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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34251 The Confession of faith of those called Arminians, or, A declaration of the opinions and doctrines of the ministers and pastors which in the United Provinces are known by the name of Remonstrants concerning the chief points of Christian religion / translated out of the original. 1684 (1684) Wing C5791; ESTC R26041 123,515 276

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to be everlastingly saved he must of necessity first of all * Heb. 11. 6. believe that God is and that he is a bounteous rewarder of those that seek him and therefore must conform himself according to that Rule and Square which it is † Mat. 7. 21. Gal. 6. 16. undoubtedly manifest was delivered and prescribed by the true God himself the supream Law-giver and established upon the promise of Eternal Life 2. That God is | Heb. ● 1. 1 Joh. 1. 18. and that he hath at The Revelation of the Godhead in the Old New Testament sundry times and in divers manners spoken in times past unto the Fathers by the Prophets and that he hath at length in the last●●●mes most fully declared and manifested his last Will by his only-begotten Son hath been a thing confirmed by * Heb. 2. 3 4. Deut. 29. per totum Act. 2. 22. 1 Thes 1. 5. 1 Joh. 1. 1 3. so many and great Proofs Signs Wonders mighty Deeds or Works Gifts or Distributions of the Holy Ghost and other wonderful Effects and certain Events of several Prophesies and Testimonies of Men worthy of belief that any more certain more substantial and more compleat cannot be given or justly desired 3. The whole Declaration of the Divine The Canonical Books of the Old Testament Will which pertaineth unto Religion is contained in the Books of the Old and New Testaments and indeed authentically only in those which are called Canonical or which it can upon no just ground be doubted but that they were written or approved of by those Men † 2 Tim. 3. 15 16 17. 2 Pet. 1. 20 21. who were inspired with and instructed and guided by Gods Holy Spirit such as in the Old Testament are | Luk. 16. 29. 24. 27 45 46 47. Act. 17. 2 3. 24. 14. 26. 22 23. Rom. 1. 2. the five Books of Moses the Book of Joshua Judges Ruth the two Books of Samuel two of the Kings two of the Chronicles or Paralipomena i. e. things omitted or past by Esdras Nehemiah Ehster also Job the Psalmes of David the Proverbs Ecclesiastes the Song of Songs the four greater Prophets to wit Esaias Jeremiah with his Lamentations Ezekiel and Daniel the twelve lesser Prophets to wit Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah and Malachi 4. In the New Testament there are The Books of the New Testament the four Evangelists * Luk. 1. 1 2 3. Joh. 19. 35. 20. 31. Act. 1. 1. divers other places Matthew Mark Luke and John the Acts of the Apostles the Epistles of Paul to wit † 2 Pet. 3. 15 16. 1 Thes 2. 2. Eph. 2. 3. 17. to the Romans the former and latter to the Corinthians to the Galatians to the Ephesians to the Philippians to the Colossians to the Thessalonians two two to Timothy to Titus to Philemon also the Epistle to ●he Hebrews one Epistle of James | 2 Pet. 3. 1. 1. Joh. 1. 1 2 3. 4. two of Peter of John three of Jude one lastly the * Rev. 1. 1. 22. 18 19. with other places The certainty of both Revelation 5. That all the said Books were written or approved of by Men Divine and no● to be excepted against hath in forme● times been clearly found and proved by so many and so certain and evident Testimonies and Proofs that there can nothing further justly or reasonably be desired For though at sometimes ther● hath been made some doubt of some fe● of them to wit whether they were penn'● or approved of by those very Authour● whose names they bear yet at length th● matter being more narrowly examined and the truth searcht into it hath been abundantly evicted that they were indeed and in truth penn'd or approved o● by Divine Men and those whose Authority was infallible and credit undoubted of with all Believers 6. Besides the said Books of the Old The Apochryphal Books Testament there are others also which have been now long since had in great esteem with many commonly called Apochryphal the which although they are not of force to confirm Doctrines of Faith yet may they though some more some less profitably be and are usually read for the proficiency of Faith and Life such as are Tobie Judith Baruch Wisdom Ecclesiasticus the third and fourth of Esdras three Books of the Maccabees and certain additions unto Esther and Daniel which are commonly known 7. That the Doctrine contained in Arguments for the certainty and truth of the Scriptures the Books of the New-Testament by which also the Truth and Dignity of the Old Testament is abundantly establshed and confirmed is altogether True and Divine is not only clear and evident from its being written or allowed of by the said Divine Men we named before and its being delivered by them unto the Churches nor from its being confirm'd and establisht or ratified by | Act. 5. 11 13 14 15. Heb. 2. 3 4. Act. 10 37 38 39. divers and innumerable miracles and mighty deeds Signs and Prodigies exceeding all humane and Angelical Wisdom and Power and furthermore by the * Act. 2. 14 c. Act. 5. 29 30 31 32. glorious Resurrection from the dead of the first Author of it even our Lord Jesus Christ and his Exaltation asserted by many irrefragable Testimonies and Proofs but also even chiefly from its containing precepts so transcendently † Mat. 5. 6 7 8. chapters perfect righteous just and holy that any more perfect just equal and holy cannot be devised or though● of and promises | 2 Pet. 1. 4. Heb. 8. 6. 2 Cor. 7. 1. so exceeding Great Rich and Precious that neither th● mind of Men nor Angels can conceive of any more Excellent more Divine an● Worthy of God To which the admirable * Rom. 10. 18. 1 Cor. 2. 3 4. 2 Cor. 3. throughout 2 Cor. 4. 2 3 4 5. c. 2 Cor. 6. 4 5 c. Col. 1. 6. 23. Act. 5. 14 c. Act. 19. 11 12. and so following force and efficacy of the Doctrine it self addeth no small weight to wit tha● it although such an enemy and so ungrateful to the flesh was by a very few Apostles and they plain simple weak Men Men most aliene or free from no● only the crime but also the very suspicion of all simulation and forgery Me● advantaged by no helps of Worldly Eloquence of no renown upon any accounts of humane Authority without force without arms only by the perswasion of Reasons and Arguments and demonstration of the Spirit withal by men armed meerly with Innocency Sanctity of Life and Patience in a very short time in all places though the whole Kingdom of Satan and all the World almost made resistance and head against it was wonderfully disseminated and so spread it self far and wide on every side into all quarters that innumerable myriads of men
which as a Wen to a fair body oftentimes is wont to grow and cleave even unto those things which are best and most sovereignly wholesome in themselves and through a more sharp viewing of the vice and otherwise most just hatred of the abuse to be carried and fall unawars even into a detestation of the very thing it self Which that it may be plain it will be worth our labour to premise some what of the nature necessity utility and right use of Confessions or Declarations For from thence it will most clearly appear and become manifest both how greatly they are mistaken who are wholly averse from them and reject them one with another and what is our end and scope in the putting What is the true use and end of Confessions forth of this As for Confessions then or Declararations in general they are nothing but clear and manifest expositions of our Faith propounded and laid down in a certain method wherein more or fewer eitheir by word or writing discover their judgment concerning points of Christian Religion and make it known to the Christian World for the clearing up of Divine Truth the cutting off Calumnies wherewith innocent persons are oppressed and the edifying of Churches in true Faith and peace This at length is the proper true and genuine nature and genius of Confessions and Declarations from which we are to make judgment of their true both necessity and utility and no ways from the disposition and design of those who have oftentimes abused Confessions and Declarations to far other different ends For those things have not been the faults of the Declarations but of the Declarers and not the uses but abuses of Confessions and they such as might easily but for our selves be severed from the Forms of Confessions themselves That these kind of Forms indeed are That they are not precisely necessary not precisely and absolutely necessary we willingly grant and therefore do we not like of their opinion whom we mention'd in the fourth place who account them at least for secondary Symbols of Faith and who determine or maintain that they are precisely necessary if not to the being yet at least to the well-being of a Christian Church For where a right and concordant or unanimous understanding of the Scriptures hath its place there simply is no need of other Forms of belief or expressions but what are in the Scriptures themselves and those Forms which are in the Scriptures they are sufficient unto Faith and Salvation and if one bring with him an honest and docile mind and studious of Divine Truth for the discerning of them and withall use those means which he ought to use and which become a Reader earnestly desirous of so great things they are so clear and perspicuous that they may and ought at all times abundantly to suffice every Christian to draw from thence both for himself and others a most perfect Declaration of Divine meanings For verily it cannot be justly doubted but that those Forms and Phrases wherein God himself and our Lord Jesus Christ were pleased long since to express and declare the meanings of their mind to private and ordinary and unlearned men are also at this day sufficient for us to understand and declare those very same meanings since to that end they are no less left of God and delivered by the Scripture to us than unto them that from them we might draw and fetch those things which concern the Worship of God and our own and others everlasting Salvation From whence it follows that it is altogether possible that the Church of Christ may not only be but that it may also well be without such like humane Forms In the mean time though such Forms That yet they are useful and lawful are not precisely necessary yet are they not therefore also to be judged unprofitable and consequently unlawful and hurtful For if Prophesyings or Interpretings of the Scriptures are not unprofitable yea rather if they be some-times in certain respects necessary which several Teachers and Pastours propose in Universities and Churches or which otherwise are performed in Christian Assemblies when for the informing of the ignorant the reducing of them that go astray into the right way the relieving the doubting and convincing gainsayers they declare illustrate the meaning of the Scriptures as far as may be by familiar and clear withal usual forms of speaking be-besides the very express words of the Scriture 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it cannot verily seem unprofitabe much less unlawful or hurtful if more Ministers of Jesus Christ do by mutual consents joint studies and endeavours for the greater illustration or clearing up of divine Truth removing of slanders the edifying of the generality or the most of men or other holy and pious ends publickly open and declare their judgment upon the same meanings of Scripture and that in certain composed Forms Yea further if you shall duly consider That they are sometimes also necessary the matter without affection and prejudice we shall find that those times may happen wherein such Declarations ought to seem not only profitable but also very necessary For if foul and gross errours noxious to Christian Religion and piety should seize on our age if necessary heads of belief should be neglected or be minded but by the by or those that are not necessary be earnestly urged as necessary as also profitable doctrines not be distinguished from those that are necessary as they ought lastly if mens consciences shall be bound up by humane inventions or devices and every thing though never so false be palliated and cloathed with Scripture words and expressions there is certainly a necessity laid upon all and every Christian espesially upon Pastours of Churches seriously to consider and advise among themselves by what means they may withstand so many and great evils and if they shall perceive that those blind miserable mortals may profitably and prudently be holpen by a more clear proposal and elucidation or discovery of the Divine meanings than hath been formerly made as it were by a Torch lighted in the dark unanimously and as it were with joint forces to agree and conspire how they may discover and set before their eyes those divine senses and meanings in certain Forms now long since with profit received and familiar if peradventure by the help of these they that err may be delivered out of the said deep darkness and be reduced into the right way of everlasting Salvation In the next place if it fall out that those who perform this profitable service to the Christian Common-wealth should notwithstanding as it usually comes to pass be loaded with Calumnies be soyled with foul and dishonest suspicions and as it were overwhelmed with a certain deluge of false accusations as the Patrons of all the wicked opinions in the World who hang out as it were upon new posts old Heresies either all or some of them dig up again out
of Hell or their Grave Errours long since condemned who hold nothing firm nothing solid in Religion and are divided and severed among themselves by so many and so monstrous Opinions that they may justly seem rather Monsters of men then Christians who is there who will not think them like to do a work worth their pains yea that will not think them by some necessity constrained hereunto by a publick and solemn Declaration to obviate so atrocious and enormous slanders and by an ingenuous Confession of their judgment to testifie to the Christian World what and what manner of Persons they are in Religion and what in very deed they think touching the chief heads of belief and by this unblamable means as by a bolt bar firmly set against those infamous revilings and slanders to vindicate and approve or commend to all good men the integrity of their good name and esteem and the innocency of their lives Especially if they see that unless they do it all good men even the best will be estranged from them the weak will be turned aside from the love of the Truth or else that no light scruples will be cast into their minds that an occasion will be given to many in other respects in no wise bad men to continue in their errours or to return as it were to their vomit to their former filthiness which they had left that their Friends will be withdrawn from all affection of good-will towards them and violently separated from their fraternity that more plenteous matter will be ministred to their Enemies and Foes to calumniate and consequently that through the side of their wronged reputation the Truth of God will be wounded and all their labour care industry and pains hitherto spent or further to be spent in the promoting of the same will be rendred unprofitable and fruitless Certainly he that is toucht with any desire of the publick good any care of the glory of God any desire of the truth and peace of the Church he cannot but believe and certainly conclude that in such a case there is some kind of necessity laid upon those men if they can with a good conscience and men of highest degree and lowest degree require it even in conceived Forms of Declarations to purge themselves from those false reports and calumnies and to testifie to the whole Christian World their innocency Nor indeed can it seem sufficient for the washing away of the said Calumnies if they contain themselves within the meer and bare expressions of the Scripture and deliver their Opinions or Judgments in so many Scripture-Words and Phrases For seeing that this very thing is charged upon them as a crime that under Scripture words they in their Bosom cherish their worst meanings and most prejudicial to the Glory of God a●d the Salvation of Men that they do upon occasion either readily sought after or offered by others disseminate or spread the same when they perceive it is for their advantage verily they are reduced to that necessity whether they will or no as for the Glory of the Truth of God the edifying of the weak and the detection of Calumnies by that means which seems best and most profitable that is by some publick Declaration of their Judgment to purge themselves and to maintain and defend the sincerity of their belief Which things being so so far is it that Confessions or Declarations of Faith ought to seem hurtful or unprofitable of themselves that they are sometimes to be accounted of in the Church of Jesus Christ for useful vindications of the Truth and in a manner necessary remedies of the greatest evils Howbeit because such is either the Three remedies against the abuses of them inconsiderateness or sloth or malice of the most of Men that those things which of themselves might be useful and pious documents of our duty or most present remedies of great evils they suffer them by reason of their additional corruption and abuse by degrees to become superstitious bands of Consciences and insensibly to degenerate into idols and hurtful Poysons yea often they themselves turn them to the dammage and detriment of the best things we ought diligently to beware and endeavour with the greatest care that may be to vindicate such forms from all manner of abuse and corruption and to inculcate and assert at all times their right and true use which we indeed believe may be commodiously done if we have always these three things before our eyes and carefully observe them First if in the Church there be no Authority Of their true and false authority that is * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unquestionable that is irrefragable and beyond all exception under any title pretence or show whatsoever either directly or indirectly in things pertaining to Religion given to these Forms nor suffered to be given them to wit in such sort as that the Consciences of any should be tied or obliged to the same as Rules of Faith either primary or secondary Which indeed that it may be easily provided against is beyond all doubt if they be only had in that esteem and place as indeed they ought to be had to wit for bare expositions of our belief or for such Forms which do not define or determine what is to be held for true or false what is to be believed or not to be believed after what manner any thing is to be expressed or uttered but which only may make known and testifie what they hold for true and false what they believe or do not believe how they express the meanings of their Mind whose own those Forms and Declarations are For if they be had in no other account or greater esteem there is no danger that their Authority we say not should be equalled much less be preferred before the Scriptures but that they find not indeed any place though the lowest in the Church For doubtless as we have already said before they will not then be held for Squares and Rules of Faith whereby Truth or Falshood Heresie or Errour may and ought to be known and which are published for that end that by them what is true or false may be known and discovered or sound but only for bare Signals and Symbols or Tokens which only show and declare what the Authors believed and judged of those and the other Articles and Meanings of Christian Religion And truly if we consult the ancient Annals of the Church they who first put forth such Symbols Ecclesiastical Canons Confessions and Declarations had no other design aim or end but thereby to testifie not what was to be believed but what they themselves believed and that these Symbols c. should be even instead of Watch-Towers to declare shew to the unwary and imprudent the Shelves and Quicks of Errours that were hurtful to Piety and Salvation or also to serve against Calumniators for Apologies whereby every one might understand how far they were from those Errours