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A30303 Expository notes with practical observations on the Four Holy Evangelists, viz., St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John wherein the sacred text is at large recited ... and the instructive example of the holy Jesus to our imitation recommended ; designed for the instruction of private families ... / by William Burkitt. Burkitt, William, 1650-1703. 1700 (1700) Wing B5736; ESTC R29600 900,471 338

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Person that Suffered three Days ago when his Death doth so well agree with the Predictions of the Prophets who fore-told that the Messias should be cut off but not for himself and be smitten for the iniquities of his People Here we may Observe The great Wisdom and Grace of God who makes sometimes the Diffidence of his People an occasion of farther clearing up the choicest Truths unto them Never did these Disciples hear so Excellent an Exposition of Moses and the Prophets concerning the Messiah as now when their sinful distrust had so far prevailed over them 2. Observe The Doctrines which Christ instructs his Disciples in namely in the Necessity of his Death and Passion and of his Glory and Exaltation Ought not Christ to Suffer and to enter into his Glory Learn 1. That with Respect to God's Decree and with Relation to Mans Guilt the Death of Christ was Necessary and Indispensable 2. That his Resurrection and Exaltation was as Necessary as his Passion 3. That there was a Meritorious Connexion between Christ's Sufferings and his Glory his Exaltation was Merited by his Passion He was to drink of the Brook in the way and then he should lift up his head Observe 4. Christ did not only put Light into these his Apostles Heads but Heat also into their Hearts which burned all the while he Communed with them Did not our Hearts burn within us while he opened to us the Scriptures Oh what an efficacious Power is there in the word of Christ when set home upon the Hearts of Men by the Spirit of Christ 33 And they rose up the same Hour and returned to Jerusalem and found the Eleven gathered together and them that were with them 34 Saying The Lord is Risen indeed and hath Appeared to Simon 35 And they told what things were done in the way and how he was known to them in Breaking of Bread 36 And as they thus spake Jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them Peace be unto you 37 But they were Terrified and Affrighted and supposed that they had seen a Vision 38 And he said unto them Why are ye troubled and why do Thoughts arise in your Hearts 39 Behold my Hands and my Feet that it is I my self handle me and see For a Spirit hath not Flesh and Bones as ye see me have 40 And when he had thus spoken he shewed them his Hands and his Feet 41 And while they yet believed not for joy and wondered he said unto them Have ye here any Meat 42 And they gave him a piece of a Broyled Fish and of an Honey-comb 43 And he took it and did eat before them 44 And he said unto them These are the words which I speak unto you whilst I was yet with you That all things must be Fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and of the Prophets and in the Psalms concerning me Observe 1. That these Two Disciples at Emmaus being fully satisfied in the Truth of Christ's Resurrection by his Appearing to them in Breaking of Bread they arose presently and went from Emmaus to Jerus●lem It must needs be late at Night being after Supper and Seven Miles Distance Yet considering the Sorrow that the Disciples were under these Two leave all their Private Affairs and hasten to Comfort them with the glad Tidings of our Lord's Resurrection Teaching us That all Secular Affairs all private and particular Business must give place to the Glory of God and the Comfort and Salvation of Souls Observe 2. The great Endeavours which our Saviour used to confirm his Disciples Faith in the Doctrine of the Resurrection He comes and stands in the midst of them and says Peace be unto you Next he shews them h s pierced Hands Side and Feet with the Scars and Marks which he yet retained that they might see it was their Crucified Master After all this He eats before them a piece of broiled Fish and Honey-comb Not that he needed it his Body being now become Immortal but to assure them that it was his own Person and that he had still the same Body Yet so slack and backward were they to Believe that Christ was Risen that all the Predictions of the Scripture all the Assurances they had from our Saviour's Mouth and the several Appearings of Christ unto them were little enough to establish and confirm their Faith in the Resurrection of our Saviour Observe 3. The highest and fullest Evidence which our Saviour offers to Evince and Prove the Certainty of his Resurrection Namely by Appealing to their Senses Handle me and see Christ admits the Testimony of our Senses to assure it be his Real Body And if the Church of Rome will not allow us to believe our Senses we shall loose the best External Evidence we can have to prove the Truth of the Christian Religion Namely the Miracles of Christ For how can I know that those Miracles were True but by the Judgment of my Senses Now as our Senses tell us that Christ's Miracles were True so they assure us that the Doctrine of Transubstantiation is False 45 Then opened he their Understandings that they might understand the Scriptures 46 And he said unto them Thus it is Written and thus it behoveth Christ to Suffer and to Rise from the Dead the Third Day 47 And that Repentance and Remission of Sins should be Preached in his Name among all Natitions beginning at Jerusalem 48 And ye are Witnesses of these things Note here That the opening of the Mind and Heart effectually to Receive the Truths of God is the peculiar Prerogative and Office of Jesus Christ Then opened he their Vnderstandings Namely by the Illuminations of his Holy Spirit One of the greatest Miseries under which Lapsed Nature Labours is Spiritual Blindness Christ has the only Eye-salve which can Heal and Cure it Revel 3.18 And there is no worse Cloud to Obscure the Light of the Spirit than a proud Conceit of our own Knowledge Observe 2. The Special Charge given by our Saviour to his Apostles to Preach Repentance and Remission of Sin to Preach it in Christ's Name to Preach it to all Nations beginning first at Jerusalem Where Note The Astonishing Mercy of Jesus Christ Although Jerusalem was the Place where he lost his Life the City that Barbarously Butcher'd and Inhumanely Murthered him yet there he will have the Doctrine of Repentance Preach'd nay first Preached there the Gospel-Combination must first begin That Repentan●e and Remission of Sin be Preached beginning at Jerusalem Lord How unwilling art thou that any should Perish when thou not only prayedst for thy Murtherers and offeredst up thy Blood to God in the Behalf of them that shed it but Requiredst thy Ambassadors to make Jerusalem the first Tender of Remission upon Condition of Repentance That Repentance and Remission of Sin should be Preached among all Nations beginning at Jerusalem 49 And behold I send the Promise of my Father upon you but tarry ye
am ascending to my Father and must be injoyed no longer after a Corporal but Spiritual manner Learn hence That our Love to Jesus Christ is best shewn not by our Humane Passionate Affections to his bodily Presence but by our Spiritual Communion with him by Faith here on Earth in order to an immediate Communion with him face to face in Heaven Christ now after his Resurrection was advanced to a more Spiritual Condition therefore refuses at Mary's Hand the Offices of Humane Conversation but expects of her the Duties and Services of Spiritual Devotion Obs 2. Christ's Injunction But go to my Brethren and say I ascend to my Father and your Father to my God and your God Where Note The endearing Title given to the Disciples My Brethren he had before his Death called them his Servants his Friends his Children but now after his Resurrection he calls them his Brethren he became our Brother by assuming our Nature in his Incarnation he continues our Brother by resuming that Nature at his Resurrection Note farther That Christ calls his Disciples Brethren after his Exaltation and Resurrection thereby shewing that the change of his condition had wrought no change in his Affection towards his poor Disciples but those that were his Brethren before in the time of his Humilition and Abasement are so still after his Exaltation and Advancement Go to my Brethren and say Humility doth not only go before Honour but it dwells with Honour and doth ever more accompany it Observe lastly The good News or Message of Joy which Christ sends by Mary to his dear Disciples say I ascend to my Father and your Father to my God and your God as if Nature and Adoption gave the same Interest Christ calls God his God and his Disciples God his Father and their Father first his and then theirs and therefore theirs because his Learn hence That God for Christ's sake hath dignified Believers with that near and dear Relation of his being a Father to them in and through his Son so that as they ought to carry it towards him like Children by Obedience Subjection and Resignation so they may expect he will retain a Fatherly Affection towards them and they may expect from him Fatherly Compassion Provision Protection Correction and all things needful 18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken these things unto her 19 ¶ Then the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews came Jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them Peace be unto you 20 And when he had so said he shewed unto them his hands and his side Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord. Our blessed Saviour's first appearing after his Resurrection having been to Mary Magdalen as the former Verses acquainted us The same Day at Evening when the Doors were shut for fear of the Jews Jesus miraculously and as to the Disciples insensibly opens the Doors and stands in the midst of them and says Peace be unto you and shews them his Hands and his Side Where Note 1. That it has been no strange thing in the Church that the best Members of it have been put to frequent their Assemblies with great fear and been forced to meet in the Night with great Caution because of the Fury of the Persecutors Here Christ's own Disciples were forced to get together in the Night the Doors kept shut for fear of the Jews Note 2. Let Christ's Disciples meet together never so privately and with never so much hazard and jeopardy they shall have Christ's Company with them neither Bolts nor Locks nor fastned Doors shall hold Christ from them When the Doors were shut Jesus came and stood in the midst of them Observe lastly The Evidence which our Saviour offers to evince and prove the certainty of his Resurrection he shewed his Disciples his Hands and his Feet Christ appealed to and admitted of the Judgment of their Senses to assure them that it was his real Body And if we must not be allowed to believe our Senses as the Romish Synagogue would persuade us we shall want the best external Evidence we can have to prove the Truth of the Christian Religion namely the Miracles of our Saviour For how can we be assured that those Miracles were true but by the Judgment of our Senses Now as our Senses tell us that Christ's Miracles were true so they assure us that the Popish Doctrine of Transubstantiation is false 21 Then said Jesus to them again Peace be unto you as my Father hath sent me even so send I you 22 And when he had said this he breathed on them and saith unto them Receive ye the holy Ghost 23 Whos 's soever sins ye remit they are remitted unto them and whose soever sins ye retain they are retained Observe here 1. The Repetition of our Saviour's endeared Salutation to his Disciples Peace be unto you Peace be unto you This was no more than might be needful to signifie his firm Reconciliation to them notwithstanding their late Cowardize in forsaking of him and flying from him when the Storm fell upon him Observe 2. How Christ doth renew his Disciples Commission for the Work of the Ministry who possibly were much discouraged with the remembrance of their faint-heartedness in the time of his Sufferings he doth therefore anew Commissionate them and sends them forth in these Words As my Father sent me that is to preach plant and propagate the Gospel so send I you By the same Authority and for the same Ends in part for which I was sent by my Father do I send you namely to gather to govern and instruct my Church Learn hence That when Christ left the World he did not leave his Church destitute of a Gospel-Ministry which shall continue to the end of the World As Christ was sent by the Father so are his Ministers sent by him and they may expect having the same Authority and Commission the same Success and Blessing and the Contempt cast upon them and their Message ultimately reflects upon God and Christ whose Messengers they are Observe 3. How Christ that sends them forth doth furnish them with the Gifts of the Spirit for their Office He breathed on them and said Receive ye the Holy Ghost that is the Gifts of the Holy Ghost They had received the Holy Spirit before as a Spirit of Sanctification here they receive it in its extraordinary Gifts to fit them for their Office And Christ's conferring the Holy Ghost by breathing upon them shews that the Holy Spirit proceeds as well from the Son as from the Father And as by God's breathing the first Man was made a living Soul so by Christ's breathing on the Apostles they were quickened and extraordinarily enabled for the Service they were called to Learn hence That when Christ sends forth any about his
them Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God 15 Verily I say unto you Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein 16 And he took them up in his Arms put his hands upon them and blessed them Obs here a solemn Action performed Children are brought to Christ to be blest by him Where Note 1. The Persons Brought children young children sucking Children as the Word imports St. Luke 18.15 They brought them in their Arms not led them by the Hands 2. The Person they are brought unto Jesus Christ But for what End not to Baptize them but to bless them The Parents looking upon Christ as a Prophet a great Prophet the great Prophet do bring their Infants to him that they might receive the Benefit of his Blessing and Prayers Whence Learn 1. That Infants are capable of Benefit by Jesus Christ 2. That it is the best Office that Parents can perform unto their Children to bring them unto Christ that they may be made Partakers of that Benefit 3. If Infants be capable of Benefit by Christ if capable of his Blessing on Earth and Presence in Heaven If they be Subjects of his Kingdom of Grace and Heirs of his Kingdom of Glory then may they be Baptized For they that are in Covenant have a Right to the Seal of the Covenant If Christ denies not Infants the Kingdom of Heaven which is the Greater what Reason have Ministers to deny them the Benefit of Baptism which is the Less 17 And when he was gone forth into the way there came one running and kneeled to him and asked him Good master what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life Obs Here 1. A Person addressing himself to Christ with an important Question in his Mouth This Person was a young Man a rich Man and a Ruler a young Man in the Prime of his Age a rich Man in the Fulness of his Wealth and a Ruler in the Prime of his Authority and Power From whence Learn That for young Men rich Men especially Noble Men to enquire the way to Salvation is very commendable but very rare Observe 2. As the Person addressing so the manner of the Address he came running and kneeled to Christ Where Observe his Voluntariness he came of himself not drawn by others Importunity nor drawn by his own personal Afflictions And his Readiness he came Running This shewed his Zeal and Forwardness to meet with Christ and be resolved by him And Lastly His Humility he Kneeled to him as an eminent Prophet and Teacher not knowing him to be the Son of God Obs 3. The Address it self What shall I do to inherit Eternal Life Where Note 1. He believes the Certainty of a future State 2. He professes his Desire of an Eternal Happiness in that State 3. He declares his Readiness to do some good thing in order to the obtaining of that Happiness Hence Learn That the Light of Nature or Natural Religion teaches Men that good Works are necessary to Salvation or that some good thing must be done by them who at Death expect Eternal Life It is not talking well and professing well but doing well that entitles us to Heaven and Eternal Life 18 And Jesus said unto him Why callest thou me good there is none good but one that is God As if Christ had said Why callest thou me good when thou dost not believe or own me to be God for there is none good that is essentially and originally good absolutely and immutably good but God only nor any derivatively good but he that receiveth his Goodness from God also There is no mere Man that is absolutely and perfectly good of himself but by Participation and Derivation from God only See the Note on St. Matth. 19.17 19 Thou knowest the commandments Do not commit adultery Do not kill Do not steal Do not bear false witness Defraud not Honour thy father and mother Observe here That the Duties which our Saviour instances in are the Duties of the Second Table which Hypocrites are most failing in But nothing is a better Evidence of our unfeigned Love to God than the sincere Performance of our Duty to our Neighbours Love to Man is a Fruit and Testimony of our Love to God for he that loveth not his Brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen 1 John 4.20 Learn hence That such as are defective in the Duties of the Second Table Charity and Justice do make but a counterfeit Shew of Religion though they pretend to the highest Measures and Degrees of Love to God 20 And he answered and said unto him Master all these have I observed from my youth This Assertion of the young Man might be very true according to the Pharisees Sense and Interpretation of the Law which condemned only the gross outward Act not the inward Lust and Motion of the Heart An out-side Obedience to the Law this young Man had performed this made him think well of himself and conclude the Goodness of his own Condition Learn hence How prone Men are to think the best of themselves and to have too high an Opinion of their own Goodness and Righteousness before God All these things have I kept from my Youth It is a natural Corruption in Men to think too well of themselves and of their own Goodness and Righteousness before God but it is very dangerous and fatal so to do 21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him and said unto him One thing thou lackest go thy way sell whatsoever thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come take up the cross and follow me 22 And he was sad at that saying and went away grieved for he had great possessions Observe here 1. Christ's Compassion towards this young Man He loved him with a Love of Pity and Compassion with a Love of Courtesy and Respect There may be some very amiable and lovely Qualities in natural and unregenerate Men and Goodness in what Kind or Degree soever it is doth attract and draw forth Christ's Love towards a Person If Christ did love Civility what Respect has he for sincere Sanctity Obs 2. Our Lord's Admonition One thing thou lackest which was true Self-denial in renouncing the Sin of Covetousness and the inordinate Love of worldly Wealth We ought upon God's Call to maintain such a readiness of Mind as to be willing to part with all for God's sake which is dear unto us in this World Obs 3. Our Lord's Injunction Sell what thou hast and give to the Poor This was not a common but a special Precept belonging particularly to this young Man it was a Commandment of Tryal given to him like that given to Abraham Gen. 22. to convince him of his corrupt Confidence in his Riches Yet is it thus far of general use to us all to teach us so
seem to thank God that he was not so bad as the Publican when indeed he was glad that the Publican was not so good as himself Observe 3. The Publicans Behaviour in an humble sight and sense of his own sinfulness and unworthiness He stood afar off probably in the Court of the Gentiles where all sorts of Sinners might come acknowledging thereby that he was unworthy to come near the Holy Majesty of God not presuming to lift up his eyes to Heaven That place of perfect Holiness and Purity but like a true self-condemned Penitent smote upon his Breast and in bitter Remorse of Soul said God be merciful to me a sinner Hence Learn That a truly humble temper of mind well becomes us in all our Approaches and Addresses to God and is more acceptable to him than all pompous Performances whatsoever For Observe Lastly The Publican being thus condemned of himself departs Justified by God He went down to his house justified rather than the Pharisee the Pharisee justified himself the Publican was justified by God Thence Learn That a Penitent Sinner who is indeed poor in Spirit is far more esteemed of God than he that makes long Prayers fasts often Tythes all his Substance and prides himself in all this Without Humility all is vain Glory and Hypocrisy and the Seemingly most Sanctified Person that has it not is like a painted Sepulchre Beautiful without but full of rottenness within 15 And they brought unto him Infants that he would touch them but when his Disciples saw it they rebuked them 16 But Jesus called them unto him and said Suffer little Children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God 17 Verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little Child shall in no wise enter therein Observe here 1. A solemn Action performed Children Infants sucking Children as the word signifies are brought to Christ that he might bless them the Parents looking up-Christ as a Prophet as a great and extraordinary Prophet perswaded themselves that by his Prayers and laying his Hands on their Children they should be preserved from Bodily Diseases and from Satan's Power and that he would confer upon them all needful Blessings Learn 1. That Infants are capable of Benefit by Jesus Chrst 2. That it is the best Office that Parents can perform unto their Children to bring them unto Christ that they may be made partakers of that Benefit 3. That if Infants are capable of Benefit by Christ if capable of his Blessing on Earth and Presence in Heaven if they be Subjects of his Kingdom of Grace and Heirs of his Kingdom of Glory then may they be Baptized for they that are within the Covenant Acts 2.39 have a Right to the Priviledges of the Covenant and to Baptism the Seal of the Covenant And if Christ denies not Infants the Kingdom of Heaven which is the greater What Reason have his Ministers to deny them the Benefit of Baptism which is the less Learn 4. That Christ will have all his Disciples and Followers to resemble little Children in such Properties wherein they may be patterns to them viz. in Humility and Innocency in freedom from Malice and Revenge in Docibility and Teachableness in Cleaving to and Depending upon their Parents and in Contentedness with their Condition Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little Child shall in no wise enter therein 18. And a certain Ruler asked him saying Good Master What shall I do to inherit Eternal Life We have here a considerable Person a Ruler coming to Christ with an important question in his Mouth What must I do to inherit eternal Life Where Note 1. He believes the certainty of future State 2. He professes a desire of an Eternal Happiness in that State 3. He declares his readiness and willingness to do some good thing in order to the obtaining of that Happiness Hence Learn 1. That the Light of Nature or Natural Religion teaches Men that good Works are necessary to Salvation or that some good thing must be done by them who at Death expect Eternal Life it is not Talking well and Professing well but Living well that Entitles us to Heaven and Eternal Life 19 And Jesus said unto him Why callest thou me Good None is good save one that is God Our Saviour here reproves this Person for calling him Good when he did not own to be God saying There is none good that is Essentially and Originally Good absolutely and immutably Good but God only nor any derivatively Good but he that receives his Goodness from God also 20 Thou knowest the Commandments Do not commit Adultery Do not Kill Do not Steal Do not bear false Witness Honour thy Father and thy Mother Note here that the Duties Directed to by our Saviour are the Duties of the Second Table nothing being a better Evidence of our unfeigned Love to God than a sincere Performance of our Duty to our Neighbour Love to Man is a Fruit and Testimony of our Love to God Learn thence That such as are defective in the Duties of the Second Table Charity and Justice towards Man do make but a Counterfeit shew of Religion tho' they pretend to the highest Degrees of Love to God 21 And he said all these things have I kept from my Youth up This Assertion might be very true according to the Pharisees sense and interpretation of the Law which Condemned only the gross outward Act not the inward Lusts and Motions of the Heart An external Obedience to the Letter of the Law this Man might possibly have performed this made him think well of himself and conclude the goodness of his own Condition Learn hence How prone Men are to think the best of themselves and to have too high an Opinion of their own Goodness and Righteousness before God this is very natural but dangerous and fatal 22 Now when Jesus heard these things he said unto him Yet lackest thou one thing Sell all that thou hast and distribute unto the Poor and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven and come and follow me Here Observe 1. Our Lord's Admonition Yet lackest thou one thing which was true Self-denial in renouncing the Sin of Covetousness and the inordinate Love of Worldly Wealth We ought in the midst of our abundance to maintain a readiness of Disposition to part with all for God's sake that is dear unto us in this World Observe 2. Our Lord's Injunction Sell all that thou hast and give to the poor This was not a Common but a special Precept given particularly to this Rich Man for Tryal like that given to Abraham Gen. 22. and to convince him of his corrupt Confidence in Riches yet is the Precept thus far of general use to us all to teach us so to contemn Worldly Possessions as to be willing to part with them all at God's Pleasure and when they prejudice our Salvation 23 And when he heard
not long hold burning without a Stock of Oil to feed it so a Profession of Religion tho' never so glorious will not be lasting nor persevering without a Principle of Faith and Love in the Heart to support and maintain it Learn hence That the true Wisdom of a Christian consists in this to take care that not only the Lamp of his Life may shine by outward Profession but that the Vessel of his Heart may be furnished with the Graces of the Holy Spirit as a prevailing and abiding Principle 5 While the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept That is while Christ delays his coming to Persons by Death and Judgment they are not so diligent as they ought to prepare themselves for Death and Judgment Instead of being upon their Watch and Guard they slumbered and slept Note That not only visible Professors but the holiest and best of Christians are very prone to Spiritual Slumber Whilst the Bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept Spiritual Slumber consists in this When Graces are not lively and kept in exercise particularly Faith Hope and Love when there is an Abatement of our Love and Zeal an Intermission of our Care and Watchfulness this is a degree of Spiritual Slumber yet the Saints Slumber is not a prevailing Slumber 't is nor an Universal Slumber 't is not in all the Faculties of the Soul if there be Deadness in the Affections yet is there not Searedness in the Conscience I sleep says the Church but my Heart awaketh Cant. 5.2 Still there is a Principle in the Soul which takes God's part and the Christian groans under the Burthen of his dull and drowsie State But the greatest Wisdom is to maintain a constant Watch that we may at no time be surprized by the Bridegroom 's coming or be in a Confusion when Death and Judgment shall overtake us Blessed are those Virgins whose Lamps always burn bright 6 And at midnight there was a cry made Behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him At Midnight that is at the most dismal and unseasonable time when all the Virgins were fast asleep and when awaked in great Affrightment could not on a sudden consider what to do Such is the Case of those who put off their Repentance and Preparation for another World till they are surprized by Death and Judgment Lord how will the Midnight Cry of the Bridegroom 's coming terrifie and amaze the unprepared Soul What a surprizing Word will this be Behold the Bridegroom cometh Learn hence That the Bridegroom will certainly come tho' at his own time and then all shall be called upon both prepared and unprepared to go forth to meet him Reason says he may come because there is a just God that will render to every one according to his Deeds and reward both Body and Soul for all the Services they have done for God The Body shall not always remain like a solitary Widow in the Dust but shall meet its old Companion the Soul again And as Reason says he may come Faith says he will come and argues from the Promise of Christ John 14.3 and from the Purchase of Christ from Christ's Affection to us and from our Affection to him Faith has seen him upon the Cross and determines she shall see him in the Clouds The Bridegroom will certainly come at his own time happy they that are ready to go forth to meet him 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps 8 And the foolish said unto the wise Give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out The Virgins arising and trimming their Lamps doth denote their actual Preparation for Christ's Coming and Appearance and their putting themselves into a Posture of Readiness to receive him Thence Learn That a believing Apprehension of the Certainty and Suddenness of our Lord 's Coming and Approach will rouze us out of our Spiritual Slumber and prepare us to meet him with Joy and Assurance Then they arose and trimmed their Lamps And the foolish said to the wise give us of your Oil for our Lamps are gone out Observe here 1. A Request made Give us of your Oil. There is a time when the Neglecters of Grace will be made sensible of the Worth of Grace by the want of it Such as now undervalue yea villifie the Grace of God will be heard to say Oh give us of your Oil. Obs 2. The Reason of the Request For our Lamps are gone out Thence Learn That the Lamp of Profession will certainly go out which has not a Stock of Grace to feed and maintain it 9 But the wise answered saying Not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for your selves Observe here 1. The wise Virgins Denial Not so They will part with no Oil. Learn thence That it must be the Care of every one to get Grace of his own otherwise the Grace of others will do him no Good 'T is not what others have done nay not what Christ himself has done that will save us without our own Endeavours Obs 2. The Reason of their Denial Lest there be not enough for us and you Thence Note That such Christians as have most Grace or the largest Stock of Grace have none to spare none to spare in regard of their Occasions for Grace on Earth and in regard of their Expectations of Glory in Heaven Obs 3. The Advice and Counsel given Go to them that sell and buy for your selves Some take this for an Exhortation others for a mocking Derision Go to them that sell That is say some to the Shops of the Ordinances where it may be had Thence Note That such as would have Grace must have timely Recourse to the Ordinances and Means of Grace Go to them that sell Others understand the Words ironically and as spoken by way of Derision Go to them that sell If you know where to find them and either buy or borrow for your selves Learn thence That it is the greatest Folly in the World to have Oil to buy when we should have Oil to burn To have our Grace to seek when we should have it to exert and exercise It is no time to get Grace when the Bridegroom is come and the Day of Grace is past and over 10 And while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut Observe here 1. Christ will come at the great Day to his People as a Bridegroom and to the wicked as a Judge The Relation now begun betwixt Christ and his Church shall then be publickly solemniz'd Obs 2. The Qualification of the Persons who shall enter with the Bridegroom into Heaven Such as are ready went in with him This Readiness is twofold Habitual and Actual Habitual Readiness consists in the State of the Person justified and pardoned in the Frame of the Heart sanctified and renewed and in the Course
Christ and in the Profession and Practice of the true Religion is a Note indeed of the true Church But Unity in opposing Christ his Person his Doctrine his People is so far from being a Mark of the true Church that it is the Badge of the Antichristian Synagogue Obs 2. The prudent Means which our Saviour uses to preserve himself from the Rage of the Pharisees he withdrew himself from them Christ's Example teaches his Ministers their Duty in a time of Danger to fly from Persecution and to endeavour to preserve their Lives unless when their Sufferings are like to do more Good than their Lives Obs 3. The great Zeal and Forwardness of the People in flocking after our Saviour's Ministry People come now at first from all Places and Countries from Judea from Idumea from beyond Jordan from Tyre and Sidon to hear his Doctrine and see his Miracles The People came from all parts when our Saviour first began to preach His Ministers find it thus At their first coming amongst a People their Labours are most acceptable and they do most Good our Peoples Affections are then warmest and perhaps our own too Obs 4. What sort of People they were which attended thus zealously upon our Saviour's Ministry they were the common and ordinary People the poor received the Gospel whilst the Pharisees and other Men of most Account the mighty the noble and the wise Men after the Flesh despised our Saviour's Person slighted his Ministry and sought his Life The ordinary and meanest sort of People ever have been more zealous and forward in embracing the Gospel than ever the Great the Rich and the Honourable part of the World have been It is a sad but a certain Truth Heaven is a place where few comparatively of the great Men of the World are like to come their Temptations are many their Lusts are strong and their great Estates thro' their own Abuse become Fuel to their Lusts Obs 5. The Behaviour of the unclean Spirits the Devils towards our Saviour and our Saviour's Carriage towards them They fall down at the very sight of him they cry out and confess him to be the Son of God but he sharply Rebukes them and charges them that they should not make him known Not that our Saviour would have the Knowledge of his Person supprest but because the Devils were no fit Persons to preach Jesus Christ A Truth out of the Mouth of the Father of Lies is enough to render Truth it self suspected Besides the time appointed for the full and clear Manifestation of the Godhead of Christ was not yet come This was not to be done till after his Resurrection the Divine Nature was to lye hid under the Veil of Christ's Flesh during his state of Humiliation and Abasement 13 And he goeth up into a mountain and calleth unto him whom he would and they came unto him 14 And he ordained twelve that they should be with him and that he might send them forth to preach 15 And to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils 16 And Simon he sirnamed Peter 17 And James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James and he sirnamed them Boanerges which is The sons of thunder 18 And Andrew and Philip and Bartholomew and Matthew and Thomas and James the son of Alpheus and Thaddeus and Simon the Canaanite 19 And Judas Iscariot which also betrayed him and they went into an house As the Jewish Church arose from Twelve Patriarchs so the Christian Church became planted by Twelve Apostles the Person commissioning them was Christ None may undertake the Work and Calling of the Ministry but those whom Christ appoints and calls The Persons commissioned were Disciples before they were Apostles to teach us That Christ will have such as preach the Gospel to be Disciples before they are Ministers trained up in the Faith and Doctrine of the Gospel before they undertake a publick Charge Observe farther The Holy Preparative which our Saviour uses in order to this Election of his Apostles he goeth up into a Mountain to pray upon that great Occasion So says St. Luke 6.12 He went up into a Mountain to pray and spent the night in Prayer to God And when it was Day he called his Disciples and of them he chose Twelve In this Prayer no doubt he pleaded with his Father to furnish those that were to be sent forth by him with all Ministerial Gifts and Graces Learn thence That as Prayer is a necessary Preparative to all Duties so more especially before the publick Election and Ordination of the Ministers of the Church solemn Prayer is to be used by such as are to ordain and choose them our Lord's Practice is to be a standing Rule herein to all Church Officers Observe again Tho' Christ called his Apostles now yet he did not send them forth now He ordained Twelve that they should be with him That is that they might converse with him and be Eye-witnesses and Ear-witnesses of his Life Doctrine and Miracles And having been thus with Christ and fitted and prepared by him for their Work afterwards they went forth Thence Learn That such as are to take upon them the Office of the Ministry ought first to be fitted and prepared for it then solemnly called to it before they enterprize and undertake the Execution of it if the Apostles here who were called and qualified extraordinarily were to spend some Time with Christ to receive Direction and Instruction from him before they went forth to preach how much more needful is it for such as are ordinarily called to be well-fitted and furnished for the Ministerial Service before they undertake it Observe next How the several Names of the Apostles are here Registred and Recorded God will honour those that honour him and are the special Instruments of his Glory Of these Apostles Peter is named first and Judas last Peter is named first because probably elder than the rest or because for Order-sake he might speak before the rest From whence may be inferr'd a Primacy but no Supremacy a Priority of Order not a Superiority of Degree As the Foreman of a Grand-Jury has a Precedency but no Preheminency he is first in order before the rest but has no Authority or Power over the rest Judas is named last with a Brand of Infamy upon him that he was the Traditor the Person that betrayed his Lord and Master Whence Learn That tho' the Truth of Grace be absolutely necessary to a Minister's Salvation yet the want of it doth not disannul his Office nor hinder the Lawfulness of his Ministry Judas tho' a Traytor was yet a Lawful Minister Observe lastly That our Saviour sirnamed James and John Boanerges Sons of Thunder St. Jerome thinks this Name was given them because being with Christ in the Mount at his Transfiguration they heard the Father's Voice out of the Cloud like Thunder Others think them so called because they were more vehement and earnest than the
giving in Marriage that is wholly given up to Sensuality and Debauchery and did not know that is did not consider the Flood 's coming till it swept them away thus was it before the Destruction of Jerusalem and thus will it be before the end of the World Hence we Learn That as the old World perished by Infidelity Security and Sensuality so will the same Sins be prevalling before the Destruction of this present World As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man 31 In that day he which shall be in the house top and his staff in the house let him not come down to take it away and he that is in the field let him likewise not turn back 32 Remember Lots wife Here our Saviour advises them that when they shall see the Judgments of God breaking out upon Jerusalem that they make all possible speed to get out of it as Lot and his Family did out of Sodom and to take heed of imitating Lott's Wife who looking back became a pillar of Salt Gen. 19. Where Observe 1. Her Offence she looked back 2. The punishment of her Offence She became a pillar of Salt her Offence in looking behind her was manifest Disobedience to the Divine Command which said Look not behind thee and proceeded either from Carelesness or from Covetousness or from Curiosity or from Compassion to those she left behind her and was undoubtedly the effect of great Infidelity she not believing the Truth of what the Angel had declared as touching the Certainty and Suddenness of Sodom's Destruction The Punishment of her Offence was Exemplary She became a pillar of Salt that is a perpetual Monument of Divine Severity for her Infidelity and Disobedience Where Note 1. The suddenness of her Punishment the Justice of God Surprizes her in the very Act of Sin with a present Revenge 2. The seeming disproportion betwixt the Punishment and the Offence her Offence was a forbidden Look From whence Carnal Reason might plead was it not sufficient for her to loose her Eyes but must she loose her Life but the Easiness and Reasonableness of the Command aggravated her Disobedience and tho' her Punishment may seem severe it was not unjust Now says our Saviour Remember Lotts Wife that is let her Example caution all of you against Unbelief Disobedience Worldly Mindedness Contempt of God's Threatnings and Lingring after the Forbidden Society of lewd and wicked Persons 33 Whosoever shall seek to save his Life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his Life shall preserve it 34 I tell you in that night there shall be two men in one bed the one shall be taken and the other left 35 Two Women shall be grinding together the one shall be taken and the other left 36 Two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left In this Hour when Judgment is come upon Jerusalem Christ declares that whosoever shall take any unchristian Course to preserve his Life by denying him and his Holy Religion he shall loose Eternal Life but he that for Christ's sake shall loose his natural Life instead of a Mortal shall enjoy an immortal Life in Bliss and Glory Here we Learn 1. That the Love of Temporal Life is a great Temptation to tempt Men to deny Christ and his Holy Religion in a day of Tryal 2. That the surest way to attain Eternal Life is chearfully to lay down our Temporal Life when the Glory of Christ and the Honour of Religion requires it of us Christ farther adds that in this Terrible Night of Jerusalem's Calamity when Destruction comes upon her the Providence of God will remarkably distinguish between one Person and another True Believers and constant Professors shall be delivered and none else such shall escape the Danger others shall fall by it 37 And they answered and said unto him Where Lord and he said unto them Wheresoever the Body is thither will the Eagles be gathered together The Disciples hearing our Saviout speak of such Tremendous Calamities inquire where these Judgments should fall he answers them figuratively and by a Proverbial Speech That where the Carcase is there will the Eagles be gathered together signifying that Jerusalem and the obdurate Nation of the Jews was the Carcass which the Roman Armies whose Ensign was the Eagle would quickly find out and feed upon and that Judea in general and Jerusalem in particular would be the Theater and Stage of those Tragical Calamities Learn thence That the appointed Messengers of God's Wrath and the instruments of his Vengeance will suddenly gather together certainly find out and severely punish an impenitent People devoted to Destruction Where the Carcass is that is the Body of the Jewish Nation there will the Eagles that is the Roman Soldiers be gathered together CHAP. XVIII 1 AND he spake a Parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint 2 Saying There was in a City a Judge which feared not God neither regarded man 3 And there was a widow in that City and she came unto him saying Avenge me of mine Adversary 4 And he would not for a while But afterward he said within himself Tho I fear not God nor regard man 5 Yet because this widow troubleth me I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me 6 And the Lord said Hear what the unjust Judge saith 7 And shall not God avenge his own Elect which cry day and night unto him tho' he bear long with them 8 I tell you he will avenge them speedily There is no Duty in Christianity the practice of which our Saviour presses upon us more frequently than this Duty of Prayer To encourage his Disciples and us in them to fervency importunity and perseverance in this Duty he propounds here the Parable of an unjust Judge who was overcome by an importunate Widow to do her Justice contrary to his own Inclinations from whence our Saviour argues that if Importunity will prevail with a sinful Man to grant Petitions offered to him how much more prevalent will such Importunity be with the infinitely good God to relieve the Necessities of such as devoutly implore his help And the force of the Argument lies thus the Judge in the Parable was an inferiour and subordinate Judge was an unrighteous and unjust Judge was a merciless and hard hearted Judge and yet upon her importunity he avenged her how much more will the Sovereign and Supreme Judge the Holy and Righteous Judge the Merciful and Compassionate Judge of all the Earth hear and help his Praying People and be the just Avenger of those that fear him From the whole Note 1. That Prayer or Liberty of making our Requests known to God is an inestimable Favour and Priviledge he that considers the Nature of GOD and the Nature of Man cannot question it God is a Being of infinite Fulness and Perfection a Self-sufficient and an
in the City of Jerusalem until ye be Endued with Power from on high 50 And he led them out as far as Bethany and he lift up his hands and Blessed them 51 And it came to pass while he Blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into Heaven 52 And they Worshipped him and Returned to Jerusalem with great joy 53 And were continually in the Temple Praising and Blessing God Amen Our Saviour being now about to leave his Disciples Comforts them with the Promise of his Holy Spirit which should supply the want of his Bodily Presence And bids them tarry at Jerusalem till they should at the Feast of Pentecost be made Partakers of this Invaluable Blessing Observe 2. Our Lord having Blessed his Disciples he takes his Leave of them and goes up into Heaven As he Raised himself out of his Grave so did he Ascend into Heaven by his own Power there to appear in the Presence of God for us and as our Fore-runner to give us an Assurance that in due time we shall Ascend after him Whither our Fore-runner is for us entered Heb. 6.20 Observe Lastly The Act of Homage and Adoration which the Apostles perform to the Lord Jesus now they Worshipped him that is as God the Eternal Son of God being so declared by the Resurrection from the Dead and by his Ascension into Heaven before their Eyes from whence he will certainly come at the End of the World to Judge both the Quick and the Dead For which Solemn Hour God Almighty prepare all Mankind by a Renewed Frame of Heart and a Religious Course of Life and then Come Lord Jesus to Judgment come quickly Amen The End of St. Luke's Gospel EXPOSITORY NOTES WITH PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS UPON The Holy Gospel ACCORDING TO S T. JOHN St. JOHN v. Ver. 39. Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testifie of me EXPOSITORY NOTES WITH PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS UPON The Holy Gospel ACCORDING TO S T. JOHN The Fourth and last of the Holy Gospels falls now under Consideration Namely That which was written by the Evangelist St. John concerning which we have Observable the Writer the Occasion the Design and Scope of this Sublime Book Obs 1. The Writer of it St. John the beloved Disciple that lay in the Bosom of Christ he that lay in Christ's Bosom reveals the Secrets of Christ's Heart John saith St. Austin drew out of the Bosom of Christ the very Heart of Christ and made it known to a lost World Obs 2. The Occasion of St John's writing this Gospel and that was the Heresie of Ebion and Cerinthus which denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ When God suffers Hereticks to vent their blasphemous Opinions he takes Occasion from thence to make a clearer Discovery of Divine Truth We had perhaps wanted St. John's Gospel if Ebion and Cerinthus had not broach'd their Heresie against Christ's Divinity Obs 3. The Design and Scope of this Gospel which is to describe the Person of Christ in his two Natures Divine and Humane as the Object of our Faith This he doth in a Sublime and Lofty Manner upon which Account he was compared by the Ancients to the Eagle that soars aloft and maketh her Nest on high and was also called John the Divine Obs lastly The Difference between this and the other Gospels The other Evangelists insist chiefly upon the Humanity of Christ and prove him to be truly Man the Son of the Virgin Mary This Evangelist proves him to be GOD as well as Man God from Eternity and Man in the fulness of Time The other three Writers Relate what Christ did St. John Reports what Christ said They Recount his Miracles he Records his Sermons and Prayers In short the profound Mysteries of our holy Religion are here unfolded by the beloved Disciple and particularly the Divinity and Incarnation of our Blessed Saviour CHAP. I. 1 IN the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God 2 The same was in the beginning with God Observe here 1. The Person spoken of Jesus Christ under the name of the Word In the beginning was the Word Because God speaks to us by him and makes known his Will to us by Christ as we make known our Minds to one another by our Words Again As our Words are the Conception and Image of our Minds so Christ is the express Image of his Father's Person and was begotten of the Father even as our Words are begotten of our Minds For these Reasons he is so often stiled the Word Obs 2. What the Evangelist here asserts concerning the Word Christ Jesus even three Particulars namely his Eternal Existence his Personal Coexistence and his Divine Essence 1. His Eternal Existence In the beginning was the Word in the beginning when all Things received their Being then the Word was and did actually subsist even from all Eternity Learn thence That Jesus Christ not only Antecedent to his Incarnation but even before all Time and the Beginning of all Things had an Actual Being and Subsistence 2. His Personal Coexistence with the Father The Word was with God that is eternally and inseparably with him in the same Essence and Nature being in the Father as well as with him so that the Father was never without him Prov. 8.22 I was by him as one brought up with him I was by his Sides says the Chaldee Interpreter Learn hence That the Son is a Person distinct from the Father but of the same Essence and Nature with the Father he is God of God very God of very God being of one Substance with the Father by whom all things were made The Word was with God 3. His Divine Essence The Word was God Here St. John declares the Divinity as he did before the Eternity of our Blessed Saviour He was with God and existed in him therefore he must be God and a Person distinct from the Father Learn hence That the Eternity the Personality and the Divinity of Christ are of necessity to be believed if we will worship him aright Christ tells us John 5.23 That we must worship the Son even as we worship the Father Now unless we acknowledge the Eternity and Divinity of Christ the Second Person as well as of God the Father the First Person we honour neither the Father nor the Son There is this Difference between Natural Things and Supernatural Natural Things are first understood and then believed but Supernatural Mysteries must be first believed and then will be better understood If we will first set Reason on work and believe no more than we can comprehend this will hinder Faith But if after we have assented to Gospel Mysteries we set Reason on work this will help Faith 3 All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Observe here The Argument which St. John uses to prove Christ to be God it is taken from the Work of