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A16910 Demands to be propounded of Catholickes to the heretikes by Richard Bristow ... ; taken partly out of his late English booke of Motiues to the Catholicke faith, partely out of his printed Latin booke of the same matter. Bristow, Richard, 1538-1581. 1623 (1623) STC 3801.5; ESTC S1528 47,404 192

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Father for thē nor for any one thing that they hold against vs The 34. Demaund Authoritie VVHETHER the Church of Christ did not euermore take her selfe to be of Authoritie irrefragable and so beare her selfe as necessarie worthie to be beleeued vpon her onelyword and therfore no man to controll her a Aug. ep 105. Sentence or Iudgement no man to misdoubt her b Aug ep 118 c. 3. ep 105. Practise And whether S. Augustine haue not written a booke therupon which he calleth De vtilitate credendi Of the vtilitie of beleeuing the Church in all thinges shewing how profitable how necessary how sure a way that is for the finding out of true Religion And whether the Maniches then as the Protestantes now founde not fault with that way And whether the true Christians notwithstanding did not for all that hold thē against those all other Heretickes vpon the Churches Authoritie Chris con gent. de S. Ba● coll 882. 884. Et con Iud. ar 2. col 928. Eus Hist l. 1. c. 3. Devt or c. 14. yea and alleage it also vnto the Iewes and Painimes to proue that Christ is God and that the holy Scriptures with the Miracles and all other things in them contained be true because I say the Church or company of the Christians so saith and so beleeueth And whether Saint Augustine and that by true reason doth not infer therupon that seeing we beleeue Christ and the Scriptures because of the church we must therfore beleeue the Church in all other thinges also whatsoeuer it saieth against the Heretickes And whether this Authoritie do not therefore argue that the Church can neuer erre And whether neuer erring doe not argue that it can neuer perish And therfore again whether it do not now also well worthely claime the same authoritie Yea whether the Protestants themselues haue not receaued many thinges as Christ himselfe and the Scriptures themselues c. vpon our churches credite the church I say that now is Aske them then howe they can possiblye bee the church who willingly doe renounce the claime of such Authoritie and doe by their doings confesse it to be in the companie of their aduersaries Finally bydde the deceaued consider this well that they haue no forte or nūber of men amōgst them whom they may truste in all thinges with whom and in whose steppes they may venture to walke the way of Faith and Religion towardes saluation None of all the Sectes in our countrey nor in all the world so happie none so secure and therfore no Church amongest them because I say they openly renounce the claime of Authoritie confessing therby that it is not of them that the Creed saith I beleue the Church in so much that they haue suffered of late an vnlearned Christian as he is called to set out in Print a vaine libell againste the Aucthoritie of the Church of God comparing and opposing vnto it the Authority of the word of God as though the word of God and the Church of God were one against the other it being yet so plainely written that as the Father saied of his Sonne Mat. 17. Mat. 18. Ipsum audite Heare him So the Sonne said of his church Si Ecclesiam non audierit sit tibi ficut Ethnicus Publicanus If he will not heare the Church do thou vse him as the Iewes did as an Heathen and a Publican And yet this felow trusteth so much in his owne folie Prou. 17 that he is bold to prouoke all catholiks to answere his childishnes or els they must be accounted saith he no lesse then very Murderers It were good for him poore man that he had in him no more pride then learning My best counsaile to him for his saluation is that he reade humblye these Demaundes and looke whether any of his greate Masters will answere them And if after this his stomacke serue him still let him set out his Libel more orderly with his name with approbation of their Rabbins and with priuiledge that we labour not in vaine with the grace of God he shall quickly see it answered as vnworthy as it is The 35. Demand Vnity THEN whether vnity proced not of the sayd Authority And our Church therefore one for euer and not possibly by any questiō or controuersy to be desperatly deuided within it selfe They on the other side for lacke thereof running euery day into more and more diuision amongst thēselues multiplying Sectes as all men do see without hold or measure not being able to aleage herein any excuse for thēselues which the Arians Donatistes other olde Hereticks might not as well aleage for excuse of their diuisions yea euen their owne Doctrine being the very cause therof and they therfore guiltie of all these sectes that doctrine I say wherin they teach that the Scriptures are so easye and that therefore euerie one may folow his owne sese yea and vant also that it is the sence of the Spirite himselfe And whether the Churches inseparable vnitie be not so sure an argument of Truth that it is a moste iuste Motiue by Christes owne saying for the world to beleeue in Christ that no man meruaile seeing the infinite Sects that be now in Englād that there be also so many incredulous that beleeue not in Christ The 36. Demaund Kepers of Scriptures VVHether it were not our Church that notified to the worlde the Canon of the holye Bookes of the new Testament Whether it were not our Church that hath had the custodie construing both of the foresaid and of the other Bookes of the holy Bible euer since the Apostles time Or else whether before this time the Expositors thereof were Protestants And whether the Protestants had not the saide Books of vs And whether they can charge our Church all this longe while of her possesion with adding or minishinge any iote thereof Or whether they can not bee charged this short while of their vsurpation with robbing vs of many wholle Bookes thereof Bookes I say canonized in aproued Concels and of many a particulare portion more or whether euer any coulde be so charged but only Heritikes Finally whether our Church therefore be not the ōly true possessor or keper of this treasure as to whom only the Apostels cōmited it and therefore againe ours the only true Church The 37. Demaund Storehouse of all Truthe VVHETHER not onely all Canonicall Scripture as I haue saide but also all other truthes agreed vpon at any time by the Church of God and as it were laide vp for euer are not at this tym to be foūd in our church as that which was agreed vpon against the Arians that which was concluded against the Donatistes briefly that which was defined aganst all other Heretikes Aske them whether it haue not bene hither vnto and whether it be not still safelye keapt in our Church And how them selues came by the saide Truthes whether otherwise then at our
Churches handes Aske them againe Whereas some auncient writers haue bene iustly noted for certaine errors whether our Church may be taxed with any of those errors yea whether our Churches Faith be not the Rule whereby both Protestants and all others safely may and do now read those writers and so most easilye auoide those errors being nothinge moued with the authoritie nor antiquitie of those writers nor with the greate showe of many Scriptures which either those writers or also sundrye olde Heretikes made for their errors knowing vndoubtedly by the Rule of our Churches faith that those Scriptures haue not that meaning being otherwise like to thinke as any indifferent man will beare me recorde that the Scriptures make for those olde errors heresies no lesse yea much more then for Luther or Caluine or any other Heretikes of our time And whether it be not plaine by this that our Church is that Depositorium diues Iren. l. 3. cap. 4. that Riche Storehouse wherein all Truth either by the Apostles or by any other 2. Tim. 1. d 14. hath bene laide vp and wherein euery man that will may without danger and without labour finde what soeuer Truth he seeketh The 38. Demaund Old Heresies VVHETHER on the contrarie side amongst the Protestantes any other Truth be to be found but only such as they receued of vs yea further whereas very many Falsehoodes Errors Heresies haue bene from time to time by the Church noted and condemned whether a greate number of the same Heresies be not now to bee founde amongest the Protestantes So many olde Heresies I saye whereas one were enough to proue thē heretiks as be enough to proue them almost Apostatates As Against a Epip haer 75. Aug. haer 53. Praying for the dead Against prescripte Fasting daies Against b Aug to 6. de fide con Manich. c. 9.10 Aug. haer 82. Ret l. 2. c. 22. Free wil Against c Merite of Single life Against c the Vow of the same at least twēty more And therefore whether as our Church is the storehouse of Truth so their Sinagogue bee not the Sinke of false hood and of Heresie The 29. Demaund VVhere grew their doctrine AGAINE whether the Persons that of olde professed the said pointes of these mens doctrine and were of the Church therfore noted for Heretiks were not also otherwise most notorious Heretickes for certaine other pointes I say confessed also by the Protestants to be heresy As whether a Epip haer 75. Aug. haer 52. Aerius who held with them against praying and offēring for the dead and against all the prescript fasting dayes were not besides that also an Arian the like of all their other Parteners Aske them now what it meaneth that their doctrine alwayes hath been found in such naughty ground and with such stinking weedes And contrarywise our doctrine touching the same pointes found also at the same tyme in such as they confesse themselues to haue beene good ground as in S. Augustine in S. Epiphanius and others who did so hold our sayed doctrine that they with the whole Church cōdemned Aerius of heresy for denying the same The 40. Demand They neuer afore new VVHETHER of this it follow not that they must needes cōfesse that their church was neuer in the world neuer I say at no tyme before this our tyme Or else let them say whether one that is an Arrian denying Godes Sonne to be Consubstantiall that is to say Of the same substance with his Father may be of their Church Yea also of VViclef and Husse themselues do you aske thē how they could be of this their Church holding with Pelagius Iustification a Tho. wald to 3. cap. 7. Melanct. hom ad Friden Micon by mans owne merits and also b Heu Syl. in hist Bohe c. 35. that a King or Queene committing any mortall sinne leeseth streight his office and is no longer to be obied The 41. Demaund Studying all Truth VVETHER our Church to keepe safely all Truth in manner aforesayd doe not diligently studdy all Truth her Masters therefore in their Bookes and Schooles teaching all Truth her scholers therfore learning all Truth to defend I say all Truth of Christ against all enemyes against Painyms against Iewes and against all Heresyes And whether Protestantes on the contrary side but a few of thē God wot do study any more then a few questions of this tyme onely and that so lightly that they be afrayd to reason with common Catholickes Being all rather occupyed about wyuing and thriuing in the world then sincerely and learnedly to defend Religion Or let them tell vs why else our Countrey is so ful of Atheists Achristes and all kinds of most detestable heretikes Aske them whether in their vniuersityes they haue the whole course of Diuinity within a certaine tearme of yeares yea or in Anno Platonis proceding as they do all read ouer Yea whether their Students or Doctours also and Readers can tel you almost what the course of diuinity meaneth And againe aske them who for christian study and increase of godly knowledg foūded those vniuersityes builded those Colleges and instituted those degrees of learning whether our Church or theirs and who hath authority to make Doctours of Diuinity whether Kinges and Queens or only Bishops And therefore if our Church haue againe taken from them her graunt and annullated their degrees as it a Bulla Pij 5. Anno 1564. hath done aske them by what title they will clayme the same The 42. Demaunde Vnsent VVHETHER the Preachers euer of the Church of Christ did take vpon them to preach and teach without a Ioā 20. c. 21 Act. 15. cap. 24. Rom. 10 cap. 15. sending And whether euer any all this while had authority to send forth Teachers but only the Apostles and their Successors and such as receaued it of them And if they say their sending to be extraordinary aske thē why all this tyme God did so send non other but only to barre such as they be from so saying Aske thē likewise where then be their Miracles Or whether any also afore Christes Church beganne were sent out of order without the gift of Miracles or of prophecy or of both Finally you may aske them what warrant they haue to hold such an office of a Lay Prince Or how without that office they can pretend to be the true Church of Christ The 43. Demaund Succession VVHETHER it be not euident in the a Act. 1. d 21. 14. d 22. Actes and b Tit. 1. b. 5. Epistles of the Apostles with the c Eus l. 2. cap. 13.15.23 l. 3. c. 2.4.10 Ecclesiasticall historyes of the tymes that followed that the Church once begunne by and in the Apostles did afterward grow on as Christ d Mat 13. c. 14. f. 4. ●6 c. 18. did promise that it should and spread it selfe ouer all places and through all ages by
Seeing you acknowledge in your Confession of faith that the Sacraments ought only to be ministred by such as are called therunto by ordinary vocation I demand if your vocation vnto the ministrie be like vnto the calling of all others who haue gone before you in the Church of Christ since the time of the Apostles whom both yee and wee repute and hould to haue been Iawfull pastors and teachers of his flock as S. Cyprian S. Augustin S. Ambrose and diuers others wishing you to shewin al points the conformitie of your vocation with that of theirs 5. who their Doctors Seing after the discours of the election of your Ministers Elders and Deacons yee acknowledge that the Scriptures make mention of a fourth kind of Ministers lest vnto the Church of Christ which also are very necessarie profitable Ephes 4. 1. Cor. 12. and are called by the name of teachers and doctors whose office it is to teach and instruct the faithfull in sound doctrine prouiding with all diligence that the puritie of the gospel be not corrupted ether throgh ignorance or false opinion I pray you to shew at what time any Doctors of such calling haue bene in your Church before Iohn Caluin because the places of Scripture noted by you teach and declare that God hath appointed such meanes in his church that it should neuer be left desolate nor yet his Doctrine to decay for wāt of Doctors other teachers 6. Their admission of Tinkers c. And seeing yee confes in the same place that men cannot profit so well in the knowledge aforesayd vnles they be first instructed in the learned tongues humane sciences for now God doth not commonly worke by miracles and that therefore it is necessary that seed be sowen for the tyme to come to the end that the Church be not left barren wast vnto posterity and also that for this effect schooles be erected wherin youth may be trayned vp in the knowledge and feare of God I demand why yee admitted at the first entry of your doctrine into Scotland and yet doe Taylors Skinars and other Artificers who were neuer instructed but in their owne craft and occupation which they left and abiured and out of their owne heades without any further calling vnto the ministery began to teach the people hauing for all their learning and forme of preaching some English books only which yet themselues very hardly vnderstood 7. If the only written word be Iudge Seeing that among other heads of your alleadged fayth this is one principall that nothing is to be beleeued Cal. l. 4. Inst c. 8. sect 8. but what is found in the written word I demaund what testimony yee haue in the same for assurance of your faith in this point And whether the fayth of the Apostles was groūded on the written word or not 8. S. Thomas Ghospell Where is it written that there is only foure Ghospels and that the Ghospell of S. Matthew with the other three ought to be recea ued and not the Ghospell of S. Thomas Or what authority hath moued you to receaue som books or chapters for canonical scriptur and to refuse or reiect others Or if any man deny any booke of the new Testament as Martin Luther doth the epistle of S. Iames what argumentes haue yee from the Scripture to condemne him Praef. in nou Test 9. VVhy Iewes credited Seeing yee giue so great authority to the Synagogue of the Iewes that according to their canon yee admit reiect sundry bookes of holy Scripture why giue yee not the like authority to the Christian church which hath gone before you in receauing such bookes as are approued by her for canonicall Scripture And if the only cause which moues you to reiect such bookes be because they were not approued by the Synagogue of the Iewes why by the same reason reiect yee not Christ himselfe seeing that Synagogue would not admit him for their Messias 10. Churches authoritie If it be the office of the church to discerne betwixt canonicall Scripture and not canoniall as a De capt Bab Luther b In prologo cont Pet. à Soto Brentius and other of your owne masters doe confes why should not the same church be heard of you in giuing her interpretation vpon any doubtfull place therof called in question Or why call yee more in dout the interpretation of the Scripture giuen by the Church then the very bookes themselues Or why prefer yee the priuat opiniō of Iohn Caluin and your selues before the vniuersall and vniforme consent of all Christian people before you 11. Citing only the written word Why esteeme yee Calu. l. 4 Inst c. 8. num 13. that yee haue an infallible marke of the true religion because yee cite only the written word seeing this hath beene common to all heretiques from the beginning Or what haue you more to say for your felues then they had for themselues in this point 12. If Scripture be easy If the Scripture be so easy as yee teach it to be c Luth de ser arbit what hath moued your owne writers to make so many cōmentaryes therupon Or what is the cause that ther is so great controuersy in religiō as we see at this day Yea euē vpon the expresse wordes of the last Testament of our Lord which according to the nature of a Testament should be most cleere 13. Conference of places If the priuate iudgment of euery one conferring Scripture with Scripture be a certaine and infallible rule of right interpretatiō as yee say how is it that so many grosse contradictions are foūd in your writinges gayn-saying not only one another but your selues also as is euident in your owne bookes 14. No meanes to be resolued Seeing that the Lutherans the Zuinglians and the Caluinists besides an infinite number of other sectes doe euery one alleage the written word for cōfirmation of their contrarie opinions how shall it be knowen to any man that would resolue himselfe in matters of religion which of them haue the true word sith it is the true vnderstanding that maketh the word and not the outward sounding of the voice as Christ himselfe saith who obiected to the Saduces Mat. 12. that they mistooke the Scriptures because they vnderstood not the meaning of them 15. Traditions Why deny yee any credit to be giuen to Traditions contrary to a Cal. l. 4. iust c. 10. the expres commandment of the Apostle writing to the Thessalonians in this maner b 2. Thes 2. Stand and keepe the Traditions which yee haue receiued whither by word or by our epistle And also contrary to the doctrne of all the auncient doctors of the church Or how haue yee the Scripture it selfe but by Tradition And seeing yee will giue no place vnto Traditions what assurance haue yee that since the Natiuitie of Christ there is only 1623. yeares Or whither it be lawfull for Christian men to call this point in
charge them and all other Heretickes with following some one man that was a new Maister and a deuiser of some new doctrine they cannot so charge vs with any one Pope at all because the Popes doctrines that we doe follow them in were not at any tyme newly deuised by them but receaued of the Apostles so kept continually of them al euen vnto this day And therfore Luther hauing nothing to charge vs with in this foresayd manner inuented this general tearme of Papists manifestly against himselfe being rightly scanned as the wise doe see The 9. Demande Conuersion of Heathen Nations VVAEREAS Christ did say that All Nations should bee conuerted from their Paganisme and be taught Io. 10 16. Mat. 28 19 Mar. 16.20 and heare his Gospell preached vnto them and whereas his Apostles beganne most gloriousely to doe the same let the Protestantes be asked who they are that did and doe accomplish the same Rom. 20 c. 18. whether they euer conuerted any Nation from Paganisme to be Christian and not rather doe only auerte Christians from the faith of Christ so as all other Heretikes haue done before them And on the other sid whether they know not how euen at this present our church filleth very many most ample Nations of the East and weast India with the Ghospel knowledg of christ And whether they do not confesse themselues that likewise all the other Nations which haue beene conuerted within these 1000. years which are very many were cōuerted by our Church Then of other nations afore cōuerted let them be vrged to name any one either cōuerted by them or not conuerted by vs but by some other Church and to some other Ghospell or some other Christ Finally let them peruse all Histories report truely whether they do not al note those nations then to haue beene conuerted vnto christ when they were conuerted vnto our Religion if any but we chanced to haue to do with the cōuersion of certain that their conuersion was neuer accompted right and good vntill they were amended by vs and namely vnited to the Sea of Rome And therefore let them be asked whether we be not or who els be christs witnesses vsque ad vltimum terrae Act. 1. euen to the furthest end of the earth The 10. Demaunde Touching Miracles VVHEREAS againe Christ confirmed his owne preaching to the Iewes by working of Miracles Io. 10.37 12.37 15.24 20 30.31 Mar. 16.17 Io. 14.12 Mar. 16.20 sending his Apostles with their Successors to conuert all other Nations promised and fortold that he would comfirme their preaching likewise with Miracles as also the Ghospell sayth that he did We aske the Protestantes whether they know not by Historyes that at the conuersion now of the Indes and afore also at the conuersion of those other nations by our church great Miracles are and euermore were wrought by our preachers And whether it follow not therupon that our Preachers are they whome Christ sent out and with whom christ worketh that their preachinge is true as christes preaching was true and his Apostles preaching true and that our Nations therfore be wel conuerted as S. Peter S. Barnabee and S. Paule doe proue therby I say by Miracles that the first Gentiles were well conuerted by them Act. 11.17 15.9.12 And besides the first conuersion of Nations whether they read not in most approued authors that afterward also almost continualy in euery Nation of our church most vndoubted Miracles be and haue bene wrought innumerable holy men and women of our church approued and honored by God with that gift as S. Bernard S. Frauncis S. Dominicke c. and very many articles pointes of our Doctrine also in particuler so confimed as the B. Sacrament the signe of the Crosse Relikes c. In so much that the auncient Christians writinge against the Iewes and Paynimes for the Godhead of Christ Aug. de ciui Dei lib. 22. ca. 5.8 de vtil cred c. 14.15 16. Re. lib. 1 cap. 14. Chry. to 5. cont Gent. de vita Babila col 885. do first shew that the miracles of Christ him selfe and his Apostls were wrought to set vp avisible Church that shold continue for euer wherof it foloweth that all Heretickes do rise in vaine And secondly they do by such Miracles of the Church as I haue saide daily to bee seene proue vnto those Infidels the Miracles of Christ and his Apostles recorded in the holy Scripture which those Infidels did denie because they did not see thē Let the Protestantes therfore be asked whether they dare ioine here in also with the Infidels against the christians and answere for them that the argument is not good because these Miracles of the Crosse and of Relickes and such like are not Miracles but illusions And then whē they shal by and by heare the Infidels say euen so also of Christes his Apostles Miracles let vs see a Gods name how wisely the Protestāts wil replie shew them a plaine difference betweene christes Miracles and our Miracles Or rather shal we not see them hereby not only confirme the Infidels in their incredulitie but also prepare weake christians to infidelitie yea them selues also readie to geue ouer therunto as in our countrey God helpe who seeth not The 11. Demaund Touching England our own Countrye AND here namely of our own Countrey a few questions whether it be not plaine by the Historie of Venerable Bede our Countreiman and other Authors that our English Nation a thousand years agoe in S. Gregories time was conuerted a lib. ca 23. by men of our catholike Romane church and conuerted to al points of our catholike Romane Faith as b lib. 1 ca. 26 Masse c lib. 3. k. 14.24 Purgatorie d lib. 1. c. 32 Saints c. And that our saide conuersiō was confirmed then e lib. 1. ca. 26. l. 2. ca. 2. l. 4. ca. 13 f. lib. 1. ca. 4 by wonderful Miracles And if this be not enough wheras the Britons or welsh men were conuerted before vs more then foure hundred years aboue fourtene hundred yeares agoe in S. Eleutherius time whether they were conuerted by S. Eleutherius to one faith and we English men by S. Gregorie to a lib. 1. c. another faith Or whether g lib. 2 ca. 2 the greatest point wherein the Bipes of VVales differed from our Apostles were not about the Sonday vpon which Easter should be kept which the Protestantes pardy although ignorantly and falsely make to be no great matter And whether in that point also and in any other of less waight wherein they did differ the truth were not euen by the Protestantes owne confession on our Apostles side not vpon the welshe mens side Now for them to departe from this faith so longe continuing so confirmed so auncient so close to the Apostles time therfore as also because it came from
Rome sensibly Apostlicall hauing also the plaine deuine testimonie of so many Scriptures Ps 71. b. 10. 96. a 1. Isa 41. a 1.5 a 2. a 4.49 a 1.60 5. b. 9. Soph. 2. a 11. as amongst the conuersion of Nations speake expresly of Ilandes let them say what moued them what Miracles did Luther worke what Miracles did Caluine worke or any other of their new masters and false Apostles yea what other thinge caried away our contrey into this Apostasie but only sinne as all the world knoweth the same also daily so filling it with all kinde of sinne and wickednes that there must needs follow of it destruction both temporall and eternal The 12. Demaunde Visions VVhether they knowe not that both in a Bed Hist. l. 2 a 6.12 our Country and also in al other Christian nations innumerable holy Persons of our communion very many points of our doctrine haue been by God from heauen approued with most vndoubted visions them also very often sensible as for example The b Amb. serm 61. Aug. de vnit Ec. cap. 26. Paulin. ep 12. ad Seue c. Io. 1. c. 33. Act. 2. c 17 22 b 6. 2. Cor. 12. a 1. Relikes of S. Geruasius and Protasius reuealed at Milane to S. Ambrose himselfe with infinite moe of like sort And whether it be not euident c in the Scriptures that God vsed the same meanes to cōmend vnto vs Christ himselfe his Apostles and their doctrine And therefore whether it be not likewise euident that whiles they scoffe at al visions they prepare the world heereby also to scoffe at Christ himselfe Finally aske them why whē they are disposed to scoffe at visions they go to certaine obscure writinges and picke out of them that seemeth for their purpose Why are they afrayd to doe so with the foresayd visions of S. Ambrose and innumerable other such like most famous and most certaine which make no lesse against them and no lesse for vs then those others that they accoumpt to be vncertaine The 13. Demaund Honour of Crosses VVHETHER they haue not read in auncient Christian Bookes made against the Paynimes also this argumēt to proue that Christ is God because although a Galous tree and euery other instrument of execution be accompted a vile and vnhonourable thing Deut. 21 d. 23. Gal. 3. b. 13. of al a crosse was accompted most vile most accursed yet Christ hath set his holy Crosse in such high honour estimation that Emperours and Emperesses Kings Queenes and all other men wemen do not only thinke themselues happy if they can get neuer so litle a piece of it putting it most honorably in siluer and gould and so hanging it about their neckes but also make very great accompt of the only signes thereof setting it euen in their Regall crownes and dayly printing it in the most noble and most notable part of their bodyes euen in their foreheades In so much that S. Chrysostome sayth boldly thereupon Vellem audire à Pagano c. Chrys to 5. con Gent. quod Christus sit Deus col 1033 I would fayne learne of a Paynim how it is that the Signe of so cursed a death is so much desired of all men but only because great is the power of him that was crucifyed Aske the vnsigned Heretickes what they can answere here for the vnsigned Panym yea whether they be not ashamed weary of that Religion that cānot be defēded without pertaking with the Paynims against the Christians nor without answering the arguments of Christs owne Diuinity which yet they are not able to doe And let Christian people remember that Christians haue euer vsed to crosse themselues that therfore these vncrossed Protestants vnlike and repugnant to Christian men of all tymes stand post alone And then let thē further consider whither so deserte away is like to cary them if they returne not the soner to the common Christian way The 14. Demande Vertue of Crosses AGAIN whether they haue not read in such Bokes Chrys ibidem Eus de laud. Cōstant pa. 365. 266 367. Lact. l. 4 cap. 27. not onely as I haue now saide the Honour of the holy Crosse the very Signes of it but also and much more the wonderful power and miraculous vertue of the same both I say of Christs most holy Crosse and also of the very Signes thereof taken and vsed in argument to proue vnto the Painyms that Christ is God As bycause the same driueth awaie Diuells out of Idolles and out of mens bodies and healeth all diseases raiseth also many times the very dead them selues Lett them shew the Painims thē how this argumēt also may be answered if they can Or rather let thē forsake that Religion that so ioyneth with the Paynims against Christ and returne to Christian men stand with thē for Christ The 15. Demaund Honor of Saintes VVETHER they read not like wise in such bookes Chris ibidem Aug. ep 42. in Psa 44. Theod. de Cur. Grac. affect l. 8. also this argument to proue vnto the Paynimes that Christ is God Because he hath set his holy seruauntes in so highe honour that the very highest as Kinges and Emperours al others doe pray vnto thē and runn to their very Graues and Relikes and thinke them selues happie if when they be dead a chris ibi Col. 1033 they may be buried not onely by their Bodies but also nighe to their Chapelles Lett them therfore here againe helpe the Painims if they can Or rather let all true Christians looke to them selues and defie both the Painims and them The 17. Demaund Chris to 5. cont Gent. de vica S. Babyla Theod. ● ibidem Aug. d. Ciu. l 22 cap. 9. Vertue of Saintes AGAIN whether they read not in such Books not only as I haue now saide the Honor of Saintes and of their Relikes but also and much more the miraculous power of both of Saints I say and of their very Relikes vsed in argument to proue vnto the Painimes that Christ is God As because they destroy Idolles that is to say the very Godes of Painims they yet being but the Seruants of Christ our God and because they expell Diuells also out of mens bodies and heale all diseases and raise many times the dead and also mightely and very beneficially doe amend corrupt maners of men and inflame them with deuotion towardes God Let the Protestantes here once againe help the Painims if they can Or rather let them at lenght leaue that Religion by which they haue so filled our coūtrey with Painims and Atheistes bycause as all men may see it standeth so opēly against so many most certain groundes and arguments of Christs owne Diuinity The 17. Demaund Exorcising of Diuels YET once againe whether they read not in such Bookes also this motiue propoūded according to the a Luc. 9.1 10. c. 19. 11. c. 20 Mar. 16.