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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85469 The coming of God in mercy, in vengeance; beginning with fire, to convert, or consume, at this so sinful city London: oh! London, London. Gostelo, Walter. 1658 (1658) Wing G1319; Thomason E1612_3; Thomason E1833_1; ESTC R202235 30,426 80

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very great and Glorious people standing orderly in the Heavens they were a people richly shining in the head of this so Glorious body after a short time there comes slowly moving but in very great state Prince-like the most Transcendently Glorious person that ever my eyes beheld he was clothed in a very Rich Coat or long vest which Coat or Rich vest was girt about his Middle with a broad Girdle of Gold in his hand there was an extraordinary long and Broad naked sword which great sword he held upright this Transcendent person had such A Head face and countenance for beauty Majesty power and wonder as I can never express or set forth unto you the figure of his person being of a Wonderful height yet very straight having no defection in any part but Tale beyond compare this Rich Glorious and wonderful person stood so long in the head of that beautiful and shining people that I had a full view of him and them to my great contentment The vision ended my sinfull self fell a weeping and praying that God would be pleased to afford me the understanding of it Reader in good earnest thus it was and no otherwise for clear satisfaction I was referred unto the twelfth of Daniel at the beginning of which chapter you also as well as my self may read and know the import of that so Great Princes standing up in the head of his people now to be delivered the Israel of God be they here or throw the world And thus in these several wayes and times all agreeing to Gods word and assured of God I am instructed and sent to assure you that deliverance is come unto you Gods the Kings and your Enemies are now to be scattered Upon so glorious Visions as these are declaring the coming of God in Mercy to the Redemption of his for that is what I am upon and that he thus comes with Flagons also what can the world expect I should say to all of it The gift of Vision and Prophecy is given to one man the gift of discerning and interpretation of them and Scriptures to another Friends I have here dealt with you of this land and our times as Zachariah and the Prophet Daniel dealt with the people of their land and times Truly told you what I saw Truly told you what I heard wonder not I beseech you if I cannot tell you what it all means Or set you the very time and day for deliverance I often tremble at the Visions shewed me and words then spoken to me I read not some places of holy Scriptures without amazement though I do it for the better understanding of what is shewed me in Vision unto and by which word of God all prophecy must come for trial and Conformity no thing that 's Contrary to it can possibly be true yet for all This I may not from them hastily conclude I beseech you let this truly spoken by me keep you my self and all men from rash speaking and determining of things or times both which to my understanding have Gods appointment if not limitation upon our Repentance but if we despise his premonitions A swifter motion to execute vengeance Prophecy is prophecy and vision is truly shewed of the Lord to Zachariah and Daniel yet Zachariah confesseth in his fourth Chapter and fifth verse That he saw but he knew not the meaning or import of what was shewed him in that vision Daniel in his 12. Chapter and 8. verse tells us he heard but he understood not what he heard in that his Prophecy yet both Gods prophesies Tell me O now tell me you Worthies of our Church of England I speak to men of clean conversation Wise studious and of holy life also with such I may not doubt the secret of the Lord is because they fear him there are those that have forsaken all to keep God and a Good conscience such as those are now to lift up their heads for their Redemption draweth nigh I enquire not of neither expect resolve from the unsent and unblest number of Vagabond Bablers who like unfaithful bowes in the day of Battel have started aside to the scandal of the true Church dishonor of our Nation and the Protestant Religion from such villains as those I neither expect or seek for any true interpretation of the word or vision of God their sacrifices being Dirt a Mystery of iniquity they shall carry on but no true sense of Scripture Wisdom and Counsel is not found with him that must perish Worthies sent of God pray tell me doth not these visions lively express and warrantably assure us us I say though hitherto persecuted and despised are not We now to be invested in what was promised of old by our Lord himself as in the book of Canticles Chapter the 2. verse the 45. he brought me into his house of wine Covered me with his Banner of love and Comforted me with Flagons In the several Evangelists he likewise assures us how for ever happily blest they shall be that Eate bread and drink the fruit of the Vine when New with him in his Fathers kingdom certainly those very times are now at hand who can doubt it that hath trusted in the ever-living God which hath now sent his so Blessed Angels as Ministring Spirits to command us that we lift up the head with an Emphasis your heads Lift up your heads for your Redemption draweth nigh he further comforteth us adding he is at the very door and that he comes with Flagons What think you Worthies can we wish for more assurance of happiness or could I see more and live All this being true What manner of persons ought we to be in all Godliness and holiness of conversation Here I could be content to lye down in happiness but I must go on to let you clearly see how God is coming in vengeance to evil doers that 's at hand also and comes next to be considered but for his Church King and people them he will deliver their Enemies he will convert or confound Michael that great Prince and Deliverer of his people is risen and now standeth up having his sword in his hand himself being in the head of those he will desiver therefore King and people fail not to lift up your heads Redemption being come to both THE Coming of GOD IN VENGEANCE To evill doers Sect. II. AT that time when Michael the great Prince standeth up which is the deliverer of Gods people as the foregoing Section assures to that purpose he is now risen And I have seen him The next thing the world is to look for is what they may read in the same verse of Daniel 12. Chapter the words are these and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there began to be a nation upon whom and in what place that day of trouble and vengeance will fall that 's the Considerable Question to which I reply At Bridges in Flanders December 1656. the day