not say that he preacheth now according to the Scriptures euen those thinges in which he blasphemeth albeit he lieth in so saying And a little after All of them speake Scriptures without the true sense meaning they pretēd sayth without fayth indeed for the Scriptures consist not so much in the reading as in the vnderflāding neither are they vnderstood of such as go into preuarication but continue and abide in charity Moreouer S. Hierome Let vs not thinke sayth Hieron in c. 1. ad Gal. he the Ghospell to be in the words of the Scripture but in the sense not in the out side but in the inside
or marrow not in the leau●s of the words but in the sappe●p●th or roote os reason And a little after otherwise Matt. 4. v. 6. euen the Diuell himselfe speaketh Scriptures and all heresies according to Ezechiel make vnto themselues pillowes which they may lay vnder the elbow o● euery age Ezec. 13. v. 18. 2. By that which hath byn sayd answere may be made to our Aduersaries when they obiect against vs that we affirme the Scripture to be imperfect obscure like a nose of wax which a man may writh which way he will and lastly the origen and spring in a manner of all heresies for we affirme this of the naked and dead letter alone destitute of the true sense or rather of the letter to which the Heretikes adde their owne peruerse sense and meaning neyther haue our Aduersaries any cause to wonder at this seeing S. Paul himselfe saith of the bare letter alone that it killeth and bringeth eternall death 1. Cor. ● v. 6. 7. 9. and damnation But neuer any Catholike did euer attribute any such thing to the liuing letter which hath conioyned with it the true and natiue sense and which alone is truly and properly the word of God CHAP. IIII. How we are to seeke out the true sense and meaning of the holy Scripture THERE is great contentiō beweene vs and our Aduersaries about the meanes how to finde out the true and naturall interpretation of the letter a thing so necessary to eternall saluation They teach diuers thinges concerning this matter but deliuer nothing that is certayne One assigneth more rules to this purpose another fewer but when they haue sayd all they confesse at last that there was neuer any which hath not at sometyme erred in seeking out the true interpretation of holy Scripture For they gyue not their assent either to the ancient Fathers or to their owne Maisters in all thinges they teach or write nay they cannot assigne any one whom they acknowledge not to haue erred sometyme nor dare affirme to be free from error seeing as they say Euery man is a lyar and so at last all Rom. 3. v. 4. thinges are left by them doubtfull and vncertayne 2. But the Catholikes do proceed after another manner who teach that the certayne vndoubted sense of the Letter is not to be taken from the iudgment of any particuler man but from the vniforme cons●nt of the ancient Fathers and especially from the iudgment and interpretation of the Catholike Church to whome it appertayneth to iudge of the sense and meaning of the holy Scriptures as the holy and Oecumenicall Councell of Trēt teacheth very well for there is no doubt Concil Trident. sess 4. but that it is more safe to follow such an interpreter as cannot erre then such a one as erreth somtymes or at leastwise may erre but the Church cannot erre in her iudgment seeing that Christ and the ●oly Ghost remayne with her to teach Matt. 28. c vlt. Ioan. 14 v. 16. ●oan 16. v. 13. ●er all truth wherof more herafter when we shall come to treat of the Church 3. It shall suffice to obserue and ●ote here that according to the doctrine of our Aduersaries nothing either solide or certayne is contayned in the holy Scri●ture for wheras all dependeth of the ●rue sense of the Letter and with them ●here is no certayne or sure meanes by which to finde out this sense it followeth ●hat they call all into doubt which is in ●he Scripture wherby who seeth not how much they iniure them But contrari●yse according to the Catholike doctrine all thinges are euident and cer●ayne which are contayned in the holy Scriptures appertayning eyther to faith or good manners the Catholikes hauing euer a certayne and faithful Interpreter to wit the Catholike Church And surely whosoeuer reiecteth the sense which the Church giueth and in place therof substituteth another altogeather repugnant to it doth all one with him who reiecting the holy Scripture should in place therof bring in a new Scripture of his owne forging the sense of the Scripture being no lesse a part of the word of God then the letter which in these few wordes Tertullian confirmeth out of the tradition of the auncient Church The sense adulterated or falsified is no lesse repugnant Tertul. de pr●sc c. 17. to the truth then the letter or stile corrupted 4. And to conclude it may be inferred that saluation is to be found in the Roman Church only and none at all out Marc. vlt. vers 16. ●om 3. v. 1● Heb. ●● v. 9. of it which I proue thus Both the Scripture testifyeth all mē confesse that diuine fayth is necessary to saluation but such as forsake the Romā Church cannot haue diuine faith which wholy relieth vpon the word of God only but meerly humane seing their fayth is founded not in the word of God interpreted by the Church which cannot err● but in the word and interpretation of Luther Caluin or some other priuate man who as they themselues graunt may erre and be deceiued such an humane fayth then so doubtfull and vncertayne and only warranted by mans authority cannot iustify or bring a man to eternall saluation CHAP. V. How we may know which is the true letter of the holy Scripture ALL such as forsake the Roman Church and make little account of her authority are not only doubtfull vncertayne which is the true sense of the Scripture but they can haue no assurance at all eyther of the whole or of any part of the letter therof For whilst they goe about to call in question and make doubtfull certayne bookes only of the old Testament before they are aware they take away all authority from all other bookes both of the old and new Testament For whereas there is but one certaine and vndoubted Canon of these bookes to wit that which is receaued and approued by the iudgment of the Catholike Church which cannot erre our Aduersaries reiecting this Canon make all the books doubtfull conteined therin for no certayne testimony can be had of these bookes but eyther by this Canon only or by the aunciēt tradition of the Church but they neyther admit this Canon nor wil stand to this vnwritten Traditiō or acknowledge it for the true word of God 2. Now as for the Canons lately set out by themselues no man can safely belieue them seeing they neyther agree one with another nor with the auncient Canons of the Church nor are any where found in the writtē word of God which as they teach is only to be belieued neyther can they bring any thing eyther concerning the Canon of the Hebrewes or any other auncient Canon which they haue not taken from the writings of the auncient Fathers whose authority without the expresse written word of God they will haue to be in no wise sufficient to engender fayth so as euen by the iudgment of our Aduersaries none of all these
version to make thē speake in fauour of their error which they cannot do if the authority of the old Calu. in Antid Con● 4. sess Conc. Trident. interpreter continue in all thinges entire and vnd●minished As for Caluin he is so deadly an enemy to the vulgar edition that with great excesse he declaimeth against it in this manner So farre off is it saith he that there is one entire lease as there are s●arse three verses togeather not defiled with some notable error But to proue this his impudent a●●ertion he bringeth only one place out of the now Testament which a little after we will shew to haue byn exceedingly well translated out of the Greeke He bringeth no other places out of the old Testament then such as he taketh out of the Psalmes which as it is euident are translated word for word out of the Greeke version of the Septuagint Interpreters Nay in the same place Caluin acknowledgeth that the Latin Interpreter hath with all possible diligence expressed the Greeke translatiō And as for the Greeke interpretation of the Septuagint it is most learnedly defended by Genebra●d so as it Geneb in Psal superfluous to say any more Indeed Caluins Luthers disciples find fault with many other places in the vulgar edition both of the old and new Testament but we will lay foure generall grounds out of which all their arguments may be easyly answered 2. The first is If our Aduersaires will needes haue the now present Roman Church condemned for following and authorizing the vulgar Latin Interpretation they must needes also condemne the whole auncient Church and all the Fathers who liued the first some hundred yeares after Christ for they acknowledged no other interpretation of the old Testament as authenticall then that of the Septuagint Interpreters which much more departeth from the Hebrew text now extant then our vulgar Latin as our Aduersaries themselues confesse wherfore if the Roman Church be to be condemned for the vulgar Edition much more the Primitiue Church for the version of the Septuagint and heereof it followeth further that the Church is not to be condemned which followeth a translation of the Scripture which in some thinges may be amended so long as nothing is to be found in it which is repugnant eyther to fayth or good manners For otherwise the auncient Church had erred in retayning the version of the Septuagint which was corrupted in some places but those corruptions were not in Calu. l. 4. Instit c. 1. sect 12. any thing necessary to be knowne Moreouer Calu● himselfe confesseth that we must not depart from the Church for errors of little importance the ignorance whereof neyther doth violate Religion nor preiudice our saluation Wherfore albeit there should be some such errors in the vulgar Edition yet were not Rom. 1 v. ● 〈◊〉 Epist 57. ad Dam. the Roman Church which is so aunci●nt so highly commended by the mouth of the Apostle as speaketh S. Ierome to be condemned or forsaken And this may serue for answere to our Aduersaries arguments when they obiect certayne light faults of the vulgar Edition which haue crept into it eyther by the negligence of the printers or by any other accident As also what our Aduersaries obiect against the Psalter may heerby be co●uinced to be very weake for seeing that no other version is followed in it then that auncient version of the Septuagint they cannot condemne vs vnlesse they will condemne the whole primitiue Church togeather with vs yea the Apostles and Euangelists thēselues who followed the same version is as shewed in the 11. Chapter of the Latin Edition of this Controuersy 3. The second ground A good Interpreter doth not tye himselfe to translate word for word seeing that euery tongue hath his proper phrases and manner of speach but contenteth himselfe to expresse the true sense and meaning of that which he translateth Wherefore all our Aduersaries argumēts are nothing worth by which they proue that certayne places of the vulgar edition are somewhat otherwise in the Hebrew and Greeke so that the sense of the whole period be one and the same as most of the places are which they carpe ●● in the vulgar Edition 4. The third ground The places of holy Scripture are of two sortes some are cleare manifest as almost all are which set downe the history of the old and new Testament Others are obscure and full of difficulty as are many places in the Psalmes and Prophets Now if the interpreter in such places as are euident and manifest do interprete rightly all of them and in such places of Scripture as are obscure expresse a sense and meaning agreable to the Letter though he come short of the best sense and that there might be a better giuen he is not therefore to be thought to haue ●rred or not to haue fulfilled the office of a good Interpreter For so plentifu●l and profound is the sense o● holy Scripture especially in such places as are obscure as it is not easy for any m●● to iudge which is the best sense Nay if we must interprete a new vntill wee haue ●ound out the best sense there will neuer be an end of interpreting but we must euery yeare set forth a new interpretation or at least correct and amend the former as our Aduersaries haue done and Beza by name who hauing set out fiue diuers edi●ions of the new Testament Beza in E●●st a● l●●t ante deti ●● 1593. euery one much differing from the other as him●elfe freely confesseth yet he plainly acknowledgeth that in his first edition he ●ath neyther satisfyed eyther the greatnes of the worke or his owne desire Out of which ground we answere to that which our Aduersaries obiect to wit that there are many places of the vulgar Edition which might much better and much more cleerly haue been translated for it is sufficient that they are well and rightly translated 5. The fourth ground We are not to reprehend the translations of holy Scripture only because they differ one from another so long as they are not contrary the one to the other and in this the holy Scripture differeth from other prophane writings For euen as the holy Ghost in diuers places of holy Scripture teacheth thinges different but not repugnant so the same holy Ghost can in one place in the same words teach diuers things And heerhence it is that S. Thomas teacheth 1. p. q. 1. art vlt. well as did S. Augustine before him that of one the same place of Scripture there may be many litterall senses For where as the litterall sense is that which the author intendeth and the proper and chiefe author of the holy Scripture is God himselfe whose intention and meaning is not tied to one verity only as is mans vnderstanding but he in one and the same moment comprehendeth all things there is no doubt but that he in the same words and at the same
true sense of these wordes Ipsa conteret c. THAT we may find out the true sense of these wordes we must first resute the false expositions of our Aduersaries The Lutherās by the seed of the womā will needes haue Christ only to be meant we confesse in deed that he is principally meant therby and that therefore the place may be well vnderstood of Christ as many auncient Fathers haue expounded it but that Christ alone is meant hereby and not his members we deny to be the literall sense for the reason following 2. First it is euident that the seed of the Serpent which is opposed against the seed of the woman doth not signify any one Serpent but a multitude it is therefore very probable that by the seed of the woman a multitude also is signified vnlesse we will haue the Scripture in so few wordes speake ambiguously Moreouer semen is a Nowne collectiue properly signifying a multitude neyther is there any thing in this sentence that forceth vs to depart from the proper signification of the Word This reason is of so great a force that Caluin was moued therby to forsake the exposition of the Lutherans which he would otherwise willingly haue imbraced the more strongly to assault vs for thus he writeth Some make no doubt but Christ alone is Calu. in Gen. loco ●it meant by the seed of the woman whose exposition I could willingly approue but that I see they offer too great violence to the word seed for who will graunt that a Nowne collectiue is to be taken for one man only Thus Caluin So strong is the truth that it extorteth a true confession from her greatest enemy 3 Secondly it is sayd of the seed of the woman that it shall crush and bruze the head of the Serpent but this crushing and bruzing the Scripture doth not attribute to Christ alone but to all that lead a godly life in him for to euery iust man the holy Ghost speaketh saying Thou thalt walke ouer the Addar and Basiliske and thou Psal 90. v 13. shalt tread vnder thy feete the Lyon and the Dragon And Christ saith vnto his Disciples Behold I haue giuen you power to tread vpon the Serpents and Scorpions and vpon all the power of Luc. 10. v. 19. the enemy And the Apostle to the Romans prayeth saying The God of peace cru●h Satan vnder your seete quickly And lastly in very many places of Scripture the faithfull Rom. 16. v. 20. are said to ouercome the Diuell and to get victories against him which is all one as to crush him Seing therefore the proper worke of this seed agreeth also 1. Ioan. 2. v. 13. Apoc. 12. v. 11. 1. Cor. 15. v. 57. to the members of Christ the Word seed is not to be limited to Christ alone Ad hereunto that God in these wordes intended to comfort not only Eue deceaued by the craft of the Diuell but all her posterity Now the comfort is more generall if all the faithfull should be able by Christ to ouercome the Diuell th●n if that Christ alone should ouercome him euen as our comfort is greater that we togeather with Christ shall rise againe then if Christ only should rise and be alon● attayne to eternall life 4 Thirdly Albeit we should graunt our Aduersaries that Christ alone doth crush the head of the D●uell which is the former part of the sentence yet the latter part can by no meanes b● applyed to Christ alone where it sayd that the Diuell shall crush this seed for Christ in his owne person cannot be crushed by the Diuell we must therefore needes by this seed vnderstand also the members of Christ for in the Hebrew text it is thus word for word ipsa vel ipsum cōteret t● in capite ●●●●teres ●um v●lea● in calc●●● for the Hebrew word is the same in both places both in the first and in the later part of the sentence and signifyeth cont●●●re 5. As for Caluins exposition interpreting In Gen. loc cit lib. 1. Instit c. 13. sect 2. by the seed of the woman al mankind it is not to be receaued for God in this place denounceth emnity betweene the seed of the Serpent and the seed of the woman but infidells and vngoodly persons haue no emnity with the Diuell and his seed but are rather the seed and sonnes of the Diuell according to those words of Christ Y●● are of your father the Diuell they therefore cannot appertayne to this seed Ioan. 8. v. 44. of the woman 6. But wh●r●as Caluin in another place sayth that Christ and his members are signifyed by the seed of the woman wee Calu. l. 1. Instit c. 14 sect 18. like well of that his saying for it is the exposition of the Catholike and auncient Fathers and indeed the true litterall sense 7. For in that sentence God sayth first that he will put emnity wherefore he speaketh not of any naturall emnity ●● Caluin insinuateth but of a super naturall proceeding from God Moreouer God signifyeth betweene whome this emnity shal be to wi● betweene the Serpent and woma● Now as by the Serpent the Diuell is meant whome that naturall Serpent represented and in whome God layed his curse vpon the Diuell so by the woman E●e is meant the spouse of Christ or his true Church represented by E●e whose force and victory against the Diuell was therefore foretold by God for that Eue represented the Eph. 5. v. 32. 2. Cor. 11. v. 2. 3. Church as Adam did Christ the Apostle plainely teacheth in his Epistle to the Ephes and the same Apostle doth therfore elsewhere expound this place of Satan and the Church as doth S. Iohn in his Apocalyp● Apoc. 1● v. 13. 17. where he declareth this emnity betwene the VVoman and the Serpent to be indeed the emnity betweene the Church of Christ and the Diuell wherfore here by the Serpent is signifyed the Diuell by the woman the Church by the seed of the Serpent the Children of the Diuell and all the wicked who are aliens from Christ and his Church but especially such as seduce others and Mat. 1● v ●8 Apoc. ●● v. 17. oppugne the Church The seede of the woman are the Children of the Church especially such as keep Gods commaundments and haue the testimony of Iesus Christ as S. Iohn speaketh 8. Furthermore this woman to wit the Church shall crush the head of the Serpent as we haue proued by many places of Psal 90. v. 1● Luc. 10. v. 19. Rom. 16. v. 20. Scripture But on the other side the womans heel● shal be crushed by Satan for the Church ouercōmeth the Diuell by her chiefe and more excellent members but she is ouercome in such her members as are base and worldly giuen which set vp their rest heere vpon earth and tast no other things but such as are terrene earthly worthily therefore signified by Defuga saec c. 7. the heele
of the Church let vs not therefore sayth S. Ambrose walke by loue and affection vpon the earth and the Serpent cannot hurt vs. In the first combat is that the Church ouercometh by open warre and therefore it is expressed by crushing of the head In the later combat in which a part of the Church is ouercome the enemy proceedeth by guiles and deceites and therefore that combat is signifyed by crushing the heele for the Hebrew word signifying calcaneum doth signify also properly insidiari Oleast i● c. 3. Gen. ex insidij● aggredi as appeareth by many places of Scripture And out of ignorance heerof Caluin without cause reprehendeth the vulgar Interpreter for otherwise explicating this combat in the later part of the sētence then he had in the forme● for the Emphasis or force of the Hebrew word required that he should interprete the later part as he did by these wordes tu insidiab●ris calcan●●●ius which is as much to say as thou shalt crush her heele not by open warre but by taking her at vnawares See further of this matter in this Chapter in the Latin Edition the 8. ● And you shall see that our Aduersaries make a great adoe about a matter of small moment if the wordes be rightly vnderstood For whether we reade ipsa and so referre it to the Church or ipsum that it may be referred to the children of the Church the sēse is all one for it is all on to say the seed of the woman shall crush the he●● of the Serpent or the Children of the Church shall doe it And heerehence it is that the auncient Fathers whether they read ipse as S. Hierome and S. Chrysostome do or ipse Hier in tradit Hebr. Hom. 17. in Gen. Amb. de fug ● saec e. 7. Greg. in Iob. c. 38. as read S. Ambrose S. Augustine S. Gregory and other Latin Fathers all of them expound this place of the Church 9. Howsoeuer it be the reading of the vulgar Edition is to be preferred before the other for this victory is rather to be attributed to the Church as to the Mother of all the faithfull and to her who continueth for euer according to that promise of Christ the gates of hell shall not preuail against her then to her children or mēbers which are euery day changed for this promise is an explication of the promise made by God in Genesis for the head of the Serpent and the gates of hell signify Mat. 16. v. 18. one and the same thing And if the victory be attributed to the woman that is to the Church all thinges are better explicated for God first did foretell the emnity that was to be betweene the woman the Serpent and afterward he maketh mention of the seede of the woman and the Serpents seed so as the woman is opposed to the Serpent and the seede of the one to the seede of the other but the victory promsed is sayd to be gotten against the Serpent himselfe and not against the seed wherefore the same appertaineth rather to the woman her selfe then to her seede for the words following betweene thy seed and her seed do not properly signify any new combat but a continuance of that combat which was betweene the woman and the serpent and are put in by way of parēthesis for the combat of the Church and of her childrē is all one combat 10. But the chiefe cause that moued the Church to retayne at this tyme rather the word ipsa then ipsum or ipse was to controle the error of the Lutherans for if the reading had byn ipsum or ipse one might haue thought this promise to haue appertayned only to Christ as they though erroneously would haue it but by reading ipsa this promise must needes be vnderstood to haue byn made to the whole Church For such is the custome of the holy Church whether she interprete the Scripture or administer the Sacraments to do all as is most profitable and most for the edification of the faithfull Neyther is Christ hereby excluded but he is rather included in the name of the Church a● is also the holy Ghost for the true Church of Christ cannot consist or do any thing that is good without the help of her supreme head Christ and the assistance of his holy spirit That the reading according to the Hebrew text is ipsa or ipsissima and not ipsum or ipse is learnedly proued in the next Chapter of the Latin Edition of this Controuersy to which I referre the Reader and to the Chapters following in which other places of the vulgar Edition are defended CHAP. XI That the written Word is no fit Iudge of Controuersies concerning matters of Fayth OVR Aduersaries in the beginning did stifly mayntaine that the holy Scripture was to be the only iudge of all Controuersies which arise in matters of fayth but when they were told that to make the Scripture a iudge was as much as to say the Scripture did heare speake liue for all these appertayne to a iudge that nothing is more vnreasonable thē to assigne such a iudge of Controuersies as can neyther heare nor speak but is vtterly voyd of life changing their opinion they begin Iun. cōtra Bell. Cont. 1. l. 3. c. 3. nota 9. c. 9. nota E. 10. now to say that the Scripture is improperly called a iudge and that to speake properly the holy Ghost only is the iudge And thus hauing for many yeares togeather spoken vnproperly now at last they fly to the holy Ghost of whome there is no doubt but that he is the supreme Robert Ro●oc de vocat effic c. ●5● iudge of all 2. But they should haue added further that the holy Ghost at this tyme doth not immediatly propose any new reuelations to any particuler man concerning points of fayth but only proposeth verities already reuealed and that by the mouth of the Church as shal be shewed heereafter in the next Controuersy where we shall haue occasion to say more of this matter Whosoeuer therefore contemneth the iudgment of the Church in so doing he despiseth the iudgment of Christ and of the holy Ghost for Christ himselfe saith Luc. 10. v. 16. he that despyseth you despyseth me Neyther doth the holy Ghost speake by the Scripture but when it is rightly vnderstood which is neuer but when we imbrace the interpretation of the Catholike Church as we haue already shewed in the fourth Chapter CHAP. XII Whether the Scriptures be obscure or hard to be vnderstood THE Word of God is eyther writen or vnwritten and preached Now certaine it is that the Word preached is not obscure for it is not hidden from such as perish the question therefore is of the written Word ● Cor. 4. v. 3. Our Aduersaries in the beginning did teach that the whole Scripture was easy and no part therof hard to be vnderstod but after that not only many obscure places but euen
whole Chapters out of the Canticle of Canticles out of Ezethiel and other Prophets were obiected by the Catholikes Beza de not Ec●l Vol. 3. p. 137. edit an 158. they changing their mind confesse that very many places of Scripture are obscure but that all points of doctrine necessary to saluation are be found in places plaine and easy 2. For resolution of this question we must answere with a distinction and say that if the word Scripture be taken for the bare Letter only then doubtlesse the ● Cor. 3. v. 6. 7. 9. Scripture is obscure or ●ls S. Paul would not haue said that it killeth and causeth death and damnation but if it be taken properly that is to say togeather with the true sense and meaning thereof then it is not obscure but plaine inough in al things necessary to saluation and in this sense speaketh S. Augustine as do also other Fathers l. 3. de doct Christ c. 7. 9. whom our Aduersaries cite whē they say that al things necessary to saluatiō are manifestly conteyned in the holy Scripture 3. Moreouer the holy Scripture is both manifest and obscure but not in regard of the same persons It is passing obscure and not to be vnderstood of the proud such I meane as despise the sense and consent of the holy Fathers yea and of the whole Catholike Church but to little ones and such as are humble who follow in al things the foresayd sense cōsent it is manifest Psal 18. v. 8. and perspicuous The testimony of our Lord is faythfull sayth the Psalmist giuing wisedome to the little ones that is to such as are humble and not proud and Christ our Lord sayth thou hast hidden these thinges from Matt. 11. v. 25. the wise and reuealed them to little ones that is to the humble The Scripture indeed is obscure to such as want fayth are destitute of the holy Ghost but easy playne to those which abide preseuere in the faith of the Church by that meanes are guided gouerned by the holy Ghost 4. The Word of God shineth brightly the Word of God I say not the word of men nor the word of the Diuell for that only is the true Word of God which is in the true sense not in the bare letter for the letter depraued by a false sēse is not the Word of God but the word of men or rather the word of the Diuell the word of God doth illuminate the eyes but the 2. Cor. 4. v. 41. eyes of such as haue eyes to see and not their eyes whose mindes Satan hath blinded so as the light of the Ghospell cannot shine to them 5. In vaine therefore do our Aduersaries heape togeather so many places of Scripture in which it is said that the Word of God is said to be cleare ful of light perspicuous for this is not attributed by the Scripture to the bare letter but to the letter ioined with the true sense which true sēse cannot be had out of the Catholike Church 6. Neyther doth the Scripture say that the Word of God is manifest to all indifferently but to such only as being indued with the true fayth are humble of hart and therefore inspired by the holy Ghost if therefore our Aduersaries will haue the Scripture to be full of light and easy to be vnderstood of them it it necessary that they returne againe to the true Church in which only is true faith true humility the true sense of the Scripture the true spirit of God without which the holy Scripture will neuer be plaine cleare and manifest for it is great imprudency I will not say impudency to contend so eagerly and with such hostility about the plainenes and perspicuity of the holy Scripture and to haue no will to returne into that way which only leadeth to plainenes and perspicuity CHAP. XIII Whether the holy Scripture be to be translated into the vulgar tongue THAT we may briefly dispatch that which hath beene so largely treated of by many concerning this matter we will reduce all vnto foure generall assertions The first is There is no doubt but the Word of God is to be preached to the people in the vulgar tongue so as the question is only of the bare written letter 2. The second assertion is Neyther the example of Christ nor of the Primitiue Church do cōuince that the Scripture is to be translated into the vulgar tongue but rather the contrary for Christ neuer commaunded the Iewes to translate the Scriptures out of the Hebrew tongue into the Sy●iac and yet in Christs tyme the aun●ient Hebrew tongue was to the Iewes as the Latin is to the Ere●ch Italians and Spaniards and only the Syriac tongue was in vse amongst the common people which euen our Aduersaries confesse such I meane as are the more skillfull in the Syriac and Hebrew tongues as namely these Sebastian Munster in his preface before his Syriacal Caldaical Grammer Francis Iunius in his preface before the new Testament in the Syriac tongue of Tremelius Peter Martin Morentine of Nauarre in the preface of his Caldaical Grammer printed a● Ro●hel the yeare 1590. 3. Neyther did S. Paul write in Latin to the Romanes but in Greeke though Hier. de Script Eccles in Luc. See S. Aug. l. 2. de doct Christ c. 11. seq not the Greeke tongue but the Latin was their vulgar tongue So S. Luke did ●rite the actes of the Apostles at Rome in Greeke and not in Latin And euen to S. Augustines tyme foure hundred yeares after Christ the Byble was not extant but in the three learned tongues Hebrew Greeke and Latin no not in the tyme of Rabbanus Maurus who liued Rab. l. 5. de inst Cler. c. 8. eight hundred yeares after Christ as himselfe testifyeth in expresse words 4. Neyther can our Aduersaries alleadge any authenticall example of the auncient Church for the translation of the Scripture into the vulgar tongue they tell vs indeed of one Vulphil●s a Bishop of the Gothes who is sayd to haue translated the Scripture into the Gothish tongue but he was not a Catholike but an Arian Heretike as witnesse Theodoret Theod. l. 4. hist Ecc. cap. vl● Socr. lib. 4. c. 27. Sozom l. 6. c. 37. Cass in hist tripart l. 8. c. 13. Socrates Sozomenus and Cassiodorus 5. For as for that which certayne late writers alleadge of S. Cl●ysostome his translating of the Scripture into the Armenian tongue as also of S. Hierome his translating of the same into the Dalmatical tōgue there can no certayne proofe be brought thereof And they who write this do not affirme that all the Scripture was translated by them but certayne partes only vsed of old to be read in the prayers of the Church as the Psalmes Epistles Ghospels and Lessons which were song publickely at Masse in the Canonicall houres which we read to haue byn graunted by Pope Iohn the eight of
Scripture might seeme to be called in question he was not a shamed to write that Baptisme might be giuen in any liquour and by this meanes it wil be true and lawfull Baptisme though it be giuen in milke wyne yea in Inke or any other filthy liquour Thus are our Aduersaries forced to admit these absurdityes least they might be forced to depart from that their principle of belieuing only Scripture 6. Furthermore to the end that Beza might more easily perswade the ignorant common people to admit this his strang paradox he addeth presently a very grieuous slaunder against the Catholike Doctors Let water be wanting saith Beza Beza ib. Epist 2. and yet the Baptisme of any cannot be deferred with edification nor must not be I truly would as well and as lawfully baptize in any other liquour as in water neyther are the most superstitious Deuines of any other opinion in these matters Thus far Beza But these thinges which he writeth are most false For there is no Catholike nor Scholasticall Doctor Concil Trid. sess 7. car 2. de baptism● who hath euer eyther thought or written so yea the playne contrary is defined by the Catholike Church as a poynt of Fayth 7. The fixt poynt of fayth is that bread and wyne is only the necessary matter of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist This poynt of faith is also very necessary for the Church least so great and so excellent a Sacrament should be prophaned yet our Aduersaries will neuer be able to proue it effectually out of Scripture only For by this word Bread any kind of meate is oftentymes signifyed in Scripture of wine it is f●●re more doubtfull For the Scripture maketh only mention of the Chalice and not of the liquor which was in the Chalice and Luc. 22. ● 18. Cal ibid. in sua harmonia Beza Ep. 2. cit Caluin himselfe acknowledgeth that these words of the fruit of the vyne were spoken before the institution of this Sacrament 8. The which when Beza easily preceaued heere also be went about to bring in another error least indeed he should be fored to forsake his former principle of belieuing only Scripture For he was not afraid to write that he erred nothing from the institution of Christ who in the consecration of the Euch●rist should vse insteed of the bread appointed for that purpose any other vsuall meate and insteed of the wyne any other ordinary kind of drinke and by this meanes one may consecrate the Eucharist eyther in cheese flesh fish or egges as also in milke water beere or vinager or any other liquor which hitherto was neuer heard of in Gods Church And yet for all this Beza is not ashamed to attribute this most absurd error of his to all the Scholasticall Doctors For of both these errors he treateth in the words before alledged because when he sayth the Scholasticall Doctors were of no other opinion he speaketh as well cōcerning the matter of the Eucharist as of the matter of Baptisme After this manner our Aduersaries do force so many and so great errors out of that their principle of belieuing only Scriptures wherof more might be alledged which for breuities sake we omit 9. But there is one thing I cannot let passe because therby we clearly conuince that the Traditions of the Church do not only contayne vn written points of fayth but that which is more euen in our Aduersaries iudgment they change and abolish such things as are expresly commaunded in Scriptures for euen in the Table of the Law of God which is sayd to be written by Gods owne hand in many and manyfest words the keeping of Exod. ●4 v. 1. Exod 20. v. 8 9. 10. 11. the Sabboth day is comaunded the which notwithstanding now all except a few Anabaptists do confesse to be abrogated by Ecclesiasticall Traditions only without any expresse testimony of Scripture The Anabaptists I say being also deceiued by that cōmon principle of our Aduersaries of belieuing only Scriptures they go about to bring the obseruation of the Sabboth day into v●e and custome agayne and for this Vi●e Prateolum V. Sabatharij cause they are called Sabatharians but not so much the Heresy as the madnesse of these men is condemned of all and namely of Luther in his booke against the Sabbatharians in the seauenth Tome CHAP. V. Wherin it is proued that there are Traditions by the testimonies of the holy Fathers THE third argument wherby we proue that all the points of our fayth are not set downe in writing by the Apostles is the authority Co●cius Tom. 1. l. ● Artic. v●timo Bellarm. Tom. 1. l. 4● de verbo Dei c. 7. of the aunc●ēt Fathers who affirme and teach this in many places The which places of the holy Fathers as well the Greekes as the Latins ●odocus Co●cius hath very diligently gathered togeather in his booke int●tuled Thes●urus Catholicus and before him Bellarmine did the same But least we be longer then the order of Epitomes doth permit especially in a thing so manyfest it shall suffice vs to alledg one chiefe Doctor of the Greeke and another of the Latin Church 2. Among the Grecians S. Chrysostome is the most famous who doth not only affirme it but also manifestly proueth it out of holy Scripture For when he expoundeth those words of the later Epistle 2. Thes ● 2. v. 14. to the Thessalonians Therefore brethren stand and hold the Traditions which you haue learned whether it be by word or by our Epistle he writeth thus Hence it appeareth sayth S. Chrysostome that he did not deli●●r all things vnto them by his Epistle but many things also without his letters but as well these as those other worthily deserue S. Chrys Hom. 4. in 2. ad Thes to be belieued therfore ●e esteeme the Tradition also of the Church to be worthy o● credit It is a Tradition seeke no further Thus S. Chrysostome But it is most certayne that the Calu. l. 4. Instit c. 14. sect vlt. S. Aug. Tom. 7. de ba●t contra Donat. l. 2. cap 7. Apostle and consequently S. Chrysostome also who expoūdeth him doth not only speake of ceremonies and customes but also of poynts of Fayth 3. S. Augustine whom Cal●in acknowledgeth to be the best and most ●aythfull witnesse of antiquity writeth in this manner Many things are not to be sound in the Apostles writings nor in the ensewing Councells and yet notwithstāding because they are generally kept through out the whole Catholike Church they are iuged to haue byn deliuered and commended by none but by them Thus S. Augustine Neyther can it be sayd that S. Augustine speaketh of ceremonies and not of poynts of fayth For in that place he proueth against the Donatists that those which were baptized in the accustomed forme and matter by heretikes were not to be baptized againe but none vnlesse he be an Anabaptist will deny that this is a point of fayth CHAP.
consequently cōmend vnto vs Traditions and the vnwritten Word of God seing that therein consisteth the principal part of holy Scripture to wit the true sense of the wordes CHAP. XI Wherein is declared how we may know the Apostolicall Traditions AMONG the other argumentes of our Aduersaries this is one that we cannot know certainly which are the Traditions of the Apostles seing that many Heretikes in times past pretended also that their heresyes were agreing to Apostolicall Traditions Moreouer they obiect that Traditions may easily be corrupted and changed for this cause Scripture was ordayned that the doctrine deliuered by word of mouth might continue the longer without any falsification or corruption But we answere to this their reason that the auncient Heretikes also by supposed and false Scriptures which they attributed falsely to the Apostles did confirme and proue their heresies Aug. de ciu Dei l. 15 23. subfinem Many thinges saith S. Augustine were alleadged by heretikes as though they were the sayings of the Prophets and Apostles But yet for all that they were not iudged to be the most certaine and Canonicall Scriptures 2. But the Traditions of the Apostles may so certainly and easily be known from supposed and false Traditions as the Canonical Scriptures may be knowne from the Apocriphall for they are both knowne by the same meanes and authority that is to say by the authority doctrine and testimony of the Catholike Church which neyther can deceiue any nor be decevued her selfe 3. And albeit speaking of humane matters the Scripture is more certaine thē Tradition alone yet it happeneth otherwise in matters concerning God because in these there is the authority of God and the continuall assistance of the Holy Ghost hath place which doth not suffer the Church to erre and hence it is that the Tradition only of the Church which is not so much written in paper as printed 1. ad Cor. 5. v. 3. 4. in the hartes of Christians is a most certayne and faithfull keeper of all the pointes of our diuine faith 4. Moreouer if euen Christ himself had with his owne hand writtē in brasse all the pointes of our faith they should notwithstanding not haue had so great certainty as now Ecclesiasticall Traditions haue vnlesse the same keeper of the diuine doctrine had byn also present For that which is imprinted in brasse may be rased and blotted out and the brasse it selfe may be consumed by fyre But those thinges which are imprinted in the hartes of Christians by the holy Ghost can neuer perish or be any way changed 5. And what we haue said of knowing the Apostolicall Traditions is to be vnderstood whether the Church assembled in a generall Councel declared it so or it became knowne and manifest by the continuall and generall custome of the whole Church Also whether the question be of Tradition belonging to faith or only belonging to rites and Ceremonyes For of the Tradition belonging to faith that is to say of not baptizing againe those which are baptized once before by heretikes are these wordes of S. Augu●tine Albeit indeed of this thing saith he S. Aug. Tom. 7. contra Cres●on Gram. l. 1. cap. penu t. t●ere can no example be alleadged out of Canonicall Scriptures yet notwithstanding we hould the truth of the same holy Scriptures in t●●s matter when we do that which generally the whole Catholik Church holdeth the which euen the authority of the Scriptures themselues commend vnto vs so as because the holy Scripture cannot erre whosoeuer seareth to be deceaued by the difficulty or obscurity of this question let him go to the same Church for counsell the which the holy Scripture v●ry clearely sheweth and S. Aug. Tom. 7de bapt cōt Donat. l. 4. cap. 14. demonstrateth vnto vs. Hitherto S. Augustine And disputing in another place against the Donatists concerning the baptisme of Infants That saith he which the whole Catholike Church holdeth nor was ordayned by generall Councells but yet alwaies kept and obserued by all is most truly to be belieued to haue byn deliuered vnto vs by Apostolicall authority S. Aug. Tom. 2. Epist 118. ad●anuar c. 5. Calu. l. 4. Instit c. 4. sect vlt. sub fi l. 3. c. ● sect 10. in medio 6. But of the Ecclesiasticall rites and Ceremonies the same S. Augustine speaketh in this māner Yf the Catholike Church through the whole world hold and practise any thing it is a signe of great madnesse to dispute whether it is to be done so or noe By which words of S. Augustine it may easily be vnderstood what was the opinion vniforme doctrine of the whole auncient Church concerning this point For our Aduersaries themselues do say that S. Augustine was a most faithfull witnesse of antiquity Vnto whome I referre the Readers if they desire to know certainly any more of the sense of Antiquity The end of the first Controuersy THE SECOND CONTROVERSY OF THE PROPERTIES OF OF THE TRVE CHVRCH The first Part of the second Controuersy CHAP. I. Of the Properties and Offices of the true Church of Christ in generall IN the disputation of the Church that first of all is to ●e obserued that whereas our Aduersaries haue ●rought in and do hold many erroneous opinions they do all proceed out of ignorance of the true definition and Nature of the Church It is a true saying of the Apostle that they which 1. Tim. v. 6. 7. erre and w●nder from the true faith are conuerted into vaine talke desirous to be Doctours of the Law not vnderstanding neyther what things they speake nor of what they affirme For if our Aduersaries did well vnderstand or could conceyue what is imported by the Name Nature of the Church they would neuer affirme so many absurdityes of the Church of Christ We will therfore first of all declare and explicate what is to be vnderstood properly by the name ●of the Church 2. But this best of all is declared by the Properties of the Church of Christ and by her Offices co●mended vnto vs in the holy Scripture it selfe and those we call Properties which do agree with the Church as she hath relation vnto Christ her chiefe head and Pastour But those we call her Offices which the Church exerciseth towards her Children There are indeed many properties of the Church assigned by holy Scripture but it shall suffice vs to alledge and note these fiue only 3. The first is that the Church is the spouse of Christ I will betroth thee vnto me Osee 2. 19. 20. for euer saith the Prophet Osee and againe I will betroth thee vnto me in saith And Isaias The bridegrome will reioyce in his bride and thy Isa 6● v. 5. God she speaketh vnto the Church shall reioyce in thee Christ also by the Prophet Salomon sayth Come o my spouse from Libanus Cant. 4. v. 8. In the new Testament also the Church is called the spouse of Christ He
this Controuersy of the visible Church seing that Christ our Lord came into this world that he might make open and knowen the way to eternall sauation not to one Nation or age only but indeed to the whole world and all posterity it is a very absurd thing to thinke that this one only way to eternall saluatiō which is the true Church of Christ remayned hidden and vnknowen to all Nations for so many ages past CHAP. VII That this visible true Church of Christ cannot erre in matters of fayth NOTHING can be sayd more absurdly thē that the true Church of Christ can erre in matters of fayth and yet there is nothing which the Sectaries of this tyme do hold and defend with greater pertinacy not without iust cause for they see very well that it cannot be denyed but that the true Church of Christ hath for these many yeares past remayned still among Catholikes only visible as afterward we shall more clearly declare but if they should also graunt that this visible Church cannot erre they should ouerthow themselues by their owne confession Wherefore to the end they may still haue some corner or hole to slip out at they affirme that the true Church of Christ both hath erred still doth erre in points of faith Then the which nothing certainly is more absurd especially seing that they affirme that it hath erred not in things of small moment but in the principall and chiefest poynts of fayth which are playnly necesrary to eternall saluation yea also that it hath fallen into manifest Idolatry Moreouer that it hath not only fayled staggered in fayth hath publikely taught many errors against fayth but hath also compelled and forced by threats and torments all to Idolatry And lastly that it hath donne thus not only for the space of one yeare but for a thousand or at least 900. yeares All which how absurd they are we will now declare 2. But to the end that all which we are to say hereafter of this matter may be the better vnderstood we must note heere that when we affirme that the Church cannot erre in fayth that by this word fayth we vnderstand not only that inuisible fayth which is in our mind but also visible that is to say the publike doctrine of the whole Church which is proposed or set downe to be belieued of all Wherfore when we affirme that the Church cannot erre in matters of fayth we affirme also that the doctrine or points of fayth the which the Church of God setteth downe as the most certayne and vndoubted word of God cannot be false but the very word of God it selfe which I will clearly declare by these arguments 2. The first argument is deduced out Supr h● ipsa contro c. 1. of all those properties and offices of the true Church before alledged out of Scripture For the true fayth being once taken away all the foresayd properties of the Church must needes perish and all her offices must cease For the Church cā neyther be the spouse of Christ nor the bod● nor the Kingdome nor the inheritance nor the tēple of Christ without faith but neyther can the Church without faith the true doctrine therof eyther conceyue bring forth nouri●h gouerne or defend Christes flocke And in this manner the Church of Christ for so many ages had lost Supr c. 1. h●ius cōtro all her properties had intermitted all her proper offices contrary to so many so cleare promises of holy Writ before alledged 4. The second argument is deduced out of most cleare testimonyes of holy Scripture which teach that the Church cānot erre in faith For first Christ himself V. at 16. v. 18. affirmeth that the gates of hell shall not preuaile against the Church But if the Church could erre in faith the gates of hell for so many ages past had preuailed against her 5. Moreouer God speaketh thus by Isa 59. v. vl● his Prophet Isay of the Couenant of the new Testament This is my league with them saith our Lord my spirit which is in thee and my words which I haue put in thy mouth shall not departout of thy mouth out of the mouth of thy seed out of the mouth of thy seeds seed satthour Lord frō hence forth euen to the worlds end But in our Aduersaries opiniō the words which God hath put into the mouth of the Church had departed many ages out of her mouth 6. Lastly the Apostle affirmeth that the Church is the Pillar and stability of truth ● Tim. 1. v. 9. But if the Church could erre in faith and teach publikely against the word of God it should be the Pillar rather of falshood then of truth Some of our Aduersaries do āswere vnto this place that the church is called indeed the Pillar of truth because it doth not erre when it followeth and is agreable vnto the word of God yet neuerthelesse it erreth when it disagreeth from the word of God But this is a very friuolous answere For according vnto this interpretation euery Church of Heretikes of Iewes Turkes yea of the Diuels themselues should be the Pillar of truth For none of these erreth when it is agreable to the word of God But a Pillar is that which necessarily and alwaies vpholdeth that which it strengthneth and whose pillar it is wherfore the Church should not be the Pillar of truth vnlesse it alwaies sticke and be ioyned with the truth and vphould it Caluin therfore Calu. l. 4. Inst c. 2. sect 1. in fine cōuinced by the euidence of the truth writeth that if the true Church be the Pillar of truth it is most certaine that the Kingdome where lyes falshood rargneth cannot be the true Church Thus Caluin 7. The third argument is deduced out of diuers Absurdities which ensue out of the doctrine of our Aduersaries The first absurdity is that the Apostles Creed were false wherin we belieue the holy Catholike Church For that Church cannot be holy which wanteth the true faith which reacheth falsities and wickednes which forceth all men to Idolatry 8. The second absurdity is that Christ himselfe and the holy Ghost should erre and teach thinges both false and wicked For the doctrine of the Church is not so Luc. 10. v. 16. Ioan. 14. v. 26. Act. 15. v. 28. much the doctrine of the Church as it is of Christ of the holy Ghost VV●o hear th you saith Christ heareth me and in another place The Paraclete the holy Ghost whom my Father will send you in my name he will teach you all thinges And t●e Apostles said It seemeth good to the holy G●ost and to vs. Lastly God himself by his Prophet speaking vnto the Church affirmeth that his holy Spirit is in the Church and that he hath put his words into the mouth of the Church which shall neuer be taken out of her mouth from hence forth till the end of the world Wherefore if
the Church could erre in the doctrine of faith Christ also the holy Ghost and God himselfe should erre 6. The third absurdity is that a building could cōsist stand without a foūdation For the fayth of Christ is the foūdation of the Church If yet sayth the Apostle you continue in the fayth grounded Colos 1. v. 19. and stable And in another place he teacheth that the Church is grounded vpon Ephes 2. v. 20. the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets but the foundation being taken away the building must needs fall This absurdity is so manyfest that it forced Caluin to confesse this very truth which now we ●each to be euidently conuinced out of S. Pauls words If sayth he the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets be the foundation of the Calu. l. 4. Instit c. 2. sect 1. Church take away that doctrine and how can the building stand Thus Caluin 10. The fourth absurditie is that the true Church should consist and be without her proper and essentiall forme no otherwise then if one should say that a true and liuing man might consist and be without his soule For the true faith and the true preaching thereof are as it were the essentiall formes of the Church Calu. l. 4. Inutit c. 2. sect 12. Caluin also acknowledgeth this absurdity when he writeth that the fayth of the Church being taken away there must needes follow the vtter ouerthrow of religion euen as the life of man is ouerthrowen and taken away if he be stabbed with a dagger or deadly wounded at the hart 11. The fourth argument is deduced out of the manifest contradictions which follow of the contrary doctrine For they who cō●ēd that the true Church of Christ doth erre in fayth do not indeed know what they say for that is the only true Church of Christ which retayneth and kepeth still the name the sincere fayth of Christ but that is the false Church of Christ which only professeth the name of Christ but erreth in fayth Wherefore to say that the Church of Christ erreth in fayth is all one as to say that the true Church is not the true Church but the false which implieth a contradiction 12. The fift argument is deduced out of those things which our Aduersaries do graunt vnto vs. For the common Insrae● 18. huiu● Controu doctrine of our Aduersaries is as we will shew hereafter that the sincere preaching of the word of God and lawfull administration of Sacraments are the markes and signes of the true Church without which it cannot consist therfore it necessarily followeth that they must also admit that the true Church cannot erre in fayth and in the true preaching of the word of God For that Church cānot sincerely preach the word of God who fouly erreth in points of fayth and in the Calu. l. 4. Instit cap. 2. sect ● cap. 8. sect 12. 13. true preaching therof Caluin also out of diuers places of Scripture doth proue that it is a false Church and not a true which erreth in the principall points of fayth and he acknowledgeth that the true Church cannot erre therein they being necessary to saluation Beza in like manner Bezain l. de Ecc. notis volum 3. Tract Theol. writeth that the true Church cannot erre in the chiefe poynts of fayth albeit he saith that it erreth in lesser matters the which distinction of poynts of fayth he hath takē out of Caluin The Church therfore cānot erre at the least in chiefe points Calu. l. 4. Instit c. 1. sect 12. of faith euē in our Aduersaries iudgmēts 12. Our Aduersaries heape togeather a great many of arguments but they are such as may easily be answered For whereas they know that their arguments are but weake and almost nothing wort● they endeauour by the multitude thereof to oppresse the truth or at the least to obscure hide it Many of them when they manifestly see that it is impossible that the true Church can consist or be without faith they craftily feygne that the Calu. l. 4. Instit cap. 2. sect 2. Controuersy betwixt vs is not of this matter but of some other far different that is to say of that vvhereof none euer doubteth so dealeth Caluin with vs. For when he had confessed that to be the false Church and not the true which erreth in principall poynts of fayth consequently that the true Church cannot erre herein as out of his owne words we haue already declared at the last he feigneth that the controuersy in this matter is not whether the Church can erre or no but whether she may erre if she take not for her companion the word of God Calu. l. 4. Instit c. 8. sect 13. 15. and that we affi●me that whatsoeuer she shall decree eyther without or besids the word of God that the same is to be accounted as a most certayne oracle of God But that he and his affirme that therfore the Church cannot erre because it permitteth it selfe to be directed and gouerned by the sayd word of God and because it teacheth nothing but out of the word of God But this is a meere slaunder● or there can no Catholike be found who doth not acknowledge that the Church permitteth it selfe to be directed in all things by the word of God Supra Contro 1. ca. 2. seing that the sole word of God is the obiect of faith as we haue sayd before wherfore the true Church proposeth nothing els vnto vs to be belieued with a Catholike fayth but the most sincere and true word of God But in this matter only is the controuersy betwixt vs and our Aduersaries that they acknowledg only the written word of the holy Scripture to be the true word of God but we not only Supr Contro 1. c. 25. sequen acknowledge the written word but also that which was preached and deliuered vnto vs by Christ and his Apostles Wherof we haue said inough in the precedent disputation 14. Some others by friuolous distinctions endeauour to hyde this their error and to obscure and darken most cleare perspicuous matters wheras notwithstanding in very truth they can say nothing cls but that which we haue already Philip de Mo●nay Tract de Eccles c 2. taught For they inuent and imagine a twofold Church the one pure the other impure wherin they place euen Heretikes themselues this which is impure say they erreth in faith but not that which is pure But we acknowledge only one holy Catholik Church of Christ with the Creed of the Apostles that of the Councel of Nice we willingly yield vnto them their impure Church wherin the Heretiks are For none doubteth but that such a Church may erre But as this is a false not the true Church of Christ so of it is not this present Controuersy but only of the true and pure Church of Christ 15. Others distinguish the Church into
followeth the word of God and as long as the ordinary vocation remaineth in her But in vayne do they adde these conditions because we haue already proued that the true Church alwayes followeth the word of God nor can depart or decline in any sort from it For otherwise Supr c. praecedent ad Ephes 4. v. 11. 13. she were not the true Church of God but the Synagogue of Sathan And the Apostl● also expresly saith that the ordinary vocatiō of Pastors their continuall successiō shall remaine alwayes in the Church o● God vntill we meete all with Christ in the end of the world By which worde● of the Apostle Caluin also and Beza being Calu. Bez. inea verba ad Ephes ●tem Cal. l. 4. Inst c. 3. sect 4. conuinced do confesse that there must alwaies be Pastours and Doctours in the Church of God and that the said Church cannot consist without them The same also their Confession made at Rochell acknowledgeth in the 25. article 9. Some of our Aduersaries doe heere obiect vnto vs the example of Christ and his Apostles for say they their doctrine was neuer approued by the auncient Church of the Iewes wheras notwithstanding it was extraordinary But this is a very friuolus and odious comparison of Christ and his Apostles with their ministers For it was expressely foretould by the Prophets that Christ was to abrogate the old Law and the carnall vocation and succession thereof and that he was to ordayne another more excellent and spirituall the which he effected indeed Wherefore seing that now the Apostles had another farre more excellent vocation instituted by Christ there was no reason they should aske any vocation from Moyses But we read no where that the vocation ordained by Christ was to be abrogated by any other whosoeuer but contrarywise the holy Scriptures do plainely teach that the vocation ordained by Christ should endure till the end of Matt. 28. v. vlt. Ephes 4. v. 2. 13. the world wherefore our Aduersaries can proue nothing by this argument vnlesse they will bring in and establish another Messias and a new Law-maker who hath authority to abrogate and change the law and vocation of Christ which is the blasphemy of both Turkes and Iewes FINIS OF THE GROVND OF FAITH The second Part of the second Controuersy CHAP. I. Whether the Church be the foundation and ground of our faith IF the pertinacy of our Aduersaries were not so great it were an easy matter to define this question out of those few wordes of the Apostle affirming that the Churh is the Pillar and Ground of truth for seing that our faith relieth vpon truth that is to say vpon the most true word of God and that 1. ad Tim. 3. v. 15. the Church is the Pillar and Ground of this truth it must needes follow that the Church is the Pillar and Ground of our faith as afterward we will declare more at large But because our Aduersaries goe about to obscure this great and renowned prayse of our Church we will treat of this matter more exactly especially Cap. 13. seq §. 16. because this is a question of great importance seing that theron dependeth our whole faith For euery thing relyeth and dependeth of his foundation Moreouer heereby is declared the great excellency and authority of the Church Hence also other opiniōs of our faith are to be proued which our Aduersaries deny their errors confuted and they themselues very easily conuinced And that the true state of this Controuersie may the better be vnderstood three thinges are to noted 2. The first is that euery science and doctrine hath her grounds principles out of which all other thinges are deduced proued and do depend wherefore we must heere diligently examine and search out the true principles of our faith least otherwise our faith become doubtfull and vncertaine 3. The second is that there are two principles of our faith the one that God is true and the Author of truth the other that these thinges which we belieue are spoken and reuealed vnto vs by God There is lesse difficulty of the former principle For all who con●e●●e that there is a God may easily know euen by natural reason that he is true or rather the very Truth it selfe And seeing that he is the chiefest good he can deceiue no body and seing that he is Wisdome it selfe he Ad Heb. 6. v. 18. cannot be deceyued Hereupon the Apostle taketh this as a principle manifestly knowne by it selfe It is impossible for God to lye 4. But the doubts and difficulties which we cōc●yue concerning matters of faith do especially arise of the secōd principle to wit because we know not certainly that such things as we belieue are reuealed by God for hence ariseth the whole cōtrouersy with Iewes Turkes Heretikes For all do cōfesse that God is true but the Turkes say that their Alcorā was reuealed vnto thē by God the Iewes their Talmud the Anabaptists their bible corrupted maymed by them the Anti-trinitarians their blasphemies vttered against the Blessed Trinity the Lutherans their opinions the Caluinists theirs and the Catholikes theirs And hence it is that we need greatly some sure foundation principle rule and meanes whereby we may know certainly which is the doctrine indeed reuealed by God and which is not otherwise our fayth will alwayes remayne doubtfull and vncertayne 5. The third is that God is accustomed three wayes to assure his Church of this his reuelation The first way is when God himselfe appeareth frō heauen and speaketh to his Church for so in times past he spake vnto all the children of Israel when he gaue them the tables of Exod. 20. v. 22. his Law in the mount Sinay 6. The second is when God speaketh to one alone from heauen and he sendeth him to the Church that he may reueale vnto the whole Church such things as God hath spoken vnto him So in tymes past in the old Testament God spake by Exod. 24. v. 2. 3. Ad Gal. 2. v. 12. himselfe to Moyses and Moyses reuealed the same things to the people And in the new Testament Christ in this manner reuealed his Ghosptell to S. Paul which he afterward reuealed vnto others But these two wayes are extraordinary and are ceased as all do cōfesse excepting only a few Anabaptists and Swenkfeldians whose madnesse and folly all men disproue 7. The third way is ordinary which alwayes remaineth in the Church and whereof the whole controuersy is For almost all Lutherans the purer sort of Caluinists will haue the sole Scripture to be the foundation and rule wherby we may certainly know the true reuelation of Cal. l 1. Iustit c. 7. sect 1. 2. God from the false But Calu●n himselfe at the first blush seemeth to attribute this to the sole Scripture and very cōtumeliously inueygheth against Catholikes who deny it whome therfore he calleth brawling and sacrilegious persons yet
a little after he reduceth the principall Cal. eodē c. 7. sect 4. infine sect 5. and chiefest certaynty of Scriptures and of our whole fayth to the particuler and priuate spirit of euery beleeuer The late Caluinists do put two grounds or rules of fayth to wit the Scripture and this priuate spirit But Catholikes do teach that neyther the Scripture alone is sufficient nor this priuate spirit togeather with the Scripture but moreouer the spirit and authority of the whole visible Church is necessary And this is the true state of of this question 8. We will therfore explicate foure things that this whole controuersy may more clearly be defined First what are the properties and conditions of the ground of fayth for by these the ground it selfe wil easily be knowne For euen as by the properties of a man it may be be knowen who is a true man and by the propirties of any other thing the thing it selfe many be knowne so by the properties of the ground of sayth the ground it selfe wil be knowne Secondly it shal be proued that the Scripture alone is not a sufficient ground or rule of fayth Thirdly that neyther any priuate spirit will suffice Fourthly that the authority of the Catholike Church is the most true ground and rule of fayth CHAP. II. The properties of the ground and rule of our fayth are alledged THERE are ten properties of the ground or rule of fayth and they are so manifest and certayne that none can doubt thereof The first is the continuall and neuer interrupted duration therof to the end of the world For euen as fayth and the Church do alwayes endure continue so must also the ground of fayth seing that nothing can consist without his foundation and ground 2. The second propertie is the most certayne and vndoubted truth therof in so much that it neyther can deceyue any nor be deceyued in any thing appertayning necessarily to saluation for otherwise it should be vncertaine and doubtfull yea also the fayth it selfe should be false and hurtfull vnto vs. 3. The third propertie is the certainty therof on our part For it is necessary that the true fayth be not only certayne in it selfe but also to vs. Because error and vncertaynty is ingendred in vs if the thing be ambiguously and obscurely proposed how certayne soeuer it be in it selfe 4. The fourth property is the strength immutability therof so that this ground can by no meanes be depraued changed or corrupted For otherwise truth will sometymes perish there will arise some error against fayth 5. The fifth property is the fullnesse sufficiency of those things which are to be belieued that is to say it must conteine all things appertayning to the Catholike fayth seeing that nothing can consist without his ground or foundation 6. The sixt property is the necessity therof that is to say it must necessarily be receaued of all who haue the true fayth and because without it true fayth cannot consist euen as the building cannot continue without the foundation 7. The seauenth property is that it is a manifest signe and token wherby Christians are distinguished from Infidells For he which wanteth the ground and rule of fayth is an Infidell but he who retayneth it is a true beleeuer 8. The eight property is that in euery article and conclusion of fayth this principle and ground is virtually conteyned seing that out of it all things are to be deduced they receiue their certaynty from it 9. The n●nth property is that it not only mooue Christians to belieue but that it also conuince the infidells For otherwise the way to faith and eternall saluation should not be knowne or open to Infidels 10. The tenth property is that it be conteyned expresly in the Apostles Creed wherein all the first groundes of our fayth are conteined for the Apostles after they had receiued the holy Ghost were not so forgetfull that in the Creed or Summary of fayth which they set downe to be belieued of all they would let passe the first and chiefest ground of fayth And thus much of the properties of the ground of fayth CHAP. III. That the Scripturealone is not the ground or rule of fayth THAT the Scripture alone is not the groūd of our fayth we haue already declared by the properties of the ground of fayth before alledged For of those ten properties the Scripture hath ōly one to wit Truth but al the other properties are wāting vnto it The which we clearly demōstrate in this sort First of all a perpetuall duration and continuance is wanting For the holy Scripture began first vnder the old Law in Moyses tyme wheras two thousand yeares before there were both true beleeuers and a Church In like manner in the new law the Apostles began to write some yeares after they had receiued the holy Ghost 2. Secondly the certaynty on our part Supr cōtro 1. c. 5. infra haccōt 6. cap. 15. is wanting seeing that we know not which is the Canonicall Scripture by the Scripture it selfe but by the authority of the Church as we haue proued before and will also more at large declare heereafter 3. Thirdly the foresaid strength immutability is wanting for euery part of the holy Scripture considered in it owne nature is subiect to many alterations and falsifications For it may be destroyed Supra Controu 1. cap. 4. it may be corrupted it may be wrested to contrary senses wherof we haue spoken before 4. Fourthly that fulnesse and sufficiency is wanting because all thinges necessary to saluation are not expressy cōtained Supr Cōtrouers 1. c. 26. sequ●nt in holy Scripture as we haue also declared before 5. Fiftly the foresaid necessity is wanting For without the holy Scripture there were in the law of Nature for the space of two thousand yeares many true belieuers And also long after Christ yea euen till the tyme of S. Irenaeus that is to say almost two hundred yeares there were many Nations who sincerely belieued Iren. lib. 3. cap. 4. in Christ without any holy Scripture as S. Irenaeus himselfe testifieth Lastly albeit Infidels should burne all the Bibles yet the faith of Christians should not therfore perish or be wholy ouerthrowne Therfore our faith doth not necessarily depend of the Scripture 6. Sixtly the seauenth property is also wanting for by the holy Scriptures the true Christians are not distinguished from Infidels because almost all Heretikes do both now receyue the holy Scriptures and in times past also receyued them 7. Seauenthly the eight propertie is wanting for there are many pointes of faith which rely vpon the Traditions of Supra Contr. 1. c. 26. 27. the Church only without any expresse Scripture at all as we haue declared before 8. Eightly the ninth property is wanting For Turkes and other Gentills who are only lead by naturall reason are very seldome or neuer conuerted by Scriptures only but we
desire Seeing that the Church is alwaies present who explicateth alwaies her m●nd vnto vs in plaine and manifest wordes And if at any tyme there arise any doubt or Controuersy in her dec●e●s she presently declareth it no otherwise then it the Prophets other writers of the ould and new Testament were yet aliue and would clearly explicate their mynds vnto vs in their owne proper words For it is the same Holy Ghost who in tymes past spake by the mouth of the Prophets and Apostles Matt. 10. v. 20. and who speaketh now by the mouth of the Church ●or it is not you that speake but the spirit of your Father that speaketh in you 4. The Church hath the fourth property For there is exceeding great strēgth and immutability in the doctrine of the Church For this truly can neuer be corrupted falsified or chaunged because the Church is alwaies present who alwaies giueth most cleare and euident testimony of her owne doctrine This doctrine also of the Church remaineth alwaies constant and immoueable because the holy Ghost is alwaies present who will not permit the Church to erre according to those wordes of Christ I will Ioan. 14. v. 16. aske my Father and he will giue you another Comforter that he may remayne euerlastingly with you 5. The Church hath the fifth property that is to say the fulnesse and sufficiency of doctrine For the Church teacheth all thinges necessary to saluation according to that promise of Christ When the spirit of truth shall come he will teach you all truth So that the Ioan. 16. v. 13. Church hath hitherto condemned all heresies and heerafter also will condemne all errors arising and oppugning the Catholike faith In like manner she alwaies answereth to all doubtes and difficulties proposed vnto her because she is alwaies present and alwaies liueth 6. The Church hath also the sixt property that is to say Necessity For no doctrine must be receyued as a point of faith vnlesse it be receiued and approued Suprac 8. huius Controu Gal. 1. v. 12. by the Church as we haue declared before by the example of S. Paul who although he receyued his Ghospell immediatly from God by the reuelation of Christ yet he was commaunded by reuelation to go the visible Church and to conferre the Ghospell which he preached with those who were in the visible Church least perhaps in vaine he should runne or had runne 7. Yea and others could not safely belieue him vnlesse his doctrine had byn approued by the Church as Tertulli●n S. Hierome and S. Augustine well note The Apostle S. Paul saith S. Augustine called from heauen if he had not found the Apostles with whome by conserring his Ghospell he might appeare to be of the same Society the Church would not at all belieue him Thus S. Augustine And much more the Ghospells of S. Marke and S. Luke who were not Apostles but only their disciples stood in need of this approbation of the Church Hereupon saith Tertullian If he from whom S. Luke receyued Tertul. l. 4. contra Marci c. 2. S. Hier Ep. 11. S. Aug. tom 6. cont Faustum Manich. l. 28. c. 4. Tert. loco cita Gal. 2. v. 2. his light desired to haue his faith and preaching authorized by his predecessors how much more reason haue I to desire the like for the Ghospell of S. Luke seeing the same was so necessary for the Ghospell of his Mayster Thus farre Tertullian 8. And hence it is that the reuelations of S. Brigit and S. Catherine of Siena albeit they were truly reuealed vnto them by God yet they do not appertayne to the Catholike faith because they are not approued by the Church as the vndoubted and certaine word of God 9. Euen as also in the Apostles tyme many before S. Luke wrote the acts of Christ as S. Luke himself testifyeth and yet notwithstanding the Ghospells only of Luc. 1. v. 1. two of them to wit S. Matthew and S. Mark are authenticall for it is well knowne that S. Iohn wrote his Ghospell long after S. Luke but the Ghospells of the rest who wrote before S. Luke do not appertayne vnto faith because they were neuer approued by the Church Wherby it sufficiētly appeareth how necessary the approbatiō authority of the Church is 10. The Church hath the seauenth property of the ground of faith for by the Church and her coniunction communiō a true belieuer may be distinguished from an Infidel for he who belieueth the Church and heareth her is a true belieuer but he who doth not heare her is an Infidell if he will not heare the Matt. 18. v 17. 1. Ioā 4. v. 6. Church saith our Lord let him be vnto thee as an heathēor publicā And S. Iohn saith he which knoweth God heareth vs he which is not of God doth not heare vs. 11. The Church hath the eight property For whatsoeuer we belieue with our Catholike faith we belieue it because it is reuealed vnto vs from God by Calu. l. 4. Instit c. 9. sect 1. Beza c. 4. suae confess sect 17. the Church But God now reuealeth nothing to euery member of the Church immediatly by himselfe Yea euen our Aduersaries do well admonish vs to labour most of all that no way or leaue be graunted to such fantasticall reuelations 12. The Church hath the ninth property For the Church conuinceth also Turkes and Infidels by naturall reasons of which sort there are many extant in S. S. Thom. in 4 lib. contra Gentes insracap 19. huius Controu Thomas We proue also the Church by the very signes and markes of the Church which are manifest vnto all euen Turkes and Infidels wherof we will speake more hereafter 12. The Church hath also the tenth property because in the Apostles Creed there is expressed an article of the Church For presently after the faith of the true God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost first of al is set downe this article I belieue the holy Catholike Church 14. Moreouer that the Church and her preaching is the ground of faith euidently appeareth by the wordes of holy Scripture For when S. Paul disputeth of that faith wherby all are to to be saued he reduceth this whole Faith to the preaching of the Church vnto her sending calling of others to her Ecclesiasticall offices 15. So this Apostle in another place declareth that God alwaies appointed some Pastors Rom. 10. v 14. seq and Doctors in his Church that we be not children wauering in faith and carried about with euery wynd of doctrine but that we may be stable and constant alwayes in one and the same faith and confession of the Sonne of God 16. Lastly those words of S. Paul are most euident wherein he affirmeth that the Church is the pillar and ground of 1. Tim. 3. ● 15. truth Where we are to consider that euery foundation of any bulding hath two offices that
of it albeit it be immediatly from God to the end it be made manyfest vnto vs. For otherwise we should not be obliged by the authority therof But this is not done now by miracles nor by the immediate or extraordinary reuelation of God Therfore it resteth that we say it is done by the ordinary mediate reuelation of God that is to say by the Church or rather by the holy Ghost which speaketh vnto vs by the Church CHAP. IX That the Church is the Iudge of all Controuersies in matters of Faith SEING that there arise daily so many disputations and Controuersyes of matters of faith none can deny but that there must necessarily be some Iudge appointed who must define end and determine such Controuersyes for otherwise there will neuer be an end of such matters But it is a great difficulty who must be this Iudge The Sectaries of this tyme almost all refuse the Iudgment of the Church For they see very well that if they admit her as iudge all their errors wil be quite ouerthrowne Wherfore some of them affirme that the sole Scripture must be the Iudge of all Controuersies and this was the first doctrine of our Aduersaries to wit Luther Zuinglius 2. But our later Aduersaries when they consider that it is an absurd thing to make the Scripture being a thing Cap. 18. Controu 1. without life the Iudge as we haue declared before they fly vnto their priuate spirit the which they will haue the iudge of all Controuersies But least they may seeme to attribute too much vnto themselues they endeauour to colour their priuate spirit with the famous title or name of the holy Ghost affirming the holy Ghost to be the only iudge of all Controuersyes 3. Wherfore there are three thinges heere to be proued First that the Scripture cannot be Iudge Secondly that neyther the priuate spirit can be it Thirdly that the Catholike Church is the only and most true Iudge of all Controuersies 4. As concerning the first wheras our Adūersaries euery where teach that nothing is to be belieued which is not expressely to be found in holy Scripture it is a strange thing that they would perswade men that the Scripture is the Iudge of all Controuersies wheras we read no such thing in any place of holy Scripture 5. Yea euen in these testimony is only attributed to the Scriptures and not Iudgment Search the Scriptures saith Christ Ioan. 5. v. 19. and the same are they that giue testimony of me And hence it is that the law of God is often called in Scripture in the Hebrew phrase Eda or Eduth or Tenda that is to say Psalm 118. a Testimony yea euen in one Psalme it is called aboue twenty tymes by that name 6. Moreouer in the Prophet Isay in the same place falsely cited by our Aduersaries that they may proue therby the Scripture to be the iudge of Controuersies it is called a witnesse or a testimony and not a Iudge nay rather to the Isa 8. v. 20. Law saith the Prophet and to the testimony 7. Furthermore one thing is more absurd that in matters of such moment to appoint such a deafe and dumme iudge and who may also be corrupted for both parties and whose sentence eyt●er party vseth indifferently But it is manifest that the Scripture is such a iudge for it can neyther speake nor heare and so in like manner do all Heretickes ancient and moderne also vse the Scriptures Lastly almost all our Aduersaries do see how absurd these things are and therfore they fly vnto their owne priuate spirit the which they call the holy Ghost Wherfore let vs come now to the second point 8. As concerning therfore this priuate spirit first there is none who doubteth but that the holy Ghost is the chiefe Iudge of all Controuersyes But the question is where this holy Spirit is to be found and in whome it remayneth 9. Moreouer it is certaine that the holy Ghost doth not remayne or is to be found in any booke least peraduenture our Aduersaries should send vs to their Bibles but in the hartes of the belieuers Now we aske whether this holy Ghost which is the Iudge of all be in the hart of euery belieuer or rather in the hart of the whole Catholike Church If they say in the hart of the Catholike Church we haue our desire if they say in the hart of euery priuate man it will follow that no priuate person can erre in his owne iudgment seeing that the holy Ghost cannot erre in his iudgment He●re truly we seeke for that Iudge which cānot erre 10. Furthermore euery priuate man shall be come the Iudge of the whole Church if euery such priuate person haue this spirit which is the Iudge of the whole Church whereupon there will ensue a great confusion in the Church of God 11. Besides that if euery belieuer be the Iudge thē our Aduersaries must needs admit the auncient Fathers as Iudges of all Controuersies the which they will neuer do for they dare not deny but that the auncient Fathers were true belieuers why therfore do they attribute vnto themselues that which they so v●hemently deny to all the auncient Fathers 21. Moreouer if euery belieuer cannot erre in his iudgment much lesse can a great many such erre and least of all can the Church of all belieuers erre Wherefore whatsoeuer our Aduersaries say they wil be forced to confesse and graunt that the holy Ghost is the Iudge as he remaineth in the whole Church speaking and iudging by the mouth therof and in this manner euen out of our Aduersaries doctrine we gather by a necessary consequence our opinion 13. Lastly that which they affirme that the priuate spirit of euery particuler person is Iudge is therby declared to be false that they themselues acknowledge that there is no priuate man which at some tymes cannot erre in his indgment but heere we inquire for a Iudge which cannot erre For otherwise in matters of such moment and of which our eternall saluation dependeth we should dangerously be forced to haue recourse to an erroneous Iudge whose iudgement is variable vncertaine deceitfull and oftentymes manifestly false 14. But now as concerning the third point that the Church is the iudge of all Controuersies we proue by these arguments First the Church hath all the properties of a fit iudge for first she hath an exact knowledge the holy Ghost shall teach you saith Christ all truth 15. Secondly the Church cannot be corrupted by any giftes or praiers For she is as the Apostle witnesseth the pillar and ground of truth 16. Thirdly the Church heareth 2. Tim. 3. v. 15. speaketh giueth her iudgment and examineth the testimonies of Scriptures and Fathers as experience it selfe teacheth vs. 17. Fourthly we are bound to stand to the iudgement of the Church VVho will not heare the Church saith our Lord let Matt. 18. v. 17. him be vnto thee as an ●eathen and
people cannot discerne which is the sincere preaching of the word of God or the lawfull administration of the Sacraments and the Ecclesiasticall discipline prescribed by the word of God for it is necessary that he who knoweth all these things well should also vnderstand almost all the holy Scripture Moreouer there is as yet a very great controuersy among ●ur Aduersaries themselues concerning these three signes whiles that some of them doe contend striue that this is the sincere preaching of the word of God others that some doe say that this is the lawfull administration of the Sacraments others that some doe say this is the discipline prescribed by the word of God others assigne another quite different from this 7. But our Aduersaries do in very truth confound the offices of the Church with the signes therof For to preach sincerely to administer the Sacraments lawfully and to appoint the discipline of the Supr c. 1. buius cō §. 9. seq Church rightly are the offices of the Church as we haue declared before and not the signes therof these signes therfore being reiected which our Aduersaries do assigne it remayneth that we enquire out the true signes of the Church 8. But this is first to be presupposed as it were the ground of all that we are to speake of this matter That euen naturall reason it selfe doth clearly demōstrat that there is some true Church of God heere vpon earth For this is one of those first principles of fayth which are as euidently proued by naturall reason as that there is a God Wherefore the Apostle placeth these two amōgst the first grounds of our faith he that commeth to God saith he must belieue that he is is a rewarder to thē that seeke Hebr. v. ● him But they which so seeke after God that they may be rewarded by him are without all doubt in the true Church 4. Moreouer naturall reason it selfe doth euidētly teach vs that it is an absurd thing to thinke that there is no way left by God for men to obteine their eternall saluation seing that this is quite opposite to the prouidēce of God to his infinite goodnesse but there is no other way besides the Church as we haue declared before Cap. 2● huius cōtrouersiae but because there are so many so diuers opiniōs of men cōcerning this so necessary a way to saluatiō there are also certaine signes markes therof set downe that we may the better vnderstand which is indeed the certaine and most true way 10. Out of these which we haue now Supra c. 14. huius controu §. 5. in fine said followeth first that that which we haue insinuated before is most true to wit that it is more certaine euidēt that there is the holy Scripture seeing that it is manifest by naturall reason that there must needs be some Church of God heere vpon earth the which is not so euident of the holy Scriptures 11. The second thing which ensueth is that to these signes of the true Church these two cōditious are altogeather necessary The first is that they must be such as that they may not only be perceiued by fayth and our vnderstanding but euen by sense it selfe for other wise they cannot be true signes as we haue already proued The other is that they be knowne and manifest to all men euen vnto Infidells seing that otherwise Isa 35. v 8. they cannot help them or conuince and bring them to the true Church For the Church of Christ as the Prophet testifieth is a direct way so that fooles that is to Bellarm per totū l. 4. de Eccles militāte Bozius de signis Ecclesiae Coccius Tom. 1. per totum l. 8. say Infidells cannot erre by it 12. Of these signes of the true Church Bellarmine Coccius and Thomas Bozius Eugubinus discourse at large who hath gathered twenty fower signes in all of the true Church all which he manifestly proueth to agree to the Roman Church out of these Authors more signes may be required 13. But we regarding our intended breuity will only alledge foure which are set downe in the Nicene and Constantinopolitan Creed that is to say that this true Church is One Holy Catholike and Apostolicall For these foure signes are so certayne that they cannot be reiected euen by our Aduersaries First because they are expressely set downe in holy Scripture as we will shew in the next Chapter Moreouer our Aduersaries do professe that they admit and receiue three Creeds to wit the Apostles Creed the Nicene and Rupell Cōfess Artic. 5. in fine that of S. Athanasius But in that which we call the Nicen Creed these foure signes of the Church are expressely set downe wherof we will now speake more particulerly CHAP. II. That the true Church of Christ is One Holy Catholike and Apostolicall S. Augustine very well admonisheth vs that when we dispute against S. Aug. Tom. 7. de vnit Eccles cap. 3. heretikes which do admit the holy Scriptures we should proue the true Church of Christ the signes thereof out of the sayd holy writ For as the same holy Father noteth in another place the Prophets had spoken more obscurely of Christ S. Aug. Tom. 8. cō 2. in Psal 30. super ea verba v. 12. qui videbant me foras fugerunt à me then they did of the Church because by their Propheticall spirit they did see that there would arise greater strife debate about the Church thē of Christ himselfe We will therfore heere proue these foure signes of the Church First out of the Scripture and secondly by naturall reason seeing that these signes must be such as may conuince those which do not admit the Scriptures as we haue declared in the precedent Chapter 2. The first signe of the true Church of Christ is Vnity For there is a threefold vnity necessarily preached in the Church of Christ The first is of all the members with Christ who is the supreme head of the Church the which is effected by fayth wherefore it necessarily followeth that there must be but one fayth of all the members of the Church One Lord and God saith the Apostle and one faith and againe vntill we all meete in the vnity Ephes 4. v. 5. Eph. 4. v. 13. of fayth 3. The second Vnity is of all the members among themselues for as he who dissolueth the first vnity is an heretike so he which violateth this is a schismatike wherefore Christ sayth in this all men shall know that you are my disciples if you haue loue one to another And the Apostle That there might be no schisme in the body but the members Ioan. 13. v. 15. 1. Cor. 1. v. 25. 1. Cor. 24. v. 33. togeather might be carefull one for another Finally God is not the God of dissention but of peace as also in all the Churches of the Saynts I teach sayth the same Apostle 4.
The third vnity is betwixt the faythfull people and their Pastours by obedience the which whosoeuer dissolue are also to be accounted schismatikes of Hebr. vlt. v. 17. this the same Apostle writeth thus Obey your Prelates be subiect to them this is that fourth marke of the Church assigned by Cap. prae●dent §. the Lutherans as we haue sayd in the precedent Chapter the second § 5. This threefold vnity is very sensible the which may easily be perceiued euen by any Infidell For the disagreement of doctrine concerning matter of fayth may easily be heard the dissentions of the people among themselues or with their Pastours may manifestly be perceiued 6. Finally euen naturall reason it selfe proueth this to be one of the most certaine signes of the true Church For God cannot teach contrary and opposite doctrin because he then should be a lyar Hebr. ● v. 18. which according to the apostle is impossible In like manner naturall reason sheweth that God which is goodnesse it selfe cannot be the author of schismes and dissentions but of concord peace and vnity 7. The second signe is Holinesse the holy Scripture is full of testimonies and authorities whereby this signe is most euidently proued and declared For S. Paul in the beginning of almost all his Epistles calleth the Churches vnto whom he writeth Holy as is to be seene in the beginning of the Epistles to the Romanes to the Corinthians to the Ephesians to the Philippians and to the Colossians and S. Peter called the 2. Petr. 2. v. 9. the true Church an holy Nation So also Christ himselfe sayth For then I doe sanctify Ioan. 17. v 1● 1. Petr. 1. v. 16. my selfe that they also may be sanctifyed in truth Lastly that sentence is often repeated in the holy Scripture the which S. Peter citeth also out of the old testament be yee holy because I am holy 8. The signe also is visible vnto all first because this sanctity is to be seene Matt. 5. v. 16. by good workes that they may see saith Christ your good workes and may glorify your Father which is in heauen Secondly this sanctity Ad Titū 2. v. 1. 8. may be seene by their pious and holy doctrine For it is necessary that the true doctrine of God be holy sound and irreprehensible Thirdly this sanctity is seene by the miracles wherby God himselfe testifieth and confirmeth the sanctity of his Church And them that belieue saith Christ these signes shall follow in Marc. vlt. v. 17. my name they shall cast out Diuells 9. This signe also of Sanctity is euident to all euen by naturall reason For a good tree bringeth forth good fruit And contrariwise Matt. 7. v. 18. a bad tree bringeth forth ill fruite Moreouer wicked doctrine which is eyther against the Law of Nature or good manners cannot be of God on the other side the doctrine which is agreable to the Law of nature and good manners is of God Finally true miracles do conuince that there is the true Church of Christ where such miracles are done seing that true niracles can only be done by the power of God for euen as God alone hath made and ordayned all thinges so God only can change at his pleasure the Natures of thinges and the naturall order therof according to that saying of the Ps●m 71 v. 18. Prophet Dauid Blessedbe our Lord God of Israell who can only worke miracles But God who is goodnesse it selfe cannot testify or approue any false doctrine by miracles 10. The third signe of the true Church Su●r c. ● huius Cōtrouers S. Aug. Tom. 7. pertotum lib. devni Eccles Gen. 12 v 3. Gen. 22. v. 8. Psal 2. v. 8. Psal 1. v. 8. 11. Act. 1. v. 8. Rom. 10. v. 18. Colos 1. v. 6. is that it is Catholike or Vniuersall and that two waies First because it continuethal waies as we haue proued already Secondly it is also Catholike or vniuersall because since the comming of Christ it is dilated and propagated ouer all the whole word 11. S. Augustine vseth this argument most of all against the Donatists to shew the true Church For first God promised Abraham that all Nations should be blessed in his seed and afterward he confirmed the same with an Oath So God the Father said vnto Christ Aske of me and I will giue thee Nations for thy inheritance the limits of the earth for thy possession Many such like places are in the Psalmes and in the new Testament 12. And this signe is also visible because that which is euery where and at all tymes may be seene of all men when it is a thing that can be seene as this is 13. Moreouer this signe is very certaine euen by the light of nature For naturall reason teacheth vs that the prouidence of God extendeth it selfe very carefully ouer all those which are his and that falsity cannot alwaies continue but must needes be ouercome by truth and that God is of greater power and able to do more then the Diuell Yea the beginning and progresse of all false religions Bel●ar l. 4. de Eccles milit c. 5. 6. Act. 5. v. 38. 39. as Bellarmine well noteth are certainly knowne Finally the worke and counsell of men but not of God is quickely dissolued as Gamaliel saith in S. Luke 14. The fourth signe of the true Church of Christ is that it is Apostolicall to wit founded by the Apostles of Christ and that she hath continued euer since their tyme till these our dayes by a continuall succession For this signe as also the former is the proper marke of the Church of the new Testament for of it is all our Controuersie But that the Church of Christ was founded by the Ephes 2. v. 20. Cap. ● 4. 8 ●huius controu Isa 59. v. vl Ierem. 33. v. 17. 18. Apostles appeareth euidently by those wordes of S. Paul built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets And we haue already proued the continuall succession of the Church by many testimonies of Scripture The same also the Prophets do testify in many places 15. Moreouer seeing that there are as the Apostle sayth alwayes Pastors and Doctors in the Church without whom she cannot consist and continue as our Aduersaries confesse it necessarily followeth as we haue declared before that there hath alwaies beene a continuall succession of these Pastors Doctors in the true Church of God 16. But that which many do say is both foolish and friuolous to wit that there hath beene alwayes a continuall succession of doctrine in the Church but not of persons For seeing that true doctrine must needes proceed from some persons and those of men for not Angells but men doe teach now adayes if the true doctrine continueth it is also necessary that the men which teach this doctrine Supra c. 8. huiu● controuersi● continue still and such also as are lawfully called to
this office as we haue proued before 17. This continuall sucession is also a visible signe because in some parts or persons thereof it may be seene at all tymes as successiue and transitory things are wont to be seene for in this manner only can a riuer for example sake tyme it selfe be seene 18. Finally this signe is also certaine and euidently well knowne among the Infidells for vnlesse this succession be continuall the true Church of God shall altogeather perish and decay all honor worship of the true God wil be ouerthrowne and there will remayne no way for men to their eternall saluation But on the other side where there is a continuall succession and a neuer-interrupted continuance of the same Religion there appeareth sufficiently a great prouidence and a singular assistance of Almighty God towards men 19. Furthermore that which we haue hitherto sayd of these foure signes might suffice but that the pertinacy and inconstancy of our Aduersaries is so very admirable and great For albeit in one place they acknowledge themselues to receiue R●●ell Confess Art 5 in fine the Nicen Creed wherein these foure signes of the Church are expresly conteined yet notwithstanding els where when they see themselues manifestly conuinced Extatbis lib. in 3. volum● Tract Theol. Bezae Tract 6. by these signes of perfidious dealing they do vterly reiect thē For Beza in his booke of the true visible signes of true Catholike Church wherin notwithstanding he goeth about nothing els but to establish those his inuisible markes of the Church albeit he affirmeth that his followers doe acknowledge all those Creedes which haue beene alwayes approued by the common Habētur h●c p. 138. sub fin edit Geneu Anno. 1582. consent of the whole Church to wit that of the Apostles the Nicene that of S. Athanasius the Constantinopolitane and the Calcedon yet for all this he impugneth these markes of the Church of which he knoweth that he and his are altogether destitute and especially the fourth which is deduced from the Apostolicall succession 20. He therefore obiecteth these Ita Beza p. 137. in princip vbi supra signes that they are not proper vnto the Church quarto modo as Prophyrius and other Logitians define proprium quarto modo because they doe not agree to the true Church only For vnity and succession may also be found amongst wicked men as appeareth by the Iewes and Mahomets But these are easily answered For these signes are not alledged as properties quarto modo as Beza thinketh but rather as it were accidents by the collection wherof Indiuidua are distinguished one from another Porph. c. de specie in●●●e as the same Porphyrius teacheth for those accidents whereby Indiuidua are distinguished may be found separated one from another in diuers substances but not all gathered togeather in one 21. Wherfore seing that the Church is one singular and indiuisible we must not only alledge the properties thereof but also other signes as it were qualities and accidents whereby this true Church may be distinguished from all others For albeit some one or other of these signes may be found in some other things yet they cannot all fower togeather be found any where but in the true Church 22. Therefore any one of these signes considered by it selfe separateth the true Church from the false as for example the vnity of doctrine and continuall succession doth separate and distinguish her from any hereticall Church but all these signes or markes ioyned and vnited togeather do distinguish the Church of Christ altogeather from euery false Church and this is sufficient that they may be called most true signes in their kind Supr c. 1. huius cōtrouers 23. We surely haue already in the beginning of the precedent controuersy spoken of the true properties of the Church to wit whē we declared that she is the spouse body Kingdome inheritance and citty of Christ for these are propria quarto modo and in this manner they all alwayes and only agree to the true Church of Christ 24. Moreouer seeing that these properties are so inuisible as that they cannot be perceyued by any sense but only by faith they are not sufficient to conuince Infidels Heretikes and others which want true fayth and for this cause other visible signes are also necessary which may be perceyued by all as also conuince them of which sort are these foure signes which we haue now alledged 25. That in the meane tyme we may omit that the late and new vpstart Churches of our Aduersaries are so much worse then the Churches of Iewes and Infidels because sometymes in these some one or other of the aforesayd signes may Infr. cap. 22. huius Controu be found But in our Aduersaries Church as we will shew herafter not one of them can be found CHAP. III. That the Roman Church only is the true Church of Christ is proued by the properties of the true Church HITHERTO we haue described out of holy Scripture the true Church of Christ and that by the properties offices and peculiar signes therof Now it remaineth that we by the same enquire and examine in what part or place of the world this true Church of Christ may be found the which will easily be done if we declare that all these propertyes offices and signes must needes agree to some one We therefore do affirme that all the offices properties and signes of the true Church do only agree to the Roman Church 2. It is heere notwithstanding to be considered least some perchance by the ambiguity or equiuocation of the word be deceyued that we doe not vnderstand by the Roman Church that which is only at Rome as our Aduersaries go about to perswade the ignorant but plainly euery Church which agreeth in the vnity of the same faith with the Roman and which obeyeth the Bishop of Rome whersoeuer that Church be whether at Rome or els where yea euen the furthest part of the Indyes Moreouer that this Roman Church thus vnderstood is the only true Church of Christ and consequently that out of her we cannot hope for eternall saluation seing that out of the true Church as we Cap. 1. buius Controuers haue sufficiently declared before we cannot be saued we will euidently demonstrate by all the properties offices and signes before alledged of the true Church And first we will speake of the properties to wit of those which agree vnto her quarto modo For all these do very well agree to the Roman Church and to no other The which we declare in this manner 3. First the Roman Church is the espouse of Christ For that she was betrothed and espoused vnto Christ by truē faith those wordes of the holy Scripture do plainly testify Your faith saith the Apostle Rom. 1. v. 8. writing to the Romans is renowned in the whole world And a little after S. Paul professeth himselfe to agree in the vnity of faith
any inuisible and vnknowne Calu. l. 1. Inst c. 8. sect 9. in fine Church but from the visible Roman Church Wherefore sayth Caluin It is most certaine that all the writings of the Prophets and Apostles came no otherwise to all posterity but as it were from hand to hand deliuered vnto vs by the auncient Fathers continually from yeare to yeare Thus he But none hath deliuered the Bibles frō hād to hand but the Romā Church Wherefore it is as certaine that the Roman Church is the true Church of Christ as that the holy Scripture is true Scripture seeing we do not know this which we haue to be true Scripture but by the authority tradition and testimony of the Roman Church 20. Vnto this that also belongeth Supr c. 5. huius cōtrouers which we haue proued before to wit that the true Church doth not only giue a bare testimony but also sufficient authority to the Scriptures for this the only Roman Church and no other aboundātly performeth 21. The seauenth reason The office of the true Church is to iudge of all controuersies which do arise among Christians eyther in points of fayth or other Ecclesiasticall affayres But to the Roman Church only and to no other besides all controuersies were brought which arose in the Church eyther in fayth or other Ecclesiasticall matters For vnto this as to the seate Supr c. 7. huius cōt of S. Peter and the supreme Church all had recourse who had any iniury or wrong done them So S. Athanasius Patriarch of Alexandria so Peter his successor so S. Iohn Chrysostome Patriarch of Constantinople and many others did of whom Bellarmine ●aron Tō 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Calu. l 4. Inst c. 8. sect 16. and Baronius more at large the which Caluin also cannot deny 22. He●revnto also it belongeth that the Roman Church hath confirmed all generall Councels lawfully assembled as Bellarmine declareth and Baronius more Bellarm. l. 1. de Eccles ●nilit c. ●● Barō loc cita●●● at large in euery age 23. The eight reason The office of the true Church is to ordaine appoint lawfull Pastors and Ministers of the Sacraments and to conserue alwayes the ordinary vocatiō as we also proued before But our Aduersaries can assigne no other Church but the Roman which hath alwayes had this ordinary vocation and cō●inuall succession of Pastors and the ordinary authority to send and institute Pastors in the Church of God 24. The ninth reason The office of the true Church is to teach a true faith without any error so that in no one point Cap. 8. ●u con●rou of doctrine necessary to saluation she may erre as we haue already proued out of holy Scripture But our Aduersaries can shew no other Church besids the Romā Cap. 7. ●uius cōt which hath not often erred in fayth Neyther dare our Aduersaries affirme that Sand. d● visibili Monar Eccles pertotū l. 7. Bell. in quinque lib. d● Rom. Pōtif Coccius Tom. 1. l. 1. Artic. 11. seq Baron per omnes 12. Tomos Calu. l. 4. Instit c. ● sect 16. subfinem there is as yet among them any visible Church which cannot erre in fayth But Doctor Sanders Bellarmine Coccius Baronius do most euidētly demonstrate that the Roman Church neuer erred hitherto in doctrine concerning matters of faith 25. And heere it is to be considered that in all other Churches founded by the Apostles yea in the Patriarks seates themselues there haue not byn only heresies but also many Archbishops heretikes but only the Roman Church among them all hath alwaies byn free vnstained with any heresy The which Caluin doth plainly acknowledge when he writeth that the Roman Church in the tyme of old heresyes was not so troublesome as other Churches were and that it kept more exactly then the rest the doctrine once deliuered vnto her by the Apostles But he badly as●r beth this to the power and strengeth of nature or to the generous dispositiō of the Romans not to the prouidence and grace of God 26. Much better did the auncient Bishops of Rome referre it to the singular prouidence of God and to the praier of Christ of the which Christ himselfe speaketh Luc. 2● v. 32. when he sayth But I haue prayed for thee Peter that thy fayth fayle not And indeed Bellarmine Bell l. 4. de Rom Pont. c. ● alledgeth seauen auncient Bishops of Rome which attribute this to the prayer of Christ 27. The tenth reason The proper and chiefest office of the true Church is to bring men to their eternall saluation so that without her helpe or without her we cannot hope to be saued as we proued before by our Aduersaries doctrine Supr c 2. ●uiuscōt We aske therfore of them whether our predecessors who liued vnder the Bishops of Rome these thousand yeares past were all damned or no they dare not affirme they were damned but out of the true Church of God we cannot hope for saluation the Roman Church therfore wherein they liued and obteined their saluation is the true Church of Christ CHAP. V. By the signes of the true Church it is declared that the Roman is the true Church of Christ. WE haue declared out of the holy Scriptures that there Cap. 19. huius Controu are foure most certaine signes of the true Church of Christ all which doe proue the Roman to be the same Church we speake of 2. First as concerning the vnity of faith and doctrine the Church of Rome hath the same faith in all and euery particular point therof with the primitiue Church as also with that Church which hath continued now for the space of almost a thousand six hundred yeares as Coccius clearely declareth out of the writings of all both auncient and late Histori●raphers Coccius induobus Tom. thesaur and that through euery article ●ow in Controuersy And we will here●fter shew in euery one of them the con●ent and harmony of the Roman Church with the Scriptures and aūcient Church But on the other side among our Aduer●aries there are many iarres and dissensions in points of Faith euery one of them condemning another of heresy as the forsaid Cocciu● manifestly sheweth euen by Coccius Tom. 1. l. 8. Art 7. 8. 9. 10. our Aduersaries owne writings wherfore it is most manifest that there is perfect vnity and agreement in the Roman Church concerning all matters of faith and that our Aduersaries doe differ and disagree almost in euery article therof 3. And heere it is diligently to be considered that this doth not happen vnto our Aduersaries by a meere chaunce only or by the malice of some few of them as they say it doth but euen necessarily out of the nature and condition of their doctrine For they teach that there should be no Superiour vnto whom all should be obedient and submit themselues no iudge of Controuersyes whose iudgment and definition in those
Christ to S. Peter feed my sheep but the beginning proceeded from vnity The primacy was giuen to S. Peter to the end that one Church of Christ and one chayre might be made manifest and knowne Hitherto S. Cyprian 11. But now that these promises of Christ did not only belong to the person of S. Peter but also to all those who were to succeed him in the same office till the end of the world we do thus clearly proue and demonstrate First because S. Peter is heere made the foundation of the Church and the rocke wherupon it is buylded but the Church of Christ alwayes remayneth therfore the foundation therof must alwayes remayne seing that nothing can continue and be without it foundation 12. Moreouer those keyes which were giuen to S. Peter do remayne alwaies in the Church as all our Aduersaries confesse Ergo he also remayneth to whom these keyes were giuen For that authority or those keyes were not giuen for S. Peter alone but for the Church which is alwayes extant It therfore alwaies retayneth those keyes and that authority of bynding or loosing men from their sinnes in S. Peter and his successors till the end of the world 13. And this is that which S. Leo S. Leo Serm ● ināniu assump suae ad Pontif. saith when he writeth that S. Peter euen to this day gouerneth the Church of God that is to say by his successors insomuch that his dignity neuer fayleth euen in an vnworthy successor But hitherto there was neuer any successor of S. Peter acknowledged in the Church of Christ besides the Bishop of Rome He therefore is the only successor of S. Peter and the supreme Bishop of the Church And the Roman is not only the true Church of Christ but also perferred before all others euen by Christ himselfe 14. The second place is Feed my lābes Ioan. 21. v. 15. 16. 17. Euseb Emissen Serm in natiu S. Ioan. Euang feede my sheep In which wordes God cōmended to S. Peter not only his lambes which signifieth the common sorte of people but also his sheepe to wit the Pastors and Fathers of his Church First saith Eusebius Emissenus he committed to S. Peter his lambes and then his sheep because he made him not only a Pastor but the Pastor of Pastors Peter therfore feedeth the lambes and also the sheepe He feedeth children and their mothers he ruleth Bern. de consi●er ad Eugē l. ● c. 8. S. Leo Serm. 3. de assump sua ad Pontif. Ioan. 21. v. 15. the people and their Prelates He is therfore the Pastor of all because besides lambes and sheepe there is nothing in the Church Hitherto Eusebius And S. Bernard My sheepe sayth Christ Vnto whome is it not ●layne and manifest that he did not assigne some but all nothing is excepted where there is no distinction made Thus S. Bernard And S. Leo Peter doth properly gouerne all whome principally Christ also gouerneth 15. Furthermore it is manifest that these wordes were spoken to S. Peter and not to the other Apostles seing that Christ asked him thrice Doest thou loue me And moreouer he added more then these that he might make a manifest distinction betwixt S. Peter and the other Apostles 16. Finally it is most certaine that this promise of Christ doth not only appertayne to the person of S. Peter but also to his successors which are to remayne in the Church till the end of the world Ephes 4. v 11. Calu. Beza ib. Confess Rupell Art 25. For both the Apostle doth plainly testify and our Aduersaries do also confesse that the office of a Pastor is ordinary and shall alwaies continue and be in the Church of God 17. And the chiefest reason thereof is because we stand in no lesse need now of a supreme Pastour then they which were in the primitiue Church while● yet the Apostles were aliue yea we haue much more need therof besides that there are still and alwaies shal be some sheep of Christ therfore there shall also still continue their chiefe Pastours The Rom●n Church therfore is not only the true Church of Christ but also that wherein S. Peters successor and the supreme Pastour of the whole Church of Christ remayneth 18. But these two places are so manifest that they cannot be confuted or wrested to any other sense vnlesse we till reduce all wordes to a metaphoricall signification or other figuratiue speaches the which is a common tricke of our Aduersaries when they are vrged with plaine wordes of the holy scripture But against all these falsifications of our Aduersaries we must alwaies obserue that rule of the S. Aug. tom 3. de doctrin Christi l. 3. cap. 1● Catholike Church taken out of S. Augustine to wit that we must neuer depart from the proper signification of the words of holy Scripture vnlesse we be forced by the authority of some more euident poynt of faith wherunto the proper significatiō of the wordes do manifestly repugne For otherwise if we might as often as we would refuse and l●aue the proper signification of the wordes there will be nothing lesse certayne in all the holy Scripture 19. Moreouer it will be an easy matter for euery one to fly to metaphors and improper significatiōs when he is pressed with the playne words of holy Scripture but there is nothing heere that should force vs to depart from the true and proper sense of the wordes None therefore but desperate and carelesse of their owne saluation will giue credit and b●lieue these foolish toyes and dreames of our Aduersaries inuented only by them in hatred and contempt of the Bishop of Rome 20. Yea he will rather imbrace and follow the vniforme consent and vnderstanding of the auncient Fathers and of all the whole Church For the holy Fathers in many places do affirme that these Bellar. l. 1. de Rom. Pont. c. 10 14. Coccius To. 1. l. 7. Art 4. two places of the holy Scripture are to be vnderstood litterally of Saint Peter the which Bellarmine and Coccius haue diligently gathered togeather as many other Catholike Authors haue done before them But because this matter is so cleare and manifest that euen our Aduersaries cannot deny it as we will plainly shew in the next Chapter we wil not now spend any more tyme in alleadging of Authors 21. But our Aduersaries doe heere cry out and obiect against vs that the holy Fathers doe sometymes affirme that the Church was built vpon the fayth of S. Peter and sometymes vpon his confession As though forsooth there were any among vs so foolish as to thinke that the Church was built vpon S. Peters back or shoulders or vpon S. Peter as he was an Infidell or dumme and not rather vpon S. Peter as indued and replenished with the gift of faith confessing and professing openly the mysteries thereof Wherfore it is all one whether we say that the Church is built vpon S. Peter or vpon his faith and
euery man is Christ and the head of Christ is God as the Apostle testifieth And so the woman hath three heades her Husband Christ and God but each one of them is subiect vnto another So S. Peter or the Pope of Rome is the head of the Church but vnder Christ and subiect vnto him Because Christ is the head Ephes 1. v. 22. of S. Peter and of the Byshop of Rome Moreou●r Christ is the head of the whole Church ●swell present as to come aswell of the old Testament as of othe new But S. Peter or his successor is only head of the Church in this world and of the new Testament only Hereupon sayd Matt. 16. v. 18. Christ vpon this rocke I will build my Church that is to say the Church of the new Testament which was then to be built 2. Yea euen by the nature of a head we way gather very well that besides Christ who is the head of all Churches aswell visible as inuisible as the Apostle saith there is also another visible head of Ephes 1. v. 22. the visible Church for otherwise it were a monster because it should be a visible body without a visible head Yt is necessary therfore that besides an inuisible head which is Christ there be also a visible heade in the visible Church to wit S. Peters successor 3. Furthermore the actions which Christ exerciseth in his Church are of two kindes some are inuisible as our vocation iustification sanctification c. and these Christ exerciseth and doth by himselfe Some other actions are visible as to preach administer Sacraments and to gouerne visibly the Church c. These Christ doth not exercise by himself alone but also by visible men which represent his person Wherfore euen as Christ should not be sayd truly to baptize any vnlesse there were s●me visible man who in the person of Christ should visibly baptize neyther can he be sayd truly to gouerne visibly euery particuler Church vnlesse in each of them some particuler persō do visibly gouerne in Christs steed so also neyther should Christ be sayd truly to gouerne visibly the whole Church vnlesse there were some one who in his person migh visibly gouerne the whole Church But this person can be no other but the Byshop of Rome 4. And that which hath byn said 1. Cor. 3. v. ●1 before of the h●ad is also to be vnderstood of the rocke and foundation For Christ is indeed the chiefest foundation of all true belieuers but the secondary Ephes 2. ● 20. and subordinate foundation vnto Christ is also the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets as the Apostle expressely saith to the Ephesians and Caluin also acknowledgeth it to be most true But if the doctrine Calu. ibid. l. 1. Inst cap. 7. sect 2. of all the Apostles be also the foundation of the Church why should not also S. Peters doctrine be the same For when we say that S. Peter is the foundation of the Church by S. Peter we doe vnderstand not his person only but also his doctrine preached in the Church of Rome 5. Moreouer seing that S. Iohn in his Apocalyps sayth that the Citty of God hath Apocal. 21. v. 14 twelue foundations and in them twelue names of the twelue Apostles of the lambe VVhat meruaile is it if S. Peter the first of the Apostles be called a rocke or foundation of the Citty of God 6. And heere it is to be considered that when the Apostle sayth that there is no other foundation besides Christ this word besides hath the same signification 1. Cor. v. 11. that contrary or against hath as appeareth by many other places of holy Scripture For otherwise all the Apostles are called the foundations of the Church as we haue sayd before but they are not contrary or against Christ but vnder Supra cap. 35. §. 2. Cotr. 1. Christ and subiect vnto him 7. Finally if we examine more exactely the true sense of those wordes of S. Paul to the Corinthians it will appeare manifestly 1. Contr. 3. v. 11. that our Aduersaries wrest the said wordes of the Apostle to a contrary sense and meaning For the Apostle doth not speake of the foundatiō of the whole building of the Church of Christ wherof ● Cor. 3. v. 11. only is our present Cōtrouersy but of the foundatiō of particuler priuate actions of euery true belieuer For S. Paul manifestly writeth that he layd that foundotion wherof he speaketh that euery one buildeth his owne proper worke vpon this foundation But there is a great difference among these foundations because heere Christ himselfe is the who made ordayned S. Peter to be a foundation I say Matt. 16. v. 18. vnto thee saith Christ to S. Peter that thou art Cephas there S. Paul is he who ●oga●●er ●aid that foundation wherof he speaketh as a wise worke mayster sayth he haue I layd the 1 Cor. 3. v. ●0 foundation Heere Christ himselfe is ●e who buildeth Vpon this rocke saith our Lord I will buyld There euery priuate man is he who buyldeth but let euery one looke saith the Apostle how he buildeth theron heere Matt. 16. v. 18. the Church is that which is built theron I will build saith our Lord my Church There the worke of euery priuate man is that which is built theron If any mans worke abide saith the Apostle that which he built 1. Cor. 3. v. 14. therupon shall receaue reward S. Paul therfore speaketh of the foundatiō of good workes which belong vnto iustice and life euerlasting wherof as we haue said Christ is the ●● ●huius cap. only foundation We treat here of the founddation of the outward and visible gouernement of the Church and doctrine of sound faith Now S. Peter his successors were such a foundation Wherfore that which our Aduersaries alleadge out of S. Paul doth nothing concerne this our present disputation 8. The second argument S. Peter denyed Ioan. 18. v. 25. Christ thrice therfore be could not be the rocke against whome the gates of hell should neuer preuaile I answere that when S. Peter denyed Christ he was not as then the foundation of the Church For promise was made vnto him only Matth. 16. I will build c. I will giue thee c. speaking alwaies in the future tense but afterward Ioan. 21. the authority was Ioan. 21. v. 15. actually giuen which was before promised vnto him and that after that denyall of S. Peter as also after the resurrection of Christ feede my lambes saith Christ feede my sheepe 9. The third argument After that the forsayd authority was giuen Ioan. 21. S. Peter was reprehended by S. Paul Gal. 2. I answere that as witnesseth Tertullian the Tertull. l. 5. centra Ma●ci c. 3. Tertull. de praesc aduersus Haeret. c. 23. infine Marcionists obiected this very same place against Catholikes vnto whome Tertullian answereth in
very well be applyed in this manner to the Roman Church I know saith he what is written in the holy and Canonicall Scriptures concerning the Church of Rome and the faith therof I know not what you say of her Apostacy or falling from her sayth Truly as we do reade in bookes the which you also do honour reuerence of the Roman Church and faith therof so also reade you vnto vs out of bookes the which we also do honour and reuerence how she forsooke and lost her faith Doth it please you that we should belieue euery slaunderous reproach of men vpon what occasion soeuer it was vttered and obiected against the Roman Church the which the holy Ghost hath both deliuered cōmended vnto vs by his holy Scriptures this indeed is pleasing to you but whom also it should more iustly please you see well inough but you being ouercome by obstinacy will not yield to the truth And a little after Lo heere the Roman Church Rom. 1. v. 7. Rom. 1. v. 8. with whome I communicate where I reade thee her name there finde thou me her saultes if thou canst but if thou cryest and rehearsest them from some other place we following the voyce of our Pastour euidently declareth vnto vs by the mouth of the Apostle S. Paul do not admit belieue or heare Ioan. 10. v. 17. your wordes My sheepe saith our heauenly Pastour heare my voice and follow me His testimony of the Roman Church is not obscure but very cleare and manifest VVhosoeuer will not go astray or wander Rom 1. v. 7. 8. from his flock let him heare him let him follow him Hitherto S. Augustine 20. Finally it is heere diligently to be noted that our Aduersaries neuer durst be so bould as to affirme so strange and absurd things of the Church of Rome so auncient in it selfe and so commended by all the auncient holy Fathers yea and by the Apostle S. Paul himselfe but that they Rom. 1. v. 7. 8. falsely perswade themselues that she hath lost and forsaken the true doctrine of Christ Heereupon they say that Rome is Babylon and they are not ashamed to affirme the Pope to be Antichrist But if it were once proued manifestly that the Roman Church teacheth nothing which is not very agreable to the word of God all our Aduersaries weapons against the Church of Rome will easily be blunted and ouerthrowne and also they wil be forced to confesse with Caluin that the Calu. l. 4. Inst cap. 1. sect 10● infine breach from this Church is the denyall of God and Christ or that there cannot be imagined any fault more heynous But this God willing shal be more euidently hereafter declared in euery Controuersy CHAP. IX Of the Adoration of the Pope of Rome of the kissing of his feete AMongst other Crimes wherewith the Roman Church is charged by our Aduersaries one at which many take offence is the adoration of the Pope and the kissing of his feete We will therefore in this Chapter say some what in iustification therof for if it shall appeare that nothing is done therein which is not warranted by the written word it will appeare how little reasō they haue to tearme that impio●● Idolatry which is nothing els indeed but Religious piety 2. Howbeit we are first to forwarne the Reader to the end he be not deceaued by the name of Adoratiō that Adoratiō in the holy Scripture hath two significations in 1. Paral. vlt. v. 28. Gen. 2. v. 7. G●n 27. v. 28. Gen. 49. v. ● the one it appertayneth to God alone in the other it may without any sinne at all yea with great merit be giuen to men And of adoration in both senses are verified those wordes of the Scripture they adored first God and then the King Many other places of Scripture there are which approue this adoration of men of which only we now treate For this adoration only is exhibited to the Pope not that other which belongeth only to God and it is exhibited vnto him as the Vicar of Christ wheras the other cannot be exhibited but to the true God himselfe Now there are foure testimonies of holy Scripture which euidently prooue that the adoration of the Pope is not only lawfull but also dutifull 3. The first testimonie is that which the Phophet I say recordeth in these wordes Isaiae 45. v. 14. Thus saith our Lord the labour of Egipt the merchād●ze of Ethiopia the eminent men of the Sabeans shall come vnto thee and they shal be thine they shall follow thee they shall go with their handes manacled or bound in chaines and they shall adore thee and make supplication vnto thee It is manistest that the Prophet in this place speaketh not to Christ but to the Church for all the verbes and pronownes in the Hebrew text are of the feminine gender and not of the masculine besides it appeareth euidently by all that goeth before these wordes and all that followeth that this promise was made to the Church of Christ The Prophet therfore saith that the labour negotiatiō that is the riches gotten togeather by labour and negotiation of Egipt and Ethiopia and the eminent persons of the Sabeans by whome are vnderstood the Princes of the Gentils shall passe ouer to the Church and they sh●lbe the Churches and they shall walke after the Church in manacles by which are signified Ecclesiasticall lawes and that they shall adore the Church and make supplication to her 4. And it is to be obserued that the Hebrew word in the last cōiugation as it is vsed heere and in a manner euery where els signifyeth to prostrate ones selfe before another not howsoeuer but by way of ador ation as all that are skilfull in the Hebrew tongue know in so much as the adoratiō done ōly to God is often expressed by this word This therfore is the true sense and meaning of this place they shall prostrate themselues before thee therby to exibite adoration vnto thee We haue therefore out of the Scripture that the Church and consequently Calu. eōment in Isa 45. v. 14. edit ann 1559. Gē apuds Ioan. ●rispinum the Ministeriall head thereof not only may but must be adored vnlesse we will make God to fa●sify his promise But the crafty dealing of Caluin heere is to be detected who to abuse the Reader leaueth out in his latin translation twice the Pronowne Te that this adoration may not seeme to be referred to the Church but eyther to God or to Christ for he translateth not adorabunt-te obsecrabunt ie but thus Adorabunt atque obsecrabunt whereas in the Hebrew the particle te is twice put in the ●●●●inine gender so as this adoration and obsecration must needes be referred to the Church and therfore those of Genena durst not omit the same neyther in their French Bibles not in their corrupt translation which they call Vatublus no nor Culuin himselfe
Calu. l. 4● Inst cap. 9. sect 13. acknowledge that there is no better or surer remedy to roote out and take away al heresies therfore eyther this is a certaine remedy or els there is none at all the which to affirme were to deny the prouidence of God and his loue to his Church 15. Moreouer that which our Aduersaries say to wit that the later Councels are not lawfull Assemblies because they haue not obserued due manner and forme is a false lye first because it doth not become euery priuate man to be iudge in this matter but it belongeth to the whole Church who hauing receyued for so many yeares all these as lawfull Councells we must not call them any more in question 16. And seing that our Aduersaries do imbrace and approue the six first Councels the lawfull forme to be obserued in Councells is to be fetched from them the which is exactly obserued in the later Councells as Baronius sheweth euidently in euery one of the first six Councells But Caluin acknowledgeth no Calu. c. 9. citato sect ● lawfull manner of any Synodicall assembly nor any such to be gathered togeather in the name of Christ but where all things are proued by Scripture only reiecting all Ecclesiasticall traditions but we haue already proued that the Traditions Go●t 1. c. 18. seq of the Church of God are as a principall and chiefest part of the word of God 17. Yea euen this was the only cause why S. Cyprian and so many other holy Byshops erred in the African Councells when they determined that all those who were christned by Heretikes should be baptized againe for they confirmed this their opinion very probably by many places of holy Scripture but they reiected the auncient tradition of the Lyrin lib. cōtra Heraes c. 9. 10. S. Aug. Tom. 7. de baptism cōtra Donatist l. 2. c. 7. in fine cap. 8. 9. S. Aug. Tom. 7. l. 3 de bapt cōtra Donatist c. 4. l. 3. citato c. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. loan 14. ● 9. Church the which they knew very well was opposite to this error as though it had byn contrary to the holy Scriptures as S. Vincentius Lyrinensis declareth very well and before him S. Augustine in many places 18. And that which is more S. Augustine manifestly writeth that he had byn of S. Cyprians opinion by reason of those probable reasons which were deduced out of holy Scripture but that the whole Catholike Church had defined the contrary And as the same holy Father teacheth at large they most of all oppugned the custome of the Church which were in the same error with S. Cyprian obiecting among other thinges that place of the holy Scripture the which our Aduersaries now adayes obiect against vs● God saith I am the truth he doth not say I am the custome Vnto whome S. Augustine answereth very well that the custome of the Church is not opposite to Truth but it is euen Truth it selfe 19. Our Aduersaries arguments are of small account or moment Caluin bringeth in the example of Caiphas and of the Iewish Councell wherin Christ was condemned The same argument Beza Bez. in 1. Tim. 2. v. 25. also alledgeth But who doth not know that this was neyther a generall Councell whereunto Christ was not called nor any ●ther true belieuer nor lawfull in it selfe seing that it was not assembled in the name and authority of Christ who was then the supreme head of the visible and militant Church as also because it was called togeather against the true Church of God by the wicked and cursed Synagogue of the Iewes For that was the true Church which adhered vnto Christ and belieued in him but that other which was altogeather depriued had lost the true faith of Christ was rather a fit Church for Sathan and other infernall spirits And I meruaile truly that Caluin and Beza do alledge that Councell as true and lawfull which was assembled against Christ himselfe as also by those who were not true belieuers ●o 15. v. 22. Psal 117. v. 21. Isa 9. v. 9. 10. Isa 6. v. 14. Dan. ● v. 26. Mat. vlt. ● vlt. in Christ yea who were filthily stained with the most heynous synne of infidelity as Christ humselfe witnesseth but we willingly leaue such a Church and Councell to our Aduersaries 20. It was also manifestly foretould by the Prophet that Christ should not be receyued by the Iewes and that the Synagogue of the Iewes should then fall from Ioa. 14. v 16. Calu. c. 9. citato sect 8. S. Aug. Tō 6. l. 3. contra Maxim Arian Episc c. 14. Beza volu 2. Tract Theol. Tract 3. de pace Christianorum Eccles constit cir● finē pag. 118. iuxta edit Gē an 1558. Calu. sect citato Rupel Confess Art 5. in fine her faith But the holy Scriptures teach the plaine contrary of the true Church of Christ to wit that Christ and his spirit shall remayne with her for euer 21. But neyther is that other argument which Caluin and Beza vse any better to wit that S. Augustine would not vrge the authority of the Councell of Nice against Maximinus the Arian For neyther can we vrge the authority of the new testament against the Iewes not because we haue any doubt thereof but because the Iewes do not admit the new Testament In the same manner when that Arian would not admit the Councell of Nice but did plainly reiect it S. Augustine should in vayne haue vrged the authority therof for otherwise it is well knowne that S. Augustine neuer had any doubt of the fayth explicated in the Councell of Nice the which euen our Aduersaries imbrace as the most true word of God 22. Such as desire to see any more concerning this controuersy of the Generall Councells let them read Bellarmine in his first second booke of the Church militant and Coccius in his first Tome the seauenth booke the 21. 22. article CHAP. XI Of the Authority of the auncient Holy Fathers NOw it remaineth we say somewhat of the auncient holy Fathers and of their writinges both because they were in tymes past the chiefest members of the true Church of Christ euen by the confession of our Aduersaries as also because in the particuler controuersies we shall often vse the testimonies authorities of the holy Fathers 2. We know indeed well inough that they were men and that they might haue erred but neyther are they Gods nor Angells who accuse them of their errors We know also that one or more of the sayd holy Fathers haue sometymes erred when they left the more common opinion of others 3. But we affirme this constantly that the auncient holy Fathers receiued by the Church of God haue neuer written any thing with a common and vnanime consent that is eyther contrary to the holy Scriptures or to any point of fayth 4. Moreouer out of the writings of the holy Fathers in foure diuers
written poynts of fayth it is manifest that no● other Iudge but the Catholike Church hath ended or defined all these controuersyes 29. But in this iudgement of the Church there are two thinges to be considered the one that the Church doth not iudge of any part of the word of God out of her owne proper sense and iudgment or at her owne pleasure without the word of God as her Aduersaries and namely Caluin do wrongfully slaunder her but by one part of the word of God which is better knowen she iudgeth of that which is lesse knowen and manifest vnto vs as for example by the word of God deliuered by Traditions she iudgeth of the written word of God and of the true sense therof 30. The other thing to be considered is that when the Church doth iudge of these things they are not men only Act. 15. v. 28. which iudge as our Aduersaries pretend but the holy Ghost also himselfe who iudgeth and speaketh vnto vs by the Church It seemed good say the Apostles to the holy Ghost and vs. For euen as the actions of a mans body are not so properly the actions of the body as of the soule which quickneth and moueth the body so the actions of the whole Catholike Church are not so much to be attributed vnto men who are as it were the body of the visible Church as vnto the holy Ghost who is as it were the soule which giueth life and motion to the body of the Church They therfore who deny this iudgment of the Church are not only iniurious to the Church but also to the holy Ghost Hitherto of the properties offices and power of the true Church of Christ It Calu. in Antid cōtra 4. sess Concil Trid. in fine remayneth now we shew such a Church as the Scripture declareth and describeth vnto vs the which Caluin as we haue sayd before earnestly desired of vs. FINIS OF THE MARKES OF THE TRVE CHVRCH The third Part of the second Controuersy CHAP. I. Of the false and true Signes or Markes of the Church in generall HAVING in the precedent Controuersyes declared that Christ and all that good is can only be found in the true Church and that out of it there is nothing but euerlasting damnation now it remayneth that we inquire which is that true Church where it may be found and how it is described and set forth in holy Scripture for all the sectes of heresies go about to challenge her vnto themselues yea euen those who otherwise haue a very bad conceyt and opinion of her For they see very well that out of her they can expect or hope for no saluation But to the end we may not erre in matter of so great moment we will seeke out the true Markes and Signes whereby the true Church may be certainly knowne and discerned from euery false and counterfait Church 2. Our Aduersaries doe commonly Calu. l. 4. Inst c. 7. sect 9. 10. Bez. in sua confess c. 5. Art 7. Centuriatores 1. Centur. l. 1. c. 4. l. 2. cap. 4. set downe two signes or markes of the true Church to wit the sincere preaching of the word of God and the lawfull administration of the Sacraments Bez● addeth a third signe to wit the Ecclesiasticall discipline practised agreable to the word of God The Lutherans annexed vnto these a fourth signe to wit an Obedience towards ministers Of this fourth signe we will speake a little after for it is reduced to the vnity of the Church But the three signes set downe by the Caluinists are altogeather foolish and friuolous the which we proue thus 3. First by the very nature of a signe For euery signe of it owne nature S. Aug. Tom. ● l. 2. de doct Christ cap 1. 3. Calu. l. 4. Inst cap. 17. sect 11. is a sensilbe thing as all teach following therein S. Augustine and our Aduersaries confesse this to be true when they treate of the Sacraments Yea Caluin writeth that this was alwaies as it were a matter of faith in the Church And so do all teach now who are of vnderstanding Truly none will say that which is only belieued in the Sacrament is a signe but that which is seene But these signes of the Church prescribed by our Aduersaries can neyther be seen nor perceyued by any sense Yea not euen by our vnderstanding vnlesse it be illuminated by fayth For by faith only are they preceyued because none can know which is the sincere preaching lawfull administration of the Sacraments or Ecclesiasticall discipline prescribed by Christ but by faith wherefore they who say that these are the signes and markes of the Church do not indeed know what they say euen as if one should affirme that in the Sacrament of baptisme the ablution and the wordes are not signes but the effect of baptisme which is not seene which euery man seeth how absurd it is 4. The second reason Euery signe of any thing must be more manifest and better knowne then the thing it selfe whose signe it is because it is put for that end that it may be a signe or token wherby that other thing may be known but these signes of the Church alleadged by our Aduersaries are more obscure and vncertaine then the Church it self For the Church is at the least oftentymes visible as they thēselues confesse but these their signes be neuer visible but alwaies inuisible for they can only be knowne by faith as we haue already declared but that which is by faith declared is necessarily obscure because faith as witnesseth the Heb. 11. v. 1. Apostle is the argument of things not appearing hence it is that all sectes do bragge and boast that they haue these signes because indeed they cānot be clearly seene of any 5. The third reason Our Aduersaries do alledge in vayne these signes for therfore do we enquire for signes and Markes of the Church that they which are ignorant of her may therby come to know her for they who already know any thing do not need any signes as for example he who already knoweth very well this Citty needeth no marke or signe therof wherby he may know it But he stādeth in need of signes who neuer saw this Citty So in like manner they who are out of the Church and know her not do most of all need some signes and markes wherby to know her but these which our Aduersaries assigne can be knowne by none but by those who are already within the Church and know her very well hauing the true faith and beliefe therof but they cannot be vnderstood by those who know not the true Church to the end they may seeke and fynd her because they are only perceyued and knowne by faith they are therfore alleadged in vaine by our Aduersaries 6. But neyther can these signes be knowne of all those who are in the Church but only of the more learned in the Church For euery one of the common