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A17167 A confutation of the Popes bull which was published more then two yeres agoe against Elizabeth the most gracious Queene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, and against the noble realme of England together with a defence of the sayd true Christian Queene, and of the whole realme of England. By Henry Bullinger the Elder.; Bullae papisticae ante biennium contra sereniss. Angliae, Franciae & Hyberniae Reginam Elizabetham, & contra inclytum Angliae regnum promulgatae, refutatio. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1572 (1572) STC 4044; ESTC S106868 129,668 182

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was made in the bowels of Germanie commonly called the Protestauntes warre witnesseth For he sent an armye of Italians priuily into Germanie and set the Germanes together by the eares among themselues Which thyng the storywriters setforth at large As for the outrages of Paule the fourth they be better knowen by reason of his horrible actes yet fresh in remembraūce then that they néede to be set forth in many wordes But all this whole declaration tendeth chiefly to this end partly that such as haue not yet learned to know the Romish Bishops and therefore do reuerence and honour them still may learne to know them euen by their abhominable sayinges and doynges bearing in minde this faithfull forewarnyng of the Lordes Ye shall know them by their frutes and therfore should also so iudge of them as their sayinges and doynges teach folke to iudge of them wherwithall be interlaced by the way here and there some iudgements of certein godly and wise men in former ages concernyng the Bishops of Rome and partly that all Realmes and all common weales which will not wittingly and willingly perishe and specially thou noble Realme of England should hereafter not onely make no account of the Popes Bulles tyrannously deposing kinges wrongfully transposing kingdomes and wickedly assoyling subiectes of their dew faithfulnesse and obedience but also cast them away and tread them vnder foote as they be worthy Ye haue heard how great calamities the Popes haue oftentymes wrought to kyngdomes and nations by such maner of Bulles And he is a wise man that can learne to beware by other mens harmes Therfore if ye be wise and loue to liue at ease kéepe your promise that ye haue made and obey the Princes whom God hath set ouer you maynteyne peace and eschew warres as well inward or Ciuill as outward or foreine And that God may voutsafe to performe these thyngs vnto you pray ye faithfully and diligētly vnto him perseuer ye stedfast in true godlynesse and in the Gospell of the sonne of God and cast ye away all the Popish toyes superstitions and Idols all together The Prince of peace voutsafe to graunt you these thynges who at hys commyng into this worlde brought tydinges of peace to the world and at his goyng out of the world left his peace to those that be his euen our Lord Iesus Christ graunt you them to whom be glorie for euermore world without end Amen ¶ FINIS What the Popes beare men in hand concerning their infinite power An obiection The answere To feede Shepeheards Pastors or Feeders Foode Sheepe 1. Pet. 5. Harken to this ye Romish Monarkes Act. 20. What the sheepe or flocke be Teachers Doctrine The maner of the Bishop of Romes feeding Zach. 11. Luk. 22. 1. Iohn 5. The fayth of the Church of Rome neuer fayled Comparison betwene Peters fayth and the Romish fayth Christes bidding of his disciples buy thē swordes Matth. 26. 1. Cor. 11. Iohn 6. 1. Pet. 2. Esay 28. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Cor. 3. Ephes. 2. 1. Petr. 2. Iohn 12. Iohn 16. 1. Iohn 5. Luke 11. Math. 23. Esay 22. Luke 4. Ioan. 20. Marke 16. Luke 24. 1. Cor. 11. 2. Cor. 5. Math. 28. Exod. 4. Luke 12. Iohn 6. Matth. 22. Math. 17 Luke 22. Rom. 13. Gal. 2. 1. Pet. 5. Act. 8. 2. Cor. 11. 1. Cor. 4. Exod. 23. Queene Mary Queene Elizabeth The giuyng of interteinement and refuge to banished foli●s ▪ The barbarousenesse and crueltie of the Romish Byshops Esay 16. The striuyng of the bishops of Rome for the supremacie What monstruousenesse is Apoc. 17. That Quenes although they be women doe reigne lawfully Rom. 13. That the care of Religion belongeth to the ciuill Magistrate Moses Iosue Dauid Salomon The kynges of Iuda Iosaphat Ezechias Ioas. Iosias God made difference of functions and will not haue them confounded Kynges of the new Testamēt haue no lesse authoritie then had the kynges of the old Testament Christiā Princes and defenders of the Church Constantine the great Iustinian Charles the great The Queene of England hath not done amisse in taking vpon her the care of religion in deposing the popish bishops Math. 6. 2. Tim. 1. 1. Tim. 2. Rom. 13. True Christians entitle not thēselues after any men 1. Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 3. The maiestie of Gods worde What order K. Edward the vi folowed in reforming the church of England ▪ What our souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth hath setfoorth to her whole Realme to be folowed The Queenes Maiestie hath setfoorth no bookes of heresy to hir realme The abolishing of the sacrifice of the masse Heb. 9.10 Rom. 3. 1. Iohn 2. The masse corrupteth the Lordes supper Read Austen against the epistle of Parmenian lib. 2. cap. 8. Act. 14. 1. Cor. 11. Lib. Epist. 2. Epist. 3. Not prayer but the abuse of prayer is abolished Fastyng Choyse of meates Coloss. 2. 〈◊〉 1. Single lyfe Cunturia 8. folio 665. Heb. 13. 1. Cor. 7. 1. Cor. 9. 1. Tim. 3. Titus 1. 1. Tim. 4. Catholikes rites and Ceremonies The Catholik Church The Catholik fayth and doctrine Catholikes Orthodoxi Cacodoxi Whether the Romish sorte be Catholikes or no. The Queene doth iustly forbyd her subiectes to acknowledge the Church of Rome Iere. 23. Act. 2. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Iohn 5. Apoc. 18. The Queene hath lawfully compelled her subiectes to for sweare the Pope and the Papacie 2. Reg. 11. 1. Esd. 10. 2. Chron. 15. Heretikes sayd that no man is to be compelled vnto fayth Psal. 119. Iere. 31. Augustine him selfe also was sometyme of opinion that no man was to be compelled Prouerb 9. Prouerb 27. The Lord him selfe compelled men to the faith Why the Apostles called not for the Magistrates helpe for the stablishyng of Religiō Psal. ● How kynges serue God in feare How in what sence Austē giueth a man free choyse or will read in hys booke of chastisemēt grace chap. 1. In hys boke of the spirit the letter to Marcellus chap. 30. in hys booke of Merites remissiō of sinnes Lib. 2 cap 8. against the second Epistle of Pelagius Lib. 4. Cap. 6. Euery man must not be suffered to folow what seemeth best to hymself in Religion 1. Samuel 15. God commaūdeth false Prophetes to be put to death 1. Tim. 1. Leuit. 24. Num. 19. Exod. 32. 3. Kynges 18 4. Kynges 9. 4. Kynges 11 4. Kinges 23 S. Austens opinion concerning this matter Dan. 3. Act. 5. Act. 13. Rom. 12.13 Why the sword is geuen to the Magistrate Lawes of christen princes concerning religiō * of Idolatry Measure to be vsed in punishing Here is concluded the answer to the articles of accusation The generall conclusion 2. Petr. 2. Who is an hereticke The curse of the Tarpeian Iupiter is not to be feared Iohn 16. The Queene is not cut of from the vnitie of Christes body Dan. 2. Iob. 12. 1. Samuel 1. Sam. 16. 1. Kynges 11 1. Kynges 14 1. Kynges 15 16. 2. Kinges 9.10 God vsed the
neither presented the good intent of his hart or the likinges of his owne will for seruices vnto God nor stifly vrged them vpon other men to be kept but persisted simply and vncorruptly in the way of the Lord according as he himselfe sheweth in the 119. Psalme But king Saul put him selfe quite out of Gods fauour bycause he ouerslipped the commaundement of God and folowed the thing which the good intent of his owne hart counselled him vnto For he had reserued for sacrifice the thyng which God had commaunded him not to reserue for sacrifice but vtterly to destroy and put away Wherupon the Prophet Samuell sayd vnto Saul Doth the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifice so much as in obeying his voyce Behold to obey is better then to do sacrifice and to hearken is better then the fat of Rammes For disobedience is as the sinne of Soothsaying or witchcraft and stubbornesse is as the wickednesse of Idolatrie And for asmuch as thou hast despised or reiected the word of the Lord he hath reiected thée also that thou shalt not be kyng They that be wise haue in these short wordes what to thinke of the thynges that mē chuse to folow at their owne pleasure in cases of religion namely that they be neuer a whit better then very witchcraft and Idolatry which of all wickednesses are most heynous afore god And I pray you to what purpose is the obedience inioyned vs which we owe not to the Pope and to Popery but to God and the magistrate to their lawes to be short wherfore are we commaunded to eschew Idolatrie and all straūge Religions if euery one of vs may chuse and do what we list But these thinges are now more apparant thē that they néede to be set out with any mo wordes ¶ That Kinges and Magistrates doe lawfully punish yea and also put to death such as breake the true religiō and disobey holy lawes And so this discourse is shet vp ANd although the sayd latter Article of our aduersaries namely that no mā ought to be punished for breaking of the Religion of the Gospell or for neglecting of such good lawes as they themselues estéeme not for good may easly be iudged by the premisses which we haue alledged out of Austē yet notwithstanding least any thing may remaine doutfull and vndiscussed I will by short and euident Argumentes proue that the Magistrate may lawfully punish yea and put to death such as breake the true Religion and set themselues agaynst holy lawes The Manichées and Donatistes in tyme past as hath bene sayd afore were of opinion that no man was to be punished or put to death for his Religion But the holy Scripture commaundeth the Magistrate expresly that he should not spare false Prophetes but rather it willeth all such as rebell against God against his lawes and against the holy iudges to be put to death without any mercy The places are most manifest in the Scriptures and well knowen to all men Read in Deut. chap. 13. and 17. In Exode is rehearsed this law He that offereth sacrifice to any God sauing onely the God of Israell let him be rooted out And least any mā perchaūce may say that these be but Iudiciall lawes and therefore perteine nothing vnto us Paule expresly sayth The law is not made for the rightuous but for the despisers of the law and for such as know no subiection for vngodly men and sinners for wicked men and Idolaters c. Surely the blasphemer is in Leuiticus ouerwhelmed stoned to death In the booke of nōbers he that gathered stickes is put to death for breaking the Saboth for contempt of Religion Also there be certein thousandes of them slayne which had set vp the golden calfe and worshipped it Helias the great Prophet of God slew certeine hundredes of the false Prophetes in the brooke Kyson at the notable sacrificing vpon Mount Carmel Heliseus at the Lordes commaundemēt annoynted Iehu kyng to roote out the house of Achab and therwith to sacrifice all the Priests of Baal together Ioiada the holy Priest of God slew the Quéene Athalia with the sword for her wickednesse And kyng Iosias the deare beloued of God executed sore Iustice vppon the bones of the false Prophetes in burnyng them to shew vpon them being dead what they had deserued when they were aliue S. Austen in hys treatise vpon the xj of Iohn disputing against the Donatistes sheweth out of the scripture by the example of Nabuchodonozor that Christen princes did iustly punish the Donatistes which made light accompt of Christ and hys doctrine Among other thinges If King Nabuchodonozor sayth he gaue glorie vnto God for deliuering the thrée children out of the fyre yea and so great glory that he sentfoorth proclamations of it ouer all his dominion how should not these our Christian Kinges be moued which behold not thrée children deliuered out of a flame but themselues deliuered from hell fyre when they sée Christ by whome they be deliuered to be blowne vp in Christians and when they heare it sayd to a Christen man say thou art no Christian. Such thinges will they do yet such thinges will they not suffer for sée what maner of thinges they do what things they suffer They kyll soules and are punished in bodye They make eternall deathes and find fault that they suffer temporall deathes Thus much sayth he In the new Testament we haue most euident examples of Christes chiefe Apostles Peter and Paule of whom the one did cast downe Ananias and Zaphira for their lying and for their counterfeiting of religion and the other made Elimas blind as it had bene by putting out his eyes because he peruerted the right wayes of the lord Neyther makes it any great matter whether a man be slaine with a sword or a cudgel or a stone or a potsherd or with a woord Killing is killing by what meane or with what instrumēt so euer it be done And God wrought by hys Apostles who in denouncing Gods iudgement against wicked persons killed them or punished them in their bodies by the woord The same thing doth God by the sentence sworde of the magistrate For it is Gods vengeance committed to the magistrate to be executed or layed vpō offenders therfore it is he that punisheth putteth to death by the magistrate And truely Kinges and magistrates haue therefore receyued the sword at Gods hand yea euen in the church that they may maintaine publike quietnesse and punish al such as trouble the peace But experience witnesseth that the publike quietnes is disturbed by fals teachers wherupon it followeth that they may or rather ought to be punished by the purse in their body or with losse of life according to the desert of the trespasse or offence Moreouer it is certaine that the Magistrate hath receiued power to strike blasphemers whoremungers murtherers rebelles and
my seruaunt Dauid did I will be with thée and I will build thée a sure house and so forth as foloweth in the third booke of kinges and the xj chapter And I haue already rehearsed out of Gods word what reward Iehu reaped at Gods hand for taking away of Idols Idolatrie and Idolaters Seyng then that the Quéene of England hath made reformation in her Realme according to Gods word and taken away the Idols and Idolatrie of Baal yea and Baals chappels and temples and his chapleynes also together with all Popish abhominations she hath not lost her kingdome but rather knit it more strongly vnto her and is sure of Gods protection and fauour and by Gods grace shall alwayes be sure of it if she continew in the faith Therfore there is no cause why her most gracious Maiestie should be troubled any whit at the Popes most peruerse sentence of deposition For God in his word hath giuen a contrarie sentence to the Popes so as the pope is most manifestly reputed among the false Prophetes Also in the times of Ioachim Iechonias Zedechias kinges of Iuda there were false Prophetes and fauorers of Idolatry which warranted good lucke to these Idolatrous kings and cursed the king of Babylon whom God had stalled in the kingdome and whom he would haue to reigne and who afterward in the time of Daniell was turned from Idols to the true God and drew away the miserable people from his obedience But they were greuously rebuked and disproued by Gods holy and true Prophetes Ieremie and Ezechiell who prophesied that all maner of miseries should be powred out vppon the Idolaters according as the falling out of thinges proued in the end by Gods large powring out of a sea of miseries vppon them The same God also a thréescore and ten yeares after ouerthrew the kingdome of Babylon chiefly for Idolatries sake as it is read in the fifth chapter of Daniell and conueyed the Empire to Cyrus king of Persia who proclaymed the true God of Israell and let Gods people go frée out of captiuitie and commaunded Gods temple and holie Ceremonies to be set vp agayne Therefore after so great light of Gods word and the goodly consent of the holie histories there is no cause why any Princes or sacred Magistrates should be afrayd of the Balaamish popes cursinges depriuations and manaces brandished and denounced for putting away Idolles and for treading vnder foote that new Baalishnesse the Poperie For God likes well of all such as reuerence Gods word reforming them selues purely according to Gods word and framing all thinges in Rellgion by the same But it is most manifest that Gods word condemneth and reiecteth all Idolatrie and all seruing of God that is counterfet and deuised by mans good intent inuented and receiued at the good pleasure and appointement of men without Gods woorde or agaynst it ¶ That the Byshop of Rome can not discharge them of their othe which are sworne to the Queene For the trothe that is once plighted must be kept both to good and bad MOreouer looke how many soeuer within the noble Realme of Englād haue in any wise sworne to the Quéenes maiestie the Bishop of Rome vtterly dischargeth them from such othe and from all dewtie of subiection fealtie obedience But we aske him againe from whence he hath that power and what God or rather what féend hath giuen him commission to release those of their othe once made of all dewtie and of all their rightfull obedience whom the true God himselfe in his owne true word openly and streitly bindeth to kéepe their promise he is not able to alledge so much as one litle word out of Gods booke for this power of his which he leawdly surmiseth worthely therefore is this trayterous ambition and rashnesse of his spitted at and the faithfull know that they must obey their gracious Quéene by the commaundement of God. For wheras the Bishops soothers alledge certein things in maintenaunce of their trecherie out of Gratian 22. Quaest. 4. and chiefly this saying of Isidore In euill promises go backe from thy word and such other thinges which the Lombard gathereth together about the end of the third booke of his sentences that Iehu the king of Israell called all the Priestes of Ball to make sacrifice and whē they were at their businesse brake promise with them and slew them euery mothers sonne and also that the Coūcell of Constance were of opinion that there was no promise to be kept with heretikes They make nothing at all for the beawtifying of their most rightlesse case For by sound iudgement we willingly admit the examples of Dauid and Herode and the sentences of Ambrose Isidore and Bede which are alledged by the Maister of the Sentences But we say further that the othe which the nobilitie and commons haue made to the Quéene of England is not to be accounted among euill promises and vnaduised vowes or othes but among such promises and othes as are promised and confirmed with swearing by the commaundement and allowance of god Wherefore I say that those othes must in any wise be performed and in no wise reuersed And who soeuer teacheth that they are to be reuersed he prouoketh Gods wrath agaynst himselfe and putteth them that obey him in daunger of Gods greuous iudgement Certesse as for Iehus déede in sleaing the Priestes of Baal God disallowed it not for he said openly that he had done the thing that was rightous in Gods sight the thing that was in Gods hart But this was a singular or peculiar déede like as certein of Sampsons doinges were and of certeine other noble men which are not setforth in the Scriptures for euery man to folow being not rightly called therunto by god For we know we must liue according to lawes and not according to custome nor after the example of particular déedes But the law commaundeth that we should not lye or deceiue any man by couin or craft and much lesse then may wee defile our selues with periurie The thinges are knowen well inough which Austen hath discoursed to Cōsentius against lying We may adde hereunto that king Iehu bound not himselfe by any solemne othe to the Priestes of Baal but onely allured them by putting them in hope that he would offer a right great and sumptous sacrifice that the Priestes being blinded with their owne naughtinesse and their ouereager desire of Idolatrie came flocking by heapes therfore suffered iust punishment in Gods behalfe for their owne sturdy wickednesse and their vnappeasable hatred towardes the true Religion and true Ministers of god Neither is this to be ouerpassed here that Iehu commaunded diligent search to be made in the tēple least there might be any of the Lordes Prophetes among the wicked Priestes of Baal meaning therby that the true seruauntes and worshippers of God must not be punished or put to death with the offenders Idolaters that be hated of god Which thing doth