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A48358 Holy characters containing a miscelany of theolocicall [sic] discovrses that is theology, positiue, scholasticall, polemicall, and morall built upon the foundation of scriptures, traditions, councils, fathers, divided into two books / written by George Leybvrn ... Leyburn, George, 1593-1677. 1662 (1662) Wing L1938; ESTC R18553 388,184 688

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a perfect representation of Christ's death and Passion suffered on his Cross must precede the eating of that bread and drinking of that drink for Christ's death and Passion was (g) S. Austin l. 13. de Trinit c. 17 Epis 49. quaes 3. attestes that it is foretold in the old Testament that there should be in the law of grace a true proper outward visible sacrifice again it is foretold that in the last age of the new Law that is when Antichrist shall come the vsuall sacrifice shall cease which giue euidence enough of the continuance of som one sacrifice in the law of grace till the time of Antichrist Which cannot be meant of a Metaphoricall and invisible sacrifice being that kind of vnproper sacrifice will not cease in the dayes of Antichrist according to the holy Prophets Dan. 12. and Isaias cap. 10. a proper special sacrifice that cannot be represented perfecttly by a Sacrament but by a sacrifice wherin destruction must interuene necessarily either by death if what is offered by a liuing thing or by fraction if what is offered be a hard and drie thing as breard or by effusion if what is offered be a liquid thing as wine which experience sheweth in all the sacrifices of the law of nature and Moyses And indeed the end and innate propriety of a proper sacrifice being an externall sensible act of supream adoration is to signify God's omnipotency as to his power ouer life and death wheras a Sacrament signifieth the sanctifying of such as belieue in and serue God which is but the product or effect of Christ his bloody sacrifice If perfect representation of the sacrifice of the Cross could be attributed to any Sacrament it were to be ascribed to the Sacrament of Baptism wherby as the Apostle saith Heb. 9. Weare buried with Christ into his death Neuertheless Baptism doth not represent the death of Christ but the death and resurrection of him that is baptised Baptism signifying that he that is baptised doth die as vnto sin and rise as vnto newnes of life neither is Christ said to die in Baptism as he is belieued to be immolated in the sacrifice of the Eucharist Furthermore as * Sanguine hostiae obsignabatur vetus testamētum vt post Moysen declarat Apostolus Hebrae 1. Moyses began and dedicated the old Testament law or Religion in the blood of calfes contained in his cup saying This is the blood of the Couenant c. So Christ began and dedicated the new Testament in his own blood contained in the Chalice of his last supper saying This is the Chalice the new Testament in my blood c. Luc. 22. which the other Euangelist's more plainly expresse introducing Christ to say This is my blood of the new Testament wherby is euidently certaine that Christ's blood in the Chalice shed in an vnbloody manner was the blood of sacrifice and consequently in that sacrifice which is the sacrifice of the Eucharist consisteth the externall Religion and proper seruice of the new Testament as the outward Religion and soueraigne worship of God in the old law did consist in the sacrifices therof vnder which it was established Heb. 7. And though Christ hanging on his cross did confirme and ratify the new Testament yet he made it only at his last supper when he said This is the Chalice the new Testamēt in my blood or this is my blood of the new Testament For then Christ was free and aliue wheras on his cross he was deuested of liberty and depriued of life and consequently not in a condition to make it the making of a Testament being an act of a person free and aliue Also though Christs death and passion was the perfect sacrifice that (h) The Apostle Hebrae 1. teacheth that Christ By one oblation consummated for euer them that are sanctifyed where by one oblation is meant the sacrifice of the Cross which the Apostle there calleth sacrifice of consummation that is of generall redemption and indeed that sacred Text speak's onely of the sacrifice of the Cross not mentioning the sacrifice of application that is the sacrifice of Mass called the sacrifice of the Altar or the sacrifice of the Eucharist wherby the sacrifice of generall Redemption called the sacrifice of the Cross is particularly applyed and offered daily in all places of the Church vnto sanctification of life And indeed to affert that Christ onely once offered himselfe to God the Father were a manifest blasphemy since Scripture Testimonies shew euidently sundry oblations Christ made of himselfe For example he offered himselfe in the tyme of his conception and during his aboad on earth he made seuerall offerings in order to his own person for he offered his body his soul his life his fasting his praying his watching his sighs and teares howeuer the offering of his body in a bloody sacrifice was made once onely consummated the generall redemption or remission of all sins whatsoeuer as to sufficiency neuertheless that bloody sacrifice enduring only for a day of time could not be the externall sacrifice which the people of the new Testament might haue recourse vnto euen to the end of the world and to auerre the taking away of such externall sacrifice is to acknowledge the taking away also of externall Priesthood sacrifice and Priesthood being correlatiues and consequently the * S. Cypria de coena Dom. asserit nullam posse esse Religionem si sacrificium corporis sanguinis Christi auferatur abolishing of the new Testament for if the Priesthood and sacrifice therof be disannulled then of necessity must there be an abrogation of the law that was established vnder them Furthermore it is conuincingly manifest that it was an externall proper sacrifice which Christ offered at his last supper for the one oblation according to the order of Melchisedech which succeeded (i) That one sole sacrifice of Christs body and blood succeded in the room of many sacrifices is a catholick assertion vnanimously taught by the ancient Fathers And S. Aus l. 8. c. 27 l. 17. c. 20. de ciuit l. 3. de bap c. 19. names the sacrifice of Mass the sacrifice that sufficeth for all sacrifices which were offered in the old law for as much as the body of Christ is offered in the room of all those sacrifices in the room of all the sacrifices of the old law was that one or none was that one but that one was an externall proper sacrifice and cannot be meant of the sacrifice of the Cross that being rather after the order of Aaron since it was celebrated in reall effusion of blood then after the similitude of Melchisedech who offered no bloody oblation Besides all the necessary requisits vnto proper sacrifice are plainly obseruable in that action that Christ vsed in instituting and celebrating the Eucharist at his last supper 10. is obseruable Christ himself that is a Priest instituted by legall authority and more solemnly made then all the Priests
Pet. 10. in order to many diuine ordinances in regard they doe not shew plainly clearly and euidently all the mysterious precepts of Christian faith that require necessary obseruance wherefore it is an extream weakness to infer from the light of the written a negation of light in the vnwritten word of God as to instruction in iustice and saluation and indeed down from the begining of the Church christian religion hath in all times * Trid sess 4. cap. 1. declarat veritatem disciplinä Ecclesiae contineri in libris scriptis sine scripto traditionibus qua ex ipsius Christi ore ab Apostolic acceptae aut ab ipsis Apostolis Spiritu sancto dictāte quasi per manus traditae ad nos vsque peruenerūt huiusmodi traditionū contemptoros anathemati subiecit Sectarij vero communiter reijciuns eruditiones apostolicas affirmantes omnia qua sine dispendio sulutis possunt ignorari apertè contineri in scripturis been directed and gouerned by both of the said lights that is by the written and vnwritten word as by laws and customs which kind of gouerment is common alike to euery common wealth instituted aright That this double light (c) According to S. Irenaens p. 3. con haer c. 3. 4. Tertull. l. de coro militum cap. 3. S. Basil l. ad Amphilochium de Spiritu sancto cap. 29. S. Austin Epis ad Janua there is full parity between traditions ad scriptures warrantable authority being common alike to the one and the other Wherefore S. Chrys hom 4. in 2. ad Thess saith Est traditio nihil quaras amplius T' is tradition seeke no further of written and vnwritten Traditions is of necessary and perpetuall vse in the Church appeareth by the second Epistie to the Thesalonians where S. Paul enioyneth the keeping of both saying stand fast keepe the Traditions which you haue been taught either by word or our Epistle All the doctrines necessary to saluation which the Apostles receiued either from the mouth of Iesus-Christ or by inspiration of the holy Ghost they deliuered to the faithfull of those dayes partly in written and partly in vnwritten traditions which down from the primatiue Church to the present times haue passed as from hand to hand in a continuall line of priestly succession Moreouer it appeareth clearly by the second Chapter of S. Iohns canonicall Epistle that the Apostles thought it not expedient to set forth in writing all matters of christian religion necessary to saluation for he expresly saith although I had many things to write vnto you yet would I not write with paper and inck for I trust to come vnto you and speak mouth to mouth that your ioy may bee full which he repeateth in the end of his third canonicall Epistle saying I haue many things to write but I will not with ynck and pen write vnto thee and doubtless as Christ when he said to his Disciples Io. 16. I haue yet many things to say vnto you but ye cannot beare them now meant of many mysteries of faith distinct from those he had already taught them so S. Iohns meaning was that he had other doctrines of christian faith or manners to deliuer by word of mouth then those he had written with ynck and pen and truly the particles That your ioy may be full doe import as much being meant of spirituall ioy such as faithfull christians commonly receiue when they are instructed in things pertaining to iustice and saluation and it is not in reason probable that S. Iohn should vnderstand temperall ioy in order to wordly aduantages the intent of his Epistle being to stir vp a Mother and her son vnto a vertuous life in Iesus-Christ neither is it as to reason credible that so many things which S. Iohn purposely omitted to write were set down in writing either by himself afterward or by the other Apostles afore there being no scripture testimony wheron to ground those coniectures inuented meerly by the aduersaries of vnwritten traditions Besids it is plainly euident that sundry vnwritten doctrines of christian religion which are not contained expresly in any part of the new or old Testament are of necessary credence For example we must belieue with diuine faith the receiued catalogue or canon of both Testaments to be the true and vncorrupted word of God For otherwise those holy writings would haue nothing of weight with vs as theron to relie our saluation notwithstanding not any part of either Testament expresseth the receiued catalogue or canon for example we must belieue that the true sense of the written letter is a necessary and essentiall requisit to faith because in the sense that giueth life and not in the letter that bringeth death the true word of God consists but the true sense of the written letter that is to say how (d) The Caluinists in a publick disputation with the Antytrinitarians in the presence of Iohn the second elected king of Hungary engag'd to proue by scripture the mystery of the B. Trinity but failing in their engagement the king of a Caluinist became an Anti-trinitarian the written letter ought to be taken whether in a proper or figuratiue signification is not known but by the interpretation and tradition of the Church Again we must belieue that in one God there is a Trinity of diuine persons which be really distinct one from an other and no more yet not any writing of the Apostles or Euangelists (e) According to S. Chrys hom 4. operum imperf as in Heauen so in scripture God lies hid vnseen Wherefore as all men behold this corporall Heauen and not God that dwels within it so though many read the holy scriptures neuertheless they perceiue not the God of truth that lies hid in the inward seuse thereof expresly assertes a reall distinction or excludeth expresly a quaternity of persons and truly though S. Iohn saith in his canonicall Epistle cap. 4. that there be three which beare testimony in Heauen the Father the word and the holy Ghost neuertheless he doth not say expresly * Simplex affirmatio ternarij in aliquo non excludit vel negat ibi esse aliquod quartum cū in quaternario includatur ternarium qui asserit esse tres vbi sun● quatuor non falsum dicit three only or that these three are really distinct one from an other for he addeth these three are one in so much that the great Sabellian heretick Praxeas taught that God was but one sole person that carried three distinct names in order to three seuerall effects naming him Father in as much as he createth all things son because be was borne of the Virgin Mary inuested with human nature and holy Ghost in regard he sanctifieth all creatures Wherfore if the Apostles had not deliuer'd to the faithfull of those days by word of mouth a reall distinction in God as to personality and a reall identity as to nature and substance and the Church
CHVRCH MILITANT THE CONTENTS God hath giuen to his Church on earth the keeping of all truth that we may not be as children wauering carryed about with euery wind of doctrine by diuine institution pastorall functiōs are of necessary and perpetuall vse in the Church vnto teaching christian faith and deciding controuersies pertaining thereto without being liable to errour God hath inuested Church-Gouernours with autority to make laws and ordinances and exacte obediēce vnto them the Church cannot lie hid priuat spirits haue nothing of power to interprete scriptures or to judge matters in debate concerning faith and religion the outward testimony of the Church is the ordinary expedient necessary to the receiuing of christian faith answeres to sundry obiections vrged by sectaries in fauour of a priuat reuealing spirit holy scriptures were neither primarily intended nor primaryly deliuered as supream Judges of controuersies in order to christian faith and religion profoundnes ' of mysteries plenteousnes and shortnes of sentences render the scriptures obscure and intricate to infer the Churches infallibility from the autority of scriptures and scriptutes infallible autority from the infallible testimony of the Church implies no circle of errour faith as to the assent thereof is resolued into the Church and not into the scriptures the four principall marks of the true Church taken joyntly agree with the Roman Church onely which is the one holy catholick and Apostolick Church that neuer deuiated from truth THe Church militant is the grownd and piller of truth 1. Tim. 3. as the foundation of an house supporteth and hindereth it from falling So the Church of God sustaineth and preserueth truth that is the doctrine of christian faith from perishing wherefore whosoeuer desireth to find out truth vnto saluation must seek it in the Church which is the certaine keeper and faithfull Guardian thereof the supream prouidence hauing put therein Some Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastours and Teachers for the consummation of the Saints for the worke of the ministery and for the edification of the body of Christ vntill we all meet together in the vnity of faith and the knowledg of the son of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children wauering and carryed about with euery wind of doctrine by the wickednesse of men and crastines of Satan whereby they lie in waite to bring vs into errour Ephes 4. where the Apostle plainly asserteth pastorall function together with the office of teaching christian faith to be of necessary and perpetuall vse in the Church for the administring of Sacraments auoiding of errours and the confirming of such as shall wauer in religion and truly it cannot be conceiued as to reason probable that Christ coming into the world to be Gouernour of souls and to make vnto himselfe a glorious Church without spot or wrinckle Ephes 5. should not departing out of the world leaue necessary helps to preserue it in holynes (a) god instituted in the old law Deut. 17. à supream Tribunall consisting of Priests for the deciding of matters in debate in order to his people to the end that if inferiour Iudges should differ in iudgment or deuiate from the truth they might recur to the Council of Priests where one chief Iudge that is the high Priest was appointed to prouounce sentence and all others bound to giue obedience therto the law condemning those of pride which resisted or refused the high Priests decision in matters of controuersie again God so specially assisted the said Council with his spirit of truth that the high Priests sentence was infallible though himselfe might erre as a priuat person Wherefore Christ Mat. 23. commanded the people to doe what the Scribs and Pharisies said in regard they sate in the Chair of Moyses And S. Iohn cap. 11. ascribes not the truth of Caiphas prophesing that Christ ought to die for the safety of that nation vnto his speaking as of himselfe but to his speaking as high Priest of that same yeare which rendered him infallible in speaking in consequence of which seeing that God so directed the high Priest in the old law that he could not speake an vntruth from the Chair of Moyses it follows of necessity that Christ in his own new law of grace so specially assistes the high Priest his grand Vicar and supream head of the Church which he built on his beloued Apostle S. Peter that he cannot tell a lye from the Chair of the same S. Peter the first high Priest of the new law after Christ Wherefore the Churches supream Gouernour that succeds in that Chair cannot erre in his decrees that concerne matters of faith or generall manners notwithstanding that he were as wicked as Caiphas From hence plainly appear's the manifest weaknes of sundry sectaries which will haue the supream Priests sentence no longer to bind then hee pronounces sentence in conformity to the word of God for there is no warrantable authority saue that of the supream Pastours Tribunall which can assure vs of the diuine word for the scripture would not be belieued if it were not warranted from the infallible Chair of S. Peter Moreouer sundry sectaries say vnaduisedly that in the old law the sentence of the high Priests concerned only ciuill matters in debate and not controuersies pertaning to faith and religion for as to this point both the second book of paralipomenon and the 24. Chapter of Exodus giue clear euidence against them Besides God hath not vsed lese care in instituting the christrian Church established in a law of grace then in forming the Synagogue of the Iewes established in a law of bondage wherefore * Deus cum primum instituit Cathedrā Moysis in Deutro promisit omnes singulas eius definitiones fore veritatis infallibilis ideo Aug. l. 4. de doct chris ait Pharisaeos scribas id est Pōtisices Mosaicos iudicantes ex Cathedra Moysis non pot uisse malè definire quamuis mali essent quia ad bene definiendum cogebantur à Deo since this had diuine authority and assistance to interpret and teach the old law of Moyses as likewise to decide all controuersies concerning the Iewish religion Deut. 17. doubtless he hath not prouided in a lesser measure for the Church of Christ in order to teaching and interpreting the new law and determining all matters that might be in debate about christian religion Again Christ being about to leaue this Church in order to his visible presence for as many ages as the world shall endure was as prouident and carefull to preserue it pure from schism and heresy as was Moyses to preserue his when he was to absent himselfe from it for a shorter time but Moyses being to goe vp vnto Mount Sinai and there to abide forty dayes and forty nights onely constituted * Exod. 24. exspectate hic inquit Moyses donec reuertamur ad vos
he saith thus And I would not speake vnto you Brethren as vnto spirituall mem but as vnto carnall men euen as to Babes in Christ I giue you milke to drinke and not meat for you were not yet able to beare it where he layeth the spirituall man against the carnall man that in regard of carnall affection perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God wherfore it seemeth a strang thing that Sectaries should infer from this text of scripture that euery belieuer hath a priuat (b) S. Irenaeus l. 3. cap. 2. con haer sharpely rebuks Valentinus for leauing tradition and following the priuat spirit thereby constituting himselfe sole iudge and rule of faith reuealing spirit of truth wherby he is enabled with authority to discern matters of faith and iudge all controuersies and to be iudged of no man himselfe vnto the excluding of all outward Teachers As to the second Text the true meaning of it is not that his vnction only doth teach but that the doctrines of christian religion which men teach outwardly by speaking * Aug. trac 3. in Epis Joan. magisteria inquit forensecus adiutoria quaedam sunt admonitiones cathedram autem in caelo habet qui corda dotet his vnction teacheth inwardly by inspiring grace wherby men are made apt to harken to what the Church ministers teach and indeed this docility or aptness to harken to the word of God is a speciall prerogatiue giuen by the spirit of grace vnto the children of the new law and prophesied of in the old law by Ieremy and Isaias As concerning the third Text set down the true sense is this that whosoeuer beliueth in the son of God aright hath in himselfe inward faith which is a diuine gift and therfore called the testimony of God in as much as it witnesseth that no man can * Mat. tues Christus Filius Dei viui caro sanguis non reuelauit tibi sed pater meus come vnto the son Iesus-Christ except it be giuen vnto him by the Father and albeit that the inward testimony of God hath been the Iole cause to draw some men vnto the maruelous light of faith for example Saint Peter beliued the mistery of the incarnation in vertue of an inward inspiration proceeding from God immediatly neuertheless the outward testimony of the Church is the ordinary necessary requisit to the conceiuing of christian faith according to the ordinance of Christ that hath constituted outward Teachers to be of necessary and perpetuall vse in his Church to the worlds end that we be not carryed about with euery wind of doctrine which hath been extreme needlesse if he had thought it expedient to supply euery particular belieuer with a priuat reuealing spirit Furthermore from the premises is clearly deducible that the holy scripture cannot lay clame to the dignitie of a supream Iudge because the office therof which is a primary end intended of necessity * Plato in libris quos de repub scripsit Aristoteles in policicis docent in constitutione formatione alicuius reipub vnum ex ijs quae debent 1. per se intentendi esse ipsum Iudicē pro dirimendis litibus ciuium ad pacem in rep seruandam in the forming of euery common wealth is to declare laws punish peruerse offenders and pronounce sentence of iudgment for the determining all matter in debate that therby vnity and peace may be preserued but the scripturs can chaleng nothing of iuridicall power in order to iudging defining and deciding controuersies of faith these actions importing life hearing and speaking which the scripturs cannot exercise being vnliud things that neither heare nor speak clearly and consequently vnfit to Iudg matters in debate between one and another besids these were not intended in ●he forming of the Church as requisits absolutly necessary to the Gouerment of it for Christ during the time he conuersed on earth writ nothing himselfe nor commaunded his Apostles or disciples to writ and indeed of themselues they were not much (i) According to Eusebius l. 3. hist Eccles cap. 18. the Apoles and disciples of Christ were not greatly solicitous to put down in writing the misteries of christian faith being the employment inioyned them was to preach the Gospel in so much that according to the same Eusebius it was a tradition of those days that they were after a manner necessitated to write and according to S. Hierom de viris illus S. Iohn writ his Gospel in regard of Cherintus and Ebion which denyed the diuinity of Christ And indeed t is euident that the Apostles did not write down the principles of christian religion hauing receiued command ad commission from Christ to preach without any commission to write set vpon writing because of their ingagement in an higher imployment namely preaching of the Gospell and it seems that those few which haue written were vrged or necessitated therunto as was Saint Iohn that writ his Gospell to confute the hereticks Cherintus and Ebion who denied the diuinity of Christ Again among the twelue Apostles Saint Matthew and Saint Iohn only and among the 62. Disciples Saint Luke only only writ the Gospell euen diuers years after Christs Ascention into Heauen insomuch that the christiā Church had institutiō exercised iuridicall authority made lawes exacted obedience vnto them along while before the new scripturs were in being and contrary to the old scripture pronounced sentence of iudgment to the anulling of Circumcision which was a controuersy of faith Wherfore doubtless scripturs were neither primarly intended nor primarly giuen as suprem iudges of all matters in debate concerning faith and religion moreouer Saint Irenaeus who florished in the yeare of our lord 160. expresly (k) Irenaeus l. 3. con haer cap. 4. denyes expresly that christian faith had perished if the Apostles had not left vs the scriptures asserteth that the people of sundry countries without the help of paper or inck had preserued christian faith down from the Apostles to his time the vnwritten supplying the room of the written word for this ancient Father writeth and ascribeth that preseruation vnto apostolicall tradition obserued by the ancient Churches together with the help of inward grace proceeding from the holy Ghost Wherfore as those primatiue Churches did perseruer in the profession of the christian faith for the space of many years without scripturs so the present Church assisted with the like meanes might continue pure without spot or wrinckle although it had nothing of written doctrine and consequently the primary end for which scripturs were intended was not to doe the office of suprem Iudg howeuer all things which were written were written for our learning that wee through patience * L. 1. Machabae cap. 11 Ionathas summus Sacerdos scribens spartiatis dicit se suos in rebus aduersis pro solatio habere libros sacros quod ostendit vsum in quem datae sunt nobis
HOLY CHARACTERS CONTAINING A MISCELANY OF THEOLOCICALL DISCOVRSES THAT IS THEOLOGY Positiue Scholasticall Polemicall and Morall Built vpon the foundation of Scriptures Traditions Councils Fathers DEVIDED INTO TWO BOOKS Written by GEORGE LEYBVRN Doctor of Diuinity Bevvare lest there be any man that deceiue you through Philosophy and crafty handling according to the traditions of men according to the rudiments of the vvorld and not according to Christ Coloss 2. Of your selues shall men rise speaking peruerse thinges to dravv Disciples after them Act. 20. PRINTED AT DOWAY By BALTAZAR BELLIER An. 1662. With Priviledge TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE LORD PERCY HERBERT LORD POWYS OF POWYS c. MY LORD S. Clement in the eleuenth booke of Apostolicall constitutions writeth that Selene the great beauty of Rome in those dayes when she shewed her selfe from a high Tower vnto the people of that Citty Simon the Magician by sleight conueyances represented as many Selenes as were windowes in the same Tower Howeuer there was no more then one true Selene the rest being meer outward resemblances hauing nothing of inward substance contriu'd by naturall magicke vnto deluding the Eye-sight of the Beholders in like manner though true Theology is not diuided nor has many faces being the science of one God that shew's her selfe front the high Tower of one diuine faith which supports her neuertheless through the subtill dealings of Satan is represented with as many faces as there be new models of Christian doctrine that is as many or rather more then ages down from Christ till these dayes euery age respectiuely hauing coind new opinions in order to the mysteries of Christian Religion Heady and high-mynded schollars once they come to be blown vp with the actiuity of their own witt and thereby become inordinate a 2. Timoth. 3. erunt homines seipsos amantes louers of their own thoughts leaue the loue of truth As a troubled eye so the vnderstanding deluded with opinions which goe beyond the boundaries of nature cannot see the light of truth Mittit illis Deus operationem erroris quoniam charitatem veritatis recipere noluerunt 2. Thes 2. In regard heady schollars are carried on the wings of Pride and will not embrace the loue of truth the supream prouidence giues them vp to their heart's lust vnto vncleaness of errour that is God b Secundum S. Aug. l. 20. ciuit c. 19. Deus mittit quatenus diabolum facere ista permittit permitt's Satan to send them strong delusion vnto belieuing lies and taking pleasure therein which together with pertinacy so by degrees blind's them that they still encrease in madness till at lengh through faction sedition and schism they endeauour to ruine as it were all true Christian doctrine and Religion witness Nestorius Arius Pelagius Donatus and sundry other anciēt and modern schollars which vpon what designs of ambition c S. Austin l. de vtil cred c. 1. saith that he is an Heretick that for temporall interest either coineth or followeth new opinions and interest is needless to express through new coind Theologies haue laboured to turne the Church of God into vtter disorder and confusion As all rebellion is to ciuill so all schism is to ecclesiasticall gouernement dangerous and pernicious In the old law lest the people of God might be deceiu'd with false coyne and weights the originall Cycli and originall weights were conseru'd in the Sanctuary of the Temple and no money or weights allow'd which were not conform to the original's of the same Sanctuary Likewise that the same people might not be deluded with false coyns and weights of doctrine the chaire of Moyses by diuine dispensation was cloathed with infallibility The high Priest how wicked soeuer could not vtter wicked doctrine from Moyses chaire as appears euidently from Christs own words Mat. 23. The scribes and Pharises sit in Moyses Chaire c. From which sacred Text S. Austin l. 6. con Faus Manichae c. 29. infers thus In Cathedra Moysis mali sedentes bona dicere cogebantur Besides when God erected Moyses his Chaire Deutro 17. he promised that all definitions Decrees and decisions of matters in debate as comming from that seate should be of vndoubted truth Moreouer the children of Israël were bound to submit to the sentence of the high Priest the law condemning of pride and punishing with death those which disobeyed the commandement of the Priest that ministred to our lord and the Decree of the Judges In the new law lest Christians might be carried away with euery winde of doctrine S. Peter and his Chaire by diuine dispensation were invested into much better priuiledges then Moyses and his Chaire For our Sauiour tooke speciall care that S. Peter might not fall away from the true faith as does euidence his prayer Luc. 22. Oraui pro te Petre vt non deficiat fides tua I haue prayed for thee Peter that thy faith faile not and doubtless his prayer was effectuall according to the Apostle Hebrae 5. Exauditus est Christus pro sua reuerentia Our lord prouided for S. Peter that his faith might not faile to the end saith S. Leo ser 3. de Assumpt The head being made invincible the state of all the rest might be more sure that is the rest thereby might be strengthned and confirm'd in faith S. Peter according to S. Ambrose l. 9. Noui Testam 9.75 Tom 4. after his denying of Christ was constituted the supream Pastour of souls because it was said to him afore When thou art conuerted confirm thy Brethren neither was Christ's prayer offered in order to the person of S. Peter only but likewise in reference to his office according to the inter pretation of the best antiquity so that the effect of the same prayer will continue as long as the Church of Christ shall endure on Earth and indeed euen as Christ commaunds S. Peter to feed his sheepe Ioa. 21. soe he commaunds him to confirm his Brethren Luc. 22. but that saying of Christ Feed my sheep did not relate to the person of S. Peter onely according to all Orthodox Writers but also to the office of supream Pastour which was conferd vpon S. Peter with intent to continue it in his successours being of necessary vse in the Church wherfore Christ saying to S. Peter confirme thy Brethren ought to carrie the same interpretation and in earnest it were manifest weaknes to giue vnto the successors of Moyses greater prerogatiues as to power authority and infallibility in the gouernement of the Synagogue then to the Successors of S. Peter in the gouernement of the Church of Christ for this were to prefer the law of bondage before the law of grace In consequence of the premises the Roman faith of S. Peters successors cannot faile not to fall away from faith is a priuiledge proper to the Church of Rome that is to the Bishops of that seate as also plainly appears by the clear Testimonies of primitiue Fathers For example S. Cyprian
Epis 55. affirm's That infidelity or false faith is inconsistent with the Church of Rome S. Austin Epis 66. auer's that our lord hath plac'd the doctrine of truth in the office and Chaire of the Roman Church and S. Bernard Epis 190. to Pope Innocentius against Abailardus writeth thus We must refer to your Apostle-ship all the scandalls and dangers which may happen in matters of faith for there defects in order to faith ought to be remedied where faith cannot faile for to what Other see was it euer said I haue pray'd for thee Peter that thy faith faile not Although Bishops of Rome that succeed in the Chaire of S. Peter may personally err as priuate Doctours neuertheless none euer did or shall err iudicially or definitiuely that is none of S. Peters successors haue or shall deuiat from the truth in their consistories Courts Councils consultations held concerning matters of faith Religion and generall manners because Christ's prayer I haue pray'd for thee Peter that thy faith faile not protects them Wherfore the ancient Fathers recur'd to Rome and applyed themselues to the Chaire of S. Peter in all matters of controuersy pertaining to Religion and faith namely S. Austin and the Bishops of Affricke vnto Innocentius the first and vnto Celestinus Epis 90 95. S. Chrysostome had recourse to the same Innocentius Epis 1. 2. S. Basil to the Pope in his tyme Epis 52. S. Hierom to Damasus Epis 5. 7 58. and S. Cyprian Epis ad Cornelium expresly affirm's that the cause of all schisms and heresies proceeds from want of obedience to the supream Pastour Nec aliunde saith he haereses obortae sunt aut nata sunt schismata quam inde quod vni Sacerdoti Dei non obtemperatur nec vnus in Ecclesia ad tempus Sacerdos ad tempus Iudex vice Christi cogitatur From disobeying of lawfull Pastours began the notorious schism of Core Dathan and Abyron who rose vp against Moyses and Aaron whome God had appoynted Chief Rulers ouer them and the rest of the Children of Israël puft vp with proud thoughts of their own abilities and conceipted worthiness they were troubled and grieu'd at the establishing of priesthood in the family of Aaron onely and therefore arrogated to themselues priestly function against the ordinance of God and to the vpholding of their schism coind a new Theology teaching that Moyses and Aaron tooke too much vpon them lifting themselues aboue the people of our lord saying all were alike holy and our lord with euery one of them alike after the same manner all schisms and heresies down from our Sauiour Christ till these dayes haue sprung vp against God's ordinance in euery age some one or other wanton schollar hath drawn Disciples and gathered Accomplices together against the supream Pastour that is the Bishop of Rome and our true Aaron as S. Bernard calleth him l. 2. de consid c. 8. pretending that he tak's too much authority vpon him lifting his own chaire aboue all others seeing that the spirit of God is with euery one of them to teach preach and administer the Sacraments without dependence of him Their intent and aime in rising thus against the supream Pastour of the Church is to persuade the vnlearned that the speciall priuiledges of Pasce oues meas confirma fratres tuos which Christ cōfer'd on S. Peter doe not descend on his successors alone in consequence of which they conceiue it needless to seek to the Bishop of Rome for Confirmation of their new opinions or to value any condemnation in order thereto that proceeds from that Apostolicall Chaire and as all wanton schollars which coyne new notions of Doctrine in order to the mysteries of Christian Religion seditiously rise against the supreame Pastour of the Church so they speake contemptuously of the schooles of orthodox Doctours in regard these be the supream Pastours chiefest consistery and the Churches sanctuary that keeps the Originall Cycli and weights of all Christian doctrine where with they weigh all coyns of new Theologies and such as are found too light are laid aside for the high Priest to condemne and anathematise lest the vnlearned learned be deluded thereby And indeed since the first erecting of scholes Cōnexae sunt saith the learned Canus scholae contemptio haeresum pestes contempt of scholes and heresies are inseperably connected together For example Luther afraid of the originall weights kept in the scholes of Orthodox Doctours sharpned his tongue against all the Vniuersities of those dayes which he called Lupanaria Antichristi the stews or Brodel houses of Antichrist and t' is common alike to all such as coyne or follow new opinions to haue an extream abhorrence from the scholes of Orthodox Doctours But woe to all such wanton schollars as goe out from the rest into seuerall sects for they perish in the contradiction of Core They are clouds without water carried about of winds Trees of Autumne without fruit raging waues of the sea foming out their owne shame and confusion wandring starres to whom is reseru'd the storm of darknes for euer Ep. Cath. Judae because they despise the scholes of Orthodox Doctours rise against the authority of their supream Pastour and cut out of their own braines vnauthorized Models of new sects and Religions As the Prince of darknes by diuine permission transforms himselfe into an Angel of light so he guideth the pencils of Ambitious schollars vnto setting forth false resemblances of true faith The extream wantonness of heady and high mynded Teachers by the crafty dealings of Satan has euen in our dayes turn'd Christianism into great disorder and confusion As the People of Rome through the delusions of Simon Magus were diuided in order to the true Selene some conceiuing her to appeare from one window some from an other and some from as many windowes as darted seeming resemblances of her so very many Christian people especially these of our own nation fince they haue let goe their hold of S. Peters Chaire that is since their falling away from the obedience due to the Church of Rome that first conuerted them to Christianism are of different iudgements as to the true faith deluded by the subtill sleights of new Teachers which according to the seuerall lustes of their high mynds haue diuided them into seuerall sects some be Lutherans some Caluinists some Protestants some Anabaptists some Independēts some fift-Monarke men some Quakers some Deists and some Atheists There are now as many faiths as wills whiles either faith is represented as new Teachers will or as they will so is interpreted and whereas according to one God one Lord and one baptism there is also but one faith men of these dayes are faln away from that which is the onely faith and begin to belieue that there is none at all confounded with the great variety of seeming faiths The ground wherof as t is afore intimated is in regard Non vnus in Ecclesia ad tempus Sacerdos ad
Eucharist sacrifice of the Mass sacrifice of the Altar The name Eucharist comes of the Greek Eucharistia that signifies thanksgiuing for Christ in celebrating his vnbloody oblation the night before his death gaue thanks to his diuine Father both in generall for all the benefits conferred vpon all mankind as in particular also for that one singular grace wherby he was impowred as man to iustitute so diuine a mistery So that vndoubtedly by a speciall prouidence the name Eucharist is appropriated to the sacrifice of Christ his body and blood to the end that euen the name therof might excite Priests whos office and function it is to ofter that sacrifice to imitate the thanksgiuing that Christ exhibited in the enterprise of this mistery The name Mass comes of Missa which is latine doubtless for if it had been an Hebrew word the vse therof would haue remained and continued among the greek Fathers as well as of Alleluya Osanna Amen which be Hebrew words But none of the Greek Fathers vse this term Missa and consequently it is a denomination which the people of the latine Church haue imposed to express the sacrifice of Christ his body and blood and signifies the same thing that dimissio in latine that is to say dismissing or sending away for in the primitiue Church it was an ordinary ceremony practised by the Deacon to cry aloud twice in the Church during the time of celebrating diuine seruice Ite Missa est once in the begining of the mistery or sacrifice wherin the Catecumens were not suffered to be present being Belieuers vnbaptised signifying therby that all such should depart out of the Church and once again in the end of the said mistery or sacrifice intimating therby the dimissing or sending away of the faithfull baptised This signification of the name Missa in English Mass and this originall grownd therof is approued by the vniform judgment of the maior part of orthodox writers Howeuer the appropriation of the said name as to signifying the seruice of the mistery or sacrifice of Christs body and blood is deriuable euen from the primitiue successors of the Apostles who (m) S. Clement that succeeded S. Peter in the supream gouernment of the Church composed a Missale and in his writingmentioneth the word Missa Mass And S. Denys did not onely write of the Ecclesiasticall Hierarchy but of the Mass also And whereas sectaries do not ascribe that work vnto him it is without warrantable ground howeuer whosoeuer was the Author thereof t' is certain that the Church of God hath approu'd it for the first Council of Nice stileth the Author Magnum which Title he had giuen vnto him afore and S. John Damascene calleth him Magnum Theologum à great diuine but all antiquity make mention of the Mass For example Alexander that was the fourth Pope after S. Peter Epis 1. ad orthodox And Sixtus that succeeded him according to S. Damascene in the life of the same Alexander S. Telesphorus seth forth an ordinance that commanded Priests to say 3. Masses in the feast of Christs Natiuity S. Soter prohibited all Priests to eate or drinke before they said their Masses S. Steuen the Pope vnder the persecution of Valerian the Emperour was kill'd at Mass S. Felix Ep. 2. ad Episcopos Galliae mentioneth saying of Masses vpon the Tombs of Martyrs S. Hierom. in cap. 11. Prouerb affirmes that the soules of the faithfull departed receiue comfort and helpe by the celebration of Mass and S. Austin Epis 49. tom 2. ad Deo gratias c. 3. teacheth that the sacrifice which Christians now offer is euidenced both by Euangelicall and propheticall Scripture besides this Catholick assertion is taught in sundry Councils namely in the Nicen. cap. 14. Carth. 2. can 4. So that it is a manifest weakness in sectaries to deny a doctrine that all antiquity by vnanimous consent plainly assert vse the name Missa and the signification therof namely S. Dionys S. Clement S. Euarist S. Alexander S. Sixtus S. Telesphorus S. Higinus S. Soter S. Fabianus S. Stephanus S. Felix S. Syluester S. Damascenus With whom were contemporary the great lights of the Church S. Basil S. Gregory Nazianzenus S. Ambro. S. Chrysost S. Hieron S. Epiphan S. Cyrill S. August wher vnto may be added sundry generall Councills wherof the vnquestionable testimonies and records are enough to euidence the truth of this primatiue doctrine so that with great reason it may be much wondered at how the People of England came to looke with so envious an eye vpon the Mass as to count it Idolatry since the practice therof is agreeing with the full and euident Testimonies of all the primitiue Fathers And as to the Realm of England euen from the first plantation of Christianity setled therein Mass constantly continued the sole publick worship or seruice that was resorted vnto till the ciuill power of Parliament in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth put it down vpon what design of auarice liberty and ambition is needless to express But in the room of the Mass was substituted a new outward seruice named the book of Common prayer and sett forth in the vulgar tongue wheras since the first age for 1500. Years not one example can be produced of any Christian kingdom which had not for the common publick seruice of Religion the Mass and that celebrated in Hebrew Greek or Latin neither were the holy Euangels wrirten in other language then Hebrew Greek and Latine which are the three holy tongues The Hebrew was sanctified from the beginning of the world God euen then conferring with Adam in the Hebrew tongue and teaching him the names of each liuing creature Gen. 2. Besides all three were sanctified in the death and Passion of Christ the son of God the inscription ouer his Cross Iesus of Nazareth king of the Iews being written in Hebrew Greek and Latine letters and prophesied * Septuaginta super psal 56.57.58 ne disperdas Dauid in tituli inscriptionē of long afore This doctrine does not preiudice what S. Paul writeth 1. Cor. 14 saying That he that speaketh a strange language edifieth himselfe but he that prophesieth edifieth the Church of God I would that you all speake with tongues but rather that you prophesied For it is conuincingly euident that the Apostle neither by these or any other words of that chapter commandeth the vse of the vulgar tongue in the Church seruice For so there had been no need of prophesying that is of interpreting vnto edification exhortation or instruction which the Apostle expresly enjoyneth saying That if any man speak a strange tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret Besid's it is plain that S. Paul there treateth of the miraculous guifts or strange tongues infused both into men and women in the first begining of the Church and not intelligible without the miraculous guift of interpretation also and consequently he cannot mean the
that is to say such as are not mēbers of Christs Church haue no right to the mysticall meate and drink which is the reall body and blood of Christ 11. The corporall and linnen clothes that couer the Altar doe signify the linnen cloath that wrapped the sacred Body of Christ when he was laid in the sepulcher Io. 19. Furthermore besides the many religious visible ceremonies God commanded to be employed in exhibition of diuine worship during the continuance of the old law Exod. 29. Christ Authour of the new law instituted sundry ceremonies and rites which be of necessity namely washing with water in Baptism imposition of hands and anoynting with consecrated oyle in the Sacrament of Order c. Yea Christ himself practised visible ceremonies for he fell on his face and prayed Io. 26. lift vp his eyes and prayed Io. 11. lift vp his hands and blessed Luc. 24. Besides when he found in the Temple which is a sensible ceremonie too deputed vnto diuine worship those that sold oxen sheep and doues c. Io. 20. he was offended to see his Fathers howse made an howse of marchandice Hereby is euidently plain that Christ when in his conference with the Samaritan Woman Io. 4. said the hower cometh and now is when the true adorers shall adore the Father in spirit and truth he did not meane that he was come to take away sacrifice Sacraments prayers Churches and all other sensible ceremonies practised in the seruice of the new law but for as much as the cited Text is often tymes alledged by ancient and moderne sectaries especially against all visible rites of christian religion it will conduce greatly to vndeceiuing the deceiued in the sense and meaning therof if they consider duely that the Samaritans were Schismaticks as Luther and Zuinglius religious men both and Priests illegally and sacrilegiously marryed against the holy Canons and vowed chastity went out from the catholick Church in the time of Henry the eight king of England and began a schism in Germany likewise as Ballev Peter Martyr Martin Bucher c. Apostat-wedded-priests also in the reign of Edward the Sixt a childe began the schism in England countenanced and supported by Bishop Cranmer specially to which Henry the eight king Edwards Father had opened a doore only so a certain Priest of the Iews called Mansses to retain and enjoy an vnlawfull wife fell from the society of the faithfull Iewes at Hierusalem and broached schism in Samaria Besides as Luther and those other afore mentioned to establish their schisms leaped * Ioseph l. 11. Antiquit cap. 8. est propriū inquit Haereticis Schismaticis transilire capita antiquarum Ecclesiarum vt suam reddant Religionem antiquissimam ouer the heads of all christian Churches then and for many ages before establish't pretending that these were not agreeing with Christ and his Apostles in the essentialls of doctrine worship and gouernment and in consequence thereof made reformation the disguised end of their leape in like manner Manasses to render his schism plausible and taking with that people he leaped ouer the Prophet Moyses to Iacob the Patriarch and ouer the Temple in Ierusalem to the Temple of the Samaritans in Mount Garizim tying thereto the sacrifice of the Iews religion vpon pretence that the said Patriarch Iacob had therin adored long before the Temple of Salomon was built or the law giuen to obtain superiority in his schism he gaue the preeminence in Church-seruice to the place wherin he began it This was the true cause that moued the faithfull Iews to abstain from the company and conuersation of the Samaritans who maintained their adoring in Garizim to be more ancient then the worship of the Iews in Ierusalem In regard of this contention about the Temple in Ierusalem and the Temple in Garizim the Samaritan woman conceiuing Christ to be some Prophet for as much as he had reuealed vnto her the secret passages of her whole life propounded vnto him a Theologicall question touching the afore said controuersy on design to be informed to which of the two publick (e) According to holy scriptures by publick solemn adoration is meant proper sacrifice namely Joan. 12. and There vvere certain Gentils amongst them that came vp to adore at the feast And Act. 8. the Euneuch came vp to adore in Jerusalem in both these scripture-places by adoration which was publick and solemn is vnderstood proper sacrifice that was offered onely in Ierusalem but all other adorations outward and inward might be vsed in any whatsoeuer place besid's Ierusalem adoration or sacrifice was tyed and confined saying Our Fathers adored in this mountaine and ye say that in Ierusalem is the place where men ought to adore that is to offer sacrifice to which Christ replying (f) The Iews and Samaritans contended about the place of sacrifice and for as much as both of them were in fault therefore Christ form'd his answere in order to both Although the Iews sacrifice was the true sacrifice neuertheless it was vnprofitable being not able to procure sanctifying grace but the Samaritans sacrifice was erroneous for they were schismaticks and adored that is offered sacrifice where God would not haue had them that is they offered sacrifice out of Gods Temple in Ierusalem and therefore Christ said to the Samaritan woman Yee adore vvhat yee knovv not said woman belieue me the houre cometh when ye shall neither in this mountaine nor at Ierusalem adore the Father c. Wherby he for'told her that the adoration or sacrifice as to both the Temples should shortly cease and be disannulled and that the true sacrifice suddenly to be instituted in room therof should not be tyed to one place or nation but should be offered in all the parts of the world according to the Prophecy of Malachias cap. 10. and instructed her with all concerning this new sacrifice signifying that is should not be a gross and carnall adoration exhibited in and by the flesh and blood of goates sheepe oxen c. as afore but that it should be a clean adoration or sacrifice containing in it selfe spirit grace and life which the others wanted yea that it should be the verity it self wherof all former sacrifices were shadowes and figures only wherefore Christ told her that the new adorers should adore the Father in spirit that is to lay should offer to God a sacrifice giuing grace and life Christ did not inculcate adoration of God in spirit to condemne adoration vnder whatsoeuer sensible rites and ceremonies but to exclude the carnall adoration or sacrifice of the Iews that wanted spirit to giue life to the soul In like manner Christ did intimate adoration of God in verity to condemne the erroneous worship of the Samaritās who albeit they did adore the true God of Israel neuertheless being Schismaticks they did not adore him in verity because they adored him out of the communion and vnity of the faithfull Iews and in the mountaine of Garizim
re shall hind vppon earth shall be bound in Heauen which is meant of ecclesiasticall Censures the greatest of which is excommunication Again Act. 15. when the new christians referred their controuersie concerning circumcision and other ceremonies of the law of Moyses to the Apostles at Ierusalem sentence of iudgment was declared by one accord thus It seemed good to the holy Ghost and to vs to lay no more burthen vpon you then these necessary things c. Wherby it is cleare that the Apostles then the representatiue Church were inuested with authority to make ordinances (c) It appeares plainly by the sacred text Act. Jt seems good to the holy Ghost and to vs to lay no more burden vpon you then these that the Apostles had authority to commande and exact obedience to their ordinances For the particles it seems good to vs to lay no more burden Shew euidently that they were superiours inuested with authority to commande and exact obedience from the people who were bound to obey them But here is obseruable that as to the matter in debate mentioned in the Chapter set down viz. whether the conuerted Gentils were obliged to obserue the law of Moyses S. Peter in that Council cald to determine it was supream Iudge for t' is written that after much dispute Peter rose vp and as head of all spoke first and decided the controuersy in fauour of the said conuerted Gentils deliuering them from the bondage of the old law and all the multitude saith S. Hierom Tom. 2. Epis 89. Augus cap. 2. kept silence and into Peters sentence or definition the Apostles S. Iames and all the Priests past with one accorde and euer since the Popes of Rome as S. Peters lawfull successors haue had precedence and the deciding suffrage in all Councils which are of credit and authoritie in the Church of God and to oblige the faithfull in the obseruation of them for the words It seemed good to vs to lay no more burden vpon you doe signify the authority of superiours to commande inferiours and the obligation of inferiours to obey their superiours Thirdly that the Church is liuing visible and speaking which is the third propriety of this Iudg is clearly expressed Act. 20. take heed to your selues and the flock wherof the holy Ghost hath made you Bishops to rule the Church of god which he hath purchased with his own blood and Again Math. 5. (d) According to S. Aug. trac in 1. epis Ioan. those are blind which cannot fee so great a mountaine and shut their eyes against the clear light put on a candlestick which is the Church of God the Church is stiled a Citty that is set on a mountaine which cannot be bid but no man can conceiue how Bishops can gouerne a Church which they see not or how a Citty set on a high mountaine can lie hid Besids all the Church offices ioynt and seperate do declare it visible liuing ad speaking neither matters it that the Church is known by faith which is of things not seen for the Apostles when they conuersed with Christ vpon earth they both saw and belieued him to be Christ As the Apostles saw Christ to be aman and belieued him to be God soe wee doe see the Church to be a congregation of men outwardly professing the faith of Christ and doe belieue that it is directed by the infallible assistance of the holy Ghost and as it cannot be euinced that a man is inuisible because an inuisible soul gouerneth him soe neither can it be euinced that the Church is inuisible because the supernaturall gifts of the holy Ghost namly faith hope and charitie wherby the Church is gouerned and men made children therof be inuisible From the premises is euidently deducible (e) S. Austin li. 10. de doct christ disputing against such as pretended to the knowledge of holy scriptures by speciall reuelations dissuades euery man from so proud and dangerous a tentation as to presume that he is taught of God and not of men and this caueat he vrgeth by many examples that the priuate spirit which is to say the particular reuealing spirit wherby as many sectaries conceiue euery priuate belieuer is enabled to interpret scriptures and iudge all matters concerning faith and religion hath no good claime to the office of this suprem Iudge beeing neither seen nor heard to speak clearly nor known certainly to be infallible in what it reuealeth to each particular belieuer in priuat for it may prudently be doubted whether it be a good spirit or not since false ministers can transforme themselues into Apostles of Christ and Satan himselfe into an Angel of light 2. Cor. 11. in consequence of which no wise and iudicious man can rely his eternity on such a priuat reuealing spirit Again God according to his ordinary way doth not immediatly himselfe reueale verities of faith to euery one in particular or iudge himselfe between party and party from the begining of the creation down to these times his prouidence hath ordained men to declare his ordinances vnto men appointed men to teach men and constituted men suprem Iudges of men for the determining of all hard matters in debate concerning faith and religion In the law of nature Abraham was made Teacher of men I know speaking of Abraham that he will command his son and family after him that they keepe the way of our lord Gen. 18. In the written law Moyses was constituted to teach the people of God the diuine ordinances and to shew vnto them the way wherein they were to walke and the worke they were to doe Exod. 18. and Deut. 17. the Priests of the Leuits were deputed supreme Iudges of controuersies which might rise about religion also Malac. 2. it is written the Priests lips shall preserue knowledg and they shall seek the law from his mouth In our new law of grace the Apostles were sent into diuers parts of the world to preach christian religion Mar. vltime Act. 8. God appointed Saint Philip to teach the Eunuch of Ethiopia Act. 9. Christ sent Saul to be instructed of Ananias and Act. 10. Cornelius the Centurion was admonished by an Angel to repaire vnto Saint Peter that he might learn of him matters of c●ristian faith wherfore Saint Paul says Rom. 10. Faith is by heating and hearing by the word of God and how shall they heare without a preacher because ordinarily God teacheth men by men the verities of faith and Gal. 1. the same Apostle doubted not to prefer the doctrine he preached before the doctrine of an Angel from Heauen that should preach otherwise and truly if it were lawfull for euery man to follow and adhere to his own priuate spirit there would rise almost as many contrary religions as there are men liuing vpon the earth and consequently in room of that peace that Christ hath promised to the Church nothing but disorder and confusion would happen wherfore both in the old and new law this