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A23831 Reflexions upon the books of the Holy Scriptures to establish the truth of the Christian religion. Volume I in two volumes. Allix, Pierre, 1641-1717. 1688 (1688) Wing A1227; ESTC R29574 310,757 644

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examine their Principles and confute them which is the easiest thing in the World the Wisest Men having formerly acknowledged as they also own to this very day that there is but one God. And indeed it seems that the greatest part of Philosophers did own a plurality of Gods only in compliance with the Opinions of the people which it was dangerous to contradict And as for the Jews forasmuch as they agree with the Christians and Mahometans about the Vnity of God we are only to prove to them the truth of that which is the very Essence of the Christian Religion in opposition to their prejudices One may prove this against the Jews without any trouble because they are agreed in most of those Principles which the Christian Religion supposes So likewise it is easily established against the Mahometans who grant the truth of Christian Religion in general but pretend that it ought to give place to Mahometanism as the Law ought to give place to the Gospel preach'd by Jesus Christ My design is not to prosecute every one of these ways in particular There are Books enough in the World which solidly prove the necessity of Religion against all sorts of Atheists as well those who are so through ignorance as those who profess themselves such from Love to Libertinism and to pass for Men of a mighty reach There are also several Famous Authors who have made it evident that Reason alone is sufficient to overthrow all Pagan Religions whatsoever I am resolved to follow a more compendious and sure Method that is to demonstrate the Truth of the Christian Religion considered by it self In short It is impossible considering the opposition there is between the Christian Religion and all other Religions in the World that the Christian Religion should be the true but that all others must be false in those Articles wherein they essentially differ from it And on the other hand one cannot explain those Arguments which clearly evince the truth of Christianity without convicting all other Religions of falsehood because they are destitute of those proofs which are peculiar to the Christian Religion I know very well that there are several ways which lead to the end which I propose Men that think much wish that a perfect Conformity of the Christian Religion with the Conscience of Man might be demonstrated from Reflexions on the Heart of Man and the Dictates of it which to them would be a convincing and demonstrative proof Others apply themselves to a speculative examination of the Doctrines and Proofs of the Christian Religion to shew their Conformity with the Notions of Reason I will not deny but that both these employ themselves usually in this sort of study and that Truth finds a considerable support from their Meditations But how useful soever they may be I have rather chosen to follow another course as thinking it of more advantage solidly to establish the Facts which the Christian Religion proposeth which appears to me to be more proper to perswade all sorts of Readers and better levell'd to the ordinary Capacity of those who newly enter upon the examination of this Truth And as the necessity of Revelation is generally owned by Heathens and by all other Nations of the World I thought it a thing altogether unnecessary to enter upon the examination of several abstracted Questions such as these Whether there be any natural knowledge of God whether Men are naturally inclined to be Religious and the like When I shall have firmly proved that God revealed himself that he prescribed a Service to the first Men who left the Rules of it to all their Posterity from whence all the Religion that ever was or is yet in the Heathen World was derived I shall have prevented many very unprofitable Disputes and which can only perplex the mind by their obscurity I have therefore confin'd my self to certain Considerations which do so establish the truth of the Books of the Old and New Testament as by their Vnion they firmly prove the truth of the Christian Religion I hope that it will not be thought needful for me to demonstrate that the Mahometan Religion ought not to abolish the Christian as the Christians pretend that the Christian Religion abrogated the Ceremonial part of the Jewish Worship As soon as an understanding Reader shall make some Reflexions upon the nature of the Arguments which demonstrate the Truth of the Christian Religion he may easily perceive that God never framed the Model of that Religion which the Mahometans would obtrude upon us THE CONTENTS OF THE CHAPTERS OF THE First Part of the First Volume Chap. 1. COncerning the Fundamentals of the Christian Religion Page 1 Chap. 2. That the Christian Religion is founded upon Proofs of Matter of Fact 5 Chap. 3. Some General Remarks in order to establish the Truth of Holy Scripture 8 Chap. 4. That the Testimony of Moses concerning the Creation of the World and the Promise of the Messiah is unquestionable 16 Chap. 5. That Moses is the Author of the Book of Genesis 23 Chap. 6. That the Book of Genesis could not be forged under the Name of Moses 27 Chap. 7. That it appears from Genesis that the Sabbath was constantly observed from the beginning of the World until Moses 34 Chap. 8. That Adam was convinced of his Creation by Reason and Authority 44 Chap. 9. That Adam was confirmed by his own Experience in the perswasion he had entertain'd concerning his Creation 49 Chap. 10. That the Children of Adam had reason to be convinc'd of the Creation 52 Chap. 11. That the Children of Adam were actually convinced of the Truth of the Creation and the Promise of the Messiah 54 Chap. 12. That Noah was fully perswaded of the Creation of the World and the Promise of the Messiah 61 Chap. 13. That the Children of Noah were convinced of the truth of these Matters 64 Chap. 14. That the Posterity of Noah 's Children were perswaded of the truth of the Creation and first Promise 67 Chap. 15. That we find the Family of Abraham and his Posterity till Jacob fully perswaded of those Truths 71 Chap. 16. That this very perswasion seems to have been kept up amongst the Posterity of Jacob until Moses 's time 81 Chap. 17. That the Tradition which gives us an Account of the perswasion which the Ancients had of the truth of the Creation of the World and of the Promise of the Messiah before Moses cannot be suspected 86 Chap. 18. An Explication of Moses 's way of Writing where it is shew'd that in writing the Book of Genesis he mentioned nothing but what was then generally known 89 Chap. 19. An Answer to an Objection which may be drawn from the Histories of the Egyptians and Chaldeans concerning the Antiquity of the World. 95 Chap. 20. An Answer to the Objection which may be drawn out of the History of China against the Mosaick Hypothesis concerning the newness of the World. 106 Chap. 21. Wherein the
therefore that occurs in this Matter consists in the proof of those Facts which the Christian Religion propounds to us that is to say in proving the Creation of the World the Fall of Man the Promise of a Redeemer his coming into the World his Miracles Death Resurrection Ascension into Heaven c. which are the Foundations of the Christian Religion And indeed these are the very matters of which Atheists and Libertines require a solid proof And it doth the more concern us to satisfie their demands forasmuch as the Jews who are scatter'd throughout the whole World do oppose our assertion that the Promise of sending the Messiah is already accomplish'd tho' they agree upon the matter with us in all other Articles Moreover the performing this Task may very much contribute to the Conversion of a great number of bad Christians whose sall and continuance in vices and licentiousness is to be ascrib'd to their being so weakly perswaded of the truth of these Fundamentals and that because they have never consider'd of them with sufficient attention CHAP. II. That the Christian Religion is founded upon Proofs of Mattter of Fact. FOrasmuch as in order to establish the truth of the Christian Religion we confine our selves at present to those proofs which make out the Matters of Fact it proposes omitting all other arguments which may evidence the truth of it tho' possibly no less convincing it is obvious that the proofs we are to produce in confirmation of them must be such as are proper to evince the truth of things long since past and done If we were treating of the Events of the time we live in it might be justly required that we should produce Eye-witnesses of them but forasmuch as the question here is concerning matters long since past it is natural for us to have recourse to History which furnisheth us with the relations of those who where Eye-witnesses of the same This being the only way left us to confirm our belief of things at so great a distance from us I am beholding to History only for the knowledg I have of a Cyrus an Alexander or a Caesar and yet having read the account they give me of them I find them matters I can no way rationally doubt of I acknowledg that the certainty we have of things long since past is much inferiour to that which we have of matters confirm'd to us by Eye-witnesses Nevertheless because it is evident that the Events of ancient Times cannot be confirm'd but by proofs of this nature it has never entred into the minds of any to account the existence of such men as Cyrus and Alexander for Fables upon the pretence that none now alive did ever see them or because there are scarce any traces left of those Empires of which they were the Founders Indeed the certainty we have of these things is such as nothing can be superadded to it for tho' it be founded on the Authority of Historians who liv'd many Ages ago yet withal we are to consider that the matters related do not only carry the Idea of probability and truth along with them but that they are the very ground and foundation of all the Histories of following Ages which cannot be questioned if we consider the connexion and dependance of the things related according to the light of Sense and the equity of Reason A Matter of Fact then is accounted certain when it is attested by those who were Eye-witnesses of it when recorded by an Historian who liv'd amongst those who had perfect knowledg of it when the Matter is not gainsaid or contradicted by any if we find it pen'd at a time when the things could not be related by any otherwise than indeed they were without exposing themselves to publick derision And last of all when the matter is found to be of that nature as none could be ignorant of it either because it was the interest of every one to be inform'd of it or because the thing was so publick that it could not be hid from any or lastly because of its natural connexion with all those other Events which necessarily depend on it To speak plain it is very unjust to demand either more proofs or such as are of another nature for the confirmation of the Truth of our Religion than are required to verisie any other matters of Fact. Why should not the Testimony of Noahs Children be sufficient to conclude there was such a man as Methusalem in case they assure us that they have seen him Or why should not the testimony of Methusalem be of credit enough to prove there was such a Man as Adam if he avers that he saw him and convers'd with him Do'nt we every day give credit to the account which old men give us of their Predecessors especially when we find that what they relate hath an exact reference and connexion with those things we are Eye-witnesses of But it is an easie thing to make it appear that the proofs which evidence the Truth of the matters which our Religion proposeth are infinitely more strong and convincing All the circumstances we can imagine proper to evince the Truth of any Relation do concur to place the matters recorded in Holy Scripture beyond the Reach of doubt or uncertainty We account the single Testimony of an Historian a sufficient proof that there was once a very famous Temple at Delphos or Ephesus notwithstanding that all the Monuments remaining at this day to confirm his relation be very doubtful and defective Whereas I shall make it appear that an entire Nation yea many Nations do attest the truth of those Matters which the Christian Religion proposes and that all the Actions Discourses and whole Series of Events thereto relating do furnish us with an infinite number of characters which invincibly signalize the Truth of the Holy Scrïptures CHAP. III. Some General Remarks in order to establish the Truth of Holy Scripture FOrasmuch as I have undertaken to prove the truth of the Matters of Fact contain'd in our Religion from the testimony of the Pen-men of the Old and New Testament it will be proper in order to the executing of my design to begin with a general proof of the Truth of the said Books which will not be difficult if one makes the following remarks The First is That it appears from the Five Books of Moses that he wrote the History of the Creation of the World and of the Promise of the Messiah of the Deluge the Rise and Pedigree of the several Nations of the World of the Division of Tongues and in particular the History of the Family of Abraham until the entring of the Children of Israel into Palestina 2552 years after the Creation of the World. The Second is That the following Books viz. of Joshua Judges Ruth the four Books of Kings of Chronicles with the Books of Ezrah and Nehemiah are a Continuation of the said History from the entring of the Jews into Palestina until their
re-establishment in the said Country about the year of the World 3600. Here we read the Conquest of Palestina under the Conduct of Joshua how it was divided amongst the Tribes after they had destroyed drove out or subdued the Inhabitants thereof how often they were brought into bondage by the bordering Nations whose rise and pretensions Moses sets down Here we have recorded the several Names and actions of the Judges which God from time to time raised to the Israelites to restore them to their first estate Here we have an account of the establishment of a Kingly Government amongst them which happened about the year 2909 as likewise of the division of this people into two Kingdomes which for three Ages together were most opposite in their interests and made great wars against each other as well as against their neighbouring States We find here the utter ruin of the most puissant of these two States viz. That of Israel by the Arms of the Kings of Assyria about the year of the World 3283 and after that the destruction of that of Judah by Nebuchadnezar King of the Chaldeans Anno Mundi 3283. And last of all we have an account of the Jews Restoration by Cyrus King of Persia and the State of the Jews under his Successors The Third thing observable is That in the remaining Books of the Old Testament we find several historical Relations relating to both Kingdomes with several prophecies relating to their decay and restoration as likewise many Discourses of Morality and Piety and that all these relations and prophecies appear to have been writ at such a time and with those circumstances which have a natural reference to what the other Books recite to us and an essential Relation to the Books and Laws of Moses which we find to be the foundation of all these prophesies relations and whatsoever else we find there concerning their Government or Religion The Fourth is That the Books of the New Testament contain an exact relation of the Life of Jesus Christ who appeared to the World under the Reign of Tiberius of the establishment of his Religion in the World together with some disputes with the Jews who refused to own him for the Messiah promised by the Prophets and lastly Prophesies declaring what in in process of time was to happen both to the Jews and Christians until the end of the World. These Books take the Truth of Moses's Writings every where for granted as also of all the other Sacred Writings of the Old Testament both Historical Prophetical and Moral These Four particulars do in a manner give us an intire Idea of the Holy Scripture and we shall scarcely stand in need of ought else to manifest the Truth of those Writings if we consider those undisputable matters of fact I am now to speak of and will but make some very natural reflexions upon them The First is That the Christians notwithstanding their being divided into several Sects and Parties presently after our Saviours time have and do still in all places every first day of the Week read the Books of the New Testament translated into their respective Languages so that it appears absolutely impossible that any spurious Writings should have been slipt in amongst them The Second is That as the Christians have had the Books of the Old Testament amongst them in Greek these 1600. years so the Heathens had them in that Language 300. years before being translated by order of one of the Ptolomy's Kings of Egypt whither a considerable party of the Jews were carried after that Alexander the Great had conquered the greatest part of Asia having overthrown the Empire of Persia to which the Jews were in subjection The Third is That tho' the Jews had not all the Books of the Old Testament from the beginning of their Commonwealth they that followed the Party of Jeroboam and formed the Kingdom of Israel having only had the Five Books of Moses amongst them yet notwithstanding their irreconcilable hatred against the House of David they have most religiously preserved the said Books from Anno Mundi 3030. in which the divisions of the two Kingdoms happen'd even until this day The Fourth and last is That as the Jews every where at this day read the Books of Moses and of the Prophets each Sabbath day which is also observed by the Samaritanes and the Christians read them every first day of the week so the Jews have always continued to read them for a long series of Ages as esteeming it a great part of the sanctification of the Sabbath Besides which they also solemnly read them every seventh year in obedience to a Law of Moses as being one of the principal parts of their Religion I say that the sole consideration of these matters of fact which are indisputable are sufficient to prove in general the truth of the Books of the Old and New Testament First then I affirm that it is as ridiculous to maintain that the Books of the Old and New Testament translated into so many Languages cited by an infinite number of Authors and which have been the subject of various disputes from the very times of the Apostles or soon after should be supposititious as to aver that the Books of Justinian or Mahomets Alcoran have been falsly obtruded on the World under their names I speak now only of the Books themselves not of the truth of the History they contain Secondly It is ridiculous to suppose that the Books of the Old Testament were forged since the time of Ptolomy Philadelphus forasmuch as they have been in the hands of the Heathens themselves ever since that time Thirdly It is as inconsistent to suppose them contrived since the time of the separation of the ten Tribes from Judah because we find the Books of Moses among the Samaritanes who have preserved them ever since their Revolt without any other change but what is incident to all Manuscripts that pass through many hands I grant indeed that the Samaritans have none of the other Books of the Old Testament but this being to be look'd upon only as an effect of their departure from the Kingdom of Judah it cannot in the least shake the certainty we have of those Books For first the three other Tribes had them and preserv'd them with the greatest care esteeming them of Divine Authority Secondly there were also reasons of State which made the Kings of Israel not to regard the divisions made by Joshuah of the Land of Canaan nor the authority of the Priesthood which Reasons of State hereafter mentioned where the cause why the ten Tribes would not allow the same authority to some of those Books which were written before their Revolt as those of Samuel and the writings of David and Solomon which they did to the Pentateuch of Moses Most of the others we know were pen'd since the Division of the two Kingdomes and so did more particularly respect the Kingdom of Judah and some them after the
that Alexander preserved them in the Enjoyment of their Rights and Liberties as they enjoyed them under the Kings of Persia and in particular exempted them from paying any Tribute every seventh year because then they did not sow their Ground and consequently could not reap And if we find that Ptolemy took Jerusalem on a Sabbath day the Jews making Conscience of defending themselves because the Law required their ceasing from all work from whence Agatharcides an Heathen Author takes occasion to blame their Law if we find him carrying a great number of Jews with him into Egypt yet withal we find him treating them with as much kindness as the Macedonians themselves appointing distinct places in Egypt and Lybia for their Habitation If we find that powerful Princes such as Antiochus Epiphanes and some others of his Successors broke the power of the Jews prophaned their Temple and forc'd great numbers of them to abjure their Religion yet we see them also at the same time giving the highest instances of an immoveable constancy and courage in defence of their Law and in enduring the most exquisite Tortures we see others of them encouraged with the love of their Country as well as Religion putting themselves into a posture of defence purifying the Temple and celebrating a Festival which is observed even at this day and lastly obtaining favourable Treaties at the hands of their Enemies as may be seen in the Books of the Maccabees and in the Twelfth Book of Josephus his Antiquities yea we find their name and glory at that time spread as far as Lacaedemon with which Common-wealth they made an Alliance during the High-Priesthood of Onias One see 's them after this so considerable under the Successor of Antiochus their Persecutor that even those Kings sue for their Alliance with great presents One see 's that Ptolomy Philometor granted to Onias the Son leave to build a Temple in Egypt for the convenience of those Jews whom Ptolomy the Son of Lagus had carried thither as well as for those who left their Country for the oppression of the Seleucidae for Judea being situate between Syria and Egypt was ordinarily the Theatre of War between those two States 'T is here worth our noting That the Jews undertook the building of the Temple in Egypt as thinking themselves authoriz'd by that Prophecy Isai XIX 24. it being a thing otherwise forbid by the Law. One sees in the same Prince's Reign a great contest between the Samaritans and the Jews about the pre-eminence of their Temples at Jerusalem and Mount Garizim decided by him in favour of the Jews on which occasion the Jews shewed that Prince their Law and acquainted him with the Series of their History to confute the Samaritans pretensions One see 's after this when the Jews had conferred the Soveraignty and High-Priesthood on Simon that their State became so powerful that under Hyrcanus his Successor they were in a condition to attacque their Enemies in Syria and compel the Edomites to admit Circumcision Aristobulus his Son was crowned his Brother succeeded him in the Royal Dignity and left the State in a flourishing condition notwithstanding the Civil and Foreign Wars he was engaged in We find afterwards That the intestine Divisions among the Successors of those Jewish Princes did by degrees open a gap for foreign power to enter and prevail over them Pompey siding with Hyrcanus took Jerusalem and made the Jews tributary to the Romans but without changing any thing in their Religion Julius Caesar a while after bestowed the Kingdom of Judaea upon Herod the Edomite Augustus after him used the Jews with the same Equity as Pompey before him had done as appears from one of his Declarations publish'd in favour of the Jews of Egypt and Asia recorded by Josephus This Herod and Augustus are the same under whom our Saviour Jesus Christ was born It is evident therefore That the State of the Jews has continued distinct from other Nations and sufficiently known from the time of the Prophet Malachy until Herod We may also truly assert That whatever inclination the Jews of old had for the Idolatries of their Neighbours yet we don't find them given that way during this interval between the last of their Prophets and Herod as if the charge and command of that Prophet Malachy had always sounded in their Ears Mal. IV. verse 4. Remember the Law of Moses my Servant c. One see 's that the Jews under the Maccabees in great numbers suffered Martyrdom rather than abjure their Religion and that they observed the Ceremonial Law with all carefulness of which Augustus himself was witness One see 's that under Strangers and Heathen Kings they exempted themselves from answering any Suit at Law on the Sabbath day from paying Tribute the seventh Year and preserving the Rights and Priviledges of their Temple in spight of all opposition Lastly one finds them during Herod's Government supported by the favour of the Roman Empire in refusing to set up the Emperour's Trophees for fear least some Images might be hid under them which they looked upon as a Crime against their Law. I am not ignorant that since Malachy some Heresies sprung up among the Jews their Commerce with the Greeks who applyed themselves to Philosophical Speculations having contributed to make them much more Disputacious than they were before The Authority likewise of their Kings who were High-Priests also may have had a great stroke in blemishing the Purity of their Religion But yet the Disputes which we find amongst them as that of the Fatality of Events did not at all touch the Substance of their Religion They no sooner found the Spirit of Epicurisme to creep in amongst them but they framed such additions to their publick Liturgy as they thought most proper to eradicate or at least condemn that Corruption I confess also that the Pharisees and Doctors of their Law had greatly alter'd their Morality in making their own Explications by the great Authority which they had amongst the People to pass for Authentick but yet this change and corruption in their Morals as to practice did not go so far as to abolish the Laws themselves which were only wrested from their true meaning This was indeed a great Corruption but not such a one as could make it to be no more the same Religion So that we may boldly assert which is a thing very important to our present purpose That the State and Religion of the Jews have continued sufficiently entire till the time of the appearing of the Messiah in the World for their preserving of whatsoever was necessary viz. as well the Books of the Old Testament as the knowledge of those Oracles which foretold the coming of the Messiah together with the Knowledge of these Principles according to which the Prophets have spoken in their Predictions concerning him REFLEXIONS Upon the BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT To Confirm the TRUTH OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION THE PREFACE I Have shewn in my
Reflexions upon the Book of Genesis That the Facts of the Creation and the Promises of the Messiah are Truths not to be questioned and that the Idea's of this Messiah continued vigorously all the time that preceded the Children of Israel's going out of Egypt We have seen afterwards in the Remarks which I have made upon the Laws which God gave to Moses that it was the great design of God to keep men in the expectation of this Messiah and to take care that they might certainly know him whenever he should appear in the World. I have taken notice in the third part of these Reflexions of the care which God took to give a great number of Oracles to explain particularly all the Characters of this Messiah the Place and Manner of his Birth the principal Circumstances of his Life Death and Resurrection and to foretel the Effusion of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost upon the Gentiles their Call to the Religion of the Messiah and lastly the overthrow of the whole Model of the Jewish Religion and Common-wealth which was no longer of any use after the Coming of the Messiah and the Calling of the Gentiles My present business is now to shew That in the Books of the New Testament we may find an exact accomplishment of this whole Design wherein God had with so much care instructed the World so long before and there is nothing more easie if we will but take a little pains to read these Books attentively and to compare them with the Model which God himself made as we have hitherto described it To make this Truth yet more evident I think it will be necessary to do two or three things which seem to be very important for my present Design And first I am to observe that there appears a most perfect Coherence between the Idea's of the Old Testament and those of the New which is absolutely necessary to shew that there is in these Books a perfect unity of Design notwithstanding the vast difference there is between the Jews who preserve the Old Testament and the Christians who preserve the New. Secondly I am to demonstrate that the Idea's of the Messiah were very strong in the minds of the Jews at the very time that Jesus Christ appeared in the World. This was absolutely necessary that they might not have wherewith to accuse those who received Christ for the Messiah of being deceived in their choice for not having had the exact Idea's of the Messiah which God had promised I shall upon this account shew in the third place That when Jesus Christ did appear in the World the Model which God had framed in the Law of Moses whereby the Messiah might be plainly known did then subsist in the manner wherein God had framed it After this I shall endeavour to shew by prooss which are indeed unquestionable That in examining all the Characters which the Prophets gave by which the Messiah might be known we cannot conceive a more exact execution of God's Design as to the Messiah than that which we find in the Person of Jesus Christ whereof the Books of the New Testament have given us the History Lastly I shall shew clearly that this Model which God had framed in giving the Law and in forming the Common-wealth and Religion of the Jews in so proper a manner to make the Messiah certainly known is not in being at this day but that it was so destroyed by the total Dispersion of that People that we should not be able to know the Messiah if he should now appear again in the World. And that indeed the principal Events which according to the Oracles were to follow the Coming of the Messiah are already come to pass in part and do still come to pass every day I hope to evince these Truths beyond all contest Indeed the bare reading of the Books of the New Testament plainly discovers the Coherence which they have with the Books of the Old. It shews clearly that the Idea's of the Messiah were at that time very strong in the minds of the Jews and it supposeth without any affectation that that Model which God had made so necessary to distinguish the Messiah stood at that time intire In particular It is certain that the four Evangelists by the Relation of unquestionable matters of Fact have proved that Jesus the Son of Mary is the Messiah which God had promised Saint Luke shews in the Acts of the Apostles that after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Effusion of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost the Gospel was preached to the Heathens The Epistles are a natural Consequence of this Vocation of the Heathens and of the abolishing of the Law of Moses which the Apostles had undertaken They unanimously conspire to shew that God had resolved to call the Heathens to partake of Salvation that the Jews for the greatest part should be justly deprived thereof because they obstinately rejected the Messiah Several Questions are examined which arose either from the Calling of the Gentiles or from the abolishing of the Ceremonial Worship The Succession of the History of the Christian Church justifies That after the Destruction of Jerusalem all People imbraced the Religion of Jesus Christ in receiving him for the Messiah whom God had promised to the Patriarchs and to the Jews I shall resume all these Articles one by one in that Natural Order in which I have proposed them REFLEXIONS Upon the BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT To Establish the Truth OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION CHAPTER I. That there appears a very just Connexion bètween the Idea's of the Old Testament and those of the New the latter borrowing light from the former AS it is not much the Character of Romances even then when they are most tyed up to the Rules of Probability to borrow either the Stile or Idea's of those Authors from whom they take their-Subject so I suppose that in this my Undertaking to shew that the New Testament is an exact accomplishment of the Old it is very important to make out that at the first reading of the Gospels and Apostolical Writings one finds in them a perfect conformity of Idea's with the Writings of the Old Testament One may to this purpose observe in general That the Gospel supposeth the Divine Authority of the Book of the Old Testament as an unquestionable Truth The Gospels and Epistles have the same coherence with the Books of the Law and Prophets which the Writings of the latter Prophets have with those of the former and which the Books of all the Prophets together have with the Books of Moses and with the Prophecies Laws and Histories which are contained therein One may take notice afterwards That all the Books of the New Testament have an essential relation to those of the Old in their most principal Designs I have shewed that their design was no other than to raise men to expectations of the Messiah and to paint him to the life whom God
be very short I will confine my self to some general Reflexions upon those Books of the Old Testament which were writ since Moses but such as I hope will be sufficient to satisfie an equitable and intelligent Reader THE CONTENTS OF THE CHAPTERS OF THE First Part of the Second Volume Chap. 1. THat there is in the Historical Writings of the Old Testament an uninterrrupted Series of Events which have a natural and necessary dependance for more than Ten Ages Page 1. Chap. 2. That there is a strict Connexion between the Sacred History and the oldest Monuments which we have of prophane History 8 Chap. 3. That there is an uninterrupted Series of Events foretold by the Sacred Oracles of which we may see a very great number accomplished in every Age. 15 Chap. 4. That how common soever Oracles may have been amongst the Pagans yet nothing amongst them can justly be compared with those which are found amongst the Jews 24 Chap. 5. That the Books in which we may find these Oracles were never forged 28 Chap. 6. That the manner of Writing the Prophetical Books of the Old Testament shews that those Oracles could not have been forged after their Completion 35 Chap. 7. For what reason the Oracles which relate to the Messiah were interwoven with other things which seem to be very widely distant 45 Chap. 8. General Rules for the understanding of ancient Oracles and for the Application of them to the Messiah 51 Chap. 9. Of those Oracles concerning the Messiah which are to be found in the Book of Genesis 60 Chap. 10. Of the Oracles which concern the Messiah in the Book of Psalms 71 Chap. 11. Considerations upon the Sufferings of the Messiah and upon his glorious Ascension into Heaven foretold by David in the XXII and CX Psalms 80 Chap. 12. That the Messiah was to have a Forerunner and what was to be his Character 89 Chap. 13. That the Messiah was to be born before the dissolution of the Jewish State and the destruction of the second Temple 93 Chap. 14. That the Messiah was to be born of a Virgin of the House of David 101 Chap. 15. That the Messiah was to be born at Bethlehem of the Family of David which at that time was reduc'd to a private state 107 Chap. 16. That the Messiah was to work great Miracles for the establishing of his Mission and of the Truth of his Doctrine 111 Chap. 17. That the Messiah was to be an illustrious Prophet 114 Chap. 18. That the Messiah was to propound a new Covenant from God with all men 119 Chap. 19. That the Jews by a dreadful effect of their blindness were to reject the Messiah 125 Chap. 20. That the Messiah was to dye and an Account of the several Circumstances of his Death 130 Chap. 21. That the Messiah was soon after to rise again 136 Chap. 22. That the Messiah was to ascend into Heaven and send down from thence the miraculous Gifts of Prophecy Languages c. 140 Chap. 23. That the Gentiles in the time of the Messiah were to be called to the knowledge of the true God. 144 Chap. 24. That the Jews were to be rejected in the time of the Messiah 152 Chap. 25. Of the time which succeeded the publishing of these Prophecies till the Coming of the Messiah 157 The Contents of the Chapters of the Second Part of the Second Volume Chap. 1. That there appears a very just Connexion between the Idea's of the Old Testament and those of the New the latter borrowing light from the former Page 175 Chap. 2. That the Idea's of the Messiah continued very fresh in the Minds of the Jews at the time of the Coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ 183 Chap. 3. That the Commonwealth of the Jews did still subsist and follow the Model which God had formed in order to the certain knowing of the Messiah 189 Chap. 4. That all the Distinctions necessary for discovering of the Messiah still continued in the State of the Jews at the time of our Lord. 197 Chap. 5. That the time pointed out by the Prophets for the Coming of the Messiah is the very time in which Jesus Christ appeared to the World. 202 Chap. 6. That Jesus Christ had precisely such a Forerunner as the Prophets had described to precede the Messiah 207 Chap. 7. That Jesus Christ was born of the Family of David then reduced to a mean Condition as had been aforetold by the Prophets 213 Chap. 8. That Jesus Christ was conceived by the Virgin Mary without any Operation of Man. 222 Chap. 9. That Jesus Christ lived and preached after the same manner as the Prophets had foretold the Messiah should do 229 Chap. 10. That the Miracles wrought by our Saviour clearly prove that he is the Messiah 237 Chap. 11. That the Predictions of our Lord Jesus Christ clearly prove him to be the Messiah 242 Chap. 12. That Jesus Christ died precisely in the same manner as it was foretold that the Messiah should dye 250 Chap. 13. That Jesus Christ was raised again the third day according to the Prophets and afterwards ascended into Heaven 258 Chap. 14. That Jesus Christ sent to his Apostles and to the primitive Christians the miraculous Gifts of his Holy Spirit as he had promised in the Ancient Prophecies 270 Chap. 15. That according to the Prophecies the Apostles of Jesus Christ have called the Gentiles to the profession of the Christian Religion 277 Chap. 16. That the Christian Religion is founded on proofs of Fact and that consequently nothing in the World is so certain as the truth of it 284 Chap. 17. That it cannot be questioned Whether the Books of the New Testament were written by the Apostles 292 Chap. 18. That one cannot doubt of the faithfulness of the witness of the Apostles concerning those Facts which they relate 298 Chap. 19. More Reasons to manifest the faithfulness of the Apostles 304 Chap. 20. That the whole Model of the Religion and Commonwealth of the Jews is at this day so entirely destroyed that the Messiah could no more be known 311 Chap. 21. That the greatness of the Mysteries of the Christian Religion and the Division which is amongst Christians cannot be any prejudice to the proofs of the truth of the Christian Religion 317 REFLEXIONS UPON THE Historical and Prophetical BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT To Establish the Truth OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION CHAPTER I. That there is in the Historical Writings of the Old Testament an uninterrupted Series of Events which have a natural and necessary dependance for more than Ten Ages THE first general Proof which I make use of to establish the Truth of the Historical Books of the Old Testament after Moses may be lawfully drawn from the uninterrupted Series of Events which are related by those Authors who have written the History of the State and Church of Israel We may observe several considerable Epocha's of this History which takes in about One thousand and forty years
IV. That we ought to pay a much greater deference to the Opinion of the ancient Jews than of those who have been sowred by their Miseries and Disputes to such a degree that they have lost that principle of Equity which keeps Men from denying the most evident Truths and which have been the most universally acknowledged by a whole Nation that was not prepossessed with so great a degree of Obstinacy But we ought to observe besides That this seeming Confusion of those Oracles which relate to the Messiah with other Subjects treated of by the Prophets arose from several Causes I. From the Prophet's often joyning the Idea's of the principal Promise the sending of the Messiah with the promise of those means which were absolutely necessary for the accomplishment of that promise as the preservation of the Jews for instance So the Captivity of the Israelites in Egypt and their departure from thence with their settling in the Land of Canaan which he had promised them before were foretold as necessary means in the order of Providence to the Execution of the great Design of God. For so the Babylonish Captivity and their Deliverance there from which are both foretold are foretold as steps towards the execution of the promise of sending the Messiah And so likewise when they foretold the Persecutions by Antiochus and the other Neighbouring Nations they also foretell the deliverance which God would grant to the Jews and their re-establishment until the Birth of the Messiah which was the accomplishment of that great Promise II. This seeming Confusion arose from the writing of these Books piece by piece which afterwards were put into this order without having always a regard to the time in which they were writ and without taking notice of all the occasions which engaged the Prophets to write And thus we see the Prophecies which relate to the Messiah joyned to several other Transactions and to several other Predictions whose connexion is not always so very evident III. It arises from the writing of the Prophecies each by themselves so that all those of the same Prophet were put together as they came out making only a new Chapter in the Work whereas they ought to be considered rather with relation to the Matter than to the Order in which they lye in the Book as we have it at the present For the Prophets often borrow their Light from what they themselves had said some time before or from what some other Prophet had foretold which ought to be observed particularly of those who lived about the same time But besides those Rules which I proposed in the beginning of this Chapter and besides those Observations of the joyning the Oracles which relate to the Messiah with other Subjects I must add two Rules more which may be useful in determining the sense of great numbers of Oracles which are expressed in figurative terms The first is That it is natural to conceive that when the Prophets were to speak of the Messiah and when they were intent upon the Description of his Kingdom they should make use of Expressions which seem'd to foretell a sort of overturning of nature which should happen at that time But then these Expressions ought to be understood in a figurative sense in the same Spiritual sense in which the Christians understood them as the famous Maimonides allows in that passage of Isaiah Lib. de Regibus cap. XII where the Wolf and the Lamb are said to feed together Secondly Since the Messiah is described as one who should unite in his own Person the Glory of the Divinity and the meanness of the Human Nature together we ought to understand those Oracles in such a manner that what is great in those Prophetical Descriptions should not contradict the more contemptible part when we consider the Messiah as cloathed with all the meannesses of the Human Nature These Idea's which are often joyned in one and the same Oracles ought to be exactly applyed to the different consideration which the Prophets had of the Messiah or to those various States through which they themselves assures us that the Messiah was to pass An intelligent Reader will easily judge that I might have added a third Rule to the two former which is That when a person who has all the Characters of a Prophet applys an old Oracle to any Subject one cannot reasonably dispute his application This the Christians assure us was done by the Apostles in a very great number of Oracles But because this supposes a Prophetick Character in the Apostles before it has been established by solid proofs I shall wave the proposal of it at present After these general Remarks I shall gather together those Oracles in the Old Testament which relate to the Messiah I might here follow the order of the Matters by bringing under each Article those Oracles which relate to it which would give a great Light to the Subject as Eusebius has rightly observed and as he has practised himself in his Books de Demonstratione Evangelicâ However I rather chose to follow the Order of Time in which these Oracles were uttered which did not seem improper to explain those Truths which are contained in those Oracles In short this is of great importance I. Because it is very natural to consider the Series of God's design and the connexion which may be found in those Idea's which are made use of to express it II. Because of the necessity of the encrease of the Light in the Revelations proportionably as the time drew near so that it is of use to observe how the Divine Wisdom follow'd this natural Order in making the later Oracles clearer than the former and in hinting by little and little a greater number of Circumstances by which it was necessary to explain them III. Because this serves to give us a very strong proof That God intended to furnish us from the Scriptures themselves with that which should fix us in a Belief of this Capital Truth in our Religion In short when the Truth of each of the Books in the Old Testament is once approved and their Age set down it appears that several Prophets did agree wonderfully without any concert in the explication of the same Truths at several Times and in several Places and Circumstances which hinder men for the most part from agreeing in the most common Matters which are the Subjects of their Reflexions I have already considered that the Wisdom of God follow'd Rules very conformable to the Condition and Inclinations of the Patriarchs when it spoke of the Messiah We may see the same Conduct in the following times So since God had promised Children to Adam in Abel's stead one may see that he also promised David a Son who should set upon his Throne He explains almost all the Circumstances of his Coming his Humiliation his Exaltation the Oppositions he should meet with the Victories he should obtain and his Offices Prophetical Priestly and Royal. One see
had promised from the beginning of the World and the only design of the New Testament is to prove that the Messiah is come according to the Prophets The first speaks concerning the Messiah as expected the latter as already come But we must proceed to a more particular view of this matter I say then first of all That the Christians have the same Object of their Faith which the Jews had this Jesus Christ himself declares where he saith This is life Eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent Behold here the true Character of the Christian Religion as well as of the Jewish to believe one only God to own a Messiah and to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is he The Jews agree with us in the two former Articles tho' they dispute the last I say in the second place That the Laws of the Gospel which regulate Religion and the Conduct of particular persons in that Society are exactly the same with those of the old Testament Jesus Christ in his Sermon upon the Mount which contains an Abridgment of his Ethicks had no other end but to restore the true sense and meaning of those Laws God had given upon Mount Sinai and tho' in the matter of Divorces it seems opposite to that Law wherein God had before permitted them yet we may easily conceive that he began to abrogate those Orders and Dispensations which were only given to make the Messiah known whenever he should appear The prayer which Jesus Christ taught his Apostles is full of Notions which reigned among the Jews as several Expositors have manifested I shall content my self with alledging the instance of the petition for our daily Bread which has an evident regard to the Manna which God gave the Children of Israel in the Wilderness for Forty years We know also that the Sacraments of the Baptism and the Eucharist are originally Jewish Ceremonies which Jesus Christ hath applied with a very little variation to much more important Subjects Baptism was a washing which accompanied the Sacrifices and Circumcision of Proselytes lites And the washing practised under the Law of Moses signified that the Proselyte who was admitted to the same was resolved to renounce his former Courses and for the time to come to follow an opposite way of living according to the Rules prescribed him by the Ministers of Heaven after that they in the Name of God had assured him of the remission of his sins The Eucharist was an Appendix of the Feast of the Passover which preserved the Memory of the Sufferings of the Israelites in Egypt and the deliverance he afforded them in punishing of the Egyptians This Ceremony did perpetuate the Memory of that Deliverance till the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ hath substituted to this figure an instance of the Curse of God against the Posterity of Cham the Idea of his Death by which he hath communicated his Blessing to all Nations of the Earth according to his promise And he hath made it a more full and exact Memorial of his Death which he would have us to consider as the death of the true Lamb which takes away the sins of the World. As the old Covenant was made in the Blood of a Lamb so Jesus Christ with regard to the New Testament or Covenant promised by Jeremiah Chap. XXXI ordains the celebrating the Memorial of the Blood he had spilt This is the New Testament in my Blood c. And lastly whereas the Law ordained the Commemoration of the Paschal Lamb but once a year Jesus Christ seems to appoint a much more frequent celebration of the Eucharist when he saith As oft as ye shall eat this Bread c. the reason of which without doubt is taken from the greatness of the benefit which his death confers upon us It is well worth our Observation That ordinarily the same Prophetical Idea's that are found in the Old Testament may be met with in the New. The Book of the Revelations contains abundance of particulars set down in the Prophecies of Zachariah and Ezechiel Jesus Christ himself pursues the Idea's of the Prophet Joel in the XXIV of Matthew when he sets forth the Destruction of Jerusalem and afterwards he describes the same according to the Notions which Daniel gives us thereof Daniel foretels in the VII Chapter of his Book the Destruction of the Roman Monarchy by the Christians whom he stiles the People of the most High. St. Paul follows the same Notion 1 Cor. VI. 2. where he supposeth it as a known thing The Saints saith he shall judge the World. And St. John in the XX of the Revelations verse 4. represents Satan bound and the Government put into the hands of Believers It is also very remarkable That the promises and threats of Jesus Christ are expressed in terms borrowed from the Old Testament These words of Jesus Christ He that hears my words and believes in him that sent me hath eternal life and shall not come into Judgment c. have not they a plain relation to Adam's unbelief and disobedience to the judgment he underwent and the punishment imposed on him Is it not from this Spirit which penetrates both that the New Testament so oft makes mention of a New Canaan a New Jerusalem a New Name c. and that Glory is represented to us sometimes under the Notion of Paradise sometimes of a Feast where Abraham who is called the Father of the Faithful sits at the upper end Eternal Damnation is represented to us under the Notion of the Valley of Hinnom of a Lake burning with Fire and Brimstone with regard to the Lake of Sodom and to the place where the filth of Jerusalem was wont to be burnt up and consumed 'T is upon this account that Believers are exhorted to remember Lot's Wife Luke IX 62. and XVII 32. and to depart from the midst of the wicked Hebr. XIII If we consider the Election of the Apostles and of the Seventy Disciples we shall find the reference they have to the Heads of the Twelve Tribes and to the Seventy Elders whom Moses chose to preserve the memory of the Seventy Souls Jacob brought with him into Egypt These passages Ye shall sit on Twelve Thrones and your Names are written in the Book of Life and the Number of 144000 being the product of 12 times 12 by allusion to the Twelve Tribes do all borrow their Light from those ancient Histories Throughout the New Testament we find nothing but a continual allusion to the state of the Jews all those Idea's of the Liberty of the Sons of God do allude to the Ceremony of their Jubilee The First born mentioned there and the Kingdom of Priests are not to be understood but by casting our eye on the Old Testament If Jesus Christ be called the chief Corner Stone if Peter be called a Stone or Rock Believers living Stones and the Apostles Foundations it is by way of allusion to
who declared himself to be the Messiah were so indeed so it is absolutely impossible to examine it or know it since the destruction of that Model if we suppose that God at first framed it for the determining of this question as we have no reason to doubt it The second is That the Christians exactly followed this Divine Model and being convinced of the truth of the Facts which exactly corresponded with it and which answered it in all its parts they had all the Reason imaginable to believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah In short if we consider it well we shall find that the whole Christian Religion is nothing but a question of Fact between the Jews and Christians But such a question as the Jews at present are not in a condition to maintain against the Christians Both Jews and Christians agree in the Characters of the Messiah or at least about the most of them According to these Characters the Messiah ought to be come The Christians maintain that they may be found in Jesus Christ and they prove it by matter of Fact wherefore we must conclude That either these Characters attributed to the Messiah are not proper Characters to know him by and so the Wisdom of God will be eluded and both Jews and Christians equally deceived in taking that for a Character of the Messiah which is not or else that both the Messiah is certainly come and and that He is no other than that Jesus whom we worship CHAP. XXI That the greatness of the Mysteries of the Christian Religion and the Division which is amongst Christians cannot be any prejudice to the proofs of the truth of the Christian Religion I Come now to examine the double stumbling Block which the Jews pretend against the Christian Religion This Religion say they propounds Doctrines that are inconceivable and contrary to Reason For instance that of the Trinity that of the Incarnation and the Divinity of the Messiah These are the Doctrines which the Jews reject as absolutely incompatible with the Books of the Old Testament which we have received from their hands But it is an easie matter to answer this Objection 1. It is founded upon a total forgetfulness of the solidity of those proofs of Fact which I have alledged Jesus Christ is risen from the dead this is a Fact confirmed by several Witnesses It appears from Tacitus that Jesus Christ suffered death under Tiberius Pontius Pilate being Governour of Judea It is known that Claudius banished the Christians from Rome in the Year of our Lord 54. It is evident from Tacitus in his Life of Nero that he accused the Christians of burning the City of Rome which himself was the Author of the Christians therefore made a considerable Body in the Capital City of the Empire and this happened in the year of our Lord 64. Suetonius says the same thing 2. It appears that Pliny in Trajan's time takes notice of the manner of their Meetings 3. Dion Cassius sets down the Accusation brought in against Flavius and Domitilla as against Atheists which is the Title Julian the Apostate gives to Constantine because the Christians rejected the worship of the Heathen Gods. 4. It appears by the latter end of the Acts of the Apostles that this Book was writ in the Year of our Lord 63 and yet this Book supposes the Gospel of S. Luke to have been written before it and S. Luke's Gospel takes it for granted that some of the other Gospels were already published 5. It appears from the Writings of Clemens Romanus that the Epistle to the Hebrews was then written and the same may be gathered from the Books of S. Ignatius Polycarp and S. Justin. These Facts which are certain are sufficient to prove that immediately after the death of Jesus Christ his Apostles and their Disciples as Eye witnesses maintained the truth of his Resurrection After this it may indeed be disputed by what Power he was raised whether by a Divine Power or by his own but it is ridiculous to dispute the Fact by reasonings drawn from pretened Absurdities which one may think to find in the Doctrines of the Gospel Secondly These Mysteries as for instance that of the Trinity relates to the Divine Nature which is incomprehensible so that it is no strange thing if an Idea of it be proposed to us which not being distinctly known by us may raise Difficulties and Perplexities in our Minds If I would discourse with one born blind of the Sun of its Light and Heat and should attribute to the Sun the Production of Light and afterwards of Heat he would find an infinite trouble not to imagine three Suns It is known how the Philosophers who agreed about the Unity of the Soul have notwithstanding been obliged to attribute several Faculties to it which the common People look upon as very different things and which seem to oppose the Idea's of its Unity and Simplicity In the third place The Christians prove very solidly that these Mysteries have been clearly proposed by the Apostles who received their light from Heaven as to these Truths and so might necessarily be believed upon their word for the same reason that the Prophets of the Old Testament were formerly believed Moreover they assert that these Doctrines were first expressed tho' not so clearly in the Old Testament which is in the hands of the Jews the mortal Enemies of Christians I add to these Remarks that most of those Facts whose truth is so invincibly established suppose these Doctrines and that the whole frame of the Religion doth so necessarily require them that we rob it of a considerable part of its Glory in questioning or contesting any of them These Reflexions may suffice in general to resolve this difficulty of the Jews and for a more particular Satisfaction we refer the Reader to those Books which purposely treat of these Mysteries desiring him to observe carefully that commonly the most difficult Objections of Hereticks against these matters do rather oppose the terms which are made use of or the notions which men follow in speaking of these truths than the Propositions contained in the Writings of the New Testament At least one may be assured that the Jews are constrained to resolve several parallel Objections to which one can scarcely give a satisfactory Answer without borrowing some Distinctions and Notions from the Christians Neither can the second Objection of the Jews give us any more disturbance It is true that there have been Divisions amongst Christians and are still to this day What can we conclude thence Can we reasonably conclude that therefore the first Founders of Christianity were doubtful concerning the truth of those Facts which are the support and foundation of it On the contrary upon an attentive Observation one may find 1. That Heresies have only served to render the truth of these Facts more incontestable by obliging those that had consider'd of them to examine their certainty with more care and application This is the Judgment one ought to make upon all those Heresies in the second Age about the truth of the Flesh of Jesus Christ or about the truth of his Death From thence men took occasion to take notice of and collect with great care all the Circumstances that prove the truth of both these Facts 2. We find that the greatest part of these Contests do not concern the truth of the Facts but the several Consequences drawn from them the truth of those Matters continuing still beyond dispute This we find in the Dispute raised about the Millennium the truth of the Promises of Jesus Christ being equally believed by both the disputing Parties but differently understood according to the temper of those that consider'd of them some forming gross and sensual Conceptions concerning them others having a more spiritual relish which they had acquired by studying the Prophecies and their true sense 3. We find that this Division which hath sprung up amongst Christians is one of the most solid proofs of the truth of the Books of the New Testament If some Fools have endeavoured to decry some of them or to falsifie some particular places we see that both Parties unite to repel that violence by producing their Copies and beating back the Impostors with their united strength One see 's that Tertullian tho' a Montanist writ Prescriptions against Hereticks and Epiphanius takes notice without any respect to some that were Orthodox of their Crime in blotting out of their Copies that Christ had wept It is known that the Division of the Jews into Karaites and Thalmudists the Jealousie between the Jews and Samaritans and the Division between the Jews and Christians is a means of preserving the Scripture and hindering its Corruption each Party being very vigilant to hinder their Adversaries from attempting any thing to its prejudice in corrupting a Book which they consider as common to them all I might observe many other advantages which accrew to the Truth from these Human Failings but I will only instance in one which has always seem'd to me very considerable and that is That these Hereticks distinctly prove the truth of the Predictions of our Saviour An impious person would have reason to accuse our Oracles as false if there had never been any Heresies But Truth triumphs in seeing so great a multitude of them who the more they encrease the more she see 's her self confirm'd and established This is the Reason induced God to permit so great an increase in the first Ages when the Truth meeting with the greatest Opposition by Persecutions stood in the greatest need of sensible Characters by which it might be known I conclude this Work with desiring my Reader to consider these Reflexions upon the Holy Scripture here propounded with a serious attention and to examine the Coherence and Indissoluble Connexion of them and with prayer to God that it may please him to make them serviceable to advance the Glory of his Name which is the only end I have proposed to my self in the writing of them FINIS
of the Tree in the midst of the Garden when he left the rest to their free use Not only for that he had given the Rainbow as a new sign of his Covenant with Mankind nor only because they had practis'd those Acts of Religion to which they had been Educated by their Parents and Ancestors before the Deluge But because the same may be inferred from that action which drew upon Cham his Father's Curse What is the meaning of Cham's deriding the Nakedness of his Father and of his Father's taking occasion from thence to Curse him so solemnly and that in the person of Canaan his First-born If it were only a piece of irreverence in the Father what reason had Noah to Curse the Son on that account Or was it as some have suppos'd that Canaan had given occasion first to his Fathers Irreverence by acquainting him with the disorder in which he had found his Grandfather Noah Without doubt there is something more than ordinary in this History Sure it is that the account given us of Cham represents him as a prophane person and deeply tinctured with the Maxims of Cain and his Posterity and seems to hint to us that he supposing the Promise of the Messiah either frustrated by the Death of Abel or altogether false he made his Father's Nakedness the subject of his Mockery who seem'd to be incapable of begetting any more Children and therefore incapable of contributing to the accomplishment of the Promise of the Messiah in hopes of which he accounted himself so happy that he had escaped the Deluge What means it also that Noah pronounceth so terrible a Curse against the Posterity of Cham by Canaan who were so far from giving an accomplishment to that Promise that they were in a manner wholly exterminated by Joshuah when God put the Posterity of Shem by Abraham in possession of the Land of Canaan It is very natural for us to conceive that Noah consider'd his Son Cham's deriding of him not only as contrary to the respect which was due to him as his Father but also as the effect of a horrid Impiety which attack'd God himself as making that Promise The Seed of the Woman shall bruise the Serpent's Head a subject of Raillery This Reflexion upon the action of Cham and the Curse of Noah consequent to it does appear very natural if we consider that Noah could not but reflect upon the Name his Father had given him and the special favour shewed to him in being alone preserved of all the posterity of Adam and consequently the onely person in the World by whom this Promise was to be fulfill'd Herod lib. 1. Justin Hist lib. 1. Valer Max lib. 1. At least it can't be deny'd but that this Reflexion is as natural as it would have been just in reference to the Fact of cruel Astyages if when he had as he thought sufficiently cluded his Dream which presaged the glory of the Son of Mandane his Daughter he had found her indecently uncovered and had taken thence occasion deridingly to reflect with his other Children upon a Dream which seem'd to promise to the Son of Mandane the Throne of all Asia and threaten the ruine of his own 'T is a thing worth our noting that in the time of Ezra the Samaritans had so fresh a memory of Cham's sin Ezra IV. 14 which they supposed to be generally preserv'd amongst other Nations that in their Letter to King Artaxerxes against the Jews who rebuilt Jerusalem they declare they would not discover the King's Nakedness implying that they could not consent to the injury he might receive from the Jews in suffering Jerusalem to be rebuilt It is not needful to repeat those other Arguments which prove that the Children of Noah had reason to be and were actually as much convinced of the Creation and first Promise as their Ancestors were for seeing that these Arguments were the very same which their Fathers had to perswade themselves of the truth of these things we had better proceed to the Enquiry whether their Posterity that follow'd them had the same Perswasion they had which may easily be proved in making some Reflexions on the following Ages and upon those who descended from Noah and his Children CHAP. XIV That the Posterity of Noah 's Children were perswaded of the truth of the Creation and first Promise IF Noah saw Methusalem who had seen Adam and his Posterity before the Deluge Abraham saw Shem and his Children who were unquestionable Witnesses of what had passed before and since the Flood Noah dying 350 years after the Deluge it appears that his Death happened in the year of the World 2006 so that Noah died only two years before the Birth of Abraham he being born in the year 2008. Abraham lived 150 years with Shem who died in the year 2158 and 88 years with Arphaxad the Son of Shem who died in the year 2096 he lived 118 years with Selah Son of Arphaxad who died in the year 2126 and 179 years with Heber the Son of Selah who died in the year 2187. Isaac being born in the year 2108 might see Shem Selah and Heber who for some hundreds of years had conversed with Noah and his other Children I say we may suppose him to have conversed with those Patriarchs or at least with those who being their Contemporaries discoursed of Noah as a Man but of yesterday and from his Relation and his Children's were informed of the Creation of Adam his Fall the Promise of the Holy Seed the Death of Abel the Miracle of Paradise the Preaching of Noah the Deluge c. And who in obedience to the Law of God observed by their Ancestors did meet together fifty two times every year to Celebrate the Memorial of these Wonders and to teach them to their Posterity We may take notice of three things here which conduce much to the preservation of a distinct knowledge of these Matters The First is De Dea Syra p. 1060. That the Ark it self might be seen by all the World as a certain Monument of the Deluge and the saving of Noah and his Sons This Monument continued very many Ages after Abraham and was a means to preserve the Memory of the Deluge amongst the Pagans as Lucian to name no more acquaints us The Second is That it was as easie for any of Abraham's Contemporaries as for Abraham to deduce his Genealogy from Noah and his Children And this was the more easie because the first Division of the World amongst the three Sons of Noah was followed by another Partition amongst their Posterity in the year of the World 1758 a Division which gave them a just Title of possession to that part of the Earth where they were seated in defence of which it seems probable that the War of Chedorlaomer mention'd the XIII of Genesis was undertaken the Family of Cham having invaded the Land of Canaan which was part of the Inheritance of Shem as we shall
of the Messiah whereas hitherto God had only described him under the Figure of a bare man tho' the other was made sufficiently intelligible when the Destruction of the Empire of the Tempter and the right of procuring a Blessing unto all the Nations of the Earth which he was personally to enjoy were attributed to him things infinitely beyond the power and condition of Mankind to perform were attributed to him II. He observes That this Person of whom he speaks such magnificent things ought however to be descended from Jacob which ratifies Jacob's Prophecy in favour of Judah III. Tho' he hints very clearly at the effects of those Blessings and Temporal Victories which Jacob's Posterity was to obtain over their Neighbours yet at the same time he infinuates plainly enough that the bestowing of the Blessing which all the Nations of the World should obtain was to be reserved to Jacob's Seed when he refused to retract those Promises of Blessing which God had made to Abraham Isaac and Jacob to which Oracles he made a sensible Allusion And it is very important to consider that the Jews always applyed this Oracle to the Messiah as may be seen by their Chaldee Paraphrast and it was acknowledged so generally that the famous Achiba who lived under the Emperour Hadrian pretended that Barchocheba was the Messiah because his name was Chochab which is a Star in Hebrew as if God intended to mark that Impostor for the true Messiah by foretelling what name he should be called by The Oracle which Moses uttered a little before his Death is very considerable The People being terrified with the manner of God's speaking to them upon Mount Sinai desired that God would no longer speak as he had done before but that Moses should give them an Account of whatever God should command Hereupon God consents to their Request and promised them by Moses that he would raise them up a Prophet like unto Moses to whom they ought to hearken upon pain of being cut off He that made the Addition to the last Book of Moses wherein his Death is described takes notice that there never rose up afterwards a Prophet in Israel like to Moses If it was Ezra who made that Addition then here is a plain and clear decision against the Jews some of whom assert that Joshua or Jeremiah was the Prophet whom Moses promised If it was Eleazar who liv'd in Joshua's time then here Joshua at least is excluded from this priviledge of being designed by Moses But it is to no purpose to stop at such frivolous Objections One needs only observe Moses's Character to take notice of four certain Marks of Moses's Prophecies which advance him infinitely above all the other Prophets I. He had all the sorts of Revelations which are generally found amongst all the Prophets II. He was illustrious for great numbers of Miracles III. He not only reform'd the Errors and false ways of Worship then prevailing amongst the Jews but he set up a new Worship and a new Form of Religion IV. He introduced this Law and this way of worshipping God by such a conversation with God as one see 's amongst two intimate Friends In which of the Prophets may these four Characters be found The Galileans themselves testified plainly that these Characters ought only to be found in the person of the Messiah when they saw the Miracles of Jesus Christ John VI. 14. and the Jews acknowledged the same in our Saviours time when they applyed that Oracle to the Messiah John I. 45. But if these Oracles were obscurely hinted at in this Oracle one may see them clearly apply'd to the Messiah in the following Oracles proportionably as the Revelation encreased and as God unravelled the Idea's of these ancient Oracles by explaining them more particularly by those Prophets whom he afterwards raised up This may clearly be seen if we pass on to those Oracles which were uttered by David and the other Prophets who lived about his time CHAP. X. Of the Oracles which concern the Messiah in the Book of Psalms THese were the Oracles which were the subjects of the Meditations of the Faithful from the Year of the World 2553 in which Moses dyed until David's time who was particularly chosen by God to be the only man of his Family which was also separated from all the other Families of Judah who came from Pharez from whom the Messiah was to be descended I have observed in another place that in all probability God raised David to the Throne only to make the Genealogy of that Family better known from which the Messiah was to spring As this double advancement of David one to the Throne of Israel the other to be the Father to the Messiah ought to have inspired him with lively Resentments of Gratitude and as his Oracles would be much more famous being uttered by a Royal Prophet and the rather because God employ'd him in the making a just Regulation of the Service of the Sanctuary so we see that David employ'd his Pen in giving more distinct Idea's of that Messiah which he promised them The Name Messiah properly signifies a person consecrated by anointing to be King Priest or Prophet This Name was particularly applyed by David and the Prophets who lived after him to that holy Seed which God had promised to Abraham's Family by Isaac by Jacob by Judah and by David and one may observe in David's Psalms and in the Prophets of his time that they gave the Name of Messiah to the promised Seed under one or other of these three Senses The Characters both of a Prophet and a Priest tho' each of them are august enough yet yield to that of a King. These are the different Idea's which David and the Prophets of that time follow'd in all the variety of their Descriptions But it is not my Design to give a particular Account of all those Oracles which describe these different Characters for fear of being excessively long So I shall content my self with observing two things I. That David alone uttered more Oracles than all the Prophets who came before him II. That these Oracles of David concerning the Messiah are clearer than all the precedent ones Now I say that David alone uttered more Oracles than any one Prophet who came before him Thus in the XL Psalm he explains the Decree by which the Messiah became the Servant of God and clothed himself with the form of a Servant to offer unto God a more perfect Obedience than that which had formerly been offered by Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices He describes the measure and the Nature of his Ministry which was to consist in the instruction of the People in Righteousness Truth and the Salvation of God. Psalm XL. 7. 11. Sacrifice and Offering thou didst not desire mine Ears hast thou opened Burnt-offering and Sin offering hast thou not required Then said I Lo I come in the Volume of the Book it is written of me I delight to do thy will
Jews do agree as may be seen in the Jerusalem Talmud that Criminal Judgment was taken away from them Forty years before the destruction of Jerusalem and the Gospel supposeth the same thing the Jews did not put Jesus Christ to death but they carried him to Pilate and demanded that he might be crucified When Pilate said Shall I crucifie your King they answer We have no other King but Cesar which Confession was the Confession of the whole Jewish Nation who were assembled at the Feast of Passover In short One sees that accordingly the Roman Magistrate past Sentence upon him He was scourged before they led him to be crucified which was a punishment amongst the Romans His Body is not taken from the Cross but by permission from Pilate and the Roman Souldiers are those Dogs that is prophane Heathens who enclosed him and tormented him according to the Description which David has made Psalm XXII The Jews have here but one Answer to make which God's former dealing with that People seems somewhat to countenance which is That as their Seventy years Captivity under the Babylonian Empire did not hinder the differring of the accomplishment of that Prophecy of the Scepters not departing from Judah for some Centuries after the said Captivity so neither is it necessary to suppose that the Messiah was to succeed immediately upon the ending of the Kingdom of the Maccabee's and upon the loss of their Liberty under Pompey But here is a very great difference For first during the Babylonish Captivity God still preserved amongst them some form of Government the great Lords of the Country being chiefly carried away Captives whilst the poorest and most miserable were left behind Secondly The Captivity lasted only 70 years where●● this last Dispersion hath lasted above ●●600 Thirdly The first Captivity did not at all abolish those necessary Marks whereby the lawful Lords of Judea might be distinguished those that were of the Tribe of Juda as well as those of other Tribes were very well known tho' they were not in possession of the Kingdom whereas now every thing is confounded amongst them and if one looks into Christian Records he may find that many of the Kindred of Jesus Christ were put to death because they could pretend to the Throne of Judea Moreover during the Captivity of Babylon they had Prophets amongst them who expresly foretold the end of it whereas nothing of that kind has yet been seen since the last destruction of Jerusalem since which time no Prophet has appeared amongst them that advantage being transferred to the Christians some of which who next succeeded our Saviour did foretel the most remarkable Events that were to follow to the end of the World. But if any one should be so nice as to call in question the Reasons of the difference here alledged at least the Jews will find nothing to object against the Prophecy of Daniel concerning the Weeks at the end of which the Messiah was to appear and afterwards to be out off In short if it be true that Jesus Christ was born under the Empire of Augustus it is no less certain that he entred upon his Ministry in the fifteenth year of Tiberius and was crucified the Nineteenth year of his Reign that is in the midst of the Four hundred eighty seventh year from the Twentieth year of Artaxernes that is 〈…〉 before the end of the last Week pointed out by Daniel as I have shewed in the Eight Chapter of the Third Part of this Book CHAP. VI. That Jesus Christ had precisely such a Forerunner as the Prophets had described to precede the Messiah ONE will easily judge that it was agreeable to the greatness of the Messiah and the contemptible state wherein he was to appear to the World that he should have a Forerunner Accordingly we find Isaiah expressing himself in his manner the year of the World 3292 almost 700 years before the Birth of our Saviour Malachy had expresly foretold the same in his Prophecy about 420 years before his Appearance If this be once granted it is easie to conceive that the Son of a Priest living without any worldly spendour and dying a violent death tho' very glorious for him was a proper Forerunner to that Jesus who himself was to be Crucified Our business therefore is to enquire whether the Characters which the Prophets give to the Forerunner of the Messiah do agree with John the Baptist in whom the Christians maintain that this Prophecy of Malachy was fulfilled This may be easily made out First John the Baptist was miraculously conceived at a time when his Parents could not promise themselves any such thing The Angel Gabriel who had declared to Daniel the coming of the Messiah by pointing out to him the number of Weeks was the Messenger of the Conception of this Forerunner of the Messiah Several things passed at his Birth and at the time when they gave him his Name which were very strange and which could not but be generally known as well because of the Accident which happened to Zacharias in the Temple as of his quality being a Priest Secondly The extraordinary Life which S. John led being a Nazarite ought to be carefully considered He liv'd in a solitary place as the Prophet Elijah did before him Thirdly His preaching also had the Character of that ancient Prophet being Thundring as his was he neither spared great men nor those who had the reputation of the greatest sanctity as the Pharisees particularly whose Pride and Hypocrisie he touched to the quick Fourthly He set forth the coming of the Messiah as at the door The Kingdom of Heaven said he is at hand alluding to the Seventh of Daniel where the Kingdom of the Messiah is represented as a Kingdom which was to come down from Heaven whereas the former Empires had their rise from the Earth In short nothing could be more illustrious than the Ministry of this great Man. He Baptized publickly for the space of one year such as came to him solemnly engaging them to Repentance in hopes of the suddain appearance pearance of the Messiah This Ceremony which was an imitation of their custom of initiating Proselytes in the Jewish Religion was plainly an Essay to establish a new Religion or at least to reform those Corruptions which time had introduced into the Jewish Religion In a word we find him so generally followed that the great Councel of the Jews thought fit to send Deputies to him to know whether he were not the Messiah they expected This great Man was so far from abusing the great Credit he had gain'd that he solemnly protested That he was only the Forerunner of the Messiah who was already come but was as yet concealed in the midst of them His Glory became so illustrious that it stirr'd up jealousie in the Mind of Herod who cast him into Prison and at last caused his Head to be cut off in the Castle of Macherom to satisfie the lewd Herodias whose
suppose if Jesus Christ had not been raised from the dead and they had not seen him after his death that they should have had any concern for his Glory they would certainly have condemned and anathematiz'd him as an Impostor who by means of some false Miracles and an affected Holiness had abused them Whereas indeed we find that they defended the Glory of Jesus Christ with so much heat and that with so constant a Testimony to his Resurrection that they exposed themselves to all manner of Reproaches to all sorts of Punishment and most cruel Deaths to confirm the belief of that Fact. They despise the Anathema's of the Jewish Synagogue they contemn their publick Obloquies they value not the hatred of their whole Nation They preach this crucified Person in Judea they preach him also in other Countries that he might be equally adored by Jews and Heathens They leave their Employments to follow this Jesus and after they had accompanied him three years they depart from Judea to go and confound the Idolatry of the world and within Rome it self to decry the Gods they worshipt obliging them to acknowledge him whom the men of Jerusalem had crucified for their God him who had been the detestation of the Jews him whom the Roman Magistrate had given up to their Fury in making him undergo the punishment appointed for Slaves Lastly One ought to observe it as a thing of great weight in this whole Question That this Testimony of the Apostles which is so uniform so solemn so well confirmed by all manner of means and sealed with their deaths is not contested or contradicted by any Historian of that time There was nothing more easie either for Jews or Gentiles than to convince the World of the falshood of the Facts related in the Gospel they had the Books of the Apostles in their hands they were Masters of the publick Records it was a matter of general Concernment to the Jews to oppose themselves to an imposture of so terrible a consequence as the History of the Evangelists was if it had been entirely false neither was it less the interest of the Romans to expose a Sect of whom Pliny the younger tells us that all sorts of People joyned with them tho' they were persecuted with incredible violence In the mean time we find no body that hath contradicted the Relation of the Apostles nor any Author that has writ against Jesus Christ or his Apostles A long time after indeed there was a Book seen call'd The Acts of Pilate published by the Order of the Emperour Maximian which endeavoured to overthrow the truth of the Facts that are related in the Gospels but those Acts are contradicted by all the Heathen Historians yet remaining that were contemporay with the Apostles Finally a vast number of Jews and Gentiles were immediately convinced by the Authority of the Apostles and a Belief in the Gospel hath passed from Judea to the Ends of the World according to the Predictions which God gave by the Ministry of the Prophets and by the mouth of our Saviour CHAP. XIX More Reasons to manifest the faithfulness of the Apostles WHat I have already alledged might be sufficient to establish the faithfulness of the Apostles but for a fuller conviction of the Reader concerning so weighty a truth of our Religion I shall superadd some few more Reflexions First of all It cannot be deny'd that the form of the Writings of the New Testament is vastly different from those which may be suspected as Forgeries When the four Evangelists had related the miraculous Birth of John the Baptist they next set down that of our Saviour Christ with the Actions of his Life until his Death which does not comprehend above four or five years S. Luke writes the History of the Apostles and in particular that of S. Paul and takes in only the space of about Thirty years Now let any one judge whether they who confine themselves to so narrow limits in respect of time place and persons have any design to impose The remainder of these Books is composed of two sorts of Writings one Epistolary and the other Prophetical For the Prophetical parts time must prove the truth of the Predictions which are contained in the Apocalyps as well as of those which are found in some of the Epistles of the Apostles As for the Epistles besides some Moral Instructions they are almost all employ'd in deciding some questions which the Calling of the Gentiles to the Gospel and the abolishing of the Ceremonial Law had raised in the minds of the Jews who were converted to Christianity We know that of all Writings Epistles are the most certain Monuments and those which men endeavour to forge least After all It is certain that the Sacred Writers have with great care set down the time in which every Event happened as well according to the stile of the Jews in pointing out to us their solemn Feasts as that of the Gentiles by setting down the year of the Roman Emperour and the Character of the Roman Magistrates A second Character which hinders us from accusing these Books as Forgeries is this That we cannot deny but that these Books are of a very particular nature they contain several considerable Oracles which were to be fulfilled in the same Generation as that of the Prophecies of Nebuchadnezzar and Croesus a continued Series of Miracles of which all Judea was witness they contain a great number of Sermons preached upon several illustrious Occasions in the Synagogues in the Temple of Jerusalem and before thousands of People in the Wilderness Let any one judge whether it would be an easie thing to make these Writings to be received if we should suppose them to be lately forged This third Reflexion is also considerable It is certain that the Gospel was preached in the greatest Cities of the Empire by the Apostles and the Disciples of Jesus The History of the Apostles and their Epistles themselves make it evident that there were numerous Churches at Rome Corinth Thessalonica Philippi Ephesus Antioch and in several other famous places It is also known that there were Jewish Synagogues in the same places now if this be the Case what possibility is there of suspecting the least imposture in the Books of the Apostles if we consider how they were drawn up The Disciples of Christ did not only preach in the Synagogues the same things which they have put in writing but they also engaged the Jews to examine them because they affirmed them with a constancy which the Jews could not but look upon as incredible obstinacy First of all That these were things beyond dispute and could not be doubted of Secondly That they had been long since foretold by the Prophets Thirdly That they were an exact accomplishment of other Prophecies which had relation to the promised Messiah Fourthly That seeing they could not question the Facts contained in the Gospel they ought to renounce Judaism to receive Baptism and