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A14368 A stronge battery against the idolatrous inuocation of the dead saintes, and against the hauyng or setting up of images in the house of prayer, or in any other place where there is any paril of idolatrye, made dialoguewise by Iohn Veron VĂ©ron, John, d. 1563. 1562 (1562) STC 24686; ESTC S102670 105,295 264

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xiiii Io. ●vi no man cometh vnto the father but onely by me Whatsoeuer ye aske my father in my name it shal be geuen vnto you It is Christe which is deade yea Rom. viii rather whiche is risen again who is also att the right hand of the father and maketh intercession for vs There is one god and one mediatour betwixte god and man i. Timot. ii which is the man Christ Iesus who gaue himself a raunsome for all men the is able perfectly and sullye to saue theym that come vnto god by hym syth that he euer lyueth to make intercession for them Christe is not entred into the holy place Hebr. vii which is made with handes but in to heauen there to appeare in the sight of god for vs. Hebr. ix And againe These thinges do I write vnto you i. Io. ii that ye sinne not and if any man doeth sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesu Christe the righteous Wherunto the aduersar●es do attribute their saluacion But as for our aduersaries without anye warrant of gods worde yea against all scriptures they doe attribute the best parte of their saluation to their owne merites and to the workes of their own handes yea to such kind of works as neuer were commaunded of god and for asmuch as thei can not be of faith they are mere sinnes in the sight of god Is not this most blasphemous against the blood of christ that they be wont to singe in their seruice Tuper Thomae sanguinem quem pro te impendit O plasphemous abhomination fac nos Christe scandere quo Thomas ascendit That is O Christ do by the bloode of Thomas which he spent for thee make vs to ascende thether whither Thomas is ascended But why shoulde I ●e to tedious vnto youre honour in rehersing many suche thinges sith that all theyr bookes are full of such damnable blasphemies Doe they not attribute more vnto their ●oly father the Pope More is attributed vnto the pope than vnto our sauiour Iesu chr●st than vnto our sauiour Iesu Christe for they doe plainlye affirme that through fayth in our sauioure Iesu Christ we do onely obtain forgeuenes of the coulpe fault or giltines but not of the pun shment that is due vnto vt for our sinnes For that do they reserue to their holy father who alone for a pece of money is able to geue pardone a poe ●et culpa that is of the punishement and of the fault Yf this be not a denial of Christe I can not well tell what we maye call a denial of Christ for therfore came he in to the ●leshe that he might be our perfect and ful sauiour They then that denye hym to be a perfecte and full sauiour do deny him to be come into the fleshe i. Ioa. iiii and so by good right ought to be takē for Antichristes I do here let passe that by their sacrilegious and damnable sacrifice of the masse The sacrifice of Christe is omnisufficente and can be offered no more wherein they saye they offer dailye oure sauoure Iesu Christe bothe god man they doe all that euer they can to abolyshe annichilate and put downe the omnisuff●cēt sacr●fice of our sauiour Iesu Christ which as it hath ben from the beginninge is now and shal be to the worldes end of a most perfect efficacy vertue strēgth power to saue al those that put their truste in it or take hold vppon it by faithe Heb. ix so can it not be reiterated or offered any more For Christ is not entred into verye heauen there to appeare in the sighte of god for vs to the ende that he shoulde offer him self any more for then he must haue died often lens the world began He is that high priest that it became vs to haue which being holye Heb. vii harmelesse vndefiled separated from sinners and made higher than the heauens neded not daily as those high priestes to offer vppe sacrifice first for his owne sinnes and then for the peoples for that he did once when he offered vp him self How many mediatoures the aduersaries haue How many mediatours haue they imagined and sourged vnto them selues besides Christe the onely mediatour betwixt god and man So many as they doe imagine to be saintes in heauen so many mediatours haue they sourged vnto thē selues puttinge more confidence in their intercession ▪ wherof they haue no currentye or assuraunce at all in gods booke than in the mediation of the onely begotten son of god Which in so many places of the scriptures we are certified of that onles we be worse then brute beastes we ought to content ourselues with it to seke no farther Adde therūto To denye christ to be come into the fleshe that to acknoweledge more mediatoures besydes him it is also to deny him to be come into the flesh For he dyd not only come into the flesh for to be our omnisufficient and most perfecte sauyour but also for to be our only mediatour betwixt god and vs. Howe the aduersaries do alow the scriptures of the old and newe testament And as for the scriptures of the old and new testament yf they did frō the bottome of their hartes acknowledge thē to be the worde of god then would they also confesse and acknoweledge that all thynges partaynynge to saluation ●are conteined in the same Whiche thing they will neuer do lest their whole religion which cōsisteth altogether in mens traditions and vain doctrines of diuels should be quite ouerthrowen Nowe to deny that all thinges peretining to our saluation are comptised in the scriptures It is to denye that they be the word of god yea they that do so They deny the holy ghost to be god that say that all things partaining to saluation are not conteyned in the scriptures do vtterly deny the holy ghoste by whole inspyratione the scryptures haue be a set fourth and wrytten to be true and naturall god For it is agaynst the property of god to make any worke of imperfectiō But that all things pertaining to our saluation be not fully conteyned in the scryptures then are they a worke of imperfection and consequently the autour of them which is the holy ghost is no true natural god Do thei not besides all this assubiectize the scryptures worde of god to the vayne glosses and found e●positions of their holye father the Pope so that although their exposityons be neuer so vngodly neuer so contrary to the true sense and meanyng of the holy spirit of god yet we must receyue and alowe theym for curraunt money ▪ except we wil fry a fagot Euen after the same sorte do they confesse the articles of our beleue m●king what gloses they lust vpō thē although it be nothing according to the analogie of fa th from the which they do as fa●re deferre as the heauens are hyghe aboue the earth It is
Apostle Saint Andrew hadde preached And as touching the miracles wonders that he doth speake of who doth not see that thin good man hauyng forgotten hym selfe dyd attribute the same vnto the dead bones of the Saints which the true seruantes of god being aliue wold neuer haue suffred to be attributed vnto them Neither ought his examples to in due vs any thing For in receiuing or settyng out religion The facte of a priuate man in maters of religion proueth nothing the priuate facte or deede of men proueth nothyng unlesse it be manifest that it is wel done But that only is wel done which is boone by the auctoritie of the scriptures and not against the law of God Now if we shold reade the whole Bible ouer and call to remembraunce all the examples of the true and faithfull seruauntes of God mentioned of in the scriptures A poore helpe in tyme is muche vvaith we shall not fynde there one onely iote or syllable of the gatheryng translatyng or honoring of the relikes of the Sainctes DIDYMVS It semeth that ye do now condemne Constantine and Archadius and those godly byshops with Helen● the mother of Constantine the greate whose examples Hierome dooth bring foorth for the probatiō of his doctrine Philalethes It foloweth not because I do disalow their fact in this point that therfore I do vtterly condemne them or laye any sacriledge to their charge The holy Apostle doth write after this maner of his contreymen the Iewes Rom. 9. I beare them recorde that they haue a zeale of God but not accordynge to knowledge And I doo not doubt but that they dyd of a zeale that which they dyd but in the meane whyle they dyd minister a great occasion of stumblyng to theym that came after Whereby it foloweth that they synned greuously againste the Lorde 1 Ch. ca 17 The holye scripture doothe saye thus of Iosaphat And the Lorde was with Iosaphat because that he walked in the first wayes of Dauid his father and soughte not Baalim but sought the Lord GOD of his father and walked in his commandementes and not after the trade of Israell Agayne 1 Cht 20. he walked in the way of Asa his father and departed not there from doyng that which was right in the sight of God Howbeit the hye places were not taken away For the people had noy yet prepared theyr heartes vnto the god of their fathers Who wold vtterly condemne this holy prince for that error or lay any sacrilege to his charge But who would againe allowe that whiche he dyd So we ought not by and by to condemne those godlye princis Constantine and Archadius Constātine Arc●●dius with the byshops muche lesse to laye sacrilege to their charge whom we beleue to be in blessedfulnes with their head and kyng our sauiour Iesu Christ Yet in the meane while we may not alowe that fact of theyrs for asmuche as it was withoute any warrant or example of the scriptures Gedeon Gedeon emong the Iudges of Israell was coumpted most vpright and moste godly and yet being caried away with to greate a zeale towarde religion he sinned moste greuouslye againste the Lorde his God For hauing gathered together of the pray of the ennemies earerynges and other lyke iewelles of golde he dyd make vnto hymselfe an Ephod VVould god al kin●e prin●es that in profe● Christe vvoulde ma● this history not for to set vp a newe religion 〈◊〉 straunge worshipping but for a memoriall of the greate victorye that god had geuen him against his enemies At the first it did not seme to be any great offence but at length by the reason of it great Idolatry was cōmitted in the lande as the holy scripture doth testify saiyng And all Israell wente a whoring after it in Ophra which was the destruction of Gedeon his house yf Gedeon hadde bene wyse he should haue asked councell of goddes worde and not folowed his good intente Yf those godly bishops emperours that Hierome doth speake of had asked coūcell of the scriptures and had bene ruled by them they would not haue opened the sepulchres or graues of the dead nor yet set forth their bones to be worshipped For vnto whom of the Saintes either in the new or in the olde Testament was euer this done Eutra Yf men would haue contēted them selues with the same rule that God hath prescribed vnto vs in his worde and wyth the laudable examples of the same such inconueniences would not haue growē in the chirch nor yet could such abhominable idolatry haue takē place amōg christen mē as we se now to reigne almost in al places Ph This shal wee fynde written of Moises Den. 34. The historie of the death and buryeng of Moses So Moyses the seruant of the lord died there in the lande of Moab according to the worde of the lorde and he buried him in a valley in the lande of Moab ouer against Beth-peor but no man knoweth os his sepulchre vnto this daye Yf the taking vp translating of dead mennes bodies had bene expedient for the glory of God for the saluatiō of men verely the lord wold not haue hidden such pretious relikes of his well beloued and faithfull seruant For without all controuersye Moses was the chiefest amonge all the prophetes of whō we do rede after this manner Nume 12 Yf there bee a prophete of the lord among you I will be knowen to him by a vision will speake vnto him by dreame My seruant Moses is not so who is faithfull in all mine house Vnto hym will I speake mouth to mouth and by vision and not in darke woordes but he shal see the similitude of the lorde Thys place doth the holye Apostle aleadge in his epistle to the Hebrues And yet for all this Moises beynge suche a man is neyther translated nor layed vp in a golden or syluer shrine ther is no chapel nor church builded for him he is not caried about in processiō among a sorte of superstitious menne Ther were some at that time that would gladly haue doone it and woulde haue spared no cost at all Do we not rede in the Apochryphes that ther was a strife betwixt the aungelles and the diuel about the body of Moses whereof Iude maketh mention in his Epistle And doubtles Iudes p●stle this was because that the diuel would kepe aboue the grounde the body of the faithful seruant of god and bring it foorth vnto superstitious men for to be worshipped ▪ which thinge the good angels perceauing what abhominable idolatrye would haue risen thervpon would in no wise suffer hauing a respect vnto the glory of God and to mens saluation which next vnto gods glorye they do seeke aboue al thyngs Albion Do we not reede in the first boke of Moses that the Israelites did enba●● the bodye of Ioseph did put it vp in a cheste in Egipt This I am sure is an exaumple of