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A16909 A briefe treatise of diuers plaine and sure waies to finde out the truth in this doubtfull and dangerous time of heresie Conteyning sundrie worthy motiues vnto the Catholike faith, or considerations to moue a man to beleeue the Catholikes, and not the heretikes. Set out by Richard Bristow priest, licentiat in diuinitie. Bristow, Richard, 1538-1581. 1599 (1599) STC 3800; ESTC S106653 144,155 432

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to open their eyes they both may and shall then see this most Diuine Sacrament to be that simple loafe of Barley Bread which in the time of Gedeon went rolling about Iud. 7. descended to the camps of the Madianites and when it came to any tabernacle of theirs did strike it ouerturne it and made it euen with the ground to be likewise the Arke of God vvhich in Samuels time being brought into the temple of Dagō the God of the Philistians 1. Reg. 5. laide him flatte on his face againe and againe groueling on the ground cut off his head and both his handes and left him so but as a blocke without forme and fashion in his place this Sacrament I say to be the suppression and subuersion of all Idols and Diuels in all persons places thinges and Countries In witnes whereof Motiue 5. I alleaged before out of S. Augustine the fact of a Priest of his owne Monasterie who offered in a certaine fa●me the Sacrifice of Christs body and thereby immediatly deliuered it of wicked spirits that did trouble molest it In witnes of the same many of our owne Countrimen haue on this side the Sea beene present at the mighty casting out of many diuels by vertue of the same Sacrament which who that listeth may read in M. Pointz booke of the Reall Presence The like vnto them you may read in the life of S. Bernard Lib. 2. Cap. 3. written by Bernard the Abbot of Boneuallis who liued at the same time how hee to expell the diuel out of a woman at Milan that had bin very long possessed to the leesing of her sight speach and hearing and shee now more like a monster than a woman at his Masse so often vvith the Signe of the Crosse hee signed the woman as he did the sacred Hoast And after the Pater noster was done the blessed man setteth vpon the enimie with more force vpon the Patin of the Chalice hee putteth the Sacred Body of our Lord and holding it ouer the womans head thus he saith Adest inique spiritus Iudex tuus adest summa potestas iam resiste si potes c. Here present is thou vvicked Spirite thy Iudge Here present is the most Soueraigne power resist now if thou canst here present is hee who being readie to suffer his Passion for our saluation said By and by shall be cast forth the Prince of this world Ioan. 12. This is that body vvhich was stretched on the tree of the Crosse vvhich did lie in the graue vvhich did rise from death which in the sight of his Disciples ascended into heauen Therefore in the terrible power of his Maiestie I commaund thee O wicked spirit that thou goe out of this his handmaide and that thou presume not againe to touch her Which straight after at the giuing of the Paxe was done the Diuell departed the vvoman restored to her senses and reason both of her and of all the Citty God blessed and S. Bernard highly honoured ringing of the Belles showting reioycing vpon all sides and weeping for ioy ouer all the Cittie A little afore you may there see how that at another time in the same Cittie hee powred water vpon his fingers ouer the Patin of the Chalice wherewith hee was ready to say Masse Cap. 2. and with a drop of the same water which he put into the mouth and so into the stomake of a litle wench that was possessed he made therwith the Diuel immediatly to break out of her for feare together with most filthy vomite So that such vvater being of such power it is lesse meruaile that Saint Cyprian writeth of another little wench an Infant to whome had bin giuen a sop of Idolles sacrifices and shee afterward by ignorance brought into the place where Saint Cyprian was sacrificing Ser. 5. de laps●s Sacrificantibus nobis eam secum mater intulit And there was she very much tormented by the holy prayers but specially when the Deacon came to giue her amongest the rest somewhat of the Chalice then turned shee away her face through the instinct of Gods Maiestie saith he held her lips very fast together But the Deacon for all that powred some in Tunc sequitur singultus vomitus In corpore atque ore violato Eucharistia permanere non potuit Sanctificatus in Domini sanguine potus de pollutis visceribus erupit Tanta est potestas Domini tanta maiestas c. Then folowed yokes vomit In the body and mouth defiled with Idolatrie the Eucharist might not abide The drinke Consecrated in our Lords blood breake out of the poluted bowels So great is the power of our Lord so great is his Maiestie c. Which S. Paule himselfe also doth witnes in saying Quae immolant Gentes Daemonijs immolant 2. Cor. 10. non Deo Nolo autem vos socios fieri daemoniorum Non potestis Calicem Domini bibere Calic●m daemoniorum non potestis mensae Domini participes esse mensae daemoniorum The things which Heathens doe sacrifice they sacrifice them to Diuels not to God I wil not haue you to be made partakers of diuels You cannot drinke our Lordes Chalice the Chalice of diuels you cannor be partakers of our Lords table the table of diuels And of this who can doubt the Sacrifice I say of our Lordes Table and Chalice to haue abolished all the Sacrifices of the diuels table chalice according to S. Augustines saying De Ciuit. Lib. 10. Cap. 20. Huic summo veroque Sacrificio cuncta Sacrificia falsa cess●rūt To this most high true Sacrifice all false Sacrifices haue giuen place seeing it hath takē away the very Sacrifices also of the old Testament by God himselfe ordained which both S. Paul doth witnesse saying Habemus Altare Heb. 13. de quo edere non habent potestatem qui Tabernaculo deseruiunt c. Wee Christians haue an Aultar or Sacrifice whereof they haue not power to eate which serue the Tabernacle of the Iewes c. And the Prophet also did long afore pronounce in it saying Sacrificium oblationem n●luisti Psal 39. Heb. 10. corpus autem perfecisti mihi Sacrifice oblation of the Iewes thou haste refused but vnto mee thou haste prepared a body Quia pro omnibus illis sacrifi●ijs oblationibus corpus eius offertur participantibus ministratur De Ciuit. Dei li. 17 Cap. 20. Because saith S. Augustine for all those old sacrifices oblations his body is offered and to the receauers ministred Id enim Sacrificium successit omnibus illis Sacrificijs veteris Testamenti For that sacrifice and table according to the order of Melchisedech which our Priest the Mediatour of the new Testament doth exhibite of his owne Bodie and Blood hath succeeded to all those sacrifices of the old Testament To conclude therefore all such as would rather please God then the Diuell may by this Motiue see that as without controuersie our Religion it
seede and Doctrine of Christ himself euery mā may easily by that which hath bene said conceaue But to make it yet more sensible euē to the blind eyes of our Aduersaries themselues such as it shall please God mercifullie to lighten forgiuing both their ignoraunce and their malice I propose this to their said earnest quiet consideration whether that all these foresaid Nations of Christendome were not before their Christening vvorshippers of Idoles as of Iupiter Mars Saturne Venus Priapus and ten thousand more Whether that vpon their Christening they haue not bene so fully turned from those Idoles that the multitude hath forgotten their very names also such only knowing some-what of them but that very litle as are conuersant in the old writings of Grekes and Romains that were Heathens whether againe that this so generall destruction an obliuion of those Idoles be not that which God by his prophet Zacharie Zac. 18. did foretell in these wordes In die illa erit sons patens Domui Dauid habitantibus Hierusalem in ablutionem peccatoris menstruatae erit in die illa dicit Dominus exercituum disperdam nomina Idolorum de terra nō memorabuntur vltra In that day there shall be a font standing open for the house of Dauid and the inhabitants of Ierusalem for to wash or baptise him that is a sinner and her that is in flowers And be it shal in that day saieth the Lord of ostes I will destroy the names of Idoles from of the earth and they shall no longer be remembred Being then of God this such conuersion of these Nations their Idoles with their names and memories destroyed by God and the Font of Baptisme opened vnto them by God and they in it washed by God from their sinne and filth and so brought into the howse of Christ our Dauid made free Citizens of his new Ierusalem all this foretold by the Prophet all this euen so fulfilled by God are the Heretikes yet so blind not to see vpon whom they cast theyr blasphemie He that turned them from their Idoles did not the same God turne them at once to our Religion Did hee turne them from seruing of Idoles to serue Idoles againe Was that so worthy a promise to be made so long afore by his prophet Yea or can his Prophets word and his owne promyse be possiblie iustified if the Heretikes saying may be iustified Let them therefore blaspheme if they list and blaspheme againe euen vntill they fall into the pit of euerlasting blasphemie other men whom the Diuell and sinne hath not so blinded do see by this that the conuersion of al Chhristian Nations hath bene none other 1. Thes 1. then as S. Paule sayeth to the Thessalonians of theyr conuersion Conuersi estis ad Deum a simulachris seruire Deo viuo vero Your conuersion was to God from Idoles to serue God the liuing and the true But yet farther vtterly to confound them or the Diuell rather that speaketh those blasphemies out of them and to set open a full window to the blasing light of God and truth you shall consider that euen the very same poyntes of our Religion which they call Idolatrie are so farre from Idolatrie yea so contrarie and so directy opposite to Idolatrye that they haue byn the meanes whereby God hath destroyed all Idolatrie and so fulfilled the foresayed Prophecie The Blessed Sacrament I saie Saintes Relikes Crosse and other Images with such like neuer could the Diuels better abide them vvhen they were within those Idoles then they can doe now within these Heretikes as Saint Hierome straight vpō the rising of their Fathers the Vigilantians vvitnessed Lib. 28. in Isaiae c. 65. Vide eundem con Vigil Haeretici nuper in Gallia sub magistro cerebroso pullularunt qui Basilicas Martyrum declinātes nos qui ibi orationes ex more celebramus quasi immundos fugiunt Hoc autem non tam illi faciunt quam habitantes in eis Daemones fortitudinem flagella Sancti Cineris non ferentes Heretikes of late in France are buded out vnder a braynsicke Maister vvho shunning the Martyrs Churches doe flee from vs as from vncleane persons that there do celebrate prayers after the maner But this doe not they so much as the Diuelles that dwell in them not being able to abide the might and whips of the holy Ashes Let our men therefore looke vvell to themselues and consider depely of what spirit they are inhabited and suggested Neither bycause Saint Hierome is so plaine let them therefore thinke him a lyer or his admon●tion bycause it is so sharpe therefore to be vnwholsome For he is not singular in this point nor for it of any Father controlled yea the same thing of them all likewise most plainlie testified so many examples of Diuels by such things put to silence and tormented and expelled out of Idoles and out of mens bodies being in auncient Histories and other writers as vvould fill whole bookes My purpose and study is here and in all this Treatise rather how to make short then how to make long not to heape togeather so much as may be saied but to take out so much as is sufficient To descend there-fore from Zacharies generall Prophecie of the whole earth vnto one special Country they that read either the diuine Scriptures or also prophane Authors doe know that of al Countries Aegypt passed for Idolatrie And yet of it did Ezechiel leaue this prophecie Ezech. 10. Haec dicit Dominus Deus disperdam simulachra cessare faciam Idola de Memphis c. Thus saith our Lord God I will both destroy abominations and make an end of Idols out of Memphis and other places of Egypt And as much had learned one Hermes Trismegistus a false Aegyptian Prophet of those Idoles there himselfe also after his death an Idol and a false God of theirs and the meanes also had hee learned by which it should be so accomplished which he vttered in a booke of his written to Aesculapius quasi futura praenunciando deplorans August de Ciu. Dei li. 8. ca. 26. as it were bewayling things to come in foretelling them as S. Augustine saith Hermes wordes are these Tunc terra ista sanctissima sedes delubrorum atque templorum sepulchrorum erit mortuorumque plenissima Than shal this most holy land of Aegypt the seat of the Godds of their temples be filled al with sepulchres and dead men His meaning therein doth S. Augustin thus interprete Dolor daemonum per eum loquebatur qui suas futuras poenas apud sanctorum Martyrum Memorias imminere moerebant In multis enim talibus locis torquentur confitentur de possessis corporibus hominum eijciuntur The sorow of Diuels by whose instinct he saied this did speake by hym who lamented for the drawing nigh of their paynes that they should suffer at the Memories or Relikes of the Holy Martyrs For in many such places
shou●d haue cut of from his body for to s●ue the whole so most principal but rotten part therof who therefore with his Natural affection that said Quos iterum parturio donec formetur Christus in vobit Gal. 4. with you againe I go in trauaile vntill Christ be fashoned in you do al their endeuour make sute to man beseech the partie in himselfe or by his more interiours aboue al things at Gods feete cast themselues downe praying him euery houre day night with sighing and weeping when one is weary another succeding in his place 2. Ma● 13. v. 10. Act. 12. v. ● al houres I say of the night no lesse then of the day so to make a continual clamour in the ears of God our most merciful Father that wee may see by reconciliation our so principall a member healed set againe in his place being then most ready to do him againe al honour seruice in heart also and mind that may be due vnto him neither in the Meane tyme denying him such loue and worship as we may Contrariwise to consider on the other side what Church is that vvhich riseth by disobedience to both the Swordes which counteth all Regiment of women to be monstrous vvhich standeth by traiterous murdering of great Persons by wast and destruction of cities countries and Kingdomes which violently displaceth vnfaithfully rebelleth against and openly with-standeth all Power though it be confessed to be most lawful of the Sect it selfe Yea of the catholiks though discharged of their fealtie yet for common humanity for their accustomed vse for their continuall and as it were naturall institution the Prince better obeied more faithfully serued by his own approbation and all mens sight then of the Puritans them-selues and Protestants which in maner all in heart be Puritans who yet would seme to beleeue in conscience that hee is not only Head of their Realme but also supreame Gouernour of their Church but in very deede they beleue as their man of God Martin Luther other Goodmen haue taught them that he is neither the one nor the other meaning in hart and truth with their Anabaptistes no better to the State ciuil then to the Ecclesiastical Whereby both honourable Princes with their graue Counsels and all other men may see vvho they be that both teach and folow S. Paules doctrine of obedience to Superiours who they be againe Rom. 13. that S. Iude in his liuely description of Heretikes calleth ●●d Contemners of Lordship Blasphemers of Maiestie The Church to which Princ●s doe Homage IT may be more-ouer considered for what Church all iust Princes Emperours and Potentates hold their swords to what Church they haue dedicated theyr fidelitie to vvhat Church they haue from theyr first conuersion giuen such immunities exemptions honours and prerogatiues of vvhat Church they hold their seuerall Title of Christianitie as to be called one Christian another Catholike another defender of the faith and so forth in what Church the Prophecie of Esay is fulfilled Et erunt Reges nutri●● tui Esai 49. Reginae nutrices tuae vultu in terram demisso adorabunt te puluerem pedum tuorum lingent And Kinges shall be thy fosterers and Queenes thy nurces looking demurely with their eies on the ground shall they worshipp thee and the dull of thy feet shal they licke And againe Esai 60. Et aedificabunt silij peregrinorum muros tuos Reges eorum ministrabunt tibi And the sonnes of strangers that is of the Gentils shall build thy walles and their Kinges shall doe seruice vnto thee Et aperientur portae tuae iugiter die ac nocte non daudentur vt asseratur ad●e fortitudo gentium Reges earum addu●antur Gens enim regnum quod non seruierit tibi peribit And thy gates shall stand open continually day and nyght shall not they be shut that vnto thee they may be brought the very strength of the Gentyls and that vnto thee theyr Kinges may comme For the Nation and Kingdome that wil not serue thee shal surely perish Consider therefore what Church it is which conformably to these Prophecies hath brought the mighty Princes of the vvorld Kingdomes of the earth and States of Common-wealthes to submit their Septers vnder Christ our Lord Gouernement of his Church to vvhat Church the very Romaine Emperours before most cruel tyrants and for three hundred yeares togeather Persecutours of the Church straight vpon their conuersion euē then when they were Lords of all this world yealded vp theyr very Imperial City of Rome with the whole most large and mighty Country of Italie and translated their owne State into an other part of the world giuing place to his Vicar by whom in him they had bene Christened the only worke of our Sauiour Christ Lord of all and GOD omnipotent so to bring into his Church and submitte vnto it the very Strength of the Gentils and so mightily to bring Satan himselfe vnder the Feete of the Romaine Christians This Church you may see hath as it should doe ruled with Lavv and discipline all states of people it hath faithful Princes no lesse subiect vnto it then the people as obedient children as the people euen so as God foretold promised and ordayned that they should be Neuer therefore exempted it Emperour Prince or Potentate of the earth from his due obedience to Gods Church and lawfull Ptstours Consider on the other side vvhat Church is that where all is contrary the Prince not only not taught obedyence to the Church humilitie seruice vnder payne of himselfe and his Realme to perish but fondly seduced miserablye deceaued and flattered aboue measure with the very Title of head Supreme Gouernour of the Church The Parlament Church VVHEREVPON you may consider againe by the sequele of most foule absurdities following thereof vvhat Church that is where lawes be made to charge Peter him-selfe if he there were liuing to giue vp his commission receaued of Christ and take another of the King or Queen to ch●rge both him and all his fellowes the other Apostles of God our Sauiour to change that true seruice of God which they had receaued to minister of another sort which the King or Queen or Parlamēt or law of the countrie should prescribe vnto them to put S. Augustine to fine to the Queene one hundred Markes for saying Masse for his Mothers soule to leese his Bishopricke to liue and dye in prison for the same and for calling counting Aerius an Heretike for holding against it and for many other points of their faith both hee and all the other Holy Fathers fayne to leese all and to giue place to certaine new Maisters that had bene from hence at the Apostles going so long a iourney without any footing in the way and as the Philosophers spake transeuntes de termino in terminum sine medio and from thence fetched vs a nevv Religion that they neuer
131. b Emperours other powers of our Religion also as their first conuersion 55. b 155. a 159. b 160. a. Englandes first faith and Apostles 80. b England hath by Parliament excluded Peter Paule and other Apostles and Christ 156. b all Christendome 158. a it ioyneth with Christs enimies against Christendome 159 a England beware Destruction 152. b. 169. b. an English woman miraculouslie cured of late by the blessed Sacrament 19. a. Excommunication 31. b. 153 b. Exorcisme and Exulflation in Baptisme 49. b. 51. b F FAith only 41. b. 101. b Fasting-dayes 44. a. 165. a The Fathers of what religion and authoritie 63. b. 66. a 157. a. Foxes Martyrs 72. b Fries preaching in India 103. a G S. GR●egorie of our Religion 35. b. H HEad of the Church 76. b. 157. b Heluidians 43. b Henricians 29. a Heresies reuiued by the Protestants 13. a 29. a Heretikes condemne themselues 4. a. That very name a certaine mark of very Heretikes 9 a ●hey are not Christians 12. b. They are Idolat●● is 135. b. Apes 143. a. Their Seruice not to be frequented ●33 b. Nor their Sermons 138. a. Their bookes not to be read 240. a. Condemned by the See Apostolike holden for heretikes 55. b S. Ierome of our religion 44. a 56. b 47. a 53. b 57. a 107. a His Motiues Name as of Protestants c 11. a The Church alwaies lasting or Succession 47. a 94. a Holy bread 30. a Holy water 26. a Homousi●m 11. b Hus was not a Protestant 162. a. I IDolatrie destroyed by our religion 81. a 105. a Idols heresies 135. a Iesuites preaching in India 103. a Iewell vnwares testifieth the Romaine Religion to be Catholike 7. a When by him the Church of God died 45. b his chalenge 1. b 66. a 67. b his ignorant error about Christs Priest-hood 127. a Iewes how and what religion they impugne as the religion of Christ 21. a 159. a to their Religion immediatly succeeded ours 117. a. 124. b. Images confirmed by Miracles 29. a 81. a S. Irenees Motiues Rising after 88. a Gainsaid of them in vnity 89 a Succession of the Bishops of Rome 99. a the Churches store 125. a 127. a Iubilei annus 1575. fol. ●36 a. L LActantius Motiue vertue of the signe of the Crosse 113. a our Lady-dayes 132. a Lay-heads of the Church against the Magdeburgenses 76. b. against Caluin 78. a S. Laurence day 132. a Laurence Humphreyes Troiane horse 7. b his Pseudocatholici 8. a. his opinion of Iewels chalenge 67. b Of the Fathers 68. a Of the Saints in the Calendare 69 b his Wicklef condemned by Melanchton 162. b Lawes Ciuill and Temporall be Christian by being of our religion 153. a Lent 44. a. Luciferians aliue againe in Protestantes 46. b Luthers conscience the Catholike Church to make against him 7. a. and his side to be heretikes 10. a. how he condemneth our Protestants 74. b by him true Christianity is vnder the Popedome 80. a he was a false Prophet 170. b. M MAgdeburgenses against our Protestants 76. b Manichees 40. b the Martyrs were of our religion 69. a 107. a. 132. a. Masse made by S. Paul 44. b confirmed by Miracles in Afrike 16. a in England 17. a 81. b. in Brabant 19. a in Italy 115. a by visions 56. a said euery day 35. a 36. b said to driue away diuels 16. a for the dead 18. a 35. a 36. a 44. a effectious to redemption both of soule and body 18. b. Miracles a marke of true doctrine 15. a. and of true Doctors 27. a. Miracles for the Masse 16. a 17. a 29. a 114. a. for Images 29. a for Churches 29. a for the Reall presence 19. a 29. a for Transubstan●iation 29. a for Purgatory 18. a 29 a for praying to Saints 29. a. 71. a for Holy bread 30. a for the signe of the Crosse 30. a 113. a. 115. a 139. a for our Martyrs 73. a for Relikes 54. a 71. a 107. a. for necessity of Childrens baptisme 71. b for our whole Religion 29. a 80. b 81. b 103. b. S. Monica the Mother of S. Augustine her visions religion 34. a. Monkes and Monasteries 17. b 29. a 35. b 144. b Monkes the first Apostles of English men 80. b. N NAme of Catholikes 5. a 12. a of heretikes 9 a of Protestantes c. 10. a of Franciscans c. 11. a of Papists 12. b of Christians 12. b of the Church 46. b Nicolaites 10. b O OBedience of Catholikes to theyr superiours both Ecclesiasticall Temporall 120. b. 153. a S. Optatus Motiues Going out 84. b. succession 94. a the Bishops of Rome 99. b. Orders 90. b. P PApists a name of late put on vs by heretikes 11. b Parlament religion 60. a 79. a 145. a 156. b 158. a. Saint Paule of our religion 44. b 49. a 104. a He might not write Ad Anglos for the Parliament 158. b Pelagians aliue againe in Protestants 14. a. 68. a 49. b 55. b S. Peter excluded out of England by Parliament 156. b Pilgrimage 25. a 52. b 53. b 70. a 112. a 136. a Pius Quintus worketh Miracles 31. b Prayer for the dead denied by Aerius hee therefore by the whole Church holden for an Heretike 13. b 157. a. confirmed by a Miracle 17. a by a vision 36. a by scripture 40. b by the Apostles Tradition 44. a vsed alwaies 35. a. 52. b 102. a the ground of building Christian Monumēts 146. a the Priestes that say the new seruice an admonion 136. b Prophecies for our religion 37. a 47. b 82. a 106. a 163. a Protestants driuen from their bold chalenge to the refuge of proclamations 1. b In their owne conscience they be both against the Church 46. b and al●o Heretikes 9. b 65. a They be Aerians 13. b 164. a Pelagians 14. a Donatists 45. b Luciferians 46. b and of many other old Heresies 101. b 161. b They be possessed of Diuels 106. b contrarie to themselues 157. b Vsurpers of other mens liuings 142. b Maligners of higher power● 154. b their inconstancy 79. a 119. b 175. a their ignorance 126. a and that the cause partly of so many Atheists in England 128 a. their discord 74. a 103. a 119. a they be condem y their owne Doctors 78. a by Luther 75. a by Magdeourgenses 76. b by Caluin 78. a their seruice to be refrained 133. b 39. a they allow better of our orders then of their owne 90. b Saints dayes by them laid downe 132. a they haue shut out of England by Parli●ment Peter Paule c. 156. b Christ 157. a all generall Councels and all Christendome 158. a barred also S. Paul and his felowes for writing Ad Anglos 158. b they were neuer before this time 161. b their seede afore time in what ground it grew 163. b vvho now be their followers 151. b they be ashamed of their Fathers 65. a 147. b 161. b why they deny not all the Scriptures 38. a what Scriptures they deny 40 b. 124. a they doe decay and shall come to nothing 58. b 68. a 89. a 167. b 169. a. R REall presence of Christ in the Sacrament 22. a 29. a 34. b 41. b 52. a 75. a 114. a Rechabites 11. b the Religion of the Apostles of S. Paule S. Steuen the Martyrs the Fathers S. Augustine S. Cyprian S. Hierome S. Gregory saint Chrysostome saint Augustine our Apostle saint Bede saint Bernard saint Theodoret aint Monica al the saints of the first Christian Emperours of lawes ciuill and temporall Vide in initiali cuiusque litera Relikes of saints 52. b 53. b 70. a 107. a 160. a Romaine Church the Catholike Church 55. b 100. b the Apostolike Church 95. b 100. b. 55. a it lasteth for euer 95. a 167. b Romaines neuer chaunged their religiō 100. a. nor neuer shall 168. b the communion of the Bishop of Rome to be kept of all Christians 55. a 94. b 96 a. S SAcrament of the Aultar sticked by the Iewes bleedeth 22. a to be w●●ped vvith religion 34. b Sacrifice of the Masse 16. a. 18. b. 29. a. 34. b. 35. a. 36. a. 117. a ●●0 a. the Saints were of our religion 132. a. 146. a. See more in Martyrs Inuocation and interce●sion of Saints 29. a. 37. b. 40. b. 52. b. 70. a. 309. b. 110 b. 160. a 165. b. Scriptures denied by Here●●ks 39. b. 124. a no Scripture against the Catholikes but al for them 42. 47. a. 124. b. 163. a. 171. a. the vnderstanding of them in the Church 130. a. 175. 48. a. See Apostolike 55. a. 94. b. 96. a. Seruice of the Catholike Church to be embraced 130. a. Seruice of Heretikes to be refrained in paine of damnation 133. b. Sermons likewise 138. a. Signe of the Crosse worketh Miracles 30. a. 31. b. 113. a. 139. a. S. Steuen of our religion 70. a. Succession 47. a. 93. a. 96. a. 100. a. 157. a. 161. b. T TErtulianus Motiues Rising afterward 87. b. Succession 95. b. 96. b. 67. a. Apostolike Churches as the Romaine 96. b. S. Theodoret of our Religiō 56. a. his Motiue Honor and vertue of the Saints and of their Relikes 122. a Traditions 42. b. Transubstantiation 29. a Trent Councel 61. a. b. Trinitaries ●23 a. 126. b. 166. a V VIgilantiu● aliue againe in Protestants 107. a. Visions for our religion 22. b. 36. a. 38. a. 50. b. 70 a 82. a. 139. a. and they a marke of true doctrine Doctors 32. b. Vnitie 84. b. ● 117. b. 133. b. Vniuersities of Hereti●es and Catholikes 127 a. 142. a. 146. a. they are no degrees that are taken in Vniuersities of Heretikes 127. a. Water mingled with Wine in the Chalice 44. b Wicklet was not a Protestant 162. a Y Y●●● of Iubilee 1575. fol. 136. a Z Zwinglians condemned by Luther 75. ● FINIS