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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72059 The confession and publike recantation of thirteene learned personages, lately conuerted in France, Germanie, and the Lowe-Countreys, from poperie, to the Churches reformed wherein they haue zealously and learnedly set dovvne the reasons that moued them therevnto. The names and degrees of the conuerts. 1. Godefrid Rabin ... 2. Simon Palory ... 3. Iohn Colleij ... 4. Melchior Roman ... 5. Iohn Norman ... 6. Father Abraham ... 7. Antony Ginestet ... 8. Signeur Lewis ... 9. Father Edmon ... 10. Leonard Theuenot ... 11. Sir Francis ... 12. Francis Goupil Angeuin ... 13. Lewys du Boys ... Translated out of the French and Dutch printed copies, by I.M.; Eight learned personages lately converted (in the realme of France) from papistrie, to the Churches reformed. W. B., fl. 1601.; J. M., fl. 1602. 1602 (1602) STC 1074.5; STC 20598; ESTC S115544 99,696 118

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the Sacrificer is preferred before the sacrifice as we may see Genes 4.4 where the holy ghost witnesseth that the Lord had first respect to Abel and then to his offering This then being granted and therewithall considering that in the Romish Church the Masse priest is reputed a Sacrificer Popish priest better then Christ Christ Iesus the sacrifice it must hereupon needes followe that the Romish priests beeing but mortall and sinfull men and by nature altogether estranged from God are preferred before him in whome there is found no guile nor sinne 1. Pet. 2.22 1. Pet 1.19 euen before that vnspotted Lambe the true son of God by nature Iesus Christ Oh intollerable blasphemy neuer vsed among the Turkes And to the end none may be ignorant of such a foolish impudencie note I pray you but that which may be seene whē in their Masse they mūble out these words Supraque proprio ac sereno vultu respicere digneris accepta habere Hebr. 9. 1. Iohn 1 Math. 3. sicuti munera pueri tui iusti Abel Wherein there are two propositiōs in the first the Priest becomes a Mediator for the Soueraigne Mediator Priest a mediator for Christ of whom the father saith this is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am well pleased for you must alwaies suppose as the Church of Rome doth that the true body of the sonne of God is present in the host as it was in his transfiguration and in his Baptisme in the Iordan In the second he compareth Iesus Christ to the sacrifice of Abel By meanes whereof as aforesaid the Priest shall be more pleasing and acceptable to God then Christ Iesus himselfe who likewise by this meanes shall be robbed aswell of his office as of his Sacerdotall dignity What mans eares that bee attentiue to any wholesome doctrine and stirred vp with the affection of a Christian zeale can endure and suffer the eccho of so harsh and horrible a speech What soule is there which is desirous to aspire come to her true scope felicity Math. 17 through the true and sacred mediator Christ Iesus Math. 23. Deut. 18. Esai 11. that can permit his excellencies and dignities to be so trampled vnderfoote The Church of Rome is not content to banish Christ out of the sanctuary whereas the Iewes haue cast him onely out of the Synagogue but goeth on further and taketh from him his pastorall robe which appertaineth and belongeth vnto him alone as it may euidently appeare in many places of the holy Scripture wherein he is promised and recommended for a Doctor and maister giuing lawes and precepts against which or besides which as proceeding from a most wise maister none of his desciples dare thrust themselues in for their alteration This Maxim against which the very heathens dare not dispute declareth sufficiently that he who is a meanes for conducting mē to the Soueraigne good must also by his instructions and precepts lay open the way and assured meanes for the attayning thereunto The Church of Rome yet notwithstanding vsurpeth and chalengeth to her selfe the Soueraigne authority of iudging such like instructions accuseth them of insufficiency Popes Doctrine as not able to shew the way leading to eternall life which surely is nothing els but an accusing of the author himselfe Christ Iesus the son of God Nay she yet goeth beyond and farre surmounteth the said precepts as well in the vertue of her word not written as of her traditions together with an Iliad of inuensions rather diabolicall then deuine or humane And moreouer she teacheth doctrine cleane contrary to Gods truth as may be noted in these few examples Iesus Christ forbiddeth any of his desciples to desire preheminence ouer the other The Church of Rome hath a counterpoise Math. 24. for she constituteth one in authority aboue all the Bishops in the worlde Christ Iesus will that his Church take her firme foundation vpon this that he is Christ the sonne of the liuing God Math. 16.16.18 who suffereth not the gates of hell to preuaile against her Chruch not built vpō Peter for that she is grounded vppon a sure rocke which is Christ The Church of Rome will builde her vpon a rocke which like vnto man is subiect to fall awaye and come to ruine I meane during the life of S. Peter as may be seene how the flouds of misbeleiefe and riuers of infidelity haue had great power ouer her and brought her flat vpon the ground Carued Images To be short all the doctrine of our saluation as well in the olde as new Testament forbiddeth vs to draw or paint any images or statutes in matter of religion yet notwithstanding the Church of Rome obstinatly alloweth them will haue them and commaund them Finally in conferring the one with the other you may see as it were in a glasse that Belial is no more contrary to Christe falshood to truth darknesse to light vice to vertue then the doctrine of the Church of Rome to that of the Mediator and accessor to the Soueraigne good Beholde then Christ Iesus in the Romane Church deuested of his doctorall robe Now remaines the third and last dignity of his vnction that is to say that he is King hauing all power both in heauen earth as it is proued by diuerse places of the holy Scripture namely in the 49. of Genes in the person of Iuda in the 11. of Esay in the 31. of Ieremy Psal 2. Psal 110. Mathew 23. of the which he is likewise dispossed in the Church of Rome For whosoeuer saith that he hath both spirituall and temporall power to gouerne the Church Triumphant and Militant to doe with them according to his pleasure he doth surely take vpon him the true domination of Christ who saith I giue the water of life and who so shall drinke thereof Iohn 4.10 shall neuer haue thirst by which speciall passion of thirst he comprehendeth all other spiritually by the figure Synedoche This is that which the Apostle expoundeth and the Euangelist in the Apocalips speaking of Saints who haue washed their robes in the bloude of the Lambe Apoc. 21. and doe no more taste of lamentations sorrowes or any other kinde of passions or torment It beelongeth therefore onely to the vndefiled Lambe who giueth the water of life to make and canonize true Saints But the Pope who is the head of the Church of Rome taketh vppon him authoritye and power to create Saints and canonize them hee enrouleth in the booke of heauen such as he will and when it is his good pleasure hee maketh them to raigne with Christ Iesus in the like title and degree as himselfe he vaunteth to haue power ouer Angels to command them nay which is more one of his bookes named Stella Clericorum dooth affirme that the meanest Priest among them Pope aboue the Angels is greater in dignity then the holy Virgin and all the Angels How much greater
I know my selfe to be I hould my selfe assured of my saluation And I may iustly say as the children of Israel said being detained in Egipt vnder the seruitude of Pharao the eternal the God of the Hebrewes is come to meete vs we will trauaile three dayes iorney in the wildernesse and will sacrifice to the eternall our God apparantly shewing that so long as they should be in Egipt or vnder the bondage of Pharao they could offer no sacrifice to God that could be acceptable vnto him As for me I may say the like not only that I was detained in Egipt for Egipt is by interpretation darknesse but also vnder the seruitude and captiuity of a Pharao and more For Pharao did not exercise his power and cruelty but in ruling ouer the temporall bodies and goods But he of whome I intende to speake will rule both ouer our bodies ouer our soules our goods meaning himself causing others to cal him Gods lieutenant vpon earth and Lord of heauen earth Which he sheweth in effect when he sanctifieth and canonizeth some enroling them in the booke of heauen anathematizing and excomunicating others being in the Church militant taking the sword against kings and Monarches willing to depose and bring them to nothing Sixtus quintus as it well appeareth by a Bull which Sixtus quintus made in the yeare 1585. against Henry the second king of Nauarre and now our king And against Henry prince of Conde in confiscating all their temporall goods present and to come To the end that you may vnderstand the holines of this Pope Sixtus quintus last deseased I can assure you that I being at Rome familiarly talking with a Monke of the order of Saint Benit priour of his monastery asking him how they proceeded in the election of the Pope he answered me that there was nothing but bribery fauours and ambition reciting vnto me that it was found to be true The Popes bargaine that th'aforesayd Pope Sixtus v. Made a bargen with the deuill giuing himselfe vnto him vpon this condition that he should be Pope seuē years It so happened that vpon the end of the sixth yeare or the beginning of the seuenth a Neuiew of his in Rome had a quarrell against a great Lord which was very yong and the said yong Lord slue the Popes Neuiew Being apprehended and taken by iustice the Pope commanded him to be put to death the Iudges of the law answered that he was not yet of age competent according to their laws he asked how much there wāted they answered that there yet wanted one yeer then said the Pope go put him to death by and by I can do all I giue him one of my yeeres Incōtinent this being done behold a vehemēt feuer with a fransie tooke holde and seised on the said Pope the deuil came presented himselfe vnto him in the shape and forme of a black man who tooke him by the arme said vnto him Let vs go the Pope answereth he knew him not but he said I am the deuill to whom thou gauest thy selfe to be Pope Then the Pope saide vnto him there resteth to me yet one yeere The deuill answered him thou gauest it to the yong man which killed thy neuiew for to put him to death and then he departed and dyed in this sort And as for his behauiour who now raigneth I haue seene him considered of him hauing vpon his head a triple crown where is writtē vpon his forehead in precious stones the word Mistery For the reuerence which must be borne done vnto him whosoeuer wil speak with him must presētly so soone as he is permitted to enter into his chāber set him on his knees so come vnto him to the end to adore him this being done returne in the same maner vpon his knees I marked also another thing which is that being in the citty of Beulogne I saw a great multitude of people going to the church to adore the body of a womā called the happy Katherin of Bouloigne I asked them wherefore they did not call her Saint they answered for that she was not yet canonized nor sanctified by the Pope I asked thē where the fault was they answered me that the fault was in the Monkes by reason that there must be good store of gold siluer to do it shewing thereby that the Pope doth nothing without money the like is found in the citty of Auignon in the monastery of the Celestins of the body of S. Peter of Luxembrough which is not yet sanctified nor canonized for want of mony I haue marked moreouer that in sundry Churches of Rome in Italy the Pope hath giuen such power priuiledge to some aultars Priuiledged Alters which they call priuiledged aultars to deliuer soules from purgatory that in saying one only Masse before the said priuiledge altar he assureth that a soule is deliuered frō purgatory Now I leaue to you to think if it were so that there were a Purgatory what need shold there be to say some times so grear nūber of Masses that the means of the deceased are not sufficiēt to pay the priests if one only Masse as aforesaid being said before the said aultar be sufficient for his saluation I beleeue that this which they do is to fulfill the prophecie of Esay which saith they eate the sinnes of my people desire no other thing but the iniquity therof I haue noted also a great blasphemy in as much as they affirme in a booke called Stella clearicorū that the least of the priests is greater then the holy virgin or any Angel which is in heauen which they shew by their effects saying that they can pardon and remit sins in making vnto thē auriculer confession shewing therby that if they could they woulde plucke the pastoral rod out of the hād of the Lord wherwith he ruleth gouerneth his folk It seemeth to me vpō this discourse that I cannot better cōpare neither the Pope nor the priests then to Lye which hath this property to whiten linnen and as for it selfe it remaineth ougly filthy for they boast that they clense others frō their sins although they themselues bee impure and I stedfastly beleeue that if the Popes ambition were accomplished to witte to haue dominion ouer bodyes ouer soules and ouer the temporall goods there would rest nothing els to do but make a new religion after his fantasie You shall further knowe that if it so happen that the Mule which carryeth him dye it must be buried and enterred for feare that the Wolues and dogs eate him not I beleeue that they feare if that should come to passe they should be sanctified hauing eaten of so worthy a beast as to haue borne Gods lieutenant vpon earth I beleeued according as it was told me that when I should be in Italy I shoulde be halfe way to Paradice But hauing perceiued the contrary by reasō of their superstitiō I