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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13961 The fierie tryall of Gods saints (these suffered for the witnes of Iesus, and for the word of God, (vnder Queene Mary,) who did not worship the Beast ... As a counter-poyze to I.W. priest his English martyrologe. And the detestable ends of popish traytors: (these are of Sathans synagogue, calling themselues Iewes (or Catholiques) but lie and are not ... Set downe in a comparatiue collection of both their sufferings. Herewith also the concurrance and agreement of the raignes of the kings of England and Scotland, since the first yeare of Q. Mary, till this present, the like before not extant. Burton, Francis, fl. 1603-1617. 1612 (1612) STC 24270; ESTC S118537 37,474 82

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that Queene Elizabeth full of yeares but fuller of Renowne should haue liued vnto a gray-headed age and quietly dying in her bed to be maugre all her enemies brought in peace vnto her graue Is it possible that this present State wherein wee liue should now haue a Being seeing that Hell the Pope Vt obiter notē The word Recusant now so common vntill the Eleauenth yeare of Queene Elizabeths Ragine was altogether vnknowne as may appeare by all Statutes and Acts of Parliament before that time made wherin there is not a word thereof at all vntill which time all Papists some very few excepted notwithstanding that the Religion then professed in the Church of England was the very same that it was in the former yeares of her Raigne came ordinarily to our Churches nor was disparitie of religiō any cause of Recusancy vntil such times that the roaring Bull of Pope Pius 5. for then the land began to swarme with Recusants was published and Queene Elizabeth by him Anathematized Then the case was suddenly altered those who before frequented our Churches now withdraw themselues from our Society Those who before yeilded obedience to his Maiestie now would not acknowledge her for their lawfull Queene herevpon followed jmmediatly the rebellion in the North and other dangerous conspiracies by your faction And to proue that Religion was not the cause of their Recusancy besides that which hath beene abouesayd Scotland will testifie wherein albeit there haue beene and are many knowen Papists both men and women yet in all the time of King Iames his Raigne there nor yet since he raigned here haue any of thē absented thēselues or refused to come to our Churches in Scotland yet I make no question but you will say that the Romish religion is one and the same there that it is here you must needs then graunt that not religion but the Popes pleasure vnto whose girdle you are tyed is the cause of Recusancy and it behooueth his Maiestie to haue speciall regard vnto you that are Recusants and by all good meanes that he can to assure his owne estate in another regard then only that you will not interesse sacris with vs for Recusancy and Treason are so linked one in the other and compacted that hardly can hee bee a Recusant that is not a Traitour likewise See more hereof if you please in the 130 and 131. pages of Tortura Torti Seminarie Priests and Iesuites Traitors and seditious persons haue conspired against it had not the Lord himselfe miraculously defended it and maintained his Truth I need not instance particular deliuerances for who is he amongst vs that remembers not many But yet I cannot without ingratitude to God our most gracious preseruer ouer-slip in silence those two myracles of myracles to wit Our deliuerance from Spaines so falsely by them tearmed but blessed be God therefore inuincible Armado An. 1588. and from the mynes of fire and Gunpowder prepared by ympes of Hell for Englands Funerall An. 1605. which latter but that mine own eyes haue seene their preparations I should with Thomas scarcely haue belieued And no maruell though in Spain the report therof can with many hardly be credited for some at our own home that haue not with their owne eyes seene it or with their eares heard the Delinquents Viva voce confesse it can hardly yet conceaue halfe the malice therof it seemes to those that haue any sparkes of humanitie so passing cruell and incredible These if the Gospell must needs be confirmed by myracles are true myracles These are no counterfait jugling trickes or Popish impostures to delude the simple such as were the Sicknesse-healing Child or the Picture of the Traitour Garnets face in a wheat strawe found perhaps amongst a Popish Taylors wiues shreds or brought in in the belly of a Griffin or Gryfō intēding thereby the ruine of Troynovant as were the armed men of Yore in the bellie of Synons woodden horse for Troye the old its Destruction such as these we leaue to you to insert into your Legenda Aurea or Legend of lyes As for persecution for conscience against which in diuers of your pamphlets you so loudly cry the comparison of times for continuance wherein of persons for numbers in those times how many whose bloud on both sides haue been shed and the causes partly wherefore in the following Table will appeare But the grounds of religion contained in the holy Scriptures of the old and new Testament penned by the Prophets and Apostles on which we build our faith and the refutation of errors and false doctrine maintained by Romish Recusants Priests and Iesuites which in former times and in these times also haue do cause so great disturbances persecutions of the Church of Christ I leaue to bee defended by those graue and strong pillars of our Church and learned Fathers of our Clergie whose foundnesse in doctrine all the Papists in the world are vnable to evince Concerning that dishonour wherewith very frequētly but falsely as is well approued by the then Bishop of Chichester you taxe your Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie for breach of promise with Recusants concerning a toleration of Popish religion that quantum in me est I may confute such vnjust exclamations against his Majesties Person and his Honour I will briesly touch that poynt by declaring not onely vnto you but vnto all the world that shall take notice hereof what mine owne eares heard in an open Court of mercy I may say rather then of justice in this case debated and censured The case stood betweene the Kings Majestie a great Peere of this Land amongst whose many grosse slippes and juglorious acts this poynt was as the rest all which his Majestie was pleased nay as sayd the Lord Cooke then the Kings Attourney commanded that they should not otherwise bee handled then as matters of Contempt ripped vp and scanned His name I could particularly instāce but because it pleased my Soveraigne to deale with him not in rigor of law justice but meerly in Grace I hold it not my part othewise then what for clearing of the truth I needsly must him by name to disgrace Wherfore that I may helpe to wash away those aspertions of dishonour vnjustly throwen vpon his sacred Majesty by men of bad spirits and that like spots and staines neuer to be done away they may seat themselues within the muddy Circle of the duskie Moone their true Centre and not eclipse the bright honour of our splendant Sun glorious North-star I will here relate frō whence by much probabilitie this error at first sprange This noble fore-remembred Personage whose greatnesse addes a greatnes to his fault if I may linke Nobilitie with such jgnoble actions ambitiously as it should seeme affecting a singular greatnesse not at all regarding Religion as some haue thought further then as it might serue him as a ladder to promotion was in shew outwardly
the aduersarie is so busie by all meanes that the Pope the Diuell or hell it selfe can possibly deuise to exalt their faction and to bring a scandall both vpon our Soveraignes vs and them And to the second poynt That it is a Grace vnto the Papists and Romanists to haue their Priests and Iesuites ranked with the true Professors I answere thus It is not the punishment nor the place but onely the cause that maketh a man famous for vertue or for vice jnfamous loued of God for his owne free graces or hated of God and good men for their villanies If the Iron barres whereon Catesbies and Percies heads are fixed and nailed on the Parliament house be a grace vnto them or any of their fauorites because they possesse the highest places of that Honourable house such grace haue all the kings enemies If Garnets scaffold because it was raysed aloft for more publique view were an honour vnto him or any of his Iesuited society such honour haue all that are were or hereafter shall be his partakers If London bridge or Newgate grace that faction because their friends dismembred limbes are so highly thereon aduanced let Crowes and Rauens likewise deuour all them that deserue the like grace for the like jnfidelity Lastly if Iudas their fellow-traitor can any whit at all grace them because he is noted in the booke of God but with this foule addition Traitour let them likewise take him and make him a brother of their Company or rather jncorporate themselues into his Society but let all that beare ill will to the Church of England and the Kings Majestie as a principall member thereof let I say their ends oh God be like vnto their master Iudas and let their bowels breake in sunder that would eat out the bowels of thy Church of England and let this blacke word of Traitour bee the jndelible spot neuer to bee washed away wherewith I brand all English Italionated Priests and Iesuites and their Abbettors Adde to these also the Iacobine Fryer and Rauilack the two murtherers of two French kings Henry 3. Henry 4. for these are also Sons of one Father the Pope the Deuill their Grandfather and those before their brethren in iniquity neuer to be spoken of but to their shame with posterity the felicity of whose Raigne namely Henrie the 4. and peaceable gouernment free from danger of any desperate attempt of stabbing or poysoning or other attempt of perill to his person by any of Romes fauourites our english Popish Recusants scienter loquor before that inhumane and hellish fact committed pleaded and strongly argued to proceed from that lenitie of his in permitting a freedome of conscience to his subiects in matter of Religion whereby they would inferre that if our Kings Maiestie would desire to liue securely from any such attempts not needing to feare perill either by stabbing poysoning powder or otherwise then let a toleration begraunted but how sound their conclusion is France hath felt England may feare and all the world is amazed thereat For if the King of France being a Papist and at most but suspected to affect the Protestant Religion could not yet be secure in his person how much lesse can our King expect any assurance of saftie by a toleration his Majesty being himselfe a professed Protestant and directly opposite in Faith and Religion Nay it might rather bee much feared that it would bee a meanes to pull Gods just judgements vpon him and vs for permission of such false worshippe of the true God for so wee may read in diuers places of the Old Testament that when the Rulers of the people fell away from God God sent vpon them many plagues miseries and oppressions by their enemies And thus much in answere to the second poynt which my friend may obiect Thine in all Christian loue TO THE WHOLE rabble of English-borne Romish male-contents and disturbers of this State NOT HOPING hereby to reclaime you that are already by Sathans witchcrafts seduced from your many dangerous and pernitious errors which cleaue more fast vnto you then the skinne vnto the flesh or the flesh vnto the bones for that were Extra spem sperare a hope without any ground Nor yet in bitternesse of spirit onely purposing to rayle vpon you as many of you most jmpudently haue done against your owne Mother for that were want of charity nor any waies intending to giue satisfaction vnto your vnsatisfiable obstinacy and wilfull-willing blindnesse by reasoning scholastically or propounding and framing logicall or as you vse sophisticall arguments to conuince your follies for that would be in me presumption For what am I that after so many rare wits and vnrefutable iudgemēts in matters Diuine as haue already laboured your conversion I should hope of better successe therein then they before haue had I rather conclude with Abraham who told the rich man that desired a messenger to be sent from the dead to the liuing to warne them that they might auoyd the like daunger of comming there That if they will not belieue the Prophets neither would they belieue though one came frō the dead so if you will not be perswaded by the scriptures and the strong and vn-answerable arguments of such excellent Diuines as haue already laboured your convesion neither will you be perswaded though Christ himselfe should descend from heauen in person to confute you But my scope and drift herein is pro viribus First to preuent the fall of those who yet stand but are ready to fall Secondly to free my late Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth that sometimes peerelesse Prince and my now dread Soueraigne the Kings Majestie and their State-ministers from many false and Serpentine jmputations layd vppon them by men of your rancke of bad spirits whose throats are open Sepulchres wherein to burie true Honour Faith keeping Grace Mercie Pittie Piety Protection Truth and Religion in eternall obliuion breathing out from thence as from the fournace of Hell insteed thereof nothing but Dishonour Breach of promise Disgrace Crueltie Bloud Want of deuotion Oppression Heresie and Irreligion These are the motiues that enforced my pen these the reasons of my non-silence who otherwise could haue been contented quietly and securely to haue reposed my selfe in the joyfull contemplation of Gods manifold blessings and mercies of an extraordinary nature towards this Nation by continuance of the Gospell amongst vs Which that it is the Truth and that he himselfe with his owne right hand hath planted it and defended it by the power of his owne arme the many strange Miracles for such say you must needs approoue the Truth which himselfe from time to time since before the beginning of Q. Elizabeths raigne vntill this present hath wrought doe euidently confirme and prooue For is it possible that our late famous Queene of euer-blessed memorie and our now Soueraigne the Kings Maiestie should haue escaped the many pitts that haue beene digged for them and not haue fallen therein Is it possible
our Priestly Orders shall enioyne vs. But first answere me who enforced you thereto either to leaue your country or to take that order Did Queene Elizabeth doth King Iames doe you not that of your owne voluntarie wils contrarie to your own known countrie lawes Secondly whether that single sinnefull I may say Oath bee of sufficient authoritie to dissolue that treble bond of allegeance in which by being his Maiesties borne subiects you are bound by lawe diuine naturall and nationall Thirdly if you before knowing the daunger thereof will yet voluntarily take such oaths where then is the fault in the Prince that vppon good and warrantable grounds shall in a religious policie to preuent the hazard of his owne and his subiects states and liues cause such a lawe to bee enacted or in the Priestes that shall wilfully and in a resolute determination of working their countries ouerthrowe take such an oath And here for a shutting vp of all giue me leaue because the Papists hold so much of the Popes authoritie against Princes by him excommunicated to insert two questions with their answeres propounded by the right reuerend father in God the late Lord Bishoppe of London vnto Thomas Garnet Aliàs Roockwood Aliàs Sayer a Seminarie Priest at the time of the saide Garnets arraignement at the Sessions-house without Newgate in London vpon Thursday the 16. of Iune 1608. The first question was this Whether the saide Garnet had euer read any authors whatsoeuer vntill some hundreds of yeares after Christs time that did hold that the ende of Excommunication tended to a depriuation of life The second question was this Whether if the saide Garnet himselfe helde lands which by lawfull and lineall inheritance had descended from his auncestors vnto him it were lawfull for the Pope Garnet being by him excommunicated to giue the lands vnto whom hee pleased Garnets answere vnto the first was vncertaine for saide hee I remember not well what I haue reade concerning this point But vnto the second question hee answered directly Noe. Why then mildely replied the Bishoppe what reason haue you Maister Garnet to hold that the Pope hath more authoritie ouer the Kings Maiestie being your Soueraigne then ouer you being but a priuate person and his Subiect Garnet reioynder was silence hauing first by a concession in his owne case graunted that the Popes authorities was of no force herein Thus much for satisfaction in this point vnto all men out of the mouth of Thomas Garnet Seminarie Priest To this purpose see also Iohn Hart Seminary Priest his wordes in his Preface before his conference with Doctor Reignolds Nor may I here neglect that offer which Pope Paulus the fourth made vnto Queene Elizabeth in the beginning of her Raigne who when he perceiued that his vsurped authoritie and Primateship grew in England contemptible condicionally that hee might hold that power here that vniustly hee had before done when this land was drowned in Poperie would haue beene contented and caused the Queenes Maiestie to vnderstand that hee would be pleased that all matters for religion should be administred in the same manner that then they were being the very same then per omnia that now it is onely his Supremacie must bee acknowledged for that indeed not Religion not godlinesse not any thing but pride and ambition to be in the eyes of the world aboue all both was and is the cause of his raging madnesse But that noble spirited Queene whose religion was founded vpon a rock Christ Iesus being the chiefe corner stone by whom all her building was ioyned together scorned to be beholding to that Italian Priest for the exercise of that religion which were it lawfull by his dispensation she would and could by the power of God and her owne authoritie maintaine against him and all the power of darkenesse and hell it selfe without being beholding to him Let those Princes whose either Pusillanimitie or weaknes of their estates or small assurance of their subiects loues or want of courage to withstand his yoake of intrusion or whose vnlawfull mariages and thereby illicite issue and succession must bee legitimated by a more illegitimate dispensation from his vnholinesse that the power and sword of the one may vphold the authoritie of the other that his authoritie may reciprocally helpe to keepe that Crowne vpon the head of him and his successors who otherwise were thereof by their owne and Gods lawes vncapable verifying thereby that olde Prouerbe Clawe me and I will claw thee Let they vsurped authoritie maintaine my illicite mariage and my power and purse shall maintaine thy vsurped authoritie Let such as expect Donations of other Princes Kingdomes from their grand trāslator of Empyres the Pope the diuels substitute as Philip the second of that name King of Spaine did vpon whom Pius Quintus or rather Impius intus the diuels vicegerent then at Rome conferred the Kingdome of England but all the craft was in the catching instanced and approued as an act lawfull by Azorius the Iesuite in his morall institutions part second booke eleuenth chapter the fist circa medium capitis Let such Princes I say adhere to the Pope subiugate their neckes to his trampling but let those whose cause is good succession lawful spirits more magnanimous and of a better mettall their subiects hearts generally firmely assured the word of God which is trueth it selfe on their side power and abilitie to withstand and offend him and all his vnholy confederates free Princes next vnder God in their owne Dominions Let these I say all learne of that renowned Queene Elizabeth this resolute saying rare amongst men but not to be paralleld by any woman If my religion be allowable if my mariage lawfull if my succession rightfull by the Popes Dispensation then is it so also without it and God willing I will maintaine it without him who of his power can make it no more lawfull or vnlawfull then of it selfe it is without him for against the word of God there lieth no Dispensation And let great Great Brittaines King make it known for an honour to him and his posteritie that great Elizaes spirit lodgeth in his Brest Though happie she in peace with God doth rest Thus holding Poperie to be an hotch-poch of new religion coyned in the mints of the Babylonish whore who contendeth to aduance her Kingdome aboue the Kingdome of Christ by all meanes that themselues or hell it selfe can inuent by crueltie by blood by deceit by abusing the word of God by equiuocation by what not yea she hath so taught her brats the Priestes and Iesuites and infinite others by them seduced to sweare and forsweare to promise and protest by whatsoeuer can bee named although they haue no purpose to make good any of their vowes in this kind as that they haue almost left no means whereby a man may be assured of anothers intentions although he vowe it neuer so seeming seriously Call to minde