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A12492 A defence of the blessed masse, and the sacrifice therof prouynge that it is auayleable both for the quycke and the dead and that by Christes owne and his apostles ordynaunce, made [and] set forth by Rycharde Smyth doctour in diuinitie, and reader of ye kynges highnes lesson of diuinitie, in his maiesties vniuersitie of Oxforde. Wherin are dyuers doubtes opened, as it were by the waye, ouer and aboue the principall, and cheyfe matter. Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. 1546 (1546) STC 22820; ESTC S107328 113,500 390

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do go in this the apostles cannon or rule sette forth for that verye same thynge But yet ones more lette vs se what the apostles haue sayde in this matter which thus doth speake Si quis episcopus Canone 2. aut presbyter aut diaconus aut quilibet ex sacer dotali catalogo facta oblatione non communicauerit aut dicat causam vt si fuerit rationabilis ueniam consequatur aut si non dixerit communione priuetur tanquam quipopulo causa laesionis extiterit dans suspicionem de eo qui sacrificanerit quod non recte obtulerit That is in oure englysh tongue If anye Bysshoppe or preiste or deacon or who thou wylte of the numbre of preistes or spirytuall men shall not receaue his housle whan the sacryfyce is offered eyther lette hym tell the cause thereof that yf it be reasonable he maye gette pardon or yf he do not shewe the cause wherfore he dyd not receaue his communion at masse let hym not haue his housell lyke as he which gaue an occasiō of harme or hurte to the people geuyng to thē a suspicion of him which dyd offre sacrifice that he did not offre or make sacrifice well ynoughe or after a ryght fasshyon Hytherto the apostles of our sauiour christ in theyr boke of canons or rules whose wordes are so playne clere vppon oure syde agaynst Marten Luther and his scholers that nothyng can be more plaine Therfore let Luther go wyth his fonde wycked dyuelly she heresye agaynst the sacrifice of the masse good Christen reader folowe christes and his holye apostles Doctryne so clerely makynge for this truth Moreouer s Audrew one of the apostels dyd offre christes Saynt Andrewe at masse offred sacrifice bodye in sacrifice at his masse as he sayde hym selfe to Aegeas the tyraunt Philaletus testifieng that wrytting the apostles lyues whose wordes are these Ego omnipotenti deo omni die sacrifico non thuris fumum nec hircorum aut tautorum sanguinem sed immaculatum agnum quotidie in altari sacrifico I do sayth he make sacrifice euery day to god almightye not offering in sacrifice smoke of Frankynsence nor the bloud of goates or of bulles but I offre in sacrifice daylye on the aultare the vndefyled lambe Be not these manifest wordes and inough to satisfye euery man beynge not ouer moche geuen to the blynde errour of Luther Saynt Clement whiche S. Clemēt was a companion of Paules in teachyng the gospell of Chryste vsed this fourme as Bassario testifieth when he dydde saye masse Rogamus ut mittas domme spiritum Basssario libri de sacramento altaris sanctum tuum super hoc sacrificiū qui efficiat hunc panem corpus Christi tui quod in calice est sanguinē filij tui That is We beseche the o lorde to sende thy holy spirite vpon this sacrifice whiche maye make this breade the bodye Saint Clement Paules companyon maketh mention of th● masse as we reade in the .lxxiii. canon therefore it is no new thinge as Luther sayth it is of thy christe or annoynted that thynge which is in the cuppe or chalyce the bloud of thy sonne Here we se that saint Clemēt whiche was instructed by the apostels in Christes faith religion toke the masse to be a sacrifice Whether is he more of credence or Martyn Luther Nowe t● make ones an ende of the prouynge the truth I wyll reherse the auncient doctours sayenges in this matter and that done I wyll aunswere to the scriptures wrested frō their true sense to the mayntenaunce of this heresy by Martyn Luther his scholers ¶ What the doctours haue said in the matter of the sacrifice of the masse here it appeareth euidently Interroga obsecro generationem pristinam praeparate ad inuestigationē yatrumtuorū Iob. 8. and also that we ought to beleue them agremge together in any thynge touchyng our faith for because than they erre not THe scripture is very hard to be perceiued Ne transferas termin●s antiquos quos fecerunt patres prou● 23 as s Peter saith in his second epystle though it seme or be iudged neuer so plaine and easye to some men whiche in verye dede are not learned therein and therfore it is not conuement that euery man do vnderstande it after his owne fansie for that hath bene and yet is the cause of many errours but we The scripture is hard to be vnderstande and the true sense of it must be learned of the holy doctours muste leaue and cleaue to the aunciente doctors expositions made and publisshed therevpon For as god chose them to be doctors and teachers of his worde and gaue to thē his holy spirite which now these dayes many do arrogantly callenge but vntruely euē so they dyd spende theyr tyme whollye in praier and studieng the scripture that thereby they myghte atteyne the true sense thereof But ye will saye to me as many fonde people are wont to say may not god now giue to men the spirite of truth as he dyd to the apostles or els to the doctours of the church Is he not nowe both as stronge that he can do it and also as kynde and liberall that he wyll do it as he was before our tyme To that blynde reasons I aunswere that god can do it if he lyst but he can do many and sundrye thynges whiche he wyll neuer do For he can make this man a kynge reysynge hym as Dauyd sayeth a poore man from the donge hill and that man a byshoppe whiche he wyll neuer do The thinges whiche he doth are euer done in a semely ordre as Paule affirmeth Nowe an ordre Rom. 13. requireth that in Christes church some shulde be teachers and some learners some maisters and some scholers as in mannes bodye to the whiche Paule compared the 1. Cor. 12. churche some membres haue one office and workynge and some an other and not all one office The eyes do se the eares heare so the doctours seyng the truth do teach and the learners doo heare theyr lessons Therefore god made not Saint Iames the thirde chapter exhorteth men not to coue●te the office of a teacher for the danger therof Math. 15. all men indifferently doctours as nowe men wolde be foule deceauynge both themselues and also many other while they beynge blynde do leade the blynde and falle thereby bothe together in to the denne of erroure and damnacion but as Paule saith he gaue to the instructynge of hys people some apostelles some prophettes some euangelystes some shepeherdes and some doctours and therefore our sauiour sayd to hys disciples Vobis datū est nosse mysteriū regni dei It is geuē not to Luc. 8. all men but to you to knowe the mysteries or secretes of the scrypture the knoweledge of the whiche is the keye of heauen gates Dydde not god appoynte Esdras to teache the lawe to the people as we reade in the scrypture
inde me hominem esse proinde nihil humani ut comicus ait à me alienum falli posse decipi errare nolle tamen in errore pertinaciter edurare sed erratorum à quoque commonefactum incūctanter ac perque libenter consilium in melius commutaturū gratiam vel multo maximam admonitori ex animo habiturum tantum abest ut cum eo sim quicque expostulaturus seu illi succensurus Consultū est illud Di. Gregorij Nazianzeni Optabile est nāque mihi praeclarum usque ad ultimam discere se nectutem quoniam nulla aetas ad perdiscendum sufficere potest oratione .vii. Postremo hoc tibi optime lector in mentem subeat quoties tibi quippiam in hac elucubratione displicet me occupatissimiī esse ac tantum non negociorū vndis adobrutum ut non iam integer uti par fuit sed aut prelegēdo aut de rebus arduis disserendo delas satus propemodum a studendo abhorrēs nō integros dies sed vix horas aliquot succisiuas seu furtiuas ut Hieroni. loquitur vnius tantum mensishoc libello contexendo insumpserim Nec sum omnia hic complexus cādide lector quae hac de re à uiris doctis prodita legerim sed multa de industria ueluti destinato transmisi silentio ne uolumen iusto maius esset ipsius prolixitas lectori aut paulo occupatiori aut nause abundo cieret nauseam fastidium pare●et Porro non sum nescius lector pie esse inter nostrates nō paucos ●uic proninciae obeundae longe magis idoneos quam me esse citra frō●is iacturā ipse queam agnoscere si id oneris aut subire non recusarent aut per negotia subire illis liceret Quod tamen cum a nemine vel leuiter attactum neque attentatum hactenus viderim malui equidem meam qualem cunque in caelelestium literarum cognitione estimationem nonnihil perielitari dū nō ita dextre feliciter instituto tam sancto coronis aut manus suprema accesserit quam pati meaegentis fidē iā nōnihil cōcussam labefactatam ullius imposturis praestigijs pessum iri ac interire modo per me staret ne id fieret effectū dare ita quorūdā impij● conatibus obu●āire ne illis quātū libeat liceat neue uirus suum pro sua libidine improbo studio mortalibus afflent eos in suarū haereseon nassā unde illis nunquā nisi apprime aegrè se postea extricare liceat pro suo arbitratu pertrahant Hoc si contigisse videro abūde cōpensatū hūc meū laborē satque feliciter eum mihi cefsisse ex istimauero tametsi multorū interim dentes plusque theoninos me subinde morsicātes senserim quorū uituperium mauelim qui laudem ut a quibus laudibus tolli est planè uituperari pios sane eruditos admodum moror quos nihil addubito hūc meū conatū ut sedulū quidē a pio profectū aīo candide Seimus deo de ●eptum esse quicquid sit ꝑ●iribus D. G. N●●i orat 7. probaturos quippe quos nōp̄terit illud flacci Est quodam prodire tenus si nō datur vltra Nec quod uidua euangelica quae exile planè le●●t leuidensae ut est in ꝓuerbio mu●us contulerit in corbonam à chri●●o cordis expensore adeo non au●ierit male ut illo nomine praecla●o fuerit ornata encomio Age ●taque lector boni cōsulè quod nūc ●uulgo Si enim id feceris facturū●utem non diffido calcar mihi ad des haud mediocre ad plura hoc genus aggrediendum concinnandum inuulgandum ut hinc pij lectores nonnihil referant compendij commodi cum ad alio●ū tū ad suā ipsorū constabiliē dā fidem atque ad eos christianae religioni denuo asciscendos qui illi ualefecerint absque ea desciuerint non tam inconsulte quam impie Vale lector pie aut his fruere mecum ut habet ille aut meliora Horatiu● quod hominis fuerit christiani imparti Oxoniae Anno ab orbe asserto 1546. Mense Septembri ¶ Note good reader this godly sayenge of saynt Basyll the greate WHen saint Basyll as the tripertite ●riper Histo li. 7 Cap. 36. story telleth was aduertised moued by a certen officer of the emperoure Valens to followe the tyme and not to suffre so many churches to be piteouslye vexed through a small subtiltie o● doctrine as then it was and the sayde officer had promised to him the emperours fauour and amitie yf he wolde ceasse speakynge agaynst heresye then being ꝯpronge vp and spred among the people he made this godly catholyke aunswere Adolescentibus haec conueniunt uerba illi illorum similes talia respiciunt Nā qui diuinis inutriti sunt eloquijs corrūpi de diuinis doginatibus ne unam quidem syllabam patiuntur sed pro his s● contingat etiā omnes mortis species amplectuntur Amicitiam autem imparatoris magnā quidē cū pietate iudico sine qua pernitiem potius hanc appello That is to saye in englysh These wordes are mete for spryngoldes or yonkers they and lyke to them do regarde suche For they whiche are nourisshed vp with or in scripture do suffer no not one syllable of goddes doctrines to be corrupted but if it happē they embrace yea al kindes of deathe But I do iudge the emperours amitie or frendshyppe verely great beinge coupled or ioyned with godlynes withoute the whiche I do call it rather destruction then amitee This was vndoubtedly a very godly aunswer and wonderous semely for a good and a holy bysshop worthy not to be redde onely of all learned men and especially of bysshoppes but to be also diligently noted printed in memory folowed of them that they beynge thereby instructed do not let for any mans frendshyppe or for any benefites offred to them to stande stoutely and manly in defense of the true doctryne of Christe and his churche the foundation and pyller of the truth not sufferinge one ●ote or sillable thereof to be taken awaye and abolyshed by the craftie and deuellisshe persuasions of ill wryters or teachers but continuallye by scriptures the autoritie of christes churche and stronge reasons defendyng it For s Austen saith Cōtra rationē nemo sobriꝰ cōtra scripturā nemo christianus contra De ●rini 4. ca. 6. ecclesiā nemo pacificus senserit That is to saye No sobre or well aduysed man wyll iudge againste reasō no christē man against scripture no quyet man againste the churche Wolde god that all men and women readyng or hearynge this notable and catholique sentence pronounced by the auncient great clerke saint Austen wolde receyue it and in al pointes of our religion folowe it For then there shold not be among vs christē people so many schysmes and yll
opinions agaynst the faythe as they nowe are but they shoulde shortely ceasse and the true doctryne of CHRIST and his churche florisheth agayne whiche is knowen as Vyncentius Lyrmensis wrytte a thousand yeares synce by aunciente generalytie and agreynge of the fathers in it I was moued gentyll reader to wryte thys catholyque and godlye sentence of Saynte Basyll partely because there lacked matter to fyll the shete of paper in printynge and partely for that it was verye notable and worthy to be obserued of all learned men ¶ Hereafter foloweth the preface ¶ The preface vnto the reader THE holy prophet Dauyd good christen reader saithe that the truth of our lorde abideth for euer and therfore Psal ●● albeit many and diuers men haue from tyme to tyme euen frō the begynnynge of the churche both spoken wrytten also bokes againste it yet they coulde neuer preuayle but lost their laboures got their confusion and endlesse damnation Wherfore though the ꝓphet Daniel doth say Prosternetur Danie●is ● veritas in terra The truth shal be troden vnder the feete on the earth yet the is not ment that al the people of god shulde treede it vnder their fete dispise it but that in the tyme of Antichriste fygured by Antiochus of whome the prophet sawe a vy●●on as in the eyght chapiter of Daniel it apereth the continuall sacrifice that is the sacrifice of the masse as I wyll by gods grace hereafter proue shold be abolished and put away for the space of thre yeres and the halfe how longe Antichrist shal reigne Daniell in the twelfte chaptre testifienge the same Of the whiche place and other mo lyke written Luther is antichristes messanger to make all redye agaynste his cōminge which firste of all men spake agenst the sacrifice of the holye masse except one Peter debruis by Daniel we maye well gather that Antichristes tyme approcheth and draweth very nie for as much as Marten Luther and his folowers do trauaile so earnestly but yet all in vayne to take awaye the holye sacrifice of the blessed masse whiche all chrysten nations from the fyrst institution thereof made by chryste oure sauioure at hys laste supper euen tyl our tyme the space of a thousand and fiue hundred yeres was euer beleued accepted and receaued for a sacrifice auayleable and profitable bothe for the quicke and the dead which thinge shall be openly and plenteousely declared god wyllyng here after in this booke not only by the scripture but also by general coūcelles and the expositions of the eldest and best learned doctours declarynge the said scripture so that no man which listeth not to winke at the lyght of the truth nor is not maried to his o●ne opinion shall haue any excuse to laye for his errour throughe want and lacke of knowlage of the truth Therefore reade this booke without al affection diligētly not regardyng who made it nor againste whome it is made but what matter it doth cōteyne be it neuer so rudely grosly set fourth for the easyer vnderstandynge of it Folowe the wyse mans counsaile sayeng Non contradicas Eccle. 4. verbo veritatis Say not against the worde of truth for yf thou do thou shalt laboure all in vaine and gaine therby the wrath of god and his indignation with payne euer to endure in hell with the deuyll which stode not in the truthe as Christe dothe affirme Ioā 8. This saith Paule writyng to the Romaynes after this sort Iis autē Rom. 2. qui sunt ex cōtentione qui non acquiescunt veritati credunt autem iniquitati ira indignatio To them the wrath and indignation of god shall come whiche are geuen to contention or strife and do not quietly obeye the truth but beleue the wronge or falsitie Remember this our sauiour christes Math. 16 sayeng What shal it auaile man if he wynne the whole worlde and thereby lose his soule What eschaunge Mat. 16. shall a man make for his soule If thou hast therfore erred with Peter receauynge false doctrine defēding it and persecuting the teachers and mayntainers of the truth be not ashamed to forsake thyne errour and againe to embrace the truth Paule persecuted the truth but he forsoke his errour when god called him Saint Austen erred but he retourned agayne to the truth and vnfainedly recanted his errour Thus many other haue done whiche hadde gone from the truth whan it pleased god of his greate mercy to call them to gyue them the spirite of truth for the exilyng the spirite of errour I maye well saye to them that folow Martyn Luthers wicked Luther errours and damnable heresies and namely that which is againste the sacrifice of the holye masse neuer improued before his daies as saynt Paule saide to the Galathians greatly wonderinge Gala. 3. at their blyndnes Quis vos fascinauit non obedire veritati Who hathe bewytched you not to obeye the truth As though he had sayd ye haue had the truth so plainlye and perfectly taught you that excepte ye were witched ye could not so erre as ye now do forsaking the same If saynt Paule dyd iustlye iudge the Galathians witched because they had forsakē the truth of the gospell which they learned not longe before throughe the inticement prouocation and persuasion of false teachers that then did preache to them howe moche more iustlye maye a man saye to them whiche are shamefullye deceaued and blynded by Martyn Luthers fond folyshe and deuellysshe doctryne Quis vos fascinauit veritati non obedire Who hath witched yow not to obeye the truth hath-Marten luther deceaued and witched you Hath he blynded you that ye can not se the truth which heretofore sence Christes byrth no man attēpted to do in this matter of the masse Hath he deceaued you Excepte one Peter de br●●s which was in saynt Berna●des time whiche is the autoure maintenar and defender of many and sondry plaine heresies Hath he witched you not to obeye the truth concernynge the sacrifice of the blessed masse whiche so setteth forth and auaunceth only fayth that he sticketh Only f●yth not to saye and defende that only through faith god forgeueth mannes synnes nothing helpyng therunto his penaunce feare charite praier forgiuinge his neighbors George Ioyes opinion trespaces nor any like thing yea that only fayth shuld saue mā though he lyued neuer so yll And because saint Iames in his epistle doth playnly condemne reproue that his deuyllysh opinion and saynt Ihons Apocalypsis also disproueth the same erroure he was not ashamed to denye them both affirmynge that these bookes are not scripture nor wrytten by Iames and Ihon the apostle Is not this a blynde doctour Is not he worthye to haue credence geuen to hym in matters of our faithe whiche doth not feare to deny the holye scripture for the mayntenaunce of a fonde and a wicked heresye against the scripture the hole churche of christendome and all wryters